Still Defiant! SI-OC [Marvel/DC]
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What does it mean to be a hero? Daniel Evans Tries to answer this question as he embarks on a self-imposed mission in a familiar, yet unfamiliar world. Being a hero has never been easy, but even if the world tries to crumble around him, he will stand firm, because no matter how difficult or dangerous it is, he will remain Defiant. SI-OC, MC-hero, MC-viltrumite, MCU-AU, DC Comics AU. Marvel AU.
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1: Let it Start
1: Let it Start

In a higher dimension.

Where the universe itself seemed small, where stars, galaxies, Milky Ways, and supermassive black holes blended like an abstract painting in a strange harmony.

There was a silent tranquility, one that had endured countless eras.

Then, of course, that tranquility was unexpectedly shattered.

A space that had remained unchanged for billions of years suddenly encountered a wave traveling through it, followed by a sound akin to shattering glass into thousands of pieces.

The fabric of reality briefly fractured, just for less than a millisecond, but it was enough for the wave produced to be felt by an entity that had been sleeping for an immeasurable amount of time.

No, even time couldn't define the eternity that its slumber had been.

Because it had been born even before time itself was born.

Eyes that shimmered with the color of the universe opened, and a long yawn that made galaxies tremble was produced by a figure rising from its slumber.

"Uh?" For others, the brief moment when a rift between dimensions opened might be fleeting and imperceptible.

For the nameless being, it was as if they saw it happen in slow motion, despite being billions of light-years away.

Their eyes flashed, fully focusing on the rift.

Then something happened that even their eyes, which seemed to contain the entire universe, opened with slight astonishment.

Through the rift, something entered, something small and weak that would have been destroyed by the currents of energy in the higher dimension it inhabited.

But she raised her hand, and her infinitely vast energy protected the little soul that had managed to enter a higher dimension by pure luck or misfortune.

The being approached and examined the soul closely, and a smile that seemed to contain the sparkle of thousands of stars formed on their "face."

Instantly, countless amounts of information flooded their mind from every corner of existence.

Like a young child discovering the internet for the first time, they caught up with the events that had been taking place while they slept.

"Oh, this seems interesting~" the being seemed to contemplate something for a brief moment before nodding with excitement.

"I guess 'fate' has brought us together, haha," they said, looking at the small soul in their hand.

"Well, let's have some fun too."




"Dead? Am I dead?!" There was disbelief, apprehension, but above all, disappointment.

He was dead, just like that, he was dead. That...

When he thought about it, he couldn't quite remember it correctly. How did he die?

"You're repressing the memory, trust me, you don't want to know. I took a peek, and it wasn't pleasant," the feminine voice came, bringing along a new set of questions.

It was like looking at personified space, with skin that seemed to contain the universe. The being in front of him was anything but ordinary.

Despite having a feminine figure, Daniel felt that something like a "gender" was too simple to describe her. It was like comparing the ocean to a puddle of water.

Repressing the memory, huh? He supposed he would think about it at some point. After all, he was dead now... The how didn't really matter anymore now that things had reached this point.

"And now what? Is this the afterlife? Are you God or a judge who will decide what happens to me?" Daniel began to quickly consider his chances of going to hell.

He remembered or tried to remember every bad thing he had done, and fortunately, he found that there weren't too many that could truly be called damning.

Sure, he wasn't perfect and had made some mistakes in his life, but it could have been much worse.

Maybe he was flattering himself too much...

"Haha! No, I'm not one of those egocentric types who proclaim themselves gods or some kind of judge of hell, that's boring," the figure laughed as if the notion of it was either very amusing or absurd.

"Although I could certainly be called a 'god' if we speak in terms of power," the being pointed to the abstract space surrounding them.

"After all, this Higher Dimension is mine. I created it a long time ago and put a lot of effort into it, a place where I could live in peace without being bothered, a completely isolated place. And that brings us back to you," it pointed at him with a finger.

"Somehow, there was a rift, it was small and minuscule, but a rift nonetheless. That woke me up, which was fortunate for you, really. If I hadn't awakened, I wouldn't have noticed your soul sneaking in here, and it would have been completely destroyed. A mortal soul is not meant to wander through dimensions much higher than its own, after all,"

In the palm of the being, a "example" of what appeared to be a soul projected, a humanoid figure radiating with a faint white light. Then, the soul reached a place where it shouldn't be, and suddenly began convulsing, eventually imploding and turning into nothingness.

"When I noticed you, I quickly protected you to prevent this. So, if you believe in destiny, you could say that you and I are somewhat destined," the smile grew, somehow managing to look "happy."

"After all, it should be impossible for you to have made it here, but you still did. And it was your greatest luck that I noticed you, or right now, you would be nothing more than dust floating in the void,"

If he thought about it that way, he had indeed been lucky... well, maybe not in the "you're dead" part or the "somehow your soul entered a place where it shouldn't be" part, but definitely lucky in the "being rescued by the strange lady with starry skin and not being turned into less than dust" part.

"So, I thought, since this is 'destiny,' why not make the most of it? A win-win for both of us, a mutual benefit," the being said.

A win-win, huh? Daniel pondered. What could you possibly gain from being dead? He didn't know, but certainly, a being from a higher dimension might know. Perhaps there was something truly valuable or important that he should obtain after death.

"Sure, let's go for it. It's not like I have anything else to do," Daniel said.

The being seemed excited, the smile on her face grew even wider, and the galaxies surrounding them seemed brighter.

"That's perfect! A wise decision. You won't regret this, I assure you!"

Then, she began to walk in circles as if pondering something.

"I have been sleeping for a very, very long time. Catching up with recent events has given me an unexpected revelation. I've seen the other guys having so much fun without me, which is annoying. Can you believe it?! No one bothered to invite me to the fun... So I decided, if no one is going to invite me, I'll do it myself!"

Daniel didn't know who the "other guys" were, but he assumed they were something similar to the being in front of him.

"Although I still don't fully understand how... fun it is to observe a mortal, I know it has been entertaining for the others. So, I want to experience it for myself."

Daniel started to think about it, and his "brain" began to grasp where this was going.

"I like that! You quickly catch on to things, so I won't beat around the bush. I want to play too, and I think you're the perfect choice for it,"

The being approached him, her eyes seemed to look into his soul, as if she could see everything about him in an instant.

"But doing it the same way as the others would be a bit boring, don't you think? Although they say that all ideas have already been thought of by someone else, adding a little difference, even if it's not completely original, still makes things more exciting! So... let's have a little preliminary game," she snapped her fingers.

A giant roulette wheel appeared out of nowhere, positioning itself in front of Daniel.

He examined it carefully, recognizing many names and others that were unfamiliar among the options given by the wheel. Each option was the same size, implying that they all had an equal "possibility" of being chosen.

"Let's start with destiny! Knowing where you're going always helps," the being pointed to a lever next to the roulette wheel. Daniel nodded and reached out, taking hold of the lever and pulling it down.

If he was going to go on an isekai adventure, he at least wanted to know where it would be.

The roulette wheel started spinning rapidly but soon began to slow down, with a final spin and an extreme slowness, the result was revealed.

[Multiverse Marvel/DC]

that was not good., Daniel felt himself paling, quickly searching his memories for everything he knew, and the more he remembered, the uglier his expression became.

"Oh! That's great! There will definitely be no shortage of things to do, lots of fun, aren't you excited!?"

No, Daniel was not excited.

"Oh, come on, don't make that face. How about this! I'll give you some advice, consider it an extra benefit..." The being tried to appease him and began to speak in a serious tone.

"Never reveal where you're from. There are certainly many unpleasant types where you're going. Your home dimension is just a normal universe, with no protections or anything to prevent dark gods or beings from other dimensions from feasting on it. If they know where you're really from, they will definitely find ways to get there, and you certainly don't want that, right?"

That... Daniel thought about it and realized it was true, not mentioning anyone else, only Trigon would be enough to bring his home universe to absolute ruin, and Daniel had no doubt that such a monster could find his universe if even the weakest hints of its existence were given.

No, he couldn't let that happen, even if he was already dead, his family was still there, no matter what, he wouldn't bring them any more trouble now that he was dead, that would be too inconsiderate.

Seeing that Daniel had understood the point and took her advice seriously, the being nodded satisfactorily.

Then she snapped her fingers and a deck of cards appeared in her hand, Daniel turned his attention to it.

"So, to make it more entertaining, we should add some 'spices,' so to speak, some advantages and disadvantages that will make everything more balanced," Then a table appeared out of nowhere, and the being began to carefully arrange the cards on its surface.

There were ten black cards with a skull image on them and ten white cards with angel wings.

"Choose three of each," the being offered, and Daniel carefully looked at each card, trying to see if there was any difference or clue, but he found nothing.

"so... You don't have any other advice by any chance?" he asked, and the smile on the being's face told him that he wouldn't get that benefit this time.

"Everything depends on you now." those words didn't bring him comfort.

Taking a deep breath, he decided that looking at the cards wouldn't do anything for him, so he reached out and randomly took three black cards and three white cards.

There was no smart choice because no matter how he looked at it, without any hints or clues, all the cards were the same until their contents were revealed.

So, leave it to luck.

"Well, now let's see what you got. Do you want to see the disadvantages first, or do you want to see the advantages first?"

It wasn't a difficult choice.

"First, the advantages," he preferred to have the good things first.

As soon as his words ended, one of the three white cards in his hand began to glow, and then a semi-transparent light blue screen unfolded in front of him.

Daniel looked at it with great attention.

[Core of Life: safeguards your soul, spirit, and thoughts behind a multidimensional nucleus hidden within your body. The flesh is merely a container that can be easily repaired, allowing for high-speed regeneration of any body part as long as the nucleus remains intact.]

This was... a relief. It didn't give him the ability to crush mountains or create tidal waves, but it gave him something much more important.


At least he wouldn't die easily.

Moreover, a multidimensional nucleus? What did that mean? Did it have something to do with his soul being protected, as well as his thoughts and spirit?

Before Daniel could ask, the being shook a finger from side to side as if gesturing denial.

"You will know more details about your advantages once you reach your destination, so there's no point in asking now." with that, Daniel was forced to swallow the question he was about to ask.

It seemed like he would have to wait.

Carefully, he revealed the second white card, and there was a shimmer as a second screen appeared in front of him.

[Viltrum Royalty: the blood of the strongest runs through your veins, part of a warrior race that navigates the stars with nothing but their own bodies, your race is the pinnacle of evolution with the potential to go beyond.]

The sigh of relief that escaped Daniel was long and filled with various emotions.

This was... good, no! This was excellent!

If the first advantage gave him the ability to survive, then this one gave him the ability to protect himself, to defend himself.

At least he wouldn't be turned into minced meat accidentally if a villain decided to cause a disaster next to him.

More than that, he could stop the villain!

Sure, Viltrumites weren't the strongest, but there was potential there, and with the Core of Life, maybe he could go beyond any other Viltrumite.

Moreover, royalty? Was he now like Mark's cousin or something? Maybe an uncle? It was confusing.

He drew the last card and took a deep breath. This was it, the final piece in his favor. Daniel wasn't foolish; if the advantages were so good, then what about the disadvantages?

Just thinking about it made him tighten his fists. He would have to make the most of all the good things he had and hoped that luck wouldn't abandon him.

[Feeling of Tomorrow: even the impossible can be possible, enhances the abilities and spirit of your allies during times of crisis, giving hope is equal to receiving it, your own strength increases slightly depending on the trust your allies have in you during the time of crisis]

How did this work? Was it like a personal buff he could give or was it more like an area-of-effect spell? Although he wanted to ask, he refrained from doing so, knowing he wouldn't get an answer.

"It seems like you've had quite a bit of luck so far. You've certainly drawn some very good cards." the being looked at the three screens with almost as much excitement as Daniel had.

"Now is the time to see if that luck of yours continues," those words, though not intended to sound sinister, still made Daniel gulp.

He took a deep breath and drew the first black card.

The skull on it seemed to glare at him with ill intentions, causing him to furrow his brows.

Slowly, the card turned into black smoke, and a semi-transparent red screen appeared in front of him.

[Madness Mashup in the World: things that shouldn't exist exist, and they're all a problem.]

That was too vague!

It was a very short description, and no matter how much he thought about it, he couldn't gather much from it.

"Will I also get more information about this later?" he asked, somewhat hopeful.

"Mmm, maybe? No, actually no," and those hopes were shattered.

"Oh, come on! How am I supposed to deal with this if I don't even know what it is?!" It was frustrating.

He couldn't even gauge how bad it was due to the lack of information.

It could be something very serious or something he could easily handle with his advantages.

"Hey, they're disadvantages. If you knew everything about them, it would mean you have an advantage over them. Isn't that contradictory?"

Daniel wanted to argue, but he felt it would be futile. Muttering under his breath, he drew the second black card.

"Let's get this over with."

[Challengers: Power attracts power and invites challenge. Powerful individuals and entities will come your way in response to your existence., bringing danger.]

Okay, this had more details, but it was still vague. However, even with the little information provided, Daniel could tell a lot, and he didn't like it at all.

If these "individuals" or "entities" were dangerous to him, then this was bad, very bad. A Viltrumite could destroy an advanced civilization on their own, and although in Marvel and DC there were many entities stronger than an average Viltrumite, that didn't mean it would be easy to deal with them.

Underestimating individuals with that kind of power and the damage they could bring would invite disaster.

Not to mention that he wasn't exactly an average Viltrumite, right? If this disadvantage took his advantages into account, things could get even more complicated.

And what if he became stronger? Would these challengers become even more formidable? A headache was looming.

"Damn it!"

"It seems like you've run out of luck," the being commented, but Daniel completely ignored it.

He looked at the last card in his hand with apprehension.

He released it, and the final screen appeared in front of him.

[Curse of ignorance: Knowledge is an absolute advantage, that's unfair. Randomly and impartially, some of the memories of your new home will be erased.]

No. No. NO!

Daniel held his head in disbelief as he felt his memories of Marvel and DC begin to shatter.

From key information to trivial details, there was no discrimination.

Like a hammer striking a fragile glass, his memories were shattered, leaving only fragments of what was once a whole.

He still remembered some things, some of which could be important, while others were useless. But compared to before, it was as if he was trying to remember a book of which he had only read random pages.

Lacking context, he now didn't know if the knowledge he had was important or not.

Suddenly, he didn't know why he was so worried, but the feeling of anguish and fear persisted.

He had forgotten something important, no, he had forgotten many very important things.

Dangerous things, but now he couldn't know what they were.

At the same time, he knew many things that he couldn't categorize because he didn't have the context to do so.

"Well, when I said your luck had run out, I didn't mean it literally. This sucks for you, but if it's any consolation, the advantages you have should help you overcome this." if the being wanted to offer comfort, the huge smile on its face ruined it.

Suddenly, Daniel felt the urge to punch it, although it was more of an impulse than an actual thought.

"Hey, let's not be violent! How about this, as a final gift, I'll give you this," the being pulled out a thick yellow folder with a huge V on the front.

Daniel took it without knowing what it was. Once it touched his hands, the folder disappeared, and he felt a new memory in his mind.

"Now you're a Viltrumite, right? And one of royalty! So getting something from them should be fine, it's nothing too important or anything, just their studies on synthetic fibers, which allow them to make their clothes and not fly around naked everywhere. They're summarized in a way that you can recreate their results without having to break your head."

So it was scientific information about synthetic fibers? That could actually be very useful, although he wasn't exactly sure how. He would have to examine the new memories more closely later.

"Uh, thanks, I guess," he now felt bad for wanting to hit her.

"Don't thank me, just live, live and have lots of fun adventures so I can have fun too," her words were very honest, and Daniel nodded confidently in response.

"Definitely, I will live the best I can." he wasn't going to waste a second chance, disadvantages or not, he would move forward.

"I'm glad, I think it will be a great performance! Until you die again, Daniel, but don't do it too soon, okay?" With that said, the being placed a palm on Daniel's chest, and a black hole appeared behind the newly transformed Viltrumite, sucking his body into its new home.




Looking at the empty spot where Daniel once stood, the being applauded.

"Will this be exciting? Or could it be disappointing? Maybe it will be boring? Or it could be brilliant! I don't know! Hahaha!"

For the first time in a long time, she didn't know. She didn't know what was going to happen, and although this was partly her fault since she sealed her own ability to see and predict the future, it was mostly Daniel's fault.

After all, not every day does a soul escape the cycle of reincarnation and fate.

When she spoke of being destined with Daniel, she actually meant the complete opposite.

Their encounter should never have happened, she knew it. She had seen the future where she woke up several billions of years after the current date.

Although she wasn't bound by the general fate as such, she could control her own destiny and decide her future. She had decided the date she would awaken and how it would happen, but that didn't happen.

In some way, her own self-imposed destiny had been changed, and somehow Daniel had found his way to her.

That's why she called it destiny, even though it went against destiny itself. Daniel didn't know it, but from the moment his soul crossed the rift into her dimension, he had become a being without destiny.

Any ties that may have existed for him ceased to exist. Predicting his future or even attempting to see it was futile because for beings who are not governed by the laws of fate, the future is a suggestion, not a fact.

Still, she could have glimpsed something, even if it was vague or incorrect. That's why she sealed her own ability. Even if they were false spoilers, she didn't want to see them.

"Well, let's continue," she said, snapping her fingers. An soul without destiny appeared in front of her, and Daniel Evans opened his eyes, about to embark on a roulette for a new life.

On the other hand, the Daniel Evans who had already chosen his cards arrived in the Marvel/DC multiverse.



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2: Life once again
2: Life once again

United States, January 6, 2007

Waking up again was not unexpected if you knew you would.

What was unexpected was waking up hanging from a rope around the neck.

If he were still a normal human, he would be choking, maybe even struggling and looking for a way to save himself before dying of suffocation again.

Daniel just felt strange; there was no pain or discomfort, just a clear sense of bewilderment at finding himself in such a bizarre situation.

With a flick of his hand, he tore the rope from where it had been fastened, bits of ceiling falling due to the act, splashing a bit of dust on him.

His body fell to the floor, his back hitting the ground, and his gaze staring at the unfamiliar ceiling.

"You could have left me in a less unpleasant place." his hand touched his neck; there were no marks or wounds, but the feeling of having a rope literally around his neck made a grimace appear on his face.

He lay on his back for a few more seconds before getting up and looking around.

It was time to investigate; he was in an unfamiliar place, in a body that didn't feel bad but was clearly something different from what he had before.

Primarily the physique, he was taller, at least a few centimeters taller, more athletic. Not that he had a bad figure before, but certainly, it didn't have the definition he now possessed.

His hands looked like his hands, except for the absence of some scars he had gained over the years in different circumstances.

Even his skin had lost some blemishes that are naturally found on the human body due to various circumstances.

Despite these noticeable changes, he didn't feel strange; it was as if he was still him... but better?

"Let's check then," he saw a closed laptop on a small desk that had seen better days.

Without thinking too much, he went for it, carefully taking steps and gauging his strength.

He gingerly lifted the laptop lid.

"Well, so far I haven't broken anything, so probably the being helped me control this body's strength in some way," he thought.

That was good; having to learn to control his strength from scratch would have been a pain in the butt.

And dangerous for others.

He looked at the black laptop screen, and the reflection of a familiar yet different face greeted him.

Was it... him?

Well, it was very close to his previous face but better. His jawline was a bit more defined, and his nose was straight again. It had been a long time since he had seen his nose in its original state. He had broken it in a soccer game, and it had been a bit crooked ever since.

His teeth were dazzlingly white and straight, in fact, even a tooth that had broken a long time ago had come back as new.

His eyes remained blue, but somehow they felt brighter, although still of a dark shade.

His hair also looked much better, like the hair in those shampoo commercials—perfectly groomed and healthy.

He would admit that he hadn't taken much care of his hair before, so the difference was noticeable.

"So, am I still me, but raised to the tenth power?" He was already liking this second chance.

Of course, there was one last check to make, the most important one. Unprecedented seriousness came over him as he left the laptop on the desk, placed his hands on his hips, took a deep breath, lowered his head, then pulled down his pants and observed.

"Yeah, I definitely like this second chance a lot," he raised an eyebrow at the sight and smiled satisfied before pulling his pants back up.

Once confirmed that he still had his body, an improved version of his body but his body nonetheless, any discomfort that may have existed vanished.

"Now, why exactly was I hanging from the ceiling?"

He looked around, it was actually quite an empty room and lacked the usual signs of identity that would be present when someone has been living in a place for a long time.

That meant there were no obvious clues to follow. His gaze returned to the laptop, and he decided that he might as well give it a try before risking leaving the room.

"Alright, let the investigation work begin."




Well, wasn't the Daniel of this world much more unfortunate than himself?

This Daniel from this world, because it seemed like he had taken the place of an alternative version of himself who had lived in this universe before deciding to commit suicide.

Daniel Warren Evans was just a 19-year-old boy who had been living happily with his family before a car accident killed them all except him.

The reason? He had decided to stay home on the day they all went out to shop.

If he had gone with them, he would have died, and that seemed to have eaten away at the life of young Daniel.

From the half-finished suicide note he had found in some files on Daniel's laptop, he could figure this out.

'Survivor's guilt or something like that,' Daniel thought.

He wasn't a psychologist or anything like that; he had just heard about it in some video he saw at some point.

He sighed with a tinge of melancholy, indeed, Daniel Warren and Daniel Evans were not technically the same person but at the same time, they were.

They didn't exactly live the same lives, and the Daniel in this world was younger than him, but there was a sense of belonging.

It was as if you were looking at a blood brother or a very close family member.

That's why he could feel sorry for his other self.

With regret, he closed his eyes and spoke into the air.

"Wherever you are, I hope you find happiness. I can't do anything else for you or your family, I can only use this second chance to live with dignity."

If it were before, Daniel would have thought that talking to a dead person was foolishness, but now he knew that souls were real and that life after death was a fact.

Whether his words reached the intended recipient or not was uncertain, but he hoped they did.

That Daniel Warren Evans would find a second chance, just like he did, and be able to live a good life.

After observing a minute of silence, he decided to rest for a bit.

Physically, he felt amazing, but mentally, he was somewhat tired.

To die, wake up in a strange place, get a second chance, and at the same time, acquire powers as well as unknown dangers wore him out.

Reading a half-written suicide letter by what was essentially himself and knowing that his entire family in this world was dead was the last nail he needed to know that he wanted to take a break.

"Challengers, huh?" Thinking about it, he couldn't help but clench his fist with strength, the sound of air being compressed to impossible measures clear to his ears, and a smile formed on his lips.

"All right, I'll be waiting," for this second chance at life, to live with dignity.

No matter what stands in his way, he would face it and overcome it.

But first, he must sleep.




After calming his mind, he got down to business and reviewed all the paperwork he now had.

Knowing where he was and why he was there was an important step.

And it wasn't difficult to figure out.

He was currently in Smallville, Kansas, on the property that had been the home of his paternal grandparents. The Daniel of this world had decided to retire to the farthest place he knew before deciding to take his own life.

That was, of course, an old farmhouse in the middle of a small town.

He had sold any other property or possessions he had inherited and had only brought the basics with him.

The Daniel of this world had actually been quite wealthy once he sold all the properties and received life insurance payouts from his relatives.

He wasn't a super millionaire or anything, but he had enough capital to survive for a long time without leaving home.

But, of course, with his mind being a mess, he didn't really use much of that money and had let it gather dust in his bank accounts.

The bank accounts were now Daniel's, and therefore, he had a decent budget to work with. It wasn't too much, but it was enough.

On the other hand, the name "Smallville" caught his attention. There was a sense of familiarity there that he couldn't quite explain. It was important, he somehow knew that. Therefore, he decided that he would investigate the town to try to find that "important" thing.

It didn't hurt that it was a good place to practice and test his abilities.

