Spark to Spark, Dust to Dust (RWBY/Hasbro)

I remember the Deathstalker as being stupidly easy in that game. Guess Merlot thought so too. Can't wait to see how dealing with Sideways blows up in his face.

I remember it being annoying and time-consuming more than anything else, though apparently Jaune and two Pyrrhas can kill it in under a minute. Along with fulfilling quite a number of fantasies, I'm sure.

On the negative side, I feel like the lack of anyone asking questions and just going by assumptions is starting to wear thin. I'm a bit biased since that trope's always bugged me when it's used.

Cody: You mean Lennox? Oh, he's not making any assumptions. He's just reacting to what he's been cleared to react to. He knows there's more going on. Incidentally, he is going to get cleared for the additional information real soon because Ozpin's going to put together a report which is going to brief NEST on just what's going on with the Decepticons and the SDC and everything else not magical.

Sorry if that wasn't clear.
Cody: You mean Lennox? Oh, he's not making any assumptions. He's just reacting to what he's been cleared to react to. He knows there's more going on. Incidentally, he is going to get cleared for the additional information real soon because Ozpin's going to put together a report which is going to brief NEST on just what's going on with the Decepticons and the SDC and everything else not magical.

Sorry if that wasn't clear.
No, Lennox was fine. I was referring to the general interaction between Cliffjumper and JNPR, as well as the general way misunderstandings and assumptions keep piling up. I realize it makes sense based on information both sides had initially, but it feels like it'd be clear by the end that something isn't adding up. Questions should've been asked. The whole thing just irks me...

That said, I still enjoy this fic and will continue reading.
No, Lennox was fine. I was referring to the general interaction between Cliffjumper and JNPR, as well as the general way misunderstandings and assumptions keep piling up. I realize it makes sense based on information both sides had initially, but it feels like it'd be clear by the end that something isn't adding up. Questions should've been asked. The whole thing just irks me...

That said, I still enjoy this fic and will continue reading.

Oh. That. That's just Cliffjumper being Cliffjumper. He's been seeing Decepticons everywhere and shooting first since pretty much his first appearance way back in G1, which is just something we've continued.
Oh. That. That's just Cliffjumper being Cliffjumper. He's been seeing Decepticons everywhere and shooting first since pretty much his first appearance way back in G1, which is just something we've continued.
I meant JNPR asking the questions. Cliffjumper's also pretty accurate going by his most memorable story roles.
I meant JNPR asking the questions. Cliffjumper's also pretty accurate going by his most memorable story roles.

Cody: Believe it or not before we started writing this interlude we did have plans for a sequence or two where JNPR would ask Cliffjumper some questions about things and he would just shoot them all down, leading to ever growing animosity between the two groups. However, we quickly ran into a problem that we did not anticipate once the writing actually began… we hated writing these chapters. Each and every sentence was such a painful and long extraction that we ended up just plain forgetting about a lot of ideas and perhaps not discussing things over as much as we could because of just how much we wanted it to be over. We were not expecting that, nor did we like that, but it was what ended up happening. (Seriously, on Thursday it had actually reached the point where morale was so low that we were saying that we either finished the chapter that day or the fic would almost certainly die. I had to stay up till 0425 in the morning, but I did get it done… and basically spent the next day in a euphoric haze.)

Sometimes the greatest victory is survival.

Cyclone: I still have a headache due to not having caught up on sleep as much as I'd like to.
I just want to say to Cody and @Cyclone that this is my favourite RWBY fic currently updating. I am a child of the '80s, and grew up with Transformers and GI Joe. This fic brings back memories as well as being an amazing story. Yes, I find the secrets a bit annoying, but the rest of the fic more then makes up for it.

I also can't wait for Ruby and Optimus to meet and interact. I also have to wonder how Silver eyes will interact with the Matrix, which has also been called the "Creation Matrix" in some timelines.
Interlude 2-4: New Sheriffs in Town
(Interlude 2-3: Island | Interlude 2-4: New Sheriffs in Town | V3E1: Commencement)

Interlude 2-4: New Sheriffs in Town

* * *​

Yang didn't like it in the infirmary. There was too much sickness, too much death, too many broken dreams. She especially didn't like it when she was standing over the body of a close friend.

She had made the rounds, of course. She checked on the progress of all who she had rescued, and helped out where she could. She, admittedly, couldn't do much for them, especially those who had lost limbs like poor Ollie had, but she tried her best, even if it was just offering comfort where she could. Always, though, she came back to the side of her closest friend there.

Maple was sleeping at that moment, and it was clearly restless, as every minute, she would twitch or grimace. There was no wonder why, no wonder at all. That she could sleep at all was a triumph of modern medicine holding hands with a miracle from on high.

The beaver faunus's legs and hands were in casts, her tail was wrapped in bandages, there were assisted breathing tubes running into her nostrils, and though her hospital gown covered a lot, Yang knew that underneath it, her friend was in bad shape. Days of healing with aura and surgery had done her good, but… but the fact that she was still in such a shape after so much treatment and care? It only drove home how much she had been hurt.

"I'm sorry, Maple. I'm sorry," quietly wept Yang. "I promised I would protect you, and I failed."

They were familiar words and a familiar sentiment, but Yang couldn't help but repeat them. She couldn't imagine how Arcee felt. Keeping Maple safe had been the blue Autobot's mission. According to Ratchet, once she'd gotten out of critical condition, she'd been practically crawling up the walls, and only Optimus's orders had kept her from rushing out to check on Maple personally.

There was something else she wanted to say, something else that she felt Maple needed to know, but not now and not here. Yang needed to tell her that she was a member of the White Fang now too, but she didn't want to risk someone hearing… no, that wasn't right. What she was worried about was the thought that Maple wouldn't be able to take the stress of the revelation.

Maple was a kind soul, and she never wanted to be involved in the fight. Protests? Sure, she could fit that into her schedule somewhere. Boycotts? Plenty of other businesses out there. Passing out pamphlets? Freedom of speech was a cornerstone of Valish civilization. But fighting? Robbing and killing other people? No, no, she didn't have the heart for that, no matter who they were or what they had done.

The auburn haired beaver faunus liked to dress it up as being a coward, but she wasn't. No, she was a lot closer to Ruby than she ever would admit, pure of heart and totally unwilling to hurt people, just having taken a different path in life. It was probably one of the reasons why Ruby and their father got along with her so well, and it was definitely why Yang did... Well, that, and a desire to stay on her secret keeper's good side, and there was that time she and Maple had shared that big case of Apple family brand rakia, and they had gotten so drunk that Bumblebee had to go through a zany scheme to get her back in Beacon without anyone noticing.

Fun times and more flowed through Yang's mind, and she gave a sad smile.

"Don't worry, Maple," she said softly. "Doc says you're going to be A-OK eventually. Just need some time to heal up. He's going to treat you right too so… just hang in there."

Maybe she didn't need to be quiet. After all, Vix and the other White Fang operative who had been kidnapped had been allowed to go home by then, thanks to their comparatively light injuries. She still was quiet though, as she didn't want to… well, didn't want to do a lot of things. She just hoped everything worked out.

Suddenly, there was a flutter in Maple's face, and she began to stir. Thinking quickly, Yang dried her tears and sent a text message to the rest of her team that their friend was waking up. They wouldn't want to miss this, and the blonde didn't want to deny them the chance.

Maple let out a groan, and her eyes drifted open. "Yang?" a parched mouth asked. "What happened? Why are you here?"

Yang smiled a smile that contained far too many emotions to verbalize. "You're at the Beacon infirmary. You've been in a medically induced coma for… You know what? I'll just let the doctor explain things to you. Doc? Doc!"

Doctor Greer had just finished his examination and explanation when the rest of Team RWBY filed into the infirmary. Ruby almost dove at Maple, but stumbled to a halt a half-step later. "Maple!" she cried. "You're awake!"

The beaver faunus blinked at Ruby in confusion. "You... Ruby?" Her eyes widened. "Ruby! You- you have to-"

"Shh," Ruby said. "It's all right. Whatever it is can wait."

Behind Ruby, the other half of her eponymous team approached solemnly, walking up to the right side of Maple's bed on the side facing the window, away from the door. She looked at them curiously.

"I'm sorry!" they chorused in unison, then looked at each other in bafflement.

"I... this is my fault," Weiss whispered, her voice hoarse. "If- if I hadn't been poking around, this- this never would have happened."

"Don't you dare blame yourself for your father's actions," Blake said. "I'm the one who brought us all into this. If I hadn't-"

"It wasn't you," Maple said, interrupting the self-blame. "Either of you." Green eyes turned away from them and instead toward the sisters on her left.

Yang almost crumpled under the look, not accusing, per se, but the guilt crushed her anyway.

"They were after you, Ruby."

"M-me?" squeaked the young Huntress.

"Be careful," Maple warned, then shook her head the tiny amount she could in confusion. "They.... the one in charge... she seems to think you're working with your mother on something."

Yang frowned. "Our mother is dead."

"I know," Maple agreed. "She was talking about Raven Branwen."

Yang felt her fingers curl. That... woman had to ruin everything, didn't she? Did giving life to Yang make her think she could just... just take everything from her that made it worth living?

Next to her, Ruby stared at Maple, horrified at the implications. Raven had saved her, so many times, and the SDC had figured it out. Or maybe the Decepticons had? And they'd dragged poor Maple into this mess.

Maple's gaze grew unfocused, and she shook her head in confusion again. "But... wait. Why would they think that?"

"Raven..." Ruby choked out. "Raven is Yang's mom."

Ruby jumped back in surprise when Yang whirled on her, a fury boiling in her red eyes that Ruby had never seen before.

"That... that woman is not my mother," Yang insisted, her voice low and hard. "She was my incubator. All she did was donate some genes and carry me to term. My mother's name is Summer Rose. She was the one who taught me, gave me advice. She was the one who was there when I needed her. She was the one who kept me safe. She is my mother."

Ruby flinched back with each point. There was something about Yang's words that bothered her on a level she didn't understand. She thought back, tried to remember who Yang was talking about. Tried to remember Summer Rose.

But instead of a hazy memory with silver eyes and a white hood... all that came to mind was the stark image of a white mask with a mane of black hair and a red sword. Instinctively, she shied away from the thought, from what it meant, what it could mean.

A heavy sigh drew her back to the present, and her sister gave her a contrite look. "Sorry, Rubes. I just... I don't like thinking about her if I can help it."

"I understand," replied Ruby, nodding.

"Ruby?" Blake asked. "How much time do we have before we have to meet Professor Greene for our mission?

She blinked and glanced down at her scroll. "A couple of hours," she said, looking back. "Enough time that we can stay here for a bit, if that's all right, Maple?"

As the Bullhead flew along, Ann Greene looked at her four cute students. This promised to be an... interesting excursion. While she didn't know what, exactly, Ozpin had Teams RWBY and JNPR doing, the fact that they were going on covert "extra credit" missions was an open secret among the faculty. Of course, it wasn't unheard of for Ozpin to send a team of students off on such covert missions, but two teams? And the last time -- so far as anyone knew -- he had done so had been with Team STRQ, back when Ann herself had been a student.

She had a feeling, however, that whatever skills Teams RWBY and JNPR had practiced and honed on those missions wouldn't be particularly applicable in emergency rescue.

"So, you know what you signed up for," she declared, "so I'll skip straight to telling you about my hometown, Griffin Rock. It's an island town founded a few hundred years ago." Her gaze shifted to the sisters, who were paying rapt attention. "Much like Patch, it being an island helps keep it safe from the Grimm, though there are still the occasional incursions. However, it's less rural than Patch, largely because, back during the Great War, the Kingdom of Vale moved a lot of their scientific community to Griffin Rock, away from the front in eastern Sanus, and built up the infrastructure in order to turn it into a research hub for the war effort."

Miss Xiao Long, the delinquent, raised her hand. "When you say 'less rural,' do you mean…?"

"That it actually has a central town, but the Chief of Police still knows everyone's name, yes," finished the teacher. "It also has a large population of robots, partly as a testing ground for companies like Starhead Industrial, partly to fill gaps in the labor force due to the town's demographic imbalance."

"'Demographic imbalance'?" queried Miss Schnee.

No surprise it was the snowcapped girl who asked. She'd gotten almost militant about faunus rights and diversity in recent months. Demographic studies would naturally be of interest at that point. Hopefully, this visit to Griffin Rock wouldn't be marred by an argument like the one Miss Schnee had gotten into with some Atlas student with multicolored hair shortly after the incident with Miss Fall.

"Mostly?" she answered. "People too smart for their own good... who also have a tendency to be really dumb at the same time." She paused, then added, "Like my brother, for instance."

To her disappointment, no one on Team RWBY took the bait.

"Does Griffin Rock suffer from many Griffon attacks?" Miss Rose asked curiously.

"Actually, no," answered Ann, shaking her head. "It was actually named for a rock formation that resembles them, rather than any local Grimm tendencies."

"I'm surprised I haven't heard of Griffin Rock before," mused Miss Schnee. "The SDC does deal quite a bit with robotics and other advanced technology."

"Two reasons for that," Ann said. "First, Griffin Rock likes to keep a low profile. And second, they don't like Atlesians much. A bit of a cultural holdover from the war, really; they see Atlesian scientists as competition."

"Is that... going to be a problem?" asked Blake, her voice tinged with the barest hint of concern, amber eyes flicking over to the other young heiress worriedly.

Ann had heard the phrase "opposites attract," but even if there wasn't any romance here, this was still taking it a bit far: black and white, faunus and human, Menagerite and Atlesian, Belladonna and Schnee, White Fang and SDC. At least they had kept to the odd Beacon tradition of going after oblivious blond idiots. Of course, that had led into the wonderful problem of dealing with the ripple effects of "double the STRQ, double the drama."

"Probably not," Ann assured her. "Miss Schnee may have been born in Atlas, but she's a Beacon student. That makes her one of ours."

Ann suppressed a grin when she noted the light blush coloring the snowcapped girl's cheeks.

She loved messing with her students. It made dealing with the aforementioned drama worth it. Oh, and teaching a new generation of Huntsmen and Huntresses, lighting a path for the future defenders of civilization, stuffing their brains with knowledge until it leaked out their ears, etc., etc. That too.

Seriously though, why was Team STRQ not a one-off?

"Five minutes!" called the pilot from the front.

Team RWBY and Ann got up and slung their kit bags over their shoulders, preparing for when the VTOL would land. The waiting could be a pain, and so they all occupied themselves doing what they could to amuse themselves. For their teacher, that meant continuing to watch them and examine them for any of the signs that they might not entirely be up to snuff.

Luckily, they managed not to embarass themselves by the time the VTOL hit the ground and opened the door.

"Hello there, and welcome to Griffin Rock!" called out a strong, mature voice as soon as they exited onto the tarmac of the airport. Strong... and familiar. It was hard to forget a man like Chief Charlie Burns. Though his hair and mustache had gotten a bit grayer since she last saw him, he still cut an imposing figure in his blue uniform.

"Though perhaps 'welcome back' would be more appropriate," the chief continued, sticking out his hand for her to shake, which she gladly did so. "It's great to see you again, Ann. I had a feeling they might send you."

"It's good to see you too, Chief," replied Ann with a genuine smile as she broke the handshake. "It feels like it's been ages."

"It hasn't even been a year," Chief Burns informed her. "You know, the Lobster and Technology Festival is coming up again. Thinking about attending this year?"

Ann shook her head. "No, no, I don't think so. At least, not now, anyway. I mean, the last time I was there for it, we had that whole incident with the flying lobsters, and I don't think anyone wants a repeat of that."

"Not even if Storm Shadow shows up again?" asked the chief with one silvery eyebrow raised.

"Don't tempt me," replied Ann coyly. "Besides, this isn't about me. It's about them."

Chief Burns stepped to the side and took a good, hard look at Team RWBY, who looked at him in turn. There was wariness deep inside Blake, but it was buried under a mountain of curiosity. Miss Xiao Long on the other hand? There was no doubt that she had issues with law enforcement, and it was clear that only being trapped by societal convention kept her from saying anything.

"Hmm, so these are the sisters and the heiresses?" he asked curiously. "They don't look half bad."

Miss Xiao Long blinked and raised an eyebrow. "'Heiresses'? Plural?"

Blake coughed into her fist. "It's, uh, sort of up in the air about whether I'll inherit anything, actually."

"Ah, family issues," muttered Miss Xiao Long, looking away in shame.

"Well, whatever your issues are, you can leave them here," ordered Chief Burns with one finger pointed at the ground. "You're here to shadow us while we do rescue work, not to stare into your own navel, contemplating your family issues. There's people in danger out there, and they need our help. That means when you're on the clock, you have to give a hundred and ten percent, no slippage. Do you understand?"

"Sir, yes, sir!" chirped Miss Rose.

"You won't see me slacking," quipped Miss Xiao Long.

"I understand perfectly," replied Miss Schnee.

"Yes, teacher," confirmed Blake with a slight bow at the waist.

Chief Burns smiled. "That's great to hear. We'll get you settled at the station, and then it's off to the races."

Checking the security perimeter of Griffin Crest had seemed a bit pointless. A simple wooden fence? What could possibly have such a flimsy defense and yet warrant regular check ups?

"It's a refuge," Chief Burns said, breaking the silence.

"Hmm?" Yang looked at him curiously.

"Ann told you about this town, right?" he asked. "The whole research hub thing?"


"Yeah, well, that kept on going after the war until today," he narrated as they finished their perimeter check. "But shortly after the war, someone figured out all this new tech could be dangerous, so they set up Griffin Crest as a safe haven. There's a magnetic pulse generator, shuts down all electronics that cross the perimeter, so if anything went rogue, we could all run here and be safe. Well, from the runaway tech, at least."

Right. Because Grimm were always a threat, at least on Remnant.

"Cool," she said noncommittally. She actually meant it, though. That actually was pretty cool.

"You've been awfully quiet," observed Chief Burns as they climbed back into his police car.

"Just trying to focus on the job," replied Yang calmly, looking out the window as he began driving back to town.

Is this what Adam feels like all the time? No wonder he walks around like he has a stick up his butt, thought Yang anxiously. I'd be uptight too if I had to deal with this sort of stress all the time.

"According to your file, your semblance involves lighting yourself on fire and then dishing out twice as much damage as you take," observed Burns in a reasonable tone that reminded Yang of her father. "Statistically, semblances usually are reflective of the wielder's personality in some way. Now, either you're putting on the quiet girl act for me, or you are one seriously troubled young lady."

"Maybe it's both," quipped Yang as she looked back at him and screamed in her head. Ahh! I sound like the world's most stereotypical teenager!

"Maybe," allowed Chief Burns, never letting his eyes stray from their job looking for threats outside. "I think it's the first one though. There was a big hubbub in Vale recently about a series of kidnappings before that bomb took all the newsies' attention. But my cousin, Jack, he's high up in NEST, and he mentioned how the Huntsmen swooped in and saved everyone. My guess is that you were wrapped up in all that, and that more specifically, you were friends with one of the people kidnapped."

Yang could feel her heart hammering in her chest and forced herself to be calm. She'd been a hair's breadth away from being discovered, and she hadn't had any trouble there before. So why start now?

Well, Chief Burns was a cop, not her teammate. If it was revealed she was a member of the White Fang to her team, she was more worried about what would happen to them than what would happen to her. Weiss would probably be all for it, and Blake would go right along with whatever Weiss wanted, which meant that the only real trouble spot was Ruby, and they were sisters who would work things out in the end. But if it was found out that they had known she was a member of the White Fang and didn't say anything, then they were sure to have their careers ruined and their names added to an SDC list to have what happened to Maple happen to them.

If Chief Burns found out she was a member of the White Fang though? ...Well, she'd be immediately arrested, and then after a trial period, she would have the book thrown at her to let the rest of humanity know that supporting the White Fang was never a good idea. Then, of course, either she would be martyred for the cause, or the Autobots would break her out, and either way, things would get very complicated after that.

"Maple," she replied honestly, an angry note starting to enter her voice. "Maple Tapper Bricks, the best friend I have outside the academy. The police wouldn't do a thing, not a dirty thing, to help find her or tell people that they were even trying to find her. And while they were twiddling their thumbs, the SDC was breaking hers. Her legs were crushed and her hands were pulverized. She's a mechanic; how on Remnant is she supposed to do her job without any limbs?!"

Chief Burns was quiet, his face as professional as ever. He didn't say anything, and neither did she. Soon her anger left her, and she looked away.

"I'm sorry, sir. That was wrong of me to blow up like that," apologized Yang, and genuinely too. "Your department isn't connected to Vale's at all. It's just... so frustrating. I'm the one who's supposed to be getting hurt, not her."

"Apology accepted," responded Burns. "Frankly, you won't get any pushback from me on how badly the Vale Police botched this. Missus Monotheer, one of the victims, she lives here, got nabbed while visiting her family in the city." He paused. "I don't think I'd qualify for jury duty if they ever manage to stumble into catching the perps, if you take my meaning."

Yang raised an eyebrow. "Whatever happened to the 'thin indigo line'?"

Chief Burns ignored the implied tribalistic stereotype and merely smiled. "Let's just say I have a foot in both camps."

He reached over and touched the big scroll mounted in the center console of the vehicle, and with only the tiniest fraction of attention spared, he was able to bring up a picture of his Huntsman license.

"I…" Yang worked her mind for an answer. "I don't know how to respond to that."

There was a chirp from the tab clipped to the chief's shirt collar. He reached up, pressed it, and a cavalcade of information was spat out. Yang was able to decipher it, but she needn't have bothered.

"Looks like some jokers have decided to rob the bakery with hover shoes," announced the chief. "Your head in the game for this?"

"Yes, sir," replied Yang, steeling herself for the upcoming conflict.

Just another day on the job for an Autobot special forces private.

She did wonder though if the rest of the team had managed to avoid the zaniness.

The garbage truck was on fire. That, by itself, would be a nightmare for Weiss, but it wasn't by itself. No, because the garbage truck was also a robot that was doing the cybernetic equivalent of panicking, it was also throwing its burning cargo everywhere while it howled through the town.

So, that was how Weiss ended up doing a ballerina twirl through the air over a general store while wearing a heavy firewoman's suit and encasing a flaming diaper in ice before it hit a pile of dry vegetation in someone's backyard.

About the only thing that could make it worse would have been if she was wearing a snowflake somewhere on her clothing.

"Hey, doing great, Weiss," encouraged Kade Burns from the comm clip the snowcapped girl was wearing as he drove the fire truck after the lit garbage bot.

Weiss stuck a graceful landing on the back of the truck before replying, "I'd be doing better if I could just freeze the thing."

"And get Mayor Luskey on our tails about destroying government property? Do you know many fluid lines in that thing you'd burst doing that?" Kade asked rhetorically. "No can do. You'll just have to put it out the old fashioned way: with the high pressure water hose while hanging on for dear life as we go round these corners."

Weiss grit her teeth as she continued to freeze the random pieces of burning trash being flung about while also using her glyphs to bring the hose up and anchor her feet to the top of the truck.

"Hey, Weiss, you're a famous singer, right?" Kade asked, breaking her focus briefly.

"So I've been told," she replied reflexively. Where did this come from?

"Cool. So, uh, could you go and sign a bunch of my stuff so that I could go and impress Haley?"

Weiss nearly dropped Myrtenaster as he took another hard turn, clutching at the fire truck's railing.


"Ah, well, can't blame a guy for trying."

Yes. Yes, I can. This is insane, thought Weiss as she sheathed her sword and then activated the hose… to immediately be hit by the recoil. I just hope Blake's keeping herself out of trouble.

"I thought you were a paramedic!" called out Blake over her shoulder and into her helmet's microphone to the VTOL's pilot as she hung onto the frame of the aircraft's side door and looked down upon part of the mountain that gave Griffin Rock its name.

"I am!" called back Danielle "Dani" Burns from the cockpit of the VTOL as she flew over the terrain. "I'm also the best qualified pilot on the island!"

Blake's eyes searched the area for the source of the emergency signal that had called them out here.

"Down there!" she called out.

"Good eyes!" Dani called back as she deftly maneuvered the VTOL to where they needed to be. "The ground's too rocky for us to land on, so you'll have to ride down with the gurney."

"Roger," confirmed Blake as she brought the emergency equipment out and began to lower herself down from the VTOL.

The target in this case was a man in a business suit wearing a helmet under his hat and some sort of rotorblade backpack. He was hanging on to a branch over a ledge close to a cliff, and his leg was bent at an odd angle. How he had managed to get onto the side of the mountain on the opposite of the island from where town was remained a mystery to Blake, though.

"Looks like Mister Harrison messed up his commute again," commented Dani. "He's really got to quit doing this."

As Blake reached the level of the distressed man, she couldn't help but find herself agreeing. He had been doing this more than once? Just how crazy was he?

"Please, save my backpack," pleaded Harrison desperately.

Very crazy, Blake decided.

"You know, if you had told me at the beginning of the semester that I'd be fixing a lawn mower as part of training to become a Huntress, I would have looked at you like 'whaaaaaaa?' 'Cause that's kind of crazy." chattered Ruby to her partner for the day.

"Everytime someone from Beacon comes here, they always say the same thing," chuckled Graham Burns as he tipped his hardhat. "People seem really surprised that there's more to do outside the cities than just kill Grimm, and engineering can help with so much of that."

"I get that now, believe me," said Ruby with a nod and a smile. "There's just one thing I don't get, though."

"Oh, what's that?" asked Graham cheerily.

Ruby gesticulated wildly at the mess in front of her. "How did a lawn mower cause all this?!"

They were on one of the paved roads cutting through the island's impressive coniferous forests, a forest which was now encroaching onto the road. Several trees, including one large one, had fallen on the road, blocking it off. The source of it was plain to see too, thanks to the car-sized outline in the treeline and the plentiful sawdust filling the air alongside the alluring scent of fresh cut wood.

"Well, you see," explained Graham, "lawn mowers are a bit different in Griffin Rock."

After two days of helping out around the surprisingly accident prone town, Team RWBY was finally in a situation where they could all be in the same spot and not be either sleeping or fighting some crazy emergency. Unfortunately, there was a catch. That catch was that they had to babysit young Cody Burns and Frankie Greene. That was no catch for some members of the team though.

"So you can light yourself on fire?" asked Frankie excitedly as they walked along the sidewalk.

Yang nodded with a confident grin. "Just like the sun."

"Noble!" cheered Cody. "Can we see?"

"Sure can!" replied Yang with a cocksure grin.

Blake recalled seeing Yang ablaze when pummelling those Ursai, way back during initiation before she'd made her own presence known. As far as semblances went, Blake had to admit that self-ignition seemed to fit Yang, regardless of how little she used it.

"She really is fitting into the caregiver role well," mused Weiss aloud as she and the other two present members of Team RRANNBWW stood back.

"Of course she is; she's Yang," said Ruby, as though that actually explained anything.

"Indeed," passively agreed Blake, not precisely agreeing with the sentiment but acquiescing to Ruby's longer held knowledge of the musclebound black sheep of the team.

Suddenly, her eyes caught sight of an old woman starting to walk across a crosswalk without looking both ways and with a speeding vehicle rushing towards her.

Blake had barely begun to yell before Yang was in action, firing her shot gauntlets to accelerate and launching herself into the path of the now braking vehicle. The blonde stopped, grabbed hold of the old woman, and then picked her up and carried her away. Meanwhile, Weiss was using her glyphs to slow down time around the oncoming wall of steel.

Yang got back to the sidewalk and placed the old lady on the ground, while Weiss allowed the glyphs to disappear. Blake and Ruby both rushed over, Ruby faster than Blake as always. The two kids seemed beside themselves with worry, but the old lady was in another world.

"Missus Monotheer! Are you alright?" pleaded Frankie.

"Oh, don't worry, child, just a little shook up," replied the woman cheerfully, and as she raised her hands, Blake resisted the urge to blanche at their bandages and far too few fingers. "Thanks for saving me again, Raven."

Yang froze, and even Blake felt her blood run cold as the air itself seemed to chill.

"What?" asked Yang flatly as even the kids started to catch on to something being wrong.

"Oh, I apologize. I haven't touched base at all," said the woman, seemingly oblivious to what was going on. "Have you finally made your move on that boy you have your eye on? The sweet blond boy with the blue eyes. What was his name again? Rath? Soontir? Maarek? No, Tai! That's right, his name was Taiyang. How is he?"

"He's great!" cut in Ruby quickly. "He's doing fine, really. Hey, do you need some help?"

"Yeah! We can help you get home, Missus Monotheer," offered Cody, picking up on the atmosphere.

"Oh, such nice children," cooed the old woman as she was led away by Cody and Frankie.

"You okay now?" asked Ruby compassionately.

"Yeah, I'm made of sterner stuff," said Yang as they began to follow after the children and the old woman from a safe distance.

Blake wasn't sure how to touch on that. After all, it was the touchiest subject around. One did not just touch a subject such as that.

"I… I guess it's just hard to believe a person like her is really Dad's wife," said Ruby into the void.

Blake nearly tripped over herself as her brain processed that. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Ruby shrugged. "Dad never divorced Raven before he married Summer."

The black-haired woman felt bile start to raise from her gut as the implications sank in.

"Wait, so does that mean that he was married to two women at the same time for seven years?" asked Weiss, clearly feeling the same way her friend did.

Ruby stopped and turned to look at her with a curious expression. "That is what I said, stated differently, yes."

Blake felt the need to reply there: "That's..."

"Legal in Vale?" interrupted Ruby. "Also, technically, yes."

"'Revolting,' Ruby," cut in Yang before looking at the monochromatic half of the team. "They were going to say 'revolting,' right?"

Slowly Blake and Weiss both nodded. It was indeed an accurate summation of how they felt, even if they were both too polite to say anything. After all, when in Vale at least try to tolerate the Valish, as the saying went.

Yang pivoted to look at Ruby sternly. "And I agree with them. Dad should have divorced Raven when she ran out on him, and married mom with a clean slate. Not doing that was a mistake."

"Yeah, but Raven and Mom weren't exactly sharing a bed with him. She was gone into the wilderness that whole time," pointed out Ruby, looking down with a flushed face. "The whole 'legally married to two women' thing was just a legal fiction; it didn't actually exist. No harm, no foul, right?"

"Ceremonies have power, Ruby," insisted Yang, clearly about to begin another rant. "By not severing connections, Dad made it clear to Mom that his heart was in two places, and that wasn't right. It isn't right that he still, to this day, has not divorced her. It isn't right that if anything happens to him, that brigand will get his assets. It isn't right that she could waltz back into our lives at any time, and the only way we'd be able to save ourselves is to run away. It isn't right that to this day, on every legal document that asks for it, I have to list that monster as my mother and my actual mother as my stepmom like she's just some accessory tacked on to the family! She deserves better than that!"

It was a strange thought to have at that time, but Blake reflected on just how much damage losing a parent could do to a person. Yang had lost Summer, and it had clearly devastated her to the point where it was a constant wound that just seemed to keep getting picked at by circumstance. Seeing that terrible existence… well, it tempted her to see her two living parents again, no matter how shameful it would be.

"I'm sorry," whimpered Ruby, looking at the ground.

Yang's face fell and after another pause she went and embraced Ruby. "...No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have let my temper get the better of me like that. I wish Dad would just get off his butt and file the paperwork, but it's something to be annoyed about, not angry. It's just my own fears that somehow, she's just going to walk through that door and into our lives again. We're safe though. You're safe."

Again, Ruby muttered more than spoke, "Yeah..."

Looking at their opposite and nodding, Blake and Weiss both silently agreed to catch up with the kids. The last thing they needed was to get dragged into the family drama of the little dragons. This was especially true because they had their own family drama to worry about.

Life was one of her mother's soap operas it seemed.

Griffin Rock had an extensive defense network, designed to fend off not just the Grimm, but also corporate spies and even other kingdoms' special forces. It boasted some of the most advanced technology in Vale, complete with a pair of giant sea serpent robots from Starhead Industrial Company. And yet, somehow, inevitably, the Grimm had breached them.

The good news? It was only one Grimm.

The bad news?

Kade shaded his eyes and craned his neck up to look at the Petra Gigas as it stomped its way toward the town.

"How the heck did that thing get past the doc's defense net?" he demanded.

"It's a Grimm," his father replied. "It's in its job description. The Geist probably smuggled itself in and assembled a new body on-site. How do you want to play this, Ann?"

"Let the kids handle it for now," the Beacon professor suggested. "If they still haven't killed it before it gets within, say, five hundred feet of town, we go in and mop up."

"Ooh," Kade said, wincing. "Mayor Luskey's not gonna like that. Not one bit."

"He's free to file a complaint with the headmaster," was her reply.

Ahead of them, Team RWBY approached the Petra Gigas. Ann raised a curious eyebrow as the team separated. Miss Xiao Long moved straight in, while the other three spread out to flank. It was a fairly basic approach, but something was off about their coordination.

When Miss Xiao Long charged the Petra Gigas, long before the rest of the team could possibly be in position, she revised that estimation. There wasn't anything wrong with their coordination. There was something wrong with her coordination with the others.

"Yang, wait!" Miss Rose called out desperately, but it was too late. The blonde was already striking the golem-like Grimm around the legs.

Caught off-guard, the rest of Team RWBY tried to engage. Miss Rose brought her sniper-scythe up and fired, likely trying to draw the Grimm's attention, while the other two shifted their momentum to draw themselves closer to the Petra Gigas, Miss Schnee with her glyph semblance and Miss Belladonna using her weapon as a grappling hook on the plentiful trees around.

Miss Xiao Long paid no heed to her teammates, however, somersaulting back as it punched down at her.

"Come on!" she called mockingly as she recoil-boosted back toward the Grimm and ran up its stony arm to give the Grimm's bony face -- the only visible part that was truly part of the Grimm -- a pair of blasts with her shot-gauntlets, letting the recoil push her away. The Petra Gigas stumbled back, swinging its arms wildly, but the blonde recoil boosted again, this time straight up.

No, not quite straight up, Ann realized as Miss Xiao Long began her descent toward the Petra Gigas, blasting at it on her way down.

She's still quite free with her ammunition, noted the professor. On the other hand, it is allowing her to maintain her maneuverability against a powerful enemy.

It was a bit of a surprise to see Miss Xiao Long take such an acrobatic approach. Against something with the size and strength of a Petra Gigas, maneuver warfare was certainly the appropriate tactic, but it still surprised Ann to see Miss Xiao Long adapt so quickly. In class, certainly, the girl had demonstrated little care for grace or subtlety, but it seemed that had been a lack of application, rather than a lack of ability.

Now I see underneath the underneath, she mused thoughtfully. So where did she pick up such talents?

Her gaze flicked over to Miss Rose, but the young prodigy seemed just as surprised. So, not something the team had trained and kept secret as an ace in the hole or something from back home.

Curiouser and curiouser.

Miss Belladonna and Miss Schnee, at that point, had caught up with the fight. Miss Schnee twirled her dust rapier, and with a flicker of aura and a precise application of dust, ice formed around the Petra Gigas's feet, pinning it in place. It twisted in confusion, allowing Miss Belladonna to wrap her weapon around its arm and slingshot herself up toward its head, firing repeatedly. She suddenly leaped back, activating her semblance and leaving a clone in her place, as the Petra Gigas tried to strike her, and the clone exploded, freezing the arm in place.

Ice dust channeled through her semblance, observed Ann clinically. Her protege was largely disinclined to use dust -- it certainly got expensive over time, and its largest supplier was hardly someone a member of the White Fang, former or otherwise, would be inclined to offer patronage to -- but apparently, her friendship with Miss Schnee had... loosened her stinginess somewhat.

It was certainly working well to immobilize the Grimm. Miss Rose recoil boosted into the air, lining up a shot... just as Miss Xiao Long spoiled the shot and delivered a devastating shotgun blast enhanced punch to the Grimm's bony face, shattering it. The rest of the Petra Gigas's golem-like body stood frozen for a moment... before, with the Grimm holding it together dead, it began to fall to the ground, piece by piece.

"Ha!" Miss Xiao Long cheered as she landed. "That's gonna leave a mark."

"Yaaang!" Miss Rose complained as she too landed and sped toward her sister in a burst of flower petals. "You spoiled my shot!"

The blonde laughed good-naturedly. "Sorry about that, Rubes, but I saw an opening, so I took it."

Well, Ann decided, oddities aside, they performed quite well.

"And there they go," observed Weiss as Kade drove off with Yang and Ruby. The two girls were heading into town to do some shopping. Yang needed to replenish her supply of gravity dust shells, and Ruby... well, Ruby wanted to see what kind of crazy weapons they made in this town. Kade had said something about needing to pick up some stuff himself and offered to drive them.

Chief Burns was in his office, Graham was in his workshop, and Dani and Cody were watching TV, leaving the two maybe heiresses to their own devices.

Concerned amber eyes looked into ice blue. "Weiss," said Blake, "can we talk?"

"Of course."

Blake shook her head. "Not here. Our room." She turned to head for the stairs.

"Okay..." agreed Weiss warily as she followed.

A few minutes later, they entered the room Team RWBY was staying in, and Weiss sat on her bed. Blake closed the door behind them and leaned against it for a moment, locking it. Then, she wordlessly walked over to her own bed and sat down opposite Weiss. It had been remarkably easy to pick beds when they'd arrived; they'd just stuck with the same positions they had at Beacon, which conveniently meant that Blake and Weiss had the bottom bunks.

The snowcapped girl was the one to break the silence.

"What's wrong, Blake?"

"I'm not sure," admitted the raven-haired girl. "It's just... that fight against the Petra Gigas. Did anything seem... off to you? About Yang?"

Weiss tilted her head as she thought back to the battle, then shook her head. "Not really. I mean, we can't exactly expect her to coordinate properly with us, since she hasn't been with us on the Rainbow missions. She did surprisingly well, actually. Given her personality and usual performance in combat course, I would have expected her to take a hit here and there."

"She didn't allow it," Blake said. "She knew one solid hit would probably take her down. But she stayed in the air, stayed moving the whole time. Constant maneuvering coupled with explosive power. Same way she caught Sun way back when."

"So what's your point?"

"So... where'd she learn to fight like that? That's not how she fought during initiation. Remember the Giant Nevermore?"

Weiss thought back. Yang's tactics there had... not been subtle. Standing on the highest point to shoot at the enemy and then jumping into its mouth to blast it at point blank range was the opposite of subtle.

Granted, Ruby's plan had called for her to lure it down, but she'd started that before Ruby had even come up with the plan.

"What are you suggesting?"

"I... I don't know," admitted Blake again. "I just... something feels off, Weiss. Wrong. I can't put my finger on it, but... remember how Yang reacted when Maple brought up Raven Branwen? And when that old lady mistook her for her?"

"Yes?" Weiss confirmed, not sure where this was going. "I did some digging on Raven. Yang's reaction is perfectly understandable."

"Maybe..." allowed Blake, sounding unconvinced. "It's just... it's becoming a pattern, that flash of temper, followed by apologizing with some excuse because a certain topic set her off? It- it reminds me of Adam, any time I questioned him."

"Blake, I'm not sure if you're aware, but Raven Branwen is a bandit who literally murders people for fun and profit," Weiss reminded her. "As opposed to figuratively like my father. I imagine I'd react much the same in her shoes. And I'd say there's a difference between 'one topic' and 'any time someone disagreed.'"

"Yeah, but if there's one thing I learned from Sensei Storm Shadow, it's to trust my instincts," Blake persisted, "and my instincts are telling me that Yang's hiding something. Something dark, something like Adam."

Weiss scoffed. "We're all hiding something, Blake," she reminded her friend. "That doesn't make us your ex. In this line of business, that's inevitable." She stood up and crossed the distance between them, pulling Blake up into a hug... and reaching up to feel her forehead. "Are you sure you're okay?"

She was worried about her friend. Ever since she'd come back to Beacon, Blake had seemed obsessed with her ex. If she hadn't started dating Sun, Weiss would have been wondering just how over Adam she really was. In fact, Weiss still wondered that.

In her estimation, Blake was obsessing over Adam as much as Blake seemed to think Yang was obsessing over Raven.

Blake's bow flattened in irritation. "I'm not sick, Weiss. I'm just-"

"You're worried," Weiss finished, pulling her hand away and wrapping her arms around her friend, patting her on the back comfortingly. "I get that. But there's no point driving yourself crazy over it. She's Ruby's sister, she practically raised her from the way they talk. Do you think if something really were wrong, Ruby wouldn't notice?"

"Maybe she's too close to see it," insisted Blake.

"Or... maybe this whole thing is getting to you," Weiss countered. "You really don't know Yang very well -- neither of us do -- for all that we've roomed together for close to a year now. But you came straight to Beacon from the White Fang, and then from that into this whole situation with my father and the Decepticons... Blake, can't you see? For years, your life has been filled with fear and paranoia -- warranted, obviously! -- but it's coloring your vision."

Blake melted into the hug and sighed. "Maybe you're right."

"Of course I am," Weiss agreed haughtily. "After all, I'm me."

Blake pulled back and glared at her, flicking her nose. "Don't you start."

Weiss met her glare with a regal expression for a long moment before the two collapsed into giggles. After a moment, they returned to their respective beds.

"Speaking of my life," Blake mused curiously, laying on her bed and staring at the bottom of Yang's bunk, "I heard from Mister Xiao Long that I was in a news blurb a few years ago?"

"Oh!" Weiss cried, sitting up and grabbing her scroll, flicking through it. "I think I remember that from when I was researching…" She looked up. "You know, you were adorable when you were younger."

"A lot of children are adorable when they're small," deadpanned Blake, not bothering to look over. "I bet you were adorable when you were young too."

"Thank you. I tried."

Blake raised an eyebrow but didn't press. "Were there other pictures you found?"

"Yes, I even found videos… including a clip of your mother crying after you ran away. They thought you had been kidnapped."

Blake rolled over and buried her face in her pillow. "...I'm a terrible daughter."

"I mean… you're not alone there," Weiss pointed out. "I've been a terrible daughter too."

Blake lifted her head and craned her neck to look at her friend. "Weiss, your father is evil, and your mother is an abusive drunk. You being a terrible daughter is a mark in your favor, not against it."

Weiss opened her mouth, then closed it again, unsure how to respond to that. So she didn't. Instead, she decided to bring up a different topic.

"Do you ever think about them?" she asked softly. "I mean, do you ever think about writing them, letting them know what's going on?"

"All the time," Blake replied, sitting and pulling her knees up to her chest, staring at the bed, "but... I'm too ashamed. After the things I've done, the people I've hurt. I practically spat in their faces and called them cowards."

"From what I've learned about them, they'd forgive you in a heartbeat."

"I know," agreed Blake with an abbreviated nod, "but that's why I won't. Not until I can forgive myself." She snorted. "Besides, what would I even tell them? That I've quit the White Fang, joined Beacon? That I'm involved in a covert war against giant alien robots? That my best friend is Weiss Schnee, Heiress of the Schnee Dust Company?" She shook her head and laughed. "They'd never believe that. If I wrote them a letter saying that, they'd think it was a forgery."

Weiss gave a weak chuckle. "Right. I can see that."

As they got closer to their destination, Blake was starting to wonder if it had been a mistake to ask Professor Greene about her brother. She wasn't normally curious about her professors' family lives, and it was a question that would inevitably be seen as odd, to say the least, but with the mystery of Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow, Blake hadn't seen another option. She had to figure out what had actually happened. Lives were literally on the line.

Besides, the curiosity was killing her.

That was what led to her sneaking out in the middle of the night to join Professor Greene, who was now driving them to her brother's lab.

It also gave her a bit of time to be alone and get some space. Ever since she'd returned from training with Storm Shadow, Weiss had been a bit... clingy. And worried. She wondered if this was karma -- or perhaps revenge -- for how she'd coddled the snowcapped girl previously.

She had a lot of karma to pay back, after all.

"Just remember, Miss Belladonna," Professor Greene said as she pulled the car to a stop, "around here, common sense isn't, especially among eggheads like my brother."

Blake stared up at the lab, an orange building with large windows and... peculiar architectural choices. With the car locked up, Professor Greene joined her, and they walked up the steps to the front doors, which slid open as they approached.

Standing there, hands on his hips and a broad smile on his lips was a man with dark skin and dreadlocks wearing black gloves and boots and a white lab coat over a disheveled-looking purple dress shirt and blue pants, an eye-searing polka dot tie hanging loose around his neck.

