Stories Makes the World go Round (Massive Multi-Crossover/Original)

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Stories are what we hear of the past. Stories are what we are raised on and what shape our beliefs. Stories are the very foundation that sparks our imagination to go and make our own stories that may or may not shape the world around us.

Stories are what create the world, nay, the universe, and they make it go round and round.

Welcome to a small, fun idea that I had in mind. I already have in mind of creating a massive multi-crossover fusion universe for a series of fanfictions that I might work on the future, but now this just a fun little experiment that I want to do for the sake of entertainment.

Using my templates, you will form the world through specific stories and how you wish to make them unique in their own way.

It's not meant to be too serious and I just hope people will join to have some fun.
Creation Myth Story Part 1: The First Step

The very first story. The story that will affect your new creation in one way or another. Many of your creations will speak of the creation of their universe in nigh-infinite ways, with only few knowing the truth.

It is the story of how it all came to be, how you decided that all matter, all energy, all life shall be created. Of course, a universe is born with a Big Bang, but that is the most simple of matters to ascertain. Creativity and imagination fill your head with many options as you ponder creation.

You are a being incomprehensible to all, one unique in nature who will stand above all things. The only things in the endless nothingness that show anything unique and different are you, a being capable of changing shape, size and appearance like an infinitely malleable substance and your creation: An orb that's twice the size of your "head".

Inside the walls your created for your creation, things might be infinite to whatever you may put in there. But do you want to do? A single universe with infinite timelines? An infinite multiverse? An infinite set of dimensions? Maybe all of the above sounds good, but you would like to focus on one world and watch the stories that will be born there after creation.

However, the first thing that you need to do is to figure out what you want to do as the first step of creation, which will be...

[ ] Create three assistants to assist you in your creation, vastly weaker than you, yet. One shall create matter and energy, one shall manipulate and weave that energy and the third shall impose patterns in it, thus create complexity and nuance. They Shall be named Michael, Samael and Gabriel respectively. From there seven other beings shall be created, all to serve as the cornerstones of your creation. (Vertigo/DC Comics)

[ ] Create a group of beings that will travel across your infinite creation in a spaceship, constantly creating universes using a certain device. Those beings shall be known as Contemelians and the universe-creating device shall be known as the "Anihilargenesistoriafimiaorgost"... or "Anihilarg" for short. From that device, from which everything shall come to be, including Slimebotes, single-celled metamorphic species that travel across the growing universe and become the ancestors of all sentient beings. (Ben 10)

[ ] Create a being, a small child of everything named Xeno. A small piece of you, capable of merely a fraction of your abilities, but still omnipotent inside your creation. It shall create a small multiverse of 18 universes, all sharing the same energies and laws, but each universe shall be a massive macro-complex structure of several nigh-infinite dimensions. (Dragon Ball)

[ ] Create a being within your creation who shall use a spear to turn the blank creation into two infinite dimensions: one of light, one of dark. The being, which you shall name Pluto will then rule over the dark dimension as a God-King, which shall be home to its creations. (Devil May Cry)

[ ] Create a group of three grand conceptual beings with avatars of animals representing three aspects you want to give your creation: time, space and anti-matter. These three, alongside you will create the basis of creation. These wise and powerful beings shall be known as Dialga, Palkia and Giratina respectively. (Pokemon)

[ ] Create a large tree across all of creation, the tree of life Yggdrasil. It shall connect a total of nine worlds together: Midgard, Asgard, Hel, Muspelheim, Alfheim, Jotunheim, Nilfheim, Vanaheim and Nioavellir. (Norse Mythology)

[ ] Create a primordial mount at the center of creation and an Ibis named Thoth. Thoth shall sit on the mount and use all of the life you gave it to give birth to an egg, from a primordial bird of fire, who you shall name Ra, hatches and creates all there is within creation. (Hermopolis Egyptian Mythology)

[ ] Create two primordial beings to create the universe. They are Bavlagar the Spiritual and Yrnig the Material. Together they shall create the first law: the law of Yin and Yang before creating the first galaxy at the center of creation, with the first solar system at the center of that galaxy, with a blue sun at the center of that solar system. (Original Setting).

