Storm King's Thunder Solo Play [5e]

There's a whole bunch of adventure forks here that happen and I have to see which one of them I follow. So this is a post of mostly rolling to determine what happens and what I need to write some prose for.

Some things have to happen here. Vel and Gen are supposed to level up at this point.

Do Vel and Gen stay in the village and long rest to recover, now that the guards are with them? Or do they skedaddle because Vel's smuggling the ill-gotten goods from the keep that she *knows* the guards didn't want to be looted, most damningly that wedding ring? And also because Gen's a deep gnome and in theory, the guards will turn on him when they see his blue skin. This should be an oracle question with a yes/no answer. I'll base it off the d6 table in the DM yourself guide.

Do Vel and Gen stay in the village? (d6)

3: No, but...

Do they manage to sneak out? DC 20 (hard) stealth. ( Gen has advantage and Vel has disadvantage so I'm making it a straight roll using Vel's modifiers.)
also Guidance!

Vel: 6+3=8 + 4 Guidance = 13, stealth failure

1 = Kaelen, perception +2
2 = Sydiri, perc +2 adv (Paranoid)
3 = Torem, perc +2
4 = Alara, perc +2 dis (Injured)
5 = Keila, perc +6

How many people notice them leaving?
Kaelen = 15+2=17, yes
Sydiri = 1, 14+2=16, yes
Torem = Nat 20+2= 22, yes
Alara = 17,17+2 = 19, yes
Keila = 6+6 = 12
, no

LOOOOL Keila with that +6 to perception is oblivious, wow. Also Alara isn't, lookit those double 17s!

So the guards notice that they want to leave, but Keila doesn't. This reads to me as the guards let them go, but not the quiet way Vel and Gen hoped, and instead they're roped in to helping find the surviving villagers.

Vel will lie, of course: Deception + Guidance = 17
Guard insight: 6+0= deception success

So she lies successfully that they're going to go look for the villagers while the guards hold the town for them.

Does she convince the guards to lend them a horse or four?
Number of horses (d4): 1
Riding or not: 0-3 draft, 4-6 riding = 6, a riding horse

Forgot to make the persuasion roll, and it was a nat 1, even with guidance and modifiers it's a 5
Guard insight: 10, fail, they know they're more likely to run with a horse, sorry guys

This leads to a whole other series of events happening that theoretically, the main characters won't be there for because they got the heck out of dodge. The guards would raise the drawbridge. Xolkin Alassandar would arrive and pretend to be a bounty hunter and demand Keila's release.

Xolkin Deception: 13+4 = 17
Guard Insight: 3, Deception success

The guards would lower the drawbridge and a fight would ensue.

Xolkin, Keila, 6 bandits vs 4 guards. I'm pretty sure the bandits would win, but I'm going to say the guards pull off the impossible on an 18-20, rather than play out a battle.
D20 = 7, the 4 guards are killed. (Sorry guys!)

The bandits would then raise the drawbridge and wait for reinforcements to arrive. While they were doing that, a 20-strong orc horde called the "Ear Seekers" would attack the village, led by an injured war chief, 20 healthy orcs, and 1 orc shaman. 8v22, I think the Zhents would lose, the question is just how badly they'd lose. Orcs are CR 1/2, Bandits are CR 1/8, Xolkin is CR 2, Keila is CR 1, Gurrash the War Chief is CR 4 but only 60 hp left, Norgra One-Eye the shaman is CR 2.

This math is getting too complicated, I think I'm going to have to actually fight out this NPC battle to see what's waiting in the town when Vel and Gen return to it. It's clear, however, than Vel and Gen are going to be returning to a town that is hosting orcs, or has been raided by orcs.

I'll get to that later, this is all still just in the planning stages!
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So I've been thinking about this and I really don't want to run a huge NPC battle. But I also don't want to miss out on this encounter.

I think what will happen is that Vel and Gen will leave the village as requested, and run into the bandits on the way out. Then I'll figure out through RP if it becomes a huge freaking battle between 2 characters and 7 bandits or not. I just can't work out in my head how any encounter with 2 level 3 characters will be anything but a paste making against 22 orcs, one of which is CR 4 and one of which is CR 2, just because of action economy. I know I could break it up and use the towers to ambush &etc but that seems like it's more complicated of an encounter than I want to run for myself, and exponentially harder to do fairly.

That still means orcs are going to overrun the village. Either they'll kill the 4 guards and Keila, or the guards (and Keila) will retreat to the motte and live while the orcs sack what's left of the village.

All bandits are on horses (lots of movement). I'm actually going to implement the Self DM rules strictly this time (I've been forgetting the lowered HP and fleeing stuff a lot):
- no crit damage
- average, not rolled damage
- AI combat table to determine enemy action
- enemies flee on 33% HP: bandits on 3hp, Xolkin on 16hp
- excess damage left over after killing an enemy can be applies to the another enemy within melee (or if target is standing behind a ranged attack) if the original attack roll would have hit

Initiative: 12 - Players are surprised
20: Velvel (39/39, surprised)
19: Bandit 5 (8/8), AC 12
18: Bandit 1 (8/8), AC 12
17: Bandit 3 (8/8), AC 12
13: Gendrun (32/32, surprised)
12: Xolkin Alassandar (49/49), AC 15
9: Bandit 2 (8/8), AC 12
7: Bandit 4 (8/8), AC 12
7: Bandit 6 (8/8), AC 12
Battlemap I'll be using

I'm printing out an A4 sized black and white version of that map, putting it in a plastic sleeve, and then using dry erase markers to track characters and their horses. If this works, I think I might use this method to run encounters for my kids, rather than trying to draw a map or use something like owlbear studio. I prefer low tech!

... except when I'm playing pathfinder 2e, holy geez, LOL. give me the Forge to calculate all that math any day.
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Chapter 1: Departure (part 15)
BEHAVIOUR*: outlined in planning posts above

Crossing the bridge back to town:
DC 10 Acrobatics
Vel, with Guidance: 17+3=20 +3 Guidance = 23
Vel - success, 22/39 hp
Alara: 8+1 = 9, fail, falls
Alara: 1+2= 3 bludgeoning damage, 8/11 hp

IMMERSION ROLL: 6: Sight - (3) You see something broken (13) nearby, maybe within reach.

The inn rose before Vel, a dark, broken shadow in the night. From behind, she could hear Alara quietly weeping. The girl was limping, her ankle twisted from her missed jump over the broken bridge. Vel had half an urge to whirl on her and yell at her to pull herself together, but Lady Nandar's ring weighed heavily in her pocket. Biting her tongue, she affected a soothing tone.

"We're almost to the inn. Just a few more steps, Alara. You can make it."

"Ho there!" Torem waved at them from the entrance to the crumbled inn. "You've made it back! It's more than I can say for your companion, Zegel," he said. "The only one waiting at this inn for us was Darkhope."

Vel frowned for the boy's sake, knowing perfectly well that Gendrun had likely made himself scarce. "Perhaps I shouldn't have left him alone here. There may have been goblins left in the village."

"No more death," Alara moaned behind her, prompting a heavy sigh from Torem that Vel echoed in her heart.

"Are you a warrior of Nightstone or a wet blanket?" Torem growled, though he did seem to notice Alara's limp and help guide her into the inn.

Vel hung back, taking a quick glance towards the stable. Used to his antics, she was quickly able to pick out Gen's form, hiding amidst the rubble. He would have been invisible for any who didn't know how to look for him - as expected of the true skill of a deep gnome. "You know... I'm worried about my partner. Would you mind taking care of Alara and reporting our safe return to your superiors? I want to try and find him, I'm getting a bit worried."

Torem, who'd already slung an arm around Alara's waist, paused to glance back at her. "If your friend met his end to goblins here, who's to say you won't do the same?"

Vel scowled. "I'm strong," she insisted, perhaps a bit too defensively. Torem didn't press her, though; whatever insult she'd felt at his words had clearly not been his intent, or even his concern.

"Right. Well, it's your funeral," he shrugged. "You know where we'll be waiting."

Shaking off her insecurities, Vel waited until he was gone, and then quickly made her way over to Gendrun. She motioned him inside of the stables. Once she'd shut the door behind them both, she turned to him and leaned down, fire sparkling in her eyes. "Gen! We've hit the jackpot!" she whispered, fishing the tourmaline-studded ring out of her pocket and displaying it to him.

"By the Smoothhands himself!" Gen swore, his eyes growing nearly as big as the precous stones studded into the ostentatious ring. "How did you manage that one, lass? And with yer head still on your shoulders, at that!"

Smirking, Vel tucked the ring away safely. "That's not all of it. I had to face an animated sword, but I've made us rich, Gen. We can go to Waterdeep and put up our heels. Live a good life, rather than scrabbling through the dirt for scraps. All we have to do is leave this accursed village in one piece," she said, already making her way to the horses to choose out a good pair for them both. "Damn. I'd hoped to take a pack horse and a riding horse each, but I suppose we'll have to settle for just the two," she mumbled to herself.

Gen slowed, staring at Vel. "Lass," he said warningly.

"What? And why aren't you helping?" Vel hissed, fumbling with the reins on one of the larger horses. "Damn, how are you supposed to secure these things? These beasts are so odd. Their teeth aren't even sharpened!"

"Velvel," Gen repeated, more sternly. "Are you sure about this? Those four guards that came to the inn are practically babes. They couldn't find their way out of a burlap sack. I spied on them, heard them talking. The Lord and Lady of this town are dead, the villagers fled to the caves. You think they're going to be able to handle rescuing all those people by themselves?"

Vel paused on a strap, pointedly not looking at her companion. "It's not my problem, Gen."

The gnome made a disgusted sound, spitting to the side. "Far be it from me to stop ye, lass. But ye never struck me as one to repay a kindness with cruelty, or mercilessness to the needy. Ye like gold a wee bit too much, but ye ain't mean, Vel. Leastwise I didn't think so 'till now."

Vel whirled around, startling the horse, who whickered in alarm. "Look! I've had a trying night! My wounds ache, I'm sore all over, and I've killed more people in one night than I have in my entire life!" she fired back at him. "And yes, they were trying to off us! That doesn't make me feel any better! I just want to leave this town and forget that Nightstone ever existed!"

Gen raised his hands in defeat, just as the doors to the stables flew open.

"Leave us! I told you, she was full of pretty words but no loyalty!" Sydiri's sharp voice pierced through their conversation.

"Must you be so cruel, Sydiri?" Kaelen's reasonable voice sought to calm his companion as he stepped into the stables, his nose wrinkling at the pungent smell. "I heard what she said. She's as tired and shocked as the rest of us, I'd forgive her that for-- what in Helm's name is that?!" There was a ring of steel as Kaelen drew his sword and pointed it at Gendrun. "You! You're no halfling, foul creature! What are you doing on the surface?"
Gendrun yelped and scrambled behind Vel, who held her arm out protectively. "Stop! This is my companion, Gendrun! I told you of him, he means you no harm! You said you were listening, right? He's the one who wanted me to stay and help you in the first place!" She could feel Gendrun hunching to make himself smaller behind her, glad for once for his soft heart. "If you try to harm him, you'll have to go through me first. Or should I say," she said, her eyes darting to Torem and Alara, who trailed in last, "I'll go through the rest of you."

"Whoa! Whoa, hold on," Torem yelled, dismayed. "We aren't fighting her! Right? Kaelen?"

"Humpf," Sydiri huffed. "I don't trust her. I don't trust either of them."

