[X] Plan: Plan
-[X] Spend more time with Mother
--[X] Spend more time with Uncle Jaime?
-[X] You spend a lot of time crawling, who do you run into?
--[X] One of those men in glimmering Silver armor?
-[X] Nobles arrive in Kings Landing, wanting to meet the Spare to the throne ( Pick 3 )
--[X] A banner with white and green with a snarling wolf?
--[X] A black field banner with a golden Kraken?
--[X] A orange field banner, the red sun pierced by a spear?
-[X] You dream of red skies and sand beneath your feet...
--[X] ???
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I am changing my vote to

[X] Plan: Plan
-[X] Spend more time with Mother
--[X] Spend more time with Uncle Jaime?
-[X] You spend a lot of time crawling, who do you run into?
--[X] One of those men in glimmering Silver armor?
-[X] Nobles arrive in Kings Landing, wanting to meet the Spare to the throne ( Pick 3 )
--[X] A banner with white and green with a snarling wolf?
--[X] A black field banner with a golden Kraken?
--[X] A orange field banner, the red sun pierced by a spear?
-[X] You dream of red skies and sand beneath your feet...
--[X] ??
Interlude I: The Poisoned Spear
Interlude I: The Poisoned Spear

Is this what they are brought to? Sending bastards to meet the rumored deformity? Tommen Baratheon is his name, a stain atop the house of the Stag. Nuncle Oberyn says it a wondrous thing but she doubts that, if he truly is such a deformity why have her sent? She would surely be a slight upon the royal house.

Yet he's sent her, little Dorea to play with the likes of the Boy-Prince. If rumors are true then he is more talked about than the Dragons in the East. He's different that is what is said about him. Yet he holds the heart of his mother and those who seek to know the princeling. Again, words were given by her father.

"My lady," her chosen guard Artas speaks with his pale violet eyes and a soft smile that always manages to cheer her up. It's something she's not quite used to, months, perhaps years without her parents and she is placed within a different house, protection of the stag.

"Yes?" She murmurs, picking at the threads of her pale white dress. She doesn't know anything, but she knows enough. Words spoke to her like sweets, like a reward, like their gifted presence of a bastard.

"We are coming upon Starfall, if you wish, we may rest here and you may see some beautiful sights." Dorea barely manages a smile, but she sees his desperation, he wishes to see his family. Well enough, they will neither see family. Alas, comforts are going to be difficult.

"Will we see Allyria?" She'd seen his smile and she'd known his sister well. They were friends, it wasn't often but the two could often play for hours until they were told to stop. It was lovely, Allyria didn't judge and hopefully, she could convince her to come.

"I do not see why not. Onwards men! The lady wishes a rest at Starfall!" He's spurring his horse forward and Dorea watches him go, slinking back into the comfort of her carriage. A show of unity, but something continued to irk her on this trip. Would she be the poisoned presence by the Prince or welcomed by his grace?

Dorea wondered why her stomach seemed to stir at either thought, she was a snake. Of the Sun and the Spear. She'd handle the pit that was King's Landing. Her aunt did and she died, maybe she could be different, she may be a slight to the Stag but she could mend the rift.


A/N: We're back and an insight into one of Oberyn's children as well as her ambitions, will Dorea succeed? :p

We will see more of our Darkspawn!Tommen with the next update, its good to be back.
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Character Sheet
Name: Tommen "Ogresbane" Baratheon
Aliases: Lord Ogresbane, Prince Nowhere, Lord Saviour
Titles: Prince Of Westeros, Lord Saviour of Lannisport

Renown: The Prince of Nowhere, all but exiled from King's Landing after exhibiting magics thought forgotten, Tommen has to make his own journey throughout the world. He's since brought his friends with him and sworn guard, Mandon Moore.

Description: You are Prince Tommen, Spare to the Iron Throne, and Son of Robert Baratheon. You are a supernatural sight, tall and strong. The word dog seems to follow you around, a name given by likes of King's Landing and its lickspittles. Your hair settles into a spiked crown almost, not a mane of blonde, but a crown. Mismatched eyes, blue and green. You are not a handsome fellow, but it matters not as it seems you have settled into your looks quite well.

Age: 12 Years Old
25 Villagers - Followed you from the Battle of Ogres, they heed your words and hail you as Lord Ogresbane. They cry that Asha is your Herald, her word is your own should you be otherwise occupied.

25 Sworn Swords - Men knelt to you as Lord Saviour of Lannisport and they guard you to this day. Loyal as they are, you wonder how far it will stretch and where you will take these swords one day.

21 Sellswords - Coin would be their loyalty and lands would be their lifetime of payment. Yet they wished not, they would kneel to you as Lord Saviour and they follow you wherever. As it stands, you are their only commander and they follow your words above all.
Shield of Fyre - Valyrian Steel Shield - Slated to be Daemon Blackfyre's shield of protection, it would have protected him from Bloodraven's hail of arrows had he used its great protection. (+35 to combat rolls.)

Castle-Forged Longsword - brought along as a means of protection. You find that it gives no greater help but piercing flesh, what more could you hope for?
Emissary - The Arcane arts are yours to command, the elements are yours to twist and weave, and the earth is yours in which to craft and wield to your heart's desire. You are Darkspawn. (Magic is yours to command, Malus to General Opinion.)

