A/N: Here's the next chapter. Thank you patrons for your support, which lets me keep writing full steam. *Raises glass of Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster in salute*
Chapter 20
Standing in the circular Jedi High Council chamber surrounded on every side by the Masters was generally seen by almost everyone in the rank and file of the Jedi Order as a time to be quite nervous. It generally meant you had done something to merit taking up a slot of the precious time allocated to High Council sessions, which often, in this day and age, did not bode well. In pre-war times, an average Jedi could expect to find themselves in front of the Council on only a handful of occasions during their lifetime. I had long since made my peace that as an apprentice to Anakin, I would probably find myself facing the Council in full session dozens of times before I even reached knighthood… if I reached knighthood.
Making this appearance most memorable was that we were being figuratively raked over the coals for our failure. A failure that wasn't even real. There was also the minor detail that I felt rather naked without my full armor at the moment. I was dressed in a new light brown top, with brown pants, my combat boots, lower leg armor and completing the outfit was the more traditional outer brown Jedi robes.
"It is most unfortunate that Bane managed to escape," Obi-Wan declared from the seat to the right of Yoda. "Knight Skywalker, can you enlighten this Council on how a bounty hunter managed to remain undetected aboard the
Thunderbolt for so long?"
I could tell immediately that Anakin despised every second of the charade but he kept his outward composure very well.
"Simply put, he kept his helmet on, spoke only when spoken to and kept his answers brief. The speech distortion of the helmet did the rest. The injury he sustained was also used as an excuse for any odd behavior. Bane also clearly has a high degree of technical prowess, which is how he affected his escape. He rewired and reprogrammed an aft escape pod in the engineering spaces. Then he timed it perfectly to launch just before the jump onward from the Hosnian Prime waypoint. Sensor records delivered from Hosnian, confirms he piloted the escape pod to rendezvous with a Rogue-class starfighter, which proceeded to disappear from sensors in a way that in my opinion can only mean it's equipped with a cloaking device."
I could feel how that little fact rippled through the Council, even as every master kept their supremely perfect poker faces. The implications that the CIS could build a starfighter with a cloaking device was staggering. It meant either the CIS could produce a compact reactor strong enough to power the more common hibridium cloaking device or something entirely new was in the picture. I knew of the more rare stygium crystal cloaking device, which was an insanely expensive form of cloaking that was used on the personal ship of Darth Sidious, the
The idea that the dark lord would give Cad Bane a stygium cloaking device was hard to fathom. It really showed the level of attachment to material wealth that Sidius had, that he was willing to throw that much money at Cad Bane.
Yoda glanced at Obi-Wan and then Mace Windu.
Windu closed his eyes for a moment, then said, "Send me the data, I will look it over myself. We must now decide on how to proceed. Bane now has access to the names and locations of the most Force sensitive children in the Republic. Determining how he will use the information will be crucial in potentially stopping him."
"Inflict devastating damage on the future Jedi Order, he could."
"Everything seems to suggest that Bane's employers are the Separatists," Anakin declared carefully.
"There are thousands of children on that list and to determine which he would go after first is problematic to say the least," Obi-Wan mused.
"Small chance there is, through the Force, the Council may detect them." Yoda pointedly looked at all the Masters physically present, who in turn nodded their assent. This was so typical of Yoda's style of 'command'. You could almost never say he issued an actual 'order'. For centuries he led by usually trying to generate a consensus. He was so experienced that he could generally lead most of the shorter lived and younger masters by the nose and where he wanted them. Rarely did he put his 'foot' down in his authority as Grand Master. The Clone War, however, was seeing him rather strained to maintain his typical approach. Also unspoken but understood by all of them was that this would involve trying to delve into the future through the Shroud. "Knight Skywalker, you joining the Council in this effort, essential it is. You who know the feeling of Bane in the Force."
"Understood, Master Yoda."
Clearly the Grandmaster was hoping Anakin's unprecedented strength in the Force, combined with his own and the other masters would be enough to hopefully succeed in the endeavor.
"Council, recess for one hour to prepare, meet in private mediation hall we will."
The assembled masters bowed in their chairs and stood to leave.
"Padawan," Anakin softly prompted me, with intent.
I spoke out of the corner of my mouth, "Yes, master, I'll keep working on the armor and make sure HK isn't plotting some extravagant assassination of the council or the senate."
"Please do so," he said dryly, rolling his eyes.
Yoda, feeling most of his over eight centuries of life, retired to his own quarters as he always did after the morning session of the Council was over. It wasn't far from the central spire and while he could easily walk through the halls of the Temple all day with the aid of his gimer stick, he knew his old body would find many ways to punish him afterwards for it.
His current quarters were not special in any way. Most would think the grandmaster of the Jedi Order merited at least a significant amount of personal space to enjoy, but the truth was there had never existed such special quarters in the Temple for the leader of the Jedi. He had no more and no less than any Master, slightly less than fifty square meters.
He had inhabited this particular space for the last sixty years and the time would soon come when he would move to another side of the Temple, just to keep things fresh. It was also to clean the myriad of momentos that accumulated as the decades passed. Nothing fancy or valuable in a monetary sense, but just small keepsakes that served as a touchstone for a memory. Also unique was some of the furniture that was resized to accommodate his small stature, though very little in the place was really inconvenient with the Force as your ally.
He settled on his meditation cushion, putting the gimer stick to one side before reaching into a pocket of his robes.
His holocron didn't wait at all for any prodding before rising into the air out his grasp and hovering at eye level.
Yoda gave the device a gimlet eyed stare.
A small holographic version of himself quickly appeared standing on the holocron and just made a beckoning gesture before vanishing.
He closed his eyes and with centuries of practice behind him, embraced the Force and pushed his awareness directly into the holocron.
When Yoda opened his eyes next it was to regard a very different place.