Kaelen's sword wavered, and he slowly lowered it, though the look on his face was one of intense displeasure. "Where were you planning on going?"

Sensing how fragile the goodwill between them was, and how Gendrun's life might hang in the balance, Vel thought quickly of the only possible explanation that would appease the four guards. "Well... I was going to run, but Gendrun convinced me that we should look for the survivors. Bring them back home. Your Lord and Lady might be gone, but Nightstone is its people. And there may be a chance that some yet live."

Grudgingly, Kaelen sheathed his sword. "Very well. You helped us, and you honored our Lady, or so Alara has told us. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt."

"Kaelen!" Sydiri yelled, but he held up his hand to cut her off.

"Go to the Dripping Caves, due north from the village, about a mile out. If there are any survivors, they'd be hiding there." He paused, and eyed the horse Vel had been trying to saddle. "But you'll go on foot. Take your little friend with you. If you manage to return with the missing villagers, I'll offer you an apology and our eternal gratitude." He paused, and sighed. "I know you aren't beholden to us in any way. But I beseech you, lady elf. Please, help the people of Nightstone. We've little left to offer you but our thanks, but a life should be worth more than mere gold. You've proven yourself a powerful and competent warrior. All we ask is that you do so one last time. Please."

Vel bit the inside of her cheek. Finally, with a sigh, she nodded briefly. "Close up the drawbridge behind us. If the goblins come back with more of those mount-dogs of theirs, you'll be overrun in a heartbeat. We will return in day or two, with your friends and family in toe, gods willing."

Her words seemed to satisfy the four guards, who loosened their tense postures slightly, moving out of the way of the stable doors. They each still gave Gendrun a wide berth, but noone pointed a weapon at him.

Kaelen watched her leave, his eyes hard and his expression unscrutable underneath his beard. Sydiri was much more open with her sneer of disapproval -- but at least she didn't try to stop them. Torem seemed to share Sydiri's opinion, and gave Vel a slight nod as she passed, as if he didn't expect to see her again. Vel couldn't meet Alara's wounded eyes, Gendrun's chastisements coming back to her ears to haunt her.

Perhaps it was the guilt that made her pause in the doorway. "I will return. You'll see. I promise, I'll bring back whomever I can," she said one last time, before turning and marching away. She didn't look back to see how her promise had been received.
Chapter 1: Bounty Hunters in the Forest (part 16)
IMMERSION: 6 (Sense) - 5, 3 = Lucidity
BEHAVIOUR: Talk, Stealth, Search for Treasure

Vel was tired. So tired. The moon shone down overhead, bright silver washing everything in a glow so strong it might as well have been daylight to her eyes. Her shoulders were hunched, her expression pinched.

Gen was watching her from the side of his eye, saying nothing. That was good; Vel wasn't in the mood to be lectured.

Since when did I start letting Xidorn influence the way I think? I came here to be independent! To find myself!

Part of her cringed at the way she'd treated Alara. You know what it is to be in love, Vel. And your love left you as well. At least this Jergen might have been true to her. Your lover is still alive, and you long for him like a dog chasing after a bone. A welling sense of disgust rose within herself; at the pretense of running from her clan to 'find herself' when all she had been doing was looking to follow in Xidorn's footsteps. His very morally questionable footsteps.

"You were right," she said eventually, the words tearing out of her unwillingly.

"Hah?" Gen said, his eyebrows rising nearly to his hood. "Did ye just actually admit you were wrong? To me?" He looked around. "Doesn't seem like we're in the ninth circle of hell yet," he added casually.

"Oh, shut up, Gen. Let's find a place to make camp so we can rescue these stupid villagers and bring them back to their stupid town," Vel grumped, making her way to the edge of a clearing.

"I didn't say a word," Gen replied smugly, helping her gather wood for a fire.

Some time later, they were comfortably situationed by the campsite, discussing watches, when a noise caught Vel's attention.

"Did you hear that?" she asked Gendrun tersely, reaching out and grabbing his arm.

CAST: Guidance, Gendrun

"Aye," Gen said, standing up and slinking back into the shadows. "Sounded like horses," he whispered, attempting to hide himself in the foliage. "Watch yerself, lass."

Gendrun: Stealth - 9+2 = 11 + 3 Guidance = 14
Xolkin Active Perception: 8, fail
Bandits passive perception: 10, fail

"Who goes there?" Vel called out, rising to her feet and stepping forward.

"Ah, a beautiful elven woman, alone in the forest? Tsk, tsk, how dangerous that is," a male voice rang out. Squinting, Vel grimaced as she made out the speaker - a half-elf with dark skin and a scar running down his right cheek that only added to his rugged good looks. His disarming smile and charming words put her teeth on edge - and the six rough-shod mercenaries behind him, each mounted on their own steed, didn't help.

"Dangerous because of you?" she asked warily. "I don't need you or your friends' protection, you know. You can move right along."

"Ah, your distrust is misplaced, my fair lady. I am Xolkin Alassandar, a simple bounty hunter looking for a very dangerous bounty. A woman by the name of Keila Darkhope. I'd heard that she'd taken refuge in Nightstone."

"Mm-hmm," Vel said noncomittally. So that was Keila's big secret? That she was actually a criminal? Whispering a prayer to the Queen for wisdom, Vel squinted and studied the men and women behind Xolkin. "Bounty hunters, eh? So many, for just one woman? Is she truly that dangerous?"

Vel Insight: 10+3= 13+ 3 Guidance = 16
Xolkin Deception: 18+4 = 22, fail

"It's as you say. Miss Darkhope is quite notorious, and you just can't be too safe," Xolkin said with a greasy smile. As much as Vel found herself repulsed by his manner, he seemed to be honest with her. "You speak as though you're familiar with her." His dark eyes glinted against the firelight. "Are you?"

A chill passed through Vel. "... Yes, but you might be disappointed, then. She's already in the custody of four of Nightstone's guards."

Xolkin's eyes widened. "She was arrested?"

Vel let out a sigh. "Not quite. The settlement was attacked by cloud giants. Nearly everyone has fled or died. Keila and the four guards are the only ones left in the village, to my knowledge. And perhaps a goblin or two that we might have missed. We're searching for any surviving villagers as we speak. There may have been some that fled to the caverns near here."

Nodding at her words, Xolkin's eyes glittered. "Well then. Perhaps my company and I should strike while the iron's hot," he said, a calculating grin returning to his face. "Who should I tell the guards informed me of this good news?"

Vel crossed her arms. "Velvel Zegel. I don't think they'll appreciate a money-hunter like yourself passing by the village just to collect a bounty... but it's probably safer for them if you take her off their hands. They've a village to restore and having a wanted criminal in their midst certainly won't help."

Xolkin's greasy smile returned. "As you say, Miss Zegel. I don't claim to be able to judge the ages of an elf like yourself, but you are certainly wise beyond your appearance of years." He gave her a bow, somehow courtly despite sitting on his horse. "You've my thanks and gratitude, fair lady. May your night pass peacefully and without event."

"You as well," Vel said, still watching the smirking group of companions behind Xolkin with a sense of misgiving. She shrugged it off, thinking of Gendrun's safety. "The village is a little less than a mile to the south of here. Travel quickly... there may be more goblins in the woods. Not that it looks like you guys couldn't handle yourself."

"That we can," Xolkin said as he turned his horse around, still smiling. "That we certainly can."
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uhh.... well that didn't go as I planned. God damn it, Xolkin, what's up with that freaking 22 deception roll. OK, fine, we'll skip the encounter. :mad:

Party Long Rests -> time to move on
Chapter 1: The Dripping Caves (part 17)
*nb: "The characters should be 3rd level by the time they set foot in the Dripping Caves." It feels weird to jump from 2nd to 4th, particularly since the big final encounter of the level didn't happen for me, so I'm going to try it at 3rd for a bit.

BEHAVIOUR: Search for Treasure, Search for Traps, Loot Room / Bodies

The hills around Nightstone are riddled with caves. The villagers hid in the Dripping Caves, located a mile north of Nightstone, after the cloud giant attack. Characters who follow the villagers' tracks or are given directions discover a gaping cave mouth on the south face of a rocky hill topped with pine trees.

11-20: yes, time ticker passes = 6, no
If the characters take an hour to circle the hill, they find two other entrances.

11-20: yes, time ticker passes = 8, no
If the characters climb to the top of the hill and look around for other possible entrances, they find a natural chimney (a 5-foot-diameter shaft) that descends 50 feet.

The dripping caves are naturally formed and contain no light sources. The sound of dropping water echoes throughout the complex but isn't loud enough to drown out other distinctive noises. The tunnels leading away from the main cavern are 7-8 feet high and range in width from 2-5 feet. The walls are damp and slick, but thanks to an abundance of handholds and footholds, can be climbed with a successful DC 10 Athletics check.

Characters who follow the villagers' tracks arrive at a yawning cave mouth, 12 feet wide and 20 feet high. Beyond the cave mouth is a vast cavern with a forest of stalagmites in its center and 10-foot-high ledges along its walls. Water drips from the stalactite-covered ceiling, which rises to a height of 30 feet in the middle of the cavern. Six naturally formed tunnels lead from this central cavern to other parts of the cave complex. The floor is littered with broken spears, broken shields, and drops of bat guano.

IMMERSION: 1 - Smell: 3, 1= Fungus

"Look. The ground is trampled here." Leaning down, Vel gestures towards the mouth of the cave. "The villagers must be inside." She squints at the tracks, trying to determine if there's something more than just villagers inside the dark cavern.

Survival, DC 10 for noticing: 5,6+5=11 + 3 Guidance = 14, pass

"Something was in this cave first," Vel says very quietly to Gendrun.

The little gnome nods silently, pointing out the broken spears and shield littering the floor. He trades a look with Vel, and then fades into the shadows, perfectly at home in both the dark and the rocky environment.

Gen Stealth: 1,15+2= 17, Nondetection

Satisfied that her companion has safely tucked himself away, Vel advances slowly, her eyes scanning the darkness.

Characters who peer into the cave can see a male ogre bathing in a pool of mud. Those with darkvision can also see one or more goblin sentries on ledges. (DC 10 Athletics to climb)

Spotting the bathing ogre immediately, Vel pulls back, holding a silent hand out to Gen. Her eyes dart to the ledges, where several goblins roam.

Vel Passive Stealth: 10+3-5= 8
Goblin Passive Perception: 9, success
Ogre Passive Perception: 8, success

It's too late; she's been spotted. Fortunately for Gen, he hasn't, and he quickly ducks behind a ledge, his eyes wide and fearful.

INITIATIVE: Goblin break point 2hp, Ogre break point 13hp
Gendrun (32/32): Nat 20+2= 22
Goblin 1 (6/6): 17+2=19
Goblin 4 (6/6): 10+2=12
Goblin 3 (6/6): 9+2 = 11
Vel (39/39): 6+3 = 9 (dex 16)
Goblin 5 (6/6): 7+2= 9 (dex 14)
Goblin 2 (6/6): 5+2= 7
Ogre (51/51): 2+ -1= 1

"Bree-yark!" the first goblin who spots her cries, and instantly, the others' attention is on her. Vel curses as she sees the ogre clumsily trying to climb out of their mud bath, reaching for a nearby club.

"Here we go," she mumbles.
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GENDRUN (32/32) (hidden)
Drawing his dagger, Gendrun creeps up 10 feet and hucks it at the first goblin on the ledge to his right. It flies true, sinking into the surprised goblin's eye and knocking him off the ledge, dead on impact.

