Sufficiently Advanced Velocity (Space Quest)

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Welcome! This quest was inspired by dynasty quests and empire ones in general, and that'll...
Welcome! This quest was inspired by dynasty quests and empire ones in general, and that'll probably be noticeable. It will follow the exploits of a budding space program in the wake of the second World War, where you are represented by an aerospace expert who was previously employed by the enemy, but is relocated in an effort to conserve your knowledge of their systems.

You start humble, but there's no reason not to reach for glory. The stars beckon, but they're not the same stars you know from reality. The world is familiar, sure, but what shines in the dark might not be what you were expecting. Don't be too sure nothing gazes back, the next time you stare into the abyss...

This is an Original/???/??? Quest! Strictly more obscure science fiction type crossover here, I assure you (and you can probably guess the author of one from the title.) It's doubtful that named characters will show up from any of those (and you don't need to know them.) There's plenty of possibilities here, obviously. I gathered 20 good choices and rolled for it. The only way to find out what you're dealing with is to do the heavy lifting. Rockets are your friend. :)


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Turn 0 Results



'The dreams of yesterday are the hopes of today and the reality of tomorrow.'
- Robert H. Goddard,

1946 - International Airspace

You'd acknowledged the possibility that the world would never be the same. That history would judge you, vilify you. The horrors of the second great war were still fresh in your memory, sharply etched images that played behind your eyelids when your mind wandered, and you knew they wouldn't go away any time soon. You'd never been on the front lines - thank heavens for that - but if felt like you had.

Your life was over, in a sense. Most people would take one look at your history, see the ostentatious symbols of the Nazi party, and judge you right then and there. You'd be the scum of the Earth - on a good day. In all honesty, you hadn't expected to survive the war until the end. You'd lived every day with the awareness that a bomb might drop at any moment and cut off your final thought.

And yet... here you were.

The plane rambled under your feet as it veered slowly towards its destination, the little rounded windows revealing little more than billowing clouds and the morning sun's rays. It was bare on the inside, stripped to its bare essentials, and you didn't have to guess for the reasons. This had been a German plane not too long ago, and the decorations were now a relic, a reminder of the enemy.

"Seventeen minutes on the clock," someone muttered over the radio, the crackling voice barely audible over the rush of the wind outside. "Looks like we avoided the worst of it."

The man across from you grunted under his breath, one hand clasped around a gun as he stared at the ceiling. He'd been tense at the beginning of the flight, narrowing his eyes at you threateningly as he brandished the barrel of his weapon. He'd given up on trying to goad you eventually, bored by your lack of reaction. He doubtless knew that you wouldn't pose much of a threat even if you did attack, anyway.

A mere two months ago the soldier across from you would have been a mortal enemy, the exact type of person that the administration had warned everyone about. The threat of foreign invasion was always present, especially towards the end. If you were completely honest, though, the day that the enemy stormed in had been one of relief, not terror. The war was finished. You'd made it through, and your aspirations were very much alive.

Barely two days after your recovery from the factories, chained up and preparing yourself to face interrogation, you'd gotten a visit. A very curious visit. You'd never thought much about your heritage until that moment, about the nation which you'd left mere weeks after being born. You knew from your mother's stories... but that was all. The visitor didn't seem to care. Evidently you were considered a citizen, and now your country wanted you back. Not for humanitarian reasons, you were sure, but… they wanted you. Choosing between freedom or incarceration, perhaps for life, was no choice at all.

The arrangements after that were simple, really. You'd read their papers, thick stacks of documents that were entirely too complicated for anyone to analyze, and then you signed away your life. You'd go to a new home, to do the job you'd always dreamed of. The downside - you'd have to leave yourself behind. Your real identity, name and number, would be counted as just another victim of Hitler's regime, a casualty of war.

In your absence, your family would be kept safe from reprisals. Unaware of your true fate, they would mourn you - and to the world you would have a new name, a new face.

