Starblazers: Journey Home (Space Battleship Yamato 2199 RP)

HMAS Australia
Ship: HMAS Australia

Main guns- 4x3 50-cm Shock cannons
12x 4 AA pulse lasers
12x torpedo tubes

Advantages- firepower and speed
weakness- fragility, no fighters, light AA

Commander: captain Benjamin Braddock, a veteran of practically every skirmish and battle against the Gamilas.
CNS Kearsarge
Ship Profile Post

CNS Kearsarge, American-built Murasame-type cruiser.

Hull Number: CAS-482

Length: 162 meters

Power: Ersatz Wave Motion Core

* Refractory-metal armor
* Prototype Wave Motion Shield

* Three turret-mounted dual 20cm Shock Cannons
* Spinal-mount 28cm Shock Cannon
* Two fixed-forward 20cm Shock Cannons
* 4 torpedo tubes
* Laser point defense grid

* CMDR Lori Al'Azar, American-born of mixed Scots, Vietnamese, and Iranian descent, originally slated for Tactical Officer on the Arizona but was promoted to command of the Kearsarge when her previous captain and XO were killed in action against a Gamilon raid.

* Veteran Crew
* Enhanced sensors

* Tetchy Tech-Graft - Integration of two tech bases is not as perfect as could be hoped, and some of the more advanced systems can pick inconvenient times to behave oddly.
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NPC Task Force Vessels

America's contender for the Iskandarian Wave Motion Core, it lost out due to comparatively inferior armament. Now equipped with a human-made Wave Motion engine, the lower power output means the ship performs far below the intended specs. However, it is crewed with Cosmo Navy veterans and possess a small Wave Motion Gun, which can guarantee one-hit kills on most ships of similar tonnage.

Primary Advantage: Tactical Wave Motion Gun

Primary Disadvantage: Slow acceleration and maneuverability

Command: Captain Benjamin Archer, a veteran of the Gamilon War. Known for his no-nonsense attitude and conservative combat style, he'll often shield wounded or more fragile allied vessels with his own.

The Tengri Tagh is the center of operations for the fleet. Supplied by the People's Republic of China and crewed by idealistic young officers. It is one of the weakest ships in the fleet, yet houses the most equipment and has the largest crew, allowing it to effect field repairs and mount planetary assaults.

Primary Advantage: Powerful Electronic Warfare Suite, Multirole

Primary Disadvantage: Weak firepower

Fleet Command: Admiral Olivia Tremblay, a Canadian Cosmo Navy Admiral who often trusts those under her command to rely on their own judgement during combat. She's fairly hands-off and hardly speaks to anyone not directly under her command. Often delegates to Captain Fang Hua
Command: Captain Fang Hua is not well known for taking risks with her own life or assets, and becomes quickly irritated if a situation turns against her. Prefers to be in a position of overwhelming firepower and dislikes textbook strategies.

The Langley is a converted old Cruiser crewed by cadets from the United States. While she is refit to achieve Warp navigation, her other systems are aging and she is neither capable of appreciable offense or defense without her fighters, which sport modern weaponry. Her sole weapons, two Amplified Light Beam Turrets, are incapable of dealing significant damage to Gamilon vessels. Unlike the other plane-carrying ships in the fleet, however, she is capable of quickly launching her squadron and retains her speed and agility from her days as a Cruiser.

Primary Advantage: Fast Launch, High Maneuverability

Primary Disadvantage: Outdated Specs

Command: Captain Francis Bradley was a flight instructor on Earth, and often sees things in terms of the "greater good". He has a chip on his shoulder at being put in command of what he sees as a flying deathtrap.

The Akagi was the name ship of a new class of fast high speed battleships that stalled when design oversights resulted in a ship that demanded more power than modern powerplants could provide. With a refit Wave Motion Core, she was finally able to operate at minimal capacity. Unlike the smaller similarly-shaped Ashitaka, the Akagi suffers from power distribution issues that result in either optimal performance in one ship system at the cost of all else, or lackluster performance from all ship systems.

Primary Advantage: Impressive straight-line acceleration

Primary Disadvantage: Power distribution issues

Command: Captain Shirou Kusanagi is an officer on the "fast track" known for her expert command of Cruisers in hit-and-run attacks. Applied to battleships, her command style becomes a reckless clusterfuck that matches well with her bravado and devil-may-care attitude. While an excellent pilot herself, she displays a somewhat concerning lack of engineering knowledge.

A prototype designed to counter the comparative uselessness of large ships against the Gamilon invasion, the Abukuma was designed with significant frontal firepower and high speed and maneuverability. However, only with her new Wave Motion engine can she effectively use her frontal Positron Shock Cannons. She has retained her Amplified Light Beam turrets, and as such is mostly useless to targets that can evade her forward firing arc.

