Star Wars: Beyond The Sky

Heh, anyway, i'll just leave my own research into the topic of Jedi and force orders in general. And man going by legends and canon combined it seems post Nilith conflict the jedi started having lots of divisions internal and more compromises where being made. Like the amount of existing sects of jedi sky rocked post 200bby. Which is counting Almas because with all the differences they got going on they might as well be their own Sect. Here's my doc btw, criticism is welcome.

Jedi Temples and Academies

Dates are Order 66 Planets: Temples/Academies: Creation Date Statuation Tanalorr Tanalorr Temple 500-200 bby Abandoned Lothal Lothal Temple Before 3277 bby Abandoned Tenno Tenoo Temple 500-200 bby Outpost/Unknown ilum Ilum temple 22,800 bby Active Outpost Tython Jedi ...

Force Orders And Speices

Force orders Active Post Ruusan and before the Clone wars Order Name Locations Date of Founding Force Doctrine Continuity Situation Order of Sith Lords Ceremonially Korriban. 1000 bby Dark Side Both Active Blackguard Mustafar 1000 bby Dark Side Both Active Knights of ...

I just had a quick look at this and while I did know about much of these, I didn't know about all of them, which is pretty cool because I've forgotten more about this universe than some people ever bother to learn. I have a pretty rough idea of what direction I'm going in, each chapter I stop and write out a synopsis version of the plot in my notes before I actually write the posts to fill in the details for that. More information to draw on is always better, so thanks!
Chapter 05, Part 02 - Knighthood
Mar stood in a very, very large and open room. It reminded her of a hanger bay, but the walls, floors and ceiling were broken up into a grid. The only decor to the room was a light yellow line around the edge of each plate the room was made of, suggesting they could pop out for whatever reason.

It hadn't taken long for her to find her way here. She stood out a bit as an outsider, somebody who didn't know their way around. Once a passing Knight questioned her, word was sent for where she would go and instead of a meeting room she found this.

The platform she stood on was raised three meters off the floor, making her blink. "I don't get it."

"That's alright. This is a test, of sorts."

The voice didn't seem to come from anywhere in particular. Mar rolled her shoulders, trying to relax and taking a deep breath, exhaling slowly. "What kind of test?"

"Reach me."

A panel flipped open at the other end of the hanger bay, revealing a door near the top of the wall. Parts of the wall and floor popped out, creating a parkour course with repulsorlifts. She could see the path she was supposed to take, but at the same time, acrobatics weren't something they'd covered a lot.

"Heh." She shook her head. Test, indeed.

She let her mind relax, going into the semi-fugue state that came with letting the Force flow into the space her thoughts had been. What was a sense of quiet blankness became intuition. She jogged forward from the platform and jumped, landing on the first lift and running across it, throwing herself at the vertically placed sidewall next to it. She grabbed the top of the panel-

And was unceramoniously dumped onto her ass, finding the panels in the floor had some give. It hurt, but not nearly as much as a solid floor would have.

The impact knocked the wind out of her and for a moment all she could do was wheeze, curled up into the fetal position.

"Not by shimmying. Run along the wall, holding yourself in place with the Force. Use it to boost your jumping, throwing yourself upward. In your own good time."

Slowly Mar pushed herself up, her ribs aching and her back screaming as she got up off the floor, then climbed the ladder to the starting platform. She didn't try again right away, taking a few minutes to recover.

Again, she ran and jumped, keeping pace as she threw herself at the vertical wall. This time she kicked off it, using one hand to direct a 'pull' towards her with the Force, pinning her against the wall as she did it. At the other end she dropped, landing on the third platform, which dipped and then sprang up, launching her into the air.

Easily fifteen meters off the floor, a small part of her animal brain panicked at the imminant reinstatement of gravity. The other part of her, the part being directed by the Force, told her to kick her leg sideways, causing her to spin. Halfway through it she saw the handle on the upside-down platform above, grabbing it just as she began to swing down again, then letting go and allowing her downward momentum to become forward momentum. She grabbed the edge of the doorway, feet against the wall, then pulled herself up and into it.

It let to a small service corridor with a single computer interface, which was currently blank. The next room was similar to the first one but shaped as a vertical cylinder. When the platforms detached from the walls to make a climbing ladder upwards, Mar groaned. It was Ilum all over again.

"Something wrong?"

"No, mysterious disembodied voice. I've just done this before and it kind of sucked. I suspect it's going to suck even more without climbing gear."


No other reply came and she grumbled to herself, beginning the climb. The panels were covered in jutting bits of pipe or handholds, forcing her to freeclimb her way up. When she got about 1/3 of the way up the chamber, the platforms at the bottom flipped, revealing a crash mat. That made her feel a little better, mostly because her hands were a bit tired, so she hooked her knee over a pipe and held herself there by her legs, letting her arms hang and trying to shake life back into her fingers.

"Tired hands? We'll work on that. Don't worry, you're not being timed."

"Mmm." Mar grunted softly, curled her fingers and shook them out, then began to climb again.

At the top of the cylinder was a free-hanging rope, the climbing surfaces stopping on the wall opposite the door she was trying to get to. Holding herself there with one hand, she reached out, focusing on the rope. As she did on Ilum she yanked it to herself, grabbing it and finding a surprising amount of grip, then swinging across the top of the chamber into the door, stepping in lightly.

The door led to a third chamber, the platforms already deployed. This one was a little different in that the door at the end was larger and somebody stood in front of it. Their hood was up, so all she could make out was Generic Jedi Person watching her.

"Let me guess, you're the voice?"

"Perceptive of you. Make it across this chamber."

She sighed, taking a close look around. No climbing surfaces at all, nothing like the previous two rooms. She ran and jumped to the first platform, which dipped and then sprang back up to throw her into the air. She rose up above a vertical platform just above her, then sprung off it just as her upward momentum began to reverse.

This feels like flying, she thought to herself. She knew she ought to be nervous, that what she was doing was reckless, but she trusted her instincts. She'd seen the kind of gymnastics Fenet was capable of and could remember wondering how she did it. Now she knew. Using the Force to clear the obstacles felt like walking with extra steps, she just knew what she had to do.

As she came back down, she hit the next platform which again dipped, springing her back up while her momentum kept her going forward. She could see she was going to land on the platform this person was standing on, but realized she'd never accounted for falling.

Trust in the Force.
In much the same way she had when wallrunning, she 'pulled', her body weight hitting the platform with a fraction of the force it should have at terminal velocity. She landed lightly, shocking herself into bouncing twice with normal jumping before her body caught up with the fact it wasn't smashed against the floor.

"Very nicely done. Fenet's trained you well."

"Fenet hasn't trained me much in this stuff at all. So'duun only showed me a little." She was panting slightly, out of breath from exertion. "So, did you have fun watching me bounce around?"

The hooded figure reached up and pulled it down, revealing a woman with a humanoid face but bright, golden-yellow eyes with a slit pupil. Her face wasn't flat, a light emphasis on her brow that made her look a little angry, even though Mar didn't sense anything like that from her. Her nose was T-shaped, curved ears sticking out the side of her head.

"If it's not rude to ask, what are you?" Mar tilted her head.

"I'm a cathar. My name is Nyrellis. Is Mar a shortened version of anything?"

"Marenna. I don't like the full name so I don't use it."

She nodded slowly. "I'll remember that. I'm going to be your new teacher. If you really had very little training, I'm curious how you navigated that so easily."

"I didn't."

"Oh?" Nyrellis tilted her head. "Looked like it to me."

"No, I mean, I wasn't making decisions. I just let the Force direct me with a vague idea of what I needed to do, once I got it. The last bit with the fall was pure improvision. I've never done that before, I just didn't wanna splat."