A solitary farmhouse in a small town where few people lived, so he wouldn't have to worry about harming anyone while practicing.

So, there were some advantages and an "important" reason why he didn't just pack up his things and go to a city or something.

Looking at the acres of uncultivated fields filled with tall grass, he couldn't help but nod.

It was a discreet place away from any prying eyes and perfect for starting his practices.

It was time to see what he could do.

First, he took a tour until he found the most secluded place where no one could see what he was doing. He didn't really care much about maintaining a secret identity or anything; without a family, he had nothing to lose besides privacy. Honestly, he could go anywhere in the world or beyond with the body he now possessed. Still, he decided to be discreet for the moment.

With a thought, everything around him seemed to move extremely slowly—grass swaying in the wind, birds flying across the sky, he even saw a bee frozen in the air hundreds of meters away.

Its wings moved so slowly that saying they were still would not be incorrect.

"Alright, let's go there," he lifted his foot and took his first step with the intention of approaching.

Quickly, he realized that it was a very bad idea. Any semblance of control he might have had vanished like dust in the wind.

His body propelled forward like a ballistic missile, going beyond the bee's position and ending up hitting a tree that shattered into splinters upon contact with his body.

"Durability test successful, clearly I was testing durability, bleh-pff poof." he spat and looked at the ground. The poor bee lay dead amidst his saliva and pieces of splinters.

"Maybe I should try going slower..."

It seemed that controlling his new abilities wouldn't be as easy as he had anticipated.




"Slowly, slowly!" above the clouds.

In the midst of the night, a figure rose slowly, although it was somewhat unstable; it was still an impressive sight.

A flesh-and-bone body, on its own, ascended beyond the gravitational force of the planet and pierced through the clouds.

Looking at the moon in the sky, Daniel couldn't help but smile with excitement.

He knew that if he wanted to, he could touch it, step on its surface, walk on it.

It was both amazing and a little intimidating.

To have so much power...

Looking at his hands, which were now capable of holding the stars, he couldn't help but feel somewhat overwhelmed.

There were so many possibilities at his disposal, but at the same time, so much uncertainty.

What was he supposed to do with so much power? Should he even do anything?

Looking at the starry sky, he couldn't help but recall a phrase he had heard somewhere.

The memory was somewhat blurry, and part of it was completely blank, undoubtedly an effect of his last disadvantage.

But even if it was incomplete, that phrase was still there, something that had ingrained itself in his mind for some reason, and he knew it was important.

"With great power comes great responsibility..."

It was a good and fitting phrase for the current situation. He wasn't perfect, nor had he been some kind of saint in his previous life.

He had flaws, and he probably hurt people who didn't deserve it.

But he wanted to be better, to be something greater, to live a life worth living.

A life he could be proud of.

Recalling the few fragments of memory he still had from this new world, he couldn't help but look seriously at the blue planet beneath his feet.

"So, villains, aliens, gods, and monsters, huh... alright, come everyone," a smile formed on his lips, and his eyes gleamed.

"No matter how many, no matter how strong..." he took a deep breath, feeling the weight of a self-imposed responsibility settling on his shoulders.

"I will protect this world."







In an old barn, a telescope gazed at the starry sky. Eyes of a sky-blue color observed for a while before the girl to whom those eyes belonged sighed, lowering her head.

The school year in Smallville was about to start once again, and for the girl in the barn, this was nothing more than an unpleasant reminder of how little she had done during the holidays.

Just like all the previous years, in fact.

There were no significant moments, memorable memories, or new friendships.

Just a dull monotony that made the days seem endless.

When everything around you seems made of cardboard and is as fragile as glass, having a "normal" life is too dangerous.

Carol Kent felt loneliness creeping back to her, but quickly shook her head, trying to clear that feeling from her chest.

She looked again through the telescope.

In reality, she didn't need it; if she wanted, she could look directly into the sky, and it would probably be much more detailed than using the telescope.

But it had been a gift from her father, and somehow it made her feel more "normal."

Through the telescope's lens, she noticed something falling rapidly from the sky. Due to the poor quality of the telescope, she couldn't see it clearly, and when she looked up to observe directly, the phenomenon had vanished.

Perhaps it was an illusion or a misinterpretation due to the poor image quality of the telescope, but it almost seemed to her as if a person had fallen from the sky.



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3: To be a Hero
3: To be a Hero

Landing was much more difficult than expected.

Starting to fly was indeed easier, although I couldn't say I had the grace of an eagle in the air, I was quite happy with what I had accomplished.

Flying had been like breathing for the first time; it was something that clicked in his mind the moment he tried it, something natural as if he had always been destined to be able to do it.

He hadn't gained absolute proficiency in it or anything like that; it was as if he had learned to crawl, in fact. He still had to learn to walk and then run, but he would get there.

Landing, on the other hand...

Needless to say, his farmhouse gained a new hole in the roof that night.

And so, he had decided to go to the center of Smallville in search of tools to repair his roof.

The town itself was quite picturesque, nice, and welcoming, albeit small.

The name didn't lie; so far, he hadn't managed to find anything strange in it, apart from a meteor shower that had happened 17 years ago.

Although the town had been devastated to some extent, it had managed to recover quite well, and its citizens seemed quite friendly.

As he looked at the town square, he couldn't help but grimace while biting into the last bite of his chocolate-filled bread.

It was... unpleasant, a whole range of flavors that he hadn't been able to perceive before, now clear as the sun to his taste buds.

Perhaps this was the first major drawback he had noticed from his new physiology.

Taste buds beyond human weren't enjoyable.

Not to mention the sense of smell. Breathing carefully had taken on a new meaning for him.

He wondered if he should stop eating until he found a way to fix this.

If he were just a Viltrumite, he would still need sustenance, but with the Life Core in him, eating became unnecessary.

If he wanted, he could stop, and the core could easily provide him with everything he needed to stay healthy for, well... forever.

If a Viltrumite already had an enormous lifespan, he, with the Core, had gone beyond that.

In theoretical terms, he was immortal. Of course, he could die; if his core was destroyed, he would be left only with his body, and if his body was destroyed, it would be game over.

This information came to him when he first woke up in this world. The being didn't lie to him, and he had gained a bit more information about his advantages.

For example, the core was much more useful and vital than the description let on at first glance.

More precisely, the part about "safeguarding his soul, spirit, and thoughts."

To put it simply, this feature made him immune to mental control. It was also like a shield that protected his thoughts, so he didn't have to worry about mind readers.

How it worked was beyond him, and although there was a deeper explanation that had a lot to do with multiple dimensions and astral planes that he honestly didn't understand at all, all that mattered to him right now was that he didn't need to worry about short-term mental control.

That was a relief; if someone were to truly control him mentally, he knew things would quickly go to hell.

Not having that concern made everything simpler in various aspects, like the decision he had made.

Being a hero.

That was what he wanted, that was what he had chosen to be, and the responsibility he had chosen to bear.

Not having to worry about mental control had helped solidify that decision.

Another point in favor of choosing this path had been his disadvantages

He hadn't obtained more information about them, so he could only go by what little he knew.

And what he knew did not bode well.

With them entering the game, this world would likely enter an era of chaos.

From his fragmented memories, he knew that this world was already disastrous, but adding his disadvantages was like setting fire to a collapsing house.

So, yes, he also felt responsibility for it. If he didn't have a second chance in this world, those threats wouldn't be looming.

His mere existence made an already dangerous world even more perilous.

Therefore, he had decided that something had to be done, that someone should do something.

And so, his decision was made; he would do it himself.

To be a hero.

He would face anything that threatened the Earth.

Still, he knew that expecting to face everything alone was naive.

Besides, he had an advantage that worked in conjunction with others.

So, he had decided that his best option to better fulfill his goal was to seek allies.

It was simple logic, really.

If two forces of the same level meet, any variable, no matter how small, can make a difference and tip the scales.

And Daniel wanted that balance to tip in his favor, so finding allies was the right choice.

He knew from his fragmented memories that there should be heroes in this world.

Emphasis on "should."

Because he hadn't been able to find anything so far, nothing that still existed in reality.

He had found information about a super soldier who participated in World War II, but the man had been dead for a long time.

He had also come across some internet rumors about a bat-like monster in a city called Gotham, but that was many years ago when crime in that city was through the roof.

Today, that time had passed, and Gotham was one of the safest cities in the United States. And there had been no new sightings of the bat monster for many years.

There were some other rumors, but they were too distant and unreliable to extract anything worthwhile.

Sighing, he tossed the remainder of his bread into a nearby trash bin.

He couldn't continue eating something so unpleasant.




Running from Smallville to the nearest city called Metropolis had been quite easy for Daniel.

With his speed, he arrived in record time and admired the views of what people called the "City of Tomorrow."

It was impressive. The skyscrapers and the almost futuristic look in its construction certainly lived up to its name.

Such a city hadn't existed in his previous life, so Daniel felt excited to explore.

If he could, he would have loved to fly, but that wasn't possible for now; after all, he still didn't know how to land.

But even though it was exciting to explore a completely new city, he knew he had to go a bit further.

That's how he arrived in New York.

The reason? To get some materials.

Information about Viltrumite synthetic fibers had been lingering in his mind, and he hadn't thought about it until he began testing his powers, and his clothes started tearing as if they were made of wet paper.

Thanks to that, he realized the possibility of ending up naked was too high.

Therefore, he had decided to get to work and try to create something that could help him on that front.

Which was easier said than done.

In reality, the Viltrumite textile industry had experimented a lot before achieving suitable results.

In their more primitive times, they had actually needed to use their own hair to create garments to wear.

It wasn't until much later that they managed to find a way to create fabric strong enough to withstand what they were capable of.

From there, they only advanced further with each conquered planet and civilization, making their highest-quality fabrics even more resistant than the average Viltrumite's skin.

Daniel couldn't create top-quality Viltrumite fabric.

Not only because he didn't have the materials, but he didn't even have the tools to make the tools.

And while using the Life Core, it occurred to him that he could use his hair to create something similar to the primitive Viltrumite fabrics. However, he felt that wasn't necessary. After all, he could still create a type of Viltrumite fabric that was good enough for his current stage and didn't require too many materials or overly complicated tools.

It was a type of fabric created through a complicated chemical process that was difficult to explain, but in summary, it resulted in a liquid material akin to a polymer that would solidify upon contact with the air.

The way Viltrumites created the fabric with it was actually quite similar to what the 3D printers in his old world did with their polymers. The liquid was inserted into special machines that gave it the form of "threads" that would then be braided in a way that increased its resistance even more, thus creating fabric.

It wasn't as good as their more advanced fabrics created with even more advanced processes, but it was sturdy enough for a Viltrumite to wear in their daily life.

The chemicals and the process to create the mixture were the easy part; Daniel already knew the process, and Earth actually had the necessary chemicals. The problem was the machine.

It was 2007 in this world, so there should already be some 3D printers on the market. The problem was that these 3D printers were light-years away from Viltrumite machines. And although the technology sector in this world seemed more advanced than that of his world, he didn't trust that even if he had a 3D printer from his world, it could produce the most optimal results.

So, his plan was to adapt a 3D printer. Fortunately, the information he had came with some simple blueprints, and although he couldn't build one of those machines from scratch, he could try to mimic them to some extent with what he had.

He had to make three trips from his home to New York.

The first one to buy the chemicals and bring them, the second one for the printer and other electronic parts, as well as tools he would use for the modifications.

And the third one to buy various things he thought would be useful, like disposable cell phones or some emergency clothing. Also, books on electronics and mechanics, and anything similar that he thought could be useful for learning.

Looking at the goggles in his hand, he couldn't help but have a thought.

A smile formed on his lips as he looked at the darkening sky with the sun setting in the distance.

maybe he could take a walk.




The night fell over New York, and with it began the nightlife.

In a dark alley, away from any prying eyes.

Three men armed with knives surrounded a woman in a corner.

The woman's body trembled, and fear could be seen in her eyes.

"Come on, sweetheart, don't be afraid. We're going to have a lot of fun together," the voice contained an unpleasant insinuation followed by a disgusting laugh.

Eyes lusting after the woman's body.

"You'll definitely enjoy it, darling, hahaha," another assailant spoke, laughing like a malnourished hyena.

The third one didn't say anything, but his tongue grazing his cracked lips and The desire in his eyes said enough about what he thought

The woman hugged herself tightly, her voice trembling in a final plea.


Tears began to fall from her eyes as she watched them approach her.

From the top of the buildings, a figure observed what was happening with a cold gaze behind goggles.

Suddenly, the figure jumped, falling several meters to the ground swiftly.


The ground cracked, dust and debris flew, and the three assailants jumped in alarm, quickly turning towards the origin of the sound.

"What the hell!?"

"I need to improve my landings." a voice came from where the dust was rising, and slowly a a tall and well built figure emerged, taking firm steps.

Dressed in dark clothing, as well as a mask and a pair of goggles that concealed their features, the figure was barely identifiable, almost blending into the night.

The assailants couldn't even see them properly before, in the blink of an eye, the figure became blurry in a high-speed movement where the three couldn't react until their bodies were sent flying through the air.

They crashed into a wall several meters away from their previous position, their heads spinning in sudden dizziness.

One of them even started vomiting.

The figure approached the woman and asked a question in a soothing tone of voice.

"Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" The woman snapped out of her astonishment and stammered a response.

"I-I'm fine," she said, looking at the three men who were still writhing on the ground, swallowing saliva in an attempt to calm their nerves.

"That's good. You should get out of here and go home. I'll take care of them." the figure said, pointing at the criminals.

Then, began to walk towards them, and the woman prepared to leave, still with some lingering fear.

But before she left, she asked one final question.

"W-who are you?" Although her voice was somewhat low, the figure seemed to have heard her with perfect clarity. They paused for a moment before speaking.

"Just call me... Defiant."




"Shit! Shit!" The sound of the roaring engine echoed inside the car.

"Aahhh!" Screams and cries could be heard even through the noise.

The driver clenched his teeth, his eyes bloodshot, intensely focused on the road.

Every few seconds, his hand honked the horn, alerting any cars ahead to move aside.

Sweat dripped from the man's forehead, fear creeping into his core, causing his hands to threaten to tremble. But a voice from the backseat made his blood run cold and his nerves hardened with determination.

"D-daddy, I'm scared," a girl of no more than 5 years old cried, her brother just two years older, hugging her.

Both of them looked at their father, every jolt of the car sending tremors through their bodies.

"It's okay, you'll be okay, everything will be okay," the man didn't know what comforting words to give or what to say. He couldn't afford to be distracted, even if he wanted to console them.

He had to stay in control.

But despite his best efforts, the speeding car on the highway without brakes continued to lose stability.

It was with horror that he heard the sound of one of the tires bursting. Suddenly, the car made a sharp turn and began to flip over.

In the next instant, it would have crashed headfirst into the ground, rolling until it became scrap metal.

But instead, what happened was that a figure jumped out of the darkness, using both arms to hold the car from the side and firmly planting their feet on the ground.

The man inside looked with wide eyes as the figure held the car in the air before carefully lowering it down.

The family man inside swallowed saliva, feeling dizzy, and rubbed his eyes, unable to believe what he saw.

But something more important came to his mind, and he quickly turned his head back to see his children still in their seats, thanks to their seat belts.

The relieved sigh he let out almost seemed to deflate him.

Slowly, he opened the door and stumbled out of the car. He saw the figure of a man nodding at him.

"Are you alright?" The question made the father blink, he patted himself down and looked at his children through the window, who didn't seem injured beyond being scared and disheveled.

"Yeah, I think so," he finally said.

"That's good. Remember to check your car more carefully, any small malfunction can lead to very dangerous accidents." the man nodded, though he didn't say it, he didn't think he would be driving for a while.

The figure then turned to leave, and the man snapped out of his shock.

"Wait! Who, who are you?"

Without noticeable, a small smile formed on the figure's face.

"Just call me... Defiant..."




Similar events began to occur throughout the night, with people being saved from various situations, whether they were accidents or the work of criminals.

In all cases, one name kept repeating.

During that night and the following nights, that name began to spread until it reached the news.

"And with this, there have been over 40 cases with witnesses of the mysterious 'hero' who has been helping citizens these past nights. So far, a clear image of the hero has not been obtained, but the testimonies and evidence presented seem to indicate that this mysterious figure is more than real. With that said, we can only wonder, who is Defiant and why is he helping people?"

With that, the report continued, showing some of the few captured images or evidence of the hero's existence.

Carol Kent watched the images attentively while having breakfast.

The morning news had never caught her attention until these past few days, ever since the name Defiant started spreading and rumors about his "superhuman" feats.

She had paid attention then. She didn't know if they were just unfounded rumors or if there was some truth to them, but being who she was, the small hope and expectation that it might be real was something she couldn't shake off her mind.

"If you don't finish soon, you'll be late, dear," her mother's voice snapped her out of her thoughts.

She turned her attention to her parents and then to the clock on the wall, noticing that she still had over ten minutes.

A smile formed on her lips.

"Mama, you know I can never be late," she said with a hint of pride in her voice.

Her father sighed.

"You shouldn't use your 'abilities' like that, Carol," his tone carried a slight reprimand.

Carol furrowed her brows with slight annoyance at his words, her smile slowly fading away.

Her mother quickly intervened with a soft voice.

"Come on honey, nothing's wrong, she just has to be careful, she knows it." her mother was the most understanding of her parents.

"Thank you, Mom," she said, smiling again.

"Just be careful, you can't keep running around like before. I heard that the old abandoned Evans farm has a new occupant again. Remember not to let anyone see you," her father said.

"The old farm? I thought no one would go there again," Carol said. The Evans farm had been unoccupied for a long time.

Carol usually wandered through its fields since they were quite secluded, and it helped that it was next to her parents' farm.

"I heard that the family had an accident or something, and apparently the Evans' grandson was the only one left, so he stays there now," her mother said with some compassion in her voice.

"Tragedies happen all the time, that's why we must be cautious," her father said, his gaze distant.

"Alright, I'll be careful not to 'run' near the Evans farm," Carol stood up, ready to leave.

Her father looked at her one last time before speaking.

"Just... be careful."

Carol paused at the door before turning and giving him a confident smile.

"Come on, Dad, you know nothing can harm me," she said, and with that, she disappeared in a blur of speed, leaving only a faint gust of air behind.

Jonathan Kent sighed, lowering his head and shaking it.

"I hope so," he said quietly, his eyes shining with concern as he watched the news on the television.

In one of the images shown as evidence, clearly visible handprints could be seen on the side of the car, as if human hands had been pressed with enough force against that metallic surface to deform it.

"I hope so..."






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4: Around the World
4: Around the World


A sonic explosion followed by strong winds, in a blurry motion, a figure soared through the skies, navigating through clouds and mountains. It traversed seas and rivers, even going beyond the blue sky, almost reaching outer space.

"WOOOOOOOOO!" an excited voice echoed as a fourth sonic explosion took place.

Descending towards the earth, the figure landed on top of a high mountain, gazing at the horizon.

Daniel admired the views with excitement, inhaling the fresh air and letting the sun touch his skin. Flying was incredible! With enthusiasm, he looked at the hooded trench coat, closed with a long zipper, covering his body. It was a dark blue garment that allowed him to fly at high speeds without worrying about ending up naked.

It was a rather simple piece of clothing, but the sense of achievement in creating it was not small. After all, he had put a lot of effort into making it.

Even though he had gained a certain level of knowledge thanks to the mysterious being's gift, the truth was that recreating the type of vitrumite fabric was very difficult without the proper technological foundation.

It was like giving the blueprints of a 21st-century technological product to a caveman and expecting him to recreate it. Of course, he wasn't in as precarious a position as a caveman would be, but he wasn't in a significantly better one either.

Earth's technology was still very backward compared to Viltrum's, after all. The only saving grace he had was that the simplest and weakest fabric required more of a chemical process than a mechanical one.

Fortunately, Earth had all the necessary chemical elements. If there were one unknown to humans or originating from a completely different planet, then he wouldn't have been able to do much.

But even if it was the simplest type of fabric, it was still incredible.

He looked at the mountain peak beneath his feet and carefully began to land; perhaps the most complicated part of flying was stopping.

For a Viltrumite, flying was even more natural than breathing; it was simply more natural than walking. Stopping was like forcing yourself to completely cease using one of your limbs.

He concentrated deeply; everything around him seemed to slow down as he descended from the sky. All his attention focused on the gravitational changes his own body produced in his surroundings.

It was astonishing. Gravity, a fundamental force in the universe that can bend all matter, something even light is incapable of escaping. When faced with a Viltrumite, it simply seemed to yield, bending around their mere presence as if it didn't exist.

Daniel wondered what it would be like when he decided to wander through space at some point. How would it feel to go faster than the speed of light? Because he knew he could do it; he knew that Viltrumites could defy the logic of the universe once they started flying in space.

He didn't know exactly how, but he guessed that ignoring gravity was a crucial point.

He cleared those thoughts from his mind; flying through space was now... dangerous.

Not only because of the unknowns that might exist in the vast universe but also because he wasn't sure if he could return to Earth. How do you navigate in space? There's no up or down, left or right—it's simply an infinite void with all possible directions to go.

Very easy to get lost if you have no way of knowing where you're headed.

He stopped concentrating once his feet touched the ground softly. The only indication of his landing was a gentle breeze that was expelled from where his feet made contact with the earth, in a circular shape. Besides that, it was a smooth and controlled landing.

"Perfect," he smiled.




United States.

Dealing with crime and saving people were two entirely different things in the way you could handle them.

Punching a thief? Easy.

Rescuing someone? Much more difficult.

"Calm down and apply pressure, it's just a small wound, you'll be okay," he said as he looked at the 15-year-old boy bleeding from a knife wound.

He had heard his scream and arrived just as the criminal was pulling the knife from the young boy's side. Dealing with the criminal was simple, but dealing with the boy was a bit complicated when he couldn't stop shaking and screaming.

"Oh God! I don't want to die!" The boy looked in horror at the blood dripping through his fingers. Daniel sighed and lifted him in his arms.

"It's okay, hold on tight. I'll take you to the hospital," With that, Daniel jumped high into the sky. His body sailed through the air as if there was no resistance at all, and he soon began to accelerate in a controlled manner towards a nearby hospital that he spotted due to the great height he had reached in just a few seconds.

"Whoa!? H-how are you doing this!?" the boy exclaimed in amazement as he saw the incredible views of the city from a great height. He clung tighter to Daniel, almost forgetting that he was injured, and looked wide-eyed around him.

In a short time, Daniel landed in front of the entrance of a hospital, causing some people to jump in amazement. However, they didn't have time to react. He quickly found a pair of nurses and handed over the trembling boy in his arms.

Then, he departed just as quickly as he arrived.

His dark blue hooded trench coat, dark pants, and work boots, along with his goggles covering the upper part of his face and the gray scarf covering the lower part, would be etched in the memories of those who saw him that day for quite some time.





The sea waves slapped Captain Tao Ming's face; his body shook as he tried to maintain balance. The crew members ran everywhere on the ship, attempting to withstand the violent storm that battered them, but the vessel was not built to endure such an relentless fury of the sea.

"Quick! Quick!" the captain urged his men, but before they could do anything more, a massive wave struck, tilting the ship to one side. The cries were drowned in the sea, and Captain Tao felt his vision blur.

Then, in a blurry motion, a figure fell from the sky, plunging into the sea. Suddenly, the sinking ship was brought back to the surface. In swift, blurry movements, the entire crew that had been submerged in the sea began to reappear on the ship.

Many started coughing, looking around in disbelief.

Captain Tao suddenly felt his lungs filled with air again and took a deep breath. His gaze lifted to the sky, where he saw a figure among the storm clouds, lightning flashing behind it.

He blinked, and the figure was gone.





