Starcraft Quest

What story should I work on?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
[X] Forge, 150 minerals. Takes 1 turn to build.
[X] Probe, 50 minerals, 1 supply. Takes 1/4 turns to build. X 11

Lets build eleven probes. Starting up a good resource economy is always important.
[X] Forge, 150 minerals. Takes 1 turn to build.
[X] Probe, 50 minerals, 1 supply. Takes 1/4 turns to build. X 11

Lets build eleven probes. Starting up a good resource economy is always important.

Don't forget to build some Pylon.

[X] Forge, 150 minerals. Takes 1 turn to build.
[X] Probe, 50 minerals, 1 supply. Takes 1/4 turns to build. X 11
[X] Pylon, 100 minerals, provides 8 supply. Takes 1 turn to build. X 2
[X] Send a probe to scout north.
[X]Zealot, 100 minerals, 2 supply. Takes 1 turn to build.
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AN: I'm afraid that time marches on in this quest whether I have many votes or a few. So onwards!

[X] Forge, 150 minerals. Takes 1 turn to build.
[X] Probe, 50 minerals, 1 supply. Takes 1/4 turns to build. X 11

You deliberate on what to do long and carefully. Finally, you call a meeting for your lieutenants to help decide.

Exhos walks up to me. "We need an army to defend ourselves! This should be our first priority."

"No, we should build a strong economy" Isras interjects.

"I see your points, and I have decided on what to do" you state, making your decision.

You decide to build a forge and 11 probes. This costs 700 minerals, however due to your probes harvesting minerals you now have 975, 360 of which is from your newly made probes. Your probe harvesting vespene has also gained you 80 vespene gas.

"Executor, you do not have enough supply to make that many probes. You need to build more pylons." Isras informed you.

"Indeed, I was aware of that Lieutenant. I am simply queueing them for later on."

Plan Voting:
[] Nexus, 400 minerals, provides 10 supply. Takes 2 turns to build. Does not require power.
- [] Where?
[] Pylon, 100 minerals, provides 8 supply. Takes 1 turn to build. Supplies power.
- [] Where?
[] Assimilator, 75 minerals. Takes 1 turn to build. Does not require power.
- [] Where?
[] Gateway, 150 minerals. Takes 1 turn to build.
[] Forge, 150 minerals. Takes 1 turn to build.
[] Cybernetics Core, 150 minerals. Takes 2 turns to build.
[] Photon Cannon, 150 minerals. Takes 1 turn to build.
- [] Where?
[] Probe, 50 minerals, 1 supply. Takes 1/4 turns to build.
[] Zealot, 100 minerals, 2 supply. Takes 1 turn to build.
[] Send a probe to scout
- [] Which direction?
- [] How far? (How many turns?)
[] Broadcast a request of help. (Note: This will not reach Aiur, and Terrans may intercept it.)
[] Write in
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[X] Pylon 4
- [x] Where
--[x] One north east of our eastern mineral field, One north west of our western field, one south east of our eastern mineral field and one south west of our western field.
[X] Pylon 4
- [x] Where
--[x] One north east of our eastern mineral field, One north west of our western field, one south east of our eastern mineral field and one south west of our western field.
[X] Photon Cannon 2
-[X] by the nexus covering the probes
[X] Pylon 4
- [x] Where
--[x] One north east of our eastern mineral field, One north west of our western field, one south east of our eastern mineral field and one south west of our western field.
[X] Photon Cannon 2
-[X] by the nexus covering the probes
Right now there are approximately 50 mineral clusters there, 1500 minerals each. For reference, each pixel in the image is 100 minerals. However, since it is a circle you can only reach about 10 of those at a time, so you currently can have a maximum of 30 probes harvesting the east minerals.
[X] Pylon 4
- [x] Where
--[x] One north east of our eastern mineral field, One north west of our western field, one south east of our eastern mineral field and one south west of our western field.
[X] Photon Cannon 2
-[X] by the nexus covering the probes
[X] Zealot, 100 minerals, 2 supply. Takes 1 turn to build. 2
[X] Send a probe to scout
- [X] North
- [X] 1 turn

Guys why are we not scouting?
[X] Pylon 4
- [x] Where
--[x] One north east of our eastern mineral field, One north west of our western field, one south east of our eastern mineral field and one south west of our western field.
[X] Photon Cannon 2
-[X] by the nexus covering the probes

You decide your first priority should be creating a power field over your base and defending your probes, so you do so. This costs 700 minerals, while your probes harvest 1320 minerals and 80 vespene gas. Your 5 probes were still queued, however you now have enough supply that they will be finished next turn.

With the Photon Cannons in place, your probes are defended against an air assault, but your front door is practically wide open. You can't help but wonder what might be out there, in the barren wastelands of this world...

Plan Voting:
[] Nexus, 400 minerals, provides 10 supply. Takes 2 turns to build. Does not require power.
- [] Where?
[] Pylon, 100 minerals, provides 8 supply. Takes 1 turn to build. Supplies power.
- [] Where?
[] Assimilator, 75 minerals. Takes 1 turn to build. Does not require power.
- [] Where?
[] Gateway, 150 minerals. Takes 1 turn to build.
[] Forge, 150 minerals. Takes 1 turn to build.
[] Cybernetics Core, 150 minerals. Takes 2 turns to build.
[] Photon Cannon, 150 minerals. Takes 1 turn to build.
- [] Where?
[] Probe, 50 minerals, 1 supply. Takes 1/4 turns to build.
[] Zealot, 100 minerals, 2 supply. Takes 1 turn to build.
[] Ground Weapons, 100 minerals, 100 vespene. 2 turns.
[] Ground Armor, 100 minerals, 100 vespene. 2 turns.
[] Shields, 150 minerals, 150 vespene. 2 turns.
[] Send a probe to scout
- [] Which direction?
- [] How far? (How many turns?)
[] Broadcast a request of help. (Note: This will not reach Aiur, and Terrans may intercept it.)
[] Write in
Adhoc vote count started by GilcuruLend on Jul 31, 2017 at 10:50 AM, finished with 43 posts and 1 votes.

