Star Wars Legends Source and Feats thread

Dominate Mind, Palpatine I part II
Just a bit of supplemental information for Palpatine's domination of the Imperial Fleet.

Pellaeon, though initially skeptical of the claim that Palpatine influenced the minds of the entire Imperial fleet, later comes to believe wholeheartedly.

"Perhaps a few months ago, I would have scoffed at the idea of one man controlling or shaping the events of the galaxy through sheer force of will. I certainly did not agree with the Grand Admiral's contention that the Imperial Navy's loss at Endor was because were, in effect, enslaved to the Emperor, as if we were, in Thrawn's words, 'borg-implanted into a combat computer.'

"That was then. Now I see that the Grand Admiral, the worthiest successor to the Emperor's throne to have yet appeared, was quite accurate in his assessment."

--Gilad Pellaeon, The Last Command Sourcebook
I just got my hands on a copy of the original Star Wars: From the Adventures of Luke Skywalker novel, and will be going over that next. Yes, a lot of it ends up getting superseded pretty fast, but it's fun to look back and see how things have changed.