Free Traders' Union
- Location
- Florida USA
Free Traders' Union
Ruling House: None
Capital: Wynn's Roost
Ruler: President Duane Sandusky
Worlds: 12
BattleMech Regiments: 5
Warships: 2
During the Collapse, the Outworlds Alliance retracted, abandoning dozens of star systems colonized after the rise of the Star League. While many of these systems had their populations evacuate or die off, a few persisted, scraping together limited technology and mechanical knowhow to maintain a scant handful of JumpShips and DropShips to maintain trade with one another. These hardscrabble worlds, bolstered by fortunate refugees from the Outworlds that found them, gradually came together under the government at Wynn's Roost to form the Free Trader's Union as a central government to manage life-sustaining trade among these frontier systems. The government is elected in theory though in practice it is controlled by about three dozen major families who control the most productive industries and agricultural properties. Minor squabbles cause violence all of the time but the Traders' Militia and supporting Union units, mostly mercenaries, ensure such squabbling never damages the valuable properties involved. A small but politically active middle class provide managers and skilled personnel for these landowners. The majority of the population remain rural and urban laborers with only the figleaf of political representation, with even the best worlds having only an early twenty-first century level of every day technology. Only recently have their energy needs been fully met by the use of protium fusion reactors, as for centuries fission and hydrocarbon power were the only means available technologically. The worst-off worlds have remaining pre-industrial communities, especially Omniss who refuse to use higher technology and eke out a living in agricultural communities, selling the produce of their farms for the raw materials used by their cottage industries for tools and non-technological luxuries.
The Union must be careful given how precarious their position is now, a dozen worlds with a combined population not even reaching a billion souls bordering two of the Inner Sphere's strongest military powers. For centuries they were able to avoid the attention of conquerers because they were believed to be dead or pre-industrial systems. Since their revelation to the Inner Sphere in the Terran War, their strongest defense has gone from being unknown to not being worth conquering. Given their remoteness and the primitive conditions of many of these worlds, the Concord and Galedon, then the Combine, have mostly left them alone. Only occasional trading missions came by to purchase ores and rare agricultural goods in exchange for the industrial toolings, parts, and luxury goods the Union cannot produce locally. Such trade is vital to maintaining what defense forces they do have. They are the minnow trapped between two whales, trying to avoid being eaten.
One of the few items in abundance for the Traders' Union is land. While they only control a dozen systems, and not all are the best worlds for agriculture, the prospect of mineral wealth draws just enough external investment to keep the economy thinly connected to the wider Inner Sphere. The three systems closest to Wynn's Roost — Vangburg, Zebuluraski, and Renorsal — have known quantities of various rare earth minerals that make them the second worlds of the Union. These worlds and a few others also have widespread tracts of actual arable land attractive to mercenary units willing to settle down and permanently bind themselves to the Union, the most prominent of these being Castro's Cowboys, who represent roughly half of the Union's strength in BattleMechs with two regiments' worth and have been given their own continent ib Renorsal. Other smaller mercenary commands contribute another regiment of 'Mechs and attached forces that give the Union a decent anti-pirate force, though they would not be a major deterrent against a determined Combine or Concord invasion. The mercenaries, especially Castro's cowboys, have become a formidable political bloc within the Union, having gained the adherence of several leading families and in virtual control of at least five systems within the state.
In addition to the mercenaries, refugees from the Terran Union have become an outsized political force thanks to their control of the smattering of high technology in the Union. Their main enclave, McEvedy City on Wynn's Roost, even boasts a decent factory capable of producing power armor suits, Patton tanks, and by some reports, a special variant of Wolverine BattleMech with Terran-grade ferro-fibrous armor and lasers. The city is also home to the McEvedy Technical College, the sole institution of higher mechanical and engineering education in the entire Union. As indispensable as this makes them, they do not hold a greater proportion of political power than the mercenaries or the traditional families. The Terran expatriates' political power is restrained not so much by their minority of population but by the very real threat that assuming greater control of the Union will bring the Kilbourne Concord or the Draconis Combine down upon them.