"Right, good luck," Gen mumbles, scurrying back behind his ledge and cowering.

Attack: 7,13+4=17, hit vs Goblin 1
Damage: 4+2 = 6 piercing, kill

GOBLIN 4 (6/6)
Screaming in fury at the death of his companion, the goblin leaps off the ledge and runs towards the center of the room, trying to get a line of sight on Velvel. Fortunately for her, the bathing ogre's massive mass provides her with a miniscule amount of cover from the angry goblin's arrows, and the missile plinks off aimlessly overhead.

Move: 30' east
Attack (1/2 cover): 12+4=16 vs 18, miss

GOBLIN 3 (6/6)
Another goblin leaps off the ledge closest to Vel and fires an arrow at her. Missing even at this close range, it hisses and scrambles back up onto its ledge.

Move: 20' se
Attack Vel: 11+4 = 15, miss
Move: climb ledge 10' (Athletics: 18-1=17, success)

VELVEL (39/39)
"Let's just go straight for the big one," Vel says to herself, running up to the ogre before it can pull itself completely out of the mud. She takes a mighty swing at it with her maul... and misses completely. Cursing, she disappears in a cloud of black smoke, reappearing on the ledge the goblin Gendrun killed had been standing on. Her form is ghostly and translucent, flickering in the darkness.

Move: 25' n, 1'nw
Attack: GWM ogre, Nat 1 (miss)
BA: Blessing of the Raven Queen, teleport 30'e, resistance to all damage 1 turn

Goblin 5 (6/6)
Another goblin in the back of the cavern, hearing the noise, creeps forward, his bow at the ready.
Move: 5' s
Ready Action: Fire bow at first enemy to come in 80' range

Goblin 2 (6/6)
Seeing Vel directly in his line of sight, the goblin in the ledge across the way takes direct aim at her and fires!

Attack: 13+4=17, hit
Damage: 5/2 = 2 damage

Ogre (51/51)
The ogre finally manages to lumber out of their mud bath, club in hand, and slog over towards Velvel, a look of displeasure in his eyes. Vel can clearly see that it's a he now, and she severely wishes she had remained ignorant.

Ignoring her wince, the ogre roars as it raises its club. "Nob taking bath! You interrupt bath! Die now!" It's so massive it doesn't even need to climb up the ledge to try to hit her. Thankfully, it's about as accurate as it is fast, and Vel manages to duck out of the way.
Move: 25' east
Attack Vel: 8+6 = 14, miss

GENDRUN (32/32)
Moving up enough to call down a sacred flame, Gendrun hisses as his target simply springs out of the way.

Move: 10' n
A: Sacred Flame Goblin 3, DC 12
Goblin dex save: 10+2=success, no damage
Move: 5's, 5'se

GOBLIN 4 (6/6)
Move: 25' se
A: Shoot at Vel, 7+4= 11, miss

Goblin 3 (6/6):
Move 15' e
A: Shoot at Vel, 2+4= 6, miss

Vel (37/39) (lose resistance):
GWM Ogre: 12+6=18-5=13 vs 11, hit
Damage: 6,6 + 14 = 26 damage

Goblin 5 (6/6):
Move, 30'
A: Dash 30'

Goblin 2 (6/6):
A: Shoot at Vel: Nat 20!
Damage: 5

Ogre (25/51)
A: Attack Vel, 4+6=10, miss

GENDUN (32/32)
Sacred Flame vs ogre: DEX DC 12
Ogre: 14-1=13, save

Goblin 4 (6/6)
Attack Vel: 5+4=9, miss
Move 30' n and e

Goblin 3 (6/6)
Attack Gen: 10+4= 14, hit
Damage: 5

Vel (32/39)
GWM Ogre: 4+6=10-5=5, miss

Goblin 5 (6/6):
Move 15' se
Attack Vel: 12+4= 16, hit
Damage: 5

Goblin 2 (6/6):
Attack Vel: 4+4=8, miss

Ogre (25/51)
Attack Vel: 7+6=13, miss

Gendrun (27/32)
A: Sacred Flame ogre, DEX DC 12:
OGRE: 11 -1 = 10, fail
Damage: 4 radiant
Move 20' west

GOBLIN 4 (6/6)
Attack Vel: Nat 20!
Damage: 5

Goblin 3 (6/6):
Move 10' se
Attack Gen: 13+4= 17, hit
Damage: 5
Move: 5' nw

Velvel (22/39):
Attack Ogre: 4+6=10, miss

Goblin 5 (6/6):77
Attack Vel: 15+4=19, hit
Damage: 5

Goblin 2 (6/6):
Attack Vel: Nat 1, miss

Ogre (21/51):
Attack Vel: 13+6=19, hit
Damage: 13

GENDRUN (22/32)
Sacred Flame Ogre, DEX DC 12
Ogre Dex Save: 15, pass

GOBLIN 4 (6/6)
Attack Vel: 19+4=23, hit
Damage: 5

GOBLIN 3 (6/6)
Attack Gendrun: 11+4=15, hit
Damage: 5

VELVEL (4/39)
Attack Ogre: 13+6=19, hit
Damage: 6,4+4=14
BA: Blessing of the Raven Queen: 30', resistance to all damage

GOBLIN 5 (6/6)
Attack Vel: 13+4=17, hit
Damage: 5/2=2

GOBLIN 2 (6/6)
Attack Vel: 5+4=9 miss (big phew)

OGRE (7/51)
OGRE FLEES! (big phew) - 40' off the map

GENDRUN (22/32)
A: Cure Wounds Velvel: 7 + 2 = 9

GOBLIN 4 (6/6)
Move: 25' s, sw
Attack Velvel: 16+4 = 20, hits
Damage: 5 / 2 = 2

GOBLIN 3 (6/6)
Move 5' se
Attack Velvel: 8+4=13, miss

VELVEL (9/39)
Move ne, n
Attack Goblin 5, GWM: 15+6-5=16, hit
Damage: 4,4+14 = 22 damage
Goblin 5: 6 damage, kill, 16 cleave damage
Goblin 4: 6 damage, kill, 10 cleave damage
Goblin 3: 6 damage, kill 4 damage extra
Move back next to Gen

GOBLIN 5 (6/6)

GOBLIN 2 (6/6)
Move 30'
A: Dash 30'

OGRE (7/51) (fleeing)
Flee 40'


Cure Wounds: 8+2 = 10

VELVEL 19/39
Move 5' ne
Attack Goblin 2: Nat 20!
Damage: 3,3,3,5+4 = 18, kill

GOBLIN 2 6/6

OGRE 7/51 (fleeing)
end battle
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Immediate thought: when the book says "be one level higher than the adventure path says you need to be" listen to it. Holy crap, another by the skin of our teeth battle. TPK if the GWM hadn't hit. Still struggling to find that sweet balance spot between way too easy and just about too hard in this system...

I read to advance to the next section and I just realized I missed an ogre in the middle of the map. So battle continues!
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INITIATIVE ROLL: 3 - nothing happens
GEN: 18+2 = 20
VEL: 10+3 = 13
OGRE: 9-1 = 8


GEN (22/32): Cure Wounds to Vel: 3+2 = 5

VEL (24/39)
Move to ogre
GWM attack: 17+6-50= 18, hit
Damage: 4,2+14 = 20

Ogre (31/51)
Attack Vel: 18+6=24, hit
Damage: 13

Gen (22/32)
Sacred Flame, Dex 12
Ogre: 2-1=1, fail
Damage: 3

VEL (6/39)
GWM Attack: 4+6-5=5, miss
1x Luck dice reroll: 2 (-_-), miss

Ogre: (31/51)
Attack Vel: 7+6=13, miss

Gen (22/32)
Sacred Flame DEX 12
Ogre: 12-1 = 11, hit
Damage: 2

Vel (6/39)
GWM attack: 9+6-5=10, miss
Lucky dice 2x: 3, miss

Ogre: 11+6=17, hit
Damage: 13

Gen: Sacred Flame, DEX 12
Ogre: 3-1=2, fail
Damage: 1

DEATH SAVE 1: 16, 1 pass

Ogre (30/51)
Attack Gen, 13+6=19, hit
Damage: 13


Gen (9/32)
Sacred Flame, DEX DC 12
Ogre: 2-1=1, fail
Damage: 3

VEL: Death Save: 3, fail
1 pass, 1 fail

Ogre (27/51)
Attack Gen: 2+6=8, MISS!!!

Gen (9/32)
Sacred Flame DC 12
Ogre: 17-1=16, pass

VEL: Death Save
17, pass
2x Pass, 1x Fail

Ogre (30/51)
Attack Gen: 14+6=20, hit
LAST Luck dice: NAT 1!!! MISS!

* note: Gen can't flee even if he wants to, he has 20' of movement and the ogre has 40'
Gen: Sacred Flame
Ogre: 3-1=2, fail
Damage: 6

2x pass, 2x fail

Ogre (21/51)
Attack Gen: 18+6=24, hit

End Combat

(Vel's last death save: 16, stabilized)

... things happen here that don't mean a TPK, but something bad will definitely happen...
I'll have to go back and add narrative to the battle; it was a bit hectic to keep track of and make roleplay for since I had to do it in little bits, play-by-post style, rather than all in one go. That being said, the party was defeated. I'll be using 1/5 Plot Armors to continue with the same character - the character didn't die. Well, this character actually didn't die as per rolls, but the monsters left Vel alone after, and the reason was a D8.

D8 Story: 7 - "Your Wild Magic / Patron / Deity / Angelic Guide intervenes, whether by accident or design
D8 Consequence: 4: You are tied up in a dungeon cell or at your attackers' camp. How do you escape?

Honestly I'm relieved, I thought Gendrun was going to have to die, and he's been so useful as a sidekick. Well he might still die, but let's hope not.
EDIT: I rolled death saves for Gendrun and he got two natural 1's, so he died. ARRRRRG

*More consequences: All rations lost (they took the food)
* characters leveled up to 4 (like they should have been. dang it.)

OK... time to think of a story to match the events!
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Floris Hesbert, Level 4 Mage Sidekick
Sidekick replacement.
Requires 40 GP to hire to join Velvel.
Needs to be rescued from the Dripping Caves first.
Resident of Nightstone.
No ancestry because human, so I gave him the Variant Human feat feature with Spell Sniper

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Chapter 1: Capture (part 18)
At first the battle goes well. The goblins attack, and Gendrun dives for cover as Vel throws herself forward into the fray - a tried and true tactic the team have worked out over their months traveling together. So when Nob, furious and strong, manages to beat her within an inch of her life, Vel never truly worries. She knows Gendrun will be waiting in the wings, supporting her with his healing magic and his clever quips.

And he does. When she thinks she might fall, as yet another goblinoid's arrow slams into her body, she feels his tiny hands on her back, pushing her forward, flooding her with life and vitality and the will and strength to keep on fighting. She swings her maul like a woman possessed, cleaving through three of the foolish goblins all at once. That same maul sends Nob sobbing and fleeing in nothing more than his birthday suit to the northernmost depths of the cave complex. And it's as a victor that she stands over the battlefield, bruised and bloodied as she turns and gives Gen her trademarked smirk and smile.

"As always," she had said imperiously, "We have emerged victorious!"

She hadn't realized Nob had waked the sleeping ogre in the stalagmite forest behind her. That Thog, as the creature called herself, was furious at what Vel and Gen had done to her mate. What she did know was darkness, and a fleeting look of panic on Gendrun's face as she fell.

