Melira put a hand to her mouth, eyes still as wide as dinnerplates. "I am so sorry Ryouga I didn't know you were coming around the corner and then I lost control and then... oops." Her fingers slid up to comb her mane backwards. They'd been hiding a wince. "I... can go get some hot water from Sunset? If all of that... mess has blown over by now?"

'Well, at least she apologized. They usually don't.'

Ryouga started trying to think of some way to indicate that she should just bring him to his room and they could get the heater from his pack and bring his clothes back-


'Mess? What mess?!'

"Bwee bwee?!" He oinked, doing his best to try and indicate that he needed more information. What had happened while he was off talking to Nui? Sunset was probably a better idea for water, if only because he could find out what happened there.

On the other hand...

Ryouga tried to bite and lift up some of some of his clothes; not the set Nui just made, didn't want to get that all dirty with pig saliva immediately.

Hopefully the Doctor would get it.
She nodded. "Yes, I know you're naked when you transform back. I won't watch, I promise. I'll just go now..." she trailed off, smiling awkwardly and sidestepping past him. "Sorry about the new outfit. Did Nui make that?"

"Bwee." The pig responded, nodding. Now if he could just get her to understand that wasn't what he was saying...

"Bwee bwee!" he demonstrated to the currently leaving Melira, turning back to face the clothes again, again trying to demonstrate picking them up. Working one shirt onto his back, he tried to demonstrate walking with it, before shrugging it off to check on her again.


She seemed to be gone.

P-chan looked both ways in the hallway exit. No nice hyrbid doctors seemed to be there.

'...I think I've made a mistake.' he thought, wondering how to rectify this. He could wait for her to get back, or he could try and follow her!

...She had looked like she was going to head right, hadn't she? P-Chan dashed into the halls, hoping to catch up with the now gone Doctor. He'd definitely be able to find her!
...She had looked like she was going to head right, hadn't she? P-Chan dashed into the halls, hoping to catch up with the now gone Doctor. He'd definitely be able to find her!
For once, Ryouga managed to go in the right direction.

As usual, he still managed to completely miss his destination.

He bumped into something soft, fuzzy and pink that smelled like nice, rosy shampoo and a hint of perfume. There was a crystal heart on it too, and it pulled away just a little bit as he looked up to see what it was the thing was he'd just bumped into.

Cadence looked back down with mild surprise that shifted to a small, confused frown. Armor tilted his head out from behind his wife to look as well, and Flurry poked her large, curious eyes over her mother's leg to see what was going on. "A piglet?" Cadence asked.

Armor put a hoof to his temple and rubbed circles, squeezing his eyes shut. "We watched some of our ponies die, we get broken free of mind control, we get whisked away from the rest of our ponies when we know the machine's about to arrive, our rescuers look like they're a pace away from totally disintegrating, and now a piglet of all things shows up. By Faust I wish today was over; if you didn't see it too I would have sworn I had gone mad."

Flurry made a determined little face with a stuck-out tongue and tried clambering over the mountainous leg to get at Ryouga while Armor grumbled. Then she squawked in annoyance as Cadence levitated him above her daughter and to her eye level. "It seems to belong to someone, at least," Cadence said, tugging his bandanna. "I recall seeing one of these on that nice human boy we saw earlier."

There were more angered squawks from Flurry as she tried climbing up Cadence and using her telekinesis to reach Ryouga. Cadence looked down gently. "Now now, sweetheart. We don't know if it's a nice piggy or a mean piggy, or if the piggy's owner would like it to be hugged."

"'Gii! 'Gii!" she said, reared up on her hind legs and pushing her mother's chest. "'Gii!" Then, sitting down, with a burst of magic she suddenly yanked Ryouga out of Cadence's grip and into her waiting forelegs.
Nathan, at this point, had nothing else to say to Umbra and his group, proceeded to walk away toward the cabin. Time to tell Celestia what Doppel had said, after all, but as he walked into the room leading to the cockpit, he suddenly remembered she was talking to Sunset. Just barging in would be rude and uncalled for, so he decided to wait.

And wait.

And wait some more as he heard various sobbing, crying noises from in there. Man, emotions must be high.

In the wait-infused bordeom and anxiety, he glanced around the room...
For once, Ryouga managed to go in the right direction.

As usual, he still managed to completely miss his destination.

He bumped into something soft, fuzzy and pink that smelled like nice, rosy shampoo and a hint of perfume. There was a crystal heart on it too, and it pulled away just a little bit as he looked up to see what it was the thing was he'd just bumped into.

Cadence looked back down with mild surprise that shifted to a small, confused frown. Armor tilted his head out from behind his wife to look as well, and Flurry poked her large, curious eyes over her mother's leg to see what was going on. "A piglet?" Cadence asked.

Armor put a hoof to his temple and rubbed circles, squeezing his eyes shut. "We watched some of our ponies die, we get broken free of mind control, we get whisked away from the rest of our ponies when we know the machine's about to arrive, our rescuers look like they're a pace away from totally disintegrating, and now a piglet of all things shows up. By Faust I wish today was over; if you didn't see it too I would have sworn I had gone mad."

Flurry made a determined little face with a stuck-out tongue and tried clambering over the mountainous leg to get at Ryouga while Armor grumbled. Then she squawked in annoyance as Cadence levitated him above her daughter and to her eye level. "It seems to belong to someone, at least," Cadence said, tugging his bandanna. "I recall seeing one of these on that nice human boy we saw earlier."

There were more angered squawks from Flurry as she tried climbing up Cadence and using her telekinesis to reach Ryouga. Cadence looked down gently. "Now now, sweetheart. We don't know if it's a nice piggy or a mean piggy, or if the piggy's owner would like it to be hugged."

"'Gii! 'Gii!" she said, reared up on her hind legs and pushing her mother's chest. "'Gii!" Then, sitting down, with a burst of magic she suddenly yanked Ryouga out of Cadence's grip and into her waiting forelegs.
Before blinking in surprise at the piglet being currently magically manhandled - piglethandled? - by the royal toddler. "That's weird," He noted, turning to walk over toward the family. "I didn't know we had a piglet on board... is it someone's pet?"
For once, Ryouga managed to go in the right direction.

As usual, he still managed to completely miss his destination.

He bumped into something soft, fuzzy and pink that smelled like nice, rosy shampoo and a hint of perfume. There was a crystal heart on it too, and it pulled away just a little bit as he looked up to see what it was the thing was he'd just bumped into.

Cadence looked back down with mild surprise that shifted to a small, confused frown. Armor tilted his head out from behind his wife to look as well, and Flurry poked her large, curious eyes over her mother's leg to see what was going on. "A piglet?" Cadence asked.

'Oh.' Ryouga thought. 'The guys we ...kidnapped? Rescued? Kidcued? Whatever, it's the royal family.'

There wasn't likely to be much luck in communicating with them. He'd have to move on.

Armor put a hoof to his temple and rubbed circles, squeezing his eyes shut. "We watched some of our ponies die, we get broken free of mind control, we get whisked away from the rest of our ponies when we know the machine's about to arrive, our rescuers look like they're a pace away from totally disintegrating, and now a piglet of all things shows up. By Faust I wish today was over; if you didn't see it too I would have sworn I had gone mad."

Of all those things a piglet was what he stressed? Last he checked, pig's weren't exactly uncommon animals. 'A piglet exists' wasn't exactly something to be shocked over. Everything else seemed far more worthy of a reaction.

...Then again they were on a UFO. By all logic he should be a cow or something if he wanted to fit in.

Flurry made a determined little face with a stuck-out tongue and tried clambering over the mountainous leg to get at Ryouga while Armor grumbled. Then she squawked in annoyance as Cadence levitated him above her daughter and to her eye level. "It seems to belong to someone, at least," Cadence said, tugging his bandanna. "I recall seeing one of these on that nice human boy we saw earlier."

"Bwee?!" he squeaked mightily, somewhat offended at the sudden telekinetic grip. Which he had neither the strength or leverage to do anything other than squirm and complain in right now.

'Let go already! I don't belong to anyone! And stop messing with the bandanna!'

Akane wasn't on this world, so he didn't want to even pretend the second part was true.

There were more angered squawks from Flurry as she tried climbing up Cadence and using her telekinesis to reach Ryouga. Cadence looked down gently. "Now now, sweetheart. We don't know if it's a nice piggy or a mean piggy, or if the piggy's owner would like it to be hugged."

