It was starting to get late on Coruscant and by this point Yularen had decided it was the worst day of her life. To be fair it was probably the worst day for quite a few beings but certainly for her, she mused. By this point it was starting to get apparent that various moffs and warlords were refusing to follow the Ruling Council. She had even begun to receive reports that ISB personnel were being attacked by their former comrades. She even still continued to receive less than pleasant messages from loyal Imperials. They were either desperate pleas for assistance (probably over exaggerated) or messages that could easily be misinterpreted as orders for her. Still, they needed a response so she powered up her holocommunicator to send a few more,

Priority One, Encrypted

To: Grand Admiral Mattalo Musscros @Julius
From: Alyaria Yularen, Acting Director of the Imperial Security Bureau

Grand Admiral, it is good to know that those still loyal to the Empire are prepared and ready to continue the fight against the Rebels. I have sent orders to the Sector Offices to coordinate with the local commands, so you should expect cooperation from the ISB. I also assure you that the ISB is taking the necessary actions to ensure the traitors are identified and the appropriate response follows. It will be hard work but with loyal men like you leading the way, Order will soon be restored to the Empire. Feel free to contact me again if you require any further assistance or have information vital to the security of the Empire.

Hail the New Order! Hail the Empire! Hail the Ruling Council!

To: Sate Pestage, Grand Vizier of the Galactic Empire @iAmJimmyHoffa
From: Alyaria Yularen, Acting Director of the Imperial Security Bureau

My Lord, while the Empire has certainly suffered a major blow, I have little doubt that decisive action will allow us to once again emerge victorious. To this effect I have ordered the ISB, in conjunction with local forces, to suppress any suspected Rebel activity. Another matter is of concern, though. The ISB has begun to receive reports of Moffs, Admirals, and other commanders that are turning traitor and refusing to acknowledge your authority. We are currently investigating and should be able to start providing you with definitive lists of traitors shortly. Are there any other actions your wish the ISB to pursue at this time? We serve at the pleasure of the Ruling Council.

Hail the New Order! Hail the Empire! Hail the Ruling Council!


MOFF SETT VARIAN @etranger01

Your loyalty shall not go unrewarded. The Council has agreed unanimously to promote you to the rank of Fleet Admiral. Furthermore, Commodore Salis is despatched from Champala and ordered to be incorporated into your Sector Fleet.

Long live the New Order.


Your communication is received. The Ruling Council is most pleased that you have heeded the call to duty of your Empire and your Emperor. The Destroyers of Vice Admiral Rhane's command are ordered from Carida and will come under your command upon their arrival.

Long live the New Order.


Your request for summary promotion is denied.

You are to assume immediate command over all Imperial forces in the southern Core and Colonies and ensure that the Emperor's Law is maintained.

Long live the New Order.

WARLORD VENIS @kızıl sultan

Our forces in the North must remain steadfast in the face of adversity. To that end, no major offensive actions are to be carried out until the intentions of the Rebels in that quadrant can be ascertained. Until then, you maintain the full confidence of the Council in defending the Empire and its subjects.

Long live the New Order.


Your initiative mirrors that of your uncle, who served the Emperor devotedly unto the last, and who earned and enjoyed His Imperial Majesty's highest respect and affection.

The Council has agreed that it would be most beneficial to the Empire if you were to be appointed full Director of the Security Bureau, effective immediately.

All tagged targets and suspected Rebel sympathizers on Imperial Center are to be arrested and brought in for interrogation immediately. If the Rebels hope to engender ill sentiment here at the capital, we must anticipate their actions and move before they can strike.

Long live the New Order.

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To: The Imperial Ruling Council and Sate Pestage @iAmJimmyHoffa
From: Grand Admiral Ozymandias

With the lack of direction from regional commanders and death of integrated commanders, I am organizing an immediate counter-attack at Endor to bring about the end of the Rebellion as the Emperor planned, and scour the battlefield with rescue teams to find him.

Can I expect any reinforcements from the Core, or are they all to be diverted to fighting the growing separatist insanity?
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An emergency message is sent to the Imperial Ruling Council @iAmJimmyHoffa

Grand Vizier sir,

I send this message asking for your blessing to take command of all those force loyal to the Empire within the southern pocket now cut off from the rest of the Empire and allow our forces to consolidate. I have sent orders for forces to assemble at Eriadu but having the support of the Council will give me more weight to get our forces organized and ready for coming campaigns.