Run, she wanted to yell at him. Go, you've earned your freedom! Take it! But she couldn't, for she faded too fast, even as she fought against the blackness that consumed her.

Now, as she came to, sore and aching in every part of her body, she regarded his beaten and bruised form beside her and felt regret, sharp and sudden, knife through her, stronger than any pain.

"Stupid! You were supposed to run while I kept her busy, Gen," she said tiredly, reaching out to draw back his hood. His eyes were closed, his blue face ashen, and a trickle of fear seeped into her. "Gendrun?"

A soft voice froze her hand.

"You knew him? I'm sorry."

Vel turned, her eyes wide, to the dirty, bedraggled human squatting beside her. He wore a pair of glasses that were cracked, and his brown hair was a knotted mess. Judging from his now-ragged clothing, which was once formerly fine, he looked to be one of Nightstone's villagers. Her eyes were drawn, however, to the runes tattooed up and down his arms. She recognized some of them from her studies; runes of arcane power.

How does an ignorant human villager have those? she thought fleetingly, before her pounding headache and his unbearable look of pity brought her back to the present.

"Your friend. He's gone. We thought you both were when they threw you in together with us, but it's lucky I checked. You were still breathing." He glances over his shoulder to make sure no one else is near - and there are others in here, Vel can see now, men and women and children, the missing people of Nightstone - and leans in towards her. "But our Lady Nandar is not. She couldn't have sent you. She'd never have parted with that ring in your pocket."

Vel's hand flew to her pocket, her breath leaving her in a woosh as she felt the ring still nestled there, and weathered the man's tired, cynical expression as he followed the motion. Once again, shame flooded her, and then the rest of his words registered.

"Wait. Gone? What do you mean gone? That's not possible!" Scrambling around, she picked up Gen - only to realize the truth, as his slight figure hung limply from her arms. His skin was cold - colder than usual - and his eyes stayed shut.

"No, no, no, no," Vel moaned, realization dawning. "Gen... Gen, you can't leave me. We've been together for too long. You promised me. You promised me we would make it to Waterdeep together! To freedom!" As she spoke, she shook his body, feeling furious tears welling up in her eyes. Intense betrayal flooded her body, hot and furious - but was it at his prone figure, lifeless before her, or at herself?

Hadn't you told him it was enough? The loot you gathered from the general store? But no, Vel. You had to keep pushing. To the keep, to the guards, to bound duty... The shame returned, bright and hot as the scalding tears that dripped down her face. He hadn't wanted to visit the motte. He hadn't even wanted to stay in town. He would have been able to leave... if he hadn't waited for her.

As he did in the cave.

She could see it in her mind's eye, echoed by the wounds on Gendrun's body. How she'd fallen, and the fool hadn't run, oh no. He'd tried to save her, fighting the ogre until his last breath, casting his magic and backing away as far as his small legs could carry him. Of the man-eating strides the enormous ogres could take. Of how after he rushed forward to help her, escape was no longer an option. How he fought until his magic failed him.

"Gen... it's my fault," Vel whispered, holding on to his hand tightly.

She didn't know how much time passed, but her head whipped up and she snarled as she felt slim fingers carefully pulling Gen's cold hand from her tight grip. "Who dares--!"

"You're in pain. I understand, you lost your friend. But you've got to keep your wits about you." The young man looked up at her, concern in his eyes. "They didn't throw you in here with us out of a sense of mercy. We're simply food to them. The goblins and the ogres who've overrun this cave. I've a little magic myself, but we're going to need more than a few paltry spells if we want to get out of here alive."

He flings his arm out behind him, his face hard. "There are children here. We have to at least try to save them. Tell me, adventurer, what is your name?"

Mouth opening and closing for a moment, Vel manages to reply to him as her thoughts whirl. "Velvel. Velvel Zegel. I'm... not a woodelf," she mangages to say, remembering the reaction of Nightstone's remaining guards.

"Of course. You look like no elf I've ver seen before," the man says with a wry smile. "Not that the others would know it. I'm better read than most of the villagers. Floris Hesbert, at your service. I work at the Lionshield Coster, the tradehouse in Nightstone. Or, er... I should say I worked there. They killed my boss, Darthag. Just grabbed him by the hair and dragged him out like that, kicking and screaming. I think they ate him." He smiles uncomfortably. "We need to get out of here, and you, I, and Morak are the only ones who can do anything about it. There's also a handful of guards from Nightstone, but they're all injured. We're really on our own here."

Floris's eyes shift to the side, and he glances over his shoulder. His voice lowers once again. "Don't tell Morak about Lady Nandar just yet. I think it'll break him. Keep that ring out of sight."

Velvel finally releases Gen and slaps her cheeks. Floris is right, of course. She didn't escape the Shadowfell just to be eaten by a gaggle of stinking goblins and their cowardly ogre ringleaders. Besides... she steals a glance at Gendrun's body. There's revenge to be had.

"Sorry, Gen," she says softly as she begins to root through his pockets. Floris splits his attention between watching her work with a sort of disgusted fascination, and making sure the other prisoners and more importantly the guards don't take note of what she's doing.

"Put that on for now," Vel says brusquely, handing Floris Gen's battered, bloodstained leather armor. He looks at it with distaste, but slips it on - it's ill-fitting, designed for a gnome half his height, but Gendrun was stout and Floris is dangerously thin, and somehow it works. She even manages to slip him the silvered darts she'd hidden in her pocket - thank goodness she'd considered silver to be too valuable to use as a weapon. That felt like a lifetime ago.

Still, the biggest problem is what they're lacking. The goblins left everyone mostly alone, but they totally stripped Vel and Gen's body of their weapons - and their rations. It's really rather something of astonishing luck that they didn't take anything else, really.

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Mechanically: where we're picking up:
Vel and Gen's body are interred with the other prisoners in Sector 4. Everyone has been stripped of their weaponry; Vel has 1 hit point. Short resting will make a tick of time pass; if a tick of time passes, a villager will be eaten by the goblins (or they'll at least try to get one). Vel will have to short rest so she can use some hit dice.

Floris is going to be the new sidekick; he's a mage, but he doesn't have a focus. You only need a focus for replacing material components. Vel can either lend him her focus or he can cast spells without material components.

Spells that don't need a focus for Velvel:
- guidance
- magic stone (!!)
- ybsorb elements (useless)
- entangle (woah!)
- comprehend languages
- zephyr strike (!!)
- speak with animals
- armor of agathys

So basically her entire spell list, sweet. I wish I'd known that before I bought her a costly component pouch, damn.

Spells that don't need a focus for Floris:
- fire bolt (!!)
- mage hand (!!)
- burning hands
- shield
- chill touch (!!)

So nearly all of Florian's spells work too. This is great.

Other information: The food and the coin are all unrecoverable. The physical loot is all still there. I've been intending to count ration use during long rest so this is going to be a pickle getting the villagers back to town, everybody's starving (it's been a bit less than 3 days for them). For now, Floris is working for free; once we get back to Nightstone, he'll need to be hired at the price of 40gp for continued services, or the equivalent promised to him in treasure.

Hopefully that will work out. 4 plot armor points left. (Though let's be honest, I'll probably give myeslf more if I die more than 4 more times, because I don't know if I have the energy to keep making new MCs. Making a new sidekick after Gen's unexpected death was already my entire free evening...)
Chapter 1: Revenge (part 19)
TIME: 18:00
INTENT: Escape from the Dripping Caverns alive, with the surviving villagers

BEHAVIOUR: Stealth, Search for Treasure, Attack

Hit Die (d10): 1+3, 10+3, 7+3, 10+3 = 40 hp recovered
Passing Time Check: 2 - Nothing Happens (19:00)

IMMERSION: 6, Sense - 5, 4 = Memory from a Sidekick (that's just cruel)

Vel found herself in a sunken cavern that echoes with the sound of flapping wings. The sound emanates from a naturally formed pit in the cavern's floor, which is covered with bat guano. Ten-foot-high ledges surround the pit and form raised alcoves to the north, east, and south. Huddled in these alcoves are thirty Nightstone villagers. The villagers are prisoners of the goblins and ogres, and they are trying to remain as quiet as possible.

"Floris," Vel whispered to her newfound companion. "Why is everyone being so quiet here? I can see the others, but is there a reason we're trying not to make any noise?"

"The bats," Floris replied. He pushed his glasses up ruefully. "Being in these caves are bad enough. We were already scared witless by the attack from above. But now if we make too much noise, we get attacked from below, too. It seems there's no place safe for us in this nightmare."

Velvel frowns, looking down into the pit. "Bats," she murmurs. Now that she strains her ears, she can hear them. The slight shuffling, rustling sound of what must be hundreds of bats below, roosting as uneasily as the humans above.

Gen would laugh at all of these people, she thought for a moment. Svirfneblin were born and raised in pits much deeper, darker, and more dangerous than the ones the humans were interred in. 'There are worse things out there than the dark, lass,' he would have said. She smiled bitterly, feeling the pang in her chest. Friend. My first friend outside of the Shadowfell. I let him die.

She blinked, the pang hardening into something cold and more solid, sitting heavily in her chest. No. I let him be killed. But I can be a killer, too.

"Ah," she heard Floris whisper with a hint of nervousness. "Are you... okay? You looked a little scary there for a moment."

Vel turned her head slightly and glared at the human. "Do I look okay?" she hissed. Not bothering to wait for an answer, she scanned the ledges, pausing on the family of tieflings, the halfling woman with the gaggle of even smaller children, and the lone dwarf. "Are you the one leading all these people?" she asked.

Floris choked a bit, before shaking his head. "N-no," he said, recovering after a moment. "I... am in special circumstances," he mumbled, unwilling to elaborate. "Now's not the time. Suffice to say, I'm not leadership material here. Morak is. He's the dwarf," he added, gesturing at the one she'd been looking at. He was stout, as expected, and had a bushy beard, untamed by any ornaments. Streaks of white ran through his hair at the temples. "Morak runs the Nightstone Inn, so he's used to dealing with people. He's certain Lady Nandar is going to send someone to rescue us." He eyed her warily. "So it's important you don't say a word yet. He's the only thing keeping most of these people from panicking and flinging themselves straight into the bat pit."

"Right," Vel murmured. "Well, first of all, I have to get out of here. There's an ogre lady out there whom I owe a blood debt to," she whispers fiercely. "Is that the exit?" she asked, pointing at the only exit besides downwards that she could find in the cavern.

"It's the one they dragged you and your friend in by," Floris said. "How are you going to fight all those goblins and the two ogres all on your own?"

Vel smiled bitterly. "I already sent the male one running. If my luck holds, his wounds should still be hurting him. It's the woman I want, though. She's the one who killed Gen."

"Y-you're going to get yourself killed if you go out there like that," Floris remarked, his eyes widening in fear. "You can't do that! You don't even have a weapon!"

"Oh really?" Vel said, picking up a few pebbles. Weaving her magic, she enchanted them, then tossed them up and caught them. "I do now. Are you coming, or are you going to sit back and cower in these caves with the rest of the villagers?"

Floris looked between her and the others, sweating. Vel's eyes narrowed. "I don't know what it is you're hiding, but frankly I don't care. You're different than the lot of them. You came and helped me even though you saw I was an elf. I know a little of the story of your settlement. And I know even more about those things on your arms. You're a magician," she pronounced.

