

Social Justice Gish
Stargate: 2078

The Year is 2078. Megacorporations rule the Earth, and tyrants the stars. In 2012, the world ended, and a new one began. Now, more than sixty years later; elves dwarves and trolls and the new normal. Dragons cast their talons wide, and mages have nine to five jobs for megacorps. In the midst of dilapidated slums, urban wastelands, and shining edifices to corporate greed exist a new breed of criminal. Known as Shadowrunners, these illusive criminals for hire are both romanticised and despised. Often a tool of megacorp Black Ops, and just as often acting against them, you are one of the best.

One of the legends, the kind of 'runner who makes the trideo news. One day, you receive a job offer. The pay is substantial, but then is so your reputation. What's not so usual is who the offer is from. You've done work for both the UCAS and Ares before, but a little bit of digging shows that this hasn't come from your usual sources - this comes all the way from the top.

Eventually, for reasons only you know, you accepted the offer. Suffice it to say, you were not expecting what awaited you.


Seattle, UCAS, November 18th 2078
A sleek, black car sliced through the pouring rain along the automated highway. Crumbling edifices of concrete and steel rose to the sky on either side of the raised road, an asphalt path through a blight upon the city. Below the highway lived the poor, the destitute and the SINless. Between the two sides of the highway, a high speed train rushed past carrying corporate wage slaves home to their corporate apartments and housing developments; to welcome their children home from their corporate schools and watch the corporate trideo shows on the corporate grid.

John Hadrian III couldn't care less. His hundred thousand nuyen sports car, his Farlight Caliban comlink and his penthouse apartment were more than enough to placate him. He sat in the front seat of his car, though of course he wasn't actually driving it. AR feeds occupied his attention, a virtual screen popping up as he initiated his secure messaging program. As he gave the device his biometrics, and the security systems at Ares HQ gave the okay, he opened a very special contacts list.

On it were names of about a dozen people, all of whom made the kind of people he usually hired pale in comparison. They were listed here under their runner handles, though a few had names and even SINs listed - hell; one of them even worked for Ares as a real employee now. But no, this wasn't the job for Klave - not quite the right temperament. Who was the mage-anthropologist? Yes, Miriam Lennox - she'd do nicely. His boss had told him to go heavy on the mages, since the intel guys had whoever the fuck this supergroup was going against as being magically powerful. Hamid Khan too then - a four armed, blue skinned man may not exactly be the definition of subtle; but he slung around more magical firepower than just about any mage he'd ever hired for a run. Possibly the Alchemist too - a bit of overlap with Lennox, but well he needed mages and there were only so many on the list. Then of course he needed some sort of physical support - Lawson had come through for them in the past; and Tancho would cover the group at a closer range.

Satisfied with his choices, he sent out messages to various points of contact, closed the messaging program down, and went back to watching tv as his car drove him home.

Two Days Later...

You've all accepted to entertain the offer you received two days ago, though getting to Colorado Springs had been an interesting experience for some of you. You were scheduled to meet an Ares junior exec and a Colonel in the UCAS airforce at what must be the fanciest restaurant in the whole city; but you weren't complaining - they'd covered your hotels, travel costs and the meet itself just to get you out here to listen to whatever pitch they want to make. It is now mid-day on the day of the meet. You have eight hours to scope the sight out, talk to contacts etc - post what you want to do with regards to that, and then how you're going to arrive at the meet (early/on time, what you're bringing with you etc).

Final Player List:
  1. @NothingNow as Miriam
  2. @horngeek as Sam
  3. @Serafina as Theresa
  4. @Havocfett as Ikonoklast
  5. @Mina as Tancho
Sam grinned as she looked out over Colorado Springs from her hotel room- already swept for any bugs- talking on her commlink. "Look, kid, you know I can't tell you about jobs I'm on."

The person on the other side was pretty familiar to her by now- although very different than when she'd first met the then-young girl, crying and afraid.

Now... she was a teenager. "Come on, Auntie Sam! Just something? This has to be important for you to be away from Detroit, you love this place."

A teenager who was growing up to be pretty smart. Sam blinked. "I take jobs outside the city more than you might think, Fiona- a lot of the big jobs I could take there'd make life pretty hard for your dad, and I don't want to do that to him."

"...because Ares is big here?"