The ground shook, strong vibrations causing some people to nearly stumble. Despite this, citizens accustomed to such events continued with their day, except for a group of construction workers who now found themselves in a precarious situation.

Working at great heights was always dangerous. Safety measures were often lacking, and the threat to life was more common than it should be.

Despite knowing all this, Luis didn't expect something like this to happen to him.

"Hold on tight!" his coworker gritted his teeth while holding onto Luis's hand. Luis's safety harness had broken due to the sudden tremor, and he had almost plummeted to his death if it weren't for his coworker who managed to grab him. Nevertheless, his coworker was also shaken, and his grip was not secure; he was rapidly losing strength to continue holding on.

Luis felt sweat running down his body as he squeezed the hand that prevented his imminent death. The other workers around him shouted, but no one could do anything to help him. In fact, some of them were also in danger. The structure they were working on tilted, and the tremor intensified the screams.

Luis looked at the sky and thought of his family, his son, and his mother. He thought about everything he couldn't give them and felt an unparalleled desperation.

Then he lost the grip that held him, and he began to fall.

His mind went completely blank, death beginning to whisper in his ear. But before he could accept his imminent fate, he felt someone holding him in their arms, and suddenly, he was staggering on the ground, completely safe.

"que mierda?!" He looked around, and a surprising sight greeted him. In blurry outlines, more and more people began to appear around him, and soon he realized that they were all his coworkers who had been with him at heights.

He looked up and saw a blurry figure traversing the structure and bringing everyone down.

In no time, no one was in danger, and everyone stared in disbelief at a figure fading away in the sky.





At night, near some residential buildings, a truck driver carrying gas suddenly felt pressure in his chest. His eyes opened with red veins starting to flood them.

His hand clenched near his heart, and a choked scream almost escaped his lips. His vision darkened, and suddenly his heart stopped beating. He collapsed, completely losing control of the truck, which overturned and crashed into one of the residential buildings.

From the sky, a figure noticed the accident, and everything seemed to move in slow motion. The explosion started gradually, with fire rising.

The impact hadn't reached the building yet. From the figure's perspective, it even seemed to almost stop. With inhuman speed, the air broke, but even before the sonic wave began, the figure was already in front of the gas explosion.

He watched as the fire expanded towards him, and an idea that he wasn't sure would work came to his mind. He wasn't a scientist; he didn't know if something like this was viable or possible, but he didn't care. With no time for anything else, he decided to try it. If it didn't work, then he would use his body to absorb as much kinetic energy as possible.

And so, in a logically illogical feat, the figure stretched both arms before quickly bringing them together in front of him, both palms colliding with a force not inferior to that of the explosion.

He clapped towards the sky.

That night, all the residents of the nearby buildings would be awakened by two explosions that occurred simultaneously from their perspective.

A burst of air and fire rose into the sky, illuminating the night for a small, brief moment.

The kinetic energy shot into the clouds, creating a hole in them.

In a surprising turn of events, the building that should have been impacted by the explosion remained completely unscathed. The figure let out a sigh of relief before looking at the wreckage of the truck. There, a charred corpse lay, and with a mournful gaze, the figure ascended into the sky.





The thunderous sound of snow moving at high speeds was like distant thunder echoing.

In the skies, this sound caught the attention of a figure flying through the clouds. At first, it didn't pay much attention, but then its eyes caught the image of human structures on the side of the mountain where the avalanche was beginning to descend.

Its pupils contracted as it noticed the houses of a small village, and tiny figures, from its high-altitude perspective, began trying to escape.

Why? Why did people think building a village next to a snow-filled mountain was a good idea?!

With no time to think, it accelerated to position itself in front of the village and in the path of the avalanche.

How do you stop an avalanche? That question came to its mind, and an answer quickly followed.

I don't know.

Then an idea arrived as fast as the previous response.

I don't have to stop it, just redirect it.

And so, its body acting as the toughest drill in the world, it accelerated towards the mountain and began creating an artificial path for the thousands of tons of snow hurtling down.

The village was only hit by small amounts of snow, and no one was injured. Giving a final glance, the figure waved to a little girl who was looking at it with her mouth wide open before ascending into the sky and leaving.












over the course of two full weeks, similar events unfolded around the world. The news began to spread slowly but steadily. Witnesses and blurry images were commonly presented as evidence, yet there were many who couldn't believe it.

Skeptics thought it was all a hoax.

However, there were also those who firmly believed in it, mainly the witnesses to these incredible feats.

The world didn't know it yet, but this marked the beginning of a new era.




In the sky, among the clouds, a flying structure concealed behind advanced camouflage technology was situated.

An airship, the most advanced on the planet, the helicarrier, sailed slowly through the skies.

Inside, agents of the world's most secretive organization moved like a well-trained army or the gears of a perfectly assembled machinery, each engaged in crucial tasks.

They watched over the world for any threat that could jeopardize it.

At the center of everything, behind the command center, an office was located with an eagle emblem on its door.

Inside, staring at dozens of projected screens displaying various images, the director of the world's largest organization was present.

Nick Fury observed with his singular eye the various news reports in front of him.

"And so, witnesses and evidence continue to accumulate. The case of the gas truck has been analyzed by different experts, but there is still no explanation ruling out the involvement of the mysterious hero who—"

"Sightings continue to increase, more and more witnesses are providing their testimonies from around the world,"

"Just a few hours ago, an avalanche that threatened to bury a small town in Russia was miraculously diverted. Recent images reveal a humanoid figure among the snow—"

As these and more videos played before Fury, causing his lone eye to gleam. With evident seriousness, he took out his communicator.

"Agent Romanoff, I need you in my office."




At the summit of Mount Everest, Daniel stood amidst the countless flags left by those who had managed to climb to its peak, his trench coat fluttering in the cold wind. He looked at the sky and sighed.

Two weeks - he had traveled the world for two weeks but found nothing.

There were no heroes.

Of course, he hadn't searched as meticulously as he could have if he stayed in one place for a longer period. Still, he believed that if there were any other heroes, he would have encountered them by now.

Why had he found nothing?

"Is it too early?" This was the only explanation. Even in a world of heroes, there had to be a starting point. Everything has a beginning, and it seemed that the era of heroes in this world had not yet commenced.

This made things a bit complicated.

"No matter, there are no heroes? Fine, I'll do it myself." determination surged within him.

It seemed like the responsibility was growing, but that was okay. It motivated him to move forward; the pressure increased his desire to achieve his goals more than ever.

If he had to become the world's first hero, so be it.

No, he could be more than that. Recalling the words of a character he had liked in his previous life, he couldn't help but smile.

It would be a great goal to pursue, challenging, unsure if he could live up to it. Ideals like these were challenging to follow to the letter, But if he didn't try, what was the point of this second life?

"To become a pillar, huh... a symbol..." Yes, he could do that.




"Everything points to it being the same individual," Natasha Romanoff said, placing a folder in front of Nick Fury with the code name of the target. The director examined the files with a furrowed brow; each paragraph of information presented painted a clearer yet confusing picture.

Natasha glanced at the director reading the information. She had to admit that this case had been a very interesting defiance to follow, which was ironic considering the individual they were investigating and the name he had chosen for himself.

"I have more," she said once the director finished reading the scant information they had managed to obtain. It wasn't much, as tracking the subject had proven very difficult.

She hadn't even managed to get a lead on his real identity.

The satellites couldn't keep up with his speed of movement; he traveled the entire world without any obstacles. The only way to know he had been somewhere was when a witness or camera managed to capture his blurry figure.

Soon, Natasha connected a USB drive to the computer, and on the projected screens, several images were presented.

Images that typically didn't reach the general public or news media—private security cameras with very restricted access.

In all of them, despite being of much higher quality than common cameras, only a blur could be seen due to the incredible speed.

Natasha made some adjustments to the computer, and soon the images became clearer, and his speed of movement slowed down.

This time, the blur was clearer. On each screen, a humanoid figure covered from head to toe in what could be called a discreet outfit was present.

The most recognizable features were the blue trench coat and the face hidden behind a pair of goggles and a gray scarf.

"To wrap it up, I managed to obtain this from a family that had an accident recently,"

Then, a final video played. Inside a car, a teenage boy recorded his family while rain pounded outside the car. It was a homely atmosphere where everyone smiled and enjoyed themselves—a trip that suddenly got interrupted by an animal unexpectedly crossing the road.

The driver swerved in surprise, and the car skidded in the rain, beyond his control. The image shook along with the family's screams. Despite that, the video continued, and it was evident that the car started overturning off the road.

From what little was visible, it was clear that it was an extremely dangerous situation.

And then suddenly, it wasn't. The car came to a sudden halt in mid-air, still upside down. Then, the car seemed to flip by itself and began descending slowly. The teenager leaned his recording phone out of the window, and it was then that Fury saw him clearly.

Dressed in familiar clothes that were now completely visible, the figure lowered the car to the ground and nodded towards the family, who stared at him in disbelief.

Then, he turned around, and on the back of his trench coat, a silver D symbol was clearly visible. This symbol seemed to focus as the figure suddenly lifted off the ground slowly before soaring into the sky, piercing through the dark clouds. The sound barrier was broken, and the clouds were forced to disperse, causing the rain to stop in the area.

All of Fury's focus was on the looping video, and from the side, Natasha observed his expression growing increasingly serious. She could understand it; even she had to watch the footage several times before she could believe it.

In all her years as a spy, she had never seen anything like this.

"We've got a problem."






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5: Somebody's watching me
5: Somebody's watching me

"In other news, the famous billionaire Tony Stark is missing. The genius and philanthropist who has dominated the military industry in recent years was last seen at his presentation in Afghanistan, since then-"

Daniel watched the morning news. After his little trip around the world, he returned to his farm; he still had some things to do.

Since he decided to try to be a hero, he should try to create a proper hero suit.

His trench coat was fine, but honestly, it didn't give off the heroic image he thought he should have.

Following in the footsteps of All-Might certainly wouldn't be easy, but nothing worth having was easy to get.

At least that's what his brother always said.

Daniel looked at the coffee cup in his hand.

"Here we go, test number 57," He had been looking for the exact combination of pure coffee and sugar that would allow his taste buds to taste the glorious flavor of coffee again.

The boiling liquid went down his throat without causing any discomfort. His tongue savored the sugar and coffee beans in perfect combination for a few seconds before a smile formed on his lips.

"Perfect!" He raised the cup high as if it were the discovery of the century.

He finally had his morning coffee back!

In good spirits, he sat down and watched the news. These days, he mainly watched to know the state of the world and if there was any natural or unnatural disaster to pay attention to. He knew, after all, that this world would have many fantastic things appearing at some point, so staying alert was the right thing to do.

Although for now, the disappearance of Tony Stark seemed like a somewhat important topic for this world, as every news outlet was covering it.

Daniel certainly felt it was a pity; a genius of that caliber had not existed in his previous life.

His company had dominated the military and technological sector of the world, and when he tried to find out why, despite it being the year 2007, the technology of this world almost seemed to match that of his old world in 2023, he realized that it was mainly due to Stark Industries.

Of course, there were many other companies that competed with it and even seemed almost equal, but it was undeniable who led the sector.

And all this was because of just one person.

Tony Stark had made this world advance much faster than his old world. He had wanted to talk to the man when he found this out, but it seemed that would be very difficult now.

For a moment, Daniel considered the impact this event would have on the world. He was not a financial expert or a market analyst, but he certainly knew that without Tony, Stark Industries would face very difficult days.

Probably many jobs would be lost.

For a second, he considered whether he should try to find the man, but he quickly dismissed that idea.

As good as his senses were now, they weren't that good. The desert was a very vast place, and trying to find a person there was as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack.

Too much sand. Flying or running at high speed would bring a great disaster, and without that, the search could take a long time.

Besides, it was an active war zone at the moment. Going there now could be very disastrous. He didn't want to fight with any government or antagonize them if he could avoid it.

Not that he thought they could harm him, of course; it would just be too bothersome.

He could only leave it to Stark's own luck. He hoped he would come out alive, but it probably wouldn't be so.

He looked at the television, and an image of Tony Stark appeared. He was young, shouldn't be more than 25 years old, exuding confidence and arrogance, as well as wearing a smile and a gleam in his eyes that seemed to say, "I know something you don't."

Daniel narrowed his eyes; there was something familiar in his appearance. Unconsciously, he raised his hand, his thumb touching his middle finger as if he were about to snap his fingers.

"I am Iron-" his words were cut off as he couldn't remember the complete phrase. He furrowed his brow and looked back at the screen.

"Tony Stark, huh... seems like I don't have to worry about you, you'll definitely come back, right?"

The news continued, but nothing caught his attention, so he got up and went to his "workshop," which was nothing more than the farm's garage adapted to become his "secret base."

Perhaps it was a sorry excuse for the "world's first superhero" secret base, but he couldn't help it. He didn't exactly have many places to his name at the moment.

But he hoped that would change soon.

Inside the workshop, he saw a makeshift 3D printer. Gone was the modern design, replaced by a tangle of cables and connections for which it wasn't designed.

He had to make many adaptations to make the printer suitable enough to work as he wanted.

Definitely, he had to read a lot and learn a great deal about mechanics, electronics, coding, and engineering in general to achieve this.

It had taken him many days and nights. Fortunately, he didn't need to sleep and didn't tire, and his new Viltrumite brain could process information much faster, which helped him learn at a great speed.

But probably the most important factor was his core. With it, he could keep every neuron in his brain in the best condition, which technically endowed him with perfect memory.

To understand this, you simply have to know that there are several factors that can affect how memories are preserved.

The main one is the health of the neurons. Over time, the synaptic connections between neurons weaken or break. With his core, he could make those connections return to their best state, which allows the associated memory to come to his mind with extreme detail whenever he needs it.

The core was truly incredible. It was connected to his body and yet independent of it.

There were many more things he still had to discover about the core, as he hadn't yet tested all its capabilities.

Returning to the topic.

Daniel approached the printer and watched as a long strip of light gray fabric slowly formed. The printer worked slowly, much slower than a traditional 3D printer.

This was because it was interweaving each fiber in a special way, one that increased the already great monstrous durability of the fabric even more.

It was a slow process but one that was worth it.

So far, Daniel had managed to create ten meters of fabric. He had used some to make three sets of trench coats and still had a little over 6 meters left, which he hoped to use for his suit.

He would probably let more meters be made; having more than one set would be ideal.

He carefully watched the process and made sure the machine was working well. He was already thinking about a second, more practical and advanced version, but for that, he had to study more. Learning at super speed had great benefits when you needed to improve your things.

He hoped to soon create a version for mass production because, while he wasn't rich, no one said he couldn't enter the global fabric market with the knowledge he now had.

Of course, he wouldn't start with the civilian part; there were already too many monsters in that market that would be difficult to handle.

But the police? The firefighters? Rescuers? Which of them wouldn't want a fabric capable of securing their lives?

The medical sector was also not out of the question.

Even the military market would beg for Viltrum fabrics.

"Viltrum! Viltrum Industries! Or maybe Viltrum Tech? I have to think about it," As he pondered this, he sat down at his worktable and took out a notebook, pencils, pens, and erasers.

Time to design his superhero suit!

Or at least a first version of it.




"If you look at it so closely, you could go blind," Chloe's voice made Carol raise her eyes slightly from her cell phone.

She looked at her best friend for half a second before lowering her gaze again. Chloe sighed at this, the blonde girl sat next to Carol and looked at what she was seeing.

"Are you still watching those fake videos?"

The question made Carol pay real attention, which was certainly what Chloe wanted and the reason she had emphasized "fake videos" when she spoke.

"You know that I know you don't believe they're fake," said Carol, her eyebrows furrowed, sky-blue eyes looking at Chloe before returning her gaze to the phone.

"Until I find something that indicates they are." Chloe replied.

"I've seriously analyzed those videos a thousand times, and every new video that comes out too, and I still don't see anything that indicates it's fake. I almost start to believe that there's a guy saving people all over the world with a cloth over his face," Chloe said with clear excitement.

"I believe it..." Although Carol's voice was somewhat low, it contained a firmness in it that Chloe hadn't heard before, which surprised her a little and made her speak with some hesitation.

"I don't know, Carol, although it would certainly be something incredible... the things he does, what people say he has done, and even the little that there is on video just seems... impossible? For God's sake! We even had a super soldier in World War II, and I certainly don't think he could have done half of the things people say about Defiant," and if this were an ordinary world, Chloe would be right.

It simply should be impossible.

But Carol knew better, she herself was something impossible, since she could remember she was able to do things beyond all logic.

Strange things, things for which she had never been able to have a normal life.

Things that for a long time made her feel alienated from everything, as if the world in which she lived and the world in which the rest of humans lived were two completely different things.

Making her feel like an uninvited guest, someone who shouldn't exist, an anomaly, something that made her feel completely alone for a long time.

But now... looking at the images on her phone.

Maybe there was someone else out there living in the same world as her after all.




Seeing the bullet coming in slow motion was a surreal experience... not long ago, he would have been panicking just by hearing the sound of the shot, seeing the gun itself would have made him nervous, and being shot at would probably have flooded him with fear.

As a human, being shot at was almost a death sentence after all.


The bullet impacted his eye, and the metal crushed against his pupil until it turned into scrap.

Then time returned to normal, and the bullet fell to the ground along with fragments of his goggles.

The thief looked at him with his mouth open as he began to tremble uncontrollably.

"I liked those goggles," that was the last thing the thief heard before he lost consciousness.

After dealing with the thief and tying him to a nearby pole, Daniel rose to the top of a building and looked at the city.

Crime in this world... was insane!

Well, maybe it had been the same in his previous life, he just didn't know it, but now that he was dealing with it firsthand, he could see it.

Still, he doubted it. There was something about the crime in this world that felt different from his previous life.

It was too common, and the criminals tended towards violence more quickly than he expected.

He didn't even bother to count the number of bullets that had been fired at him. It had only been three weeks since he arrived in this world, and he could already see why the existence of heroes was needed.

He thought about whether he could handle everything alone and quickly dismissed it. No, covering the whole world by himself would be too difficult.

He wasn't an idealist. Although he had great goals, he knew that there were things that even with his current power were simply impossible.

He wasn't a god.

He wanted to be a hero, but he also knew that there were moments and places where his presence was more necessary.

Protecting everyone or protecting a few.

He decided then to protect everyone he could.

He couldn't save everyone, but he could try to save those within his sight.

Perhaps such a mindset wasn't entirely suitable considering his goals, but it was all he could give.

If only there were more heroes...

His search had moved to the internet, following the trend that technology was more advanced than it should be, the internet didn't lag far behind.

Although the same networks and forums weren't present, their own versions of them existed in this world.

He had searched through each of them with little success. Although there were hints and clues, as well as rumors, there was nothing concrete.

But he hoped that there would be soon. He hadn't traveled the world giving hints of his own existence in any other way.

Although it didn't seem like it, Daniel had let his existence be almost known in that way to see if anyone else would reveal themselves, whether a potential ally or an enemy.

The common people still doubted him and his existence, but those with extraordinary abilities would be the ones to take it as true more quickly.

At least they would be willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and try to see if he was real.

Or so he hoped. It was truly just one of the many attempts he had been planning to find "allies."

After all, one of his advantages was completely useless without having them.

And honestly, even without his advantage, Daniel would have wanted allies. Maybe he couldn't save everyone, but surely if many people worked on it, they could.

Or get close to it.




Walking through Smallville had become a common occurrence for Daniel in recent days.

There was something important here, he knew it, he just hadn't found it yet, which left him a little annoyed.

He remembered many things and at the same time forgot so many others that it was difficult to see the big picture.

As he walked absentmindedly, he entered the local supermarket in the town center. It was a bit small compared to supermarkets in big cities, but it was still well stocked enough to meet the demands of the townspeople for everything they needed.

This time he came to find some paint. His superhero suit would need it after all, and it required a type of paint that wouldn't easily come off the fabric, a paint that didn't exist in this world, so he would have to create it.

Fortunately, those extra-strong fabric dyes that he could make were within the knowledge that the being had given him.

As he walked through the aisles and absentmindedly scanned the shelves, he felt his shoulder bump into someone. He stepped back a little, and the other person stumbled back even more surprised than he was.

Daniel quickly helped her straighten up.

"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention."

Dark blue eyes met light blue eyes. Daniel wasn't a mind reader or someone who could read people's expressions with just the slightest hints.

But even he was able to see the surprise and disbelief in the eyes of the girl who had stumbled into him.

"Uh, are you okay?" he asked, looking at her.

She was tall, very tall, almost as tall as he was, which was surprising considering he now stood at 1.86 meters.

She was probably around 1.80 meters tall.

Her physique was also a surprise, although she was dressed in loose, thick clothing, Daniel, with his new superhuman vision, was able to notice a well-defined and proportioned body.

Did country girls have such a good figure these days?

Perhaps the most shocking thing was that she didn't have that healthy wheat-colored skin for which country girls were known.

Given her physique, Daniel would have assumed that the girl spent a lot of time working in the fields, but despite that, her skin was fair and flawless.

In fact, when he looked more closely and overlooked the thick bottle-bottom glasses on her face, he realized that she had supernaturally beautiful features.

An average person wouldn't be able to notice this due to the slight distortion in her features caused by the lenses, but for Daniel, it was easy to see.

She was too beautiful.

With black hair down to her shoulders, eyebrows that seemed to have an elegant arch that highlighted her expressive eyes, and long eyelashes as well as full, well-defined lips with a smooth texture, that in fact they had a pinkish tone that might seem to have a bit of makeup to the inexperienced eye, but if you looked closely, you would realize that was her natural color.

Even if he were still a normal human, Daniel could have spent hours staring at her face, fortunately, he only needed a second to notice every detail of it thanks to his thoughts now processing every detail extremely quickly.

The girl seemed to snap out of her astonishment at his question and hesitantly nodded.

"Yeah, I... I'm fine," her gaze was intense, and if Daniel had lived as a Viltrumite for much longer, he would have known why.

When you possess a strength capable of crushing steel, you don't stumble into people, people stumble into you.

Daniel didn't notice that he had taken two steps back when he bumped into the girl's shoulder.

This was because he had lived as a human for so long, still not accustomed to the strength he now possessed, he didn't realize that it should have been impossible for him to step back unless he collided with something equally or harder than himself.

To him, it was natural that two humans bumping shoulders would cause both to step back, but he was no longer human, and he probably wouldn't know it for the moment, but the girl in front of him wasn't either.

Daniel quickly noticed that some things had fallen from the girl due to the stumble and quickly picked them up before returning them to her.

"Here you go,"

The girl took the items, still looking a bit distracted.

"Yeah, uh, thank you?" was a clumsy response, but Daniel didn't pay attention to it before saying goodbye and continuing on his way.

Strange girl or not, he still had things to do. He would investigate her later.


Carol watched the stranger's back as he walked away, his mind still running a thousand miles an hour at what had just happened.

For the first time in her life, she had stumbled into someone.

That didn't happen, that didn't happen!, she didn't stumble!

Thanks to her perfect memory, the scene kept replaying in her mind with perfect clarity. She reviewed every moment, making sure she hadn't felt unwell or misinterpreted something.

But she hadn't made a mistake or felt unwell; in fact, she had stumbled, someone had made her body step back.

Someone had managed to touch her without getting hurt.

The disbelief she felt left her in shock until her mother came to get her to go pay.

Who was he? That was the first question that came to her mind once reality caught up with her.

She began to look around; the town's supermarket only had five cashiers and wasn't very large. Finding her target was easy; his face was one she couldn't forget even if she wanted to.

His appearance had been etched into her mind for various reasons beyond having a perfect memory.

He was tall, taller than her; not many guys in the town could honestly boast of that.

