Sufficient Velocity, Potpourri Fiction


Ten books I have published. More await!
Title shall change depending on what shall happen*

So, following the start of the Nanowrimo month, how about we SVers do something like that too?
And that gave me and Xairathan an idea, a glorious idea.

This shall be a Potpourri fiction discussion.

Each user shall write a maximum of 500~ words per post, 'continuing' the story -yes, no 'one word' additions.
All the rules of the community apply, so think carefully about it.

Now, here is the deal:

The character one username inserts can only die by the hands of that username's update, or if he gives the 'green light' to have him killed.
There is no need for continuity, but a chapter should at least be 1000 words -so, two different users update- before there is a new chapter.
The Genre is completely free. One user can write of Science Fiction, and the next can suddenly barge in with 500 words of fantasy.
Before starting this, though, we shall start with a list of people 'interested' in this, so that we already have some willing to write and don't risk people 'posting' one over the other.

First to post is first to start, and I'll settle myself last of the line after I blow the 'start' whistle tomorrow.

Do notice that except for death, characters of other users can be used in whatever way you see/deem fit. Please, do not have a sudden bout of anger if your 'Edgy, Despair-Filled' character suddenly pukes out rainbows and love.

This is Sufficient Velocity's Potpourri Fiction.

Of course, once we have a 'list' going, I'll create a thread in the User Fiction, and there those who are willing to participate shall post *only* their updates.
This here is the 'Off Topic' of that, so to speak.

The extra deal: Let's take this as if it were a Nanowrimo competition and see how much we can write and how fast we can go.

There is at least a 'Minimum' of one hundred words per user. Maximum is 500, Minimum is 100.

Notice: this doesn't mean it has to be original fiction. Crossovers, Self-Inserts, Original Characters, everything is fine.

And may the muses shine brightly over you.


Who's in this with me?!


The list so far:

1) Xairathan
2) Quest
3) Axiomatic

*Shall continue to update until the end of the 24 hours*
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...It's 3:30 AM and my analogies fail me. I'm in.
Expect my OTP-feels to leak through. Or something like that.

EDIT: Also, I demand this be a potluck. Too many cooks spoil the dish; you can't really ruin a potluck unless everybody brings Jell-O
This seems interesting and I'd be willing to participate. Though I'm confused about the extra deal thing, what is that about?
...It's 3:30 AM and my analogies fail me. I'm in.
Expect my OTP-feels to leak through. Or something like that.

EDIT: Also, I demand this be a potluck. Too many cooks spoil the dish; you can't really ruin a potluck unless everybody brings Jell-O

No, no. This is a community-driven thing.

We want the dish to be spoiled.
We want it to be an unholy thing that will endeavor to scream and proclaim its freedom from its master at any second.
We want carnage, chaos and everything that goes with it.

Concerning the extra deal: nothing. Just that technically, Nanowrimo is about writing and completing a story of circa 50.000 words in one month.
That would mean that, if every user writes 500 words, at least 100 different users need to post for the story to reach its intended goal.
No, no. This is a community-driven thing.

We want the dish to be spoiled.
We want it to be an unholy thing that will endeavor to scream and proclaim its freedom from its master at any second.
We want carnage, chaos and everything that goes with it.

This isn't a question of how badly SV will wreck this, it's how bad the crash site will be :rolleyes:
Eh I'll throw my hat in, but I am not sure if I can update during the week, stupid 1-3 hour commute.
I would like to join in if you are accepting late participants. I have finals this week so i wont be able to write for a week or so-.
all right.
24 Hours have gone by -generously too I might add-

final list is:

Catty Nebulart

Now, concerning Genre/whatever: this is a potpourri. You are bound only by *your* decision.
There should be a minimum of a logical connection between one update and the next, but for the rest... feel free to go at it in whatever genre you like to write about.

First post goes to Xairathan, so off you go, Xairathan. Create the opening post in the User fiction, tag the participants, and start!
This will be kept as the 'Off-Topic' discussion to comment/remark on the 'Potpourri'.
Sounds awesome! I'm actually not due to be home and on a computer for ~6 or so hours though, so if @Quest wants to take the initiative and get started feel free to. Don't want to hold this masterpiece up! Otherwise I'll get this kicking as soon as I can
Er.. okay. I can put anything right? About 500 words?
Up to 500 words.

You can start with a prologue if you want, one of those things where A THING HAPPENS, and then subsequently, you go "To make any kind of sense of it, I have to go back three days. It all started when I was playing Solitaire..."

Or you can go CHAPTER ONE: Wherein an item of great value exchanges hands, a message arrives from a distant land, and the wolves circle.

Or, hell, whatever strikes your fancy. Start an IRC log. A diary entry. An execution!

EDIT: Anyway, it's 10 PM, so I'm off to bed. I'll see what you've got in the morning - please make a link in this thread so I can find it!
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Here's the thread. I believe @Axiomatic is next? Though s/he's asleep. So, any changes I need to do? Tell me and I'll do it as soon as possible.

Also, I'm a little curious of how we'll do this for timing and stuff. How stuff will work basically, since I haven't done this before.
Follow the list.

So let's go with Catty Nebulart -And Xairathan, sorry but you'll be last apparently :/
Not a problem! I'll be busy for most of the 3rd of November anyways... stupid familial obligations, etc. etc.
Say, can another guy join in? Or is it too late? Just found out about this today.
I'd just like to point out that, if you don't have time or the energy or whatever, 500 words isn't the gold standard, it's the MAXIMUM. Like, if on your turn, you show up with 101 words, you have done your duty.
I'd just like to point out that, if you don't have time or the energy or whatever, 500 words isn't the gold standard, it's the MAXIMUM. Like, if on your turn, you show up with 101 words, you have done your duty.

I realise. Personally though I'll still attempt 500, since 100 seems... too small to me.:grin: