Spirit In The Machine (Pacific Rim/RWBY)

Not Shipgirls, more like Titan AIs.

They're still bound by the laws of physics, it's just those Laws took one look at the giant stompy mecha Humanity was building and declared them 'Based'.
Giant Robots are cool, no matter the reality. If Gipsy gets a human-sized terminal I do sincerly hope it will be secondary and we don´t just get a robo insert into the story. I would very much love to see the story cope with the MC being 260 feet tall and made of Giant Monster-punching Badasserium.
So it turns out detonating a large nuclear explosion in close proximity to machinery that tears great gaping holes in the fabric of reality can have unintended consequences. I wonder if that self-destruct charge is still there?

Huh. I was actually partly expecting the Kaiju to turn out to be a Grimm Leviathan that happened to be walking by when Gypsy came back online, did a double-take when it thought it sensed a spark of Soul inside the vaguely humanoid scrapheap that wasn't there last week, then dismissed the notion as ridiculous and went on its way.

The big ka-boom didn't actually destroy the dimensional borer (unfortunately), but did damage it enough to take it offline for some amount of time, and completely threw off its targeting. And through some sort of alien spacio-temporal fuckery, Gypsy got reverted to a state before she was vaporized by atomic fire, and then promptly got stuck in the "nozzle" (for lack of a better word) of the borer, blocking passage until it could spin up a new Breach large enough for her to fit through.
Thus, Remnant's first Kaiju was a Cat III, because that was the first thing they could send to dislodge the obstruction. Firestarter gave her a dismissive glance like you would give a piece of broken furniture that was blocking a door that you finally shoved open, and was just as surprised as you would be when that piece of furniture got up, limped after it for however many miles of ocean depths it took the reach Argus, and proceeded to sucker-punch it in the face.

Unfortunately, this all means that Remnant is in for a rough ride, because the Kaiju are starting at Cat III, and the closest thing they have to a proper functioning Jaeger can be beaten by five teenagers, a recovering alcoholic, and an old lady with malfunctioning eyes. Hopefully the next few they send get softened up by Grimm Leviathans before they reach shore.
Can Grimm even be compelled to throw themselves against biological weapons?

If there's one thing Remnant has over Earth are Dust and Aura which influenced technology and combat to, in Earth term, ridiculous levels. Though they're somewhat stagnant, which will bite them in their asses if they don't study Gipsy's data and use it to improve. Which would also include some nice nuclear reactors and man-to-machine neural interfaces.
Can Grimm even be compelled to throw themselves against biological weapons?

If there's one thing Remnant has over Earth are Dust and Aura which influenced technology and combat to, in Earth term, ridiculous levels. Though they're somewhat stagnant, which will bite them in their asses if they don't study Gipsy's data and use it to improve. Which would also include some nice nuclear reactors and man-to-machine neural interfaces.
That is a big if. We frankly do not know, if they have any fissionable material on Remnant. Getting actually useable material will take a long time, talk about Remnant tech all you want, but it will take them a considerable while to get fissionable material(It actually is Nuclear science), not even considering the fact it may not even exist in the first place. I doubt Gipsy has comprehensive Nuclear Physics archives in her drives and her pilots did not seem like the type to hold Nuclear science degrees so even Drift memories are out. Making a reactor would take years of experimentation supported by decades of research that Remnant does not simply have. At best they would have to use Dust as an enrgy source, dunno how much fuel does she have, but she might be in a pickle.
Chapter 4: A Snowball's Chance
Penny's memories were a lot more…Energetic.

Gipsy knew some athletic fighters in her life, but Remnant's people put Earth to shame. Penny danced and bobbed around her opponents with the grace of a gymnast, using an array of blades and wires to cut and slash through Grimm and knock her foes out of the ring. Just as Gipsy thought things couldn't get any better, her new friend's memories revealed that her array of blades could form a titanic fuck you laser. The Mark-III Jaeger felt a sense of childlike excitement at the sudden reveal, and nearly whooped for joy when it cut through a dropship like butter.

But those weren't the memories Penny liked showing.

Instead, she led Gipsy through some other memories until she suddenly stopped, showing a concerned Ruby holding onto Penny's hands…Which had her internals poking out from beneath damaged synthetic skin. In place of fear or disgust, there was a warm, almost gentle kindness in Ruby's silver eyes. Penny had sat down to watch with a dreamy look in her eyes, and Gipsy 'sat' down next to her.

"You really like her don't you?"

"I do…But I don't think the General will let me…You know."