"Impressive. I was told you have a knack for learning, but I didn't quite believe it. How well do you do with meditation?"

"If you mean meditation on my feelings? Okay. I don't feel like I have any lingering issues. I've kinda squared them away in my head the way I like."

"What do you mean?" Nyrellis gestured, leading Mar through the larger door into a stone hallway beyond. The floor was durasteel, but the hall itself was carved stone with braziers for open flames, giving it a very medieval look.

"I can be angry about things, it's how I deal with it. I can feel strongly about things but at the center of myself is myself and I don't feel like my emotions drive my actions. They power the hyperdrive, they don't steer the ship."

"You use your emotions to use the Force?" Her voices gentleness belied the weight of the question.

"Not really. I feel like I'm more of a conduit, more like..." She struggled to find an analogy. "Like a kyber, but the Force is the energy and the shape of the blade is my intent. Does that make sense?"

"It does." The woman smiled, inwardly relieved. "Do you have a favorite part of your training regime?"


"You like to fight?"

"Are you kidding?" Mar stopped for a moment, looking at her. "It's the most fun thing ever. I mean, I've only been on one really panicky fight, but I've done lots of sparring and I love it." She started walking again, moving to catch up to her. "What about you, Master Nyrellis?"

"Call me Nyri. Everyone else does." She made a dismissed gesture with one hand, flicking her ears. "I think I see why Master Charro asked me to meet you. I'm a fan of lightsaber work as well."

Mar grinned in a predatory kind of way. "Yeah? You good?"

Nyri chuckled quietly. "Are you?"

"Only one way we'll ever find out, you know." Mar stuck her hands in the pockets of her pants. It was the same baggy ones she had on Nar Shaddaa. She'd ditched the makeup, but she found she liked the clothes.

"Oh my. Just met me and already challenging me to a spar?" Nyri smiled, but it wasn't friendly in the way a human smile was. It showed teeth. Sharp teeth. "I think I like you. You're on kid, but first, I'd like to go down to the lightsaber workshops and have a look at your weapon. That your design?"

"Yeah. Fenet liked to build things, she has this really awesome drafting table. It took me a couple weeks to design it the way I liked, I just used the stuff we had on-hand on the ship to build it."

"Where'd you get the crystal?"

"Ilum, same as Fenet."

Nyri stopped, turning to look at her strangely. "You were able to go on a spirit quest to find a kyber crystal before you were trained in agility?"

"Yes? I just used climbing claws and grappling hook."

Nyri didn't say anything for a moment, staring at her. "How old are you?"

"I probably turned fifteen somewhere along the way since I joined Light's Touch. I'm not sure when my birthday is compared to the standard galactic calender. I grew up as a castaway."

"But you learn very fast, so you've adapted well."

Mar nodded to her in reply.

Nyri gestured to her. "Come on. The more I talk to you, the more I wanna learn."
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The Force itself feels like it's shuddering from the meeting of these two. The universe won't know what hit it.
Oh Mar's going to enjoy this Teacher i can feel it. Despite the sitution with So'duun, Mar at least is doing well, times to see if the same is true for Fenet.
Chapter 05, Part 03 - Knighthood
Fenet was mildly anxious as she waited in the speeder. The astromech doing the driving was taking its sweet time, going through the civilian traffic lanes like any regular taxi would, rather than simply going straight to the destination as jedi vehicles had a tendency to do. She had changed her clothing to loosely fitting but short robes without sleeves, leaving her upper shoulders bare. As a result she could feel the evening wind as the taxi drove, the setting sun of Coruscant hanging low in the sky to their right and just behind them. It was fortunate, since the glare wasn't in her eyes. It also meant that the lines of traffic, the high-rises, the sky towers and every ship in the sky was lit up in a brilliant purple-red, causing the cityscape to glitter like gems as the speeder moved.

It dropped out of the traffic lane and flew lower, down into one of the trenches leading below the upper levels of the city. Coming to a platform the taxi slowed and landed, the droid cheepwarbling at her and spinning its head in a circle to look at her. She got up and patted it on the top of its dome. "Thanks, little guy. You did a good job."

The astromech wiggled in its docking mount as she got out of the speeder and didn't leave immediately, watching her enter the warehouse they'd landed in front of and beeping quietly. Once she was out of sight, it dropped into power saving mode to wait for her return.

In actuality, the jedi temple itself was only one of any number of sections of property that the Order possessed. Large tracts of land were designated for parts of the service corps - especially the agricultural and medical corps - and smaller properties were scattered around the planet that the Order had deemed beneficial to own for whatever reason. Coruscant was an old world and its scars ran deep. There were vergences in the Force in some of the lower levels from events long passed, wars gone and buried. Owning the properties helped keep others away from such places, lest they wander into a danger they could not understand.

The warehouse she'd just entered was one such place, a training ground for lightsaber combat. The space was massive and as she looked up she found she was having difficulty making out the detail of the upper parts of the space. Sloppily welded beams cross-crossed the upper reaches of the warehouse, held by pillars with platforms or artificial handholds on them. Some of the platforms held scrap, pieces of beams that had been torn out. Broken deck plates, parts of droids, even the torn wing of a starfighter up on one ledge. The floor was painted in a grid and as she walked inside, the grid lit up, glowing orange under her feet.

She looked down, tapping the floor a couple times with her foot.

"The goal is to not fall, Padawan Y'si." The voice sounded artificial and came from above her. When she looked up she found she was being loomed over, the battlemaster she'd been sent to meet standing on a beam above her. A mask of sorts covered the lower part of his face, leaving only his eyes exposed. He was massive, standing at least three meters tall, rivaling any wookiee she'd ever seen. His body was covered in shaggy black fur, shot with silver in some places, giving him a salt-and-pepper look. It took her a moment to place the species. He was the first Gigoran she'd ever met.

A sharp leap upwards and she landed on the beam a couple meters away from him, balancing and turning to face him, then activating her lightsaber. "I've come for my Trial of Skill. I'm Padawan Fenet Y'si." She saluted with the blade once, then dropped into a shii-cho combat stance.

"I am battlemaster Uul'sok Yehn. I accept your challenge. Defend yourself!" Uul'soks blade snap-activated at the same time he swung it sideways at Fenet. Rather than parry and sacrifice balance she jumped high, flipping in the air and grabbing a piece of speeder engine with the Force, throwing it at Uul'sok at the same time she backflipped to land on the platform mounting the beam. Uul'sok gestured casually, the engine flying off course and dropping to crash violently into the wall behind them, then drop to the floor. Almost casually he pressed in, swinging at Fenet in tight, short strikes that forced her to parry, threw her off balance. She hopped lightly and kicked off the wall behind her, flipping over Uul'sok and slashing downward at the same time, landing lightly on the beam behind him.

Uul'sok parried the blow, pushing at Fenet at the same time her feet touched the beam, trying to throw her off balance again. Fenet had been expecting it, mainly because Mar kept trying to do the same thing. She diverted the push around her, turning her blade in a circle in the air and redirecting the flow of the Force around her as Uul'sok walked to close the distance between them. She 'squeezed' it together underneath the beam and then stabbed towards Uul'sok with the sword, letting go off the squeeze at the same time and blasting Uul'sok upwards off the beam, making it rattle violently.

Still kept her balance though. She'd been saving that trick to use it on Mar and give the girl a taste of her own medicine.