"'Gii! 'Gii!" she said, reared up on her hind legs and pushing her mother's chest. "'Gii!" Then, sitting down, with a burst of magic she suddenly yanked Ryouga out of Cadence's grip and into her waiting forelegs.

'What about the pigs opinion on being hugged, hu-'

Suddenly jerked into the waiting trap of baby forelegs, his opinions on the matter were made even more irrelevant, as he was now being hugged by something he couldn't really wiggle out of and was unwilling to try biting or scratching.


It looked... it looked like he'd have to await rescue.

'Melira? Sunset? Celestia? Spark?'

...Nobody. There was one more person who knew the truth now however.


He could hear somebody was coming in. Oh, glorious sav-

Nathan, at this point, had nothing else to say to Umbra and his group, proceeded to walk away toward the cabin. Time to tell Celestia what Doppel had said, after all, but as he walked into the room leading to the cockpit, he suddenly remembered she was talking to Sunset. Just barging in would be rude and uncalled for, so he decided to wait.

And wait.

And wait some more as he heard various sobbing, crying noises from in there. Man, emotions must be high.

In the wait-infused bordeom and anxiety, he glanced around the room...
Before blinking in surprise at the piglet being currently magically manhandled - piglethandled? - by the royal toddler. "That's weird," He noted, turning to walk over toward the family. "I didn't know we had a piglet on board... is it someone's pet?"


Somebody else who had no idea, of course.

"Bweeeee." Ryouga oinked, doing his level best to at least look grumpy while being cuddled by Flurry without biting or scratching at her. He wasn't about to hurt a baby.
<<Duly noted, Sir Jason.>>

"You know, if Doppel can find targets while we're on mission, we won't have to do this every day." My eyes become unfocused as I think back about something. "Wait, where's her stuff? She had armor and a weapon. Where is it?" Along with the last sentence, I started back onto my feet, now better able to move.
Swathe of Destruction
Link to Prior Thread
@Xellos, @The Fourth Monado, @Umbra, @shubzilla, @Dalek Ix, @Silvan Eldar, @AMCS

The airship plowed through the night sky like a whale, low enough to stir the trees in its wake. Despite this, the Everfree remained silent. Not a single manticore roar or lashing vine accosted it, even with its distinctly Equestrian make.

A gryphon standing watch in a cloud bank fixed that, and the entire castle was roused with a squawked alarm well before the sun even hinted at coming over the horizon. Those on board had the captured captain and lieutenants presented front and center, flanked by Valerie and Spark and those from the laboratory who were well enough to stand.

They landed, and Zircon, Daniel and a pack of assistants rushed on board. A handful had died on the trip over. The rest merely survived.

The day continued.

- - -

The basement of the Old Castle had remained mostly untouched by the refugees, and for good reason: Zircon had dealt with more than a few patients with too much chutzpah that thought they could poke around a bunch of old, forgotten magical artifacts of unknown function like Daring Do.

What put Ryouga in a different camp was his ability to not have all his bones broken if something exploded for no discernable reason beyond 'it was looked at funny.'

Nui and Sunset tagged along anyways. Sunset because she possessed the invaluable skills of making sure Ryouga didn't unleash some unspeakable sealed horror, and being able to make educated guesses. Nui because the other two were already going, so why not her as well?

Nathan was there too. He wanted a weapon to replace the missing Monado, and such a stand-in would have to be far better than just some passed-along wingblades from a deserting legionnaire. The basement, in all of its musty, dark and mysterious glory, seemed like a good place to root around.


Elsewhere, in a cozy room with a round table and a warm fireplace, plans were being drawn up among Jason, Spark, Doppel and Valerie. The Empress' inevitable attack had to be managed, and while halting her was an impossibility, diverting or escaping was still possible- especially since they had just acquired a massive, empty ship. Fleeing was the obvious choice, but that was only a temporary measure with the Empress' ire: no matter if they went to the uncharted west, the deep south, the badlands or the jungles, the Empress' decision to finally cut her way through the Everfree after all these years implied that she would cut through anywhere to destroy the Company. It was a potential option for the refugees, at least.

Harassing the fleet and luring them elsewhere was also a potential option. The Avenger was top-of-the-line and no ship could hope to compete with its maneuverability and speed, but it would be up against a large number of bulky warships and a few extremely powerful ponies who could possibly manage to teleport on board. The longer an engagement went on, the more dangerous it would be.

Abandoning the Old Castle entirely to perform a counterattack was also possible. With the Empress, a large chunk of her standing army and a host of potent individuals being deployed out to the Everfree, the Company could run roughshod over just about anywhere they pleased.
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The basement of the Old Castle had remained mostly untouched by the refugees, and for good reason: Zircon had dealt with more than a few patients with too much chutzpah that thought they could poke around a bunch of old, forgotten magical artifacts of unknown function like Daring Do.

What put Ryouga in a different camp was his ability to not have all his bones broken if something exploded for no discernable reason beyond 'it was looked at funny.'

Nui and Sunset tagged along anyways. Sunset because she possessed the invaluable skills of making sure Ryouga didn't unleash some unspeakable sealed horror, and being able to make educated guesses. Nui because the other two were already going, so why not her as well?

Nathan was there too. He wanted a weapon to replace the missing Monado, and such a stand-in would have to be far better than just some passed-along wingblades from a deserting legionnaire. The basement, in all of its musty, dark and mysterious glory, seemed like a good place to root around.
An old door slowly creaks open, before a beam of light pierces through the dark from a flashlight clutched in one of Nathan's wings. Carefully, the pony descends down the stairs, letting the flashlight pan over various piles of artifacts in various levels of organization as the other wing covers his mouth to keep out the dust. "Place really is untouched..." he muttered, stepping over a large war-axe with proportions wrong for any non-Unicorn pony to use. "Man, an archeologist would have a field day with this place."

"Like, really," he continued, moving along with the flashlight beam still panning about, "How many Unicornia-era artifacts are lying around here? Just... untouched? Like, it'd be terrible if any of them fell into the Empress's hooves, but seriously there's so much history that the Princesses just threw in here. If it wasn't for everything else, we could- hm?" He paused, noting a bit of color in one of the piles. "What's that?"

A bit of digging revealed... a perfectly plain, yet somehow entirely new and fresh looking green scarf, poking out under a pile of ancient mental plates. A quick tug, and it comes free, laying atop one of Nathan's. "It... doesn't feel like it's been sitting in this dust pile for who knows how long," Nathan noted, rubbing it between his feathers. "Feels like it just got washed and dried... not even a spec of dust on it, either. Has to be magic."

Casually, Nathan wound the scarf around his neck, before turning back toward everyone else. "How's it look?"
The basement of the Old Castle had remained mostly untouched by the refugees, and for good reason: Zircon had dealt with more than a few patients with too much chutzpah that thought they could poke around a bunch of old, forgotten magical artifacts of unknown function like Daring Do.

What put Ryouga in a different camp was his ability to not have all his bones broken if something exploded for no discernable reason beyond 'it was looked at funny.'

Nui and Sunset tagged along anyways. Sunset because she possessed the invaluable skills of making sure Ryouga didn't unleash some unspeakable sealed horror, and being able to make educated guesses. Nui because the other two were already going, so why not her as well?

Nathan was there too. He wanted a weapon to replace the missing Monado, and such a stand-in would have to be far better than just some passed-along wingblades from a deserting legionnaire. The basement, in all of its musty, dark and mysterious glory, seemed like a good place to root around.

While Ryouga didn't think it was likely they'd find an umbrella worthy of combat down there, he could always look for something else. Some sort of weapon. Also, maybe there was something nice for Sunset and Nui down here; after all, Equestrian magic seemed less likely to backfire so far, and magical jewelry seemed useful and potent here, so maybe there was something..?

The problem was that he really could only ask Sunset to identify what a thing did, so that made it difficult to use it as a gift. Still, something for Nui was probably down here.

And besides, this stuff was ancient. With magic that meant it was probably really good. That was just common sense.

Still. This was an awful lot of dust. Hopefully nothing just fell apart when they tried to use it.