Long live the Empire and Emperor Palpatine!

Admiral and Moff of the Eriadu Garrison and Raptor Squadron​
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WARLORD VENIS @kızıl sultan

Our forces in the North must remain steadfast in the face of adversity. To that end, no major offensive actions are to be carried out until the intentions of the Rebels in that quadrant can be ascertained. Until then, you maintain the full confidence of the Council in defending the Empire and its subjects.

Long live the New Order.

Communique from the Office of the Warlord of the Empire

Having summarily been given the full confidence of the Grand Vizier of the Empire in my position as Warlord of the Empire, it has been left to me to command the defense of the Empire in the Northern command from the Rebel controlled sectors that surround us. I expect immediate situational reports, followed by your acquiescence to remain on standby to await further orders.
For the Empire.
To: Imperial Ruling Council @iAmJimmyHoffa
From: Admiral Donnel Kolren

My Lords, I have taken the initiative of using my fleet to bolster the defenses of the shipyards at Bilbringi and to ensure the continued productivity of this vital cog in our military industrial complex until I am given new orders and reinforcements by the proper authorities.
Missive from Moff Lesanni to the Imperial Ruling Council


Your Excellencies,

Despite the recent disturbances to the New Order, know that all under my command are loyal to Council and will dispatch any threats to it in the region -- including fools who dare to disrupt the Hydian Way. Under this light, I ask for official recognition of the Southern Loyalist Command, my status as its chairman, and additional authority to command forces within the Naboo pocket.
All hail the Empire. All hail the Imperial Ruling Council.
Lesanni of Knylenn,
Moff of the Chommell sector
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The Strongest of Missives from the Office of the Warlord of the Empire

@etranger01 @iAmJimmyHoffa (To the GM of whatever oversector they're in, and the remaining Imperial NPCs of the northern pocket)
Having summarily been given the full confidence of the Grand Vizier of the Empire in my position as Warlord of the Empire, as well as Grand Moff of the Outer Rim, it has been left to me to command the defense of the Empire in the Galactic North as High Admiral of the Northern Command from the Rebel controlled sectors that surround us. I expect an immediate situational report, followed by your acquiescence to remain on standby to await my direct orders.
For the Empire.
My lord,

Contingent upon confirmation of your mandate by Grand Moff Gaddus, I would be pleased to remain on standby pending further orders, and will forward my situation report as soon as is practicable.

I look forward to defending the Northern Rim from disloyal elements and Rebel forces under your direction. Hopefully, together, we can keep the Empire whole and strong in these regrettably turbulent times.

With all respect,
Sett Varian
Moff of Ciutric Sector

@kızıl sultan, @iAmJimmyHoffa

Priority One, Encrypted

To: Admiral Gwendoline Tark, Cato Neimoidia Sector @EmperorCasey
From: Alyaria Yularen, Director of the Imperial Security Bureau

Admiral, it has come to the attention of the ISB that Grand Moff Bruti has openly accused the Grand Vizier and the Ruling Council of treason. It appears he has declared all but official independence of Kuat from the Empire. This is treason of the highest order and can not be tolerated. The ISB recommends you set your command to full alert in case of incursions by Kuati traitors. Another matter of grave concern is the remaining fleet from Endor under the command of Admiral Corliss are on there way to Kuat. It is unknown if they are aware of Bruti's treason. The ISB recommends you mobilize your command and stand ready to assist Admiral Corliss if he requests it.

Hail the New Order! Hail the Empire! Hail the Ruling Council!
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Communique from the Office of the Warlord of the Empire

Having summarily been given the full confidence of the Grand Vizier of the Empire in my position as Warlord of the Empire, it has been left to me to command the defense of the Empire in the Northern command from the Rebel controlled sectors that surround us. I expect immediate situational reports, followed by your acquiescence to remain on standby to await further orders.
For the Empire.

@ kizil sultan

Warlord Venis,

Amongst the reports of snakes not being loyal to the empire, it does my heart good to hear so many of the north remain loyal to the Empire, and in particular to hear that our Grand Moff remains loyal the Ruling Council. I hear and obey.