[ ] Create an egg within the center of creation in which the primordial god Pangu shall create and separate the heavens and the earth. When he shall hatch from the egg as an adult, the process shall be complete and he will die, his body creating everything else in creation. (Chinese Mythology)

[ ] Create a primordial goddess of life, Earth and fertility called Gaia, who shall create the Earth at the center of creation. She will also give birth to two sons, who are also primordial beings: Uranus, the primordial god of the heavens and Pontus, the primordial god of the seas. (Greek Mythology)


Okay, now first thing first: I want you all to take this as just something fun and enjoyable. This is just the very first part of the creation myth story of creation. Just because you pick one option now doesn't mean that we're going to be locked to that setting (i.e. picking the DC option won't lock you to the DC universe etc.).

This means each story can mix and match several settings at once! YAY!

Now in all seriousness, I hope any of you who are interested to come and vote. I don't intend to keep this one for long, just as long as both all of you and myself are entertained.

P.S. I will be going on vacation for the next week and won't be able to update during that week. So just so you know there won't be any updates until the next weekend.

Voting will open in 1 Hour!
Stories of the Universe
Dawn of Creation:
At first there was only you, the eternal darkness that surrounded you and an orb made of your own essence. Inside the orb was going to be your creation, and so you created inside of it your first three living beings, your biggest, most beloved assistants. The primordial beings of time, space/dimensions and anti-matter, their names were Dialga, Palkia and Giratina respectively, dubbing their group the Creation Trio.
The first thing to happen between the three was an argument about what should be done first: Dialga wanted to tame the powers of the sphere, Palkia wanted to start working immediately and Giratina wanted you to create more beings to help them.

You took Giratina's side and created five more primordial beings: A trio and a duo. The trio was dubbed the Power Trio, as they would later assist you in making of the kinds of powers that mortals and lower gods would be bound to in your creation, while the duo was dubbed the Planes Duo, as they would serve as the planes of existence of your creation.

The Power Trio consisted of Uxie, the primordial being of knowledge, Mesprit, the primordial being of emotions and Azelf, the primordial being of willpower. The Planes Duo consisted of Busshitsu the Physical Plane and Tamashi the Astral Plane/The Heavens. They immediately fell for each other, forcing you to separate them, but promising a union through their essence that will form every living being.

Then, with all of your servants, you tamed the forces inside the orb of creation, molded and reshaped it into new kind of powers: much of the original chaotic power became known as Chaos Energy, stored within one massive emerald and seven emeralds that served it.
The creation Trio used their power and control over their spheres to mold the chaotic power into a new combination of all three spheres: cosmic power.
You and the Power Trio used parts of Tamashi, which were the souls that she created, and sown into it the power that remained, splitting it into three different types of power: Ki, Magic through Mana and Psyonic energy.

After the power was tamed and reshaped to your liking, you allowed your servants to go to work as they created at the center of the orb the first sphere, the multiverse, while creating another sphere around it, being the heavens. Eventually you decided to have some fun as well and went inside the multiverse, where you used your power to add the humanoid evolutionary path across all of it. You then found a world in the first universe that was to your liking, which you called Earth. On that planet you turned all wildlife into creatures called Pokémon, making it all the more interesting.

However, Giratina didn't seem to share your interest and did some things of his own independently from you. He first created squid-like machines in his image and called them Rippers, giving them a cycle of destruction and hibernation that they would follow. Then he turned on Dialga and Palkia and started a three-way battle across time and space, one which damaged the multiverse.

You intervened and prevented things from escalating things from going into irreversible territory, fixed the damage across the multiverse and healed your servants. However, Giratina was punished as he wasn't allowed to directly interfere with your creations ever again; nor have a single avatar. You kept an eye on him ever since.

