It seems to me that activating the Emergency Powers Act should be done as soon as possible since we have the preconditions now in place and once active we will have a much easier time with a number of important actions. Specifically, anything rated Hard/X will have much greater odds of success with the additional political authority at our disposal. We really don't want failed actions and right now things like In Case of Emergency have significant odds of failure.

So, how about this:

[x] Exterminatus (Easy/Hard)
[x] Step up border patrols (Medium/Easy)
[x] Call up reserves (Medium/Medium)
[x] Collect historical treatises and explanations of older technologies (Medium/Easy)

[x] Activate the Emergency Powers Act
[x] Additional Vote - Activate the Emergency Powers Act

This vote emphasizes keeping the plague out of the country as much as we can rather than mostly preparing for our eventual failure in that task, but skips over politically Hard actions. Both our personal actions are devoted to pushing the Emergency Powers Act as hard as we can in the expectation that once we get that through, we'll be able to start aggressively tackling important tasks which are currently difficult for political reasons.

This will hopefully increase our bonuses for the next turn on the two "if this fails everything gets worse" rolls, the Rauma quarantine and the Border Guard. We were lucky enough to have both roll in the 50s this latest turn but that luck won't hold and I don't think we could push a "torch Rauma" write-in through at this point without depending very heavily upon luck, so it's probably the best we can do.

That roughly seems like a good idea, though I'm wondering if the border controls or the forbid public gatherings is the better choice. Politically speaking they're both equally hard to pass after all, and even if they fail to implement entirely properly, it should still get us some effect as explained to us by Baughn. And reduced public gatherings should slow propagation of the disease inside the country... and perhaps in Rauma as well thus.

Though I'm wonder if @Baughn will tell us if any power building we do now could or could not contribute to the passing of such an Act. While I don't actually expect any definitive answer, I'm mostly wondering if the power building would happen before the act vote or not. As that may or may be of import on deciding the matter...

Though that Act definitely seems like the thing to do... to bad we never did that power building with Health before. Though I'm also kind of surprised Tuula didn't try to push the concept if she knew about it... unusual, she seems pretty desperate to do what ever she can.
Might be that she didn't think it could get that bad, but with things how they are now? Well, everything goes.

I think this would be better plan.

Plan Mandemon

[X] Exterminatus
[X] In Case of Emergency + Additional Vote

[X] Call Up Reserves 3/3

General Goverment
[X] Write-in
-[X] Call to activate the Emergency Powers Act with us in charge

[X] Additional Vote (In Case of Emergency)
[X] Power Building - Ministry of Health

Reason why it's "Call to activate the Emergency Powers Act", is because we can't actually activate it ourselves, Cabinet and Senate need to activate it and appoint us. Border seems quiet at the moment.

Now, my justifications for this plan, now that Emergency Powers Act had been reminded to us:

We need it. We need that power to do this. It also gives us pretty much the same power as nationalizing the industry, except we technically don't. We can still send "Get us X amount of Y" and companies would be required to fill it, with exception that we lack the micromanagment. Other powers are also important.

Exterminatus is a must. We need to stamp out the main infection site on Finland now. We can't do what France did. We need to shut this thing down now and buy us all the time we can. Sooner or later, we need to star abandoning cities, but as long as it's merely Rauma, we can "just" burn it. it's relatively easy to push through, but problem will be carrying it out.

Power build in Social Affairs and Health, we want to push those fallback positions ready. Sooner we have them, better. We must convince Tuula to support in this and get that political vote through.

Calling up last of our reserves gives us last prepared manpower can call up, before it gets desperate. We need all of it.

Why I didn't call for borders or saving stuff? They are relatively easy and hopefully, once we got these acts pushed through we can start to focus on them. I do not think border will have something big happen yet or next turn and we could use those men on something else. Like burning down Rauma. Also, we don't want people to think we are going dictators, civil resistance is the last thing we want. So even if we were to want to ban public gatherings, civil unrest from it would be very bad for us and probably negate the benefits.

I am debating myself over fallbacks, since we could just push them through with Emergency Powers Act, but for now lets push for it early. Next turn, once we got initial fall back positions, get us stuff to save there.
@Mandemon Exterminatus isn't burning Rauma, it's killing the animals around any infected area as much as is possible. This is why it's hard, getting all the creatures would be really hard... even if you depoly poison gas... though that could help I suppose...

This is why I suggested forbidding public gatherings, assuming this isn't already applied to Rauma by the Ministry of health (@Baughn in the update atleast didn't mention it), it would atleast help slow down disease progression till we... or alternately the Ministry of Health gets the powers from the Emergency Powers Act and then can try and ram it through with the increased powers and increasingly worse news worldwide. After all... if it gets out of Rauma, we'll be in a lot of trouble.

And depending on how you want to go, same thing for the border, reduce risk. Gain more time before the diseases manages to go fully endemic with in Finland. Every week, is a week more to move people and Industry.
I'll change my vote to this now I guess, unless some one has a better idea yet?