An old door slowly creaks open, before a beam of light pierces through the dark from a flashlight clutched in one of Nathan's wings. Carefully, the pony descends down the stairs, letting the flashlight pan over various piles of artifacts in various levels of organization as the other wing covers his mouth to keep out the dust. "Place really is untouched..." he muttered, stepping over a large war-axe with proportions wrong for any non-Unicorn pony to use. "Man, an archeologist would have a field day with this place."

"Like, really," he continued, moving along with the flashlight beam still panning about, "How many Unicornia-era artifacts are lying around here? Just... untouched? Like, it'd be terrible if any of them fell into the Empress's hooves, but seriously there's so much history that the Princesses just threw in here. If it wasn't for everything else, we could- hm?" He paused, noting a bit of color in one of the piles. "What's that?"

A bit of digging revealed... a perfectly plain, yet somehow entirely new and fresh looking green scarf, poking out under a pile of ancient mental plates. A quick tug, and it comes free, laying atop one of Nathan's. "It... doesn't feel like it's been sitting in this dust pile for who knows how long," Nathan noted, rubbing it between his feathers. "Feels like it just got washed and dried... not even a spec of dust on it, either. Has to be magic."

Casually, Nathan wound the scarf around his neck, before turning back toward everyone else. "How's it look?"

"...It's very green?" Ryouga tried. Unfortunately, he didn't have the strongest grasp of fashion. "Think it does something special, or does it just never get dirty or wear out?"

From what he had heard, most things down here probably did something.

Seeing what appeared to be a large club on the ground, Ryouga picked it up, looking it over. It felt pretty light, even by his standards. Also a little small, due to being pony sized. It also seemed to be made of something other than iron or steel, though he couldn't identify the metal. Experimentally, he tapped it against his palm, wanting to see what exactly happened.
The basement of the Old Castle had remained mostly untouched by the refugees, and for good reason: Zircon had dealt with more than a few patients with too much chutzpah that thought they could poke around a bunch of old, forgotten magical artifacts of unknown function like Daring Do.

What put Ryouga in a different camp was his ability to not have all his bones broken if something exploded for no discernable reason beyond 'it was looked at funny.'

Nui and Sunset tagged along anyways. Sunset because she possessed the invaluable skills of making sure Ryouga didn't unleash some unspeakable sealed horror, and being able to make educated guesses. Nui because the other two were already going, so why not her as well?

Nathan was there too. He wanted a weapon to replace the missing Monado, and such a stand-in would have to be far better than just some passed-along wingblades from a deserting legionnaire. The basement, in all of its musty, dark and mysterious glory, seemed like a good place to root around.
@Xellos @Dalek Ix
If there was one thing, besides her Sunset and Ryou-chan, that fascinated Nui in this world, she'd have to admit it was magic. Oh, Equestrian fashion wasn't aweful, but by its nature was underutilized and neglected. That, and while the demi-nudists didn't have Life Fibers, their magic seemed to serve as a fair substitute when they could be bothered.

Which really just made Nui wonder if she could combine the two…but that was something to look into when she didn't have to worry about some yōkai possessed akitsumikami blowing them up.

Of course, there's only so long she could go on day-dreaming of Sunset and Ryouga in magic Kamui before delight became tinged with bitterness and jealousy, even for them. So she cast her gaze back over the room, actually looking to see if there was anything interesting around.

'…ah, depth perception, how I missed you.'

Casually, Nathan wound the scarf around his neck, before turning back toward everyone else. "How's it look?"
"Oh dear, that just looks-" Nui abruptly paused, hand held up with her pointer finger extended, realizing just a second before it was too late that she probably shouldn't insult someone she had to work with for the foreseeable future, and didn't even have any particular issue with.

Plus, it wasn't actually a bad look.

…maybe not a good look. But not a bad one either.

"Well, I wouldn't normally put red and green together, maybe if the scarf was a shade darker or more muted…either way, it's not great, but it's no travesty. So I guess it depends on whether the magic and warmth are worth it."

Internally, Nui congratulated herself for resisting the urge to make a crack at Nathan preparing for Christmas.
(OOC: Like MacArthur, I have returned!)
[Sunset Shimmer]

The basement of the Old Castle had remained mostly untouched by the refugees, and for good reason: Zircon had dealt with more than a few patients with too much chutzpah that thought they could poke around a bunch of old, forgotten magical artifacts of unknown function like Daring Do.

What put Ryouga in a different camp was his ability to not have all his bones broken if something exploded for no discernable reason beyond 'it was looked at funny.'

Nui and Sunset tagged along anyways. Sunset because she possessed the invaluable skills of making sure Ryouga didn't unleash some unspeakable sealed horror, and being able to make educated guesses. Nui because the other two were already going, so why not her as well?

Nathan was there too. He wanted a weapon to replace the missing Monado, and such a stand-in would have to be far better than just some passed-along wingblades from a deserting legionnaire. The basement, in all of its musty, dark and mysterious glory, seemed like a good place to root around.

The basement is dark and mysterious, brimming with potential and atmosphere.

An old door slowly creaks open, before a beam of light pierces through the dark from a flashlight clutched in one of Nathan's wings. Carefully, the pony descends down the stairs, letting the flashlight pan over various piles of artifacts in various levels of organization as the other wing covers his mouth to keep out the dust. "Place really is untouched..." he muttered, stepping over a large war-axe with proportions wrong for any non-Unicorn pony to use. "Man, an archeologist would have a field day with this place."

"Like, really," he continued, moving along with the flashlight beam still panning about, "How many Unicornia-era artifacts are lying around here? Just... untouched? Like, it'd be terrible if any of them fell into the Empress's hooves, but seriously there's so much history that the Princesses just threw in here. If it wasn't for everything else, we could- hm?" He paused, noting a bit of color in one of the piles. "What's that?"

A bit of digging revealed... a perfectly plain, yet somehow entirely new and fresh looking green scarf, poking out under a pile of ancient mental plates. A quick tug, and it comes free, laying atop one of Nathan's. "It... doesn't feel like it's been sitting in this dust pile for who knows how long," Nathan noted, rubbing it between his feathers. "Feels like it just got washed and dried... not even a spec of dust on it, either. Has to be magic."

Casually, Nathan wound the scarf around his neck, before turning back toward everyone else. "How's it look?"

... And then I come in. Needless to say, it's hard for things to remain in moody lighting when there's a glowing angel in the room. Especially when said angel has to bend down to fit through the doorway. My wings twitch, and I grumble under my breath about ponies and low ceilings...

"Considering who it is we're talking about, I wouldn't be surprised if the Empress was too high on her own ego to even remember these things were lying around," I snark. Successfully resisting the urge to flap my wings to get some air circulation in here (and lift up all the dust in the process), I then add, "Or, she knows it's here and she'd rather nobody else come poking, even if it's to burn everything down."

And then Nathan just puts on a scarf he found. Around his neck.

"...It's very green?" Ryouga tried. Unfortunately, he didn't have the strongest grasp of fashion. "Think it does something special, or does it just never get dirty or wear out?"

From what he had heard, most things down here probably did something.

Seeing what appeared to be a large club on the ground, Ryouga picked it up, looking it over. It felt pretty light, even by his standards. Also a little small, due to being pony sized. It also seemed to be made of something other than iron or steel, though he couldn't identify the metal. Experimentally, he tapped it against his palm, wanting to see what exactly happened.

"Oh dear, that just looks-" Nui abruptly paused, hand held up with her pointer finger extended, realizing just a second before it was too late that she probably shouldn't insult someone she had to work with for the foreseeable future, and didn't even have any particular issue with.

Plus, it wasn't actually a bad look.

…maybe not a good look. But not a bad one either.

"Well, I wouldn't normally put red and green together, maybe if the scarf was a shade darker or more muted…either way, it's not great, but it's no travesty. So I guess it depends on whether the magic and warmth are worth it."

Internally, Nui congratulated herself for resisting the urge to make a crack at Nathan preparing for Christmas.

Silently, I reach over and give Nui an affectionate pat on the head, careful not to disturb her hair, recognizing the effort it must've taken her to hold back the snark.

"You also look like today's your lucky day," I add, adressing Nathan, "You just put a magical scarf around your neck. Think about it."

Looking over the piles of stuff laying around, I bite my lip, and try to extend my magical senses to check the scarf and the club Ryouga found without blinding everyone in the room.

