Super Peach Sisters [Mario/LoZ] (SI)

4. Maps and Peaches


A Mario/Legend of Zelda SI Fanfic

Super Peach Sisters

By: Grounders10


4. Maps and Peaches


"How long was I asleep?" I asked Toadsworth as we walked up the steps towards the ship's aft castle.

"A day and a half, Princess. We were starting to get worried," Toadsworth replied. He grunted as he limped up the steps. They had clearly been intended for Koopas and other species taller than Toads. He chuckled. "It seems for little reason. You're walking much better than before."

That had been a noticeable improvement over the day before. Whatever had been making me so wobbly had gone away. Perhaps it had been the concussion? Of course, I don't think concussions and head injuries worked that way. In all honesty, I probably shouldn't have gone to sleep when I did without getting that medical check-up.

"I feel a lot better," I admitted, spinning the open umbrella on my shoulder that Toadette had handed to me on our way out. It was pink, frilly, and I would be lying if I said I didn't love it. I know, that seems a little weird, but I've always had a thing for umbrellas. Back in High School, I used to go to school every day with a really big one I'd use as a cane on the days when it wasn't raining and when no one was around I'd be spinning it in my hands.

Silly, I know, but I love umbrellas.

"Has your memory improved at all, Princess?" he asked. I shook my head.

"No. Nothing more than before. That I've noticed anyway," I said, looking up at the lace edge of my umbrella as I twirled it with my thumb. I was going for melancholic resignation, but if it came off that way I'm a better actor than I thought.

"I will admit it was a forlorn hope," he sighed as we were waved through the guarded doors of the aft castle. The nerve center of the warship was bustling with Koopas, Goombas, and even a handful of Shy Guys. Many were manning equipment around the central room, while others were ducking in and out of the many side doors.

I can't say if it was the lack of a concussion or the fact I wasn't nearly dead of exhaustion, but I was finding the Koopas and other baddies more than a little strange. I've played more than a few Mario games over the years and they tend towards the cartoonish. This wasn't a cartoon anymore and the reality was, after so many years of casually Goomba stomping my way to victory, rather jarring.

Koopas had shells like turtles with glittering patterns often polished to a reflective sheen. Their skin was more like hide with a heavy leather-like quality that reminded me of animals like rhinos and, again, turtles. When they spoke their beaks added a clacking quality to every syllable.

Goombas were probably the strangest. They were indeed living fungi and had the unsettling skin texture to prove it. It was surprisingly smooth on most of them admittedly, but it had that mushroomy texture you can recognize from a dozen meters and they were covered by tiny brown hairs barely an inch long. Add to all of that, a mouth with giant spikes and you had probably the scariest things on board the ship. Seriously, nothing creeps me out like fungi and now I was surrounded by two and a half foot tall talking mushrooms.

It didn't help that every last one of them had six-inch spikes sticking out of their gums.

And Shy Guys were… Well, they were midgets in full body and face-concealing outfits who ran around like someone was pouring red bull directly into their veins every second of the day. To say I was morbidly curious about what was behind their masks was an understatement.

The center room reminded me of pictures I had seen of the command and control centers aboard warships back home. A large table in the center with instruments and workstations lining the walls. Unlike those back home, this one seemed to have a hologram of the vessel and the terrain it was flying over lifting right off the table. I put it down to magic. Given how many Magi-Koopa Bowser employed it was probably a frivolous feat.

A large Koopa in a steel spiked helmet and an eye-patch, as if this couldn't get any more cliched, was standing at the holo tank with Kamek and gesturing at something on the ground ahead of the vessel. Aides surrounding the table were talking amongst themselves and making notes as they listened to their leaders. Occasionally one would point out something on the table to one of the others and more notes would be furiously taken as groups stepped back to discuss one thing or another. As we approached a runner from one of the groups slipped the eye-patch wearing Koopa a notepad.

It seemed that Bowser's forces understood the concept of a General's Staff. Joy. Actually, wait, we were on the same side this time so that was actually a good thing. For now anyway.

As we approached the holo tank one of the guards along the walls rapped the butt of his halberd against the deck. "PRINCESS ON DECK!" he bellowed. The controlled chaos stopped in an instant as the entire room snapped to attention, every last one of its occupants presenting a variety of salutes and bows to me.

Kamek bowed as we reached the table. "Princess, you've come to join us. Welcome to the nerve-center of the Burning Claw," he said, sweeping his hand outward at the rest of the room in a grand gesture.

"It is impressive, though I'm afraid since my memories are still a bit… fragmented, any comparisons will have to wait," I said nodding to him as my guards fanned out behind me.

"Everyone back to work," the Koopa next to Kamek shouted before he looked up at me. "Nice to meet you under nicer circumstances than the last few times, Your Majesty," he said, bowing slightly.

"I'm afraid I don't remember those last few times…?" I trailed off.

"Captain Haus," he said, "I've had the pleasure of transporting Your Highness twice over the last few years." He paused. "Albeit on different vessels," he finally allowed.

"Mario?" I asked.

"Mario," he sighed, hanging his head. "I've had more ships knocked out of the sky by that plumber of yours than any other Captain in the fleet. Pardon the presumption, Princess, but for once I'm happy that he's not going to be crashing the party so to speak."

A couple of my guards may have bristled, but I just shook my head. With a track record like that I couldn't blame him for not wanting to see Mario. "That's perfectly alright, Captain Haus," I said with a slight smile, "I'm sure if he were here he wouldn't be breaking this one, after all, we're all on the same side right now."

"That we are, Your Highness," Kamek nodded, "and we have much to discuss so if the pleasantries are over with, I would like to begin?"

"You will hear no complaint from us," Toadsworth said, "What is the current situation?"

"Dire," the Captain replied, tapping something on his side of the holo tank. The image on the tank shifted, pulling back until only a flashing yellow arrow remained to indicate the position of the Burning Claw above a map of the world. Fine details like trees and everything short of the mountains flattened out. White lines denoting major roads appeared alongside little yellow recreations of railroads. Dots with floating transparent names above them flickered into being to denote cities. And all across the map was a sea of red overtaking the otherwise blue countryside.

The red had poured down from the north-eastern mountains and cut a straight line down several major roads until it hit the Castle. Now it was spreading outwards in every direction. Not in any particularly coordinated fashion, it was threading through the countryside striking some towns and bypassing others entirely, but it was spreading.

"Vaati's forces have overrun Petalburg," Captain Haus continued, pointing to a large town where three rivers met a lake. "With that, the North-Eastern forces of your Kingdom have had their lines of communication cut. All the rail-lines in this region run through there before crossing the rivers into the rest of the Mushroom Kingdom. They've also been hammering your garrisons all along the Mao Mao Ridge." He pointed to a ridge to the east where several dots marked as Forts with names like 'Mouse House' and 'Starside' had forced the red tide to stall before it could sweep into the valleys beyond.

"It is good to see that General Mousebatton is holding," Toadsworth said with a weak smile.

"Who knows what his situation is going to be like in the long run," Captain Haus grumbled, "We simply have no way of knowing how well he's actually handling."

"Why are they bypassing some of these towns in the north?" I asked, looking towards the north where the red tendrils seemed to be advancing unopposed.

"I recognize the names of some of those," Toadsworth said, "They're mostly heavily fortified towns. Being the north-east we tend to get more contact with the Koopa Troop than most other areas and many of the wealthier towns have been fortified to dissuade raiding during kidnapping attempts." I looked up from where I was leaning over the table to raise an eyebrow at Kamek who coughed into his hand.

"Yes, well, war," the elderly Koopa said blithely, "The north lacks the same solid line of defences like the east and as you can see the forts along the border to the north-east were overrun in the opening hours of the invasion."

"Leaving the heartland completely exposed," I sighed, my eyes drinking in the network of rail lines and roads. "Out of curiosity what condition are most of the roads on this map?" I asked.

"The main thoroughfares tend to be in good condition, though most are only paved inside the districts of the wealthier towns," Toadsworth replied. That fit with the technology I was seeing. While somewhat eclectic, most of the technology seemed to average out to the Victorian era. As did the styles. The only real odd points were the complete lack of firearms and the fact that magic made things like holo tanks not just feasible, but almost a necessity.

"And I assume magic is how you're gathering this information?" I asked Kamek.

"Yes. My agents transmit their information directly back to headquarters and then from there a private connection brings it here," he said, "Fortunately so far my network has remained unbreached by Vaati's influences."

"Impressive," I said, and it really was. Vaati had brought to his side what appeared to be more than two-thirds of the Koopa Troopa when he overthrew Bowser. The Volcanic mountains in the north-east were mostly red outside of several large settlements and a line of forts that stretched to the border, containing the red tide from sweeping north-west out of the mountains. Unfortunately, it looked like it would probably be outflanked once they finished overrunning the northern settlements of the Mushroom Kingdom.

"I choose only the best and most loyal," Kamek demurred.

"What about the rest of the Kingdom?" I asked. The Captain tapped the console again and the picture zoomed out even further. As more lands came into view beyond the north-east quadrant the smallest towns and villages disappeared from the table, leaving only the largest as region names began to pop in. Places like the Dry Dry Desert or the Pur Pur Mountain, and many cities. Many, many cities.

"What's the scale of this?" I asked as the picture stopped.

