Operation REVIVAL: The Terran Crusade
The year 3050 started with relative quiet across the Inner Sphere. The news was focused on domestic issues and speculation on whether the sporadic raiding along the borders would continue to de-escalate or would intensify. New factories were churning out all sorts of advanced technologies not seen beyond Terran borders in two centuries. Some states had even successfully reverse-engineered Royal gear and were beginning mass production. Many had significantly increased naval spending through the 3040s thanks to expanded shipbuilding capacity, lack of reliance on Terran-based supply chains, and the lessons learned from the fighting up through the Oberon War and the War of Donegalian Succession.
The unsettling quiet from Terra itself persuaded many the Terrans were still upset over their humiliation at Sian and Harsefeld, but diplomats issued their usual confident proclamations that in private discussions the Terran Union was opening up once more. Everything seemed to be proceeding in such a way as to continue the quiet of the previous few years. 3053 was the year everyone was concerned of, and whether or not the Lyran Alliance and St. Ives Compact would commence hostilities once more when First Prince Ian's latest peace expired.
The first sign of trouble came on an otherwise auspicious holiday. On Valentine's Day 3050, over half of the HPGs in the Inner Sphere shut down without warning. Markets shook from the impact before swift ComStar reassurances came. A firmware update had been pushed that had an unexpected side effect. The restoration of communications would proceed soon. In most cases, it did, with most systems having their HPGs back up within 72 hours and every system online again within two weeks. ComStar offered refunds and paid reported damages with its usual calm reassurance. They resumed regular service and shuffled their personnel around, recalling some for "retraining" while new technicians were brought on site. Governments and populaces relaxed. Errors happened. Nothing was going wrong.
On July 4th, 3050, every HPG in the Inner Sphere went down. And this time, they didn't come back up.
Hours passed, then days, as governments, corporations, and private citizens waited patiently, then not so patiently, for ComStar to explain. But this time the explanations were terse and basic. An unknown error was at fault. Nothing more was known. ComStar personnel on Terra would deal with the problem. Nothing else could be done. As the days turned to weeks and these excuses continued, suspicious governments started investigating. Their intelligence services found a disturbing pattern in the reassignments. Experienced HPG technicians had been recalled to Terra and their replacements were overwhelmingly non-Terran and barely-trained, capable only of the most basic maintenance but lacking any higher technological knowledge. Those who did have such knowledge were uncooperative or had gone missing before or on July 4th. As August began a number of governments dispatched orders to their representation on Terra to insist on explanations. They began quiet preparations as best they could for whatever might be coming their way.
On August 15th, six weeks after the Blackout began, WarShips and JumpShips of the Terran Union conducted a massed, pre-planned operation. Every capital system across the Inner Sphere and Near Periphery found squadrons of ships and combat transports arriving, typically at pirate points. They sent messages to each government. It was an invitation to restore the peace lost three centuries before by adhering to a new Star League, under Director-General Kerensky as First Lord, with all who agreed to the terms for joining the new League promised Council Lordship seats and the support of the League against any state that refused. The terms amounted to complete naval disarmament and a strong restriction on the troops they would maintain, including the technologies they could field. All WarShips and DropShips above fifty thousand tons in mass and all war machines using Star League-era technology would be transferred to a reborn Star League Defense Force built around the TUDF. As a final condition, they would have to swear recognition of whichever Director-General the Terran Union chose to appoint as the new First Lord, acknowledging the Terran Union as the perpetual leader of the League. It was, in short, a demand to make the Terran Union the perpetual hegemon of the Inner Sphere and the Successor States its eternal subordinates.
This was the culmination of a decade of planning by Kerensky and the undoing of two centuries of Terran policy. In the near-century since it has been debated and discussed repeatedly, Some have dismissed it as egomania brought on by a wildly-successful early career as a MechWarrior and the cult of personality she built up among the Union's denizens, or of a reported fascination with her ancestor Aleksandr and an imagined sacred charge to restore what was taken. But there are clear indicators of how this was an obvious evolution of Terran attitudes and policy. The Terran mindset, for centuries, had been one of assumed superiority. They were the Cradle of Humanity, the root for all civilization, and they had a claim to the loyalty and support of every Human being. The fall of the Star League was from the betrayal of the Terran Camerons by those who owed them fealty, not just that of Amaris but of the House Lords that did not act to stop the Usurper. Since the later 29th Century the Terrans had been able to sit above the bloodshed and horror of the Collapse, letting this perceived injustice and their conceived superiority build and build in each generation. The rise of the Successor States, the defiance of Terran wishes, and the humiliating losses wrought on Sian and Harsefeld, they had all struck directly at that perception, and the resulting fury empowered Director-General Kerensky's militarization of the Union. The Successor States would either be brought to heel once more as subordinates in a reborn League, or they would be crushed and broken to reset the board.