Ogre Smash - Should you, a wee little lion as your Mother calls you, have the strength of more than twenty good men? You seem to think so, but the looks at court... not so much. ( Bonus to Strength, Malus to General Opinion)

Alpha's Damnation - A tactical mind, it takes you but a moment to see the holes in a castle, village, or anything. You are able to see, to know, to bring it down within seconds. (Bonus to Attack Rolls)

Path-Forger: You defied a destiny set out for you by some kind of demonic being, joint by kin of some kind. You will forge your own path, what does that mean? You do not know what or even where to begin. (Bonuses to Speech and ???)

Of Storm and Blood: Defying this being, you felt something snap, like a shackle. All you know is that something has woken up. You might have to test it. (Bonus to Leadership, ???, and ???)

Commanding Aura: You've convinced men five times your age to take up the sword and dispense justice. You are a leader, and men look to you for command. (Bonuses to leadership when commanding an Army. A bonus to speech when convincing men to follow your banner...)
Courtly Intrigue: Skilled - You've grown from a little prince to a burgeoning player of the game. Lords now wish to speak with you and many nobles seek to know a little more about the would-be spare. (A Bonus of +20 when speaking with people and uncovering their motives)

Sword and Shield: Epic - What is a bond to such things like steel? What is the song of steel piercing flesh? You know these answers, your sword is but an extension of you. Your wish is the sword, and the sword's wish is yours. Epic tales are sung about you and a blade in hand. (+35 to combat rolls)

Riding: Skilled - A bond with a horse is a treasured thing, it guides you and you, it. Something sings when you are on Horseback and you feel at ease, you feel at home. A comfort. (+25 to riding and combat rolls)

???: Worthy - You'd felt a shackle torn within your body, something thrums like your blood. You've yet to reach into this pool of.... something and harness it.

Call of The Storm: Tommen has mastery over thunder and lightning. Whenever he wields it, he may imbue himself or members of his party with a 1d20+5 die.

I Am Lightning: Tommen can call upon the Lightning for an AOE attack and incapacitate or kill his enemies in battle with a 1d50+10 die
Conquest - ???

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Wasn't here for when the quest started, but I did get interested in it and watched it in hopes of it coming back to life. Can't wait to participate.
Wasn't here for when the quest started, but I did get interested in it and watched it in hopes of it coming back to life. Can't wait to participate.

Glad to hear. It's going to be interesting with Tommen and his darkspawn-ness, especially with what can be influenced and what has changed already.
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4. A Dream of Dragons
4. A Dream of Dragons

You're dreaming that much you know, a horrifying sort. Your eyes cast ahead to a pitch black void that feels like home, a darkness that would caress you like a demon of the fade.

It's a comfort of home...

A call to days gone...

You are sleepy...

It is nice here...


"My Spawn," the voice rumbles and you feel only right to kneel...

"Kneel." It commands and the comforts are no longer caressing you but pushing your shoulders down, SUBMIT!

"KNEEL!" It persists and you only find yourself standing, as if greater as if bolder to lay a claim to its domain. To the darkness that would sooner tear you limb from limb.

"Tommen." Mother? Your eyes meet a persisting light, a dot it was at first but it grows, like a beacon, like a horn of war. Alerting you, not only to the looming beast atop you but Mother.

"Mother." You drawl, you are tired and you wish to rest but not here, with mother. You meet its pitch black gaze, it studies you, deformity to deformity. A dragon with teeth, meant to gnaw and tear at flesh, a gust of breath hits you. Hot, volcanic, and terrifying.

"I see. You have strayed, you have moved from the path that I set for you. You would seek a new... worship." Its voice taunts you, goads you, and you feel its hold tightening within you. A grip that seeks to keep you right where you are.

You don't speak, you only meet the gaze of the figure. It seeks you, as you seek to figure it out, to know what it wants.

Yet you heard it, you strayed from the path, a roar for Conquest. Was that... finally, you realize. It is this Old One that sent you for-


You wake. The pitch black of your room greets you, your beating heart as you hear the steel boots of your protectors The knights of the keep, Kingsguard, but you strain your voice, scratchy and desperate.

"Ser Mandon!" You cry, soon the door opens and light streams into the room as his blank eyes meet yours. He sees your sweats and for a moment you see the faintest hints of concern. You have nothing for him, no words but he enters.

"My Prince," he speaks, deathly quiet as he stands at the feet of your bed. His eyes looked out the window of the keep, for a time.

"I have gotten bad dreams once, my prince." He speaks without prompting, you know not if you need it but you listen. "Some do not know this but I am someone who is accustomed to losing someone I care for, I had a brother once." You seat yourself by him now, enamoured in the story.

"He died fighting for my Lord Arryn during your father's rebellion. I got a letter once, he said he would be back. We'd train, we'd be one of the greatest to ever carry swords," his smile is not as hollow as the rest of him. If anything, it is bitter, lost almost. Like a piece of him is forever more cast to the Stranger.

You don't say anything but you lay a hand on his cloak of white. It is his duty, a knight of the seven something that should lighten his eyes. Yet he looks upon you, the hollow is back, too like Nuncle Jaime.

"You're a knight. You're the virtues of our kingdom, to be honourable, to have no wives, to protect women and children. Aren't you already one of the greatest, Ser? You carry his wishes with you, you have accomplished enough for both of you. Glimmering silver, a sword, and a post at the terrifying Prince of Westeros!" Here, you make a face, pinching your cheeks and roaring like a dragon.

He laughed, you brought a smile to the terrifying Knight's face. His eyes softened for a second or two. "Thank you, my prince. It means quite a lot that you manage to brighten a knight's day."

