Chapter 4 – Beasts, Insects and Fungus, Oh My!
Deep in the jungles of Dxun, there would always be danger. Beasts as small as casts to those as large as starships, all dangerous. Even if they were not carnivorous they could still tear someone limb from limb and were always willing to attack anything that looked like a threat.
Louise knew this just as anyone else who had spent any amount of time on Dxun; the few times she left the safety of the Mandalorian outpost always resulted in seeing some form of beast eating or hunting another. So, it was no surprise when Louise, Khem, Korr, Quorian, Urik and a male Quarren – a race of orange skinned humanoids with what looked like a squid for a head – Jedi found themselves confronted by a pack of bomas; large green lizard-like creatures with small stubby mouths and small stubby tusks near the side of their mouths. The Sith Apprentice had seen them wandering and hunting the jungles, and only confronted them when they got too close to her little outpost. However, from all of her observations, they were mostly solitary beasts, occasionally forming small family groups. The fact that there was a large group was quite worrying.
Then, from behind them, a smaller animal made itself known, gnashing its teeth aggressively. It was known as a cannok; smaller, yet similar in build to the boma, with one of the few differences being its lack of tusk, large maw and its eye stalks. They were pests which would eat whatever they could fit in their mouths and quite a few times she had seen cannoks eat tree debris when it thought nobody was looking. They were odd, easy to kill but bred like rabbits. The odd gathering of fauna snarled and hissed, slowly closing in on the party. Louise readied herself for a fight, as did Khem, but the Jedi only seemed slightly worried. "Fear not, Sith," said the Quarren Jedi – Forn Cha, if she remembered correctly. "The Force shall protect us."
Louise quirked an eyebrow. She did not doubt the power of the Force, but the unnatural chill that crawled up her spine gave her second thoughts about their chances. She knew that the monsters of Dxun were predators that hunted each other relentlessly, so why were they cooperating? But it was not the odd act of teamwork that was the strangest part, but the hate and anger that wafted from the creatures directed directly at the Jedi. It was as if they took the presence of the Jedi as a personal insult. But when they looked to Louise and Khem, all she felt was confusion from them, as if they were simply stumped as to why she was there at all. It rubbed her wrong and brought many questions to mind, but she did not voice them.
Master Korr turned and nodded to Urik. The Zabrak nodded in return, taking a few steps forwards before sitting down in the familiar seiza position. It was a confusing move, but at this moment, Louise was less worried about the Jedi getting mauled then about surviving the beasts when they did choose to attack.
Then something flickered inside her. A strange and uneasy feeling of courage and relief flooded through her and suddenly, she felt like the Jedi were right, that there was nothing to fear. The creatures seemed agitated by this, their snarling and hissing becoming more aggressive. But whatever happened, she felt as if nothing could stand in their way.
"Go in peace," Urik intoned and all of a sudden, the Light she could feel within Urik bloomed like a newborn star, flooding the area around them. It felt like fire burned within her, trying to purge the Dark from her, yet the courage it brought still held tightly in her mind. The beasts seemed pained by this, growling, shaking their heads as if struck by a painful headache. Then, like a slap in the face, the Light recoiled, the Darkness coming back with a vengeance. The Lights courage left her, leaving Louise feeling cold and unwell until the Darkness found her again.
One of the boma screeched, howling hellishly, and charged at Urik who could barely get to his feet. It leapt, ready to tear the Jedi apart, only to collapse short, a dagger buried deep in its skull.
Lightsabers sprung to life; blue, green and orange blades of plasma lit up the jungle magnificently. The creatures howled back at the challenge and charged, trying to overwhelm them with pure numbers. Blades spun and flourished, fending off the attacks from the beasts while dealing substantial damage. Some were flung off their feet before their lives were cut short by a well-placed stab or slash. The larger ones were the more dangerous, so the Dark Siders tried to take these out before they could cause more damage.
Fire and lightning soon joined the glowing plasma blades, adding yellows, reds and purple to the jungle. Khem focused on dual wielding the Force and his massive sword to deal the most damage, cutting down and electrocuting anything that was stupid enough to get close to him.
Louise, on the other hand, was focusing fully on manifesting the Dark Side in the physical world. Using the innate connection to the Dark Side Dxun held, Louise sparked a barrier like circle of Dark Flames around her and her allies. The Jedi, showing remarkable restraint, continued to fight the beasts instead of the Dark Siders. The flames flickered and burned any creature who drew too close, hungry for flesh to devour, however, it also seemed to snap some sense into some of the animals who turned tail and fled. Those that stayed, fought and died.
Once the flames were dispelled, silence resided over the jungle, the corpse of several bomas, cannoks and, surprisingly, the strange cat-like maalraas littered the floor around them. Korr looked around the group, looking around for any sign of injury. "Is everyone alright?" he asked, a slight unmistakable tinge of worry staining his voice.
Nobody answered right away, but Louise could see that the one injuries anyone got were scratches or a slight singe from standing too close to the flames.
"What is wrong with these things," Urik breathed, confusion and frustration evident. Around him, the other Jedi seemed to share the same sentiment.
Louise looked at him strangely, honestly baffled by his proclamation. '
what is wrong with these beasts?'. She echoed disbelievingly in her mind. "What did you expect?" she asked, kicking a nearby charred cannok with her boot. "These creatures were obviously touched by the Dark Side on a planet brimming with it!"
"This wasn't meant to happen, Sith," Forn said, his tentacles moving oddly. "It's worked on every other Force-damned beast on this planet… and did you see them working together? The intelligence in their eyes…"
Louise considered his words. The emotions of anger, hate and confusion form the beasts coming back to the forefront of her mind. Looking at the varied creatures that lay dead at her feet, she did find it strange, and if it was not a quirk of Dxun's fauna, then it would be something to look into. "Point… they were not acting normal."
"We can discuss this strangeness elsewhere. Let's get a move on," Master Korr ordered, looking similarly unnerved.
Nodding along, she followed the group through the jungle, her mind fluttering to around to try and understand what happened during their encounter. More than once, she had to stop herself from staring at Urik, the ritual he performed playing over and over in her mind. And all she could get was that he was dangerous.
