Successor (BTVS)
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The Mayor's dead. Long live the Mayor.

Buffy finds herself dragooned into Wilkins' old job in the chaos following Graduation Day, but will she and the rest of the Scoobies be able to keep Sunnydale in one piece? How about preventing the end of the world, again? And most importantly, can they manage to get reelected?
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S3.5E1: Victors I


Sometimes words have two meanings

S3.5E1: Victors

"Gotta say Xand, happy you changed my mind," Buffy acknowledged. After the battle at Graduation, she'd been ready to go right to bed, but Xander had campaigned for a spontaneous trip to the Bronze. They'd gotten a nice table, and the music was already hopping. The dance floor wasn't just crowded with other high school seniors giddy at surviving, but also underclassmen optimistic at the prospect of an exploded high school, and college students eager to see what all the excitement was about.

"This place is going to seem so lame once I'm used to Hollywood. I guess it deserves one last chance at glory." Cordelia hadn't really been that hard to convince either. Buffy was kind of surprised at how much she'd gotten into the whole group project thing lately, but maybe her impending absence was making the heart grow fonder. Cordelia liked being on top, and in LA that was far from certain, whatever she might be projecting in her bravado.

"This is a big improvement over some of my past memories of the Bronze, actually." Willow had her chair smooshed up against Oz's, and was wrapped up in the crook of his arm. "I can't quite put my finger on what's different, but I just feel so much more secure," she said with a smirk on her face. Oz just looked on, smiling bemusedly.

Xander nodded, happy he'd read the needs of the group. "I'd say we should go sample the fine wares this establishment has to offer, but the bar looks a little crowded right now. It'll probably clear up sometime before the millennium though." Cordy was scoffing at the drama and about to interject, but someone else did first.

An overweight guy in a beat up suit swept up, expertly navigating the crowd with a large platter of drinks and snacks in hand. Just as Buffy was wondering which table tipped enough to get service in a crowd like this, he laid it down on the empty table the group was sitting at. "On the house!" Giving Buffy a quiet nod (there was something about it she couldn't quite read) he slipped back into the crowd before anyone could react to the strange occurrence.

"Was that the owner?" Willow asked.

"You get free stuff here?" said Cordy.

Not to be outdone, Xander chimed in. "I think these are actual drinks. Like, the alcoholic kind."

Oz raised an eyebrow at that, and took a sip of a pink one that happened to be in front of him. "The alcoholic kind," he answered dryly.

"Huh." Buffy wasn't sure what to think, so she took a drink of a blue nearby. It was way stronger than she expected, but she made a face and gamely swallowed it anyway.

"I mean, maybe he heard that we're the reason all these customers are here, and not, you know, dead?" despite remarking on the drinks first, Xander munched on a chicken finger instead.

"Maybe," Buffy replied. She'd saved a lot of people from vampires here before though, and nothing like this had ever happened.

"Well, I mean, whatever the reason, if we don't deserve a little recognition now, when will we?" Willow resolutely took another of the drinks and knocked it back. Without missing a beat, she continued, "I mean, we do a lot. This is nice. Nice is good."

"Nice is good!" Xander agreed, latching onto a positive line of thought.

Cordy had sampled a glass too. "This is the good stuff you know. And forget paying, we didn't even give them Fake IDs." She had a speculative look on her face. Buffy suspected she wasn't the only one having second thoughts about this. "You don't think it's drugged, do you?"

"Drugged!" Willow slammed her (totally empty) glass on the table like it was a wild animal. "You don't think they'd do that here? With everyone around? I mean, the Mayor did have a huge amount of influence in the town, and he always planned ahead with lots of contingencies, and he was really angry about Faith, and he didn't have any problem fighting dirty, as long as he didn't get literally dirty, and -"

"Not drugged." Oz interrupted, calming Willow with a pat on the shoulder. "The nose knows."

"Oh. Ok." Willow started on another drink. Sometimes Buffy worried about Willow's hidden depths.

Conversation on the topic continued, and Buffy spaced out a bit to the charmingly amateur music and the banter of her friends. She supposed college would be a fresh start, but she would really miss everyone being here together. There would still be Willow and Oz right on campus, but Cordy would be gone, never to return to their unfortunate town. Xander would still be around next year, but his impending summer trip was going to put him out of reach for a while, and even afterwards, he wasn't going to UC Sunnydale and she worried he'd be disconnected.

Then there was Giles. His library was exploded, even if he had saved all the books, and he didn't have a Council job anymore either. She worried a little about what he would do, but figured he must have something worked out. Giles was always responsible (these days) and he didn't just leave things to chance.

She resolutely avoided thinking about Angel, and that included staring into the space above the one empty seat at their table. It did double duty by helping her avoid thinking about Faith too.

Eventually, a slightly unsteady Willow wanted to go dancing with Oz, so the group moseyed out to the floor. Buffy wasn't exactly in a dancing mood herself, but figured with this many people around there could be some vampires lurking, looking for easy meals. It was annoying, but a Slayer's work was never done.

Once she got to work though, her unofficial patrol through the familiar crooks and corners of the Bronze was almost pleasant. Dancing students from the graduating class toasted her as she cruised by, and the whole affair would've felt nostalgic if it had ever actually been fun like this before. Even better, most of them seemed to be paying attention in a way she wasn't used to. They were visibly sticking together, and her keen eyes noticed a few of them still had melee weapons from graduation concealed under their outer layers. She found herself giving them approving nods, and even complimented the fashion sense of one girl who was using a pair of daggers to improve the lines of her belt.

All their surprising vigilance was for naught though, as the Bronze was surprisingly empty of vampires tonight. Buffy figured the summer ennui might have already set in, but it was also possible that the vampire community as a whole was discouraged by their defeat earlier today, or even that so many armed students in one place had dampened enthusiasm for hunting the Bronze tonight.

When she finally reached her familiar lookout of the balcony, another surprise was waiting. Jonathan Levinson was already overwatching the dance floor, and he greeted her enthusiastically. "Hi Buffy! Everything seem ship-shape?"

Something about the way he said it was a little unexpected to Buffy. Everyone seemed to be looking for her approval tonight. Anyways, there was no harm in a little friendly conversation. "Things are good. Happy people, zero vampires."

Jonathan nodded. "We were worried about a counterattack what with all the ones that escaped the battle. There was actually one here before you arrived, but we cornered it outside and we don't think it was even part of that first group anyway."

"Cornered it?" Buffy was a little taken aback, though she supposed they had been fighting already, earlier today. Somehow it seemed different for it to be happening outside the context of a final battle though.

"We took it by the numbers, just like Xander showed us before. Three-on-one in melee with another two as ranged support. He didn't really seem to be expecting a fight, went down like a chump." The change in Jonathan from depressed and suicidal a few weeks ago to eager and … slay-conscious now was definitely a change. Buffy almost thought to discourage him from getting people so actively involved, but she didn't quite have the heart to do it on a night like this. She just nodded along.

"So, what's next? Most people are going to be hanging around for the summer, and a lot of us are going to UC Sunnydale after that." Jonathan seemed to assume there was a 'next' on the agenda. Nobody had given Buffy the memo. Maybe it was something Xander implied?

Increasingly confused about what to say, Buffy fell back on facts and supposition. "Summer's usually pretty chill. With the Mayor dealt with, there probably won't be another big bad for a while."

"That's good, should give us plenty of time to get ready," Jonathan replied.

Buffy just nodded again. Did Xander invite Jonathan to the Scoobies at some point? Things had been pretty hectic before the battle, maybe she just missed it? Did the Scoobies usually even give out invitations? Cordelia had kind of just attached herself to them, come to think of it.

"All right then. See you around Jonathan." Buffy wondered if all conversations with Jonathan in high places were destined to be confusing.

"Tell Cordelia I said hi!" he said impulsively, as she was leaving. She wasn't even going to think about that one.


After a few more songs, the crew had agreed that they were all tired enough to head home, even though the Bronze seemed like it'd be staying open later than usual tonight. Conveniently, Oz had his van, so Buffy was freed of having to escort everyone to their various homes spread across town. Buffy and Cordelia were lounging in the back row while the other three discussed the artistic merits of tonight's performers up front.

"So, the whole army thing really took off huh?" Buffy said. Maybe Cordelia had a better grasp of what was going on with Jonathan. After all, he had mentioned her.

"Way off. It all sort of just fell into place, you know? I guess most people just want to be led." Despite her recent troubles, some parts of her outlook apparently hadn't changed much.

"Everyone seemed very, well, keyed up at the Bronze tonight," Buffy said. She thought she would chance dipping a toe into dangerous waters. "Jonathan said they took out a vampire all by themselves before we got there. Very proactive."

"Well, the dweeb was pretty intense in the big battle, so I'm not surprised really." Despite Cordy's name-calling, there was no bite in the line. "Speaking from experience, once you go past a certain point, there's sort of no returns? Not even with a printed receipt and the original packaging. You can't really go back to ignoring things as easily once you start doing something about them." She seemed a little conflicted to Buffy as she finished.

"LA isn't safe either you know, and I'm not just talking about the gang violence," Buffy said. "Not that I'm saying you should try to handle anything yourself, just-"

"I get it. I'm not suicidal." She stopped and cringed at that for a second, before continuing, "But, yeah, once you know the score, even the little things can add up."

Buffy nodded, and the conversation trailed off as Oz stopped by her house. Joyce was still gone, but Buffy had called her hotel after graduation and she'd be back sometime tomorrow. Buffy wouldn't be able to greet her coming back though; she'd be busy.


[] Cordelia wanted to get one last shop in with Buffy before heading down to Hollywood. Something about needing an LA native's careful eye for her outfits.

[] Xander said he still had to do some kind of ... fixing thing to his car before his trip. Buffy is going to go by tomorrow to lift heavy things for him and stuff.

[] Wesley was still recovering from his injuries, but he and Giles wanted to do a careful postmortem of the battle and the Mayor's transformation for important historical records. Buffy supposed she might as well help.

[] Willow's parents were gone for the summer and she had nothing much to do, so she invited Buffy to hang out at the beach with her and Oz. Sounds like a blast. Well, like, a relaxing blast. Hopefully.

[] Actually, Buffy was too tired to want to do much of anything tomorrow, and would greet Joyce coming home.

A/N: The effect of the vote is retrocausal. Xander, Cordelia, and Wesley will instead already have been leaving town tomorrow if you don't choose their personal options. On the other hand, if you don't choose Willow's option, her parents will be here this summer. As for Joyce, mystery box.

Metavotes will sometimes come up in the future and will tend to work in this manner, letting the voters control specific circumstances instead of or as well as Buffy's direct actions. Metavotes don't allow write-ins in addition to default choices, but normal votes sometimes will, modulated by things Buffy would actually do. Approval voting for as many choices as you want is allowed, but obviously only one will actually win.

Canon through BTVS Season 3 is locked-in. Future events are less so and may be butterflied forward, back, or away, even if not directly impacted. Depending on choices made, other weird shit might happen too.

This quest may contain BTVS canon-typical levels of violence, sexuality, and troubling themes. If you're not sure quite what that entails (it can entail a rather lot) maybe look at some summaries from the first three seasons.

While Successor is primarily a BTVS quest and takes the first three seasons of BTVS as fairly strict canon, a number of pieces of other settings have worked their way in, mostly to create a broader and richer cosmology while still adhering to the overall themes of the Buffyverse. These pieces are used at extremely varying levels of canonicity relative to their own settings. I've also experimented some with fusion characters as an alternative to OCs when necessary to varying results.

Both due to surprisingly similar aesthetic and a large number of favorable votes, a large amount of this content is from the Animorphs setting. Many of the various aliens from Animorphs have wormed their way into being extradimensional demon races here, but while you should expect broad themes to remain the same specific details are very liable to have changed.

Reader knowledge of Animorphs, other fused elements or even of BTVS S4-7 are not assumed by the narrative, even if it might be useful in a meta sense; this quest is meant to be a smooth point of divergence from the end of S3. Even BTVS 4-7 (and AtS 1-5...) isn't considered "strict" canon here, and details from the various comics especially are not.
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S3.5E1: Victors II
[X] Xander said he still had to do some kind of ... fixing thing to his car before his trip. Buffy is going to go by tomorrow to lift heavy things for him and stuff.

The annoying beeping of her alarm woke Buffy from wonderful sleep, and her flailing attack to defeat it was foiled by it being cleverly positioned not by her bedside but on the other side of the room. She winsomely adapted to this challenge, but her ballistic pillow just bounced off the back of the heavy chair the alarm was protected by. Past Buffy was a devious enemy, one who she was sad to admit usually got the better of her.

By the time she crawled out of bed and finally silenced it, she remembered why she needed to get up at 8 AM: Xander's car repairs needed doing today. She kept telling herself that Xander was a good friend who deserved his road trip, and by the time she was halfway done with her shower she actually believed it.

After finishing her ablutions, she put on an outfit that had seen better days and set off to meet Xander at his uncle Rory's place. The Grack'nok ichor didn't completely come out of the top, and even though it had faded in with the green patterning a bit it'd never be the same. She figured it was appropriate for an early morning excursion and car repair, and Xander would (hopefully) be able to drive her home afterward.

It was a quiet morning as Buffy walked the familiar roads of Sunnydale, despite it being a weekday. Traffic seemed sparse, and there weren't many people walking about either. She wondered how much the Mayor's death, possibly classified as an "abrupt disappearance" instead by the Sunnydale-Syndromed, would affect the town's government, and economy, and other important things. She figured it was above her pay grade; he did lots of bad things, turned into a giant snake, and then got slayed. She'd done her part.

Rory lived in a questionable neighborhood, and the way there was through the bad side of town. She didn't notice any suspicious demon or vampire-adjacent activity, but one surprise did catch her eye. Willy's Bar was finally all patched up from his earlier run in with the Sisterhood of Jhe a few months ago, and it definitely had a new look. It wasn't exactly a nice look, but it was probably less of a dive than it had been? Feeling a little whimsical with yet another apocalypse just averted, she decided to poke her head in and say hi. Willy had seemed kind of broken and vulnerable the last time she saw him and she hoped he'd recovered from the experience, if only so he could serve as a source of easy information once again.

As befit the early hour, Willy's Bar (or as the new sign proclaimed, "Willy's Place") was fairly empty as she walked in, but she still felt a stillness spread over it as she was noticed. Only noticing a few fairly unobjectionable demons hanging around, she decided to forestall a panic. "Just wanted to take a look at the new place, don't mind me," she said innocently.

She got the sense that the patrons weren't very reassured, but nobody left. After a momentary pause, Willy greeted her with a strained expressed on his face, "Hello Ms. Summers, ah, do you like what you see?" Buffy briefly looked for her mother before realizing he was talking to her. Was this something that happened once you graduated from high school?