Time to give the kid a valuable lesson. "Yeah. A lot of the other corps find it pretty hard to get a big foothold there- Ares has been good for the city, but you guys benefit a lot from that as well, y'know? It's a pretty safe city for Ares to do business in-"

Fiona snorted over the line, and Sam smiled grimly. "You know it's true, kid, despite what happened when we met- that made pretty big news pretty much because Detroit doesn't generally get that kind of crime. But the flipside to that is that when it happens- or when any run that's bigger than a beginner's run happens in Detroit- it's probably going to be against Ares. Other Megacorps just don't have the kind of presence there that exposes them to big jobs in Detroit."

"Jobs like you do."

"Jobs like I do. And if I did a job like that against Ares... your dad's stuck his neck out for me big-time by doing the stuff he's done for me, and a lot of people in his position wouldn't have done as much. You guys would be in a really nasty position if I took a job like that against Ares. So, I don't."

"And that means you travel a lot? Like... wherever you are now?"

Sam chuckled. "Like wherever I am now." Ignoring the groan of frustration over the line, Sam continued. "Look, kid, some jobs I can't tell people about, and I don't actually know yet if this is one of them. If it isn't, I'll drop some tidbits your way. I'll call you back when I can, okay?"


Smiling, Sam ended the commcall. Fiona was growing up into a good kid- and even if she was probably going to follow in her father's footsteps and become a suit...

Well, if the last five years of knowing the Greens had taught Fiona anything, it was that not all suits were all bad. Speaking of which, she had another call to make.

It only took a few moments before she heard the voice on the other end of the line, one she was also rather familiar with- although the first time she'd heard this particular voice, he'd been near-sobbing in relief. "Samantha. What can I do for you?"

"Tony. Made it to Colorado Springs all in one piece, and I'm in what's a pretty neat hotel room. I didn't know corps sprung this much money for just meeting with 'runners."

With the chitchat out of the way, Samantha dropped some of the smile out of her voice, becoming more serious. "Seriously, Anthony, what gives? A joint UCAS-Ares op? All the way out here, surrounded by Pueblo Corporate land or close enough that it makes little difference? And all this money, spent on the job offer? This is big, and if you can give me even half an idea what sort of big we're talking about here, I'd appreciate it."
horngeek threw 12 6-faced dice. Reason: Contacts Roll- Anthony Green Total: 39
2 2 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 1 1 5 5 5 5 3 3 6 6 1 1 3 3
horngeek threw 9 6-faced dice. Reason: Contacts Roll Prt 2 Total: 25
6 6 2 2 1 1 3 3 6 6 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1
With the chitchat out of the way, Samantha dropped some of the smile out of her voice, becoming more serious. "Seriously, Anthony, what gives? A joint UCAS-Ares op? All the way out here, surrounded by Pueblo Corporate land or close enough that it makes little difference? And all this money, spent on the job offer? This is big, and if you can give me even half an idea what sort of big we're talking about here, I'd appreciate it."

There's a pause before he speaks, but when he does it's without hesitation.

"Truth be told, Samantha, this job isn't my department. In fact, it's not even near my department. I do know a few things though - one, most of the funding for this op is coming from the aerospace and arms divisions; secondly and probably more importantly is the one element of the project that I do know anything about. It's still being kept quiet; but some of our mages working with the aerospace department and the UCASAF cracked magic outside a manasphere - that was for this project."
Theresa slumped onto her hotel bed. "I'm still not sure about this Dominique". Doctor O'Brien had tried to calm her down all the way from the airport.

Doctor Dominique O'Brien sighed on account of hearing for the fifth time. "Look, you'll be fine. You have your PDA?"
"Yes, I do do, but..."
"You have all the magi-Aps on it?"
"Yes, but what about..."
"And I know you took your shielded worksuit, and I got you a weapon. So why are you worried about this? You've been on exploration missions before."

"Yes. With Ares teams. Who were paid to protect me. Where I know that they can actually fight. With prepared extraction and backup and professionals. Not with some bloody amateurs and criminals."

"So that's what you're still worried about? Great Spirits, I already told you it's not like that. The teams who broke into your lab were amateurs. I know Mister Hadrian, he only hires professionals. You don't have to worry about them being incompetents."