Uul'sok spun in the air, kicking off the wall and grabbing a handhold on the pillar above her. Rather than stay in place, Fenet jumped upward too, landing on one of the wider upper beams. Uul'sok jumped to follow her up and she PUSHED as hard as she could, throwing him off course from where he'd intended to land, making him scramble to grab the beam from below. He swung underneath and up, landing on the beam next to her and pressing the attack immediately. Rather than stay defensive Fenet pushed back, her strike meeting Uul'sok's and following up with a close sweep of her own, forcing him to step back and change styles. His stance changed as he sacrificed balance for defense, slipping into makashi.

She struck in shii-cho, forcing Uul'sok to keep his blade close to his body as she suddenly changed halfway into the move into ataru. Her strikes became fast, rapid, a flurry of quick attacks that Uul'sok struggled to deal with using only a single blade. Uul'sok tilted his blade into her angle of attack, meaning to throw it off and strike inside her reach before she could parry. Instead she pushed into his reach, grabbing his wrist with her free hand and turning her entire upper body, pulling him off balance and using his own momentum against him. Their blades deactivated as he grabbed her in turn and both of them began to fall.

Fenet had the size advantage, tucking her legs to her chest and kicking down hard. Uul'sok tried to hang onto her arm, which resulted in her going sideways rather than up, throwing her jump off course. She landed on one of the platforms hard, rolling and coming close to dropping off the edge. But not quite.

Uul'sok grabbed the edge of the very beam they'd began on, roaring as it dislocated his arm. It let him switch to his other hand though, pulling himself up slowly, hampered by the inability to use his dominant arm.

Above, Fenet shook herself out and got up, standing just in time to see him put a leg up on the beam and pull himself up. She sighed to herself, then jumped down.

Uul'sok activated his blade just in time to parry her, pushing Fenet back with all his strength. Her downward momentum became a wild spin and she landed on one hand, kicking her legs in the same direction as her momentum and flipping her entire body to land on one foot, stepping back twice and then attacking again. They met in a close strike, blades snap-crackling between them as she slowly pushed her down.

Time to activate my sabacc shifter. She reached into the Force, gripping the shoto hung at the small of her back, the rebuild of her former training saber that Mar had designed. Both of them had built it together, but since it was Fenet's crystal, Mar had told her she really considered the weapon to be hers. This way, Fenet would be able to use it to counter a dual-wielder, or...

As she pushed back with all her strength, the shoto whipped out to her side, spinning in the air in an arc and activated. The shorter blue blade spun wildly, clipping the back of Uul'sok's leg and coming around to the other side like a boomarang, allowing Fenet to grab it now that the pressure was gone. Uul'sok collapsed to his knee and Fenet angled her primary saber, pushing his blade down and then neatly shearing it in half just above his hand, avoiding his flesh by a bare inch. His lightsaber cut out, sparking.

Uul'sok groaned, then began to chuckle, reaching behind to hold his hand over the wound. "You have passed the Trial of Skill. Congratulations. That was a good fight."

Fenet deactivated her blades, then reached into her belt, taking out a small bottle of analgesic paste. "Let me help you."

"I am unsure if you have the strength to set my arm... but I won't say no if you decide to leave that jar with me. I have a medical droid I keep for this sort of thing. I'll be fine."

"What should I do now?"

"Return to the temple. There, you will learn of the Trial of the Spirit. Facing the mirror."

"What about the trial of flesh? Of courage?" She handed the jar to him and he began to apply the paste to the back of his leg, rumbling deep in his throat.

"Of flesh, you may pass it during your other trials. The trial of courage is not told to the initiate beforehand. Nor is the trial of insight. If we told you what was going to happen, it would somewhat defeat the point, you know." He said it in a somewhat amused tone, less strained now that the paste was beginning to ease his pain. "But the mirror you can do in the temple. Go on, get out of here." His chuckling reminded her of rocks grinding together. "I have a lightsaber to rebuild, thanks to you."

Fenet grinned at him, then hung her blades at her belt and bowed lightly. She jumped down, landing on the floor and ignoring the glowing as she walked back towards the warehouse door.

When she came outside she found the taxi was still waiting for her, which surprised her. She'd expected it to take off and have to call another one. Walking over to it, she tapped the astromech's dome. "Hello again. I'm back."

A cheerful set of beeps and chirped followed as she got into the speeders. "I have no idea what you're saying, sorry. If you're asking how it went, I haven't been in a fight that intense in... ever! I'm glad I trained with Mar the last few weeks." She laughed wanly. "Ah, that's my friend. Anyways, lets head back to the temple. I have to get ready. The next trial is not going to be fun."

A nervous warble came from the droid as the speeder rose into the air and turned into what was now the night sky, the sun now below the horizon and leaving a purple twilight for her to stare into as she wondered what facing her own inner demons was going to be like.
Nice, also i fear for what's become of So'duun since i expect her chapter comes next after this. Hope she restrained herself enough to still be swayed to not drink the coolaid.

On the contrary. We'll find out what happens to So'duun, but I'm not in a hurry to get there. It's really more about the journey than the destination.
Chapter 05, Part 04 - Knighthood
M8 walked the length of the jedi temples droid workshop. A vast space deep beneath the temple, it was shaped with stone pillars and resembled a chapel in some ways. Long since repurposed from whatever the room had originally been for, it had been converted into a tinkers fondest dream as the temple had been built above it. The whole area was broken up into colored sections for various types of droids, along with a partitioned area of workbenches for ongoing projects. Dozens of jedi milled around the workshop, many of them wearing the white-and-silver uniform of the service corps, giving lessons to padawans on the particulars of basic engineering.

Nobody really seemed to pay M8 a lot of mind as it walked around. It had been like that on its way down to the workshop as well. Once Fenet had been informed of her first trial, she knew she'd have to go alone, but M8 didn't mind. Her idea of visiting the workshops was a good one.

Following the path for 'combat droids', it wondered what kind of combat droids the jedi order even used. The path led it through several other sections to a slightly lowered floor where half a dozen droids were mounted on cranes in various states of assembly. They were all the same model, vaguely resembling M8's own body.

That explained where Fenet even got the loader droid body she'd transplanted M8 into, but it didn't understand the purpose of the droids, tilting its head slightly and refocusing the camera as it ran an analytics program to try and determine the droids actual function.

"Can I help you?"

M8 turned its head, looking at a young man in the service corps uniform, wiping his hands off on a rag. He looked older than Fenet did, but M8 wasn't a good judge of that sort of thing in its own opinion. The boy was a bothan and even as it watched, it could see his fur ripple at the intrusion into his work space.

"Perhaps. I am a custom-built companion of a padawan. She is currently engaged elsewhere and suggested I visit this space. She did not give a specific reason or target to seek."

"Ah. And without any other directive you... wandered over to the fighting droids?" He snuffed a little, nose twitching. "Well, okay. A custom job, huh? You know what these things are?"

"I do not. I was attempting to determine that when we began to speak."

"They're sparring droids. Padawans use them for training. Younglings first learning the blade can practice with these guys. We build them solid, but accidents happen and they do wear down sometimes. Why are you naked?"

"Fenet has not yet determined what to use for my armor plating."

"C'mon." M8 followed him as he walked to an empty workbench. Tapping it, the bench lifted and changed to a vertical position, allowing M8 to step into it before it lowered again to horizontal. "Let's see what we're working with here. Huh, you're built... oddly. How are you even functioning?"

"Very well, thank you."

The bothan laughed. "Okay. What sort of upgrades do you want, exactly?"

"Combat programming would be beneficial to me. I believe that the crew members I work with are beyond the level of skill displayed by your younglings."

"We have more... intense versions. I could probably load the programming for one of the advanced sparring droids, whenever I work out what your frankly insane builder used for your software architecture. I can see parts from a half dozen different things in you and some of them aren't even for droids."