"Well, it's newer. You're still on the straight and narrow I hope? No more shady deals with murderous evil?" Buffy still remembered how Willy had sold Angel to Spike a year and a half ago, but he'd taken a lot of punishment since then and it was at least possible he'd turned over a new leaf. After all, he was human.

"Absolutely not! I even have rules now!" Willy indicated the professional looking sign to the left of the bar, which did in fact have some rules on it.
  • No Killing, Maiming, or Stealing
  • Property destroyed fighting goes double on your tab
  • All gambling to be done in the back room
  • No outside drinks (includes sucking)
  • Red menu items are at your own risk
  • Don't bring trouble to the bar
  • Seafood pricing is seasonal
"Those are definitely some rules," Buffy agreed. She supposed he was trying, at least.

Willy seemed strangely desperate for her approval. She hadn't even threatened him or anything. "Are they good? I mean, if you think I should put anything else-"

"No. Those are fine. I'll be around." Buffy turned to leave. This had been a little weird in a way that was hard to define. She'd been getting a lot of that lately.

Just before she left, Willy abruptly said, "Congratulations on the Mayor. Beating him, I mean. Everyone's looking forward to new things." There were a couple affirmative grunts and rushed nods from the demons in attendance to go along with that too. Maybe Mayor Wilkins had been hard on this element? They definitely weren't very clean, but he seemed to have made exceptions about that with demons.

Buffy was a little disarmed at it all, in any case. "It was a team effort, really," she said, because it was, and with that, she walked out.


"I don't think we're going to be able to fix your car Xander. I think something ate most of the parts of it that needed fixing." When Buffy had arrived at Uncle Rory's house, the oversized garage beside it had been open, and Xander had been fiddling under the hood of a very destroyed car. The front of it was sort of OK, but most of the back half was kind of melted and deformed, and large parts of it had been sheared off entirely. The back left wheel wasn't even there, the car was being held up by cinder blocks on that corner. She wasn't sure what had done all this to it, but she wouldn't want to have to fight it in new clothing.

Xander started, having totally failed to notice her sneak up behind him, but without looking up replied, "No, no, we're not fixing this one, we just need to salvage the engine out of it." He poked at something deep inside cautiously with a screwdriver, then seemed to be done for now. Finally turning to Buffy, he indicated the much more intact looking car to his left and said, "We're fixing that. Uncle Rory said I could use it all summer if I managed the engine transplant from this old wreck."

"Engines can be transplanted?" The engine sure looked kind of stuck inside to Buffy. "That sounds kind of complicated. Do they get rejected? Do cars have a blood type? Oil type?"

"They can, and it isn't even as hard as it sounds, but the tricky part usually is the actual moving of them from one car to another. It takes special equipment Uncle Rory doesn't have and he didn't want to have to pay for labor. These are actually both Firebirds, they're just separated by a few years, so things should work fine."

Buffy now understood her purpose here. "And I guess I'm you're special equipment?"

Xander nodded, "One Buffy wrench, a must have in every toolbox." He moved over to the recipient vehicle and said, "I just need to disconnect the mountings and we should be ready to take out this broken old clunker."

Buffy looked over his shoulder as he was unscrewing some nuts and mysteriously shifting a bar around. She wondered when Xander had managed to learn so much about car repair. Maybe the whole thing before with the car wasn't just a cry for attention? Cordelia had mentioned something about a car girl once, now that she thought about it.

"OK, all ready. Just slide it out and up, and make sure to be gentle." Xander backed away and gave her space to work.

"Hey! I'm good at being gentle now. Many a doorknob was lost in the month after I was slayerized, but I have learned the ways of the paper mache world." Buffy didn't lack for precision, really, it was just that if she completely failed to pay attention in the way normal people sometimes did stuff occasionally broke. She was pretty sure the engine wouldn't actually be very heavy, but the angle she'd be lifting at and the sheer mass of it might present a bit of a problem. "Xander, can you grab me around the shoulders for this? I think I might just need a counterweight to avoid teetering over."

Xander hesitated for a second before saying, "Sure." She belatedly wondered if this was some awkward boy touching thing. Too late to worry about it now, so she just pushed forward. She got a good grip by the sides, and then moved it right out smooth as a dream. It was a little awkward getting it up and around, but Xander made a good anchor and she got the thing over her head without too much wobbling. After that it was easy to get over to the corner and set it down on the concrete. "There we go. This Buffy wrench is fully armed and operational."

Xander meanwhile had sat down and was rubbing his shoulder. Maybe she put too much weight on him? He didn't seem too mussed up anyway. Before she could ask about it though, he spoke up, "Is everything really … all 'fragile-do-not-bend' to you?" She got the sense he'd never really considered it before.

"It isn't so bad. I mean, I know my own strength, I just have to watch myself." Buffy was actually feeling a little enthusiastic about the whole job now. Using her strength for something other than beating people up or carrying shopping bags around was novel.

Xander seemed more distracted by the current line of conversation though, and just got a pensive look on his face. She wondered what he was thinking about, but something made her hesitate to ask. After that, he started some more checking around in both cars, getting them ready for the move of the actually working engine.

Looking to change the subject, Buffy remembered the whole Jonathan issue, and decided to bring that up. "Jonathan seemed pretty hyped at the Bronze last night. He even killed a vampire with a bunch of other students before we got there, apparently."

This seemed to cheer Xander up. "Really? I'm proud of them. They all learned the ABCs of slaying pretty fast. I didn't have much time to go over things before the big battle and I expected casualties to be a lot worse in the vampire brawl."

"So is Jonathan like, in the gang now? Not it's like, this big formal thing, he just seemed very into it," she said.

Xander weighed the question for a bit before answering. "I dunno. I didn't think I'd even get a chance to talk to him again before I left town, but he seems like a good sort. I think he has contact info from most of the class too."

Buffy wondered about what kind of situation would have them calling up the whole class of '99 again. It seemed really dangerous, but she supposed it had worked well the first time. "Well, the group is going to be a little depleted this summer," she mused. "Cordelia's already gone as of this morning, Willow's super busy with all this orientation stuff her parents set up for her at UC Sunnydale, and Giles told me that Wesley crawled back to England after getting his cast on last night. With you on the open road it'll just be Giles and me playing Bridge half the time."

"I thought Bridge took four people," he said.

"Even worse then! But I guess we might try to work Jonathan in if there's a nice, calm, safe case to look at." She thought about this statement for a second. "Not that we ever get those."

"Anyways Buff, I think we're ready for round two." He paused. "Do you want me to brace you again?"

Buffy rolled her eyes. "Sure." She got into the same position she had before. This time was going to be a little more tricky, since she would have to put the engine back into another car afterwards, but she was confident it would go fine. She got a good grip on it again, slid it around, and was in the middle of lifting it up. Before she got it all the way out though, there was an unforeseen interruption.

"Xander, you're doing the work here? I thought your friends would tow them to a garage?" The confused voice of Uncle Rory accompanied the through door to the house itself opening. Buffy was in a bit of a compromised position.


[] Buffy probably doesn't want Xander's uncle seeing her girlhandling a half-ton car engine. She tries to set it back in place quickly, but maybe not so gently. She doesn't want uninformed people asking all the wrong questions about her Slayer strength.

[] Buffy plays it cool, and just follows through with taking out the engine and lifting it up. Sunnydale syndrome might confuse the guy even confronted with this right in his garage, and if it doesn't, what's the worst that can happen anyway? It's not like she's secret identity girl.
S3.5E1: Victors III
[X] Buffy plays it cool, and just follows through with taking out the engine and lifting it up. Sunnydale syndrome might confuse the guy even confronted with this right in his garage, and if it doesn't, what's the worst that can happen anyway? It's not like she's secret identity girl.

Buffy almost hesitated, but then she just went with it. She honestly couldn't be bothered trying to keep secrets from random civilians. She heaved the engine up over her head again, and then Xander let her shoulders go and she waltzed over to the intact Firebird. She was getting the hang of doing this pretty fast and didn't even think she'd need help to slot it in safely; she could just sort of leverage her body against the car to avoid becoming teakettle Buffy. Maybe car engines counted as a melee weapon to her Slayer powers?

Anyways, she slotted it right into where it was supposed to be, and then stretched her arms back behind her neck loosening her shoulders again. She was almost regretful there were no more engines to cart around. Meanwhile, the guy she supposed was Xander's Uncle Rory was quiet and staring, and Xander was kind of just looking on without knowing what to do.

Rory Harris recovered quickly however. "Huh. I guess those aren't as heavy as I thought they were in this model." After thinking for a second though, he continued, "That's still an impressive set of arms you've got on you young lady. And an impressive everything else too, I might add!"

Xander was already grimacing, but Buffy had dealt with way worse than this before. "All you have to do is eat your Wheaties every day," she replied.

Rory walked over to the now mostly complete Firebird and took a speculative look under the hood. "Wheaties and something a little extra maybe," he said in a low tone. "But who am I to judge? Find your niche, that's what I say!"

Buffy was a little annoyed at the implication she was juicing, but supposed it was a fair assumption to make under the circumstances. It was certainly more logical than her mom's total denial of everything in years past. The thought was serious eww though, muscles in all the wrong places. Rory ignored the expression momentarily passing over her face however, and continued on.

"It's good to see kids your age doing honest work like this, whatever other hobbies you have. This country was built on cars, everyone should know how to run 'em and how to fix 'em. With the criminal element in this town getting out of control, all you teenagers could probably use an early morning doing something like this." Rory seemed to be settling into a good mindless ramble, and Buffy was willing to just let it ride.

Xander's curiosity got the better of him though, and he asked, "The criminal element?"

"Well, of course!" Rory said. "They attacked your graduation just yesterday didn't they? All kinds of rumors have been flying around about that. People are saying there was a gang war at the school, and the Mayor died in an explosion!" Rory stopped after saying that, looking speculative again "You two weren't involved in that were you?"

Buffy normally would've been denial girl, but something about the situation made her want to say something. Maybe not the truth, but somehow it didn't seem right to let the graduating class seem just as villainous as the Mayor's thugs. She was sick of feeling like a criminal just for doing her job. "We were involved actually. A … gang did attack graduation, and we had to fight them off to keep people safe. It was bad, and some kids … got pretty hurt. But if we hadn't fought them, it would've been even worse."

Rory apparently wasn't expecting nearly so straight an answer, and was taken a little aback. "Ah. I didn't mean to impugn, I know Xander's a good sort at least. But that ties in with why I'm back so early, actually." It was true that Xander had told Buffy his uncle wouldn't be around today. "I showed up at the Lodge for the meeting today, and the place was wrecked. Windows and doors smashed, furniture destroyed, and they even stole some of our stuff. They practically took out a whole wall just to get away with the Yeti!"

"Wait, you have a Yeti?" Xander said. "Yetis seem like a strange thing to have."

"Well, I mean, obviously it's a fake, but it's really well made. Sort of the unofficial prize of our whole taxidermy collection. I know my taxidermy, and whoever put it together really put in the work. Perfectly detailed, and fifteen feet if it's an inch. But they carted it away, along with a couple of other faked-up cryptids we had. Sort of the unofficial theme of the Lodge."

Xander and Buffy looked at each other. "You don't think-" Buffy said, but Xander interrupted her.

"Of course not. That would be silly. Fifteen feet tall." Xander did not seem as sure as his words implied. With some dread, he asked, "What else was missing?"

"I'm not entirely sure," Rory said. "I know the Sasquatch and his Chupacabra were gone, and I don't think I saw any of the Little Men around either. It's almost like all the thieves wanted were the joke pieces, the real taxidermy was mostly left alone. That's why we thought it must have been kids. So you can see why I'm a little agitated: the town seems to be going to the wolves, the Mayor's either dead or missing in action, and the police station won't even take our calls! They just told us they don't have time for 'petty vandalism' right now and hung up! What are our property taxes even paying for?"

Buffy felt she should have known the comfortable calm that had come over Sunnydale this morning was just a sham, like everything else on the Hellmouth. "Look, we have a lot of experience with, ah, gang members, and maybe it'd be best if we came to take a look at the situation." Buffy was afraid she'd be dismissed out of hand, but that wasn't the reaction she got at all.

"Really? Well, I guess having a different gang look into it is better than nothing if the police aren't doing their jobs anymore." Rory belatedly seemed to realize that might not be taken the best way. "Err, not that I think you kids are in one of the bad gangs. You know what I mean. I'd really appreciate it."

"I should make a call, there's someone else who should have a look at the situation," Buffy said. It would take too long to round up the whole group, but Giles wasn't busy today and should be able to meet them at the scene. "I don't think the new Xandermobile is ready yet, but can you drive us there?" Hopefully Rory wasn't going to end up in over his head. Xander was probably attached to him.


The Lodge was in a picturesque location towards the edge of town, next to some woods with a creek running past it. The Lodge itself however, was in anything but a picturesque state. If anything, Rory had undersold the extent of the damage, with the warm lines of the building broken up by the smashed wall and other miscellaneous destruction.

Giles was just arriving as they got there, and they met getting out of their cars. "My word!" He was about to continue, but seemed to think better of it with Rory there and simply introduced himself. "Rupert Giles, librarian of the late Sunnydale High. I'm part of Buffy and Xander's group to oppose ah, gang violence in the area."

"Thanks for coming out." Rory shook Giles' offered hand, taking the bizarre circumstances in stride. He shook his head and led them up to the destroyed wall, which now served as the easiest entrance to the unlucky building. "This is … was our Great Hall. We had the stolen pieces on display in the back." The exposed room was large and oval, with heavy tables and chairs lying about haphazardly. Large portraits covered the walls, and several mundane examples of stuffed critters were positioned around the edges of the room. There was a raised stage in the back, split into an area for speaking and a display exhibit behind it. It was empty however, aside from some knocked down fake trees and other detritus.

Before they went in, Xander focused on the ground. "I think I'm seeing what might be a trail. Uncle Rory, you know the area right? Maybe we can see where this goes." He agreed and they both wandered back off towards the creek. Buffy was thankful that Xander got him out of the way so she could talk to Giles without feeling bad about abusing Rory's tender ears with any more ugly truth.

Giles started commenting as they moved inside. "A Yeti, truly surprising. None have been spotted in the wild since 1973, and several prominent researchers at the Council think they're extinct. They're supposed to be fairly peaceful in most cases, but this one may well be roused into a rage state."

"I guess you'll be able to get another one up on them with this then. You know, if we ever find it." Buffy said.

"Somehow I don't think a fifteen foot tall giant will manage to elude us for long. I'm actually just as concerned about the other creatures, assuming they're even correctly identified. For that matter, we don't even know how they came to be here, and why they've been inactive for so long. This whole event is quite the mystery." Giles looked around the room for evidence as he talked. "I must say, it's somewhat refreshing to be dealing with honest monsters again, as opposed to dishonest politicians."