It is quite clear that the Terrans did not accept submission from all. But they clearly expected they would get some supporters from those states recently injured or unwilling to risk their enemies submitting. It was a classic Prisoner's Dilemma situation that Kerensky thought she could exploit. But she did not account for a failure of the Successor Lords to calculate as she had. How pride, distrust, or insightfulness, from themselves or their advisors, might make them choose defiance. And here the Terran strategy failed, with long term consequences.
The vast majority of the Successor States chose resistance. Only pacifist Andurien and the outmatched United Hindu Collective accepted the terms. Suddenly the Terrans found themselves having to wage war against the entire Inner Sphere at once. It was a sobering task to handle. And it was one they quite nearly succeeded at. The refusals triggered Kerensky's fall-back plan of forcibly resetting the board. Most of the capital systems would be seized and the outermost capitals subjected to a heavy raid. Military production and advanced civilian production would be razed and every effort made to tear down the governments of each Successor State. Where feasible alternative claimants to thrones would be sought and installed to accept Terran control. One such example was used to justify the capture of Atreus, where Archduke Joshua Marik was forced to flee and hide among the population while a cousin, Alistair, was installed as Duke-General of a "restored" Marik Commonwealth. This attempt to rouse rebellion against the Arcadians and Oriento-Capellans only succeeded in spawning a few insurgencies, much to the Terrans' irritation.
The Terrans had learned many lessons from the debacle at Harsefeld. Multiple divisions and supporting brigades struck each world, with Royal-level technology giving them significant superiority over their foes' weapons. Their infantry forces were entirely in battle armor or powered armor that made them greater threats to enemy machines and absolute death to unarmored conventional infantry. The invasions were not uniformly successful, but even where Terran forces failed they inflicted significant casualties on Successor State forces and carried out their industrial razing with brutal effectiveness. While the Successor States battled to relieve or reclaim their capitals, Terran second wave forces commenced invasions across their frontiers. While these were not the elite royal units, their widespread use of power armor infantry and their mix of Royal and Star League-quality machines were more than a match for many units they faced. By the end of the year a number of major systems and former capitals had fallen, including Tikonov, Albalii, Harsefeld, Nox, Skye, and Atreus, though most of these worlds sustained significant insurgencies or local resistance, especially Harsefeld and Atreus. The Azami Confederacy was almost completely occupied, as was the Tikonov Union, and the Terran conquest of the Isle of Skye and systems near Hesperus through 3051 reduced House Brewer significantly. Much of the original Allison holdings around Harsefeld and Galedon's conquests in the former Rengo worlds likewise fell to the Terran advance.
Through 3050 and 3051 the focus of the Successor States was on fighting back. The wide scale use of "black box" fax machines enabled a degree of communication and common strategy from the start, but the early years of resisting the "Terran Crusade" was a disjointed affair. Marauding Terran naval units wreaked havoc on shipyards and facilities. Recharge stations were captured or demolished. The reformed Eridani Light Horse and similar striker and armored cavalry units frequently descended upon systems with modernized industry to destroy these factories. The Successor States scrambled to repair such damage and defend from new attacks even while trying to hold their worlds from the advancing Terran tide. On a few fronts they even managed offensive success, such as a surprise Compact attack in late 3051 that liberated Harsefeld and a thin salient of worlds connecting the Allison throneworld to the rest of Imperial territory. The last of the capital sieges, Galedon, ended early in 3052. Royal Federation forces reclaimed Tharkad from ComStar the same year, ending its use as a staging ground and, most vitally, preserving its industries to replace those the Terrans had razed on Arcadia and Donegal. Galedon completed a similar feat the same year, retaking Luthien and establishing a wider connection of systems to support Rasalhague's defense. 3053 saw a series of meeting engagements on all fronts that lasted through 3054, with Terran invasion waves being met by ever-increasing numbers of Successor State forces, now working in tandem with one another and counter-attacking wherever the Terrans made it possible.