He had a well-built figure, which was easy to notice since he did nothing to hide it, unlike her, who usually wore loose, thick clothing to avoid drawing attention.

His short, black hair was styled appropriately for his face.

His dark blue eyes seemed as deep and penetrating as the first time she saw them, which unconsciously made her nervous.

Carol had no words to describe a man's attractiveness since she had never paid attention to those details before, but she could probably compare it to the models in the magazines that Chloe looked at all the time.

No, in fact, those models were full of all kinds of makeup and touch-ups that were easy to detect for her superhuman eyes.

That was the main reason she had never been interested in them; it was like seeing people wearing masks to try to be perfect, but to her eyes, it only highlighted their imperfection even more.

They were fake.

But now she had seen something real, there was no comparison. Now she could understand why Chloe seemed so mesmerized when she saw a "handsome" guy.

No! She shouldn't get distracted! She quickly shook her head, trying to clear those thoughts, but her face was still red.

She had to find out who he was.

She watched him leave and briefly closed her eyes, focusing on a sense that she normally kept as dim as possible due to the headache it could cause her.

Her ears began to buzz as her superhuman hearing started picking up all the sounds around her.

Her intention had been to quickly pick up the sound of her target's heartbeat and focus on it to divert the flood of other sounds, thus avoiding being overwhelmed.

She didn't need to do that; a sound like no other instantly caught her attention, making any other sounds would simply fade away as background noise.

She had heard many heartbeats throughout her life, whether from her parents, Chloe, or just any other inhabitant of Smallville. She usually kept her sense of hearing under control to avoid hearing things she shouldn't and to not be overwhelmed by the cacophony of sounds. Gaining the ability to ignore the sounds until they seemed to disappear had taken her a long time, and she had achieved such a degree of control that she could pretend to have the hearing of a normal person.

But this time she felt that she couldn't ignore this sound even if she wanted to, not now that she had heard it, even if she turned off her hearing as much as she could.

Because it was like hearing her own heart, a sound louder, firmer than any other, one that resonated vigorously in a rhythm that sent pulses through her surroundings with each beat as if it sought to flood the world with them, simply impossible to ignore and above all else, it felt real.

It was as if a deaf person heard the voice of another human being for the first time.

At least that's how Carol felt.

She didn't need to see him to follow him now that her ears had caught the sound of his heart.

No matter where he went, she could find him.


On his way home, Daniel suddenly felt a chill down his back that made him look around with doubt.

"somebody's watching me?" he wondered to himself. But no matter how hard he looked, he couldn't find anything and quickly tried to shake off that feeling.

He couldn't.



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6: Hero
6: Hero

January 29, 2007

A new day, another morning experiencing

Daniel looked at the pan in front of him, the pancake specially crafted with the exact amounts of ingredients obtained in the purest and highest quality possible.

The smell was already pleasant, and the fact that it had a perfectly round shape was an achievement he was extremely proud of.

Now, only the taste remained to be seen.

He easily picked up a knife and fork and began to cut it. Just as he was about to eat it, he noticed that strange sensation he couldn't quite define, something he had been feeling lately.

He raised an eyebrow for half a second before shrugging and taking a bite of his breakfast.

It tasted disgusting.




From an old barn, Carol focused her gaze on the neighboring farm, her telescope lying forgotten by her side.

She made sure her position wasn't easily discovered as she observed.

Of all the places she could have found him, she didn't expect him to be her new neighbor.

She should have known, she remembered all the faces in town after all.

She would have remembered someone like him in the town before; it certainly made sense that the new face was the one who had recently moved in.

It had been the day before when they first crossed paths, and she had started observing him.

So far, he didn't seem to be doing anything strange other than trying to cook.

Well, actually, she couldn't see much through the few windows he had in the farm, so she wasn't entirely sure.

Although she could understand his dilemma with food, she herself had had many problems with it throughout her life, although it seemed that her talent for cooking was greater than his.

After all, she had already come up with a series of suitable recipes for herself.

Soon he went to the garage of his farm where there were no windows, so she could only listen.

There was something there, some kind of machine working on something.

Although she had a keen sense of hearing, she had not trained it much over time., at least not on anything other than to keep it in check and mostly turned off.

Her father always told her she should respect other people's privacy.

Maybe she wasn't being very obedient in this situation, but this was something special!

At least that's what she told herself to justify the fact that she was spying on a guy in a creepy way.

"Am I creepy?" she blinked and shrugged.

She was already weird, what difference did adding something else make?

She closed her eyes and tried to "visualize" using her ears, but it was a little difficult for someone who hadn't done this before.

She would have to practice.




When he made his coats, he encountered a problem that he had to solve in a rather peculiar way.

His fabric couldn't be cut by normal means.

So he had to use his nails...

How did he do this? Well, first he used the core to make them grow, an unexpected benefit he found while experimenting a bit with it.

Apparently, biting his nails to keep them well "trimmed" counted as a wound.

A wound that could be healed using the core, and a nail that, like hair, has no "limit" to how much it can grow.

In simple terms, he could make his nails grow without limit.

Just like his hair.

So his hair became his thread, his nails his needles and scissors, and somehow he ended up using a bit of the caveman method of the Viltrumites.

At least most of the fabric wasn't made of his hair, it wouldn't bother him of course, but it would be weird if someone found out.

Making the scissors and the needle was something "Defiant" but he achieved it.

So he began his journey as a tailor!

Which progressed rapidly thanks to his great speed of learning and memorization.

His hero suit, or at least the prototype of it, was almost complete!

Only the cape was missing, which should have been easier to make, but he used too much fabric in the suit, so now it was scarce.

"I'll have to use one of the trench coats for now, at least it will look like I have a cape" he would have to repaint one of them then.

The suit wasn't too tight as is often the case with hero suits in comics.

After all, fabric that was too thin was easier to tear and provided less protection.

And that's why he had spent most of the fabric he had made, he had put several layers on top of each other, with more of them in key places to better protect himself.

Super regeneration or not, wounds hurt and he wasn't a masochist.

Fortunately, his fabric problem would soon be resolved when the second version of his modified 3D printer was up and running.

Not only that, he could do much more than fabric.

After all, the "polymers" from which his fabric was made didn't necessarily have to have the texture of fabric.

The fact that it was liquid before solidifying meant they could be used for more, much more.

"Maybe make some armor plates, more durable tools, or even something else" there were many possibilities to experiment with, needless to say that if he had the capability, he would have made scissors and a needle with it.

With a proper 3D printer, the only limit was what he could imagine.

"I have to patent this, I'll call it Viltrum compound? Viltrum element?"

He would have to choose the name later.

He looked at the transparent container filled with "blue" liquid, that was the polymer in liquid state.

The things he could do with it, the things he could do for the world.

"And you're not even the strongest version"




Boots, confirmed, gloves, confirmed, full suit? Confirmed.

Daniel began to stretch, testing the degree of mobility and nodding satisfactorily when everything seemed right and comfortable.

He clenched his fists with satisfaction and put on his "mask."

It covered most of his upper face.

It had been one of the few things he had managed to make using the "V element" or Viltrum element, as he had decided to call it.

Unfortunately, the lens for both eyes wasn't as durable since it was only reinforced glass, but it didn't really need to be, even if it broke, it could still serve its purpose.

He didn't care about a secret identity or keeping a low profile, but he certainly preferred to have a place to spend time without worries.

His farm was now that place.

Besides, it would be easier to register his future patents with a "clean" identity.

Of course, he didn't care if the secret eventually came to light.

It would be too bothersome to have to keep it forever without a good reason.

And he didn't have any good reason other than the ones mentioned earlier.

And they certainly weren't too important.

After getting fully dressed, he looked at himself in the mirror. The dark blue, as well as a lighter shade of blue, shone on his well-built figure.

Although there were several layers of fabric in key points, it could not prevent the muscles of his body from being marked. It wasn't armor after all.

Once he put on the trench coat, which matched his current color scheme, he felt more complete. There was no cape for the moment, but for now, it would do.

The symbol of a huge "D" on his back and chest, shining in an almost silvery blue, made him nod in satisfaction. It was simple but recognizable.

Even if he changed the color of the suit in the future, the symbol would have to remain the same always.

He took a deep breath, put his hands on his hips, firmly planted his feet, puffed out his chest, and straightened his posture.

He looked at himself in the mirror for a few moments, processing the image in front of him.

A hero... no, a superhero.

He looked like one, but...

He didn't feel like one, not yet, not quite yet.

He smiled confidently and thought of his brother's words.

"Just fake it till you make it, huh... I can do that"




New York.

Still early in the morning, people walked its streets with the practiced ease gained through years of living in the city that never sleeps.

It was midweek, so you could see workers rushing to their jobs, students heading to their schools, and business owners welcoming the first customers of the day.

There was a calmness in the air, a calmness that no one would have paid attention to on any other day, except of course for those with a truly sharp intuition.

New York Police Captain George Stacy looked at the white clouds in the sky with furrowed brows.

Something wasn't right, it was just a feeling that the captain had but one that had saved his life countless times.

It was simply like a little voice in his head that reminded him that calmness only meant the approach of a storm.

Of course, it wasn't always like that, but not every time did you have a supposed "hero" flying around the world. George hadn't believed in those strange rumors at first.

It seemed too fantastic, but as the captain of the New York Police, he had firsthand seen many of the cases where this "hero" had been involved, no matter what the investigators did or how much they tried to deny it.

The truth was that they couldn't dismiss the evidence, the obvious signs that seemed to indicate that something truly "superhuman" had happened.

The guy hadn't been discreet in his "heroic" acts.

George felt that the world was about to change, it wasn't an unfounded feeling, but rather one backed by his countless years of experience serving in the police force.

Thinking of his daughter, he couldn't help but sigh, hoping that, whatever the change, his daughter could live safely.

As he took a long sip of his coffee, a tremor caused him to spill the liquid on his shirt.

"Damn," he grimaced as he felt the liquid burn his skin, yet his attention was quickly captured by the screams. When he turned, he saw in the distance a 20-story building covered in smoke. From its middle floors, the fire raged and cracks spread like a spider's web.

An explosion had occurred. Without thinking, he threw the coffee and ran to his car. It seemed that his intuition had once again proved right.




Daniel was sitting in his workshop, finishing some adjustments on his new printing machine when a news channel caught his attention.

Of course, as a hero, how could he not pay attention to the news even if he was working? He had added several screens to his workshop that played more than ten news channels at once, all from different parts of the world.

Right now, his gaze focused on a live broadcast from the United States news channel.

The image was clearly a part of New York, the burning and partially leaning building caught his attention more clearly than anything else.

"The gas explosion on the 9th floor has completely affected the building's structure. The fire department and the police are trying their best in the rescue work, but so far, their efforts have not been very successful" the reporter spoke quickly while pointing at the building.

Then there was a tremor, and the cracks seemed to extend even further. Suddenly, the firefighters and the police began evacuating people in the vicinity.

the reporter apparently unaware of her own safety approached a middle-aged man wearing a brown trench coat who was giving orders loudly.

"Captain Stacy, what's happening?" the reporter brought the microphone closer to the police captain, which seemed to anger him.

"There's no time for questions, you must evacuate now! The building is about to collapse!"

Daniel had already suited up when the tremor began, and when Captain Stacy's words fell, he was already in the sky, flying beyond the speed of sound.


At the Kent house, Carol opened her eyes upon noticing Daniel's extremely fast movement, but before she could do anything, he had already completely left Smallville.

She quickly ran out of her room and down the stairs to the kitchen window, where the sky was clearly visible. To anyone else, it would seem like a normal sky, but for her, it was different.

Her eyes focused, and she could clearly see Daniel flying in the sky rapidly.

"He can fly?!" That was new; she hadn't seen him do anything like that before.

And that suit...

As Carol watched, the news on the television in the living room caught her attention. Her hearing had been focused on Daniel, so she had heard the news but hadn't seen the images. She quickly turned and saw her parents watching a live scene of a building starting to collapse to one side, towards the extremely crowded streets of New York.

Her eyes widened in horror, and her body froze.

Her parents exclaimed with astonishment and fear, just as stunned as she was.

Then, in the live broadcast, the sound of a sonic explosion was heard, followed by a blurry blur falling from the skies.

"Oh my God!" the reporter exclaimed, and the camera focused, in blurry movements, the blur entered and exited the burning building at incredible speeds.

Each time this happened, one or several people who had been in the building suddenly appeared on the ground, in the evacuation area that the police had prepared.

The rescued people looked around in confusion. There were bloodstains on some, as well as ash and burns. Some were coughing, others were unconscious, and a few didn't seem too hurt.

The people around shouted in amazement, and some relatives of those people who had been nearby and recognized them shouted and ran towards them.

It was an incredible scene. Carol looked with wide eyes, her gaze focused on that blurry figure that probably no one else could have captured.

But she could, even though the camera quality wasn't able to precisely record each frame, it was still enough for her to glimpse something.

It was blurry and unclear, but those colors, that suit, and the "D" engraved on the chest and back of the figure were completely recognizable to her.

She had just seen them a second ago.


Daniel decided he hated the smoke; it fogged up the lenses of his mask, and had to destroy them and let his eyes do the job properly. Rescuing people at high speed was very difficult; their bodies were so fragile that a single mistake would turn them into a kind of meat paste.

Fortunately, the Viltrumites could move at a certain speed even with other people on top of them.

It was a strange sensation, not quite like tactile telekinesis but not very different either. Of course, it wasn't as perfect; the effect was barely comparable, but it was enough.

Daniel could only attribute it to a feature he hadn't explored much in his new body.

The Smart Atoms.

That little magical thing that allowed such a strong species to exist and achieve most of its great feats. It was complicated to explore because Daniel hadn't paid much attention to them in his previous life.

He had only read that Invincible comics manual once. "I'll have to retrieve those memories later using the core. It was foolish of me to ignore such an important matter until now"

Deciding to focus, his body passed through the building in search of civilians. He stopped for half a second and closed his eyes.

The Viltrumites might not have the strongest sense of hearing, but it shouldn't be underestimated. Although he hadn't trained it much, it was enough for Daniel to focus on the entire building and hear the heartbeat of anyone still inside.

It was also enough for him to hear the concrete breaking and the pillars giving way; the building was going to collapse.

Just as he was preparing to leave, he heard it. It was an extremely weak heartbeat. His pupils contracted, and without hesitation, he passed through anything in his way.


"It's falling! The building is falling!" the on-scene reporter shouted. The camera focused as the upper half of the building began to rapidly tilt downward; the explosion seemed to have split it in two.

While everyone was screaming, a woman looked around with tears in her eyes. She searched among all the people who had been mysteriously taken out of the building, but her gaze didn't find who she was looking for. With horror, she turned towards the burning building that was beginning to collapse.

"My daughter! My daughter is still in there!" She ran towards the building, but the police captain, who quickly noticed her, stopped her.

"Let me go! My daughter, I have to go for her!" She shouted again, and the captain gritted his teeth as he watched the building fall. There were no words of comfort he could say at this moment; he could only hold the woman and prevent her from running to her death.

All of this was recorded by the news camera, causing the millions of viewers who had been watching the news to clench their fists in helplessness.

Some even cried for the woman; there were those who prayed to God and others who cursed. Wherever they were, the scene in front of them made them feel desperate.

Then, one of the windows of the falling building exploded outward, and a comet covered in smoke shot out towards the ground rapidly. The people exclaimed, but it was so fast that few reacted to the incredible events.

In a matter of moments, the smoke cleared, and a human figure fell to the ground, half kneeling. Then, the figure stood up, and in their arms, a small girl of no more than 8 years old was curled up.

All eyes focused on that figure for a moment, but the screams returned as they saw the building falling towards them.

The woman who had been held by Captain Stacy opened her eyes wide when she saw the girl, but her gaze turned to one of desperation when she saw the building falling towards them.

Everyone who witnessed the scene opened their eyes wide.

The figure gently placed the girl on the ground in the brief moments it took for the building to rapidly fall towards them. Then, he straightened up, slightly parted his legs, and stretched his arms upward with a firm posture.

Then the upper half of the ten-story building fell, and the scene that many had expected did not happen.

Instead, something that would be etched in history and in the minds of all who witnessed it occurred.

Like a scene from a comic book, the building abruptly stopped its fall, and the figure held its weight between its hands, which had only slightly bent downward upon impact.

Everyone was dumbfounded; some even thought they were dreaming, but something even more incredible happened next.

With determination, the figure began to rise from the ground and carried the building into the skies. Although some debris fell, most of the building, in a completely illogical manner, retained its structure and was carried away from the people by the figure.

The camera could only capture the hero's back as they carried the building away, with the "D" on their back especially focused.


Daniel gritted his teeth a little. This was the first time since waking up in this world that he felt his body exerting even a little effort. It was minimal, of course, but it was there.

It seemed that he needed to find a way to exercise. After all, he knew that his body was at its weakest state right now. It shouldn't be any different from Mark when he first awakened his powers.

He wasn't weak, but compared to Omni-Man, he clearly lacked.

He looked at the building he was carrying and couldn't help but feel relieved. He hadn't expected to be able to carry the entire structure without it collapsing on itself. He had simply wanted to lift what might fall on the girl.

It seemed he had underestimated this "tactile telekinesis." He should have known better. After all, Omni-Man had held an enormous rock resembling a mountain with a single hand without it collapsing on itself. There were many other examples of other Viltrumites doing similar things as well.

He had simply thought of it as "comic book logic," but now that this "logic" applied to him, he realized it wasn't so simple. He didn't exactly know how this ability worked.

It felt like when he was flying in a way, as if something covered his entire body from the inside, making gravity irrelevant.

But now, instead of just covering him, it also extended to what he was holding. It wasn't perfect, but it was enough.

He arrived at Central Park and found a spacious area where he slowly lowered the building. He looked at the flames still covering it and thought of something.

It was an idea that had been on his mind for a while, and taking into account a scientific fact called the Joule-Thomson effect, he believed it was possible.

After all, a Viltrumite had an unprecedented lung capacity; not making use of it would be wrong.

Daniel began to inhale air in large quantities until his lungs couldn't hold any more, and then he approached the flames.

Carefully, he let the air pressure in his mouth increase, and controlling its speed, he let it expand rapidly when exhaling. This generated a drop in temperature in his breath, and if anyone were watching, they would be amazed to see ice begin to appear.

Carefully, Daniel circled the building and made sure to extinguish every flame before flying high into the sky and leaving.

A new skill successfully learned.





Thank you all for your support these days. I want to bring more chapters, but I've been very busy with work, you know, adult life and all that.

For those who noticed, I borrowed the explanation of the icy breath from the fic Avengers of Steel by Reyel.

Since I read that fic, I realized that in theory, anyone with a strong enough lung capacity and strong enough muscles could do something like this.

To be sure, I even consulted with I.A-Chan, who agreed with me.

By the way, the Defiant ost for now is (My Hero Academia-OST- Hero A)
7: Fire Meet Gasoline
7: Fire Meet Gasoline

In the skies, Helicarrier, central command.

"The world remains in shock after the significant revelation that took place this morning-"

"Who is this mysterious figure that has been aiding the world?"

"Defiant is a reality we must accept-"

"Is this the beginning of a new era?"

News from all parts of the world presented themselves before the sole eye of the SHIELD director.

Sighing, he glanced at his second-in-command, Maria Hill.

"How is it?" he asked, though already knowing the answer.

"The news has traveled across the entire world. Hiding something like this or trying to mask it is impossible. The live broadcast was being watched by more than half of the country and beyond" Maria Hill shook her head.

Fury nodded. In fact, he knew that even SHIELD couldn't do much; they had been having too many issues trying to mask Defiant's less public actions. This was simply impossible to hide.

"What about Subject D? Have our satellites made any progress in tracking him?" Subject D was the official designation for Defiant.

Maria Hill once again shook her head helplessly.

"After transporting the building to Central Park, he vanished. There have been no new confirmed sightings since then" Fury nodded and looked at the images on the screens.

This had gone beyond their expectations. Unconsciously, he touched the eyepatch, recalling a past event.

The world was very strange, but SHIELD had always ensured that it didn't affect the general public. They managed to conceal the big green guy, but it seemed they couldn't hide this.

In fact, there were many more things happening in the world that were becoming increasingly difficult to conceal.

He remembered a proposal he had been working on for a long time.

An initiative.

It seemed it was time to set it in motion.

"No matter what means we have to use, we must find him. I need to talk to him" said Fury, looking with seriousness at the clearest image that had been obtained of Defiant.

An image that had been printed and plastered across every news outlet in the world.

A man carrying a burning building on his shoulders while a girl was being protected beneath him.

His blue eyes seemed to radiate a clear intensity and evident resolve.

Combined with the prominent 'D' on his chest, which seemed particularly striking, gave him a memorable appearance.

Fury smiled imperceptibly.

He knew who would be the first candidate for his initiative; now he just had to find him.




"And this, my friends, is the upper half of the building that Defiant transported to Central Park. The fire department is working alongside the police department to prevent any civilians from getting too close, allowing for proper cleanup-"

The newscast continued to play in every home in the country and even beyond.

It was probably the most significant news in the world in a very, very long time.

The impact that a revelation like this brought to humanity was something not easily explained.

And the cause of it all was currently in his underwear, scrubbing his costume with a lot of soap.

"Good news, the costume is effective. Bad news, it's not smoke and ashproof" After scrubbing for the last time and ensuring that any persistent stains or odors had vanished, Daniel put it in the dryer and changed clothes.

He entered his living room and watched the news.

The people's reaction surpassed his expectations. He certainly underestimated the degree of effect that the public appearance of someone like him had on people.

Certainly, there had been news about him before, but it all seemed like rumors and tales that most people believed were false.

What happened this morning made people look back and realize that all those tales and rumors were real, causing a great stir.

Daniel looked at the image of himself carrying that building, and although it wasn't intentional, it looked quite impressive.

"That should have made a good impression, right?" Even though he didn't do this for fame, he knew it was necessary to have a good image.

After all, he didn't just want to be a hero.

He wanted to be The Hero, a symbol, a pillar.

Of course, wanting to be it and actually becoming it were two completely different things.

Even if he didn't manage to become it, he still wanted his symbol to represent something.

To be something.

A legacy, an ideal perhaps.

Even if he died, he wanted this world to have a memory of him.

He wouldn't die without being someone, without achieving anything, without changing the world.

Maybe it was too selfish? Maybe it wasn't the selfless thought that a good person would have, not like an ideal hero, certainly.

But he wanted to try.

"To live a life I'm proud of, a life worth living"




Carol paced her room with a hint of nervousness, something she hadn't felt in a long time.

She remembered what happened that morning—her neighbor was Defiant!

Of course, she knew he wasn't normal, but she hadn't thought they were one and the same.

She'd been investigating Defiant for weeks! And he'd been right beside her the whole time...

Now, the big question: what should she do?

She wanted to meet him, had so many questions, but at the same time, she hesitated.

Her whole life had been "invincible"—disease, weakness, pain, fatigue—none of it had existed for her.

She would admit she was a little arrogant about it.

She'd never exactly worried about getting hurt, and that was one reason why she'd never quite connected with people.

How do you connect with someone when you're so different? Beyond things like personality or tastes.

It wasn't just that she liked strawberries and someone else liked grapes.

It was something more fundamental.

Like a fish would never know what it meant to soar high in the sky, or a bird to swim deep in the sea.

When she was younger, she was more ignorant about it, thinking maybe she wasn't so different, that perhaps she could fit in.

That changed quickly when she hurt her mother simply by hugging her, by expressing her love for her.

The sound of her bones breaking haunted her even to this day.

She hadn't hugged anyone else since then.

Accidents like that had plagued her youth, making her extremely cautious.

Being close to people was difficult; any kind of contact was a battle where she had to make sure not to move incorrectly, not get too excited, or carried away.

