Sufficiently Advanced Velocity (Space Quest)

[X] The Outlier : A silent background player on the international stage, never an economic powerhouse, there are few who would suspect a high-aiming project such as this from your nation - not ever. Perhaps, though, that is precisely why this opportunity must be grasped with both hands!(Any third-world or minor nation.)
-[X] North Korea

Our ultimate goal will be the construction of Dear Leader's giant moon hand, so that the world may gaze upon his glory.
See! This guy gets it!:D
We are from poland. What make you think we are allies of russia?
History lessons about post WW2 Europe? Poland/Czechslovakia/Hungary/Eastern Germany were all "liberated" by the Soviets, who didn't actually left till the late eighties/early nineties.
Being the weak part of the Eastern block would be much harder than being the CCCP, but I would prefer pretty much any country to playing as them.

Also, @Roarian how closely will the geopolitical situation resemble history?
History lessons about post WW2 Europe? Poland/Czechslovakia/Hungary/Eastern Germany were all "liberated" by the Soviets, who didn't actually left till the late eighties/early nineties.
Being the weak part of the Eastern block would be much harder than being the CCCP, but I would prefer pretty much any country to playing as them.

Also, @Roarian how closely will the geopolitical situation resemble history?

I won't be writing any history novels, but assume the general geopolitics are pretty familiar. Though things like the Korean War may be averted, perhaps.
I'd laugh if people bandwagoned North Korea for the lulz, and then Roarian played it completely straight. I believe it would get pretty dark real fast.
Hey, it only took false Korea twenty years to industrialize, imagine when Best Korea puts its mind onto industrialization, we will unite false Korea under our flag!
The mad scientist plan: If you come up with enough awesome, you can find politicians and talking heads. Finding someone to actually figure out that E=MC^2 is much more difficult.

[X] Josiah Bartlet

[X] Male

(5) Engineering (Less KABOOM!)
(9) Research (More EUREKA!)
(1) Diplomacy & Politics (Fewer shits given.)
(1) Public Relations (More shits given.)
(10) Creativity (Critical Fails might be a good thing...)
(4) ??? (You don't know what it is yet. Worth it?)

[X] The Outlier : A silent background player on the international stage, never an economic powerhouse, there are few who would suspect a high-aiming project such as this from your nation - not ever. Perhaps, though, that is precisely why this opportunity must be grasped with both hands! (Any third-world or minor nation.)
[X] New Zealand!
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[X] The Outlier : A silent background player on the international stage, never an economic powerhouse, there are few who would suspect a high-aiming project such as this from your nation - not ever. Perhaps, though, that is precisely why this opportunity must be grasped with both hands!(Any third-world or minor nation.) Buzz-Hard Mode!
[X] New zealand!.

Weird punctuation aside, Space Kiwis!
New Zealand's a Weird place for this sort of thing actually: well out of the way of everything, part of the Empire/Commonwealth, miles away from the equator, tiny population, and still at/approaching it's economic peak (major food exporter when europe's food production's been wrecked). Innovators are pretty common for population size, and a willingness to commit to... odd... projects that look even half way reasonable are useful. A space program would probably give local industry a kick in the arse and might even lead to a diversified economy which doesn't Colapse when europe finally gets it's act togeather. (Bonus: at one point NZD were worth more than USD, and I'm fairly sure NZ came out of the war with little or no debt.) NZ Does own/control/kinda puppet a bunch of islands closer to the equator. But the main transport will be ships, not trains, leading to very different limits on the dimensions of componants of larger rockets.

Tl,dr: no threats, no debts, good friends, and lots of odd advantages and disadvantages.
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[x] Codename: Karl Wunderwaffe

Gender :
[x] Male

Stats : (Spread at most 30 points among the following qualities. Scale is from 1-10, 1 being 'incompetent', 5 being 'good' and 10 being 'godlike'.)

(4) Engineering
(1) Research
(4) Diplomacy & Politics
(1) Public Relations
(10) Creativity
(10) ???

Your Nation : (Please note specific nation or group if possible. Otherwise I'll roll for it.)

[x] Outlier: Best Korea (North Korea)
[X] Serapheus

Edit: vote changed.

Playing as secretly alive Tesla building rockets sounds awesome.
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[X] Plan Eurocorp
It has rather high Engineering and Research stats, plus who can resist playing as Best Korea! Plus since North Korea hasn't been fully established we can push forward with our scientific operations. Granted we can convince Kim-Il-Sung about the merits of our operation.
Codename: [X] Lilith
Real Name: Valeriya Markov (Валерия Марков)

[X] Female

Stats :
(10) Engineering (Less KABOOM!)
(8) Research (More EUREKA!)
(2) Diplomacy & Politics (Fewer shits given.)
(2) Public Relations (More shits given.)
(4) Creativity (Critical Fails might be a good thing...)
(4) ??? (You don't know what it is yet. Worth it?)

Basically everyone hates us but by god do we get results.

Nation :
[X] Sleeping Miracle : Your nation may not be as rich as some in the west, but with an enviable number of experts, both imported and native, you have the solid core around which to begin your program. Infrastructure and reliability may take a lot of doing, but nothing is impossible with enough effort. (USSR, China etc.) Hard Mode.
it'll be a bit weird at first, but I want to go for a bit of a diesel-punk aesthetic, and Russia is best for that. and we might not have money, but we ARE going to the stars, if we build our ships out of space-age materials or junkyard scraps matters not, we will do what we were born to do.
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Character Creation!