The two of you sit there for a time, you don't know it but there is a twitch, a shadow of a smile on Mandon's lips that dares not to tear itself away in your presence.

[ Relationship Gained - See End of Update]


You and Mandon spent the next few days together, you're not sure what it was but he was different now. Times before, you were the deformed prince but now a knight of the Kingsguard remained at your side, it was an improvement. No longer were you baulked at unless they wished to meet a shiny sword at their throat.

Mother need not protect you as much now, Mandon made the threat known. You could play now, though things were not as peachy as you might wish. There was the matter of your brother, Durran. Just as you'd made to invite some friends to court, so did he, you were not so idiotic to not see the plans in his head, to one-up you.

You'd never wished for a rivalry, the twit wished you to be insignificant. A piece on the board in his game but you were a little more than just a piece, it's how you find you find yourself opposite him now.

His smirk, all brilliant teeth and gleaming with all the beauty the Baratheon blood could give. You were never afforded a luxury, though you know not if that is such a bad thing.

"Brother, I see you have the companionship of Ser Mandon. An honourable guard of the Vale," he says it like the twit he is but there's a tone, soft almost. Like he genuinely means it, you look to Mandon and he smiles.

"Thank you, brother. I was focusing on preparing, we have new guests arriving soon. If I may?" You can't be around him for another second, his false smiles around others irk you. If he wishes to trade barbs you have no time for it.

"Not yet." He lays a hand on your shoulder, kneeling down to your level, and there it is. His smug smirk, you are his plaything to him. "I hear you call the wolves from the North, the Spear from the deserts, and finally, an interesting choice. The Krakens from the West, you sure are wanting to make strange fellows your friends, brother." He snorts at your last two choices, hm, his respect for the Wardens of the North is known to the court.

You give him a cool smile, once again, as best as you can muster. "And? Does it concern you I wish to make friends, brother? I hope you are not jealous," you crack a joke and you're certain that Mandon covers a snort with his gauntlet-covered hand.

He nods, and a smile just as fake and brittle as all the ones he would send you before dawns on his lips. For a time you thought you saw something in his eyes, a glimmer of... something.

"No. I wish to give you some advice, we, the Kingdoms have a bad history with your new friends. I hope you learn to keep a close eye on those desert flowers and tentacled reavers. After all, this is King's Landing..." He lilts, finally releasing you as he swaggers away with all the grace of a swan.

You don't care if he is your brother, he truly is a cunt.

[] - What does he mean?
- Press him for information... (Varying DC)
- Speak with Grandmaester Pycelle. (Varying DC)
- Speak with Mother about this.
- Ask Mandon


Durran's words float about your head during dinner with Mother, she doesn't say much but it's soon that she's had enough, and her fingers paw at yours. You barely notice for a second before she's calling for you again...

"Tommen." Quiet, motherly, and all too like your dream, things were too much in your head. It was a point where finally you let the tiredness shows and she worries over you, her hands running over your cheeks, almost calling for that old man in brown billowing robes.

"I'm fine, mother. Please." You broach, wobbly and for a moment you allow your mind to wonder. It's that dragon, pitch black and with eyes dark wandering to you. A purpose, you were here for something more, for the beginnings of a future in the eyes of the Dragon.

"You are not fine. Don't you think I notice or have people that tell me all manners of things? Such as when Ser Mandon now accompanies you? How he laughs with you? Do you really think I wouldn't notice? " She's beating you over the head with the manner of your nightly terrors, you only push your food with the fork, you're not up to it.

"Tommen, I'm your mother, please. Talk to me." You see her, for the first time, you truly see a Mother's worth and worry. She's not going to abandon you, at least, you hope.

[] - Talk to her about the dream, about the Dragon looming over you...
[] - Talk to her about Durran, the words, and meanings, what does it mean?
[] - Talk about father, you never eat dinner with him or Durran.

You give her a small look before Jaime enters the dining chambers, his fingers never once glancing away from the pommel of his sword. He dares not to sway from it even a second, you don't care though.

You run into his arms and barely catch the faintest sounds of an "Oomph!" Passing his lips as he chuckles gravelly, kneeling down to paw at your hair. "How is my littlest Nephew?" He gives you a dazzling smirk, he tries his hardest but even you see the falsity in it.

At least he tries.

"Nuncle Jaime! I missed you, Mother and I want you to join us." Being nuzzled into his armour, he finally pulls you back looking into your eyes before seating himself beside you.

"How could I refuse such an invitation?" There is that undertone of sarcasm but nonetheless, he piles some food onto his plate as he trades a look with your mother.

You don't understand how she dotes on you, it is rather safe to say that you're none too used to such a life. You were the soldier, the one ready to be the hammer, you were not the one wielding it.

"Nephew!" He brings you out of your reflection, his eyes crackle with life a slight bit and you're glad that he seems better than those times before. "I hear you've made a friend in Ser Mandon, he is rather taken with you. Affectionately calls you brat, why is that?" Your uncle seems more inclined to find out about your burgeoning friendship with Mandon.

[] - Speak Plainly, you're not going to reveal the details. It is a secret. (Relationship increase with Jaime, Mandon, and ???)
[] - Tell him your side of the story, what Mandon wishes to say is up to him. (Relationship increase with Jaime, Mandon, and Cersei)
[] - Tell him the full truth, you're not one to leave things out. (Relationship decrease with Mandon and Jaime.)