Looking up at the Sith Temple, Louise could not help but whistle at its impressiveness. While the bulk of the temple was theorised to run deep into the mountain face it was built into, the architecture she could see on the outside was beautiful and intimidating in spite of its obvious dilapidation. She could only imagine what it looked back in its prime when the durasteel plates were polished and the slate smoothed. If she concentrated hard enough, she could just hear the workers toil away at the mountain.
Yet, despite this, she felt her mood sour.
Why? She would never know as it was most definitely the fault of the Jedi who would occasionally glare at the temple with barely veiled contempt. Nor could it be the pile of discarded Sith artefacts and culture wasting away. No, it was most definitely not any of that…
Of course, there were some artefacts that were treated with some respect, if fear and disgust – it just so happened that these artefacts were dangerous, imbued with the Dark Side. Louise was even allowed to look at them, all two of them: a sacrificial knife which would compel the blood to never clot, and an amulet which did… something.
Suffice it to say, Louise felt the urge to electrocute these so-called 'archaeologists'.
Casting her eyes around the miniature outpost, a something caught her eye. One of the archaeologists, a female Mirialan – a race of green-skinned aliens with black facial markings – was handling a small idol of red and gold with a greedy glint in her eyes. Louise's feet moved quickly, clearing the distance between her and the archaeologist within seconds, snatching the artefact from the archaeologist just in time to stop her from doing anything disrespectful.
"Our culture was not made to line your pockets with credits" Louise hissed, snatching the small idol from their hands, cradling it like a babe. "Someone took time and effort to create this."
The archaeologist glared wordlessly, seemingly biting back a scathing retort, and left the Sith to coddle the piece of rock. Stalking back to Khem's side, Louise began to examine the idol. It was a masterfully made piece of work made with base of red marble-like stone and gold decals. Carved in the shape of a feline-like beast with long pointed ears and jowl tentacles. Gold was used sparsely in its make, used to make the stripe decals around its legs and feet. The entire thing was irritatingly familiar, but Louise could not put a finger on its identity.
Fortunately for her, she was not the only repertoire of Sith lore and knowledge.
What are you looking at, pink Sith?" Khem asked curiously. He moved around Louise, trying to get a better look at the idol.
"It looks familiar, but I just can't remember where I've seen it," she replied, handing it over to the giant to look at.
Khem turned it over in his hands, appraising it carefully, humming questioningly. Suddenly, he stood straighter, an amused if excited look in his eyes. "It's a mowhef," he grumbled, but it was obvious he was pleased with the find. He handed it back to Louise.
The name scratched the itch in her mind and suddenly she realised exactly what she was holding: a religious idol. And, if the golden stripes were anything to go by, it was not any normal mowhef statue, but of the Great Mother. It had been some time since she last picked up a book or holocron on Old Sith Mythology, but she could remember the story behind the Great Mother.
In the modern era, the Sith did not have a proper religion with gods and such, instead, they had the Force and the Sith philosophy. However, thousands of years ago, before the Jen'Jidai stepped foot on Korriban, the Immortal Gods of the Sith ruled supreme. One such legend in this mythology was the tale of Marserha Jaochor, the Great Mother, who became the first Sith to walk the land.
According to her memories, a mowhef and a tuk'ata were fighting over who the better hunter was, and so they decided to consult one of the Immortal Gods of the Sith, specifically the Supreme One, Ahmurn. Ahmurn decided upon a challenge for the two as the final decider on who was the better hunter: The tuk'ata and the mowhef were to be sent off to the caves of Korriban where they would stay, living off only a minuscule supply of food and the water dripping from the cave ceiling. The first to leave would lose.
The tuk'ata lost.
Impressed by the mowhef, Ahmurn bestowed on it the name Marserha and turned it into a woman. He called her Sith, meaning perfect, and said that she could rule over all life on Korriban if she proved herself just as deadly as she did before. And so she did, rising to every challenge the death world would throw her way and besting them all. However, she grew lonely and so, on one dark and cold day, Ahmurn became a man and joined her as an equal rather than a god. They fell in love and in a night of passion, she became pregnant.
Time passed, and more children were born from the first Sith and the god turned man. The Supreme One then took them on an exodus to what Louise assumed would later become the Valleys of the Dark Lords where they lived until she died. Her family mourned her loss, but it did not end there as, with Ahmurn's help, she became a goddess who would watch over and guide her children and their descendants.
There was more to this tale, but that was the general gist of Marserha's myth. The Great Mother who protected and guided her people. It was a wonderful tale of creation which brought forth a pang of annoyance towards the Jen'Jidai and their actions in destroying the Old Sith Mythology.
Nevertheless, Louise knew that she must have this artefact. It was no amount of greed or anything like that, but because it was an important part of Sith culture. All she needed to do was convince the Jedi to give it up. Luckily, she did not need to go out and search for one as the moment she turned around, she came face to face with Master Korr and Quorian. "What was all that about?" the Jedi Master asked curiously.
Louise huffed. "She was mishandling an important part of Sith history," Louise replied, wrapping her arms protectively around the artefact.
The Jedi Master raised his eyebrow at her action, but it was Quorian who asked, "And what is that?"
"It's an idol of the Great Mother." Louise's response only seemed to give Korr and Quorian more questions than answers as they stared at her in askance. It was then she realised something, something she desperately hope was wrong because she needed some faith in the Jedi, for Quorian at least. Unfortunately, she did not have time to explain to them the entire legend nor answer the questions they had at this point in time. "It's just a Sith legend," she said dismissively.
Korr scratched his beard. "Is this the artefact you were looking for?"
"Nope," Louise replied, popping the 'P'.
He nodded his head slowly. "But you want it."
"Well, it is an important piece of Sith history," she defended.
Korr continued to nod his head, looking sceptical. "I can sense the Dark Side from the artefact. It could be dangerous."