"Well, well, sis," he greeted her cheerfully. "Good to see you! Surprised you had time to come by, what with your students and all."

"Hey, bro," Professor Greene said. She glanced over at Blake. "This is actually one of my students, Blake Belladonna. She's top of the class. By which I mean she's already at least two years ahead of the rest of her classmates. Miss Belladonna, this is my brother, Doctor Ezra Greene."

"A pleasure to meet you, sir," Blake greeted. Her gaze flicked over to Professor Greene, with her fair skin, red hair, and green eyes, then back to Dr. Greene, with his dark brown skin and black hair graying at the temples. She idly wondered which one was the adopted one -- assuming it wasn't a half-sibling thing like Ruby and Yang -- but that didn't really matter, so she shelved the thought as the three of them entered the lab and took seats around a coffee table.

"Either of you want anything to drink? A snack?" he offered. "I can have Dither get you something, if you like?"

Both of them declined.

"So, top of the class, huh?" Dr. Greene said, eyes glittering with interest. "Must be something pretty special for her to bring you here, Miss Belladonna."

"She was actually wanting to know about our old friend, Storm Shadow," explained Professor Greene.

"Oh, wow," Dr. Greene exclaimed with a chuckle. "That was an interesting day. Let me tell you, anti-gravity infused lobsters? Bad idea." He leaned back. "Storm Shadow... he's not a talkative man. Very intense, very professional."

"Did he... ever say anything about his past?" Blake asked tentatively.

Dr. Greene shook his head. "Nope. Totally closed-mouth on that. I kind of got the impression it was a touchy subject for him."

Well, there went that line of inquiry.

"How's that new danger room you've been working on?" Professor Greene asked.

"It's not a 'danger room,'" he protested. "It's the Digital Analytic Neuroresponsive Graded Engagement Room.".

Wait, Blake thought. Doesn't that spell...

"So calling it the DANGER room would be a tautology," he added. "And for your information, it's just about ready for live testing. Why?"

Professor Greene looked over at Blake. "What do you say, Miss Belladonna? Care to take a shot at the latest and greatest in training equipment? I daresay even Miss Schnee or your friend Miss Nikos have never had an opportunity to train with technology like this."

Blake perked up at that, then frowned. "Is that... safe?"

"There's nothing to worry about!" assured Dr. Greene as he got up and started leading them deeper into the lab. "Follow me. I'll get the recording equipment set up so I can get some baselines down."

As they followed, Professor Greene leaned over to Blake and whispered, "Probably. Ezra's experiments tend to get out of hand, but they're generally not lethal."

"That's... comforting."

This, Skywarp thought as he approached the island under cover of night, is ridiculous.

Barricade had been digging through local history and records in search of his grand Autobot conspiracy, and he'd found hints of some sort of technology that he was certain could be a threat to the Decepticon cause. His cranial bolts were clearly coming loose, but Starscream had ordered Skywarp to investigate anyway.

What technological secrets could some old human facility possibly be harboring?

He flew low and slow, dangerously close to his alt-mode's stall speed, before kicking in the anti-gravity generators to slow down even further. This was supposed to be a discreet reconnaissance mission, after all; no point in announcing his presence with a sonic boom. That was more Thundercracker's schtick. He idly wondered how the other Seeker was doing these days, bonded with that human creation, surrounded by humans, not even able to transform out of his alt-mode for cycles upon cycles at a time...

He shuddered at the thought.

He remembered what it felt like to be restrained by a mode lock, back before the war. Teleportation had made theft so easy back on Cybertron, but CySec had eventually caught up to him. After the war started, it had proven useful, both in combat and in allowing him to penetrate secured locations, even if he'd proven completely hopeless at any real special operations training.

On a planet like this, though, where everything was so small... well, it was a little hard to teleport into a secure facility when you didn't fit in the hallways.

With his anti-gravity generators, Skywarp hovered in place outside Griffin Crest for a moment before transforming. He looked around, noting with amusement the primitive wooden fence barring the way -- it was short enough he could easily step over it if he were inclined -- and the many signs warning about loss of scroll signal flanking the road. Withdrawing the magnetic resonance meter Starscream had issued him, he began scanning.

He frowned, glancing up at the spot demarcated by the wooden fence, then back down to the magres meter.

"This thing must be busted," he mused aloud. Still...

Cautiously, he reached out an arm and poked a finger through the air over the wooden fence...

...and froze, his systems locking up briefly, until he fell back and out of the field.

"Slag it," he cursed. "Barricade's never gonna shut up about this."

There was definitely some sort of magpulse generator at work here, rendering the area an electronic dead zone... and a paralytic to transformers. Barricade was convinced it was a measure to protect Vale's ultra top secret research from espionage, that there was a section in the center of the dead zone where the field was neutralized in order to allow the most volatile, most secret research to be conducted, contained should they go wrong and impossible to spy on electronically.

Reluctantly, Skywarp had to admit that Barricade actually might be onto something here.

Of course, investigating further meant finding and disabling the magpulse generator somehow.

Yang was awoken from her slumber by a slight pulsing in the outwardly fabric bracelet she'd taken to wearing just in case of a situation just like this: alone at night, surrounded by her team, and with duty calling.

She opened her eyes and checked around, finding Blake missing and Weiss and Ruby still fast asleep in the fire station's barracks. Carefully and silently, she left her bed and padded over to her bag to fish out her work scroll. She'd finally taken the plunge and switched out her old burner scroll for something a bit more Cybertronian, complete with a whole suite of security features so that not only would no one be able to open it, but she would be able to find out the identities of everyone who tried.

She collected the scroll and carefully padded out of the room to find a secure place to receive the message. Luckily she found it in the bathroom. Typical, absolutely typical.

"Sunfire here," she whispered into the scroll when she had gotten secure.

"Sunfire, this is Optimus Prime," said a comfortingly familiar voice over the line. "Are you still on Griffin Rock Island?"

"Yes, Optimus," she answered easily. "Do I need to get off it for a mission?"

That would be tricky, but she thought she could manage it.

"No, just the opposite," replied Optimus Prime. "Sensors detected a single Seeker heading towards the island not long ago. It might already be there. Purpose: unknown."

"Whatever it is, it can't be good," reasoned Yang as she put together the likely places for a Decepticon to target. "Can I expect reinforcements?"

"Not at the moment," admitted Optimus Prime. "Most of our forces are otherwise occupied, but myself and Silverbolt were on the mainland nearby when we got the information. We are en route now. Stand by to receive enemy approach vector."

Yang glanced at her scroll's screen, and her eyes widened slightly.

"Optimus, that path leads directly to an active magnetic pulse generator. Any electronics past the fence get disabled," she informed her leader.

"Then it seems you are our best hope for finding out the truth of this matter," reasoned Optimus. "Good luck, Sunfire."

Dressing while her team slept was surprisingly routine, as was slipping out of the fire station. She had gotten plenty of practice with the rest of her team, after all. It wasn't until she got out into the forest that she changed up the routine.

From a pouch she produced two cases, not unlike those used for sunglasses, but while one did contain devices similar to those, the other was of a more clandestine purpose. The first case she unpacked was for a pair of glasses that she put over her eyes, which were soon illuminated by the hidden light of her heads-up display. The second case contained the White Fang mask that Adam had given her about a week ago, and it was something she placed over her optics with great care.

She really did feel more at ease once her guise of Sunfire was truly complete.

A few minutes of running through the forest and over crevasses later, Yang found herself on the dead end road that led to the safe zone. Safe, ironically, more to this threat than the normal Grimm incursions that everywhere else on Remnant faced.

Seriously, Griffin Rock was just plain weird.

She switched back into the woods and crouched down to sneak up. She could hear him then, the Seeker, clomping around. He was making an awful racket for someone who had snuck in so well.

Well, not quite as well as he thought he did, clearly.

"Hmm… how to get in?" wondered aloud the purple and grey Deception. "Think, Skywarp, think! There's supposed to be an abandoned lead mine on this island. Maybe if I went and got some of that, I could make an electromagnetic shield?"

Yang crept out of the woods slowly, her whole body coiling like a spring while her arms went out.

"I'd look ridiculous," contemplated Skywarp. "But then again who's going to see it but me?"

The blonde fired Ember Celica, twisted in mid air, and fired again to bring her feet slamming into the back of Skywarp's knee.

"Oh, no, not again!" screamed Skywarp as he toppled towards the fence that divided the land into places that were and weren't covered in a distorting magnetic field.

A split second before he hit, though, he managed to teleport away, only to appear behind Yang. Yang spun to see him leveling his arm-mounted cannons at her... then hesitate before switching gears and stomping at her with his foot.

She smirked as she dove aside. "What's the matter?" she taunted. "'Discharge failure'? Happens to everyone, I hear."

The Decepticon growled. "I don't think either of us really want an audience, do we?"

Yang tilted her head at that and couldn't exactly disagree. As crazy as it was, Griffin Rock was a nice little town, and she didn't want to think what would happen if word of the Decepticons -- or the White Fang, for that matter -- being here got out.

"Okay then, I can play by those rules," said Yang as she deployed her blades from Ember Celica and took up a stance she'd seen Optimus Prime use and that Bumblebee had taught her.

Skywarp winced. "Can't you just repeatedly punch me in the brain module like you did to Barricade? My fingers still hurt from when that Raven lady and her lackey cut them."

With a crack and a blink of the eye, Yang was in the Decepticon's face. "How do you know that name?!"

Skywarp teleported away again and grabbed a tree that he ripped out of the ground and held up like a staff. "Hey, she just formed a temporary alliance with Starscream, got betrayed by him, and then foiled his plans. What's the big deal? We've all done it."

Yang leapt again and cut the makeshift staff's leafiest third off with a hideous roar. "The big deal is that you Decepticons have actually managed to stoop even so low as to be associated with that monster."

Skywarp backed up and shifted his grip on the tree from that of a staff into that of a sword. "This is... not the direction I thought this conversation would go."

"How did you think it was going to go?" she growled as she advanced on him.

"I don't know." Skywarp shrugged. "You're Sunfire right? I expected a bit of banter and brain module damage, not a lecture on how not all humans who wear Grimm masks are the same."

"Faunus," corrected Yang automatically, echoing Adam. "The White Fang are majority faunus."

Skywarp swung the tree down and tried to hit Yang while she dodged out of the way. "Yeah, no. I've heard about this, and I'm calling titan scrap on it. You people are just trying to gaslight us with the whole faunus thing."

Yang stumbled as she dodged another swing. "You can't be serious."

"Faunus. Don't. Exist," clarified Skywarp as he dodged a swing from the little human's blades. "They're a myth, made up, a fantasy, and I ain't falling for it. Barricade might have been right about there being a secret laboratory inside that magnetic field, but that he thinks faunus are real just proves how crazy he is."

"Wait, that's why you're here?" asked Yang with a puzzled expression visible on her mouth beneath the mask.

"Of course," confirmed Skywarp. "I'm going to steal all this island's valuable secrets and then bring them back to Lord Megatron so I can get assigned to someplace with fewer crazy people."

"I'll take that as a confession."

Yang froze as Chief Charlie Burns stepped out of the treeline, rifle in hand. He seemed… perturbed. Considering how calm he usually was, that was terrifying.

Skywarp turned to guard himself against both humans. "Who are you?"

"Chief Charlie Burns, Griffin Rock Police," the law enforcement Huntsman introduced himself. "And you just confessed to attempting to steal government property, which is a crime. Therefore, I'm obligated to bring you in."

"Oh no, you're not getting me back in the clink, copper!" declared Skywarp threateningly. "I'm out, and I'm staying out!"

Skywarp tossed the tree at them, and they were forced to dodge. The log crashed into the treeline, and the Decepticon leapt up into the air to fire his blasters down at them. They dodged those, and Burns began to fire his rifle up at his opponent while Yang fired off multiple recoil boosts to fly up and deliver another punch to his leg.

She stayed on, firing her shot gauntlets into him, before Skywarp vanished from her grip, teleporting a short distance away and leaving her in freefall. She then redirected her descent and fired off a plethora of micro missiles while dropping into position to cover the chief if he needed it.

"You know, assaulting an officer of the law is another crime," quipped Burns in between bursts from his rifle. "As is resisting arrest."

"Oh please, do you really expect me to submit myself to your laws?" asked Skywarp sarcastically as he came down onto the ground.

Burns paused and raised an eyebrow. "How many criminals do?"

"Well, there was this one bot I met back before the war who… no! You won't distract me!" declared Skywarp as he once more aimed his arm cannons. "I will destroy you and Sunfire!"

A truck horn blast, clear and invigorating, split the air, and Skywarp's expression fell.

"Ah, scrap, I'm not getting paid nearly enough to fight a Prime," admitted the Decepticon before leaping into the air again and transforming into a knockoff Skystriker. "We'll call it a draw!"

With a roar, the jet flew away, and Yang was left alone with the chief of police. The mask might have been enough to fool Skywarp, but she'd spent days with every member of the Burns family, and she wasn't exactly covering up her hair or using a voice modulator. The jig really was up.

A voice came through her earpiece. "Sunfire, be advised, the Seeker has left the area. I'm sending Silverbolt to pursue, and I'm heading to the original coordinates."

She couldn't reply, but she kicked the transmitter onto maximum sensitivity anyway, hoping that Optimus would hear what was going on and not approach.

"Yang, care to explain to me exactly what is going on?" asked Chief Burns seriously, turning to her but keeping his distance and his rifle ready.

"I think you already know," she answered in a somber tone.

Burns raised an eyebrow. "You've been on this island for nearly a week, and you think I would be able to come up with a single lone explanation for all of this?"

Yang opened her mouth and raised a finger, about to reply, closed it, and lowered her hand. "Okay, that's a good point. Still, I'm not exactly cleared to tell you or anyone else what's going on."

"Well, what are you cleared to tell me?" asked the chief. "Because it sounded to me like you and Mister Two-Bit Crook back there had history, and part of that history involved you being a member of the White Fang. Thing is, I know enough about the White Fang to know they don't admit humans into their ranks, not anymore. So, that means you're either playing a bit, in which case you are far stupider than anyone could have possibly imagined, or something's changed, and you really are a member of a faunus supremacist terrorist organization."

The blonde raised an eyebrow of her own that didn't get past her mask, even as her heart thudded in her chest and sweat began to come down her body like she was standing in a shower. "That fights giant alien robots bent on galactic domination. There's a lot more going on here than meets the eye. Things have changed."

She had decided long ago that if it came down to it and she was forced into just this position, she would have to admit to being a member of the White Fang before admitting to being an Autobot. It wasn't that she wanted to throw the White Fang under the bus, but they were already a known quantity, and if people thought she was only a member of that organization they wouldn't look further and discover her friends from out of town. If they were discovered because of her… well, Yang would never be able to forgive herself. The fate of the Autobot cause hung in the balance, and her every word counted.

"Not that much," countered Chief Burns. "If you really are, somehow, a member of the White Fang, then I'm going to have to arrest you for supplying material support and resources to a designated terrorist organization under the Valean Kingdom Legal Code. I'm given a lot of leeway, but I'm not going to use it to protect a terrorist who's been sleeping under the same roof as me and my family. That… honestly, Yang, just how on Remnant can you possibly think this is a good idea?"

"What, joining the Fang?" she asked rhetorically. "Why not? The Vale White Fang has turned itself around; I'm helping them turn themselves around. We're fighting the good fight, not firebombing restaurants."

"Do you have any idea how naive you sound?" he demanded in anger, his eyes boring into hers even through the mask and screens. "That you, one person, could turn a whole organization around? That's just pure unmitigated hubris. The thing I want to know is if the rest of your team is in on this."

"No," answered Yang instantly, truthfully. "I want to keep them out of this. You must have heard Ruby this week talk about how much she hates the White Fang, and I don't want to hurt Weiss. That she's a Schnee doesn't change that."

"And Blake's family history means she would hate the White Fang too, as if her saying as much to my face wasn't confirmation enough," finished Chief Burns. "So, you're secretly moonlighting as a White Fang agent, and while I don't want to sound like a broken record, I want to impress upon you just how monumentally stupid this all is. Just by one measure, when -- not if -- your team finds out, your relationship with them is going to be destroyed. Is this 'good fight' of yours worth making your sister look at you in disgust for the rest of her life?"

"She'll have a life, so yes," replied Yang with conviction.

Chief Burns closed his eyes and sighed. "Am I really going to have to do this, Yang?"

"Take me in?" she asked in turn. "I guess so. I won't fight you."

"And why's that?" asked the chief, his eyes open.

Before Yang could reply, the silence was interrupted by a red truck cab coming up the dirt road at great speed. It came up and, before their eyes, transformed into the familiar and comforting vistage of Optimus Prime. Yang resisted the urge to curse at that.

"And who are you?" asked Chief Burns, remarkably calm.

"My name is Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots, and Private Yang Xiao Long's commanding officer," the big red bot introduced himself with that fatherly rumble. "If you have quarrel with her, I beg clemency, for all that has happened has been under my orders. I am responsible and culpable, not her."

What made her think that Optimus wouldn't do something stupid and heroic? What in all the time she had known him made her think that? Of course he was going to roll to the rescue.

"All right," allowed Chief Burns. "Since you've clearly got clearance to tell me what in the world is going on, please do so."

Yang winced. This was going to end badly…

"I can't believe that worked," Yang said aloud in clear disbelief.

"You've said that three times already," pointed out Chief Burns with a chuckle as they once more drove down the road to the town with him in the driver's seat and her in the passenger seat next to him.

"And I'll keep on saying it, because it's true," declared Yang, her tone not changing.

"Heh, teenagers, always making a mountain out of a molehill," said Chief Burns with a shake of his head. At her shocked stare he continued, "It's simple, once me and Optimus were able to sit down and discuss things in an open and honest way like rational adults, we were able to see that we were both on the same side and that there was no need for fighting. No fuss, no muss."

"I..." Yang stumbled for the words. "I suppose I should be grateful."

"But you're in shock right now," finished Chief Burns in a caring tone. "That's okay. Perfectly understandable, really. You're gonna wanna shake it off though before we get back, or that's just going to raise questions."

"Yeah, yeah… yeah!" repeated Yang as her gaze shifted once more to what was going on outside the police car, or at least what the headlights and street lamps illuminated. She had already stowed her gear away, and so couldn't see in the dark like she normally could.

After a brief silence, Chief Burns spoke again, "You know, sooner or later, you're going to have to have to come to a decision about where your loyalties lie, and I speak from experience about these things. Now, you have three possibilities. Number one: You choose to either go all in as Sunfire and give up life at Beacon or give up the ten million year war and live at Beacon full time. Number two: You have a frank discussion with your team where you tell them what's going on, and you come to an agreeable compromise. Number three: You keep on the path you're on right now, and the secrets and lies catch you in a snare that you'll have to cut your own legs off to get out of. There's nothing wrong about what you're doing, Yang, but this ambiguity, this dual identity stuff, that's going to bite you where it hurts, especially when you have a foot in two opposing camps and neither knows where your other foot is."

"...I understand," allowed Yang.

"You don't have to decide right now, but you do have to decide, and decide soon," clarified Burns.

Yang didn't have much to say after that, and soon after, they came into the fire station. Surprisingly enough, they weren't the only ones. Professor Greene was pulling in too, and Blake was with her.

All parties got out of their vehicles, and Blake advanced on them. "Hey, what were you doing out this late?" she asked, amber eyes glittering with curiosity and a hint of suspicion.

Before Yang could reply, Chief Burns spoke up.

"We saw something moving about in the woods and decided to check it out," said the chief easily. "Turns out, some joker was trying to get into Griffin Crest, but he went running when we showed up."

"Ugh, again?" complained Professor Greene. "People have got to stop trying to do that."

"Well, the attempts have dropped off significantly since you moved away," countered the chief.

The two shared a laugh and then motioned towards the door.

"Come on, girls, you've got another big day ahead of you," said Chief Burns with a smile, and as they went in, he gave Yang a brief wink.

Silently, Yang sent up a little prayer of thanks. After all, she'd dodged a bullet today. A lot of bullets, really. She'd have to pay Chief Burns back someday by following through on his advice.

Later, though. At that moment, she just wanted to get some uninterrupted sleep.

After such an exhausting time running from emergency to emergency in Griffin Rock, Team RWBY was glad to be hauling themselves back to the landing pad for the flight back to Beacon. It had definitely been a learning experience, one that had shown them a completely different side to being a Huntress than fighting Grimm or Decepticons.

It was also... unexpectedly fulfilling. It was one thing to fight Grimm and save lives that way, but helping people who weren't too scared out of their wits to show gratitude... there was something immensely satisfying about it.

Just as they were about to board the Bullhead, a man with rectangular-framed glasses and wearing a red three-piece suit over a white shirt and blue tie rushed up to them, microphone in hand, hover-camera floating behind him.

"Team Ruby?" he called, and they turned. "Huxley Prescott. Is it true that you're a team from Beacon?"

"Uh, yes?" Ruby confirmed, confused.

"Then is it possible then that you know the great hero General James Ironwood, savior of Vale?" he asked.

The four Huntresses looked at each other in confusion at the question, and Ruby's eyes lingered briefly on her sister before she turned to Mr. Prescott.

"Well, we've met," she allowed.

"Wonderful!" he said. "What about the legendary Team Juniper?"

Ruby winced. Pyrrha was not going to like that. "Wait. Legendary Team Juniper?"

"Of course!" he confirmed. "With their recent actions in uncovering the truth behind the fall of Mountain Glenn, they've certainly earned it!"

Ruby blinked.


What on Remnant had they missed while they were in Griffin Rock?

(Interlude 2-3: Island | Interlude 2-4: New Sheriffs in Town | V3E1: Commencement)​

Author's Note 1 (Cyclone)
For the record, Starhead Industrial is from a partial (two chapters only) fan translation of RWBY: The Session I found. If anyone knows what actually happens in the rest of that light novel, please enlighten us.

I was not expecting this to become a 13k word monster, especially given how low our word count was just a few days ago.

Griffin Rock and most of the new characters in this show are from Transformers: Rescue Bots, though obviously, Rescue Force Sigma-17 isn't around. Yet, at least.
Author's Note 2 (Cody MacArthur Fett)
Are we still allowed to have characters talk about polygamy and be against it, or is that verboten now? I think it's okay for the moment at least. In any case, I don't think any of the characters have seriously given it a deep philosophical think either: Ruby's supportive of it, but that's because she subconsciously wants Raven to still be in the family; Yang's against it, but that's because she consciously wants to throw Raven out of the family; and Blake and Weiss are both disgusted by it, but those are immediate gut reactions that they haven't given much consideration to. As for myself? Well, this isn't something I feel too strongly about, actually, though I guess I'm leaning towards being against it based on the feminist argument that it cheapens and devalues women and is therefor unfit for modern society -- which was, incidentally, the argument that convinced Japan to outlaw concubinage around the turn of the century.

As for the rest of the chapter, it might be sniffing our own gas, but it does look really great. Which, of course, means that no one else will. That's the game we play though.

Seriously though, as much as I like this chapter, I'm so glad to put this interlude behind us so we can move on to volume three, the volume that . . . well, either people will be mildly satisfied with it, or we will get a flood of people on every social media site going on and on and on and on and on about how terrible we are. Actually, I'm surprised that isn't already the case. I mean, my friend @Shinzakura (FimFic) has someone dedicated to tearing his stuff apart on 4chan. Why don't we? . . . Oh wait, we have that guy on TV Tropes who hasn't read the fic badmouthing it, but it's just not the same as a line by line summary and take down. You know, like something a nemesis would do.

Also, thanks to go to another of my friends, @BlueBastard (FimFic) , for this chapter. He's the one who pushed the Griffin Rock setting, and the one who got me to watch Transformers: Rescue Bots. I'm glad he did too, as it's pretty good. Definitely worth a watch, in my opinion.

Speaking of the show, this chapter neatly fills in a plot hole from the first episode of it that never got filled to the best of my knowledge. Mainly, how does Chief Burns know Optimus Prime? Wiki doesn't say, and Netflix doesn't have that many episodes.

Anywho, that's it for the past, and time for the future

The second interlude is now over, and next week, there will be several changes when the third volume begins and we launch our new Discord server for the 'fic while in the story, the Decepticons stop reacting and start acting with the Vytal Festival's "Commencement."
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So is Griffin Rock supposed to feel like Eureka, or is that just a side benefit?
Griffin Rock felt well done, like it was taken from the show prior to the Rescue Bots arriving. A bit curious if you intend for them to show up, actually, now that Chief Burns is I the know.

Also appreciate him finally telling Yang that she can't keep this up forever and the longer she does it the more it will eventually blow up in her face. Now to see if she'll act o. That advice.
Okay now that I have had a chance to digest this chapter I can see how it sets things up for later. Now there are others aware and can speak on the Autobots behalf. Chief Burns being a Huntsman means that he knows other huntsmen and huntres. He might even know Ozpi, and if he does might contact him. It might be kept on the QT.
First off, we have yet another side story by ScipioSmith, bringing the total to five at this time. Links to them can be found in our index post at the beginning of the thread, but for your convenience, I'm putting links to all five of them here:

Actions Have Consequences
What JSPR Did
Book Code
A Sunset Scorned
Reactions to a Bomb

I just want to say to Cody and @Cyclone that this is my favourite RWBY fic currently updating. I am a child of the '80s, and grew up with Transformers and GI Joe. This fic brings back memories as well as being an amazing story. Yes, I find the secrets a bit annoying, but the rest of the fic more then makes up for it.

Cody: One of the things we try to do with this fic is imitate the feeling of those 80s cartoons, which is one of the reasons we have such a large cast. To hear that we have succeeded in inspiring that feeling in someone . . . Well, it warms our hearts. I mean, it really really warms our hearts.

Cyclone: It really does. We sometimes actually step back and ask ourselves what we would do if our objective is to sell toys in order to try and capture that feel.

I also can't wait for Ruby and Optimus to meet and interact. I also have to wonder how Silver eyes will interact with the Matrix, which has also been called the "Creation Matrix" in some timelines.

Maccadam once had something to say about Ruby's eyes.

Cody: . . . That took way longer to untangle than I thought, and I'm an author.

Cyclone: Timey wimey wibbly wobbly and all that.

So is Griffin Rock supposed to feel like Eureka, or is that just a side benefit?

Cody: Griffin Rock is canonically like that, and… yeah, yeah it does feel like Eureka. Not that I mind, I loved Eureka, so getting to see a show that basically the same premise with Transformers was really fun.

Cyclone: Let me put it this way. The technological dead zone? The flying lobsters Storm Shadow mentioned before? Those are from canon.

Griffin Rock felt well done, like it was taken from the show prior to the Rescue Bots arriving. A bit curious if you intend for them to show up, actually, now that Chief Burns is I the know.

Also appreciate him finally telling Yang that she can't keep this up forever and the longer she does it the more it will eventually blow up in her face. Now to see if she'll act o. That advice.

Cody: It is, in fact, taken from the show before the Rescue Bots arrived. This is such even to the point that Chief Burns meeting Optimus was actually done to fill in the plot hole of how the two met. I am so happy to hear that we've managed to succeed there.

And yeah, we'll have to get around to telling people on the other thread that the rule about talking about characters keeping secrets is rescinded because… well, there's going to be a lot of that in volume three.

Okay now that I have had a chance to digest this chapter I can see how it sets things up for later. Now there are others aware and can speak on the Autobots behalf. Chief Burns being a Huntsman means that he knows other huntsmen and huntres. He might even know Ozpi, and if he does might contact him. It might be kept on the QT.

Cody: You're starting to sound like a character in the story. That is fairly charming. It's, uh, just a shame that we can't actually confirm whether you're right or not because that's classified.
Discord Server
We have an important announcement to make. We have invented a new salad. (Anyone else remember that Xena blooper scene? I can't seem to find it.) We now have a Discord server for this 'fic, shared with our sister 'fic, SAPR by ScipioSmith.

Join the Sapphire Sparks Discord Server!

Check out the Sapphire Sparks community on Discord - hang out with 57 other members and enjoy free voice and text chat.
Volume III: Episode 1: Commencement

Do not bow to the chains of the past. It is never too late. Do not cower before fears of the future. Fate rarely calls upon us at a moment of our choosing. Instead, embrace the present. Focus on what you can change. Accept what you cannot.

While history may record our beginning, and destiny may dictate our end, it is our choices that chart the path we walk between them.

And as we turn the page on history and march toward a destiny foretold, never forget that it is the journey that matters, not the destination.

For it is in that journey where we find freedom, and that freedom is the right of all sentient beings. What we choose to do with that freedom is up to us. It is in those choices that we discover who we are.

Volume III: Episode 1: Commencement

"I'm telling you, Li'l Britches, if we ever see another one of those Mistrali dancing girls, I'm going to have words and just walk away," declared Bear as the pilot walked down the crowded streets of Menagerie's capital city, Kuo Kuana.

"Would those words happen to be 'please don't steal my ride's keys again'?" asked his young navigator Kitt, a faunus with ursine qualities.

"No!" denied Bear before muttering a series of expletives under his breath.

Kitt just gave a little shrug. "Well, hopefully, it won't be an issue. The Vytal Tournament starts up in a few days, and I want to be in Vale when it happens."

"Yeah, but Becky will be there," lamented Bear. "Do you really want to be around her for days on end while half of Remnant boogies down in one city?"

"How about we just get this delivery done?" asked Kitt. "I mean, we've been trying to hand this thing over for weeks. If we don't deliver it now, we're likely to get swept up in another crazy adventure."

"I want to shoot you down, Li'l Britches, but I think you might be right," relented Bear as he looked around at a few of the faunus that were watching him with avaricious eyes. "Just got to find the address for it."

Picking who looked like the most trustworthy and knowledgeable person in the crowd, Bear moseyed on over as best he could and asked them where the address listed on the letter was. The local seemed quite surprised, but nevertheless pointed them towards the destination and described it. Bear thanked them for their help and continued on for a few minutes until they crested a hill.

"Oh, you gotta be kidding me," declared Bear in an exasperated voice as he looked out at the "big house at the end of the road" that had been described by the local.

"Big house"? It was more like a palace! It was easily the biggest house on the island, at least that they could see. In fact, if the guards out front were any indication, it was a palace. Just who was Miss Nikos's friend writing to?

"After you, Papa Bear," Kitt said with a wave of his hands and what might have been wary sarcasm.

With a heavy sigh, Bear started to walk towards the estate, Kitt following behind. "This has got to be easier than dealing with sky pirates."

As they approached, a guard -- tall and strong with pointed buck teeth, in black and gold armor -- came up and challenged them. "Halt, human. What is your business here?"

"Whoa there, big guy!" said Bear confidently. "We're just here to deliver a letter to…" -- he brought out the letter again and read off the name -- "Ghira Belladonna. I was told this was the right address?"

He turned the letter just enough that the guard was able to read the address.

"You're at the right spot," admitted the guard, "but why would Beacon Academy send a courier like this?"

"I don't know, man. I just deliver things," Bear defended himself. "I mean, who would trust a mailman that read your mail or asked you why you were sending it?"

"Good point," the guard relented, reaching into his pocket briefly. "Very well, you may deliver it."

Kitt elbowed Bear in the leg. "See? What did I tell you, Papa Bear? No problem."

The pilot looked down and gave a half-glare/half-smile. "You didn't say a thing about that."

"'Papa Bear'?" asked the guard curiously, looking him over. "You're a faunus?"

"No, I'm human. My name is Bear," he explained. "So, when can we meet Mister Belladonna, and who is he, anyways?"

The guard's eyebrows shot up. "You don't know? You're on Menagerie, and you don't know who rules it?"

"Sorry, I don't follow politics," Bear shrugged. "I can barely keep track of who's on the Vale Council, and I live there… sometimes."

The guard looked down at Kitt, who shrugged as well. "I mostly looked over the supplies part of the brochure, not the government section."

The guard shook his head. "Ghira Belladonna is the chieftain, which means he's in charge around here."

Before either could form a response to that, the massive doors to the house opened, and out stepped a big man wearing a form of purple robe and sporting a bare furry chest that looked like it came straight out of a body spray commercial or some woman's romance book. A full, thick beard and matching black mane completed the 'manlier than you' look. His height -- or rather, his abundance of it -- helped that impression along a fair bit, not that either Bear or Kitt were intimidated by it at all. No siree...

"Can I help you, gentlemen?" asked Ghira calmly and somewhat curiously.

Bear strode up to him and offered the letter with a flourish. "Here you go, Mister Belladonna. One letter. You would not believe what we had to go through to get this to you."

"Yeah, I can barely believe it myself, and I lived through it," said Kitt as he crossed his arms. "Just thinking about how to explain it makes me sound like a crazy person."

Ghira took the letter from Bear. "We all have times like that, but the important thing is that you followed through."

"Thank you, your chieftain-ness," replied Bear, reaching into one of his pockets and pulling out a multi-tool. "Need any help with that?"

"No need," said Ghira with a smile before deploying from one finger a single claw that he used to slice open the envelope.

Bear repocketed his multi-tool as Ghira brought out the letter from the envelope. "Well, alrighty then. I'll be off. Pleasure doing business with you."

Bear and Kitt had just turned around when Ghira held up a hand and spoke again.

"Just a moment," he asked. "Before you go, might I ask who gave you this letter?"

Bear blinked before giving a confident smile. "Why, Pyrrha Nikos, of course, the greatest champion in Beacon Academy. She said a friend of hers wrote it. Not that I was too keen to pry."

"I see. Thank you for delivering this, and safe travels," offered Ghira.

"Anytime," replied Bear easily before walking off.

"Finally," said Kitt in exasperation when they were back on the street. "Come on, Papa Bear. Let's get back to Vale. If we're lucky, we should be able to get there just after commencement."

"Ha! Want to make a bet on that?" offered Bear. "I think I can be there before the big parade."

"Without a navigator?" asked Kitt sarcastically. "I'm in. I mean, who would want to be stuck watching the parade on TV?"

"Again, limited activity, Lord Megatron," stressed Ambulon as he walked alongside the Decepticon leader.

The two of them were walking through Nemesis's dimly-lit corridors.

"Don't worry, Ambulon," Megatron assured him. "I'll keep your advice in mind." His optics narrowed lazily. "Besides, it seems the humans have some local festival going on. I could do with a little... entertainment."

At that, they emerged onto the bridge of the grounded starship.

"But first..." he said, leaving Ambulon at the hatch as he climbed into the throne-like captain's chair. "Megatron to Soundwave."

A holographic comm screen flashed into existence in front of Megatron. "Soundwave receiving."


"As you command, Lord Megatron. The space bridge is nearly complete. Substitutions for some components were required. Sideways warns that reliability is not guaranteed."

"Unfortunate," Megatron acknowledged. When one was working with such a primitive technological base, compromises had to be made. "Our energon supplies?"


"Hmm," Megatron mused. "With the increased scrutiny the SDC will be under in light of recent events, it seems this partnership is beginning to outlive its usefulness. Intelligence gathering on the Autobots and their allies?"

"Proceeding," Soundwave reported. "Field operatives expect new breakthroughs soon."

"And our newest... ally?"

Something in Soundwave's optics glittered with interest, for those who knew what to look for in his otherwise expressionless faceplate.

"Miss Fall has proven useful in acquiring additional... resources and has been quite informative about events on this world," was the intelligence officer's reply.

"Events our... 'partners' have omitted?"

"Events they are largely unaware of."

Megatron's lips curled into a cruel smile. "Even better. And how dependable is she?"

"As dependable as Starscream."

"Ahh," Megatron said, nodding in understanding. "Very dependable then."

After all, one could always depend on Starscream to be Starscream.

"Shall we begin preparations for counterstrike operations?"

"Yes," Megatron ordered. "But execute on my order only." He leaned back. "I'm feeling... nostalgic. Let's not interrupt the festivities just yet."


"Megatron out."

As the screen dissolved, Megatron turned to Demolishor and gave a smile. "Send me all the data we have on those participating in the tournament and bring up a selection of broadcast channels that will have coverage of the events."

"You got it, Lord Megatron," declared the lower-ranked Decepticon as he went about completing the given task.

Megatron sat back in his throne as the holographic screen appeared again and split to show a variety of human news channels as they prepared for one of the many parades scheduled, this one featuring all the academy students that had successfully qualified to participate in the Vytal Tournament through means unique to each school.

It was not dissimilar to the celebrations that preceded some of the higher-end gladiatorial tournaments he'd either watched from a distance or even participated in before the revolution. He just wished he had some Chase Chips handy, or even some basic energon goodies, but now was not the time for such frivolous waste.

Instead, he simply settled in to enjoy the show.

"Now, let's see just what these vaunted students are truly capable of."

As she marched behind Pyrrha and between Weiss and Yang, Blake couldn't help but feel annoyed and restless. The parade was meant to show off the Huntsman students who would be participating in the Vytal Tournament, marching down the streets, four abreast by teams. As first-years and the representatives of the host kingdom's academy, Team RWBY was up front, right behind Team JNPR, whose recent exploits had added to Pyrrha's existing fame to make them a crowd favorite. She suspected that Weiss -- and herself, Blake reluctantly admitted, given what she'd learned about how paper thin her disguise had actually been with older generations -- had earned Team RWBY the second spot. Behind them was Team CRDL, and behind them -- just in front of Team CFVY in the lead of Beacon's second-years -- was Team SHDW; she hadn't even been aware Team SHDW existed and suspected they might have some ninja training. Somewhere behind the second years was a float carrying a replica of the Empty Throne, with the third- and fourth-years behind it to complete Beacon's representatives in the parade. Behind them would be Haven's -- as the next host for the Vytal Festival -- then Shade's, then Atlas's.

She couldn't help but feel like the whole exercise was a waste of time. With the greater threat of the Decepticons looming over them, the White Fang's betrayal of Cinder, and the recent reminder from the SDC of what she'd joined the White Fang to fight in the first place all those years ago, she'd been willing -- albeit reluctantly -- to leave the White Fang on the backburner, following leads only when they presented themselves instead of actively hunting them down.

And then Team JNPR dropped the bombshell of what they'd uncovered under Mountain Glenn: an abandoned White Fang base with an extensive and functional underground rail network and hints of plans for a major operation and a promise of vengeance... a ticking countdown to something terrible, if she knew Adam. And she knew Adam.

She should be out on the streets, hunting them down, not in the street, marching in a parade.

Blake's mind wandered as the parade continued. She'd thought she might have had a lead with the rescue of the kidnap victims. She of course knew Maple, but she also recognized Vix. He was White Fang, and not just support like Maple, but an active member, in the thick of operations. She'd tried to question him, but...

"You think I'm gonna talk to you when I didn't talk to that psycho who did this to me, princess?" He snorted. "That's a good one."

Vix was always a hard man, dedicated to the cause, but he'd also been one of the... pricklier members Blake knew. His dislike of humans wasn't quite as virulent as Adam's raw hatred, but it seemed more... ingrained. Adam's rage ran hot and cold, but Vix's sneering disdain was ever-present.

"You're in custody right now," she pointed out, prowling around his hospital bed. "You think they'll let you go if they found out you're a member of the White Fang?"

"Who's going to tell them?" he countered. "You? And how are you going to explain that? You gonna tell the Vale PD that Beacon's recruiting from the White Fang now? Can't imagine how they'd take that."

Blake felt a chill run down her spine at the thought, but then again, she was beginning to learn that her identity wasn't as hidden as she'd thought.

"Besides," he continued, "you narc on me... you just prove the bitch who did this
right, and while you left us, I don't think you've actually given up the cause. Your move, your worshipfulness."

And Vix... had been right. She hadn't given up the cause. Her threat had ultimately been a bluff, even though she hadn't considered it one when she delivered it. Not until he'd pointed out the likely consequences. She had been willing to turn herself in to expose him, but not if it meant proving the SDC right.

The SDC's kidnapping and interrogation spree didn't make sense if Sunfire worked for them. It had cost them so much for essentially nothing Sunfire couldn't tell them already, a poor return on investment indeed, and regardless of how Blake felt about the SDC, she was willing to admit that they were very good at getting a return on investment. Which meant Sunfire worked for someone else. But who?

The most likely thing that seemed to fit was if Sunfire worked for Salem, the whole betrayal of Cinder an elaborate scheme to ingratiate herself deeper into Adam and the White Fang's confidence, perhaps also to bring Cinder down in the eyes of the Queen of the Grimm if they were vying for power and position.

Or perhaps there was something to the conspiracy ramblings from Penny's teammate. Maybe she was working for this "Cobra."

Or maybe it was MECH. Adam had mentioned Primus, and MECH knew about the Decepticons, had clashed with them at times, if Starscream's rant to Barricade was to be believed.

That's right. Adam had mentioned Primus, which meant whoever Sunfire was working for, she knew about the transformers.

Was she working for the Decepticons, perhaps? General Ironwood seemed convinced that the Decepticons would betray Atlas and the SDC. Was this their opening move on that front? Was the SDC's abduction and interrogation operation done in fear of that?

Then again, there was that "Cliffjumper" that Teams CFVY, RRFL, and JNPR had run into. Could Sunfire be working for his faction? It made a certain amount of sense. He considered the White Fang "half-measures," after all, but that didn't mean all of his faction necessarily agreed with him.

There was also the more... convoluted possibilities. Sunfire's Grimm mask matched that of Raven, Yang's mother. And Raven had once worked for Ozpin. Raven had saved Ruby during the raid on Starscream's lab and certainly knew about the Decepticons. Sunfire had gotten the White Fang to betray and expose Cinder. Was Raven Sunfire? Was she actually still working for Ozpin? Was this all some bizarre chess game by Ozpin?!

Sunfire had to be working for someone, though. Adam had confirmed that much, had in fact claimed that he knew who she worked for...

...unless, of course, Adam had been lying. It wouldn't have been the first time. Except if he was... then where did he hear the name "Primus"? If it even was a name.

A shock, like a bucket of ice water tossed upon the head, ran through her. That complex that they had discovered all those months ago had been destroyed, and some of the battle damage looked familiar... like it might have come from Moonslice, Adam's semblance. She'd almost forgotten that detail. It was entirely possible that he knew about the Decepticons, then, and was actively fighting against them; he might have even rescued the prisoners and formed an alliance with these "Autobots" that Cliffjumper was a part of, but if that was the case, then...

Blake resisted the urge to panic as her eyes began to dart all around her field of vision.

Adam would never work with anyone unless they were as committed to the destruction of the Four Kingdoms of Man as he was, and if he had been exposed to what had happened in the factory they had discovered... then he would have become even more uncompromisingly fanatical. Cinder was destructive, yes, but she was still human. The Autobots, on the other hand, would decidedly not fall into that category, and if Cliffjumper was anything to judge by, then they were just as fanatical as Adam was. If they had destroyed entire worlds in their war, then they would not stop at Remnant, but they might settle for only part of a world if they could gain an ally in their fight, an ally who would just need help fulfilling his own ultimate goal.

Adam Taurus was planning to wipe mankind from existence, and at that moment, Blake Belladonna was the only person on the planet who could stop him.

Unfortunately, saving humanity had to wait until she was out of this accursed parade.

She tried not to fret as the parade crossed the last of the Bifrost Bridges and began the final stretch toward the city's central square where the two rivers met -- in front of what had once been the Royal Palace of Vale before it was converted into the Parliamentary Building -- which had been cordoned off for family and other guests of the tournament competitors.

Blake couldn't help but smile at the large gaggle of blonds waving eagerly at the team in front of her. Oh, and the other blond -- Mr. Xiao Long -- waving at her own team. She noticed a frown on Weiss's face, and as she glanced out and noticed a distinct lack of any snowcapped heads in the crowd, she unconsciously reached out to clasp the Atlesian girl's hand comfortingly, a grip her friend returned, along with a faint smile.

Blake wasn't exactly surprised at the lack of Schnees. Weiss had last parted with her sister on poor terms, to say the least, and from what she'd said, it seemed her brother was turning into a clone of their father. And the less said about their parents, the better.

She was aware of Ren and Nora's situation. But where was Pyrrha's family?

As the parade broke up, and the two teams approached the blondageddon, she couldn't help but nudge Pyrrha, who glanced at her and, seeing the obvious question, explained, "My family won't be attending, I'm afraid. Mother is ill, and she hates flying anyway."

