Ah, the Pon Farr... Vulcans don't really like talking about it. Rather embarrassing for a species that prides itself on its logic and clarity of thought to be known to go completely frickin' insane just get some in the sack.

Also, that bit about Vulcan attitudes towards same-sex relationships intrigues me: I've theorized the same about that. From a Vulcan perspective, same-sex relationships aren't productive in continuing species survival, and thus are illogical... but at the same time, Vulcans wouldn't really have the same sort of religious objections that present-day religious conservatives have. Still disapproving, but not a serious-enough concern that they can tolerate it.

Question, though: do Vulcans actually use arranged marriages here? I think that was sorta referenced in canon (or beta-canon, whichever it was), but is that true here in this fic's setting?

Also another good question: Vulcans get Pon Farr obviously... so what about their Romulan cousins? Did we get any indication on whether or not the Romulans still retain Pon Farr as per their ancestral Vulcan roots, or did they rid themselves of it somehow at some point after leaving Vulcan?
An... evolutionary effect. Those unable to find a mate, die off and stop competing for resources in the harsh landscape of Vulcan. The longer the week goes on, the more we lose our logic, our reason. Our grip on our emotions. In the past, it was not uncommon to kill for a mate. To completely lose control... even what little we had before Surak.
I realise that this is probably canon, but... just so you're aware, group selection doesn't actually work. Not outside of the most extreme of circumstances, and what was described is very, very far from that; the planet merely being a desert doesn't come close, generally you need careful tweaking by scientists to get actual group selection.

So there's no way anything like that outcome could ever happen in real life. Maybe, maybe with mouse-sized, high-reproduction/low-lifespan/low-mobility animals under extreme conditions, but never with anything remotely like a human.
I realise that this is probably canon, but... just so you're aware, group selection doesn't actually work. Not outside of the most extreme of circumstances, and what was described is very, very far from that; the planet merely being a desert doesn't come close, generally you need careful tweaking by scientists to get actual group selection.

So there's no way anything like that outcome could ever happen in real life. Maybe, maybe with mouse-sized, high-reproduction/low-lifespan/low-mobility animals under extreme conditions, but never with anything remotely like a human.

I have no idea if it's canon or not but it was the best thing I could come up with for not finding a mate killing the creature in question.
I have no idea if it's canon or not but it was the best thing I could come up with for not finding a mate killing the creature in question.
It's also the best idea I can think of. It just wouldn't happen in reality, outside of fiction or science labs.

So caveat emptor, I guess. :p
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Question, though: do Vulcans actually use arranged marriages here? I think that was sorta referenced in canon (or beta-canon, whichever it was), but is that true here in this fic's setting?
The first time Pon Farr is mentioned, Spock is on his way to a an arranged marriage. Which is part of the problem as she wants someone else, hence why Spock and Kirk have their famous duel.
The first time Pon Farr is mentioned, Spock is on his way to a an arranged marriage. Which is part of the problem as she wants someone else, hence why Spock and Kirk have their famous duel.

Ah, that answers that question. So now that leads to: why do Vulcans use arranged marriages?
But what is the logic behind using arranged marriages? It's one thing to say "It's logical", but it's another to explain why it is logical.
Maybe dating in the modern world is hard and they are logical enough to understand that their parent just might know a bit better than they do. Several decades of experience really does count for something. Seems like it might actually make decent matches if both sets of parents are acting logically rather than just assuming their child is the best thing since sliced bread.
Ah, that answers that question. So now that leads to: why do Vulcans use arranged marriages?
No idea. Thought Bassoe's answer does make some sense for the Vulcans. They're probably trying to ensure that favorable genes spread while suppressing less favorable traits. There might even be an intentional push towards minimizing emotions going on.
There might also be an element of evolution in there. If your kid doesn't find a partner, he dies...

That would cause most parents to get a bit more involved.
Part 37
I slowly scanned the skies as I shifted my course slightly for a denser stretch of hydrogen. A couple more days until we reach the Mesoan colony.

Other than that, this area of space seemed to be like most others, nothing especially pulling my attention even if stellar cartography was happy.

As was xenobiology at the idea of getting to grab samples from the Mesoan colony world. Not that we would stay for long. We had a week in orbit planned as we dropped off the former pirates' prisoners and the location of the pirates' hulk.