The last thing you did before letting things take their course was to go down to Earth and tell all creatures there your story. Then you returned to the top of your creation and began your watch.
In the beginning there was nothing but darkness. Cold, infinite and feeling like a river made of mud. Then came a small light, a light that in and of itself overwhelmed the darkness. From it was formed the half-man, half horse deity called Arceus, the Grand Creator, the God of Gods.

To repel the Darkness, Arceus used all of his might to spread his light across all of creation, pushing back the darkness away, creating night and day. To move forward between day and night, Arceus created Dialga, the God of Time. Dialga used its might powers to create time and begin the movement of all things.

Arceus, in order to expand his creation created Palkia, the God of Space. Plakia used his powers to expand everything in tandem with the movement of time, making itself the perfect extension of Dialga.

Arceus then created a being to bring balance to his creation, a sibling to Dialga and Palkia, being the antithesis of the Grand Creator itself. That being was Giratina, the God of Destruction.

Together, the three first gods to be born from Arceus were dubbed as the "Creation Trio". These three were considered by the Grand Creator as the cornerstone of his creation and his stewards, who would watch and work to make sure his creation remains constant and everlasting.

Giratina, being the smartest and least obedient of the three, decided to request from the Grand Creator to create more gods to assist them in making his father's creation even grander. Arceus, in all his never-ending wisdom, agreed with his son and created five more gods to perfect the universe.

The first three were Uxie, the god of knowledge, Mesprit, the god of emotions and Azelf, the god of willpower. The God of Gods dubbed these three as the "Power Trio", giving them the task of shaping the forces of all creation. The two last gods that Arceus created were Busshits and Tamashi. The former was the god of the earth, using his body to create the world, while the latter was the goddess of the heavens and souls, creating and the realm on which the gods could watch the world and welcome the dead.

Upon seeing each other after completing their respective domains, Busshitsu and Tamashi fell in love, however they could never be together as Busshitsu used his own body to create his domain. Seeing this, Tamashi wept endlessly, creating souls. Seeing the situation of the two, the loving Arceus promised that they would be together through their creations and dubbed them the "Lovers Duo".

After all gods were born and the Earth and heavens were formed, the Creation Trio, the Power Trio and the Grand Creator moved on to create the forces of the universe. The Creation Trio used their powers in unison to create the endless void of stars around the Earth to fully separate it from the heavens, while the Power Trio and Arceus took the souls created by Tamashi to shape the light of Arceus, the darkness of the night and the powers of the heavens to create the powers of the immortal souls.

Finally, in a flash of brilliance, Arceus took a soul and brought it upon the world, shaped a body out of the rock and clay of Busshitsu's body and put the soul inside it, creating the first Manakete and bringing the union of the Lovers Duo as he promised.

From there the Grand Creator proceeded to create many tribes of Manaketes, all categorizes into 18 different types by the Grand Creator. After creating all the tribes of Manaketes, he created many tribes of beings similar to Manaketes, but lesser, as they could transform into animals and not into dragons. These were dubbed by him as Animorphs.
Finally he made two types of beings by separating many Manaketes and Animorphs, creating humans and Pokemons.

Things seemed to go awry as Giratina finally acted. Because he was the antithesis of the Grand Creator, all he sought was destruction, and he started his plans of destroying all of creation by making servants in his own image, calling them by their deserving name of "Reapers" and spreading them around the void of stars, ordering them to destroy any creature that dares to leave the confines of the world.

After that the god of destruction went and attacked his two brothers. A titanic battle between the three gods ravaged all of creation, each sending a powerful blow to the other mercilessly. The battle was so great that all who existed were able to witness it as creation itself shook. Time stopped flowing for all beings, space itself warped constantly and stars in the night's sky were destroyed. The Power Trio tried to intervene, but were no match for all three of the Creation Trio.

Finally, the God of Gods himself intervened and separated the three. He repaired his weakened creation and locked Giratina in the void of stars, forever forcing him to bring the souls of the dead to the afterlife and preventing him from destroying anything outside of what he deems worthy of destroying.