Now that they had closed the distance, Blake could see there were six of the blonds, seven if you counted Mr. Xiao Long, who had engulfed his daughters in a big hug. In the lead were obviously Jaune's parents. His father was a middle aged heavyset man with a paunch that she could tell hid a lot of power underneath, the build of a weightlifter or a wrestler gone to fat. His hair was greying significantly, though the golden streaks that persisted proved where Jaune and his sisters got their blond locks. Jaune's mother was of an age to match her husband, plump with lines appearing on her face. Her hair was sandy, rather than gold, with streaks of grey sprinkled in, though her eyes matched the rest of the family's.

To Blake's eyes, Weiss seemed positively transfixed by the sight of the Arc clan. Was the idea of such a happy, loving -- and large -- family that novel to her? The thought made Blake want to pull her into a hug.

"Mom, Dad, I'm... surprised you made it," Jaune said hesitantly.

"And miss our son and daughter's first Vytal Tournament?" laughed the older man, vibrant blue eyes twinkling.

Jaune froze at that. "Verte's here?"

"HAHAHA! Hey, there, little brother!" another blonde cheered as she bounded into the gathering, colliding into the Arc family, trailed by three other people moving at a far more sedate pace. Blake stared. The girl was about Ruby's height and wore a pair of goggles strapped to her head, putting some semblance of order to the chaotic mop of golden hair that matched most of the rest of the Arc family. Her outfit consisted of tactical webbing over a long-sleeved olive green ribbed sweater... over a pair of fiery red short-shorts and black combat boots. Blake couldn't even begin to figure out what the monstrosity of a weapon on her back was.

Jaune gave her a flat look. "Verte, I'm older and taller than you."

"So?" she sniffed. "Who had to save you from-?"

"Ah ah ah!" protested Jaune. "What are you even doing here, Verte? Isn't Team Vantablack supposed to still be back at Haven? Banned after burning down the gym?"

Blake blinked. She'd burned down the gym?

"That building totally wasn't up to code!" came the huffed reply as Verte crossed her arms and turned her back on him. "And for your information, Team Vantablack's punishment was cut short due to a..." -- at this, her voice dropped sadly -- "...a sudden shortage of faculty at Haven."

Oh. That explained... well, not everything, not even remotely close to everything actually, but it did explain why they were here now when they hadn't been all semester.

Jaune looked pensive. "How are you holding up, Verte?" he asked.

"I'm fine," his sister insisted, hugging herself defensively.

"Anyway," Mr. Arc interjected, "Rouge and Saphron couldn't make it, so why don't you two introduce us to your teams?"

With that, introductions were made all around. Verte's team -- Team VTLK -- consisted of an imposing young man with dark curly hair and a full beard that made him look much older named Hector Troy, an androgynous... person whose gender Blake was unclear on who wore a mischievous smile and a confusing array of sashes and banners named Lauren Fey, and a female faunus with horse legs and dark hair partially hidden behind impressively embroidered clothing named Alkim Khojaeva. Each of them had their weapons strapped to their backs: Hector a simple-looking spear, augmented by a long dagger at his hip, Lauren a staff, and Alkim a bow.

As for the Arc family, Jaune was apparently the third-born, with the absent Rouge and Saphron older than him. Verte -- who had devolved into some complicated engineering discussion with Ruby -- was a year younger and apparently a prodigy who got into Haven a year early, with Bleu next, then the twins Celeste and Marie who were playing with Yang, and then finally the youngest, Violette, who was currently getting a piggyback ride from Nora. The sisters all had the same golden blond hair and bright blue eyes Jaune had and were thankfully color-coded in their attire.

"And of course, this is my mom, Isabelle," Jaune said, "and my dad, Jacques d'Arc."

"Jacques d'Arc?" Weiss sputtered, finally coming out of her seeming stupor to jab an accusing finger at the older man. "I thought you looked familiar!" She whirled and glared at Jaune, a furious look on her face. "Why didn't you tell us you were the heir to the Empty Throne?!"

Blake felt her eyebrows rise in surprise, and she wasn't the only one to shoot Team JNPR's leader a questioning look.

"Weiss," Jaune said with a tone of long-suffering patience, "House Arc renounced any claim to the throne long ago."

"Actually, the Regency Council could still nullify our renunciation with a unanimous vote," Mr. Arc corrected. "Lord Winchester actually approached me, hinting at such an offer, shortly after that silly documentary aired."

"What did you tell him?" Blake found herself asking.

Jacques gave an unrepentantly cheerful grin and replied, "Why, I told him to stuff it."

Weiss's eyes bulged incredulously. "You- you-?!"

"Hey, hold up!" interrupted Nora, Violette still riding her shoulders. "Would someone mind filling the rest of us in here?"

Weiss drew herself up primly. "On a lark, I once decided to do some research on my father's side of the family when I was a child," she narrated. "I didn't find anything noteworthy about them, but I did stumble across a documentary while looking into East Valish history. Technically, the Regency Council is only holding stewardship 'temporarily' until a legitimate heir can be found, and the documentary included an interview with the man who would theoretically have the strongest claim to the Empty Throne: Jacques d'Arc."

"It's not really any big deal," Jaune insisted, scratching the back of his neck in obvious embarrassment. "There are a lot of cadet lines from House Zoroaster, and we split off, like, ten generations ago."

"Yes," Weiss agreed, "but that's still closer than any other extant line, and unlike you, they've all been disowned in disgrace at some point." She shook her head. "All that history... I just want to know why you didn't tell anyone."

Jaune sighed and closed his eyes as a pregnant pause fell on the group. He reopened them and asked quietly, "Do you know House Arc's family motto, Weiss? It's 'c'est la seule vertu qui donne la noblesse.'"

The snowcapped girl's forehead wrinkled in thought as she tried to translate the Old East Valish.

"In modern Valish," he continued, "it means, 'virtue alone confers nobility.' It's why I came to Beacon, Weiss. I want to actually live up to that legacy, be remembered for what I've done, not what some dead guys have done just because I happen to be related to them. Why do you think I dropped the traditional 'd' from my name?"

"Oh." Weiss seemed to deflate at that. "I suppose... I suppose I understand that."

Blake found herself nodding in agreement as Pyrrha, interestingly, did the same.

"The traditional Arc lands are still recovering from the damage done during the Great War, and the royal line is defunct. None of that matters. " He smiled and added, "Besides, the press would hardly be calling us 'the Pride of Mistral' if I was a pretender to the Valean throne, and that's a title we earned."

"Wait," Verte said, raising her head. "They call you what?"

"The Pride of Mistral," Jaune answered, a little smugly, if Blake were to judge. "Since we're all from Mistral, and-"

"Why do you get to be the Pride of Mistral?!" Verte shrieked. "You don't even go to Haven, and you get an awesome nickname like that?!"

"Yeah," Lauren said, mischievous smile growing broader. "That's not what they call us."

"What do they call you?" Yang asked, looking up from the game she'd been playing with the Arc twins.

Verte buried her face in her hands. "Please don't," she begged.

"Haven's Shame," was Lauren's unrepentant reply. "We picked it up, oh, around halfway into the first semester, after we had an incident in the chemistry lab that forced them to evacuate the whole academy."

"That. Is. Awesome!" Nora cheered.

As she let the comfortable, friendly chatter wash over her, Blake couldn't help but feel a pang in her heart. She hadn't spoken to her parents in almost six years now. She wondered what they would think of her now.

Ghira turned the letter over in his hands again, then unfolded it and laid it on his desk, staring at the immaculate handwriting inside. It certainly looked like the kind of handwriting he'd expect from who it claimed to be from. The stationary looked like it came from Beacon.

But it couldn't be real. What it was claiming was... nonsense. It had to be a forgery, no matter what the spark of hope he felt thought.

The only question was... why?

He clenched his hands. Real or not, he needed to have words with whoever had sent this. Yes, that plan of action would do. Go to Vale, find whoever sent this, and feed them their entrails for trying to use his daughter's memory to trick him.

"No," his wife's voice interrupted his thoughts.

Ghira blinked and looked at her. "No, what?"

"No," she repeated. "You are not haring off to Vale to hunt down whoever sent this letter. You are needed here."


"I'll go," Kali interrupted walking up to him. "I can take one of the Night Ravens, make a refueling stop at Ana's, and be there in a day or so. It'll also give me a chance to ask about that bomb we've been hearing about. I'll bring back a souvenir. And maybe their spine if it turns out to be a trick."


This time, she didn't bother using words to interrupt him, as her lips met his.

An hour later, Kali Belladonna was walking over to the main military airstrip, pulling a suitcase along behind her. Menagerie might not officially qualify as one of the great kingdoms, but it was hardly defenseless. MARS had been quite accommodating, willing to offer significant discounts to Menagerie for their latest products... which in turn increased demand from the more paranoid members of the other kingdoms' governments for MARS's products.

It was a cold, ruthlessly calculated policy, aimed at increasing revenue. It also helped ensure Menagerie could defend itself from raiders and Grimm, while discouraging... less enlightened members of the human race from any aggressive adventurism in their direction.

She paused at the gates for a quick -- but thorough -- security check. Semblances being as wide and varied as they were, certain measures had to be taken every time for everyone. Once that bit of necessary unpleasantness was done, she passed through the gate, under the wrought iron reminder of what the Army for Defense of Menagerie fought for: "Never Again."

'Our hope is not yet lost,' she thought as she stepped into a locker room to change into a pressure suit before continuing on toward the Night Raven waiting for her. Menagerie was a hard land, a hostile land, a land surrounded by enemies, both Grimm and other creatures nearly as deadly and hostile. But the people of Menagerie were a tough people. They had endured much, but they still had hope. Menagerie, Kali thought, was a testament to just how far hope could carry you.

"Dainty," she greeted the pilot.

With her allergies, it was no surprise the pilot was already wrapped up in her own pressure suit, the wings that sprouted from her back folded up into a special pouch built into the back of it. Standardization of equipment wasn't really possible for the ADM, which tended to hurt their budget, but needs must.

"Ma'am," Dainty Dish returned the greeting. "We're fueled and just about ready to fly."

"Then let's get going."

They walked out to the waiting black aircraft, sleek and deadly-looking alongside its three fellows, and as they did, Kali felt somewhat self-conscious about her luggage rattling along behind her. She had tried to pack light, but she wasn't precisely sure just how much weight the speedy vehicle would be able to take before it was a problem. She wouldn't voice her concerns, though, trusting in Dainty Dish and the numerous support personnel working on the craft even to that moment to do their jobs well.

The allergy-prone pilot stopped and talked to the crew chief, and Kali held back just far enough to be polite. Soon though, they were finished, and they would be cleared for takeoff just as soon as Dainty finished her systems check. Remarkably, Kali had learned long ago that this was in fact normal for pilots, and it was part of the reason why air accidents were so low once one removed Grimm from the statistics.

While the check was going on, Kali gave her luggage away to be stored in the correct compartment and then sat down in the rear-facing gunner's seat of the command sled that was hanging under the nose of the aircraft. In case of Grimm pursuit, the pilot would accelerate the craft to Mach 3.5 and climb to the very limit of dust, somewhere around 80,000 feet, while the person in the gunner's seat would operate the two .80 autocannons in a concealed turret and the targeting for the all-aspect missiles. On that day, it would be Kali herself who operated the weapons systems, and it was perhaps one of the reasons she was nervous.

It certainly wasn't that she would be having six steely-eyed missile men -- and Dainty Dish -- watching after her for the next few days. Night Raven crews were trained for VIP protection as a precaution for just these sorts of situations. It would be no different than relying on the house guards for protection.

No, it was the possibility of what she might find at her destinations, either of them. The bomb that everyone had heard about, the explosion that tore an Atlesian cruiser apart and set a forest aflame… she had a pretty good idea of where it came from. The very fact that no one else seemed to know, though, made it abundantly clear that something had gone terribly, terribly wrong.

Then there was what she might find at Beacon. Either she would find her daughter alive and remorseful, or she would find a young heiress too broken to realize just how wrong what she was doing was. The truth was both hard to discern in this matter and largely irrelevant. She would be at the Vytal Tournament before the first rounds were finished, and all would be revealed then.

"Ma'am, the aircraft is good to--aaaah, aaaahh, achoooo!--go," reported Dainty Dish with a quite terrific sneeze that she bent over to direct onto the pavement. That finished, and wasting no more time, she sat down in the pilot's chair and began to buckle herself in. "Helmets, please."

Two of the ground crew came up and gave a final check on Kali's suit and restraints before attaching a large helmet to her head. Likewise was done with Dainty Dish. Their tasks completed, the support personnel retreated as the bottom half of the cockpit raised itself up into the body of the Night Raven.

The rest of the take-off procedure was a blur to Kali until it got to the part where she had to participate in the checking of her systems. Soon it was all finished then. The only thing left to do was take off.

"Control, this is Crucis Two. Engines online, sensors online, weapons online: all systems nominal. Ready on Runway Two," reported Dainty Dish.

A chorus of similar lines from the other three Night Ravens came in, and then the air traffic controller cleared them for takeoff. What happened next, she didn't see, as she closed her eyes and refused to look out, having already grown to dread the takeoff procedures. Perhaps it was more pleasant for the pilot, but that was something she was unable to fathom. Even so, she still felt the harness holding her in her seat dig into her shoulders as they picked up speed.

Then, suddenly, they were in the air, and the powerful engines were driving them off to both the familiar and the unknown.

Life for the COPS was not easy. For decades, organized crime had held an iron grip on Mistral's underbelly. After the Great War ended, the defeated kingdoms of Mantle and Mistral had been thrown into chaos. Mantle had been gifted with the firm hand of General Joseph Colton to guide them, but Mistral had not been so lucky.

Bereft of the privileges and comforts they had been accustomed to, Mistral's former nobility had responded in different ways. Some chose to cling to the past, meticulously holding to ancient traditions and reliving old glories. Others accepted the new situation, adapting and moving on, but never forgetting. And still others simply turned their resources toward other means of maintaining the lifestyles they were used to.

And with the well-entrenched nobility stripped of their titles and the occupation forces' leadership unable or unwilling to connect with the people, Mistral had been left rudderless and discontent, a prime brewing ground of opportunity for those willing to seize it, noble and commoner alike.

After decades of this situation festering and law enforcement barely able to keep up, Mistral had gained a reputation as a wretched hive of scum and villainy, even moreso than the literally lawless Vacuo. This had come to a head with the ascendance to power of the criminal mastermind Brandon Babel, whose fingers reached into so many pies that he became known simply as "Big Boss." The Mistrali populace had reached a breaking point and demanded of the Mistralian Council a final end to the banditry and extortion that ravaged them all. In response, the council called upon the most upright lawman in the land, who formed the Central Organization of Police Specialists, an elite law enforcement organization dedicated to bringing order to chaos. They'd recruited the best of the best from the world over.

The COPS were fighting an uphill battle from day one, issued code names to protect their identities and shield their families from reprisal. The criminal underworld was as deeply entrenched in Mistral as the noble hierarchy of old. Bribery and corruption were endemic across Anima; only the wealthiest of houses clinging to long ago days of honor and glory, the most insignificant of settlements, the Atlesian-patrolled streets of Argus, and the halls of those following the noblest of callings were free of it.

Or so it had seemed, at least.

Baldwin P. "Bulletproof" Vess watched the bullpen where his people worked. Headmaster Lionheart's assassination had cast a pall on much of Mistral, and what they had found was disturbing. They had yet to break the news of the mysterious Grimm they'd found in the secret room adjoining the headmaster's office, not until they had a better grasp as to why.

"This is getting us nowhere," muttered LongArm, running a hand through his short-cropped blond hair as he tossed another distressingly incomplete file from the late Headmaster Lionheart's office on his desk. "I could be visiting my sister in Vale, enjoying the Vytal Festival."

"I've never been too fond of paperwork m'self," agreed Sundown, stroking his handlebar mustache and paging through another folder, "but this is ridiculous. Even back on Patch, we kept better records than this."

And that was saying something. The Patch Rangers were combination lawmen and Huntsmen, given a lot of individual latitude, and their disdain for paperwork and record-keeping was second only to Vacuo's.

"Look at this," Mirage said, holding up the file she had. "Three faculty recommendations for Nadir Shiko to be named team leader, proposed team name Sapphire, but instead, he names Arslan Altan leader of Team Auburn. There's definitely something fishy here."

"There's nothing on that mystery Grimm in the computer records," reported Mainframe, the young blonde computer expert shaking her head in frustration.

"Yeah, but... I swear, that thing looks familiar," mused Hardtop, dark eyes glued to the photograph taken of the unidentified floating Grimm found in the secret room off of Lionheart's office before it had been slain.

"I ran the photo through the interkingdom Huntsman database," Mainframe disagreed. "There's nothing like this on record in the last thirty years."

"So..." Hardtop said, "maybe we should be looking back further." His eyes widened, and he snapped his fingers. "That's it!" He bolted from the bullpen.

The other COPS looked at each other in confusion before bolting after him.

Several minutes later, they were crowded around Hardtop in the break room, who had pulled out a book of mythology, of all things. "The Tale of Two Princes," he explained. "I heard it when I was a kid, supposedly happened before Mistral was founded. Two brothers, Prince Mongkut and Prince Narong, were out hunting Grimm when they encountered one that spoke, naming them each king and father of the king hereafter. It bargained with them and prophesied a great victory against the western kingdom at the cost of their father's life. When the prophecy came true, the two fell into civil war, paving the way for Mistral to emerge from the ashes."

"But the historical records don't exactly line up with the tale," pointed out Mainframe.

"Yeah," he acknowledged as he found the page he was looking for, "but listen. 'And the Seer floated on the wind, as if by magic, anchored to the ground by long tendrils.' See?" He flipped it over, showing an early drawing of the Grimm. It didn't quite look like the one they'd found in Haven, but the resemblance was uncanny.

"Isn't that the symbol that Grimm cult we busted a while back used?" LongArm frowned.

"Probably based off the legend," Hardtop agreed. "But... what if it wasn't just based off the legend?"

The streets of Vale were nice this time of year, reflected Twilight Sparkle as she explored the city with her team. Fall was in the air, the water was clear, and it looked like the whole world had turned out to see it.

It reminded her of Atlas. Not the Atlas she lived in most of her life and called home, with its stark beauty and hidden warmth, but the Atlas that had come alive during the 39th Vytal Festival just two years ago. An explosion of sound and color had turned a city that might seem cold and austere to some -- even with the MARS-brand Weather Dominator ensuring more temperate weather conditions -- into something much more warm and inviting to people of all walks of life.

She missed those Atlases. Even without the festivities, Atlas had been her home. But now, that home was tainted. Now, she felt the chill that foreigners spoke of when visiting Atlas. It didn't feel like home anymore.

Her scroll buzzed.


"Hey, Twi."

"Spike!" she cheered at her favorite cousin's voice. "What's up?"

"Nothing much," he replied. "But I was in the area with some friends from the Oktober Guard and decided to check out the Vytal Festival. Figured I'd say hi."

"You're here?!" she squealed excitedly. "You're in town? We have to meet up! I have to introduce you to my team!" She paused. "And you'll have to explain this 'Oktober Guard' thing to me."

Shortly after that, Team FIST found themselves by the Indigo Bridge, an area that was relatively calm and peaceful, considering the celebrations going on elsewhere... in that people on the bridge were more focused on getting across than seeing the sights, as there were no stands, carnival games, or other shows on the bridge or in its immediate area to hold their attention.

"So where's the Mini-Me?" Spike asked with what seemed like forced cheer. "You didn't leave him all alone in Atlas, did you?"

"Of course not!" Twilight retorted. "He's back at the dorm. I couldn't exactly bring him with me on the parade, after all."

"You have no idea how hard it was to convince her to leave him behind," Indigo deadpanned.

Twilight pouted, feeling betrayed. Rather than complain, however, she decided to move forward, introducing the rest of her team to her cousin and vice versa. It really was good to see him again. Talking on the scroll was just not the same.

"Come on," Sunny declared, "there's a wonderful food stand near here, serves the best fish skewers."

"All right, all right," Spike chuckled. "Lead on, milady."

As the five of them began to thread their way through the crowd, Twilight was startled when Spike placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, Twi," he said. "How are things going in Atlas? Everything okay up there these days?"

"I... haven't exactly been up there since, you know, the bomb..."

"Right. The bomb."

Something about that bothered Twilight. He'd almost seemed surprised at the reminder of the bomb. She wasn't exactly the most socially aware, but... but Spike had been talking to her about this new "petroleum" thing they were working on in Vacuo, had invited her to get in on the ground floor, so to speak. Which would have required moving to Vacuo. And he'd been getting strangely insistent on it...

"Things have been... changing, up in Atlas," she admitted warily. "It started a year and a half ago or so. I'm not sure what, but... people are scared. I think- I think even General Ironwood is scared." She looked over at him, her eyes searching. "But... you already knew that, didn't you?"

He flinched at the accusation. "I can't... I can't say much-"

"How?" she demanded in a hushed whisper. "You live in Vacuo! How could you possibly know what's going on in Atlas?"

He was saved from answering when they caught up to the rest of her team at the fish stand. Her team... who didn't know about her own poking around with her old friends on Team JSPR. As her teammates took turns getting their delicious fried goodies, Twilight chewed her lip thoughtfully. So much had changed, and despite their best efforts, she and Team JSPR had made little progress.

"Spike?" she asked quietly. "What do you know?"

"I know enough that I know I don't want you going back to Atlas."

She considered that with a sinking feeling. It was confirmation he knew something... and that what was going on involved some very dangerous people. People in Atlas.

"Tell me what you know," she hissed.

"I..." He averted his gaze. "I can't," he said. "Not without checking in with some people first."

"Hey," Indigo said, looking over her shoulder at them. "You guys gonna get your fish-on-a-stick or what?"

"Sure thing," Spike said as if nothing was wrong, and the two cousins stepped up to the food stand.

Shortly thereafter, the five teens were walking aimlessly through the crowds, consuming their piscine packages of grease and cholesterol, chatting amiably among themselves. Twilight, however, wasn't much of a conversationalist. She never had been, even on the best of days, and today definitely wasn't the best of days.

Whatever it was... it was big. Bigger than her. Bigger than Team JSPR. Bigger than General Ironwood.

She looked around at them. Spike was her cousin. Team FIST was her team. More than that, as much as her friends on Team JSPR disliked it, they were her friends too. Without them, she wouldn't be here, training to be a Huntress. She wouldn't be competing in the Vytal Tournament this week. She'd probably just be happily walled up in some lab in Atlas, researching while the world passed her by.

While this thing with Teams RWBY and JNPR and General Ironwood and Park Place went on without her even knowing about it.

"Guys," she said, her voice breaking into the conversation. She looked up at each of them as they turned to her with curiosity clearly evident. "I need to tell you something."

Silverstream could barely contain her excitement as she vibrated through the grounds of Beacon, her little brother and parents in tow.

"Slow down, sis," complained her little brother Terramar. "Things aren't that exciting."

Not that exciting? Not that exciting?! Was he insane? He must have been, because there was no way he could be saying at that time that there was no reason to be excited when the Vytal Festival Tournament was in Vale, and Weiss Schnee, the most amazing and awesome singer to have ever existed, was going to be competing.

Oh, she was just so cool, literally! She specialized in using ice dust perfectly to control the flow of the battlefield, and she did it all with a calm and grace that put everyone else to shame. Not that she would ever publicly shame someone, of course, because she was one of the kindest and most generous people on Remnant, which was only to be expected of the granddaughter of the great Nicholas Schnee! ...oh, and her father too. He was all right, she guessed.

But that wasn't all! Weiss had teammates! According to the brochure for the tournament, they were Ruby Rose, Blake Belladonna, and Yang Xiao Long. Together, they formed Team RWBY, and… oh, how they qualified for the tournament was so incredible that Silverstream didn't even want to think about it.

So instead, she switched topics. "How can you say that, Terry?!" she demanded. "You, of all people, should be able to understand that. I mean, you met Weiss Schnee, for goodness' sakes."

"Sis, it wasn't a big deal to me. I'm not the one carrying a bag full of seven snowflake shirts... while wearing one," protested the little scoundrel.

Silverstream resisted the urge to flare out her wings, barely, something which was only possible because her mother had been forced to cut two holes in the back of the limited edition Weiss Schnee variant Team RWBY jersey for the 40th biennial Vytal Festival Tournament that she had been given. She needed every single one! She almost spent her whole allowance for the last year on it, but it had been worth it.

"Easy, you two," interrupted their father, looking quite proper in his uniform of Vale's Royal Air Lancers. "After all, there's no reason to fight. This is supposed to be a celebration of peace."

"Yes, and Weiss Schnee is going to totally kick everyone's stupid butts!" agreed Silverstream dramatically with a fist pump.

Her parents shared a look and shook their heads. They didn't understand, they couldn't understand just how great Weiss Schnee was. Still, they had helped her build her collection of Weiss Schnee memorabilia, maybe...

Her heart stopped. She was frozen in place as she saw her idol, Weiss Schnee herself, sitting at a food stand with one of her teammates and some redheaded girl. Her outfit was black and more casual, but that white hair was unmistakable. How… why… what should she do?!

Her father crouched down and handed her an envelope and pen. "Want to ask for her autograph?"

With shaking hands, Silverstream took the items carefully, and then she began to walk towards her idol. Her heart was hammering in her chest, she could feel her wings twitching, and it felt like she could just explode. Suddenly, of their own accord, her legs were moving, and she was in a sprint.


Then, just as suddenly, she was on the ground in a tangle of limbs.

"Ooof! Get off of me!" cried someone.

The two of them were untangled, somehow, and then they were looking at each other.

Whoever she was, she was a little younger and had bear ears on her head. Behind her was a woman who was obviously her mom, a man who was probably her dad, and a boy Silverstream's age who was almost certainly her brother. Clearly. She must have also been trying to get Weiss's autograph, hence the notepad and pen.

"Oh, I am so sorry. Silverstream was just a little excited," offered her mother.

"Oh no, I'm the one who should be sorry. Molly came in from a blindspot," countered the girl's mother.

"Ah, Bear, we meet again," said her father gravely.

"Hey, hey, me and the RAL are cool after that time with the pirates, buddy," said the other girl's father.

While that was going on, Silverstream sized up the other girl: Molly, she guessed. She hadn't seen her at the meetings of the Weiss Schnee Fan Club. Maybe she was from out of town?

"Hey, sorry about that," began Silverstream. "Do you want to go and try to get Weiss Schnee's autograph together?"

Molly just cocked her head. "Who's Weiss Schnee?"

Silverstream's mind came to a shrieking halt. That… that… what?! How could anyone in the world not know who Weiss Schnee, heiress to the Schnee Dust Company, Huntress-in-training, chart-topping singer, and all around amazing person was?! That was like not knowing what breathing was!

"I'm going to try and get Pyrrha Nikos's autograph," explained Molly.

"Who?" gaped Silverstream.

Molly blinked in shock, and then got rather peeved. "Pyrrha Nikos! Four time Mistral Regional Tournament champion, greatest fighter ever, one of the saviors of Vale! Her face is on every box of Pumpkin Pete's!"

Silverstream shrugged. "I don't eat non-Schnee brand cereal."

Before things could escalate further, there was an intervention. Not from their parents, as might be expected, but from the two people neither of them expected.

"Is there some sort of problem here?" asked the majestic voice of Weiss Schnee.

The two young girls turned to look and saw their idols standing above them.

"Oh, hello, Molly," said the redheaded girl. "Becky, Bear, Kitt. How are you all?"

"Same as always, Miss Nikos," said the other girl's brother.

"Oh my," said Pyrrha Nikos, her palm going up to her face.

"And don't you worry," the other girl's father said, "I got that letter where it needed to go. Put it right in his hands m'self."

"Hello again, Miss Schnee," said Terramar from behind.

"Oh, hello, Terry. It's wonderful to see you and your family are in good health," replied Weiss Schnee in that melodic voice of hers, though she seemed briefly distracted. "I hope you're all enjoying the Vytal Festival."

"We are, Miss Schnee," said her father.

"Please, call me Weiss. Miss Schnee is my sister," corrected Weiss in a calm and informative manner before looking down directly at Silverstream. "Were you looking for an autograph?"

A stunned hiss escaped her throat at that. "I… I mean… yes!"

Weiss held out her hand. "I'd be happy to."

With a hand that was only somewhat shaking, Silverstream handed over the envelope and pen. A wondrous smile decorated Weiss's perfect face as she signed her name to the paper. Then, when it seemed she was done, she looked up thoughtfully.

"Actually, would it be all right if we all signed this?" asked Weiss carefully.

"'All'?" asked her mom.

"I mean all three of us. Myself, Blake, and Pyrrha. They're my best friends, and this isn't something that comes along every day," explained Weiss, looking at Silverstream. "I mean, if that's okay with you."

"Yes!" answered Silverstream without hesitation.

After all, getting a personal autograph from her idol was something beyond reckoning, but autographs from her best friends too? The other girls in the fan club would explode! Why, Silverstream was about ready to explode too, and she was living it.

Then Blake and Pyrrha both signed the envelope, and then Weiss handed it back to her. With trembling hands, Silverstream took it. She almost wept tears of joy at it.

They had all signed it with plenty of space between: Blake Belladonna with a flower-flamey symbol next to it, Pyrrha Nikos with what looked like a spear and shield symbol, and then in beautiful calligraphy was written the name Weiss… and then under it was a message, "You are much more than the sum of your parts."

This… this was a treasure, an artifact, something to be preserved for future generations.

"Thank you," said Silverstream breathlessly.

"You're welcome," replied Weiss with a smile that lit up Silverstream's world. "I'm just sorry I won't be able to spend more time here, as we have an urgent matter to deal with. I hope you all have a wonderful day."

They all waved goodbye, and when Weiss had departed from view, Silverstream looked over at Molly, who was still holding her notepad. "I'm sorry you weren't able to get your autograph."

"Oh, I got it while you had your head in the clouds," replied Molly, flipping over her notepad to reveal her own set of autographs from the three friends.

It was then that Silverstream decided that she really didn't like Molly.

Weiss accompanied her friend up to Ozpin's office. Blake had been insistent about meeting the headmaster as soon as possible, though Weiss and Pyrrha had been able to convince her to stop to at least get something to eat first. Though Pyrrha had been swept away by the blond tide known as the Arc family after they finished eating, Weiss had decided to go with Blake. It wasn't like either of them had family attending the Vytal Festival, after all.

She thought that was just a little bit sad, at least for Blake's sake, but she supposed Blake was right. There was no way the Belladonnas could possibly believe the substance of the letter she'd sent with Bear so long ago.

Ever since they'd gotten back from their relatively peaceful, if often hectic, mission to Griffin Rock with Professor Greene, though, she'd been hit with one surprise after another. General Ironwood had single-handedly led a gigantic Grimm Wyvern away from Vale, which had countered much of the negative press he'd been receiving... in Vale, at least. Some elements of Atlesian society seemed determined to use it as another reason to question his loyalty instead. Team JNPR's discoveries about Mountain Glenn had given them some celebrity status of their own, if on a bit more somber note.

But today's revelation, though, blew all of them out of the water, and Weiss couldn't help but feel like a hypocrite for those early days at Beacon. She'd come here to get out from under her father's shadow... and then been offended when Jaune failed to recognize her or Pyrrha. She'd dismissed him, disparaged him, insulted him...

A wry smile crossed her face. Maybe that was why he'd been so persistent. Like herself, he hadn't wanted to be judged by his family, and she had certainly made it clear she'd known nothing of his lineage. If she had known... no, actually, she probably would have been even more vehemently opposed to ever going on that wonderful date with him. After all, that was certainly a match Jacques Schnee would have approved of, and the idea of gaining her father's approval made her skin crawl.

Speaking of her father, her discreet inquiries into StaffNet, wholly-owned subsidiary of the Schnee Dust Company, was slow-going. The trickier part was getting info on Epsilon Holdings. The evidence they had so far was all circumstantial, but she could feel it. They were close to the smoking gun they needed to blow the whole thing wide open.

The encounter with that lovely bird faunus has been a moment to treasure, though. It was nice to have a reminder that her father hadn't poisoned the well with all faunus.

The elevator doors slid open, and Ozpin smiled. "Welcome, Miss Belladonna, Miss Weiss," he greeted them. "How can I help you?"

"I think the White Fang are working with the Autobots," Blake blurted out.

Ozpin blinked once and set his hot chocolate down. "Explain please, if you would, Miss Belladonna."

"That first site we examined, the one that had been abandoned," she said. "We saw footprints outside, big ones, even if we didn't recognize them at that time. And inside, some of the damage... it looked like the result of Moonslice, the semblance of Adam Taurus, leader of the Vale White Fang."

Ozpin nodded. "Go on."

"I know Adam," she continued. "He's a fanatic, a zealot, and if he saw what was there?" She shook her head. "He'd only get worse. He doesn't understand compromise. According to Team Juniper, Cliffjumper basically admitted the Autobots had wiped out whole worlds in their war. I think... I think they're planning to wipe out humanity. For real, I mean. Betraying Cinder was a choice made to eliminate a human who had sought to control them. They're just laying low until they can strike."

"That's... an interesting theory, Miss Belladonna," allowed Ozpin. Which was more than Weiss could do, as she was too busy staring incredulously at her friend.

"You don't believe me."

"I believe, Miss Belladonna, that the White Fang is most certainly a threat," he said, "that their recent drawdown on illegal activity is almost certainly intended to lull us into a false sense of security. What I do not believe is that your theory -- right or wrong -- materially affects our approach. Whether the threat is to a single person, a city block, the whole kingdom, or the world, we can do nothing until we find them."

"Then we need to find them," she insisted.

"Indeed," he agreed. "I already have people working on that. I need you, Miss Belladonna, focused on the Decepticons and the Vytal Tournament."

When the parade had ended, Velvet and Lavi had quickly sought each other out and were aimlessly walking hand in hand through the city's main thoroughfares, just enjoying the sights. With the Vytal Festival, the city had turned into a riot of colors and celebration, with food stands and small carnival games having seemingly sprouted from the sidewalk overnight.

"Oh, this looks fun!" Velvet said, pulling Lavi along to one of the carnival games with a pellet gun and a moving set of steel targets.

"I'm sorry, ma'am," the man running the shooting game said, pushing her lien back to her, "but people like you aren't allowed to play."

"What?!" Velvet shrieked, fuming furiously, just about ready to trash the stand then and there. Wordlessly, the proprietor pointed at a sign on the sill, and Velvet deflated, her anger draining from her as she read the sign.

It read: "No Huntsman."

"All the Huntsman-friendly games are set up at the Beacon campus," the proprietor added helpfully.

"Oh," she muttered. "Thanks."

"Come on, Velv," Lavi said, tugging at her arm. "Let's move on."

"Right, right," she said as she let him drag her along. She sighed dejectedly. "Sorry about wasting your time with that, Lav."

"Don't worry about it," he reassured her. "Time spent with you is never wasted."

Velvet felt her cheeks burning at that and coughed. "I just wish I could show you some of the other festivals we hold here in Vale," she said. "Everyone always talks about the Vytal Festival, and it is nice and all, but the local festivals have a certain charm of their own. They're not so..." -- she paused to search for the right word -- "...glitzy. Or in your face. At least, not in the same way."

"A bit less chaotic, huh?"

"Yeah," she agreed, nodding enthusiastically. "Valic traditions are just... wonderful. There's so much to see and do, but it's hard to show it when there are people from all over the world shoving things in your face, competing for attention."

"That's... really important to you, huh?" he asked, his voice gentle as he moved his hand from her arm to wrap his arm around her shoulders.

"Well... yeah," she confirmed, leaning into his shoulder. "I love all things Valish, Valic, and Valean," she declared passionately.

"And what about Lavi?" came Coco's teasing voice from behind.

The two shutterbugs flushed at that and quickly pulled away from each other as they turned around to find the rest of their teams standing there, annoyingly smug looks on their faces.

"I see you managed to ditch your family, Coco," Velvet observed.

The fashionista gave a simple shrug. "I'll be having dinner with them later, but for now, we've got a bit of time to ourselves." She jerked her head to an alley. "Let's have a chat over there, mmkay?"

Once they were in the relative privacy of the alley, Coco looked at the other seven members of the combined Teams CFVY and RRFL. "So," she said, "we got any leads?"

"Yeah," Lavi said. "The fake out last week was easy enough to sell with these two louts playing racist bullies," he added good-naturedly, gesturing at the Rogue twins, who grinned and waved cheekily.

Finding leads on the White Fang was a tricky prospect. Of the three faunus members of their little conspiracy, Velvet was a native of Vale, so someone might recognize her, and if someone did, well, a sudden change of heart would be suspicious. Rain was under a bit more visibility as Team RRFL's leader, and his position and stoicism would make it less convincing. Meanwhile, Lavi... Lavi's general shyness and unobtrusive nature made him the perfect candidate.

"So what did you get?" Coco asked eagerly.

"An invitation to meet," he said. "Someone approached me, hinted that I could find a place with like-minded people and that an Atlesian Huntsman would be highly valued."

"Gooood," cooed the leader of Team CFVY. "Now, did they say you could bring a plus one?"

Lavi blinked. "Well, yes, but I don't think-"

"Velvet, you're up!" interrupted Coco, not even allowing the Atlesian to finish.

"W-what?" stammered the rabbit faunus girl.

"We can't just allow Team Ruffle to steal all the glory," explained Coco. "Besides, it'll give you two a chance to spend some time with each other, and people find public displays of affection uncomfortable and so will naturally look away. It's a fantastic defense mechanism."

"That… makes sense," allowed Velvet, blushing furiously as the others slowly nodded. "So, Lav, where's the meeting taking place?"

"That's... complicated," the bird faunus replied.

"Explain," rumbled Rain.

"Well, it turns out, there's a whole lot of hoops to jump through just to find out where to go. They're... really paranoid about something."

"You know, I think my roommate might be a racist," announced Yang out of the blue as she and Bumblebee drove into town.

"What? Why do you think Weiss is racist?" asked Bumblebee in surprise.

"I don't," corrected Yang. "Why do you think Weiss is racist?"

"I don't!" defended Bumblebee. "Just… nevermind. But if not Weiss, then... why do you think Blake is racist?"

"I heard from Chief Burns back at Griffin Crest that her family history was its own explanation on why she would hate the White Fang," Yang answered.

"But I thought she grew up on the streets and fell in with a gang?" asked Bumblebee. "That's the impression she's always given to me. Also, isn't she dating Sun, a faunus?"

"Well, I also learned there that Blake is apparently an heiress just like Weiss, but unlike her, it's up in the air whether or not she'll inherit anything," recounted Yang.

"Wait, that doesn't track."

"No, it doesn't," Yang agreed, "unless something happened to put her out on the street. Like, say, a White Fang attack. And maybe while she was there, she ran into some like-minded people for a while. It's probably why she reacted so hard to Weiss's books. At least Weiss seems to have gotten her to separate the White Fang's ideals from their tactics. As for Sun..."

And here, Yang paused for the words as a thick blush came to her face.

"...well, she's not dead."

"I think you're a bit biased there," summed up Bumblebee. "Nevermind though. So what are we going to do with this information?"

"Nothing," answered Yang.

"'Nothing'?" quoted Bumblebee incredulously.

"Nothing," repeated Yang. "It doesn't affect me, it doesn't change anything about how I could act in other situations, and I would prefer to respect my roommate's privacy. After all, they've respected mine, haven't they?"

"So why are we talking about this then?" asked Bumblebee, and Yang had to admit that it was a pertinent question.

She shrugged. "Because, sometimes it's fun to gossip about others instead of always obsessing about your own problems. Things have been pretty wild with me. Talking about others and their problems make mine seem smaller."

"In that case, I got something that's been on my processor for a while," began Bumblebee. "You remember me telling you about Maccadam?"

"Yeah," Yang said. "Ran that old oil house on Cybertron." Her brow furrowed. "Speaking of which, Prowl said-"

"Yeah," Bumblebee interrupted. "Had another memory pop up earlier."

"What'd he say?"

"He said..." Bumblebee hesitated. "He said to tell the yellow rose to remember that there are two kinds of families."

Yang blinked at that, tilting her head as she tried to parse it. "Okay, that's freaky, but... what does it mean?"

"Heck if I know," her partner replied. "It's just- doesn't this freak you out?"

"Maybe it should," she admitted softly, "but it's not in my head, and... and maybe I'm just a bit more open to strange things since I met you guys. I mean, if giant alien robots older than the most ancient civilizations we know of are real, why not a prophetic bartender?"

"They're not prophecies!" protested the Autobot.

"Aren't they?" she fired back. "Cryptic but helpful messages that only make sense if you can see into the future. What is that if not a prophecy?"

"Well, I suppose that's.... technically correct," Bumblebee allowed reluctantly.

"The best kind of correct," crowed Yang with a triumphant grin.

"That- that's not how that works!" he sputtered.

"Sure, it is."

"Well… well… well, we're here!" declared Bumblebee out of the blue. Though, not quite out of the blue, as Yang had been watching the road and where they were going.

The blonde let out a laugh, and they pulled into the secluded warehouse complex. The setting sun was shining, the fall air was beautiful, and there were a few of her fellow White Fang members unloading a truck in the courtyard. Things were looking great.

"Sunfire!" greated Brock Megadermati, coming over to shake her hand as she exited Bumblebee, her mask catching the light just right.

The Vacuan native had come a long way since the night they had first met almost a year ago. He was hardly recognizable as the worn down escaped slave; now, he was a strong and able soldier. He had changed a lot, and she wasn't afraid to say that it had been for the better.

Of course, Yang had changed too. She had changed… more than she ever could have imagined. Somehow, though, she was okay with those changes. They felt right.

They had both changed so much for the better, and they had each other to thank for that.

She was just about to voice that opinion when there was a bright flash, and Brock's head exploded.

"Sniper! Get down!" ordered Bumblebee suddenly, transforming into his bot mode and taking aim at the sky.

Yang obeyed and hit the deck, her mind in shock and barely noticing the red on her skin. They were all moving to cover, some faster than others. No one had time to figure out what was going on.

Then, suddenly, like the frost of an early winter, Cinder's voice came over her ear piece… and the scrolls of the other White Fang.

"Oh, tough break for that poor little slave. I guess he really lost his head when he ran away from home."

"Cinder," growled Yang. "What have you done?!"

There was a "tsk" over the line. "I go through all the trouble of finding this emergency broadcast frequency, and that's what you have to say to me? Oh, well. I shot him. With a rifle. Not my usual choice in weapon, but this thing practically aims itself. I want you all to understand that all your accomplishments, all that you are, all your ideals, are worthless."

Come on, Bumblebee, trace the signal, thought Yang desperately.

"You tell Optimus Prime that there is nothing you can build that I can't tear down, no one you can save that I can't kill, nothing you can protect from me. You of the White Fang, I once told you that you could achieve your dreams only through me, but you betrayed me, and in so doing, chose your nightmares instead."

"We'll stop you," Yang declared. "We'll stop you permanently."

"You'll try," came the condescending, mirthful reply.

Suddenly, the line was filled with a horrible static, and Yang yanked out her own ear piece to let out a wordless scream of rage.

Author's Note 1 (Cyclone)
So, first of all, credit where credit is due. Dainty Dish is taken from @AdmiralTigercla's 'fic Higher Flier. I hope we've done her justice, especially since we've had to tweak things, what with this being essentially an Equestria Girls-style human (faunus) counterpart of her rather than the actual character from Higher Flier.

The concept of Jaune being related to the old Vale royal family comes from the brilliant one-shot 'fic The King and I by Selene Sokal. Given I had recently read it when Cody told me about Pyrrha's lineage in SAPR, I had a silly idea I may one day write involving the heir to the Empty Throne, the granddaughter of the last emperor of Mistral, the heiress of the SDC, the princess of Menagerie, the daughter of the bandit queen Raven Branwen, and a hilariously-timed paparazzi picture.

The names of Jaune's parents were borrowed from the real-life Joan of Arc's parents, but unfortunately, we couldn't actually figure out a good joke or gag referencing the fact that his father has the same name as Weiss's. Her stumbling across the documentary while looking into her father's past was the best we could come up with.

So many people are so close to the truth here.