"Sorry to disappoint Giles, but it looks like we aren't done with Wilkins yet." Buffy indicated one of the portraits, a large commission of 'Richard Wilkins the Second, a prominent supporter of the Sunnydale Lodge.' The picture hadn't survived the chaos too well and had a huge slash through it, but it was still easily recognizable. "Seems like old Wilkins is still causing us trouble from beyond his fiery grave."

"How simultaneously logical and disappointing. Perhaps this was some form of fail-safe?" Giles had finally reached the forlorn display area, and was brushing debris away from some primitive looking markings fancifully drawn on the faux-ground. "Stasis runes, unless I miss my guess. The creatures were likely trapped here all this time."

"Trapped like in jail? Rory doesn't seem like the most aware kid in the class Giles, but I think even he would've noticed a Yeti pounding on the magic force field bars." Buffy had an idea where this was going, but couldn't resist taunting her Watcher a bit for old times' sake.

"Nothing so banal," Giles patiently explained. "When active, I believe these runes would have been keyed to all of them, paralyzing them completely and even stopping their metabolic processes. They would still be aware, but helpless to so much as wink an eyelid."

"Majorly wiggy. So it's not enough that a bunch of monsters got loose, they're probably monsters that the Mayor decided to torture into insanity over a stretch of decades," Buffy said.

"Quite," Giles replied. "The runes don't appear to be physically broken. I think it's likely that they were either set to turn off automatically with his death, or were disrupted by it in some way and lost power as a result."

Buffy started at the implications of that. "Do you think there are other fun little surprises like this he left scattered around?" She wasn't too worried about handling a handful of monsters, even if the Yeti was as big as everyone said. But if this sort of thing was happening all over the place, it could be a total disaster. "I guess we can't do anything about that now. Let's go see if Xander was actually following a trail or just being a distraction."

When they met Xander and his uncle again, it turned out that he'd learned a lot more than she'd expected. "OK, so I followed the trail to the creek, and it split up there. Something big, and maybe its dog or something, headed up the creek towards the town. Something that was even bigger went the other way, downriver. This eventually feeds into the Pacific, so if it keeps going it'll end up at the beach."

"Those soldier memories just keep paying dividends, huh Xander? I guess you usually get overshadowed by Oz as trail guy." Buffy said. She wasn't particularly concerned at this point with Rory being confused by the conversation, since they had all they needed from him, and he seemed to dismiss it as some kind of youth lingo anyway.

"Soldier memories. Yep. Paying dividends, that's them," Xander replied. Buffy thought he might be hiding something but didn't want to press him on it. Maybe he'd been a boy scout? She would ask Willow sometime.

Anyways, they had to make a decision here. After sending Rory home, they needed to track these things down, but with only one real fighter among the three of them they couldn't afford to split up. What would they go after first?


[] Head towards the beach and deal with the Yeti. It's huge, and if it's in a rage over its treatment it could be a lethal danger to the beach-goers on a nice day like this. It'll also probably be easier to find quickly.

[] Head towards the town trying to find the Sasquatch and the Chupacabra. Giles seems to think they might be inclined to be meaner naturally, and they could kill lots of people in town. If they don't follow them now, they could be even harder to find later in all of Sunnydale's nooks and crannies.
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S3.5E1: Victors IV
[X] Head towards the town trying to find the Sasquatch and the Chupacabra. Giles seems to think they might be inclined to be meaner naturally, and they could kill lots of people in town. If the Scoobies don't follow them now, they could be even harder to find later in all of Sunnydale's nooks and crannies.

"Apparently the Yeti at least might be friendly, and even if it isn't the beach is going to have a lot less people on it than town, even on a day like this." Buffy said. Of all the days for the streak of unseasonably cold weather to break, it had to be this one. It was the first day in a while Buffy hadn't even wanted a jacket.

"I daresay you're right, though the Watcher in me wishes we could see the Yeti. In good time though, I suppose." Giles said. "If we drive alongside the creek towards town, we might be able to catch the other fiends up. They're probably hours ahead of us at this point."

"We might be able to spot it from the car if they leave the creek on this side, the Sasquatch wasn't exactly covering its trail," Xander said.

"I'm not sure about the direction you guys are going with all this," Rory interjected. The three of them had stopped paying much attention to him a while ago. "Are you saying the other gang members escaped down the creek? Why would the Yeti's friendliness matter? Isn't it dead? And also not real?"

Buffy and Giles paused at this, grasping for a shallow lie or an easy diversion, but Xander just shook his head and said "Uncle Rory, your cryptids came to life and are rampaging around Sunnydale. We need to stop them before they kill a whole ton of people. Believe it or not, that's just the way things are, and we need to jump in Giles' Mystery Machine and do our Scooby thing." Xander seemed to brighten up after that. Maybe it helped him to be able to get it off his chest for once. "Oh, and It would help a lot if you go find a picture of the diorama once we leave."

Rory was a little stunned, but didn't seem inclined to argue right now. "Ah, I can do that Xander, sure. I think I can maybe find something in the wreckage."

"Look on the bright side!" Xander called as he walked away. "If we get you your monsters back, you might be the lucky one to stuff them this time!"


Unfortunately, the road was on the right side of the creek, and when it mattered most for Giles to be extremely English, he let them down by having an normal American left-drivered car. Xander was behind him trying to spot any disturbances in the flora (or disturbances in general) and Buffy was also in the backseat, reduced to leaning halfway over him trying to look for herself. She supposed she could add violating the seatbelt law to her list of high crimes and misdemeanors.

Meanwhile, Giles lectured at them as he drove, "The Chupacabra is a half-demon species similar to but much less common than the Vampire, at least in modernity. They are stronger and faster than the average Vampire, and they possess a short ranged bloodsense that makes them nightmarish to fight in melee. Unlike a Vampire, however, the Chupacabra keeps only the vestiges of a human intelligence and personality, and is mostly guided by the malicious spite and ferocious rage of its demon.

"Wait, like Vampires? You mean they come from people?" Buffy said.

"Do they do the whole I drink blood, you drink blood, everybody drinks blood thing?" Xander chipped in. "Do we have to worry about a Chupacabra epidemic?"

"You joke, but you're actually very correct, at least about the former," Giles replied. "While they do spread through ingested blood like their vampire cousins, the stronger connection of the Chupacabra to its demon requires the blood of multiple … donors to transform a human. With only one of them here, we should be spared that risk at least."

"OK," Buffy said. "So Chupacabra: strong, dumb, use ranged weapons. What about the Sasquatch?"

"Unlike the Chupacabra, Sasquatch are purely extradimensional in origin. While they have a similar appearance to their larger Yeti cousins, their temperament is much more violent. Their shaggy fur and thick hides make them extremely tough, and their stamina is endless," Giles said.

"So like an Energizer Bunny, except big and mean and probably not pink." Xander said.

Not bothering to acknowledge him this time, Giles continued, "Their senses leave a bit to be desired however, nearly blind and partially navigating by smell. Fighting a Sasquatch is a bit like fighting a bear."

"You fought a Sasquatch before?" Buffy asked. Giles tended to be pretty reticent about his past, even now that his Ripper days were known to the group.

Giles sighed. "I still don't know how Ethan managed to find the thing. The experience should prove useful, I hope, though I'm not quite as spry as I was in my younger days."

In better circumstances, they might have badgered Giles for more of his story, but Buffy and Xander mutually decided to save it for another time. "I'm getting worried that we missed where they left the creek," Xander said. "It's been a while and there isn't much farther left to go." As they'd been driving, Sunnydale had slowly grown up around them, and what had once been a fairly wide channel had narrowed down to a smaller waterway flowing through a park area approaching downtown. The nice weather had a lot of Sunnydalers out and about, and there were even some kids throwing a football around with school recently closed (and exploded) for the summer.

As they were driving by, one of the kids noticed Xander leaning out the window and waved them down. Giles slowed to a stop, and Percy West ran up, along with some other familiar faces from the class of '99. "Are you guys looking for those monsters? There were two that ran by here just a few minutes ago, they left the creek going down main street." He indicated the direction with his hand, towards the very center of the city. "We weren't sure what their deal was and they seemed pretty focused on where they were going, so we gave them a wide berth."

Xander fell back into his command role surprisingly smoothly, "Good job guys. You're lifesavers, and not the edible kind." He was about to continue, but Buffy had a realization and cut him off.

"They must be headed for City Hall!" She said. "The Mayor was the one that trapped them in the first place, and Giles, you said the Chupajawas were really spiteful? I bet they want revenge."

"What are they going to do when they find out there's no Mayor anymore to get revenge on?" Xander wondered.

"I imagine that if they reach their destination and don't find him they'll take it out on whoever is there," Giles answered.

"I can't think of an administration less deserving of being attacked by monsters," Xander paused for effect, then finished. "Oh, wait, except all of them."

Buffy shook her head. "Even if some of them were complicit in what Wilkins was doing, we can't just let them be massacred. Let's go."

"Wait!" Percy said, as they were about to drive off again. "Me and the guys can help if you need us. We brought some machetes just in case." He gestured to an innocuous looking duffel bag lying off to the side.

Giles was about to dismiss the idea out of hand, but Xander spoke up first, "Yeah, that would actually be helpful. Form up as a unit and follow behind us, but don't break formation, and don't engage unless you have to or unless you can support us in the flank."

Percy nodded and they were about to run for their weapons, when Giles said "Wait." Buffy expected him to argue, but he got out and ran around to the trunk. He handed Percy a crossbow with some bolts "For your best shot," and then two cans of bear spray, "If you engage the Sasquatch, best use this first. Aim for the nose." Percy took the offered weapons seriously, and Giles got back in and started driving.

They were vigilant for the last few blocks to City Hall, but there was no sign of their quarry's passing except for a smashed mailbox and a couple dented cars. Most of the Sunnydale residents seemed to have taken whatever they'd seen in stride once it became clear it wasn't going to directly affect their day. When they finally reached their destination though, the picture was grimmer.

The doors to the building had been knocked off their hinges, roars and screams emanated from within, and even as Giles skidded the car to a stop a vampire was thrown through a second story window and burst into ashes before he hit the ground. "There are still vampires here?" Xander asked. "Did anyone alive besides Allan Finch ever actually work here?"

"Unfortunately, yes," Buffy said. Sensing this was going to be a difficult battle, Buffy took Giles' earlier words to heart and grabbed a bandolier of throwing knives out of the trunk. "Angel and I saw a ton of confused nobodies when we raided the place to steal the box." Knowing time was of the essence, Buffy charged in while Giles and Xander were still equipping themselves to back her up.

Just as she entered, she was immediately fending off an attack from above. The Chupacabra had been waiting for her, and its limbs were a violent whirlwind as it danced through her reach. She took a few nasty slashes, finishing her outfit off for good, before catching it with a lifting kick that knocked it down the corridor. It wasn't actually that big, maybe just a little bigger than her, but it wasn't so easy to say that when it was trying to rip your face off.

As the fiend landed, she chucked a knife after it, but it recovered too quickly and dashed away, down another hall. "Hey! You're not leaving until you pay for this top!" she shouted as she chased after it. She really didn't know why she bothered to quip with nobody around that spoke English, but she supposed there might be some interns hiding in closets to appreciate her performance, at least.

She chased it through the building, throwing the odd knife at it but never connecting, and eventually it led her all the way to the third level. Eventually, she found herself in an intersection near the front side, when several things happened at once.

The Chupacabra was out of sight again, but now she thought it had stopped its mad dash. She could hear it bashing itself up against something that sounded solid just around the corner. Buffy remembered that the conference room she'd infiltrated through the skylight, and thought it might be over there. Just as she was about to go after the annoying thing again, she heard Xander's voice echo up the nearby staircase with a "You're not Buffy!", followed by a thunderous bellow from below. Xander and Giles must have run into the Sasquatch!

Not to be outdone though, the local talent chose that moment to show up. A half dozen vampires in suits charged in from another direction, their leader shouting, "This will never be your town, Slayer!"


[] Buffy turns to engage attacking the crowd of vampire minions, apparently still leftover from the Wilkins administration. If she doesn't thin the herd in this building a bit, she'll never be able to get a handle on all the chaos, and these minions are at least the one problem in front of her right now.

[] Buffy ignores the vampires for now, and chases after the Chupacabra. It might be distracted trying to bash down the door, and this could be a chance to finally get a solid hit on it when it isn't paying as much attention. Besides, if it's trying to bash down the door, there might be people behind it.

[] The Sasquatch is too strong and tough for Xander and Giles to reliably deal with it; with its defenses and stamina they're at a severe disadvantage. Buffy extricates herself from this surprise battle by swinging herself down through the stairwell to take on the biggest threat in the building.
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S3.5E1: Victors V
[X] Buffy ignores the vampires for now, and chases after the Chupacabra. It might be distracted trying to bash down the door, and this could be a chance to finally get a solid hit on it when it isn't paying as much attention. Besides, if it's trying to bash down the door, there might be people behind it.

"I like to think of it as our town, really, but we can agree to disagree," Buffy said as she turned away from the charging crowd of minions and went after the Chupacabra. Her superior speed gave her a temporary reprieve, but the outspoken vampire in the lead was hot on her tail. She solved that problem by slamming a fire door in his face after darting through it, ripping off the doorknob to give herself more time. She supposed she should thank Wilkins for being so circumspect about fire safety.

Carefully peeking around the corner, she saw the Chupacabra was still trying to break down the door to the conference room and hadn't noticed her at all. Instead of following her instincts and charging in, she remembered its bloodsense, and quietly drew another knife and lined up her shot. It flew true this time, and jammed into the back of its neck, dropping it cold. She didn't have much time to appreciate her victory however, as one of the chasing vampires had caught up and took advantage of her own distraction, tackling her from behind.

Buffy rolled with the fall and threw him off, but the rest quickly caught up and she was taking blows from all sides for a few difficult moments. Compared to her though, they were all weaklings in the end, really. She managed to pivot onto one hand and swept her legs in a circle, tripping three of them and scaring the others back. A stake was in her other hand and one was dust before he hit the ground. She used the momentum from her blow to transition into a cartwheel, nailing another one through the heart before he recovered from his fall, and then she was on her feet against the four remaining vampires, only mildly bruised and dusty for her troubles.

Two more tried to charge her at once then, but she had their measure now, sidestepping to the right and swatting one in the head hard enough to crash him into the other. "I'm surprised you guys didn't work more on your coordination, I mean what else did you have to do in here all day? Filling out forms? Pressing suits?" Her latest move left one of the two still standing isolated in a corner and she finished him quickly. With their numbers cut in half, the remaining vampires had turned from confident to afraid. Suddenly though, hope blossomed in their leader's yellowed eyes.