After saving his creation from destruction, Arceus went down to the world and called all the tribes of the Manakete. He told the Divine Dragon tribe of Manaketes to lead forth both their weaker brethren and the lesser races with a distant, guiding hand and protect his world should someone threaten it.

The Divine Dragon tribe did his bidding, acting as the God of Gods' voice and hands across the world, spreading his word and aiding their lesser with patience, guiding, benevolent hand.

During a rather peaceful era of Earth, when there were only skirmishes between tribes, a portal to another realm opened up in the land of Fódlan, which grew from dusk till midnight. When it was finally opened fully, a monster emerged from it. A mindless demon so big that it seemed like his head reached the moon. It had grey skin, two arms and legs, one massive red eye and ten, mountain-sized tails.

The enormous demon started rampaging across all of Fódlan for days, draining life energy from any inhabitants that it didn't crush to death by eating them. Tens of thousands men, Animorphs, Pokémon and Manaketes died to the creature, wiping out many clans and species completely as mountains crumbled from its tails swings, while other mountains rose up from its steps and the ground beneath its feet caused massive fissures.

When the ten-tailed cyclops had enough of its mindless destruction in a nearly desolate continent, it went to the ocean and started moving towards another continent in search for more life to consume and destroy.

Upon hearing of the destruction that the beast caused, the inhabitants of Tellius and Manaketes from across the world arrived at Mount Coronet in West-Central Tellius, the very same mountain at the top of which the Grand Creator Arceus first appeared before the inhabitants of the world.

Many prayers were heard for days, almost all of the them the same in wishing that the god would rid them of the monster. However, a single voice caused silence, the voice of a young Manakete girl named Naga who wished to gain the power to defeat the monster. After her many others started praying for power to fight.

It was then that Arceus reappeared again at the top of the mountain, agreeing with Naga's desire and offered for a selected few in gaining the power needed to fight the Ten Tails.

Only three volunteered: one Pokémon that would later be known as Rayquaza and two humans named Sauron and Kaguya. Under the leadership and wisdom of the young Naga, all four were granted immense powers that were needed to confront the demon. It was then that Arceus left, leaving the fate of the world in the hands of its new guardians.

For weeks the guardians would travel down the mountain and across the land, during that time they bonded, learned each other's stories, dreams and desires. When there were arguments, the wisdom, kindness and childlike naivety of Naga always managed to keep the group together. During their trip they understood that they needed to work together in order to stop the cyclops and save their world.

When they finally encountered the titanic demon on the west coast of Tellius, the battle began. It was a ferocious battle that caused earthquakes and storms that were felt across the entire continent, tsunamis that could sink countries and never-ending quakes across the land. The four guardians tried to mitigate the damage, but even they were only capable of so much.

The battle lasted for days as both parties threw everything at each other, but the guardians figured out that they could not kill the demon as they were at the time, so they decided to do a ritual.

With their excellent teamwork, they managed to stun the beast and caused it to trip ad fall into the ocean, giving the four time to perform the ritual using all of their remaining strength. They succeeded, splitting the creature's body into half and using one half and the monster's soul to create 9 smaller, much weaker demons.