"Oh so they're professional criminals then. Great, that makes me feel better. So at least when one of them stabs me in the back they won't even be stupid enough to do it while I'm holding a basilisk gun. That'll make me sleep better."

There was a moment of silence before Dominque replied. "You're being stupid Theresa. Stop being paranoid and just be glad you have another job, with Ares even. If you don't trust your coworkers right away, what do you think will happen? Look, just think of them as one of those underprivileged college kids who got a stipend. They'll be rough, but that they got hired despite that means they'll do a good job."

Theresas face clouded over. "That was low, Mo. Really low. Don't use that guilt against me like that. But fine, I'll just try my best. I don't suppose you can tell me any more about with whom I'll be working, or what we'll be working on?"

"Sorry, just that it'll be exploration and that there will be a lot of other mages. That's about it I'm afraid, but I have some files I sent you too. Listen, you'll be alright and I got to go. Take care."

Stupid jetlag. Well, or one of her mods acting up again. Or just plain stress. Either way, there was no way Theresa could get any sleep. And of course this was a hotel room, with no real magical security, nevermind an isolation chamber or any occult grounding, there was no way she could do anything in preparation here. Might as well read something. Nothing on magic, she'd just get the itch to try something. Maybe some archeology textbooks, it had been a while since she had dusted off those skills. Just as long as she remembered to actually read the files Doctor O'Brien sent her.

In the five years they've known each other, Anthony Green's very rarely seen- or heard- Sam caught completely, utterly off-guard and surprised. "That's... huge. Damm, I can get why they want to keep this quiet. And that- huh. Offworld, huh? Only place I can think of that flat-out doesn't have a manasphere, although I'll admit I've never been that focused on magical theory."

She paused. "Thanks, Anthony. Gives me a much clearer picture of what I'm dealing with. Say hi to Sarah for me, and I'll see you all next time I'm back in Detroit."

After signing off, she paused as she looked out over the balcony towards the desert sands in the distance, now significantly more thoughtful. Magic outside a manasphere, huh. That was...

Miriam sighed as she drove to the meeting. She wouldn't be as early as she wanted to be (God Ares were assholes about promptness,) but she'd had to make sure everything was good with Hill and Junior, as well as packing enough armor and heat to blend in the other runners, (or not, since her suit, under layer and snake socks were more than enough for Colorado Springs,) even if she hadn't been on a run since she got into graduate school, almost twenty years ago.

But she'd gotten sacked from a cushy ITQ job after the divorce (not that anyone had remembered to revoke her clearance,) and that meant she had to find new work. The whole paid lunch and travel bit was nice, and Colorado Springs was a nice change of pace from fucking Quebec.

Now if only she could place where the hell she knew Hadrian from.
Hitomi tossed her briefcase and duffel down on the bed and cracked her neck before looking around. Nice digs, probably bigger than the apartment she and Vinnie split back in Hartford and lacking the pervasive odors of lubricant and ozone. She'd debated seeing if she could pull a fast one and downgrade everything they'd given her to pocket the difference but she was glad she hadn't. Nice things once in a while were alright.

Her civvies hit the floor as she made for the bathroom to shit, shower, and clean her at the moment, but maybe back to a more natural blue for the evening? Yeah, military and corporate types having a nice sit down in a swanky joint, this wasn't going to be your usual back-alley hand-off with a list of names or addresses. As the water came down she dragged her nails down her neck from the jawline where the ink started and out across her shoulders, washing the grime away.

High collar too.

Cleaner than she'd been in months Hitomi threw her coat on, checked her Ranger in its holster and her katana at her hip before heading out. By the time she was in the lift down she had a call in to Osamu-san, an old logistics officer, retired now but keeping his hand in with dealing surplus, refurbished equipment and the odd crate that fell off a truck in the barrens. A quick throat clear got her mic hot.

"Hey, old-timer, got anything else on this gig I mentioned? They've got me set up nice, fancy hotel, restaurant with stars, the whole nine-yards. Please tell me you've heard anything? Ares and UCAS airforce paying my ride all the way to the boonies makes me twitchy. Too out in the open and expensive to be some black-site transpo or covert op so what? Test-pilot? They got some new bird in the works?"