"You might have won this time, Slayer, but you haven't seen the last of Digby Van Dyne!" Buffy was so stunned by a name even goofier than hers that the not-quite-dead Chupacabra took her completely by surprise.

The monster was on her again, a hurricane of claws and teeth twice as vicious as it had been earlier in the entryway. The knife she'd thrown was still sticking out the back of its neck, but it seemed to just be spurring the creature to greater feats rather than hampering it much. She took a bunch more small wounds, along with a more serious trio of cuts along her cheek.

Buffy decided she had had just about enough of this thing though, and took the opening it gave her with that last attack. She took hold of the knife already in its neck with her left hand, and then came across with another knife in her right, brutally scissoring its head off and spraying blood everywhere. As if that wasn't enough, it completed its annoying existence by melting into a bloody slurry that she couldn't really avoid getting all over her.

"Ugh. Giles couldn't have mentioned that part?" Buffy belatedly noticed she was talking to herself, as the remaining vampires had fled the scene. Typical.

She quickly made her way down, but surprisingly, the Sasquatch was already dispatched, lying dead over the stairs. Percy's irregulars had arrived, and the whole group combined with Xander and Giles had seemingly been enough. The whole area smelled like hot peppers and made her eyes itch, so she figured that the bear spray had played a significant role in the affair.

As she descended, she despaired for her blood-soaked appearance, but the looks it drew were more awed than derisive. She could really get used to this out-of-the-closet thing, on second thought.

"The good news is the Chupajawa is deader than Star Wars. The bad news is it's all over my outfit." Buffy gave Giles a meaningful glare.

Giles started for a second, and cleaned a bit of spray film off his glasses. "Ah, yes, perhaps I should've mentioned that bit. In any case, we were able to dispatch the Sasquatch with help from Percy and his allies, though I'm afraid it got some rather good blows in." Now that Giles mentioned it, Buffy noticed Xander was favoring his right shoulder, and a couple of the '99ers were nursing similar wounds.

"I don't suppose any of you saw any vampires skedaddling?" Buffy continued. "Some of Wilkins' last followers are still lurking in the building apparently, but they turned tail when I was distracted by the crazy scaly monster."

"Those cowardly vampires," Xander interjected. "Kill a few of them and they start running away like kicked, fangy puppies."

"Well, it is still daylight. They can't have gotten out of the building easily," Giles said.

A female voice answered him from above, "Actually, they probably used the basement sewer access. It's safe to come down now, right?"

"I can confirm this Sasquatch is completely slain and spiced to order," Xander said.

A thirty-something woman in a vintage dress appeared coming down the staircase. "It's very reassuring you're here," she said to Buffy, apparently not discomfited by her macabre appearance. "Digby's been pretty unstable since he came back with what was left of the thugs yesterday, I wasn't sure that he wouldn't just kill us all out of spite."

"Ah, thanks?" Buffy was getting the sense she was missing something again. "You seem to know me, but I don't think I know you?"

"Oh, of course, I'm Cynthia Danvers, your office manager." Her introduction managed to raise more questions than it answered, but before anyone could ask them she continued her spiel. "I make sure everything runs smoothly inside City Hall, buying necessary supplies, handling payroll and so on. Mayor Wilkins also liked to have me make sure everything was kept very clean." She looked at the bloody scene with a fair bit of exasperation, though not any fear. "There's a full bath upstairs, and I can even get you a change of clothes if you like. I think there's something appropriate in your size?"

Buffy gave everyone else present a look that said she would be happy if they took the lead, but nobody was taking. "I didn't know I even had an office."

At that, Cynthia finally appeared worried. "You came to take over everything, right? With you, err, defeating Mayor Wilkins in such a dramatic manner, we all sort of assumed you were taking control of the city? Even Digby was obsessing about it, and he was convinced he could take the city over." She started to approach Buffy, and then looked at her blood-soaked attire again and seemed to think twice about it. "There's so much to do. Everything's already in chaos with the transition, and without a strong leader to take his place anything could happen!"

As Cynthia's voice was rising in fear, two others appeared from above, following her somewhat more cautiously. Xander tried to break up the rising tension, "And who might you two be?"

One was middle aged, professional looking, and balding. "Ian Banks, I'm the Registrar of Deeds."

"Vanessa Waters, City Councillor." The other was an spry older woman in a cardigan. "The only one left at this point, from what I can tell."

Cynthia continued, "The recent months have had some attrition, and after the battle yesterday many more of the people who work here seemed to flee the city. We survived the latest attack barricaded in the conference room, and I think there are probably several others scattered around the building, but we really need help. The sorts of people Mayor Wilkins dealt with to run the town won't respect us, the police aren't listening to us anymore, and on top of all that we're so understrength now that each of us is doing three jobs worth of work or so."

Giles had been looking increasingly concerned throughout the speech, and finally spoke up, "Those are all very reasonable concerns, but Ms. Summers is the Slayer, not some kind of civil servant or town strongman. There must be some kind of legal means to address the situation."

"Not really," Vanessa cut in. "Things in this town have always been extremely unofficial, and baby smooth. Was that way ever since Richard the First was Mayor when I was a gal. This town hasn't ever even had to have a special election, I don't have a clue how it would even go. Besides all that, Cynthia's right. This town doesn't know how to work without a strongman, or strongwoman, as the case may be. If Ms. Summers isn't it, there might not be a town anymore come the end of Summer."

Buffy wasn't sure. They really seemed to need her help, but would she actually be able to mayor a whole town? She was only eighteen, she would probably just mess it up and make things worse. "I don't really know anything about mayoring. I got a C- in civics."

Xander shook his head, more resolved than she was. "It might not be the result you got at the career fair, Buff, but it kind of makes sense? You've been working hard to save the town since you've got here, this would just sort of be in a more official capacity. And with someone on the good side calling the shots, maybe we could clean up Sunnydale for real."

"And in Sunnydale, what does what we learned in school really matter?" Percy said, truly arguing from the heart. "People like you, and people are afraid of you. That's what this Wilkins guy seemed to be all about anyway."

Buffy grinned a little in response to their warm words (or at least, words intended to be warm) "There's really no one else though? Isn't there some kind of something that's supposed to take care of situations like this?"

"Well, I'm sure if worst came to worst, the Watcher's Council would be happy to step in and take political control of the Hellmouth." Buffy and Xander both grimaced as Giles said that, but he held up his hands in defense. "I'm not saying I think it's a good idea. The last thing Quentin Travers needs is more power."

Buffy felt sick as she thought about what the Council getting more deeply involved in Sunnydale affairs would mean. If she didn't want that to be the only solution, it looked like she would have to be a big girl and step up. "Well, we can't let Sunnydale totally go to the wolves, and bringing in the Council would be even worse. I guess I can help you. And Xander's right, we might actually be able to improve things this way."

All three of the civil servants relaxed a lot at that declaration. "We can help work you into it too," Cynthia said encouragingly. "There are a lot of things you won't have to handle personally if you don't want to, but without your face on the operation it would've been doomed from the start."

Buffy nodded. Then, looking to Giles, she asked, "What do you think we should deal with first? Sunnydale's a pretty fraught place already, and it seems like everything's gotten even fraughtier in the past day."

"Well," Xander spoke up. "Maybe we should deal with the Yeti possibly rampaging across the public beach? Just a suggestion."

"Oh dear." Giles said.

"The Yeti!" Buffy exclaimed.

"The Yeti?" Everyone else wondered.


"How do you lose a Yeti?" Willow asked.

The sun was starting to set and the beach was fairly quiet. Giles had driven Buffy and Xander out, and Cynthia had even brought Percy and his friends in her minivan. The magic of cellphones had managed to finally summon Willow and Oz as well, but everyone was pretty embarrassed when they arrived at the beach and there was no Yeti to be found. Percy's contingent hadn't minded the detour at least, and were now throwing the football around over the dunes a little ways away.

"The Yeti was here." Oz said definitively. "The trail kind of ends in the ocean." That part was less definitive. A particularly big wave lapped up to their feet. The tide was coming in.

Giles had been asking some questions. Buffy would've helped, but she was still covered in blood, so accosting random people might not have been a great idea. "Somehow it didn't cause much of a stir. Some of the children noticed it, but most of the adults seem to think they were just getting excited about a beached whale."

"Maybe it went out to sea?" Willow wondered. "Do Yetis do that?" She put up her hand to shield her eyes from the sun as she tried to get a good view out over the ocean. If there were any Yetis out there, Buffy couldn't see them.

"There are a number of cases of Yetis just sort of … disappearing in the literature." Giles said. "Usually it happens in much less populated areas though."

"It could have just been Sunnydale Syndrome." Xander didn't really sound like he believed it. "I mean, it was just a giant Yeti. Easy for people to ignore."

"Well, this is probably good right? The Yeti isn't raging, and it just decided to leave, so one less big problem to deal with." Everyone looked at Buffy. "OK, I admit it, this is totally going to suck."


Next time, on Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Buffy has reluctantly been persuaded to help run Sunnydale for the time being. While she's going to be generally helpful too, next episode her efforts will mostly focus on a specific area.

[] City Hall is operating way understrength, and Buffy wants to recruit some members of the class of '99 to various internal positions. She needs more people than just the Scoobies who are both in the know and unlikely to stab her in the back, and they're the most ready source. It'll take some effort to interview them and find the right ways to fit them in, but once she does they might be a lot of help.

[] Mayor Wilkins had a lot of ongoing deals with various darker elements of the Hellmouth, and Buffy needs to see which of them can be salvaged and which need to be dealt with. While all the really bad ones will need to cleaned out, smoothing over some less offensive parts of the demon population could go a long way to keeping things stable. Also, learning more about the town's denizens from the other side will probably be most synergistic with her primary job of actual slaying.

[] The police department has been doing an even more pathetic job than usual since Mayor Wilkins died. Buffy knows they were among the most corrupt and ineffective of the town's old institutions, and she's going to go down there and do something about it. She wants to both snuff out whatever malicious stuff they might be planning and beat the organization into something like effective shape for actually doing useful things. Having the backup at all hours would be really useful, but it might be hard to make them take her seriously.

[] Buffy isn't sure how trustworthy the remaining civil servants are, not to mention who else might be nominally working for the town and still doing bad deeds. She'll investigate various people and organizations on the town payroll looking for malice, and try to figure out the motivations of the people who remain from the Wilkins administration. It might not do any good to try to fix the town if the government is still sabotaging it from the inside, but on the other hand, she might be worrying over nothing while more obvious crises erupt all around her.
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Extended Cast
WARNING: THIS POST CONTAINS SPOILERS! If you haven't gotten up to current with the quest yet, it's dangerous to read here.

This is going to be a page full of background information and such. It is updated to be current to the start of Season 4.0, Episode 5.

Buffy Summers (SARAH MICHELLE GELLAR): Buffy Summers was called as the Slayer three years ago, and after an improbable series of near apocalypses and other disasters has become the mayor of Sunnydale at the age of 18. Buffy's connection to her Slayer mantle has been greatly amplified since becoming mayor for reasons which are not entirely clear; she's now the growing Successor to the dead Old One which powers the Slayers, a status which technically makes her a small-g goddess.

Buffy currently receives $100,000 in bribe money per month from Wolfram and Hart to stay out of LA, and uses most of it to help keep the city budget afloat. She's also openly dating Harmony the vampire, which can be a contentious subject for multiple reasons given that it's 1999.

Xander Harris (NICHOLAS BRENDON): Xander is one of Buffy's best friends, and has been a consistent presence by her side, despite lacking any powers himself. He is the leader of the Sunnydale City Watch (aka the 'SDCW'), a city-funded military organization the Scoobies have created to defend against the supernatural, mainly supporting Buffy and patrolling for lower level threats. While this group was originally mostly "'99ers" who fought mayor Wilkins when it was formed in June, membership has since expanded a little with recruitment from local college students. Xander Harris is currently living at the Watch House (which is the refurbished Crawford Street Mansion) with his girlfriend Anya Jenkins.

Willow Rosenberg (ALYSON HANNIGAN): Willow is Buffy's other best friend, and a genius by any reasonable standard. While her knowledge was limited to the mundane before, in the last couple years she's been learning magic, and she's become the first master in the new field of Cybermancy. In addition to her own formidable powers, Willow runs the city's magic department, overseeing both the collection of magical books and items leftover from Mayor Wilkins and the other spellcasters who work for the city. Willow currently receives $50,000 in bribe money per month from Wolfram and Hart to leave their computer infrastructure alone, and is largely treating it as an expense account for the magic department as well as helping Buffy fund City Hall.

Anya Jenkins (EMMA CAUFIELD): Over a thousand years old, Anya was a vengeance demon until she had an unfortunate encounter with the Scooby gang and lost all her powers. Now human, Anya is one of Sunnydale's five city councilors, mostly focusing on matters relating to demons and their culture. Over the course of the summer Buffy and Anya struck up a burgeoning friendship, though with Anya's possessive tendencies, the non-love-triangle with Xander has occasionally been an issue.

Rupert Giles (ANTHONY STEWART HEAD): Giles has been Buffy's Watcher since she came to the Sunnydale Hellmouth, and over time evolved to become a mentor and something of a father figure as well. Though the involvement of the Watcher's Council eventually became a sore spot, Giles chose Buffy over them last year and is now firmly on her side. Giles has mostly kept his old duties of training with Buffy and managing research on the magical and demonic.

Harmony Kendall (MERCEDES MCNAB): Harmony Kendall was a '99er who fought on the Scooby side during the ascension but was regrettably killed and turned into a Vampire. Strangely, this doesn't seem to have affected her disposition negatively, and she is still working on the nominal side of good. She lives at the Crawford Street Mansion, and is often working with either Xander or Buffy as added muscle. After some serious unsoul searching, Harmony realized she was totally into Buffy, and by dint of a truly colossal effort managed to get her feeling the same way.

Daniel Osbourne (SETH GREEN): Willow's boyfriend and a werewolf, Oz possesses both a fearsome intellect and a keen sense of smell. While his insights aren't often as spectacular as Willow's, Oz has wisdom beyond his years and can be trusted to keep a level head in any situation. Oz has been an everyman lately, focusing both on helping Xander with the '99ers and helping Willow with her monstrous schedule.

Jonathan Levinson (DANNY STRONG): Jonathan was a bit of a morose outcast until recently, but recent events have brought him out of his shell. After years of merely surviving Sunnydale's dangers, he started to fight back against them when the '99ers battled Mayor Wilkins, and he's gained a truly remarkable amount of combat experience since. He's already a powerful illusionist, a leader on the SDCW, and the special effects coordinator of Lights in the Sky.

Andrew Wells (TOM LENK): Andrew isn't technically a '99er, but an '01er, two years behind Buffy's class. He has experience in summoning and controlling demons, and despite how sketchy that sounds it's been pretty helpful for him as a good guy so far. He's nominally working under Willow Rosenberg in the magic department.

