Sufficiently Inserted - SV Self Insert Archive v2.0

Question. Could you remove all those *dead* threads with next to nothing in it? Because it gets a little confusing after clicking on the third link and find another dead thread with less than 2k words which hadn't been updated since summer last year ...
Plus the authors come and go as they please, so you never know if the stroy might continue after 6months or so
Question. Could you remove all those *dead* threads with next to nothing in it? Because it gets a little confusing after clicking on the third link and find another dead thread with less than 2k words which hadn't been updated since summer last year ...
Perhaps, instead of removing them, have some system where we can simply list all the SIs by word count and/or date.

I think we can do that already, just not the SIs threads specifically. Maybe make a SI subforum? Or have a mod add a tag to every SI thread? Should not take too long, maybe two three hours, no?