Many masters over the millenia had written and published into the Jedi Archives on the mysteries of the holocron. Each one having a different theory or unique perspective on the tiny marvels that represented the most commonly known example of Force based technology in the galaxy. The major theory that most gravitated to was that the holocron was a 'Force-empowered' copy of the mind of the Jedi who had created the device. Others went so far as to say it was an infusion of the very soul of a Jedi into a material structure that would persist beyond death.
Just as unique was the experiences of the Jedi who had created a holocron. None of them reported the exact same thing during the process. There was always an element of uniqueness during the construction, something which Yoda believed was a direct provenance of the Force itself. Just as an adept's Trial of the Mirror on Illum was unique to find their first kyber crystal, so was the journey to create a holocron.
To Yoda's knowledge, very few of those old masters had ever reported that their holocrons could pull their creator into an entirely different 'world', a world composed out of the mind alone.
This 'world' was a seemingly infinite dimension of black stone floor that radiated in every direction, with an equally black starless sky. It was not a place of darkness, however, as a soft white light seemed to radiate from the floor and its many small cracks.
His 'mirror-self' didn't seem to be in a playful mood today as
he was seated merely a few meters away staring up at the infinite black sky.
Yoda immediately spotted what his holocron-self was looking at.
Up in the distance, seemingly in orbit of the infinite black floor, was
the homeworld.
"Homesick, are we?" Yoda chuckled as he sat down next to the embodiment of the holocron personality.
"I think we can dispense with the Basic in here," holo-Yoda spoke in their native tongue.
"If you wish," Yoda replied in the same language, easily slipping into it.
"No, I am not homesick, I'm just thinking about the message we received from the homeworld. The request to send another young one for training."
"You are having second thoughts about it?"
Holo-Yoda gave his flesh and blood counterpart a flat stare, "After what I have learned on my journey with young Ahsoka… yes. The Clone War alone should've given us pause."
"You discovered something?"
Unraveling the mystery that the young togruta represented was a prospect that had been gnawing at his mind for nearly a decade. In all his time alive and for all his talents in the Force, his ability to perceive the history of a soul was perhaps the one he relied on most and treasured.
Ahsoka had stood out from the moment she had stepped foot into the Temple as a youngling. Shining like a beacon of insatiable curiosity and eager to study the ways of the Force, but where most young ones eventually lose that drive and fall into the typical paths, she kept going and never where you would expect. She had her childish foibles as most did, but always at some point would a mote of light shine through, one that spoke to Yoda - that said that this was not some mere youngling.
Her accomplishments as initiate and adept quickly began to bring her to the attention of many masters. Rare was the Jedi Master who invented a new technique in the Force, almost unheard of for an adept to bring three such discoveries to the Order, now with a fourth as a padawan.
Many masters had petitioned to take her on as a padawan, but always it had felt in the Force that the correct match for her had not yet arrived.
Then the Clone War fell on the galaxy and the name of the Chosen One was submitted by young Kenobi for taking an apprentice.
The match seemed like a cog in the wheel of the Force, everything had just come together perfectly. Quite a few masters of the Council objected, stating that Skywalker was too new to his own knighthood to be expected to also manage the critical training of a padawan, especially one so gifted as Ahsoka.
Yoda used his rarely exercised authority as grandmaster to push it through though.
"Something? Yes, but no true answers, only more questions," his holo-self replied with frustrating vagueness. "Firstly, she knows the true enemy we face."
Very few things in the galaxy could truly shock Yoda at this point, after so much life experience behind him. This came very close. That the small bundle of potential and joy that had entered the Temple twelve years ago, carried this burden on her shoulders… it was just utterly wrong.
"I don't know and I did ask, her answer in itself was revealing, 'That's too dangerous to answer,' she said."
Yoda nodded, his mind racing with the implications. "So her requesting the holocron, she needed help in fighting Sidious?"
"Yes, secret help, something I will not elaborate on, even to you."
"My own holocron keeping secrets from me," Yoda scoffed in annoyance.
"Yes, you of all people know that fighting young Dooku's master is not a straightforward exercise. It's best this information is… compartmentalized."
"The ways of deceit and shadow are not the Jedi way," Yoda tapped his cane to emphasize every word as he spoke sternly.
His holo-self had the gall to suddenly laugh! Had Ahsoka managed to somehow corrupt the thing? "Oh, sorry, I said the exact same thing to her. Suffice it to say, she convinced me otherwise soon enough."
"What could she possibly have said that would…" Yoda cut himself off in frustration as he recognized the words about to spill out of his mouth.
His mirror laughed again, "A bit of arrogance there, careful. After all, what could such a youngling possibly say or possess that could shake the foundations and change the mind of the old, powerful and wise, Master Yoda?"
Yoda harrumphed, "Should scrap you and start over."
Holo-Yoda shook a clawed finger at him, "A bit late for that, you know you're only a few decades away from becoming one with the Force. Building me is not something done in an afternoon. Suffice it to say, you know that power comes in many varied forms and she is powerful in ways that I think even she doesn't know yet. I will say this, my flesh and blood self, the Sith have evolved. Their blades in the dark are many. The battle must not just be fought in the light but in the darkness as well." The holocron sighed heavily, "The Sith knows us too well. Long have they studied us and prepared. They embraced their strength in secrecy and know in the process of clinging so hard to our dogma, that we would never even dream of meeting them in the darkness with our own blades."
"The Jedi Shadows?" Yoda asked with realization on where his mirror was going.
"Yes, if we are to truly defeat the enemy, the Shadow's way we must embrace. Which is why,
you need to maintain a shield of ignorance, so to speak."
"Yes, I'm telling you to act in contradiction to the Jedi Code."
"How can you possibly justify…"
"The code has become
chains that are weighing the Jedi Order down, causing us to
stagnate," Holo-Yoda poked his own gimer stick into the ground to emphasize his points. "Something the enemy has already been taking advantage of for hundreds of years. Already you see the living Force itself beginning a movement for reformation among the young of the Order with the revised code. Now… you must act as the enemy expects. This will give me and others the breathing room and time to move against him in ways
he does not expect."