Primary Advantage: High maneuverability and speed for a Cruiser

Primary Disadvantage: Fragility and lack of useful firing arcs

Command: Lieutenant-Commander Kimiko Kobayashi was the former helmsman of Captain Kusanagi, and it is due to this familiarity with Kusanagi's tactics that her new command is on permanent assignment as Akagi's escort. While exasperated often with Captain Kusanagi, LtCmdr. Kobayashi often expresses admiration of what she sees as bravery.

The Hagi was ordered by Russia and built by the Japanese Cosmo Navy shipyards. Out of respect for the Japanese fleet that sacrificed themselves off Pluto, Admiral Okita was allowed to name her. The Hagi is unique in that she possesses no directed energy weapons whatsoever. All of her weapons are missiles and railgun munitions. While this does mean that she suffers from no power issues and enjoys great maneuverability and speed for her size, her staying power in a protracted battle is greatly diminished. Her effective combat range is also reduced. However, she possesses a prototype deflective coating and armory alloy that diminishes the damage dealt to her armor, based off of modifications made to the Kirishima, and later the Yamato. Numerous automated and redundant backup systems mean that the Hagi is almost incapable of suffering a single incapacitating blow.

Primary Advantage: Survivability

Primary Disadvantage: Short combat range, only KEWs

Command: Captain Boris Sokolov is an absolute tank of a man, imposing and intimidating in person. He speaks in a deep baritone, and his command style is often spoken of as an "unstoppable force". In private, however, he is soft-spoken and harbors many a phobia. He often expresses exasperation and disbelief (in private) at his state in life, when he had aimed for a comfortable office job behind the front lines. He knits in his spare time.
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EDF Archerfish
CNS Archerfish, Kamchatca-class stealth destroyer.

Hull Number: DDS-03

Length: 100m

14 standard torpedo tubes
10 horizontal missile tubes
18 vertical missile tubes
64 micro-missile tubes
2 light point-defense lasers

Refractory-metal armor

Commander: Captain Julian Guntle. Has wanted to captain destroyers his whole career, and has a habit of pulling improvisational stunts and using ship systems the way they're not supposed to be. Lost his first command in one of the initial skirmishes with the Gamilons and was assigned the Archerfish just before the Battle of Pluto.

Bridge Crew:
Lily Dorne, Weapons Officer
Alexi Andropov, Chief Engineer
Buford Hadrus, Sensor Operator
Wert Lysle, Navigator
Polini Orcastan, XO/Science Officer

Advantages: Small, fast, well-armed for a ship of its size, tactical cloak.
Weaknesses: Stealth is unreliable and time-limited, weak armor and point defense, no non-guided weapons.
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...I don't suppose this is accepting any new players?

If I'm right, we're still waiting on one more person to write a sheet. I think I'll lock it at that, as player bloat is a very real RP-killing issue I've had in the past.
If anyone drops out, though, you can take their place.
@TheBleachDoctor I had a couple ideas for ships before the whole 'needs an image' thing became apparent.

One was that during the war a Russian commander went a little crazy and decides to try to take out Pluto base on his own, by diverting resources from Russia's wave motion project to convert a previous battleship that was under construction but canceled due to shortages into a big missile boat. He got caught when trying to acquire the missiles/Torpedos for the project, but after the Yamato's return, someone decided to refit it to help increase the post-war fleet's numbers short term. End result would be a ship kind of comparable to modern Kirov class, but in space. Great long range firepower, but limited ammo and little direct firepower aside from a single spinal mounted heavy Shock Cannon. Decent speed, but would go up like a tinderbox if any kind of serious firepower hit it.

Don't really know any good images for it though, do you have any particular sites or artists I can look up?
Sorry, I thought this was sticking closer to canon, what's our mission going to be again?
To be clear, you and @Synthesis are the people we're waiting on.
Our mission is to drive into Gamilon space and distract their forces in what is essentially a suicide mission, allowing the Yamato clear sailing all the way to Iskandar.
But something will go wrong and we'll end up in the Gamilon/Gatlantean war zone.
To be clear, you and @Synthesis are the people we're waiting on.
Our mission is to drive into Gamilon space and distract their forces in what is essentially a suicide mission, allowing the Yamato clear sailing all the way to Iskandar.
But something will go wrong and we'll end up in the Gamilon/Gatlantean war zone.
Heh heh, it sounds like our sacrifice will be at least partially rendered unintentionally pointless by the fact that the Yamato is literally heading directly into Gamilas space.

Anyway, yeah, I want to get something up tonight, ironically, I thought it would be a slog to find the right image for my concept, but I google 'light house mechanics' and one of the first images to come up is literally this:

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CNS Cosmonaut Toktar Ongarbayuly Aubakirov
Ah, new thread! Well, copy and paste go!