The Team FIST scene was a pain to write. We were originally going to have their discussion actually occur on-screen, possibly with a member of the Oktober Guard present, but it just wasn't gelling. And besides, none of what they'd say is really new information to the readers.
Author's Note 2 (Cody MacArthur Fett)
If you're wondering why Kali closed her eyes during the launch sequence, it's because of the time crunch and an inability to figure out a way to do what I actually wanted to. That is to say that what I wanted to do was recreate this launch sequence from this Star Fox fic I had read a decade ago where fighter would be loaded onto this catapult system like on an aircraft carrier and then raised at nearly a 90 degree angle to launch into the sky. I always thought it was impractical, but AWESOME, and I wanted to do that here. However, I ran into the issue here of, well, Kali. She's a VIP with luggage traveling between continents, not a trained WSO assisting on an interception mission, but I didn't want to just give up the idea in favor of the Night Ravens just rising into the air on gravity dust. So instead I invented the idea of Kali having a phobia of take-offs to justify not having to make up my mind.

Speaking of the scene with Kali, it was originally going to be in the Interlude, and before that volume 2. However, the scene kept getting moved forward because, well, Night Ravens. Their cruising speed is Mach 3.3, which means they should be able to traverse the world in hours. That's not the sort of thing that justifies a long wait between scenes. An expy of TaleSpin's Baloo, however? Oh, he'd be able to stretch things out for a while.

Oh, and because I know someone is going to ask, Kali showing up at the Vytal Tournament was actually something decided on before she did the same in SAPR. I'd like to say it's a bit of convergent design, but it's most likely because it was I who suggested that Kali would do such a thing in the SAPR thread months before it happened. Though I did consider briefly going with Ghira instead of Kali for this just to mix things up, but ultimately decided against it for the simple reason that he's got a job to do and no way to call home.

Speaking of SAPR though. The different perspectives on the Vytal Tournament was one of those things I loved in that story, and as soon as I saw it I knew I wanted to replicate it in StS. That's why we had so many different characters being introduced in this chapter: they're going to be the peanut gallery. This is something that should be a little more possible thanks to the arrangement that we've done to make writing the tournament actually feasible for us.

As Cyc said, the Team FIST scene was originally much longer, but we decided to split it up and have things continue into the next chapter. Now, why are we focusing on them? Well, they're participating in the tournament, they star in the side stories, they're going to be part of the peanut gallery, and we've got plans for them later as part of [CLASSIFIED] which I think we can all agree is super cool.
New Discord server, shared with our sister 'fic, SAPR by ScipioSmith: Join the Sapphire Sparks Discord Server!

Feel free to go there and discuss things to your heart's content in a more chatty setting if you happen to have a Discord account.

Join us next week as the Vytal Tournament begins and we enter "Round One: Fight!"
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Volume III: Episode 2: Round One: Fight!
(V3E1: Commencement | V3E2: Round One: Fight! | V3E3: Sundown)

Volume III: Episode 2: Round One: Fight!

* * *​

Sunny "Radstorm" Flare tried not to pace in the small garage attached to Beacon's campus which had once held a motorcycle or something like it. Perhaps, in another world, it would have held a motorcycle again, but it was not this world. No, this was a world of cloaks and daggers, where nothing was what it seemed.

Sunny wanted to go back.

"Straight Shooter… Sugarcoat," began Sunny suddenly, and the girl with the twin-tail hair perked up. "When they get here, don't hesitate to use your semblance on them. I don't want to sign off on anything if there's some big hole in his argument."

"We don't even know if he's going to be making an argument," pointed out Indigo "Daiku" Zap. "He could just be coming here to pump us for information."

"Somehow, I doubt it," retorted Sunny.

There was a silence, and into that silence, Twilight "Magic" Sparkle replied, "Isn't it dreadful? Here we are, four members of the Atlesian student body, discussing how best to conspire with Vacuo."

"Why'd you have to say it like Vacuo is our enemy?" Indigo complained.

"Besides, we're doing this to save Atlas," argued Sugarcoat somberly. "I've known civilization is incredibly fragile since I unlocked my semblance, and after what you told us, I can't help but wonder what I'd see if I looked at Atlas now."

"Whatever is going on, it must be bad," Sunny mused aloud as she began pacing anyway. What Twilight had said... it worried her. A lot. "What could force the General into all this cloak and dagger stuff? What could drive Weiss Schnee to join the White Fang?"

General Ironwood was an open and direct man who deserved Sugarcoat's callsign as much as she did. Unofficial orders? Reverse psychology? He wasn't stupid. He knew Twilight -- her sister-in-law was the JAG, for crying out loud! -- so he had to have known what his request to Team JSPR would have resulted in.

"Have you heard some of the stuff she's said when someone pokes the faunus button?" Indigo asked, bringing Sunny's thoughts around to the SDC heiress. "Girl's a fanatic."

"I just wish that I could have helped her," said Twilight sadly. "I wish I could have seen that a good friend of mine was falling down such a dark path. Maybe then I would have been able to stop all this from happening."

Twilight shook her head. "Well, no sense dwelling on the maybes. She's made her bed of glass, and now she has to lie in it. I'm just glad Lemon Zest wasn't around to hear anything she said."

"Indeed," agreed Sunny. "She never seemed to let the extra ears hold her back, but hearing a Schnee go on about faunus liberation might just break her… then again, she was arguing with Rainbow Dash at the time."

"True, maybe she isn't so bad," allowed Indigo.

"I'll go with that," added Sugarcoat.

Twilight just crossed her arms and pouted. "Guys, I'm right here. And if anyone messes with the Rainbooms, they'll have to answer to me."

Before any of the others could reply, there was a swift knock on the sliding door to the garage, followed by several more in a coded pattern. Sunny brought up one of her wrists and used a scanner suite built into the large bracer attached to it to run a sweep of what lay beyond. That done and finding nothing amiss, she gave a nod.

Twilight brought her hand up, surrounded by a faint glow, and the sliding door raised itself in her telekinetic grip. On the other side was Spike Witwicky, Twilight's cousin and their contact. Beside him was a man who, despite his plain clothes, exuded the same sort of military discipline that was baked into people like General Ironwood, Specialist Schnee, and almost the entirety of the Atlas Academy faculty. The door closed soon after they stepped in.

"Hello again, ladies," greeted Spike with a nod before gesturing at the man. "Allow me to introduce Colonel Ivan Nikolevich Brekhov, commander of the Oktober Guard."

The man, Colonel Brekhov, gave his own nod at each of them before he began speaking with a slight North Vacuan accent. "So, Comrade Witwicky informs me that you wish to know the precise details of what is going on. Correct?"

"Correct," answered Sunny, speaking for the team.

"Why?" asked Brekhov. "Why do you want to go ever deeper into the dunes?"

"Because there's something wrong in Atlas," answered Twilight. "We've got powerful, prominent people like General Ironwood and Weiss Schnee acting scared and like they're in a spy movie. We need answers, and if Vacuo's where we have to go find them, so be it."

"Hmm," Brekhov hmmed as he and Spike exchanged meaningful looks. "Tell me, do you believe in aliens?"

Sugarcoat's eyes flicked between the two men, obviously using her semblance to those who knew her. "Please tell me you're joking. It doesn't look like you're joking."

Somehow, someway, Brekhov kept a completely straight face as he explained, "Put simply, elements in Atlas -- partly the government, but mostly the SDC -- are in league with a faction of robotic aliens from the planet Cybertron called the Decepticons, with the SDC funneling workers -- slaves, really -- and resources to the Decepticons in exchange for technology and a cut of the energon that transformers like the Decepticons need to survive. Several months ago, elements of the White Fang in Vale raided a factory to the north of here and in the process freed many of our people, who brought stories of this home to Mother Vacuo."

Spike nodded and elaborated, "Vacuo doesn't have a military -- it doesn't really even have a government -- but we needed some way to defend ourselves. Hence, the Oktober Guard."

"We have... an arrangement with the Vale White Fang. They supply us with intelligence, and we offer them material support. Despite our initial misgivings, this has proven to be a profitable arrangement," continued Brekhov.

"And Weiss Schnee's trip to Park Place?" Twilight asked. Of course she'd still be worried about the Schnee heiress. The girl made friends easily, got attached easily, which was so very ironic, considering how she was when Sunny had first met her. "Where does that fit into things?"

"I'm afraid there are a number of possibilities, none of which we can confirm or deny," Colonel Brekhov said. "For her own safety, if for no other reason. Still, this 'Park Place' may prove valuable information, and you have done us a great service by sharing it with us. Thank you."

"I know this is a lot to take in," began Spike with a placating tone.

"You think?!" Twilight snapped harshly. "Spike, this is… this is huge!"

Spike gave an awkward shrug. "Well, yeah, literally. Still, you wanted to know what was happening, and this is what's happening."

Before Twilight could say anything more, Sugarcoat broke in. "Why are they called transformers?"

"Because they can transform from a robot to an alt-mode that looks like a Remnant vehicle," answered Spike quickly. "They also got these things called Pretender Shells that allow them to look like a human or faunus, but we've got precautions for that, right?"

"Da," replied Brekhov in an affirmative response to the question. "It is likely your General Ironwood is aware of Pretenders and suspects infiltration."

"So, wait, hold on," demanded Indigo, getting up from the box where she had been sitting. "You mean to tell me that Atlas has been infiltrated by shape-shifting alien robots?! That's nuts! What's even your proof for any of this?"

"Pictures," replied Brekhov simply, bringing out a folder from inside his coat and passing it over to the flustered girl.

Indigo took the folder, looked at the contents, and then blanched. "Oh no. Oh no."

"The Decepticons aren't the only faction of these robots, are they?" asked Sugarcoat pointedly.

Spike looked at her. "I'm sorry, but we just can't say. We don't know everything."

"Logic dictates that there must be," observed Sunny Flare, as she considered the wealth of new information. "Never mind. Where do we sign up?"

Spike seemed a bit taken aback. "Sign up?"

"For Shade," Twilight explained, picking up on Sunny's line of thought. "If Atlas has been infiltrated by these... 'Decepticons,' then... Spike, you know I do a lot of R and D work for the Atlesian military. I won't have my work fall into the wrong hands, and at this rate, if I go back and stop working on them, I don't know I won't just disappear."

Sunny nodded. "And Twilight's our friend, part of our team. We aren't going to leave her hanging, are we?"

"No," agreed Sugarcoat.

"Not a chance." Indigo gave a firm nod.

"Shadowbolts forever," they chorused.

"Are you sure about this, Twi?" Spike asked worriedly after a pause. "I mean, your other friends-"

"I trust Team Jasper to keep the other Rainbooms safe, and... and Team Scarlet will understand," Twilight interrupted. She gave her cousin a smile. "Besides, 'no sacrifice, no victory,' right?"

"Yeah," he agreed reluctantly. "'No sacrifice, no victory.'"

There was a thundering roar as the flight of Night Ravens descended toward the island of Caledon, off the western coast of Anima. Once the seat of power of its own kingdom before the Mistralian Empire stretched its hand out and cast its shadow over it, Caledon had still clung to its own traditions and culture, even through the Mantle-dominated suppression of same.

Kali couldn't actually see where they were going, but she knew what Dainty would be seeing as they descended. The precisely paved and immaculately maintained airstrip they would be landing at ran along an otherwise grassy dell, and on the hill overlooking said dell and airstrip was a castle that dated back into antiquity, its original builders only remembered in the myths and legends passed down the family line, long enough ago that it was unclear whether the castle and land were named for its founder or vice versa. Massive and imposing, Castle Destro had been built from solid slabs of stone, but not just any stone, but ironstone native to mainland Anima, which must have been quarried many miles away, transported first to the coast and then over the water to build it here.

A truly impressive feat for when it had been built, a triumph of unknown means at the time, the specific methods used long lost to the fog of history.

Thinking about it helped distract her from the landing sequence, and she was jarred out of her thoughts as she felt the Night Raven touch down on the runway. Once the aircraft came to a halt, though, it still wasn't quite time to disembark. The four Night Ravens taxied into hangars, and the security detachment disembarked first.

So it was that by the time the command module carrying Dainty and Kali descended, someone was already waiting to welcome her.

As she got up, she couldn't keep a smile off her face at the familiar figure waiting for her. Long black hair, librarian glasses, and close-fitting black leather clothes. It almost made her seem like she was still a teenager, but Kali thought it was fitting for her.

"Baroness!" she cried as she strode forward, arms outstretched.

"Come now, Kali!" her old friend protested as she returned the hug. "I think we've known each other long enough not to stand on formalities."

"I don't know," Kali said teasingly, pulling back and shooting Ana a wry smile. "You seem awfully insistent on the title whenever you're on the news."

"Please," Ana said, rolling her eyes, "that's for the press and the gold-digging parasites, not my friends. If you're going to address me by my title, then I'm going to have to insist on addressing you by yours."

"Okay, okay," Kali surrendered, "you've made your point, Ana. No need to be dramatic."

"Me? Dramatic?" Ana asked, putting on an air of injured innocence. "Perish the thought."

Kali snorted. "What's with the Vacuan accent?"

"I'm merely trying to reconnect with my ancestral roots," Ana replied with a sniff. She grinned. "Still, Kali, how have you been? I hope your flight went well."

"It went very well," answered Kali cheekily. "The takeoff and landing could use some work, though."

"It's not that bad," Ana assured her, and at her friend's glare, she continued, "though I admit that, perhaps, a more stable high speed transport could be developed."

"Thank you," said Kali with a flourish of her hand.

"Ma'am, your luggage is ready," interjected Dainty Dish, the item in question near her.

"Oh, thank you, Dainty," said Kali before taking hold of her luggage and looking back at Ana. "My guards will probably want to keep an eye on me. Is that all right with you?"

"Of course!" cheered Ana. "We are quite used to hosting dignitaries and their security personnel. Quite used to keeping them off of each other as well. After all, it's like Cully always says…"

"Neutrality is good for business!" quoted both Kali and Ana simultaniously in a terrible mimicry of James McCullen Destro XXIV's native Caledonian accent.

They both laughed.

"It's wonderful to see you again, Kali," said Ana with a smile that seemed bigger than ever. "Come now, let's get inside the citadel. It's been ages since you visited Castle Destro, and I want to show you what we've done with the place."

One tour of the castle later, Kali and Ana were sitting in the entertainment room and drinking the tea that was customary for Mistralian high society. Indeed, tea was also the traditional hot beverage of Menagerie, drunk plain as it was in southern and eastern Mistral, while here in Caledon, it was served with milk and sugar. Personally, Kali preferred coffee, but everyone around her seemed to prefer tea. So she drank tea, and really, it wasn't so bad… but it had been better when Blake was around to share those moments with.

"You're troubled," observed Ana with a note of concern. "What's wrong?"

"What isn't?" replied Kali rhetorically, glancing into her cup briefly. "I was just thinking about my daughter, about Blake."

"I see." Ana nodded solemnly before looking up. "You know, the offer still stands to have the Iron Grenadiers extract her from the White Fang. In-house rates."

Kali shook her head softly. "That's just the thing. I got a letter recently claiming to be from one of Blake's roommates… at Beacon. She claims that Blake has joined the academy and is a star student there."

"That's… how is that even possible?" asked Ana, obviously trying to keep the bewilderment out of her voice.

"I don't know, but the letter was signed by a 'Weiss,' no surname given, and she was inviting me and Ghira to the Vytal Festival," explained Kali before continuing somewhat primly. "The letter also spoke extensively about how wonderful our work in the White Fang was from what they had read and heard about from Blake, and then asked if it was real."

"'Weiss,'" Ana repeated, a thoughtful expression crossing her face. "Your daughter would be... seventeen, right? A first-year?"

"That's right."

Ana leaned back. "Weiss Schnee is a first year student at Beacon Academy. You... don't think...?" she trailed off, unwilling or unable to finish the preposterous thought.

Kali's grip on her teacup tightened. "The possibility had crossed my mind, but... this is ridiculous, right? Tell me this is ridiculous."

Ana didn't say anything.


"There are signs that all is not well within the Schnee family," Ana began hesitantly. "The eldest child, Winter Schnee, chose to join the Atlesian military and was disinherited for it. Weiss Schnee, the middle child and current heiress... she chose Beacon instead of her native Atlas Academy, closer to home."

"Beacon is the most prestigious of the four academies," Kali reminded her.

"That it is," Ana agreed, "but between her last public appearance and when she first arrived at Beacon, she gained a rather prominent scar over her left eye, and the lyrics of one of her songs, 'Mirror Mirror,' is... suggestive."

Kali closed her eyes and took a deep breath. It was a possibility that had occurred to her, yes, but it was one she was unwilling to dwell on. When she spoke again, she spoke in desperation. "So what's this I've been hearing about an Atlesian cruiser being destroyed by a bomb?"

Ana rubbed the back of her neck, as if she had gotten whiplash. "That was a rather extreme topic change."

"What happened, Ana?" Kali pressed. "There aren't many people out there who could create something so... destructive."

And Ana knew all of them. It was a necessity of success in business to know one's rivals, after all.

"You speak of confidential information," was Ana's reply.

Kali pressed her lips together as she turned that over in her mind. That just proved MARS at least knew who had built it. If it wasn't MARS's work, then it was that of a rival, a rival who MARS had penetrated with their corporate espionage.

"Let's consider what will happen in the future from this," Kali said. "Whatever else, that bomb demonstrates that such power is possible, so regardless of who built it, others will be working on replicating it."


"So, what happens when it gets out?" Kali asked. "Whoever has them will rule the world, any other kingdom only existing at their pleasure. Ana, I will not have the faunus at the mercy of humans again, not if I can help it."


"Whether you built that bomb or are working on replicating it, I want them," Kali said firmly. "This is an arms race Menagerie cannot be allowed to lose."

"It's not one you can afford to win either," Ana warned. "If you have it, what do you think the other kingdoms would do? What would you do if, say, Atlas got it first?"

Kali opened her mouth, but had no reply. "The genie is out of the bottle," she said instead. "We can't just pretend it didn't happen, that this weapon doesn't exist."

"And if any one kingdom acquires it, the others would strike first, and they would be forced to use it," Ana said. "No matter who wins this arms race, we all lose, and the Grimm inherit Remnant."

"And what do you suggest?"

"Proliferation," was Ana's simple answer. "Cully and I have discussed this rather extensively. As powerful as this bomb was, if every kingdom acquires them and gains the ability to deploy them simultaneously, no one would risk using them for fear of retaliation. Given our special relationship with Menagerie, we wouldn't dream of leaving you out."

Kali nodded, thankful at the reassurance. Ana may have discarded her DeCobray name to embrace her ancient heritage as a descendent of House Cisarovna, potentially the last surviving cadet line of the pre-war Vacuan royal family, and she may have been tempered with time and maturity, but she was still Kali's close friend, still the same passionate firebrand who had marched right alongside her, back when they were both in the White Fang together. Which also meant she was the same person who had agreed with so much of what Sienna Khan advocated for, right up until the moment when she had been kicked out of the Fang and assassins sent after her.

Actually, taking everything into account, the idea of proliferation was a very forward-thinking proposition that seemed rather at odds with Ana's normal desire to see the world order overthrown. Whatever this weapon was must have really had her spooked… which meant that MARS had to know the specifics of the weapon, which meant that they had to have created it. Of course, if they had created it, then they would be advertising it from the rooftops, with James walking straight up to General Ironwood to shamelessly sell him a copy of the bomb that had killed his men. They weren't advertising it, though, which meant that things hadn't gone according to plan, which meant that someone had probably stolen it before it could be tested.

Ana continued. "We're considering drawing up some treaty or contract or something right now. Hopefully it will result in peace for our time, or at the very least war that doesn't destroy the world. It's where we keep all our stuff."

A chuckle escaped Kali's lips. "The great arms merchant Destro, an advocate for peace?"

"Come now, Kali. MARS has diversified quite a bit recently," pointed out Ana.

"Oh, I know. I bought one of your washing machines, after all," admitted Kali.

"You mean the washing machine I gave you for your anniversary?" asked Ana, one eyebrow raised.

Kali shook her head. "No. I found out I needed a second one for the yacht, and so bought one from MARS to match. How did you get it so small anyway?"

"Trade secret," confided Ana with a noble chuckle, and then her eyes lit up. "Oh! Why don't we turn on the Vytal Tournament? If your daughter has applied to Beacon, then she's sure to be in it."

"If she qualified, she's sure to be in it," corrected Kali.

Ana let out a dismissive snort. "Kali, if your daughter didn't qualify, then Beacon is clearly guilty of discrimination… or she's become lazy. Either way, we'll be forced to extract her."

Kali rolled her eyes. "All right, enough with the extractions already. Let's just turn it on."

With a somewhat mirthful expression, Ana picked up the remote lying nearby and turned on the extremely expensive holographic display to bring the flat screen into view. It wasn't hard to find an appropriate sports broadcast of the tournament; it was the leading event all over Remnant, after all. The stands looked absolutely packed, and eight teenagers were squaring off against each other in the center octagon.

"And the next match is Team Auburn of Haven against Team Cardinal of Beacon!"

Kali watched as the dark-skinned leader of the Haven team sauntered up to the all-male opposing team.

"Say," the girl said, "you guys know Jaune Arc?"

The tallest boy, wielding a large mace and wearing a breastplate with a bird emblem on it, laughed. "Yeah, what about him? He's a putz."

"Had some fun messing with him, huh?"

"So what if I did?"

The girl grinned.

"It means I'm going to enjoy this," she declared. She looked back over her shoulder. "Reese, boys, stand back." She looked to her opponents again and cracked her knuckles. "I got this."

"Congrats, guys," Jaune said as Team ABRN returned to the arena after Arslan had single-handedly pasted Team CRDL... and made it look easy to boot. He shook his head. "I don't know whether to be happy or upset."

"Oh?" asked Arslan, arching an eyebrow.

"Well," Jaune said with a shrug, "on the one hand, Beacon solidarity, but on the other, it's Team Cardinal."

"I'm more worried what the tabloids are going to think," Pyrrha said worriedly. "It's not like they have the right context to work from."

"Pfft!" Arslan blew it off. "Let 'em gossip. Who cares what the rags say?" She gave Pyrrha a friendly punch to the shoulder. "I think you guys are up next. Go get 'em, champ. Be seeing you in the finals."

With that, Team ABRN filed out.

Jaune took a deep breath, now that the distraction was gone. Because it was Team JNPR up next, and their opponent...

"Are you all right, Jaune?" Pyrrha asked. "Are you going to have any problems facing your sister?"

...their opponent was Team VTLK.

"Not in the sense of holding back, if that's what you mean," he said quietly. "But Verte... don't let her fool you, Pyr. She may be a wild child, but she was always better at this sort of thing than I was. While I grew up daydreaming about being a hero, she was working toward it: studying, training, getting into scraps at school. There's a reason she got in a year early, and I've been playing catch up this whole time."

Pyrrha placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Then let us handle her," she said. "We're a team, remember?"

"Right." Jaune nodded, reaching up to his shoulder and placing his hand on hers. "Thanks, Pyr. Nora, if you end up fighting Verte, don't rely on your semblance. She calls her semblance Dissemblance. It allows her to disrupt other people's semblances with a touch."

"Got it, fearless leader," Nora acknowledged.

With that, Team JNPR marched out through the tunnel and across the bare metal finish of the arena's pre-match configuration to the central octagon that marked both the designated starting area and the only safe place within the arena to stand when it reconfigured itself.

The two teams eyed each other warily.

"Sorry, little brother," Verte d'Arc said solemnly, breaking the silence, her tongue subconsciously working the gap in her upper teeth, "but world-class champion on your team or not, I've got to win this. Professor Lionheart believed in us, and- and we're not going to let him down." She glanced to either side at her team. "Right, guys?"

Her team gave a round of nods and murmurs of agreement.

Filled with unease, given what Headmaster Ozpin had told them, Team JNPR refrained from replying.

"This match will feature Beacon's own Priiide of Mistraaal! Teeeeam Juniper!" boomed Professor Port's voice over the loudspeakers. "And facing them today is Team Vantablack, known as Haven's Shame!"

Jaune's eyes goggled. "Oh gods, she's gonna kill me."

The suddenly murderous look on his sister's face did little to disprove that prediction.

Dr. Oobleck picked up from there as the digital biome randomizers spun. "And the biomes for this match will be ice and swamp!"

Around the eight contestants standing in the central area, the sections of the arena descended, being replaced with a swampy morass behind Team JNPR, with rocks and logs protruding from the muck to provide some -- if limited -- solid ground, and a slick, icy plain behind Team VTLK, with frozen spires thrusting up toward the sky.

"Three, two, one, begin!" Oobleck announced.

With that, the two teams went into motion. Hector charged, and Jaune met the charge, bracing his shield against Hector's long dagger -- Claw -- and using his sword to deflect Hector's spear, Tooth. Ren moved into support, only to be intercepted by Lauren, the Havenite's metal staff, Lævateinn, blocking his way. The two engaged in a quick exchange of blows, neither getting through, before backing off and eyeing each other warily. With a smirk, Lauren twirled Lævateinn and seemed to multiply, moving to flank Ren, who backed off uncertainly.

"For those unaware," Port narrated, "although they are a Beacon team, Team Juniper's members all hail from Mistral, and they recently made the news by uncovering the culprit responsible behind the Mountain Glenn disaster. And in contrast to their nickname, Team Vantablack consistently scores extremely well in their practical exams, excelling particularly in teamwork exercises."

"Indeed," agreed Oobleck. "They would likely be one of Haven's top teams if it weren't for their disturbing tendency to destroy parts of the campus."

Meanwhile, Alkim began galloping around, drawing her bow, Winter's Friend, and firing it into the melee with remarkable precision. A volley cut Nora off from joining the fray directly, and another forced Pyrrha to keep Akoúo̱ up even as she flung Miló in javelin form at Lauren, somehow pinpointing the real one and disrupting the Haven student's semblance, causing the duplicates to vanish.

For her part, Verte leaped back, skidding on the ice, reaching down with one hand to slow her slide, before straightening up and drawing her weapon, slamming one end of the cylinder into the ice. Telescoping legs unfolded from it and locked into place as she sighted Fire in Disguise's mortar configuration. Smoke billowed out around her as she fired.

"Smoke and scatter!" Jaune ordered.

With that, Team JNPR disengaged, falling back into the uncertain footing of the swamp with Nora firing a spread of smoke grenades as Verte's first volley arced down onto the central platform, dispensing more smoke. Soon, most of the arena was engulfed, but mortar shells kept arcing above the smoke cover from the icy half of the arena to descend onto the swampy half, shaking the ground with their detonations.

"Oho!" Professor Port declared. "It seems Team Vantablack's fabled teamwork skills are on full display here! Team Juniper has fallen back to regroup."

"An interesting tactical decision," observed Dr. Oobleck. "With her weapon's mortar configuration, Miss d'Arc can bombard Team Juniper with near impunity."

As if in response to Dr. Oobleck's comment, grenades began arcing up out of the smoke on the swampy side of the arena on opposite flight paths to the mortar shells, hammering somewhere onto the icy plain.

"Ah, I stand corrected," Oobleck retracted. "it appears Miss Valkyrie is engaging in counter-battery fire!"

"I hope this battle doesn't go on too long," was Port's follow up comment. "I'm not sure how much more of this kind of pounding the arena can take!"

Eventually, the indirect fire duel petered out and died, and with no more smoke shells or grenades being fired, the air began to clear

When the smoke finally dissipated, it was obvious that what had once been a smooth icy plain with occasional ice spires reaching futilely for the sky had been turned into an icy lake with small icebergs floating around, jagged and broken.

Of the two teams, there was no sign.

"Oh, Juniper!" Verte's voice sang out, seemingly from nowhere. "Come out to play-ay! Juniper! Come out to play-ay!"

"You want me, sis?" Jaune's voice shot back from somewhere in the swamp side of the arena. "Come and get me!"

An arrow seemed to erupt from nowhere, embedding itself into one of the bog's trees before exploding.

"And now we see a much more impressive feat of Miss... ter? Fey's semblance!" Professor Port said.

"Indeed," Dr. Oobleck agreed. "Illusions can do much more than show what isn't there, after all. It can also conceal what is there."

Suddenly, a gout of flame erupted near the swamp, sweeping across the foliage, and Verte appeared, her weapon now in a rifle configuration, the fire sweeping out from an underbarrel mount.

"Fine!" she declared as she marched into the swampy morass, sending the gout of flame ahead of her. "I'll burn you out then! Come on, bro, don't you just love the smell of fire dust in the morning?"

"No!" Ruby cried. "Don't rush in!"

"Aren't you supposed to be rooting for Team Juniper?" asked Weiss.

"...but I like Verte," Ruby pouted. "We have so much in common!"​

Verte paused, letting the fire die down briefly, and looked around.

"You know," Pyrrha's voice echoed conversationally, "this bog is a bit too wet to burn very well, unless you have the right accelerant. Some petroleum-based fuels would work better when you need that extra 'oomph.'"

Behind Verte, a figure began emerging from the muck.

"Verte, behind you!" Hector called out.

Team VTLK's leader spun, shifting her weapon into its melee configuration, its tip already flaring... but even without the muck slowing her down, it would have been too late. Pyrrha Nikos was under her guard.

Fire in Disguise's melee mode was an unorthodox weapon: a thermic lance, essentially a plasma torch in a stick. Intended to scorch its way through all but the toughest Grimm, hide and bone plate and all, when wielded against a human or faunus opponent, one hit was enough to burn through pretty much anyone's aura. Even a glancing blow would be devastating.

At this range, one on one against a mobility fighter like Pyrrha, Verte's only hope rested in landing that one hit. On Mistral's four-time regional champion who had only ever been hit in the arena once since she started competing as a child. Even as she swung, she tried to back away to get some breathing room in which she could take advantage of her thermic lance's greater reach.

Pyrrha stepped into the blow, raising Akoúo̱ and thrusting it forward, catching Fire in Disguise on the haft and deflecting its lethal tip away, even as Miló in her other hand reconfigured from sword to rifle. Pressing the muzzle to Verte's chin in a grip that should have been awkward but somehow wasn't, she pulled the trigger with her thumb.

Verte's head rocked back, stunning the girl as the point-blank shot instantly dropped her aura down well into the yellow.

Meanwhile, Hector appeared from the aether and began loping in, his feet uncannily stable on first the broken ice, then the overgrown muck, but before he could come to his team leader's assistance, he was intercepted by her brother.

"Sorry, pal," Jaune said, squaring off against the other boy. "I'm afraid Pyrrha's dance card is full right now."

Hector's eyes narrowed, and he thrust Tooth forward in a feint, sending Claw darting out in a quick thrust when Jaune parried the larger weapon with his shield... but Jaune's own sword met the smaller blade, deflecting it. They broke apart for a moment, studying each other warily. Eventually, they pressed forward and clashed again, testing each other, again to no effect.

"You are not without skill," Hector observed. "Your sister would have had us believe otherwise."

"She wasn't wrong," Jaune admitted. "Not back then."

Verte tried to bring her thermic lance to bear on her opponent, but even as she did so, Pyrrha shifted, spinning Miló as it shifted forms into a sword and almost negligently slicing through a net arrow from Winter's Friend, then brought Akoúo̱ around, once again knocking Verte's more cumbersome weapon aside. Verte spun Fire in Disguise, trying for a thrust with the butt of the weapon. Pyrrha sidestepped, seemingly into to the thrust even as she brought Miló down. There was a flicker, and the illusion broke, Pyrrha's blade having blocked the true strike, the thrust that connected with Pyrrha's gut proving to have no more substance than the smoke that had previously flooded the arena.

"You know," Hector said conversationally as he continued to test Jaune's defenses, trying to get past him to help his team leader, "last year, I would have faced your teammate, Pyrrha Nikos, in the Mistral Regional Tournaments if I hadn't lost the semifinal match to Arslan Altan."

Jaune smirked. "Who do you think's been teaching me?"

"A worthy challenge, then," Hector said, smiling in anticipation as he lunged forward again, trying to get around Jaune.

Pyrrha slashed with Miló and struck Verte across the temple, sending her to the ground... and her aura into the red.

"And Verte d'Arc has been eliminated by aura depletion!" announced Dr. Oobleck.

Verte groaned. "Avennnge meeee..." she implored melodramatically.

Another volley of arrows flew out, but Pyrrha had already disappeared.

"That's a trick I learned from watching my friend Blake," Pyrrha explained helpfully from wherever she had concealed herself.

The next volley of arrows battered Jaune's aura, even as Hector pressed the attack, hammering into Team JNPR's leader. Jaune had come a long way since arriving at Beacon, but Hector was still slipping or smashing his way through the blond knight's defenses with almost as much ease as Pyrrha did when she stopped holding back in their spars.

"Nora," Jaune called as he braced his shield against the onslaught, feeling his aura drop from another pummeling. "Danger close!" There was a pause, and frustration crossed his face as his arms and legs began to buckle. "Now, Nora!"

With that, a series of grenades popped out of the foliage and descended around them, clustered mostly around Hector, but there was no way for Jaune to evade the blasts himself.

"And in an unexpected sacrifice play, both Jaune Arc and Hector Troy have been eliminated by aura depletion!"

Alkim's eyes darted around, Winter's Friend ready as she searched for a target from atop her perch on one of the icy spires. She drew another arrow... and threw herself off the ice spire, just in time to avoid Ren's strike. She spun and fired the arrow, which the martial artist evaded, the arrow's timed fuse activating the ice dust within and forming a chunk of ice harmlessly in the air behind him as he leaped down after her, pressing close. Alkim shifted Winter's Friend into a quarterstaff -- even as she struggled to keep her footing on the broken, bobbing terrain -- and parried as best she could, but it was clear she was out of her element.

From a seemingly empty patch of ice near the edge of the swampy area, the sound of sword striking aura-protected flesh echoed, and Lauren fell to the ground, suddenly becoming visible. The androgynous member of Team VTLK rolled over and looked at the one who had attacked.

Pyrrha gave a friendly wave. "Hello again."

Then she pressed the attack.

"Lauren!" Alkim cried out, breaking off and taking a flying leap -- along with a few rounds from StormFlower that chipped away at her aura -- over a gap in the ice to land between Pyrrha and Lauren. Here, the ice was less shattered, and her footing was more solid as she squared off against the Mistrali champion. "You leave him alone," she snarled, pinning Pyrrha in place with a death glare.

Pyrrha gasped in surprise and took an involuntary step back before gritting her teeth and advancing again. A moment later, she felt a hand on her shoulder and the semblance-induced fear draining away. She glanced over and gave Ren a grateful smile before lunging toward their opponents.

"Oho!" came Port's voice again. "It seems Lie Ren's semblance, Tranquility, serves as a perfect counter to Alkim Khojaeva's Empathic Manipulation!"

Pyrrha leaned in low, leading with Miló in javelin form, which Alkim deflected with a spin of her staff... only to be surprised as Pyrrha fell back, and Ren vaulted forward over her in a sweeping kick that sent her weapon flying. Lauren charged forward, Lævateinn -- now in the form of two swords -- in a double thrust. For a moment, it looked like they would hit Ren, but as he rolled in mid-air to a landing, the thrust went high, just barely missing him before he landed in a crouch, StormFlower raised, and fired into Lauren's gut.

"Lauren Fey's aura -- already stressed from such extensive semblance use -- is in the red, leaving only Alkim Khojaeva to face three to one odds," Oobleck declared.

"Indeed," boomed Port. "It's not looking good for Team Vantablack."

Alkim backed away from Pyrrha and Ren, keeping them both in her line of sight. She didn't notice Nora creeping up behind her until she tapped her on the shoulder. She spun around to face the ginger.

"Hey," Nora said, hefting Magnhild, "I can appreciate wanting to protect your man like that, but... this match is over."


"Impressive," Megatron mused as he watched the feed. "Most impressive."

Team VTLK had demonstrated capable teamwork, but they were too specialized in their tactical roles to adapt... and their leader too impetuous to properly take advantage of their specialization to the fullest. They would learn in time. Or they would die.

Their opponents, Team JNPR, however, had performed quite well, better than some gladiators he'd faced whose names he had long since forgotten. They too had their tactical roles, but none of them appeared so overly specialized that the loss of one meant defeat for the whole team. He approved.

His optics drifted to the taller, red-haired female. Her bio was certainly impressive. There were few who could claim to be undefeated in the arena. The humans called her invincible.

Perhaps one day, I'll put that reputation to the test.

"Not going to join the others, bask in your moment of glory?"

From where he was watching his mother and sisters comfort Verte over her loss, Jaune started, glanced over, then shook his head. "This was never about glory, Dad, and Verte needs them a lot more than I do right now."

"...I never gave you enough credit, did I, Jaune?"

The younger blond shrugged. "It's fine, Dad," he lied. "I mean, I did get eliminated, after all."

"You sacrificed yourself to bring victory," Jacques d'Arc corrected. "Given how much that must have hurt, that's a mark for you, not against you."

"Yeah, well," Jaune stalled, shifting uncomfortably, "there's a reason we're sending Pyrrha and Nora into the doubles round. They're our skill and power, and two on two means strategy and stealth aren't as useful."

"I see." With a sigh, Jacques said, "Well, I suppose I'd better go join the girls."

"Dad? Can I... talk to you about something tonight? In private?"

"Of course, son. You know you can always turn to us if you need anything. We're family."

"Thanks, Dad."

"And yet, they still took a casualty," sniffed Silverstream. "I bet Team Ruby won't take any losses in their team match."

"Hmph!" was Molly's response. "Pyrrha Nikos doesn't need a team to kick butt!"

"Oh, so that's why her team went down a fighter?" Silverstream suggested. "Because Pyrrha Nikos is a glory hound who only cares about making herself look good?"

"What?" screeched Molly.

"I bet Weiss Schnee understands that the four vee four round is an ensemble piece, not a solo act," Silverstream said with just a hint of smugness in her voice.

The sound of Molly grinding her teeth like a saw filled the immediate vicinity and garnered several annoyed looks from other spectators who could put up with childish squabbling -- this was the Vytal Festival, after all; if you couldn't argue about who was best in the bleachers of the Amity Arena, then where could you? -- but for whom this was a step too far.

"If you had been paying attention," Molly growled. "You would have noticed that everything Pyrrha Nikos did was in service of a plan to achieve the team's goal." A sly look crossed her face. "But then, since you're the sort of person who idolizes Weiss Schnee, you obviously don't have great observational skills."

Silverstream's face reddened visibly. "Why, you little-"

"Silverstream, calm down," Sky Beak said, his own voice calm and serene. "There's no need to get worked up."

"But Dad-"

"More to the point," Sky Beak continued, a trace of amusement in his voice. "If you don't calm down and stop arguing, you'll miss Weiss Schnee's first match."

Silverstream's eyes widened, and she immediately assumed a rigid posture in her seat, back straight and eyes fixed upon the arena itself, as though Molly and her foolishness had ceased to exist.

She might as well have as Team RWBY made their way into the arena.

"I'm sorry about that," Becky said mildly.

"Oh, don't worry," Ocean Flow replied. "Why, when I was their age-"

"Mom, shhh!" Silverstream hissed. "You're going to miss something important!"

"I just wish Dad could be here," lamented Ruby.

"He was here yesterday," Weiss noted. "He's been in and out of Vale all semester. What happened?"

"He had to go back to Patch for a Grimm extermination mission," Yang answered with a yawn. "A sleuth of Ursai with a Major leading them."

"Are you going to be okay, Yang?" asked Blake. "You look dead on your feet."

"I'll be fine," Yang said, waving off her concern.

"You were almost late," observed Weiss, looking decidedly uncomfortable in her old Huntress outfit, with the SDC snowflake on her back. "We're about to go out on the field now, and you just got here three minutes ago."

"I'm fine," insisted Yang.

If Yang was fine, then Blake was the demented fusion of a decadent Atlesian and a profligate Valean. She was most emphatically not fine, and her insisting otherwise was just nonsense. It was depressing too. After all-… her thoughts stopped as Blake realized that they hadn't been there for Yang at all during the course of the school year.

It wasn't their fault, though! There was always something coming up, and Yang had seemed so able to take care of herself. It wasn't until recently that the blonde seemed to be falling apart at the seams.

"Contestants, make your way to the center octagon," ordered Professor Oobleck over the loudspeaker.

It just didn't make any sense to Blake, though. The last time Yang had acted like that was while searching for Maple, and there wasn't anything like that going on now. So what was it? What was she hiding?

"Our next match is Team Bronze of Shade versus Team Ruby of Beacon," Oobleck announced.

Team BRNZ consisted of Brawnz Ni, Roy Stallion, Nolan Porfirio, and May Zedong. Blake didn't know much about them, but from their weapons, she estimated that the three men would rush into melee while May held back and used her sniper rifle to pin them down. The problem with that, of course, was that RWBY wouldn't play ball.

At least Team BRNZ proved that a lack of creativity in team names wasn't exclusive to Beacon and Haven. It seemed only Atlas had managed to avoid naming a team after its leader this year.

The randomizer spun around and came to select volcanic terrain for RWBY's side of the field. The holographic icons spun again and settled on the urban ruins for the BRNZ side of the field. It would be a set-up that slightly favored the Shade team, as their sniper would have an easier time accessing the high ground, but Blake was confident that that would be little problem for Ruby.

"Three, two, one, begin!" Oobleck announced.

Like clockwork, Team BRNZ reacted predictably and rushed forward while their sniper retreated. Too slow, much too slow, Ruby was sure to cut her down. All Blake needed to do was focus on backing Weiss up while they kited the melee fighters, and Yang… Yang would rush forward with the deafening crack of her signature gravity rounds to meet Team BRNZ's charge head-on.

The three melee members of the Shade team were close enough together that Yang was able to catch the center one with her feet and the two on her right and left with her fists. She then launched herself into the air with another pair of blasts and a kick. Then, while in the air, she turned over and spun like a top, firing continuously as she did so, and when those rounds hit the arena, they sprouted into the jagged stone spires typical of rock dust.

The two on either side -- Nolan and Roy, according to the readouts on the arena's gigantic monitors -- managed to dodge, barely. The one in the center, though, Brawnz, was entrapped by the jagged rocks and unable to move. He might have been able to work himself free, but Yang came down on top of one of the few exposed parts of his body like the hammer of the forge goddess.

The buzzer sounded, and in the background, the repeated cracks of supersonic ammunition reminded Blake to be on her toes and always be dodging.

"Incredible!" came Oobleck's voice over the speakers. "Yang Xiao Long has defeated Brawnz Ni in seconds and has dealt significant blows to both Roy Stallion and Nolan Porfirio. Meanwhile, May Zedong has failed to score a single hit, while Ruby Rose has landed both her shots so far."

"I haven't seen an opening this fast in years!" commented Port. "Such raw aggression! Team Ruby isn't giving their opponents a moment to breathe!"

He wasn't precisely right. Weiss and Blake were still moving into position to flank the two remaining melee members, and Ruby's little sniper duel would probably have some gaps. Not to mention that they weren't going to let Yang rest.

Roy Stallion fired two buzzsaw blades from his arms, and they rocketed out to ricochet off Yang's shot-gauntlets. She blocked them twice more, and while dodging strikes from Nolan's cattle prod too. As this melee was happening, the blonde's hair started to burn, and thrice and four times, the blades ricocheted off her gauntlets. Then, suddenly, out of seemingly sheer dumb luck, one of the sniper's rounds was closing in, and Yang managed to reach out and block the shot that otherwise would have missed, turning her hair into a replica of the sun's surface.

That power, those skills. It's almost like she's fighting like… like... Blake's thoughts trailed off. No, that's not right, she reconsidered, shaking off the strange thought. Adam fights with a sword, with a quick draw style. It was utterly incompatible with the hand to hand style Yang was using. So why is she reminding me of him? she wondered.

Almost as if on cue, Yang snapped her arms out, and blades popped out of Ember Celica, coming up to parry Nolan's cattle prod. After a brief bind, the two began clashing, and though Yang had two blades, their inflexible mountings lessened any advantage she had from them, and it was clear that Nolan was the more experienced at this sort of fighting as he managed to slip the tip of his cattle prod through Yang's guard. She let out a cry and seemed to freeze in place, convulsing and twitching… but so did the melee. That was their opening.

Blake rushed in and swept the legs out from under Nolan. Weiss came in from the other side, and when Roy fired his buzzsaws again, she froze them in mid-air, leaving them to clatter harmlessly to the broken floor of the octagon. Blake snapped off several rounds of .355 Sivispacem into Roy, and when Nolan swept his prod up to hit her, he found his weapon passing through a shadow clone. Blake was moving to attack Roy now, and Weiss started to engage Nolan in a fencing duel, all while Yang got herself off the ground as her eyes seemed to glow red, her hair an inferno.