Recently elected by popular vote, President Duane Sandusky has embraced continued neutrality and a policy of slow, grinding expansion of influence into neighboring worlds. Their primary threats tend to be pirates, and that is enough of an issue with a military of just five regiments worth of active duty BattleMechs and two dilapidated old Terran corvettes. This state of affairs is unlikely to change given they also lack more of a military industry, though that is to their benefit. The survival of the Union demands caution that restrains them from greater efforts, or they will undoubtedly bring down the DCMS or the KSDF (or both) on their hopelessly-outmatched forces.
Given the distance there is no indication that the Glass has even been heard of in the Free Traders' Union, much less that they will act upon it. Their most likely influence on events will be if Sandusky or one of his subordinates miscalculates and finally triggers an invasion by their vastly more powerful neighbors. The Peace of Dieron has survived the Combine and Concord conflict so far, but any escalation may yet prove too much, and that would have ramifications for us as well.
(A part of me also wonders just how this place would deal with it if the Ravens showed up through another Glass, should one ever form in the vicinity. Given how remote they are, any party from our side could take them over and cause a mess in the Outworlds. — Paladin Maya Avellar)
Traders' Militia 1st Brigade
The 1st Brigade are assigned to the capital and are the trouble-shooters of the Union Militia. They are the only unit to possess assault-capable DropShips and a dedicated squadron of aerospace fighters with which to protect their ships, and are often deployed with the rechristened TUS Wynn's Aegis, the larger of the two Terran WarShips that remain in service. The brigade is primarily armor and armored jump infantry with a battalion of BattleMechs as their heaviest firepower.
Their combat history is wholly one of fighting pirates, a foe they are quite capable of handling. When word comes of heavy pirate attack upon the Union's worlds they are typically the force sent, if just to ensure the pirates do not set up shop on the more sparsely-inhabited Union worlds. When they're not enforcing the Union's sovereignty, they are assigned to Wynn's Roost and the capital Turnerville to protect the Union government.
3311th Armored Cavalry
The 3311th Armored Cavalry Regiment are something of a mystery that has brought closer attention to the Trader's Union over time. Assigned to Wynn's Roost, they are the primary defense unit for McEvedy City, a mixed regiment with two companies of maintained Terran BattleMechs and a multitude of vehicles and armored infantry, and while ostensibly part of the Traders' Militia they have only ever answered to the Mayor of McEvedy City in practice. The unit recruits primarily from the Terran refugees and their descendants, with a handful of local Trader Union residents having been accepted with sponsorship from officers of the regiment.
The mere presence of one of the hated Terran Armored Cavalry would argue for a descent by the Concord upon the Union, but the records show the 3311th was not an active unit during the Reprisal campaigns of the Terran War. At one point a regiment of the Star League 331st Royal BattleMech Division and then the Terran continuation of that formation, they'd been deactivated in 3042 when they protested the imprisonment and court-martial of their commanding officer Brigadier Harland Fetladral by the Director-General. Many of the personnel were assigned to various units outside the 331st as punishment and so were not with the unit when it was annihilated on Galedon by the defenders' orbital bombardment in February 3052. The common theory, and the one that the KSDF announced publicly during a political debate on whether the Union should be compelled to disband the 3311th, is that survivors who had once served with the unit were among the emigrants. Since the 3311th had not been active in the war crimes the other Armored Cavalry regiments were notorious for, the Concord let the matter drop.
The 3311th's combat record is not known on any available public record. But the mystery of the unit deepens from recordings taken of a recent reported skirmish with pirates attempting to raid McEvedy City. A lance of traditional SLDF-era 'Mechs wore not just the 3311th's insignia but the famed outline of North America's Minnesota region attached to the number "331". Famously this was the 331st Royal's chosen insignia while under the command of James McEvedy during the Amaris War, but in more recent history, it was also known as the insignia of a Periphery-wandering mercenary band called the 331st who were famously wiped out during the Hyades Rim Republic's conquest of Bellatrix in the early Second Age of War. Given the 'Mechs in question used the mercenary 331st's color scheme and that the 'Mechs match public records of machines in the 331st and not more unique Terran designs, it has left many conspiracy theorists and military history enthusiasts alike scratching their heads.
Wynn's Aces
Wynn's Aces are the sole dedicated aerospace formation of the entire Trader's Union. Assigned to protect Wynn's Roost, they number just a couple dozen aerospace fighters and pilots, with most of their craft First Age of War-vintage machines constantly in need of repair and refit. Yet they remain a potent unit regardless, arguably the epitome of the Outworlds cultural influence on the Traders' Union.