CyberWillow (ALYSON HANNIGAN): CyberWillow is a 'weakly general' artificial intelligence Willow created in her own image and fed her high school diaries to flesh out her personality. While her initial purpose was to assist Willow with spellcrafting and administrative tasks, she's growing in leaps and bounds and will often offer assistance with all sorts of problems to everyone in the Sunnydale government, even including the mundane police force. She has no physical avatar, but onscreen she adopts Willow's nerdy schoolgirl appearance from Season One, tending to display a flat expression and speak in a dry voice.

Sam Lockett (JASON SEGAL): A summer transfer to UC Sunnydale who the SDCW saved from a vampire, Sam joined up and his quiet competence has led to him rising through the ranks. Despite some flirting with Buffy, nothing substantiative developed on the dating front.

Note: The SDCW has twelve additional fighters of varying levels of dedication and competence not listed here specifically, a combination of '99ers and other walk-ons. SDCW members, magic department members, and a couple miscellaneous extras like Rupert Giles are all paid a reasonable salary analogous to that of a police officer.

Vanessa Waters: She's the only remaining City Councilor from the Wilkins era, originally appointed by the mayor mostly because she's his illegitimate grandaughter (opinions on how worrying this is widely vary.) She's a spry older lady who speaks her mind and she's been in Sunnydale government long enough to know a lot about how the more mundane parts of the town operate. She has a lot of political connections outside Sunnydale too, and used them to secure Buffy's legitimacy over the summer.

After Vanessa's origins were revealed to Buffy by Anthony Gervais, Vanessa admitted that Mayor Wilkins had previously given her orders to see Faith Lehane established as mayor in the event of his death. She claims that she adapted the plan to Buffy on her own recognizance, for the benefit of the city.

Cynthia Danvers: Cynthia is a thirty-something woman that wears vintage fashion and acts the unflappable and loyal secretary to Buffy Summers, in addition to her legacy role as the Office Administrator of City Hall. She's proven competent at managing things even in circumstances that would be bizarre or terrifying to an ordinary woman, but doesn't seem to be involved in the Sunnydale night life beyond that. Cynthia is good friends with Harmony, having bonded over mutual topics of obsession: mostly cosmetics and Buffy Summers.

Ian Banks: He's been the registrar of deeds since the Wilkins era. Ian is a middle aged balding professional who seems to live for his job, with an knowledge of the law that goes well beyond what's normally required of it. He's also a Lizard person (a Reptillian, technically), and has connected Buffy with a number of others from his extended family, many in powerful political positions or roles in the movie industry. Though the unassuming civil servant tried to run for city council, he was beaten in the election and has been depressed since.

Lawrence Truman: Lawrence, or 'Larry' as he prefers to be called, is a mostly retired lawyer with lots of connections to the wealthier citizens of Sunnydale, including an influential place at the country club. Clued into the supernatural only after his election to the city council, he mostly acted as a political advisor to Buffy during the campaign. While Larry can be annoying at times, his cheesy brand of charisma has its uses.

Juan Cortez: A popular director, Cortez came to Sunnydale to film Lights in the Sky, but after a dangerous incident involving him misusing magic he ended up closer to Buffy's faction and decided to stay in the city long term. He's secured a city council seat and plans to grow Sunnydale's film industry by recruiting local demonic talent.

Anthony Gervais: The sole member of the opposition quasi-party elected to the city council, Anthony is an old curmudgeon who didn't exactly know about the supernatural beforehand, but did believe a bunch of conspiracy theories. He's another councilor who's plugged into the country club and the richer members of the city, and in cooperation with his nephew he plans to use his council seat to further the mundane economic development of the city. Anthony has a bitter rivalry with Vanessa Waters and they often snipe at each other during council meetings.

Note: There are five additional '99ers acting as administrative assistants and busybodies not listed here. They receive part-time pay analogous to a good part-time job.

Joyce Summers (KRISTINE SUTHERLAND): Joyce is Buffy's mom, and also the manager of an art gallery. In addition to her normal job, she's also helping City Hall part time under Giles by auditing the inflow and outflow of Sunnydale's museums for dangerous artifacts. She's often come to moral loggerheads with Buffy about her administration of the city lately, and their most recent fight resulted in Buffy finally moving out of the house.

Warren Mears (ADAM BUSCH): After making a sizable chunk of seed money selling new patents to faraway corporations, Warren Mears has set up shop in the old CRD building and wants to build a robotics business. Only a few years older than the '99ers, he knows all about the nature of Sunnydale and proved quite competent when the Little Men had to be cleared out of the building. Buffy had a date-like encounter with Warren over the summer, but it failed to blossom into a relationship.

Matthew Waters (JAMES ARNESS): Vanessa's nephew and the new Chief of Police in Sunnydale, Matt was recruited away from a job as a detective in San Francisco to reform the corrupt and ineffective police department. He's recently been liaising with Xander and the SDCW to get the police to a basic level of competence regarding supernatural threats, but still seeks to mostly deal with more mundane issues. Matt has about twenty police working under him, an assortment of plainclothes detectives and uniformed officers.

Carl Gervais: Anthony's nephew Carl is a real estate developer in his 30s with a Harvard degree. After being propped up by Wolfram and Hart, Carl ran against Buffy in the special election for Mayor in the summer of '99. Even though the race got pretty dirty, Buffy was gracious in victory, mostly because Carl didn't know anything about the supernatural or about Wolfram and Hart's darker aspects while he was running. Right now he's hoping to make some money both for himself and the city with a big construction project.

Willy the Snitch (SAVERIO GUERRA): After a dicey history with Buffy, in recent times he and the slayer have formed a sort of friendship, or at least a reasonable business relationship. Willy runs a relatively peaceful demon bar, 'Willy's Place', on the bad side of town and routinely provides Buffy with information about the bad elements in the city.

Gwen (RAINY JO STOUT): A down-and-out vampire prostitute, Gwen was a nobody until Buffy discovered the Sunnydale suck house and decided that Gwen was the most trustworthy of the lot. Gwen is now responsible for the safe and clean running of the institution and both a lackey and informant for Buffy. The suck-house currently employs four other hopefully tame vampires, in addition to Gwen.

Mayor Wilkins (?) (HARRY GROENER): An immortal sorcerer who ruled Sunnydale for a hundred years by pretending to be an entire family line, he was killed by Buffy for becoming the incarnation of an Old One and attempting to devour the entire graduation ceremony. This wasn't the end of him though; once Buffy took control of Sunnydale the late mayor started appearing in her Slayer dreams, offering advice on managing both the city and her personal growth. He's apparently cooperating with Sineya and warns of an upcoming apocalypse, but his ultimate motives and even his ghostly nature are uncertain.

Sineya (SHARON FERGUSON): The legendary first slayer who lived thousands of years ago, the ghost of Sineya seems to be the closest thing to a driving consciousness possessed by the mostly dead Old One which is responsible for the slayer mantle and funneling Buffy all her new powers. While she rarely even makes herself known to slayers, she recently orchestrated a fully featured slayer dream teaching Buffy about the ancient history of the Old Ones and the Sundering that resulted in the modern cosmos.

The Rat King: An enigmatic figure from another dimension, the Rat King is literally made of a swarm of rats. His form is so bizarre that looking at him produces cognitive dissonance, and his language is so esoteric that you need to be connected to the tao of rat to speak it. First contracted by Mayor Wilkins long ago, he maintains a spell to prevent the Hellmouth from sickening the population of Sunnydale, and in exchange the current administration lets his nobles visit covertly and subsidizes their shopping. The Rat King's actions seem to suggest he wants to solidify his alliance with Sunnydale, but what that means in a context he understands isn't always easy to figure out.

Amy Madison (ELIZABETH ANNE ALLEN): Amy Madison was transformed into a rat by her own unwisely cast spell for months, but Willow managed to turn her back to human form soon after Graduation. Unfortunately, her magical drug habit left her easy prey to become Rack's spy, and once Andrew discovered her treason Buffy broke her jaw. In spite of this rocky start to the quest Amy worked her way back into the good graces of Sunnydale by becoming the Rat King's translator. Lately she's a closer confidant of his, and apparently, also his royal consort.

Nezumi is one of the nobles introduced to Sunnydale by the Rat King, and has been quick to adapt to its ways. Though he also takes the form of a swarm of rats, it's a rather less incomprehensible one and also usually also mostly wearing little robot costumes. Nezumi has a role in the Lights in the Sky movie, and can understand but not speak English.

Skip (DAVID DENMAN): Originally one of Andrew's extradimensional demon contacts, Skip has grown fond of Sunnydale and is one of the cast members of Lights in the Sky. His fearsome armored and demonic appearance definitely helps with that. He originally proved his worth by outing Amy's early treachery, and since then has been a consistent good apple, despite his scary appearance. He couldn't possibly have any ulterior motive, could he?

Cordelia Chase (CHARISMA CARPENTER): After a lifelong rivalry with Xander and Willow, Cordelia grew to be a friend of the Scooby gang. She recently started a career in the movie business, and got a big role in Lights in the Sky, which brought her back to Sunnydale, at least temporarily. Though she's in town, Cordelia hasn't participated much with government activities or policing the supernatural; she's too busy filming.

Banthasnap, son of Grezelnspar: A Mok'tagar noble, Banthasnap is the drunken uncle of the now deceased Great One, Tapparich. The invasion of Mog'tog'og was intended to secure the Great One mantle for him and set him up to rule his nephew's city state, but things didn't go exactly as planned and he never inherited his family's mantle. He was last seen charging into a castle built into an exploding volcano, but who knows, he might've survived somehow.

The Yeti: The Yeti is a fifteen foot tall giant that was originally imprisoned by Wilkins at the Sunnydale Lodge. Moving by some esoteric means from place to place since then, she has caused some property damage and seems to have bizarre effects on human memory and attention. Despite this, she seems to mean well, as demonstrated by a brief but peaceful meeting with Xander. The Yeti hasn't been spotted in months, but then again, people might just be forgetting she's there.

Quentin Travers (HARRIS YULIN): Travers is the senior watcher representing the traditionalist faction on the Sunnydale expedition, and was also the watcher who oversaw Buffy's disastrous Cruciamentum last year and fired Giles afterwards. While the history between him and the scoobies is fraught, Travers seems unconcerned about Buffy getting her hands dirty as mayor and more worried about regaining control of Faith Lehane from the Initiative.

Mary Snow (GINNIFER GOODWIN): Mary was originally a potential slayer, but after not being called eventually ascended to the rank of senior watcher within the Council. She represents the progressive faction and wants to use the resources of the Council to aggressively support Sunnydale and the fight against evil. Mary, for obvious reasons, is also strongly in favor of integrating potentials into Council activities and educating them to be Watchers should they end up aging out.

Nigel Iyer (CHRIS IYER): Nigel is a watcher only moderately experienced in the field, but very accomplished academically, with two doctorates and "a sixth level certification from the Old English Covenry." One of Travers' close associates, he arrived more than a little skeptical of the abilities of Buffy and her group, but is quickly learning otherwise. While he's a little lacking in actual combat applicable magic or skills, he did acquit himself fairly well during the invasion of Mog'tog'og.

Phillip Muirhead (OLIVER MUIRHEAD): A snarky but good natured watcher who specialized in martial arts and covert activities, Phillip was another of Travers' traditionalist faction. Unfortunately he met his end during the invasion of Mog'tog'og, saving a barely conscious Jonathan from a cave-in.

Rachel Berenson (BROOKE NEVIN): Rachel has been a potential slayer for years and seems almost old enough to have passed the likely age of calling. In spite of that, she's a firebrand who loves to be on the front lines, perhaps because of emotional trauma related to her father being turned into a vampire. Rachel is currently working on the SDCW, both to gain experience on the hellmouth and to help fill out empty space that opened up when fall began.

Zoe Benson (TAISSA FARMIGA): Another relatively old potential and Rachel's best friend, Zoe is more reserved and bookish. She's also working on the SDCW, even though she's less eager to see the vicious nightlife Sunnydale is famous for.

Wesley Wyndam-Pryce (ALEXIS DESINOF): Wesley was sent to be the watcher on the scene for both Buffy and Faith after Giles was fired last year, and didn't exactly cover himself in glory. After Graduation, he went back to the Council, was largely blamed by everyone for most of what went wrong, and then was summarily fired himself.

Maggie Walsh (LINDSAY CROUSE): Maggie Walsh is the Director of the Initiative, "a federal program to study and contain hostile sub-terrestrials" (known to most people as demons.) Over the course of last spring the Initiative managed to set up a huge underground base in an old bomb shelter beneath UC Sunnydale, but they didn't start frequent patrols of the surface until August. The first the Scoobies knew of them was a plague of disappearing demons, the more innocent of which they've since had released from Initiative prison.

Maggie and her organization lack much of the practical knowledge of demons and magic that other local groups have, but she has an arrogant and domineering personality and won't take a backseat even in spite of that. As if her job managing a government organization wasn't enough, she also takes her cover job as a Psych professor at UC Sunnydale very seriously.

Faith Lehane (ELIZA DUSHKU): Faith Lehane was called as the slayer after the death of Kendra Young, and after a traumatic start made her way to Sunnydale. The events of season three led her to turn on the Scoobies and work for Mayor Wilkins, but before the climactic battle Buffy put her in a coma.

Weeks after Wilkins' death, Faith was kidnapped from the hospital by Teeth during the Triumvirate crisis and disappeared, only to recently resurface working for the Initiative under Maggie Walsh. Despite nominally being a soldier for the US Government now, Faith seems to be as vindictive as ever, and is still more interested in provoking a reaction from Buffy than mending any bridges.

Spike (JAMES MARSTERS): Spike has been a sporadic pain in Buffy's ass for years now, both when he's trying to kill her and when he's theoretically fighting on her side. Recently spotted doing research in an LA museum, the odds are good he's cooking up another one of his ridiculous plans.

Dracula (RUDOLF MARTIN): Dracula appeared in Sunnydale claiming that he wanted to tutor Buffy in the use of her new powers, but it was soon revealed that he had more sinister motives and was looking for the secret source of rapid growth. Once his plan was in tatters, Dracula fled before Buffy could fight him seriously, disappearing castle and all.

The Little Men: The Little Men are a race of demon gnomes, many of which had initially been imprisoned by Wilkins at the Sunnydale Lodge. After their escape, they infested the old CRD building and covered it with traps as their numbers seemed to grow exponentially. While they were routed there, some are still at large and they may remain a threat to the town.

Digby Van Dyne: He was one of Mayor Wilkins' surviving vampire minions. He seemed to have a prominent position among them and wanted to inherit the rulership of Sunnydale himself, but after gathering allies into a Triumvirate and hatching a plan he was staked by Buffy during an attack on the police station.