Would she break them? Would her simple touch hurt them? Those questions were always in her mind, even when she was near her parents.

They might say it wouldn't happen, that she could control herself better, that she could be normal.

But they couldn't understand it, just as she could never truly understand them.

Even though she tried, she really did.

But she was tired of trying.

And now… there was someone else like her, someone as different from others, someone who might understand her, and that excited her so much, but also scared her.

She wasn't "invincible" anymore.

"This is not right!" Her father's voice snapped her out of her contemplations.

And there was another problem, her father... he hadn't been precisely happy with the morning's revelations.

In fact, he was anything but happy; concern seemed to have engulfed him. Carol had been too focused on herself to pay attention, but now that he was starting to raise his voice, it seemed she had to figure out what was going on.

She quickly descended from her room and listened to her parents talking.

"Come on, Jonathan, calm down. Things aren't as bad as they seem," her mother spoke gently, but her father shook his head. His hair was disheveled, and he breathed somewhat heavily.

"I can't calm down, Martha! Did you see what he can do? What if all of this is just an act? What happens when he decides to stop playing the good guy, huh? What if he's here for-" Clearly, her father didn't have the same impression of Defiant as Carol, and before she could stop herself, she spoke, surprising both of them with her sudden intrusion.

"I don't think he's playing" Carol's voice was clear, and she couldn't help but shrink a little when both turned to look at her intensely.

Her father wasn't pleased with her words; his bloodshot eyes and flushed face were clear indicators of that.

"How can we know that?! We know nothing about him! This could just be an act, a way to find what he's after!" Her father shook his head at this thought; his concern seemed to escalate.

He continued speaking, but it seemed more like he was talking to himself.

"No, he can't know about you, he can't find you-" her father cut himself off when he realized he was speaking aloud. His face looked pained, and he averted his gaze from her, leaving Carol with a horrible feeling in her stomach.

"Find me?" They were hiding something, both of them were.

She had always known there was something they weren't telling her; it was evident, but she never delved too deeply into it.

"Why would he want to find me?" Her voice was calm, but she wasn't. She looked at her mother, who averted her gaze from her, and that horrible feeling intensified within her.

Her gaze returned to her father, who seemed to have resigned himself to something.

A long sigh escaped him, and he looked at her with an expression she couldn't comprehend.

"Listen, Carol, you... you're not our daughter"







The night fell, and time seemed to blur for Carol.

Sitting in her "fortress of solitude" as her "father"had called it, which was actually just an old disused barn. she looked at the starry sky, In her hand, she held a strange, dark-colored elongated object with an 'S' engraved on the front.

Her fingers rubbed against the unusual texture, the texture of a material that didn't exist on Earth.

She began to replay recent events in her mind, as she had been doing for some time now.

She wasn't her parents' daughter.

She wasn't human.

She wasn't from this world.

She gritted her teeth bitterly.

All this time feeling different, thinking there was something wrong with her.

All this time trying to fit in, to be normal.

In the end, she was never a part of this world...

She swallowed, unsure whether to laugh or cry.

But even though it was a bitter feeling, it was also something she had known within herself all along. That sense of derealization had always been there; she always knew she wasn't like the others. Too many differences, but she simply hadn't been willing to admit it.

But now, whether she liked it or not, she'd have to accept it.

She felt... so hollow. Her eyes reddened, tears threatening to spill, so she shut them. Her mind focused on something else, a loud, clear sound echoing in her ears, something that had been there all along, accompanying her like a warm comfort she hadn't realized she needed.

Her eyes opened with a strange glint in them. She glanced toward the neighboring farm and stood up.

She might not be the same as humans... but she wasn't the only one, right?

Maybe they couldn't be completely alike. Certainly, she couldn't fly; even her parents had assured her that the ship she arrived in was the only one, so even that possibility was minimal.

But they were similar, and because of that, she wanted to meet him.

Carol didn't think about the consequences; she dismissed the potential dangers this might bring. Her mood was altered, and thus, she was impulsive.

She glanced back at her house before leaving.

She hadn't told her parents about Defiant and their discoveries. She thought about it, but with everything that had happened and how paranoid her father had been, she quickly dismissed that idea.

She didn't know what she would do if he found out. No, she couldn't tell them, not now when she had finally found someone else, someone different, someone like her.

She looked away, clenched her fists, took a deep breath, determination filling her.

Then she disappeared in a blur.




Daniel was in his backyard, seated on one of the two reclining chairs that had been there even before he arrived, probably used by his grandparents to rest and relax.

Looking at the sky, he pondered recent events. The day had been eventful, so he decided to wait a bit before heading out again.

He took a sip of his hot chocolate, version 89, the best one yet.

Then, he heard movement in the tall weeds in the abandoned farmland, and his gaze shifted there, raising an eyebrow when he saw a figure emerge in a blur of speed that surprised him a little.

He observed the girl coming out with a somewhat rigid posture and quickly remembered who she was.

She was that girl from the supermarket.

He lowered his cup of chocolate and placed it on a small table between the two chairs, then stood up slowly without looking nervous or disturbed by the sudden visit.

"It's a pleasant night" he said, though he didn't know what was going on. He could deduce a bit, considering the speed demonstration he had witnessed earlier. In a way, he had been expecting someone to find him. He hadn't been exactly discreet like Defiant. Of course, ordinary people couldn't easily find him, with him flying around the world, it was hard to pinpoint his whereabouts. Moreover, the speed at which he moved through the sky made even the best satellites lose track of him.

But people like him? Extraordinary people? They could. Maybe not quickly, but certainly at some point. It seemed that moment had actually arrived a little earlier or perhaps had always been by his side.

"Uh? Y-yes?" Carol blinked and said, not knowing how to start this conversation. She hadn't thought too much about it when she hurried here; she had been carried away by emotions and now felt unsure about what she should do.

Daniel gestured to the chair beside him.

"Come, have a seat. It seems like there's a lot to talk about" he offered politely.

Carol seemed a bit hesitant but nodded and approached with a timid posture.

Once she was seated, Daniel quickly pulled out the Teapot of chocolate and offered her a cup.

"Here, take this. Hot chocolate always comes in handy on nights like this"

She looked at the cup before taking it, and they both sat there, gazing at the starry sky, the scent of chocolate filling the air.

From the corner of his eye, Daniel could feel Carol's intense gaze on him, which made him a bit nervous, though he didn't show it outwardly.

"When talking to a girl, you must show confidence!" His brother used to say that all the time, and somehow, it stuck with Daniel even in this second life.

Certainly, such advice had helped him a lot in the past.

A silence filled the atmosphere and Daniel decided it was time to show a little of that confidence so he decided to speak first.

"So... you're quite fast" he said, almost as soon as he finished speaking, he wanted to slap himself.

Seriously!? Was that how the conversation started!?

"Y-yes, I've always been... quick" Carol replied clumsily, and Daniel sighed.

"I'm sorry, I'm not good at this" he admitted with a laugh.

"How about we start over? I'm Daniel, Daniel Evans," he said, offering his hand.

Carol looked at his outstretched hand and awkwardly extended hers.

When their palms touched, some of Carol's apprehension reached her, and she almost wanted to completely relax her grip to avoid hurting him.

Then he firmly grasped her palm, and Carol realized in an incredible way that she could feel it. The grip on her hand was different from any other touch she had ever felt before, whether from her parents or Chloe. When they touched her, it just felt... dulled? numb? It was hard to describe since she hadn't had anything to compare it to.

Not until now.

now she could say the right word, distant, the touch of her parents, of Chloe, she had always felt distant.

Slowly, both hands tightened, and for the first time in her life, Carol could feel what true contact meant.

She could understand that feeling that she couldn't describe before even when she knew the words for it, it felt Bright, lived... real.

A huge smile formed on her face.

"I'm Carol, Carol Kent."


With the ice broken, Carol seemed like a dam bursting, unable to stop the water—or in this case, the words—from pouring out.

"From space?" Daniel blinked as he looked at her, somewhat surprised.

After a long conversation, they had reached the point where Carol began telling him many things, from how she found him to even her origins. Somehow, her words seemed to have no filter due to her excitement.

Setting aside the fact that she had been stalking him these past few days, Daniel paid more attention to her origin story. He hadn't expected a story like this. Certainly, he had realized she was special due to the incredible speed she demonstrated when she arrived and the strength in her handshake.

But he had thought all of that was due to some sort of accident with strange chemicals, perhaps radiation or something that had given her powers.

He certainly didn't expect the space part.

"Yup, straight from up there" Carol said, pointing to the night sky with a smile.

She had thought saying it would be very difficult or that she would have felt more self-conscious about it.

The truth was, it was simple. Once she started talking, she couldn't stop, and she said it as easily as if just a few hours ago, she hadn't been on the verge of falling apart because of it.

It's not that she felt comfortable talking about it; it's just that she didn't feel uncomfortable telling Daniel. It was strange; he seemed to have an effect on her that made her feel... secure?

A rational person would be more cautious, more careful. But tonight, Carol had thrown away all rationality or logical thinking. Tonight, she was doing something she had never been able to do—simply letting her emotions guide her, regardless of the potential harm it might cause in the future. And all of that was just because of Daniel.

Because somehow, she felt like she could just trust him.

"And you?" she asked with curiosity in her eyes.

Upon hearing this question, Daniel pondered deeply.

What could he say? "Oh, I'm from space and another universe, lol!" Yeah, that sounded suspicious as shit

Besides, he couldn't mention that he was from another universe., the warning from the being still lingered in his mind. He wasn't foolish enough to ignore it.

Even saying he was from space sounded too "convenient."

And suspicious.

Though she seemed very open with him, the truth was Daniel wasn't someone who easily placed trust in others.

Unlike Carol, who was too enamored by their encounter.

Daniel was more rational and cautious. Though the meeting was intriguing, he wasn't hypnotized by it, not easily fascinated as Carol had been.

Moreover, there was something about this "origin" story that didn't sit right with him. It was a suspicion he would have to explore later by examining his memories.

"Well, I don't know about space, but I've certainly been different since I formed my earliest memories in this life," not a complete lie nor a complete truth.

She looked him straight in the eyes, and Daniel returned the gaze confidently.

They remained like that for a few seconds before she smiled and nodded as if she completely believed him.

It was too easy.

Almost made him feel guilty, almost.

Although Daniel wasn't a mind reader, he could tell that the girl in front of him was somewhat blinded by some reason. She shouldn't trust someone she had just met so much. On the other hand, Daniel completely ignored Carol's thought process. It wasn't just that she trusted anybody; it was simply that she had chosen to trust him.

As a leap of faith, she had chosen to believe in him thanks to everything she had been doing as Defiant. She had been investigating him for weeks and even secretly spying on him, after all. It wasn't that she just leaped and gave her trust without a basis or without knowledge of whom she was doing it to; she had already formed an image of him in her mind that allowed her to judge his character in a certain way.

Even if it was an irrational act, paradoxically she did it based on reasons she believed were reasonable.

"Not as amazing as coming from space" she said with a smile, and Daniel laughed and nodded.

This time, a comfortable silence filled the air for a few moments.

"I'm sorry" Carol suddenly apologized.

"Huh?" Daniel raised an eyebrow.

"For spying on you, I'm sorry about that" she said, cheeks flushing. She had gotten too excited and admitted to secretly observing him, though she didn't go into exact details of how she did it as she quickly realized that might not exactly paint a good picture of herself.

Daniel laughed and waved his hand casually. "Don't apologize. You had good reasons. It doesn't really bother me" although it was a bit odd, it didn't really bother him much. In Daniel's mind, investigating someone who might pose a threat was somewhat normal.

Probably, Carol did it to ensure he wouldn't be a danger to the people of Smallville or something like that. Of course, Daniel was completely wrong.

Carol breathed a sigh of relief; she didn't want to give a bad impression. She hadn't cared about it before, but now it was different. She didn't want to seem unpleasant to him.

"I won't tell anyone" she assured, and Daniel blinked, looking at her with doubt.

"About Defiant, I won't tell anyone," Carol affirmed seriously.

"is fine, I'll trust you," and he meant it. Although he hadn't known her for long, he could see honesty in her words. Of course, it's not like he could do much to make her keep the secret either way.

What should he do? Threaten her? Threaten her parents? What was he? a villain? None of those options were an option.

Then Carol asked another question.


Daniel looked at her, and she seemed to sense the doubt in his eyes, so she rephrased her question.

"Why venture out into the world like this, why expose yourself, why reveal your abilities?" The question seemed important to her.

Her voice had that touch people get when they need the answer to something that's crucial to them.

Daniel straightened up, realizing it was time for a proper talk.

At this point, he'd be a fool not to realize that Carol was the important "thing" in Smallville. Though he couldn't know what her "destiny" was, he definitely wanted to make sure she wasn't an enemy. He didn't know all her capabilities, but he preferred not to have to fight her.

What he said next could be very important. It could define whether he faced a disaster or a potential ally.

Thinking about it made him lose some confidence; he wasn't as good with words as he'd like to be. But at this point, he could only try and take responsibility for the consequences if things didn't go well.

As Daniel thought about how to handle this, he opted to tread as honestly as he could. He couldn't divulge everything, but he could say something that was true in a way.

Half-truths? Incomplete truths? Mixed truths? At least he wouldn't tell a lie, even if he couldn't be entirely forthcoming about everything. He wasn't going to lie; That would be fucked up even for him.

But there was no other way. If he wanted to reach her, he could only opt to be as truthful as he could. at least as much as possible

"Do you know how I ended up in Smallville?"

He asked that, and Carol pondered before responding somewhat uncomfortably.

"I... heard something happened to your family?"

Daniel nodded, time for a half-truth.

"My brother and my parents, they died in a car accident"

It was true and yet not entirely true. Daniel Warren Evans's family had died like that, and even though they were an alternate version of his own family, the fact that he hadn't inherited memories from his counterpart didn't mean he didn't mourn their deaths. This was amplified when he thought about his own family; he would never see them again, and that hurt almost as much as if they had died—in every sense, they had. after all for them he was dead

"It was a silly accident, really, and it could have been easily avoided" that was true. The accident that killed his family in this world wasn't something complicated or grand.

It was just a simple mechanical failure in a car.

"No one could have done anything to help them, no one normal, at least..."

He wondered how the Daniel of this world should have felt upon learning about it—the helplessness he must have experienced. And what would have happened if he had arrived in this world before that? Could he have saved them?

He shook his head, dispelling those thoughts, and continued speaking. Feeling guilt over something he couldn't have changed was futile.

"This world is like that, full of silly accidents and injustices that ordinary people can't do anything about. You can say it's just how the world works, but... I don't like it, No, I don't accept it"

He thought about his death. When he realized he had died, that memory had been buried within himself, and it had been difficult to think about it. But over time, the memory began to resurface, along with understanding.

His death hadn't meant anything...

Thinking about it and everything he had experienced as Defiant in the past few days, he had realized something. He wasn't sure if he could put it into words, but he decided to try. So, he continued speaking.

"I don't accept a world where people can't live without fear, a world where those you love simply vanish due to absurd injustice"

A world where you can just die without achieving anything.

"Robbery, murder, rape, or simply an accident or a natural disaster" He gritted his teeth, thinking about all he had seen while traveling the world.

Thinking about all those cries for help.

He looked Carol in the eyes and spoke very seriously.

"No matter which it is, I refuse to accept it. No matter what, I will stand in defiance of that absurd injustice, no matter where it comes from" He sighed a bit after saying that, before recalling something else.

"Moreover, my brother always used to say a phrase that has stuck with me for a while."

It was a phrase that came from an important place, a bit blurry now, but he knew his brother had introduced him to this phrase and had taught him where it came from. However, he couldn't recall it now, and he knew his disadvantage had something to do with it.

"Great power comes with great responsibility. I have great power, and I've chosen to take responsibility for it. I didn't fully understand it before, but I suppose losing everything puts things into perspective, and I'd be lying if I said that wasn't a significant factor in my decision"

He looked at his open hands, thinking about his family, those he'd never see again, the life he had lost, his dreams and goals—all that he could no longer achieve.

It was a bitter feeling that left a bad taste in his mouth and made him a bit downcast, but he quickly composed himself, took a deep breath, and looked back at Carol, who had her full attention on him.

"You asked me why, and now I answer. I've lost everything—my life, my past, and the people I loved more than anything. I refuse to let anyone else go through the same, not if I can help it, not without trying to help them"

He clenched his fists and the sound of the air compressing him to impossible measures was clear.

"I possess incredible abilities, extraordinary ones even, and that's why I believe it's my responsibility to use them to help people, the world" it was self-imposed, but it was his choice.

"To stand in Defiance between them and anything that dares to threaten them. So, it doesn't matter even if the whole world knows who I am or what I can do, even if they oppose my existence. As long as someone needs my help, then I'll do something about it" he finished with a firm voice and a resolve shining in his eyes.

He was very honest about this; in the end, no matter his goals or plans, the reason he chose to be a hero was this—everything else was secondary.

He suddenly realized how long he had been talking and a bit of shame filled him.

"Sorry, I rambled too much" perhaps he got carried away. He rubbed the back of his head and turned to her with a small smile.

Then he noticed how she was looking at him and couldn't help but break into a cold sweat. That look... why did it seem more intense than before?! Did he say something wrong?

And why were her eyes glowing red?!


Carol listened attentively to his words, and the emotions he emitted left her momentarily lost.

His eyes gleamed with that incredible resolve she wished she could have.

Carol had never considered what she could do with her abilities; she had always lived trying to hide them, trying to hide herself, just to be "normal"—running away from who she was and what she could do.

And here before her was someone who could confidently say what they wanted to be, pursue their desires without fear or doubt.

She wanted that. She wished she could be like him, have that kind of resolve—a will like his.

And she could, right? She was extraordinary too.

She didn't want to continue hiding, afraid of what she truly was and who she was.

She didn't want to remain that strange girl watching the world move forward without her in it.

She felt her heart beating stronger at the thought.

Although her parents were always against her using her abilities, it was not what she wanted, it was not how she wanted to live.

Something shone within her—a desire that had been locked away behind fear, doubt, and uncertainty.

She looked at Daniel and realized why she had been investigating Defiant so intensely. It wasn't just because he possessed extraordinary abilities, but it was how he used them. Because deep down, she also wished to be the same—to use her abilities freely and without fear. Perhaps even, as he said, to help others, to stand as a Defiance against injustices.

Because she wished to be like him.

And now he was here in front of her, and it was as if she could feel that desire growing inside her like a blazing fire, as if she could simply reach out and grasp it.

Her gaze focused intensely on him, emotions that had been suppressed within her for so long seemed to erupt at this moment. In her mind, she recalled every word Daniel had said, and the desire within her grew even stronger.

Carol became lost in those feelings and didn't notice Daniel's nervous glance.

for his part, Daniel began to review what he said, had he made a mistake? He wasn't good at giving talks, so he didn't know if there was something wrong with his words.

But he couldn't continue thinking about it because his instincts screamed at him. He only had a moment to see Carol's eyes turn completely red before quickly looking away.

A couple of extremely hot rays shot out, piercing the dark sky like a high-speed laser.

Carol screamed and tightly shut her eyes, feeling the heat hitting against her eyelids.

Daniel looked astonished and wondered for a moment if she had tried to kill him.

But seeing the pain in her expression dismissed that idea. If this was an assassination attempt, it was a very bad one.

Still, there was something in the back of his mind bothering him. Where had he seen something like this before? He shook off those thoughts and quickly approached Carol.

"Are you okay?" he asked, watching as the red glow slowly faded from her eyelids.

"I-I'm sorry, this has never happened before," she nervously replied as she carefully opened her eyes, her heart still beating strongly.

She didn't understand what had happened or why her eyes had suddenly started shooting rays out of nowhere.

Panic gripped her, and Daniel quickly tried to comfort her.

"Don't worry, I know it wasn't your fault," he waved it off as if to downplay it, and Carol gave him a shaky smile in return.

"On another note, Heat Vision! That's incredible," he spoke up again, being honest. It was truly incredible; a Viltrumite didn't have that, and he was certainly a bit jealous of it.

Listening to his excited voice and the clear lack of reproach toward her, Carol smiled timidly, and some of the nervousness seemed to dissipate within her.


Several minutes later, the atmosphere had returned to normal, with the conversation flowing. Carol was quite talkative, and Daniel was rather good at listening.

She seemed almost unable to stop herself, talking about many things she had kept bottled up inside. So many things she had wanted to discuss with someone but had never been able to until today.

She spoke about her childhood, her struggles, the accidents she had due to how different she was, her worries, and even her desires.

Daniel listened attentively and spoke when necessary, offering support, advice, and suggestions.

Truly, Daniel wasn't a great conversationalist, but he was an excellent listener. He didn't mind listening to people talk and knew how to make them feel comfortable.

"I really want to do more, I don't want to keep holding back, just staying on the sidelines" Carol said and looked at him, there was some fragility in that look as well as hope.

Daniel could relate to her in a way—hiding all his life, suppressing his abilities out of fear of harming others. Certainly, he too wanted to break free from that.

"I want to be like you. I want to help others, to use my abilities without fear, feeling proud of who I am and what I can do, not just living hidden away on a farm" her voice turned bitter at the end.

When she said that, Daniel suddenly remembered his own thoughts.

"To live a life I'm proud of, a life worth living."

It seemed he wasn't alone in those desires.

Her sky-blue eyes looked at him with pleading and hope, and Daniel couldn't help but get lost in them for a moment.

"Please, help me"

Those words were enough for Daniel to decide what he should do, even though he had already decided to do something even if she didn't explicitly ask him to.

There was no other way; he couldn't reject such a sincere wish, one with which he could identify. Maybe he would regret this in the future, he didn't know, but he decided to leave the problems of tomorrow to the Daniel of tomorrow.

The present Daniel had to help a girl.

"Very well"








What did you think? I'm not good at writing emotional conversations, I had to rewrite some parts several times, but I think I've done the best I can with my current skills and I'm happy with it... at least for now.

If you're wondering about Carol's current abilities, I'm basing them on her progress taking into account the Smallville series and how some of the Kryptonian powers work there. Of course, not everything is the same, and the power scale isn't the same either.

Speaking of the power scale, there won't be anything as exaggerated as the comics. You can think of it as a mix of live-action movies/series and animated series/movies. It will become clearer as the story progresses.

I appreciate your support and comments. For those reading this on webnovel, you know I want those darn stones!

For those reading this on forums like spacebattles or questionable questing, leave your likes and comments.

If you're reading this on FF, leave reviews about what you think so far and put this story in favorites!

If you're on Ao3 I want those Kudos!

The same goes for Scribblehub, royal road, and wattpad, I appreciate your support!
8: Memories
8: Memories

Daniel watched as Carol's back disappeared into the undergrowth. his smile slowly faded, replaced by a frown on his face.

His gaze returned to his ceiling, where two high-temperature lasers had cleanly pierced the material.

That was dangerous; although it wouldn't likely kill him, it could have given him a serious burn on his face.

That was an experience he certainly didn't want to have.

He glanced one last time at the place where Carol had vanished before entering his house.

It was time to see what that thing was that had been bothering him throughout all this.

Sitting cross-legged on his bed, he began to breathe calmly.

He wasn't a martial arts master or anything like that. But when he was younger, his mother had forced him to attend a few yoga sessions with her. He had almost forgotten everything about it except for the meditation part.

It helped him focus and relax, and for what he was about to do, that's what he needed.

Everything around him seemed to fade away as his mind began to focus within himself.

With each breath, everything fell silent, and Daniel was able to delve into the depths of his being with surprising ease.

In fact, his meditation had never been so deep before coming to this world.

It was because he had died and existed in an immaterial state that his consciousness achieved something not many people could do.

Material detachment.

He had understood that the body was nothing more than a vessel and that his true self resided in his soul and spirit.