[x] Exterminatus (Easy/Hard)
[x] Step up border patrols (Medium/Easy)
[x] Call up reserves (Medium/Medium)
[x] Collect historical treatises and explanations of older technologies (Medium/Easy)

[x] Activate the Emergency Powers Act
[x] Additional Vote - Activate the Emergency Powers Act
Ok. If we're going for the Emergency Powers Act I have a new Plan.

[X] Plan FriedIce Revised
[ ] Write In - Emergency Powers Act + Additional Vote

"Ladies and Gentlemen, by now you will all have heard the news from France. Many of you will have seen the horrifying images of destruction wrought by the Rash. In light of this new evidence regarding the scale of this threat I am submitting a proposal to the Finnish parliament later today to enact the Emergency Powers Act. I do not understate when I say that the Rash is the greatest threat to our country to have ever existed, but do not loose hope; we are doing everything in our power to protect you from it."

[ ] Exterminatus

"Regarding the ongoing situation in Rauma, we are stepping up our efforts to contain the Rash. We will be enacting a large scale campaign to eliminate any possible infection vectors which the Rash could use to spread out of Rauma to the rest of Finland. That said we urge all our citizens to remain calm, public panic will only harm our efforts to prevent the spread of the Rash."

[ ] Ban Public Gatherings

"In addition, given the Rash's incredible infection potential we are placing a temporary ban on public gatherings until this crisis is over. Large gatherings of people allow for incredibly fast spreads of infection and our experts have suggested that the mass protests in France, with thousands of people on the streets together, is what lead to the French authorities being overwhelmed by the infection. Again, we encourage all people to wear masks if they go outside for any reason and to remain vigilant."

[ ] Call Up Reserves (3/3)

"These new initiatives will be supported by a full call up of Active Reservists. Those on the Active Reserve Lists who have not already received a call up notice will receive them over the next week. If any citizens not on the Active Reserve List also wish to serve during this crisis we encourage you to contact your local Military Outreach Office."

[ ] Additional Vote - Emergency Powers Act
[ ] Power Building - Ministry of Health

"Again, we urge you all to remain calm. We are taking every reasonable step to ensure that you and your families remain safe from the Rash. Stay safe and godspeed you all. With me on this broadcast from her residence is Health Minister Tuula who will now address some of the key misconceptions about the Rash and explain our new Quarantine measures in more depth."

Ok, this is my new plan. The reason is simple, since we all agree that we should be exploiting the French situation to push through the Emergency Powers Act then we should go all in on it. The people are scared, we need to show that we're doing something.

I don't feel comfortable pushing the Emergency Powers Act without the Additional Vote, and I similarly don't feel comfortable pushing In Case of Emergency without the Additional Vote so ICoE got dropped in favour of EPA. Similarly, if we're not doing ICoE then the saving stuff actions can likewise wait. Instead I picked Public Gatherings because it both gives us more of an advantage (however small) in containing the Rash and because it'll help to keep unrest under the lid later and we can play off the situation in France and blame the huge public gatherings for the Rash's spread.

I think everyone is agreed that we finish Calling Up the Reserves this turn and conduct the Exterminatus so they stay in, likewise Power Building in the Ministry of Health should give us more options for next turn when we have the Emergency Powers Act passed.

Next turn we push extended border controls and more quarantine efforts whilst starting on creating the fallback positions and saving shit.

As always I appreciate input from everyone and if our native Fin @Mandemon could give me some feedback on the speech excerpts that'd be appreciated. I'm not sure if I made any cultural mistakes.
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Speech sounds okay, it's the sort of general speeches you could expect to hear. However, I am not sure do we need extra vote on EPA.

@Baughn, how easy would calling for EPA vote be and how easy it would be to get it passed?
Speech sounds okay, it's the sort of general speeches you could expect to hear. However, I am not sure do we need extra vote on EPA.
@Baughn, how easy would calling for EPA vote be and how easy it would be to get it passed?
We're trying to pass a measure that will grant us powers over the entire country that approach the dictatorial. I highly doubt it's going to be rated Easy (which is the only level that automatically passes). Therefore, given how incredibly important it is that we get this right I wouldn't be comfortable with not putting the Additional Vote on the EPA. The Additional Vote means we now automatically pass it if its Medium Difficulty and reduces the chance of us failing it if its Hard to ~20% from ~60%.

So if we assume the worst, that its a Hard measure to pass, much like Nationalising the Industries is, then we need to place the Additional Vote on it.