As you tell the story you once again find yourself tired, it's been a long day and you will soon find yourself speaking with your new noble courtiers as they were called.

It's as you drift to sleep in the comfort of your chambers that you are accompanied this time by a different dream...


You drift...

Sands below and red skies above...

"Look, he stirs, he awakes. The one meant for far greater things than a throne of mortals and mere petty kings." A voice rumbles, the skies clap in thunder and the sands shift to glass...

You feel...




"A Darkspawn, the last of its taint, the youngest to bear fruit. I wonder..." It whispers and suddenly you are not alone, thirteen others are beside you. They are blurry yet one looks at you, as if kin, as if meant for greater things and you swear you hear it speak.

"Tommen is your name. Should your epithet be something grander? Tommen the Purple, Tommen Bloodhair, I wonder about you little princeling." There he sits, a misshapen figure with wings for arms and black spikes for teeth, red blaring eyes looking at you with interest.

Atop a dragon's skull of ash and tainted blood, you don't feel scared but there is a call. A purpose that dares you to deny it...



You feel the call and once again, you are alone. There are no longer thirteen others, this is a choice you must make alone. There are no knights to save you, only you.

Tommen, Prince of the Iron Throne.

[] - Submit to him, you feel the call, its power is amazing, like home. Like what you are meant to be... (Unlock ???, ??? is accepting of you and tries to support you with whatever as long as you follow their will...)
[] - Defy it. You are no mere pawn, you are of greater stock, you are the bond of Taint and Storm. You will make your own path... (Unlock ???, ??? Is your enemy, they will not stop until you are purged from their world...)

He waits, waiting for your answer and you can't deny him.

An answer you must give.

What will it be?


Relationship Gain:

Ser Mandon Moore: N/A > Friend

A/N: Yes, Mandon Moore is not a cunt here! Hurray?

There are going to be interesting things, especially with these dream sequences, cause as you see there were two and there are obvious differences in them...

Good Luck.
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Description: Often cloaked in red and gold dresses, with green enchanting eyes and a smile held only for you. Your mother styles her hair in long waves, she manages to catch the eyes of many, hailed as one of, if not the most beautiful in the Seven Kingdoms.

History: Having given birth to you, the Boy-Prince, the stain upon the crowned stag. It is said your father wished little to do with you. Your mother, brave and strong like that of a Lioness protected you evermore, with love and worry, she is always there to protect and guide you.

Relationship: Ally (Mother)
Description: A dour and withdrawn knight and is considered one of the most dangerous men of the Kingsguard. Ser Mandon Moore is a man that gives little away, a vow of silence to those he cares not for. Often wielding a longsword of a pale silver quality, Mandon is never without his helm.

History: A night of terror and a cry for one of your Kingsguard, Ser Mandon entered and noticed your pale face. He said nothing but his own dealings with terrors, speaking of his brother. You spoke to him as equals, reminding him that he fulfilled the promise for both of them. He lived their dream, he achieved great status. He has not once removed himself from your side, lest ordered by the King or Lord-Commander.

Relationship: Ally
Description: Black of hair and blue Tully eyes, stubble roughens his pale northern jaw as he is often seen stewing or a smile on his lips. Cregan is usually one for furs and leathers, he does not take well to southern attire and deems not to wear it. He styles his hair in a soft curling wave that falls to his nape, he carries a pale shortsword at his hip.

History: A feast and words that bound them close in the midst of the night. Cregan wished not to be a part of the political nonsense of the south, he wished for fun, why? A slip or not, he told you that he'd had enough at home.

As you'd found him later, you found out, the lords of the North are in open factionalism after Robb Stark's heroics in saving the Lords Karstark and Umber. Some support Robb as the true Heir of the North, some support the peaceful approach of Lord Eddard. Others? They support Cregan, and in desperation, Eddard sent Cregan south since he has enjoyed the fancies of the South and forgets of home.

Relationship: Brother (Ally)

Description: Black of hair and black eyes, the bastard daughter of Oberyn Martell possesses a wit that many would fear to be on the end of. She is playful, and daring, and has only the best interests of those she considers her friends. With ringed hair framing her face, many compare her to Elia Martell, much to her dislike. Dorea herself believes she will turn out more like her cousin, Arianne.

Since she has been at court, you and her, with the rest of your friends go on adventures together. One such trip bore fruit in the form of a tome that Dorea has not stopped reading, she now continues to keep at her side, not even letting it out of her sight.

History: Sent by Doran, it is believed she had nefarious purposes and so you, Prince Tommen, sought her out and brought her to see that they did not have to carry the grudges of their parents. Since this talk, You and Dorea have been inseparable and the two of you are often seen together. Often jesting and throwing playful taunts at the other is their way.

Relationship: Best Friend (Ally)

Boyish with a flair for Axes and one for tales of glory, Asha holds nothing but pride, care, and ambition for an Ironborn. Unlike her people, she seems to respect and enjoy the aspect of the Greenlanders as they are called. Moulded by her Grandfather, Quellon, she's managed to maintain courtesies throughout court with those of the same stature.

With black hair and blue eyes, Asha takes to wearing leathers and trousers, adorned by a black choker filled with unearthly power. She maintains a smirk on her lips at all times, she does not allow one to insult her friends, you have seen that enough.