"Uuuh," Captain Haus paused and glanced down at the dials and buttons on the tank, "about… One hundred and twenty kilometres per physical foot." I ran the math through my head. That, roughly, mathed out to an area larger than either Germany or France. However, the Mushroom Kingdom's borders were visible on the map. Taking that into account… Ignoring frontier territory beyond the fort lines that marked the borders of the Mushroom Kingdom was somewhere in and around the size of the aforementioned France or Germany.

"Somewhat bigger than I remember," I said as I looked over the map.

"With respect, Your Highness," The Captain said as he watched me look over the map, "I hope you don't mind me asking if you are in good enough condition to be making decisions right now. Let alone in Military matters." Several of my guards, including the same ones as earlier, took a step forward. I caught sight of one of them out of the corner of my eye and waved them back. Rude it probably was, but he had every right to be worried. Technically I had no training in military matters myself. For all of the RTS games I played and the war novels I read, I was not so deluded as to think of myself as even an Armchair General, let alone an actual one. Though I had been in the middle of The Art of War when I had woke up here. Hopefully, some small snippets of wisdom stuck with me.

"I'm just here to understand what is happening Captain," I said as I looked over the map, "I'd much prefer to leave military matters in the hands of those with actual experience." Even if I included Peach's experience, which I didn't, all I'd be good at would be getting myself kidnapped. Which is exactly what I would like to avoid. Nothing good came from being a maiden who got kidnapped by Vaati.

"I will be speaking for our party in most military matters," Toadsworth said, earning a nod of recognition from Kamek and Captain Haus. Better him than me, for now at least. I had no intention of remaining uneducated in this mess.

The conversation moved past me as I examined the map. Questions about force strength, positioning, and reliability were exchanged by both sides and I tried to keep one ear on the conversation while I leaned on my folded umbrella like a cane as I leaned over the tank. There was something about the map that was bothering me. Yes the Mushroom Kingdom was impressive, but there was something about it that seemed… irritatingly familiar.

The east was lakes and marshland south of the river until it passed through the hills and mountains into the large Duchy of Fair Winds Valley. The south-west was the dry-dry desert until the map faded into an indistinguishable blur near the corner where only the label 'here be sandstorms' appeared. And near the desert…

Those hills looked like spectacles.

Spectacles? I tilted my head in thought and leaned out over the tank a little more. And the volcanic range was in the north-north-east? Yes, it was, with the Fair Winds Valley wrapping around the far side of it to the east. Which happened to be bordered in the south by a mountain range with several large lakes in it…

My eyes traced a few other familiar details before a large canyon in the east caught my attention. Easily a hundred kilometres long the details of it were visible even zoomed out like this and it looked… oddly man-made.

"Excuse me," I said, interrupting a discussion about what troops were positioned in the border forts in the north, and I pointed to the canyon. "Zoom in here please," I requested. The map zoomed it, the landscape of the area, already standing out from the table, rose towards me like spikes.

I was easily able to make out the details of the canyon. The statues and carvings of Loftwings and the broken stone of a hundred kilometre spanning causeway may as well have shouted the identity of that canyon to me. The Lanayru Promenade. Which made the tall mountain at the end Mount Lanayru. The dimensions weren't exact, and the names were definitely different, but I knew this map. I had played this map for a few hundred hours.

This was from The Breath of the Wild. This was Hyrule.

The Mushroom Kingdom was the Kingdom of Hyrule.

"Shit," I muttered.

"Princess?" Toadsworth looked at me all worried. He had probably heard my muttered exclamation even if no one else had.

"I'm fine, Toadsworth," I reassured him even as I rubbed the bridge of my nose. This… I had a date, but that date was so far off the end of the scale that it wasn't just a different era. Hyrule had risen, fallen, and risen again many many times before, so why was it now the Mushroom Kingdom? "Can you make it large again?" I asked. The Captain did, watching me carefully as the world flattened out again.

Tracing the major rivers let me figure out where the old Castle Town would have been. Right where a city called 'Ancient Ancient Hill' had cropped up. What was with the Mushroom Kingdom's tendency to repeat words twice and call it a name? From there other locations were easily traced, at least those large enough to be notable. The home of the Rito was apparently called 'Windyville' now. Zora's Domain was missing entirely from the map and… Gerudo Town was somewhere off the edge of the world amidst 'sandstorm' unless I missed my guess. Had they never dealt with the giant lightning spewing camel?

And that forest in the north-east, the one just east of our flight path. That one was out in the middle of a lake and… Huh. Well, no guessing was required. That one was just flat out labelled the Lost Woods. Was the Deku Tree still in there?

Aware of the stares I was receiving I sighed and stood up, unfolding my umbrella as I did. I settled in on my shoulder and smiled with false weakness. "Sorry, something seemed familiar. I seem to have lost the thread now," I said. The Captain and Toadsworth nodded understandingly. Kamek, however, simply watched me, showing no signs of opinion.

"Perhaps," the old magi-koopa spoke, "You should go and rest for now. If you would like I will send for that doctor now. While it would seem that you are out of the danger zone it would prove an ill omen if you suffered some preventable issue."

I smiled back making some effort to try and project a fairly vapid air. One that in hindsight was probably undermined by the military uniform I was wearing. Maybe I should have gone with the victoria gown? "I would appreciate that. I would hate to have even more issues after our narrow escape," I said, "And rest sounds quite nice." It did actually. I had a lot to think about and I needed to make some notes while my thoughts were still going strong.

"Then," Toadsworth said, "If my Princess wishes it shall I have Toadette go with you back to your rooms?" Said Toad stepped out of the crowd of guards to stand by my side.

"That sounds wonderful," I agree.

"Toadette, take care of her," he said to Peach's handmaiden. The little Toad nodded fiercely.

"I will! She won't have a scratch on her!" She proclaimed, glaring around at the crowds. To my surprise, a sudden gap of an additional ten feet developed around our group instantly and I heard Captain Haus mutter something about 'why did it have to be the pink one?'

"This way Princess!" she said eagerly, taking me by the hand and pulling me towards the exit with all the decorum of a dog heading for a walk. I just shook my head. Her cheerfulness was infectious.

Behind us, the strategy discussion resumed as the map zoomed back in on the North-Eastern Quadrant.


The Koopa, one Doctor Leg'less, hummed and harred as he examined my head. "You should have come to me yesterday," he grumbled.

"Sorry," I said reflexively.

He snorted. "Sorry? I'm not the one who you need to apologize to. You're the one who has to suffer for it." He brushed my hair back as he checked the back of my neck. He tsked. "You Mushroom Kingdom hero types are always so troublesome. Your bodies heal unnaturally fast you know."

"They do?" I had wondered about that.

He ignored me as he continued his examination. "It makes figuring out what hurt you impossible. Look at this, not a scratch and yet your memory has more holes than that ignorant magician's latest plan." Somehow I was getting the feeling he didn't see eye to eye with Kamek. He continued rambling away, jumping back and forth between admonishments, observations, and the occasional muttered pot-shot at Kamek.

I glanced over to Toadette who was sitting on the couch across from me and quirked an eyebrow before glancing towards the doctor and rolling my eyes. Toadette muffled her giggling

Doctor Leg'less huffed. "Do not think that just because I am a Koopa I cannot tell you are rolling your eyes at me by the way your follicles shift," he said. The next glance I exchanged with Toadette was one of startled surprise.

"At least you don't have claw marks from the Kings clumsy handling this time," he continued, "In fact, this would appear to be the healthiest I've ever seen you, Princess."


"And yes, I have seen you before," he said. I fell silent again and let him continue to do his job in peace. Five minutes later he stepped carefully off the couch, groaning as he did so. "Ugh, dealing with humans is always a pain in my shell."

"So how is she?" Toadette asked. The guards by the doors of the sitting room leaned forward in what I assumed they thought was an inconspicuous manner. They needed more practice than I did.

"You mean aside from missing her memories?" the Doctor grumbled sarcastically. He clacked his beak twice in what appeared to be frustration. "Physically she is fine. No injuries visible anywhere on her head. Her response time appears to be normal for her and excessively superhuman for nearly anyone else."

I had surprised me that Peach being physically capable wasn't just one of those spin-off game oddities. And yet lifting a Koopa Troopa as a physical test a few minutes earlier had been as easy as lifting the cup of tea I had had for breakfast. With one hand no less.

"And her memories?" Toadette pressed. I stayed silent as the Doctor sighed.

"I haven't a clue," he said bluntly, picking up his white hat from the end table and placing it on his head before picking up his clipboard. He scrawled something on the page. "Any injury that could have inflicted such memory loss should have left some sign even today. You say you woke up in your room under a beam during the attack?" I nodded. "Then perhaps you should investigate the magical. This Vaati character is a magician just like that hack, yes?"

"Significantly more dangerous than Kamek actually," I said. He grunted.

"Hrmph. Well, either way, this is outside of my expertise. If you can find it in yourself to trust him, speak with the King's foolish advisor. I wouldn't, but then I'm not Royalty," he replied, "Now, any other issues?" he asked. I shook my head. "Then I bid you adieu Princess. Do stay out of trouble." He bowed then headed for the door.

As the door slapped shut behind the old Koopa I slumped sideways until I was all but lying on the couch. "Well that was pointless," I said.

"Not that pointless Princess," Toadette protested, "we know it isn't a medical problem."