This effect increased when he obtained the core; the connection simply amplified, and he could do this because of it.

He opened his eyes and found himself in another place, a space surrounded by thousands and thousands of doors shining in various colors and having different shapes and sizes. Some doors stood alone, others grouped, and some were connected by faint, thin threads of golden light.

This place had many names in different cultures, but Daniel decided to give it a simple and common name.

Mental palace.

His mental palace, where all his memories and experiences were kept behind each of those doors.

It was like floating in the void. Daniel moved as if he were flying slowly.

"Alright, let's see what we can find" he navigated through all the doors searching for something specific.

Then he saw it.

It was an extremely dense cluster of doors.

Unlike all the other doors that seemed easy to open and shone with vivid colors, this group of doors was more varied.

There were doors with chains halfway broken and doors halfway open but not fully, as well as doors with cracks on their surface, letting out faint glimmers of light.

They represented incomplete knowledge and memories.

There were others that were so tightly shut that it was difficult even to imagine they were doors.

They were the memories he had completely forgotten.

And there were others connected to this cluster with golden threads but shone like normal doors and seemed easy to open.

They were the memories he hadn't lost and were connected to this entire cluster.

The composite whole that represented the new world he lived in.

Daniel searched for a specific door he had been investigating for a while.

The door was almost extremely well shut but had a small, almost imperceptible crack on it.

It was blue with red, and on the front, it had a blotch he couldn't quite define, but it seemed something like an S.

Now, as he looked at it again, he saw that the crack had expanded, and not only that, from it, a thin golden thread extended outward.

A thread that hadn't been there before.

Daniel saw the thread extend to another door, a dark one that glowed with a blood-red color.

But unlike the blue door, this new door had no chains; he could open it completely.

Daniel glanced back at the blue door, checked the crack on it, and smiled.

His last disadvantage... was not foolproof.

He might have lost many memories, but he also retained many others. As small as those memories might be, they were like cracks in these extremely well-shut doors.

And if a structure has a crack... well, sooner or later, it can break.

He had found a way to do it more quickly.

"The more I learn about this world, the more cracks there will be, huh?" He had only needed a chat with Carol for this door to change and even give him a clue, a golden thread connecting to another memory that might have vaguely related information about his new world.

It wasn't complete and instant access to that lost knowledge, but ironically, it opened a door, a possibility.

"I wonder if you expected this. In the end, my luck seems to not have truly abandoned me. I'm really grateful for that" he laughed, and though there seemed to be no one else to hear his words, in the distance, a faint, familiar laugh echoed.

The reason he was grateful for his luck was simple: it was because he had chosen to see the advantages first and the fact that he had obtained the core.

Thanks to this, the last disadvantage couldn't act fully against him.

Because the core protected his memories and his mind.

By the time it attacked, the core was already within him.

In reality, his memory wasn't erased; it was merely sealed. The core managed to prevent his last disadvantage from erasing his memories by locking them away instead. It allowed those memories to maintain their connections with others in the form of "threads," and thus, he had gained the possibility to recover what he had lost.

It might be slow and tedious, but he could become whole again.

It might take him hundreds of years, perhaps not, but time was something he had in abundance, and as long as there was a possibility, that was enough.

With good humor, he approached the dark door glowing with crimson light.

He looked at the front, and a series of words caught his attention.

"BrightBurn? Interesting name" Without hesitation, he opened it and stepped inside.

Then his smile disappeared.




Early in the morning, deep within a forest, in a small clearing far from any hint of civilization.

A resonating sound echoed loud and clear, followed by two words.

"Left, right!"

As if an explosion had occurred, the air was forcefully expelled, sending waves of it everywhere, causing the undergrowth and tree leaves to rustle as if a tide had hit them.

The sound was thunderous, like metal clashing against metal.

Amidst all this, two figures stood, almost equally tall, both with bodies beyond human.

Perfect specimens that could be portrayed in any picture or magazine by just standing there casually.

One had a firm and confident stance, while the other seemed more insecure and restless, yet no less impressive.

Of course, they were none other than Daniel and Carol, testing their abilities.

Daniel furrowed his brow and raised his palm suddenly, causing Carol to halt her next move and look at him with uncertainty.

"You have to try it, you know. The point of this is to know how strong you are after all. Come on, hit me seriously" Daniel gestured with his hand, inviting her to proceed, but Carol hesitated for a moment.

After their discussion and Daniel's agreement to help her, they had decided to meet up for some tests.

After all, Daniel needed to know where Carol stood in terms of strength relative to him.

He didn't want any accidents due to not knowing Carol's limits.

He had explained this to her, so she knew she couldn't keep holding back.

She looked at him and licked her lips before nodding and preparing herself.

She had never hit anything seriously, never touched anything with the intention of "hurting" it.

So, she was completely unaware of her true level of strength.

She had doubts, of course; all her issues and concerns couldn't disappear just like that.

Still, she forced herself to set those worries aside.

It was Daniel, he was just like her; he wouldn't get hurt.

Once she repeated these thoughts to herself several times, she gritted her teeth, and her hand clenched into a tight fist, causing the air around her to explode. Then, she took a step forward, causing the ground beneath her foot to sink, and her figure shot rapidly toward Daniel with surprising speed, closing the distance instantly.

Daniel saw this and stood firmly. His hand stretched out, and his palm received the blow, causing his eyes to widen slightly.

Daniel wasn't an expert fighter, but his brother, who practiced mixed martial arts, had taught him a thing or two when using him as a punching bag and training partner.

Thus, he was familiar with the sensation of a truly powerful blow landing on your palm. And Carol's punch was much more than just "powerful" His muscles tensed, and even the bones in his hands seemed to tremble slightly. His body took a step back, and the strain caused him to furrow his eyebrows slightly.

But one should not underestimate a Viltrumite.

His hand closed around Carol's fist with force, his feet firmly planted on the ground, and he stopped the impact abruptly.

To any external observer, it would seem that everything had happened simultaneously, in less than a second.

An extremely strong shockwave occurred after all these events, sending bursts of air that threatened to uproot nearby trees.

If they had been wearing normal clothes, they would have torn apart, being so close to the point of impact.

Carol opened her eyes when she felt her fist caught and Daniel's fingers closing around it.

She had used everything she thought she had and had barely budged him a step backward.

Unnoticed by her, Daniel internally grimaced and activated his core at the speed of light to make the tingling sensation that threatened to envelop his entire arm vanish instantly.

She had hit hard, very hard.

"Well, that was quite a hit, though your stance is a bit off, and that's why you couldn't exert all your strength. Despite that, it was amazing" he praised honestly, perfectly hiding the concern this brought him.

She was much stronger than he initially thought. The level of threat she posed increased even more in his mind.

Carol blushed a bit, and when Daniel let go of her hand, she glanced away to look at her fist.

She could feel a slight tingling coming from him and could even see faint red marks left by Daniel's fingers when he caught her fist with force. They were already fading, but the fact that they were there in the first place left her stunned.

Even though she knew it, seeing it firsthand made her much more excited. There was a feeling that had been vague but was now crystal clear—a sense of belonging, something that made her realize she wasn't alone anymore.

The relief she felt left her feeling as light as a feather.

"Indeed, you're strong, and since we're not rushing to the hospital for a broken arm, you're tough, too" he remarked. It was simple—a body should be able to withstand the same force it exerts to a certain extent.

Taking into account the strength of her punch and the fact that she didn't harm herself while delivering it, Carol should have an equivalent level of endurance.

Of course, it wasn't an exact calculation, but Daniel wasn't a scientist, not yet.

'It would be difficult to subdue her without killing her' he thought, but he didn't let this show on his face.

"Then what do we do now?" Carol shifted her gaze from her fist and began adjusting the long trench coat she was now wearing, which had been slightly ruffled by the winds.

It was a simple dark blue trench coat with a long zipper instead of buttons, allowing it to close properly, and it was loose enough for her to wear without worrying about certain front two things that made it difficult for some clothes to fit.

Best of all, it was incredibly resilient.

Carol had never dreamed of holding fabric like this, one that wouldn't tear at the simple touch of her fingers.

She had struggled too much over the years with such issues.

She was still fascinated by it and had many questions, but Daniel had told her he would talk more about it later.

"Now that we have an idea of your strength, it's time to see how fast you can go" Daniel said. With that, he approached Carol, standing in front of her and casually placing his hand on her shoulder, causing the girl to open her eyes slightly.

They were too close! Another step and their bodies would be close enough to touch directly, and although they weren't that different in height, she still had to look slightly upward to meet his eyes, which put her in a strange position.

An tremor ran through Carol's body, and she swallowed hard. She could feel the touch of his hand even through the trench coat, and even his breath hitting her skin. She had to use all her willpower not to lower her head and keep looking directly at him.

Then she saw a small smile appear on his face, and that almost made her panic.

What was he doing? Thousands of strange thoughts raced through her mind, making her blush.

"Tag" he said, and the word hung in the air for a second before Daniel disappeared in a blur of speed.

The wind generated by the movement made Carol's hair flutter, and she looked at the empty space in front of her, stunned.

She felt her shoulder, now without Daniel's hand on it, and began to process the word he had said.

Her eyes widened as she understood it, and she, too, disappeared in the next instant.

In a place far from civilization and any external eyes, two figures moved at high speeds through the forest. Clearings, mountains, and even rivers.

They covered hundreds of kilometers in seconds in a chase that seemed never-ending.

Occasionally, the sound of excited laughter could be heard.


many hours later, as the sun began to set on the horizon, Carol stopped, breathing heavily. Though it couldn't be said that she had exhausted all her endurance, the reality was that she had indeed gotten very excited.

Her hand touched her forehead, and surprisingly, she felt a small drop of sweat there. It was just a drop, and anyone else might have ignored it, but for her, it meant more, much more.

It made her feel incredible, and a huge, joyful smile spread across her face.

Daniel glanced at her from the side, wiping away his own small bead of sweat. It had been a while since he exerted himself so much, and he actually had to consider activating the core for a moment.

In the end, he chose not to, but the fact that he even considered it was surprising in itself.

And worrying, very worrying.

He looked at the sun setting in the distance and smiled a bit before speaking.

"It seems like I won"

His words made Carol look at him and pouted., which looked especially cute on her face.

No matter how he looked at her, he couldn't see her as a monster.

"Just because I stumbled!" she complained, but the smile quickly returned to her face as she reminisced about the entire chase.

Although they had run, they had also done many other things while doing so.

It was like playing a game, and she loved it.

As a child, she had never been able to participate in any physical activity like this. It was too dangerous, and even if she tried for some reason, it was just plain dull.

There was no thrill in it, none that didn't involve worry and caution about not hurting anyone.

So, she hadn't thought much about childhood games.

Now, she'd admit her opinion about them wasn't accurate.

Because they were a lot of fun.

"Winning is winning darling" he winked in jest and bent down to grab a backpack he had brought along. They had returned to the starting point of their race, and thanks to their good fortune, all their things were still there.

Daniel didn't see it, but Carol blushed deeply when she heard his words and saw him wink. She had to make an effort to calm herself down.

Daniel took two water bottles from the backpack and tossed one to Carol, who caught it easily.

"Your speed is very good, but you lack some agility. You haven't done many races on difficult terrain have you? And not as fast as now" he asked.

Carol thought about it and nodded. "I used to sprint occasionally around town and in the fields... but I've never run through forests and mountains." The terrain was very different, and she quickly realized that.

"And you're right about the latter... I've never gone this fast." She had never really tested her speed until now. When she ran alongside Daniel, she just kept accelerating, going faster with each moment, much faster than she thought was possible.

Because of this unfamiliarity, she stumbled several times, giving Daniel a clear advantage.

"You just need to get used to it. We can do more exercises like this occasionally to make you feel more comfortable with it" Daniel said casually, but for Carol, that was something she was already starting to look forward to.

"Strength, durability, endurance, and speed, seems like a good set of skills, not to mention your heat vision" for the last part, he couldn't help but look into her sky-blue eyes and remember those same eyes glowing with a blood-red color.

"But no flying" Carol mentioned with a hint of envy in her tone.

"About that... don't dismiss it too quickly. Who knows, you might really be able to" but he hoped not, genuinely hoped not.

"Do you really think so!?" Carol became excited at the thought of the possibility.

"I'll think of something to test it later" Daniel promised with a slight smile, and Carol nodded eagerly, not noticing the slight furrow on his brow.

She genuinely seemed thrilled by it, but for now, that would have to wait. It was time to conclude this "training session."

As he prepared to wrap up the day, he thought about what he needed to do and his plans. There was still much to learn about the world and many things to do; it seemed he would be quite busy in the near future.

Glancing at Carol from the corner of his eye, she began to take off her trench coat. She seemed quite energetic this day, and he really couldn't see anything dangerous about her. She just seemed like a girl excited to use her abilities freely.

That made him feel a bit foolish—had he worried over nothing? Maybe this was all nonsense on his part…

Daniel felt a twinge of guilt for his suspicions, but regardless of his doubts, he had promised to help her, and that was what he intended to do. He couldn't let some odd memories prevent him from fulfilling his commitment.

"It's time to head back; it's getting late," he stated.

Carol nodded and glanced at the sky; she had been out all day since morning. Her parents would probably be very worried by now.

She finished taking off her trench coat and stretched. It was an unconscious act, learned after many years of mimicking others. Whenever there was a gym class, most people would stretch after a long exercise session. Even though she wasn't really tired, the fact that they had spent almost the entire day doing physical activities made her relate to that action and act as she had learned to do in those classes.

Habits took a while to die, after all.

Daniel glanced at her from the side, raising an eyebrow. Although he certainly appreciated her figure, the truth was he was curious about something else...

What is an alien like?

Although he could also be called an alien now, Outwardly the Viltrumites were not too different from humans.

But what about... whatever Carol was? Was she the same, or was there something different that wasn't evident?

Without meaning to, he found himself completely focused on her, searching for these nonexistent differences. Due to his Viltrumite brain, he could visualize an almost exact image of Carol's body in his mind, even if she was wearing loose clothing; it didn't really matter to his eyes.

It was like seeing a 3D model, and he couldn't help but glance at certain areas of her with a raised eyebrow.

It seemed he had underestimated the size of certain areas. He would have to keep that in mind when making a suit or tighter clothing for her.

"Baggy clothing can really hide a lot of things" he muttered under his breath, although spoken softly, it was still audible to Carol, causing her to freeze momentarily.

Carol had noticed Daniel's gaze and unconsciously deliberately slowed down her stretching movements because of it. however, The shame of having done so hit her at this moment.

Realizing his mistake, Daniel awkwardly coughed. He had to remember that she wasn't an ordinary person; he couldn't mutter around her without thinking.

"Alright, let's go. I don't want it to get dark" he quickly averted his gaze, completely ignoring the uncomfortable atmosphere.

Carol nodded rapidly, deciding to hide her embarrassment as best as she could. She slowly offered him the trench coat she had removed, but Daniel shook his head, declining to take it.

"You should keep it. It'll help you a lot if you need to use your abilities beyond the minimum. At least you won't have to worry about your clothes tearing" he suggested.

"Oh, alright" Carol agreed, looking at the blue trench coat. She actually quite liked it. She swiftly put it back on this time, without making a scene; she had embarrassed herself enough already.

"Come on, maybe you can get there before me" Daniel said as if issuing a small challenge, and Carol nodded with a smile.

Thinking of something else, a small smile formed on Daniel's lips, and with speed and agility, his hand shot out and touched Carol's shoulder.

This time, Carol understood the gesture, and her eyes widened slightly.

"Hey!" she yelled, but he had already taken off running. Without further delay, she chased after him, her laughter heard all the way home.




The sound of metal clashing against metal was audible and resonant.

It echoed against the cave walls, filling the whole space with reverberations.

The sweltering heat made the sweat drip, but the man hammering didn't falter in any of his strikes.

With determination, he delivered a final blow to the red-hot metal before plunging it into the water, causing the steam to hit his already sweaty face. However, that didn't make his gaze falter, and soon he retrieved the piece of metal, revealing an iron mask.

Its metallic surface reflected the blue light blossoming on his chest almost like a mirror.





In the past, many years ago.

The Earth shone against the dark void of space, spinning around its sun peacefully, undisturbed by the events taking place in the universe.

Far from any gaze, mortal or divine.

A series of small ripples extended through the nearby space.

Then, an extremely tiny rift opened up over the Earth.

From it, the light of chaos and madness briefly shone upon the blue planet.

An amalgam of putrid colors was expelled from the rift along with its light, and a monstrously-looking cell was born in the space of the celestial blue body.

Something that shouldn't exist infected the planet called Earth.

At first, it was alone, but it soon began to multiply rapidly, reaching millions, and no one noticed a thing, no one could notice anything.

Without any living being on Earth realizing it, in the bodies of dozens of millions of them, an extremely aberrant and monstrous cell impregnated their DNA.

Slowly, that cell blended perfectly, its appearance not different from any other that composed the structure of the living being in which it resided.

Like a silent pathogen, the cell divided and made its way among its host and their descendants.

Without any human or animal noticing, a catastrophe began to slowly brew among them.

An endless madness.

But perhaps it was their absurd luck or maybe the work of destiny.

For a long time, nothing strange happened, and humanity continued to live without realizing the danger that existed among them.

Inactive, the cell slumbered for so long that waking up was difficult, very difficult.

But not impossible.




In a secluded place in the world, a bald woman gazed into the deep space in silent contemplation.

In her hands, a strange eye-shaped necklace opened, revealing an emerald glow that began to permeate her surroundings.

The space-time fluctuated slightly before settling down; the eye on the necklace closed, and the emerald glow disappeared.

The woman sighed, and her shoulders seemed tense.

Worry reflected in her eyes.







9: One more day
9: One more day

February 10, 2007

"The storm clouds loom over Central City, heavy rains are expected in the following days-"

"The multi-millionaire Lionel Luthor has died unexpectedly, authorities have not yet specified the cause of death but his death has left Luthor Corp in great uncertainty. His children, Alexander Luthor and the young Lena Luthor, have begun to assume the company's leadership, and analysts believe this could be the beginning of a power struggle between the two heirs. Nevertheless, shareholders show strong support for Alexander Luthor-"

"Oscorp has started new contracts with the United States Army-"

"The famous asylum for criminals in Gotham City will be demolished-"

"The Air Force pilot, Hal Jordan, is missing. During last week's test exercises-"

"Pym Technologies in crisis, the young and new CEO, Darren Cross, promises-"

The news reports sounded along with the music, which flooded the workshop with its rhythmic sounds, creating a chaos of sounds that would be difficult for a normal person to listen to. Working at his desk, Daniel moved his head to the rhythm of the musical notes while his hands carefully manipulated a piece of technology as if this cacophony of sounds didn't bother him at all.

He had been studying a lot these days. At first, the topics were focused on aspects that would help him build and improve his printer.

Now he had expanded a bit.

Learning was fun when you were good at it and your progress was visible at first sight.

He had even started to learn some extra languages, although he still needed to speak with native speakers to be able to speak them correctly.

What he could find in nearby libraries would soon become useless.

And although the internet was vast, it still didn't contain as much information as it would several years later.

"Maybe I should take a second trip around the world? A study trip?"

There were many places with valuable information from which he could learn a lot.

Perhaps he would need to visit them at some point.

He stood up and stretched his body. He wasn't tired, but some habits tend to stick. He looked at the clock on the desk and smiled.

"it's hero time!"

He always wanted to say that.




The sound of sirens flooded the streets of New York, causing panic among the people. A high-speed pursuit was taking place.

Patrol cars accelerated, chasing a white car. The sound of gunfire was clear in the air, causing nearby people to run for cover. Some even considered pulling out their own weapons, but that impulse faded when they heard the police sirens.

Projectiles were fired from the fleeing car. Inside, four men with dark masks and weapons looked around in panic. More and more patrol cars joined the pursuit, and they could even hear the sound of helicopter blades in the sky.

"Shit!" cursed the driver, pressing the accelerator even harder.

The other three aimed their weapons at their pursuers and continued firing.

In the skies, a police helicopter assisted in the pursuit, and not far from it, a news helicopter followed.

The scene of the pursuit was being broadcast live on the news.

At an intersection.

A mother and her daughter, no more than 6 years old, began to cross the street, the sound of sirens and gunfire barely starting to reach their location, drowned out by the bustling noise of the city.

Because of this, the woman couldn't react in time when the white car made a sharp turn at high speed in their direction.

The woman opened her eyes to see the car approaching her and her daughter at full speed, but there was nothing she could do to avoid it. Her body hadn't even begun to move, and the car was already a meter away from hitting them.

This scene was witnessed by everyone around with horror. On a busy street in New York, it was difficult for people to miss something like this.

The screams had just begun to sound, and in the skies, the helicopter camera focused, and the cameraman could barely begin to open his eyes in horror as he realized what was about to happen.

But the expected scene did not happen. Like a blur, a figure stood in front of the mother and the girl.

The sound of twisting metal filled the air, and with both hands, Defiant firmly held the car, stopping its acceleration abruptly. The front of the car crumpled like paper against his body, and the occupants were shaken violently.

Defiant held the car and lifted it slightly in the air to prevent it from crushing completely, saving the occupants from becoming minced meat.

As if he didn't feel the weight of the car, he turned to look at the woman holding her daughter in her arms, still with a pale face.

"Are you okay?" his voice was clear, and his question seemed to have brought the woman out of shock. She nodded quickly, unable to form words correctly. The rapid sequence of events was still processing in her mind, but her body acted quickly. She lifted her daughter in her arms and ran towards the crowd of people, not hesitating.

The girl in her arms looked with bright eyes and waved her little hand to the hero as she was carried by her mother.

Defiant gave her a small smile that made the girl smile even wider.

Then he let go of the vehicle, causing it to fall heavily to the ground, shaking the criminals inside even more.

"D-Damn" the car's driver cursed and opened the door, stepping out shakily and almost falling to the ground, his vision spinning.

Defiant approached him, and the man opened his eyes in panic at the sight of him. Without hesitation, he raised the gun in his hand and began firing at point-blank range.

The sound of the bullets impacting his body made Daniel raise an eyebrow, and he quickly closed the distance to avoid a stray shot.

After all, there was a crowd.

He took the gun and with a light squeeze, destroyed it. His other hand grabbed the criminal by the neck and lifted him into the air.

"You know, this would have been a big disaster if I hadn't arrived in time. Fortunately for you, I did. So I advise you to lower your weapons and come in peace. It will be less painful that way" he said loudly enough for the other three criminals, who were already getting out of the car, to hear him.

In response to his friendly advice, one of them pulled out his gun and shot directly at his eye, showing very good aim.

Silence filled the place as the bullet smashed against the hero's iris, falling to the ground without having done the slightest damage.

"I guess we'll do this the hard way then."

Faster than human perception could capture, his figure moved and he tore the guns from each of them, deforming their structure with his hands until they turned into scrap.

The criminals only felt their vision darken when a fist hit their faces hard enough to knock out several teeth.

In the skies, the news helicopter focused on the scene, and the reporter shouted to the audience.

"Defiant! It's Defiant!" Not just him, whether they were passersby at the scene or those watching the live broadcast.

They all exclaimed at seeing him appear once again, even if he had been doing so for several days already.

Soon the police arrived and began to handcuff the criminals.

Daniel made sure everything was in order before starting to rise into the sky.

But a shout stopped him.

"Wait!" the woman with her daughter approached, smiling.

"Thank you" they both said.

To their words, Daniel nodded happily and then left. There was still more to be done.




"And those have been the day's news with the Daily Planet "

On television, criminals were seen being taken away in patrol cars. The camera quickly panned upwards, trying to focus on Defiant's back as he left the scene, but the hero was too fast. All that could be captured was the sonic boom in the sky after his departure.