"Fenet likes to be creative."

"I can see that. If you're going to spar you'll need the kind of protection to turn a blade, though. Frankly, giving you a full set of skin plating with a cortosis weave would be insanely expensive, but I can do your forearms and cover your primary systems. The rest will have to be durasteel."

"I am grateful for any help you can provide. It is likely that I will see combat action in the future, should I remain with my crew."

"Let's get to work, then."

Having somebody other than Fenet working on it felt strange to M8, but Fenet's trust of the jedi order was absolute so M8 didn't worry too much about it. Once the boy had worked out its programming, he hooked M8's access port to the mainframe of the jedi temple and began to download combat routines for knighthood-master level training. M8 simply sat still on the work bench, staring at the ceiling.

"You sure you don't want the padawan routines?"

"My crew members are fond of combat training. I believe I will be of more use if I am able to provide a skilled fight. Additionally, there may come a time in the future when the ability to effectively use a lightsaber in combat will be helpful. Although I cannot be a jedi, my increased computational speed allows me to simulate the reflexes of one."

"Fair enough, I suppose. Remind me to provide you with weapons before you leave. We use the same kybers as the temple guards, you'll be getting hand-me-down lightsabers from fallen jedi. They have a history, cherish them."

"I am honored. Thank you for your assistance."

Fenet found it just as the boy was finishing up the routine downloads, meandering up to M8's field of view and leaning over it. "Hi there!"

"Fenet?" The boy asked, getting a nod from her. He gestured at M8. "How? Why? What? I have so many questions."

"M8's my ongoing project. I like building things. How's it going, buddy?" She patted M8's head like a pet. "Getting a makeover?"

"In a manner of speaking. I am recieving the programmed combat routines of advanced sparring droids. Purely to assist you and Mar in training, of course."

"Of course. You would definitely, never ever use it just to surprise somebody in a fight."


"You're a shit liar, M8." She laughed as she said it.

"Why can it lie at all? I'm Farsuur, by the way." The boy looked stumped. "You deliberately modified its architecture to give it more mental flexibility. It can lie, it doesn't even have combat safeties. Are you building an assassin droid?"

"No, not at all." Fenet shook her head. "I've always been a little fascinated with droids. They come so close to thinking like organics, you know? I'm curious about what M8 can become if I give it the space and ability to want to grow. To become different, to pick goals and work towards them. It's the closest I can get to giving it free will of its own."

"Okay, but... why?"

"Why not? M8 is my friend. I want it to be happy." She shrugged. "Can I help with the upgrades? What did you have in mind?"

"Let me show you."

By the time Mar and Nyri found them, they were nearly finished, but it still took almost two hours to complete the work. Fenet was busy spot-welding the new outer plating for its torso when they appeared, but Fenet didn't notice them right away, holding the welding goggles to her face. When she stood up she blinked at finding Mar and her new master standing there. "Hello there."

"It's good to meet you, Fenet." Nyri shook her hand, reaching over M8 to do it. "I'm Nyrellis, but you can just call me Nyri. Mar has told me a bit about you. Hello, M8."


Mar beamed at Fenet. "She likes lightsabers too. We spent some time sparring, it was great. How did your thing go?"

Fenet tapped a control and the floor opened as Farsuur stepped back, the entire bench lowering into the floor. Nyri tilted her head, gesturing at the droid. "Uh?"

"Oil bath. We just did a bunch of maintenance on him. You will be pleased to know that M8 can now fight you too." Mars eyes began to glitter and she gasped, clasping her hands to her chest.


Nyri hung her head, laughing quietly. "That might be useful later. What is your next trial?"

Fenet took a deep breath. "Trial of the spirit."

"That's a tough one." Nyri nodded. "When you've finished Spirit and Insight, I'd like to talk to you about leaving. You could finish Courage here on Coruscant, but I'm told you two have a burning itch to go track down your former master."

"How much do you know about that?" Fenet asked, wiping her hands off on a rag.

"Pretty much everything. Everything Ada-li knows, anyways, which is only what you told her. I don't know So'duun, this is the first I've ever heard of her." She glanced over at Farsuur and he held his hands up, taking a step back and wandering off to work on something else a bit further away.

Nyri leaned in a little, speaking so only Mar and Fenet would hear. "The council wants to resolve this but they don't have the resources necessary to throw at it. You're a solid jedi, Fenet. That's why they want you to do the trials now. I'm to take over for Mar where So'duun... didn't." She sighed. "I kind of got the impression you did most of Mars training so far."

Fenet nodded.

"You did well. She's a pain in the ass." Nyri grinned when Mar smacked her arm with the back of her hand, getting a bap on the back of her head from Nyri's tail in return. "You're young but you know So'duun best apparently, so I'm technically in charge but honestly? I'm inclined to let you run the show, as far as finding her goes. I'm just here to help Mar and make sure nothing goes too off the rails."

"You're our babysitter." Mar rolled her eyes.

"I'm your supervisor. Mostly. I think Ada-li just wants me out of her hair." She shrugged. "I don't mind, taking on a student is something almost every jedi does eventually."

M8 began to rise from the floor, all three of them stepping back as cleansing light pushed the excess oil down and off M8 into the pit below. After a moment it closed up again, the workbench tipping to put M8 into a vertical position, allowing it to step off lightly, still dripping oil.

Fenet cackled. "Mwahahaha, yes! My creation lives!"

"I am not technically alive, Fenet."

She sighed, rubbing her face. "I know, I'm just being goofy."


Nyri gestured to them. "I'd really like to see this ship of yours. Mind if we go take a look?"

Fenet nodded, doing a last-moment checkover of M8. "Sure, yeah. How do you feel, M8?"

"I believe I am at the best level of performance I can achieve at this current time. However, it may benefit me to recieve additional programming in the future, should my role on the ship evolve."

"Well... yeah." Fenet blinked at M8 while Mar tried not to giggle. "Alright, let's head back to the ship then."

"One moment, please."
M8 turned, approaching Farsuur and tapping his shoulder. "You asked me to remind you before I left about -"

"Yeah, gotcha, one second." Farsuur put down his current work, then walked across the combat droid bay to a locker, taking out a key. Opening it, he pulled out two lightsabers, each identical to the other, a matching set. Walking over to M8 he held them out to it. "These were borne by temple guards. Please try to keep them, or at the very least, save the crystal if they're destroyed."

"I will do so. Thank you."
It turned, clunking over to Fenet. "Now we can go."
Why am I getting nicer 'PR0XY' vibes from M8 in this sequence.

"I want to beat up the Jedi who are my friends!"
I promise I haven't died. I'll try to update soon, just been busy irl. June/july is when my family has five different birthdays all within three weeks of each other, shit gets hectic. See you guys soon. c:
I promise I haven't died. I'll try to update soon, just been busy irl. June/july is when my family has five different birthdays all within three weeks of each other, shit gets hectic. See you guys soon. c:
July has 4 family birthdays so I can relate. take your time and we'll be here when you're ready to put up content
Chapter 05, Part 05 - Knighthood
The meditation room was deep in the heart of the temple, yet isolated from the rest. Built specifically for the Trial of Spirit, it sat far below the sections of the temple that were in common use. Coruscant was old. Tens of thousands of years of rebuilding on top of rebuilding had created layers and isolated ecosystems within those layers further and further down, the planetary surface itself buried so far that nobody had seen it for thousands of years. Those who tried to reach it didn't return.

Fenet sat on a meditation couch in the middle of a hexagonal room, the borders of the room lined in black stone and gray wood. In front of her sat a small brazier, currently the only source of light in the room. She'd been there for several hours already, trying to center herself, passing deeper and deeper into her own minds layers.