T'Ro stirred in my arms and I smiled as I watched her slowly wake up. She looked amazingly adorable when sleeping. I didn't think she could look any cuter until now when seeing her wake up.

She was like a kitten.

Smiling, I brushed her hair out of her face softly with a finger. "Good morning."

She shifted softly, nuzzling against my shoulder. "Good morning," she answered before she yawned and relaxed again.

"Feel better?" I asked her, holding her a bit closer. "Your body temperature is back to normal."

"I am," she answered and sighed softly. "I feel better too. The Pon Farr is over."

I nodded and stroked her hair softly. "Seven years until next time."

"Indeed," T'Ro said before rolling her eyes and giving me a look. "You don't need to wait seven years to do this again," she said, "Vulcans enjoy recreational sexual activity as much as any other species."


Blinking slightly, she struggled to sit up. "Lights," she ordered and I turned them up to dim for her before she asked, "What time is it?"

"Ten minutes to seven," I said with a grin as I stretched out, watching her happily.

Best. Day. Ever.

"I'm going to be later for my shift...," she started to say as she got up only for me to pull her back down onto the bed.

"Oh no, you are not. You are on medical leave for a week, remember?"

She frowned at me. "But my condition have subsided. I am fit for duty."

I smiled and nodded. "You are. But I also happen to know you are overworked and have not taken more free time to make up for what was lost getting my mission pod up and running. Take a couple of days and relax. Let the rest of the engineers do some of the work."

T'Ro raised a eyebrow but settled down. "You simply wish for me to stay in bed with you."

"That's just a bonus."


Rachel glanced up at the ceiling as she left the shuttlebay. "Star?"

"Yes, Rachel?" I asked happily.

"How is T'Ro doing?"

"Quite well."

If I had used my avatar to answer that one, I would have been blushing at that double entendre.

Quite well indeed.

I had never been as grateful for my ability to do a lot of things at once while still keeping each process unaffected by the others as now.

If not, there might have been something significantly more embarrassing than some flickering lights due to a translation error.

"Could you have your avatar meet me at her quarters if she feel well enough? I need to talk to both of you, face to face."

Uh oh. Visitors right now would be bad.

"...How about we meet at the mess hall in half an hour instead? T'Ro haven't had more than a light breakfast yet."

Rachel hesitated and frowned slightly. "If she feel up to it?"

"She have already fought the bug off." I answered, keeping to the cover story. "We will be there."

"Okay, it's a plan. I'll go pull Shran away from his office."

"T'Ro? You awake?" I asked with a smile, running my finger along the tip of her ear.

"I am now," she muttered and stirred, opening her eyes.

I smiled. "Sorry...but as much as I would like to stay here for the next week, we likely should get moving to get you something to eat. Rachel wants to meet us in the mess hall in thirty minutes anyway."

She yawned and then struggled up to sit on the edge of the bed. "...I am getting hungry."

"Not surprised. There is just enough time for a shower before we have to go," I said with a grin as I scooted to get up before taking her hand and pulling her onto her feet as well.

She nodded. "I believe we do." She looked down on the floor next to her bed. "...Sorry about your uniform."

I grinned and pulled her close, stealing a small kiss. "Don't worry about it. It was time to replicate a new one anyway. Now get going with that shower or we will be late."

T'Ro raised a eyebrow at me. "You need one as well."

"I guess I do...," I said and glanced down at myself. While I didn't sweat or anything like that, well....

I smelled Vulcan.

"Share to save time?" I then asked with a smile.

Thankfully it was a sonic shower. Not as soothing as a water one, but it was significantly faster, no drying needed either.


We ended up being half a hour late.

AN// Many thanks to Rastamon for betaing this section.
Part 38
"Hey, sorry for being late." I said with a smile, sitting down by the window table next to Rachel as T'Ro went and picked up some food. "We were delayed."

Shran raised an eyebrow. "I'm not sure how that is even possible. You control the transporters."

I gave him a look at that. "That doesn't mean I'm going to beam my avatar all over the place."

T'Ro joined us, putting her tray down before sitting down and sitting down next to Shran, giving her stirfry a poke. "Is this spicy?"

Rachel shook her head. "Not really. A bit salty, but not too much. I could eat it so give it a try. Feeling better?"

"Much," T'Ro answered and tried some fried tomato. "You are right, it is not bad."

Rachel glanced at Shran and then turned to me. "We kind of need to talk to you about something. We think this has kind of gone on long enough."