Carol looked at the image and made a mental note to download the video later.

Sitting not far from her, Jonathan Kent sighed. Some fatigue could be seen in his eyes, and the beginnings of dark circles were evident on his face, stress lines making him appear several years older.

Carol was worried. Her father had always been stubborn; once an idea got into his head, even her mother had trouble convincing him otherwise.

Daniel... Defiant, was like an imaginary guillotine in her father's mind.

Carol didn't understand why. What was the problem? To her, her father was just being irrational about all this.

A normal and rational person might see the gaps and flaws in Jonathan's thinking, but a normal person had never raised an extraterrestrial or found an alien ship in their fields.

For Jonathan, the impossible ceased to exist long ago.

As a man of the land, a farmer, or even just a man, but above all, as a father, the mere idea that there might be something capable of threatening his family was unacceptable.

But what truly terrified him was that deep down he knew he couldn't do anything against Defiant or any other being like him.

It wasn't something he had suddenly realized or a fear that had arisen recently. Even before knowing of Defiant's existence, Jonathan had deep down known that he couldn't protect his daughter.

It was absurd. How could a father not protect his own daughter? In the past, that thought alone would be enough to put him in a bad mood, something perhaps only his wife could understand.

He was her father, adopted or not, it was his duty to protect her, to protect them both, but...

When your daughter lifts the tractor with one hand at the age of 4 or runs faster than a car at 5, you realize that whatever you're dealing with is beyond your capacity as a human.

Perhaps for that reason, Jonathan had been very strict with Carol. He had wanted to pretend that she wasn't different, that she was just a country girl like any other, that she could be human.

Because otherwise, how could he protect her? How could he fight against someone like Carol?

He refused to accept it, for a long time, he refused to accept that truth, but Defiant had come like a strong gust of wind, tearing away the veil he had placed over his eyes.

He couldn't protect Carol.

The middle-aged man was lost in his thoughts and deep fears, his eyes still focused on the television even though the news had changed. In his mind, the images of Defiant were still clear. How? How could he fight against something like that?

The fact that despite all his concerns, Defiant hadn't yet descended from the sky to take his daughter away didn't make him feel any better.

Beside him, Carol sighed. There were several words that died in her throat before they were expelled. Talking to her father... wasn't something she wanted to do right now. Things were still tense between them since the "revelation" of her origins.

She wasn't good with words either, or the most social, so she decided to ignore the problem for now. It was better to think about happier things.

With that, her mind drifted to recent events. Honestly, it had been a long time since she'd had such busy days, or nights actually.

A few days ago, Daniel had decided that nighttime was the ideal time for them to spend together.

In reality, this had been Carol's fault. With not many friends and farm work being easy and something that could be finished in moments, she had started to hang around Daniel's house.

The problem was that for most of the day, Daniel wasn't home.

Seeing the problem and knowing that he had offered to help her, he decided to take things seriously and start teaching her during the night.

The fact that Carol didn't need to sleep at all was a huge advantage in this.

Stopping sleeping wasn't difficult for Carol. For the most part, she did it out of habit rather than tiredness or anything similar. In fact, there were many nights where she simply stayed awake with her eyes closed, waiting for morning to come. It was boring, and escaping that boredom was something she greatly enjoyed.

Daniel's lessons were rewarding. It wasn't anything too complicated so far, and it mostly relied on Daniel's own experiences as a hero than anything else.

He mentioned that one must first master the theory before moving on to practice. Honestly, Carol didn't care too much. Just listening to him talk was enough to keep her attentive to everything he said, and the fact that his talks were about things that interested her only made it twice as easy.

Carol was suddenly brought out of her thoughts by the tap of a spoon on her head. She blinked and turned to see her mother raising an eyebrow.

"If you don't hurry, you'll miss the bus... again"

The gentle reprimand in her words didn't escape Carol's ears. She rolled her eyes and quickly stood up, grabbing her blue trench coat and draping it over her shoulders with a smooth, fluid motion, getting ready to leave.

Martha looked at her daughter and noticed the blue trench coat. It was a new garment that she had started wearing every day recently, and it wasn't until now that her curiosity was fully aroused. Where had her daughter gotten something like that?

"By the way, where did the trench coat come from?" The middle-aged woman couldn't help but reach out and touch the fabric; it felt strange. She had learned to sew since she was a child and had dealt with many types of fabric before. This one, in particular, felt different.

Carol almost pulled away when she noticed her mother touching the trench coat, but she managed to contain the impulse and responded quickly and without hesitation.

"It's a gift from Chloe" Martha raised an eyebrow; her daughter had responded too quickly. Before she could ask more, Carol approached and kissed her on the cheek before rushing out.

"See you later!"




"Reports, how's the progress?" Fury's voice sounded impatient, filling his office.

As the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., leader of one of the world's most important organizations, and one of the best field agents humanity had to offer, there were few things that challenged his patience.

Today, his patience seemed to be constantly tested.

Fury's deputy and primary assistant, Maria Hill, sighed inwardly and with some nervousness shook her head.

"The progress has stalled, sir. Tracking him has become impossible. Even the most advanced satellites we have access to can't keep up with his flight paths, and trying to predict his trajectory has been futile. Our analysts are almost pulling their hair out over it. Frankly, his flight speed makes him unpredictable. One moment, he's putting out forest fires in Brazil, and the next, he's preventing a landslide in Mexico..."

If Fury still had hair, he would have started pulling it out of frustration.

His gaze turned to the screens in his office, different news channels from around the world. Defiant seemed to have made every country and border his backyard, and the World Council was not liking it at all.

A part of him was annoyed by the blatant violation of international laws, but a bigger part of himself had to admit a fact: Defiant was certainly committed to what he was doing. Traveling from one place to another around the world, every day for at least 8 hours, his figure could be found everywhere. As long as there was a disaster, accident, or crime, he seemed to be nearby.

And of course, the World Council was not pleased with it.

"Bunch of old fools" Fury muttered, but Maria Hill could hear him perfectly. Still, she didn't comment on it; after all, she wouldn't be Fury's deputy or primary assistant if she didn't share some of his thoughts and opinions.

"How's the sample collection going? Do we have anything? Any traces, hair, damn it, even a drop of saliva?!"

Maria Hill's denial came just as quickly as before.

"So far, nothing, sir"

With that said, Fury decided to set aside the matter. Samples were important, of course, but the current situation dictated that S.H.I.E.L.D. wouldn't see any of that anytime soon.

Racking their brains over it was futile, so he decided to discuss something else.

"How are the advances in the search for Stark?" This time, Maria Hill could lift her head, and with more confidence than before, she responded positively.

"The Ten Rings, the Middle Eastern terrorist organization, has him. We've managed to locate several of their bases, and based on Stark's last known location, we're calculating where they're most likely holding him captive" Fury reviewed the data provided by Maria Hill, and some of the stress lifted from his shoulders.

Though not all the news was good, at least they were making progress in something.

"Once we have the location, we need to deploy the best agents available for his rescue. I need Stark alive" Maria Hill nodded and assured him that everything would be done according to his orders.

Fury gave some more instructions and dismissed Maria, who left his office ready to fulfill her duty.

Fury sat in his chair and looked at the data on his screens. Even with just one eye, he was able to glimpse all the images in detail.

The world was in chaos; things were changing rapidly, and if S.H.I.E.L.D. wanted to keep up, it needed to change as well.

His eye traveled to an old black and white photo, where three people smiled at the camera, two men and one woman.

He looked at each of them in detail, but in the end, his gaze stopped at one particular man.

"Maybe your son is our only chance, Howard..."




February 12th

"The key is to use every part of your body. It should be a fluid motion, using your hips to generate the most momentum while using your front foot to stay firm and transfer weight properly"

Carol positioned herself, her body moving in accordance with Daniel's instructions. However, unbeknownst to him, she moved slightly more than she should have, so her posture wasn't as correct as it could have been.

Daniel circled her, frowning slightly as he approached and guided Carol's body, easily correcting her posture.

"You need to balance your shoulders with your feet, your left foot should go a little further back"

Carol nodded, feeling somewhat disheartened internally, knowing she couldn't deliberately make mistakes again without seeming foolish.

"Very well, that should do it" Daniel nodded and stepped aside.

"Now, hit"

Carol decided to stop distracting herself. She clenched her fist, reaffirmed her stance, tensed her muscles, and fixed her gaze forward.

Then she Hit

Daniel could see Carol's fist blur for a moment, moving at a speed that even he found difficult to follow.

The air exploded, as if a bomb had been detonated in front of Carol.

The shockwave spread, destroying everything in its path uncontrollably. Air currents sent dozens of trees and several rocks flying, shattering them into debris.

It was a good thing Daniel had decided to go deep into the mountains for this practice.

In front of Carol, hundreds of meters of earth sank, leaving an enormous crater of extraordinary depth.

Daniel looked at the uncontrolled destruction with wide eyes.

That... that was stronger than he expected.

He looked at Carol, who also stared at her fist, mouth agape.

She was stronger than he thought.

She might even be stronger than him right now.

No, she was definitely stronger than him right now.

A part of him began to worry for silly reasons, but at the same time, another part of him had a different thought. Not wanting to dwell on negative thoughts, he focused on this different thought.

The rushing air currents against his face made this even easier.

In his mind, he replayed the scene of Carol striking, the shockwave, and the force exerted on the terrain, deforming it with remarkable ease.

He remembered how kinetic energy seemed to be forcefully displaced at an impossible speed but without control.

Like a current of air moving faster than it should with immeasurable force.

He wondered... could a strike like that change the weather? His gaze lifted to the cloudy sky.

He clenched his own fist, and a childish idea came to his mind.

But this wasn't the time to test his theories.

"That was..." Carol still seemed numb from her own display of strength, and Daniel took the opportunity to continue the lesson.

"That was your power" he approached her and looked her in the eyes seriously, taking her fist, and Carol watched as he easily opened her hand.

"The reason I started with theoretical lessons first and postponed the practice until now was because of this. If you want to help people, you need more than just 'restraint.' You need precision, stability, control. I know you've always had trouble controlling your strength, and I think the main reason is that you've never explored your limits. So, we'll start by changing that from now on"

Daniel reached out and placed a white egg in the palm of Carol's hand. She looked at the egg, confused. Daniel let go of her hand, and Carol almost dropped the egg. She had to exert effort not to close her hand completely and avoid breaking it.

"Now, hit me."


Seeing the girl blinking in confusion, Daniel smiled.

"Hit me without breaking the egg."




Needless to say, they both returned home that day covered in strange fluids.



10: The Devil Within
10: The Devil Within

February 18, 2007

Progress and advancement, Daniel had felt them before in his former life, when he managed to land a solid punch on his older brother after almost a month of being his punching bag while he was just learning to fight, or that time he managed to ask out the girl he liked on a date when he was 15, when he made his father proud by getting into the university he wanted, when he graduated with excellent grades and his mother hugged him tightly.

When he found a good job not long after and made significant progress in his financial stability, every time he managed to start dating a girl even though those relationships didn't last long, when he got his first car or the first time he had sex and the countless times that followed.

If someone looked at his life summarized in that way, they might think it was somewhat successful, but only Daniel truly understood all the failures that came before any success. He could count the things he achieved; he could list them out, a very short one... but he couldn't do the same with all the times he failed, when he made mistakes, when things went terribly wrong.

When he messed things up.

On the road to success, there were always bumps, so Daniel would say that his confusion was understandable.

"Has my luck increased these days?" Daniel wondered, looking at his new and improved 3D printer, which was now spewing out meters of fabric rapidly woven. He couldn't help but be attentive, wondering when it would explode, when it would suddenly shut down, or if it would encounter some unforeseen software error.

His expectations were disappointed. There was no explosion, no errors. In fact, the machine was performing much better than he had anticipated, whether it was speed, efficiency, or precision.

Everything was going smoothly.

It was a resounding success. After several days of intense study, of researching every component and creating those that didn't exist, his machine was ready.

And now it could not only produce fabric.

The newly named Compound V could now showcase more of its capabilities thanks to the new technology.

With agile movements, Daniel typed several commands into the central computer that controlled the mechanism.

A 3D design and modeling program, specifically created by him, quickly executed, loading a design Daniel had been working on for the past few days.

It wasn't anything too sophisticated, at least from an external perspective.

In no time, the machine began to work, the Compound V acting as a polymer began to take shape rapidly. A dark blue square with a texture resembling that of a sponge formed. It was the size of a school notebook and seemed ordinary at first glance.

Daniel waited until the machine finished giving the final touch before approaching and taking the object in his hands.

It was soft to the touch but also firm. He pressed it slightly, his fingers sinking into the material, and when he removed them, he could see how the spongy structure quickly returned to its original form.

"It seems like a success, but..." Daniel pondered for a moment before placing the spongy square on an empty shelf in the least occupied part of his workshop.

He made sure to position it firmly against the wall before stepping back a few paces.

"If this goes wrong, I'll have to build a new wall" he thought. In fact, he'd probably have to rebuild more than just a wall.

He got into position, raised his guard, and mentally calculated the percentage of force he should use. He didn't want to be excessive, but holding back too much wouldn't help him determine if his new "invention" was useful or not.

Training with Carol had been enlightening, even for him. He found that the phrase "learning by teaching" was truly accurate. Now he had better control of his strength and some understanding of his current limits.

"Let's go with enough force to break the wall, but not enough to demolish my house" he decided. With determination, he took a step forward, his figure blurring, and his fist accelerating almost at the speed of sound.

Then he struck...

And absolutely nothing happened. There was no slight tremor, the air didn't ripple, and the wall didn't even release a speck of dust.

Daniel looked at his fist embedded in the sponge, and a small smile began to form on his face. But it was still too early to declare victory. He stepped back and watched as the mark of his blow quickly disappeared from the sponge. In no time, it returned to its original shape without showing any sign of having been struck with enough force to break concrete.

"Alright, let's put a bit more effort into it this time" forgetting completely that there was a wall behind him and excited by his potential success, Daniel clenched his fist tighter and struck.

The air exploded, his blow easily broke the sound barrier, and in less than a blink, his knuckles connected with the spongy surface, sinking slightly into it.

Under normal circumstances, there would have been a loud crash and the sound of a wall collapsing. But in this case, none of that happened.

As if all the kinetic energy had vanished, the impact that should have brought down the wall and more abruptly halted. Although some things shook and dust scattered, that was mainly due to the initial shockwave of the blow.

After that, it was as if nothing had happened. Daniel retracted his fist, watching as the sponge began to return to its original shape, the mark of the blow disappearing as if it never existed.

"Okay..." the smile on his face couldn't be hidden any longer. He had succeeded.

Several weeks ago, when Daniel realized that Compound V acted as a polymer and therefore could be used for more than just manufacturing extra-resistant fabric, many ideas came to his mind. There were numerous potential uses, much to do.

But of all those ideas, one stuck in his mind more than the others, and this was thanks to his initial plan: to use the fabric created with Compound V to assist the world's rescue and security services.

He knew without a doubt that the future would look bleak for ordinary people, whether they were those who dedicated their lives to saving and rescuing others or those who were responsible for public safety, even ordinary civilians.

All of them would be at risk. Daniel never thought or planned to be able to save them all; that was impossible. No matter how strong he was now, he was not a god, he was not omnipresent or omnipotent. Even now, just standing in his workshop, hundreds or thousands of people were losing their lives.

He couldn't fly to all of them and save them. Maybe it wasn't the thought that the "first hero" of the world should have, but it was reality. Harsh and cruel reality.

"But I'm not alone, eh..." Thinking of the memories he still had of his new home, a smile formed on his face.

His first quest around the world might not have yielded great results. Carol didn't count; she literally had been living by his side. But recently, he had obtained an interesting lead.

For that reason, he had started to think about what he could do to help those who would fight alongside him.

And thus, the first prototype of body protection against high-force impacts was created.

Composed of closed-cell structures, the sponge created with Compound V had exceeded his expectations. Of course, he had to make several adjustments to the design. While humanity had made great advances in materials capable of absorbing kinetic energy, the reality was that, at best, they were simply a more elegant way to make the impact hurt less and be less lethal.

That wasn't what Daniel was aiming for. So he had to research a lot, use his new brain capacity to go one step further, and devise a new way to structure the sponge so that its effectiveness increased. Of course, Compound V was the biggest contributor to his success.

Once hardened, the substance was stronger than any other material Daniel knew of, while also being flexible and lightweight.

It was malleable in its liquid state, and thanks to his improved printing machine, he could now shape it into almost any form he could imagine.

Once combined, something incredible was achieved.

Daniel approached the shelf where he had placed the sponge and removed it to inspect the wall.

There was no damage; the wall was just as it had been before he began his tests.

"It can return to its original shape after being deformed, and it's capable of absorbing and neutralizing impacts to some extent. It's lightweight and flexible, and if the structural design is correct, it should also be resistant to cuts. I haven't tested how it behaves against extreme heat or subzero cold yet. Testing its resistance to acids and other chemicals should also be on the list"

There was much to test, but at this moment, Daniel already considered this experiment a success. Perhaps for him and Carol, this might not be very useful; after all, Compound V was currently less tough and resistant than they were.

But he hadn't created it for them.

He left the sponge on his worktable and turned his gaze to his monitors. Most of them displayed different news from around the world, while a few showed scientific studies he had managed to uncover from the depths of the internet, something that wouldn't be found publicly.

Daniel gave them a quick glance, but his eyes focused on one in particular. He had been scouring the internet a lot lately, searching for clues, rumors, and stories.

He had found many nonsensical things, many of which had wasted his time.

But recently, one particular rumor had caught his attention, not only because he had found it on the internet but also because he had heard of it on the streets.

It was time to verify whether this was another false lead or not.

"Hell's Kitchen, huh? Let's see what you have for me"




February 25

"Ugh!" Blood sprayed along with a yellowed tooth that sailed through the air. There was a dull thud, and a body fell unconscious to the ground. Next to him, a dozen more bodies lay battered and wounded, almost piled on top of each other. Ironically, the last one to fall was the one who fared the best out of all of them; he was the only one without a broken limb.

From the darkness, a slight exhale was heard, followed by firm footsteps. A man dressed entirely in black emerged from the shadows and walked among the fallen criminals. Stains of dirt were visible on his clothes, there were cuts and tears in some parts, and if one looked closely, they could notice his skin covered in bruises through the holes in his attire.

His face was covered from the top down to his nose, eyes completely hidden, leaving anyone who saw him wondering how he saw through that fabric.

Matt Murdock swallowed, the taste of his own blood barely bothering him. It had been an intense night for the masked vigilante.

Matt felt the anger in his veins subside slightly, the pain beginning to set into his body after the strenuous physical activity. Dealing with so many criminals hadn't gotten any easier.

To be honest, when a guy started flying around the world in a cape, kicking criminals' butts, Matt expected things to change, for the streets to change.

For hell to quiet down.

He was wrong. Unlike what he expected, the criminals didn't run and hide like rats in a sewer.

Instead, they adapted. Defiant was a big threat to them, and if the hero had been present all the time in the city, Matt had no doubt that New York would have seen a significant change in a short time.

The problem was that Defiant wasn't always in the city.

The flying hero seemed to travel constantly everywhere, helping in various different places. Seeing his image on the news in different parts of the world was easy these days.

For the criminals, that meant an opportunity. They couldn't confront him, but they could avoid him. They didn't know when or where he would appear exactly, but they knew that as long as they kept their heads down and paid attention to the news, they could figure out when he wasn't around.

And that was when they could act.

To reignite the fire.

Well, if Matt had anything to say about it, that wouldn't happen. And Matt had a lot to say.

This time, he had managed to interrupt two groups that had begun a drug deal at the docks. It was a big deal, hundreds of kilos of drugs ready to be shipped to the streets.

For that reason, the security and the number of armed men had been much higher than usual.

Preventing those substances from reaching the streets had been his priority, breaking their bones a pleasure.

But facing two extremely experienced and armed groups hadn't been easy. There were several dangerous moments, bullets grazing his skin, blows he couldn't dodge or block in time, close combat with weapons.

In the end, with everything said and done, he had won. But his body burned with pain like hellfire. Before, his inner fury had been like an anesthesia that helped him control and endure the pain, but now that the anger had slightly subsided, the pain began to make itself present.

He sighed, already getting an idea of how painful the days to come would be. His ribs were bruised, and surely the bruises would be evident on his face in the morning. He had to go home and treat his wounds, but first, there was a drug shipment he needed to get rid of.

One might think that the most appropriate option was for Matt to let the police handle it, but in Hell's Kitchen, that was like handing the merchandise back to the criminals on a silver platter. So he had to make sure the drugs were rendered useless before leaving.

His senses, sharp as a dagger, guided him easily through the place as if he had known it forever.

Like sonar, every sound, every vibration, even every scent, however insignificant, showed him the way, and soon he was facing the merchandise. There was a lot of it, disposing of it wouldn't be easy.

Just as he was about to take a step forward, his body halted. Every hair on his body stood on end, his senses beyond human alerted him to someone else's arrival.

He could feel the air rippling, but above all, he could hear it, a heartbeat unlike any other, strong, resonant, full of power.

It was a heartbeat he had constantly heard, no matter where in New York he was, as long as he was in the city, Matt could hear him. At first, it had been disconcerting, but he had gotten used to it, so much so that he hadn't noticed how close the Latino had been to him.

How had he gotten so close?

Slowly, a figure descended from the sky not far from Matt. His feet touched the ground softly, allowing a breeze of rippling air to sweep through the area.

His breathing was soft but deep, his presence radiated a pressure Matt hadn't felt in a long time. Describing it would be difficult, but if he had to, he could only say that what was in front of him was something more than human.

Not very different, but at the same time completely different.

His fists clenched instinctively. The figure looked around with undisguised curiosity, observing the surroundings carefully: the thugs on the ground, the weapons, and bullet marks covering the docks, and then his gaze centered on Matt.

"I must admit, I'm impressed" there was honesty in his voice. For Matt, it was easy to see this, even if the man in front of him was something more than human, his body language, his heartbeat, and his steady breathing were all familiarly human.

"A single man against two gangs armed to the teeth and you mopped the floor with all of them with your bare hands" if Daniel was more than impressed.

Despite the relaxed attitude and the clear lack of a threatening demeanor, Matt didn't relax. In fact, his body had adopted a stance of instinctive confrontation.

All his years of training, his instincts sharper than human, and his logical reasoning warned him of one simple fact.

In front of him was something dangerous, something extremely dangerous. Still, he didn't run, he didn't escape. Instead, he stood firm and even took a step forward.

"Who are you?" although the question was asked, Matt already knew who stood before him.

"You probably already know, but it never hurts to introduce oneself. People call me Defiant"

The hero had approached and extended his hand in a clear gesture of goodwill.

Matt looked at the outstretched hand and hesitated for a moment, but in the end, he extended his own, and both palms met in a firm handshake. For Matt, it was like holding a steel bar.

So, this was the "first" hero of the world, huh? Despite what his instincts screamed when meeting him in person, Matt wasn't really worried, or he would have tried to escape already.

When you can hear almost everything that happens in the city, you gain a clearer perspective on certain things.

Before Defiant became public knowledge, Matt had already known about him. It was hard not to, after all, when hell surrounds you and something starts trying to put out the flames, it's hard not to notice.

That's why, even though he didn't know him personally, Matt had an idea about the man in front of him.

Stepping away from Matt, Defiant entered the warehouse and looked at the mountain of drugs.

There were at least a few hundred kilograms neatly arranged, ready to hit the streets.

"Do you mind if I lend a hand?"

Matt simply stepped aside, interested to "see" what the hero would do.

With his silent permission, Daniel approached, and with a carefully practiced exhale, he let the icy air leave his lungs. Matt could feel the temperature dropping sharply, and if anyone else were there, they would see how the hundreds of kilos of drugs froze instantly into a solid block of ice.