Okay, after overdue questions (like no interdimensional subs, hahah), I'm settled.

CNS Cosmonaut Toktar Ongarbayuly Aubakirov (KK Космонавт Токтар Онгарбаевич Аубакиров), formerly the CNS Ashitaka.

Affiliation: United Nations Cosmo Navy (Aerospace Forces of the Russian Federation and Eurasian Union)

Registry: TK-8808, formerly SBC-8808

Launched: Planned for 2194, Delayed for Refit in 2199

General Characteristics

Class: Fast Battlecruiser

Compliment: 710

Auxiliary Ships: Type 100 Reconnaissance Spacecraft (3 carried, launch from catapult in bow)


6 x 320 mm Double-Mount Positron Shock Cannons
1 x 320 mm Double-Mount General Purpose Beam Cannon/Ballistic Naval Gun
4 x Large Torpedo Tubes (forward facing)
2 x 7-tube missile launchers (port and starboard)
4 x 7-turret antiaircraft batteries (port and starboard)
Additional dorsal and ventral antiaircraft batteries

Defenses: Reinforce Titanium Armor

Propulsion: Wave Motion Engine Drive (Refit)

Mass: 5600 tonnes

Length: 282 m

Powerplant: Wave Motion Energy Reactor (Refit)

Background: Japanese shipbuilding concerns having completed more than 60% of the fast battlecruiser Ashitaka's hull, second of the Akagi-class hulls, upon awareness of severe crew shortages in the Japanese contingent within the Cosmo Navy (leading up to the Izumo and Yamato Plans) were approved to accept the joint offer from the Russian Federation and Eurasian Union to purchase the completed Ashitaka. Renamed after Kazakh Cosmonaut, test pilot and Hero of the Soviet Union Toktar Aubakirov, the Cosmonaut Aubakirov would have served as the flagship of the Eurasian Flotilla of the Earth Defense Fleet--with the later scrapping of the initial E.D.F. battle plan, it was volunteered by the Russo-Eurasian Aerospace Forces for a new mission. During its construction, the hull number '8808' was seen as lucky, and was retained in its new service.


CMDR: Captain, 2nd Class, Nikolay Abrahamovich Romanov (born in Birobidzhan, Jewish Autonomous Oblast), previously of Main Intelligence Agency of the General Staff, A.F.R.F..
XO: Major Kulan-Klang Erdene (Buryat Mongolian), previously pilot of Cosmo Navy Longe-Range Aviation (rank of Captain).
CMO: Major Konstantin Dmitrievich Novikov (Kazakh), previously Guards officer of Eurasian Union Army Motorized Rifles.


Good speed and acceleration, exceptional maneuverability for ship of its size (all those maneuvering thrusters). Excellent antiaircraft defense, particularly in mid-section. Good firepower for a cruiser. Very small target profile from head-on. Excellent long-range sensor arrays. Capable, modular design in excellent condition and upkeep. Young, energetic crew with a disproportionate number of talented musicians.


Virtually no offensive antiaircraft capability (except a single dorsal dual-purpose turret). Mediocre armor protection in mid and rear sections. Inferior firepower compared to battleships. Large target profile from side. No fighter compliment. Ventral-mounted sensor arrays vulnerable to attack. Inexperienced and untested crew, excluding a minority of Japanese crew members from its initial completion.

OK! That took way longer than it should've but was fun. I assumed the Wave Motion powerplants (and drive systems) were acceptable, though shields and guns were not--if that's not the case, I'll immediately modify that. And if anyone wants to take a stab at its crew size (relative to the Yamato or the Kirishima,etc.) please--I never remember those numbers, I just know they're smaller than you'd think (I guess you wouldn't have room for the sauna/smoking room/solarium otherwise).
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I assumed the Wave Motion powerplants (and drive systems) were acceptable, though shields and guns were not

As I understand it, Shock Cannons are OK, Wave Motion Guns are not. :)

I'm running a CA with a prototype shield generator (the test unit for the one that eventually went on Yamato), but it's a small ship with about half the guns of most of the rest of yas.

Probably have a few redshirt cruisers to fill out a squadron, and a Commodore on my flag bridge.
As I understand it, Shock Cannons are OK, Wave Motion Guns are not. :)

Indeed, I noticed the same--I'd be in quite a sorry state if mine was the only ship mounting beam cannons instead of positron weaponry. Though I like the idea of that one awkward rear turret actually being a "dual purpose" gun that can fire either positrons or conventional naval ammunition (like the Yamato itself)--for that "once in a lifetime" emergency. Maybe it can throw up some high-tech antiaircraft fragmentation/tracking shells, etc.