She hummed in the Force, the chamber itself built to help focus it into the person inside. The entire temple was made to focus, but this room sat at the nexus of the vergence created by the presence of so many Jedi over the centuries. When she'd begun to meditate she'd been aware of everything going on in the temple around her, that awareness slowly shrinking inward as she drew herself further inward. She felt herself reach a critical point and the temple around her fell away. She found herself standing in ruins made of black stone, a tunnel she recognized in front of her. The sky was cast in black clouds which fought the light trying to reach through the sky above, missing the reddish hue that had been all over everything when she had visited in person. She turned her back to it, going down the tunnel she felt was waiting for her.

The tunnel itself seemed to go on forever, but in places the walls seemed transparent. Through them she saw corpses, bloodied and mutilated. Left where they'd died. So'duun, Mar, various Jedi she'd met. Even Nyrellis. She turned her face away, telling herself that it was only illusion. Then she reached the end of the tunnel.

It was the same chamber where she'd been knocked unconscious on Korriban. The chamber itself was intact, even pristine, in better condition than when she'd actually seen it. The statues seemed to loom, their weapons glowing with a fell red color that cast everything faintly in a bloody sheen. She felt her lightsaber in her hand and activated it, casting part of the room in an orange glow.

In the darkness in front of her, a red blade was activated. She could see the silhouette from the shine of the sith blade. The person was wearing black, blending in with the shadow all around her.

They swung wildly and she parried high, sweeping low immediately after and forcing them back. She followed up with an upwards slash as she stood again, pushing and giving no quarter, forcing the other person on the defensive. The blades swept in a circle between them as they pushed against each other and she got a flash of So'duun's face before she jumped backward, turning off the blade and vanishing into the darkness.

"You failed me, you know."

The words stabbed at her. "You know I wouldn't have left you. We fought together, here! Defended each other!"

"Your ineptitude meant you were disabled. You wondered what happened to me out here on the surface? I found the truth."

"You're nothing but a shade. A lie in my own mind."

"Am I?" The voice seemed to come from all around her, the chamber walls getting wider every passing second. "I'm what happens when you stop believing the bullshit, Fenet! You buy into it wholesale, never question any of it! Why do you think it was so easy to use you?"

Her heart turned black at the thought of being betrayed like that. "Why? Why did you just leave like that?"

"Only way to be free. You know the truth, don't you? The Jedi use you too. They stole you away from your family, you know. From your parents. Do you think they ever miss you? I bet the seekers didn't care."

"The Jedi do that to protect those kids! Without training they become dangerous! They become like you! You didn't grow up in the temple and you turned! You started researching the Dark Side!"

"The jedi lie." The attack came out of the darkness to her right, a sudden lunge and the red blade coming to life, forcing her to turn and parry, her back to the wall. So'duun pushed into the attack, pinning her there. "The Jedi think you can just throw away the darkness, but we know better! You can't have only one! They deny us the opportunity out of their own fear, then tell us fear is a path to evil! How do you not see the contradiction?!"

Fenet kicked her hard, pushing her back and attacking in a frenzy, wildly. This wasn't the So'duun she knew, this was some twisted thing her mind had conjured up to punish her for her failure but she wouldn't just give in, she would beat it -

Her mind turned white as Shade-So'duun struck her with Force lightning, Fenet thrown against the far wall, dropping hard.

"You tell yourself you'll never fall, that you'll never turn. But the truth is you want to. You want to be free to do whatever you want. You're not angry at me for leaving. You're angry at me for not taking you with me." She knelt and grabbed Fenet by the hair, yanking her head back. "Idiot girl, you're too weak to hold this power!"

Fenet struck out, sweeping the blade back and forcing So'duun off her. Free to stand up, Fenet pushed herself to her feet, holding her blade and staring at it. She looked down at herself, finding herself wearing black armor in the style of the temple guard, but with the colors inverted. Perverted. Dead jedi lay at her feet around her. "This is wrong!"

"This is you." She whipped around, finding herself facing an older version of Mar. Her skin was ashen, clothes torn. Her hair was longer, tied at the back into a tail. She held her blade in her hand, dressed in loose black pants and the chest binders she'd worn on Nar Shaddaa. She even had the makeup again, the white eyeliner and designs standing out against her skin. "You're not some child of the light. You're just another killer, like everyone else. Why bother with the Jedi? It's not like you can ever change anything, people will always be victims."

Fenet took a deep breath, exhaling slowly. "We bring hope to others. You were a victim too."

"Yeah, look at us now." She turned as a youngling ran down the hall behind her, casually cutting the child down and turning her back to Fenet to do it. The hall was beginning to gain definition around them, bloodied bodies laying on the ground at their feet.

"NO!" She struck without thinking, a jumping slash that she expected to be parried. Instead Mar turned into it, facing her as the blade cut through her upper body, bisecting her. Fenet dropped to her knees as Mar grabbed her while falling, pulling her down.

"My destruction will be your fault too."

Mar turned to ash in front of her and the entire hallway joined her, buffeting Fenet from all sides like a sandstorm and leaving her standing on the plains of Korriban, everything shrouded in red light. She held her blade in her hands, unactivated, looking up and finding herself facing herself.

"You're only denying the truth to yourself. There is no point in denying your emotions. They're part of you. Use them! Draw from them!"

"No!" She got up, pushing herself to her feet, facing this dark reflection of herself with glowing yellow eyes. "I won't become like you."

"Idiot. You already are. I'm there, right now, inside you. The more you hate me, the stronger I am!" Her shade squeezed her hand and the air vanished as a crushing pressure gripped Fenet by the throat, pulling her into the air. "I'll kill you and then it'll be me making the choices! It'll be me who finds So'duun and it'll be me who completes her training as it should be!"

Fenet pushed, the shade thrown off balance just enough to let go of her. She gasped, dropping to her feet and meaning to land lightly but stumbling instead, almost dropping her weapon. "You're nothing but a selfish reflection."

"You're the unnatural one! Just die already!"
The shade struck at her and it was all she could do to stand up and block the slash of the red blade at her, parrying again and again as the shade swung wildly at her, frenzied.

Fenet screamed as she missed a block and the red blade sank into her shoulder. She could feel the corruption, the temptation.

"I didn't fail So'duun." Fenet's voice was strained. "I won't fail Mar. I won't fail myself."

"Petty, worthless promises that mean nothing."

"I reject you!" She pushed her own blade forward and sank it into the heart of the shade, which began to scream. "I feel, but it does not rule me! You will never control me!"

The shade grabbed her lower jaw, pulling her in with inhuman strength, glowing yellow eyes boring into hers.

"I already do."

She slashed her blade to the side, tearing it out of the shade and collapsing as both it and the landscape vanished. She found herself laying on cold black stone, turning over onto her back. She found somebody standing over her.


"Not a very dignified place for a jedi to be, the floor." She got up, looking the man over, a little unsteady. He was much as she remembered him, wearing the armor. She'd always liked the blue-with-white trim it had. He held his helmet under one arm, the other hand holding his belt. "Hiya, kid."

"You're dead."

"I sure am."

"You can't be here."

"Well, maybe I'm not." He shrugged with one shoulder. "We both know I was the closest thing to a father figure you ever had. Maybe that's why. I was okay with it, you know. Dying to keep you two alive."

"You shouldn't have had to." Fenet buried her face in her hand, the sudden grief of his death hitting her all over again.

"I didn't. I did it anyways. You'll never be a mandalorian and you're no foundling, but you were the closest I ever had to a daughter, so you better listen up when I tell you that So'duun isn't your fault. But you might be her salvation."