Her subvocal Japanese was clipped and snappy for all its chattiness, and her head was on a swivel as she crossed the lobby and hailed a cab. Might as well take in the town a little, stop in at a watering hole, see where it took her. Eight hours was plenty of time to get in to trouble.​
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OOC: since I got the amount of time left wrong, also please ignore the d8s.
Now if only she could place where the hell she knew Hadrian from.
Miriam picked up her comm link, and called her ex-husband Hillstrand.

As soon as he picked up, she asked "Hey, Hill, one last thing before lunch: do you know anything about John Hadrian III? I'm supposed to be meeting him and some UCAS Officer for lunch, and the name sounds familiar. You ever deal with him?"
NothingNow threw 3 8-faced dice. Reason: Contact:Hill Total: 12
3 3 5 5 4 4
NothingNow threw 9 6-faced dice. Reason: Contact hill Total: 37
5 5 3 3 5 5 4 4 5 5 6 6 5 5 2 2 2 2
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"Hey, old-timer, got anything else on this gig I mentioned? They've got me set up nice, fancy hotel, restaurant with stars, the whole nine-yards. Please tell me you've heard anything? Ares and UCAS airforce paying my ride all the way to the boonies makes me twitchy. Too out in the open and expensive to be some black-site transpo or covert op so what? Test-pilot? They got some new bird in the works?"

Her subvocal Japanese was clipped and snappy for all its chattiness, and her head was on a swivel as she crossed the lobby and hailed a cab. Might as well take in the town a little, stop in at a watering hole, see where it took her. Eight hours was plenty of time to get in to trouble.​

"Ah, well, they're certainly keeping that one close to their chest. But they have been smuggling an awfully large ammount of weapons and milspec gear into Denver, and promptly disappearing them. Including a whole bunch of Evo's armoured spacesuits, for some reason. If they're up to something like that, it probably has something to do with whatever they want from you." Osamu replied.

Later on, as you hail a cab from your comlink, a Knight-Errant officer walks over to you. He's lightly armed and armoured - only a single light pistol and a reinforced duty uniform. He does have some chrome though - his left arm is shiny and silver.

"Ma'am, I'm going to have to check your license for that weapon - okay, my apologies. Be on your way, citizen." He said, before moving off.
"Ah, well, they're certainly keeping that one close to their chest. But they have been smuggling an awfully large ammount of weapons and milspec gear into Denver, and promptly disappearing them. Including a whole bunch of Evo's armoured spacesuits, for some reason. If they're up to something like that, it probably has something to do with whatever they want from you." Osamu replied.

"Spacesuits and heavy gear? Thanks, this is a weird one all right."

She killed the call and laughed. Granted she'd certified for suborbital back in the day, it was a skillset she'd never really put in to action. Rumor had been the brass wanted to go after Fuchi on orbit until someone pointed out what a stupid idea that was and they quietly stopped the zero gee training. Were Ares and the UCAS planning on war on the Moon, station takedowns? This seemed like some cheesy trideo stuff.

"Ma'am, I'm going to have to check your license for that weapon - okay, my apologies. Be on your

Buzz, buzz, buzz go the busy little bees.

Hitomi held back a snort until the officer was off and she was safely away in the cab. She really needed a better ID. Suzy Q was getting a bit worn out, not to mention picking a name with a girlfriend in the middle of a bender was a shitty idea. Still, no use crying over wasted yen or breakups.

"So, I'm looking for a bar, anywhere in town the air force boys like to relax?"

She'd splurged for a manual, you didn't get that full on crazy-person experience with an autocab and also missed out on the HUMINT angles.

"Oh, and take your time, I don't mind the scenic route as long as I get a receipt."
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"This is Mason. Leave a message, I'll get back to you if you're worth talking to."

Hamid gazed at the AR feed with no small amount of annoyance. He understood that Mason, presumably, had things to do with his life besides fielding Hamid's questions, but he found the fact spectacularly annoying. "This is Hamid," he said, "Have a gig from a John Hadrian 3. Very hush hush. Might be out for a while. Need anything you can give me on Hadrian and UCAS or Ares projects in Colorado Springs. Standard rates, if it's hard to get at.

While you're at it, call Yahyah for me. Tell me if he knows anything about the local magical community."