The Jaeger gave her a pat on the back through the Drift. "Ironwood can stick it where it fits, I say ask her out, live a little." Penny smothered a giggle, but a smile broke out on her face. The sudden burst of positivity brought forth more memories of her favorite red reaper, showing her damn near glowing in the memories they saw together.

The two of them dancing together without any guards or Generals to break them apart.

The two going on an unofficial 'date' in Vale.

The last thing the two saw of Ruby was a dream Penny had, which showed the two of them sitting side by side on a beach. If Gipsy looked closely, she could see a silver ring with a red gem wrapped around Penny's ring finger in the dream, and…Oh, this dream was something private. Watching it quickly dissipate before she saw more, the Jaeger ruffled Penny's hair.

"Oh you have it bad sugar."

Penny groaned. "Hush, please."

"Hey, you're talking to a kindred spirit…Though, your dream is a lot closer than mine." Gipsy's ethereal form darkened for a few moments as whispers of Striker's last words echoed in the drift.

"Give 'em hell sweetheart."


Originally it was an insult, a jab at the fact that Gipsy had her heart open both emotionally and physically. But as time grew on and the Jaegers started dropping, it became a term of endearment. The American Jaeger even had the chance to turn it back on the Mark-V after the fight in Hong Kong, though it was said with more intimacy and care than simple endearment.

The two had a good laugh and a cry at that.

It was at that point Penny put a comforting hand on her shoulder.

Penny's sense of comfort reminded the Jaeger of an old friend, a big Jaeger with an even bigger heart. As she thought of him, an image…A memory came to the surface of the Drift. A titanic, towering warrior of iron and fueled by a desire to protect others.

Gipsy's memories conjured forth her first meeting with the Russian Jaeger.

The Hong Kong Shatterdome was dead silent as Gipsy and Penny watched the memory play out before them, the only three occupants standing in a Shatterdome that was supposed to house thirty Jaegers. The first of them was also the last of a generation, a towering, olive drab sentry of the Siberian Wall, his watch unbroken for six years. Yet despite his intimidating and cold iron exterior, his core burned with the heat of a warm fire.

"Cherno Alpha."

To both the watchers' surprise, Penny said his name, and she spoke it with a sense of wonder.

"He was a big Jaeger with a big heart," Gipsy started. "Last of the Mark-Is, moved like a glacier, hit like an atom bomb."

As if on cue, Cherno made a keening noise - A low, deep rumble that sounded like thunder before the storm. It reminded Penny of whalesong, and in a sense that's what it was. It wasn't long before another Jaeger joined in, this one bearing crimson armor and a single, golden optic. Penny found herself stunned by the sheer differences between the two Jaegers, brought on by different designs and war.

Where Cherno boasted a humble, utilitarian design, the Mark-IV Crimson Typhoon had a more elegant look to his design. Unlike the drab olive with red trim, Crimson boasted a polished metallic red with gold accents and a unique three arm design. He joined in with a smoother, softer tone that sounded like rain tapping on a metallic roof.

"Crimson was a warrior and a scholar, he liked to talk with Cherno about stuff that caught his fancy - History, War, the meaning of life; that sort of stuff."

Gipsy turned her head down as the memory of herself joined in. "...I wish I talked to him more, he seemed to have a good head on his…Nevermind." Penny cringed as flashes of Crimson's fate found their way into her head, and it became quite clear what sort of war she just finished fighting.

In the memory, Gipsy joined in with their song. Her new reactor thrummed to life, much to the surprise of nearby technicians, but they kept quiet as the three harmonized together. Her song was slow, soft, and brought the other two melodies together to form something new. The two watched as the song continued on for what felt like hours, until the two of them came forth to the waking world.

Elsewhere, in the sea of Mistral.

A vessel called the Snowball's Chance sailed on rough waves, passing by the bright blue patch that gathered in the Argus Bay. It was an older vessel, but it bore the marks of countless voyages to recover lost ships and scrap in the sea. Newer technology that would normally never see the Snowball's decks had been carefully spliced in, melding old and new design philosophies. Old strength met new finesse, and with the two combined, the Snowball's Chance carried on as a rugged scrap hauler.

And as usual, today was a grim occasion.

"Alright you sorry lot, listen up!" Captain Irina Pearl barked as her crew stood at attention. "The Atlas Military's been 'kind' enough to saddle us with recovery duty, and I don't want to hear a single complaint unless it's about Grimm or marauders, understood?" A series of yes ma'am and yes captain answered her, and the captain merely walked the deck as the boat began its grisly task of recovering the lost fighters.

Captain Pearl was an older sort of woman, bearing a sense of professionalism and maturity rarely found nowadays. She had skin like old leather, dark yet tough, bearing the marks of a long career of searching for scrap on the high sea. Her eyes and hair were much like her name, shining a bright pearl gray as she adjusted her green high-visibility uniform.