Which wasn't exactly news to me. Waking up in someone else's body was not a 'medical' problem. Unless soul transfers were a medical discipline in this world? There was certainly enough magic around and the Victorian era was suitably mad scientist-y at times. I could totally see someone writing a thesis on The Morality and Practical Applications of Soul Transference.

"I suppose that is something," I allowed. "Toadette?"

"Yes, Princess?" she asked.

"Can you find me a book?" I asked. Something about earlier was niggling at me.

"Sure." Toadette hopped off the other couch and bustled off towards the pair of fully stocked bookshelves. "Anything in particular?" she asked.

"... Something on history," I said, "The older the history the better." I watched as she poked through the bookshelves, starting from the bottom before eventually having to go and find a stepstool. After a few minutes of searching, she made a cheer of triumph and hopped off the step stool with a large green leather-bound book.

"This should do Princess," she said, holding out the book. I accepted it with a smile and a word of thanks before looking over the book as Toadette wandered back over to the bookshelf. I blinked dumbly. On the cover, in place of pride above the title, was a gold leaf rendition of the triforce. I traced the triforce with a finger before softly whispering the title.

"The Truth of the Calamity Era, Volume Two of the Hyrule Historia, by Doctor R.B.H.," I paused, "R.B.H?" Who signed a book with nothing but their initials? Still, Calamity era? Interesting. That lined up with the map to be sure… I paused.

It also explained the niggling. This wasn't English, but I was having no trouble reading it. I opened the book and started counting off the different letters. Twenty-seven, but thinking about it I was sure that there was a total of twenty-eight. As an experiment, I tried to run through the local alphabet like I would the English alphabet. All twenty-eight letters flowed easily. Was this some lingering bit of Peach, or had whatever brought me here seen fit to gift me with the local language? I couldn't say because like so many other questions there was no feasible method of gaining an answer.

I spared Toadette a glance. She was still poking through the bookshelves looking for her own book I assumed. I flipped back to the first page and started reading. In a few minutes, I was absorbed in the book. It was a touch on the dry side, with somewhat of an authoritative tone that I knew quite well from history books back home, but it was something new. It felt odd hearing fantastical events spoken of in the same dry tone as the life of Henry the VIII.

It began with a preface discussing the idea of strong nations possessing strong 'founding myths' and how there were many of this day and age who believed that the Calamity was indeed a myth. Or who insisted that it was less fantastical than the legends claimed. There was something oddly amusing about the idea that people who lived in a world populated by talking turtles, mushrooms, and blatant magic, would be put off by a tale of prophecy and woe. At least back home we had to excuse that magic wasn't bouncing around in our day to day lives.

Still, if the writer was to be believed his point of view, that being that the Myths were if anything underselling the Calamity, was in the minority.

"... and thus is it that I shall layout within this tome the proof that the Calamity Era was not simply a myth, but a cataclysm without modern compare," I read out softly. He certainly had that pompous English professor feel to his language, but I'd give him a chance. After all, there had been a Calamity. I knew that better than anyone else it seemed.

Some time, and many chapters, later the door to the hall opened to let in Toadsworth. He looked fairly tired as he entered. His face was stiff, putting emphasis on the normally nearly imperceptible wrinkles. "That Koopa is insufferable," he said, bowing to me before taking a seat in an appropriately scaled armchair.

"Kamek?" I asked, setting the open book down on my chest.

"Certainly not the Captain," Peach's steward grumbled, "Captain Haus has been invaluable. The moment you left Kamek seemed to be under the impression that your absence promoted him in some way."

Oh really? Somehow I wasn't surprised. Kamek was certainly a capable magic user, but from what I remembered the only persons he put before his ego was Bowser and his son. It led to him underestimating Mario and company on more than one occasion from what I could recall.

"I hope you convinced him otherwise?" I asked. I really didn't want to have to sit in on the meetings just to keep Kamek in line. Ours was an alliance of convenience to be sure, but that did not mean I was going to let him walk all over me… or those for whom I had essentially inherited responsibility.

I wasn't their Princess, but that didn't mean I was going to abandon them.

"Captain Haus threatened to tie him to the bowsprit during the next thunderstorm if he didn't stop trying to give orders aboard his ship," Toadsworth chuckled, "He quieted down once I offered to restrain him."

I snorted and giggled, drawing odd looks from both of them. Ah, that wasn't a Peach-like action, was it? Oh, dear.

I quirked a slight smile. "With how often he has been responsible for my predicaments, I do remember a few times even with my poor memory Toadsworth," I said, and sure I did. They tended to be from the perspective of someone or something else, but I did 'remember' a few encounters with Kamek. "He's more than earned a bit of humiliation in my eyes." And the pain and suffering that would probably come from the lashing wind and rain during a thunderstorm.

Toadsworth chuckled. "That he has," he agreed, leaning back with a sigh. "I don't quite like going away from the rest of the Kingdom, but perhaps if we can convince the young Prince to work with us, then maybe we might have the forces required to bring a halt to Vaati's ambitions."

I slid the sewn-in velvet bookmark into the page I was on and set the book aside. "You're assuming his ambitions are as straightforward as conquest Toadsworth," I replied. They weren't. I didn't know Vaati that well. I never had played the four swords games, though Minish Cap was a fun romp. Still, Vaati for all his brutality was more than capable of operating on multiple levels.

"If he just wanted conquest, then why capture Mario? And Kamek claimed that Bowser had fallen just like Mario as well," I continued, folding my hands on my stomach. "He would have made a move on me as well I'm sure had Mario not exhausted him… And has anyone seen Luigi?" I asked.

"He has been missing for even longer than Bowser," the old Toad replied, "That was why Mario was at the castle during the assault. He wished for some assistance in searching for his brother."

I closed my eyes and sighed. "Then we probably know what happened to Luigi," I said grimly. Toadette sniffled and I cracked an eye, twisting to face her. She waved me off.

"Not crying," she said, while very clearly tearing up. As I began to reply, to tell her that it would be fine, as much of a lie as that was, the entire room rocked hard to the side with a sudden world filling bang, sending Toadette to the floor. A second bang rocked the world again and I nearly slid off my couch.

There was a crackling noise as a PA system I hadn't noticed before came to life. At the same time, the lighting snapped from a soft white to a harsh red as emergency lights by the doors came on and above it all, a shrill siren began to shriek.

"This is your Captain speaking," barked the voice of Captain Haus, "General Quarters, General Quarters, all hands man your battle stations. We have two hostile vessels inbound. This is not a drill."

I popped to my feet in an instant and snatched my umbrella from where it had rolled under the coffee table. "Toadette, get the Lieutenant," I barked. She rolled to her feet and dashed out the door in the time it took me to blink. She was fast when she wanted to be.

"Princess," Toadsworth began.

"We are going to the bridge," I said.

"It would be safer-"

"On the bridge, behind all of our forces rather than in a corridor off a half-populated spar of the ship," I interrupted. He paused, then nodded once.

"Your wisdom still shines through Princess," he said with a bow even as Lieutenant Toadleton and Toadette returned. Link stumbled through on their heels still strapping his sword to his belt.

"Princess, I've ordered the guard to form a perimeter around-" the officer began.

"Order them to regroup here, we're heading for the bridge," I said, settling the umbrella under one arm like a ceremonial baton.

"With respect, Your Highness, this could be deceit," he protested.

"They had plenty of opportunities to take us without resorting to pointless trickery Lieutenant," Toadsworth interjected, silencing the overeager Lieutenant.

"We will head up to the bridge. Your men will escort me, and we shall find out what exactly is happening," I said.

"I can still secure your rooms better than the bridge Princess," he replied.

"And hiding in my rooms worked so well last time?" I asked, a bit of heat slipping into my voice. I remembered all too well waking up beneath wooden timbers while the sounds of battle rocked the castle.

The Lieutenant stiffened, then snapped a salute. "As Your Highness commands," he said, spinning on a heel and heading for the door, barking orders to the guards on his way.

As the guard formed up around me and the siren continued to shriek I reflected on the fact that I knew getting away from Vaati wasn't going to be that easy. Why couldn't he have been incompetent for once?


A/N: And Chapter four~ Only one left after this in the backlog~ Then we'll take a look at what progress I've gotten done elsewhere and see if the weekly schedule is possible. *Shifty Kitsune* Just a hint, I don't think it is.

Gekkou here, it's not. :p *Amused kitsune* Bi weekly, maybe. Weekly? Not really!~

*pouting kitsune* Fine…

Discord and patreon links in the signature as usual~ Hope you enjoyed the chapter~ Cheers~
... Breath of the Wild Hyrule. This is going to become painfull, should they lose that ship. I sincerely hope that there aren't any hostile Guardians running around right now. Or Lynels. Especially not Lynels.
... Breath of the Wild Hyrule. This is going to become painfull, should they lose that ship. I sincerely hope that there aren't any hostile Guardians running around right now. Or Lynels. Especially not Lynels.
Technically, the Hyrule in every LoZ game is the same Hyrule, but at different points in time. The reason the map changes so much (aside from console capability restrictions) is that sometimes literal geological ages pass between games, with the occasional catastrophe literally reshaping the map.

A few examples.

In Skyward Sword, Hyrule is more or less primordial, and the goddesses and Demise are known to actually exist.
By the time of the next game (chronologically speaking), Hyrule has been developed to a medieval level, the goddesses have been relegated to myth and legend, and Demise has more or less been forgotten completely.

