In the beginning there was nothing but darkness. Cold, infinite and feeling like a river made of mud. Then came a small light, a light that in and of itself overwhelmed the darkness. From it was formed the half-man, half horse deity called Arceus, the Grand Creator, the God of Gods.
To repel the Darkness, Arceus used all of his might to spread his light across all of creation, pushing back the darkness away, creating night and day. To move forward between day and night, Arceus created Dialga, the God of Time. Dialga used its might powers to create time and begin the movement of all things.
Arceus, in order to expand his creation created Palkia, the God of Space. Plakia used his powers to expand everything in tandem with the movement of time, making itself the perfect extension of Dialga.
Arceus then created a being to bring balance to his creation, a sibling to Dialga and Palkia, being the antithesis of the Grand Creator itself. That being was Giratina, the God of Destruction.
Together, the three first gods to be born from Arceus were dubbed as the "Creation Trio". These three were considered by the Grand Creator as the cornerstone of his creation and his stewards, who would watch and work to make sure his creation remains constant and everlasting.
Giratina, being the smartest and least obedient of the three, decided to request from the Grand Creator to create more gods to assist them in making his father's creation even grander. Arceus, in all his never-ending wisdom, agreed with his son and created five more gods to perfect the universe.
The first three were Uxie, the god of knowledge, Mesprit, the god of emotions and Azelf, the god of willpower. The God of Gods dubbed these three as the "Power Trio", giving them the task of shaping the forces of all creation. The two last gods that Arceus created were Busshits and Tamashi. The former was the god of the earth, using his body to create the world, while the latter was the goddess of the heavens and souls, creating and the realm on which the gods could watch the world and welcome the dead.
Upon seeing each other after completing their respective domains, Busshitsu and Tamashi fell in love, however they could never be together as Busshitsu used his own body to create his domain. Seeing this, Tamashi wept endlessly, creating souls. Seeing the situation of the two, the loving Arceus promised that they would be together through their creations and dubbed them the "Lovers Duo".
After all gods were born and the Earth and heavens were formed, the Creation Trio, the Power Trio and the Grand Creator moved on to create the forces of the universe. The Creation Trio used their powers in unison to create the endless void of stars around the Earth to fully separate it from the heavens, while the Power Trio and Arceus took the souls created by Tamashi to shape the light of Arceus, the darkness of the night and the powers of the heavens to create the powers of the immortal souls.
Finally, in a flash of brilliance, Arceus took a soul and brought it upon the world, shaped a body out of the rock and clay of Busshitsu's body and put the soul inside it, creating the first Manakete and bringing the union of the Lovers Duo as he promised.
From there the Grand Creator proceeded to create many tribes of Manaketes, all categorizes into 18 different types by the Grand Creator. After creating all the tribes of Manaketes, he created many tribes of beings similar to Manaketes, but lesser, as they could transform into animals and not into dragons. These were dubbed by him as Animorphs.
Finally he made two types of beings by separating many Manaketes and Animorphs, creating humans and Pokemons.
Things seemed to go awry as Giratina finally acted. Because he was the antithesis of the Grand Creator, all he sought was destruction, and he started his plans of destroying all of creation by making servants in his own image, calling them by their deserving name of "Reapers" and spreading them around the void of stars, ordering them to destroy any creature that dares to leave the confines of the world.
After that the god of destruction went and attacked his two brothers. A titanic battle between the three gods ravaged all of creation, each sending a powerful blow to the other mercilessly. The battle was so great that all who existed were able to witness it as creation itself shook. Time stopped flowing for all beings, space itself warped constantly and stars in the night's sky were destroyed. The Power Trio tried to intervene, but were no match for all three of the Creation Trio.
Finally, the God of Gods himself intervened and separated the three. He repaired his weakened creation and locked Giratina in the void of stars, forever forcing him to bring the souls of the dead to the afterlife and preventing him from destroying anything outside of what he deems worthy of destroying.
After saving his creation from destruction, Arceus went down to the world and called all the tribes of the Manakete. He told the Divine Dragon tribe of Manaketes to lead forth both their weaker brethren and the lesser races with a distant, guiding hand and protect his world should someone threaten it.
The Divine Dragon tribe did his bidding, acting as the God of Gods' voice and hands across the world, spreading his word and aiding their lesser with patience, guiding, benevolent hand.