You shared history with Asha when she spoke of Fort Drakon and the last blight with the Darkspawn. Little else mattered as the two of you spoke in the night, yet, it was her reverence to the dead Urthemiel that warned you away. Yet over the year and some moons, the two of you managed to maintain a relationship and it blossomed into something more, a kinship of some kind or another.

In the last moon, she has since made her dreams noticed and her wish to have adventures throughout the known world. With your exile and him joining her, it seems as if this promise will be kept.

Description: Blonde of hair and green Lannister orbs, a beard growing every moon, and a sword that remains at his side. Jaime Lannister is rarely seen smiling since his slaying of the Mad King, Aerys Targaryen. His service to the one true house, Baratheon.

Jaime continues to be a protector of innocence and children, you often think he means to give you the guidance your Baratheon nuncles could never. A lot more, in the recent year, Jaime has taken to smiling and being a part of your growing guard in court.

History: You shared a moment with him, taking his finger and you think to mean that he's warming up to you. In recent year, the two of you talk more about the past and great knights like Gerold Hightower and Ser Arthur Dayne. You both wonder if Dorea's guard will take the mantle of [ Sword of The Morning]

Relationship: Mentor [Friend]​
Description: A wisened old man which he's earned his links from the Citadel in Oldtown. He's only taught you some things about the Dornish, but you have not seen hair or hide of the man, you'd thought it to be obvious with his blasted brown robes and what, but the man is rather... hard to notice.

History: The Red Keep's maester in how he had taught you much about Dorne and its roots, you wonder how he's taken your exile since. You have not heard a thing.
Description: A greying bald man with stubble to match, a reason for the corruption in King's Landing. You'd seen a different side to him, he'd come to your feast to petition you or your kingly father for support. Adorned with common garbs and a shortsword at his hip, Janos seemed to respect that you tried for him at least.

History: He is the one that informed you of the newly reformed Kingswood bandits, you promised him swords to put it at an end. Nothing seemed to have happened in the past few months, you know not if Janos has rooted out the problem or succumbed to it. You left it in his semi-capable hands...
Description: A thin weasel as he oft described, Lord Baelish always seems to dress in the finest of clothes, more from the free cities and he considers himself to be an adept master of a coin from the little you spoke with him. He never seems to go anywhere without a signature smirk atop his lips.

History: Lord Baelish was one of the few that supported Janos in his desire to clean up the Kingswood, although, he seemed a bit peeved at Janos being a more honest and able man. You do so wonder how he's been in recent years...
Description: Impishly short. That is how you'd describe your uncle, a man with little ambition except for his birthright to which he displays proudly with his silk doublets and jewellery. Hailed as Saviour of the West and Shield of his people, Tyrion has taken to brand new confidence that he displays when needed.

History: When words are needed, he gives them plainly. He will not mince words, nor will he sugar things. He did so when meeting you at your feast in King's Landing, you forged a bond with him. Ever since this moment, your nuncle has taken your words on and he rooted out Bandits through the west. He forged himself a legend as he led men to defeat the scourge, Gerold, and witch. He considers you a potential ally and loyal nephew.
Coming Soon....
Coming Soon...
Coming Soon
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[X] What does he mean?
-[X] Ask Mandon

[X] Talk to her about Durran, the words, and meanings, what does it mean?I

[X] Tell him your side of the story, what Mandon wishes to say is up to him. (Relationship increase with Jaime, Mandon, and Cersei)

[X] Submit to him, you feel the call, its power is amazing, like home. Like what you are meant to be... (Unlock ???, ??? is accepting of you and tries to support you with whatever as long as you follow their will...)
[X] What does he mean?
-[X] Speak with Grandmaester Pycelle. (Varying DC)

[X] Talk to her about Durran, the words, and meanings, what does it mean?I

[X] Tell him your side of the story, what Mandon wishes to say is up to him. (Relationship increase with Jaime, Mandon, and Cersei)

[X] - Defy it. You are no mere pawn, you are of greater stock, you are the bond of Taint and Storm. You will make your own path... (Unlock ???, ??? Is your enemy, they will not stop until you are purged from their world...)
I'm surprised at some of these votus heh. Never fail to surprise me, especially with the ickle nobles coming to play and we'll see who others sent... should be fun.
[X] What does he mean?
-[X] Ask Mandon

[X] Talk to her about Durran, the words, and meanings, what does it mean?I

[X] Tell him your side of the story, what Mandon wishes to say is up to him. (Relationship increase with Jaime, Mandon, and Cersei)

[X] Submit to him, you feel the call, its power is amazing, like home. Like what you are meant to be... (Unlock ???, ??? is accepting of you and tries to support you with whatever as long as you follow their will...)
[X] What does he mean?
-[X] Speak with Grandmaester Pycelle. (Varying DC)

[X] Talk to her about Durran, the words, and meanings, what does it mean?I

[X] Tell him your side of the story, what Mandon wishes to say is up to him. (Relationship increase with Jaime, Mandon, and Cersei)

[X] - Defy it. You are no mere pawn, you are of greater stock, you are the bond of Taint and Storm. You will make your own path... (Unlock ???, ??? Is your enemy, they will not stop until you are purged from their world...)
Will probably flip a coin if we don't get a tiebreaker, I'll give it a few.
Vote Closed.

Time to do a coin flip.

1 = Rush + aaron's vote.
2 = RookDeSuit + Arkio

Well.... Well, this is just interesting.