Teeth (RAYMOND O'CONNOR): A shark-headed demon mob boss, Teeth was a minor villain in Sunnydale until he joined the Triumvirate and robbed the hospital. Teeth was executed by Buffy a day later for his role in Joyce's kidnapping, and soon his corpse will be on display at the Sunnydale Lodge.

Rack (JEFF KOBER): Rack is a sorcerer specializing in dealing magical highs, cloaking things, and moving stuff around. He was the most effective member of the Triumvirate, but after extracting a ransom for Joyce's return and betraying Teeth he fled Sunnydale for Europe.

Kathy Newman (DAGNEY KERR): Kathy was a Mok'tagar college student who managed to work her way into the Sunnydale government as the "Minister of Interdimensional Trade", but less than a week after her appointment she came into bitter conflict with Buffy and Harmony over her distaste towards their interspecies relationship. Things escalated into violence, and after almost re-killing Harmony Kathy was executed by Buffy.

Tapparich, son of Danthanap (ROGER MORRISSEY): A Mok'tagar "Great One" that ruled a City State in the hell dimension Mog'tog'og, Tapparich was originally reluctant to let his daughter Kathy stay in Sunnydale for her education, but was won over by Buffy. After Buffy ended up killing Kathy, The Scoobies decided to get rid of Tapparich before he took revenge by invading Sunnydale. Buffy and her team succeeded in killing him despite his powerful magic, though his death also triggered an unfortunate volcano which may have caused thousands of demon casualties.

Angel (DAVID BOREANAZ): Angel is a Vampire With A Soul who had a torrid romance with Buffy over the course of the first three seasons, but the problems of curses and dramatic angst eventually led him to leave town for LA. Buffy has worked with him on a few occasions since, but between her increasing political power and some of her more unscrupulous actions, Angel's trust in her is starting to wear thin. Angel recently acquired a magical Kris sword from Achard the Tribune.

Lorne the Host (ANDY HALLETT): Lorne is a very unusual Deathwok that runs a karaoke bar in LA, 'Caritas', that serves as a peaceful sanctuary for both humans and demons. In addition to that, Lorne can use his demon powers to read the destinies of those who sing there and offer them helpful advice. Buffy was rather intimidating on her first trip to Caritas, but Lorne proved to be quite helpful in spite of (or perhaps because of) that. Later, he also read Harmony, though the nature of his assistance was pretty risky given that he aimed her at Spike for a vampire-to-vampire chat.

Nathaniel Smith (JACK GLEESON): Nathaniel, or as Buffy likes to call him, "Nate", is an un-favored son of the sorcerer clan 'Transmuters Material'. While he'd struggled to justify his existence to his father before, Buffy's help in winning him the Crown of the First Sorcerer-King on Sour's game show has given him some much needed breathing room with his clan.

Ivgol the Dwarf: He's a pretty stereotypical Dwarf who runs a tinker shop in LA and loves working with metal. He has an armory setup in his basement and provided Buffy with a very high quality Warhammer in exchange for some mithral Wilkins had squirreled away.

Congressman Gold: Representing one of LA's districts in the House of Representatives, Gold is secretly a Lizard person, though this doesn't seem to affect his decisions very much. He helped aim Buffy and Willow in the right direction when dealing with Wolfram and Hart, and got a folder of stolen WRH data for his trouble. He also kept the lid on her anti-assassin rampage through LA, preventing any awkward police interference.

Lindsey McDonald (CHRISTIAN KANE): Lindsey is a lawyer for the Special Projects division of Wolfram and Hart, a supernatural law firm with a reputation for evil. He was in charge of trying to expand Wolfram and Hart's influence into Sunnydale, and his means for doing so was to prop up the campaign for mayor by Carl Gervais. He enacted various scummy and supernatural plans to mess up the Summers administration, but all of them were neatly handled as his efforts were frustrated at every turn.

Holland Manners (SAM ANDERSON): The Head of Operations for Wolfram and Hart's Special Projects division in LA, Holland Manners was the one who negotiated the truce between Sunnydale and Wolfram and Hart, keeping both groups out of each others' hair and putting a lot of "tribute" money in Buffy and Willow's pockets. While the cash was enough to solve a major budget crisis, it's been hinted that Wolfram and Hart also profited from the agreement significantly, even beyond not having to worry about their LA assassins getting assassinated anymore.

Percy West (ETHAN ERICKSON): Percy is a stereotypical jock and leader of other jocks, but the events of season three led him to respect the Buffy gang as pretty much universally tougher than him and therefore worth listening to. He joined the SDCW over the summer and proved himself a capable fighter, but recently left to college at UCLA. Now he and some of his old '99er friends are patroling the streets of Los Angeles.

Charles Gunn (J. AUGUST RICHARDS): Gunn runs his own crew of vampire fighters on the downtrodden streets of LA, and even though they don't have the superpowers, funding, or resources of Buffy's people they do a pretty decent job. After he helped Buffy in a battle against Wolfram and Hart assassins, she put him in contact with Percy and his friends.

Alonna Gunn (MICHELE KELLY): Gunn's little sister, Alonna is one of the younger members of his ragtag group. She's recently shown an interest in learning magic, and she's commuted to Sunnydale a few times for sporadic lessons and studying in the past month.
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S3.5E2: Spoils I
Previously, on Buffy the Vampire Slayer:

JOYCE: It's from Nigeria. We got a very exciting shipment at the gallery. I thought I'd hang a few pieces in here. It cheers up the room.

Desperate to get to Buffy's, Giles SPEEDS down the street.
GILES: Unbelievable... (as Joyce) "Do you like my mask? Isn't it pretty? It raises the dead!" (himself) Americans...


CREAM PLAYS. Giles' button-down is open, revealing a white t-shirt-style undershirt. He lies on his back by his record player amid scattered albums. Joyce is mixing a Kahlua and Pepsi. Cigarettes smolder in an ashtray on the floor.
JOYCE: So, you wanna watch TV, Ripper? I know how to order pay-per-view.
GILES: Let's go out. Have some fun. Tear things up.

JONATHAN: What are you talking about?
BUFFY: Actions having consequences, stuff like that --
JONATHAN: I wouldn't ever hurt anybody. I came up here to kill myself.

This is the worst of all. Her usual vamp headquarters is filled with living humans, and the pulse pounding beat has been replaced by the mellow song stylings of K's Choice.
Vampwill wanders about, looking for the master, or some sign of sanity. Instead, she bumps into:
She looks at him, no idea who he is.
PERCY: Rosenberg? What are you doing? Trick-or-treating?
She looks him over, amazed at his audacity.
PERCY: You're supposed to be at home doing my history report. I flunk that class you're gonna be in big trouble with Snyder. Till we graduate, I OWN your ass.
VAMPWILL: Bored now.
She rockets the heel of her hand into his chest. He flies backwards over the pool table, landing just about as painfully as he can.


Angel is just kicking ass. The vamps are torn -- finally one calls out:
VAMP: Get the kids!
And heads up the steps. The others follow -- and are met by a wave of students, the entire graduating class pouring down on them, yelling, weapons in hand, they meet on the stairs and fuggin Braveheart ensues.
Amidst the carnage, we see our kids: Willow, Oz, Cordelia, all engaging. Jonathan also managing to hold his own.
We see Harmony as a vamp pulls her aside and bites the shit out of her.

XANDER: It might not be the result you got at the career fair, Buff, but it kind of makes sense? You've been working hard to save the town since you've got here, this would just sort of be in a more official capacity. And with someone on the good side calling the shots, maybe we could clean up Sunnydale for real.
PERCY: And in Sunnydale, what does what we learned in school really matter? People like you, and people are afraid of you. That's what this Wilkins guy seemed to be all about anyway.


S3.5E2: Spoils

"Well I for one think you're going to be an excellent mayor, Buffy. And just think of how good it'll look on your resume!" Buffy wasn't sure that she'd be a good mayor at all, and if she wasn't, being mayor of a town overrun by demons probably wasn't the kind of thing she'd want to bring up in a job interview.

Joyce had gone through serious whiplash when Buffy had arrived home late and covered in blood. First, she'd been thrilled Buffy was alive. Then, she'd been annoyed that Buffy had gotten into another deadly situation, just a day after her supposedly big encounter at graduation. Finally, the story about the dastardly Mayor Wilkins, the explosion of Sunnydale High, and a Slayer-sized power vacuum at City Hall had broken her a bit. There had been the predictable alcohol binge that night, but her mother had been surprisingly chipper in the morning, eager to poke into this new part of Buffy's life in all sorts of stressful mom ways.

Originally, Buffy had been going to meet the whole gang at City Hall today to hash out what to do with their sudden windfall of one slightly used city. She was still going to do that, but she hadn't expected her mom to be driving her there. She was kind of worried that she would somehow ruin everything, though everything was already pretty ruined, so maybe she couldn't do much harm.

Joyce went on with her optimistic ranting, oblivious to Buffy's internal conflicts, "I mean, think of all the good we could do for this town! We could improve the schools, further the arts, and maybe even raise property values."

"I'm pretty sure the kind of good I'm going to be doing is more with the sword than the pen." Buffy said. "Though improving the schools won't be too hard. Sunnydale High has a smoking crater in it now, and that's already an improvement over how it was last week."

Joyce sighed, but not even Buffy's snarking could ruin her good mood. "Well, I'm sure you have the sword angle handled, but at your age it's always good to expand your horizons, and this could be a great opportunity. Besides, aren't all your friends coming to help with things? They're a pretty smart crowd."

"They're lifesavers. But they all have their own stuff to do too. Willow's mom has totally been on the warpath about her orientation for construct-a-major at UC Sunnydale, she wasn't really happy that she didn't go to a better school." Buffy said. "Xander's going to go on his road trip at some point, though he's going to have to wait until his sprained shoulder is better. He said he can't really use the clutch in his car that well right now. And Giles … I'm not actually sure what he's doing, but he's probably really busy. And look! Here we are!" Buffy jumped out of the car, eager to escape the awkward conversation.

Buffy walked up to the already repaired doors of City Hall and entered, only to meet Giles on the other side, waiting around and seemingly not doing much of anything. "Buffy, why there you are! I wanted to talk to you before the meeting." Joyce strolled in after her, and Giles started for a second before continuing, "Ah, Ms. Summers. I didn't expect you would be joining us." He cleaned his glasses worriedly.

Joyce smiled a little like a cat. Buffy was more disturbed by it than Wilkins' transformation into a giant snake. "Why wouldn't you? Buffy is only eighteen, and being mayor is a big responsibility. It's only natural that I would come along to help her get started."

"Quite," Giles replied, still a little discombobulated. Buffy hoped this wasn't a sex thing. "Well, in any case, what I was going to discuss involves you as well. Over our three years guarding the Hellmouth, there have been numerous incidents involving dangerous artifacts being imported to Sunnydale's museums and galleries. Ampata, Acathla, even Ovu Mobani." Joyce cringed a little at that reminder. "While I would of course help you with the transition in general, and continue to work with you on training as usual, I'd been thinking I could take an official oversight role to prevent issues like this in the future."

Buffy was surprised Giles had so much time, but it did seem like a good idea. She was about to agree, but her mother spoke up first, "I could help you with that. I have connections with some of the other galleries in town already, and I even rotated some stock with the Historical Museum last year."

"Ah," Giles delayed, trying to think of a response. "While your help would be appreciated, there is quite a lot of specialized knowledge involved in proper identification-"

"Oh, I know I couldn't replace you, but the general pattern actually seems pretty clear? If it looks like a dangerous artifact and quacks like a dangerous artifact it probably is one. I mean, had I known to be on lookout for that kind of thing I would've mentioned something about the mask. I always thought it was kind of creepy. I could just filter through things and send anything that looked suspicious to you for identification."

"Well," Giles said, "It would save a lot of time. I imagine that this summer won't be as calm as some of the recent ones have been, what with Buffy's new position." He seemed a little disappointed, and Buffy herself was a little worried, but Joyce had a point. Most of those evil things had looked pretty evil from the get-go. Really, what could go wrong?


"I believe everyone is here, so we can now call the first meeting of the Summers administration to order." Cynthia said. Buffy privately thought things had grown a little out of control, but there really wasn't anything she could do about it. This was just how mayoring went, she guessed.

The whole remaining Scooby gang had shown up, including herself, Xander, Willow, and Oz, all in a knot at one end of the table. For his part, Giles was sitting with her mom, who had also invited herself to the meeting. Cynthia had organized everything, and her companions from yesterday, Vanessa and Ian, were sitting on either side of her. Maybe most surprisingly, Jonathan and Percy were there too. She wasn't sure who had actually invited them, but it made more sense for them to be here than her mother, at least.

Everyone was quiet, so Buffy figured she was supposed to speak up first. "Thanks everyone for coming." She paused awkwardly, not totally sure what they were supposed to accomplish, but pushed on, risking a vague direction, "So this meeting is about figuring out what we're all going to do. With Sunnydale I mean." Scooby meetings had always had much clearer goals, and also weren't held in nice conference rooms. The skylight in the roof sort of reminded her of the library though.

Jonathan somehow interpreted her cue as something more meaningful than she had imagined. "I've spread the word to all the '99ers that we've taken over the city, and that we need people to help run it. The response has been pretty positive, at least short term, since most people weren't really doing anything this summer."

"So we'll be able to staff the hotline and the watch network?" Xander said. He was wearing a sling on his right arm, and Buffy momentarily regretted that she hadn't given him more help yesterday. There'd been nobody else to fight all the threats upstairs though, so there wasn't really anything she could've done.

"I got that," Percy said. "Never could trust the cops around here anyway."

"They've never been a very inspiring police force," Vanessa said. "Though they're usually more reliable for at least pretending to do their jobs. They were afraid of Richard, and without him around they may be a little difficult to control."

Buffy didn't like the sound of that. "Wait, aren't we like, City Hall? Don't they have to listen or get fired, or something?"

Ian shrugged his shoulders. "Legally, the situation's complicated. The police have ruled that Mayor Wilkins is officially "missing", and for the next few days that means you're debatably only the acting mayor de facto, and not de jure, even under Mrs. Waters' authority as the city council." He paused, fearfully expecting a bad reaction, but when Buffy didn't bite off his head or anything he went on, "For as long as that lasts, nobody can really tell them what to do. Of course, you could just go down there and tell them what to do anyway, if that's how you wanted to handle it."

Visions of her arrest-adjacent activities over the past year flashed through Buffy's mind, and she shook her head. "I think I'd prefer the actual force of law for confronting the cops."

"They're probably too incompetent to do much damage anyway." Xander said.

"Even outside of safety measures like that, we have other immediate needs," Cynthia said. "We've started an effort to pin down some of the late mayor's hidden assets. The city has some of its own funds, and a number of artifacts on the premises have been made available to Mr. Giles and Ms. Rosenberg already, but it's believed that he had large reserves on hand outside of that which we haven't about to locate."