Floris drew back from her, his fingers coming to his forearms reflexively, as if to hide them. "You know? I-I mean you know! How?"

Rolling her eyes, Vel drew out her rune-carved brooch and showed it to him. "Because I know a little of that magic, too. I won't ask how you knew to inscribe them on your arms, or where you learned of it. Maybe the rumors about the Nightstone being a giant artifact of some kind were true. Whatever the case may be... as long as you have those runes, I know you have magic. So make yourself useful, or die rotting in this cave with the rest," she whispered hotly.

After a moment, Floris nodded nervously. "I'll follow you," he whispered.

"Queen," Vel whispered as she climbed down the precarious ledges, being as silent as she could, and tried to sneak out of the cavern. She could feel the eyes of the villagers on them both, watching with bated breath.

Stealth + Guidance: 17, 13+3+ 2 Guidance = 18 Stealth
Floris Stealth: 16+1 = 17 Stealth
Ogre passive perception: 8, fail
Ogre passive perception: 2, fail

As they snuck out of the cavern quiet as cats, she felt Floris reach out and latch onto her. He was blind, she realized with some annoyance; he'd left whatever light spell he'd cast in the cavern with the other villagers, and as they moved away from it, they were both encompassed in total darkness. Unwiling to let him give their position away with even the least bit of light, she took her time and care to carefully direct him away from any danger, using both hands at times.

It was slow and awkward going, but Vel had patience -- she needed a weapon to fight the ogres, and she knew just where to find one -- Gen had thrown it for her. The dagger lay there still on the ledge, embedded into the body of the goblin he'd killed with it.

If I can get that dagger, she thought fiercely. It's one step closer to my revenge.

She recognized the entrance to the cavern as she moved further in; the ogress was no longer sleeping in the forest of salagmites -- in fact, she could hear her talking soothingly to her mate as she bathed him.

Good. I hope we hurt you badly, Vel thought fiercely. "Wait here," she whispered to Floris softly. "When you hear the fighting, then you can light things up."

She saw him nod blindly, his adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed. The smell of his sweat and fear was sour, and Vel pushed it from her mind as she continued her trek towards the ledge with the dagger.

Athletics to climb, DC 10: 14+6=20, success

Silently she slid up the ledge; the corpse was still there, cold and stiff, and Vel reached down and tugged the dagger free delicately. Its blade was slick with blood, black against silver in the grey stillness of the cave. She pressed the flat of the blade to both cheeks, leaving streaks of blood there. I will avenge you.

Stones in hand, she smiled grimly at the two oblivious ogre lovers and took aim.

Enemies are surprised
Nob (7/51) 20-1=19
Vel (41/52) 8+8 =16
Thog (21/51) 17-1=16
Floris (40/40) 10+2=12

Nob - surprised, gets his reaction back

Attack Nob with Magic Stone (1 of 3): 4+5 = 9, miss
BA: Cast Zephyr Strike

Thog - surprised, gets her reaction back

Floris - Casts LIGHT

Nob (7/51): Gets out of the mud bath and begins to flee, this time south towards the exit, 40'

Vel (41/52): Runs up to Thog and strikes with the dagger
Attack: 7+6=13, hit
Damage: 4+4=8 + Zephyr Strike: 8 force damage = 16 damage (MAX DAMAGE EVERYTHING! FOR GEN!)
Runs towards the exit after Nob

Thog (5/51)
Flees! North, towards Floris

Floris (40/40)
Casts Fire bolt: 5+5=10, miss
Retreats in the other direction from Thog

Nob: Flees 40', dashes 40'
Vel: Attack of opportunity, dagger: 12+6=18, hit
Damage: 7 damage, Nob DIES!

Vel (41/52)
Run back into cave, dash afer Thog

Thog (5/51): Flee 80' (difficult terrain squeezing into a cave, atks against Thog have ADV)

Floris (40/40)
Firebolts Thog: 3,8+5 = 13, hits
Damage: 4 damage

Move towards Thog
Attack with Magic Stone: 9+5 = 14, hits
Damage: 5+3 = 8, KILL

Chapter 1: Served Cold (part 20)
Vel limped back into the cave, drained. Now that she'd finished the job, the anger was draining away, threatening the return of her grief. She met Floris near the entrance; he looked impressed.

"You... you really know how to handle yourself, don't you? I've never seen anyone fight like that."

"I was motivated," Vel replied tersely. "We need to get the villagers out of there before any more goblins return. Can you muster them out of those caverns while I keep watch?" Something scathing inside of her wanted to append 'or do you need me to hold your hand for that too?', but she bit her tongue.

It was the right decision; Floris immediately brightened. "I'm on it," he said with a fierce nod, practically running back towards the prisoners' cavern.

Sheathing the dagger at her side, Vel paced through the darkened cavern, her eyes darting back and forth, searching for any sign of more goblin intruders. "Queen get me thorugh this," she murmured to herself.

Vel Perception + Guidance = 18+7 + 4 Guidance = 29 (!!)

It was as if her senses were heightened - by the rush of battle, by the sharp taste of grief, by the adreneline still spiking through her veins. She could hear the bats rustling and the whimpers of the halfling children as the villagers piled out slowly from their prison. They stared at her in wonder and a little fear as they passed; to most of them, she supposed she looked like the woodelves they feared so much.

From the southeast, she could hear the flow of rushing water. Much better than the stinking pool that smelled of offal and disease, near the prisoners' cavern. Vaguely she thought she might try to find out more; if the villagers had been held captive for so long, they were surely starving and thirsty.

A cold wind whistled over the chasm to the north; the wind had to come from somewhere. It had the faint, sweet scent of surface air to it, but Vel paid little attention - she had no desire to go exploring, not when there were still twenty-odd villagers to see safely back to town.

The rich iron smell of blood and the sight of the Thog's massive body blocking the passage to the northwest made her think that there must have been something back there worth finding; the panicked ogre had been struggling to find safety, after all. Still the thought of having to move the enormous body of the ogre in her current state was more than Vel could bear. I might start to tear that corpse apart with my bare hands, she thought, growing dizzy with the flash of fury that tore through her. "Giantkin," she murmured under her breath, feeling her blood stir. "You've brought nothing to my life but pain. One day, I'll return the favor."

To the west, the smell of brackish water arose. It wasn't quite as bad as the pool near the prisoners, but it still made her nostrils curl in disgust.

And finally, to the southwest, an unbelievable stench arose that nearly made Vel gag. Unwashed bodies, rotting corpses, and in general the smell of too many people crushed too close together assailed her senses. She could hear them too; rustling, movement, even snippets of quiet conversation in a language she didn't understand. Obviously, whoever was hiding in there wasn't one of Nightstone's villagers.

But they're not warriors either... surely they heard of our battle. Someone would have come out to fight...

She cut her musings off when she heard Floris approaching her. "That's all of them," he huffed, recasting his light spell. "I got them just outside, but they saw the corpse of the ogre and got scared. Should I move them towards the forest?"

Vel frowned, thinking of the state of the villagers that had passed her. Weak, hungry, tired. "No. Have them shelter at the entrance of the cave, if they can. It's actually safer here now that we've taken care of those goblins and orcs than it is out there in the wilds. We can't do anything until sunup anyways."

She paused, then looked at Floris. "Does your Morak have his people under control? I'll need your help if I'm to ensure nothing else happens while we wait for dawn to break."

"You're intending to sweep the caves?" Floris asked, flabbergasted. "We just got out of there! Why would you want to go back in?!"

"I want my maul back," Vel replied. "And I want to rip everything living in that cavern apart, limb from limb."

Floris drew back from her at her heated words, but with an uncomfortable sigh, nodded at her. "Then I'll follow you. You've done us a great favor - I can't let you charge back in there on some sort of misguided suicide mission."

Vel smirked, unswayed by his pretty words - or his pretty face, for that matter. "You could just say it, you know. You need me to protect the rest of the villagers for the hike back. Don't worry... I will. Just as soon as I'm done in here."
Chapter 1: Snigbat (part 21)
BEHAVIOUR: Stealth, Attack, Search for Treasure (also known as revenge quest)

IMMERSION: 3 SIght - 20,20: You see something written or carved through a gap

Which direction we're going on the map (d4): 3 - Corridor 1A

Returning to the cave, Vel spent some time moving Thog's body out of the corridor it was blocking. Her nostrils flared. "It was trying to reach something," she murmured. She spied something carved into the stone through the gap between the ogre's massive body and the dark corridor beyond. It was a language she couldn't read, and clucking her tongue in annoyance, she activated the rune carved into her brooch.

[ Cast: Comprehend Languages ]

Squinting, the words reformed into something barely legible - "BOSS HARK" it read. "I think the leader is in this cavern," Vel whispered over her shoulder.

Floris said nothing in reply, simply clutching the hooded lantern a little closer. The dim light was barely enough for his weak human eyes to see by, but it was better than broadcasting to everything in range that they were marching in. "Try to be quiet," she hissed under her breath.

Vel Stealth: 18,6+3 + 1 Guidance = 10 Stealth
Floris Stealth: 11+1 = 12 Stealth

A few feet further down, the dark passage branched before them. Vel squinted and sniffed to the south. "Reveal your secrets to me," she whispered under her breath, the dull anger still burning bright in her chest.

Perception: 20 + 4 Guidance = 31

A whiff of stale air came from the depths; there was a shaft there leading upwards. Her senses picked up on the faintest of movements, and Vel gripped the dagger tightly, a snarl on her face. "Come out," she hissed softly. "Come out, come out, little goblin thief. Come out, and I'll make sure your death isn't painful..."

Intimidation: 18 + 1 = 19
Snigbat will save: 7 -1 = 6

"Wait! Wait!" a tremulous voice pipes out from the darkness. Slowly, a tiny goblin woman emerges, her hands held up in supplication. She lets the scimitar in them tumble to the ground, and tosses her shortbow beside it. "No hurt Snigbat! Snigbat beg!"

The little goblin fell to her knees, bowing and scraping in a pathetic display of obeisance. "Snigbat not want to work for Boss Hark! Snigbat only do what she is told! If Snigbat not do what she is told, Boss Hark tell Nog to beat her!"

Vel's lips stretched into a thin smile. "Oh? So you're claiming to be a victim, are you?" Her fist tightened around the dagger's haft, and the goblin's eyes widened as she let out a faint squeak of fear. A newer, acrid scent filled the corridor, and Vel realized the little goblin had released her bladder in her fear. "Disgusting," she growled, preparing to move.

"Miss Zegel," Floris interrupted her, his hand landing on her shoulder. He flinched back away from her glare, but hung on. "Perhaps she has information that could be useful to us." His eyes tightened. "Besides... I don't think you should kill her with that look on your face. It won't bring your friend back."

Vel nearly stuck the dagger into his palm. Shaking his hand off of her shoulder, she whirled ont he goblin, who flinched. "Tell me why I shouldn't kill you right here and now," she hissed.

"Snigbat take you to Boss Hark. If you kill boss, Snigbat become leader. If Snigbat leader, goblins not harm humans any longer. Stay in cave. Stay far away!"

Vel sneered. "You'd do that anyway. I kiled both of your oafish gatekeepers. Or are there more orcs here waiting to taste my blade?" she asked coldly.

Rather than fear, however, Snigbat seemed to animate at the news. She jumped up, clapping her hands and doing an odd dance of joy. "Heroes! Heroes! Nob and Thog truly dead? Good riddance, goodbye, says Snigbat!"