At the time, the Tailed Beasts that were created from the ritual were only newborns, so the guardians decided to let them all live. However, because of the exhausting battle, all the guardians felt so drained that they all went their separate ways and entered a long hibernation to restore their power.
In the ancient times, many generations after the Grand Creator Arceus graced his presence before his chosen children, Giratina's jealousy and taste for destruction had consumed him. Wanting revenge for his divine punishment, he created a foul beast known as the Ten Tails Cyclops and sicced it on the world his creator made.
With ten blood-red comets heralding its arrival, the beast of destruction raged and destroyed everything in its path. The world itself shook from its demonic and evil power granted to it by the god of destruction, as it smacked mountains into rubble with its tails, created thunderstorms and tidal waves that lasted for 40 days and 40 nights and tried to eat the moon, since its size made it so close to the white orb.
All creatures who inhabited the world ran away in fear of the destruction and fled to Mount Coronet, where the God of Gods first took its step on its creation.
The Manaketes, the chosen children of Arceus, prayed in the name of every man, Animorph and Pokémon that it would save them and destroy Giratina's black stain on the world.
In the third day of prayers, a young Manakete from the Divine Tribe by the name of Naga stepped forward to pray. Naga, who was gifted by the Grand Creator with might beyond all of her brethren, kindness that extended even to the smallest insect and wisdom that allowed her to understand the will of the creator better than any other, prayed for the power to fight and protect her world, pushing back Giratina's evil even at the cost of her own life.
Touched by the bravery and determination of the young Manakete, the Grand Creator once again went down and stepped his divine feet on the mountain. "Hear me, Naga, for you have been chosen." he spoke, his voice echoing to all whom gathered on and beneath the mountain. "I hereby bless you with my gift, the gift to bring the evil that harms your people to its knees." he spoke as in a flash on golden light the young dragon girl was gifted great power and knowledge.
The Grand Creator then requested that a few more of the brave and willing step forward to receive gifts of their own to help fight the beast. Many who had prayed for that power refused, but three were brave enough to take a stand: a single snake Pokémon and a human man and woman.
Arceus saw the greatness in the volunteers and gifted them all with his gifts: the snake was turned into a snake-like dragon Pokémon who was dubbed by the Grand Creator as Rayquaza, who was given the throne of the skies. The human man, Sauron was turned from a petty mortal with fledgling knowledge and skill of magic into a grand sorcerer and the woman, Kaguya was given immense power that would humble many.
Before leaving, the god had informed the now empowered guardians that they would live forever, with the responsibility of guiding mortals on the righteous path that he had made, as well as ordering them to go and face the beast. He then left as quickly as he arrived.
The four guardians traveled together, walking 40 days and 40 nights until they met came face to face with the destructive demon. The battle between the Divine Guardians and the Ten Tails Cyclops lasted for days, in which storms raged across land and ocean and the entire world itself shook from their tremendous clashes.
However, the demon was no match to the might and cooperation of the guardians, and with Naga's lead they landed a fatal blow. However, before the monster died completely, it made one final act of spite and birthed 9 demonic monsters from its essence before dying. The guardians were not aware of the birth of the demons as each went their separate ways to teach the people the wisdom of Arceus through the generations.
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Notable Beings, Characters and Worlds
Notable Characters:

Official Name Within your Creation: Arceus.

Titles Given to You by your Creations: The Grand Creator, God of Gods.

Stories Directly Appearing or Involved in: Creation Myth // Rise of the Guardians.

Religions based on you within Creation: Arcenian.

To be added.
To be added.
To be added.

To be added.
To be added.
To be added.

To be added.
To be added.

Notable Worlds:

To be added.
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[X] Create an egg within the center of creation in which the primordial god Pangu shall create and separate the heavens and the earth. When he shall hatch from the egg as an adult, the process shall be complete and he will die, his body creating everything else in creation. (Chinese Mythology)

I have an image in my head it would be cool if it could come to fruition.

Edit: Idea share.
The Immortal and Demon war (Chinese Mythology plus Devil May Cry.) Which later results in the God Wars(Nordic and Greek Mythology). Which result in the Age of Wonder(DC, Ben 10, and DB)

Funnily enough DC somehow got Flash in Marvel. It is believed that all comic universes are connected. As such, we would be getting many more places to play with than 7.

Edit 2:
I just want to give humans a reasonable shot to power besides random magic bullsh!t. Systemised Magic Bullsh!t. Plus, Martial Art Training.
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[] Create a large tree across all of creation, the tree of life Yggdrasil. It shall connect a total of nine worlds together: Midgard, Asgard, Hel, Muspelheim, Alfheim, Jotunheim, Nilfheim, Vanaheim and Nioavellir. (Norse Mythology)

Seems like a reasonably interesting option.
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Can I suggest Xenoblade for a creation myth? I find it interesting to have a creator be as mortal as we are.
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Can I suggest Xenoblade for a creation myth? I find it interesting to have a creator be as mortal as we are.
Unfortunately, I don't know Xenoblade lore at all and thus have no idea how to really use it. I don't think I ever really heard of it thus far, so you can tell me anyway and I might consider using it.