Louise looked over the artefact once again. She could indeed sense the subtle Dark Side energies that imbued the stone, caused by a small amount of alchemy. She could even recognise what alchemical ritual it was put through and knew that the artefact was quite benign. So, she told the Jedi just as much.
"So, you can tell us what it does?" Korr questioned.
Louise nodded. "It's just a simple bit of alchemy to preserve it; make it better able to withstand the elements and poor handling. It's nothing dangerous. The idol itself is meant to represent good luck and love," she explained. "It belongs in a museum."
Or at the very least, my desk.
"Good luck and love?" Korr asked sceptically.
Louise sighed. "Oh, come on! What do you think it does? Shoot plasma from its eyes? Crap lava?" she asked, baffled by the Jedi line of thought when it came to the Sith.
They'd call a pet rock a weapon of mass destruction if it were owned by a Sith.
Korr quickly backtracked, knowing he had made a mistake and tried to amend. "No, it's just… not something I would expect."
"You do know we have seven different words for love, right?" Louise asked, annoyed.
"No," he replied awkwardly. "I did not."
"You study the Sith, yet you cannot understand the difference between rehz and rhozut?" Louise asked, sounding the sceptical one this time.
"It is kind of difficult to learn a language from a people who would much rather kill me," Korr defended dryly. "Most of the words we've learned are found in the temples and tombs scattered around the galaxy. I will admit that our archives are quite incomplete."
"So… can I keep it?" Louise asked hopefully.
Korr gave her a queer look, scrutinizing her. "Are you telling the truth about its nature?" he asked calmly, obviously ready to catch Louise in any lie she might make.
Luckily for her, she did not need to lie. "Yes, the only threat this idol holds is as a bludging weapon."
The Jedi Master looked ready to make a joke, but seemed to second guess himself and instead delved into deep thought. After a few moments, he breathed deeply. "Fine. I will allow you this artefact."
Louise smiled brightly, hugging the statue close to her breast. "Thank you, Master Korr."
"I do my best," Korr replied softly. "Now, get ready, we'll be going into the tomb in a few." With a nod, he left to do
something, leaving Quorian with Khem and Louise.
Louise rolled her shoulders and went back to admiring the idol. "It really is a beautiful piece," Quorian, admiring it himself.
She nodded mutely, smiling at the little bits of detail that went into the carving of the statue. Once she was finished, she turned to Khem Val. "Khem, could you please look after this?" she asked, knowing the giant would be better suited to protecting the important artefact than she herself.
As you command, pink Sith," Khem said, taking the artefact in hand and placing it in one of his larger pouches. And with that, Louise left to go look around at the rest of the miniature outpost, the Dashade following dutifully behind.
After about five minutes of this, Korr soon found her once again with a few Jedi and archaeologists by his side. It was time to see the Republic's progress on the Temple and to see how disappointing it was. The mouth of the Temple was heavily damaged, looking more like the gaping maw of a cave than anything else. Rubble surrounded the area with a path cleared as a walkway. The familiar glow of the florescent archaeological lights shone brightly in the Temple, lighting stone walls clearly for Louise to admire.
The further she walked, the better condition the Temple appeared. She could still some Republic caused damages where the archaeologists and workers blasted their way into the Temple, but it was still in much better condition than the mouth. It was by no means pristine, but it was not just rubble and debris. Once she reached what looked to be the end of the long entry hall, she found herself in a large chamber. It was shaped similarly to a stout yet obese cross with three doorways, one on each side and one at the far end of the room which led to a grand staircase.
But before she could even begin exploring the room, Louise froze along with every Force Sensitive in the room. A wave of Dark Side energies came crashing down into the room, like a tsunami onto a hut. The Jedi around her staggered, some falling to the ground as the oppressive wave of energies assaulted them. Even the Force-Blind seemed affected by the veritable well of Darkness that flooded the room.
Louise's reaction, however, was much different. Like a breath of fresh air, she felt invigorated by its presence, the power she could feel tingling at her fingertips. Like a flower to the sun, she basked in, letting it fill her very being. Almost at once, she felt as if she could do anything, that limitless power was at her beck and call, she just needed to take it. And take it she did; like a leech, she latched on, feeding on the nexus of the Dark Side, feeling it burn deep within her chest.
And then, it was gone. Just like that, the Dark Side, wrenched free and fled deeper into the Temple like an injured animal. Louise frowned, her mind wondering about the strange phenomenon as the sensation of the Dark Side still writhing within her. Beside her, the Jedi struggled to get back on their feet, some helping each other up. They groaned about headaches, some feeling sick, but they were well and not insane, which was good.
"What was that?" asked Urik, looking pale and out of breath under the white glow of the lamps.
Korr was about to answer, but Louise beat him to the punch. "It felt like a nexus of the Dark Side. But it was… different," she explained to the unnerved group. None of them looked very well and did not seem pleased with her assessment, each of them looking at her with a mixture of disgust and fear.
"So… what is it?" Urik asked sounding as uneased as he had ever been.
For this, Louise had no answer. She had felt similar presences before, but what she felt today was… she had no idea how to explain it. It was simply alien yet familiar. Alive. Looking to Korr, she saw he was just as confused if unnerved and uncomfortable as the rest of the Jedi.
Really, you're supposed to be a Jedi Master! She shook her head and looked to Khem, who gave her an approving grin in return. Odd.
Louise sighed. "I… I don't know."
"I thought you had experience with Temples?" one Jedi asked. "That's why you're still here, isn't it?"
"I do have experience!" Louise snapped back. "Give me a ghost trying to make someone insane or possessing Imperials and I can help. This is new, dangerous, and it seems I am the only one unaffected by this."
The Jedi eyed her strangely, muttering, "Yeah, unaffected…" under his breath.
Louise ignored it, partly because she did not know what he was talking about and because she'd much rather not start an argument.
Luckily Korr was ready with a different line of discussion. "I have a bad feeling about this…"
Louise snorted. "Says the Jedi in the Sith Temple," she replied dryly, though she had to agree nonetheless. Not only was it the strange Dark Side presence, but she felt like the shadows were watching her. But when she stretched out her sense, she found nothing, just the natural Dark Side of Dxun.