He set his Trodes down on the bedside table and sat down on the bed. It was soft, comfortable, some sort of upscale memory foam. Not quite as nice as his place in Seattle, but if he took the job he'd move somewhere more permanent, and if he didn't he'd be on his way back home in a day or two anyways. He took a long sip of Chai, real stuff, not the soycaf they sold everywhere nowadays, closed his eyes, and entered the Astral.

He didn't know much about Colorado Springs. Hadn't been here before, and hadn't bothered to purchase information on the droning masses or their make-up on the way in. He'd need to make up for that now. He drifted out of his body, and the hotel, viewing Colorado Springs from the safety of the Astral Plane. Then he began his rounds. The meeting place first, check for mages, spirits, and similar things of interest. Then the hotels, his and a few other high class ones, the most likely spot for a worthy mage to be hanging around in, after all. Finally, a quick pass of the town. Make sure that there wasn't some sort of astral beacon or titanic surge of magic that he was missing.

Hamid leaves the hotel looking like some Indian corporate heir. He's wearing armored clothing, of course, but fashionable armored clothing. A Sleeping Tiger cut as a red, patterned sherwani with a turban and khameez. He hadn't bothered to bring his gun or overcoat, his magical abilities would suffice if something went wrong. His focus, a wooden token with sufi prayers hand-carved into it, had its aura masked as an unimportant bit of wood, his own aura wasn't, of course. He didn't really see the point.

He drove himself to the meet. The Shin-Hyung wasn't optimal, his Concordat had gotten wrecked during a run some months ago, but it was good enough. He could park it a block away a good half hour before the meet, make sure he had his fake SIN and licenses ready to go, check to see if Mason had gotten back to him, and head inside in style.​
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After thinking for a while, Sam sets off, making her way downstairs. She had some time before the meeting and under other circumstances she might have scouted out the meeting place... but as much as she trusted any employer, she trusted Ares- a trust built up over the past five years. Same reason she didn't plan to take weapons into the meeting. as she headed down to the garage of the hotel. Wearing armoured clothing, yes- a Berwick Suit, tailored to be a fashionable suit while still being comfortable, and an Argentum coat, shifting slightly in the breeze, with her pistols at her sides for the trip over.

Hopping on her Suzuki, she started to make her way towards the meeting place- although still keeping a half-eye out for a bar. She had plenty of time, after all...
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OOC: since I got the amount of time left wrong, also please ignore the d8s.

Miriam picked up her comm link, and called her ex-husband Hillstrand.

As soon as he picked up, she asked "Hey, Hill, one last thing before lunch: do you know anything about John Hadrian III? I'm supposed to be meeting him and some UCAS Officer for lunch, and the name sounds familiar. You ever deal with him?"
"Hadrian? Chummer's the top dog of Ares' "special projects" division. He's ultimately in charge of all their shadowrunner-related stuff."
Hopping on her Suzuki, she started to make her way towards the meeting place- although still keeping a half-eye out for a bar. She had plenty of time, after all...
You do drive past one interesting place - a local bar that looks kinda dingy from the outside. You'd have driven past, if you hadn't noticed an elf in far too nice a suit and a not so subtly concealed machine pistol walk in. Berwick suit, dingy bar and a Steyr TMP? This place could only be one thing - a Shadowrunner bar.
"So, I'm looking for a bar, anywhere in town the air force boys like to relax?"
The cab driver takes on look at you, holstered weapons and all, and decides where to point you at.

"There is this one place, chummer, that I think you'll like. Called the Nocturn. Supposed to be pretty crazy, but you gotta be the real deal to get in."
The cab driver takes on look at you, holstered weapons and all, and decides where to point you at.

"There is this one place, chummer, that I think you'll like. Called the Nocturn. Supposed to be pretty crazy, but you gotta be the real deal to get in."

Hitomi raised her eyebrows, "Pretty crazy huh? Let's head thataway then."

If she couldn't pull off 'real deal' for some Free Zone bouncer her days in this business were numbered. Just had to make sure to keep the threads clean and not get her face too messed up if things went south.
You do drive past one interesting place - a local bar that looks kinda dingy from the outside. You'd have driven past, if you hadn't noticed an elf in far too nice a suit and a not so subtly concealed machine pistol walk in. Berwick suit, dingy bar and a Steyr TMP? This place could only be one thing - a Shadowrunner bar.