As Ord Trasi lacks a Moff, and I lack a functional shipyard, I request being given authority over the system to work with Admiral Elixir DeVir (and possibly Fleet Admiral Aaronson if he is to remain in system) to modify and maintain my current forces, and bolster that systems defense - it does seem likely that Ord Trasi or Prefsbelt would be logical points for a rebel counter attack, so moving the majority of my forces to Ord Transi does appear to be wise.

My current location is unlikely to see direct fighting until some other more strategic location has fallen. As Grand Moff, you know of my history. I have done, and will do, my duty, but I desire the frontlines of combat.


Moff Braham
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Crinas Knort had left his conference with the warlord reassured, but also awed by the shear size of Venis'..............ambitions. Yes Venis was not man to rest idly on his laurels, having been endowed by the imperial ruling council with the hefty responsibility of taking control of the northern imperial sector to unsure a unified command against rebel incursions, Venis was determined to see that unified command in action, and other things besides. And he wanted Knort to help him do it. Knort had not in the past considered himself an overly ambitious man, beyond what was necessary to survive imperial politics, but the death of the emperor, and other recent events had made high rank seem increasingly attractive . " A man can go far following in a greater mans wake, and no one can deny that Venis is a man of greatness of a great many kinds" Knort had his orders, we would see them through. Now onto lesser matters. A strange message had arrived after leaving hyperspace, which did not address him by name was unsigned and made little sense. Still after some investigation he had figured who it was from and sent his response.

Dear Moff Braham
At first I was going to inquire how you had a spy on my bridge to know my intentions, and also how he sent a message while I was in hyperspace, so I could have that technique and have the spy shot. However upon rereading your message I must make the assumption it is the product of paranoid delusions which merely happened to be correct by accident in regards to my deployment. Warlord Venis has not declared himself Emperor. I have no idea how you came to that conclusion, but I recommend lowering your glitterstim consumption. Warlord Venis has been assigned by the Imperial Ruling Council to take supreme command over this region to form a unified defense command against rebel incursions in this dark time for the New Order. I have fallen in line, you should too, unless the traitor in this oversector is you.
Commander Crinas Knort of the 476th legion, acting fleet commander of the undaunted northern response squadron
The Rise of the Superior Skull Shape

The death of the glorious Emperor at the hands of the alien and race-traitors was surely a blow to any loyal huMan of the Empire. Which was why Tyrben bowed his head solemnly in shock and grief, as he snorted another line of spice from the belly of a twi'lek stripper. It was a shame that he only had so much time to prepare his private celebrations, but his schedule was tight considering that there were already those degenerate enough to threaten his rightful position as Emperor.

It was only a shame that one with such clear instability of the mind could have been allowed to rule for so long, especially one who wasn't born in the superior heart of civilisation. A man who would even condone women being pulled out of their rightful place in the household, their poor confused minds unable to stand against the burdens of leadership due to being limited by the dimensions of their skulls. Only the knowledge that Palpatine was preparing the foundations for Tyrben' ascension stayed his wrath, and now unchained from his inferior servants could he know reach out and claim his destiny after so much humiliation for his superior understanding of science. However, even Tyrben could not hide the moisture carving its sorrowful paths across his cheeks as the sounds of jizz pumped through the air.

Wait, that was just the nosebleed from the death sticks.

Emperor Tyrben Battbole Declares Univeral Domin-
One minute later...
"What do you mean he has 82 Victory Class Star Destroyers..."

I got 82 problems but loyalty ain't one
Tyrben Battbole, most loyal and humble servant of the Empire

One could only imagine the tears shed from the eyes of our beloved Emperor, should he see the wretches whom he treated with nothing but the utmost beneficence tear at his beloved Empire like carrion. Is it not abhorrent to the dignity of any loyal huMan that within an hour of his unforeseen demise, the true traitors reveal their lust for power and desire for anarchy. It is telling that the womenfolk have already gone mad in the absence of a strong male hand, their inferior skulls caving to feminine hysteria when placed under pressure. If only Imperial Sapient Resources would have listened to him and his multiple degrees in phrenology and craniometry when he stated that the "different dimensions of the female skull resulted in inferior organization skills and a vulnerability to superstition." Even more disgraceful was the conduct of his fellow huMans of the Core, though he could understand that the inhabitants of Kuat could only fuck so many cousins before their minds were inferior to the other less inbred worlds. Indeed even his own judgment had temporarily lapsed before he realised the error of his ways (82 errors also known as Victory Class Star Destroyers).