"What are you talking about?"

"You'll be given a choice. Forced between losing So'duun or maybe losing Mar. But So'duun isn't lost, she's chasing things out of her reach. Secrets better left dead. You think of Mar a lot like a sister and I never got to meet her, but I suppose in a way that makes her mine too, doesn't it? Trust in her."

"I wish you would come back."

"You know I can't." He pointed at her. "You better not leave my armor in a damned closet, either!"

Fenet opened her mouth to speak and
found herself in the meditation room of the temple. Her heart fell into her stomach as she felt the loss all over again, burying her face in her hands and crying quietly alone in the chamber.

She'd turned inwards and faced the mirror, passing through the other side. She just wished it hadn't been so painful.
Chapter 05, Part 06 - Knighthood
Nyrellis and Mar stood at the top of the steps of the jedi temple, at the other end of the large courtyard in front of the doors. In front of them, Coruscant was laid out in the morning light, gleaming as the never-ending flows of speeder traffic moved through the sky, the lifeblood of the city. The sky was clear, visitors milling up and down the stairs as people sought to petition the jedi for help. Many of them were ragged-looking, a sharp contrast from the overperfection that the upper level citizens saw as being necessary. These people allowed themselves to be scuffy, unshaved, clothes torn, scavenged or repaired.

They'd passed the petitioners on their way outside, various jedi passing through the main concourse of the temple looking for tasks seeking people who need tasks completed. It struck Mar that nobody was really paying the Jedi to do this, they just did it. But Nyri had been unusually quiet as they walked out here and Mar assumed it was to some purpose or another, so she stayed silent, waiting.

"What does it mean to be a jedi, Mar?"

"What do you mean?"

Nyri turned to look at her, then gestured at the petitioners scaling the steps. "These people come from all walks of life. Many of them have nothing, but they come here anyways. Why? What does being a jedi mean to them, you think? You didn't grow up in the temple, so you have an outsiders point of view in a lot of ways, something that's important if you want to avoid indolence. We need others to point out our flaws so that we may correct them."

"I... Hm." She stopped, thinking about the question before opening her mouth. Her concentration was such that she didn't see Nyri smile at the fact she did that. "Protection, justice, fairness. To me it meant... I saw Fenet and So'duun traveling the galaxy. They thought rescuing me was a mild detour. They never asked for anything, never sought anything. Their whole purpose seemed to be exploration and compassion, right up until..."


"I want to be that. Seeing what the dark side could be, I wanted to embody the opposite. Not that I could, I mean... I'm a person, I feel things. It's hard to just push your feelings aside. The emotional training helps but it's still there, I never had years of practice learning to channel them and constantly keep that inner peace on all the time as a thing in my head."

Nyri nodded to her, gesturing for her to keep going.

"I don't want to end up like So'duun." She sighed. "But dedicating my life to helping people? Exploring, learning?" She nodded, mostly to herself. "That I could believe in. That, I could dedicate myself to."

"That's how we all feel. Our dedication to the Order is a dedication to the protection and justice of the citizens of the Republic and all sentient life. We spend our lives, risk our lives, so that others don't need to. To stop needless death and destruction in a galaxy full of it everywhere you look. The rule of law is lax in many places of the galaxy. You saw this for yourself on Nar Shaddaa, there are darker places than the deep of space."

Mar watched her, nodding.

"The Jedi Code isn't just a mantra, or just words. There is no emotion, there is peace. The first precept doesn't mean the complete denial of your own emotions, that's impossible. You're a person, not a droid, after all. What it means is finding the root of those emotions and making peace with them, learning to live without them guiding your decisions. You'll never suppress them or not feel and if you do, you're probably going to go crazy after awhile." She shook her head. "We seek inner peace so that our emotions don't cloud our judgement."

"It makes sense. I do like the philosophy." Mar sighed. "I wish it were as easy to learn as lightsaber katas."

"It will come, in time. Do you know the second precept?"

"There is no ignorance, there is knowledge." Mar replied.

"Yes. It seems so obvious, doesn't it? What we don't know can be frightening, but everything is in the realm of possible learning. What we don't know we can come to understand and the jedi archives is one of the greatest collections of knowledge in the galaxy. Through us you have access to an education that other worlds pay fortunes for their children to recieve, but you're dedicating your life to the service of others and that seems like payment in full, doesn't it?"

"It's not about that to me. Not a zero-sum game. Learning these things keeps me from becoming dangerous and gives me back the power I lost stranded as a child. Nothing was in my control, nothing." Mar made a dismissive gesture. "Now I'm in control of my own destiny and I choose to spend it helping others. Haven't seen a better option yet."

"If you do, will you take it?"

"Probably not. I like this life."

Nyrellis nodded to her. "There is no chaos, there is harmony. People who aren't Force-sensitive percieve everything as being random, things happening erratically. We know this isn't true. The Force guides all things and our awareness of the world allows us to be aware of the threads of fate that sometimes tie us together. Sometimes you may find yourself doing things, going to places or having flashes or what may come. The Force guides us, even when we don't focus on it. The Jedi are its instruments. It acts through us."

Mar sat down on the ledge, cross legged. "There is no passion, there is sincerity. Doesn't that sort of mean the same as the first one?"

"Yes and no. In all choices, we must act dispassionately, because our emotions can echo in the Force, become magnified. Rage and fear become overwhelming. Attachment becomes unbreakable and jedi fall to the dark side over them. In all choices, and especially personal matters, we must try to make objective choices so that we don't make mistakes. When we make mistakes, people die. Sometimes lots of people."

Nyri took a deep breath, exhaling hard before continuing. "There is no death, there is the Force. The final precept links into the last one. We form attachments, bonds through our lives, even as we try to step back from them and be objective. We're people, it can't be helped. But death isn't the end. We rejoin the Cosmic Force and the cycle continues. Nobody is ever truly lost."

"Then why fight so hard to live?" Mar shook her head. "If we really believed that, wouldn't we be fine with people dying?"

"Of course not. It's not a contradiction. Life is precious to everyone living it, nobody wants to die unless they've suffered a great, great deal. Even then, often that impulse will pass and they'll find themselves glad later that they didn't follow through with it. We protect life because life is vital and important to all of us. It connects us, binds us. The Living Force is expressed and threaded through it. We call ourselves the Army of the Light but it's not just a silly title. In times past the Jedi have been the sole beacon of hope in the galaxy and I have no doubt that there will come a day when we will be again. Darkness never vanishes, the light can only ever drive it back. We can do things, achieve things that others can't. How can we not protect the weak?"

Mar nodded. "It feels like justice. Like... setting things right. Even if it's not for me personally. It reaffirms what I believe in and helps me to feel powerful, secure in myself and my abilities."

"You fear being powerfless?"

"If you'd spend years being sexually assaulted and repressing it, wouldn't you? I get flashes of memory sometimes. Dreams. When I wake up sweating I tell myself I'm different now, life is different. That I'm not helpless and that I'm helping other people avoid that same helplessness. I don't embrace it and I never will."

"There's nothing wrong with that. Traumatic experiences leave marks. I'm honestly surprised they agreed to train you because of it. I'm even more surprised that you're so well balanced." Nyri sat down next to Mar, overlooking the ledge and watching the people on the stairs. "What do you think of sense-altering abilities? Mind tricks and the like?"

"Kind of skeevy, but I can see why it might be necessary sometimes. Not the sort of power I'd want anyone to have. It's why I'm not trying too hard to learn it."