Jumping off her bike as she pulls it to a stop, Sam looks around as she walks up towards the entrance, her own pistols at her side. Pushing down her sunglasses slightly to reveal her amber eyes, she looked around the bar, taking in the sights.
He didn't know much about Colorado Springs. Hadn't been here before, and hadn't bothered to purchase information on the droning masses or their make-up on the way in. He'd need to make up for that now. He drifted out of his body, and the hotel, viewing Colorado Springs from the safety of the Astral Plane. Then he began his rounds. The meeting place first, check for mages, spirits, and similar things of interest. Then the hotels, his and a few other high class ones, the most likely spot for a worthy mage to be hanging around in, after all. Finally, a quick pass of the town. Make sure that there wasn't some sort of astral beacon or titanic surge of magic that he was missing.

You fly at the speed of thought, your Astral Form unhindered by mere muscular power. The meeting place is almost deserted - they don't open for lunch - but you can see the staff. None of them are awakened. Two people, both mundane, sit in the restaurant's large private room. Outside the door stand a pair of Adepts, their Qi Foci obvious to your astral senses. You look around further, but you haven't seen anyone else of note. As you move through the Astral, you see mana barriers by the dozen and more auras than you could possibly count, but that is simply city life in the Sixth World. Sleepy Colorado springs was nothing compared to many of the vities you'd traveled too.

Arriving back at your hotel, you notice only one more aura of note - quite a powerful mage, if you're not mistaken. You flit away, unnoticed by the mage, and commit her aura to memory. You spot another mage and an Adept in nearby hotels, as well as a few less powerful magicians here and there. A few rooms had mana barriers up, and security spirits stood guard over almost all of the hotels; though they didn't bother you. Nothing else in the town seemed remarkable from a quick Astral-once over, save for Cheyenne Mountain in the distance. That was almost immediately noticeable - a nexus of power, slow moving but vast in scale.

He drove himself to the meet. The Shin-Hyung wasn't optimal, his Concordat had gotten wrecked during a run some months ago, but it was good enough. He could park it a block away a good half hour before the meet, make sure he had his fake SIN and licenses ready to go, check to see if Mason had gotten back to him, and head inside in style.​

As you check your comlink, you find a message from Mason and one from Yahyah. Mason's is direct and to the point - John Hadrian III is the Vice President of Special Projects Metahuman Resources, corp slang for their stable of Mr. Johnsons. He usually has one of his flunkies handle actually selecting runners and paying them and such - it's rare for him to make an offer in person. He knows that the UCAS and Ares are up to something in Colorado Springs, but he hasn't got the time, the influence, or the nuyen to find out.

Yahyah, however, does know a little more. He's been talking to several of his colleagues out there about something that's been going on for a while. A large number of powerful mages have been moved through there by both Ares and the UCAS military - most of them Security or War Mages, but a few researchers of note. There's also, of course, the conflux of magical energy around what used to be NORAD; which started just after the UCAS purchased it from the Pueblo Corporate Council.
Stupid jetlag. Well, or one of her mods acting up again. Or just plain stress. Either way, there was no way Theresa could get any sleep. And of course this was a hotel room, with no real magical security, nevermind an isolation chamber or any occult grounding, there was no way she could do anything in preparation here. Might as well read something. Nothing on magic, she'd just get the itch to try something. Maybe some archeology textbooks, it had been a while since she had dusted off those skills. Just as long as she remembered to actually read the files Doctor O'Brien sent her.
The files contained numerous separate documents, all of them dated and annotated. The first talked about the purchase of the mountain complex that had once served as the location of NORAD, Cheyenne Mountain, by the UCAS. This seems somewhat puzzling at first, until the annotations talk about the conflux of magical energy that sprung up almost as soon as the UCAS moved in. There was also the message from Ares that had gotten you the job in the first place, simply mentioning that your particular talents would prove useful for some operation of theirs; and that they were willing to pay a rather large sum to secure them. There were also local matrix posts about large numbers of Mages arriving and going somewhere in town, and coming back out into it occasionally, but no one could account for them during several weeks.
This all looked oddly straightforward, from Hamid's eyes.

Two people in the private room, with Adept guards armed with Qi Foci. Representatives, one probably US Gov't, the other Ares. He doubted that Hadrian was a mundie, it could be a proxy, or it could simply be that he hadn't gotten close enough to see his Augs. A Corp that high up could probably afford betaware or better, after all. They were prepping the room well ahead of time, which meant that they needed to communicate with each other before the Shadowrunners could feasibly eavesdrop for some reason. Perhaps preparation, perhaps not.