Yoda recognized his own immense anger in that moment and with the ages of experience behind him, cast it off and began tracing its source. Only his own holocron was still able to bring these kinds of emotions out, which was why he preferred to only rarely interact with the thing.
The sheer idea of casting the code aside that had served the Order so well for hundreds of years, through the horrors of the old Sith Wars, was ridiculous, an anathema. Master Billaba's revision was generally seen as misguided by the older masters, a reflexive knee-jerk response due to the trying times of the Clone War. The idea that everything he had done for the past hundreds of years was a mistake, that it had been playing directly into the old enemy's hands was… difficult to even contemplate.
Yet, even the standard Jedi Code railed against that.
There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. Refusing to see, to even think about your own possible error or arrogance when pointed out to you.
Never had he imagined that he would be fighting a battle like this on this morning. That he would be facing a Trail of the Mirror like an adept, but only a hundred times monstrously worse. The mirror challenged you in ways you never expected, it exposed you and removed masks painstakingly built to reveal the full naked truth that you wished to hide from even yourself. Amazing, that even at almost 900 years old, Yoda could still be made to feel like a youngling learning at the slithery tail of Master Del Gormo.
Finally, Yoda looked to his artificial Force counterpart, the anger understood and banished, "I assume there is a plan in the works with the youngling list then?"
"You may safely assume just that," holo-Yoda nodded.
"What else is needed?"
"Simply continue the path you've set already, find the children that Bane has targeted with the Council, retrieve the holocron, fight in the light and when young Ahsoka asks for me again, deliver me secretly without hesitation. The time will come when all things inevitably come into knowledge. The Shroud of the Dark Side will fall, just as surely as a sun rises."
"Knows this, she does?" Yoda grinned, teasingly falling into Basic.
"That, my counterpart, you may speculate on in the deepest corner of your mind only and never speak of."
"Understood," Yoda nodded and with a twist of will, the world of the holocron vanished.
He was back in his quarters and the holocron slowly lowered itself, its brightness faded into dormancy.
"Begin, we will."
A few twists with the hydrospanner and the Force for the more delicate work, "How's that?"
"Diagnostic: Knee joint articulation has been improved by four percent and back into acceptable parameters, master."
I stood up and regarded HK with an appraising eye, "Good."
Any further conversation was interrupted by Anakin entering through the door to his own quarters with a figurative cloud of worry over his head.
"Oh, Skyguy, how'd things go with the council?"
"Well, we were successful, somewhat. Get your gear and I'll explain."
This was done very quickly, given that most of my stuff could fit in a large duffle bag and a single chest. Anakin was an even lighter traveler and we were all heading down to the main Temple hangars within ten minutes.
"The Council determined four children were being targeted. One was on Mon Cal, Obi-wan is heading there. The others are on Kashyyyk, Chironia and lastly our target, Hapes."
I nearly stumbled in surprise at the list of planets and only just stopped myself from asking a very stupid question, given our location.
Down in the hangars I immediately spotted the craft we were intending to take for the journey. The
Twilight looked quite ugly compared to all the other sleek and newer vessels being worked on around her. In fact, it didn't even look like she'd gotten any sort of exterior cleaning in quite a while. The rugged look was something of a camouflage all on its own, I suppose.
The interior was a different story, and I immediately spotted that the cargo space of the light freighter was distinctly lessened. Now occupied by machinery and what looked to be a supplementary reactor for the ship.
The reason for that was apparent as I sat down at the co-pilot station and brought up a ship diagnostic.
"Master, are you kidding me?" I asked Anakin with astonishment as he sat down next to me and began the pre-flight.
"About what, Snips?"
"You managed to get the
Twilight's hyperdrive to a 1.0 rating."
"Yes, after a full overhaul with the extra power plant installed, which also neatly gives our shields much more staying power when we're not in hyperspace."
"This has been tested?"
Anakin just kept pushing buttons and flicking switches, "Of course… in the simulator."
I stared at him for a moment before just focusing on my part of the pre-flight checklist and began tapping buttons and switches, "Fine, let's just go."
"Commentary: Master, your master's technical prowess is quite significant. Query: However, should his potentially ill-advised tinkering result in us being stranded in another dimension, can I wring his meatbag neck?"
I gave Anakin a brilliant mischievous smile, "Certainly, HK."
He rolled his eyes and keyed the radio, "Temple Control, this is Twilight, requesting departure vectors and hyperspace exit corridor to the Perlimian Trade Route."
Temple Control to Twilight, clearance granted for takeoff, transmitting vectors for hyperspace departure, ETE, forty three minutes."
"Thank you, Control. Twilight out."
A few seconds later my main MFD screen chirped and flickered. "Got our course, Master, uploading."
"Got it," he pulled back on the control yoke and
Twilight smoothly lifted into the air, moving forward slightly and twisting to bring the nose to bear on the hangar exit. Anakin pushed the throttle and the ship smoothly emerged into the open space around the Jedi Temple.
As usual, the estimate for our hyperspace transit was wildly optimistic. It took nearly double the estimated time to navigate to the appropriate point in space before Anakin pulled back on the hyperdrive motivator control and the ship shot off into hyperspace.
It would take three days in hyperspace to travel to the Taanab system along the Perlimian hyper lane. Taanab was one of only two known gateway systems into the Hapes Cluster and was the closest entrance from Coruscant.
The journey was mostly spent getting ourselves up to speed on the Hapan worlds and its society. Not to mention pondering just what Anakin's holocron was thinking in giving Bane these specific targets to go after.
Mon Cal and Kashyyyk were easy to understand, as both worlds would give Bane a very tough time easily moving around. The former being an ocean world and the latter, the homeworld of the wookiees. If Bane was caught snooping around a wookiee nursery, his death would be extremely unpleasant to say the least and using a holosheathe to impersonate a wookiee would require stilts. Learning to walk like the hairy giants was problematic at best and even if you could, your smell would give you away too.