You could live with that.


Character Creation!

Please choose the following!

Codename : (Include picture if you wish. You can go for a full name or a moniker.)
[ ] Write-In

Gender :
[ ] Male
[ ] Female

Stats : (Spread at most 30 points among the following qualities. Scale is from 1-10, 1 being 'incompetent', 5 being 'good' and 10 being 'godlike'.)

(5) Engineering (Less KABOOM!)
(5) Research (More EUREKA!)
(5) Diplomacy & Politics (Fewer shits given.)
(5) Public Relations (More shits given.)
(5) Creativity (Critical Fails might be a good thing...)
(5) ??? (You don't know what it is yet. Worth it?)

Nation : (Please note specific nation or group if possible. Otherwise I'll roll for it. I'll judge various advantages/disadvantages on a case-by-case basis.)

[ ] Trailblazer : As part of the rich 'west' your nation has the infrastructure and capital to begin even such a lofty project as space travel with room to spare, and it will be some time before anyone comes knocking for big results. Time to get to business! (USA, Europe etc.) Normal Mode.

[ ] Sleeping Miracle : Your nation may not be as rich as some in the west, but with an enviable number of experts, both imported and native, you have the solid core around which to begin your program. Infrastructure and reliability may take a lot of doing, but nothing is impossible with enough effort. (USSR, China etc.) Hard Mode.

[ ] The Outlier : A silent background player on the international stage, never an economic powerhouse, there are few who would suspect a high-aiming project such as this from your nation - not ever. Perhaps, though, that is precisely why this opportunity must be grasped with both hands! (Any third-world or minor nation.) Buzz-Hard Mode!
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  • Codename : Josiah Bartlet
    Nation : New Zealand
    Population : 1.7 Million
    International Status : Positive

    (7) Engineering
    (8) Research
    (7) Diplomacy & Politics
    (1) Public Relations
    (3) Creativity
    (4) ???
  • Income:
    Government Investment - 1000 Credits
    +25% Reputation Bonus - 250 Credits
    Misc Private Investment - 500 Credits
    Misc Scientific Investment - 250 Credits
    Establishing Bonus - 1500 Credits
    Total 3500 Credits

    Turns) Land Acquisition - 100 Credits
    Infrastructure Upkeep - 100 Credits
    Buildings Upkeep - 200 Credits
    Salaries/Wages - 300 Credits
    Total 700 Credits

    Total Available - 2800 Credits
  • More research options may be unlocked at a later time.

    Military Research : ○○○○○|○○○○○
    Civilian Research : ○○○○○|○○○○○
    Scientific Research : ○○○○○|○○○○○
    Suborbital Rockets : ●●●○○|○○○○○
    Orbital Rockets : ○○○○○|○○○○○

    Robotic Exploration : ○○○○○|○○○○○
    Human Exploration : ○○○○○|○○○○○
    Space Habitation : ○○○○○|○○○○○

    Diplomacy & Politics : ●●○○○|○○○○○
    Public Relations : ○○○○○|○○○○○
  • National Government : ●●●●●|●○○○○ + 25% Government Investment
    Frederick Nash, Prime Minister (●●●●●|○○○○○)
    Sidney Fraser, Leader of Labour Party (●●○○○|○○○○○)
    John Appleton, Rocket Program Oversight (●●●●●|●●○○○)
    Military Forces (●●●○○|○○○○○)
    The Public : ●●●●○|○○○○○
    Geological Society of Canterbury : (●●●○○|○○○○○)

  • Property :
    6 Recovered V2 Missiles.
    Scholarship Program

    Buildings :
    Research Center (Under Construction)
    Sky Observatory (Under Construction)

    Research :
    Elementary Material Science
    Theoretical Rocketry (In Progress)