Careful, careful...
@The Fourth Monado, @Xellos, @Silvan Eldar, @Dalek Ix

The scarf, at least, seemed benign. To Nathan, it didn't immediately start trying to do something like strangle him or tug him along to places unknown. To Ryouga and Nui, it was just green. To Sunset, it had an exceptionally robust enchantment knitted into it that gave it an incredible resistance to fray and tear- if it wanted to strangle the stallion, it would probably take Ryouga to tear it off.

Its magic was also too intricate to just be powerful reinforcement. There was something that would make the scarf animate, but a simple once-over wasn't going to reveal the conditions for when.

And then Ryouga's hand started bleeding an oily black. Or so it looked; lifting the club off his hand revealed no harm whatsoever, just a large, runny stain that dripped from his palm and refused to wipe off. Sunset saw that the club was also largely benign, but its magic was decaying- what had once been an enchantment to turn the club into a stamper (perhaps for some prankster's use) now just constantly conjured ink.

Sunset could dispel the ink with ease and fix the mess... or she could wait for it to dispel itself.

This area of the basement was largely safe from the looks of things. Nothing immediately jumped out to Sunset as blatantly cursed or harmful, just mischievous at worst; like a jacket with a zipper that would randomly get stuck and pockets that would shuffle their contents around like a shell game, or an umbrella that would suddenly pop open if it was being carried around. Other stuff looked like it could be dangerous if it weren't so weak, like a music box with a spinning unicorn figurine that made the listeners yawn, or a set of flying barber's tools that were still razor sharp but easily batted away.

The important thing was that nothing was normal.

Not too much deeper into the basement, however, and the items became clearly more dangerous. Swords, wingblades, spears, crossbows, wands, even a bladed horn cover; breastplates, shields, sabatons, helmets; a section dedicated to war and all of the items enchanted to varying degrees of functionality. The capstones, buried behind jumbled, occasionally toppled shelves of items, and caked in dust and shadows, were twin sets of armor that left zero guesses for who the original owners were. Nobody needed magic senses to feel like they shouldn't be disturbed, but they did have an axe and a pair of short swords nearby. The axe seemed like a prototype of the Empress' current weapon.

In another section, there were simply hoards of boxes within boxes, and urns in boxes and lockboxes in boxes and jars of strange and frequently unsettling contents in boxes. Everything contained something and nothing seemed safe- worse, whether because of time or more recent rooting around, some of the containers were broken. A shattered jar and an irregular, etched hole in the ground was all the evidence of one set of contents. A black scorch mark was another. A cracked obsidian vase with dreadful claw marks leading from it, and hoof scuffs pointed away but never making it far, told a story.

A broken lantern in the middle of an irregular clearing was quite possibly the centerpiece, but for all of the worst reasons. The shelves and crates looked like they'd been forcibly shoved away, and all of their contents had been dumped out. Light was leeched from the air, leaving its single, flickering flame as the only source. A thin trail of smoke rose up to the ceiling, where it writhed and twisted in a chaotic breeze that didn't exist.

Elsewhere, more mundane but still enchanted objects rested. This area seemed to have been picked through the most, but there were still a great deal of untouched things. Carpets, coats, brushes, dishes, lamps, instruments, horseshoes, bridles, books, quills, pillows; whoever had organized the place a millennium ago had obviously designated the area as "miscellaneous" and left it at that. Nothing clearly stood out save for a few things that would make for impractical use or were exceptionally eerie, like a large grand piano that definitely hadn't been brought down here the normal way, or a dining set and table with a meal fresh out of the oven.

There was more than plenty for the four to comb through.
"...It's very green?" Ryouga tried. Unfortunately, he didn't have the strongest grasp of fashion. "Think it does something special, or does it just never get dirty or wear out?"

From what he had heard, most things down here probably did something.

Seeing what appeared to be a large club on the ground, Ryouga picked it up, looking it over. It felt pretty light, even by his standards. Also a little small, due to being pony sized. It also seemed to be made of something other than iron or steel, though he couldn't identify the metal. Experimentally, he tapped it against his palm, wanting to see what exactly happened.
"Dunno," Nathan shrugged. "It's really warm, though. Feels good against my fur."
"Oh dear, that just looks-" Nui abruptly paused, hand held up with her pointer finger extended, realizing just a second before it was too late that she probably shouldn't insult someone she had to work with for the foreseeable future, and didn't even have any particular issue with.

Plus, it wasn't actually a bad look.

…maybe not a good look. But not a bad one either.

"Well, I wouldn't normally put red and green together, maybe if the scarf was a shade darker or more muted…either way, it's not great, but it's no travesty. So I guess it depends on whether the magic and warmth are worth it."

Internally, Nui congratulated herself for resisting the urge to make a crack at Nathan preparing for Christmas.
Silently, I reach over and give Nui an affectionate pat on the head, careful not to disturb her hair, recognizing the effort it must've taken her to hold back the snark.

"You also look like today's your lucky day," I add, adressing Nathan, "You just put a magical scarf around your neck. Think about it."

Looking over the piles of stuff laying around, I bite my lip, and try to extend my magical senses to check the scarf and the club Ryouga found without blinding everyone in the room.

Careful, careful...
Nathan glanced over at Nui as she made her judgement. Amazingly, she hadn't made a crack about any holidays.

Not like this place had any holiday spirit, really.
Not too much deeper into the basement, however, and the items became clearly more dangerous. Swords, wingblades, spears, crossbows, wands, even a bladed horn cover; breastplates, shields, sabatons, helmets; a section dedicated to war and all of the items enchanted to varying degrees of functionality. The capstones, buried behind jumbled, occasionally toppled shelves of items, and caked in dust and shadows, were twin sets of armor that left zero guesses for who the original owners were. Nobody needed magic senses to feel like they shouldn't be disturbed, but they did have an axe and a pair of short swords nearby. The axe seemed like a prototype of the Empress' current weapon.
As they continued, Nathan found most of the artifacts here interesting, but not useful. And then they reached the weapons, and what could only be Celestia and Luna's old equipment. Equipment that, despite having been abandoned, still possessed an incredible air of sheer power. He didn't even need the Monado to tell that touching them was a bad idea.

And yet, the twin short swords seemed perfect for what he needed.

"They're definitely trapped. 100%," Nathan quietly spoke, eyes locked onto the shortswords. "But... they'd be perfect. Sunset, please tell me you can tell what magics are on these weapons, because I really want to know if touching them and setting off whatever defenses are on these is worth it."

@Dalek Ix
Spark the Pikachu
Location: Round Table
Status: Plans of the Round Table

@Umbra - Spark, Paradise Guildmaster
@shubzilla - Jason, Red Power Ranger
@Dalek Ix - Valerie, Gardevoir Knight
@Cyreni - GM / Doppel
Elsewhere, in a cozy room with a round table and a warm fireplace, plans were being drawn up among Jason, Spark, Doppel and Valerie. The Empress' inevitable attack had to be managed, and while halting her was an impossibility, diverting or escaping was still possible- especially since they had just acquired a massive, empty ship. Fleeing was the obvious choice, but that was only a temporary measure with the Empress' ire: no matter if they went to the uncharted west, the deep south, the badlands or the jungles, the Empress' decision to finally cut her way through the Everfree after all these years implied that she would cut through anywhere to destroy the Company. It was a potential option for the refugees, at least.
The goal was simple, as far as he was concerned. Get the refugees out and evacuated before Xenolestia walks up and readjusts the local maps with her personal touch.

The fact that this goal was pretty much pre-ordained was its own problem, and it could be used as its own leverage - them trying to absolutely obliterate where Rainbow Dash would reasonably be kept is a very important mark against them. She may be loyal to a fault, but she wouldn't forget that.

But that was just one positive note to make for needing to make an entirely new base to work with.

I miss having the Construction Guild on tap.

His first instinct was the jungle - but without Umbra around or an established base to work with...


There was that temple. Exceptionally dangerous and all that, but most likely free of people inside except for the army of traps. He'd be able to clear that place of normal traps, have somebody else on hand to help with the magic traps...

And it wasn't entirely because he didn't like leaving an unexplored location behind him. There would be actual tactical value to a location like that, like the fact that it's been there and out of sight, people don't want to go it because it looks ominous, it was pretty well-disguised from above, it's naturally defendable - like the castle...