There was another crack, and the floor near Yang exploded. She, in turn, exploded with movement, recoil boosting on gravity rounds towards one of the buildings like a flaming ball of pitch hurled from a catapult. The blades on Ember Celica had retracted, but she still hit with power far greater, delivering a punch that caused a massive explosion that brought the whole ruined structure crashing down.

A small figure could be seen leaping from the building as it was collapsing, and with a crack, it was sent tumbling out of the air to the sound of the buzzer. It was soon followed by two more when Nolan and Roy hit the ground. Just like that, the match was over.

"What an incredible battle!" cheered Oobleck. "I'm sure Team Ruby will be over the hills with joy over this. What do you think, Peter?"

"I think that you need to find a new word," answered Port.


"'Incredible.' You've been overusing it. Try to mix it up a little. Like… explosive! That match was explosive! See? It's easy."

Ignoring the banter from the broadcast booth, Team RWBY cheered their victory. Well, Team RWB did. Yang was walking towards the exit almost as soon as the end was called. Not even sticking around to celebrate?

Ruby was quite clearly down about the whole scenario, her face… hard, empty, like she had been expecting it. After a moment, she seemed to gather herself and disappeared in a Petal Burst after her sister, with Blake and Weiss trailing behind at a more sedate pace.

"Hey, Yang, that was great!" Ruby said with painfully false cheer, just as they stepped out of the arena proper and into the hallways leading to the locker rooms. "You channelled your semblance through Ember Celica! That was so cool! And those upgrades? Totally awesome!" She pouted. "But why didn't you let me work on them?"

Yang gave a tired laugh and a wan smile. "Come on, Rubes, I just wanted a couple of blades, not an Atlesian army knife," she said, ruffling Ruby's hair good-naturedly before power walking away.

"Yang, wait!" Ruby called. "Aren't you going to stay for Penny's match?"

"Nah, I've got stuff to do," the blonde brawler replied, waving off her sister. "Cheer her on for me, will ya?"

"Yeah..." Ruby sighed as she watched Yang leave. "Will do, sis."

"Her semblance?" Blake asked as she and Weiss caught up to their dejected team leader.

"Mmhmm," Ruby confirmed with a nod. "She calls it Burn. With each hit she takes, she gets stronger and can dish out twice as much as she took. She's always had to actually take the hit before, but now, she can block them. She must be training really hard."

That semblance... to take an incoming blow, amplify it, and turn it back on her attacker. Once again, Blake was struck by how eerily familiar that was.

"Come on," Ruby ordered, heading down the hall.

Blake and Weiss looked at each other in worry, but then followed after Ruby. Yang's behavior was… unacceptable, and there was no other way to put it. She was clearly destroying herself, but why?

Again, Blake found herself asking what secrets Yang was hiding, and this time, she resolved to get to the bottom of it, no matter the cost.

Suddenly, as they walked down the corridor, they heard a sound from one of the small locker rooms and went to investigate. What they found was one of the Team BRNZ members, May Zedong, being verbally torn into by one of the Shade professors, a blond-haired, blue-eyed woman with a face that seemed to be carved from sandstone.

"You're better than this!" scolded the teacher.

"Yes, Professor Janack," agreed May, her gaze cast down.

"I taught you better than this!" clarified Professor Janack in a tone that made it clear she was hurt.

"Yes, Professor Janack," repeated May, her visible grey-blue eye unmoving.

Professor Janack pivoted on her heel and put her hand on the younger woman's shoulder.

"Don't just keep saying that!" the teacher bellowed, her voice harsh. "What's wrong, May?! Why did you miss every shot you fired?"

"Should we do something?" asked Weiss quietly.

"What can we do?" replied Ruby in kind.

"Everyone's the hero of their own story," reasoned Blake sadly. "For them? We're just background characters. Antagonists that show up in one chapter and then are forgotten about afterwards."

With that rather analytical take on the situation, the trio of girls left the corridor and went back to the stands. They had their own story to tell and their own heroes to cheer for. They wouldn't find either in the locker rooms today.

"So, what would you say that Weiss Schnee accomplished in that battle?" Molly asked. It was now her turn to sound smug, and the sound was almost unbearable to Silverstream's ears.

"...Team Ruby managed to win their battle without taking any casualties, just as I predicted," she replied defensively.

"Because Yang Xiao Long did all the work of four people," Molly said. "It's clear to me that Weiss Schnee -- and the rest of her team -- are being carried by their competent teammate. Ha! She's the Pyrrha Nikos of her team."

"The- nobody carries Weiss Schnee!" Silverstream yelled. "It... you know what, she is the Pyrrha Nikos of her team, because they're both clearly so obsessed with making themselves look good that they forget that this is all about the team. It was obvious that Xiao Long's recklessness ruined the team strategy."

"So what? She still kicked butt," Molly countered. "I like her. She's my new second favorite."

"Really?" asked her mother . "Arslan will be devastated to hear that."

Silverstream just about resisted the urge to harrumph, mainly because Molly had just proven that there was no point arguing with her. She was obviously a flake, the kind of person who only followed someone because they were popular and successful. She'd probably drop Pyrrha Nikos too after a single disappointing performance. She, Silverstream, was a true fan. She'd stick by Weiss Schnee through thick and thin.

And besides, Weiss was going to show her mettle for sure in the doubles round.

"Hmm," Megatron grunted disdainfully as he analyzed the match.

By all standard metrics, Team RWBY had performed far better than Team JNPR, with both a faster victory and no losses compared to Team JNPR's lengthier battle and single loss.

Still, he wasn't impressed. A part of it was certainly due to the caliber of their opposition, as Team RWBY's opponents had failed to leave even an impression in his memory banks, while Team VTLK had demonstrated teamwork, creativity, subterfuge, and battlefield control.

As for Team RWBY's performance... they were powerful, certainly, but they lacked coordination and teamwork.

Still, there was something familiar there...

"Demolishor," he said, "bring me the encounter reports from Barricade."

"Yes, boss."

Changing out the broken pieces of the arena ended up being a snap, thanks to the structure's modular design and the presence of many, many replacement parts. By the time the next match's time slot came around, it looked like Yang Xiao Long had never graced its surface. Even so, everyone was sure that the maintenance personnel were hoping not to use those features again, especially considering who was doing the fighting.

The crowd cheered as Team APRC made their way out of the dark tunnel and out into the currently barren and metallic arena, marching in single file in order of their names to take up their positions in the central octagon opposite their upcoming opponents.

Ciel followed the lead of Aska up ahead in ignoring the cheers as they took up their positions. Rufus, just in front of Ciel herself, raised his hand briefly to acknowledge their supporters before placing the suitcase he carried -- the Mk II, if she wasn't mistaken -- on the ground and donning it, then standing at ease with his hands clasped behind his back to face their opponents.

Up in the stands above, Coco Adel tilted her head forward, peering over her sunglasses down at Rufus Madison. "I like his style."

Not far from her, Ruby pumped her fist into the air and waved at Penny. "Go-o-o-o, Penny!"​

Penny, in contrast to her teammates, seemed delighted by the applause that was falling on her head; she had a bright smile upon her face as she waved excitedly, turning this way and that so that she was facing everyone who might be cheering for her.

"Penny," Ciel said. "Restraint."

Penny's grin faded just a little but remained a smile, just as her hand lowered a little bit, but she kept on waving.

A soft sigh escaped Ciel's lips. You'll never change, will you?

Ciel's brow furrowed a little as she studied the four almost but not quite identical Huntsmen facing APRC. They were swarthy fellows, dressed in black outfits. Not ninja costumes; rather, they gave the impression of field fatigues that happened to be coloured black. Their faces were nondescript, with few features -- the first hints of a youthful beard, a scar under one eye -- to distinguish one from the other.

"The next match," the voice of Beacon's Professor Port boomed out across the stadium, "will be between Team Apricot of Atlas!"

The cheering roared louder, and Penny gave another little flourish with her hands, restraint seemingly a distant memory. Team APRC was a largely unknown team, which had done little to distinguish itself -- in the public eye, that was; Ciel was confident that they enjoyed the good opinion of their teachers and superior officers within the command hierarchy -- but the wealth of Atlas ensured the kingdom was always well-represented in the stands at the Vytal Festival, no matter where it might be held, and the Atlesian crowd always cheered lustily for all their teams, whether they had heard of them hitherto or not.

"And Team Rain of Shade!" Professor Port declared, Team APRC's opponents receiving a slightly more muted reaction; Vacuo could rarely muster a particularly strong attendance in any tournament that was not held in Vacuo, but the crowd of course included people who would cheer for everyone.

As Ciel attempted to run down the four members of ironically named Team RAJN, now that she had a team name to match them up to, she found to a degree of consternation that that nondescription extended past their appearances.

Ronald Tadur, seventeen years old, hails from Granite; Aaron McMahon, seventeen years old, hails from Boulder; Jerome Jivoin, seventeen years old, hails from Graystone; Nicky Lee, seventeen years old, hails from Little Mesa; status of all four subjects is unknown.

That's it. That's all there is.

The furrowing of Ciel's brow became a little deeper. That was really all there was? Had her encyclopedic store of knowledge, retained in the mind that Rufus had compared to a computer, failed her, or were they fighting a team of ghosts?

...No, she realized with a twinge of frustration, we're fighting a team of Vacuans, the worst record keepers on Remnant.

Ciel sniffed. Ultimately an irrelevant question; they would go on to win this battle regardless. The honor of Atlas demanded no less.

The terrain randomiser was scrolling through the possibilities; either ice or desert would have satisfied Ciel. Shade teams liked to talk of a home field advantage in the sandy dunes, but the truth was that the desert, like the tundra, suited the Atlesians: you could see your enemy. And that went double for a team like APRC which was oriented more towards ranged than close quarters combat.

Sadly, it appeared that fortune was not with them upon this occasion; they were assigned forest upon the RAJN side of the field while rocky outcroppings sprung out of depths of the arena behind APRC.

A slight but rather irritating smirk appeared upon the face of Ronald Tadur, and the black fatigues that he and his team-mates wore transformed immediately into forest camouflage.

"Very impressive," cooed Penny.

Indeed, Ciel thought with just a touch of chagrin. Since when has Vacuo produced such things?

She glanced at Aska, but her team leader appeared undismayed. Admittedly, it was hard to tell with her stoic face and her eyes concealed behind her mirrored sunglasses, but nothing in Shadow's posture suggested any concern whatsoever. But then, to conceal such things was the ninja way.

Beacon's Dr. Oobleck took up the announcement duties from Professor Port. "Three," he declared. "Two, one, begin!"

The buzzer sounded to commence the battle. Farsight wrenched Distant Thunder over her shoulder from across her back, the great gun unfolding in her hands, and the blades of Floating Array sprouted from Bladerider's backpack, but by then, Team RAJN had already melted away into the forest and become quite invisible.

"It looks like Team Rain has decided to adopt a strategy based on concealment," Doctor Oobleck declared. Farsight sometimes wondered why the commentary -- geared towards the audience at home --- was piped into the arena when so much of it was simply a restatement of what was right before their eyes.

Shadow drew Magorox from across her back; the blade glowed blue with the ice dust that charged it. "Mad Dog, Bladerider, with me; Farsight, cover us from higher ground."

"Understood," Farsight replied. The high ground was not that high, and once her teammates entered the woods, it was unlikely that she would be able to provide effective support -- that would be why the Shade team had fled there; it was the same logic that drove the White Fang to hide in caves and forests -- but she would be at a disadvantage at close quarters if she entered the woods with the rest of her teammates, and if RAJN attempted to slip around behind the other three members of APRC, then Farsight would be in position to deal with them.

As her teammates advanced cautiously into the forest on the eastern side of the battlefield, Farsight turned in the opposite direction, hopping from rock to rock, her skirt flapping around her legs as she leapt -- her stockings were long enough that at no point did she ever fear she might be in danger of exposing her thighs -- until she had reached the largest of the rocky columns that rose out of the grassy scrub on that side of the battlefield. She knelt, one knee resting upon the rock, with the barrel of Distant Thunder pointed towards the ground, yet ready to rise up at the slightest provocation of the enemy.

Yet they gave her none. She could not see a single member of Team RAJN, nor indeed could she see any sign of her own teammates as they disappeared into the woods in search of the elusive Shade students. They would be three against four in there, but those three were some of Atlas's best, hand-picked by General Ironwood himself. Admittedly -- while the backgrounds of Shadow and Mad Dog, the parts that hadn't been redacted out, spoke for themselves -- she wasn't entirely sure what Bladerider had done to bring herself to the attention of the General, but her performance in all arts of war besides the stealthy seemed to bear up his good opinion of her. And in Bladerider's case, the fact that her entire record had been redacted spoke as loud as any number of legible paragraphs might otherwise have done. The point was that if they could not beat four Shade students, then it would be a black day in the history of the academy.

And yet, at the same time, Farsight could not help but worry. The tundra and the desert suited the Atlesians because you could see your enemy, and having seen him, you could shoot him from a distance. The forest, the marsh, the mountains, these were less suitable conditions, but they were, somewhat ironically, the sort of conditions in which a Shade team -- well-versed in stealth and survival, skills needed to survive, let alone thrive, among the lawless dunes of Vacuo -- might excel in.

Be strong, flowers of the north, be swift, but above all else, be vigilant.

She waited, the crowd expectant around her and the arena silent before her. There was not even any commentary to tell her how the contest was going.

"It looks like Team Rain is playing a waiting game," declared Professor Port, and for once, Farsight was not displeased to hear him.

A shot rang out from the forest in front of her. It did not sound like one of Mad Dog's missiles and certainly not Bladerider's lasers. It was a short, sharp, slightly heavy sound, and only the first salvo of a fusillade of shots that soon echoed out of the trees, along with flashes of fire stabbing outwards, flashes that were all Farsight could see as they emerged from out of the dense forest.

"Oho!" cried Professor Port. "Team Rain has sprung their ambush! How will Team Apricot respond?"

Farsight put the stock of Distant Thunder to her shoulder, raising the rifle up and looking down the scope. She couldn't see the enemy, she couldn't see her own allies...but she could see flashes of green light that must be Bladerider returning fire, she could see explosions in the trees and hear the distinct whine of Mad Dog's missile pods, she even thought that she could see the icy blue of Shadow's blade, even though she could not see the hand that wielded it.

A buzzer sounded.

"Jerome Jivoin has been eliminated!" Doctor Oobleck cried. "I think it's safe to say that that did not go according to plan."

"Even the best laid trap can falter if the quarry is stronger than you anticipate," Professor Port opined in what was perhaps meant to seem a sagely manner. "Let's see what Team Rain has up their sleeves now."

Judging by the way in which the fire in the forest -- from both sides -- was slacking off, what Team RAJN had up their sleeves next was to go to ground again. Although, having already lost one man in their first and evidently failed attempt to divide and conquer the Atlesians, Farsight was not-

Me. Farsight didn't know how they planned to do it, but she could see as clear as the sun shining down upon them here what the next move of their opponents would be... and that meant that she had to move. Now.

She leapt off the rocky pillar moments before a rocket struck it, blowing the top of her former vantage point to smithereens. Hot air washed over Farsight as the shockwave blasted her forwards more powerfully than her jump, turning her over in the air. Farsight curled into a ball, keeping her grip firmly upon her rifle, and rolled as she hit the ground, but for all that, she could still feel the impact grinding down her aura. She rolled to a stop and immediately rose to a half crouch and began to run, dodging another rocket fired at her by one of the two Shade students who had -- somehow -- crept upon her unnoticed to spring their second ambush of the day.

Farsight took cover -- even it only lasted for a moment, it was better than nothing -- and snapped off a shot with Distant Thunder towards one of her two opponents, the one who had fired the rockets from what looked like a multi-barrelled launcher. Distant Thunder roared, and a chunk of stone was blown away as her enemy took cover.

Precognition, on. Farsight's eyes glowed brighter as she activated her semblance, seeing not only where her second enemy -- presently charging towards her with some kind of wickedly curved desert knife held in one hand -- was but where he would be by the time her shot travelled. Farsight took aim at the future echo of her onrushing opponent and fired. There was a loud bang from Distant Thunder before her foe was hurled backwards, his aura severely depleted.

And then Bladerider arrived. No doubt the Vacuans had not expected that any other member of Team APRC could get back across the field to reinforce Farsight in time, but they should have wondered why she had been assigned the callsign "Bladerider."

Bladerider flew upon a board of swords, the blades of Floating Array criss-crossing each other beneath her feet to form a hoverboard on which she flew, balanced perfectly, hands clasped together beneath her back, a determined smile upon her face as she flew into battle.

Farsight, her semblance still active, got to see her in action twice, once in the future echo of her assault and then as she actually did it. Bladerider leapt from her sword-board as she closed the distance on the Vacuan with the rockets -- Aaron McMahon, according to the display -- hitting him with a flying kick that reminded Farsight of one of Thundercracker's moves as he would transform from airship to robot with a kick at any hypothetical enemy standing in his way. The blow sent McMahon flying, and Bladerider turned her attention towards the other RAJN member, Nicky Lee. Bladerider's swords hovered around her, spitting green laser beams that hammered the Shade student without remorse, staggering him, pounding him as he attempted to find cover, dropping him into the red in a matter of mere seconds.

"Nicky Lee's aura is in the red, eliminating him from this match!" Professor Port declared. "Team Rain is two down without having eliminated a single member of Team Apricot."

Bladerider flung out her hand. Her swords fell like hunting hounds upon the stag that was Aaron McMahon.

"Aaron McMahon has also been eliminated," Dr. Oobleck declared. "With only their team leader left, it seems highly improbable that Team Rain will be able turn this around now."

Farsight looked towards the woods, to see the future echo of Ronald Tadur emerging -- only briefly -- from out of the cover of the trees.

The brief emergence, possibly a misjudgement of the cover, was all she needed to take the shot with Distant Thunder. Her rifle roared, and the leader of Team Rain was hurled back into the forest darkness, minus most of his aura.

"Ronald Tadur's aura has passed under the threshold, and with that, Team Rain has been defeated," announced Dr. Oobleck. "Team Apricot of Atlas stands victorious."

"YES!" Penny yelled, jumping up into the air with her hands raised above her head. "We did it!"

Ciel bowed her head, a slight smile upon her face. "Thank you, Penny, for all of your assistance."

"No problem," Penny cried, approaching Ciel and holding out one fist.

Ciel stared at it as though it might be infected.

Penny waggled her fist. "Come on. You know you want to."

Ciel knew no such thing, but nevertheless, she held out her own fist... which felt like a train had slammed into it when it received Penny's "'fist bump," knuckles first. She struggled to maintain her composure as it felt as though her aura had dropped into the red.

"Congratulations, Penny," she said, in a voice slightly hoarse from the pain.

When General Ironwood wheeled in the jumbo high definition holographic protector so that he could watch the Vytal Tournament from the concealment of his hangar, Thundercracker was unenthused. He hadn't cared for the gladiatorial games back on Cybertron, so why would he care about them on Remnant? In fact, it would probably be something that he wouldn't want to see anyway, because, well, there was a good chance that someone could have their brain module splattered all over the arena to the cheers of thousands of fans. Someone like Mad Dog, or Farsight, or Shadow, or... Penny.

So it was with barely controlled terror that he watched the opening rounds of the tournament. Remarkably, incredibly, no one died. Even when that Arslan girl brutally took down Team CRDL single-handedly. However, rather than alleviating his fear, it only intensified it, such that by the time Team APRC's fight rolled around, he was just about ready to rocket away to Amity Arena to get them out of there.

By the end of the battle, he was standing as tall as he could and cheering. "WE WON! Wahooo! Way to go, Penny!"

Thundercracker paused for a moment before continuing.

"And Farsight and Shadow and Mad Dog! Go Team Apricot!"

Alright, maybe there was something to this whole Vytal Tournament thing.

Penny certainly knows how to play to the crowd, Megatron mused appreciatively, a faint smile crossing his face. It's like she was sparked for the arena.

"Huh," Demolishor's voice broke his train of thought. "So that's Thundercracker's partner? Not bad, I guess."

Megatron glowered at the other Decepticon, who shrank away from him.

"The prototype seems to lack any real killer instinct," Megatron grunted, concealing his approval behind a scowl. "Perhaps Starscream was right to cancel further work on the Targetmaster project."

Yang struggled to keep her eyes open as Bumblebee roared along the roads. How long had it been? Two days? Three? No, that couldn't be right, could it? She had to have slept somewhere in between, right? Right, there was that two-hour power nap she'd taken... when was it?

"Yang, you don't look so good," observed Bumblebee worriedly.

"I'll be fine once the action gets going," replied Yang, as she tried her best to use her aura to sustain herself.

"You'll be better if you catch some sleep," pointed out Bumblebee. "Come on, put your glasses on and let me take over the drive."

On that suggestion, the sunglasses compartment just in front of the rear view mirror popped open, and unconsciously, Yang reached up to put on the Autobot-grade tactical visor over her eyes.

"All right, Bumblebee, you win," allowed Yang, shifting in her seat. "I'll catch a few zees."

There was a crackle over the radio.

"Guys, this is Hound. Cinder just ambushed us approximately ten clicks north-northeast of Old McHenry's. Reinforcements needed!"

Yang growled. "So much for sleep. Let's get her."

Bumblebee's reply came in the form of a dramatic swerve onto another road.

"I better get my mask on," Yang said to herself as she reached over to grab her bag. She reached for it and grasped several times before she realized that there was nothing there. Her head whipped around and found the passenger seat completely empty. "What?!"

"What's wrong?" asked Bumblebee, somewhat distracted by the road.

"My pack. It's…" -- a flash of memory came to Yang's mind -- "it's still back in my dorm. I left it there, and I forgot to pick it back up before I left."

"Should we go back and get it?" Bumblebee inquired with a note Yang couldn't quite identify.

The blonde contemplated things before answering. "No, I can still manage with my glasses, and my roommates won't just root around in my stuff. I'll just get it later."

"You got it," confirmed Bumblebee.

"Blake, what are you doing?" asked Ruby worriedly as she watched her black-haired teammate kneeling over Yang's bag.

The tournament was winding down for the day, dusk was settling in, and the teams were heading back to their dorms. For Team RWBY, this meant going back to a room without their Y, again. This time, though, instead of leaving barely any trace of herself, she had left her kitbag behind, and this had resulted in a bit of a moral quandary.

"I'm getting to the bottom of this," declared Blake, pausing for only a moment before going back to examining the bag. "She's been gone for days now, and she almost missed the tournament. She's not giving us an answer, so we'll just have to find our own."

"Orrrrr... maybe we can just wait till she gets home and ask her what's wrong," proposed Ruby, bouncing to close the distance with Blake.

"We already tried that, Ruby. That's why Blake's resorting to these methods," Weiss reminded the bloodcrowned girl, sidestepping to partially block her path. "Look. If we don't find anything, or if it's nothing big, then we can just cover the whole thing up so there's no issue."

"'No issue'? 'No issue'?!" squawked Ruby. "The issue is that you're violating my sister's privacy!"

Blake made a wave with her hand. "Stop being so Valish, Ruby. It'll be fine."

"'Fine'? 'Fine'?!" objected Ruby, her face becoming ever more like her namesake. "This is a serious breach of trust, and I swear if you do this, I'll… I'll… I'll…"

The bag was unzipped, and Blake began patting down the far end, reaching through the items inside.

"Hey! I'm calling Ozpin!" declared Ruby as she reached into her clothes for her scroll.

"There's a secret compartment in the armor plating at the back," reported Blake, ignoring the comment.

Ruby started to bring up the professor's number.

"Got it open," continued Blake. "Oh, hello, what do we have here?"

Weiss put her hand on Ruby's. "Come on, Ruby. Just humor her for a minute. You can-"


The expletive, sharp and shocking, cut through the air like a knife. Ruby and Weiss both turned their heads and looked at Blake, who was holding in her hands a collection of items that looked very familiar to Weiss. They were publications: White Fang books and pamphlets... and an especially large sunglasses case.

"What?" asked Ruby dumbly, her voice going very small.

Blake put the publications down and examined the case. "This has a biometric lock. Luckily, I've already prepared a solution."

The raven-haired girl reached into a concealed pocket on her person and brought out a glove that she peeled something off of before running it along the edge of the case. With nary a sound, the case popped open. The contents of it sent all three of them reeling.

Cala Ferny Brown could not keep the grin off her face as she walked with little Calliope in a stroller in her hands and her husband by her side to the spot where they had parked their ground car. The day had been… wonderful, absolutely wonderful. Which, in her opinion, was a welcome change of pace from how it had been recently.

"So, hun, what was your favorite match?" Chris asked affectionately, and perhaps a tad rhetorically.

Her beloved husband knew she was not nearly as interested in sports as he was, but on this, she decided to humor him; after all, besides the networking opportunities, the day spent with the two of them was wonderful. "Well, Team Solar versus Team Funky was certainly a foot-tapping affair. I had no idea that Atlesians could be so energetic, and that dashing rogue Sol Silver had so many wonderful toys."

"Okay, okay, I get it," relented Chris good-naturedly. "No need to go totally gaga. Also, what do you mean, you didn't know Atlesians could be energetic? Aren't you Atlesian?"

"It's complicated," she replied simply. "Now where was I? Oh yes, Teams Jasmine and Shadow. They... well... I certainly remember the skeleton army, but what was fighting that again?"

"An army of… fungi? Plants? Something like that," answered Chris haltingly. "I think it was that Potted Plant girl on Team Shadow or something. You're right, they didn't make much of an impression. I'm surprised Beacon has a ninja program, though. They were barely more than silhouettes."

"Team Zinc, on the other hand, made quite the impression. Aspidistra never saw it coming," continued Cala.

"Caro'ina! Caro'ina!" cheered little Calliope at the name, bouncing up and down in her stroller as she did so.

"That's right, Calliope. Carolina did kick butt," cooed Cala as she leaned over the stroller to look at her little bundle of joy.

"Yeah, but did she have to kick testes too?" asked Chris, his free hand automatically going to shield his personal items.

Cala pursed her lips. "No. No, I suppose she didn't. That really was a dirty move, wasn't it?"

"Yes. Yes, it was," confirmed Chris as they reached their car.

A few minutes of strapping little Calliope, the stroller, and their bags into the car, and they were on the road again.

"You were cheering pretty hard during Team Ruby's match," observed Chris as he drove along.

"I'm an SDC regional manager; I can't do less," pointed out Cala mirthfully. "Though it was odd. There's something wrong with that Yang girl, I'm sure of it. I really hope they get her the help she needs. Miss Schnee and the Belladonna girl were something else, though; even I was able to see how in sync they were."

"Hmm, a faunus and a human working together? What will they think of next?" asked Chris rhetorically.

The secondary ears on Cala's head twitched at that, but she just rolled her eyes. "Yes, it's a mystery," she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Almost as much of a mystery as why Arslan decided to solo that entire team when she found out about them accosting Team Juniper's leader," mused Chris.

"It's not that mysterious," Cala informed him. "According to Reese, Pyrhha and Jaune are dating, and Arslan's been rooting for them all semester."

"What?! Really?" exclaimed Christopher, faux-scandalized. "She didn't say anything about that to me."

"You're a man, honey," pointed out Cala. "Matters like these require a woman's intuition."

"Very well, keep your secrets," relented Chris good naturedly.

"I will, thank you very much," replied Cala. "Still, you should be able to get that if those Cardinal guys have been messing with them… well, that happens."

"Oh, I can imagine, but you know the tabloids are going to have a field day with that, right?" Chris chuckled. "As far as the public knows, Pyrrha and Arslan hate each other. Though I suppose 'Arslan Altan, defender of love' is a pretty good headline grabber too."

"Anyway, who's left? Oh! Team Sun and Team Kashmir, they were a very interesting perspective on marketing, if a bit lewd," mused Cala before a blush came to her face. "Sorry, that's just my natural Atlesian prudishness showing up again."

"Hey, I agree with you," countered Chris. "Shame about what happened to their opponents. The blue-haired guy really lucked out when Kogetsu and Ice were hit by that hazard."

Cala coughed. "Yes, well… last one! Apricot versus Rain. I think I might have liked that one the best. That Bladerider girl is just such a sweetie, and very personable too. I think we might need to talk with her at some point about becoming a spokeswoman for the SDC."

After all, they needed all the good press they could get at that moment. Everyone in Vale seemed to be turning against them, and they kept losing product to brigands. There was even that… that… false flag! There was no way it could be anything else, because the very idea that the SDC would kidnap anyone was just absurd.

Her sister had been put in charge of the investigation, and Cala really hoped she could come up with something that would clear the SDC's name. Calliope, the elder one, was an extremely diligent worker, and very thorough. It was no wonder why Mister Schnee himself had taken an eye to her, and if anyone was to uncover the truth of the matter, it was her.

"Hey, look who's asleep," Chris said softly.

He was glancing in the rearview mirror, but Cala could twist around in her seat to see her precious baby girl fast asleep in her carseat. And as she gazed upon that sight, she once again found the troubles of the time melting away. In the face of a babe, all things seemed just.

And that was a reminder, Cala knew, that as long as she had her family, everything was going to be okay.

Together, Yang and Bumblebee howled at incredible speeds down the back road. It was a feat that, perhaps, Yang could have managed when she was at the top of her game. She needn't risk it this time, though, because for Bumblebee, this was old hat, having spent millions of years burning rubber on Cybertronian streets that were often more rubble than road, never mind his time on Velocitron.

Still, there were plenty of blind corners in those back roads, thanks to walls of trees and large rocks, and though Bumblebee's sensor suite was top of the line, there were still ways of getting around it. Certain materials, certain emissions, certain means of concealing either, just seemed to slip through the cracks. It was just such a crack that the armored truck that hit Bumblebee's side stormed out of.

The Autobot flipped side over side into the treeline, transforming as he did so. Yang flew out and deployed her shot-gauntlets to slow her descent with recoil blasts. They both tried to get a handle on who was attacking them.

Their attackers made themselves known when a pair of green and silver Skygraspers flew overhead and deployed two similarly-colored Paladin-290 mechs from under their tails.

"These guys again," growled Yang, her adrenaline-soaked mind flashing back to that awful battle at the docks all those months ago.

Before either of them could formulate a plan, the Paladins deployed a pair of missiles that deployed into giant electrified nets. On instinct, Yang deployed Ember Celica's blades and sliced through that which would have ensnared her. Bumblebee reacted just as fast and in the same way, though his body was big enough that he still got hit by part of it and yelped as he threw the zapping piece of entanglement away.

Troops were deploying, all in grey and green jumpsuits, and the Paladins were taking aim.

"Who are you people?!" demanded Bumblebee as his right arm transformed into a plasma cannon while his left drew forth his blaster.

Yang tapped her earpiece. "Sunfire to any available support! We've been ambushed!"

One of the Paladins started to run towards Bumblebee, who fired a partially charged plasma ball that took out its legs. The men in masks opened fire on Yang, and she broke for cover with a snapping recoil boost. The Skygraspers circled overhead menacingly.

"Sunfire, this is Silverbolt. We're rerouting to your position," came a welcome note to her ear.

"Acknowledged," she replied before snapping out of cover on another pair of recoil boosts. She spun in the air and came down in the midst of the masked men. Her fists were as lightning, and Ember Celica's barrels blazed with every strike.

One of the masked men fired a dart on a cable from an attachment on his gun, and when it hit Yang, it delivered a powerful electric shock that made her cry out in pain.

"Not again!" shouted Yang, and then with a scream still coming from her lips, she deployed Ember Celica's blades and cut through the cable connected to the dart.

The blades swept out again and managed to catch one of the masked men in the gut. His aura, already weakened by multiple blows from Yang, broke. Then his armor parted under the assault of the alien technology in Ember Celica and the strength of a trained Huntress. Then his gut was hewn open.

Yang was in the moment, didn't see and didn't care. Someone did, though, and as the blonde pressed her attack on the others, they intervened. With a thud, a man in a similar outfit, but with his eyes uncovered, his face bearing several scars, dropped down from one of the orbiting Skygraspers.

"Get him out of here!" ordered the man, his voice firm, gesturing at the eviscerated man, and the others moved to obey.

Briefly, Yang glanced over at Bumblebee to see him using some of the moves she had taught him to box with one of the Paladins while trying to dodge some goop being fired by the legless Paladin. He had his fight in hand, but she still moved to give him support. The big man went to block her, though.

"Not so fast, little girl," he said. "Your dance card's full right now."

"Mind telling me who I'm dancing with then?" asked Yang angrily, unconsciously falling into a quip as she did so.

"Name's Silas," replied the man, raising his fists in a guard like what she used. "Leader of MECH. Glad to finally meet you, Sunfire. Cinder's told me a lot about you."

"Cinder," growled Yang as she threw herself into the fight. "How many of your people did she kill to gain control?"

"None," replied Silas professionally, deflecting her blows. "This alliance is merely a temporary arrangement."

"You think that, but she'll still find a way to control you," retorted Yang, her irises briefly turning as red as the veins visible in the rest of her eyes. "She's a monster."

Silas dodged one of Yang's strikes, and dealt out his own that left her reeling.

"And you're running yourself ragged," retorted Silas. "If I were your commanding officer-"

"But you're not," Yang interrupted, launching another flurry of attacks, "so shut up and tell me where Cinder is so I can rip out her spine!"

"Tsk tsk," Silas clucked his tongue disapprovingly and shook his head as he parried her blows. "Sloppy. Reckless. You're angry. I get that. Cinder is the sort of person who doesn't care about collateral damage, but... this? Revenge is a sucker's game."

"That's why Cinder's doing this," pointed out Yang.

The fight was moving at a strange pace now, and Yang was struggling to come up with a way to end it.

"And that should be a big flashing warning signal for you to stop," lectured Silas before knocking Yang's feet out from under her and sending her to the ground. "It's going to get you killed. It's killing you right now."

Yang fired off another recoil boost and flipped back up. Bumblebee seemed to be getting the upper hand, but now, he was fighting off the soldiers as well. She needed to help him, but Silas was stopping her.

"Heads up!" warned Air Raid over her headset a split second before the Aerialbots transformed and landed in the clearing.

"Well played, Sunfire, well played," complimented Silas before gesturing with his hand.

A series of canisters dropped off the wings of the Skygraspers overhead, as if they were bombs. One of them was a flashbang. By the time Yang recognized this, it had already gone off.

One bright flash and a stunning sound later, Yang found herself looking at a bunch of her friends, her Autobot friends, and half an abandoned Paladin.

"Hey, Yang," began Bumblebee, drawing her attention. "You don't look so good."

Yang blinked, realizing for the first time that it was night out. How long had it been like that?

"I… I think you're right," she realized.

Jaune had barely knocked on the hotel room door when it swung open, revealing his father on the other side, waving him in. Moments later, they were seated at the hotel room's tiny coffee table, each with a glass of water. The silence drew out.

"So, uh, where's Mom?"

"Out with the girls," Jacques replied. "Therapy shopping for Verte, with dinner and a movie."

Jaune winced. "How's she holding up?"

"Pretty well, all things considered." The older man let out a heavy sigh. "She's beating herself up for failing to uphold Haven's honor in Lionheart's memory, but she'll get over it."

"He believed in her," Jaune said simply. "I can- I can appreciate wanting to live up to that."

They lapsed into silence for a bit.

"So," his father said, "I'm guessing you didn't want to talk to me about Verte, so what did you want to talk about?"

"What was it like?" Jaune asked. "When you met Mom?"

"Is this about your girlfriend?"

Jaune flushed, eyes wide. "Wh-what?"

"Your girlfriend," Jacques repeated. "Pyrrha."

"Wh-what- how did you-?"

"I saw that look on her face when you introduced us to her," Jacques said simply. "That was a 'meet the parents' face. She's the one who believed in you, isn't she?" 'When we didn't' was left unsaid.

"...yeah. Yeah, she was," admitted Jaune, gazing into his water. "When no one else did -- when even I didn't believe in myself -- she was always there, always willing to reassure me, to help me... and to train me into the ground so I could be what she saw in me." He looked up. "How did- how did you know? That Mom was the one?"

"Would you die for her?"

"In a heartbeat." There was no hesitation in his answer. He shook his head. "But I'd die for any of my teammates."

"True," his father acknowledged. "Fairly common among Huntsmen. Would you kill for her?"

Jaune pressed his lips together but didn't answer.

Jacques let out a weary sigh. "So, it's like that, is it?" He got up and walked over to the hotel room's minibar.

"Dad?" Jaune asked, surprised, as his father returned with a bottle of amber-colored liquid and two shot glasses, one for each of them.

"You've killed before." It wasn't a question. "This isn't a conversation to have without a drink."

Reluctantly, Jaune accepted the shot of whiskey. "That's... not what I came here to talk about, Dad," he said. "I just... this thing with Pyrrha. It's- She's... amazing. I- I want to- but I'm worried I might be rushing it."

"You're a Huntsman, Jaune," his father said, his voice hard. "Pyrrha's a Huntress. In this line of work, outside of combat, there is no such thing as 'rushing it.' Life's too short for that."

It was not nearly as late as it could have been when Yang finally stumbled in through the door. Ruby felt her heart ache, and she wanted more than anything to rush her to bed. She didn't know if the others saw it, but she was exhausted. The thought of just what had made her that tired, though, what she had been doing, sent a chill to those sisterly concerns.

It probably wasn't true, but Ruby desperately wanted this intervention to turn into a debriefing where Yang would tell them all the secrets she had learned on her infiltration mission. She didn't want to believe that her sister was involved in political violence, didn't want to believe that her sister was only interested in Sun because he was a faunus, didn't want to believe that her sister agreed with anything that horrible woman Sienna Khan said.

Blake slipped in between Yang and the door and flicked the light on, and Yang blinked owlishly at them.

"Oh, hey, guys," she said. "You didn't have to wait up for me, you know."

"We're worried about you, Yang," began Ruby. "Whatever you're doing, you're not sleeping well. It's hurting you. It's hurting the team."

"It- it's fine," Yang insisted. "Just... just something I've got to take care of."

"That's not the only reason for our concern," Weiss said, cutting to the heart of the matter.


Weiss pulled out what they'd found. "What is this?" she asked. The question was largely rhetorical. They knew what it was. There was, after all, no mistaking the Grimm-like visor mask for anything else. It was painted more ornately than most, with red and yellow markings curling and coiling around the edges.

"How did you get that?" Yang demanded, eyes flickering red. "Did you- were you going through my things?!"

"Answer the question, Yang," Ruby pressed.

Yang drew herself up and said stonily, "That... that is a gift from a friend."

"'A friend'?"" Blake sputtered, darting forward and snatching the mask from Weiss. She shook it up in Yang's face. "Yang, do you have any idea what this is?!"

Yang arched an eyebrow. "Enlighten me," she said, her voice as dry as Vacuo.

"This is a White Fang mask!" Blake ranted. "Do you know what they've done? They're terrorists! Murderers!"

This was bad. Blake was letting her emotions take over, going way off-script.

"Blake," Weiss interjected, "now isn't-"

"They perverted a good cause, twisted good people into monsters," hissed Blake, steamrolling right over Weiss. "They've set back faunus rights by decades!"

"They're getting better!" Yang snapped, interrupting Blake's tirade. "I'm making them better!"

Her words echoed in the sudden silence that followed.

Blake stepped back in surprise, silently mouthing Yang's words as they sank in, as if trying to make sense of them.

"Yang..." Ruby said, only to get interrupted by Blake.

"You're claiming that you, a human, joined the White Fang and have been reforming them from the inside?" Blake asked, her voice low and riddled with disbelief. "Are you even listening to yourself?"

"I know it sounds crazy," admitted Yang, "but it's the truth! What would you know about it anyway?"

"What would I-?" Blake echoed, then reached up and yanked her bow off. "I know plenty! I was one of them! Remember my ex we talked about? His name was Adam, and he-" She suddenly broke off as Yang's expression shifted. The blonde was looking at her as though something was finally clicking. "Yang?"

"Huh," was Yang's response, simple and understated. "I'll be damned. He was right. He's gonna be even more insufferable than usual."

Weiss let out a disturbed squeak. Ruby, for her part, stood rooted in place, unable to wrap her mind around what was happening in front of her.

But Blake? Blake's eyes went wide. "You know that beast?!"

Yang's own eyes narrowed. "Blake, I get you two have a history -- God knows, he was a murderous ass when we first met -- so I'm gonna let that one go," she paused and put her hand out palm up. "Now give me back the mask. It means a lot to me, especially considering how long it took to get him to trust me."

Blake's face was awash with horrified realization. "Adam gave this to you."

Yang didn't respond. Then again, it hadn't been a question.

"This is for your own good, Yang," declared Blake as she parted her fingers, allowing the mask to drop to the floor. Yang dove for it, but before she could reach it, Blake's heel came stomping down on the white, red, and yellow object, snapping it in twain down the middle.

"NO!" the cry of rage tore its way out of Yang's throat, her hair bursting into flames, her eyes flaring red, and she rose up, fists clenched-


-and punched Blake with the speed of a striking viper, sending the raven-haired girl crashing backwards into her bed, destabilizing the stacks of books that suspended Yang's bed over it, and the whole makeshift bunk bed collapsed.

Finally, Ruby managed a strangled, "...Yang?"

Yang's anger seemed to evaporate as she looked at the other half of her team, the stunned shock on Weiss's face, the fear on Ruby's.

"I-I'm sorry," Yang said as she took a step back, then bolted out of the room.

"I think... I think we underestimated how much that mask means to her," Weiss observed numbly as Ruby burst into a cloud of rose petals in pursuit.

"Yang, wait!" Ruby called as she pursued her sister, but the blonde ignored her pleas and continued to run.

Yang's feet pounded the pavement as she exited the building, racing for the street ahead, but the head start she'd had was quickly disappearing.

Ruby was almost there. Just a little further, and she'd catch up, and then... and then what? Ruby wasn't sure, but she wasn't going to just let her sister run off like this, not until they'd gotten this straightened out. It was bad enough when Blake had run off, but not Yang!

Suddenly, a car -- a canary yellow Panther Chevron -- pulled up, its door popping open just long enough for Yang to dive in before it closed up again, and the car drove off, accelerating with a squeal of tires.

Ruby wasn't giving up yet, her Petal Burst allowed her to chase them off campus, but...

...but her semblance, like all semblances, consumed aura, and soon enough, exhausted, Ruby could do nothing but slump to her knees in the middle of the road and watch the taillights disappear into the darkness...

(V3E1: Commencement | V3E2: Round One: Fight! | V3E3: Sundown)​

Author's Note 1 (Cyclone)
For the record, we actually did randomize the biomes for the Team JNPR vs. Team VTLK match, based on the 11 icons for the biomes listed in The World of RWBY: The Official Companion. We just skipped the "gravity dust floating island" biome and rolled 2d10. We also randomized the biomes for the Team RWBY vs. Team BRNZ fight, though we rerolled when the first roll got us double ocean biomes.

If you're wondering why Verte's semblance was mentioned and never used... it's because we sort of came up with what her semblance would be before writing the fight scene, realized Jaune would mention it, and then the situation never came up for it to be used, in part due to his forewarning. As for how Jaune would know Verte's semblance without knowing about aura? Well, knowing that some people have superpowers -- and that Verte can disrupt those powers with a touch -- is one thing, and once he did have aura explained to him, he's smart enough to figure out what that all meant in the new (to him) context.

The Team RWBY vs. BRNZ fight was originally planned to include some other stuff, like Yang doing a Wonder Woman walk toward May, deflecting shots with Ember Celica before unleashing her semblance. Then we actually rewatched the canon Team JNPR vs. BRNZ fight and noticed something... odd. May Zedong misses [every single shot. More than that, when she's taking a shot at Nora climbing the mountain, she takes 11 seconds to line up her shot, waits a full second after Pyrrha is blocking her shot with Akouo before firing, and was clearly aiming to miss, since the range was far too short for bullet drop, and there's no indication of a crosswind in the arena. Food for thought.

Huge thanks to @ScipioSmith for writing one of the fight scenes for us, as well as some of the audience reactions. Fight scenes just aren't our forte.

In fact, each of the major fight scenes in this chapter was written by a different person. Can you guess who wrote which one?