"Ugh," Vel groaned, pinching her nose. Her bloodlust was receding in the face of the conniving goblin's ridiculous dance. Even if it was blatantly apparent that the goblin was merely bartering for her life, she obviously posed less of a danger than her more brazen companions. And truly, if it was revenge Vel wanted, she'd have to cut the snake off at its head. "Fine. Tell me everything about Hark. And know that I'll gut you like a fish if I find out you're lying... when I'm done with him."

Snigbat nodded, instantly returning to her grovelling position on the floor. "Boss Hark in cave west from here," Snigbat said. "Ratcha and Zukluk guard boss. Help him raise pets."

"Pets?" Floris said, a note of dismay creeping into his voice. Obviously, he was thinking of the bats that had tormented the villagers in their prison earlier. "What sort of pets?"

"Rats," Snigbat said easily. "Very big big rats. Bigger than Snigbat! Nasty smelly rats," she added, glancing at the two from the side of her eye.

Vel crossed her arms. "Let me guess. You want us to kill Hark and his bodyguards for you, right? And you'll be there waiting to swoop in and claim the crown of this cesspit, all for yourself?"

Snigbat said nothing, simply lowering her head even closer to the ground, not daring to look up.

Vel spit. "I didn't come here to play servant to some goblin with delusions of power." She could tell by the look on Floris's face that he was regretting what she said already. "I'll kill Hark alright. But if you want him dead so badly, you're going to help us!" She lunged, reaching for Snigbat's tatty clothing.

Vel grapple check: 19+6 = 25
Contested Snigbat acrobatics: 5+2=7, fail, grappled

Snigbat screeched as Vel picked her up by the scruff of her neck, but Vel slammed her hand over the goblin's mouth before she could make more noise.

"Now, little girl. Seeing as you foolishly threw away your weapons, I'll offer you two choices. You help us defeat Hark, or I kill you right here, right now. Decide."

Vel intimidation (with advantage): 6+1 = 7
Snigbat will save: 7-1 = 6, fail (amazingly)

"Snigbat do as dread elf say! Snigbat help! No kill Snigbat!" the goblin cried out, real tears leaking out of her eyes.

Floris sighed behind her. "What's to keep that goblin from running away the second you let her go? Or shooting an arrow into our own backs, for that matter?"

"This is," Vel said, taking a pair of manacles and snapping them onto Snigbat's wrists. The little goblin's eyes widened, and Vel tightened her grip so she wouldn't cry out. "Now, girl. I'm going to let you go. Make a noise, and I slit your throat. Be a good girl and listen, and you'll get a reward." Vel gestured at the cavern with her dagger. "All this could be yours, if you do exactly as I say. Now are you going to be a good girl, or am I going to have to sully my dagger?"

Snigbat nodded furiously, and Vel released her. "I want you to go before us and create a distraction. Yell anything you'd like... that Thog and Nob are eating the goblins, that the prisoners escaped, that a raving lunatic is chasing you and trying to murder you. I truly don't care. But while you're doing it, you're to scatter this in the room," Vel said, handing the goblin a bag. "After you've done that, I've no care what you do with yourself. Run, stay and help us fight, try to betray us if you're feeling lucky. But remember - only I have the key to those manacles... and your ownership of these blasted caverns."

Snigbat took the bag from Vel's hands, her eyes wide and with a hint of more than just fear in them. Clutching it to her chest, she nodded. "Snigbat will do as elf says. Elf kill Boss Hark!"

"Excellent," Vel said, releasing the goblin and standing up to direct a pointed glare towards Floris. "And you. Hang back until you hear the fighting begin. Then offer me what support you can."

She looked back down at Snigbat. "The better you perform the better your rewards will be. Don't disappoint me. I don't like disappointment."

Bowing once again, Snigbat nodded. "Snigbat go now. You kill Boss Hark!" she repeated once more, her eyes glazing over.

With a nod, Vel watched the goblin scurry into the darkness. After a beat she followed, dagger in hand and a glint in her eye.

"I hope you know what you're doing," Floris said nervously.

Vel straightened, touching a rune at the base of her throat. "I know exactly what I'm doing," she said coldly, as frost climbed up her neck and cheeks.

Cast: Armor of Agathys, 5 temporary hit points

Initiative: 9, nothing happens
Vel (46/52): 16+8 + 3 Guidance = 27
Giant Rat 7 (6/6): 18+2 = 20, HP BREAK at 2
Boss Hark (16/16): 17 + 2 = 19; HP BREAK at 7
Ratcha (6/6): 16+2 = 18
Zukluk (6/6): 16+2 = 18
Giant Rat 4 (6/6): 11+2 = 13
Floris (40/40): 9+2 = 11
Giant Rat 6 (6/6): 7+2 = 9
Giant Rat 2 (6/6): 6+2 = 8
Giant Rat 3 (6/6): 2+2 = 4
Giant Rat 1 (6/6): 1+2 = 3
Giant Rat 5 (6/6): 1+2 = 3


Vel (46/52)
BA: Magic Stone
A: Ready Action - Attack what comes in range with dagger)

Giant Rat 7 - int of 2 = d20: 1-10 stays in, 11-20 comes out to see what's going on: 15
Move 30',
A: Dodge

Boss Hark (16/16)
Move 20', run into caltrops
Caltrop save DC 15 DEX: Nat 1+2=3, fail, 1 damage, speed reduced by 10 feet

Vel: Ready Action: Attack with Dagger: 11+6=17, hit
Damage: 2+4=6 damage
(Boss Hark: 9/16)

Boss Hark: Attack Vel, 2x Scimitar Atk, second with DIS
Attack 1: 15+4, 5 damage
ARMOR OF AGATHYS backlash: 5 cold damage
VEL: (41/52), HARK (4/16, break, end turn)

Ratcha (6/6)
Move 20'
Attack Vel: 11+4= 15, miss

Zukluk (6/6)
Move 30'
Attack Vel: 3+4= 7, miss

Giant rat 4 (6/6)
30', trapped behind traffic

Floris: (40/40)
Attack Hark with FIrebolt, sharpshooter ignores cover, disadvantage from darkness: 19, 16+5=21, hit
Damage: 4, KILLS Hark

Giant Rat 6 (6/6): Intelligence Roll 9, stays put

Giant Rat 2 (6/6): Intelligence Roll 18, moves out
Attack Vel: 3,19+4=23, hit
Damage: 4

Giant Rat 3 (6/6): Intelligence Roll 15, moves out, trapped by traffic
Giant Rat 1 (6/6): Intelligence Roll 11, moves out, trapped by traffic
Giant Rat 5 (6/6): Intelligence Roll 17, moves out, trapped by traffic


Vel (37/52)
Attack Zukluk - 18+6=24, hit
Damage: 2+4=6, KILL Zukluk

Giant Rat 7 (6/6):
Move 30'
Steps on Caltrops, DEX save: 4+2=6, fail, 1 damage
Attack Vel - 4,12+4=16, hit
Damage: 4

Ratcha (6/6)
Attack Vel: Nat 1, miss

Giant Rat 4: trapped behind traffic

Floris (40/40)
Action: Cast Light

Giant Rat 6, trapped in traffic

Giant Rat 2: Attacks Vel: 12+4=16, hit
Damage: 4

Giant Rats 3-5, trapped in traffic


Vel (29/52)
Attack Giant Rat 7: 11+6=17, hit
Damage: 1+4=5, KILL Rat 7

Ratcha (6/6)
Attack Vel: 10+4=14, miss

Giant Rat 4 (6/6)
Attack Vel: 18,Nat 20, hit
Damage 4

Floris (40/40)
Attack Rat 4: 2+5=7, miss

6, 2, 3, 1, 5 trapped in traffic


Vel (25/52)
Attack Rat 2: 15+6= 21, hit
Damage: 3+4=7, cleave carry 1 to Rat 4, KILL

Ratcha (6/6)
Attack Vel: 15+4=19, hit
Damage: 5

Rat 4 (5/6)
Attack Vel: 3,14+4= 18, hit
4 Damage

Floris (40/40)
Attack Rat 4: 11+5=16, hit
Damage: 6, KILL

Rat 6 (6/6)
Move, caltrop save: 12+2=14, fail, 1 damage
Attack Vel: 5,9+4=13, miss

Rat 3 (6/6)
Move into melee
Attack Vel: 2,9+4=13, miss

Rats 1, 5 trapped in traffic


Vel (16/52)
Cast: Entangle, STR DC 13, hits everyone except Rat 6
Ratcha: 15-1=14, save
Rat 3: 19-2=17, save
Rat 1: 3-2=1, restrained
Rat 5: 15-2=13, restrained

Ratcha (6/6)
Attack Vel: 17+4= 21, hit
Damage: 5

Floris (40/40)
Attack Rat 6: 3+5= 8, miss

Rat 6 (5/6)
Attack Vel: 14,16+4=20, hit
Damage: 4
Vel concentration: 6+3=9, fail, Entangle dropped (...)

Rat 3 (6/6)
Move into melee, Caltrop save: 14+2=16, saved
Attack Vel: 11,16+4=20, hit
Damage: 4

Rat 1
Move into melee
Attack Vel: 2, 8+4=12, miss

Rat 5, trapped in traffic


Vel (3/52)
Move behind Floris

Ratcha (6/6)
Attack Floris: Nat 20, hit
Damage: 5

Floris (35/40)
Cast: Burning Hands, DEX 13 on Ratcha, Rat 6, Rat 3
Ratcha: 12+2=14, save
Rat 1: 19+2=21, save
Rat 3: 16+2=18, save
Damage: 5+6+3 / 2 = 7, KILL Ratcha, Rat 6, Rat 3

Rat 1 (6/6)
Move into melee, caltrop save: 3+2=5, fail, 1 damage
Attack Floris (no pack tactics): 10+4=14, hit
Damage: 4

Rat 5 (6/6)
Move into melee, caltrop save: Nat 20
Stuck in traffic


Vel (3/52)
Attack Rat 1 with Magic Stone (cover): 2+5=7, miss

Floris (31/40)
Cast Burning Hands, hits Rat 1 (saved), Rat 5 (failed)
Damage: 6,3,4 /2 = 6 damage, KILL Rat 1, Rat 5

Well, we made it out of another battle by the skin of our teeth, but Floris really saved Vel's butt there. I'll novelize the battle tomorrow, it's late!
Last Minute Stuff:

Snigbat escape check DC 20: 3+2=fail

Floris Attack: He's got 200+' range and she can flee, so it takes him 4 tries to kill her, but he roasts her. (Goblins ate some of the other villagers, and his boss's carcass is literally in Boss Hark' room. I think he'd get mad and kill her.)

1x Manacles - burned useless
1x Caltrops used up
Chapter 1: Boss Hark and his minions (part 22)
"Are you sure about this?" Floris whispered as they watched Snigbat creep forward. "How do you know she won't betray us?"

Vel's eyes narrowed as she pressed herself along the damp cavern wall. "Because her greed is greater than her fear. Now get back, before you get caught up in the fighting."

Floris sighed, but moved away without argument. He closed the clap on his lantern; as his features faded to a dull grey, Vel saw the fear steal over his face as his eyes went slightly unfocused, blind in the darkness. But he didn't move, keeping his fingers pointed in the direction of the passage, waiting for his cue as she'd instructed.

She didn't have time to contemplate on why he was risking himself to help her, even though he clearly could have tried to run with the villagers. He was competent enough with his magics; she was sure he could have protected the ragtag group on the path back to the village, even exhausted as they all were.