"It makes it easier to get rid of this, at least this way, I can throw it into space" And as if to prove it, Defiant lifted the now frozen block of drugs and exited the warehouse.

Matt heard the hero soar into the sky quickly and return just as fast but now without the drug shipment.

"Did you really throw it into space?" It was certainly an innovative way to get rid of drugs.

"If I measured correctly, it should reach Saturn in a few days" If any astronomer or space enthusiast heard that he had taken Saturn as his personal garbage can, they would probably have a fit.

"Why are you here?" and although it was interesting and certainly astonishing to witness something like this, Matt wasn't in the best condition. He needed to hurry this conversation and leave; he could hear the sirens approaching.

"Right, sorry, I'm not good at first chats. Maybe we should go somewhere else; the police will be here soon"

Matt debated with himself whether he should follow, but he was genuinely curious. What did this hero want from him? Although he thought deeply about it, the truth was that there was only one way to find out.

"Lead the way"




At the top of a departmental building.

"My help?" Matt didn't know what to expect from this conversation, but certainly didn't think the first thing said would be a request for help.

He was confused.

"I thought you were invincible" or at least that's how he had started to be portrayed in all the media, faster than bullets, harder than steel, and as strong as a locomotive.

In every sense, it was as if "god" had come down to the world, at least that's what the most fanatical and obsessed thought.

Matt wasn't one of them, yet it was ironic, remembering a nickname that had recently been circulating about him; he almost let out a laugh.

God asking the devil for help, what a joke.

There was a laugh, but it wasn't from Matt, instead Defiant laughed with clear irony.

"Invincible? What a joke, no, I don't believe I'm anywhere near being that, maybe stronger than most people, of course. But daring to call myself invincible is still far off, I can still bleed after all"

Matt agreed, not only because he could hear his heart beating and the blood circulating through his veins, but also because he himself didn't believe there was anything invincible in the world.

"Why do you need my help?"

"I think tonight is a great example of why I need your help" Matt's question was quickly answered, leaving him somewhat perplexed.

"I actually arrived when you had already finished beating up all those guys; I had been dealing with a traffic accident on the other side of the city before finding you. In fact, I probably wouldn't have noticed the deal between the gangs if I hadn't been specifically looking for you"

"You've been looking for me?" The question made Defiant shrug a bit.

"Before talking to you, I wanted to make sure who I was dealing with" Daniel didn't say it, but Matt could guess; he had probably been following him for a while.

He didn't know if he should be bothered since technically and unintentionally he had done the same.

"What I'm trying to say is that I can't do this alone. People may think I'm "invincible," but I think we both know that the crime rate hasn't exactly been decreasing," and that was true.

Even with Defiant's appearance, the crime rate didn't suffer a significant downturn.

Because he wasn't always in the city.

Of course, when he was present and the criminals knew he was in the city, they all ran to hide like the vermin they were, but once he was gone? Once his figure wasn't visible soaring between the buildings? That's when they returned.

"Without you here, hundreds of kilograms of those drugs would have hit the streets, and the lives of thousands of innocents would have been affected. And not only that, everything you've done before, even before I appeared, you've helped so many people, it's amazing"

Matt could now get an idea of where this was going, but he had to make something clear.

"I'm not a hero, nor do I try to be one. What I do, I don't do for the same reasons as you" and that was true; Matt didn't go out every night to beat up criminals because he was a charitable soul; he did it to calm the burning anger within him, that rage that threatened to consume him.

"Well, you certainly don't lie very well" Defiant smiled, and Matt furrowed his eyebrows.

"I know you're not exactly a hero, and I don't expect to see you rescuing cats from trees or helping old ladies cross the street, but I know we're not so different, I can see it in what you fight for" it was a serious voice, and Matt couldn't doubt his words, although he didn't know how Defiant could be so sure of it.

"This world and the injustice in it, I know you can feel it eating away at every inch of your skin; your fury is evident" Matt clenched his fists; his wounds began to burn again.

"The world is changing, it will become darker and more dangerous as time goes on. Crime will only continue to rise, and no matter what people say about me, the reality is that I'm just a man, faster, stronger, and tougher, but just a man, and I can't face this alone. I can't help people everywhere, and I can't be on the streets all the time even if I wanted to" there was a pause, Matt could feel it and hear it, the unwillingness to admit such facts, that the world's first hero couldn't save them all.

"That's why I need your cooperation. I know you won't stop, and I don't want you to. What you're doing is significant, and I think I can help you go beyond"

"Go beyond?" Matt couldn't help but be a little interested; Defiant was right, he wouldn't stop, even if crime increased a hundredfold, he would still go out.

There was only a silent nod, and Matt knew he wouldn't get anything more unless he gave his response.

He thought deeply, what was this? How should he respond? Should he even respond? He thought of the events of the past few months; the world was changing, criminals were becoming more dangerous. He felt the wounds on his body, the pain running through his being.

Go beyond, huh... he wasn't a hero, but he could do his part.

"Alright, I may not be bulletproof, but I'll do my best"

With that, a huge smile formed on Defiant's face; Matt could feel his excitement and joy; it almost seemed to emanate from him.

"I might have something to help you with that..."




A quick trip home and back was simple for Daniel, and he quickly found the mysterious masked figure at the agreed-upon meeting point.

The vigilante, as he had been calling him all this time in his head, was finishing up putting the last bandages on his wounds. Getting a first aid kit was easy, and the vigilante also seemed to know very well what he was doing, so Daniel let him tend to his wounds while he wasn't.

"Now I can know why you wanted my measurements?" The perplexity in his voice was obvious, and Daniel could only smile somewhat uncomfortably; that conversation hadn't been exactly easy.

Matt turned, still with that mask covering the upper half of his head. Daniel had long realized that the man was blind, which only added more points to his amazement.

Daniel stepped forward and placed a large dark briefcase in front of Matt.

"You see, when I first started using my abilities, I quickly realized a serious problem: regular clothing is useless. It tears easily, it's fragile compared to most things, for the most part, it's a hindrance. I spent a long time thinking about it and trying different things, and I came up with this" he said, pointing to the briefcase.

Of course, Daniel couldn't exactly tell him where he had obtained the knowledge for Compound V.

So, for the man in front of him and the rest of the world, he had invented this. He didn't exactly feel proud of appropriating someone else's invention, but since things had come to this point, he could only follow through.

Matt approached and touched the briefcase. It was made of a strange material, one he hadn't felt before. He could faintly smell certain familiar chemicals, but how they were related to the material the briefcase was made of was beyond him.

His hands easily found the locks and he lifted them easily, revealing its interior.

The smell of newly manufactured fabric along with recently used textile paint assaulted his nostrils. It wasn't an unpleasant smell but it was noticeable.

He also noticed the smell of various chemicals used for decontamination and disinfection, which made him more curious about the manufacturing process of what was in front of him.

His hands took hold of the contents, and he realized it was a suit, a full-body one made of a strange fabric with a thin layer of a material with a texture similar to that of a sponge.

The spongy material was covered by the fabric, and he could notice more of it in vital areas. He raised an eyebrow. What was this?

As if reading his unasked question, Daniel began to explain.

"Created from a new polymer I call Compound V, I've created a new type of fabric capable of withstanding almost anything. It's nearly indestructible to any conventional weapon, fire or cold has no effect on it, and it can withstand large amounts of impact without flinching. At the same time, it's capable of returning to its original form if it's damaged for some reason, almost like a self-repair mechanism. It won't rebuild itself from a single strand, of course, but common damages shouldn't be a problem, if for some improbable reason it gets damaged"

Daniel calmly presented the fabric, and Matt couldn't help but raise an eyebrow; if what he said was true, he was probably holding one of the most significant discoveries of the last century.

"You don't look like a scientist," the vigilante admitted.

"Looks can be deceiving" Daniel laughed, and Matt could feel his excitement increasing for some reason.

"Now here comes the best part. While the fabric created with Compound V is useful, it doesn't actually help ordinary people. Kinetic energy and impacts can still pass through it, albeit reduced to some extent, so I had an even better idea"

he approached and pulled out a square piece of what Matt could tell was the sponge that was covered by the fabric in the suit.

"Created with Compound V and with a modified closed-cell structure, this sponge is capable of cushioning and even partially negating kinetic force. I've tested it even against point-blank explosions, and you'll see the force reduced to almost zero. Of course, it's not infallible. I don't suggest trying to face the explosion of an intercontinental ballistic missile head-on or anything similar. I haven't tested it with anything like that, so unless you want to be the test subject, try to avoid such a scenario"

Matt couldn't tell if he was joking with that last part or not. Why would he ever have to face an intercontinental ballistic missile? It sounded absurd.

Matt felt the fabric in his hands and the sponge covered behind it. It was incredible and even somewhat unreal. It sounded too fantastic to be true.

"I want to try it" so naturally, he needed to see its capabilities.

"Try it? Sure, we can do that. I'll need to get some things, but-"

"Let's fight" Matt's words cut off Daniel's, making him look puzzled.

"If what you say is true, this should let me go 'beyond' right? I want to test it" he wanted to see how much of a difference there was between a human and the 'invincible' Defiant.

"Of course, the suit will make you tougher and more resistant, but..."

Matt sighed.

"Do you think I won't be able to keep up?"

Daniel didn't want to say it out loud, but his reaction speed was far beyond that of ordinary humans. Of course, Daniel still underestimated Matt because he was unaware of the true extent of his capabilities.

"Fight me, this time it wasn't a question.





In an open field, at night and without prying eyes, two people stood two meters apart from each other.

Matt put on the suit; it fit him almost like a second skin, with a mask covering his entire face.

The entire suit was black without any other color, not that Matt cared.

He stretched and tested the suit's elasticity; his wounds were still there, but he could move more freely than before when he only wore simple clothes.

It was comfortable and lightweight.

"Alright, I'll set some rules for this" Daniel looked at him and spoke calmly.

"I won't fly, since you want a direct combat, let's keep it entirely on the ground"

Matt nodded; if he flew, no matter what he did, he wouldn't be able to reach him.

"I don't want us to go overboard, so the first one to knock down their opponent wins. Remember, you're still injured"

"I know" Matt knew he wasn't in his best condition, but he still wanted to do this. Maybe he was pushing himself too hard here, but you don't get the opportunity to fight directly with someone like Defiant every day.

"Alright... let's begin"

Daniel didn't want to discourage his new companion, friend? Ally? So, he didn't rush at full speed forward.

If he was honest with himself, he was also interested in the man's fighting style in front of him. His abilities were something he hadn't seen before, and certainly no human in his previous life would be able to fight a dozen armed criminals with bare hands and win.

It was fascinating.

He took a deep breath and took a step forward; the ground cracked slightly, and his blurry figure blurred from his previous position, appearing almost instantly in front of Matt.

He wasn't afraid to hit him; he knew the suit would perfectly protect Matt. He just had to not overdo it.

Before Daniel's fist approached, Matt had already dodged his head to the side, his body tensed, and his own fist shot at Daniel at great speed.

For Daniel, it was easy to see the blow coming, so he dodged it, but before he could counter, he felt his leg being swept; he wasn't using his flying power, so he couldn't leverage to stay firm, his own body weighed no more than 80 kilograms.

For Matt, who now had the suit, when he used all his strength in his leg, it was as if there was no resistance.

Daniel almost stumbled but quickly straightened himself.

He thought about what had just happened and realized it: Matt had used two movements at the same time.

He knew his punch wouldn't connect, so it was just a feint. He didn't have to hit him; he just had to throw him.

He lunged forward again, this time with more force and speed; he wouldn't repeat the same mistake.

Matt felt the air displaced, he heard every heartbeat, the blood circulating through his veins, his muscles stronger than steel contracting.

It was like being in slow motion. Daniel was much stronger and faster than him. If he were a normal person, he wouldn't even have known that he had been hit before realizing he was already on the ground.

For Matt, it was different. It was difficult, but he could predict his trajectory, where he would strike, what move he would make, how much force he was using.

Realizing that this wasn't even a quarter of the power in Defiant's body was unsettling.

But he had a fight to win, and he couldn't distract himself thinking about such things.

His body twisted; milliseconds before Daniel's attack reached him, Matt was already launching his counterattack. He didn't form a fist because that was useless; instead, his palm met Daniel's side, causing his body to veer off.

That palm strike had used all of Matt's strength and had only slightly moved Daniel to the side.

But it also made him realize something. There was no recoil. Normally, when a person hits or pushes something, there's some wear and tear on the body itself. The body has to resist to some extent the same amount of force it's exerting.

That's why injuries in fighting or sports were so common; kinetic energy didn't discriminate, the force of impact was always exerted in both directions.

But now, he hadn't felt any of that. With an idea in mind, he prepared to continue the fight.

Daniel was starting to realize that this wouldn't be so easy. It was as if Matt could act and devise a counterattack before his own attack arrived.

'He's blind, so it must be his senses; they've been amplified to an unknown range. He can read me like an open book' This was interesting, although he himself had heightened senses, his use of them paled in comparison to Matt.

Both of them looked at each other, although they couldn't see eye to eye, a tacit understanding passed through their body language.

Matt stepped forward, his leg swinging towards Daniel's side, who easily dodged and countered with his own kick, aiming to knock down his opponent. Having predicted his move, Matt jumped; his body flew over Daniel's, and with practiced maneuvers, he reached his back, grabbing him by the cape and applying a throw to bring him down.

Daniel was lifted off the ground and easily twisted his body, his fist aiming to strike Matt's face from above. Boldly, Matt thrust his palm forward and caught the fist effortlessly; the energy that should have easily broken his arm was nullified by the suit, and he managed to drag Daniel's body to the ground in an attempt to bring him down.

Daniel, being stronger, broke free from the grip and managed to stand.

He then lunged forward with more force; this time, Matt didn't seek to dodge. With effort, he predicted each of Daniel's attacks and, now that he had confirmed that the suit could withstand his blows, he decided to block directly.

In swift and almost blurry movements, Matt blocked a dozen blows that would have easily shattered his body before. He caught Daniel's arm and tried to bend it, which proved completely fruitless when it didn't move an inch. However, that moment of distraction was enough for Daniel's knee to meet Matt's abdomen.

He suffered no damage; the suit protected him. Still, his body bent slightly, and Daniel took advantage to easily lift him over his shoulder and throw him to the ground.

Matt twisted in the air; his feet hit the ground unsteadily, and he barely managed to raise his arms to block the next blow.

This time, the air twisted, and a shockwave formed; Daniel's fist had exceeded the speed of sound.

Matt felt his arms tremble slightly, the sponge absorbing most of the impact, but there were still slight waves that traveled through his body.

His body was shot at high speed across the open terrain; he twisted in the air, and his arms touched the ground, launching him upwards to regain his posture.

He hadn't suffered new injuries, but the abrupt movement made the wounds he already had burn slightly.

Under any other circumstances, the shockwave generated by breaking the sound barrier would have disoriented Matt; being so close, it was even likely that his ears would have been damaged.

To his surprise, that didn't happen. Thanks to the mask covering his entire head, the high-impact vibrations stopped abruptly before they could harm his sense of hearing.

Daniel hurried, although he wasn't using all his strength, he was still excited. Matt's combat skills were better than his, and thanks to the suit, he could fight against him without fearing to hurt him.

At least, as long as he didn't use all his strength.

Although the Compound V was incredible, it was still an inferior version; its durability was still behind Daniel's own durability. And although the sponge had enhanced Matt's capabilities, they were still limited. Daniel knew he shouldn't overdo it.

Daniel's next strike met an unexpected move; Matt chose to deflect it, redirecting the blow sideways, and his elbow met his throat—a move that would have incapacitated anyone else almost instantly.

Daniel thought Matt had made a mistake, unmoved by such an attack, he reached out his hand, ready to catch him and bring him down. But before he could succeed, Matt surged forward, taking advantage of the proximity generated by his elbow strike. With strength, he grabbed Daniel by the waist and easily lifted him into the air.

Without the ability to fly, Daniel could only twist his body in the air; his hands touched the ground, and he easily propelled himself back into the air, standing upright once again.

Matt didn't miss such an obvious opportunity.

He twisted his body quickly, and his leg shot out towards Daniel, who was still airborne, as if it were a whip, and as if air resistance didn't exist, Matt's attack traveled at astonishing speed.

Without having to worry about his body getting hurt by exerting all his strength, Matt began to use the techniques he had learned to push his abilities beyond human.

The suit even protected him from friction and seemed to dampen air resistance, so his body began to move faster than it should.

The kick struck Daniel's stomach accurately; being in the air and unable to fly, his body was tossed like a sack of potatoes.

He lost balance, and Matt advanced towards him, seizing his chance.

With his superior reflexes, Daniel could see him approaching, but without being able to use his power to fly, he could only let his body glide through the air without resistance.

The blind man easily caught up with him, planning to attack again, but Daniel decided to get a bit more serious.

His hand stretched out and grabbed Matt's shoulder, squeezing firmly and using his body as a lever to navigate through the air. Quickly, he positioned himself behind him and using the same movement, grabbed him by the waist.

Just as he began to lift Matt, Matt made his own move, using his momentum to jump upward, twisting his body, and somehow managing to turn himself around even in Daniel's arms.

Both knees collided with Daniel's shoulders, and Matt managed to break free from his grip due to the unusual movement.

Matt's weight was insignificant to Daniel, so the man didn't stay in that position for too long.

Agilely, he returned to the ground and stepped back a few paces.

Daniel clicked his tongue and glanced at him; he was breathing somewhat heavily. Although the suit provided many benefits, canceling out fatigue wasn't one of them.

Matt had had a hectic night, and the wounds on his body were starting to take their toll.

He let him catch his breath; he should finish this soon.

Matt sighed inwardly; this fight couldn't last much longer. It was regrettable, but he wasn't in his best condition. For today, he had reached his limit.

He stood firm, his posture flawless. This would be the last exchange.

Daniel seemed to sense Matt's intent. He decided to respond appropriately and tensed his muscles. It was time to push a little further.

A silence enveloped the night for a moment. For a brief second, it was as if everything fell silent around them.

Then Daniel launched forward. His step left a crater where he had been a moment before, and his body shot forward like a ballistic missile towards Matt.

From Daniel's perspective, it was as if everything stood still. He had started to use a bit of his true speed. The world seemed to freeze before him, and he easily crossed the distance separating him from his opponent.

His hand stretched out, ready to grab Matt and send him to the ground. Surprisingly, his grip failed.

In the last moment, Matt's body twisted a few millimeters out of his grasp, his fingertips brushing his arm.

With his ability to fly unavailable, Daniel couldn't halt his momentum so easily. His left foot touched the ground, cracking it, but before he could stop his momentum, he felt Matt's palm striking his back.

His body leaned forward, unwilling to lose here. Daniel twisted his waist even faster than before and rotated his body enough for his hand to grasp Matt's arm.

Then he let momentum take them.

Like an out-of-control car, both bodies began to roll across the ground with great force. Dust rose, and the ground sank slightly.

It wasn't until they stopped several meters ahead of their original position that everything returned to calm.

"Cough, ugh" Daniel spat out the dirt that had entered his mouth and looked at the ground in front of him. Had he lost? He glanced to the side where his sparring partner was facing away, the new suit now dusty.

"I guess it was a tie?" Daniel said, and Matt let out a dry laugh.

"You held back too much, even if in the end you let go a bit more, you still restrained yourself considerably. You have more control of your strength than I expected" Daniel didn't know how Matt could say he was holding back, so he decided to attribute it to his "super" senses.

"But you were also injured and tired, so we can say it was fair, right?" Matt chuckled at his words and decided to stop arguing for the moment; he was quite tired.

He felt the suit on his skin, remembered every moment of the previous fight, and could only utter one word.


Defiant hadn't lied; this suit could push "beyond" even when injured and tired, and even if Defiant held back, the fight was still beyond what any human could endure.

If an ordinary person had intervened, their body would probably have been sent flying with every bone broken from a mere touch.

Matt knew perfectly well how hard he could hit when he didn't worry about hurting himself. With the suit? Well, breaking bones was probably the least he could do.

"This suit is incredible. Are you sure you want to give it to me?" Daniel easily nodded in response.

"I know you'll use it right"

Matt could feel the confidence Daniel had in him. Matt wasn't a hero, or at least that's what he told himself.

He didn't know if he could ever be called a "hero" or deserve such a title, but he knew that as long as there was life in him he wouldn't let innocent people suffer unnecessarily.

To go beyond, huh... he could try.

"Well, don't regret it later"

Daniel laughed. "I'm sure I won't"

There was a comfortable silence before Daniel remembered something else.

"By the way, you should use baby powder before wearing the suit. It's not a problem for me, but you'll probably end up very chafed if you wear it without."

Matt imagined such a situation; the suit was quite snug even with the padding of sponges in key areas. It would certainly be uncomfortable.

The mental image of himself coming home with his whole body irritated made him laugh for no reason.

"Oh, by the way, it seems I forgot to ask your name..."

The comfortable silence stalled, and Matt blinked. Although his face wasn't visible, Daniel could read his body language and know he was puzzled.

That Matt was puzzled wasn't strange because he remembered he hadn't introduced himself either.

He thought deeply; he and Defiant, though "allies," weren't really close. He couldn't give his own name, and since Defiant had introduced himself with his nickname, it was best that he did the same, right? Although he didn't have a code name, he had never really thought about using one or anything like that, but since things had come to this point, he could only go with the flow.

Recalling a name he had been hearing in the streets lately, he couldn't help but nod, deciding to use it for now. He straightened up and rose from the ground with some difficulty, turned to Daniel, and said,

"Just call me Daredevil"




Far away near space.

Daniel gazed at the distant sun, lost in his thoughts.

It was better than he expected, although he hadn't expected to have to fight against he, he was still satisfied with the whole encounter.

The masked vigilante, or Daredevil as he had decided to call himself, was something Daniel had been investigating. When he found him, he didn't rush to make contact.

Instead, he followed him from a distance, dedicating a certain amount of time to observe some of his activities.

He hadn't delved into his secret identity; if he had been someone evil or a possible villain, maybe he would have.

But his discreet observations had led him to trust him to some extent.

He was the kind of person he was looking for. He watched him a little more until he decided to get in touch with him; originally, he planned to do it earlier that night, but a car accident had interrupted his plans.

Well, things turned out fine in the end, so he couldn't complain.

"I wasn't sure, but now I am," he spoke to himself, remembering their fight and all the information he managed to gather in their brief chat. An image came to his mind; remembering the name he had given, he couldn't help but laugh.

"It looks like I'll have to make you another suit, a red one with horns. I also have to add those sticks of yours; I'm sure you'll like them a lot, Matt"

He hadn't delved into his secret identity; he really didn't want to violate his privacy, but piecing together clues about who he was was easy; after all, his brother read many of his comics.

He wondered what other interesting encounters he would have.

Once he saw the sun set behind the earth, Daniel returned to reality; he had training to do, after all.

Carol still needed to learn a few more things, but she should be ready soon.

"Things seem to be going well, huh..." he paused, did he just curse himself?

He looked around, and when nothing strange happened, he decided to shrug; well, if something bad happened, it was tomorrow Daniel's problem.

Present Daniel had a girl to teach.





8130 words! 8527 in English! That's the length of the chapter, what did you think? I feel like I'm a bit rusty, so I'm not sure if it turned out well; give me your opinions.

The fight was something that came up suddenly; I haven't written fights in a while, so I don't know how well it was. Was it clear or confusing? It was really challenging due to the disparity in the physical abilities of both characters; I had to delete a lot and rewrite even more. I hope it was enjoyable to read.

I'm bringing this long chapter because I need to focus on work. There probably won't be an update until mid or late month, depending.

I appreciate your feedback.
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