Downsides - it's a jungle. If Xenolestia does her scorched earth policy again, it would not only be devastating, but it'd spread. A lot. And, if they tried to make one in the jungle itself, they'd be under attack 24/7 without a Grass-type to sense and direct the forest. Admittedly, that just means they could for a small period of time - like the kind of time he'd spend clearing the place of initial traps so they can hide inside, but it'd be dangerous, and if it took longer than expected as it always tends to go, it was an extra gamble with lives.

But that's just focusing on one detail over the others. Badlands. What would be the benefits of the badlands?


Being straight out in the open in the blazing heat, with any sort of shade being a visible landmark from above. Next.

The Deep South. A long path to take, we don't know anything about it, a good chance to be spotted along the way...

That was a gambling chance. We'd probably end up checking out that location anyway in the future, but until then, it wasn't a good option.

"So, about the temple from earlier in the jungle..." Spark brought up. "Clearing that out and using it as a base of operations sounds workable to me - or does anybody have better ideas?"
[Sunset Shimmer]

To Sunset, it had an exceptionally robust enchantment knitted into it that gave it an incredible resistance to fray and tear- if it wanted to strangle the stallion, it would probably take Ryouga to tear it off.

I make a note of the qualities of the scarf; that was a lot more enchantment than a 'mere' bit of decorative clothing would ever need. Plus, the hint of some sort of animaton spell... Hmmm...

And then Ryouga's hand started bleeding an oily black. Or so it looked; lifting the club off his hand revealed no harm whatsoever, just a large, runny stain that dripped from his palm and refused to wipe off. Sunset saw that the club was also largely benign, but its magic was decaying- what had once been an enchantment to turn the club into a stamper (perhaps for some prankster's use) now just constantly conjured ink.

Sunset could dispel the ink with ease and fix the mess... or she could wait for it to dispel itself.


I blink. Blink again. Check the spells, and... Ah.

I sigh, and a wave of my glowing hand is all it takes to dispell the conjured in. "A club with a spell that turns it into a stamp," I explain to Ryouga, "Someone's idea of a joke, or maybe a gift for a particularly ornery bureaucrat. The spell's degraded so much that all it does now is just make ink."

This area of the basement was largely safe from the looks of things. Nothing immediately jumped out to Sunset as blatantly cursed or harmful, just mischievous at worst; like a jacket with a zipper that would randomly get stuck and pockets that would shuffle their contents around like a shell game, or an umbrella that would suddenly pop open if it was being carried around. Other stuff looked like it could be dangerous if it weren't so weak, like a music box with a spinning unicorn figurine that made the listeners yawn, or a set of flying barber's tools that were still razor sharp but easily batted away.

The important thing was that nothing was normal.

Which was especially noteworthy. What had this place been? A storeroom for magical artefacts? And if so...

Not too much deeper into the basement, however, and the items became clearly more dangerous. Swords, wingblades, spears, crossbows, wands, even a bladed horn cover; breastplates, shields, sabatons, helmets; a section dedicated to war and all of the items enchanted to varying degrees of functionality. The capstones, buried behind jumbled, occasionally toppled shelves of items, and caked in dust and shadows, were twin sets of armor that left zero guesses for who the original owners were. Nobody needed magic senses to feel like they shouldn't be disturbed, but they did have an axe and a pair of short swords nearby. The axe seemed like a prototype of the Empress' current weapon.

In another section, there were simply hoards of boxes within boxes, and urns in boxes and lockboxes in boxes and jars of strange and frequently unsettling contents in boxes. Everything contained something and nothing seemed safe- worse, whether because of time or more recent rooting around, some of the containers were broken. A shattered jar and an irregular, etched hole in the ground was all the evidence of one set of contents. A black scorch mark was another. A cracked obsidian vase with dreadful claw marks leading from it, and hoof scuffs pointed away but never making it far, told a story.

A broken lantern in the middle of an irregular clearing was quite possibly the centerpiece, but for all of the worst reasons. The shelves and crates looked like they'd been forcibly shoved away, and all of their contents had been dumped out. Light was leeched from the air, leaving its single, flickering flame as the only source. A thin trail of smoke rose up to the ceiling, where it writhed and twisted in a chaotic breeze that didn't exist.

Elsewhere, more mundane but still enchanted objects rested. This area seemed to have been picked through the most, but there were still a great deal of untouched things. Carpets, coats, brushes, dishes, lamps, instruments, horseshoes, bridles, books, quills, pillows; whoever had organized the place a millennium ago had obviously designated the area as "miscellaneous" and left it at that. Nothing clearly stood out save for a few things that would make for impractical use or were exceptionally eerie, like a large grand piano that definitely hadn't been brought down here the normal way, or a dining set and table with a meal fresh out of the oven.

There was more than plenty for the four to comb through.

...why put the joke items in the same space as the useful ones, further down below? And the dangerous ones; weapons and armour with enchantments? That simply didn't make any sense, as anyone with a horn would know that the more valuable objects would be further down. A quirk of organization? Lack of room? Maybe this place used to have some sort of protective ward, and it was better to just store everything under it?

The world might never know. We keep going, and I make sure that Nui and Ryouga are with us the whole way.

Of course... well, the suits certainly catch one's attention. And while nobody... well, nobody who's actually here would be able to make use of them, the weapons they come with are a different story.

Especially the axe.

"They're definitely trapped. 100%," Nathan quietly spoke, eyes locked onto the shortswords. "But... they'd be perfect. Sunset, please tell me you can tell what magics are on these weapons, because I really want to know if touching them and setting off whatever defenses are on these is worth it."

"I'd probably make some snarky comment about the risks," I quip, "But I want that axe almost as much as you want those swords. Give me a sec."

I raise a glowing hand to make a more focused analysis; first the area around the suits, and then very carefully working my way inwards. My wings flutter behind me, disturbing the air and dust.

[Valerie von Brandenburg]

Elsewhere, in a cozy room with a round table and a warm fireplace, plans were being drawn up among Jason, Spark, Doppel and Valerie. The Empress' inevitable attack had to be managed, and while halting her was an impossibility, diverting or escaping was still possible- especially since they had just acquired a massive, empty ship. Fleeing was the obvious choice, but that was only a temporary measure with the Empress' ire: no matter if they went to the uncharted west, the deep south, the badlands or the jungles, the Empress' decision to finally cut her way through the Everfree after all these years implied that she would cut through anywhere to destroy the Company. It was a potential option for the refugees, at least.

Harassing the fleet and luring them elsewhere was also a potential option. The Avenger was top-of-the-line and no ship could hope to compete with its maneuverability and speed, but it would be up against a large number of bulky warships and a few extremely powerful ponies who could possibly manage to teleport on board. The longer an engagement went on, the more dangerous it would be.

Abandoning the Old Castle entirely to perform a counterattack was also possible. With the Empress, a large chunk of her standing army and a host of potent individuals being deployed out to the Everfree, the Company could run roughshod over just about anywhere they pleased

"So, about the temple from earlier in the jungle..." Spark brought up. "Clearing that out and using it as a base of operations sounds workable to me - or does anybody have better ideas?"

It is not my first war council, and I have the feeling that it shall not be my last. For a brief moment, I am reminded of a man with a red beard, and a glint in his eyes...


I finger the pommel of my sword. I'd elected to come to the council in armour; both because I would not put the idea of assassins past the Tyrant, and because a lady in full plate in a council of war made a certain impression. A good part of fighting a war was managing an army, and though the company was no proper army, some of the theatre might be necessary.

<<As, mayhaps, the only one who has conducted a war on this scale before, I have a few things in mind,>> I open. That I have experience in these matters is something that has to be brought up with some care; Miriam left some scars on her way out.

<<Consider,>> I tell them, <<The problem the Tyrant faces. She has a fleet, an army, powerful mages, and her own destructive potential. A fearsome force indeed, but that comes with it's own problems: Soldiers must be paid, fed, watered and quartered. Engines of war must be maintained and, from what I've learned, provided with fuel and provisions. Plus, her own presence is required at her capital, although I don't doubt that she has left a vizier with some capacity in them.>> I gesture at the map. <<Even though I have no doubt that she considers the cost of deploying so much of her soldiery and equipment to be worth destroying us, that is only possible because she knows where we are. She can gather everything she has, and send it smashing down on our heads all at once.>>

I let the prospect hang in the air.