Also, voting will only be open in a few minutes. Please edit your posts to delete your choices and then post them again after I open the voting process.

I just don't want your votes to not matter after I open voting.
[X] Create a group of beings that will travel across your infinite creation in a spaceship, constantly creating universes using a certain device. Those beings shall be known as Contemelians and the universe-creating device shall be known as the "Anihilargenesistoriafimiaorgost"... or "Anihilarg" for short. From that device, from which everything shall come to be, including Slimebotes, single-celled metamorphic species that travel across the growing universe and become the ancestors of all sentient beings. (Ben 10)
[X] Create a being within your creation who shall use a spear to turn the blank creation into two infinite dimensions: one of light, one of dark. The being, which you shall name Pluto will then rule over the dark dimension as a God-King, which shall be home to its creations. (Devil May Cry)
[X] Create a large tree across all of creation, the tree of life Yggdrasil. It shall connect a total of nine worlds together: Midgard, Asgard, Hel, Muspelheim, Alfheim, Jotunheim, Nilfheim, Vanaheim and Nioavellir. (Norse Mythology)
Unfortunately, I don't know Xenoblade lore at all and thus have no idea how to really use it. I don't think I ever really heard of it thus far, so you can tell me anyway and I might consider using it.


Here's a 30 minute lore video instead of telling it myself. Also, you might want to check the comments and the wiki for any misconceptions.

[X] Create a being, a small child of everything named Xeno. A small piece of you, capable of merely a fraction of your abilities, but still omnipotent inside your creation. It shall create a small multiverse of 18 universes, all sharing the same energies and laws, but each universe shall be a massive macro-complex structure of several nigh-infinite dimensions. (Dragon Ball)
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[X] Create a group of three grand conceptual beings with avatars of animals representing three aspects you want to give your creation: time, space and anti-matter. These three, alongside you will create the basis of creation. These wise and powerful beings shall be known as Dialga, Palkia and Giratina respectively. (Pokemon)
[X] Create a large tree across all of creation, the tree of life Yggdrasil. It shall connect a total of nine worlds together: Midgard, Asgard, Hel, Muspelheim, Alfheim, Jotunheim, Nilfheim, Vanaheim and Nioavellir. (Norse Mythology)
[X] Create a group of three grand conceptual beings with avatars of animals representing three aspects you want to give your creation: time, space and anti-matter. These three, alongside you will create the basis of creation. These wise and powerful beings shall be known as Dialga, Palkia and Giratina respectively. (Pokemon)
[X] Create a large tree across all of creation, the tree of life Yggdrasil. It shall connect a total of nine worlds together: Midgard, Asgard, Hel, Muspelheim, Alfheim, Jotunheim, Nilfheim, Vanaheim and Nioavellir. (Norse Mythology)
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[X] Create a group of three grand conceptual beings with avatars of animals representing three aspects you want to give your creation: time, space and anti-matter. These three, alongside you will create the basis of creation. These wise and powerful beings shall be known as Dialga, Palkia and Giratina respectively. (Pokemon)

Pokemon God Amuses me.
[X] Create a group of three grand conceptual beings with avatars of animals representing three aspects you want to give your creation: time, space and anti-matter. These three, alongside you will create the basis of creation. These wise and powerful beings shall be known as Dialga, Palkia and Giratina respectively. (Pokemon)
[X] Create a group of three grand conceptual beings with avatars of animals representing three aspects you want to give your creation: time, space and anti-matter. These three, alongside you will create the basis of creation. These wise and powerful beings shall be known as Dialga, Palkia and Giratina respectively. (Pokemon)

Kind of surprised there isn't a Kingdom Hearts option... but then again I'm not sure if Kingdom Hearts really has a creation myth.