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[X] Male
[X] Stats
-[X] (5) Engineering (Less KABOOM!)
-[X] (1) Research (More EUREKA!)
-[X] (10) Diplomacy & Politics (Fewer shits given.)
-[X] (3) Public Relations (More shits given.)
-[X] (6) Creativity (Critical Fails might be a good thing...)
-[X] (5) ??? (You don't know what it is yet. Worth it?)
[X] Trailblazer : As part of the rich 'west' your nation has the infrastructure and capital to begin even such a lofty project as space travel with room to spare, and it will be some time before anyone comes knocking for big results. Time to get to business! (USA, Europe etc.) Normal Mode.
-[X] Europe

Diplomacy is to get us the ability to hire EXPERTS! rather than rely on our own ability, Public Relations isn't as important since we max diplomacy,
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Codename: Josiah Bartlet

[X] Male

(5) Engineering (Less KABOOM!)
(3) Research (More EUREKA!)
(8) Diplomacy & Politics (Fewer shits given.)
(7) Public Relations (More shits given.)
(4) Creativity (Critical Fails might be a good thing...)
(3) ??? (You don't know

[X] Trailblazer (USA) : As part of the rich 'west' your nation has the infrastructure and capital to begin even such a lofty project as space travel with room to spare, and it will be some time before anyone comes knocking for big results. Time to get to business! (USA, Europe etc.) Normal Mode.

@Roarian, so we have 30 points to spend on top of 5's in every category, or 30 points to start, total?
[X] Andrzej "The Hawk" Kovac

[X] Male

(7) Engineering (Less KABOOM!)
(8) Research (More EUREKA!)
(7) Diplomacy & Politics (Fewer shits given.)
(1) Public Relations (More shits given.)
(3) Creativity (Critical Fails might be a good thing...)
(4) ??? (You don't know what it is yet. Worth it?)

[X] The Outlier : A silent background player on the international stage, never an economic powerhouse, there are few who would suspect a high-aiming project such as this from your nation - not ever. Perhaps, though, that is precisely why this opportunity must be grasped with both hands! (Any third-world or minor nation.)

[X] Eastern-European Block (Poland, Czechslovakia, Hungary)

Basically suck up to the Russkies, play politics with them and get our freedom in SPACE!
[X] The Outlier : A silent background player on the international stage, never an economic powerhouse, there are few who would suspect a high-aiming project such as this from your nation - not ever. Perhaps, though, that is precisely why this opportunity must be grasped with both hands!(Any third-world or minor nation.) Buzz-Hard Mode!
[X] New zealand!.
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[X] Andrzej "The Hawk" Kovac

[X] Male

(7) Engineering (Less KABOOM!)
(8) Research (More EUREKA!)
(7) Diplomacy & Politics (Fewer shits given.)
(1) Public Relations (More shits given.)
(3) Creativity (Critical Fails might be a good thing...)
(4) ??? (You don't know what it is yet. Worth it?)

[X] The Outlier : A silent background player on the international stage, never an economic powerhouse, there are few who would suspect a high-aiming project such as this from your nation - not ever. Perhaps, though, that is precisely why this opportunity must be grasped with both hands! (Any third-world or minor nation.)

[X] Eastern-European Block (Poland, Czechslovakia, Hungary)
[X] The Outlier : A silent background player on the international stage, never an economic powerhouse, there are few who would suspect a high-aiming project such as this from your nation - not ever. Perhaps, though, that is precisely why this opportunity must be grasped with both hands!(Any third-world or minor nation.) Buzz-Hard Mode!

Gonna add a choice of nation in there? :p
[X] Andrzej "The Hawk" Kovac
[X] Male
(7) Engineering (Less KABOOM!)
(8) Research (More EUREKA!)
(7) Diplomacy & Politics (Fewer shits given.)
(1) Public Relations (More shits given.)
(3) Creativity (Critical Fails might be a good thing...)
(4) ??? (You don't know what it is yet. Worth it?)