With nothing else to do, Louise began to explore the rest of the chamber. Sith carvings were etched into the walls, from figures who looked to be standing in flames to depictions of great battles of what she assumed were Jedi or Dark Jedi fighting off both creatures and man alike. Through the doorways on the sides of the chamber were halls running parallel with the chamber leading to several other chambers. These other rooms held nothing of interest, however, as they the Republic seemed to have already ransacked them all. This left the grand staircase and the wall of rubble that blocked their path. It was strange really, looking at the debris, as it did not seem to sit right.
"So, this is how far you've gotten?" Louise asked, brushing her hand against it.
"Yes, unfortunately. We've had a few issues getting up to this point and it's hampered our progress," Korr said, stealing several worried looks towards Louise. "Malfunctioning equipment, cannoks eating parts, even the plant life has been hard on us."
She nodded, considering his words. After a moments consideration, she began to hum, moving into the centre of the chamber. Sitting seiza on the floor, she tried to begin meditating. But before she could delve too deep, one of the hereto unknown Jedi spoke up. "What are you doing?"
Annoyance crept onto her features. "Having tea with the Emperor, what does it look like I'm doing!" she growled. Peeking through one eye to glare at the Jedi. She received a scowl in return before the Jedi stalked off leaving the Sith to her meditation. Now able to do so in peace, Louise stretched out her senses and tried to feel for her goal; Tulak Hord's artefact. While she had absolutely no idea what it would feel like, she knew it was a Dark Side artefact and as such, it would have its own signature. With this in mind, she gazed through the Force to find it.
What she found was promising, if unnerving. The Temple was like an abyss within the Force; the further one went down, the darker and darker it got within the Force. Louise was certain that the artefact – and the presence – was somewhere down there, waiting for her to retrieve it. All she had to do was break through the rubble and find her prise.
With this, Louise let herself smile. Flicking her eyes opened, she stood up and made her way back over to the blockade. Quorian made a move to question her, but with a raised hand she silenced him.
Looking around, she found what looked to be a mining laser, though the difference in model was noticeable. Obviously, the laser was more suited to delicate archaeology work than mining ore. Turning back to the wall, Louise sized it up, once again stretching out her senses to the stone and beyond. Confusion followed upon noticing something off about it.
With the Force, she summoned the archaeological laser to her hand and, after a bit of fumbling to get used to the change in weight and make, began blasting away at the rubble – memories of how to effectively use it flooding back bittersweetly.
With these skills and the Force as her guide, she made progress in clearing the rubble, but it was slow going. Back when she was a slave, there were many others who would join her, but here, everyone else was just looking at her strangely. Finally fed up with their stares, she powered down the laser and turned to the Jedi, workers and archaeologists. "What?"
"When did you learn to use that?" asked one of the archaeologists, beating most everyone else to the punch.
Louise quirked an eyebrow, turning to Quorian. He wore the same curious expression as most others, but after a moment, he paled, eyeing her pitiablely. The Sith narrowed her eyes. "Self-preservation." And with that, she went back to clearing the rubble.
To her side, she could see some of the other workers grabbing their own mining lasers, but they seemed uncomfortable with joining her. Fortunately – or unfortunately, depending on who asked – she did not need their help as with one final blast, the wall of rubble shook, crumbling. It crashed to the ground and nearly buried her had she not leapt out the way. Dust burst into the air, blocking the vision of everyone in the vicinity.
Coughing could be heard from all around her as unfortunates breathed in the unexpected dust storm. Even Louise was affected by it. But soon enough, the dust was cleared by a mighty burst of telekinetic energy, acting as a gust of wind that blew away the particles.
Still, coughing persisted and the strained voice of one of the Jedi could be heard. "Warn us next time!" she cried, leading to a few others shouting the same sentiment; from "You could have buried us alive!" to "Are you trying to get yourself killed!"
Louise tried to growl back in response but found it difficult as she too was coughing violently. Once she recovered, however, she finally got her chance to retaliate. "The rubble was unstable! You should thank me for getting you lot this far in such a short amount of time."
With that, she left the irate Republics and Jedi, instead focusing on the path she had cleared. Just as she suspected, the rubble wall was oddly thin for something naturally forming, not only that but it just did not look like the rubble could have come from anywhere. With a shake of her head, she put those thoughts away for later and walked down the staircase.
Using her lightsaber as a torch, Louise eventually found herself in a massive chamber, far larger than the one before, with many more doors. Three doorways on both side of the room and two descending staircases on either side of the entryway. At the very end of the room, was a massive durasteel door that stank of Dark Side energies. But Louise did not continue to explore, instead choosing to stay in the massive chamber as she waited for the rest of the party to join her, and join her they eventually did. With their fluorescent lamps, they began to find the details she could not find, placing down the lamps to finally light up the entire room.
Quickly, the Republic and Jedi got to work with Louise and Khem helping occasionally, they were setting up a small base of operations, making quick use of the space available to be filled up with a few terminals to record data and some generators to power the lights.
Once done, the Republic got around to ransacking the place, yet strangely enough, there was nothing to ransack. From what some people had said, it looked like someone had already gone through and taken everything not nailed down. Louise, for her part, was both angry and amused; angry because someone had stolen Sith artefacts and because the Republics were bemoaning the lack of anything to take; amused because they had nothing to take.
It was then when she realised what, exactly, the mission was for the Republic and Jedi: to find weapons. More specifically, to find Sith artefacts that they could use against the Sith. So, while she was sitting down, twiddling her thumbs and thinking murderous thoughts about the Jedi and Republic both – feeling quite unable to do anything about it aside from stew on the fact – Korr made his way over to her side.
"So, Louise," he said happily, pleased that they had finally made a breakthrough despite the odd simplicity of such a breakthrough, "do you want to go exploring?"
Louise looked up to Korr, looking thoroughly unimpressed by him and his jubilancy. "Not really, no, but if it will stop you from dying a horrible painful death, then I guess I must."
"Such optimism," he remarked dryly.
"I try." Louise smile was not one of kindness.