Many volumes of material have been written on these decisive years and the major battles that raged in every corner of the Inner Sphere. To review them further in even minor detail would go beyond the scope of this document, so as a brief summation the strategic situation shifted gradually. The Terrans had indeed inflicted severe, even grievous, damage to the Successor States' capitals and other industrial worlds. But the failure to secure cooperation from more than a couple of the smallest states meant the Terrans were now a fine blade set against the grindstone. Their power-armored infantry might be using modified crew-served weapons to mow down ten times their number in conventional infantry, but another ten would simply hit them in the flanks with heavy weapons to bring them down. Their best 'Mechs were worth two or three of those the Successor States used, but as industry recovered, the Successor States could double that margin. On battlefields across the Inner Sphere, the finest and most powerful military since Aleksandr Kerensky's Star League Defense Force was being ground down by the rest of the Inner Sphere. The Terrans had, quite simply, waited too late to begin such aggressive actions, and their own sense of superiority had made the more reasonable alternative of equal alliances unthinkable. They had chosen to conquer before they might be overwhelmed; now they had to conquer or they would be overwhelmed.
It was the great and tragic irony that the state that had avoided the horrors of the Succession Wars now brought upon the Inner Sphere the most savage conflict since those wars. While the combatants bore the generational psychological scars of the Succession Wars and could not, would not, employ weapons of mass destruction to the same scale, for the first time in over a century atomic weapons were detonated in anger across the Inner Sphere. In most cases they were of tactical variety, with most Successor States using Alamo missiles and similar naval atomics on the Terran WarShip fleet and receiving the same in response. On a number of worlds the Terrans turned to tactical nuclear weapons to break enemy defenses when casualties grew too high, and were retaliated against in kind. That they petered out towards the end of the war was from an exhaustion of said devices' availability and a general unwillingness to escalate, though the Terrans would detonate nuclear mines to defend their systems in the final years. Yet even without atomics, the devastation of the war was widespread. The Terrans were out to reproduce the Collapse and targeted everything that provided for the recovery of the Renaissance. War factories were the priority targets, but civilian goods production was attacked as well, as were modernized hospitals and universities. It was as if the Terrans could not stomach that the "barbarians" might lift themselves out of barbarism, and in doing so, bring the Terrans down from their lofty perch.
By mid-3054 the TUDF Navy was reduced in strength enough that a summit was finally held by the Successor States, called and hosted by Lord Protector Jessica Sandoval of the Canaan Accord upon her battered capital world of Robinson. With a few exceptions the attendees were the actual rulers themselves, come to decide on how they would prosecute the war and how far. While Sandoval was the hostess, it was Commanding General Penelope Reynolds of the Lexington Concord who became the driving force of the summit. While usually not credited as a diplomat among her peers (though many historians hold she was woefully underestimated in her capacities there), the summit in Bueller was the proverbial woman and hour meeting. With passionate and forceful argument Reynolds stamped any thought of a negotiated settlement with Director-General Kerensky out of consideration. She argued this was not merely a single act of aggression by an ambitious woman with power but the culmination of "nine centuries of misrule, neglect, abandonment, and abuse" by Terra. The Terrans could not be allowed to rebuild or they would try again one day. Their power must be permanently, irrevocably broken. The other states agreed one by one, with varying levels of persuasion needed, until the matter was settled. A careful negotiation of spoils followed, with Reynolds again pressing forward for a united front and cooperation, until the Robinson Accords were successfully completed and signed. The Successor States, for the first time in centuries, were unified. As the year closed out, victories at Atreus, Axton, Franklin, and Sarna reflected the growing coordination between the Successor States. Furthermore, between internal political shifts or outright domestic revolt, Andurien and the United Hindu Collective broke with their Terran overlords. While Andurien initially sought neutrality, ultimately the diplomacy of Magestrix Emma Centrella and High Lady Kamea Arano brought them around to the necessity of a firmer stance. Like the Hindu Collective, they signed the Robinson Accords.