There was no time to dwell on the thought; she could hear Singbat squeaking in goblin to the others. While she wasn't entirely certain of what was being said, the sound of the caltrops hitting the floor and Snigbat tearing out of the cavern and towards a cave to the south while shouts erupted from within told her everything she needed to hear.

Soon, a large, fat goblin rounded the corner, screeching in pain as he stepped on one of the caltrops. The boss himself, Vel thought grimly as she leapt forward and sunk her dagger into his chest. She felt the wet pulse of blood erupt beneath her, but the goblin was still standing and furious, glaring at her as she pulled back. He retaliated, striking out at her with his rusty scimitar.

The runic armor protecting her flared, frosting over his blade; crystals of ice traveled rapidly up the metal and climbed over his arm, through his chest, and up his neck, turning his skin a sickly shade of blue. And just like that, the bravado and the fury of the oversized goblin left him, his eyes going wide with fear. As he scrabbled backwards to get away, Vel let out a shout.

"Now, Floris!" Ducking, she felt the hairs on the back of her neck singe as a bolt of white-hot flame flew over her head and slammed into the goblin king. The smell of burning flesh filled the air as he tipped over with a wet gurgle, and Vel artfully sidestepped the falling corpse, feeling triumphant. The feeling quickly vanished as she realized both of Hark's bodyguard and even his pet rats were swarming towards her.

"Ugh," she grunted, stepping back into the narrow corridor and using the walls to keep them from surrounding her on all sides. One of the female warriors bared her teeth and leapt towards her; a fatal mistake, as her scimitar swung wide and Vel darted in to the opening provided to sink her own dagger deeply into the goblin's ribs. She crumpled to the floor with a wet slop, but the rats were scrambling over her body even before she'd hit the ground.

Vel slashed wildly, right and left, trying to avoid the flaying teeth and the furious stabs on the last bodyguard, but there were too many. A stray bolt of fire hit the wall over her head; unable to see anything, Floris wasn't of much help.

I can't fall here. I won't! Gritting her teeth, Vel squeezed her free hand into a fist, pulling out whatever root and plantlife she could feel in the cavern and wrapping them around the legs of the multitude of rats trying to overrun her. Their sharp teeth opened new wounds on her body even as she tried, and the spell disintegrated as she spit blood and tore a rat away from her throat.

"Floris!" she coughed. At some point he'd sent a ball of light towards her; with the cavern now lit brightly, she saw just how many of Hark's pet rats were trying to reach her. Their bodies were an undulating mass of fur, pressing up against one another as they snarled and gnashed their teeth, trying to climb over one another to reach her and taste the fresh blood flowing from her many wounds.

"Zegel! Get behind me!" Floris yelled, a high note of fear in his voice. Whether it was from the view of the twisting rats and feral goblins that were now all clearly visible, or the multitude of bite wounds on her body that were making Vel totter unsteadily, she didn't know. She took him up on his offer regardless, beating off one last rat before retreating and squeezing past him.

"We need to run-" she began, but Floris narrowed his eyes. His fingers formed into a triangle, the point at his breast as he whispered. From his outstretched hands a burst of flame erupted, swallowing the cavern and the masses of rats in a rush of heat and light. As it faded, the charred corpses of their attackers lay before them, but a few more rats who'd been spared the flame by the bodies of their companions still charged at them relentlessly.

"Ah!" Floris yelled as one of them slashed at his extended arm, drawing a jagged line of blood over his dark skin. He kicked the last rat away, quickly reforming the hand seals and chanting under his breath. Once more, fire erupted from his outstretched hands, and the last of the rat horde dropped.

The smell was nearly overwhelming; charred flesh and rotting meat. Floris stood there, panting for a moment, before doubling over and vomiting. Vel couldn't blame him; she'd lost so much blood she felt as though even Snigbat would have been able to defeat her with her tiny fists.

"You... you know exactly what you're doing?" Floris exploded, after he'd wiped his mouth dry. He glared at her, his shoulders heaving. "What you're trying to do is die, elf!" He tried to bring his hand to his forehead and winced as he saw the blood covering it. "Gods be damned! I've killed more creatures in the past thirty seconds than I have in my entire life! How can you live like this?"

Vel managed to muster the strength to raise her head and meet his eyes. "I didn't choose this life, human," she spat back at him. "Maybe one day you'll understand that, though I doubt it. Go on and leave me if you feel so strongly about it, you wealthy peasant! I don't need you," she spat, pushing herself to her feet and trying to hold her wounds closed.

Floris's mouth opened and closed a few times, his face a quickly morphing mask of fury, horror, and dismay. Finally he spat out a colourful curse that had her lifting an eyebrow - she hadn't realized ignorant humans could be that creative - and he grabbed the lantern off the ground, fully opening the clapper. "Just wait here for me," he told her. "You're in no condition to do anything useful. Give me the key, and I'll free Snigbat."

Fishing thorugh her pockets with slick fingers, Vel found the key to the manacles and handed it over. "I'm coming with you," she said when he tried to walk away from her. She limped after him. "I told you. I'm getting my weapon back. Rather than try to stop me, why don't you lead the way, if you want to be helpful?"

Floris stared at her in disbelief for a moment, before shaking his head. "Fine. I won't stop you. But stay behind me, for Helm's sake," he growled.

They both inched forward cautiously, carefully avoiding the remaining caltrops and wincing at the smell and rat droppings spread liberally over Hark's "throne" room. And sitting on the rough rock formation that Vel guessed was his 'throne' was Snigbat - still manacled, but rolling around on the ledge, laughing triumphantly.

"Snigbat is Queen now! No kings here anymore! Only Queen! Only Queen!"

"Snigbat," Floris said, his hands raised. "You've upheld your half of the bargain. But you need to stop rolling around if you want me to free you... " His words died off as he saw a lump half-hidden in the shadows of the rat den. Brows quirking, he whispered to himself and a burst of light flew into the den, illuminating the carcass there.

Snigbat sat up, screeching at the sudden light and shielding her eyes. She glanced over to where Floris was staring; curious, Vel also took a good look.

It seemed to be the half-eaten corpse of one of the villagers. Gnaw marks were clearly visible on the remains of the body; the rats had been feasting on the man's left side, and his face was still mostly intact. She snuck a quick glance at Floris; from the way his complexion had gone ashen, she guessed that he knew the victim.

"Oh, Snigbat sorry! Snigbat clean up immediately! Snigbat promise no more pet rats will feast on villlagers! Snigbat will make goblins stay in caves. Not bother humans any longer!"

Floris didn't seem to be listening to a word the goblin was saying. His hands were tightening into fists. "Darthag," he said, his voice catching.

Vel started; the name was familiar. She remembered Floris saying something about his 'boss'... so it was the proprietor of the trade house, then. "My condolences," she said lamely, knowing how little the words would soothe the human; how little they'd helped as she'd kneeled over Gendrun's lifeless body.

"... You were his lookout. His guard," Floris said, his voice low and rough. His eyes were lighting with a different kind of fire - the same one she'd felt as she'd chased after Thog. "You watched as they threw him in there. Let the rats tear away at him. Didn't even kill him first, did you?" His voice broke as it rose into a shout, the tips of his fingers glowing with red energy.

Snigbat, finally sensing the danger, let out a whimper of surprise and began running.

"You!" Floris roared, sending a blast of flame into her back. The goblin stumbled, but kept on running. Floris chased after her, shooting a few more flames wildly into the walls after her. He stopped, took aim, and the final blast hit her fully in the back, dropping Snigbat into a smoking pile of meat.

He stood there, panting, and lowered his shaking hands.

Vel crossed her arms, a frown on her face. Did I look like that? she wondered, a shudder passing through her. Is that what it would take to bring Xidorn closer to me? To look like that all the time? Her stomach twisted at the thought.

Floris turned away slowly from the body, pulling up short when he saw her. He looked away, grimacing. Then he looked back at her. "Don't... don't say anything. I expected it... I knew it was the end when they dragged him away, but..." His face crumpled for a moment, before he caught hold of himself.

Too tired to lord it over him, and too shaken to want to, Vel simply passed by him, bumping him with her shoulder. "We're not done here yet. Let's go."

After a moment, Floris turned and silently trailed after her.
Chapter 1: Parley with Bats (part 23)
BEHAVIOUR: Search for Treasure, Stealth, Run

At the north end of the cave is a smaller cave where Boss Hark keeps prisoners before feeding them to his giant rats.

Vel hushed Floris as she strained her ears. There was some movement and noise coming from the small cave behind Hark's 'throne.' It was quiet, as if whatever was back there was trying to hide. Glancing at Floris, Vel drew her dagger and gestured at him to throw his light into the cavern.

Swallowing, Floris clapped his hands together and thrust them towards the cave. The sphere of glowing light shot into the alcove, revealing the dirty, terrified face of a woman who may have once been dressed in fine robes. They were so soiled and torn that it was hard to see any traces of her former aristocracy in them, however, particularly as she was cramped in the back of the six-foot-high pen.

Floris dropped his hands and rushed forward as the woman let out a small cry. "Lady Featherstone!"

"W-who... Mister Hesbert? Is that you?" The woman burst into tears and flung herself into Floris's arms. "Oh-! Oh, thank the gods!" She buried her face into Floris's shoulder, shaking uncontrollably. "I thought I would meet my maker in this hellho-" Her eyes popped open and her words cut off as she spotted Vel, covered in blood. "AN ELF!" With remarkable speed, the woman tore herself away from Floris and pressed herself back into the alcove. "P-please... mercy! I beg your mercy!"

Vel narrowed her eyes and gave Floris a hard stare. "I'm too tired to deal with this, mage. Tell your friend what she needs to know. I'm going to find my weapon." Turning her back on them, she left the blubbering woman to Floris's care, gnawing on the annoyance she felt at the woman's reaction. Her ears perked as she heard the woman repeat, in confusion, "... Mage?"

No. I'm not interested in the petty lives of these humans. Even if that one particular one saved my life, she thought sullenly, pushing her way to the south end of the cave. The darkness that encircled her was welcoming, reminding her of her home on the Shadowfell. It didn't ease the sting of her many wounds, but Vel could see there weren't any goblins left to threaten her at the least. Relaxing minutely, she slipped through the narrow cavern until she came across a boulder blocking her way. It was entirely too smooth to be naturally occuring; it looked as though it had been rolled there, and judging from the state of the floor, moved often.

"My maul had better be in here somewhere," Vel said quietly, cracking her knuckles. With a grunt - and a wince, as it rubbed against her wounds - Vel threw her shoulder into the rock and shoved.

Vel: Athletics DC 11: 14+6= 20 + 1 Guidance = 21, success

The rock rolled away easily, though the noise of it grating along the floor echoed through the caves. "Well... all the better for me if they come to find out what made that noise," Vel hissed through her teeth, slipping her dagger into her hand. She squeezed past the boulder into the slightly less claustrophobic room - she could stand straight in this one, and even guessed that she wouldn't be able to hit the ceiling if she jumped. There was a grass pallet on the floor, with a rag thrown over it that contained suspicious stains. Vel wrinkled her nose at the makeshift bed and moved past it.

Next to the bed was a battered wooden chest, held closed by a rusty lock. Groaning, Vel reached for the lock and tugged at it - only to have it fall apart in her hands. A half-smile flitted across her face, and she turned to exclaim to Gen about how easy it would be to loot the cave, before remembering that she wouldn't have anyone to share it with. Her smile dimming, she pushed open the chest and grunted as she noted her missing maul - along with the silvered darts she'd given to Gen - thrown haphazardly over the other treasure in the box.