In the Minish Cap saga, where Vaati originates, enough time passes between Minish Cap and Four Swords that the Four Sword's power degrades.

In Windwaker, the entire world has flooded, and you actually find the Hyrule Castle from Ocarina of Time deep under the sea.
In Spirit Tracks, enough time has passed that the waters have receded, Link's classic outfit has become the uniform for the royal guard, and the monarchy has been reestablish long enough for their pirate roots (Tetra) to be forgotten.
In Windwaker, the entire world has flooded, and you actually find the Hyrule Castle from Ocarina of Time deep under the sea.
In Spirit Tracks, enough time has passed that the waters have receded, Link's classic outfit has become the uniform for the royal guard, and the monarchy has been reestablish long enough for their pirate roots (Tetra) to be forgotten.

One minor correction here - Spirit Tracks establishes a new Hyrule and is only a 100 years after wind waker/phantom hourglass, as one of the characters from WW (Niko) is still in it.

Your overall point is well taken though.
Technically, the Hyrule in every LoZ game is the same Hyrule, but at different points in time. The reason the map changes so much (aside from console capability restrictions) is that sometimes literal geological ages pass between games, with the occasional catastrophe literally reshaping the map.

A few examples.

In Skyward Sword, Hyrule is more or less primordial, and the goddesses and Demise are known to actually exist.
By the time of the next game (chronologically speaking), Hyrule has been developed to a medieval level, the goddesses have been relegated to myth and legend, and Demise has more or less been forgotten completely.

In the Minish Cap saga, where Vaati originates, enough time passes between Minish Cap and Four Swords that the Four Sword's power degrades.

In Windwaker, the entire world has flooded, and you actually find the Hyrule Castle from Ocarina of Time deep under the sea.
In Spirit Tracks, enough time has passed that the waters have receded, Link's classic outfit has become the uniform for the royal guard, and the monarchy has been reestablish long enough for their pirate roots (Tetra) to be forgotten.
I am well aware of that. Doesn't change the fact that the map used in Breath of the Wild is gigantic when compared to the maps in older games, no matter if it is supposed to display the same Area regarding the Kingdom. Provided of course that no Growth in Territory has been considered. Hence me saying the loss of the ship would be a pain, as they would now have to traverse all that distance on land. With all that entails.

I have to disagree on the Spirit Tracks part of your post though. As far as I remember, the location that takes place in is a completely different area of the World from Old Hyrule/The Great Sea.
5. The Peach Born in Battle


A Mario/Legend of Zelda SI Fanfic

Super Peach Sisters

By: Grounders10


5. The Peach Born of Battle


The alarms cut out shortly after we left my rooms. It was not the end of the noise, however. A battle is not quiet and even before the alarms cut off the ship began to rumble with the sound of its cannons firing. Truthfully it surprised the hell out of me just how loud it was. We had, as best I could tell, several rooms and a full floor between us and the main gun decks. Not to mention the turrets on the top deck were several floors more above us. And yet it shook the very air with the vibrations of every gun that fired anyway.

"They've already opened fire," Toadsworth observed grimly as he struggled to keep up with the pace the Lieutenant was setting. "We must have been ambushed. There is no other way that they'd be in weapons range already otherwise."

Another volley prevented me from catching what the lieutenant said in reply, but Toadsworth nodded so he must have picked out the young officer's reply through the cacophony. "That is a distinct possibility. Don't worry about me, just get us to the bridge as fast as possible," he shouted over the guns. The lieutenant upped the pace after that, and somehow the old advisor kept up as we dashed down the halls full of scrambling Koopas, Goombas, and Shy Guys.

Taking the stairs not quite two at a time, because Toads just aren't tall enough, I had to wonder if I was making the right decision. I'm not a soldier, or a warrior, or any sort of fighter. I took six months of karate back in grade six… or was it five? I can't even remember it's been so long. And yet despite that I was all but demanding my guard put themselves at risk to escort me up to the questionable safety of the bridge.

Further musings were interrupted by a roar of breaking timbers and ripping metal as a long metal tube with a literal ram's head on the front punched its way through the walls of the ship and into the stairway ahead of us. Shrapnel sprayed everywhere as the force sent the ship rocking and knocked us off our feet. Most of us at least.

Shaking my head as I picked myself off the floor I caught sight of Link standing between our group and metal tube as a door on the side of it was kicked open and purple armoured Koopas poured out. They were followed by a tall and fat pig-faced beast with a loosely hanging iron chestplate and a sword big enough to skewer, well, another fat pig.

A moblin, I recognized it well enough. At least the identity of our attackers had become apparent.

"BOARDERS!" the Lieutenant shouted, "Toads to arms! Protect the Princess!" He was still struggling to his feet as the ship swayed with another impact.

"THE PRINCESS!" the other guards echoed as they scrambled to their feet. Halberds and swords were gathered and a ragged wall of toads formed on either side of Link as the Koopas rushed the short distance between us and them. The moblin had shouldered its way to the front, looking for all the world like an overweight high school bully leading a bunch of elementary students.

The beast roared wordlessly as it smashed into the line beside Link, battering aside the poor toad it had chosen for its first victim with a backhanded strike that carried them over my head and into the scrambling crowd Koopa sailors who were rushing forward to join the makeshift line.

"Princess, stay back," Toadette grabbed me by the elbow as I was standing up and pulled me back from the battle. "Please stay safe," she said, looking at me beseechingly. I nodded stiffly before turning back to the battle.

The Moblin had turned its attentions on Link during the moment I had looked away and was swinging at him in vain as the cadet ducked and weaved through his strikes. Link's own retaliatory strikes were having very little success themselves. Yes, they found the mark often, but only a few bit deep enough to draw blood through the thick hide of the obese monster.

Then his sword found the beast's wrist and the club it was wielding went flying along with its hand. As it reeled back, screaming in pain, Link leapt upwards and, hoisting himself towards the things head by the thick ridge of its chest plate, drove his sword straight through its eye socket. He rode the beast to the ground as it fell with a deck rattling crash. Those purple armoured Kooopas around it quailed at the sight and were immediately cut down as sailors and Royal Guards took brutal advantage of the opportunity.

In mere moments what had been a coherent and dangerous boarding party was broken apart, surrounded, and cut down. And then it was all over, with only the bodies on the floor and the bloody survivors to tell the tale. I stared for a long moment as Link wiped his blade off on a scrap of cloth before giving myself a forceful shake.

Yes, the smell was terrible. Yes, that had been sudden and terrifying in its swiftness. Yes, this was a battle. But that didn't mean I had the luxury of letting myself freeze. "Good work Lieutenant. Cadet," I said loudly, nodding to both the officer and the cadet. I looked around. "Sailors get the wounded to an aid-station, everyone else, we keep moving." I looked up at the boarding… torpedo? Yes, it looked like a torpedo. Fortunately, while it had damaged the stairs there was still plenty of room to the side still intact.

Toadsworth gave me a look I couldn't read before nodding. Beside him, the Lieutenant finished cleaning the blood off his sword and retrieved this discarded polearm. "As our Princess says, let's keep moving," he said looking around.

The Toads closed ranks quickly, leaving only three of their number in the hands of the Sailors. Most of them looked unharmed, though perhaps that was to be expected from the survivors of Vaati's attack. The stairway creaked dangerously as we scooted past the boarding torpedo. Link was the second to last person over and had to grab the Toad behind them as the ship rocked with another impact, possibly another boarding torpedo, and the poor young Toad nearly tumbled into the hole made by the torpedo.

Speaking of the torpedo, the impact seemed to be more than the floor supporting it wanted to take and with the firecracker-like snapping of timbers the hole gave way just enough for the entire pod to collapse into the floor below, prompting terrified shouting from below.

We didn't have enough time to worry about the consequences of the pod falling as we raced up the steps at Lieutenant Toadleton's pace. Twice more we would encounter the enemies from other boarding torpedoes. The first was in the middle of trying to overrun a guard post when Toadleton led a charge straight into their back, bringing a brutal and swift end to that boarding party.

The second had been whittled down to just the moblin by the crew when we came across it. It lasted all of five seconds before we moved on. Unlike the group before everyone here was dead. I grimaced at the bodies that were lying in a disorganized spread across the corridor. How many other hallways had been turned into a charnel house like this?

And by the Goddesses the smell. Do you have any idea how foul dozens of dead Koopas can become? Picture a fish market, now imagine all of the fish are rotten and the fishmonger's idea of clean up was to gut the fish and toss the resulting offal everywhere. Foul, disturbing, and made all the worse by the moblins who smelt just as bad as the rest of it all combined. It was enough to make my stomach churn.

Fortunately for my sanity, and my lunch, we reached the bridge without any more issues. The guards let us through and we trooped into the bridge once again as the ship shuddered with a series of dull impacts somewhere in the depths of the vessel. The room was less crowded than it had been before, but it was certainly more chaotic as the crewmen shouted updates from their stations and officers demanded information from their subordinates.

"Flight three is launching from the lower hanger."
"Portside Battery G on deck eight is reporting two guns down."
"Engineering is reporting boarders repelled, minimal damage Captain."

"Excellent!" Captain Haus roared over the tumult, "Inform them that they are to split off ten of their guard to help the section thirteen checkpoint." The Captain appeared to be in his element, shouting instructions, praises, and the occasional insult with every second.