So, there it is, guys. The big blowup everyone's been waiting for. Not much to it, is there? It's... honestly not much more than the canon blowup with Blake or even this 'fic's blowup with Blake, and it was never intended to be.

That said, there are still further revelations to come, both for the characters and for readers like you.
Author's Note 2 (Cody MacArthur Fett)
So, that was the big blow up scene that we had prewritten for months. It's probably going to cause a riot, but we're not too worked up about it. I mean, it's been written for months, so it's kind of old hat for us. Not to mention that in the last week we've come to the realization that we've kind of already done this, and that all that's different is that now it's Yang running out instead of Blake… which, ironically, is kind of what we set out to do with flipping around "Burning the Candle." Yep, that's right, this was originally supposed to happen in volume 2. Why the change? Well, besides not wanting to have Yang on the run for so long there was also the simple fact that the Vytal Tournament is a better setting for everything that we have planned over the next… *checks notes* … six chapters. There's also going to be a ton of other stuff going on this volume too though, and I'm sure those that don't abandon us after this chapter… or chapter four… or chapter five… anyway, those who don't punch out in the next two months -- and it will certainly be a lot of people, we are not expecting people to like this, and in fact are expecting people to hate it -- will possibly enjoy some of the stuff we have before the volume's finished.

Again, thanks to Scipio for writing what he did, because without him we'd still be writing this monster.

Oh, but these were some great fights though, weren't they? I don't have much to say this chapter, but I am curious what you favorite match of the episode was? Are there any you're sad to have missed? Let us know in the comments below.

The first of many revelations have come, and now the chase is on for Team Rainbow to hunt down their wayward member before she can help the White Fang enact their final solution. For Sunfire, she finally rests for the first time in far too long, and takes stock of all that has transpired. Meanwhile, the second years are having their first matches of the Vytal Tournament, and there are some early surprises to be had in the winners. All that and more on the next exciting episode: "Sundown."
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Volume III: Episode 3: Sundown
(V3E2: Round One: Fight! | V3E3: Sundown | V3E4: The Ties That Bind)

Volume III: Episode 3: Sundown

* * *​

Finding the location for the meeting… well, finding the meeting place had been a pain. What they had gone through to even get the meeting place location? Well, that had been even worse.

"How are you holding up?" asked Velvet worriedly, quietly.

"Like I could refill a salt lake with my sweat," answered Lavi with a tone that sounded just as nervous as Velvet felt.

The interrogation had been intense, delving not just into her motivations and experiences, but also her past. There had also been, strangely enough, medical tests too, but she'd put her foot down before allowing them to take samples. She was willing to go through a lot for Vale, but she couldn't, in her wildest imaginations, imagine a prospective terrorist being okay with that. It had to have been a secret test, and judging from the results, she'd been right. On the other hand, for all their paranoia, they seemed... rushed. Distracted. Like something else, something more important was on their minds. Not, generally speaking, a good sign when talking about a terrorist group that had been remarkably quiet recently.

Tonight, they were mingling with some other recruits in a cavernous garage. It wasn't quite the abandoned warehouse she'd been expecting, but she'd been able to pick up from the grumbling that the White Fang had apparently had to stay on the move. Was someone else tracking them down?

The timing was... less than ideal, since it was getting late, and they would be competing in the second year team matches for the Vytal Tournament tomorrow morning. That, in the end, was one reason Velvet and Lavi had been chosen. With both Team CFVY and Team RRFL participating in the tournament, any disguise or false identity any of them could put on would be hopelessly inadequate.

"You," a voice from behind them said, freezing them in place.

Slowly, they turned. A young man stood before them, his White Fang mask a bit more elaborate than most, decorated with red filigree. His black and red outfit was intimidating, as was the sword he wore at his belt. The fact that he looked a little frazzled took away from that, however.

He walked up to them, sizing them up, before looking at Lavi. "You're the Atlas student, aren't you?"

Lavi nodded, swallowing hard. Velvet couldn't blame him. This... this had to be Adam Taurus, leader of the Vale White Fang.

He placed a hand on Lavi's shoulder and said, "Good. We could use people like you."

"You mean Huntsmen?" Velvet blurted out.

Adam turned to gaze at her for a moment, then shook his head. "No. Well, yes, good fighters are always appreciated, but right now, someone with Atlesian connections is more valuable than another pair of fighters could be." He turned to look back at Lavi. "Don't do anything stupid. I'll need you to return to Atlas a free man to deliver a message for me."


Velvet felt a chill run down her spine. Atlas? The White Fang in Atlas had been quiet for quite some time too, laying low after a disastrous kidnapping attempt in which the victim got loose and started killing all their guys. What were they planning now?

The early pre-dawn air of Patch was cool, misty, beautiful in a way that almost made you forget about the monsters living in the dark. It was a thought that would have terrified many people not named Glynda Goodwitch, but she was named Glynda Goodwitch, so why should she be afraid of any monsters? After all, she was the scariest monster on that island.

Which, of course, wasn't to say that the one she was going to see wasn't a strong and powerful monster in his own right, but… well, Taiyang Xiao Long had never been nearly as scary as she was. In fact, he gave the impression of being a sweet puppy despite the fact that he could kill a Beowolf in two seconds with just his pinky fingers and a boot to the head. He was just too much of a dork to be scary, except for when he was protecting or avenging someone he cared about.

A fond smile crossed her lips as she thought of him.

As the Bullhead settled down in one of the clearings in front of the Xiao Long household, the engines powered down, and Glynda rose from her seat, then hesitated.

"Miss Nikos," she said, "this... this is probably a conversation best had in private."

"I understand," the Mistrali champion replied from the cockpit, her voice forcefully professional. "I'll wait here."

"Thank you for understanding."

As she disembarked, Glynda noted the car parked out front curiously. She'd heard Zippy had met an unfortunate end, but the new car was... not what she would have expected for Tai.

The car's presence meant wherever he was, he was in walking distance. The fact that he hadn't come out to greet his visitor meant he was out of earshot.

Probably collecting firewood, she concluded as she made her way around the house. Her gaze flicked up to the chimney poking out of the roof and shook her head. The fireplace had given him and his family no small amount of trouble over the years. I told him it was a terrible idea.

Rather than take shelter under the lean-to near the rear of the house or under the trees, she waited out in the clearing behind the house. The weather was mild, and the sun was barely peeking over the horizon. The crisp, autumn air was almost cold enough for her breath to start misting.

She didn't have long to wait. Perhaps ten minutes had passed before Tai came sauntering out of the forest, a tree resting on his shoulder, his corgi, Zwei, yipping along behind him.

He paused at seeing her, blinked and shook his head a few times, then approached her, dropping the tree off at the edge of the clearing.

"Well, hello, Glynda," he greeted her cheerfully. "What brings you here?" He gave her an exaggerated leer and waggled his eyebrows. "You didn't decide to ditch James for me, did you?"

Glynda rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Give it up, Taiyang," she said reflexively. "You are not building a harem, and certainly not one with me in it."

Anyone else might have been offended, hurt by the comment, but not Tai.

"Well," he said teasingly, "Raven left, and Summer died, so it wouldn't technically be a harem..." He trailed off suggestively.

Glynda clenched her fists and screwed her eyes shut. "Stop," she hissed. "Just... stop, Tai." She glared at him. "That ship sailed a long time ago."

He blinked. "Wait, what?"

Glynda coughed and shook her head. "Not important," she said hastily. "I'm here on serious business. It's about your daughter."

Taiyang's smile vanished. "What happened to Ruby?"

"Why do you assume I'm talking about Ruby?" she asked curiously.

"She's her mother's daughter," Tai pointed out, "and she's been training those eyes of hers."

Glynda considered, thinking back to happier times. Summer Rose had certainly been... unique, with the same brave, selfless heart her daughter showed today. And the same inability to leave well enough alone.

"...fair enough," she acknowledged, "but I'm actually here about Yang. Have you heard from her since last night?"

"Yang?" Tai blinked, then shook his head. "Not in weeks. What's going on, Glynda? What's this about?"

Glynda pursed her lips, pondering how to phrase it. "Throughout both semesters, Yang has spent a lot of her free time in Vale. Over the past few days, she's disappeared entirely and returned exhausted and sleep-deprived. Her team... investigated and found evidence she may have joined or been working with the White Fang. When they confronted her about it, she admitted to joining the White Fang and associating personally with the Vale White Fang Leader, Adam Taurus. She then assaulted one of her teammates and fled, and her current whereabouts are unknown."

The fact that Yang had fled in a Panther Chevron that matched Bumblebee II's color scheme... and Bumblebee was now gone suggested that it might be a transformer as well, perhaps one of Cliffjumper's "Autobots." This, however, was not the place to brief Tai on that particular... complication.

Tai stared at her, his mouth working wordlessly as he suddenly sat down on the ground.

"...I guess she takes after her mother more than I thought."

"I'm sorry," Glynda offered.

Tai shook his head as he picked himself back up. "Gimme a few minutes to pack. I'm going back to Beacon with you."

Glynda arched an eyebrow. "Are you sure?" she asked. "Yang may try to contact you here."

"This is Yang," he said, shaking his head again. "Whatever she's doing, she's doing it for a reason, and she's not going to come crawling back home until it's done."

She sighed. "...very well."

A few minutes later, they were walking to the Bullhead, Tai with a pack slung over his shoulder and Glynda with Zwei in her arms.

"By the way, Tai," Glynda said, nodding to the other vehicle on the property, "compliments on the new car."

"Thanks," he said half-heartedly. "After Ruby's driving lessons, I kinda had to get a new one."

"Still, a Ferdinand?" she asked. "Isn't that a bit… pricey?"

"You wouldn't believe the deal I got on it," he said as they climbed aboard the Bullhead. "Dealer thought it was cursed, for some reason, but I've not had any trouble with it. Besides, it spoke to me."

"Miss Nikos, we're ready to go," Glynda informed their pilot. As Miss Nikos began powering up the Bullhead, she looked back to Tai and arched an eyebrow. "Spoke to you?"

"Yeah," he said with a nod. "First time I turned the engine over, the radio was on, and I heard the smoothest jazz coming out of those speakers. The sound system in that thing is amazing, and the subwoofer lets you really feel the base."

"I see."

Tai sighed as he leaned back in his seat. "I'm just glad Ruby's got her head screwed on straight."

Maple opened her eyes very suddenly, a side effect of having spent so many years on a set schedule working at her garage. While there would normally be a minute or two of grogginess unless her alarm woke her up, there was none of that at that moment. No, all she felt was shock and confusion at a pair of silver eyes staring down into her face from barely a foot away.

"Ruby?" asked Maple blearily.

"Where's Yang?" asked Ruby darkly.

"What?" was Maple's immediate response before a sudden shot of panic flowed through her, and she became very awake. "What happened to Yang?"

"You happened," growled Ruby as her face contorted into a mask of hate and rage. "You're a member of the White Fang. You've been a member this whole time."

With each of those words, Maple felt her world shatter into pieces. She had always known that this day could come, but now that it was actually here, she felt like she was going to cry. It was a despair more thorough and complete than when the SDC had broken her body. Her garage, her friends, her life… all gone.

"You turned Yang into a terrorist like you," continued Ruby in that same tone.

"No. No," Maple muttered, even as her mind spiraled down with the notion that Yang had been exposed too. "I didn't… I… I told Yang not to get involved."

"Liar," hissed Ruby. "How else could she have joined?"

"You know those faunus she helped that night?" Maple said softly, suddenly, as if on automatic. "She brought them to us. She didn't know who else to turn to. And then... and then she went back."

"'Went back'?" Ruby echoed.

Maple nodded. "To where they'd escaped from. Some of us went with her, but not me. I don't- I'm just a mechanic. But... the things they saw there... the things they told me about..." She trailed off and shuddered. "It was supposed to be a rescue mission. Just... one job. But she didn't stop. She wouldn't stop."

Ruby was looking at her with an expression that was as cold as the grave. "She kept this from us for a year?"

"She swore me and everyone else to secrecy," explained Maple, her voice dying, tears in her eyes. "Most of us didn't even know who she was under the mask. She wanted to keep you safe, keep you out of it. I guess it doesn't matter anymore."

"No, it doesn't," snapped Ruby.

Before things could continue, the doctor power walked over to them and addressed matters with a very firm voice. "Miss Rose, I'm going to have to ask you to leave. I don't know what you two are talking about, but it doesn't matter. I'm not going to have one of my patients die of a panic attack on my watch."

Ruby glared at the doctor, and then back at Maple. "You're right, it doesn't matter. We're done here."

The bloodcrowned girl spun around and strode out of the infirmary, her cloak billowing around her as she moved.

Doc went about checking her vitals after that, but Maple knew how it was from the inside. She couldn't feel anything, not a thing. Not a thing, but a small sense of worry.

After all, if Ruby knew about Yang, how long would it be until she knew about the Cybertronians? How long until Arcee and Bumblebee and all the other Autobots she had come to know were being hunted like Grimm? How long until society fell apart because of the fear and terror people would feel about people who were different living among them?

Maple didn't know, but she prayed there wasn't an answer.

Morning in Beacon's cafeteria was generally a less crowded affair than lunch or dinner time, as those seeking solitude rose earlier to avoid the crowds, and in so doing, removed themselves from the aforementioned crowds.

Blake was one such early riser, as was Weiss. The former preferred avoiding large groups of people, while the latter was averse to repeating what had happened on their first day of classes: barely making it to class without breakfast had not done her -- or her metabolism -- any favors.

Weiss sat across the table from Blake and watched with more than a little concern as the team ninja stabbed her spoon viciously into a bowl of Pumpkin Pete's Marshmallow Flakes, muttering, "Stupid redheads."

The snowcapped girl's eyes flicked down at the bowl of cereal, from which a collection of marshmallows shaped and dyed into a cartoony rendition of Pyrrha's face stared back at her from the sea of milk, surrounded by other marshmallows shaped like Miló and Akoúo̱, all intermingled with corn flakes shaped into the distinctive face of the cartoon rabbit Pumpkin Pete.

She looked back up to Blake.

"What on Remnant could Pyrrha have done to make you so angry?" she asked, arching one well-sculpted eyebrow.

"What?" Blake blinked at her in confusion, then shook her head. "Not Pyrrha. Adam."

"Adam," Weiss deadpanned. "You're seeing Adam -- your ex -- in a bowl filled with tiny little Pyrrhas?" She paused. "Um, Blake, should Jaune be worried about you going after his girlfriend? Because if so, we really need to coordinate."

Blake blinked again. "What?"

"That was a joke," said Weiss in a voice devoid of all emotion.


Weiss shook her head. Blake must be really out of it, but... the subject was raised now, and a question had been niggling at her. She'd been in a bad place before, but Yang....

"What I don't understand is how he could convince Yang -- a human! -- to join the White Fang," she blurted out.

Blake scooped another spoonful of cereal into her mouth and gave her a sad smile. After swallowing, she said, "I think... I think all he'd have to do is show her his face."

The Atlesian girl raised a skeptical eyebrow. "Rating your ex rather highly, don't you think?"

"No, Weiss," Blake said, shaking her head, "he... he has a brand on his face," -- she held up her free hand up to her face around her left eye and across the bridge of her nose -- "right here. 'SDC' in big, bold letters. He got it in the mines. If he showed Yang that, well, I'm not surprised she'd join, especially after what she ran into at the beginning of the school year."

Weiss felt her mouth drop open, quietly horrified. That... that was... why did that even surprise her at this point? Even as she asked, she knew the answer. Because it was careless. For all his faults, for all that Jacques Schnee ultimately did not seem to care about anything but the bottom line, anything that could influence that bottom line -- like bad PR -- was something he cared about a great deal. Moreover, it was spiteful, wasteful, a special effort to hurt someone that her father had never been willing to exert. At least, that was what she'd thought. What happened to Adam... that was monstrous.

"If he'd shown me that, I'd be willing to join," she whispered. At Blake's level stare, she added, "Well, assuming they got over the whole 'murder me' part."

"Weiss," Blake deadpanned, holding her thumb and forefinger up a hair's breadth apart, "you were this close to joining already, and that was without them getting over the 'murder you' part."

She flushed at the reminder.

"Still," Blake continued, her expression thoughtful, "depending on when she joined, I think she could be Sunfire. It makes sense. It makes a lot of sense."

Something clicked for Weiss. "Sunfire. Yang. Yang Xiao Long means 'little sun dragon' in High Mistrali, and her hair lights on fire when she uses her semblance. I think you're right."

Blake put her spoon down in her cereal and palmed her face with both hands. "How could we have been so stupid? Of course Yang is Sunfire, of course she's sleeping with Adam, and of course she's been lying to us this whole time about everything she's ever done or said. Why didn't I catch on sooner? No one can be that passionate about faunus rights and not be a member of the White Fang."

"I'm right here," declared Weiss, pointing at herself with both hands.

Blake blinked and smiled sheepishly. "Uh, no offense?"

"None taken," replied Weiss sarcastically. "Now, what was that second thing you said? You think Yang is doing what with Adam?"

"Sleeping with him," repeated Blake. "I saw them interacting when they didn't know I was there, Weiss, and I know what I saw. Adam and Sunfire were clearly lovers, and if Yang was Sunfire this whole time, then that means that she's Adam's lover…. somehow."

"Well," Weiss allowed, "that's... a theory." An insane theory, in her opinion, but Blake never did anything by halves. Apparently, that included wild speculation.

Blake sighed, clearly not having heard Weiss's thoughts. "Of all the things I thought I'd share with Yang, our taste in men wasn't one of them."

"You really think there's something going on with her and Adam?" Weiss asked skeptically.

"I... well, maybe?" Blake hazarded. "There's definitely something going on there. She also practically threatened to make a move on Sun if I didn't."

"Of course Yang has a thing for Sun," Weiss snorted. "Have you seen the way she looks at him?"

"Yeah." Blake nodded. "I'm kinda shocked Sun hasn't figured it out."

"But by that same token, she's in love with Sun. Why would she be in a relationship with Adam?"

"It's possible that Adam isn't giving her a choice, and she's being brainwashed into thinking she likes it."

Are you even listening to yourself? Weiss once again attempted to find out if her family semblance could manifest as telepathy.

Blake was nodding to herself by now. "Yeah, that makes sense. I think I've figured it out. Adam must have been grooming Yang to be the new Fall Maiden."

So far, evidence suggested "no."

"You mean like Cinder?" Weiss hazarded, trying to follow Blake's logic.

"Cinder's too much of a wild card," Blake said, her hands moving as if she was drawing connections between images only she could see. "They would want someone... pliable, someone who would take the powers and then take orders. Yang fit the bill, and she wouldn't have known about Adam's ways enough to avoid them. It would fit too, if that car she bought at the beginning of first semester was a transformer. The power of the Fall Maiden, a new trump card, that must be very enticing to a people who have fought long enough to destroy whole planets."

"But she's still human," Weiss said, feeling a little ridiculous at pointing out something so obvious. "Why not get a faunus to take the powers?"

Blake's answer was delivered with deadly seriousness. "Because no one in the White Fang would think twice about knifing a sleeping human."

Weiss had several things she wanted to reply to that with. However, before she could say any of them, they were interrupted by one of the doors to the dining hall opening up. Who it was was quickly revealed by the cloud of rose petals that came through and reformatted itself into Ruby Rose.

"Good news, Yang's not a terrorist. Bad news, she's on a crusade against the SDC," quickly said the bloodcrowned girl.

"What? How do you know this?" asked Weiss pointedly.

"I interrogated that snake, Maple, and got her to spill the beans," answered Ruby with a note of anger. "She told me that Yang's been working with the White Fang ever since that first night where she freed the slaves. She brought them to the White Fang after, and then she was part of the raid that busted up that factory from a while back; you know, the one where we first went out as Team Rainbow? After that, they've been working together on one mission after the other."

The snowcapped girl blinked, once, twice. "She's been working with the White Fang for almost a year now?"

"Yes," summed up Ruby briskly.

Weiss's eye twitched slightly. "Ruby, that means she's a terrorist! By definition, she is a terrorist, even if she wasn't an actual member, and she's still giving aid and comfort to an organization that's using violence for political ends. That's literally the dictionary definition of 'terrorist.'"

"Emphasis on the comfort," muttered Blake.

"What was that?" asked Ruby, her eyes darkly snapping to the black-haired girl.

"Nothing!" shouted Weiss. "Blake's just letting her imagination get the better of her. It's nothing you need be concerned with, Ruby."

Blake rolled her eyes, and Ruby snorted. "I'm not going to be listening to Blake, not after she let that poison into our lives."

"What?!" gasped Blake, whirling on Ruby to find herself fixed with a death glare.

"Hey, none of this is Blake's fault," said Weiss, rushing to the aid of her friend.

"Yes, it is," insisted Ruby. "If she hadn't taken us to Maple's way back then, we never would have been put on the course of getting a new Bumblebee, and Yang wouldn't have had a ready contact with the White Fang. We also never would have come into contact with Tukson, and that would have been one fewer point of infection for Yang to get hurt with. It's because of her that all this started."

"That's not fair," growled Weiss. "I knew about Tukson's affiliation with the White Fang too. If you're going to blame Blake, then you're going to have to blame me too."

"Oh, I do blame you too," assured Ruby, and at the snowcapped girl's crestfallen expression, she let out a grunt. "Doesn't matter. I'm going out to comb the city for Yang. First, I'm going to burn Tukson's to the ground, and then if he doesn't tell me where Yang is, I'm going to move on to every White Fang position I can find and keep busting skulls 'til I find her."

"Ruby, you're not thinking straight," said Weiss as tactfully as she could. "You can't just go around hanging people from rooftops or something 'til you find her. We don't even know where to begin with finding the White Fang if you… you know, off Tukson."

"Okay, then I'll capture him," said Ruby assuredly.

"No, you'll leave it to NEST," came the familiar voice of Taiyang Xiao Long from right behind the bloodcrowned girl.

Ruby spun around and found herself face to chest with her father while Weiss and Blake were both left to wonder how he had gotten there without them noticing.

"We can't just sit here and do nothing!" shouted Ruby defiantly. "Yang's somewhere out there, and we have to find her! We need action! We need movement!"

"We need you to calm down," interrupted Mister Xiao Long, letting Zwei down to put his hands on her shoulders.

Ruby visibly stiffened at that.

"I know you want to save your sister, Ruby. I do too. I want to bring her in, and get a straight answer from her on what's going on when she's not sleep deprived and getting her stuff destroyed by her roommate," continued Mister Xiao Long, with the last part being said with a glance at Blake, who shrank back...

...though that might be because of Zwei under the table, gazing up at her and wagging his tail eagerly.

"Tempers were running high, mistakes were made," Weiss argued as she rescued her friend by scooping up the little ball of adorableness, "but the White Fang is a... sensitive subject for Blake."

The father and daughter pair each raised a single eyebrow skeptically.

"You don't say," deadpanned Mister Xiao Long. "Well, I'm going to take Ruby here, and we're going to find out what progress NEST has made. They've been on the White Fang case since the Merlot incident, after all, and unlike us, they're not emotionally compromised."

With that, the two left the cafeteria, and Zwei leaped out of Weiss's arms to follow, leaving Weiss and Blake once more alone.

"This is all my fault," moaned Blake morosely over her cereal.

Weiss sighed. It was going to be a long day. A really long day.

Qrow Branwen shaded his eyes as he looked up at the morning sky.

It's too early for this, he thought grumpily, but four very familiar supersonic aircraft flying over Vale was... well, not something he could ignore. Especially not when they were obviously heading to Beacon.

He glanced around the street, then ducked into an alleyway. Moments later, a black bird cawed as it flew out of the alleyway and began desperately and futilely trying to beat its near-namesakes to Beacon.

"Our first match of the day," boomed Professor Port, "and the first of the second-year team matches is Team Coffee of Beacon against Team Volcano of Haven!"

Velvet idly fingered Field, the gift from Lavi tucked into her belt, and stifled a yawn as Team CFVY stood across the arena's central octagon from Team VLCA. As the biome randomizer spun, she looked over the opposition.

Violet Valeria stood tall and proud, with violet eyes and brown hair in a pageboy cut. Her outfit -- in shades of blue and purple -- was plain and utilitarian, with light, flexible armor. She wore a round shield on her arm and a pistol on her hip.

"Let's have a good, clean fight, shall we?" she suggested.

Coco nodded, looking at her over her sunglasses. "I'm game for that."

With bright blue eyes and blond hair done up in pigtails that made her look younger, Lily Cornelia tipped her wide-brimmed, high-crowned hat in a wordless, cheerful greeting before popping some bubblegum. She wore a white flannel shirt under a leather vest, with rough-hewn jeans tucked into a pair of calf-high leather boots with spurs in the East Vacuan style. Wasn't there an Atlesian girl who also dressed a bit like that? She had a lever-action sword on her back and a rope, of all things, wrapped around her waist, though Velvet had certainly seen far stranger fashion choices.

Cicero Ward wore gleaming golden armor -- breastplate, pauldrons, arm and leg greaves, and a plumed helmet -- and had a fairly conventional pair of shortsword pistols on his belt. The helmet concealed his hair, but his dark eyes glittered with interest and jovial anticipation.

Rufus August rested a blood-red curved tower shield onto the floor, shifting in the heavy plated armor he wore that concealed his features. A stubby-looking gun with a folded bayonet that was just a little bit too long and wide-bored to be a pistol hung at his hip. All in all, it did not look comfortable, and Velvet couldn't help but wonder how that much weight affected him in the field.

Velvet turned her attention to the biome randomizer, which settled on ice for Team VLCA's side and gravity islands for Team CFVY's.

"Three two one begin!" announced Dr. Oobleck in his usual rapid-fire.

With that, Rufus began pounding toward Yatsu, shield first. Surprised, the big Mistrali took a step back before bringing Fulcrum down on him. Rufus caught the greatsword on his shield. The blade slid off at a strange angle as he seemed to twist with the energy... somehow. Even as Yatsu struggled to bring Fulcrum back around, Rufus spun and smashed his shield into him with an ease that belied the shield's size and sent him flying.

"Yatsu!" Velvet called out in urgent worry.

For her part, Coco leaped back, landing on the closest of the floating islands, unfolding Gianduja. Violet dashed toward her, firing her pistol and flinging her shield at her. The shield went wide, flying past Coco, but the pistol rounds landed home. Coco ignored the bullets, letting them chip away at her aura in favor of leveling her multi-barreled weapon at the other team leader... just in time for the shield to loop around one of the smaller floating islands to strike Coco in the back of her head even as she was spinning up Gianduja's barrels.

Coco grunted and stared as Violet caught the shield on the rebound. That thing does not obey the laws of physics, she groused over the telepathic network Fox had set up for them.

"Hoho!" Professor Port cheered. "A clever move from Miss Valeria, using one of the floating islands' gravity wells to slingshot her shield around for a surprise attack!"

Fox was crossing blades with Cicero, the two dual welders seemingly evenly matched.

Velvet ignored Anesidora. Field in hand, she entered the fray, but rather than confront the only unengaged member of Team VLCA, she went for the team leader, hoping to give Coco the room she needed to start laying down some serious firepower.

The long bayonet struck Violet's shield, but Velvet quickly recovered, throwing a quick jab with her empty offhand. Violet let her aura take the punch in favor of keeping her shield between her and Velvet's blade as the rabbit faunus lashed out with it again and again.

Once again, Velvet found herself glorying in the moment as she traded blows with the shield wielder. These were skills she'd honed through long practice, and while her semblance made it easier -- when she used it, it was still her body that went through the motions, her nervous system sending the commands, her muscles performing the tasks -- she wasn't using it now.

Velvet, down! the warning thought from Coco echoed through Fox's semblance, and Velvet immediately obeyed, dropping to the ground as the rope Lily had been wearing around her waist -- a lasso -- narrowly missed snagging her weapon arm. She rolled out of the way as Violet tried to take advantage of her prone position, then briefly activated her semblance to kip-up back to her feet.

Ow, she thought. Gonna have to practice that one more.

Velvet heard the roar of Gianduja firing, and she was vaguely aware of Rufus stumbling back, pelted by the stream of bullets, allowing Yatsu time to recover. The big Mistrali charged at the Fox and Cicero, breaking up the little duel they had been fighting through sheer mass and momentum. Velvet leaned back to avoid a swipe from Violet's shield, far enough that she found it easier to turn it into a backflip to regain her balance.

Gianduja roared again, this time forcing Violet to block with her shield as she ran for cover behind an ice spire. Velvet turned her attention to Lily, who brought up her lever-action sword. She fired twice as Velvet closed, but the Beacon student evaded both shots. The sword bayonet met the lever-action sword briefly as Lily blocked Velvet's first blow, but she twisted the bind quickly, forcing Lily to disengage and back off, lest she be disarmed.

Velvet let her. As much as she wanted to press the attack... that wasn't the plan. She had to conserve her aura, even more than the others. Coco was shifting targets constantly, slowly chipping away at their auras, forcing them to defend themselves, but never quite able to focus fire long enough to eliminate any of them. Meanwhile, Yatsu was posing a localized threat with Fulcrum and absorbing fire. Fox and Velvet? They were doing their jobs too, keeping members of Team VLCA engaged or distracted.

"It appears the two teams are in a bit of a stalemate!" commented Dr. Oobleck. "Neither side appears to have a clear upper hand!"

"Rufus!" ordered Violet.

Rufus tossed something at the ground, and when it detonated, it revealed itself to be a flashbang, and the four members of Team VLCA used the distraction to disappear somewhere, presumably behind the ice spires or among the floating gravity islands.

"And Team Volcano has chosen to regroup!" Dr. Oobleck narrated excitedly.

"Indeed," Professor Port agreed. "A smart move. Each member of Team Coffee brings a considerable amount of combat talent to the table. It will take teamwork and some creative thinking to upset the balance, one way or the other."

A long, tense moment followed as Team CFVY looked around warily, regrouping on one of the higher floating islands near the center of the arena.

"I don't like this," Yatsu murmured aloud, rather than sending it through Fox's telepathic link.

As if on cue, Lily's lasso flew out from behind one of the ice spires, tightening around Gianduja's barrel assembly. With a yelp, Coco was pulled off the gravity island and over behind the ice spire. Team CFVY immediately pursued, even as Gianduja began to roar again.

Leaping over the ice spire, Yatsuhashi brought Fulcrum down onto the frozen floor, sending a spider web of cracks throughout it, destabilizing it. It was then that Rufus charged him again, but this time, Yatsu grabbed the heavily-armored Haven student instead of striking him. He grunted as Rufus fired his shotgun at him at point blank range but powered through, dropping Fulcrum to grab Rufus's shotgun and yank it out of his hands, disarming the other boy. With a mighty heave, Yatsu hauled Rufus off his feet and hurled him through the air. Without his weapon to recoil boost and alter his trajectory with, Rufus flew helplessly out of the arena.

"Team Coffee draws first blood as Rufus August has been eliminated by ring out!" Professor Port chortled.

A concentration of fire from the three remaining members of Team VLCA descended on Yatsuhashi, sending the big guy stumbling as his aura dropped from the low yellow and into the red.

"And Team Volcano evens the odds, eliminating Yatsuhashi Daichi through aura depletion!" announced Dr. Oobleck.

Velvet looked around for Coco, only to see her bashing Gianduja -- now in its handbag form -- against Violet's shield. The other girl clearly felt the blow through her shield, though a quick glance showed her aura didn't waver, hovering still well in the green.

Her, Velvet realized. She's the real threat.

Fox was engaged with Lily, and his two weapons against her one meant he was managing to slip the occasional blow through, chipping away at her aura.

Velvet faced off against Cicero, a bad match-up for her, with his two swords to her one bayonet, in a mirror to Fox's match with Lily, so she fought conservatively, backing away and parrying with Field when needed.

"You seem timid," Cicero observed with a frown. "Timidness does not befit a Huntress."

"Maybe," Velvet acknowledged, "or maybe I'm just waiting for the right moment."

"Coco Adel has been eliminated by aura depletion!" announced Professor Port.

Velvet glanced at the giant display above. Violet's aura was still in the green, if just barely. Cicero's was in the mid yellow, and Lily's was in the upper yellow and decreasing rapidly as she battled Fox.

Not yet.

Velvet's own aura was a bit higher than Violet's but not by much, and Fox was about even with Cicero's... and dropping.

"Fox Alistair's aura is in the red!" Dr. Oobleck announced. "That leaves only Velvet Scarlatina of Team Coffee facing three-to-one odds!"

"A remarkable turnaround by Team Volcano!" Professor Port commented, a hint of disappointment in his voice.

Now, she thought as she hopped back and sheathed Field... pulling out Anesidora.

She already knew which picture she wanted, a snap she'd taken of Team JNPR's most irrepressible member giving a goofy grin and a peace sign.

A hard-light copy of Magnhild formed in her hands, and she immediately fired a full spread of grenades, which hammered Lily and Cicero's auras, driving them into red with the onslaught of unbridled firepower.

"And Velvet Scarlatina evens the score again, eliminating both Lily Cornelia and Cicero Ward through aura depletion!" Professor Port seemed much more cheerful with that announcement as Velvet shifted the copy of Magnhild into its hammer form and leaped into the air, her semblance guiding her.

Violet caught the hammer against her shield, the impact sending a shockwave rippling out across the arena. Velvet had known Violet was the biggest threat, but she'd thought she'd had her measure.

She was wrong.

Violet moved, faster and stronger than she'd been before, and Velvet had to draw on defensive maneuvers copied from dozens of fellow Huntsmen and Huntresses to stay ahead of her. But the style, while a blend of both familiar and unfamiliar sources, was unchanging, and as they fought, Velvet began to see patterns.

After a moment, they disengaged briefly, and Velvet glanced up. Violet's aura was incrementally ticking lower. It had to be her semblance at work. Velvet considered that, weighed that in her mind even as she analyzed what she'd seen of how Violet was fighting, then charged.

Team VLCA's leader had no trouble blocking Velvet's weighty swings with the hard-light copy of Magnhild, and her pistol would occasionally bark out, chipping away at Velvet's aura... but there were limits. And Violet had only two hands, for shield and pistol.

Velvet shifted her grip on the ersatz Magnhild to a single-handed grip and kept swinging, kept getting blocked, even as her other hand drew Field and began thrusting forward, finding the gaps in Violet's defenses, subtle things her Photographic Memory had picked up during the fight.

What followed next was a battle of attrition, an intricate dance between someone supremely skilled and another who had perfected an understanding of the tiniest flaws in those same skills.

Velvet grunted as another punch struck her forearm. Her aura couldn't hold out much longer, not against this tempo of fighting, not with the enhanced speed and strength Violet was displaying. Even knowing where to strike and how to block, almost seeing Violet's most common moves before she made them, it was proving to be a hard fight.

"Violet Valeria has been eliminated through aura depletion!" Dr. Oobleck's announcement broke through the haze that had fallen over Velvet, disrupting the rhythm of battle.

She blinked and looked up. Sure enough, Violet's aura had just barely dipped into the red. Her own aura was barely above the red line.

"Good fight," Violet said, shaking her head ruefully. "We'll have to do this again sometime."

"Yeah," Velvet murmured, staring in disbelief at the crowds cheering and chanting her and her team's names. "Sure."

"Hmph," Megatron grunted. "A costly strategy, but an effective one."

"Boss?" That was, of course, Demolishor. Too many of their number remained in stasis, something Megatron hoped to change once the space bridge was brought online.

"Miss Scarlatina was their trump card," he explained patiently. "The others sacrificed themselves to weaken their opponents enough for her to finish them off herself."

"You mean they did that on purpose? How do you know?"

"Of course they did," Megatron assured him with a nod, "and we know because we have detailed files. It appears their growth is coming along nicely, appearances aside. It means they're also likely to continue to be underestimated."

Amid the mixture of cheering and groans around her, Rarity leaned forwards to delicately pluck an apple fritter from the table. "As exciting a fight as that was, personally, I'm a little disappointed that Miss Adel's combat skill didn't match her fashion sense." She sighed. "It would have been nice to be able to point to her as an example of why it wouldn't hurt Applejack and Rainbow Dash to let me spruce them up a little."

"Oh, come on, Rarity," Sweetie Belle cried from where she and her friends sat on the floor at the back of the barn. "That was a great fight."

"That was an awesome fight!" Scootaloo cried. "I've never seen any team go three down and come back from it before."

"I can recall a certain unkempt young crow accomplishing that feat once upon a time," Principal Celestia said from where she stood at the back of the barn, with a knowing glance towards her sister besides her.

"I prefer not to recall the embarrassment," Vice Principal Luna growled. "That being said, Miss Scarlatina has certainly set the bar quite high. It may be impossible for any of Canterlot's own alumni to clear it."

"I wouldn't worry too much," Principal Celestia replied. "It may not be our motto the way it is for Crystal Prep, but if there's one thing I've learnt from these girls, it's that they all know how to exceed expectations when the time comes."

Principal Celestia had lent the senior branch of the Apple Family one of the big projectors from Canterlot Combat School, and -- after Big Macintosh and Apple Bloom had spent the day getting it ready for everybody -- it seemed like half of Canterlot was gathered in the barn to watch her son and daughters kick some butt in the Vytal Festival. Square bales of hay had been turned into seats, while a few tables dragged in from the house had been augmented by various people bringing their own tables, just as a lot of them had brought their own food too. Holiday lights strung up along the walls gave the place a festive air appropriate to the occasion, and now young and old alike sat intermingled in the building, sat upon the soft straw, watching the picture streamed from Big Mac's scroll to the projector while they tucked into snacks and treats. And what snacks! What treats! The Apples and Pinkie Pie had both, after their fashion, outdone themselves with a selection of freshly baked goods, with the question of whether they had an apple component serving to answer whether they had been made by an Apple or a Pie; other, less freshly prepared items brought by other hands rounded out the copious and wide-ranging selection available. It was, everyone present could agree, a grand turn out and probably the next best thing to actually being able to go to Vale for the Festival.

Which was why it was a little strange that Pinkie Pie, whose idea it had been in the first place to get as many people together to watch in one place, seemed so unenthused by it all. She sat on her own upon a lonely bale of hay set apart from all the others, her legs twitching gently. As Team FIST marched out into the arena for the second match of the day some time after CFVY had finished, it almost looked as though there was a tear in her eye.

"Pinkie Pie?" Fluttershy asked gently, moving her hay bale closer to her friend. "What's the matter?"

"Oh, it's... I just have this feeling, you know?" Pinkie said. "This feeling like... like we're never going to see Twilight again."

"Never see Twilight again? What in Remnant do you mean, Pinkie?" Rarity demanded from the other side of the voluminously-haired girl. With due regard for her outfit, Rarity spread a picnic blanket over her hay bale before she sat down on it. "This is only the Vytal Festival, not a fight to the death. Nobody gets hurt, nobody even gets injured, and once it's all over, Twilight will be coming home with Rainbow Dash and Applejack."

Pinkie looked at her. "What if she doesn't?"

"Well why wouldn't she, darling?" Rarity asked in response. "Yes, Twilight has some... questionable taste in the company she keeps -- what she sees in those vile and vulgar Shadowbolts, I have no idea -- but I can say with complete confidence that she wouldn't just... leave. Where would she go? Leave Atlas? That's about as likely as her leaving us. Put it out of your mind, dear. It's nothing worth worrying about."

Pinkie stared into Rarity's eyes, her own uncertainty melting away in the heat of the confidence displayed by her friend. "I guess you're right," she said, before producing a pair of pom-poms out of nowhere and yelling, "GO, TWILIGHT!"

The call from Ozpin had both Weiss and Blake somewhat concerned. Only somewhat concerned, though. A call on their scrolls with no explanation telling them to be at a certain place with little to no warning? Standard procedure these days, just in case anyone managed to intercept their encrypted point to point transmissions, but it was also being done right in the wake of Yang's escape the previous night, and that was concerning.

Perhaps they had managed to track her down? Blake would have done it herself, but Yang's whopper of a punch had sent her to the infirmary with a black eye, and the others decided to sleep on things instead of ending up like their secretly White Fang roommate. Their secretly current White Fang roommate. Ozpin had, in turn, talked to NEST about apprehending Yang with the minimum possible attention.

It was not information about Yang that greeted them when they reached the observation room overlooking the Emerald Forest they'd been summoned to. Flanking the door were a pair of armed sentries dressed in black and gold pressure suits, and was that the emblem of Menagerie on their shoulder pads? Before Blake could take a closer look, however, the sentries waved them in. When they entered...

"MOM?!" Blake blurted out.

Inside the observation room was a multiplicity of people. Of course, there were the obvious bodyguards standing around, dressed the same as their fellows outside the door and wielding various weapons. What really drew Blake's eye, though, was the woman sitting in one of the chairs, dressed in a pressure suit too, but sporting features so similar to Blake's own.

Kali Belladonna, Blake's mother, had come to Beacon.

"Hello, dear," the older black-haired woman greeted, rising to her feet and stepping toward Blake to pull her into a hug.

"How did you even know where to find me?!" Blake blurted out.

She pulled back and looked her in the eyes. "Sweetie, your match yesterday was on international television," her mother replied gently. "If you were trying to hide where you were, you've made some peculiar choices."

"She's got a point," pointed out Weiss unhelpfully.

At that, the older woman turned a curious look on the snowcapped girl.

"And you must be Weiss," she said before looking back at her daughter. "You know, Blake, after you ran away five years ago to stay with the White Fang, in all the many times I pictured seeing you again... it certainly wasn't through getting a letter from your best friend, Weiss Schnee."

"So you did get my letter," Weiss said, ignoring the look of betrayal Blake shot her as her starry eyes continued to look on the older Belladonna.

"Yes, we did," Blake's mother confirmed. "Apparently, the courier ran into some... difficulties along the way."

"How did you even know it was me?" asked Weiss.

"Miss Schnee, the letter's return address was this school, you coming here was big news, and 'Weiss' is a very Atlesian name. It wasn't hard to figure out."

"Yes... well... please don't use my surname," Weiss said, shrinking back.

"She's kind of sensitive about the subject," Blake hurriedly explained, shooting her mother a "later" look.

"...Clearly, you've had a very eventful five years," the older woman observed.

"More like five months," Blake corrected, then reconsidered. "Well, eight or ten."

"Why don't we sit down, and you can tell me all about it?"

Blake felt her cat ears try to press down onto her skull through the bow adorning her head as her eyes darted around the room. "Mom, it's... a lot of it is kind of... awkward."

"I can step out if you like?" Weiss offered softly.

"NO!" Blake snapped reflexively, shaking her head. "No. It's not you, Weiss. It's..." She trailed off and glanced at the bodyguards.

"We can't leave the room, ma'am," one of them said. "It's protocol."

"What?" Blake asked. "What protocol? When did this happen?"

"Mostly, sweetie, right after you ran away," her mother informed her. "Back when we thought you'd been kidnapped."


"But," she continued, "Dainty, why don't you and the others just step back, put your helmets on, and activate the noise cancellers? That should give us enough privacy, don't you think, Blake?"

Dainty seemed to consider that for a moment. As she did so, her nose wrinkled, and she sniffled. Eyes suddenly wide, she donned her helmet and sealed it shut. "An excellent idea, ma'am."

The others soon followed suit and stepped back, giving them a fair illusion of privacy as they sat down.

"So, tell me, Weiss," the older woman said, "am I to take it that you sent that letter without my daughter's knowledge?"

"Uh, y-yes, ma'am." Weiss nodded. "Blake was away, undergoing special ninja training at the time."

"'Special ninja training'?" her eyes turned to Blake. "Something you want to tell me, sweetie?"

"It was... an arrangement with Professor Greene," Blake explained. "I took up the offer after I... ran away. Again."

"It was my fault," Weiss quickly claimed.

"No, it wasn't!" Blake snapped, glaring at her friend. "I ran off because I realized I was a hypocrite, and... and I hurt you, Weiss. Even knowing about... everything, I still judged you by your name. That was wrong of me, and I can't apologize enough."

Weiss shook her head emphatically. "Oh, no, Blake. I already got into this mess with Pyrrha once. You can apologize enough."

Two sets of amber eyes blinked at her.

"What?" Blake asked.

"There was a thing," Weiss said, blushing furiously. "Just... ask Ren about it, if you must."

"I... see," Blake's mother offered.

"Besides," Weiss continued, "you were just trying to stop me from doing something stupid."

"Weiss, you were this close to trying to join the White Fang," Blake reminded her again. "They would have killed you."