Formed in the 29th Century during the Collapse, Wynn's Aces have been the first and often last line of defense against pirate raiders and other forces looking to strike at Wynn's Roost. The pilots are often drawn from the ruling families or other dynasties of the unit's most successful fliers. Training is almost entirely by experience behind the controls and the machines are far more valuable than the pilots flying them. While not to the standards of the Inner Sphere's flight academies, Wynn's Aces' continued survival and function argues their approach may work, at least for them.
Despite the technological inferiority of Wynn's Aces and their obvious deficiencies in training, a recent report indicates they are not to be underestimated. A ConcertWatch update on the DCMS indicates the aerospace contingent of the 4th Galedon Regulars had suffered evident losses when the unit was inspected at Dnieper by Tai-sho Fukuyama. Though the Combine has refused to comment, news reports relayed via the Concord indicate the 4th had attempted to raid Wynn's Roost in March 3142. A Leopard CV DropShip assigned to the unit was reported nearly-crippled and its entire complement of fighters lost, and a Yamashita-class DropShip for armored infantry likewise reported significant damage. The 4th Galedon's aerospace wing CO was recently replaced and the prior commander is no longer listed on any active duty rosters, at least according to ComStar.
Castro's Cowboys
Both Inner Spheres have their history of odd mercenary bands. Our own had Snord's Irregulars, for instance, while for the Cisglass inner Sphere, one such group is Castro's Cowboys. Raised on the former Free Worlds League world of Antipolo by a local noble family, the Cowboys were on contract to the Grand Duchy of Tamarind when, in April 3030, their world fell to the Grand Duchy of Oriente. Rather than transfer his allegiance, Lord Castro signed on his cattle-rancher pilots, picked up his herds, and used his remaining wealth to hire the necessary DropShips to transfer it all to whichever employer would give him a permanent or temporary land grant to mind his herds.
Despite such an odd requirement the Cowboys frequently found contracts due to their piloting skill, if not their fighting prowess, and would participate in many campaigns of the Second Age of War. Service to the Oriento-Capellan Empire during the Terran War briefly regained them access to their homeworld, but a dispute over the inheritance led Juan Pedro Castro to take his share of the herd, all the willing pilots, and depart yet again. The Cowboys would thrive in the stalemate of the late Second Age of War, growing to three regiments of 'Mechs and two attached regiments of vehicles and infantry at their peak strength. They commanded a high price on the mercenary market by 3110. Despite the lucrative officers he received, Count Castro was unsettled by the outbreak of what became the Fourth Succession War. He decided to find a permanent home on the unaligned Periphery with which to keep his herds. His ships traveled to the Trader's Union and offered the perpetual service of his 'Mechs and forces in exchange for a continent on one of their resettled worlds. Renorsal's Andalusia Continent was offered and accepted, as the mineral-rich world needed some defense against pirate forces and had a suitable biosphere for the herds. To raise funds to help build up his new demesne, Juan Castro reluctantly hired out the 3rd Cowboys regiment to the Concord. His misgivings proved fruitful when the 3rd Regiment was virtually wiped out by Galedon in the fighting on Sevon in 3116. The handful of survivors eventually returned to Renorsal with their broken machines and were absorbed into the other regiments, their combat pay having been spent on the needed materials to fully exploit Andalusia.
In recent years Lord Castro, who has been adopted as Renorsal's "El Jefe" even if he is only one of three governors of the planet, has relinquished command of his Cowboys to his son Fidel Raoul Castro. "Prince Castro" has been mostly staying on Wynn's Roost, politicking with Militia leaders and other Union officialdom and by reports growing restless with the thought of returning to his father's rugged home compared to the higher technology and comfort available in Turnerville. Rumors are Fidel may seek the Presidency and has been approaching the Terran expatriates of McEvedy for their political support in exchange for greater consideration of their position in the Union. These political games are seen by many as coming at the expense of the Cowboys themselves, though the unit are currently content to use their 'Mechs as AgroMechs in maintaining the herds of fenreeroceroses and other cattle creatures that populate the Castro ranches.
(What in blazes is a 'fenreeroceros?!' I can't find any record of such a thing! — Paladin Max Ergen) (Quite possibly another of the divergences between our universes, though maybe it's just a rare species? — Lady Janella)