<<Of course, our first order of business will be to change that,>> I tap the location of the temple on the map. <<We need to quit the castle, and we must make our escape in such a way that the Tyrant will have no clue of where our destination might be.>>

<<I agree with Ser Spark that the jungle temple sounds ideal for a new base. The vegetation prevents flying scouts from spotting it with ease, and scouts on foot will have their own problems in even reaching the right area to search. Of course, that all remains true only so long as the Tyrant and her lieutenants have no idea of its existance or location; otherwise, those advantages are moot.>>

I lean back. <<Once our non-combatants are secure, however, we must go on the offensive. A raid, like the one that captured the Avenger. Mayhaps one of the cities, or another area of strategic value.>>
@The Fourth Monado, @Xellos, @Silvan Eldar
I raise a glowing hand to make a more focused analysis; first the area around the suits, and then very carefully working my way inwards. My wings flutter behind me, disturbing the air and dust.
The sense of decay extended even to Sunset's magical senses. Fraying enchantments and spells run well past their usefulness lingered around the Sisters' old armor and weapons like a miasma, rising from around them. It wasn't quite like a proverbial spark in a grain silo. More like feeling greasy and feeling for something buried in mud.

Feeling the wards meant for the Sisters' armor, however, was more like running a finger through dust. Ancient spells, comparatively crude to modern spellcraft, still highly functional and powered to this day. Sunset could tell they'd been independently enchanted. The golden barding was surrounded by faded glory, daring someone to try touching it if they thought they could handle the consequences. The silver was cloaked in malice and dread, threatening all sorts of sharp things from the dark should it be touched without permission.

Any actual meat to those threats must have faded away long ago however. Nothing deadly was attached; no curse, no smite, no sudden animating force that would cause the weapons to try hacking them to pieces. All the wards had left were intimidation and grandeur, easily dispelled by simply reaching out and taking the weapons.
"So, about the temple from earlier in the jungle..." Spark brought up. "Clearing that out and using it as a base of operations sounds workable to me - or does anybody have better ideas?"

<<I agree with Ser Spark that the jungle temple sounds ideal for a new base. The vegetation prevents flying scouts from spotting it with ease, and scouts on foot will have their own problems in even reaching the right area to search. Of course, that all remains true only so long as the Tyrant and her lieutenants have no idea of its existance or location; otherwise, those advantages are moot.>>

I lean back. <<Once our non-combatants are secure, however, we must go on the offensive. A raid, like the one that captured the Avenger. Mayhaps one of the cities, or another area of strategic value.>>

I nodded while listening to my, what- co-leaders, I guess, go over the situation while I looked at the map. Still, I wasn't quite happy with it. We were acting like we were facing Rita, but should we? The Empress's home wasn't on an inaccessibly distant moon, or even an impenetrable fortress of evil, as we'd just shown. And within that palace was a way to completely defeat her, instead of just beating off the latest attack.

"No." My voice was quiet but firm. "Not once, while. Keeping her from following us or the refugees means keeping her sight on something much more important to her, and I'm a little bit over distractions and nipping at the edges. No, I want to hit that fleet while we evacuate . . . and while we steal the Elements. Getting Luna out would be a plus, but if we're going to end this, we need the Elements and people to use them, and we can't find out who they are until we have them." Only then did I look up, fully expecting expressions of shock. But if they thought the idea was daring, I'd love to see what they thought of the actual plan. "Rythian told us about the power of that bomb. Let's ask S3 if we can blow it up high enough that it wrecks the fleet without damaging anything on the ground. Either way, we hit that fleet with our big guns while we send a team in to escort Cadence and Shining Armor to the vault and get what we need to end this damn war. Between the two of those, there's no way she'll pay attention to our moving van."

I let go of some of the tension that had swelled up while I worked through my frustrations with this conflict. Something this drawn out and pervasive just wasn't something I was used to seeing. "So, what do you all think?"
Spark the Pikachu
Location: Round Table
Status: Literally Planned for Four Years OOC

@Umbra - Spark, Paradise Guildmaster
@shubzilla - Jason, Red Power Ranger
@Dalek Ix - Valerie, Gardevoir Knight
@Cyreni - GM / Doppel
"No." My voice was quiet but firm. "Not once, while. Keeping her from following us or the refugees means keeping her sight on something much more important to her, and I'm a little bit over distractions and nipping at the edges. No, I want to hit that fleet while we evacuate . . . and while we steal the Elements. Getting Luna out would be a plus, but if we're going to end this, we need the Elements and people to use them, and we can't find out who they are until we have them."
"Yeah, that makes sense," Spark muttered. "It's been a while since I multi-dipped in a task, but two at once isn't too problematic. Have to figure out how we split everything though."

He sighed.

"I'll have to be doing the temple, too. I've been cleaning out dungeons for years, so I could do it fast, but..."

Him not being there when they attempt to steal the Elements.
Only then did I look up, fully expecting expressions of shock. But if they thought the idea was daring, I'd love to see what they thought of the actual plan. "Rythian told us about the power of that bomb. Let's ask S3 if we can blow it up high enough that it wrecks the fleet without damaging anything on the ground. Either way, we hit that fleet with our big guns while we send a team in to escort Cadence and Shining Armor to the vault and get what we need to end this damn war. Between the two of those, there's no way she'll pay attention to our moving van."
That, however, was a lot more problematic. Still, the bomb was sitting there, and the longer it sits without any use, the worse it was to even have.

And, well - he was a little sick and tired of being slightly terrified every time he stuck his paw into his bag. He wanted the damn thing out.

Still have the issue with the door - I don't want to rely on the classic weakness of the walls being weaker, and Celestia vanished.

"I'm against that on a moral level, but honestly the situation's really fucked anyway, they have enough people to do rescue for them, and I'm still not actually sure if Umbra's bag here is connected to some personal storage he set up a year ago or connected to the treasury back home in the middle of Paradise so any safe manner of using the damn thing, I'll take it." He admitted with a hard growl at the end of his small rant. "I'll table that for later because I'd rather focus on the second part of that. We still need a solid plan to actually get the damn things, and we don't have that," Spark warned. "I've thought up a couple of methods of possibly getting past the door locking those artifacts in the vault, a little as a thought experiment, but also a little because we don't know if there's an additional step in between putting their horn in, like casting some identification spell or whatnot, and there's a solid chance there could be some built-in punishment for those trying to put their horns in a maximum security lock. One with dire consequences, like shattering the horn, because the absolute bitch possessing her doesn't actually give a shit."

He put up a paw for a moment, and the Pikachu fished through his bag before putting down a single Wonder Orb - almost solid dark green, but with small symbols in lighter green that bent inwards, like grasping an object.

"This is a Trawl Orb. It takes every loose item located in the same building on the same floor until you run out of space, prioritizing on the closest first. Food, seeds, weapons, armor, it really doesn't care. They're great for Mystery Dungeons, but they're pretty much a restricted item for a reason. I have no idea if, at all, if this would work with the protections, but that's just the first idea and option that popped up."

"There's the Warp Seeds, too." He slips out a dozen tiny, blue seeds, shaped like crystals and wrapped with a small vine from its top. "Basically, teleport all over the floor and hope one of them lands us inside the safe. It might work, it might not, don't know if the protections stop me from just leaving via Escape Orb, or stop a Warp Seed from getting in, and we won't know until the situation solves itself."

"And my other options are in increasing levels of firepower and blowing up the walls, with the lowest option basically using a One-Shot Orb to blow up the door and its protections," A dark purple orb, menacing in its aura with harsh, jagged spikes appearing all over it. "And the highest being a One-Room Orb to cut the castle in half after forcing some sort of evacuation." He gingerly took his paw out of the bag, empty-handed, and shivered at the idea. "I'm honestly really glad we got the help. Would rather not test that particular theory about its viability."

"I've been thinking on this since before we even reached Equestria and it's still not solid. I'm...not actually sure if I brought this up before, actually. Damn it." He admitted with a frown. "Luckily, you don't really need me for breaking in - just the items as a backup, so I can split up and clear out the jungle temple for the new base. Not fond of the split though that's honestly just personal opinion, not a necessity."