Chironia was a mystery though. It required a database search for me to even have a clue on the planet at all. Chironians were the closest thing you could see in the Corusca galaxy to the old Earth legend of the centaur. A being with six limbs, arranged in a rough humanoid form for the upper part and a smooth transition to a lower body for the remaining four limbs, which was generally used for locomotion. About the only reason really we could see here was that it would be impossible for Bane to use a holosheathe to blend in.
There was also the exercise of reasoning Bane's potential movements simply by looking at the travel times between the four locations, the routes available, the speed of his transport and how long it would take to arrange and plan the kidnappings at each location. Also ideally, we would've sent Jedi to Kashyyyk and Chironia, but the Temple bombing in combination with the galaxy spanning war was straining things considerably as the list of available and capable people that could be sent was quite small now.
"I see no other way around this," Anakin chucked a datapad onto the small dinner table in the Twilight's equally small galley section. "You're going to have to take the lead on this, Snips. I'll be lucky if the Hapans even speak to me."
I could only nod as I studied the Jedi Archives' notes on interacting with the Hapans.
This was due to the fact that Hapan society, congregated in the dense cluster of 63 inhabited worlds, were strictly matriarchal.
The Hapans were descendants of an ancient pirate group, known as the Lorell Raiders, that had used the isolated nature of the Hapan Cluster as an easily defensible base to raid out into the galaxy with. As with most pirates, they raided and plundered, including finding the most beautiful women to forcibly take from the worlds they raided. The women were all brought back to the cluster, where they became concubines to the pirate lords. They would stay on Hapes itself to raise the children they gave birth to, whilst their pirate 'husbands' would go out again and again to bring new plunder and capture more women.
This all changed though, roughly 4000 years ago when the Jedi of the time ambushed and were forced to kill the Lorell Raiders to the last man when they tried to extend their raids into Republic space.
The women left behind, now suddenly free, took control of the Hapan Cluster and totally forgotten about by the greater galaxy, they vowed that men would never rule over them again. This would eventually give birth to the Hapan Consortium, which ruled over the cluster in the form a hereditary monarchy always passed down to the next daughter in line to the throne.
The first queen mother ordered that their borders be closed and for many thousands of years that was the status quo, until a few decades after the Ruusan Reformation. Then the Hapan society reopened themselves to the galaxy and it wasn't long until they joined the Republic in the most loose fashion possible. Sending only a representative to Coruscant and not even bothering to begin the centuries long process of petitioning for a senate seat.
The opening of the cluster was brought about by what was seen as a very liberal queen mother, who wanted to bring the wonders of the cluster to the galaxy and engage in very limited trade of goods and knowledge. The most significant of which was their exotic starship technology, genetic technology and hapan gems.
The Jedi Order's relationship with the Hapans though was generally positive.
The majority of Hapans viewed the Order with favor, seeing as the Jedi were responsible for their ancestral mother's freedom and their society being able to develop in the first place. The unfortunate minority opinion that existed, stemming most likely from the ancient concubines who still wanted to see their pirate husbands return, was that the Jedi were child-stealing butchers. Hardly something that had any foundations in logic, but that was sentient nature for you.
The queen mother by tradition also allowed a number of Jedi foundling missions to occur every generation. Any Hapan Jedi successfully trained to knighthood would see them spend ten years in the greater galaxy, after which they were obliged to return to the Hapan Cluster to serve there for another ten years. The Hapan Jedi were under the direct authority of the queen mother during this time and it was generally known that they were employed as bodyguards and truthsayers, occasionally being empowered as law enforcement in the greater cluster.
"We're also going to need support from the Hapan authorities, master, no way we can do this quietly given who our youngling is."
Anakin nodded, "Just our luck that the potential kidnap victim is the daughter of a senior executive in the consortium."
"What would be the best approach? Try and get an audience with the queen mother or try for a lower hanging fruit?"
"We don't have time to wade through bureaucracy, Snips. We go straight for the queen, even if she doesn't have time for us, we'll get passed down until someone can see us. Master Yoda's diplomatic note can hopefully open the way far enough."
"Our contingency plan if the diplomatic approach doesn't work?"
"We'll go straight to the parents and work from there."
A warning chime echoed through the small galley, giving a two minute warning on the approaching hyperspace destination.
We were ready and strapped in behind our stations in the cockpit before Anakin pulled back on the hyperdrive lever.
The tunnel of hyperspace seemed to shatter and resolve into streaks of stars as we emerged from the dimension and settled into the typical pinpricks of a starfield around us. The main difference now, was that ahead of us was the distant agglomeration of stars packed together in a distinct clump - the Hapan Cluster. It was just a visual illusion of distance - the cluster was still over 2000 light years away from the Taanab system and the Hapans laid claim to 500 light years of space as their sovereign territory in that cluster.
Protecting the main hyperspace lane entry to Hapes was something that most people would be forgiven for thinking was a space station.
It had elegant curving lines that began as a circle from above then tapered to five distinct points, with a very aesthetic hull that reflected the light of the Taanab star in a manner that just made you feel you could stare at the thing all day and not get bored. Along each of the five spines, was featured prominently the Hapan royal family crest, a circle surrounding a sixteen point radiant star.
A very cursory passive scan also revealed that far from being a customs station, this was a fully fledged starship, with twenty four sublight engines hidden cunningly from view along the interior ring of the ship, with a hyperspace engine in each of the spines. Similarly hidden behind almost seamless panels all along the hull spines were banks of laser, turbolaser, ion cannons and tractor beam projectors. It also featured a series of hangar bays in the lower central hull that had a constant flow of traffic, mostly custom patrol boats and the occasional fighter escort.
This was the Hapan
Star Home class, that was a dreadnought in all but name.
No one really knew just how many of these the Hapans had. Only four had been independently verified and which they admitted to. Two of which stood guard over the entrances of the cluster, with the third being the Hapan royal family's personal ship and the fourth being a backup.
"Freighter Twilight, this is Eternity control, we have you on our scopes now. Please state your intentions and business."
The female voice over the radio was both pleasant to hear, stern and bored.