"Jedi abilities are split into three catagories. Control, Sense and Alter. Control is what we've mostly been focusing on, your self-awareness and ability to keep yourself disciplined under stress. Sense is our ability to extend our senses through the Force. Alter is the one I just mentioned, our ability to use the Force to move things without touch, influence others. There are three main catagories of alteration techniques. Tutaminis is the ability to manipulate energy through the Force. This is something I specialize in and I'm hoping I can impart some of that skill to you. It encompasses things like energy nullification, diffusion of radiation or heat, even shielding yourself from the sun or reflecting a blaster bolt, someday."

"What's the second one?"

"Curato salva is the ability to use the Force to heal. Being able to flush toxins from our system, heal injuries, burn out disease, nullify poisons or even just refresh yourself when you're tired. This is the set of skills which allow for physical pain control when we can't recieve healing right away. At the most advanced levels, it's possible to use these skills to heal others, not just ourselves. Very rare."

Mar nodded. "So, what's the final catagory, then?"

"Altus sopor, the skills which allow us to increase our focus in the Force. These are mostly meditation techniques we've already begun to teach you. You'll be learning new ones for most of your life, but it's through altus sopor that we can increase introspection and dive into the deepest parts of our own minds, learn to connect to the Force at all times."

"Why are we out here, Nyri? I mean... besides this." Mar gestured into the air. "I'm finding all of this really interesting, that's not sarcasm, but I assume you dragged me out to the front of the temple for more than just a simple speech."

"You'd be quite correct. I want you to find a petitioner and help them."

"Really? Okay." Mar shrugged. "When should I come back?"

"When you've finished, naturally. I want you to reflect on the experience and tell me what you learned from it when you return."

Mar hmm'd. "Alright. I'll be back long before we're ready to leave." She turned, passing Nyri with a wave and heading down the steps, eyes half closed as she searched.

Petitioners passed her, various species. She passed a battered looking droid, walking to the other end of the concourse at the bottom of the stairs, looking around. Finding herself drifting over, she sat down next to an angry looking kid with his back to the wall, watching the stairs. He gave her a look as she sat down.

"It's a big courtyard. Whaddya want?"

"I could ask the same thing. What brings you here?"

"What else? The jedi." He rolled his eyes. "My friends gone missing, but I didn't think there'd be so many people here. Thought maybe I'd wait until the evening to try and get somebody. Nobody notices kids."

Mar stood up, offering him a hand. "Sure they do. I've been tasked with helping someone, so you're in luck."

"You're a jedi?"

Mar unclipped her saber, holding it up. The boys eyes widened a little, even though she didn't turn it on.

"I'm Jace. My friend Keller went missing after he said he was going to 'do a job'."

"Lead the way, Jace. I'll see what I can do."
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So we have Mar who has basically been raised on a desert island with a handful of people... Her first assignment is to go out into the ecumenopolis and help some random NPC.
It is a good scene in the story. However, I was raised in a mid-size city in the US and my first time to NYC I was blown away by the noise, the smell, the people... It was all very disorienting and took 2 of the 3 days I had planned there, just to begin to be comfortable.

I can't imagine what Mar would feel to be told "go forth and do good" amongst those bajillions of people. While I'm sure Nyri will be keeping an eye on her, and sure the force provides - but has it provided any credits or com codes or law enforcement procedures? Does she know legally what she is and is not authorized to do?

It feels like they've been on planet like a week. Honestly this one feels a bit rushed to get Mar into some action. Now if she were sent out with another Padawan or told to report back when you've found your petitioner... that would make a ton more sense. Immediately heading out?

This is just my two cents. Otherwise an entertaining chapter overall.
So we have Mar who has basically been raised on a desert island with a handful of people... Her first assignment is to go out into the ecumenopolis and help some random NPC.
It is a good scene in the story. However, I was raised in a mid-size city in the US and my first time to NYC I was blown away by the noise, the smell, the people... It was all very disorienting and took 2 of the 3 days I had planned there, just to begin to be comfortable.

I can't imagine what Mar would feel to be told "go forth and do good" amongst those bajillions of people. While I'm sure Nyri will be keeping an eye on her, and sure the force provides - but has it provided any credits or com codes or law enforcement procedures? Does she know legally what she is and is not authorized to do?

It feels like they've been on planet like a week. Honestly this one feels a bit rushed to get Mar into some action. Now if she were sent out with another Padawan or told to report back when you've found your petitioner... that would make a ton more sense. Immediately heading out?

This is just my two cents. Otherwise an entertaining chapter overall.

You have to remember, this is the second time they've visited the Coruscant temple. Mar got a lot of that WHAT THE F- impact the first time. This time around, she's been hanging out with Nyrellis while Fenet is busy, catching up on the education and training she never got. They've been there a few days now, Nyri is cutting her loose because she thinks Mar is at the point where she can. Besides, girl has to learn to operate without a leash at some point.

Asking the Nyri in my head about that the general consensus seems to be that if Mar doesn't know what to do, she at least has the tools to figure out what to do, so it's more of a test of her ability to adapt quickly to unfamiliar circumstance than a test of skill. She knows Mar can fight and defend herself, at least to an acceptable enough degree that she can be left on her own for five minutes, but if she wants to continue traveling around in Light's Touch she can't be reliant on the others all the time. I just have a habit of forming conclusions while skipping the whole process to get there and needing to articulate it later. If I know where I'm going, I'm already there.
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I plan to update later today, but I'm out right now and would just like to point out the following.

Vader blows up Aldaraan. Like three hours later, the Millennium Falcon lands carrying Vader's droid he built as a child, the astromech he had as a jedi, his son, the wookiee who saved Ahsoka's ass and was buddies with Yoda and Obi-wan goddamned Kenobi himself. Han proceeds to pull a prison break, pull Vader's daughter out of jail and then shoots his way off the Death Star while refusing to elaborate further.

A day later, Darth Vader - one of the greatest pilots in the galaxy - gets shot in the ass by this guy, driving the space version of a tractor trailer.

But that's not enough. Vader finally gets the drop on him on Cloud City, invites him to dinner just to fuck with Han and what does Han do? Han pulls out a gat and SHOOTS HIM ON SIGHT.

I am fully convinced Han Solo was given to Boba Fett instead of killed outright simply because Vader couldn't help but respect that kind of drip lmao
Chapter 05, Part 07 - Knighthood
"How long have you lived on Coruscant?" Mar's voice echoed in the deeper reaches of the utility tunnel they were walking down. Pipes lined the ceiling and walls, the floor holding even more lines with a series of grates just above them, easy to remove for maintenance. Not that anybody had done any lately. The tunnel was dim, some of the lights broken. Graffiti covered the walls in places, marks that Mar didn't recognize. Jace walked just behind her.

"My whole life, I guess. How long have you lived at the jedi temple?"

"Never. I live on a ship with a..." She sighed. She'd almost said family. ""

"You don't seem too sure about that."

"It's complicated. Some stuff happened. I'm here right now to be assigned a new master and catch up on my training."

"Huh?" Jace gave her a funny look, though she didn't see it. "Catch up? What'd you do, skip jedi class or something?"

Mar snorted. "No. I'm just new to this, is all." They came out the end of the tunnel into a large, vertical shaft, finding themselves standing on a grated walkway leading around the edges of the shaft to various utility tunnels with a ladder at the end leading up and down to walkways above and below them, mirroring the one they stood on. As Mar looked up she could see open sky above where the shaft led out. Windows lined parts of the shaft near hanger bays that were built into the walls at various levels below. When Mar looked over the side straight down, all she could see was a yawning darkness and more ships in the distance.

"How new?" Jace looked a little concerned, watching the way she reacted to seeing the hanger bay access corridor.

"About a month and a half." Mar leaned back from the edge, taking a deep breath and shaking her head. "This planet. Phew."