Halberds hammered into the floor as my group approached the Holo Tank around him the Captain and his aides had gathered. "Princess, what are you doing up here?" he asked, more like demanded, as I came to a stop.

"I came to find out the situation, and because I thought it might be smaller to consolidate my protection with your own," I said, taking a look at the tank. The magi-tech projection was zoomed in on our position and showed two other vessels within spitting distance. One was much smaller, while the second, which appeared to be trying to close the distance still, was significantly larger than our already hefty vessel.

"We've been ambushed," he said bluntly, "By a corvette and a third-rate, the Irredeemable. Used to be the XO for it before I was named captain." He clacked his beak angrily. "I hate to see it like this." He turned to shout some orders back to his men before returning to the table.

"Where did they come from?" I asked, leaning over the table. I recognized the area. We were in the gorge that circled the Lost Woods, or we were. The Burning Claw was slowly ascending.

"They were waiting behind Mount Dairy. Here," he pointed to a mountain that looked vaguely familiar. "They must have been stationed here after our last run through. Probably waiting for us to come back. I can't imagine it was the most pleasant wait. Hehe."

"Why not?" I asked.

"For the same reason, we were using this trench. No one lives around here. Your army won't even station troops here anymore," he replied, "That's the Lost Woods to our south-east. Nothing that goes in there ever comes out again." Unless you knew the secret of how to navigate and had the Koroks assistance anyway, but he couldn't know that so I just nodded.

"Then there's this," he continued, pointing to a black splotch on the north-west bank of the gorge. One of his subordinates shouted an update about the corvette and he turned away to shout instructions. I recognized that splotch. It was the… the… oh what was it… Something ruins. It started with a T…

My introspection was interrupted when the Captain turned back. "That's the Dark Dark Valley. There's no light in there, at all. Nothing, not even a spark. You go in? Only your shambling bones will ever come out again," he said bluntly, "It keeps the other blank empty of settlements with constant Dry Bone attacks. Every once and a while your army rolls through to keep things in check, but no one lives here. Makes it a perfect smugglers run since it goes almost to the border. Should've known they'd be waiting."

"I suppose," Toadsworth said, "That the wait was probably easier if this Vaati can control the dead?"

Haus scowled. "Aye. It might very well be the case. I-" A titanic explosion to my right drowned out everything as something outside the hull detonated. The small holographic image of the corvette shattered into a thousand fragments and disappeared as several of the crewmen along the wall cheered.

"Captain! Battery J reports a direct hit to the corvette's powder magazine," one of Haus' subordinates shouted happily.

"Excellent! Double their rum ration for the next week," Haus all but cackled as his crew cheered. A few of my Toads joined in as well. Calming down a bit he looked down at the tank. "That takes care of those damned boarding attempts until the big guy gets in range."

"That is a large vessel Captain," I observed.

"As I said, she's a third-rate ship o' the line. She's bigger, meaner, and right now? She's somehow faster as well," Haus growled. "The Burning Claw is a fifth-rate, Your Grace. We're faster, but we're no ship o' the line. At least, we should be faster. The wind's barely been plucking at our sails the last few hours and yet that thing is barrelling along as though it's got a hurricane breathing down its neck." I watched the small model of the larger vessel and grimaced. It was moving at a visibly higher speed than we were.

"So we're outgunned and we can't run?" I asked. He nodded.

"Exactly. Since they aren't shooting at us with their cannons all I can assume is that they intend to board us," he said.

"They're probably here for me," I mused, a shiver running down my spine as I watched the mammoth vessel close with us. And they called it a third-rate. Assuming their rating system was anything like what was on earth, then I didn't want to see what they considered a first-rate ship of the line.

"More than likely Princess," Toadsworth agreed, "I can't imagine Vaati is happy about our escape… The winds may be his doing as well."

"Kamek had the same thought," Haus said, "he's on the main deck trying to do something about it. No results so far." The problem with fighting magic users. They just made things unfair.

I examined our situation and couldn't help but grimace. "And we don't have the room needed to turn our broadside to face him, do we?" I asked. I received annoyed clacks from the Koopas around the tank as the Captain shook his head.

"No room at all," he said, "We're trying to climb out of the trench, but by the time we've got the room to maneuver there'll be no point."

I nodded. It didn't appear that there was much we could do here, but again I hadn't expected there to be much for us. "Let us know if there's anything we can do to assist," I said with a smile. He nodded.

"Make yourselves comfortable and get some rest. They should be in boarding range again in a few minutes," he said before turning back to his subordinates.

I stepped back from the tank and placed one hand on the handle of the umbrella as I sighed softly. This was a mess we had gotten into and I couldn't see a way out. Judging by the picture the Irredeemable was at least a third to a half-again longer than the Burning Claw. Its crew would be larger as would its troop complement. Add that to the likely presence of Vaati and we were in terrible straits.

"It's not that big of a ship," Toadette whispered suddenly, her voice just barely carrying over the din of the bridge. She didn't think it was big? Why-

I tilted my head to the side as realization struck me. "You've fought through bigger ones, haven't you?" I asked softly.

She nodded. "I've fought through some of their first rates and even a couple of what they're calling battleships. They're so many times bigger than that little thing," she sniffled. "If we still had Mario with us the two of us could probably take it and Vaati together. Or maybe if Luigi was here, but he's been gone for so long…"

I retreated from the table with Toadette, Link and a few other guards following us as I maneuvered her over to an empty chair by the wall the right size for me. I sat down and gestured for her to take the empty seat next to it. I wasn't sure whose chairs these were, but this was a crisis and I was a Princess, albeit somewhat fraudulently, so I'm sure they wouldn't mind.


"What happened to Luigi?" I asked, patting her on the back as I kept one eye out for anyone annoyed by me commandeering their chair.

"We don't know," she sniffled, crossing her arms with a scowl. "The last anyone heard was that he was chasing down some bandits in the northeast about two months ago."

"Towards Bowser's Kingdom?" I asked. She shook her head.

"No. The Fair Winds Valley. The Duke asked for assistance and Mario was originally busy so…" Toadette sighed. "Princess Daisy must be going mad with worry."

I tilted my head at that. Mad? Well, yes she was probably going mad. "Knowing Daisy she's probably mad at him at the moment," I sighed.

Toadette snorted, then paused. "You remember Daisy?" she asked.

Oh, um… "A bit? Like with Toadsworth," I said. Though most of what I 'knew' was probably fanon, though she was apparently after Luigi so that was that theory borne out. I didn't need a conversation about what I could and couldn't remem-

"INBOUND BOARDING RAMS!" one of the techs along the side suddenly shouted. Everyone in the room scrambled to grab onto something before the entire ship lurched.

"Damage from reports on deck one! Enemy has landed in the cargo bay!"
"Deck seven reports an attempted landing by paratroopas! Combat ongoing."

The roof exploded as two boarding torpedoes crashed through the ceiling and ground to a halt, two-thirds of their lengths sticking out below the ceiling. Guards scrambled for their weapons even as the doors on the rams were kicked open and a tide of red-clad ninja Toads swarmed the room.

One of whom was diving straight for me.

As I scrambled for my umbrella the only thought I could think was how this wasn't fair. Murphy wasn't supposed to read my mind. After that, I was a bit too busy to think of how much I would have loved to castrate the memetic bastard.


Duck, step to the side, and… the handle of my umbrella found the side of the mushroomed dome of the third Yiga Clan thug to try his luck. The Toad went flying, tumbled through the air above the melee that had completely engulfed the bridge. He slammed into another Yiga who had been in the middle of trying to impersonate Yoda's acrobatics.

I lost track of where they went after that as another ninja tried to open my trachea to the world. I ducked under the wild dive and spun on one heel into a snap kick that caught it in the back of the head. Really it was hard to miss since the damned thing took up half their body. Seriously, how does a species evolve with giant fungi making up the majority of their skulls? They aren't orks!

Through all of the chaos, something tickled my instincts and I spun around, raising my umbrella like a sword in time to deflect another one of the khopesh swords they loved using. The steel slide off the soft cloth and lace of the umbrella. The Yiga clan ninja hit the ground, bounced off like it was a trampoline and not solid wood, and springboarded off the back of one of my guard's heads as it flew at me again.

I thrust my umbrella out to meet him. He twisted mid-air, somehow just avoiding the tip of the umbrella. I reflexively hit the release button on the umbrella. With a crack of displaced air the assassin reversed direction as the umbrella smacked into him upon opening. He hit the wooden wall hard enough to break the magically enhanced planks and stayed there, his eyes rolled up into the back of his head.

I stared at him, then at my umbrella. Who made an umbrella that- No wait, that was the secondary release, not the primary… I turned the open umbrella over in my hands for a second. Yeah, two releases, the second one much further up than the first. How hadn't I noticed that earlier? Or… Had I?

And for that matter how had I just beaten five ninjas up in what had to be… two minutes? Maybe three? I twitched and stepped backwards on reflex as something moved in the corner of my eye, only for Toadette to flying kick the Yiga ninja in the face with a pair of heavy boots.

My, Peach's, handmaiden sprang off the comatose Yiga midair, sending the ninja hammering into the ground, and straight into another one angling for Link's back. Link who happened to be duelling what looked to be a Yiga sword master if the choice of the blade was any indication. Steel screamed off steel as the two danced in the middle of the battlefield, a four-foot gap on all sides.