Regarding the speech I meant, 'did I get any cultural stuff wrong?' Like, do you guys have Military Outreach Centres, for example?
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Hmm, well then, I am moving my vote to

[X] Plan FriedIce Revised

@Baughn , do you need me to change my previous posts to remove the votes so your vote tally doesn't get messed up or does it only count the latest post?
given that Exterminatus seems to be the make or break action, i'm going to keep my vote the way it is:
In Case of Emergency + Additional Vote

Call Up Reserves 3/3

Education and Culture
Collect Historical Treatises and Explanations of Older Technologies

Additional Vote (In Case of Emergency)

Quality time

for one reason: if exterminatus fails to implement we're in for a very rough ride regardless of whether we have emergency powers. long term projects need to be started, and there are no new (known) cases of infection outside rauma. Going for emergency powers while burning the land and outlawing public gatherings should rightfully set of every power-hungry dictator red flag in a normal person, we can't do all 3 at once w/o some serious backlash unless we roll natural 100s, methinks.

Spend time w/ kids because we are better than Goku. besides, we got the collect culture and tech info from spending time w/ anu. mayhaps spending time w/ her will reveal another option for us.
Spend time w/ kids because we are better than Goku. besides, we got the collect culture and tech info from spending time w/ anu. mayhaps spending time w/ her will reveal another option for us.
If we're not going to activate the Emergency Powers Act this week, then we need to talk to Tuula to get it as a suggestion so we can know the difficulty.

[X] Plan FriedIce Revised

{X} Fall back on Mom. Point out that Eeli would be safer with you.
-{X} Then immediately redivert his attention away from arguing with you to something he should be doing instead: warning his friends about the rash infecting animals
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@Mr Tebbs ;If things have gotten so bad that you need to take radical actions, and if clearly one can see from the news and internet that such radical action might be the only way to save the country...

Then wouldn't you expect the Emergency Power Act to be activated along with a slew of extreme actions? Rather... wouldn't it be suspicious if it wasn't? Why would you activate such a measure unless you needed to take massive action immediately?

As such I think your plan is actually the more suspicious one, as it seems far more sneaky. As if you don't really need the act at all.
eh. there's no right answer to this, just trying to make the best of a bad situation. the devil's in the rolls, and a crit fail on something so audatious will be catastrophic. I think we should stick to one hard to implement plan per turn lest we get serious penalties for everything else
eh. there's no right answer to this, just trying to make the best of a bad situation. the devil's in the rolls, and a crit fail on something so audatious will be catastrophic. I think we should stick to one hard to implement plan per turn lest we get serious penalties for everything else
Well yeah. That's why I dropped ICoE in favour of the EPA. The theory being that Hard stuff like ICoE will be easier to pass with the EPA.

In Plan FriedIce Revised we're doing one Easy, two Medium and one Hard/very Hard political options. Where we should be worried is in implementation, where we have two Medium, one Hard and one Unknown options, but that vulnerability existed in Plan FriedIce (which is basically the other leading vote) too, it just wasn't quite as bad. Unfortunately we don't have a way to increase the success chance of those so we have to take them as we come and pray we roll well.
To give you a bit of perspective:

This is the prologue. If you're familiar with SSSS, you will know that there's only so much you can do; things will get worse. What you do here will affect your later capabilities, but don't sweat it too much; even if Finland burns to the ground, you will still get to rule the ashes.

Your job, then, is to ensure a better grade of ashes.
Yeah, we got advantage in that we, the players, know we are going to lose the nation. However, thing is, people in universe don't know it. They think they can hold it back. Which is why need power to push through the fall back positions.
Ok, so lets put this another way. We need two things in order to create 'a better grade of ash': Time and Resources (political and otherwise). Everything we're doing this turn is in aid of us gathering one of those factors.

The Emergency Powers Act gives us the political resources we need to actually start saving stuff, it should, hopefully, let us start ramming through legislation like In Case of Emergency through the parliament.

Exterminatus is us frantically trying to buy time. If the Rauma quarantine is breached its all over, so we need to hold the line there to the best of our ability.

Banning Public Meetings is also us trying to buy time, both from the Rash and from Unrest.

Calling up the Reserves is us gathering manpower for our later attempts to save as much as we can.

Yes in Plan FriedIce Revised we're not actively saving stuff as of yet, that's because we're trying to get our ducks in order so that when, next turn, we start saving stuff and creating fallback positions, we can do a much better job of it.
can we do conditional votes? like push for EPA if exterminatus fails to implement and/or crit fails?
if it works methinks existing systems will hold the line until we get word of a horde at the gate, and I don't think the EPA will give us enough of an edge in that situation to warrant the risk of failing the political check
[X] Plan FriedIce Revised

Welp, with French now a bunch of radioactive ash and the Rash now known to be freaking scary, we need to buckle down and squash ANY source of infection

While this just might be a small form of insane troll logic, France is right near Spain, which is where the Rash originated. While the nukes may have cut off the spread for a moment, we might see the same things happen in countries attached to France in as little as one to two weeks. If there are any "survivors", they will try to cross borders, and then we will have a cascading effect from there. We have the opportunity to ensure that we can survive a bit longer against the horde, and we'd be the greatest fools in existence if we didn't go for it.