In February 3055 Director-General Kerensky transmitted a peace proposal. The fighting would end and the Terran Union would reclaim the historic borders of the Terran Hegemony and portions of the territories their forces still held. A new Star League would be formed under the basis of equality with a rotating First Lordship every three years. A vow of endless resistance, and further individual communications aimed at sowing distrust amongst the allied Successor States, accompanied the proposal. Given the holdings still under Terran control the offered peace line was a concession, but Reynolds rallied the others into a sound rejection. The Terrans could not be trusted and the new League would still be their tool to control the rest of the Inner Sphere. One by one, the other governments agreed. The war would continue through the year, with more worlds reclaimed. By year's end the Terrans had been forced out of the last deep salients and pockets lodged within the Successor States in the first year of the war. The battle would now turn into an advance towards Terra itself.
The Terrans reacted with the declaration of the Fortress Doctrine and the Reprisal Doctrine. The former was Kerensky's order that all worlds would be held tightly and all efforts made to bleed invading forces to death, even if a world could not be held. It was a signal to the Terran units on worlds like Skye, Tikonov, and Albalii to fight without regard for collateral damage and to use brutal methods to suppress domestic dissent. The Reprisal Doctrine was a suspension of all remaining laws of war, charging that by their conduct the Successor States had made this a war of annihilation against the Terran people and it would be responded to in kind. It was approval to the TUDF to expand upon collateral damage and conduct a war of terror on the Successor States. Terran raiding forces would not simply attack military targets, be they factories or power generation or industrial targets, but blatantly civilian targets like housing and commercial developments. Across the Inner Sphere the Terran Armored Cavalry regiments gained a reputation akin to Amaris' worse troops with the viciousness they employed. Their 'Mechs would spend hours leveling entire cities and industrial blocks just for being near a factory, on the grounds that they were eliminating the workers manning war material factories. Likewise the housing districts of military bases and facilities were targeted and the dependents of entire units sometimes slaughtered in rampages by light raiding 'Mechs. These two doctrines, and especially the latter, ended any remnant of humanitarian thinking in the conflict. Director-General Kerensky had ceded all moral claim to upholding the Star League and its ideals. This was to be a war of subjugation or annihilation; either Terra would be crushed and broken, or they would prevail and erase a hundred and fifty years of recovery from the rest of the Inner Sphere.
This caused a crisis in morale among some of the TUDF, including — unsurprisingly — the reconstituted Eridani Light Horse. They had loyally raided and bedeviled the Successor States for years at this point, but upon finding an attached armored cavalry regiment committing war crimes on the planet Corfu, the ELH turned on them and compelled the Terran force to submit. Director-General Kerensky replied not with approval but an order for the arrest of General Mikaela Hazen and her officers. The "New ELH" refused the orders and defected to Rasalhague. A handful of other TUDF units with prized Star League histories did the same, mostly to the forces of the Lexington Concord, or individual pilots deserting and defecting to join the remnant mercenary units like the Vegan Rangers or, for the more spiritually-inclined, the Warrior-Monks of St. Cameron.
3056 brought with it the liberation of the final occupied worlds, though Zion, Skye, and Tikonov were thoroughly wrecked worlds by the time the overwhelmed Terran survivors surrendered. The following year the invasions of Terran Union systems began. It took two and a half years of arduous fighting to push the Union back to Terra itself. With their war industries recovering every month and battle-tried veterans to lead the way, the superiority of the Successor States was obvious and the fate of Terra was clear. At Northwind in 3059, the gathered Successor Lords or suitable representatives had their final summit. A last desperate peace offer proposed by ComStar, which would have forestalled the invasion of Terra but left the Terran Union a mostly-disarmed rump state of systems only one jump from Terra, was rejected. So was the counter-offer proposed by the Robinson Accord states in general council: unconditional surrender, enforced neutrality and oversight of the same, and the relinquishing of their fleet, military hardware, and military factories as reparations to the Accord nations. Director-General Kerensky personally transmitted the rejection. Afterward General Reynolds provided a plan for the taking of Terra itself. "We will end this once and for all by striking the serpent in their lair" she told the assembled, and with those words, Operation: SERPENT was introduced, refined, and concluded.