He scrambled up a set of small parchments from his bag, passing it forward. Most of them were completely clean of additional marks, showing a nice, clean map of an interior, but one, in particular, had little annotations of guards and arrows, detailing guard patterns, and three or four had written marks detailing much louder methods of getting to the center vault through walls.

"Map of the floor, based on the dreamwalk I had with Luna back then," He confirmed. "I had a personal strategy to work with this, based on how well we could sneak - or can't, for that matter, but if I'm not coming, a lot of those plans went up in smoke."

He rolled his eyes. "They're all Umbra levels of planning anyway, absolutely nothing solid - all flexible."
Last edited:
@Dalek Ix, @shubzilla, @The Fourth Monado, @Umbra

"Better the jungle than weathering the desert with so many, or accepting mother's incredibly generous hospitality," Doppel said. "My only concern is missing a trap and then a refugee stumbling into it later. Those temples are old, and almost as winding and vindictive as a hive."

She buzzed her wings. "If Cadence or Armor are seen and word reaches the Empress, the Empress is going to do something incredibly drastic with the knowledge that Loyalist can be broken. We'll need disguises for them- magical, physical, anything to put more layers between them and the Empress deciding that she can live without a close source of possible betrayals or refining the Loyalist even further. I'm thinking-"

Doppel's communication scarab buzzed, and she blinked. She reached down and put the construct on the table, where it crawled forward a few steps before conjuring a small sphere of changeling magic over it. The image inside it materialized into Queen Chrysalis's face, backdropped by dark, porous stone and a dim green glow that was nearly impossible to make out through the sphere's tint.

Chrysalis smiled. Nobody liked it.

"I hear you're in need of some good news, Steel Company," she purred, looking aside. "Canterlot is hosting a preemptive victory party, to celebrate your imminent destruction and their triumph over dissent and evil. If they can defeat you, victory over humanity is inevitable." A pause. She'd procured a bottle of champagne, and poured herself a glass within view. "It's going to be quite large, unlike any other event Equestria has ever seen! Or so they say." Sip. "My spies report that it will be filled with hundreds of officers, industry captains, media figures, propagandists, heroes and nobility, and thousands of guards, legionnaires, hoofservants, maids, cooks, butlers, servers and newfoals. Why, even they received a dozen or so perfectly legitimate invitations to pass along to whoever I desire."


"I would go in person, but I'm afraid Canterlot and I don't get along terribly well. Feel free to make use of my invitations, however. A few of you will be able to get up close and personal to quite a few very important ponies, something I've heard you've just been itching to do. Let me know how it goes, and do tell me if you plan on razing the place."
Spark the Pikachu
Location: Round Table
Status: "Wow. That's the best news I've heard all day. I hate it."

@Umbra - Spark, Paradise Guildmaster
@shubzilla - Jason, Red Power Ranger
@Dalek Ix - Valerie, Gardevoir Knight
@Cyreni - GM / Doppel / Chrysalis
"I hear you're in need of some good news, Steel Company," she purred, looking aside. "Canterlot is hosting a preemptive victory party, to celebrate your imminent destruction and their triumph over dissent and evil. If they can defeat you, victory over humanity is inevitable." A pause. She'd procured a bottle of champagne, and poured herself a glass within view. "It's going to be quite large, unlike any other event Equestria has ever seen! Or so they say." Sip. "My spies report that it will be filled with hundreds of officers, industry captains, media figures, propagandists, heroes and nobility, and thousands of guards, legionnaires, hoofservants, maids, cooks, butlers, servers and newfoals. Why, even they received a dozen or so perfectly legitimate invitations to pass along to whoever I desire."


"I would go in person, but I'm afraid Canterlot and I don't get along terribly well. Feel free to make use of my invitations, however. A few of you will be able to get up close and personal to quite a few very important ponies, something I've heard you've just been itching to do. Let me know how it goes, and do tell me if you plan on razing the place."
Spark takes a paw and massages the spot between his eyes, trying to think of any way to use this.

"Doppel, and Nathan." He commented with a sigh. "If anybody else wanted to go, they'd have to use one of altered Potions we've never tried or tested, some sort of additional illusion stuff, or I dunno. Somebody else's grand plan that I can't think of. The illusions would mostly work on those already sized as a pony. It'd most likely be one of the Potions, since, me excepted, everyone is taller than a pony. And that's asking for a permanent transformation."

Permanent transformations for the sake of a single mission was a painful ask to have. We all had things to come back to.

He spun an Orb around in his bag. A Devolve Orb.

It probably wasn't going to work. This wasn't evolution. This was some other thing - something that a Wonder Orb was never ready to tackle.

But at the same time: Something like this, wasn't that exactly what Umbra went through?

"Fuck. If Umbra was willing to turn into a Pokémon to save the world, why am I so hesitant to do the reverse..." He muttered, shuddering.
[Sunset Shimmer]

@The Fourth Monado, @Xellos, @Silvan Eldar

The sense of decay extended even to Sunset's magical senses. Fraying enchantments and spells run well past their usefulness lingered around the Sisters' old armor and weapons like a miasma, rising from around them. It wasn't quite like a proverbial spark in a grain silo. More like feeling greasy and feeling for something buried in mud.

Feeling the wards meant for the Sisters' armor, however, was more like running a finger through dust. Ancient spells, comparatively crude to modern spellcraft, still highly functional and powered to this day. Sunset could tell they'd been independently enchanted. The golden barding was surrounded by faded glory, daring someone to try touching it if they thought they could handle the consequences. The silver was cloaked in malice and dread, threatening all sorts of sharp things from the dark should it be touched without permission.

Any actual meat to those threats must have faded away long ago however. Nothing deadly was attached; no curse, no smite, no sudden animating force that would cause the weapons to try hacking them to pieces. All the wards had left were intimidation and grandeur, easily dispelled by simply reaching out and taking the weapons.

@Xellos @The Fourth Monado @Silvan Eldar


The decaying wards don't give the best mouth-feel, to say the least, but it's more because they feel like old cobwebs, rather than them being anything like a threat.

"Looks like they're safe," I tell Nathan, "just need to reach out and grab them."

I Iift my right hand. It glows, and telekinesis plucks the axe from its resting place and brings it over to me.

"Or not even that," I say, a hint of a smirk to my mouth. I heft the axe in my hand, feeling the weight. It shouldn't be that hard to use, right? Just swing and hit things witht the blade.

... I probably shouldn't say that around someone who actually knows how to use something like this. Like Valerie.
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@Xellos @Silvan Eldar
[Sunset Shimmer]

@Xellos @The Fourth Monado @Silvan Eldar


The decaying wards don't give the best mouth-feel, to say the least, but it's more because they feel like old cobwebs, rather than them being anything like a threat.

"Looks like they're safe," I tell Nathan, "just need to reach out and grab them."

Iift my right hand. It glows, and telekinesis plucks the axe from its resting place and brings it over to me.

"Or not even that," I say, a hint of a smirk to my mouth. I heft the axe in my hand, feeling the weight.
"Good enough for me," Nathan replies as he scoops up the shortswords with his wings. As they come free, everyone nearby could feel the temperature drop several degrees, an icy mist lingering where they'd once rested and spiraling around their blades.

"...Man, it's been a while since you've been used, huh?" Nathan mutters, scrutinizing the weapons closely. "And you're still got this much power... I wonder..."

Casually, he steps over to a patch of open wall and just flicks the blade at the wall-


Leaving a line of ice along where the sword would have cut, rising from the stone itself.

"Yeah, I'm going to need to be really careful with these," Nathan decided, carefully stowing them away. "I'd hate to see what they'd do with a serious attack-hm?"

A few steps brings Nathan over to a nearby pile, where he picks up and blows the dust off of a normal looking and remarkably well-preserved book, revealing the title and an engraved image of a pegasus. "On the Sky-Shaeping Arte Ande the Storm-Crowned Arte..." He read, brow scrunching. "This has to be from a thousand years ago... it an old-time book explaining weathershaping to unicorns, you think?"
"Yeah, that makes sense," Spark muttered. "It's been a while since I multi-dipped in a task, but two at once isn't too problematic. Have to figure out how we split everything though."

He sighed.

"I'll have to be doing the temple, too. I've been cleaning out dungeons for years, so I could do it fast, but...

