Style, Shadows, and Swagger: A Dark Lady Quest

[X] You are a blackened valkyrie, possessed of consummate skill and supernatural power. Your personal might is such that armies cannot stand against you, and only a bare few heroes might last more than a single exchange of blows. Your themes are Death and Glory.


While we're not a Nomadic Cavalryman coming from the East bringing nothing but death and presenting a engineering project that is "Road made of Skulls and Lubricated with Blood", a Valkyrie is good enough of a substitute!
[X] You are a dark elf, a huntress who tracks her prey under moonlit shadows. You are the beast that stalks humanity's darkest moments, their most primal nightmares made manifest. Your themes are Fear and Savagery.
[X] You are a blackened valkyrie, possessed of consummate skill and supernatural power. Your personal might is such that armies cannot stand against you, and only a bare few heroes might last more than a single exchange of blows. Your themes are Death and Glory.

Valkyrie's are cool. Evil valkyries? Even cooler. Also, I like warrior types in general.
[X] You are a fallen angel, a twisted fragment of shining potential. When you speak, the world holds its breath. When you hold your breath, the world dares not speak. The tainted light within you can grant many miracles, which even monsters have cause to fear. Your themes are Awe and Corruption.
Preview: The Beginning.
So, I'm unsure if I'll be able to keep to this, but I'll take a stab at this preview thing, now that there's fifty votes hit. I'm not actually previewing the next update, though, rather I'm revealing a Technique that would be on each PC's character sheet.

And Death Shall Have No Dominion

Though they go mad, they shall be sane. Though they sink through the sea, they shall rise again.

You are a valkyrie, if one who has strayed from the orthodox path. Your divine mandate may not be what it once was, but it allows for this. True heroes who fall to your blade are not lost to the mists of time, not for as long as you still live.

For you will remember them, and they you.

You blow your horn, a mournful note ringing across realms to snatch those heroes from death's grip, for a time. With forms wrought of mist and shadow, they will stand before you to test any would-be challenger's mettle.

You pray that one is found worthy.

Cattle die, kinsmen die. One day even you yourself will die. One thing now that never dies is the fame of a dead man's deeds.
Source: Valkyrie

The World Wails

You are a Fallen Angel, a fragment of reality itself made manifest on this mortal plane. With but the barest word, the lie known as 'truth' recoils from your presence. What, then, if you sang a profane chorus?

You sing to the world, a wicked mimicry of a 'true' angel's hymn, and it shudders and heaves in horror. For as long as your song is maintained, reality around you is broken. What is true can become false, what exists can become otherwise and even time itself can by wrought asunder by the cataclysmic cacophony of your chorus.

But beware, child. If you treat reality as a toy...

It might just fail you when you need it the most.
Source: Fallen Angel

Cuts Deeper Than Swords

When you walk amongst a humanity made soft by wrought stone and tailored iron—you wonder, do they not think of whence they came—they shudder as they feel death's chill touch brush the back of their neck. They tell tales, speaking to one another that a nightmare walks among them, watching their weaknesses and feeding off their fear.

You are a dream made manifest. You are the shadow that lurks in the hearts of men. If only they knew how literal they were, when they told their tall tales behind their stone walls and shining lights that they think protect them from the predators that stalk the night.

You do indeed feed off their fear. You can smell, taste and reach out and grasp it in your hand, holding its fat thread between your fingers. Plucking the strings of a man's terror will play to you the song of his soul, and from that you will learn much.

In the darkest whispers of night, you can even breach the boundary between dreams and reality, stepping into a man's nightmares on silent tread. With spirit-wrought limbs, you can hold the pyre of his soul in your hands; with ferocity-forged fangs, you can devour his fear in its entirety.

And what is a human without fear?