On 28 November 3059, the largest gathered force since Kerensky's Operation LIBERATION jumped into Sol System. It consisted of over eighty percent of the Successor States' active WarShips, ninety percent of their available capital WarShips, and a mass of naval combat DropShips. Even with the battered armies of the Successor States maintaining occupations and campaigns on systems like Sirius, Caph, and Carver V, fifty-five BattleMech regiments and even more supporting units were part of the invasion's first wave. Another sixty were to follow in the succeeding waves. Divided into task forces to secure the Titan Shipyards, Mars, Venus, and Luna, with a main force to begin operations on Terra itself. Wave One was under the command of a council of current or future Successor Lords; High King Thomas Proctor, Gothi Ragnar Magnusson, First Prince Ian Davion, and Consul Lucia O'Reilly-Logan, with the lead position held by General Penelope Reynolds herself. Admiral John Silver, son of the famed pirate Grand Admiral Long Tom Silver of the Brethren, oversaw the council commanding the Inner Sphere's combined fleet. Other leaders or senior commanders would lead the upcoming waves, with Wave Two directed by a council under Director Masako Honda and Wave Three's command overseen by Emperor Jonah Allison-Liao. (Reminds me of Stone and Operation: SCOUR —Lady Janella)
The Terrans did not go quietly. Half of the invading capital WarShips and over a third of the remaining number were destroyed or badly damaged in the fighting over Terra, Luna, and Titan that finally eliminated the once-almighty Terran Union Navy. Consul O'Reilly-Logan led I Legio and a ten regiment contingent in securing the valuable facilities and factories on Mars, prevailing despite bitter and savage resistance over four months of fighting into late March. As a preliminary strike, Reynolds personally commanded the combat drop that secured Luna's habitats and refineries, freeing the way for the landings on Earth after the start of the new year. Subordinate commanders oversaw the forces landing in Africa, Australia, and North America while the SERPENT Command Council brought the cream of their forces to Europe and the fight for Geneva.
In the following months of campaigning the TUDF was brought to ground in engagements across Terra. In some notable incidents the Terran defenders were fanatical enough to employ atomic mines against their foes, but in most cases the damages to come were from the sheer scale of conventional fighting. These campaigns continued on through almost to the end of the year, though it was in September that the climactic engagement was held in Geneva. Director-General Kerensky led the defense personally and inflicted serious losses on her opponents; as the fighting drew to the Palace of Unity in Geneva, she took to the field and led her troops in a final, desperate charge to take down Reynolds and the other commanders. Kerensky's Atlas II was a force on the battlefield and she scored numerous successful kills and cripplings, including High King Thomas' Black Knight. But even her legendary skill would not be enough to win the day. On the 16th of October 3060, the infamous Black Widow of Terra and would-be founder of a new Star League met her end under the boot of the Red Queen of the Lexington Combat Group.
Director-General Kerensky's death did not end the fighting. While it broke the morale of many units, the Terrans continued to put up ferocious resistance until the weight of numbers and the realization of doom became too much. Even as this violence continued, ComStar stepped in. For ComStar President Gabriel Deakins, the continued fighting was pointless destruction. Terra had lost and it was time to get on with the business of rebuilding the Inner Sphere and saving what his company could preserve. He harangued the Terran Congress, which had retreated to momentary safety in Cairo, into approving an unconditional surrender instead of attempting to inflict a nuclear holocaust upon the invaders, one that would only see the complete destruction of Terra. Three prospective Chancellors resigned rather than agree, but an aged and broken Daniel Tiepolo finally stepped up to accept "the painful inevitability". Assuming the Chancellorship one last time, Tiepolo signed the surrender order on November 8th. While not every unit obeyed, and fighting did continue for weeks in some areas, the majority of the surviving TUDF laid down their arms.
The Terrans had gambled and lost. The Terran Union, the great beacon of hope in the darkest decades of the Collapse, was itself now a broken ruin. The safety net they had provided against a wider collapse of human civilization was gone. The Inner Sphere would never be the same again.
[In many ways, although larger in scale than SCOUR was, the fighting in the other Inner Sphere's SERPENT was much less vicious. The Terran Union was far less profligate in the use of WMDs than the Blakists were, and their troops generally more inclined to surrender over taking their opponents down with them — rare exceptions like Singapore, damn Hogarth to hell, aside. In many ways, I think that's probably a good thing; if the Terran Union's defenders had, at their twilight hour, been as committed to victory or death at all costs as many of the Blakists were, it's questionable if Terra herself could have survived as an inhabitable world. I don't intend this, of course, as any slight upon the men and women who extirpated that dark mirror of our own Republic; they did their duty, and did it well. And the worst of the fighting the Screaming Eagles saw in the tunnels under Geneva was as bad as anything I saw in Bratislava. - Paladin-Exemplar David McKinnon]