Therefore in such times as this it was only natural to defer to the superior intellect and ability of men such as Sate Pestage, who possesses an organ of Benevolence that far outweighs his shrivelled body. For it is in times such as these, when the few huMans possessing intellectual superiority must step up to protect the human race against both the ravening alien hordes and the hysteria of women.

Moff Tyrben Battbole Declares Submission to the Imperial Ruling Council
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Priority One, Encrypted

To: Admiral Gwendoline Tark, Cato Neimoidia Sector @EmperorCasey
From: Alyaria Yularen, Director of the Imperial Security Bureau

Admiral, it has come to the attention of the ISB that Grand Moff Bruti has openly accused the Grand Vizier and the Ruling Council of treason. It appears he has declared all but official independence of Kuat from the Empire. This is treason of the highest order and can not be tolerated. The ISB recommends you set your command to full alert in case of incursions by Kuati traitors. Another matter of grave concern is the remaining fleet from Endor under the command of Admiral Corliss are on there way to Kuat. It is unknown if they are aware of Bruti's treason. The ISB recommends you mobilize your command and stand ready to assist Admiral Corliss if he requests it.

Hail the New Order! Hail the Empire! Hail the Ruling Council!

It will be done. My fleet has been put on high alert and will react with haste to any incursion or call to aid. Hail the Empire!
Admiral Elixir DeVir received his message of the death of the Imperial Leadership and spent a long time pondering it's meaning and affects to the Empire with messages coming from a local Moff and the Commander of the northern forces during his contemplation he had much to think on. His loyalty to the Emperor had been absolute the Empire worked it kept order where the Republic had failed but would the ruling council have the same control he would have to wait and see. But he knew he would do whatever he had to in order to protect the Relgime sector his home from whatever and whomever came to disrupt their peace. After many hours of contemplation and study on the situation he was confident in what he would do. First order of business inform the fleet captains and secure Ord Trasi's defenses incase of rebels attempting to take advantage of possible confusion and disarray in the Empire. Second reply to upper command echelon, and third quietly begin searching for someone capable and worthy of being the Emperors successor.

To: Inquisitor Pelkka @triumph8w
From: Admiral DeVir

Your Presence has been noted near our sector and if your current mission would not be hindered by a detour to the Ord Trasi system we would be more then happy to give the Iron Will access to preform any maintenance and repairs while we had a private discussion about your future and that of the Empire.


FROM: Admiral DeVir

Administrator Starran and Moff Shai,
Our three shipyards are prime targets due to our proximity to the rebellion I suggest we maintain regular communications to maintain an organized defense against any Rebel incursions into the Prefsbelt, Albarrio, or Relgim Sectors.

Also, know that I remain loyal to the late Emperor and to his New Order.


FROM: Admiral DeVir

Know that I remain loyal to the late Emperor and to his New Order. Your assistance against the rebellion will be appreciated should it be needed should your fleet need repairs or reinforcements do not hesitate to ask we shall see what we can do for you.


TO: WARLORD VENIS @kızıl sultan
FROM: Admiral DeVir

High Admiral Venis of the Northern Command,
Security of the Relgime and Albarrio sectors is complete as it has always been since I took command with the Black Widow any rebel or pirates we encounter (minus the Riders of the Maelstrom) do not escape and the fortress of Ord Trasi is my current priority I am currently organizing the defenses and ensuring their battle readiness this is my home the rebels will not seize it as long as I am alive.

On the political front the situation unfortunately is less stable Moffs's Vanko and Torpin from what I and my subordinates have ascertained instill very little loyalty in these sectors and with the current predicament I suggest new leadership be assigned because the loss of any of these worlds this close to the rebellion would be dangerous.

Also with Fleet Admiral Aaronson no doubt returning too his command at Kessel Moff Braham has offered support with your permission sir I would like to work with him to bolster the defenses of my two sectors and finally go after and eliminate the Pirate group Riders of the Maelstrom.


TO: Fleet Admiral Aaronson @CT22222
FROM: Admiral DeVir

Admiral Aaronson,
With the loss at Endor and your repairs and replacements complete Kessel must be defended the loss of Kessel and release of all the rebel prisoners would be detrimental to the security of the Empire I wish you luck should you need repairs in the future Ord Trasi remains open to loyal sons of the Empire.