LOOT: 12 gp, 55 sp, 87 cp, a matching pair of silver salt and pepper shakers (10gp ea or 25 gp for the pair), a bloodstained leather case containing a complete set of thieves' tools, a holy symbol of Silvanus carved from wood and inlaid with gold (25 gp), and one magic item: 64: Potion of Climbing*

*nb: the Self DM guide does give guidance on how to deal with loot after all, I just didn't see it. It basically boils down to take it all, but use either Sane Magic Item prices or Discerning Merchant's Price Guide to price your loot. I'm going tentatively with the DMPG because it's better organized (by item type rather than name or effect), and I like the thought put into price modifiers depending on the size of the settlement you're shopping in. Although if I find it to be too 'cheap' I'll adjust to SMP prices. We'll see was we go!

Limping back towards Hark's cavern, she saw Floris standing awkwardly to the side of Lady Featherstone. The woman straightened, a look of fear passing over her face when Vel entered, but didn't resort to screaming and running away, at the least. "Floris told you that I'm not one of your Ardeep woodelves, right? So stop shivering there like a drowned rat--" The wrong choice of words, if judging by the way the woman paled and jumped - "-- and follow us out of here. The rest of the villagers are waiting by the cave entrance. We'll need to set up a rotation of guards and a watch, in case any more goblins come. But none of us are going to make it through the forest as we are now. We need rest, food, and clean water."

The woman seemed to regain some of her confidence back as Vel spoke; though she still looked shell-shocked, she was more receptive to conversation as Vel laid out her plans. "I know nothing of surviving in the wilds, elf," she said, carefully keeping the judgement out of her voice. "I fear very few of us humans do; we would be most grateful for any help you could provide." She swallowed, and her hands twisted together nervously. "Is... is there any news of Lady Nandar? I am her lady-in-waiting, you see. I was in the village when the giants attacked, and when the bridge broke, I had no way back. I fled with the others, but I must have news of my lady. Is she safe?" The woman turned her huge, brown doe-eyes onto Vel.

Vel had to swallow back the feeling of leading a goat to the slaughter. "I... don't know," she lied.

Vel Deception: 18+1 = 19
Daphne Insight: 7, fail

The woman wilted a little at the news, but gave Vel a firm nod. "Very well then. We must all remain strong, for my Lady's sake. We won't let this trial break us! If we can survive the attacks of those blasted elves, then we will be able to survive this as well." She didn't even flinch as she said it, and though Vel had no relation to the elves of the material plane, she felt her lip curling in sarcasm.

Perhaps it's for the best that you weren't here to witness this, Gen. I wonder what they would have said if they'd learned one of their saviours was a deep gnome. Nothing kind, I'm sure.

Floris traded a glance with her, relieved that she'd held her tongue. She could see the underlying worry brewing in him, though; just as with Morak, everything would fall apart once the villagers learned the truth.

Better to keep it from them until we reach safety.

As they made their way back to the cave, Vel paused. "Floris. Wait with the villagers by the cave entrance. I need to talk to those bats."

"Talk... to the bats?" Floris looked doubtful. "Miss Zegel... you really look like you're on your last legs. Are you sure you want to do that?"

Vel smiled wryly. "It's not a choice. If we want to make it out of here alive, we have to make sure nothing else is going to jump us in these caves. I'll be careful," she said, touching her rune once again and feeling the coldness of her armor creeping over her skin.

Cast: Armor of Agathys, 5 THP

"... That looks very disturbing," was all he said after a moment, recognizing the look in her eye and knowing better than to argue with her. "Don't risk yourself. We'll want to leave at the first morning light." He didn't add the implied with or without you.

"Set up a watch if I don't come back," Vel answered abruptly. "Someone needs to make sure any remaining goblins don't get the jump on you babies."

The hint of a weary smile dusted Floris's face; maybe he was growing numb to the acid that she couldn't seem to stop from pouring from her tongue. Without Gen, she felt alone and exposed, and lashing out was easier than trying to make the rest of those stupid humans understand. Waving him off, she turned and marched back towards the prison.

Appraoching the deep pit, Vel cleared her throat and focused on the sounds of the bats below.

Cast: Speak with Animals

Growing familiar with the clicks and squeaks, she sent a series of her own down into the darkness, then leaned back and waited.

After a moment, a cloud of bats rose out of the pit, circling over head. One broke free and landed near her, glancing up at her with bright, baleful eyes.

<Why do you disturb us, flightless one?>

Vel bowed lowly. <I did not want to disturb, winged one. I know of a feast for you and your kin. Great feasting!>

The little bat trembled, inching forward. <Tell us! Tell us of this feast!>

Vel leaned even further back. <But I will not tell unless you tell me first. The big smelly ones. The little smelly ones. Where are they?>

The bat scratched at the ground. <Want food! Want it!>

Vel leaned down towards it. <Tell me! Big smelly ones. Little smelly ones. Dangerous ones. Where?>

Screeching, the bat launched itself into the air, rejoining its companions. Chittering ensued, until it separated once more, and landed directly before her.

<Two big smelly ones in big cave there. Many small smelly ones too. Leader of pack in far cave. Comes out to bully everything. Fed brother to pet rat once! Evil, evil,> it lamented.

<No more?> Vel asked. <No more dangerous ones?>

The bat squeaked. <He-without-body in water cave,> it told her. <Very dangerous! Water cave not safe!>

Tensing, Vel leaned forward. <He-without-water eats others?>

The bat squeaked again in affirmation. <Only those foolish enough to drink water from water cave.>

Vel nodded slowly. <No more big or small smelly ones in cave.>

The bat stared at her. <This home to small smelly ones! Many many small smelly ones in cave! Small smelly ones afraid. Afraid of bats, afraid of big smelly ones, afraid of small smelly ones with pointy sticks.>

Sensing her spell nearing its end, Vel bowed to the bats.

<Feast now. Big and small smelly ones all gone. Dead. Feast on bones,> she told the bat. It squeaked in excitement, forgetting all about her, and joined its companions. With a feeling of foreboding, Vel heard the rush of wings and scrambled to her feet, running for the exit. She thrw herself to the ground just as the cloud of bats erupted, aiming unerringly for Boss Hark's cavern. As they struck her, several fell to the floor at her feet, frozen. It was enough to get the message across, and the bats gave her a wide berth as she retreated back towards the entrance to the cave.

Vel: 1 piercing damage (3 + 4 THP)

"You're alive!" Floris said as he spotted her approaching. He'd set up the lamp in the middle of the room, and arranged the remaining villagers in a ring. The youngest children were all huddled inside, and the most capable adults had spaced themselves around them, the strongest guarding the entrance to the depths of the cave.

"Yes, and I have information. There are still goblins in there, but they shouldn't be a threat. Probably just as terrified of us as we are of them," she said tersely. "The bats told me that there's something lying in wait at a freshwater cave deeper in the system, though. That means exploring these caves for food or water is right out. We'll have to forage in the forest tomorrow, or march quickly if the children are strong enough."

Floris nodded. "Fear will make everyone here strong. So you'll stay with us until then?"

Vel glanced at the villagers, many of whom were eying her with wide, distrustful gazes. "Yes. I promised the guard I'd bring you back. And so I will."

Floris nodded. "Then rest," he said, pointing at a small spot on the floor where he'd cleared away the rocks. "I'll keep watch for you."

Vel opened her mouth to protest, but her aching limbs prevented her from saying more. Exhausted, she gave Floris a nod and spread herself out on the cold ground. She thought briefly of the bedroll she'd stolen from the ransacked general shop, and discarded the idea of sleeping on it immediately.

My trance will be blood-soaked enough as it is, she thought wearily. No need to make my bedroll into a reminder of what was lost here.
I just realized I've been nerfing this character severely because I forgot about the part of GWM that lets you make 1 more melee attack anytime you kill something.

Damn it! Vel could have more than 3 hit points right now! Well, play and learn I guess.

Also, note to self. Not taking Summon Beast yet because material component can't be found outside of a major city. (And it's expensive)
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SKT: Chapter 1 Nightstone Fixes
After nearly finishing Chapter 1, this is how I would "fix" it to run for my family.

- Emphasize Nightstone as a tourist attraction (the Nightstone, the plum hunting and green nature)
- Cut out the elven conflict in the Ardeep Forest completely. Lord Nandar died of natural causes a year ago.
- Cut out the orc invasion of the settlement completely.
- Change Keila Darkhope and the Zhentarim Agents into Dragon Cultists looking to reestablish a foothold in this Podunk town where no-one will notice them, after the Cult was smashed apart by Phendalian Thunder a year ago.
- Include a player-led resolution to the town's power vacuum problem

Hook 1:
Look at the list of prominent families and their dead (SKT, p. 31). Have the players related to one of these families to explain why they're coming home to Nightstone in the first place.
- Agganor Family: tieflings
- Delfryndel, Hulvaarn, Nesper, Osstra, Southwell, Xelbrin, Mystrum, Haunlar, Breck, Winterspell, Zam, Featherstone, Ulgar: human families, replaceable with non-exotic races
- Summerhawk Family: halflings
- Ur'gray Family: dwarves
- Arrowhome Family: wood elves (SKT, p. 28)

Hook 2:
A friend of the prominent family relation, traveling together. For exotic races.

Hook 3:
A PC lived in Nightstone. Have the cloud giant attack wipe out their home and/or business. They just finish digging their way out of the rubble as the other PCs show up. This should be an adult player in the know, willing to galvanize the party to continue on the quest.

Hook 4:
You're from Triboar. You've been hired by Alaestra Ulgar to deliver goods from the Lionshield Coster of Triboar her husband, Darthag Ulgar in the Lionshield Coster branch of Nightstone.

Hook 5:
You were hired to investigate rumors of the Dragon Cult trying to reestablish itself in Nightstone. You're looking for anything suspicious or out-of-place in this peaceful rural settlement.

Level Up Milestones
Level 2:
Finish clearing the village of goblins

Level 3: Finish rescuing the villagers from the Dripping Caves
- Seed a conflict between non-PC family heads: Delfryndrels (millers) vs Summerhawk (apothecary). Establish that these two families have different opinions on how to deal with escaping the caves and/or the goblins themselves (Delfryndrels – murder as a group, Summerhawk – sneak while PCs distract; she can make a smoke bomb if you found her herbalism kit / have an appropriate toolkit). Morak is mediating the feud. Their verbal fighting is what sets off the bats if the PCs don't put a stop to it.

Level 4: Finish choosing a new leader for Nightstone (include "Zhent" Cultist encounter battle)
Leader options:
- Morak Ur'gray, strengthen trade and damaged town economy
- Delfryndrel, train every townsfolk into militia
- Summerhawk, improve tourism (restore town to original purpose)
Have the PCs decide who they want to back first. Then have the PCs try to sway the 5 major families of Nightstone (Agganor, Delfryndel, Hulvaarn, Osstra, Summerhawk) to vote for their candidate of choice with persuasion checks, tiny fetch quests, or other favors-as-skill checks depending on PC builds. Once the victor has been decided, have Keila summon Xolkin to assassinate the newly-minted leader in order to seize power, leading to a PC fight to defend the town / keep at least one of the leader candidates alive (Morak has plot armor).

Level 5: Finish Zephyros Tower encounter(s)