Then the job itself. The influx of mages, the knowledge that UCAS and Ares are working on something here, and the presence of the enormous aura around Cheyenne meant that he was here to deal with something involving Cheyenne, in all likelyhood. Which meant that he could assume that whatever other runners were being brought in would also be here to deal with the Thing in the Mountain (Provisional name: Smaug, he decided). Likely mages, too, not yet moved to more permanent housing. Which made the auras he'd detected in the hotels likely candidates. He'd have to keep an eye out for them before the meeting.

So the big mystery remained...what in the name of God is in Cheyenne Mountain? Something mana-hungry, possibly dragon level work, but controlled. Certainly nothing that he'd seen before.

He resolved to find a local mosque, and think about the possibilities over Dhuhr.
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"Hadrian? Chummer's the top dog of Ares' "special projects" division. He's ultimately in charge of all their shadowrunner-related stuff."
"Huh," Miriam replied, "I guess this is a lot higher up the food chain than I thought. Now I'm really interested. Thanks Hill. I'll tell you when I've got an estimate of when I'll be back in town."
The meet is located at a place called Takuri's, a Japanese restaurant pricy enough to empty the virtual wallets of anyone who didn't earn hundreds of thousands of nuyen a year. Luckily, it also had something of a reputation with Denver's shadow community - as Sam and Hitomi would have learnt at the bar, it was the restaurant of choice for corporate Mr. Johnsons. Featuring mana barriers, jammers and other privacy tech; it was easy to see why. It was located in the highest security zone Colorado Springs had, save for one AAA gated community.

Here, away from the urban sprawl and dilapidated infrastructure, the benefactors of the Sixth World's power structure went to entertain themselves. Knight-Errant officers, their uniforms crisp and new, patrolled the streets. Nobody who looked like they didn't belong was tolerated - being here and not one of 'them' would get you a beating at best. Strangely enough, they paid no attention to you when you arrive. Not even Hitomi's katana merited a response. Orders from on high, no doubt.

A man wearing a suit stood just inside the entrance to the restaurant, obviously waiting to show customers to their tables.
Arriving at Takuri's, Sam looked up at the building- and then as she made her way towards the door, she looked around, checking for the other people who might be there for the meet...
Hamid does not particularly bother trying to disguise himself as a random passerby as he is a six foot tall man in flashy, expensive clothes with blue skin and, literally, four arms. Instead, he floats leisurely towards the restaurant, some seven or eight centimeters above the ground. He waves with one of his bottom hands as he spots Sam, recognizes her aura, and promptly diverts to approach.

He touches down about a meter from her and extends a hand. "Muhammad Khan," he says, "I think we're both here for a business meeting?"
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Sam smiles, taking the offered hand and shaking it. "Samantha Lawson. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Looking him over, she grins slightly. "I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess you're the mage they're scouting for the team, then?"

Slipping her sunglasses off, she smiles. "In any case, looking forwards to working together with you, Muhammad Khan."
Hitomi stepped out of her cab and sauntered up to the door, letting a mask-like serenity settle over her face as she stepped inside. Pretty average for an elf at five-eleven she was boosted another three inches by her heeled black boots to hit a full six-two. She'd split the difference on the eyes, opting for an electric blue that washed out the rest of her pale features and made the hot pink of her lips and high-necked bolero jacket pop. The rest of the outfit was the standard inky black, from her sausage-casing pants, to the blouse that pulled tight across her chest and shoulders to aid in demonstrating that a) she could break you, and b) plastic surgery had nothing on elven genetics. Forever twenty-one baby...

She suppressed a smirk, no time for that now. There were two others already chit chatting in addition to the maître d', who Hitomi was content to ignore for the time being. She approached the odd couple and bowed. "Party of three then, and an interesting looking line-up to boot. You can call me Suzy," she said, straightening up and eyeing Sam. "Telegit thelemsa."
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Sam's composure actually cracks a little as she hears the elven, her expression becoming... sad, almost. "I... apologise, but... I don't actually know Sperethiel."

She pauses. "Still, it's a pleasure to meet you, Suzy."