Source: Dark Elf

Disclaimer: Subject to wording change.
Now I'm tempted to pick Dark Slf and just torment this poor nobody with various minor annoyances throughout the day. Truly, nothing is more Fear inducing and Savage than that.
[X] You are a fallen angel, a twisted fragment of shining potential. When you speak, the world holds its breath. When you hold your breath, the world dares not speak. The tainted light within you can grant many miracles, which even monsters have cause to fear. Your themes are Awe and Corruption.
[X] You are a fallen angel, a twisted fragment of shining potential. When you speak, the world holds its breath. When you hold your breath, the world dares not speak. The tainted light within you can grant many miracles, which even monsters have cause to fear. Your themes are Awe and Corruption.
Now I'm tempted to pick Dark Slf and just torment this poor nobody with various minor annoyances throughout the day. Truly, nothing is more Fear inducing and Savage than that.
I'd switch if I thought it had a chance, but I just really don't want it to be the angel.
[X] You are a blackened valkyrie, possessed of consummate skill and supernatural power. Your personal might is such that armies cannot stand against you, and only a bare few heroes might last more than a single exchange of blows. Your themes are Death and Glory.

I kind of want to go around fighting everybody, and this seems the best way to do that! Let's go around killing all armies involved in all wars!
[X] You are a blackened valkyrie, possessed of consummate skill and supernatural power. Your personal might is such that armies cannot stand against you, and only a bare few heroes might last more than a single exchange of blows. Your themes are Death and Glory.
[X] You are a blackened valkyrie, possessed of consummate skill and supernatural power. Your personal might is such that armies cannot stand against you, and only a bare few heroes might last more than a single exchange of blows. Your themes are Death and Glory.

I just played God of War weeks ago and fought all of the Valkyries. How can I not vote for this option?
[X] You are a blackened valkyrie, possessed of consummate skill and supernatural power. Your personal might is such that armies cannot stand against you, and only a bare few heroes might last more than a single exchange of blows. Your themes are Death and Glory.
[x] You are a fallen angel, a twisted fragment of shining potential. When you speak, the world holds its breath. When you hold your breath, the world dares not speak. The tainted light within you can grant many miracles, which even monsters have cause to fear. Your themes are Awe and Corruption.

Color me intrigued. Better yet, tell me what color intrigued is before coloring me, please.
[X] You are a dark elf, a huntress who tracks her prey under moonlit shadows. You are the beast that stalks humanity's darkest moments, their most primal nightmares made manifest. Your themes are Fear and Savagery.
[X] You are a blackened valkyrie, possessed of consummate skill and supernatural power. Your personal might is such that armies cannot stand against you, and only a bare few heroes might last more than a single exchange of blows. Your themes are Death and Glory.
[X] You are a blackened valkyrie, possessed of consummate skill and supernatural power. Your personal might is such that armies cannot stand against you, and only a bare few heroes might last more than a single exchange of blows. Your themes are Death and Glory.

Who's ready to become a female Valkyrie version of Kratos?
[X] You are a blackened valkyrie, possessed of consummate skill and supernatural power. Your personal might is such that armies cannot stand against you, and only a bare few heroes might last more than a single exchange of blows. Your themes are Death and Glory.

Let' do this!
[X] You are a fallen angel, a twisted fragment of shining potential. When you speak, the world holds its breath. When you hold your breath, the world dares not speak. The tainted light within you can grant many miracles, which even monsters have cause to fear. Your themes are Awe and Corruption.
After @Stormwhite advertised this on, apparently, all her discord channels so I stumbled about it four different times, I guess I had no choice but to click the link in the end. :p

[X] You are a blackened valkyrie, possessed of consummate skill and supernatural power. Your personal might is such that armies cannot stand against you, and only a bare few heroes might last more than a single exchange of blows. Your themes are Death and Glory.
[X] You are a fallen angel, a twisted fragment of shining potential. When you speak, the world holds its breath. When you hold your breath, the world dares not speak. The tainted light within you can grant many miracles, which even monsters have cause to fear. Your themes are Awe and Corruption.