Anakin didn't answer via voice and sent through authorizations of the Jedi Council and a text only diplomatic message from Yoda appended to it.
Received Twilight, stand by. Proceed to holding pattern, one tau, nine, eight. Transmitting."
He flew the ship as instructed and we waited. We were trying to enter as quietly as we could without appearing as smugglers to the authorities. Bane with his cloaked fighter could enter the cluster without the Hapans really knowing. He'd only have to drop his cloak right before he entered hyperspace and there would be no time for the Hapans to react. Hopefully, this meant that Bane wouldn't bother to go through the motions of trying to suss out local intelligence, such as whether the Jedi were already waiting for him at his target.
"Wonder how far this alone will get us up the food chain?" I wondered.
"High enough that we can do our job, hopefully," Anakin answered. "We have 21 waypoints in the cluster before we even reach Hapes itself."
The wait continued for nearly forty-two minutes before the reply came back.
"Apologies for the delay, Twilight. You're cleared to proceed into the cluster and a course to Hapes is being transmitted to you. Do not deviate from this flight plan."
Anakin gestured to me, then to the radio, pointedly.
"Understood, Eternity. Thank you. Twilight out."
"Safe journey," the traffic controller said before breaking the connection.
Anakin turned the Twilight away from the holding pattern and smoothly entered the onward lane.
"Jump one of twenty-one, coming up," he declared with mock enthusiasm and pushed on the hyperdrive lever.
The bureaucracy thankfully lessened considerably the deeper we got in the cluster, with only two delays hitting us at the Febrini and Carlania waypoints, where inspection craft stopped and scanned us very thoroughly. If we had not been logged as a Jedi craft in their systems, that would've included a boarding inspection. As it was, it took nearly another day of stop starts to finally reach orbit of Hapes itself.
Hapes was a typical temperate garden world. The standout feature of the system itself was a very strange trinary sun pair with orbital mechanics that gave me a headache to even contemplate and was distinctly unnatural. The end result being that Hapes never had night.
How the locals had adapted to that was quite interesting. They by now lacked the natural night vision of standard humans and had genengineered a second set of internal eyelids that acted as natural 'sunglasses' to cut out the extreme glare of certain times during the eternal day. Anakin and I had to make do with contact lenses that served the same function.
We already had landing coordinates on the planet and it was barely eight minutes from the hyperspace emergence till we broke into the atmosphere and headed directly towards an equatorial continent where the capital city of Ta'a Chume Dan was located on a coast.
It was only when we finally got into seeing the city with the naked eye that we realized our coordinates were not just to some nondescript landing bay at the starport.
We were being directed to land in the hangar bays of the Royal
Star Home dreadnought, which was impressively landed directly in the coastal waters off the capital city.
"Okay, that I did not expect, and really makes me curious just what Master Yoda said in that note."
"I thought it would at least get us in the cluster, the Hapans are very stingy about who they let in their space," Anakin nodded.
"Twilight, this is Royal Star, come to a stop at ten kilometers and prepare for tractor beam capture."
"Understood Royal Star, will comply," I replied, after keying the radio.
Anakin followed the directions to the letter and the
Twilight had barely begun hovering before the small freighter jolted and resonated with the on board dampeners enough to shake us in our seats.
"Powering down engines," Anakin announced, but I noticed he kept the repulsors hot. Clearly he wasn't in a trusting mood with regard to the tractor beam operator.
"Statement: These Hapans are very paranoid, master. Admiration: I approve."
HK was looking distinctly underarmed without his cannons, but he did have small hidden blasters built into his arms, along with his lightsabers secreted in foldout compartments in his legs.
"Have you brushed up on your protocol droid functions, HK?"
"Answer: Of course, master. As much as I wish to delete anything that could potentially facilitate the end of hostilities between parties, they are simply too useful in opening doors and even escalating hostilities… if used correctly."
It occasionally made me wonder just how many wars HK had started in the galaxy during his active periods. I knew better than to ask, thankfully.
Finally, Twilight was pulled into the maw of one of the
Royal Star's hangar bays. Anakin switched the ship into its landing configuration and lowered the landing struts at just the right time, making it look like the ship was still being actively piloted under power.
The ramp lowered and I led the way off the ship, with Anakin behind me to my left, with HK on my right.
We were met by four women, three of which were very tall and strong, clad in the light-blue uniform of the Hapan Royal Guard. They were just a tad short of being the textbook definition of the old Earth legend of 'amazonian'. The fourth woman, in the lead, was much more 'feminine', shorter but her lithe, dancer's figure was no less physically toned. She was also in the figure flattering Guard outfit, but this was more in a bodysuit style. The lightsaber at her hip and her presence in the Force meant we were being met by a Hapan Jedi.
We exchanged Temple perfect bows of greeting. Anakin remained stoic and silent behind me.
"Welcome to Hapes, Jedi Tano," the Hapan greeted. "I am Royal Guard Commander Khal. It is a pleasure to receive visitors from the Jedi Council."
"It's a pleasure to be here Commander," I said pleasantly. "I am accompanied by my own master, Anakin Skywalker and my escort protocol droid, HK."
To my suprise, Khal turned to face Anakin and acknowledged him with only a nod. "We appreciate you adhering to our customs, Knight Skywalker, but it is really only necessary should you leave the Royal Home and venture into the capital city. Her majesty runs a household that is not strictly traditional and understands the ways of the greater galaxy."
"Oh, thanks for that, it'll make things easier I suppose," Anakin answered.
"Scan," Khal prompted one of her escorts. One of the large women stepped forward slightly and brandished a scanner towards HK briefly and showed the results to her commander. Her eyebrows shot into her short hairstyle in surprise. "Interesting, are you sure this isn't an assassin droid, Jedi Tano?"
"He can be many things," I shrugged, not bothering any denial.
"I see," Khal nodded. "It is to always remain by your side. If found alone anywhere on board it will be destroyed."
"Now, in brief, can you please explain why you are here?"