[X] The Outlier : A silent background player on the international stage, never an economic powerhouse, there are few who would suspect a high-aiming project such as this from your nation - not ever. Perhaps, though, that is precisely why this opportunity must be grasped with both hands! (Any third-world or minor nation.)

[X] Eastern-European Block (Poland, Czechslovakia, Hungary)

Poland can into space!

[X] Andrzej "The Hawk" Kovac
[X] Male
(10) Engineering (Less KABOOM!)
(10) Research (More EUREKA!)
(0) Diplomacy & Politics (Fewer shits given.)
(0) Public Relations (More shits given.)
(0) Creativity (Critical Fails might be a good thing...)
(10) ??? (You don't know what it is yet. Worth it?)

Fuck Diplomacy and Politics. We are an scientists. We leave that shit for other people. I'm going all in with the ???.

It a quest. live a little. Also, Poland space empire shall begin. HAIL POLAND!

Not like we going to be Belka from ace combat. no way.
[x] Codename: Karl Wunderwaffe

Gender :
[x] Male

Stats : (Spread at most 30 points among the following qualities. Scale is from 1-10, 1 being 'incompetent', 5 being 'good' and 10 being 'godlike'.)

(4) Engineering
(1) Research
(4) Diplomacy & Politics
(1) Public Relations
(10) Creativity
(10) ???

Your Nation : (Please note specific nation or group if possible. Otherwise I'll roll for it.)

[x] Outlier: Best Korea (North Korea)

Come On Everybody! Mystery Stat is best stat! Best Korea is Best Korea! Let's Authoritarianism this bitch up!
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Codename: Josiah Bartlet

[X] Male

(5) Engineering (Less KABOOM!)
(3) Research (More EUREKA!)
(8) Diplomacy & Politics (Fewer shits given.)
(7) Public Relations (More shits given.)
(4) Creativity (Critical Fails might be a good thing...)
(3) ??? (You don't know

[X] Trailblazer (USA) : As part of the rich 'west' your nation has the infrastructure and capital to begin even such a lofty project as space travel with room to spare, and it will be some time before anyone comes knocking for big results. Time to get to business! (USA, Europe etc.) Normal Mode.

Character Creation!

Please choose the following!

Codename : (Include picture if you wish. You can go for a full name or a moniker.)
[X] Bastet

Gender :

[X] Female

Stats : (Spread at most 30 points among the following qualities. Scale is from 1-10, 1 being 'incompetent', 5 being 'good' and 10 being 'godlike'.)

(7) Engineering (Less KABOOM!)
(3) Research (More EUREKA!)
(8) Diplomacy & Politics (Fewer shits given.)
(5) Public Relations (More shits given.)
(2) Creativity (Critical Fails might be a good thing...)
(5) ??? (You don't know what it is yet. Worth it?)

Nation : (Please note specific nation or group if possible. Otherwise I'll roll for it. I'll judge various advantages/disadvantages on a case-by-case basis.)

[X] Sleeping Miracle : Your nation may not be as rich as some in the west, but with an enviable number of experts, both imported and native, you have the solid core around which to begin your program. Infrastructure and reliability may take a lot of doing, but nothing is impossible with enough effort. (USSR, China etc.) Hard Mode.
Codename: [X] Tak-Beyong-Cheol
[X] Male
(7) Engineering (Less KABOOM!)
(8) Research (More EUREKA!)
(4) Diplomacy & Politics (Fewer shits given.)
(2) Public Relations (More shits given.)
(4) Creativity (Critical Fails might be a good thing...)
(5) ??? (You don't know what it is yet. Worth it?)
[X] The Outlier : A silent background player on the international stage, never an economic powerhouse, there are few who would suspect a high-aiming project such as this from your nation - not ever. Perhaps, though, that is precisely why this opportunity must be grasped with both hands!(Any third-world or minor nation.)
-[X] North Korea

Our ultimate goal will be the construction of Dear Leader's giant moon hand, so that the world may gaze upon his glory.