"I'm against that on a moral level, but honestly the situation's really fucked anyway, they have enough people to do rescue for them, and I'm still not actually sure if Umbra's bag here is connected to some personal storage he set up a year ago or connected to the treasury back home in the middle of Paradise so any safe manner of using the damn thing, I'll take it." He admitted with a hard growl at the end of his small rant. "I'll table that for later because I'd rather focus on the second part of that. We still need a solid plan to actually get the damn things, and we don't have that," Spark warned. "I've thought up a couple of methods of possibly getting past the door locking those artifacts in the vault, a little as a thought experiment, but also a little because we don't know if there's an additional step in between putting their horn in, like casting some identification spell or whatnot, and there's a solid chance there could be some built-in punishment for those trying to put their horns in a maximum security lock. One with dire consequences, like shattering the horn, because the absolute bitch possessing her doesn't actually give a shit."

He put up a paw for a moment, and the Pikachu fished through his bag before putting down a single Wonder Orb - almost solid dark green, but with small symbols in lighter green that bent inwards, like grasping an object.

"This is a Trawl Orb. It takes every loose item located in the same building on the same floor until you run out of space, prioritizing on the closest first. Food, seeds, weapons, armor, it really doesn't care. They're great for Mystery Dungeons, but they're pretty much a restricted item for a reason. I have no idea if, at all, if this would work with the protections, but that's just the first idea and option that popped up."

"There's the Warp Seeds, too." He slips out a dozen tiny, blue seeds, shaped like crystals and wrapped with a small vine from its top. "Basically, teleport all over the floor and hope one of them lands us inside the safe. It might work, it might not, don't know if the protections stop me from just leaving via Escape Orb, or stop a Warp Seed from getting in, and we won't know until the situation solves itself."

"And my other options are in increasing levels of firepower and blowing up the walls, with the lowest option basically using a One-Shot Orb to blow up the door and its protections," A dark purple orb, menacing in its aura with harsh, jagged spikes appearing all over it. "And the highest being a One-Room Orb to cut the castle in half after forcing some sort of evacuation." He gingerly took his paw out of the bag, empty-handed, and shivered at the idea. "I'm honestly really glad we got the help. Would rather not test that particular theory about its viability."

"I've been thinking on this since before we even reached Equestria and it's still not solid. I'm...not actually sure if I brought this up before, actually. Damn it." He admitted with a frown. "Luckily, you don't really need me for breaking in - just the items as a backup, so I can split up and clear out the jungle temple for the new base. Not fond of the split though that's honestly just personal opinion, not a necessity."

He scrambled up a set of small parchments from his bag, passing it forward. Most of them were completely clean of additional marks, showing a nice, clean map of an interior, but one, in particular, had little annotations of guards and arrows, detailing guard patterns, and three or four had written marks detailing much louder methods of getting to the center vault through walls.

"Map of the floor, based on the dreamwalk I had with Luna back then," He confirmed. "I had a personal strategy to work with this, based on how well we could sneak - or can't, for that matter, but if I'm not coming, a lot of those plans went up in smoke."

He rolled his eyes. "They're all Umbra levels of planning anyway, absolutely nothing solid - all flexible."

"Princess Cadence should know about any extra security around the door. Valerie, could you ask her to join us?" After receiving a nod and allowing for a moment to send the message, I continued. "The less obvious we have to be about exactly what we're doing, the better. Even if they figure out what we did, they won't know if we did anything else, especially if we rescue Luna as well." As I said this, I silently considered who would be available and suited for this mission.


"Better the jungle than weathering the desert with so many, or accepting mother's incredibly generous hospitality," Doppel said. "My only concern is missing a trap and then a refugee stumbling into it later. Those temples are old, and almost as winding and vindictive as a hive."

She buzzed her wings. "If Cadence or Armor are seen and word reaches the Empress, the Empress is going to do something incredibly drastic with the knowledge that Loyalist can be broken. We'll need disguises for them- magical, physical, anything to put more layers between them and the Empress deciding that she can live without a close source of possible betrayals or refining the Loyalist even further. I'm thinking-"

A silly, yet potentially useful idea ran through my head, prompted by the memory of when Billy and Kim had been poisoned by Baboo and turned into full-on punk personalities. "Purely out of curiosity, how useful would a haircut and dyeing be at hiding who they are?" I asked with a smirk.

"I hear you're in need of some good news, Steel Company," she purred, looking aside. "Canterlot is hosting a preemptive victory party, to celebrate your imminent destruction and their triumph over dissent and evil. If they can defeat you, victory over humanity is inevitable." A pause. She'd procured a bottle of champagne, and poured herself a glass within view. "It's going to be quite large, unlike any other event Equestria has ever seen! Or so they say." Sip. "My spies report that it will be filled with hundreds of officers, industry captains, media figures, propagandists, heroes and nobility, and thousands of guards, legionnaires, hoofservants, maids, cooks, butlers, servers and newfoals. Why, even they received a dozen or so perfectly legitimate invitations to pass along to whoever I desire.

"I would go in person, but I'm afraid Canterlot and I don't get along terribly well. Feel free to make use of my invitations, however. A few of you will be able to get up close and personal to quite a few very important ponies, something I've heard you've just been itching to do. Let me know how it goes, and do tell me if you plan on razing the place."

Spark takes a paw and massages the spot between his eyes, trying to think of any way to use this.

"Doppel, and Nathan." He commented with a sigh. "If anybody else wanted to go, they'd have to use one of altered Potions we've never tried or tested, some sort of additional illusion stuff, or I dunno. Somebody else's grand plan that I can't think of. The illusions would mostly work on those already sized as a pony. It'd most likely be one of the Potions, since, me excepted, everyone is taller than a pony. And that's asking for a permanent transformation.

"Fuck. If Umbra was willing to turn into a Pokémon to save the world, why am I so hesitant to do the reverse..." He muttered, shuddering.

"Because you don't need to." I said, things starting to fall into place with the invitations announcing that we had much more time than we thought. "You're small enough to hide, and Shining Armor won't let Cadence go without him. Valerie, you can stay out of sight while still keeping track of everyone. Before then, we can clear the ruins and start moving the refugees closer to the river without having to risk the new ship during the day. We get that cleared out and when the time comes, we'll be able to turn all of our attention to wrecking the fleet.

"Since Valerie's the only one of us that's actually run a town, I think she should take charge of making sure we don't mess up moving everyone and that the new home is ready for them to live in. Spark, you should get Sunset, Ryouga, and anyone else that you think would help in clearing out any traps and get started on that at the ruins. I can see if any of the new arrivals could help us, or even just train to better protect the other refugees."
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Spark the Pikachu
Location: Round Table
Status: "Wait. We actually get time to spare? Isn't that illegal?"

@Umbra - Spark, Paradise Guildmaster
@shubzilla - Jason, Red Power Ranger
@Dalek Ix - Valerie, Gardevoir Knight
@Cyreni - GM / Doppel / Chrysalis
"Because you don't need to," I said, things starting to fall into place with the invitations announcing that we had much more time than we thought. "You're small enough to hide, and Shining Armor won't let Cadence go without him. Valerie, you can stay out of sight while still keeping track of everyone. Before then, we can clear the ruins and start moving the refugees closer to the river without having to risk the new ship during the day. We get that cleared out and when the time comes, we'll be able to turn all of our attention to wrecking the fleet.

"Since Valerie's the only one of us that's actually run a town, I think she should take charge of making sure we don't mess up moving everyone and that the new home is ready for them to live in. Spark, you should get Sunset, Ryouga, and anyone else that you think would help in clearing out any traps and get started on that at the ruins. I can see if any of the new arrivals could help us, or even just train to better protect the other refugees."
"Maybe, but that's still at least half a da-wait." Spark's eyes looked over at the time on the invitation - and exhaled. It wasn't another rushed moment where everything was about to explode around them. That was nice.

"Honestly, I was thinking the party was this morning or something and we'd have to rush to get everything straight," he admitted. "Like - the only time me and my partner got a break when we were doing our thing was when he got almost killed by Kyurem and put in a coma - and it's kind of the same level of stakes as the despair suicide cult Munna had."

He stretched slightly, his posture much more relaxed.

"I'll mostly need Sunset's help, but I can see a few situations where Ryouga and Nui can shine, and I might as well ask all three if I'm asking one. Be done by tomorrow."