"A month?" Jace was starting to look annoyed. "Are you even able to help me?"

Mar gave him a look, pulled her saber from her belt and casually tossed it over the side of the rail. Gesturing with her hand, she gripped it with the Force, holding it in place over the side, mid-air and spinning. She yanked it back to her hand and turned it on for a moment, showing the indigo blade. Jace's eyes widened at the display. "Ooookay."

"I'm new but I learn very fast. C'mon, lets go."

They took one of the other utility tunnels on the same level, leaving the hanger bay corridor and disappearing down into another badly maintained line corridor. There was less graffiti in this one. When they came out the other end they found themselves in an artificial canyon created by buildings, speeders running in a line below and above them in traffic lanes. A single bridge ran across to the other side. The buildings themselves had balconies, lit by garish neon signs promising gambling, cantinas, strip clubs, ring fights and every possible kind of restaurant in the galaxy.

Here, at least, there was some foot traffic. Jace stuck close to her but he couldn't be much younger than she was herself and she could see the looks the two of them were getting, two youngsters by themselves in what looked to be a bad part of town. They were getting attention, but nobody accosted them. Mars body language was all wrong. Jace looked sufficiently nervous, but Mar was all confidence, glancing around and doing threat assessements as they passed through. "Where are we going, Jace?"

"At the other end of this street there's an intersection. Go down the left and theres this big cantina that does fights. That's where I last saw him. Keller was all hyped up about getting a job, that's kinda hard to do down here, you know? It's all buddy-buddy, you hire people you're friends with, or your friends buddy. There's no job interviews down here."

"Did he say what kind of job it was?"

"No, but he's not a fighter, so it had to be a serving job or something. He's our age. But I haven't seen him in a week, we hang out every day. I don't think he'd just, y'know, ditch me. I think they won't let him leave."

Mar nodded, glancing behind them. A few people were following them but not in a threatening way. Rather, they seemed kind of curious about where this pair of kids-who-don't-belong thought they were going.

Taking the turn, they walked another hundred meters or so and came to the front of a club with a gamorrean bouncer standing in front of it. The gamorrean waved a crudely welded together axe at them and gestured for them to get lost.

"No. I'm here to talk to Keller. I know he worked here."

The gamorrean walked towards her aggressively, trying to square up. Mar waved with one hand and gripped him with the Force, not trying to hold him but simply sending him flying to the side to crash into a trash pile that had accumulated in one corner. The guard landed hard, stunned and grunting but not seriously hurt. She yanked the guards axe to her hand, catching it neatly.

Behind her, Jace took a step back, blinking hard. He'd never seen anything like that before. The girl wasn't even that focused. To him, she looked kind of annoyed that she was being slowed down at all.

Mar audibly sighed, putting a bit of a growl into it to articulate exactly how little patience she had for it. Then she walked forward and pulled the clubs door open, holding it for Jace as he followed her inside. She unclipped her lightsaber at once, holding the axe and hefting it a little. Heavy, shit balance. She'd use it, but not for long.

The club had a band playing on the top of a mesh above a fighting ring. The bar itself was on the same level they stood at, the ring down several flights of stairs that also served as bleachers ringing the outer edges of the fighting pit. More neon signs lit the room, seeming to provide most of the actual ambient light that the place had. It was dingy, crappy and had about two dozen people in it who all looked like they'd crawled out of the underbelly of Coruscant.

Reflecting on that, Mar realized they probably had.

The band stopped playing as they walked in and she ignited her lightsaber, the indigo blade suddenly the brightest thing in the room. Every person in the club focused on her at the same time, including the other guards, a small scattering of gamorreans hanging around the edges of the club.

Mar took a deep breath, speaking loudly. "This is going to go one of two ways. I'm here to talk to Keller. You can either take me to the boy and let me speak to him voluntarily and everybody has a nice evening, or you can be stupid and try to fight me on this, in which case I will be obliged to kick the ass of every single goddamned person in this room. Honestly, I could kind of go either way on it."

The silence that followed was deafening for about five seconds before the gamorreans all RAAAAAAAAAAGH'd collectively and charged her. Nobody else moved. She flung the axe as hard as she could, holding it with the Force and sending it like a missile at the first guard, who tried to parry it with the side of his own makeshift weapon. Instead, the impact broke both weapons, smashing the guard in the face with the flat of his own blade and sending him sprawling.

The other two bore down on her and she yanked the weapons from both of their hands, casually dicing them up with her lightsaber and letting the pieces fall to the floor. Both the gamorreans stopped, looking at their hands in confusion before looking at Mar, who had the most disappointed look possible on her face. Then she waved at them and sent them both flying backwards down the bleachers.

"Really though? Really?" She put as much disappointment as possible into saying it. "Is there some kind of code I don't know about where places like this are just obliged to take the dumbest possible route or wh-"

She swung her saber, parrying a blaster bolt from the bartender back at him and narrowly missing him, blowing up a bottle of booze just behind him on a shelf.

"-at?" Mar started walking towards the bartender, a quarren who was visibly wilting at the casualness of her ability to just no-sell his shot. "Seriously. Where's the boy?"

The quarren made a low gurgling noise in the back of his throat, then coughed and tried again. "He, um, he's i-in the back. I'm not the one keeping him! Really!" He waved his hands to emphasize. "He signed a contract with the boss-"

"Yuh huh." Mar gestured at Jace, then swiped her blade across the hinges of the door, yanking it out with the Force and sending it sprawling. The 'back room' was an office, a rather large one. It was mostly open, richly furnished and decorated. At the other end of the chamber sat a female hutt, laid back while several people fed her. Not a single one of them was clothed.

Rage touched Mars heart and she pushed it down, taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly, then walking inside.

"Jace?" One of the boys just behind the hutt stood up in recognition, then sat back down with a wince, putting a hand to the collar on his neck. It called it to Mars attention and she realized all of them were wearing collars. Slave collars.

Her grip on her lightsaber hand got tighter. "Really?"

The hutt sat up, taking notice of them. "[Intruders! Where are my guards!]" Mar didn't understand, glancing between the hutt and Keller just behind her.

"She wants to know where her guards are." Jace spoke softly behind her.

"Thank you." Mar turned her attention back to the hutt. "They're currently in the other room contemplating their life choices. I think your bartender is too. You're going to uncollar every single one of these boys right now." As she spoke she could feel the rage at it simmering just below the surface. Not just slavery, but this particular kind. She was using them as toys.

Inside her, Mar fought to keep her rage in check and stay objective. She suddenly realized why she'd met this boy, come to do this particular task.

"[They're mine. You can't just take them!]" Jace translated for her.

"Yes. I can." She started walking, activating her lightsaber again and holding it up to point at the hutt. "You're either going to come with me of your own volition, or I drag you to the constables office by your stupid damned tail. Sexual abuse and slavery are two things I really really hate and I don't really have any ethical issues with killing you if I have to. But I'm still a padawan so I kind of suspect they'll frown on it if I do that. Trying to learn to be better, you know?" She yanked the hutt forward, tipping the giant slug off her ledge and forcing her to faceplant on the floor, undulating to try and get upright again. "It's a process."

The hutt wriggled to face Mar, only to find the lightsaber blade uncomfortably close to her. She slowly looked up at Mar as she glared down at the hutt and suddenly, she realized this padawan was just looking for an excuse to kill her.

"[I-I will release them.]"

"And you'll come with me."

"[I don't-]" She cut herself off as Mar cut a furrow onto the floor, making sparks. "[-uh... forsee a problem with that?]"

"Smart. Get off the floor, unlock the collars and lets go. Now."
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