[ Update Continues in 5. Woe to the Woken ]
Dyeus threw 1 2-faced dice. Reason: Coin Flip Total: 2
2 2
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5. Woe to the Woken
5. Woe to the Woken

Gone before were the other figures but once more, you were not alone. Eyes met yours and you met blue, of the sea, of bloodied axes, and treasure ladened with turnips.

Was this the Kin you were bound to before? You feel a kin's latch to you, tethered to you as you are to it. A spirit that will not be broken, a bond that speaks leaps and bounds of what? You do not know.

Your hairs now stand on edge as your eyes turn back to the monstrous beast sitting upon an ashen throne. Now, you see its true form. You dare not to retch up your dinner but you are still, you cannot move. Of blue-stained lips and blacken-coloured eyes, dark like the wings of a crow. Wings beating in confusion which soon turns to vexation as its teeth bare to you now, a threat, a promise as you are brought to your knees with nothing but a roar.

The skies darken to grey and rain pours atop you like a dreadful plague, karma is the thought on your mind but it is stopped. The skies turn a light huing blue as the rains pettle around your shrouded blur of kin.

You see your kin's lips, a smirk. Playful even as you are taken into their hands. The two of you stare it down, for a passing glance, there's a notable glimmer in its eyes.

"You, Tommen Baratheon, dare to defy me? There is no Archdemon, what lays within your soul, what attaches itself is nothing more than a parasite. A begotten stain of power left to betters, left to those who know truth of magic." It rumbles, stepping down from its unsightly throne and you seek nothing more than to cut it in twine.

You are no friend to it, better yet, you know. There will be no salvaging of a relationship, or peaceful dreams. You are alone, you will have to forge your own path.

You are Tommen Baratheon, you are the Prince of Storm, of the Taint. You glare into this malformed demon's eyes and you feel it, the boiling blood, you do what you'd meant to have done since you settled within this body.


"A new development, excellent." Its voice sends shivers down your spine before you see it shimmers away in a cloud of sand. "I wish you well in the battles to come, Tommen." You look to your right, your kin stirs with you.

You hear nothing pass their lips. Yet you feel it, you are alone. This dream, this was for you both now. You do not wonder what that means, the Fade was... a vexing puzzle but here you are.

Or as the Dalish called it, the Beyond. You seat yourself in the sands, and your eyes dance between the emerald waters and the throne that sits at the tip-top of a hill. It shakes you, a piece of it remains here.

"My Prince," Moore? You glance to the left, the light shimmers again in an archway. You only share a glance to the right and see your kin with a bowed head. You feel it, the faint bite of mischief.

You have a feeling you will get to know your... partner well soon enough.

[Relationships Gained - See End of Update]

[ Traits Gained - See End of Update]


You wake lightly, only to see light streaming into your room once again. Courtesy of the painted glass, you adjust yourself and push yourself to the headboard.

"You're finally awake. I thought I was going to have a serving girl get a large bowl of water!" He chuckles, and the two of you take comfort in the solace of company. You only manage it for a number of minutes, or, he does before he's speaking again. "I know what you did," he murmurs to you.

You arch a brow, childlike curiosity often did get the better of you sometimes. Might as you did not look your age, there was something to be said for how your baby fat remained

"You spoke to your nuncle about your nightmares, yet you didn't mention what happened between us. I, well, I thank you, my prince. It's not all the time that someone manages to keep secrets in this blasted city." You find that he's right, you're well aware that Mother will have learned of this little talk sometime in the next five minutes.

If he can't trust you, someone he confided in, who does a Kingsguard trust?

"It's okay, Ser. It's an honour for you-" he wallops you over the head, a glower to his once playful smile. You're not sure but you definitely see a smile twitching on his lips.

He presses a hand to your shoulder, his head bumping into yours with a familiarity you'd expect from a father. "I'm not trying to honour you, my prince. You are a rare sort, regardless of what is said about you in passing." He murmurs but you catch it.

Hmm, that does put a damper on your mood but you wallow no further. Instead, you wonder if he's open to teaching you a thing or two. Your strength does not leave much to be desired, your general height. You might just be ready if he grants you that.

(Pick 1)
[] - Seek his help in training you with a Sword and Shield
[] - Seek his help in training you with a Greatsword
[] - Seek an oath? You wish to be protected by Mandon forevermore. (Very Hard DC)
[] - Have him introduce you to other members of the Kingsguard.
[] - Have him organize an adventure for you as well as a guard of chosen guards... (Very Hard DC)

You and Mandon talk for quite a while, you know its been a while since those ravens were sent out. Today will be the day, the houses of Stark, Martell and Greyjoy will have sent someone to play with you.

For one reason or another, you don't know if you are to be pampered or brought to look like a true prince but you have the right of it anyway. Soon, handmaidens, and wenches are clamouring at your locks, measuring you and all manner of beautifying things...

You're dressed in...

[] - A doublet in the colours of House Lannister, why should you not show mother some support? (???)
[] - A doublet in the colours of House Lannister and Baratheon, you are expected to represent both houses (???).
[] - A doublet in the colour of House Baratheon, your father may not be there for you but your Nuncles, you want to make an impression eventually. (???)


Its the thick smell of herbs, spices, and the smell of aged books that grabs your attention. The creak of the old maester's door is well enough as he glances up with a greying beard. He's looked to you now, his eyes taking you and he looks atop your head as if to see the shadow of... something.

You glance to your left and Mandon only smiles with a shrug, taking a space by a dimly lit candle.

D100 => 70

"My Prince. I wondered when I would be seeing you again." It's gravelly and stuttering, but you see his eyes. Cautious and careful before he turns back to his books.