"The rest of you, stay here," Korr ordered. Unfortunately, both Urik and Quorian seemed dissatisfied with their superior's orders and asked to go with. The Jedi Master denied them. "While I would not mind more company, I wish to speak with Louise privately."
Louise felt unnerved by his statement but did not reject the Jedi his wish. Turning to her elderly companion, she said, "Khem, stay here, make sure they don't accidentally get themselves killed."
Khem nodded. "
As you wish, pink Sith."
"Keep your comlinks and holocomms open and stay safe." And with that Korr began to walk down the right stairway. Louise followed after him, copying him as he turned on his lightsaber to light their paths. Soon, the light form their hastily built base vanished entirely, leaving their lightsabers the only source of light as they continued to descend. The staircase soon ended, and Louise found herself walking through a thin hall, yet even with the intense glow of her lightsaber, she felt like she was missing something. Nevertheless, they continued, eyes flicking around the hall to see if they could find something, anything important.
Unfortunately, it was just more of the same, so, when she felt they were far enough away, she prompted the Jedi Master. "So, what did you want to talk about?"
Korr shrugged. "Originally, I was curious about you, an amicable Sith," he said. "What is this girl's story? Why the pink hair and eyes?" Louise pouted. "Now I am also starting to get curious about your relationship with Quorian. He knows something about you."
Louise frowned but found no issue with the Jedi's curiosities. "Okay… what do you want to know?"
Korr hummed. "Well, first I guess I should ask about your intentions with Quorian."
Louise scrunched up her face, her mind going straight to the memory of Rayne saying something similar about her and Lyira before they started dating. "We're not in a relationship if that's what you're thinking."
"I was thinking nothing of the sort. But if that is what's on your mind…" he trailed off.
Louise's response was silent horror supplemented by a loud denial. "No! You just reminded me of what my
girlfriend's sister said."
Korr stopped in his tracks, looking at Louise as if she were one of the most peculiar things in the entire galaxy. "I feel like I should not have expected this, but at the same time I completely expected this answer…" he said, his strange expression never leaving his face.
"You're learning!" Louise said, smiling brightly.
"Remind me to assume every Sith Lord is in a relationship," he grumbled light-heartedly.
Louise nodded. "I have heard Sith marriages are quite spectacular."
"I would suppose so," He said, "I don't know why, but I feel like a Sith party would be one you would never forget."
Louise grimaced, a certain memory replaying in her mind. "…As long as you don't drink yourself into a stupor and wake up where you're not meant to be."
"What was the occasion?" Korr asked with a smile.
"My girlfriend's sister was given the title of Lord," she said. "Very spectacular."
Korr's smile deepened, turning mischievous. "Whose bed did you wind up in?"
"What!? How did you-?" Louise demanded, before stopping upon seeing Master Korr's
narquois grin on his face. "My girlfriends…" she answered with an embarrassed groan.
"I don't know why you're getting so flustered," he said, raising an eyebrow at Louise's antics.
"She wasn't my girlfriend at the time."
"Ah… that makes a bit more sense," he amended understandingly.
"Yeah…" Louise said, "can we drop this subject?"
He frowned slightly. "If it is making you this uncomfortable, then I will. Though you mustn't worry, it's only natural."
"We didn't do anything! Just sleep, I swear!" Louise shouted, her cheeks reddening quite a bit.
"Alright, alright, if you ins-" Korr stilled, his joking demeanour dying in place of grim seriousness.
Louise looked to him, then to the dark chamber they found themselves at the threshold of. Turning back to Korr, she asked, "What are you-?"
He cut her off. "Listen," he said, pointing his lightsaber into the dark room.
Louise quieted down, trying to hear whatever he had heard over the hum of their lightsabers. The sounds of clicking and scuttling drew her attention. Had she any hairs on the back of her neck, she knew they would be standing on end. A small spark later, and a small orb of fire ignited in Louise's palm. With a flick of her wrist, she sent the ball hurtling towards the sound, willing the Force to enlarge and brighten the flame.
Small insect-like creatures scurried towards the two, chittering disgustingly. They looked like massive golden cockroaches in the light with their shield-like chitinous shell.
"Orbalisks!" hissed Korr, shifting into a defensive position.
Louise had never heard of the orbalisk before, so she really had no idea how to fight them nor how dangerous they were. All she knew was that Korr was worried. So, instead of trying to learn about them, she summoned lightning to her hands, blasting those who got too close with lethal voltage, frying them quickly. But the more she bolts she fired, the more came. It was almost as if they were attracted to her.
The Jedi was dealing with some on his own, crushing the few he could find with the little bits of rubble he could scrounge. They, conversely, were not attacking him on mass, which he used to his advantage. His emerald blade swung around, striking at them, but each strike yielded little results. "Louise, lightsabers won't work!"
Great. Louise hissed, sheathing her lightsaber to focus solely on using the Force to defend herself against the horde. Fortunately, it seemed the insect's numbers were waning, as she found less and less trying to latch onto her face. But before she could celebrate, an agonised scream echoed through the temple. Snapping to her minder, she found Korr trying in vain to defend against the orbalisks; a few had latched onto his right arm.
The numbers were not waning, but changing target.
A low growl tore from her throat as she unleashed a barrage of electricity at the creatures. The insects were blasted away, some stunned, some dead, as she neared Korr to help him. "They're breeding!" he cried, and she could see for herself, smaller orbalisks spawning from the larger ones, encasing his arm. Korr tried his best to remove them with the Force, but it was not working.
They grew at an alarming rate, soon covering his entire lower arm, elbow to fingertips. Panic flooded through Louise causing her to hesitate. She knew if she did nothing, he would die, one way or another. The orbalisks continued growing, spreading like a disease. His pained screaming continued to tear from his throat.
Without any ideas on how to act, she moved on impulse. Ripping her lightsaber from her hip, she sliced through the air with her saber, letting Korr's arm fall to the floor.
The orbalisks screeched as their bodies were ravished by Force lightning, charring both the insects and the amputated arm. Without a second thought, Louise used her augmented strength and hoisted Korr over her shoulder and raced back the way they came. The insects continued to chitter at her heels, but they soon gave up chase as she blasted them back with the Force.