I grinned and crossed my arms, giving T'Ro a bit of a smug look before I turned to Rachel. "I already know."

That earned me a surprised look from both of them. "..You do?" Shran asked.

I nodded. "Yep. Been suspecting for weeks now but T'Ro didn't believe me."

Rachel gave me a strange look at that, "...What?"

"You and Shran dating of course!"

They both kind of gaped at me, but Rachel was the one to recover first. "What!? No! No! Just no!"

I frowned at them, "What?"

T'Ro just sighed and ate a piece of a carrot. "I told you."

"Well... yeah, but it fit!"

Rachel facepalmed. "Okay... rewind. What made you think Shran and I were dating?"

"Well... you do spend a lot of time in each other's quarters, lots of the time with the sensors off."

"We were trying to find out a way to...!" She started before she shook her head. "Okay, forget that for the moment. That's not what I wanted to talk to you two about."

Shran shook his head and interrupted her, turning to T'Ro. "When are you and Star going to admit your feelings for each other and get together? You have been dancing around each other for years."

She raised an eyebrow at him. "Yesterday."

Rachel stared at her before turning to me. "Yesterday."

I nodded and smiled. "Yeah. We are kind of dating now."

Rachel stared at me before choking out a frustrated sound, dropping her head against the table.

Shran just looked amused as he shook his head. "All that planning on trying to get you two together.."

T'Ro nodded. "Indeed." She turned to me and continued, "And I told you they were not together."

I looked at Shran. "Are you sure?"

He grinned, "Oh yeah. Besides, she isn't my type."

Rachel lifted her head from the table to look at him in surprise. "You have a type? And while you are not exactly mine either, why not?"

Shran nodded. "Yeah. Sorry Rachel, you are a great friend and all, but..."

"So what is your type? I seen you ask tons of women out." She asked and frowned as she sat up fully.

He grinned. "Honestly? Our of you three, if I had to pick who to ask out, it would be Star."

I gaped at him. "What!?"

"Got to love a woman who can kick my ass." He answered with a grin. "Besides, have you seen yourself? Total babe. Right, T'Ro?"

She glanced at him before looking at me. "...Agreed."

Stupid automatic emotional feedback.

While it made my avatar much more realistic looking, it made it very hard not to blush.

He shrugged. "If you had any interest in men, I likely have at least tried to ask you out years ago, no matter if you sound like my sister or not. Come on, Star, I would be surprised if half the crew doesn't have at least a small crush on you."

Half the crew!?

"...Sorry... I'm still not..." I managed to say before he nodded.

"Yeah, I know." He said with a grin and shrugged, leaning back in his chair. "But face it, you are hot."

Rachel gave me a amused look. "Yeah, you kind of have yourself to blame for that."

I pouted and crossed my arms.

What was I supposed to do, have an ugly avatar?

"So... Mission accomplished?" Shran asked. "T'Ro and Star are together and I managed to get Star to blush. I count that as a win."

Rachel gave him a look. "We didn't do anything."

He rolled his eyes and shrugged. "Like I said in the first place. I did tell you we should just leave it alone and they would work it out."

She sighed. "...Fine, Okay, you were right."

I grinned and shook my head. "So, you guys want to do something? None of us have any shifts until tomorrow." I asked as T'Ro finished her meal.

T'Ro looked thoughtful and pushed her empty plate away. "Holodeck if it's free?"

Rachel nodded. "Sounds good to me. Any ideas?"

I shook my head and smiled. "I bet we can find something. Holodeck two is free for the next two hours."

AN// Many thanks to Grey Rook for betaing this section.
Part 39
I watched the planet far below. The colony was a small one, just a couple thousand people, but xeno-sociology was happy. So was xeno-biology.

A entire new biosphere on an M class planet.

Well, borderline M class, almost class L. The most habitable areas of the planet was like savannas on Earth, the rest was outright desert.

While savannas might have been where humanity evolved, it was hardly a very hospitable place. Only thing that saved it from a L classification was that it had local wildlife and not just plants.

We had already dropped off the information about the pirate hulk and rescued traders but we had been granted permission to stay for the rest of the week so we had plenty of time for our research.


"Yes, sir?" I answered, shifting some attention to Captain Mason's ready room. He was standing by the window, looking out at the planet below.

"There is a matter I need to discuss with you."