Her vessel and its crew moved together like a well-oiled machine, using its available tools to recover both fragments from Number 34 and the destroyed fighters. They even recovered some old ship frames from the Great War, which had been abandoned long ago.

By the time they loaded the Snowball's Chance to three-fourths capacity, the sun was high in the sky.

The captain wiped the sweat from her brow as she helped steady another destroyed fighter wing that was hauled onto the deck, the broken metal came down with a heavy thud. It'd taken them only - what? Six, seven hours since they started at six in the morning to clear all of the scrap?

"Captain! We got one more signature to pick up and it's way out there!"

Her first mate Morgan popped up, the canine faunus appeared almost out of nowhere with a trackpad in his hands. A red bandana was wrapped tight around his head, and he bore a few golden earrings. Pearl groaned at the thought of going out into deeper waters to recover something, but…

"Fuck it, it's just one fighter." She groaned, her hip burning from the work she did today. "Ironwood isn't going to care about one fighter."

"Well…They are offering a premium for every fighter recovered." He began, right before he pulled up exactly how much they were paying for every fighter. Humoring her first mate, the Captain took another look at the payment…And her eyes damn near popped out of her skull.

It was a small fortune for a single fighter recovered.

Imagine if she recovered all of them.

Snapping up to attention, Captain Pearl straightened her worn cap and shouted. "Alright! We got one more fighter to grab! Get the Spooks and prepare for a deep dive, people!" Her crew let out a resounding hurrah and jumped into action around her, surging like an engine spiked with uncut Nitro Dust. The Snowball's Chance followed suit, driving towards the last known location of the ruined wreck. In only an hour's time, they were damn near on top of the metal signature.

The crew prepared the AK-130s or 'Spooks' as they were known for a dive, the captain having bought them dirt cheap from a military surplus store on the Atlas Coast. While some of their weapons were deactivated, they'd still see service on deep dive missions.

Pearl looked over a controller's shoulder as the bots attached cables to themselves and jumped in, each with a crane cable in hand to recover the downed fighter. Though judging by the signature, it might've been a fair bit bigger than the fighters fielded by Atlas. Whatever it was, any salvage or recovered vessels would fetch her a high price from the General today.

As the Spooks dropped deeper and deeper into the briny deep, the fuzzy screens showed something much different than a fighter. What they saw instead was a burnt husk that looked vaguely like a sharp helmet, its lower half looking like it'd been blown off or outright destroyed by some great force. But underneath the sootstained surface, flecks of silver paint and gold could be found. It looked to be about the size of Number 34's metallic head, comparing the sizes between her Spooks and the strange husk.

And stranger still, it was emitting a signal.

Despite superstition telling her to leave it, Pearl gave the signal. "Alright, attach the cables to it and we'll drag it back to the docks." As the controllers did what she told, the captain thought about this strange husk, and how it might change the world for the better should she bring it in.
Yeah, probably, Atlas has already built the Colossus, so they have the restructure to create machines on the scale of Jeagers, and with some boosts via Gypsy giving them a look at her schematics, they would more than likely be able to create Dust-powered Jeagers at least at the quality of Mark-IIIs, maybe Mark-Vs if it was Striker that the Snowball's Chance found, or at least a Mark-V cockpit module.
Chapter 5: Brightest After Dawn
Penny felt a strange sensation run up her spinal support as the Drift ended and the ocean blue aura surrounding her faded to the damaged interior of Gipsy's conn-pod, a fact that she knew Gipsy must've felt as well. She felt a strange sensation, like sand on her skin and under her clothes that faded after a few moments. It almost felt like she was Gipsy Danger for a second, with two minds in one body.

Two souls bridging together.

It was…Strange, but comforting in an odd way.

"I'm gonna take a nap," Gipsy's frame groaned in agreement. "...That Drift ran deeper than I thought."

Penny nodded as the operatives from before slowly made their way back into the Conn Pod, where her father got back to work examining Gipsy's hardware once again. She felt a tinge of irritation bleed through as one of them made the mistake of knocking something over, which she realized wasn't her emotions - It was Gipsy's own thoughts bleeding over into hers. But before she could ask any questions about that particular quirk, her scroll started to buzz.

It was Ruby.

"Sal-u-tations!" Her previous fatigue forgotten for the moment, Penny stepped out of the Conn Pod as Ruby asked her all sorts of questions. How was she? Was she okay? How was Argus? Are you going to make it to the Beacon dance? Little things that put a smile on her face.