Even then, Louise did not stop running until she arrived at the safe glow of the archaeological lamps. A few Republics looked confused if a bit frightened by the charging Sith until they noticed who she was carrying. "Is anybody here a medical officer!" Louise demanded, lowering Korr onto the ground. The Jedi Master lay unconscious, the pain too much for him.
His stump was only partially cauterised, her lightsaber had moved too quick to properly burn the wound. A small pool of blood already blooming where he lay.
Meanwhile, the workers had burst into action. Khem stood by, impassively watching a few workers rush out of the temple to find a doctor or someone. Few stayed, voicing their confusion. "What happened!?" one cried, glaring at Louise as if she were the cause.
"Orbalisks," Louise hissed in reply, picking up on the hostility in the worker's voice. "We were ambushed by those things! He was attacked, and I had to amputate."
This seemed the placate the worker and those around them.
Louise ignored this and focused on stopping the blood from flowing. Using her dagger, she cut a long length of cloth from the Jedi's dirtied robes and tried her best to stop the bleeding with it. But before she could do more, the familiar voices of Quorian and Urik reached her ears, their confused voices stressing Louise further.
Great, now I got to deal with the overzealous Jedi…
Urik rushed over to Korr's prone form. Worry, fear and anger seeped from him as he looked over the Jedi Master. Once he was satisfied that the Jedi was not going to die before his eyes, he turned towards Louise. "What happened? What did you do!?" he demanded, his hand clinging to his lightsaber.
"I saved his life!" Louise snapped back, her eyes flickering to Khem who held his sword in his sheath. Looking back to Urik, she sneered. "Had I not amputated, he would be dead. The orbalisks were breeding like flies."
The Jedi Knight glared at her, scowling. For a second, Louise felt as if he was going to attack, but instead, he scowled, turning back to Korr.
Night was falling by the time they arrived back to the Republic base – Well, 'night' was more of a misnomer as it was more like an eclipse as the planet Onderon blocked out the sun, leaving the sky dark. Louise quickly distanced herself from the main group, letting the Republic deal with their injured Jedi. It was not like the Jedi wanted her near Korr. Some still doubted her innocence, or entire innocence at least – She could see the blame in their eyes.
For about thirty minutes, she wandered the base with Khem by her side. But soon she grew tired of the distrustful stares she was being given and retired to the mess hall to get some dinner. Their meal, once again, was quite nice, however, it was not even a few more bites before they were joined by one of the few allies they had. "So," Quorian said, sitting down with a meal of his own in hand, "today was something."
Louise nodded. "Yep. Helped the Jedi get past a wall of rubble, nearly get eaten by orbalisks only for Korr to lose his arm. Of course, I was the only one who saw this, so I get blamed for saving his life… How is Korr by the way?"
"He's going to be alright," Quorian replied. "Seemed pretty pleased about getting a robotic arm. It's a good thing you amputated, too, even if the others can't see it. Orbalisks are venomous. Oh, and…uh, Urik… he wanted to apologise… he thanks you for saving Master Korr."
Louise blinked. "Really?"
"Yes. He was quite awkward about it," he continued.
"Oh… well then," said Louise intelligently, not really knowing what to say.
"Yeah…" Quorian twirled his fork and began eating once again. The Dark Siders quickly joined him digging into their own meals. Aside from the general hum of those around them, quite prevailed, interrupted occasionally by the scratching of fork and plate to the clank of utensils.
Quorian paused, flicking his eyes to Louise. His chewing slowed, his features twisting into curiosity. After a few more moments of this, Louise found that she could not take the staring anymore. "Yes?" she asked, sounding the least bit annoyed.
Quorian quickly apologised, saying, "I, um, just wanted to know something."
"What about?" Louise asked, her interest piqued.
"Well… uh…" he hesitated, and Louise realised just how awkward whatever he was going to ask was for him. "I wanted to know about Dromund Kaas."
Whatever he was going to ask, Louise did not expect that. "The Sith Capital? Why do you ask?"
"I've heard a bit about Dromund Kaas," he said with a half-hearted shrug. "but I wanted to know what it's like from someone who's been there."
"Oh, well, it's quite like Dxun, actually. But better," she explained, thinking back to the heart of the Empire. "Beyond the walls of civilization, everything wants to eat you and your face, so it's usually safe to stay inside the walls, but there are quite a few settlements where people just
deal with the beasts. Inside the city, it's almost like a completely different planet. I've only been to Kass City, but the sights are great, from the Spires of Victory to the Citadel. Even the Chiss Embassy is nice."
Quorian considered her words, then asked, "How do you get around in the dark?"
Louise tilted her head in confusion. "What do you mean?"
"Isn't it always stormy there?" he asked. "I thought your Emperor wrecked the atmosphere…"
"Are you implying that, on Dromund Kaas, it's always dark and we're just stumbling around in the darkness?" Louise asked, eying the Jedi suspiciously.
"That was what I've heard…" he trailed off.
Louise sighed and palmed her face, massaging it. "That is stupid. It's perpetually stormy, but the clouds don't block out all of the sun all of the time. Sometimes there are days when the clouds are thick enough to block out all the sun, but we have
lights you know!"
Quorian bobbed his head. "Oh… that sounds…"
Normal?" Louise supplied.
"Yes, normal."
Louise sighed. "Where did you hear that?"
"I read it in the archives and the holonet."
"Have you never watched any Imperial holovids on the holonet?" she asked.
"No," Quorian replied with a shake of his head. "I've never really wanted to watch them."
"Well, you should probably do that someday," Louise said. "But as I was saying, Dromund Kaas is quite beautiful, despite the issues." A smile crept at her lips as her mind took her back to the beautiful sights on the planet. From the Monument to the Lost to the Spires of Victory; the vibrant nightlife and beautiful estates. There was something that just
charmed her whenever she looked out her window to the megapolis below. Then there was the homelier beauty she had seen, from the subtle designs of the architecture to the history that could be seen through it.