"Of course, sir," I answered. "What do you need?"

He nodded. "...Can you bring your avatar here? I feel like I should do this 'in person'."

"Yes, sir."

Wonder what that was about. Normally, he didn't bother if he just wanted to discuss something, he just talked to the air if I didn't activate one of the screens.

It was rare that he asked for my avatar.

In any case, I walked there in under five minutes before I walked inside. "Sir."

He nodded and motioned to the chair across his deck. "Please, have a seat," he said and walked to sit down at his desk.

I frowned and moved to sit down, crossing my legs.

Mason sighed. "I am... concerned," he started, "about your relationship with Lieutenant T'Ro."

"In what way?"

"While you and she technically have the same rank, because of your Starship specialty rank, you are effectively in the same position as a ship's captain or second in command. It's generally considered a bad idea to date somebody in your direct chain of command."

I frowned. "I didn't know Starfleet had regulations about that."

Actually, I know we didn't. I checked!

He shook his head. "We don't. However, this is still a problem you need to face. Can you treat her like just another member of the crew?"

"Sir... just because we just got together, don't mean my feelings for her are new. Things in that department have not changed. I also think my situation is a bit different as well. I know everyone on board on a personal level. Every time there is a away mission, every time somebody gets injured and is sent to sickbay...every time it's a good friend that's in danger. I...have already sent her on dangerous missions."

Mason frowned. "And to order her to almost certain death to save the rest of the ship?"

That question made me freeze.

Never. Never. Never. Never.

"I have already demonstrated I'm willing to die for..."

"That's not what I asked," he said, cutting me off. "Would you...order her into a radiation filled jefferies tube to save the rest of the ship and crew?"

"...No, sir. I wouldn't," I finally answered. "I would tell her what was needed to be done and what was at stake. If we survived anyway...she would never forgive me if I didn't tell her. I would hate myself for it, but I would tell her."

Mason watches me for a long moment before he slowly nodded. "That question...that lesson...is one of the lessons everyone who wants command of their own ship have to answer. Would they sacrifice the life of a friend to save the ship?"

Getting up from his chair, he walked up to put his hand on my shoulder. "That question gets many times harder when it's a lover or family member on the line. While there is no regulation about it, there is a reason why ship captains...while we might have families on board...it is almost always as civilians."


That made a lot of sense. Fuck.

"Star, I care a lot for you. I imagine this might be how it feel to have a daughter even if I will likely never find out for sure," he said and gave my shoulder a soft squeeze. "I know this hurts to think about and I hate doing that to you, but I need you to know about the possibility."

"...Yes, sir."

I suddenly felt very much like crying.

Letting go of my shoulder, he smiled down at me. "Star...," he said and I looked up at him before he continued, "Despite what I just put you through, I am glad you found somebody who makes you happy. And I very much hope that it is a question you never have to face for real. You deserve better than that."

"Thank you, sir," I said quietly and stood up, drying a tear I was not even aware had leaked out. Why did we add tear ducts anyway?

I hesitated for a split second. "..Would it be inappropriate to ask for a hug?" I then asked.

He smiled at that. "Normally, yes, but I believe I might make an exception this time."

I hugged him tight before letting go and stepping back. "...Thank you," I said before I frowned. "Wait, what do you mean you would likely never have a daughter?"

Mason shook his head. "I'm a Starfleet captain. I spend ninety nine percent of my life in deep space and I won't date a member of my crew... for exactly the reason we discussed."

I did a quick check. "Over half of captains in Starfleet are married."

"And how many got married after reaching the rank of captain?"


"Less than five percent of that... But that don't mean it's impossible."

He smiled. "No, but it does put the odds against me."

I grinned at that. "So... as a semi-adopted daughter/starship, is that permission to set you up on blind dates when we get back to Earth, Captain?"

"Not on your life."

AN// Many thanks to Rastamon for betaing this section.
Something that I never really fully understood - about planets being called class-M or class-L or whatever: how are planets classified like that? And why are the class names named as such?

I know Class-M is basically Earth-like/Terran biospheres, but why is it called Class-M? And so on.
Something that I never really fully understood - about planets being called class-M or class-L or whatever: how are planets classified like that? And why are the class names named as such?

I know Class-M is basically Earth-like/Terran biospheres, but why is it called Class-M? And so on.

It's a Vulcan classification. M class for example is actually Minshara class.