The news that we were there to stop the kidnapping of one of the potential Jedi younglings was not well received, which naturally led to the revelation that the entire list had been compromised. The news was dire enough that Commander Khal pushed herself into an emergency audience with the queen mother. Thankfully, we didn't have to appear before her as well. Khal knew her regent well enough to guess her reaction and would rather not expose foreign guests to that. Apparently the current queen had a bit of a temper and was not afraid to let loose that vitriol, no matter who was in front of her.
We were deposited in a waiting room adjoining Khal's office to wait and it took a few hours before she returned from her audience.
Khal's composure when she walked in had a distinct edginess to it that I could just barely spot.
"What's the news, Commander?" I asked with a slight knowing smile.
"The news is that you're to be assisted in any way possible to prevent the kidnapping and detain this bounty hunter. Custody will depend on any crimes he commits. If any Hapan citizen is harmed or killed by him, then he will remain in the cluster either in prison or get the death sentence. If nothing like that happens, he'll be released to the Jedi Council's custody as the queen understands full well that they'll want to know who his actual client is." Khal produced a code cylinder from a pocket and handed it over to me. "This contains an electronic writ from the queen, which essentially allows you to act as deputized law enforcement in the Hapan Cluster for the duration."
"Thank you. We'll use this only as necessary, on my word and honor as Jedi," I declared formally.
Khal nodded. "Good. Speaking as a Jedi, I hope you bring this bounty hunter to justice. Speaking as a Hapan… this alien better hope you succeed in catching him with no loss of life." Her green eyes shone with a deadly serious intent, which coming from a beautiful woman like that made it even worse.
Back in the
Twilight, we left the
Royal Star and parked the ship in a more convenient docking bay in the starport of the city. We used a bay usually reserved for law enforcement craft, to at least give some measure of privacy and separation from the common masses. I expected the dock
mistress to throw some measure of fuss at us to prove everything, but the moment the code cylinder was read by her systems, it was as if an electric prod had been shoved up her spine. We were hurriedly cleared and sent on our way.
We walked into the city streets with me leading the way, as was custom. For this trip we made some further modifications to our wardrobe. The only armor I wore were my gauntlets and lower leg greaves, with combat boots and open Jedi robe. The rest was an outfit that had me feeling very exposed, so to speak. Brown skin tight leggings and a midriff baring top that looked more like a very brief 'wrap', that was keeping my chest supported and covered, but was somewhat thin and left very little to imagination. It was something that Aayla Secura would approve of and quite happily wear.
The point being was to emphasize and display my femininity despite being an 'alien'. It was also to make sure that Anakin didn't get any clearly unwanted advances. A Hapan man could generally walk around perfectly freely, no escort or chaperone necessary, but they would usually wear some visible token (an armband in this case) to indicate they were already married and not single. An unclaimed single man walking about without family in his presence, in Hapan society, that was like an antelope walking up to bunch of lionesses and asking if they were hungry.
Anakin, for his part, also had to make a few changes. He had to get rid of the armor on his shoulders and not wear his lightsaber. An armed man was also a distinct taboo in Hapan culture. His lightsaber was secured with a strap on my utility belt, in the small of my back. It would be easy enough for him to simply summon it to him with the Force in an emergency.
It seemed though, that despite our precautions, my exotic togruta looks were drawing eyes and attention. 'Aliens' were just not common enough a sight otherwise. The capital did have a foreign population of about just under five percent and the majority of those were human. My Jedi robe and openly carried lightsabers on my outer thighs was enough to make things click in most people's heads.
Walking through the crowds of pedestrians, I was starting to feel like I'd been dumped on the planet of the supermodels. I was not generally a vain person or interested at all in my looks or personal beauty. Only Togrutan city dwellers really had any notion of it and even among those the 'beauty industry' only existed for those who wanted to touch up or change their facial markings. The Jedi, naturally, didn't ascribe any value to superficial beauty either, as it was transitory and faded with time.
But damn, you didn't even have to spend ten minutes on this planet before you started feeling like you were a backwards hick with pimples and blotchy skin, even if you were notionally attractive or pretty according to everyone around you. Those old pirates sure did have an eye for the women when they went on their raids. It was also further reinforced by Hapan culture itself. If anyone was born deformed or blemished in any way, it was considered a fate worse than death. Which was why genetic tech was so rampant among them.
It was again just our luck though that we were 'accosted' in the street leading up to our destination.
These days, I was about 1,65 meters tall. The woman who now stood blocking my way had my height beat by her chest and head and was looking down on me with a sneering expression that had no right still looking so good on her face. Her outfit, a bodysuit with a flaring partial skirt that almost reminded me of Quorra's outfit from Tron Legacy, showed off every bit of her perfect figure.
I was pushing into my presience for the results of this little confrontation. Trying to figure out what had prompted it. In this case, I didn't even need to try to delve into her mind.
She tried to speak but…
"Let me stop you right there." I spoke my words with the power of Force suggestion behind it. Then raised the code cylinder and turned it to show the Royal Seal.
The Force had put enough of a pause into her stride for her to see it and recognize it. It was rather amusing to see someone so imposing wilt and retreat so quickly.
"Humble apologies," the woman muttered and hurried off.
The Hapans who had witnessed the aborted confrontation were rather amused.
"Snips?" Anakin whispered.
"She wanted to challenge me for… a fling with you, so to speak. I'm visibly not old enough for you and alien, so despite me being in an 'ownership' position of you, she assumed she could bully her way through me. I also suspect she's part of the In-sa subculture."
Which was a minority Hapan subculture where women engaged in 'walking marriages'. Men were generally second class citizens on Hapes, but they were still well treated and had their general sentient rights as guaranteed under overarching Republic law. The In-sa, however, treated men as accessories on two legs at best. They brought their sexual partners home, had their fling and the man was sent on his way, any children that resulted was raised in the mother's house with the help of her brothers and the rest of the community.
Finally, we arrived at our destination. A rather palatial estate belonging to Ta'a Gray, senior member of the executive board of the Hapan Shipbuilding Consortium.