"Oh! Yang says you're live on TV!" Ruby spoke up, and as if by chance, a Bullhead had begun circling around Gipsy. Painted on its side was some news agency Penny was unfamiliar with, though a plan quickly formed in Penny's mind. Gipsy's words came rushing to the surface, and soon - She had an idea. It might get her in trouble with General Ironwood, and her father for that matter. But something told her that she needed to do this, if only for a chance of finally telling Ruby how she felt.

"Are you watching the news right now?" She asked, a small, nervous smile working its way to her face.

"Oh uh, yeah lemme just-" Penny stifled a laugh as Ruby had to hide the fact she wasn't watching the news at that moment, which gave her plenty of time to put her plan into action. Unsheathing Floating Array, she used the flat edges to mark a message in the sand - Big enough that the news team couldn't miss it. As the final line was drawn in the sand, Penny gave the biggest, dumbest smile as the bullhead swung around to catch her on camera.

Ruby Rose, will you go out with me?

"-So what's the big…"
Ruby's words faded, and for a moment Penny felt nervous.

What if she said no, or-

"...So uh, um…Are you sure that's okay with Ironwood?" She sounded excited, and Penny forgot all the respect and decorum taught to her by Atlas as she repeated Gipsy's words.

"Ironwood can stick it where it fits," Though she quickly added on. "Uh, he can respectfully stick it where it fits."

"We're really doing this…" Ruby let out a nervous, joyful laugh as Yang's voice could be heard on the other end of the call. "I'm gonna need a new dress, and- Ack- YANG! My ribs!" But her older sister was still burning with excitement, so much of it that Penny could feel it through the scroll. Her smile seemed to grow with every excited laugh and good natured tease, and for the smallest instant, Penny felt something warm and comforting deep in her core.

Even as a terrified part of her wondered what Ironwood would say.

Ironwood was not having a good day.

Denial, denial, denial.

The Atlas Council - Save for Sleet and Camilla - Were deep in denial.

'It's just one monster' was a popular phrase, 'it won't happen again' would follow shortly after it. But the Jaeger - Gipsy Danger, he reminded himself, was obviously built to fight creatures like that. A civilization wouldn't spend countless funds and resources to build something like that for 'one' monster, no one was that foolish. But in the face of what little evidence he had, the Council ruled against him - Six to four. Even with two seats, the Seat of Atlas Academy and the Seat of the Atlas Military, the majority of them were against following similar measures.

'We already have the Colossus'.

And the Colossus was a Great War relic that looked like a toy compared to the Jaeger.

James spent his free time going over every document they had on the Colossus and compared it to what they currently knew about the Jaeger, every weakness, every strength, even the weapons. The Colossus of Argus was made with Leviathans in mind, not whatever these- These creatures are. But before he could even think about upgrading the Colossus, he needed answers.

He needed intelligence.

And the only way he'd get it was by going back to Argus.

The flight back to that city was worse than leaving it, paparazzi, news crews, tabloids, all of them trying to get their pound of flesh from Ironwood. News ships hovered around the base's airspace, not daring to come close but still risking a shot of Ironwood's landing. As much as he detested a majority of news agencies, he didn't blame them for their curiosity. "Firestarter" as it was named by Gipsy Danger, had held the world's attention for the last three days and counting. Biologists all over were clamoring at the bit, though there were reports of toxic fumes and the creature's blood being caustic against bare flesh. A few new inhabitants in the infirmary confirmed that after burning themselves by getting too close, which meant more injuries to deal with.

And then there was the phone call.

"You've reached General Ironwood, how may I help you?"

On the other end was a very irate Winter Schnee.

"General, I do not wish to imply that the kingdom's choices of personnel are improper-" She talked with a barely controlled rage. "-But if you do not command Specialist Cordovin to step down I'm going to file a complaint." Of course, that was Specialist for 'I'm going to punt this shrieking harpy into the harbor'. But Ironwood was used to it, though something told him that Cordovin was a 'special' case. She was assigned to Argus long before he took the reins of the Atlas Military, and as such he didn't pay much attention to her or her operations unless necessary.

A tired, pessimistic part of him thought that Cordovin was going to be a headache in the coming days.

"Put me on speaker, I'll handle it." He pinched the bridge of his nose and took in a deep breath as he prepared for whatever problems he'd face today. "Specialist Cordovin, what seems to be the issue?"

"General Ironwood I am surrounded by insubordination!"

Oh this was going to be fun.

"Captain Irina Pearl - a civilian disregarded my orders, and Specialist Schnee had the gall to support her!"