To: Inquisitor Pelkka @triumph8w
From: Admiral DeVir

Your Presence has been noted near our sector and if your current mission would not be hindered by a detour to the Ord Trasi system we would be more then happy to give the Iron Will access to preform any maintenance and repairs while we had a private discussion about your future and that of the Empire.


Unfortunately it would be hindered by a detour, Admiral. Perhaps once it has been completed i will visit.
@ kizil sultan

Warlord Venis,

Amongst the reports of snakes not being loyal to the empire, it does my heart good to hear so many of the north remain loyal to the Empire, and in particular to hear that our Grand Moff remains loyal the Ruling Council. I hear and obey.

As Ord Trasi lacks a Moff, and I lack a functional shipyard, I request being given authority over the system to work with Admiral Elixir DeVir (and possibly Fleet Admiral Aaronson if he is to remain in system) to modify and maintain my current forces, and bolster that systems defense - it does seem likely that Ord Trasi or Prefsbelt would be logical points for a rebel counter attack, so moving the majority of my forces to Ord Transi does appear to be wise.

My current location is unlikely to see direct fighting until some other more strategic location has fallen. As Grand Moff, you know of my history. I have done, and will do, my duty, but I desire the frontlines of combat.


Moff Braham

Your current orders are to redeploy to Ord Trasi and serve as Moff of the sector there. The shipyards at Ord Trasi are to be managed directly by the Office of the Warlord for the purposes of optimal production. Fleet Admiral Aaronson will be responsible for its protection as the direct representative of the Warlord in the sector.

TO: WARLORD VENIS @kızıl sultan
FROM: Admiral DeVir

High Admiral Venis of the Northern Command,
Security of the Relgime and Albarrio sectors is complete as it has always been since I took command with the Black Widow any rebel or pirates we encounter (minus the Riders of the Maelstrom) do not escape and the fortress of Ord Trasi is my current priority I am currently organizing the defenses and ensuring their battle readiness this is my home the rebels will not seize it as long as I am alive.

On the political front the situation unfortunately is less stable Moffs's Vanko and Torpin from what I and my subordinates have ascertained instill very little loyalty in these sectors and with the current predicament I suggest new leadership be assigned because the loss of any of these worlds this close to the rebellion would be dangerous.

Also with Fleet Admiral Aaronson no doubt returning too his command at Kessel Moff Braham has offered support with your permission sir I would like to work with him to bolster the defenses of my two sectors and finally go after and eliminate the Pirate group Riders of the Maelstrom.


Fleet Admiral Aaronson will be stationed at Ord Trasi for the foreseeable future to take charge of its defense. You will report to him and brief him on the situation there regarding these Pirates. Moff Braham has been redeployed to Ord Trasi to serve as its administrator. The shipyards at Ord Trasi will henceforth be managed directly by the Office of the Warlord.
Missive from the Office of the Warlord of the Empire

Administrator Starran @Draorn and Moff Shai @DanMan
Having summarily been given the full confidence of the Grand Vizier of the Empire in my position as Warlord of the Empire, as well as Grand Moff of the Outer Rim, it has been left to me to command the defense of the Empire in the Galactic North as High Admiral of the Northern Command from the Rebel controlled sectors that surround us. I expect an immediate situational report, followed by your acquiescence to remain on standby to await my direct orders.
For the Empire.
TO:Admiral DeVir
FROM:Fleet Admiral Aaronson
Do not fear for Kessel's defense too much; I have stationed a full Superiority Force and a full Escort Force there to defend it in case of attack and to escort shipments of Glitterstim where they are needed. However,I can assign further forces to it's defense as needed. By the instruction of the Warlord,I am to be deployed here to help secure against rebel attack. Perhaps I can help to destroy these pirates you refer to?

@Elixir DeVir
To: Admiral Aaronson
From: Admiral DeVir
Understood, The pirates operate out of the maelstrom between Relgim and Albarrio sectors the have been a nuisance due to the affects of the maelstrom on hyperspace travel making it difficult to chase them down, I have never had enough forces to effectively deploy to eliminate this threat hopefully with you and Moff Barham we will have enough to deal with the pirates and still defend against any rebel incursion.