You don't think to question him but it is of no matter, you glance about the room and take a spot next to him.

"I'm here now. Grandmaester, I wonder if you'd help with a situation I'm experiencing. Something to do with our new friends in the capital soon." You see him still for a time, he's questioning himself before a faint bob of his head gives it away. He'll allow your questions, you seethe at the thought.

He'd dare to hold things from you, were you not every bit the prince your brother was? Your scowl only deepens before you pull out a chair and seat yourself to the wisened man.

"I've heard things about the Martells and the Greyjoys, what is our history to them? I don't like the unknown being kept from me. You, a wise man with plenty of time in..." Your voice murmurs for a second, his old eyes light up again and he seems to take pity.

"The Citadel, Tommen, yes.I will be able to help you but there are things. To learn the history of your new companions, it's not a quiet and loving history I will say that." He allows himself a chuckle, barely a second later he sounds like he will hack up a lung.

If he'd thought to spare you from gruesome rumours and horrors then you were the wrong boy.

"I can handle it, tell me, what will I be learning?" You press, you don't seek to be held back with half-truths but he seems to take a sigh of his own, muttering about lions and manners. You wonder if he knows the sayings and personalities of your family.

Manners just didn't do, especially now.

Moments later, you'd read and learned. The House of Nymeros-Martell or commonly known to the Westerosi low and highborn as the Martells. Defied the dragons, through marriage, through bonds would they be brought to the Kingdoms as one. Princes, like you, but they'd earnt it some would say.

Then came those of the sea, of the horrifying Iron Islands and their Lords of Rock and Salt. Many would clamour for a return to the old ways and some did, the mystified tries for a Lodos-Twice-Drowned. It failed as quickly as it started, but some say that it has not all been merwomen and song for the Iron Islands.

Pycelle continued to speak, teaching you of all that he would allow you. He'd only given you so much but you guess, there was a reason to be thankful to the old man.

[ Relationship Gained - See End of Update]


D100 + 10 => 107

You'd come to speak with your mother, after that dinner, that talk you'd had. A lot came from it, a lot that you learned and you had gained.

Robert Baratheon was a man who'd only seen you as a disappointment. You had not earned the makings of a warrior, nor did it seem you would ever gain such a moniker in his eyes.

"Would you spend time with him? He seeks to know why you do not spend time with him, am I to lie to our son?" You hear mother cry, yet there seems to be no love lost as you glance further down the hall. It's Barristan, his eyes glance at you for a sly second before continuing his duty.

"That boy is no son of mine, a stain, a deformity is what he is! Bah! Do you take me for some fool? Am I to send him to Storm's End? Dragonstone? No one would take that boy, so I am left to deal with this headache you call a son!" He;s rageful, goblets clang as they hit the ground and you hear liquid spill, only the scoff from your mother is enough to tell you she is safe.

"Tommen is your son. He will always be your son. If you focus on both, then you might not have a problem on your hands. I ask, no, I beseech you, my King. Do the right thing, if not, my Father may take him. After all, he should be used to it." You hear enough but it is all you will hear., you look into your mother's burning eyes.

You imagine she wishes you not to have heard that but there is little more you can do. She takes your hand, glancing to your shadow that is Mandon who bows his head giving you two some space.

"A sneaky one aren't you? You always manage to find yourself in strange places. How much did you hear?" She smiles, the two of you coming upon some gardens as she takes you to a bench. The south's beating sun shining down on the two of you.

"Enough. Is that why Durran hates me? Because I'm different, tall for my age, I look like Uncle Tyrion." You manage to beat out with a groan passing your lips, you are not ashamed but you see the conflict rising in her eyes.

You see a snarl, like a lion's annoyance but she beats it down with a sorrowful smile. She loves you, that much you can see but you always wonder if you had both of their loves.

"Durran does not hate you, dear. Far from it, but he has a misguided sense of right and wrong. You are brothers, you will fight and then you will come together for the sake of family." You hear her how strained she sounds, is she saying it to you or to herself as she clutches your hand in a death grip.

You could be fooled but you find yourself glancing about. Durran's earned his accolades, he's earned plenty. From Duskendale to Storm's End, you wonder if he will manage to claim a few more.

"Father hates me though, is that why I will be sent away? To Casterly Rock?" You can't help it this time, there's a connection. To be torn from your mother would be a fate you wish to not know.

As does she, her fingers do not tear away from yours, in fact, there is nothing but a mother's love.

"You will not be sent anywhere, not if I have anything to say about it. You will remain here, in King's Landing with me, do you understand that?" Again, she whispers it with a force that only a mother lion can muster.

You hope her words live up to such a promise.


Dressed in the doublet, you glance at yourself in the mirror, this entire thing is nothing without its importance. Its entertainment and the feast to come, you would be hosting three great houses. You wonder if this is to be something Durran would have done, but you find no comfort in that.

"Nephew," Jaime enters with a smile atop his lip and for once it is not as hollow. You are grateful that your conversation with him went so swimmingly, it would have been quite awkward if it hadn't.

"Nuncle! I thought Mandon would be here," you just manage to catch the hurt look on his face. His eyes catch yours and you are on the receiving end of his classic smirk.

"Ah, such a wanted knight I am. He is in the main hall, making sure nothing is amiss, Jon is hosting our gracious guests, are you prepared?" He only manages to wrinkle your doublet father with his hamfisted gauntlet of a hand.