It was where her new life as a Sith in the Empire had officially begun, where she got her first true home and where she found love.
She smiled softly of the reminder of that day, her mind thinking about the Pureblood and what she was doing now. Then worry set in, worry that Lyira could be hurt; the urge to contact her spawned, growing quickly and soon, Louise could not stop herself from asking, "Quorian, you have a communication centre, right?"
The Jedi furrowed his brow. "Yes… why?"
"There is someone I really want to talk to," she answered.
"And who is this?" he pressed.
Louise sighed, knowing it would not help to hide the identity of who she wished to contact. "You know that Pureblood I told you about back on Korriban?" she asked.
"Yes, yes," he replied with a nod of his head. "You brought her up quite a bit, from what I remember."
Louise smiled bashfully. "Well, I wanted to tell her that I was okay. That a few changes have happened."
"You've become quite the friends, haven't you?" he asked, smiling.
Louise had no idea what he meant by that, nor did she know if he actually knew about her and Lyira. So, she decided to agree with his word choice, at least for now. "Yes, friends."
Khem snorted.
"If it is only for that," Quorian sighed, getting up from his chair, "then I guess it will be alright. But I think it would best if I were there – keep the other Jedi off your back."
"That's okay," Louise said with a smile, a giddy feeling coursing through her body. It had been far too long since she had seen Lyira's face, heard her voice, and so, with gusto she finished her meal, handed her dishes back to the cook and waited impatiently for her two companions to join her.
When they finally did, Louise practically skipped as she followed an amused if confused Jedi to the comms centre. It was a short walk, but one she found entirely too long as she passed the threshold of the medium-sized building with the massive radar dish sticking out the top. Aside from one mechanic who seemed to be sleeping on a desk chair, snoring blissfully, the building was devoid of life, which was great for Louise's goal.
The main room was rectangular with a few doors leading to other rooms on the right while the rest of the room contained a few terminals and one large one with a massive screen. From what she could tell, they were on standby mode.
Quorian, who obviously knew more about the layout of the building then she did, led her to one of the few branching rooms which revealed itself to be a small conference like room with a large holoprojector in the centre. Aside from a small desk and a few chairs, the rest of the room was fairly plain.
"Make the call quick," Quorian said, gesturing to the holocommunicator.
Louise nodded, pulling free her datapad where she kept Lyira's contact frequency. Quickly finding it, she set about booting up the holocomm and calling the pureblood. After a few minutes, her call went through. The holoprojector activated and blue lights flickered until the three-dimensional image of Lyira's bust appeared. The first thing Louise noticed about her girlfriend was that she looked like she had just gotten out of bed, which was entirely possible.
"Lou?" Lyira asked, a hand briefly materialising to rub the sleep from her eyes, "is that you?"
Louise smiled uncertainly. "Did I wake you?" she replied.
"I was just resting my eyes, I swear," said Lyira, obviously lying through her teeth. "Uh, I didn't expect you to be calling? I assume you've finished your mission?"
"No… I'm still on Dxun," the Pinkette said with a shake of her head.
Lyira looked confused for a second, her sleep addled brain trying to process what she said and its meaning. "Really? Oh…" She sounded a bit disappointed at that.
Louise decided to change topic, moving onto Lyira's side of things. "How's Balmorra?"
"Horrible," A mix of a sneer and a grimace taking prominence on the pureblood's features. "The rebellion has been taking its toll and the Republic seems to be funding the resistance."
"…They are!?" Louise all but shouted, her eyes flicking to Quorian who seemed to be just as surprised as she was.
"Yep," Lyira continued. "Though we can't pin it on them, yet. The resistance is fighting tooth and nail to hold the planet, even giving murderers and rapists weapons to fight. Disgusting," she sneered. "I guess it doesn't matter if you haven't finished because my time on Balmorra seems to have extended indefinitely. Somehow, I got wrangled into cleaning this mess up. Anyway, let's get away from that. How's Dxun? I thought you were 'going dark'?"
"I was, but as it turns out, I don't need to anymore," Louise said with a roll of her shoulders. "As for the moon, well, it reminds me of Dromund Kaas, but… it's not the same. I'm pretty much camping in the jungle, but instead of having to worry about Darth Skotia, I have to worry about Jedi."
Lyira nodded slowly, looking grave. "Be careful, Lou, and make sure you don't get caught."
"I know, I promise," Louise said. "But you have to as well! Be careful and don't do anything stupid."
"I promise I won't."
"Good," she said with a resolute nod. "Now go back to bed, you look terrible."
"I was-"
"Lyira…" Louise said warningly.
The Pureblood pouted, saying, "Fine," before smiling. "Goodnight, Lou."
"Goodnight, I love you!" Louise said quickly.
"I love you, too," Lyira replied. "May the Force serve you well." The hologram vanished with a flicker of blue light. Louise then turned to Quorian who seemed confused as to what was going on.
"So… you and Lyira?" he trailed off.
"Yes," Louise asked pointedly.
"Nothing. It was kind of cute, actually."
Louise really had no idea how to respond to that. With a slight blush tainting her cheeks, Louise spun around saying, "let's go." And with that, she left the room. Behind her, she could tell Quorian was grinning at her.
However, all thoughts of embarrassment left her upon entering the main room. It was like the entire atmosphere had changed, dead, cold and quiet. Nerves automatically went on edge, the Force practically screaming that something was wrong. Her eyes scanned the area, finding nothing out of the ordinary; the terminals were still on standby while the Republic engineer slept.
She moved around the room quietly, looking around for whatever it was she was sensing. Quorian tried to speak, but Khem shushed him with a gesture. She neared the sleeping engineer, planning on waking him up to see if he noticed anything strange, but as she got within touching distance of the man, she noticed one thing. He wasn't snoring.
Movement stole her attention. Her eyes moved instinctively to the source. Hanging from the ceiling was a black bulbous stain. It was growing, uncurling from what she could see. Stretching, long and thin, before dropping to the floor with a thud. Slowly, it rose from the floor, revealing a humanoid figure clad in shadows that hid all its features but its silvery eyes that glinted in the dark like a cat.