Weiss looked away. "I know," she said softly.

Blake heard her mother suck in a sharp breath, and those two sets of amber eyes met.

"Like I said," Blake murmured, "a lot's happened in the last eight or ten months."

It was then that a familiar voice drew Blake and Weiss's attention to the door.

"Wow, I never knew this place was here, Dad."

"Yeah, most people don't," came a male voice. "It has -- well, had -- a fantastic view of the Emerald Forest. The instructors used to use it to monitor initiations before the camera system was installed. Not sure who these guys are."​

"Someone you know, Blake?" her mother asked.

"That sounded like Ruby, our team leader," came the automatic answer. Blake immediately regretted it.

"Wonderful!" her mother said, rising to her feet again and heading to the door with a lightning speed that should not have looked so dignified. She flung open the door and took in the two people outside.

Yes, it was Ruby, and oh, look, that was her father, Taiyang, with them. And the little demon too.

"Hello!" the lady of Menagerie greeted cheerfully. "I'm Kali, Blake's mother. And you must be Ruby, her team leader!"

"Ah, hi?" Ruby offered uncertainly. She coughed. "Um, yes. That's me. And, uh, this is my dad, Taiyang Xiao Long."

"Delighted to meet you," she said. "Come in, come in! Blake was just about to tell me what's happened these past several months."


Blake's mother looked down at the demon and betrayed her daughter in the worst possible way as she gushed, "Oh, how adorable!" She crouched down, arms out. "Come here, you little cutie!"

Zwei, the little furry abomination, obliged the traitor.

Moments later, all five of them were seated, with Zwei perched in Kali Belladonna's lap, and a semi-awkward silence fell on the room, only to be broken by the only seated male.

"So, Kali Belladonna, huh?" Taiyang asked. "Blake's mom?"

"That's right," she confirmed with a nod while stroking the dog like a supervillain.

"Great, maybe you can help," he said. "I recently learned my daughter ran off to join the White Fang. I don't suppose you have any advice?"

At the interest glittering in her mother's eyes, Blake buried her face in her hands. Oh, no.

There were a lot of issues going on in the life of Indigo "Daiku" Zap at that moment: secret conspiracies, alien robots, defecting to Vacuo, the SDC being the bad guys, the Rainbooms being moderately less terrible people than they usually were. The world seemed to have turned on its head.

Even this match that would normally seem so simple and fun now seemed so strange and layered with deception. Which, frankly, sucked. This was going to be her last competition with Atlas, and she couldn't even say that it was a going away event because no one could know that they were going until they filed the paperwork and left for the desert.

Daiku had always been a competitive girl, but she had also been lonely. The only child of rich parents who were never around and who raised her via the old standard of throwing her at the school system and letting the butler pick her up when it was time to go and work on her electives. It was in those electives that she found her two big passions in life: sports and architecture. Of course, when she had entered her teens, her parents had attempted to get her to become a proper lady for high society functions, but since they outsourced everything else in her childhood to others, she had managed to get her butler to enroll her in Crystal Preparatory Combat Academy. It was there that she had met her first friends.

Crystal Prep was a pressure cooker; there was no other way to put it. Its motto, Semper Plus Ultra -- "always further beyond" -- was not just meant to be a descriptor of their relationship with rivals like Canterlot Combat School, but it was also meant as a reminder to the student body that no matter how good they were, they could always be better. That meant that whenever they hit a wall, they were encouraged to go beyond and surpass their limitations.

Even for a girl who loved competition like she did, though, in those first few weeks, the stress was getting to her, and then she met Lemon Zest, that faunus with the ears on her head who just kept rocking out and never gave up. She was her first friend at Crystal Prep, but she wasn't the last. They met Sour Sweet, Sunny Flare, and Sugarcoat soon after at a training event for the school's competitive team: the Shadowbolts. Then a few months after that, she almost literally ran into Twilight, and the rest was tubular history.

History which was about to come to an end.

It wasn't so bad for Daiku -- she never had been close to her family -- but Twilight? She was like glue with her kin. Sunny? She was almost literally walking in her parent's footsteps. Sugarcoat? She didn't bring it up, but she was worried sick about her parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, and every other living member of her family almost constantly.

Twilight had been right, this really was dreadful.

She was just glad that her teammates trusted her enough to let her spin Stormbringer while she was standing at the tail end of the group in the center octagon. They were perfectly calm and at ease, which was more than could be said for their opponents. They were eyeing her modified sledgehammer warily as it twirled through the air.

One word came to Daiku's mind as she slammed the shaft of Stormbringer into her hand to deliver a powerful electric shock from the contact plate into her palm: Good.

Her semblance, Battery, was a wonderful thing. Not just because of what it could do, but because of how she had gotten it. Back during her early days at Crystal Prep, another bunch of girls had come in and started bullying her because she was friends with Lemon Zest. They had told her that if she was going to hang around with animals, then maybe she was an animal herself, and then locked a shock collar around her neck. It had hurt like nothing before in her life… and then it didn't. They kept trying to shock her, but all it did was keep filling her up until she decided to let it all out. The look on the face of one of the bullies -- Ilia, she remembered that it had definitely been Ilia; she'd been in the back, watching, laughing -- when she unleashed that lightning bolt on the others was utterly priceless.

They had tried to get the principal to throw her out after that, but while Cinch turned a blind eye to bullying, she also turned a blind eye to people striking back against their bullies; Crystal Prep, as she put it, was a combat academy, after all. So Indigo got away scot-free from zapping those losers in the face, and after that, they seemed to give them some distance. Oh, they still slung those insults and spread those rumors, but those meant even less than they did.

"Our next match is between Team Fairstar of Atlas and Team Beechnut of Haven," announced one of the Beacon professors over the speakers.

There wasn't any banter between the two teams, which was to be expected. Team BCHT were not the most memorable people. Daiku doubted they could even sling a good insult.

"Hey, I've been meaning to ask," said the lone girl on their team. "Why do you guys do that whole cheesy, 'Shadowbolts forever' thing?"

The question was asked as the digital slot machine appeared in holographic form for the terrain selection and began to spin.

"It's because the sports team at our old combat school were the Shadowbolts," replied Twilight with a friendly voice.

The slots on BCHT's side of the field came to rest on the volcanic biome, and the back panels began to retract to allow the ridiculously hot fake lava to rise to the top on its panels of the arena.

The guy with the sniper rifle raised an eyebrow. "Didn't they change the name to the Crystaleers or something?"

Daiku's eye twitched at the reminder of the ultimate betrayal that Principal Cinch had meted out in order to make the school more "marketable." The school took pride in being tough, in being hard, in teaching students to never give up and that a true Huntsman always found a way for humanity to live another day, in truly embodying their motto in every way they could. Shadowbolts was a team name that embodied the strength and skill that every Crystal Prep student strove to have. "Crystaleers" was quite literally a name thought up by committee in order to appeal to those steamroller parents who didn't want their lazy good-for-nothing brats to be challenged.

Honestly, they were worse than even the Rainbooms, and that was saying something.

The biome randomizer on FIST's side came to rest on the forest option, and the familiar terrain began to rise up in like manner to the volcanic terrain.

"We don't recognize the legitimacy of that change," said Straight Shooter, living up to her name in a way that didn't sugarcoat it.

"Three, two, one!" announced the Beacon professor. "Begin!"

Instantly, their opponents, and the stadium, disappeared. Team FIST was surrounded by a sphere of darkness centered around Radstorm. It was a sphere that shrank as the rest of the team huddled close to her and began to move as quickly as they could perpendicular to their opponents.

"And it looks like we're seeing the use of one of Team Fairstar's most uncanny abilities: the StealthGirl field," narrated the big Beacon professor.

"Indeed! Team Beechnut will have to come up with some innovative strategies to overcome this," agreed the fast Beacon professor.

As if in reply, the air became filled with the staccato sound of weapons fire as Team BCHT unleashed their sniper rifle, shotgun, and automatic rifle.

Magic visibly held in a cry as a few of the bullets flew through the outwardly invisible bubble to hit their auras. It seemed like an exaggerated overreaction to Daiku, but then again, at one point, it wouldn't have been. At one point, she probably would have cried out at a few little bullets bouncing off her aura, but not anymore.

She still deployed some of her drones and had them deploy their hard light shields while covering them, though. That was just common sense. As was the additional drone that dropped down from her backpack to move along the ground and deploy a tiny fiber optic cable that moved outside the bubble.

They hunkered down and clustered around Twilight's scroll as she viewed the feed from the cable.

"They're moving out into the forest, that's good," observed Radstorm very quietly, moving her hand in front of the scroll. "We can hit them in the back then. Can you see where to do that, Straight Shooter?"

"Of course," whispered Straight. "I'm just worried what they'll do if they don't go down in one shot, especially the rocket launcher guy."

"Maybe we could sow some confusion within their ranks," offered Magic as she looked carefully at her scroll and then pointed at the border between the biomes. "I think I can use my semblance to create a smokescreen with a trick that Professor Snake Eyes taught me."

Daiku silently raised an eyebrow at the none too surprising revelation. Professor Snake Eyes did sometimes play favorites, after all, and Magic was definitely the student he gave the most attention to outside of the ninja course... even if it wasn't immediately obvious because, well, he was a ninja. Not even Magic seemed to know why, though.

"Could work, do it quick, though," ordered Radstorm.

With a nod, Magic handed off her scroll and turned around to reach out with what was presumably her telekinesis before seeming to throw something. That something was a collection of parts of the volcanic biome and was briefly visible flicking across the sky in the camera before hitting the ground of the forest… and starting dozens of tiny fires. Those fires, of course, started to rapidly burn amongst the leaves and start a rather large smokescreen.

"Oh ho! It looks like Team Fairstar has been inspired by their recent mission to the Emerald Forest," cheered... Professor Port! That was his name, Professor Port. She knew she'd be able to remember eventually.

As he had been talking, they had taken binocular respirator masks off the side of Magic's very large backpack and quickly donned them, with Daiku stowing her goggles in one of her closable pockets.

"They handled themselves exceptionally well in that environment," continued Professor Port jovily before his voice took on a deadly air of mirth, "but Team Beechnut are no slouches either, especially when their opponents make such a critical mistake."

"Mistake?" asked all four members of Team FIST in unison, their voices distorted by their mask's vocabulators.

They all looked up as one and found the smoke drifting into their black bubble above their heads.

"Run," ordered Radstorm with wide eyes.

Their little bubble was soon filled with bullets, and while the drones spilling from Magic's backpack did their best to block shots with their shields, the other members of Team FIST scattered in all directions. With the ambush ruined, their plans were in tatters. Except they weren't, because the Shadowbolts were more than a team; they were best friends, and in the immortal words of Twilight Sparkle, "friendship is magic."

"Tanya!" Magic called out in dismay as one of the drones, its shields failing, tumbled to the ground, smoke pouring out of a bullet hole punched through its chassis.

Daiku spun Stormbringer so fast, it was like a ventilation fan in a skyscraper as she was running, and then suddenly, she let it go while holding onto the nanoweave strap on the butt of the sledgehammer's grip. The hammer, driven forward by the inertial intensifier inside it, flew at incredible speeds through the air towards the forest. Hanging onto the strap for dear life, Daiku couldn't help but grin like a maniac behind her respirator mask.

Stormbringer smashed through one of the trees, bringing it down to the arena floor. The second and third trees suffered similar fates before Daiku had slowed down enough to turn around and jump off the fourth to redirect her movement back into the burning forest. She had caught sight of one of her opponents on her way in and wasn't about to let them get away.

Still, what a waste of perfectly good wood, lamented Daiku in her head. If there's enough left over, I hope they allow me to take it. We'll only have a few days left before we go to Vacuo, but I still think I can make a bed or something out of those trees.

Daiku's head snapped back, and a split second later, she registered a deafening crack. Another moment, and she registered the pain in her neck. Of course, there was only one person on Team BCHT notable enough in any respect to be a pain in the neck of an Atlesian.

She touched one of Stormbringer's electroplates for another shocking jolt of energy as she straightened herself and stared into the eyes of that one dude who had it in for Black Out.

"How did you survive that?" asked the guy whose name Daiku was sure she would remember eventually through eyes watering at the smoke surrounding them.

"Aura and years of dance class," replied Daiku cheekily in a voice that was mechanically translated by her mask's speakers.

Without giving another reply, the guy fired his rifle again. This time, though, Daiku was ready and sidestepped the shot quickly enough to actually dodge it. It shouldn't have been that easily, but to be fair to the guy, there were extenuating circumstances.

Not giving him the chance to respond, Daiku brought her hammer in to sweep him aside, only to find her attack deflected by a bayonet that he held in his hand. That was odd; his rifle didn't appear to have a bayonet lug on the tip. Then it hit her, and she laughed.

"What's so funny?!" he demanded.

"Did you just copy Black Out's fighting style?" she asked mirthfully, though that was probably not what it sounded like to others.

The guy glanced down at his bayonet and then back up at her. "No," he denied weakly, and then more forcefully declared, "What's the problem, anyways? He stole my name and my slot in Atlas. Why can't I steal his fighting style?"

"Because you can't back it up," replied Daiku before going on the attack again, but just like before, she was deflected, and this time, he came in for an attack, and she was forced onto the defensive. "Okay, maybe you can."

"Of course!" barked… Stall! His name was Stall! "It'll take a lot more than one hammer-wielding idiot to defeat me!"

"Gregory, Leona, and Phillip incoming!" cried Magic over the comms system built into the mask's earpiece.

As Daiku and Stall continued to trade blows, a trio of drones swooped in from above and deployed machine guns to begin peppering the guy with bullets. It did damage, but more importantly, it distracted him. She could hit him with Stormbringer, but she decided to show how her weapon got its name first.

"Two thousand volts coming up!" she cried as she thrust out her hand, making him turn his head just enough that he saw it coming, not that it mattered.

There was a flash of light, an ear-splitting crack, and then Stall found himself flying back from the force of a lightning bolt. The buzzer sounded. Another victory.

"And Thomas Stall is the first to be eliminated!" reported the fast Beacon professor.

"Congratulations, you've been discharged!" she told the probably unconscious Stall.

Daiku could hear the sounds of battle now, and closest to her, she heard the report of Radstorm's laser rifle. She was already moving towards it when the buzzer sounded again. She doubted it was her friend.

"Curtis Letson follows his friend to the sidelines," narrated Professor Port, confirming Daiku's thoughts. "Now, it's two versus four, but it looks like Team Beechnut are about to turn it around."

With that, Daiku pivoted around and turned back to the central octagon, catching sight of Radstorm doing the same with her own trio of drones following behind.

"Team, Radstorm. Report," came the order over the comms system.

"Little busy in the middle right now!" replied Magic.

"Frozen, but not out," answered Straight Shooter in a chilled voice.

"About to break cover," reported Daiku.

It was then that she saw what was happening as she broke the treeline. Straight Shooter was mostly frozen in a block of ice near the border of the volcanic zone. Magic was wrapped up in a grapple with the guy with the rocket launcher, while the girl on Team BCHT had grabbed the backpack. They were all very close to the lava zone, and the drone swarm was staying back in an anti-guided missile defensive formation.

The next part happened in slow motion for Daiku.

While the girl was holding onto Magic's backpack, she yanked backwards, and then explosive bolts on the straps of the backpack fired. She was sent by her own momentum backwards, tripping into the volcanic area. Then Straight Shooter, still with her hand clutching her pistol and barely able to move, fired, having aimed at just the right spot to cause a lava bubble to explosively burst. The girl was taken into the red on her aura.

Simultaneously with that, Magic was freed up to move with the removal of her backpack. She redirected the force of her attacker, and then in one swift movement, turned around him to pin his arm to his back with one hand while drawing her pistol and bringing the barrel up to the back of his head with the other. She pulled the trigger, and his aura dropped as well.

A double buzzer sounded, and the crowd went wild.

"Unbelievable!" shouted Professor Port over the speakers. "A total elimination for Team Beechnut with Joseph Balkun and Julie Haun taken out of the match! I really thought they could turn it around there, folks, but Team Fairstar reversed their reversal in the blink of an eye."

"Can we get a slow motion replay on that?" asked the fast Beacon professor.

As the commentary continued on, Daiku walked up to Twilight and gave the girl a fist bump with a smile. "Told you two wearing contacts today would pay off."

Twilight scoffed behind her respirator. "Maybe, but as soon as we get out of here, I'm switching out for my glasses. I do not look good with contacts. Should probably check on Sugarcoat, though."

Together with Sunny Flare, the group walked over to where the woman with the twin-tailed hair was still frozen.

"Do you have any idea how ironic this is?" asked Daiku. "You're like half an inch away from the lava zone."

"Ha ha," deadpanned Sugarcoat dryly. "Can you guys get me out now? My teeth are starting to chatter."

"I got it," replied Sunny Flare with a chuckle before aiming her laser rifle at the ice block encasing her friend.

Let's see those jerks in Team Jasper do better than that, thought Daiku competitively before looking up at the sky with sadness mostly hidden behind her mask. It'll be the last chance we ever have to beat them at something.

"Woohoo!" Pinkie yelled, blowing a party streamer out of her mouth as she waved a pair of pom-poms in the air. "GO, TWILIGHT!"

Rarity leaned away, cringing a little at the sudden noise. "Pinkie, dear, she can't hear you."

"But we can," Fluttershy murmured mildly.

"That was amazing, wasn't it?" Pinkie asked. "Did you see that thing that Twilight did with the backpack? Whoosh! And then she was like BANG! And that guy went down!"

"She's certainly come a long way," Rarity acknowledged, "and it appears the rest of those ruffians from Crystal Prep are not entirely without skill either. Not that they'd be anything without Twilight's toys, of course."

"They did well," Vice Principal Luna said, "but I'm not sure there's much to be said for the caliber of their opposition."

"Haven teams are often poorly served in the Vytal Festival for... whatever reason," Principal Celestia agreed. "That hasn't entirely been the case so far, but... you're right, Team Beechnut didn't raise the bar for their school. And yet, I don't think it's fair to judge Team Beechnut like that. Despite appearances, they did come very close to turning the fight around in their favor. Team Fairstar got lucky."

"If that's how Twilight did, I can't imagine how Rainbow Dash is going to blow them all out of the water!" cheered Scootaloo eagerly, and then she frowned. "Anyone know when she's coming on?"

"Looks like we'll just have to watch every fight today," said Apple Bloom in a non-answer.

"Not bad." Demolisher nodded appreciatively.

Megatron scowled. "A poor measure of their skill."


"Reports on Team Beechnut's combat capability suggests an... unimaginative group," he explained. "Capable, but lacking in creativity and adaptability. Acceptable for line troops, perhaps, but hardly elites."

"What reports?"

Megatron just gave him a level glare that softened. "The reports you prepared for me, of course," he said. "I appreciate your discretion in not reading them."

"Operational security, sir."

"Oooh, those Fist girls are something else," said Penny chipperly as she watched the match.

"Fairstar," corrected Aska automatically, recalling all the other times she had had to correct Penny's pronunciation of the upperclassmen's team. It was a normal thing between them if Ciel wasn't around, or if she was on the opposite side of the seats as she was then. In fact, some could even say it was too normal…

Aska felt a slight chill down her spine as she watched the swarm of drones tear the stadium apart while trying to intercept the missiles fired at them. That, of course, wasn't the cause of the chill. No, the cause of the chill was something she would acknowledge only now.

"Very impressive, brother," she allowed, not even deigning to look to her side and see where once Penny had so obviously sat there was now only her twin brother, Kogetsu. "I'm curious, though, do you believe the Grimm can be killed by you disguising yourself as a little girl?"

"No, I don't," replied the man so close to her in every feature one could think to have. "Don't worry about Penny; she is in a better place right now."

"You and I have a very different idea of 'better,' brother. What have you done with her?" demanded Aska.

"I told her that Ice has not ever had ice cream," answered Kogetsu seriously.

Something clicked in Aska's head, and then she covered up the hysterical laughter that she wanted to let out at the expense of her brother's cold-hearted teammate with a smug smirk. "I see. No doubt she is finding new meaning to the words 'brain freeze.' Penny would not allow for anything less."

"No, she would not," said Kogetsu with a smile that soon turned into a frown. "Have you heard the news, Aska?"

The black-haired girl felt a dull punch to the gut and nodded. "I guess I'm still in a little bit of shock over it. I mean… I mean…"

"You mean that you're finally starting to come out of that stupid 'we're not related unless the doctor says so' phase," finished Kogetsu.

Her head snapped around to glare at her twin brother. "Kogetsu!"

"What? It's true," he told her. "You've been a pain in Dad's backside for years now. Always so obsessed with a dead legacy that you haven't been able to see that you've got a whole living family here waiting for you. I'm just glad you're starting to relearn that, yes, adoption is a thing now, when we're about to get a new member of the family."

"I… I don't want to forget," Aska said softly, surprising herself. "I don't want Benigumo to have won."

Kogetsu actually looked ashamed at that. "I… I don't want him to have won either, but…" he trailed off and got a little bit more steel in his voice, "but if we don't accept new members into our clan, isn't that what's going to happen? Isn't that what's going to happen to Dad's clan? Koryu, Ironwood, both at the end of the line. Our legacies were both gone and done for before we met each other."

"You're getting very poetic," observed Aska.

"Maybe this needs a little poetry," insisted Kogetsu. "I mean… I don't know about you, but… I kind of want to know what it's like to have a mom."

Aska was quiet for a very long moment before answering. "I do too."

The two twin siblings sat together in silence at that.

"Hey, Shadow, are you- WHOA!" shouted Rufus from Aska's other side, nearly jumping out of his seat and pointing at Kogetsu. "Where did you come from?!"

Before either of them could reply, Ciel looked up from behind Rufus, her normal calm seeming to shatter. "Excuse me, but WHERE'S PENNY?!"

"Uh, I can explain?" offered Kogetsu weakly.

Qrow slouched in the elevator as it rose up Beacon Tower to Ozpin's office. When the elevator stopped and the doors slid open, he stepped out, eyes sweeping across the three occupants.

"Oz, Jimmy, Glynda," he said, nodding to each in turn. "Just who I was hopin' to see." He raised an eyebrow as he noticed the change in decor. Gone were the gears and other clockwork mechanisms. The walls were bare except for the windows, and the carpet was as cookie cutter as it got. "Felt the need to redecorate, Oz?"

"Something like that," Oz said neutrally.

"So kind of you to grace us with your presence," Jimmy growled. Qrow suppressed a smirk. He could almost hear his teeth grinding from here.

"Qrow," said Oz before he could needle the general further, "why are you here?"

"You sent me to get intel on our enemy," Qrow said, "and I'm telling you, our enemy is here."

"We know," Jimmy said.

Qrow scowled. "Oh! Oh, you know. Well, thank goodness I'm out there risking my life to keep you all informed!"

"Who do you think blew up this office?" the Atlesian general asked, leaning forward. "A little late with that warning, don't you think?"

Aw, crap, he thought. "Well, excuse me, General," he retorted, pulling out his flask. "I was a little busy dealing with Cobra, but it turns out, no, they aren't working for Salem." He took a swig. "By the way, Oz, you might want to watch out for Cobra, but don't worry; they don't have any Night Ravens anymore."

The three of them exchanged looks.

"And who exactly is Cobra?" Glynda inquired.

"A ruthless terrorist organization determined to rule the world," answered Qrow.

"Oh, so like MECH," Jimmy said, nodding understandingly.

Qrow blinked. "Like who?"

"MECH," Ozpin answered. "They're the ones who stole the Dingus."

"The Dingus was stolen?!" The DNGAS had been a critical part of the plan to transfer the remaining half of Amber's Maiden powers to a suitable candidate. "And you're telling me Salem's agent was here, in this office?" He shook his head. "Why didn't you call me?"

"We have reason to believe our communications have been compromised," was Jimmy's grim answer.

Qrow's face was flat for all of half a second. "What?"

"Qrow," began Ozpin, his voice serious. "Have you heard about the atomic detonation that destroyed the K.A.S. Furchtlos?"

Qrow glanced between the three, measuring their expressions. "Uhh, depends. What the heck does 'atomic' mean?"

It was Glynda that spoke up, lecturing like she was in a classroom. "Every piece of matter in the world is made up of these tiny little things -- far too small for anyone to see, even with a microscope -- called molecules. Those molecules are made up of even smaller things called atoms. Splitting those atoms releases the energy stored within." She gestured out the window at the ugly black scar upon the Emerald Forest. "As you can see, it is a great deal of energy. Hence the name 'atomic' weapon."

James hopped off from that. "A Haven student by the name of Cinder Fall stole the prototype atomic bomb from MARS, and used it on the Furchtlos because it was the ship carrying Amber to Atlas. She cared about this because she was the one who originally attacked Amber, she was the one with the other half of the Fall Maiden's powers, and she was working with Salem the whole time."

"What?!" Qrow was finding himself repeating that word a lot today. Amber was dead? That was- he'd saved her! "Get Leo on the line," he snarled. "How did-?"

"We can't," interrupted Ozpin. "Leonardo is dead."

Qrow… Qrow didn't have a response to that. How could he? He had just been told that one of the four headmasters of the academies, a friend, was dead.

"He was found dead in his office a few weeks ago. Someone had snuck in and beheaded him," explained Jimmy. "While investigating the crime scene, Mistrali law enforcement also found a Seer in a hidden room attached to Leo's office. We can only assume then that's how Cinder Fall gained entry into Haven, because Leonardo was working for Salem."

"What?!" roared Qrow, his sorrow turning to rage in an instant.

"It explains so... so much," lamented Ozpin.

"He's given her a lot of victories, but getting the Atlesians to pull back their military from everywhere on Remnant and return home has got to take the cake," observed Glynda.

"He did what?! How?!" demanded Qrow.

"The recall order was issued by a three to two majority vote in the Atlesian Council the morning after the destruction of K.A.S. Furchtlos," said Jimmy in a cold dead voice. "I voted against it and was overruled. I'm only allowed to remain here in Vale in my capacity as headmaster. That's why the three remaining ships of Blue Squadron aren't here anymore."

"You brought your ships to Vale?" asked Qrow, outraged. His expression then shifted to shock. "You were overruled? How?"

"It's been becoming a trend," replied Jimmy dryly. "Guess I'm just nowhere near as persuasive as I used to be."

"James, stop it," protested Glynda. "This isn't your fault. None of this is your fault. It's all the fault of Soundwave and the Decepticons. He's been manipulating the council, and we all know it."

"'Decepticons'? 'Soundwave'?" stumbled Qrow, mentally trying to keep track of all the new players in the game. "And I missed all this?!"

"That's what happens when you go dark," pointed out Jimmy.

"What else have I missed?" asked the lost Huntsman, dreading the answer.

"Doctor Merlot survived the Mountain Glenn disaster, and we have confirmation he caused it," Jimmy informed him.

That uptight mule was laughing inside, Qrow knew it.

"Please tell me you killed him," pleaded Qrow.

"Unfortunately, we weren't able to confirm that Merlot was killed when he was yanked off the shoulder of his sentient giant transforming island base slash laboratory by an Elder Wyvern," Glynda said without batting an eye.

"Yanked off his what by a what?!" asked Qrow, batting many eyes.

"Sadly, at this time, we have to entertain the possibility that Doctor Merlot is in the clutches of Salem at this very moment," explained Ozpin, ignoring his subordinate's expressions. "She likely wanted him after his successful experiments fusing Grimm with toxic dark energon."

"'Energon'? Isn't that the new fuel the SDC's been shoving in our faces lately?"

Glynda's face was most perturbed. "So you've heard about that, but you haven't about James leading the Elder Wyvern away from Vale or the Atlesian forces being recalled or any of the many other things that have happened recently?!"

"In my defense, I've been going down the world's longest rabbit hole to find someone who… apparently… attended classes here," summed up Qrow as his eyes darted between the trio and then grinned sheepishly. "And the SDC's advertising is just that good. Come on, you got to admit that their jingle stays stuck in your head all week."

Jimmy snorted angrily. "I don't entertain the jingles of traitorous slaver scum."

Qrow blinked. "Excuse me?"

The Atlesian brought out his scroll and whipped it open like it was, well, a scroll, quickly bringing up a picture of a boxy blue robot standing in a featureless room. Then he started talking crazy. "This is Soundwave. He represents a group of aliens from the planet Cybertron called the Decepticons, and he's wormed his way into the SDC and the rest of the Atlas Council. He has access to the CCT network, and we suspect he's managed to acquire full network privileges. They're behind the energon, and to make it, they're using slave labor supplied by the SDC."

"You're joking," Qrow deadpanned desperately, the wheels of his mind spinning in place. "Alien robots?"

Ironwood pulled his scroll back a bit and fiddled with it, before showing it to him again. "For scale, if that helps." Qrow squinted. The picture was zoomed out, and in it, he could now see a strip of metal running across the room with tiny railings on it, and standing on it was a tiny figure...

It was Winter. Where was the ice queen, anyway?

"Oh. So, now it's giant alien robots?" he sputtered. "This is crazy. Are you listening to yourself, Jimmy?"

"I'm genuinely surprised you don't know about this, Qrow," Jimmy replied in a tone that made Qrow want to punch him. "After all, your niece is buried in this up to her neck."

"Ruby?" exclaimed Qrow automatically. "How'd she get mixed up in this?"

"She's not the one you should be asking about," said Glynda with a sad note in her voice.

Jimmy sighed morosely. "Qrow, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but Yang Xiao Long's motorcycle was destroyed near the beginning of her first semester. We now believe her replacement vehicle may have been one of these alien robots in disguise. This would make sense, since they have the ability to transform into facsimiles of Remnant vehicles."

Qrow blinked. "Okay. Okayyy. Okay, wasn't expecting that." He was regulating his breathing, but… Yang? Involved with evil giant transforming robot aliens? "Any more bombshells you want to drop on me, Jimmy?"

The stupid jerk actually replied. "She's admitted to being a member of the White Fang and escaped Beacon last night after being confronted by the rest of her team. We have NEST looking for her -- with orders to avoid confrontation! -- but she hasn't been seen since."

"...who's NEST?" asked Qrow, blurting out the first thought to jump to mind.

"The National Emergency Strike Team," Ozpin answered. "The Vale Council formed them in response to growing tensions in the wake of the Furchtlos's destruction."

Qrow felt himself grasping for his flask automatically, his mind… shorting out. "...I need a drink."

"Qrow, I can tell you from personal experience that there is no drink in the world strong enough to block out this sort of shock and pain," Ozpin informed him sadly.

"Oz," bit out Qrow, "I just found out aliens are real and my niece- excuse me, my human niece is a faunus supremacist terrorist. If a drink strong enough doesn't exist, then I'll brew one myself. Or maybe I'll get it from the giant transforming alien robots!"

He unscrewed the cap of his flask and took a hearty swig. "Please tell me Ruby's doing okay."

"She ran ahead of her friends into a three way firefight between the White Fang, MECH, and the SDC and ended up getting shot," deadpanned Ozpin.

"That was Ruby?" gasped Qrow.

"She's gotten much better," said Glynda defensively. "After all, Ruby has been independently planning and leading operations against the Decepticons in Sanus -- Ozpin and I only learned about it when she chose to bring it to our attention -- since almost the start of classes this year with Team Rainbow, a team that she formed herself from members of three different official teams. She's really grown into her own."

Before Qrow could even comprehend that, Jimmy picked up on it.

"Indeed, she was even involved in a mission with Specialist Schnee and Team Apricot that, when it's declassified, will be forever written into the history books," he said oh so grandly. "You must be very proud."

"I know I am," said Glynda, picking up the line. "I'm glad to call her a friend."

Qrow looked down at his flask. "Maybe I have had a bit too much to drink. Is that all?"

Jimmy and Glynda actually reached over and intertwined their fingers without exploding.

"We've decided to get engaged," Jimmy announced.

Qrow looked down into his flask again and started drinking again. He stopped just long enough to shout. "Nope! Not drunk enough!"

"Qrow, stop it," pleaded Ozpin.

"Can't hear you, Oz. I'm already moving to the bar," said Qrow as he walked back towards the elevator. "Man, I bet the ice queen doesn't have to deal with this."

Winter Schnee had often entertained thoughts of patricide. In the last year or so, she was contemplating those thoughts more frequently and more seriously.

It was only filial loyalty that stayed her hand. Not to her father, no, but to her sister. With what their father had mired the SDC into, his death would mean Weiss, as the heiress, would be drawn into the mess... on the wrong side. Assuming, of course, Whitley didn't make a play for the inheritance himself, which would just entail a whole slew of other problems for Weiss.

Of course, Weiss probably wouldn't know or care about these efforts. She hated Winter, and justifiably so. She wouldn't even use her semblance anymore if she could avoid it, so disgusted was she by her family.

Whatever happened, though, Winter swore that she would make the world safe for her sister. At least in a relative fashion. She might die to Grimm, but it would be a warm day on the northern pole before she died to this vast conspiracy that had infiltrated the whole world.

And there really was a vast conspiracy that stretched across the planet. Her old commanding officer had been right. These… Joes... were everywhere.

She couldn't go to the General, not on the word of a man thought dead, anymore than she could go to him about the suspicious gaps in the Decepticons' employment records. But who else could she trust? And that was when she realized she had stared at the answer in the face not too long ago.

The news media had been relatively subdued about what they'd found in that old Mantellian bunker, and it had swiftly been pushed out of the news by the destruction of the Furchtlos, but a list had been published of people who had been found in suspended animation there.

Except one. And why would his recovery be covered up?

It had taken some finagling with General Flagg to get access to the archives she was in now, but tracing the personnel and equipment sent to retrieve the stasis pods was her only clue to figuring out where he'd been taken.

James Ironwood may be the General, but this man... he was the General, the one who'd forged Atlas from the shattered remains of Mantle into the sword and shield of Remnant, the pillar of civilization it was today, the same Atlas that was now under threat, by Decepticon and Joe alike. When he'd disappeared, some people believed he would return, like some mythical hero, when Atlas needed him the most, to light their darkest hour.

A time much like now, she thought.

Maybe she was wrong. But it felt right.

It feels right, but I think I've reached the end of the trail here, lamented Winter as she began to do what someone in her position needed to do when leaving a digital archive. I'm close, though. Even if I can't trace the personnel from there, there are only so many facilities that have the necessary medical equipment to perform this sort of operation, and I know them all now.

She finished what she needed to do and left the archive. When she was about to exit the building, however, she ran into the most unusual sort of sight. It was… Duke. Of course it was.

"Hey, Targeter, how's it going?" asked the blond man cheerfully. "Fancy meeting you here on a day like today."

"Duke," replied Winter, her voice living up to her name. "You are the last person I would have expected to see here."

"What? Don't think I can read?" he asked with good-natured sarcasm.

"I don't think you can willingly," she shot back.

"Hey, I'll willingly follow orders all day long, Targeter," he quipped as he began to move away, and then he stopped. "Actually, before I forget. Targeter, what do you think of Councilor Sylvia?"

Winter paused and turned to him. "What do you mean, Duke?"

"Well, it's just that my ma asked me who she should vote for in the next election, and I wanted an opinion from someone who actually paid attention to that sort of thing," he reasoned, sheepishly bringing a hand around to the back of his head in embarrassment.

Winter dredged up what she could recall about Councilor Sylvia... beyond the fact that the snake, along with the other two elected Councilors, had formed a bloc that seemed determined to drive Atlas into the ground. The three elected members of the Atlas Council served six-year terms, with alternating elections every two years. Councilor Camilla represented the city of Atlas, while Councilor Sleet represented Mantle. Councilor Sylvia's seat -- representing the entire kingdom, Atlas, Mantle, and the outlying settlements all together -- was up for election next year, and... that was all she could recall.

She shook her head. "Then you shouldn't have asked me, Duke. The moment I entered the academy, I did my best to ignore politics as much I could."

I wish I hadn't, she lamented in her mind. Maybe if I hadn't, I would have been better prepared… It doesn't matter now, I suppose. Right now, I'm the only person on Remnant who knows what's going on and can do something about it.

Duke shrugged. "Shame. Can't believe we're in the same boat. Ah, well. Catch you on the flip side, Targeter."

Winter walked away from that encounter, and she kept walking. She kept walking, and she kept her cool. No one could know the panic that was in her mind that came with the remembering of one simple fact.

Duke's mother moved to Argus two years ago. She can't vote in the council elections.

Kali Belladonna was a lovely woman and clearly a loving mother, Tai concluded.

"...and, I suppose, the most important thing is to just keep on loving her, because eventually, she will come to her senses, and when she does, she's going to need to know that her parents still love her very much and are just happy to have her back," finished Kali in a summation that tugged at the heartstrings, hugging Zwei to her chest.

Blake, apparently, was the lone person remaining unmoved. "Yang's mother is a mass-murdering psychopath," she deadpanned. "I don't think she's going to be too broken up about her joining the White Fang."

"Oh. So... like Adam," extrapolated Kali. "Though I must say that I'm really surprised how tolerant he's become. Working with humans? I didn't think he had it in him."

"How dare you talk about Summer Rose like that!" Ruby objected.

Amber eyes blinked in confusion at silver. "What? I was talking about Raven!"

"Yang's made it clear that she doesn't consider Raven her mother, remember?" Weiss pointed out, looking at Blake.

"Oh," Ruby acknowledged. "How dare you talk about Raven Branwen like that!"

Kali looked between the teenagers curiously.

"Raven is... troubled," Tai offered.

"She leads a bandit tribe, Ruby!" Blake argued.

"Yeah, that," Tai confirmed with a nod.

"Raven Branwen, was it?" Kali probed. "Of the Branwen Tribe?"

"...I take it you know of her?" Tai asked.

"We've met," she answered, her eyes narrowed into slits. "She was drunk, she took me hostage... I get the feeling she didn't exactly plan ahead."

"That, um, no, she probably didn't," Tai agreed, scratching the back of his head sheepishly.

Before Kali could reply, they heard a scuffle at the door and turned to look... just as one of the door sentries flew through the door and into the room.

Weapons were raised, and everyone rose to their feet.

"Whoa, hey," said the unkempt intruder, raising his hands. The smell of alcohol wafted out from him. "Juss' came to grab m'buddy, Tai."

The guards fired. Fortunately, they were firing lightning dust darts, apparently intent on zapping him sober.

"What the?" the drunk asked a split second before the probes activated. "BZZZAAAABBBABABABA!"

He dropped to the floor and flopped like a dead fish as the thousands of volts of electricity flowed into his body and froze his muscles up.

"Uncle Qrow!" gasped Ruby in shock and horror.

The power flow stopped for a second, and a moan escaped the drunk's lips. "Oww…"

"Qrow, what the heck are you doing?" Tai asked as the shocks ended.

"Hey, Tai," Qrow said, waving lazily. "I just got some news and really need a drinking partner."

"Uncle Qrow?" Ruby asked. "Are- are you okay?"

"I'm not drunk enough to be okay, kiddo."

Tai sighed. Qrow must have heard about Yang. "My apologies, ma'am," he said, bowing to Kali. "I'll take my brother-in-law here off your hands and get him out of the way. Would you mind keeping an eye on Zwei and Ruby, make sure she doesn't run off half-cocked and get shot again?"

"Of course," she said with a well-practiced smile. "Wait, 'again'?" She looked over at Ruby. "That was you?"

"Oh, come on!" Tai heard Ruby complain as he manhandled his brother-in-law out of the room.

Beacon did not have a wet bar, this was known to most, but what was not known to the public was that there was a secret bar just for members of Team STRQ located in a secluded location on the campus. It was something that Summer had put together in their second year as a gift. It was something she had come to regret soon after, but it still sometimes had its uses, especially since someone had apparently kept it stocked over the years.

"So, how have things been?" asked Qrow after downing his shot glass, filled from the nearby bottle of Apple Family Cider from Sweet Apple Acres. "I mean, besides Leo working for Salem, Ruby becoming the leader of her own little conspiracy, and Jimmy and Glynda tying the knot! I still can't believe they did that."

Tai raised his eyebrows. "Really? I hadn't heard about that. Good for them. All I've done lately is get a new car."

Qrow looked aghast. "This is just nuts. We're in a shadow war with giant alien robots. My niece is a terrorist. You got a new car. Please, Tai, tell me you've got some good news. Something normal. Like, have either of them gotten a boyfriend or something?"

Tai couldn't keep his lips from curling into a smile. "Well, last I checked, Yang had a thing for some blond transfer student from Haven, a guy named Sun. But he was too busy chasing Yang's teammate, Blake, to even notice her feelings, and I think Yang was actually helping them get together."

Qrow blinked. "'Blake'?"

"She's the dark-haired girl whose mother's visit you interrupted," explained Tai. "She's a former terrorist raised in the White Fang. Apparently, she ran away from home to stay with the White Fang, then ran away from the White Fang to come to Beacon, then ran away from Beacon to become a ninja."

Qrow stared at Tai, refilling his shot glass, then grabbed another and filled it. "Want a drink?"

"No thanks," declined Tai, shaking his head.

"More for me, then," Qrow said, shrugging and downing both shots. "What about Ruby?"

"Well..." Tai hesitated. "She was sort of dating this kid named Jaune for a while."

"'Was'?" Qrow echoed, raising an eyebrow as he... refilled both shot glasses. "What happened?"

"She dumped him," said Tai suddenly.

"What'd the little idiot do?" Qrow snarled as he gulped down both shots.

"Nothing," answered Tai. "She insists it's not his fault, but she won't tell anyone why. He's with his teammate now, a sweet girl who's apparently had a thing for him for a while but just couldn't spit it out."

Qrow paused before refilling the shot glasses. He held up the bottle and squinted at it. "Blast. This stuff is stronger than I thought. I could've sworn you just said-"

"That Ruby basically pulled a Raven, while Yang's pulling a Summer," summed up Tai. "Yeah. I... kinda did."

"Then this stuff isn't strong enough," reasoned Qrow, skipping the shot glasses and going straight for guzzling the whole bottle. "Are you sure you didn't get the two of them mixed up at some point?"

"No, no, they're still just the same as they always were," replied Tai sadly. "At least… at least, I thought they were."

Qrow reached out a hand and started to pat his brother-in-law on the back. "Hey, don't worry about it, Tai. We'll get her back. We'll find out why she's done this, and we'll bring her home."

"We'll bring her to jail," corrected Taiyang.

"We'll stage a breakout and go to ground," rephrased Qrow.

Taiyang looked at him strangely. "How can you be getting so drunk from a non-alcoholic beverage?"

The scraggly black-haired man chuckled. "Non-alcoholic? Come on, Tai, this is pure distilled…" Qrow's eyes had been drifting towards the bottle and shot open when he realized there was a picture of a small redheaded Apple girl drinking a glass over the words "ALCOHOL FREE!" in big, dynamic, yellow and green font.

"No," Qrow whispered, setting the bottle down and scrambling over to the fridge where the rest of the secret bar's supply was kept. "No," he repeated as he checked each and every container in the cooling unit. "No!"

"What's wrong?" asked Tai curiously.

"It's dry. It's all dry, Tai!" choked out Qrow.

"Really?" At this point, Taiyang was desperately trying to keep his face straight. "Not a drop of alcohol?"

"Not a one. Who could have done this, Tai? Who could…?" Qrow trailed off, evidently having figured out that there was only one person who both knew about the cache and had the ability to refill it. "Raven. Raven!"

"Guess she still has some connection to someone here," muttered Tai thoughtfully.

"She's evil, Tai. Pure evil!" the more scraggly of the two shouted before getting up and walking away. "We have to stop her before it's too late!"

Taiyang sighed to himself. "Here we go again."

As Team JSPR waited in the dark corridor for the final call to enter the arena, Rainbow Dash tucked her hands behind her head. "This feels good, doesn't it? No problems, no secrets, no conspiracies, just a stand-up fight for fun and honor."

"Eeyup, the true spirit of the Vytal Festival," Applejack said, a small smile playing on her face.

"Buuut," Rainbow said, drawing out the word, "I still think we need to take her out first. Come on, Spurs, you know she's the most dangerous out of them."

"I know that, and that's why I want to leave her for last," Applejack insisted. "If we go all in on her first, then we'll go down to numbers, and we'll be vulnerable."

"So long as we take her out with at least two people to spare, we'll be fine," Rainbow insisted. "This is Team Bloodmoon; she's the only one worth worrying about."

"That's why we're gonna sweep the rest of 'em and then take care of her," Applejack insisted. "Once we've-"

"Dented our auras," Rainbow interrupted.