The visible security I saw alone was going to be a tough nut to crack for Bane; imposing guards, high walls, sensors and what definitely had to be automated turrets, though they weren't firing anything lethal that I could sense, it was definitely something exotic that I had no basis for comparison to.
The guard in the booth next to the main gate, a woman of over two meters in height that somehow combined being hot and utterly imposing in one package, didn't blink an eye at our approach, not even when we showed her our credentials. She had the poker face of a bouncer down pat.
We were soon escorted in with another pair of guards into the mansion itself, before being directed to sit in a lounge that was overflowing with so much wealth in its furnishings that it made me feel like a pauper playing with loose change on the galactic stock market.
The sofa I put my butt into, intelligently molded to my body. It felt like a little slice of heaven and clouds had just embraced me. Anakin and HK for their part, stayed standing behind me and he wouldn't sit down until the mistress of the house allowed it.
A man wearing the household armband of the Gray family entered, with a tray of refreshments and snacks. Anyone looking at him wouldn't consider him 'weak' at all. He stood at 1.9 meters tall, impressively muscled and showing it off, as he was only wearing very tight shorts that looked like he could jump into a swimming pool at any moment.
"Please, enjoy at your leisure," he said easily with a smile at me, putting the tray down and promptly left. I tried very hard not to stare at his posterior and muscled back as he went. Grief, these Hapans were crazy. Even the men looked like they could be at home on any of those cheesy romance novels of old Earth or Playgirl. As strong as that guy had been, the ancient Hapan women had made sure their daughters were stronger through genetic tinkering.
I really wasn't hungry at the moment, so just made do with the glass of water. Though some of the sweet confections were incredibly tempting.
'I guess we can see why my holocron self chose this place,' Anakin thought to me.
'I wish Bane luck getting through this security.'
Nothing is perfect, Skyguy. The Hapans do have a criminal underworld, which he can get help from and he can use a holosheathe to pass himself off as female.'
A woman entered at this point, who I immediately recognized as our main contact. She had long blonde hair and was wearing a long flowing white, slightly sheer dress that clinged to her generous curves in just that perfect enticing way. The only hint of her actual advanced age of just over sixty years old was around her eyes, which showed that she did a lot of frowning in her life.
I stood immediately and bowed. "Greetings Mistress Gray, I'm Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano, my master, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and our droid HK."
She acknowledged me with just a slight bow of her own head, "Welcome to my home, Padawan Tano. Given a woman of my position, I have little time and many demands on it. We'll get straight to the point. My youngest was identified as Force sensitive and potentially promised to your Order, I can assume you're here about her?"
"Correct, mistress. Your daughter is still too young, but there's been a security breach in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant."
Gray narrowed her eyes in thought. "The bombing?"
"Yes, the galactic media is playing it off as a terrorist attack by the CIS, and it does look that way, but it was simply a distraction to hide the theft of certain information."
It didn't take a woman of Gray's caliber long to connect the dots. "They have the fact that my Tenel is Force-sensitive, don't they?"
"Yes, mistress. The Jedi Council has divined and combined with hard evidence, come to the conclusion that your daughter is being targeted by a duros bounty hunter, Cad Bane, for kidnapping."
Her eyes narrowed at me severely. "That you made the journey all the way here in person… and carry the blessing of the queen mother… You and the Jedi don't think that my own security or Hapan security in general can stop Bane?"
"Not with the resources he has at his disposal," I nodded. "The CIS lost a fleet of six Munificents to secure this information from the Jedi protecting it and has given Bane a newly developed rogue-class heavy fighter with full cloaking abilities."
"Cloak on something as small as a heavy fighter?" Gray barely stopped herself from losing her composure and gaping at me. "I'm sorry, Padawan. But if it wasn't for the Jedi reputation of truthfulness and the Hapan Royal seal on your person, I'd say this was a practical joke."
"I wish it was a joke, mistress. The Jedi Council is investigating the possibility on whether we will be seeing cloaked fighters in greater numbers from the CIS, but the fact remains that Bane will be able to penetrate Hapan space easily. The Hapan Navy will try to intercept, but the difficulties are just too great."
Gray waved me off. "Yes, I understand full well, padawan." She sighed and stared off into the distance, looking troubled and deep in thought, before finally nodding. "Very well. I see your intent. You wish to use my home as a trap for this duros beast?"
"That is the humble request of myself and the Jedi Council, mistress."
"I shall grant this, in the interest of my daughter's security and every other child who is on that list. I trust that the Jedi will take the appropriate steps for the others too?"
"Every resource that can be spared," I confirmed.
She scoffed, "Which can't be much, given the war."
"Everything that can be done, is being done, mistress."
Gray nodded, then promptly asked, "Where are you staying?"
"We intend to retire to our ship and remain out of sight as much as possible. Our open approach to you was done in the interest of speed. Word of our presence to your local enemies and the criminal underworld is not… ideal if we want Bane to fall into our trap."
She walked in the upper classes of Hapan society, where deniable assassination and struggles for power was a common thing.
Again she waved me off, "I'm an old hand at the game, padawan. You let me worry about my backyard. I offer you the hospitality of my home. I'll not have anyone who has come so far to protect my daughter be sleeping in whatever garbage scow you arrived in."
In a burst of my first proper bout of feminine intuition as I stared at this woman, taking in her eyes, posture and body language, I knew it would not be wise to deny her. A quick check with my prescience also confirmed… I immediately answered with a bow of my head, "Thank you, Mistress. We would be honored."
Gray clapped her hands twice and the man in the speedo was back within barely a few seconds, "Yes, dear?"
"Subro, go and prepare two guest rooms in the south wing."
"At once, my heart."
Her husband left just as promptly. It was a struggle once again not to stare.
Gray immediately noticed and smirked at me knowingly. "Now, I'll go call in a few favors with the Navy. My chief bodyguard will call on you within the hour and you can begin coordinating to set this little trap."