Ownard, The Future

The declaration of a Southern Loyalist Command helmed by Chairman Lesanni was a moment of delight for the crew of the Forward, as they saw the chances of their situation improving rise; a much needed boon as the new tenseness and security measures threatened trouble. Larroma too was noticeably joyful at seeing the development become official, though for different reasons: the rise of Moff Lesanni to greater heights showed the meaning of the new, uncertain, age of the Galactic Empire. It meant that the finest would finally rise, and with them, so too would the Empire rise, and be reforged. And who better to do so, felt Tahn, than Lesanni of Knylenn, who had spent decades so loyally serving the Empire and the Republic before it, and demonstrated the greatest expertise at ruling and military matters. He allowed himself a moment to imagine the idea of such a world, Lesanni at the pinnacle, with him as her devout aide; and then, with a rapid order, he dispersed the gathering back to their tasks.

Returning to his office, Commodore Tahn frowned at the incoming reports, wondering of the truth of those which talked of Nabooian matters, and pondered for a moment whether to exert his local influence to expanding the grip of the military in Naboo before quickly ignoring the thought, deciding he would pass the suggestion by the Moff at a later point. Reaching out, he took the first of the reports, and began. It was not the time to tarry, the moment of destiny was upon them.
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Missive from the Office of the Warlord of the Empire

Administrator Starran @Draorn and Moff Shai @DanMan
Having summarily been given the full confidence of the Grand Vizier of the Empire in my position as Warlord of the Empire, as well as Grand Moff of the Outer Rim, it has been left to me to command the defense of the Empire in the Galactic North as High Admiral of the Northern Command from the Rebel controlled sectors that surround us. I expect an immediate situational report, followed by your acquiescence to remain on standby to await my direct orders.
For the Empire.


Is there a reason the Moff is bypassing the Chain of Command? Is some special condition in effect of which I am not aware or a reason I am being singled out within your command? Please advise.

Sitrep -
A) No Enemy Action Detected at this time.
B) Imperial Forces maintaining system patrols - Yaga Minor is secure awaiting orders
The Quiet Changes

The Deep Core Navy

The holographic images of the star destroyers, gravity mines and other naval assets faded out as Vrauss' secretary entered the cramped quarters of the Chief Executive. The title didn't suit him at all, or at least it didn't suit Admiral Vrauss of the Republic Navy, it did suit pencil-pusher Vrauss of the Imperial Navy quite well, and he'd embraced it. Turning from the old Imperial navy and encouraging a shift in uniform, incorporating white along with abandoning the old rank plates in favor of epaulets. This overhaul was naturally slow and for the most part focused on the bridge officers, essentially everyone else wore their standard uniforms. Did it promote elitism? Perhaps, but they were not a ship of equals, they were the crew to Chief Executive Maximillien Vrauss' flagship, and he expected only the best.

He had heard the news of what happened all around the galaxy as the Emperor's death became more widespread; chaos, no doubt, chaos and treachery on every corner, yet here he was, committing treason against an old fool living under the roof of denial for the sake of what, profit? He wasn't quite sure, though no loyalty to the Empire kept him back, for he'd been disillusioned with the state of affairs for a decade now. The secretary handed him a data pad, figures detailing available fleet assets and an outline of other military capabilities of his new little domain in the Deep Core. Constancia was the only planet under direct ICA influence, though several more were already on the new channels and experiencing similar... disagreements, as he did with his peers when he first formed his realm. Ideologically, the Deep Core was Imperial, perhaps, but its officers and soldiers were susceptible to the power of the credit and the freedoms attached to it. Even now many of the stripped mansions were being turned to holdfasts and businesses by former professionals who were drafted to serve in the increasingly depleted Imperial Army. His own Chief Engineer was now director of a mining corporation exploiting the untapped wealth of Concstancia's asteroid ring. It was all so free, so profitable.