On the other side of the room, Louise could see Quorian looking just as tense as she. "Identify yourself!" he demanded, his lightsaber in hand.
The mystery person tilted its head, blinking a few times as it clicked unnaturally in reply. It was an unsettling sound that grated on her nerves. It held its left arm out to its side, something small and thin in its hand. What it was, she did not know, the dimness of the room making it too difficult to discern.
But she did not need to wait long to figure out what it was. With the familiar snap-hiss of a lightsaber, the room was bathed in a crimson light. Unstable crackling and hisses emanated from the blade which looked fractured and dangerous.
The red blade glow of the lightsaber shone brightly but did little to identify the being aside from it being a Sith. It wore strange formfitting armour that looked similar to fungal growths that jutted outwards giving the Sith a grotesque appearance that was sickening to look at. The red glow only served to worsen its already menacing form.
Louise froze, her mind trying to understand what she was seeing. A Sith on Dxun. She was not informed of any such development and without the right amount of knowledge, questions naturally arose.
Is it a Sith? Why would a Sith be here? Is it here for me? Does the Empire think me a traitor for working with the Jedi? How did they know? So many questions, yet no answers would come.
Yet, if it were a Sith, it's presence did not feel right in the Force. Darkness was there, but it was twisted and unnatural, a perversion of the Dark Side. Yet, it also felt familiar.
Louise gritted her teeth. "I am Louise, Apprentice to Darth Zash of the Sith Empire. I demand to know who you are!"
The Sith clicked some more, its head turning curiously. Then, strangely enough, it… turned off its lightsaber and walked out of the room.
Louise blinked at this, turning to Khem and Quorian, both of whom look just as confused. And then she remembered: There is a Dark Sider in the Republic base, possibly a Sith. With that thought, she rushed after the mysterious person, her companions hot on her heels.
Night had well and truly arrived, it appeared as Louise left the building, but she did not let that hamper her progress. Looking around, she quickly spotted the mysterious figure, standing a fair bit away from the building, just staring at Louise and her companions. His eyes glinting strangely.
Louise rushed after it. Once again, it turned on its lightsaber, throwing it at Louise in a tight arc forcing the Pinkette to leap out the way. The lightsaber deactivated on the return arc, disappearing into the dark. Looking back to where the figure once stood, she saw nothing. It had gotten away.
Her companions soon joined her, each of them with their weapons out and ready to use. "Did you see where it went?" she asked, her eyes darting around the base.
"No, I could only see it's lightsaber."
Louise cursed, her head swivelling as she frantically looked for the mysterious Dark Sider.
A screech was the only warning she had before Louise found herself getting tackled to the ground. Sliver eyes looked down at her with their incessant curiosity. In a flash its lightsaber was raised to kill, but before it could a flash of blue left it headless. Louise pushed the body off her with the Force, flinging it a good few meters before it crashed to the floor in a lump.
"That was surprisingly easy…" Quorian muttered absently, helping Louise to her feet. Despite being tackled by the thing, she knew it to be true. Had Quorian not killed it when she did, the Dark Sider would have found itself flung off Louise by tendrils of lightning; it made the mistake of leaving her hands free. But it was this simplicity that rubbed Louise wrong. For some reason, she felt like it held itself back – for what reason, she did not know.
Sighing, Louise went to reply to the Jedi, but before she could, the communications centre exploded. Fire and debris rained into the sky and down into the nearby area, destroying nearby buildings and shaking the ground. Louise, whose feet were not planted correctly on the ground, found herself promptly on her rear as a wave of heat washed over her. Quorian and Khem only found themselves staggered slightly, shielding their eyes from the fireball.
Louise blinked repeatedly, partly to remove the image of the fireball from her vision and partly because she suddenly found herself at a loss for words and was desperately trying to figure out
what exactly happened.
Then things got worse as, around her, several Republic archaeologists and workers, as well as some Jedi started swarming the scene, each confused and as worried as the next. It was not long before the Urik and Nola arrived, both heading straight to Louise, Khem, and Quorian – who was currently examining the body.
"What's going on here!?" Urik demanded, his eyes flicking to Louise and Quorian both.
Louise decided to answer. "I think we were attacked by a Dark Jedi… It might have blown up the comms centre."
"A Dark Jedi? What does she mean, Quorian?" Urik asked, his eyes narrowing.
"She means this," said Quorian, gesturing to the corpse which was thankfully lit by the smouldering remains of the communications tower.
Nola and Urik investigated the body, the former finding the mysterious Dark Sider's lightsaber. Pressing the ignition switch, it's crimson blade sprung forth once again, cackling dangerously. Several gasps were heard around them, from Jedi and Republic both, some even wondering what this meant aloud.
Urik turned hard eyes to Louise. "You might not be responsible for this, but it would be best if you were taken into custody."
"I haven't done anything wrong?" Louise argued back.
"What were you doing here?" Nola demanded.
"I was talking to my girlfriend." Whatever answer the Jedi expected, it seemed this one was not one of them.
Nola made went to say something, but before she did, Quorian spoke up. "It's true. I saw the entire thing."
"No matter what happened, you allowed a Sith to contact the Empire! Do you know what risks-"
"Enough, Nola. Louise, you are not being held for long, it's just a precaution and for your safety. You're the only Sith that had been reported here, so it's likely they'll blame you."
"Will I be disarmed?"
"This is just a precaution. If you cooperate, you may keep your belongings, but if not, you'll be detained like a prisoner," he said. "So, no, I will not deprive you of them."
Louise considered Urik's words, sizing up the Jedi who was acting quite strangely. She doubted any other choice would go down nicely with everyone, and might even lead to a violent confrontation with those around her. With nothing else, she accepted. "I… thank you, Urik."
The Jedi nodded, smiling sadly.
Then, as if the universe was not done ruining her mood, both the carrier ship and a few other buildings promptly exploded.
AN: Happy Hallowe'en!
Thank you to my usual Beta Readers and Poliamida for helping with the chapter.