The swordmaster ducked a slash aimed at his throat and responded with a lunge that Link sidestepped before rushing the swordmaster in a full shoulder check. As far as Toads went Link was certainly on the taller side and swordmaster wasn't. The Yiga ninja bounced off the ground and rolled to his feet as Link's blade stabbed into the ground where he had landed. The retaliation was swift and for a moment the two blades danced on the edge of visibility as the staccato ringing of steel overwhelmed even the cacophony of the rest of the battle.

And then it was over as the swordmaster overextended and Link didn't hesitate to bury his sword in the Toad's neck. At the same time, all around the room the last few Ninja were dogpiled by sailors and soldiers and died to the last under the weight of numbers.

Captain Haus kicked the dead bodies of two ninjas off him with a grunt and let one of his men help him to his feet. "Ninja. I am growing to hate these bastards," he snarled, getting a round of agreement from the rest of the crew. "Status on the battle."

"The Irredeemable is almost close enough to harpoon us Capt'n!" One of his officers yelled.

"All stations are to prepare for direct boarding. The moment the bastard grapples us the guns are to switch to canister! Sweep the decks and keep them clear, but they are to try and avoid blasting that bastard out of the sky while we're still attached," he ordered, cleaning his blade on the robe of a Yiga who was draped over the corner of the holo tank. The image flickered as the Captain pushed the body to the ground.

"Princess, are you alright?" I blinked as Toadsworth appeared at my side. I had been so out of it that the old Toad had managed to sneak up on me. He seemed fine, somehow.

"I'm… I'm fine," I said as I continued to turn the umbrella over in my hands. Now that I was thinking about it, actually thinking, it felt right in my hands. Like a comfortable weight that I had forgotten. And wasn't that just a little bit disturbing?

I knew how to handle the umbrella. Where to place my hands, how to set my feet, when to swing, and even why I should do it that way and not… I decided to test something and placed my hands differently, provoking a frown as I weighed the umbrella. That wouldn't work. I could feel it. Swinging like this would make it easier to lose my grip and shorten my reach.

"I'm glad you seem to have retained some of your skill. After the castle, I was worried you had lost it forever," he said with a smile.

I looked down at him and said as seriously as I could, "I don't remember learning."

He looked surprised. "Truly?" I nodded. I had never learned to use an umbrella as a weapon. I had never had the reaction time to dodge ninja. I had never been powerful enough to kick what was essentially a small child across the room. I- What secrets was I hiding from myself? I wasn't Peach. I shouldn't be able to do… well, anything except the kicking I suppose. Mario characters are unnaturally strong after all.

"Curious, but I am simply happy you remember how to defend yourself Princess," he said.

"So am I," I replied with a hesitant smile. I wasn't a complete liability on the battlefield apparently, but how? Why? You don't just gain skills out of nowhere, they have to come from somewhere. Practice, experience, hell, I'd accept divine enlightenment as an explanation. But this…

There was more I didn't know about myself. No face. No name. No family. And now? No training despite skill.

As Toadsworth turned to answer a question from Lieutenant Toadleton who was having a bandage wrapped around his leg, I shivered as goosebumps raced across my skin. I wanted explanations, not more questions.

"Brace for impact!" Haus shouted suddenly and I immediately grabbed a nearby console with both hands. Despite that, I was still almost knocked off my feet as an impressive impact rocked the entire world to the side. A series of distant crashes shook the vessel further.

"How is that ship so fast?" Toadette demanded from where she was holding onto the holo tank.

"Magic," Haus answered bluntly, "We've just been harpooned and any second-" Three booms shook the ship. "-They'll drop the boarding ramps. Shit." He hammered a button on the console and picked up a microphone. "This is your Captain speaking. The enemy has grappled our ship and is now in the process of boarding. All non-essential personnel are to proceed towards Code Thirty-Three defensive positions. For King Bowser, we will not let them take this ship or Princess Peach."

I smiled at the Captain as he set down the microphone and picked up his sword. "Thank you," I said sincerely. His ship was under attack because I was on it. Well, potentially at least. A lesser Captain might have tried to barter safe passage in exchange for me. Not that I would have gone quietly… apparently at least.

Captain Haus turned to me and nodded. "They don't negotiate and I still have my honour," he said before looking around at the battered crew on the bridge. "I've declared a Code Thirty-Three. That includes everyone here. If you aren't involved in keeping the ship flying you're on the lines."

"And what does Code Thirty-Three mean?" Lieutenant Toadleton asked. Koopas that had been in the middle of standing up

"Charges are to be set to scuttle the ship," he replied, triggering an intake of breath from the Toads in the room, "In the event that the defensive lines fall and the engineering rooms come under assault they are to detonate the charges with the intention of bringing the boarding vessels with them."

"... Let us hope it doesn't come to that," I said, standing tall. I brushed some dust from my right sleeve before folding the umbrella up. I spun the umbrella in my hands and weighed it as I looked at the gathered crew. The Bridge crew were battered, but most of them were still standing after that abrupt assault. I could only imagine how battered the rest of our forces were after the boarding actions, and just how bad it was getting out on the top deck.

"So our plan is to stand and die," Toadleton observed with a derisive snort that caused many of the crew to bristle, and many more to sag. "Yes, what a brilliant plan."

"Do you have a better idea?" the Captain demanded, stalking around the holo tank to scowl down at the injured Toad

"Yes, I do." It took me a moment to realize the words had come from me, about as much time as it took for the entire room to swivel to me.

"I thought you said you had no memory of battle, Princess," the Captain questioned me with just a hint of scorn that caused my guards to bristle.

I paused to watch the room. We had gone from comrades that had just survived a near-death experience to a room of people on the edge. The Lieutenant was in so much trouble for that comment if we survived this. You do not back-talk the Captain of an allied vessel on his own ship. However, he did have a point. Standing and dying was going to get us nothing, and we were outnumbered badly…

Perhaps a less orthodox approach was needed.

"No more than you do," I said, walking forward, the tip of my umbrella rapping against the ground with each step.

The Captain drew himself up to his full height, somewhere around the bottom of my breasts, and pointed at his eye-patch. "I did not receive this from staying safe behind the lines," he growled. Members of his crew voiced their agreement.

"You're used to commanding ships, Captain," I continued, trying to ignore the barely repressed anger radiating from the Koopa and his sailors. It was difficult, I'm not exactly used to people glaring holes in me, let along dealing with other species doing it. "You've done as well as could be expected, but this was never a battle that we could win conventionally, was it?" I asked, standing over him.

He grit his beak, but nodded. Good, he was realistic. "You think in numbers. You see the larger ship with more guns and no maneuvering room and think: There's no hope of escape. You're right in a way," I admitted looking around the room as I flipped the umbrella to my shoulder and popped it open. I gave it a jaunty spin.

More than a few of the crew were looking down, and under normal circumstances, I'd agree this was impossible. Outnumbered more than three to one with the disadvantageous defensive position and tired troops? Impossible back on earth.

But this wasn't earth, was it? "You're wrong about for whom," I continued, turning my eyes to Link and Toadette. He nodded, understanding I think, what I was getting at. "This isn't a game of numbers Captain, it's a tale of heroes."

Several of Haus' officers scoffed. "Mushroomers and their heroes," one of them muttered a bit too loudly.

"Yes, our heroes," I said, fixing a glare on the officer in question, a red shelled Koopa who stiffened like a board beneath my focus. "Heroes who now sail on this vessel. You've played the hand you were dealt quite well, Captain. Our enemies are down a ship, and judging by the fact that the walls and roof haven't been torn away, we are not facing Vaati himself today." I had enough confidence in Vaati's abilities to understand that he'd go straight through Kamek without slowing down, and wooden walls? Stone hadn't stopped him from whisking away Zelda before.

The sailor's perked up around the room. "Are you sure about that? Kamek hasn't yet returned. The only magic user who could-" The Captain began

"There are more than a few who could keep Kamek busy," Toadsworth interrupted, rubbing his chin.

"And Vaati does not have to be here in person to enact his magic either," I added, "The speed of his ships is without a doubt his handiwork. No, the Sorcerer is not here himself. Possibly still exhausted from his bout with Mario." Toadette sniffled but buried it beneath an angry scowl.

"Then your plan is?" Haus asked.

I forced a smile as I turned back to the holo tank. It was not a kind one. "We are pinned, unable to escape because of the harpoons in our side and even if we could we can't outrun the enemy… I'm not crazy when I think that those turbines on both ships keep them up?" I asked.

"What else did you think they were for?" It wasn't a polite question, but I could understand why the Captain felt that way.

"Just being sure, my memories are swiss cheese at the moment," I replied, turning away. "Toadette, Link, is either of you good with explosives?"

"I am," Link said, nodding to me.

"I've done more than a little explodeying things before," Toadette chirped with far too much good cheer. Somehow I shouldn't have been surprised.

"I assume you have some explosives not used for scuttling," I asked Haus.

"... Possibly, yes," he said after a moment. My smile grew and the Captain took a step back.

"Perfect. Send some of your men to retrieve enough explosives to rig the Irredeemable's starboard engines to explode," I ordered, "While we wait for them to get back the rest of us are going to board the enemy ship."

In the silence that followed that pronouncement, one of the Yiga bodies slowly came loose from the wall and fell to the ground with a crash that was followed by the whirling of a spinning steel button as it spun across the floor.

"We don't have the manpower to storm a ship," Haus said slowly.