Four days staying in a Hapan mansion of opulence might seem like most people's idea of a vacation. It most decidedly wasn't when you knew that your mere presence was most likely being used in scheming power plays. Far from upsetting her own plans of high-society and murder, Mistress Gray slotted us into them with masterful ease. My prescience only allowed me to catch the edges and periphery of those plans, but it was enough for me to conclude that if only she were Force sensitive, she would be able to give even Palpatine a run for his money.
Thankfully, we did receive word from the Hapan Navy on the second day of our stay that Bane's fighter had been briefly detected in a transition of hyperspace at the border, so we had a timeline for when we'd have to be ready.
HK had been moaning my montrals off about finding something productive to do, so in what was probably a very unwise move, I put the droid at Mistress Gray's disposal temporarily. She immediately found a use for its singular talents, which I definitely didn't want to know about and HK was practically gleeful.
Her plan was to leave a gap in her security that Bane would walk right through. The trick was in not making it too obvious and yet at the same time helping him along.
It was clear that she didn't get to her position and age without being a master manipulator and schemer. It left me feeling like I could most definitely try to establish a secure method of contact… just so I could learn from her. I was flying by the seat of my pants against Palpatine and any help in this department I couldn't afford to say no to.
At last though, I took my place in a hidden safe room that looked like it could survive everything short of a direct strike of a nuke. Its primary and only entrance was through the baby room. It definitely spoke volumes about how much Mistress Gray valued her daughter.
The daughter in question, Tenel Gray, was barely three years old and a cute precious handful to her parents. It was rather amazing how after a few days, Mistress Gray even let me play with and entertain the little tyke, which I mostly did with a few displays of telekinesis with the infant's toys.
Bane began his infiltration of the mansion by waylaying one of the guards, killing her and taking on her form via holosheathe.
The amazing thing was, that the guard in question was someone Mistress Gray had been planning to carefully dispose of for months anyway, as she was a spy for a rival. The mechanics of that manipulation was tough to wrap my head around. She would've had to arrange for that one guard to somehow catch Bane's eye as a weak link in the security force.
From there it was rather straightforward for the bounty hunter. His every movement was carefully watched as he did his own recon of the mansion. Here I had to give him credit as he never let his body language show any unfamiliarity with where he was going. Seemingly going on a patrol route through the mansion.
This eventually led him to identify the baby room and he never let it show, keeping in character and walking straight on.
His patience did wear out eventually, he wasn't a Jedi, and soon the baby room door opened and the disguised bounty hunter snuck in.
I took that as my cue and waited until the moment when Bane lowered his head to look down into the crib.
The baby room's furniture had been carefully adjusted to lure him to a corner and he had his back to the safe room door.
This let me easily emerge without being spotted and cloaking my footsteps with the Force, I silently moved forward.
Bane seemed to rummage around in the crib for a bit, then was visibly surprised when all he came back with was a baby doll.
My lightsabers bursting into life behind him was clearly not what he wanted to hear. He turned his head around slowly.
"Ah, I guess it was inevitable that you Jedi would sense where I was going, after the near miss on Mon Cal," he mused. It was really weird to hear the deep duros voice coming from the form of the female spy. "Such a shame about that poor little child. I really don't envy what's going to happen to them…"
In a blur of movement he shot two darts from his gauntlets that were targeted right at my hands. They had to be some form of smart munition, because I don't care how good a gunslinger you were; two small targets at different angles with a launcher from each gauntlet and you shot from the hip and still hit your targets perfectly. The darts stabbed into my fingers even as I tried to move my hands out of the way and let loose their charge.
Bane had drawn his blasters in the same movement and shot straight at my chest as fast as his fingers could squeeze and his blasters could cycle.
He was now very surprised to see me able to deflect every shot despite the electric shock and I was feeling a bit annoyed by all the trouble and expense this bounty hunter had caused.
Which probably explained why I angled two deflections to hit him right in his knees.
He screamed in pain and collapsed onto the floor, spilling his guns to slide across the smooth wooden floor as he tried to arrest his own fall.
I carefully walked forward, keeping my blades ready, just in case he was playing possum.
Naturally, he tried something.
Impressively burying his pain, he whirled on the ground from his prone position and tried to shoot me point blank with an integrated flamethrower from his gauntlet.
I twisted and whirled, using TK and discarding my Jedi robe to absorb and redirect the flames away from me.
Bane was abruptly in the air, his arms and legs spread eagled and straining.
He screamed in pain as his knee wounds were aggravated and I proceeded to sense and crush every bit of technology the duros had on his person.
The holosheathe was the first to go, and his true form was revealed. The gauntlets and his jet boots were ripped off… his own utility belt snapped and was flung away.
I wasn't in the mood for more fancy hidden tricks and so even went further, stripping the duros to his underwear.
"Really, padawan?"
Anakin stood at the door to the baby room with a pained look on his face.
"Yes master?"
"A little excessive, don't you think?"
"Not when it comes to this
bachu*," I shook my head.
Anakin raised his hand and shot Bane with a tranquilizer gun, specifically formulated for a duros of his rough weight. It didn't take long for the hunter's pained eyes to droop and fall closed.
"You can let him down, Snips. I've received word that the
Resolute is waiting for us at Taanab."
I dropped the bounty hunter unceremoniously to the floor, extinguishing and holstering my lightsabers. This allowed me to pick at the electro-darts in my hands only to stop. "Bastard barbed the prongs."
"We'll have a doctor look at that right away, my dear," Mistress Gray entered the room with her daughter on her hip.
My mood was instantly lifted at seeing the little girl and I tickled her cheek. "Sorry, little one, can't play now. Ahsoka has an ouchy."
She pouted cutely at me in response.
In the end, I suppose, seeing her safe made it all worth it.
*bachu - roughly translates to 'shit/fart' in Togruti
A/N PS: Hope you enjoyed. If you'd like to see me my first attempt at all digital art - of the poster in Ahsoka's quarters on board the Resolute - consider giving the Patreon a visit.