  • [X] Pylon, 3 queue more
    - [X] 1 nw of nexus, 1 sw of nexus, 1 by vespene geyser
    [X] Photon Cannon, 2
    - [X] 1 by pylon of nw and sw of western mineral field
    [X] Gateway, 150 minerals. Takes 1 turn to build.
    -[X] by gateway
    [X] Cybernetics Core, 150 minerals. Takes 2 turns to build.
    -[X] next to nexus close to mineral field to cover side
    [X] Probe, 3
    [X] Zealot, 1
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[X] Pylon, 3 queue more
- [X] 1 nw of nexus, 1 sw of nexus, 1 by vespene geyser
[X] Photon Cannon, 2
- [X] 1 by pylon of nw and sw of western mineral field
[X] Gateway, 150 minerals. Takes 1 turn to build.
-[X] by gateway
[X] Cybernetics Core, 150 minerals. Takes 2 turns to build.
-[X] next to nexus close to mineral field to cover side
[X] Probe, 3
[X] Zealot, 1
[X] Send a probe to scout x3
- [X] Which direction? North, south, east
- [X] How far? (How many turns?) One
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[X] Pylon, 3 queue more
- [X] 1 nw of nexus, 1 sw of nexus, 1 by vespene geyser
[X] Photon Cannon, 2
- [X] 1 by pylon of nw and sw of western mineral field
[X] Gateway, 150 minerals. Takes 1 turn to build.
-[X] by gateway
[X] Cybernetics Core, 150 minerals. Takes 2 turns to build.
-[X] next to nexus close to mineral field to cover side
[X] Probe, 3
[X] Zealot, 1
[X] Send a probe to scout
- [X] Which direction? North
- [X] How far? (How many turns?) One

Guys let scout, even the gm is hinting at it in the update.
Interlude A
You are Executor Khux. You were one of those under the control of Amon during the End War. You were lucky enough to avoid the fate of those on carriers. You've seen some of them; crystals jutting out of their bodies from the influence of the void. All those carriers had to be destroyed, and their crew weren't able to go back to their lives.

You stayed on Aiur for the years after that, working to rebuild it from the long devastation. You made friends with Exhos, a who left the Tal'darim and joined the Daelaam because he was interested in a culture not based upon violence and death. Eventually, you two made plans for an exploratory mission on a planet that you think might have a hidden Xel'naga temple on it.

That is when Artanis received the message that had him taking the fleet to fight Amon and finish the End War. You and Exhos went to fight alongside Artanis during it, however, your carrier was destroyed in the fighting and you were injured. You both survived, however, and lived to see the death of Amon.

Afterwards, it was hard to get much support for your mission. It took four years to finally get a new carrier modified to be more useful in exploring and a new crew of over 3000. Isras joined leading a small crew of Dark Templar researchers who had interest in another potential temple, becoming in a position of command.

You finally had set off on your mission. Then, as you neared your target, Zerg flyers came out of seemingly no where and attacked, forcing you to crash land on the planet. It has been a few days, and now you meet with Exhos and Isras to decide what you must do next.

"You know, I was worried we might not be able to do any glorious battle, but it appears I was wrong. This is a most excellent development. Friend Khux, don't you agree?" Exhos excitedly stated.

"We are on a ship built for researching the Xel'naga, not a warship" Isras retorted. "Being attacked by the Zerg is very unfortunate indeed."

"We are having to manufacture most of our weapons in this ship. It is lucky that we landed near so many minerals. I just worry whatever is out there will not wait for us" you reply to both of them.

"Let's get some fresh air outside." You walk outside the ship and the others follow. You stand at the southern part of the plateau looking out into the distant wastelands.

"Finally! Glorious battle!" you hear, as you hear psi blades turn on. Alarmed, you turn around to see Exhos with his warp blades active, when he lunges to the side, killing a changeling that was about to infiltrate the base.

"The Zerg are already here? We must step up our preparations" you command. "This meeting is now over. We should check around to see if any other changelings might have snuck in."

You three split up. As you walk up to the gateway, you see a zealot standing guard. "Have you seen anyone looking suspicious around lately? There may be changelings around" you ask.

"No, of course not." You walk away to the carrier, when you remember that you have yet to order any zealots to be guarding there. You rush back, but are intercepted by Isras.

"Hey, have you found anything yet? I think we should cut the search off, it seems that was the only one." She starts walking towards you. You thought you remembers her going east -

You activate your Psi Shields just as her hand turns to bone and stabs you. You activate your Psi Blades and attempt to stab it, however it dodges and runs away.

"After it! It's a changing!" you yell.

It's hands turn back to normal and yells, "No, that's the changeling! Templar, kill it!"

You wish you could have the Khala now, it would make this much simpler. Instead you simply charge, channeling Psionic energy to run faster than it, killing it.

This was a wake up call, and you know you will be more careful in the future.
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