It was at this point that James became very aware of Atlas' failings in Argus, and for a moment, he wished that he paid more attention to the complaints regarding Specialist Cordovin. But he had dealt with worse, surprisingly enough. Soldiers from Southern Solitas were far more unruly and prideful than Cordovin, if he could deal with them, he could deal with one Specialist. With the practiced tone of a headmaster and general, Ironwood got to work.

"Specialist Cordovin, have you forgotten that Irina Pearl was contracted - By me personally I remind you - To recover the lost fighters?"


"Or that Specialist Schnee's presence in Argus was personally requested to oversee operations in my place?"


"We'll discuss this further after I land, you're now dismissed." With that, the call was over and done with. But from only two sentences, Cordovin had proven herself…Rather concerning. Though as he was about to make a note regarding her possible reassignment, he made the mistake of looking up from his scroll to the TV he had been playing in his office for white noise. It was on the news channel, which had been muted for his call with Winter and Cordovin.

On it, Penny was standing beside Gipsy's head, a grin on her face as the news crew caught a message written in the sand. It was a request for a date, and for a moment, Ironwood pinched the bridge of his nose and felt an incoming headache.

While normally, he'd be rather disappointed and would immediately phone Pietro about his daughter's activities…

He'd allow it, just this once.

The world could use some good news, especially in the wake of that monster's attack. Ozpin would probably comment on it, the sentimental old fool. Even in the wake of tragedy, human nature prevailed - Or something wise yet tangentially connected to the situation. Ozpin always knew what to say in situations like this, though with the latest issues communications between kingdoms were erratic at the moment. He knew the Vale Council vastly outnumbered the Atlas Council, which meant any 'official' business would take weeks or months to make any progress.

Vacuo was probably the simplest, they were practical like that. Theodore honestly only had to worry about Shade and the only other academy, along with a scattered amount of nomadic communities.

Mistral held a rather united council, but from what Ironwood had heard from what few friends he's made - It was split every which way. Countless were stumbling around blindly, while others took advantage of the chaos to further their own political agendas. Everything was a mess right now, and there was only one person who knew what the hell was going on.

After his ship had landed, Ironwood's scroll was bombarded with messages from news agencies and tabloids, which were quickly filtered out until more important messages remained - Such as the one he received from Captain Pearl. It was a picture of something she dragged up from the ocean's depths, bearing some resemblance to a titanic helmet of some kind - Only with its lower half blown off by some titanic force. Its hull was blackened and its visor damaged beyond recognition, but it was still titanic in size - Almost as if it was a sister unit to Gipsy Danger…

Of course there were more of them.

While it was in much worse condition, there was probably something of use within the wreckage.

Though, something told him that this wreckage would be just as headache inducing as the last one.

Winter pinched the bridge of her nose as Cordovin went on yet another patriotic rant as Captain Pearl showed irreverence for the Atlas Armed Forces. It reminded her too much of the 'Atlas First' movement, a fringe group made up of drunks, rich fools, and 'patriotic' thugs. But Atlas First didn't have members with Cordovin's rank, which meant their threat was little.

Cordovin's threats, on the other hand, held a lot of weight.

Threats that Winter couldn't call out without writing up numerous complaints, but it appeared that she wasn't alone in her suffering.

"For Christ's sake, tryin' to rest here…" Came a strained, exhausted voice. "...Damn harpy."

"Who said that?!"

"Behind you." The voice was louder this time, surprising both Specialists and the Captain who was waiting for her payment. Their eyes turned towards the strange machine the Snowball's Chance had dragged from the ocean's depths, which rested on the concrete dock like a gravemarker. As Winter tried to examine the machine up close, she was hit with a myriad of emotions - Exhaustion, fear, pain, loss - And it looks like it was affecting those around her as well.

"How- How can it-" Cordovin tried to stammer out, only to be interrupted.

"She." The voice harshly corrected, being a rather rough - and husky - woman's voice. "Striker…Eureka, Mark V." Neither Specialist was equipped to handle this, nor was the captain who calmly pulled out a silver flask. Today was certainly an interesting day, though gods know what else it would have in store for them…
Gypsy's gonna be a helluva lot less depressed when she finds out that her girlfriend is still kicking too. I wonder who else is slumbering beneath the sands? Probably the other Jeagers featured in Gypsy's flashbacks.
Gypsy's gonna be a helluva lot less depressed when she finds out that her girlfriend is still kicking too. I wonder who else is slumbering beneath the sands? Probably the other Jeagers featured in Gypsy's flashbacks.
Gypsy and Striker were the Only ones at the breach, so its maybe unlikely that the rest of the shatterdome crew will show up, but idk
But nice to see the Aussie make it nonetheless