"Don't we?" I hummed as I walked away from him, "Toadette, Link, come along." I wouldn't be lying if I claimed I wasn't terrified by my own idea. It's one thing to say 'board the enemy ship' but doing so while outnumbered many times over?

"Princess!" Toadsworth protested as my handmaiden and Link fell in behind me. "Send Toadette and Link if you must, but stay here. It is safe here." A muffled roar and an explosion that shook the ship punctuated his words.

"I'm afraid we need to keep their attention to make this work Toadsworth," I said, despite the fact that all sensible parts of my brain were shouting that I should really be listening to him right now, only there was this odd thrill running through me. A shiver of excitement that steadied the quivering hand on the hilt of my umbrella. Even though I was essentially planning on using myself as bait.

I cast my gaze around the room. "Well? You aren't going to let little old me go out there alone, are you?" I asked in the gentlest tone I could manage. I turned away and walked for the door without waiting.

The guards at the door snapped to attention and as one pushed open the broad double-doored entrance, allowing the distant screams and crash of steel into the room. Behind me, I heard feet scramble as what I hoped was most of the bridge crew scrambled to follow me.

Hopefully not everyone. We still needed someone to fly the ship.


"Once we've retaken the top deck we'll need to hold it," I told Link, Toadette, and a Koopa Lieutenant by the name of Shurly as we hurried down the steps from the bridge. By the sense of a seagoing vessel putting the bridge in the aft-castle and not having a direct point of access onto the top deck would have been strange. Of course, most age of sail warships were not as large as a dreadnought or from a world where flying turtles were a possible threat.

"For how long?" Toadette asked.

"As long as it takes either you or Link to complete the boarding action. I'll be on the deck the entire time. I'm bait. So long as they feel they have a chance to take me they'll keep trying. Doing otherwise would risk Vaati's wrath," I replied. That was my hope at least.

"Princess! Wait!" I ignored the call from my steward as he tried to follow us. He would catch up in time. We weren't going straight onto the deck. I wanted to gather and organize a counter-assault, not just throw the dice and pray.

Even if it was essentially the same thing at the end of the day.

"And one of you has to do it. The moment the explosive are brought up one of you has to make the assault, plant the charges on the engines, then storm the bridge and disconnect the harpoon and ladder," I continued as we leapt off the stairs and took the hallway at a jog as we hurried for the stairs back up to the top deck.

"That is assuming the Captain acquiesces to your request Your Grace," Shurly said.

"He still wants to have a ship at the end of this I assume?" I asked sarcastically as I spared a glance behind us. All of my uninjured Toads were following as was a surprisingly large percentage of the bridge crew.

We drew up to the grand marble-tiled staircase that led up to the main deck. I swear there were times when you could mistake this ship for a palace. It was some of the least space-efficient designing I had ever seen. Not that there was anything that could be done about it right now. At the top of the stairs was a great steel door that led out onto the middle deck.

"Which engines do we take out?" Toadette asked.

"Starboard," I said, which should lead to it pulling away from us as it fell.

"Port," Shurly countered, "Apologies Your Grace, but these are airships not seagoing vessels. The wind will push them in the opposite direction as the engines you take out."

"Pushing the ship straight into ours. Thank you Shurly," I said with a genuine smile, "Take out the port engines then." Link and Toadette nodded as we reached the line of troops waiting at the bottom of the stairwell.

"Princess," a Koopa soldier with a red plume on his helm greeted me with a salute, "The Captain messaged ahead of you. He said you were going to lead a counter-attack, but asks that you wait until reinforcements arrive."

"You can tell him I was planning on waiting for reinforcements anyway," I said looking up the stairwell to the gate.

"Yes Princess."

As the Koopa rushed for a nearby communications console -- honestly what was with the local tech -- I turned back to count off how many had followed my spur of the moment actions. Pulling the guard from the bridge was a bit like pulling your goalie, but we were outnumbered enough as it was that I felt the risk was worth taking. More importantly, it had netted another fifteen Koopas, ten Shy Guys, and more Goombas than I felt like counting.

If we could get at least as many from below decks then we would be set to retake the top deck.

I stopped counting as an explosion echoed through the doorway and over a dozen Koopas and a trio of bob-ombs, those silly sentient clockwork bombs with legs, came running through the doorway, pulling it shut behind them. A single cloaked Koopa in blue robes just barely ducked through. A heavy steel bar slammed into place locking the door with mechanical force.

"Kamek!" I waved. The Magi-Koopa gapped at me before hurrying down the steps, his hat bouncing with each step. Oddly he didn't seem to have his magic broom.

"Princess Peach! What are you doing here?!" He demanded with genuine panic, "This place is dangerous. Leave before-" A gong-like crash drowned him out as something struck the gates leaving the imprint of a large fist just across the middle seam.

"What is that?" I asked as everyone except myself, Toadette, and Link took a step back.

"That is why it is dangerous here Princess," Kamek said, tugging at my sleeve. I brushed him away.

"Specifics Kamek," I demanded from him, causing him to sputter even as whatever it was continued to beat on the door. Already the steel was starting to bend and small rays of light began to shine through the gap in the door. I shivered at the kind of strength required to do something like this.

"It's- It's Morton Princess," he said desperately.

"Morton?" Toadette repeated stupefied. The steel was bending further now, almost large enough that a toad could have crawled through the opening near the top.

"Yes! He was one of those who sold out King Bowser. Vaati has rewarded him with-" a pair of clawed chocolate coloured hands large enough to squeeze the life from a Toad's entire body reached through the gap and grabbed the doors. The screech of bending steel drowned out everything Kamek tried to say. The gap widened further.

"Prepare for battle," I shouted as the hands stopped bending the door, "That door isn't going to hold." This was something I would have expected from Bowser not… Who the hell was Morton anyway?

"It won't be enough Princess. Morton has been-" Two hands reached down and in one sharp tug tore the steel bar right out of its mountings. The noise was unreal and sent everyone reeling even as the doors were kicked open. A deep booming voice laughed as the one responsible entered the ship. His form was silhouetted against what little light was able to fit through what gaps around his body existed.

There was enough light to realize what it was, however. It was a Koopa of stature equal to that of Bowser himself. The skin around his mouth and snout was a pale tan while the rest of his head was a pale boney white. He had a mane, pitch-black and as grand as Bowser's though even from here I could tell that it was almost greasy.

"KAAAAAAAMEEEEEEEK! You can't run from Morton!" He shouted, breaking into a deep grating laugh that shook the supports and vibrated the floorboards.

This was not according to my plan. Why did I expect this to go according to a plan I spent ten seconds on?

"Well… Fuck."


A/N: So this marks the end of the backlog. There'll be a break before any more chapters of any of my stories are posted. At least two weeks long. In the future, we'll definitely see two weeks between chapters because having gone over the rate of writing required to keep this up I need additional time if I'm to be able to write my Novel as well and who knows how it'll all turn out once school starts up again. *annoyed kitsune* If we're taking online classes who knows how bad it'll get. I hated March this year.

Anyway,~ I hope you've enjoyed this so far and yes, I am indeed evil enough to leave you on a cliffhanger. *Mocking Kitsune laughter*

Gekkou-Floof here!~ Grounders-Floof spent five weeks ignoring my typo corrections till just now at 10:28pm (OI! It's 8:28 here!) US Central, yes. In Canada. :)p)
Assuming the games are canon, Luigi has probably dissapeared into Dark Moon Valley, or the hotel built at the end of Mansion 3. Either of those are basically enourmous Ghost Houses filled with friendly ghosts.
Hmm.. an obvious solution is to make lots of marbles to trip Morton and make him fall on his back and if the spikes make him stuck, aim for the belly or head?

Unless there are Turtle Shells or Hammers to throw.

Can you find a Star?
Huh, humans being naturally 'superhuman' in the Mario-verse (both by normal real-world human standards and by the standards of the native non-humans) would explain why Mario and Luigi are the go-to-guys for major problem solving despite being plumbers: If any human can jump six times their own height and hit hard enough to shatter bricks with their bare hands, then by definition even a simple plumber would still be capable of rampaging through an entire army of non-humans reasonably easily.
(Also explains why Bowser needs to either abduct Peach personally or have Kamek disable her with magic; it would literally take a Koopa the size and strength of Bowser to reliably subdue her if she genuinely fought back.)

Does still leave the question of 'where the hell do these few humans actually come from in the first place?' though.

Assuming the games are canon, Luigi has probably dissapeared into Dark Moon Valley, or the hotel built at the end of Mansion 3. Either of those are basically enourmous Ghost Houses filled with friendly ghosts.
Based on Luigi going missing and Mario being so unable to find him that he had to ask Peach for help, I think the implication is supposed to be that Luigi was the first to get caught in one of Vaati's pokegems.

Vaati does have a history of imprisoning important people; that Minish has a serious case of 'Gotta Catch Em All' when it comes to collectables.

The alarms cut out shortly after we left my rooms. It was not the end of the noise, however. A battle is not quiet and even before the alarms cut off the ship began to rumble with the sound of its cannons firing. Truthfully it surprised the hell out of me just how loud it was. We had, as best I could tell, several rooms and a full floor between us and the main gun decks. Not to mention the turrets on the top deck were several floors more above us. And yet it shook the very air with the vibrations of every gun that fired anyway.
Considering that the calibre of Bullet Bills starts at 'battleship main gun' and only increases from there, it's a testament to the surprisingly exceptional quality of Koopa construction that a bit of rumbling and shaking is all there is.