And of course, I got my totally unnecessary Macross Frontier cameo among my COs. :whistle::evil:
Hmm, has the guy who draws these ever said anything about people doing 3d models and miniatures of them? Because that would rock if he allowed it.
Ah, new thread! Well, copy and paste go!

Okay, after overdue questions (like no interdimensional subs, hahah), I'm settled.

CNS Cosmonaut Toktar Ongarbayuly Aubakirov (KK Космонавт Токтар Онгарбаевич Аубакиров), formerly the CNS Ashitaka.

Affiliation: United Nations Cosmo Navy (Aerospace Forces of the Russian Federation and Eurasian Union)

Registry: TK-8808, formerly SBC-8808

Launched: Planned for 2194, Delayed for Refit in 2199

General Characteristics

Class: Fast Battlecruiser

Auxiliary Ship: Type 100 Reconnaissance Spacecraft (3 carried, launch from catapult in bow)


6 x 320 mm Double-Mount Positron Shock Cannons
1 x 320 mm Double-Mount General Purpose Beam Cannon/Ballistic Naval Gun
4 x Large Torpedo Tubes (forward facing)
2 x 7-tube missile launchers (port and starboard)
4 x 7-turret antiaircraft batteries (port and starboard)
Additional dorsal and ventral antiaircraft batteries

Defenses: Reinforce Titanium Armor

Propulsion: Wave Motion Engine Drive (Refit)

Mass: 5600 tonnes

Length: 282 m

Powerplant: Wave Motion Energy Reactor (Refit)

Background: Japanese shipbuilding concerns having completed more than 60% of the fast battlecruiser Ashitaka's hull, second of the Akagi-class hulls, upon awareness of severe crew shortages in the Japanese contingent within the Cosmo Navy (leading up to the Izumo and Yamato Plans) were approved to accept the joint offer from the Russian Federation and Eurasian Union to purchase the completed Ashitaka. Renamed after Kazakh Cosmonaut, test pilot and Hero of the Soviet Union Toktar Aubakirov, the Aubakirov would have served as the flagship of the Eurasian Flotilla of the Earth Defense Fleet--with the later scrapping of the initial E.D.F. battle plan, it was volunteered by the Russo-Eurasian Aerospace Forces for a new mission. During its construction, the hull number '8808' was seen as lucky, and was retained in its new service.


CMDR: Captain, 2nd Class, Nikolay Abrahamovich Romanov (born in Birobidzhan, Jewish Autonomous Oblast), previously of Main Intelligence Agency of the General Staff, A.F.R.F..
XO: Major Kulan-Klang Erdene (Buryat Mongolian), previously pilot of Cosmo Navy Longe-Range Aviation (rank of Captain).
CMO: Major Konstantin Dmitrievich Novikov (Kazakh), previously Guards officer of Eurasian Union Army Motorized Rifles.


Good speed and acceleration, exceptional maneuverability for ship of its size (all those maneuvering thrusters). Excellent antiaircraft defense, particularly in mid-section. Good firepower for a cruiser. Very small target profile from head-on. Excellent long-range sensor arrays. Capable, modular design in excellent condition and upkeep.


Virtually no offensive antiaircraft capability (except a single dorsal dual-purpose turret). Mediocre armor protection in mid and rear sections. Inferior firepower compared to battleships. Large target profile from side. No fighter compliment. Ventral-mounted sensor arrays vulnerable to attack. Inexperienced and untested crew, excluding a minority of Japanese crew members from its initial completion.

OK! That took way longer than it should've but was fun. I assumed the Wave Motion powerplants (and drive systems) were acceptable, though shields and guns were not--if that's not the case, I'll immediately modify that. And if anyone wants to take a stab at its crew size (relative to the Yamato or the Kirishima,etc.) please--I never remember those numbers, I just know they're smaller than you'd think (I guess you wouldn't have room for the sauna/smoking room/solarium otherwise).

Hey that concept's essentially identical to my ships concept. That should fun.
And it looks like I might have some help with the missile spamming, though probably from in front of the enemy instead of behind them.
Hey that concept's essentially identical to my ships concept. That should fun.

Have you done any ship stats? Length, etc.? If not, feel free to use mine, since the Ashitaka is simply the second hull of the Akagi-class, perhaps with some minor improvements or modifications.

The Akagi will join you on your high speed rampage! She has power issues though.

Fun! I won't lie, I'm going to keep getting hung up on our conflicting ship prefixes. They will hunt me.
Hmmm, a thought. Do we know that Gatlantis vessels would have the migobueza coating? As I recall it was a fairly new thing being tested by Shultz's fleet at Pluto... so lasers might be more effective than we expect.