Perhaps he'd need to visit a septa and have some training done, Seven know they would love the sight of the handsome kingsguard.

"As much as I can be, I don't know what to expect but this is going to be- I don't rather know but interesting is a word for it." He laughs, as you are taken on the way you now see how alive the castle is.

Lannister men-at-arms scattered the halls and bowed to... you, as well as Nuncle Jaime. Serving wenches addressed such was your station, you are not too sure but things in this short while have become different.

These are still the times that you heralded as a stain, perhaps times were changing.

"You know, they can tell you are uncomfortable. It is not right, you are a prince, look it. Meet their eyes, whether your father or brother like it or not is on them but regardless dearest Nephew. You are a leader, men, women, and countless others will be drawn to you. Why? Because of the title, you were birthed with, now, earn it." You stop, glancing into his eyes and you see the truth in them.

You had spent a long while being the unsightly spare, the pawn in the games of Wardens and Arch-Demons.

Earn it.

Nuncle's words bounced about in your head, You could do such a thing, lead and be who you are meant to be. You could have thought it silly, but as you walked to the main hall's door.

You realise it was not.

"Announcing Prince Tommen Baratheon!" So you took note of the banners, the main three, An red sun pierced by a spear. House Martell, you'd seen a gaggle of Ladies with sandy skin and dark eyes, dornish.

There was the snarling grey direwolf on a field of white and green, House Stark. Men with furs adorned to their leather armour would be the men-at arms, now you wonder. Just who did they send with such an entourage?

Finally, there. You hear it, the blasting horn of war as your eyes turn to the field of black with a yellow Kraken, House Greyjoy. Yet it did not stop, you couldn't stop hearing it.

The horn of war sounded as the names drowned out except one... there it was, a song of sea and blood. The smell of turnips in the air as you lock eyes with...

"Lady Asha Greyjoy! The Kraken's Daughter!" Announces the herald as the two of you lock eyes, but there she sends the look...

A smirk, filled with nothing but playfulness and danger...

[ Relationship Gained ]

Relationship Changes:

Ser Mandon Moore: Friend > Close Friend
Ser Jaime Lannister: Acquaintance > Friend
Lady Cersei Lannister: Protector > Ally (Trusted.)
Grandmaester Pycelle: N/A > Acquaintance
Asha Greyjoy: N/A > ???
???: Enemy
Robert Baratheon: Disappointment > Dislike (-25 to Rolls with him...)

Trait Gained:

Path-Forger: You defied a destiny set out for you by some kind of demonic being, joint by kin of some kind. You will forge your own path, what does that mean? You do not know what or even where to begin. (A bonus to ??? and ???)

Of Storm and Blood: Defying this being, you felt something snap, like a shackle. All you know is that something has woken up. You might have to test it. (A Bonus to ???, ???, ???)



[] - Talk to...(Pick 3)
- Asha Greyjoy, she knows as do you. Just... what is this feeling within you?
- Cregan Stark, Spare to Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell
- Dorea Sand, Sand-Snake, accompanied by Artas Dayne.
- Nuncle Renly Baratheon, Lord Paramount of the Stormlands, and Master of Laws.
- Nuncle Stannis Baratheon, Master of Ships and Lord of Dragonstone.
- Nuncle Tyrion, sent by Grandfather, seems to be deep in his cups.

[] - Discuss... (Pick 2)
- The Vale with Lord Paramount Jon Arryn, Hand of the King.
- The Westerlands with Lord Tyrion
- The North with Cregan Stark
- Dorne with Dorea Sand

[] - The Feast... (Pick 2)
- Commander of the City Watch, Janos Slynt is here at the feast, talk with him.
- Varys, the Spider is skulking about through the shadows. You manage to catch him at the feast.
- Petyr Baelish, you hear he manages to find coin in plenty of places and he's wanted to talk with you for some time now.
- Your mother seats herself at the high table with other noble ladies, introduce yourself to them.

[] - Interlude.... (Pick 1)
- The Carved Eye.
- A Flower's Thorn.
- A Hill Has Eyes.
- The Giant's Bane.
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lf is nothing more than a parasite. A begotten stain of power left to betters, left to those who know truth of magic.

I feel like it's underestimating Dragon Age style magic, but then again, most all surviving Magic traditions are about sacrifice. Like Tevinter Blood Magic, but worse.

So do we need one large plan, or two separate plans for responses and future actions?
I feel like it's underestimating Dragon Age style magic, but then again, most all surviving Magic traditions are about sacrifice. Like Tevinter Blood Magic, but worse.

So do we need one large plan, or two separate plans for responses and future actions?

See thing is, with DA Style magic, a lot of it seems rooted in Sacrifice and do not take the words of our dearest ??? so truthfully. We know the power of witches like Flemeth, Morrigan, and even the Blood Mages who are truly terrifying have their bouts in which they can topple plenty. DA Style magic connects with the brand of magic that ASOIAF gives with a great little kick :p there's a ton of sacrifice involved with it, such as with Tommen and Asha right now, we don't know what they can do... yet.

Plus, there were two dream sequences and it all links in with how Tommen and Asha were gifted with these abilities in Westeros. As well as a connection to the Fade of all things, especially with the taint within them.

I'm hinting that a lot of things are connecting slowly, right now, we are just enjoying Tommen's growth and reaction to people around him.

One large plan will work, considering with this next update and the new one, we will be going over a course of a few weeks or a month in fact. So choose wisely.