"I've got some ideas about that," Ian said. "It'll take more manpower to look through all the paperwork and do all the footwork for them to lead anywhere, he hedged."

"Well, it's a good thing we've got a whole graduating class of up and coming do somethings then." Willow said. "A lot of the stuff we already found is pretty intense with the magic too. I had a look at Circe's Fourth Codex and it was pretty mind blowing." Giles' expression looked a little worried at that, but Willow quickly reassured him, "Safe mind blowing! With no actual exploded brains, and lots of productivity and caution!"

"Magical items aside," Cynthia continued, "The real decision we must make first is about money. The fact is that Sunnydale has historically operated at a rather distressing loss. We haven't had a quarter in the black since 1926, actually. Traditionally, the presiding Wilkins has cut checks from his own money to make up our losses, allowing rather profligate spending considering our anemic tax base."

"Wait, so you're telling me that we control the whole town, and we're still broke? This is like one of those nightmares where you're a sports star but suddenly you realize you're on the field in your underpants." Xander said. Willow raised her eyebrow at him a bit. "A little too much information?" he asked.

Having learned to mostly ignore Xander already, Cynthia went on, "It's possible that our efforts will bear fruit, and these concerns are for naught. We could also find new income sources eventually, ones which Richard traditionally dealt with privately and aren't obvious on our books. But we could also fail to do either, and if so, we will run out of money in months if we keep spending at traditional rates. Should we press on, or batten the hatches for winter?"


Special Vote: Since we aren't going to be tracking detailed city budgets, this vote is going to determine how aggressive our heroes are with spending money generally. It'll determine things like what they pay new hires and themselves, what they spend on equipment and expenses, and even how much they use on bribes and other questionable investments. Spending lots of money will tend to make everything easier, and also make certain people happier, but it'll also require finding or making lots of money eventually to keep it up.

Unlike a normal vote, the majority isn't going to be everything here, and the relative amount of votes on both sides will have an impact too. If everyone votes to spend lots of money, they'll spend basically assuming they'll find income sources and worry about possible bankruptcy when and if it happens. If everyone votes to save money, they'll probably be trying to hire all the '99ers as interns instead of paid workers and be looking to sell off nonessential property held by the city. If it's half and half though, they'll take a more middling approach, and so on.

[] Spend Money. Buffy's confident they can make the town pay for itself soon enough.

[] Save Money. Buffy isn't sure they'll have as easy a time financing things as Wilkins did.

Edit: Gah typos
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Quest Timeline
This is going to be the official canon timeline for the quest. I couldn't find any definitive source on the timing of graduation day, but several factors have led me to choose the date I did. I'm going to make this page actually as spoiler light as possible so new questers can use it while catching up without spoiling themselves. Anyone who ever notices inconsistencies on this page should speak up.

June 1999
Tuesday the 1st S3E22

Tuesday the 1st S3.5E1.I
Wednesday the 2nd S3.5E1.II-V

Thursday the 3rd S3.5E2.I-II
Friday the 4th S3.5E2.II-IV
Saturday the 5th S3.5E2.V

Saturday the 5th S3.5E3.I
Sunday the 6th S3.5E3.I-V

Thursday the 10th S3.5E4.I-III
Friday the 11th S3.5E4.IV-VII
Sunday the 13th S3.5E4.VII

Thursday the 17th S3.5E5.I-II
Friday the 18th S3.5E5.II-III
Saturday the 19th S3.5E5.III-IV

Saturday the 19th S3.5E6.I-III
Sunday the 20th S3.5E6.III-V
Monday the 21st S3.5E6.VI

Tuesday the 29th S3.5E7.I-IV
Wednesday the 30th S3.5E7.IV-V

July 1999
Saturday the 10th S3.5E8.I
Monday the 12th S3.5E8.II-V
Tuesday the 13th S3.5E8.VI

Saturday the 17th S3.5E9.I
Sunday the 18th S3.5E9.II-VII

Friday the 23rd S3.5E10.I-II
Saturday the 24th S3.5E10.II-V

Friday the 30th S3.5E11.I-II
Saturday the 31st S3.5E11.II-III

August 1999
Tuesday the 3rd S3.5E11.IV-VII
Saturday the 7th S3.5E11.VII

Thursday the 12th S3.5E12.I-II
Friday the 13th S3.5E12.III-IV
Saturday the 14th S3.5E12.IV

Sunday the 15th S3.5E13.I-III
Monday the 16th
Tuesday the 17th S3.5E13.VI

Thursday the 19th S3.5E14.I-II
Friday the 20th S3.5E14.III-V
Saturday the 21st S3.5E14.V-VI

Saturday the 28th S3.5E15.I-II
Sunday the 29th S3.5E15.II-IV
Monday the 30th S3.5E15.V
Tuesday the 31st S3.5E15.V-VI

September 1999
Wednesday the 1st S3.5E16

Wednesday the 1st S4.0E1.I-IV
Thursday the 2nd S4.0E1.IV-V, S4.0E2.I-II

Friday the 3rd S4.0E2.II-III
Saturday the 4th S4.0E2.III
Sunday the 5th S4.0E2.IV-VII

Wednesday the 8th S4.0E3.I-II
Thursday the 9th S4.0E3.III-V

Friday the 10th S4.0E4

Friday the 10th S4.0E5.I
Saturday the 11th S4.0E5.I-III
Sunday the 12th S4.0E5.III-VII
Monday the 13th S4.0E5.VII

Thursday the 16th S4.0E6.I-II
Friday the 17th S4.0E6.III
Tuesday the 21st S4.0E6.IV-V

October 1999
Wednesday the 13th S4.0E7.I-II
Thursday the 14th S4.0E7.III-VIII

Sunday the 17th S4.0E8.I
Saturday the 23rd S4.0E8.II
Sunday the 24th S4.0E8.II-IV
Monday the 25th S4.0E8.IV-VI

Tuesday the 26th S4.0E9.I-III
Wednesday the 27th S4.0E9.III-IV
Sunday the 31st S4.0E9.V

November 1999
Monday the 1st S4.0E10.I
Tuesday the 2nd S4.0E10.II-IV

Wednesday the 3rd S4.0E11.I
Thursday the 4th S4.0E11.I-III

Saturday the 6th S4.0E11.IV, S4.0E12.I-VII

Sunday the 7th S4.0E12.VII

Monday the 8th S4.0E13.I
Tuesday the 9th S4.0E13.I-VI

Monday the 15th S4.0E14.I
Monday the 23rd S4.0E14.II-III
Tuesday the 24th S4.0E14.IV
Thursday the 26th S4.0E14.V
Friday the 27th S4.0E14.VI, S4.0E15.I-II

Saturday the 28th S4.0E15.II
Saturday the 28th-Monday the 30th S4.0E15.III

December 1999
Tuesday the 1st-Saturday the 5th S4.0E15.III
Sunday the 6th S4.0E15.IV-V

Tuesday the 8th S4.0E16.I
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S3.5E2: Spoils II
[7/14] Spend Money. Buffy's confident they can make the town pay for itself soon enough.

[7/14] Save Money. Buffy isn't sure they'll have as easy a time financing things as Wilkins did.

A pause fell over the meeting at Cynthia's blunt statement, but eventually Giles was the first to speak. "While the late mayor may have been very successful in his fundraising efforts, I'm sure that emulating him isn't going to lead us anywhere good. We witnessed the unsavory prices of some of the deals he made firsthand last year, and I daresay that those are just the sort of things we're trying to stop."

"Hey! Maybe less slippery slopes and more calm logical reasoning?" Willow said, a little annoyed. "Just because the old mayor was evil and made a whole ton of dirty money doesn't mean that a healthy economy is bad. There are probably all sorts of perfectly good ways we could increase tax dollars. Just think of all we could discover with some money for actual research!"

"Hey, let's not get too bent out of shape out of this," Xander said, making a conciliatory gesture at Willow. "I think Giles has some good points. We could go in with every intention of taking the high road, but when the credit card bills start piling up at the end of the month moral fiber has a way of eroding away."

"That's true, but what applies to an individual doesn't apply the same way to a government," Ian tried to explain. "A lot of the time you have to spend money to make money. For example, without more people to help it's going to be a lot harder to find Wilkins' hidden stores."

"And you can't expect people to work for nothing!" Joyce cut in. "Duty's well and good, but I've been trying to tell Buffy all this time that it won't put food on the table or money in your 401k. All you kids are practically saints for doing all you've done already, but if you want a lot more people to help you run a town you're going to have to pay them something for their time, not to mention the risks to their safety."

"The city does have some more traditional assets." Vanessa said. "There's a lot of real estate it holds, we could get to work on selling some of that if we wanted to be fiscally responsible while still having money for expenses."

"I'm not sure that's a very good idea." Cynthia had a pinched expression on her face. "With Ms. Summers' spectacular efforts making our city safer in the past few years, and the booming market nationwide, real estate looks like a very good long term investment in Sunnydale right now. In the short term though, the destruction at the high school and the political instability in the city is going to make it a buyer's market. This is an awful time to sell."

"Are a couple percents over a few years really going to matter?" Xander was starting to look a little annoyed as well, despite his efforts at peacemaking earlier. "If the city really needs the money now, maybe we need to focus on the next few months before we worry about the next few years."

"As much as I hate to admit it Xander, I agree that a mass sell off of property now is a bad idea." Giles cleaned his glasses frustratedly. "With the mayor recently dead, all sorts of nefarious elements are going to be looking to set up shop on the Hellmouth and carve out a piece for themselves. Flooding the market with cheap property is just going to attract more sharks to the scent of blood."

Buffy was getting tired of this herself, but she decided there were some things she was already convinced of. Xander was about to reply, and it looked like Joyce and Willow had more to add too, but Buffy just cut them all off to speak her piece. "Look everyone, I think we have to just be reasonable about all this. We don't need to spend like Wilkins did; this was never about a fat payday or shiny toys. We don't need to make any rash decisions about selling things or buying things either. What we do need to do though, is actually pay people." Buffy sighed, as what she was about to say wasn't easy.

"My mom's right. It's not fair to ask good people to sign up with us to build a better Sunnydale and give them nothing in return, depending on their guilt to make them help us. That's how the Watchers' Council operates, and the last thing I want is to be like them. We can cut some corners elsewhere to give ourselves more time to stabilize, I guess."

Her friends were quiet at that, and Cynthia nodded, as if now that Buffy had spoken, the meat of the matter was decided. Buffy wasn't sure how she felt about that. "Well then, everyone, let's discuss just what sorts of corners we're going to cut." She opened a thick folder in front of her, and ominous packets of paper were passed around the room.

Buffy grimaced. She'd graduated two days ago, and already it was like she was back in school.


"Wait, have you even graduated yet?" Xander asked.

"Technically I'm a junior now. But I'm totally qualified to help protect the town! I already have lots of useful skills." Buffy surreptitiously checked her notes, something Xander apparently hadn't bothered with. This was Andrew Wells, age 16. Buffy wondered if he had anything to do with Tucker.

After the bureaucratic nightmare that was yesterday's budget discussion, Buffy had almost been looking forward to doing interviews with Xander. Either of them could've maybe done them on their own, but Xander had spent more time working with the '99ers in the lead up to graduation, while Buffy felt that if she didn't start getting to know the people working for her now she might never have the chance, with all the disasters that kept happening. Xander was also going to be slay-adjacent at least until his shoulder finished healing, so it gave them a chance to hang out.

"And those useful skills are?" Xander asked.

"Well, I've mastered D&D 2nd edition, I've memorized the entire script of the Star Wars trilogy, and I have lots of experience in summoning and controlling demons!" Andrew proudly declared.

"Wait, what?" Buffy said. "You realize we're the good guys right? Demon summoning bad. That's the sort of reference you could've used to get a job here last month."

"What demons have you even summoned anyway?" Xander said.

"Don't you remember that fateful performance of Romeo and Juliet in the spring of 1998? With the flying monkeys?" Andrew said, "Everyone was like: 'Run Juliet!'" He changed his voice a bit and raised it, waving his hands and trying to pantomime a crowd.

"Oh." Xander said. "OK, I have to admit, that was kind of funny."

"Hey!" Buffy turned to Xander, "Whose team are we on here? And I don't remember any monkeys. Flying monkeys seems like the kind of thing I would remember."

"It happened one of the days you were sick with the flu," Xander explained. "With everything going on I guess nobody ever told you about it. They didn't really do any harm, they just flew around and screeched at people for a few minutes. Snyder had to hide under the stage. I didn't even know they were demons, actually."

Buffy almost said something about not speaking ill of the dead, but she couldn't quite muster up any sort of protective emotion for Principal Snyder, even under the circumstances, so she let it pass. "But, like, still," She struggled to get control back of the conversation, and perhaps of her of her life general. "You're a nerd who summons demons."

"Exactly!" Andrew cut in, before Buffy could form a more coherent thought. "I have tons of knowledge of the occult already, which a lot of my older compatriots are going to lack. And I'm great at categorizing and memorizing information. If demon summoning is off the agenda I can still totally be useful. And it really shouldn't be, even if we're fighting on the side of good. Unlike in D&D, real demons have a broad range of alignments. Those monkeys were chaotic neutral at worst."

Now that Buffy thought about it, a lot of the regular denizens at Willy's didn't seem too bad. Maybe Andrew knew a thing or two after all. And even if he didn't, it was probably better to keep the kid where she could see him. "Fine. I guess you're on as a provisional hire, Willow or Giles can probably do something useful with you."


"It's not that I don't want you to be here Anya, it's just that I'm a little surprised." Unlike in some of the recent interviews, Buffy did have a very good idea who this person was, but thought it would be best to let Xander lead the discussion, all the same.

"Why is it surprising? Do you not think I can do the job? I mean I'm older than your entire administration put together. I've seen nations rise, and made nations fall. You should be the ones begging me to work for you!" Anya definitely had a way of seeing things. Buffy wasn't sure if it was a good way, but it was a way.

"The last time we talked, you weren't sticking around for the fall. If I remember correctly, you didn't even want to be on the same planet. And yet, not a week later, here you are, back in Sunnydale and acting as if you were always part of the team!" Xander definitely seemed a little sore about how things had left off with Anya. She hadn't been to much of the prom, maybe they'd had a really bad date?

"I was! Don't forget that without me, you wouldn't have even known what the mayor was going to turn into! Which means no surprise bombing and the entire city eaten." Anya waved her hands out in front of her as if to reenact the explosion she hadn't been here for. Maybe there was something about interviews that made people want to gesticulate? "I mean, I practically was the one who saved the whole town!"

"Oh, now she's the one who saved the whole town. Maybe Anya should be mayor!" Xander said sarcastically.