Tartan-class Patrol Cruiser Melina
The origin of the name Indecisive is an interesting one, to say the least, as the story goes Maximillien had been on a routine patrol on behalf of one Admiral Gy Tiber, when he was set upon by rebel forces. The rebellion commanded a squadron of bombers escorting a freighter rigged to explode, one that had jumped from hyperspace right in front of Vrauss' bridge, then on the Tartan-class Melina, a sturdy ship, but one not suited to being rammed by derelicts stuffed to the brim with explosives. With the exception of Maximillien, the entire crew had seized up, and it was only the action of the admiral in rapidly nearly spinning the ship to the side that prevented it's utter destruction at the hands of the rebellion. When Admiral Vrauss was finally brought from the rear to command a Star Destroyer, one fresh from the drydock, he had chosen to name it Indecisive, much to the ire of his peers due to the negative connotation risking bad luck. This was nearly 18 years ago, and the Indecisive has been one of the longest serving ships registered in the Imperial Navy, now the Core Navy under the ICA. It's exemplar, if not dull service, has been something of a point of pride for officers on the ship, and it would most likely wind up being the reason why it came to the service of Alegad Matoon, for he no doubt needed an unexceptional officer to run things while he commanded fleets and armies to bring enemies of the Galactic Empire to heel.

Oh, how Vrauss laughed at the thought.

Reference for the new Deep Core Navy uniform, only currently worn by bridge officers of the Indecisive
Excerpt from the Personal Log of Admiral Gared L. Tenord, Fleet Admiral formerly of the Imperial Navy

I have spent my entire life ashamed of the Tenord name. Coriella suffered at the hands of one man, and for all the fathers in the galaxy, it just had to be mine. Perhaps it is fitting then, that I loop full circle. I broke an oath, to fulfill an older one, but now, I even feel like I could break that one too, though I shudder at the thought. I wonder, could this have been how my father started his journey into that void? He broke a rule, and found it liberating so he broke another one, and dug himself deeper and deeper until he could no longer see the sun.

Well, I will refuse to be like him. I will take power, but not for my interests above others. My place is not the head of a state, but on the bridge of a Star Destroyer, and if I must take up that post I shall relinquish it ASAP. The people will not understand; they never do. To them I will be just another Imp, another cancer on the galaxy demanding their personal loyalty. But when the dust settles, after the Core Worlds are heaped in slag, finally the Outer Rim might be able to be free; free of the Moffs or the New Republic. It won't be much, but if it is all I can do, than I shall resign myself to that fact and move on. These worlds are neglected, forgotten, and yet brimming full of life and potential, and I must not miss that. I started my life surrounded by rivals in the Core, now I will end it with only friends on edge of the galaxy.

I am not like you, father. Here I am, dreaming of a better galaxy. But unlike you, I shall make it happen, or die trying. To be honest, the latter is more likely. But I guess there is no turning back now, and I shall hope to never rue that fact.

There are no shortage of ISD pictures
A lesser officer might have his doubts and fears weigh him down. With the weight Gared Tenord carried, a lesser officer would have broke. Tenord was far too experienced for that though. He had done many things to regret. Some he had accepted. They where necessary for his duty as an Imperial Officer. Others, the most painful, he had buried under his work.

Once he had broken his oath to the Empire, a torrent of choices now seemed far more difficult to make. Some would require him to further dishonor himself, to drag his name further through the muck, but that was only if he lost. After all, history is written by the victor. He had only one question now, as he put down his journal. Only one question that mattered.

How does one destroy an Assertor-class Star Dreadnought?
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Missive from the Office of Planetary Governor Tratum

Directed to His Great Obesity, the Lord Durga, @iAmJimmyHoffa

Before the rise of the Galactic Empire, my father, Senator Orun Tratum, maintained a lucrative, and mutually beneficial partnership between himself and the late Aruk the Great. The deaths of both mine, and your father, ended this deal, and with it any connection the Tratum family had with the Besadii kajidic. As I'm sure your vast network of spies has already informed you of the Emperor's defeat at Endor, and the Empire's state of disarray, it will be of no surprise to you that many formerly loyal Imperial servants have decided it best to strike out on their own.

Undoubtedly this will open up a number of business opportunities for you, and your associates, and I would like to be the first to approach you with such an offer. Denon lies at the intersection of the Corellian Run, and the Hydian Way, and therefore is a hub of trade within the Inner Rim. The gist of my proposal is this: I will allow To-Sharr Uuta to begin operations on Denon in exchange for the opening of business between us regarding the acquisition of starships. As of now I possess a small fleet whose initial purpose was for defense. Now, I must adapt to the shifting galactic landscape, and in-order to do so, I require a larger, and more offensively capable fleet of ships. I am certain that through your influence within the Black Sun, and via your personal connections throughout the galaxy, you will be able to supply the ships I desire for a fair price, along with the added benefit of an amiable business relationship between us.