Please choose the following!

Codename : (Include picture if you wish. You can go for a full name or a moniker.)
[X] Devil Fish (real name Damian Fischer)

Gender :
[X] Male
[ ] Female

Stats : (Spread at most 30 points among the following qualities. Scale is from 1-10, 1 being 'incompetent', 5 being 'good' and 10 being 'godlike'.)

(7) Engineering (Less KABOOM!)
(10) Research (More EUREKA!)
(3) Diplomacy & Politics (Fewer shits given.)
(3) Public Relations (More shits given.)
(6) Creativity (Critical Fails might be a good thing...)
(1) ??? (You don't know what it is yet. Worth it?)

Nation : (Please note specific nation or group if possible. Otherwise I'll roll for it. I'll judge various advantages/disadvantages on a case-by-case basis.)

[X] Trailblazer : As part of the rich 'west' your nation has the infrastructure and capital to begin even such a lofty project as space travel with room to spare, and it will be some time before anyone comes knocking for big results. Time to get to business! (USA, Europe etc.) Normal Mode.

Gonna go with Europe. Though I guess I wouldn't mind New Zealand too much, I just really don't want to play ultra-hard mode.

See! This guy gets it!:D
The Korean war hasn't happened yet, North and South Korea don't exist yet, just Korea. -_-
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[X] Trailblazer (USA) : As part of the rich 'west' your nation has the infrastructure and capital to begin even such a lofty project as space travel with room to spare, and it will be some time before anyone comes knocking for big results. Time to get to business! (USA, Europe etc.) Normal Mode.
New Zealand actually has surprisingly good odds of being able to get american tech, early on. Problems between the two don't crop up until nuclear armed ships become an issue. Also australian raw materials as they become available. Historically, french nuclear testing and some political weirdness lead to NZ being nuclear free and more paranoid than most places on the subject, which lead to the issues with the US over ship basing... and continued support of enviromentalists (well, the sane/non-terrorist ones) eventually lead to the whole rainbow warrior incident (one of many reasons kiwis in general aren't really, last i checked, fans of france as a political entity.)

'Course, that won't matter for quite while. Andmight go differently.
The Korean war hasn't happened yet, North and South Korea don't exist yet, just Korea. -_-
Your history-fu is weak. North and South Korea were partitioned into Occupied Zones as early as 1945 with the end of WWII. It only became 'official' to refer to them as separate polities after 1948 when negotiations to reunite the two areas failed between their US-backed South Korean government and China/Russia-backed North Korea. In effect, playing North Korea runs into some of the same problems as playing the 'Eastern Bloc' during the Cold War: ie, it's effectively a puppet state at the moment. However, there's already been a ruling on playing part of the Eastern Bloc, so the issue is pretty moot.

Edit: Props for using the Tesla photo, though. That's a pretty kick-ass idea.
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I'd support a Nikola Tesla.

Particularly one that had been rejuvenated through the power of "What the hell just happened" and is living out a second life away from America, his debts, and noisy, money obsessed bullies.

In somewhere like...

Codename : (Include picture if you wish. You can go for a full name or a moniker.)
[X] Dead Man (real name Nikola Tesla)

Gender :
[X] Male

Stats : (Spread at most 30 points among the following qualities. Scale is from 1-10, 1 being 'incompetent', 5 being 'good' and 10 being 'godlike'.)

(7) Engineering (Less KABOOM!)
(9) Research (More EUREKA!)
(3) Diplomacy & Politics (Fewer shits given.)
(3) Public Relations (More shits given.)
(6) Creativity (Critical Fails might be a good thing...)
(2) ??? (You don't know what it is yet. Worth it?)

Nation :

[X] Trailblazer : As part of the rich 'west' your nation has the infrastructure and capital to begin even such a lofty project as space travel with room to spare, and it will be some time before anyone comes knocking for big results. Time to get to business! (USA, Europe etc.)
[X] Canada

...Because I've yet to see a quest set in the land of the flying puck. -canadian, so can insult own country with immunity- I did shift a point to ???. I don't like coming out of the starting gate with a complete deficiency in something unknown. 50/50 odds that it'll be good or bad.
Codename: Josiah Bartlet

[X] Male

(5) Engineering (Less KABOOM!)
(3) Research (More EUREKA!)
(8) Diplomacy & Politics (Fewer shits given.)
(7) Public Relations (More shits given.)
(4) Creativity (Critical Fails might be a good thing...)
(3) ??? (You don't know

[X] Trailblazer (NATO) : As part of the rich 'west' your nation has the infrastructure and capital to begin even such a lofty project as space travel with room to spare, and it will be some time before anyone comes knocking for big results. Time to get to business! (USA, Europe etc.) Normal Mode.
[X] Josiah Bartlet

[X] Male

(5) Engineering (Less KABOOM!)
(9) Research (More EUREKA!)
(1) Diplomacy & Politics (Fewer shits given.)
(1) Public Relations (More shits given.)
(10) Creativity (Critical Fails might be a good thing...)
(4) ??? (You don't know what it is yet. Worth it?)

[X] The Outlier : A silent background player on the international stage, never an economic powerhouse, there are few who would suspect a high-aiming project such as this from your nation - not ever. Perhaps, though, that is precisely why this opportunity must be grasped with both hands! (Any third-world or minor nation.)
[X] New Zealand!