Some of that can be put down to Bullet Bills being at least partially self-propelled, but even so they're still fired out of fucking gargantuan cannons.

Then his sword found the beast's wrist and the club it was wielding went flying along with its hand. As it reeled back, screaming in pain, Link leapt upwards and, hoisting himself towards the things head by the thick ridge of its chest plate, drove his sword straight through its eye socket. He rode the beast to the ground as it fell with a deck rattling crash. Those purple armoured Kooopas around it quailed at the sight and were immediately cut down as sailors and Royal Guards took brutal advantage of the opportunity.
I see Link has already mastered the Parry Attack\Flurry Rush 'dodge and stab a motherfucker' technique.

"It's- It's Morton Princess," he said desperately.

"Morton?" Toadette repeated stupefied. The steel was bending further now, almost large enough that a toad could have crawled through the opening near the top.

"Yes! He was one of those who sold out King Bowser. Vaati has rewarded him with-" a pair of clawed chocolate coloured hands large enough to squeeze the life from a Toad's entire body reached through the gap and grabbed the doors. The screech of bending steel drowned out everything Kamek tried to say. The gap widened further.
Oh shit! Morton sold out Bowser!? If this is going by the old canon then that is cold, selling out his own dad like that.

Either way, if some (or all) of the Koopalings went and turned coat (possibly with magical assistance), that explains why so much of the Koopa Troop defected despite their loyalty to Bowser.

There was enough light to realize what it was, however. It was a Koopa of stature equal to that of Bowser himself. The skin around his mouth and snout was a pale tan while the rest of his head was a pale boney white. He had a mane, pitch-black and as grand as Bowser's though even from here I could tell that it was almost greasy.
Morton's all growed up?

Oh double shit!

Well, using shells seems a bit morbid... though, the fact that they seem to survive the process just fine in most of the games makes me wonder how that particular mechanic translates to this reality.
Unlike real turtles, Koopas are not actually attached to their shells. In fact they're even shown to wear clothes under their shells (typically an undershirt and\or boxers):

So Koopas are more like Hermit Crabs than Turtles, shell-wise. Whether or not they grow the shells naturally somehow or whether they're a kind of cultural combined piece of clothing and armor is unclear, but Koopas are definitely capable of removing their shells without issue.

Incidentally, this also kind of implies that Bowser goes commando, as he very clearly doesn't wear any underclothes like other Koopas do.
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Well, Koopa was betrayed by either one or all of the Koopalings it seems, though considering who raised them, isn't that surprising. I never knew they were all adopted though, but I suppose that isn't surprising since they don't look like him.

Though them defecting is extremely bad, as adopted or not, they are basically Bowser's Top Generals, and probably control a significant portion of his forces. Forces which are more likely loyal to the Koopalings then Bowser...
Seeing that pic of Mario running away with the shell may give people the wrong impression.

Why do you want to see undressed Koopas running around?

Which of the Koopalings is the Prince?

I still think Koopa kidnapped the Princess so often to become a Babysitter to deal with the Koopalings.

She probably read them stories?

Did all the Koopalings defect, if so, did they all become adults?

Edit: I remember Magic Wands, did they trade them?
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Why do you want to see undressed Koopas running around?
Well I presume it's because Nintendo decided that Koopas dying from losing their shells like a real turtle was a little too grimdark for Mario, so they decided to have Koopas be unharmed from that, but didn't want them to be completely naked.

Koopas aren't animals, they're civilized and intelligent beings that wear clothes.

Which of the Koopalings is the Prince?
None of them, Bowser Jr. is the Koopa Prince and he is not one of the Koopalings, though the Koopalings are usually his minions when they're not doing something for Bowser directly.

I still think Koopa kidnapped the Princess so often to become a Babysitter to deal with the Koopalings.
Canonically it's because he's literally head over heels in love with Peach and apparently Koopa courting procedure is to kidnap the subject of your affections and drag them back to your lair to be showered with praise and gifts and marriage.

Did all the Koopalings defect, if so, did they all become adults?
We don't know, so far only Morton has been named as a defector, and Vaati rewarded him by using his magic to make Morton all growed up (that being something that Vaati is actually really familiar with thanks to his Minish origins).

Edit: I remember Magic Wands, did they trade them?
Whether the Koopalings have wands or not and what those wands do exactly varies from game to game, given that magic is not only just A Thing in the Marioverse but is incredibly common and even 'mundane' to the point that magical plants and fungi that grant temporary magic powers to anyone who eats them just grow all over the place, (though obviously only the ones with the weakest effects are so easy to find), it seems likely that magic wands are a piece of equipment that the Koopa Troop has access to: Presumably the Magikoopas can make them, but they're presumably expensive and\or difficult enough to create that only Bowser's direct subordinates can get access to one.

Bowser himself is also an extremely capable sorcerer, routinely and regularly demonstrating a wide range of magical abilities with long-practiced ease. So he can likely make wands too, and may even have made the Koopalings wands as the retcon that made them not also Bowser's kids didn't happen until fairly recently.

Growed-Up Morton probably doesn't have his wand immediately on-hand for the same reason that Bowser doesn't usually have or use a wand; adult 'Royal' Koopas don't need wands to do magic. (In fact the Koopalings' wands could easily be training devices for their natural magic and not actually proper wands at all, 'Royal' Koopas are clearly highly magical creatures, above and beyond the already inherently magical nature of basically everything that lives in the Marioverse.)

Assuming that Bowser's basic magical ability is a natural feature of the 'Royal' Koopa caste\subspecies\whatever-they-are (and there's no reason not to assume that, given that Bowser Jr. and the Koopalings also all show various magical abilities with and without wands), Morton should be quite capable of throwing around basic combat spells like fireballs and spikes and the like without any tools. I doubt he'll be on Bowser's level if only due to dint of Bowser having way more experience, but unless Vaati screwed something up Morton should have more than enough magical ability to do almost anything he previously needed a wand for.

e: Oh hey, I just realized that this must be before the events of Super Princess Peach because neither Peach nor Toadsworth has Perry.

The real question however, seeing as Grounders apparently retained Peach's training, experience and instincts, is how long before she finds herself instinctively grabbing a nearby Toad to use as a counterattack and how confused Grounders will be about the fact that no-one thinks that is strange.

Counter-Toad! It's one of Peach's most powerful combat techniques. (I'm not even joking.)

Incidentally, Peach is also a powerful magic user herself, though her magical abilities seem to be mostly focused around floating, healing and conjuring Counter-Toads and Bob-ombs from thin air. She is still stated to be capable enough to counter Bowser's own magical abilities though, which is why Bowser kidnapped her the very first time in Super Mario Bros; apparently he fell for her after that, presumably while Mario was scything through his forces for the very first time. (Not the first time Peach was kidnapped, that was Cranky Kong; the original Donkey Kong, who kidnapped Pauline, Mario's ex-girlfriend and then later kidnapped Peach after Mario rescued Pauline. It's unclear exactly what is supposed to have happened there, beyond that Cranky Kong was the one who started the whole 'lets kidnap Mario's girlfriend' thing and did it at least a few times, first with Pauline and later with Peach.)

So Grounders should start remembering those skills as well, which will be nice for her, because healing and protection magic is awesome and who doesn't want to be able to wield Counter-Toads and throw unusually dangerous vegetables with alarming force and accuracy?
(I bet using Link as a Counter-Toad would absolutely wreck Ganon, assuming he's involved, or Vaati if he's not being a Ganon minion at this time.)
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Well I presume it's because Nintendo decided that Koopas dying from losing their shells like a real turtle was a little too grimdark for Mario, so they decided to have Koopas be unharmed from that, but didn't want them to be completely naked.
Well, in prior games [SMB and SMB3 at least, I think some later games may have also gone back to this], they'd go inside the shell, you could throw them at things [well, throw in SMB3, only kick in SMB], and if you stop the shell [rather than it being knocked off screen or continuing to bounce forever] they'll eventually recover no worse for wear. And beetles work the same way even in the later games.

Anyway, by "morbid" I mainly meant the fact that the most, uh, convenient source of shells would be from those that died in the boarding action, rather than borrowing one from someone that's still alive, with or without them inside. But since they are clothes (or possibly more properly described as armor) rather than body parts, maybe there are extras in storage.
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Anyway, by "morbid" I mainly meant the fact that the most, uh, convenient source of shells would be from those that died in the boarding action, rather than borrowing one from someone that's still alive, with or without them inside. But since they are clothes (or possibly more properly described as armor) rather than body parts, maybe there are extras in storage.
It really depends on how exactly the shells are made, given that they are evidently detachable it seems likely that they're actually manufactured rather than biological in origin.

Which, incidentally, would make total sense if Koopas' ancestors were a kind of hermit crab-like creature: Why would sentient, tool-using hermit crabs bother with all that 'find a better shell' nonsense when they can just make one that is perfect for them.

There probably are storerooms full of various different sized and fitted shells, in fact I'm pretty sure Koopa shells can sometimes pop out of ? blocks in some Mario games, which further supports this hypothesis. ? blocks are implied to be a kind of generic storage medium used in the Mushroom Kingdom to put things in, like boxes but magical, so unless someone has been going around putting dead Koopas in boxes then finding a shell in one is basically like finding a box of bulletproof vests.
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