"I was actually elected mayor of the village of Szob in 1627, after I'd cursed the previous mayor to have his digestive system eaten by bot flies. He wasn't only a notorious lecher and a corrupt fraud, but he also snored. I never took office, but the people really loved me there." Buffy had the sense that Anya might've done well to apply a month earlier too. There was a lot of that going around.

"Look Anya, I've heard so many stories of disgust and woe and more disgust from you that I'm not even shocked by that one. How are we supposed to hire you when you're just one restored power center away from going vengeance-y all over again?" Xander asked.

"Do people spontaneously start selling fast food in the street after they get fired by the local Doublemeat Palace? D'Hoffryn hired me to be a vengeance demon, and I was a good vengeance demon. Now I'm effectively fired. If you hire me to be your advisor, and I'm half as good at that as I was at being a vengeance demon, won't it be worth it?" Anya and Xander's voices had slowly been raising this whole time, and now they were practically shouting at each other. Buffy decided she'd better act fast before they started making out in her office or something. She was happy that Xander had found someone, but she didn't need to see that.

"Yes. It would be. You're hired," she said.

"What?" Xander and Anya asked, both confused.


"Was that the last one?" Buffy asked the phone.

"You have one more," Cynthia replied in a tinny voice. She sounded a little more hesitant than usual. "She's something of a special case, but she asked me very sincerely to let you hear her out, and I thought it should be your decision." After some of the decisions Buffy had had to make in the past few days, she was waiting longingly for uncomplicated slaying tonight. But she would have to wait just a little longer. "Alright then. Let's see what she's got."

After a minute, the door opened, and Harmony Kendall walked in. Buffy was momentarily very confused, but Xander had kept better track of everyone and didn't hesitate. "Harmony! You're dead!"

"Guilty," she said glumly. "But not like, you know, guilty. I haven't done anything bad yet!" She whined, fanging out.

Buffy quickly vaulted the desk, both to prevent Harmony from getting away and to protect Xander from further injury. "Harmony, I know you weren't always very good in school, and Xander might not have had too much time to go over this, but Vampires? Evil. They go around eating people. I slay them. It's this whole big thing."

"I know, I know!" Despite being in game face, Harmony wasn't making aggressive moves, she was just continuing to whine. "I haven't eaten anybody yet and I'm really hungry! But the first thing I did after I woke up from my coffin was get the gossip from Aura and she told me the whole deal. You're mayor now and you're recruiting everyone. I want to stay on the winning team." She cringed away, like a puppy expecting to be kicked.

That was actually a surprising amount of sense coming out of a fledgling. But it still could never work. "Harmony, you aren't even really Harmony anymore. You don't have a soul. The first time you get a chance you're just going to eat someone anyway." Buffy pulled out a stake. It felt a little bad to kill her when she wouldn't even fight, but she could at least make it quick.

"But I know I couldn't! You'd just find out eventually, I know I'm too stupid to be able to cover it up. And then I'd be dead. And whether I'm Harmony or not, I think I'm Harmony and I don't want to die. How is it my fault I don't have a soul?" As arguments went to not be staked, it wasn't great, but it was actually better than most that Buffy had heard.

Xander wasn't convinced though, "Buffy, you can't seriously be humoring her? Just make with the stakey and then we can mosey. You even have office workers now to clean up the dust."

Harmony managed to push her game face back down and fell to her knees. "Please! I saw that other vampire fighting on your side! Maybe I could be like him?"

"Deadboy's not exactly the best role model for good behavior. And even if Willow could curse her with a soul, this isn't angsty Angel, this is vapid Harmony. She probably experiences a moment of true happiness whenever she gets a new My Little Pony." Xander seemed convinced, but Buffy was uncertain.

Maybe it was the cavalcade of questionable characters she'd already allowed into the ranks. Maybe it was the pathetic sight of the vampire on her knees, begging and bawling for her life. Maybe somewhere deep down inside, Buffy didn't think it was fair either. But Xander was right, there were no guarantees, especially with probably totally ill-fitting magic, and Harmony might turn on a dime the first chance she got.


[] Buffy lies to Harmony, saying it's all going to be OK, and then stakes her in the back. She owes her that much, at least.

[] Buffy decides that they can probably work something out, somehow, and locks Harmony up with some butcher's blood. The gang will try to figure out how reliable she is and what she needs to keep her under control.

A/N: You can try to write in ways to control Harmony, but their actual practicality is not guaranteed. You don't know for sure IC or OOC how compatible Willow's curse will be. Also, if you vote to lock her up now instead of killing her now, Buffy is going to have a much harder time killing her later without an actual crime first.
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S3.5E2: Spoils III
[X] Buffy decides that they can probably work something out, somehow, and locks Harmony up with some butcher's blood. The gang will try to figure out how reliable she is and what she needs to keep her under control.

"Urgh." Buffy groaned. "I can't do it."

"Hurray!" Harmony cheered. She followed up with a raspberry up at Xander, still kneeling on the ground and sort of hiding behind Buffy's legs. That Harmony felt the need to hide from an injured Xander Harris said a lot about how dangerous she was.

"Fine then, I can." Xander awkwardly pulled a stake out of his pocket left-handed and marched around the desk. Harmony pivoted backwards and away, awkwardly landing on her butt.

"No." Buffy made another pained noise. "Stop, I mean, what if she's telling the truth?"

"We stake plenty of fledglings coming right out of the coffin," Xander said. "And being our friend before he was turned didn't make Jesse any less of a traitor. Harmony was barely even past being our enemy at the best of times!"

"It's not my fault your friend was a jerk either!" Harmony retorted. "Though maybe he was justified, if this is how loyal you are. On Tuesday, you came right to me asking for help. Today, you want to stake me. Psycho much?"

"Harmony, you might be too dumb to understand, but that's not how this works. That's not how any of this works." Xander had abandoned his forward charge and just started monologuing. "You're a demon, and you have Harmony's face, her memories, and apparently her defective brain. But she's dead. You're the spawn of the thing that killed her. I'm not breaking fa-, anything with Harmony by killing you, I'm avenging her death."

"Why are you calling me by her name then?" Harmony said. Buffy wasn't sure the real Harmony was smart enough to pick up on that, and almost reconsidered her decision, before deciding that wasn't really fair either. "Maybe the difference isn't as clear cut as you think. Maybe the only part of that friend of yours that even liked you in the first place was his soul."

Xander just resumed his charge after that with murder in his eyes, though what he expected to actually do once he reached Harmony was really anyone's guess. Buffy had had enough of this though (she had been having enough of things way too much lately) and stopped him, stepping in front with a hand on his chest. "No. We don't need to do this now." She then turned around, picked Harmony back up into a standing position by her shoulder, and frogmarched her out of the office. A still irate Xander followed them out, silent for now but brooding up a storm.

"It's time to go see Willow." Buffy said with determination. "She can get Harmony back what passes for her soul and we can all stop arguing about this. If it goes flying away at the first sign of ponies, apparently Harmony's terrified enough of me to come running right back anyway." Buffy in fact had no idea if Willow would or even could restore Harmony's soul, but it seemed like the kind of thing to say to make everyone be quiet until they got there.

Despite being the nominal mayor, Buffy did not in fact use the mayor's old office. Willow had gone in there to mess with all his old stuff and sort of set up camp after they took over the building yesterday, and it had become her office by default. She didn't really care though, especially because it would probably just remind her of Wilkins anyway. She didn't even know how Willow could stand it herself, but then again the library at Sunnydale High hadn't exactly been a place of happy memories either.

The three of them burst into the room, stumbling upon a scene nobody had expected. The room was darkened with lowered shades, and a ritual pentagram was represented in the middle of the floor with old bones and elaborate candles. Willow was pacing around it, throwing herbs and chanting in Latin, and sitting inside was the open habitrail of Amy the rat. Apparently Willow had taken the general directive to recruit '99ers to greater extremes than Buffy predicted.

Before any of them could interrupt, Andrew shushed them from the side, quickly scrambling to close the door to the room and herd them into a corner. Once they were contained away from the ritual, he whispered "Willow Rosenberg, powerful Wicca, looks to restore Amy Madison to the form of a fair maiden. It has been a harrowing day of exacting preparations for us, but we're finally about to see the fruit of our endeavors."

The office definitely looked pretty harrowed. A lot of the mayor's magical possessions were scattered around the room, with his old desk covered in open books and random trinkets sitting in piles in the other corners. Buffy spied a fancy silver hourglass, an ornate spice rack of magical supplies, an elaborate model maze, and a clouded crystal ball among them. He'd definitely kept a lot of his old junk in here, that was for sure.

Just as Buffy was about to ask Andrew how much longer Willow's fruit would take, her chanting grew in volume and changed to English. Apparently it was time for the show.

"Banish Hecate from this place,
Her eyes to wander, Her focus slip.
Banish Hecate from this time,
Her hands to release, her grip to slack.
Beautiful Circe I implore,
Unbind the maiden, undo the spell.
Beautiful Circe I request,
Banish Hecate, unwork her will!"

There was a sense of heaviness in the air as Willow echoed her last line, and an iridescence seemed to shimmer around Amy's rodent form. Before it could continue though, there was a sound of shattering glass and the energy exploded outwards, covering the room and blinding them all temporarily.

Buffy rubbed at her eyes, and as her vision cleared, the first thing she saw was Mayor Wilkins, smiling his evil smile in full human form again. In no mood for these shenanigans, she attacked immediately and tried to take his head off with a full power spin kick. Unfortunately, she went right through his flickering form, though she still managed to land on her feet behind it.

The Mayor took no notice of her attack, and taking another second to scan her surroundings, she saw she and her friends (and Harmony) were facing off with the apparition in a wooden corridor with an open roof. She didn't have time to look more closely though, as Wilkins chose that moment to start one of his patented annoying lectures.

"Well now, whoever you are, you've been quite the busy bee. Trying to cast a big ol' spell right in the middle of my own office, and without asking me for permission first!" Wilkins wagged his finger in the air at the group of confused people in front of him. "I have to admit, I'm amused by the gumption, and I guess in a way this is its reward, quite a marvel of engineering to witness if I do say so myself. My trap can sit passively without the slightest bit of magical radiation to alert mischief-makers like you, and then use your own spell's energy to go off. I'd say it was a little bit of karmic justice, if I believed in karma."

"You'll wander around in my maze until I come back to deal with you. You have to admit, this was pretty naughty, and I figure this should give you some time to think about what you've done." Wilkins' face took a nastier cast after that, and his voice dropped from amused to murderous. "Don't let your thoughts distract you too much though, or you might not survive that long." With that, he winked out.

"How many dead people are going to insult me today?" Xander asked the room. Is my great aunt Priscilla going to show up next telling me how disappointed she is in my GPA?"

"We do it because it's so fun, Xander." Harmony's little feud with him was apparently still going on, but they had bigger problems to deal with, apparently.

Willow ignored the byplay, analyzing the situation, "Darn it! I think he set it up to detect in the Astral plane. With it rooted in a separate object instead of the building in general I missed it when I scanned for wards. I feel so inept, I managed to lose to him even after we blew him up. Stupid taunty recording."

Buffy felt like lashing out, but knew it wouldn't do any good. "You couldn't have known Will. It made sense to try to help Amy as soon as you could." She made a face, "She's been a rat for months now, I can only imagine what's going through her head."

"I think maybe this was a reverse summon?" Andrew speculated. "A dastardly maneuver, but to be sure-"

"Quiet dweeb. Does anyone else hear that?" Harmony asked. "Sounds like some kind of scratching." Focusing more on listening to her new senses than anything else, she vamped out into game face again, spooking Willow and Andrew.

"Hey! Vampire! Did everyone else know Harmony was a vampire? You aren't all vampires now, are you?" Willow backed towards the wall as she looked around, suspicious and worried.

"That would almost be a more sensible explanation," Xander complained, "but no, apparently Harmony is a friendly vampire, and we're all going to ignore common sense and just let her join the squad and eat people on the side."

"Still haven't eaten anyone!" Harmony shouted. "You're really tempting me though." She shook her head and went back to trying to listen.

Willow looked at Buffy, starting to sense the tense mood among her friends. "Does she have a soul or something? I know-"

"What is it with you people and souls? What are they even supposed to do?" Harmony sniped at Willow now, increasingly irritated. "I don't have a soul, I just have common sense. You guys are clearly the winning team, I don't want to be traded to the Cubs now."

Willow wasn't sure what to say to that, and Andrew was clearly out of his depth. Xander was about to pick up the argument again, but Buffy stopped him "I hear it too now. It's like a metal scraping noise, but it's far away, down there somewhere." She pointed down the corridor, which ended in a slanted T junction about 50 feet away.

"Maybe we should go the other way then?" Andrew said. "For he that fights and runs away, may live to fight another day."

"Wilkins' did say this place was dangerous," Xander said. "But maybe we should deal with it now, instead of running around and letting it chase us forever? How long is it going to be before we can get out of here anyways?"

"Guess I should work on that. Harmony, give me a boost." Buffy said. Harmony looked at her confused until Buffy mimed a cheerleading move, and then Harmony understood and clasped her hands together for Buffy. She jumped into her hands and was launched up towards the open roof of the maze, twenty feet up or so. When she got to the top though, she couldn't grab over the wall; there was an invisible barrier her hands bounced off, and she would've tumbled back down if not for a quick push to readjust her course for a better landing.

"I wonder if I can still do cheerleading?" Harmony said, a little distracted by seeing her own strength for what might've been the first time.

Andrew was more concerned with the immediate situation. "We can't escape a foul trap like this from the inside. If it's a reverse summoning like I predicted, we're all trapped miniaturized inside the enchanted model until someone opens it from the outside."

"Wait, so we're stuck tiny forever?" Buffy said. "I mean, I was short before, but this is ridiculous."

"No, fearless leader. Once somebody opens it up, the spell will be broken utterly, and we'll pop out back to where we were, full sized." Andrew's constant drama was yet another source of irritation, but at least he seemed to know what was going on. Or think he did.

"It could be hours before someone finds us in here," Willow said.

"I don't think it'll be hours before scrapey metal noise finds us." Buffy said. She looked around at everybody, sizing the situation up. Xander was still injured, Willow seemed a little worn out from her spell attempt earlier, and Andrew was a total noncombatant. On the other hand, Harmony was a vampire, even if she was kind of incompetent. She didn't think it was a good idea to split the group up in a maze, but should they try to track down whatever monster was in here and fight it, or just keep away from it until help arrived?


[] Buffy and her friends decide they should fight the unknown scraping monster. Buffy's the slayer, she should be able to tip any battle.

[] Too many of these people aren't ready to fight right now, and if Buffy gets distracted or looks like she's losing, Harmony might still stab them in the back. Better to keep away from it and just move through the maze until they get rescued.