"-eliminated the rest of her team, we can focus on her without any problem."

"Don't either of you think it's a bad sign that we're about to get called, and we still don't have a game plan?" Flash asked.

"No," both of them chorused at once towards the cub of the team.

"We got a game plan, ninety percent of one," Applejack said. "It's just Ditzy that we don't agree on."

"Will Teams Jasper and Bloodmoon make their way into the center of the arena!" declared Beacon's own Professor Port from the commentator's booth.

Applejack pushed her hat a little further back on her head. "Maud? Anything profound to say before we hit the dance floor?"

Maud Pie blinked. "Heart of jasper, you have lines of colour, rising, higher and higher. You have no fractures. You are strong."

Rainbow nodded. She didn't understand what Maud was saying with these rock poems half the time, but they kind of put everyone in the right mood, somehow.

"That about sums it up," Applejack declared. "No fractures, strong."

"No fractures, strong," Rainbow repeated.

"Okay, everybody, let's move it out," Applejack said, as she led her team out of the darkness of the corridor beneath the arena and into the light of the stage itself. They marched out in name order: Applejack in her farming duds, spurs jingling slightly on her boots; Flash Sentry in his gleaming armor, his shield so big, it covered one side of his body completely; Maud Pie, pickaxe slung across her back, her gown descending to her knees; Rainbow Dash in her white ninja outfit, sword and submachine gun strapped to her back, but with her face uncovered, because come on, in what stage was she supposed to be able to hide while dressed like a ninja?

"Team Jasper of Atlas!" Professor Port announced. The cheers for them were loud, but not so loud in Rainbow's ears as the imagined cheers that she could hear in her mind from all the folks back home.

This one's for you, Scootaloo.

"Team Bloodmoon of Haven!" Professor Port declared.

Rainbow meant it as no offence -- okay, maybe it was kind of an offence -- to Team BLDM to say that they had the biggest divergence between how cool their name was -- seriously, Team Bloodmoon -- and how, well, not cool the members of said team were. Don't get her wrong -- they were all really nice people, and some of them were even Rainbow's friends -- but they were just not cool enough to deserve a name like Team Bloodmoon.

"Hey, Rainbow Dash!" Ditzy waved cheerily as Team BLDM fell into position facing their Atlesian -- in school; they were all from the Kingdom of Atlas, which made it a crime that General Ironwood had lost out on Ditzy Doo to Lionheart as far as Rainbow Dash was concerned -- opponents.

Rainbow grinned. "Hey, Ditzy. May the best Huntress win, huh?"

"Don't expect us to go easy on you guys," Lyra called good-naturedly from across the central octagon. "Haven needs a win."

The biome randomiser did its thing, and soon, the terrain on which they would have their battle was decided: a grassy field, speckled with rocks and culminating in a looming mountain, rose out of the depths behind Team JSPR, while behind Team BLDM arose a tundra field of ice that put Rainbow in mind of some of the wilder places back home.

Lucky break for us, Rainbow thought.

The four members of BLDM -- Bon Bon in her shining armor; Lyra in her many-coloured cloak, a harp slung across her back; Ditzy Doo in a white T-shirt and orange shorts, with no weapons visible or otherwise; Minuette with what looked like a giant toothbrush and tube of toothpaste slung across her back -- faced their JSPR opponents with affably good-natured looks upon their faces. They were all friends here; this wasn't a grudge fight. May the best Huntsmen win.

"Three two one!" counted down Professor Oobleck, Beacon's history teacher, so fast it wasn't punctuated. "Begin!"

"Flash, go for it!" Applejack snapped, sending Flash Sentry charging forward, his great shield held before him and his sword drawn, dashing up the center of the arena towards Ditzy Doo, who stood waiting to receive him in a martial arts posture straight out of a Mistralian movie, complete with tiger claw hands.

Lyra reached for her harp, bringing it out from across her shoulders and beginning to strum upon the strings.

"It looks like Miss Heartstrings is going to use her semblance, Song of Courage," Professor Oobleck said.

There was a crack from Applejack's One in a Thousand, and Lyra stumbled back, her music stilled.

"And it looks like Miss Apple is determined to stop her," Professor Port noted approvingly.

Minuette tried to intercept Flash amid his charge but was interrupted by a rock thrown by Maud. She batted it away with her oversized toothbrush, but a second rock followed hard on the heels of the first as Maud turned on her heel amidst the rocks, arms outstretched like a ballerina, lifting them up into the air with her semblance and throwing them at Minuette like tennis balls.

Applejack chambered another round, twirling her gun expertly in her hands to work the lever with a showy flourish, before taking another expertly aimed shot at Lyra.

"Lyra, get to cover," Bon Bon shouted, gesturing behind them both.

That was Rainbow's cue. While Bon Bon turned away, distracted for the moment, Rainbow covered the distance separating the two of them, surging across the central octagon with a rainbow trailing behind her, back bent, head down, shoulder turned as she slammed bodily into the heavily armored girl, lifting her up off the ground as Rainbow's body rose and she wrapped one arm around her opponent's waist.

With the other hand she drew her submachine gun, Red Shift, and sprayed fire in Lyra's direction as she ran on, bearing Bon Bon back with her, into BLDM's icy half of the field. Rainbow stopped, slipping on the icy surface -- that was why she'd stopped; if she didn't, she'd skid herself right off the battlefield -- as she flung Bon Bon as hard as she could out of the arena.

"Oho!" cried Professor Port. "Are we about to see our first exit from the battle?"

Rainbow didn't know for sure, which was why she switched her grip on Red Shift to a two-handed one and kicked up the cyclic rate as she fired on Bon Bon.

The bullets ricocheted off Bon Bon's all-enclosing armor, ripping at her aura as they did so, but as she shielded her face with one armored hand, Bon Bon retained the presence of mind to grab her morningstar, Jawbreaker, and fling it outwards. The chain extended as the spiked ball dropped to the ground, digging into the icy surface of the battlefield as it landed with a thud.

The chain began to retract, pulling Bon Bon back towards the ground.

Rainbow rolled her eyes as she crossed the distance to the grounded morningstar in a flash, grabbed the chain, and gave it a yank towards her, redirecting Bon Bon's descent into a path straight towards Rainbow.

More specifically, towards Rainbow's now-drawn sword, Blue Shift, which slammed into her face as Rainbow hit her with her secret technique, Niji Sonikkbuumu no Waza.

25% of Rainbow's aura drained away in an instant as the sound of her attack, louder than any cannon, echoed throughout the arena. Her aura as shown on the board was on the verge of dropping into the yellow.

But Bon Bon's aura, on the other hand, dropped all the way into the red as she was once more hurled upwards by a force even more powerful than Rainbow's initial toss, arms flailing wildly and helpless as she soared upwards and upwards…and then dropped like a stone to land on the ground... outside the battlefield.

The buzzer sounded for a double elimination by aura depletion and ring out.

Rainbow turned around to see Lyra scrambling for cover behind an icicle-bush kind of thing as another shot from Applejack just missed her and shattered some of the icicles.

Lyra flinched away, then looked at Rainbow Dash. A look of resignation seemed to cross her face as she drew her sword and rose up to charge-

Another shot from One in a Thousand took her aura below the threshold. Lyra slumped down onto her knees as the buzzer sounded, head bowed in despair.

The buzzer sounded again, shortly after, to announce the elimination of Minuette.

"Remind me why we do this again?" Lyra moaned.

"The Festival, or being Huntresses?" Rainbow asked.

"I know why I'm training to be a Huntress," Lyra replied. "I want to know why we volunteered to put ourselves through this humiliation. We are hardly the team to embiggen the spirits of fellow Havenites."

"Don't be too broken up, because your teammate's about to make all that lost ground back again," Rainbow muttered, because it didn't really matter that three members of Team BLDM were out of the match while Team JSPR hadn't lost a single person yet: Ditzy was still fighting, and Ditzy was kicking tail.

No matter what he tried, Flash couldn't land a single hit on her. When he shot, when he thrust or slashed with his sword, Ditzy was just not there. She twisted her body, she leapt from foot to handstand, she twirled in place, it was like she could sense the hits coming and knew exactly what to do to get away from them. Meanwhile, Flash was having no luck at all in dodging her hits, the hits that just kept coming as she turned almost every dodge into a blow, every leap into a kick, the hits that beat against his shield like waves beating on the shore. Ditzy was making him look like an incompetent chump, and she was doing it all with this really sweet smile on her face that was probably melting the hearts of every straight guy in the audience. Flash's shock absorption semblance was keeping him in the fight -- in the sense that it had stopped him being drop-kicked out of the arena already -- but he was burning aura fast. It was a miracle that he'd been able to hold out for as long as he had, the way that Ditzy kept leaping in to land a hit and then leaping back before he could counter.

Flash growled with frustration as he thrust his shield forwards, Rho Aias crackling with lightning… but of course, Ditzy wasn't there. She back-flipped, landing on her hands and then leaping away again, waiting for both Flash's charge and his lightning dust to expend itself before she threw herself upon him again. Her fists pounded upon his shield, her leg lashed out to sweep his legs from under him and then -- still smiling -- she delivered one final punch into his armored abdomen to drive him into the arena floor as the buzzer sounded.

"And the last standing member of Team Bloodmoon has managed to claim a member of Team Jasper!" Professor Oobleck proclaimed. "But how will she… wait, what's she doing now?"

What she was doing now was giving Flash a consolatory hug.

"It's okay," she said. "You fought really well, Flash."

You know, Ditzy, if you wanted him to stop mooning after Twi and notice you, you'd have had a better chance if you'd stuck around in Atlas instead of going away to Haven, mused Rainbow Dash

Ditzy got up, fists clenched, and looked around the three remaining members of Team JSPR. "Okay," she said. "Who's next?"

Rainbow aimed Red Shift at her and let fly; the gun rattled, but Ditzy was already moving, running away from Rainbow Dash and in the direction of Applejack and Maud. Rainbow ran after her…right until the bullets ran out; she stopped, reaching for her spare magazines while Applejack's rifle cracked repeatedly. Ditzy danced like a jackrabbit at a hoedown, leaping from foot to foot as Applejack's rounds didn't hit her any more than any shot fired by Flash had done. Maud wrenched an enormous boulder from the rocky field and threw it at her, but Ditzy simply batted it aside with one hand as though it were made of foam. Ditzy ran, and Maud and Applejack alike both ran to meet her, Applejack reversing her gun to use the stock like a club and Maud drawing her pickaxe from across her back. The pickaxe had a shotgun in the middle of the handle, and Maud fired it a couple of times, but Ditzy simply leapt like a tap dancer, jumping and turning in the air and spinning again when she landed.

Applejack was the first to reach her, swinging One in a Thousand for Ditzy's head; Ditzy ducked, driving one fist into Applejack's stomach. Applejack doubled over, and Ditzy hit her again with an uppercut that arced Applejack's back in reverse as she staggered backwards. Maud swung her pickaxe, but Ditzy grabbed the handle, then grabbed Maud herself by the belt, picking her up and throwing her into Applejack.

The buzzer sounded again as Applejack's aura dipped into the red from Maud's impact.

Rainbow stopped worrying about reloading her gun and simply rushed for her, fast as she could, rainbow trailing behind her.

Ditzy, like all the best fighters, kept coy about what her semblance actually was -- it was one of the reasons why it was such a pity she was a second year; Rainbow would have paid good money to see her go up against Nikos -- but Rainbow had seen her fight often enough to reckon that it was some kind of super-reflex thing.

But here was the thing with those kinds of semblances: it didn't matter a bit if you could see the attack coming if you weren't fast enough to do anything about it!

So Rainbow charged as fast as she could, the rest of the world seeming to grow so slow around her, Professor Port's voice from the commentator's booth seeming more of a yawn than any kind of words she could make out. The rest of the world seemed trapped in amber as she dashed towards Ditzy, who turned but slowly, so slowly, as she began to twist out of the way.

Niji Sonikkbuumu no Waza! thought Rainbow as the blast from her sword caught Ditzy with a glancing blow.

Even the bang of the attack seemed slowed, lingering like the rumble of an avalanche instead of dissipating like the bang of a gun. Ditzy winced in pain as Blue Shift hit her in the side, launching her spinning into the air, her wall eyes closing for a moment. Rainbow leapt into the air, spinning just like Ditzy, spinning into a kick into her abdomen to hurl her back to the ground, just as the ground rose up to meet her under the guidance of Maud's semblance.

This, Ditzy could see coming, but when you were falling to the ground with nowhere to stand and the ground was rushing up to pound on you, there was only so much you could do. She squirmed and twisted in the air like a salmon leaping out of the river, but enough of what Maud was throwing at her caught her to take her aura under the limit and draw the final buzzer of the match.

"The final member of Team Bloodmoon has been eliminated!" Professor Oobleck declared. "For a moment there, it looked as though Miss Doo was going to pull off a shocking upset, one even more impressive than Miss Scarlatina's display at the beginning of the day, but at the end of the match, it is Team Jasper that stands victorious."

As the cheers rolled in for the victors, Ditzy picked herself up off the ground. "That was a great fight, you guys," she said cheerily, holding out one hand. "Congratulations."

"You too, sugarcube," Applejack said, taking her hand. "You nearly gave us quite the turnaround at the end there."

"We've always got to do our best, right?" reasoned Ditzy.

"If you wanted to do your best, you should have stuck around in Atlas," Rainbow said. "Maybe then, you'd be in with a shot at, uh-" She gestured at Flash with her head.

Ditzy's cheeks reddened. "I…I don't know what you're talking about."

Rainbow smirked. "Yeah, of course, you don't."

Then a thought hit her with a shock… they had lost two of their own to Team FIST's clean sweep. It came just as a sound from the audience drew her attention.

"Hey, Rainbooms! That was pretty good," called out the distant figure of Sour Sweet from Team SSCL's ringside seats. "For a bunch of amateurs!"

"Ugh, who let Team Scarlet have a megaphone?" groaned Rainbow Dash as the Shadowbolts, once again, claimed victory.

"Yeah!" Scootaloo cheered, pumping her fists into the air. In honor of the match, she was wearing her home-made Rainbow Dash hair, the rubber headpiece sitting slightly awkwardly on top of her head. "Go, Rainbow Dash!"

"I gotta admit, if it hadn't been for Rainbow Dash, then Applejack and the rest could have been in a whole mess of trouble," Apple Bloom said.

"Well, of course," Scootaloo said. "Rainbow Dash is the most awesomest Huntress to ever come out of Canterlot! Team Jasper wouldn't be anything without her in it."

"Now, hold on just an apple-pickin' minute!" Apple Bloom replied, her voice rising. "That ain't even close to true, and you know it!"

"Girls, please don't fight," Fluttershy murmured. "Remember the spirit of the Vytal Festival."

"Yeah: butt-kicking in the ring, unity outside of it," Pinkie said cheerily.

"Pinkie, language, please," Rarity said in a tone of mild reproach. She paused for a moment. "You know, it always astonished me that Ditzy could be such a talented fighter. She doesn't seem to have the nature for it."

"Who does have the nature for it?" asked Fluttershy. "Not Applejack, at least I don't think so."

"Not Maud either," Pinkie said, her voice losing a little of its good humour. "I guess... they've all got something they want to protect so badly that it lets them do almost anything."

"Interesting," Megatron mused. Team JSPR were capable enough, but there were many capable warriors on display in this tournament. "Demolishor, put a note in Ditzy Doo's file. She might prove a useful asset."

"You sure, boss?" Demolishor asked. "She seems a little too... nice."

"I'm sure we can reprogram her if necessary," Megatron said, dismissing the concern. "It worked well enough on Barricade."

"...uhhh... yes, sir."

He found her on the Beacon Cliffs.

"Hey, sis."

His younger sister suddenly stiffened, hands automatically reaching for Fire in Disguise. They were both armed, of course. The Beacon Cliffs were among the natural barriers that made Vale defensible... but it wasn't like Grimm couldn't climb, even setting aside the flying ones.

"Jaune?" she asked, turning to face him. "How did you find me?"

He snorted. "I know all the best moping spots here at Beacon. The roof of the dorm's my usual spot, though I learned to be careful which window I mope over."

"What do you want, Jaune?" asked Verte, her voice despondent.

"I wanted to see how you were holding up," he answered honestly.

"I'm fine," she insisted. "Why don't you go back to celebrating with your team? With your girlfriend?"

Jaune cocked an eyebrow at her. "Okay, sis, now I know you're not fine."

"Excuse me?" she demanded, blinking at him in a mix of irritation and confusion.

"C'mon, Verte," he said. "Since our match yesterday, you haven't teased me about having a girlfriend once."

"Just... go away, Jaune," she sulked, turning her back on him again to look out over the Emerald Forest. Patches of burned trees were visible in the distance, and it would take time for the forest to recover, but the flames from the bomb had never gotten this close to Beacon.

She jumped a little as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a hug from behind.

"Gerroff!" she cried, flailing her limbs wildly at him.

"Nuh uh!" he refused. "I'm not letting go until you tell me what's wrong. And I've got a lot more aura than you."

"Fine!" she snapped. "You wanna know what's wrong, Jaune?! What's wrong is you!"

Jaune's arms went slack at that, and she broke free, staggering away before spinning around to glare at him, hands twitching for her weapon.

They stood like that for a moment as Jaune pieced things together.

"I've taken everything from you, haven't I?" he asked softly. "All those years training, getting into Haven early... Pyrrha was probably expected to go to Haven too, but instead, she came to Beacon, ended up on my team. You were supposed to be the rising star, the young prodigy, come to take things back for Haven after its string of losses... and we knocked you out of the running in the first round."

She didn't respond for a long moment.

"It's not fair..." she whispered, blinking back tears. She didn't resist as he stepped forward and pulled her into another hug. "Youngest student to ever get into Haven... and then I met Ruby. And she's great! But..." She trailed off.

"One more thing that made you special, taken away," Jaune finished. He shook his head. "No, Verte, it's not fair. Life's not fair. Can you imagine what it would be like if we actually deserved all the crap we get? But you're my sister. You're Verte d'Arc, and in my book, that's pretty darn special already."

She pulled back to give him a deadpan stare. "...what cheesy movie did you get that line from?"

"I'm serious," Jaune complained. "Verte d'Arc, you're still my little sister. You might not be the youngest Huntress to get into an academy, but you're still the youngest to get into Haven. You can still dribble my head back and forth all over this forest. You are awesome, and you're going to make an amazing Huntress someday. Everything you've done? You earned that. I'm just a guy who got lucky during initiation." He gave her a goofy grin. "Luckiest guy in the world."

"You dope," Verte said, shaking her head, an involuntary smile crossing her face. "You really have it bad, don't you?"

"Are you sure that you want to watch this match?" Velvet asked, as she and Lavi took their seats in the colosseum. "You wouldn't rather, I don't know, go around the fairgrounds or something? Maybe celebrate your team's victory?" Something to take their minds off their continuing infiltration mission that didn't involve watching Team DSST.

"You don't want to scope out the competition?" Lavi asked her in response. "Either one of us might end up facing Dust or Indigo in the next round."

Lavi was a really sweet guy, but there were times when it felt to Velvet as though he was instructing her, or trying to, and to be honest, the fact that it was coming from her boyfriend -- even if that was still a new and exciting thought that brought a goofy grin to her face -- rather than her team leader and actually did have things to teach her didn't make it grate any less. "I know," she said. "But it's not like we don't know who's going to win; you could just read up on Indigo if you wanted to."

Lavi looked at her, a slightly curious expression on his face.

"It's not like Team Dust are going to win," Velvet pressed on. "They're the worst team in the entire second year. They've got coordination worse than-" she bit back the last words, and hastily looked around in case Coco was around to hear them. She couldn't see her, but her team leader had developed a slightly annoying habit of following her and Lavi around whenever she could get away from Fox and Yatsu long enough; Velvet wished she'd cut it out.

"You've come a long way," Lavi reassured her.

"And Team Dust?" Velvet asked.

"Let's just say... I've got a feeling about those four," Lavi said, leaning forwards in his seat a little for a better view as the two teams made their way out onto the field.

Lightning Dust led the team that bore her name -- if that was, in fact, her real name, something which Sunset had grave doubts about, given how pat it was; more likely, she had given it to herself to match her powers -- out into the center of the arena, wearing a bodysuit that hugged her figure, all black save for the jagged green stripe that ran down her chest and neck. Sunset followed, dressed rather more casually in a black vest over a blood red tank top with black pants. Sunburst and Trixie, bringing up the rear, had more of a theme going on with the wizard capes, but in Sunset's opinion, Trixie pulled it off a little better, if only because she committed to it with the hat, too.

Team NDGO, lining up opposite them, seemed to have more of a coordinated theme going on with their outfits, although Sunset couldn't have put a precise name to what that theme might be beyond the fact that they kind of seemed to go together. They didn't stand in a line, but formed a rough cluster in front of DSST; they seemed relaxed, confident even. They probably thought they had this whole thing in the bag already, what with the way that Team DSST's reputation had preceded them into the arena.

Practically nobody had cheered for them as they came out, and there seemed to be a lot more free space in the bleachers than normal.

Trixie stamped her foot. "Nobody's here! The Great and Powerful Trixie wanted an audience for her Vytal debut!"

"Stop whining," Sunset snapped. "Do you want to win, or do you want to be popular?"

"I think you're making quite an assumption with that question," the leader of Team NDGO, Nebula Violette, said loudly from across the octagon.

Team DSST ignored her, with Lightning Dust speaking as though she hadn't. "Is there a reason that I can't be successful and popular? You know, like Pyrrha Nikos or something."

Sunset's eyes narrowed. "Do you want an alphabetical list of all the ways that you are not like Pyrrha Nikos?"

"Hey!" Lightning yelled. "Just because you think that you're so-"

"You really think that they have a chance?" Velvet asked, as the camera lingered lovingly upon Team DSST dissolving into a three-way argument between Lightning Dust, Sunset, and Trixie, while Sunburst tried ineffectually to calm everything down, helpfully lowering the volume. One particular close-up showed Sunset making mouth flap gestures with one hand as Lightning Dust spoke or shouted. Team NDGO looked like they didn't know whether to laugh or cringe.

Lavi didn't reply, but as the terrain rose up behind the two sets of competitors -- some ruined buildings and a courtyard of stone behind NDGO, a geyser field behind DSST -- he kept his eyes fixed keenly upon the Haven team.

"You want to run this team?" Lightning demanded.

"Yes!" Sunset cried.

Lightning looked momentarily taken aback by that answer. "Well... you can't," she said.

"You have no discipline," Sunset said, "you have no brains, and I have no idea why Lionheart made you team leader. It's obvious that the leader of this team-"

"Should be the Great and Powerful-!"

"Oh, shut up!" Lightning and Sunset chorused.

"Excuse me," Nebula Violette said. "We're in the middle of a fight!"

"Well, in case you hadn't noticed, so are we!" Sunset yelled as she turned to face them.

"Um," Sunburst murmured tremulously, "I think she means that the start of the match was just called."

Sunset stopped as the booing of a lean crowd who were starting to wish that they, too, had gone to the fairgrounds instead assailed her ears. "Really?" she said, her voice sharpening even as it became quieter. "Well, thank you for not taking advantage of us while our backs were turned. I salute your honor as true suckers," she added, as she bowed to the opposition with a mocking flourish. Judging by the way the booing got worse, this hadn't made her any more popular in the stands. "Okay, here's the plan-"

"Screw planning," Lightning Dust declared as -- her whole body crackling with electricity -- she began to charge towards Team NDGO. They, in their turn, began to descend upon the lone and isolated leader of Team DSST like a pack of hyenas descending on a lioness.

Sunset growled wordlessly in frustration, her face contorting through rage, exasperation and despair. "How can you... what did I ever do to... agh! Sunburst, hold off the staff wielder!"

"Right, I'll try," Sunburst said, as he moved after Lightning Dust to confront Dew Gayl.

"Trixie-" Sunset began.

Trixie folded her arms. "You don't get to tell the Great and Powerful Trixie what to do!"

"Stop talking in third person!" Sunset screamed. "It doesn't make you sound cool! It sounds stupid!"

"You know," Velvet said, allowing a slight hint of teasing to enter her voice. "You can admit you're wrong any time you like."

"Am I wrong?" Lavi asked, not taking his eyes off Team DSST.

"Half their team is having a screaming match," Velvet reminded him, pointing to Sunset and Trixie in the center of the battlefield, very much in one another's faces now as they exchanged insults with one another in lieu of exchanging blows with the enemy. Smoke was starting to rise from Sunset's arms.

"And yet, with only half a team, they're holding their own against Indigo," Lavi observed.

That was not an entirely false statement, Velvet could admit; she could admit to being incorrect slightly easier than Lavi, it seemed. Sunburst was holding his own in a very symmetrical fight against Dew Gayl -- she had a spear with a wind dust crystal lodged just below the tip, he had a staff with a wind dust crystal set at the tip -- and their fight seemed to consist of the two balancing each other out while Sunburst kept a healthy distance away from anything like close quarters combat, but it was Lightning Dust, holding her own against all three remaining members of Team NDGO, who was showing her skill thus far and getting the crowd on her side in spite of everything that had gone before. Through sheer force of will -- and a relentless focus on Team NDGO's leader, Nebula Violette, which had forced the other two Shade Huntresses to follow in her wake -- Lightning had driven Team NDGO out of the central octagon and into the ruined city biome on their side of the field. And there, she held off the whole pack of them.

Her body was wreathed in lightning as she fought; that must have been her semblance, electricity generation. She wore it like armor, crackling up and down her black and green suit, and when the blades of Nebula or Octavia struck her, the lightning rippled down their weapons, snapping like dogs, to shock whichever of them struck. The three Huntresses of NDGO tried a different tack, hanging back a little and using their ranged advantage -- Nebula's crossbow, Gwen's assortment of throwing knives, Octavia's fire dust -- to bring down their shocking opponent from range. But Lightning Dust worked hard not to give them the opportunity; she wasn't content to be just a target for their knives or quarrels, she didn't stand still to take the fire from Octavia. Her movements were swift and athletic, she leapt up into the air and used her lightning -- some kind of magnetic pull towards the iron in the concrete? -- to glue her feet to buildings, or else to swing off them using her lightning as though it were a rope. She could close the distance against Team NDGO as quickly as they could try to open it up with her superior mobility, and lightning crackled in jets from her hands to show that she was not without ranged weapons of her own, not to mention the way that it exploded from her whole body the moment any of the NDGO trio got too close. Velvet had no doubt that, if her team had been able to get their act together and coordinate -- or if Sunset and Trixie had been able to stop arguing with one another -- Lightning Dust would have been a match for any single member of Team NDGO, maybe even for two at once if she got lucky.

There was also no doubt in Velvet's mind that she was going to lose. Watching Lightning Dust's aggressive, powerful display, watching Nebula, Gwen, and Octavia flow around the Haven girl, taking their shots and keeping their distance, was like watching a pack of dogs set on a bear: the bear was stronger, but the dogs would nip and bite and tear at the creature until they brought it down. Lightning Dust was getting hits in on her opponents -- she had taken the auras of all three of them into the yellow -- but her constant use of her own semblance was burning through her own aura fast, and it wasn't as though she hadn't been touched by the NDGO three in turn.

Velvet watched as the three of them surrounded Lightning Dust, closing in as the lightning that wreathed her began to sputter out.

She seemed to be panting for breath even before a final wave of flame, conjured by a sweeping slashing stroke from Octavia's sword, knocked her off her feet.

The buzzer sounded, but as Professor Port announced Lightning Dust's elimination from the match, Velvet couldn't help but think that although Team NDGO would go on to win this match, the story would be of how Lightning Dust had done better than she should have done, and Team NDGO had done worse than they ought.

"This match is over," Lavi declared.

"I know," Velvet said. "Team Dust is done."

"Hmm?" he said, giving her a sidelong glance. "No, this is the moment when Team Dust wins."

"What?" Velvet asked, her pitch rising a little in disbelief. "But they-" She fell silent as the Trixie that was embroiled in an argument with Sunset Shimmer abruptly disappeared...

...and another Trixie appeared in the shadow of one of the ruined buildings amongst which Team NDGO had been fighting, her wand glowing blue as a wave of ice erupted from the tip to engulf the ground, spreading out in a cone-like shape towards and through and all around the three huntresses of Team NDGO, encasing their feet in the ice.

Velvet saw her own shock reflected on the faces of Team NDGO as Trixie's triumphant laughter echoed across the arena.

Sunset abruptly pulled the pistol from her holster -- Velvet wasn't a weapons buff, but she had photographed enough to gain a passing familiarity, and that was an old pistol, a Great War-era Mantle weapon with an unusual toggle-lock action and a long, slender barrel -- and shot the startled Dew Gayl, torn between her duel with Sunburst and the plight of her teammates, not aware of Sunset at all, five times, enough to take her aura below the limit and eliminate her from the match.

"What happened?" Velvet asked, as Sunset drew the sword from across her back and advanced at a run towards the immobilised NDGO trio, and as she ran, her body was consumed by flames, skin and clothes and hair alike obscured by the rising red-gold flames until it seemed as though Team NDGO were facing not another Huntress in training but a demon of fire sprung from some forsaken pit.

"Smoke and mirrors," Lavi explained. "If I had to guess, a high-end holo-emitter, common enough among stage magicians that the really good ones make a show of proving they aren't using one. The arguments between them, not noticing the beginning of the fight, all of it misdirection to throw off their opponents... and the audience. They used their reputation for discord to lull the enemy into a false sense of security, so that when Lightning Dust rushed in on her own, nobody questioned if there might be more to it than a hotheaded team leader and a team that wouldn't follow her. A more scripted version of what Team Ruby pulled yesterday against superior opposition."

"But now they're a man down," Velvet said.

"And now they have two fresh warriors and one almost fresh," Lavi said, "against three worn out Huntresses with low auras."

Velvet slumped forward. "And I fell for it."

"It was supposed to be fallen for."

"But it didn't fool you," she pointed out.

"In Atlas's ninja program, we are taught to look underneath the underneath," Lavi explained comfortingly, putting an arm around her shoulders and hugging her. "As I understand it, ninja courses in Beacon are limited to students who can find the classroom, like Team Shadow, or who get special recommendation, like Blake Belladonna. It's... not a skill set generally useful against the Grimm." He gave her a smile that lit up her world. "If you like, I can give you a few pointers?" he offered. "It won't make you a ninja, but given your semblance, you should be able to pick up on things pretty quick."

"Yeah," she agreed. "Yeah, I'd like that."

As for the match itself, it was as Lavi had said: Sunset and Trixie had their auras intact, and Sunburst's wasn't that badly depleted, while all of Team NDGO had seen their auras battered by the fight with Lightning Dust. And they couldn't move.

It was all over, bar the shouting: DSST tore NDGO apart.

"And in that shocking upset, Team Dust emerges victorious and will be moving on to the doubles round!" Doctor Oobleck yelled in astonishment.

Nebula groaned. " were only pretending to hate each other? The entire time you've been at Beacon?"

"Oh, no, we really can't stand one another," Sunset said. "But that doesn't mean that we can't work together for something that we all want badly enough."

"Listen!" Trixie cried, as the cheers and applause of the crowd fell upon them like rain. "They're cheering! They're cheering the Great and Powerful Trixie!" She swept her pointed hat off her head and bowed, turning to the different sections of the audience in turn.

Sunset closed her eyes and let the acclaim wash over her. It wasn't real love -- she was smart enough to understand the difference -- but for now, in this place, at this time... it would do.

Now there is a kindred spirit, Megatron thought as his optics focused in on the victorious Sunset Shimmer. He thought back to their newest ally. I wonder how far the parallels extend?

It was worth investigating.

In the barn, the reaction was one of stunned silence, broken only by the applause from Principal Celestia.

Rarity stared, her eyes wide. She could hardly believe what she'd just witnessed. Sunset won? Sunset won while behaving like that?

"And to think, we almost didn't bother to watch this match," Fluttershy said.

"Are they allowed to do that?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Everything goes except attacking once someone's aura has gone down," Vice Principal Luna informed her. "What Team Dust carried out was a successful ruse de guerre." She sniffed. "Not that that makes it particularly honorable."

"Perhaps not," Celestia allowed. "But it was exciting to witness, don't you think?"

When Yang woke up, she had a brief moment of wondering where she was. She was laying on a cot inside a massive, cavernous room filled with stasis pods. Bumblebee was nearby too, and watching her.

"Hey, how are you doing?" he asked gently, shifting to get a little bit closer to her.

"Like I've been asleep for days," replied Yang easily.

"Not quite, but almost," said Bumblebee. "You've been asleep ever since you jumped inside me."

The statement confused Yang, but then, suddenly, her memory drifted back, and the tears began to flow freely from her eyes. She had ruined her life, completely and totally. Looking back, she could see that she had let her temper get the better of her, and when she had thrown that punch… well, she'd burned her last bridge.

She'd tried to keep Ruby out of this, but that wasn't possible anymore. Ruby wouldn't stop until Yang was brought in, assuming that the cops didn't get involved first and arrest her and everyone else for being associated with the White Fang. Of course, if that happened... they'd all be killed by the SDC and the Decepticons. Her father, Ruby, Zwei, Weiss, Blake…

"Maple!" she cried out, reaching to wrench the blanket that had been covering her aside.

"Hey, hey, hey, easy!" protested Bumblebee, reaching out one big mechanical hand to block her from getting up. "Maple's fine. Arcee left a couple hours ago to keep an eye on her, and her last report said she was okay. You don't need to rush out and try to rescue her."

"But… I… Bumblebee, my roommates, my sister, they know I'm part of the White Fang," stammered Yang through puffy eyes.

Bumblebee backed off a bit at that. "Oh. So that's what that was about the other day."

"They found the secret compartment in my bag," continued Yang, her voice speaking of its own accord. "They tried to talk to me about it, and it turns out Blake was a member of the Fang too; in fact, she was Adam's old partner, and I was still trying to wrap my head around that when Blake broke my mask, and I wasn't thinking straight, so punched her through a wall and… and… and…"

Without prompting, Bumblebee scooped her up and pulled her into a big robotic hug. "Hey, it's okay, Yang. I'm here. Just let it out. Just let it all out."

The blonde did indeed let out a choking sob into the Autobot's metal shoulder. "My life is over, Bee. I don't know what to do."

"You'll think of something, Yang," comforted Bumblebee. "You always do."

She cried for a good long while after that until a thought raised its head.

"Cinder," growled Yang.

"'Cinder'?" asked Bumblebee in slight confusion.

"She's behind everything. The White Fang thefts, the destruction of that Atlesian ship, all of it," insisted Yang. "If we can bring her in, we can maybe provide enough leverage to make things right."

"Do you think that will work?" inquired Bumblebee pointedly. "Will that set right what once went wrong?"

"I… I don't know," admitted Yang, her hands futilely trying to grip onto the living metal of her friend's body. "But what else can I do right now? She's playing with us, I know it. Whatever else, we can't let her win."

Bumblebee nodded. "One step at a time. Okay, let's put together a plan to get her."

Author's Note 1 (Cyclone)
First off, thanks to @ScipioSmith, again, for helping with the fight scenes (and giving us a fight scene we weren't even originally planning to include).

A lot of people are getting caught up here on recent events, so I suppose this also works as a summary chapter.

By the way, regarding the references we've made to the MCU in this story, as well as the TaleSpin expies? We figured out a justification for them, and it all comes down to Kenner.

We try to aim for just '80s Hasbro or Hasbro-created stuff... but Hasbro did buy Kenner, and Kenner did make the Star Wars toys back in the day, so that's our paper-thin excuse for now.
Author's Note 2 (Cody MacArthur Fett)
Thanks to @Shinzakura for the translation of Rainbow Dash's secret technique.

Other than that I'm not sure what to say. I couldn't think of anything while writing this, and we seem to have run out of time. This took so long though. I really hope people enjoy it.

Next chapter should be easier, and far more important… so, you know, no pressure, right?

Oh, one thing that I can't believe I forgot…. My motherboard has gone to pits. Which means I don't have a computer anymore….That's going to be a pain to fix.

Join us next time as Ruby's hunt for Yang leads her to unexpected encounters, Winter's hunt for her quarry leads her to question her allegiances, and Yang's search for Cinder leads her to a shocking revelation that overturns everything she thought she knew in "The Ties That Bind."
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Volume III: Episode 4: The Ties That Bind
(V3E3: Sundown | V3E4: The Ties That Bind | V3E5: Reunions)

Volume III: Episode 4: The Ties That Bind

* * *​

Velvet swallowed the bile she felt rising at listening to yet another White Fang recruit go on about how awful humans were. It was disgusting to her, repugnant even. It was a reminder that, although they might have softened lately, the White Fang were still terrorists.

The worst part was... she understood.

She'd never struck back or lashed out, not like the White Fang had. The insults, the bullying... it was never worth the effort, in her opinion. For all that she loved her kingdom, that didn't mean it didn't hurt.

Things had gotten... better when she went to Pharos. In a combat school, you fought and bled alongside each other. But the whispers, the looks, the taunts and teasing... they were still there, just more discreet. Sometimes, they were couched in insults to one's performance instead, but the sentiments were unmistakable.

Beacon was an anomaly. Being a Huntress in training gave one some measure of protection... except, of course, from other Huntsman students, and even there, she had had to deal with the likes of Cardin, though to be fair, the first-year picked on everyone, human and faunus alike, and had stopped after a while. Privately, Velvet suspected Coco had had a few private words with him on the matter, but she'd never quite gotten up the nerve to ask... and lately, it just hadn't seemed important.

At least she had Yatsuhashi. They'd met in initiation, and it wasn't until that moment that Velvet had realized how dangerously close she'd come to the same mindset, the same views, the same assumptions that the White Fang held. Before they'd met, she'd assumed Yatsu -- big, kind, loveable Yatsu -- would be another racist bully, just because he was a human from Mistral. Her views on the kingdom that nominally ruled Anima had been colored so poorly.

Of course, more recently, she'd met Jaune -- who seemed cut from the same cloth as Yatsu, if a bit clumsier and a fellow victim of Cardin -- and Pyrrha, the nicest person she'd ever met... which was still kind of mind-boggling, given how terrifying she was in the arena. Seriously, Velvet had trouble believing that girl was for real sometimes.

With a pang of guilt, she glanced over at Lavi. Surely, he was feeling it worse? Or maybe not, and she was painting Atlas in an unfair light again? It was hard to say, but if the overheard conversations bothered him, he didn't show it.

This was the third White Fang hideout they'd visited, this time to pick up the combat uniforms the terrorist group used alongside their masks to signify their allegiance, to show that they weren't afraid of the authorities and were a force to be reckoned with, that they didn't have to hide in the populace out of fear and only chose to out of convenience. At least, that was how it worked in theory. Velvet wasn't too sure how effective it was at sending that message.

The White Fang were a lot more decentralized than she would have expected, and judging by appearances, each site was ready to be evacuated and abandoned at a moment's notice. Something scared them. Was it Cinder?

That was an interesting bit of information they'd learned. It seemed Cinder, the Havenite traitor, had been orchestrating the White Fang's operations before they went quiet, the various hijackings and dust thefts... and the White Fang had grown tired of being bullied by a human and turned on her, right around the time of the sting operation that had captured her teammates but failed to capture her.

And they'd confirmed -- from overheard conversations, if nothing else -- that the White Fang were, indeed, allied with Cliffjumper's "Autobots" in some fashion.

With each day, with each meeting, they were building up closer to the truth, and they would learn what sinister plot these giant alien robots were planning.

A camera flashed.

"Anyone else think this is weird?" Nora muttered as she blinked rapidly to clear the spots from her eyes.

"What do you mean?" Pyrrha asked, offering a friendly smile and wave to the crowd.

"Nora's used to having to try to get attention," explained Ren as he signed another autograph.

As he tried to ward off a girl who wanted him to sign her shirt -- and seemed ready to take it off right then and there to let him do so, to heck with public indecency laws -- without touching anything inappropriate, Jaune privately had to agree with Nora. It was one thing when they were in Amity Arena, in front of a cheering crowd, but today was the day for the third-year team matches. Team JNPR was just trying to get something to eat for lunch at one of the stands in the city, a three-sided one, with the four of them taking up the seats on the stand's "front" side, and for all their eagerness, none of the fans seemed interested in actually eating anything, and few had the nerve to actually take a seat, and even then, only briefly.

Jaune turned to his girlfriend and waved in the general direction of the disappointed girl who was now walking off with a signed napkin. "That... that doesn't strike you as strange at all, Pyr?"

"Jaune," she said patiently, "just be glad she didn't ask you to sign her underwear."

The blond boy blinked blearily. "People really do that?"

"Mmhmm," confirmed Pyrrha with a nod. She seemed distracted, and Jaune could well understand why. They couldn't talk about it in public, but they were all worried about Yang.

Still, that girl had been about ready to strip in front of him, and it didn't even seem to bother Pyrrha. He knew from past experience that Pyrrha... Pyrrha was perhaps the nicest, kindest woman he'd ever met. She'd never let on how much it hurt her when he'd foolishly pursued Weiss back in their first semester or when he'd dated Ruby. He'd hoped she'd be more open with him about things like that, now that they were dating.

His hand drifted to his pocket... but no. Not here.

"They're fans, Jaune," Pyrrha said, interrupting his ruminations. "In the end, they're just strangers who happen to know your name."

"That's a remarkable perspective," observed Ren. "Probably the healthiest way to look at it."

Jaune had to agree, and if anyone would know how to handle fans, it was Pyrrha. Still, he decided not to mention his mom's oft-repeated saying. After all, when his girlfriend was unfazed by a girl obviously coming onto him because she was, ultimately, a stranger who knew his name, the fact that his mother had drilled into him that strangers were just friends you hadn't met yet... yeah, he wasn't that dumb.

"I've just... never been that popular," he mumbled. "It's kind of... a new experience."

Nora swallowed her mouthful of food and asked, "Well, I'm sure you'd have been popular if you told people you were a prince."

"I'm not a prince, Nora," he grumbled sourly. "See, this is why I didn't tell anyone. It's not important. You're making it sound way more important than it really is."


"Nora," Ren chided, cutting her off.

"Hmph." Nora scowled. "Still, Jaune, didn't you say you wanted to be a hero? What did you think was going to happen if you actually got your wish?"

Pyrrha frowned as Jaune hung his head. "I just... I thought I would help people, you know?" he answered softly. "It's not like anything else matters, right?"

Pyrrha felt her heart melt at that, and she smiled, reaching out and taking his hand in hers. "And that, Jaune, is what people are beginning to recognize in you now."

He gave the most adorable blush and ducked his head shyly, and Pyrrha beamed at him proudly.

"Hey, Pyr," a loud, brash voice interrupted as its owner, Arslan, came up behind Jaune, looping her arms loosely over his shoulders and across his chest.

Pyrrha cocked a curious eyebrow. "Arslan, what are you doing?"

Her friendly rival shrugged. "My agent saw me beat up Team Cardinal and seems to think playing up some sort of romantic rivalry between us will help boost our licensing revenue," she murmured discreetly.

Without missing a beat, Pyrrha replied with the sweetest tone. "Then get a new agent."

"Pyrrha, no," Arslan half-protested, half-whined. "He's been working with me for years."

"And now his time is up," Pyrrha declared with a saccharine smile.

"Do you have to be so forceful?" complained Arslan.

"It's you or the agent, Ars," warned Pyrrha. "Choose now."

"How about I take a third option?" suggested Arslan a split second before grabbing hold of both Pyrrha and Jaune by the back and slamming them together into an embrace. At the cooing and confused squawking of the crowd, the dark-skinned platinum blonde whipped around to look at them. "What?! Of course I ship them. We all ship them. Right, guys?"

She received a chorus of agreements from her team and some in the crowd.

Nadir cracked a smile. "They are pretty cute together, aren't they?" he asked as Team ABRN claimed seats down the right-hand side of the stand, around the corner from where the furiously blushing couple sat.

Arslan was seated just around the corner from Jaune, with Nadir next to her, and Pyrrha hid a smile. Those two really were adorable at times.

"Sal-u-ta-tions!" a voice announced the arrival of another Huntsman student team as Team ABRN placed their orders.

Team JNPR didn't really know Team APRC, but they'd crossed paths a few times, mostly through their mutual friendships with Team RWBY and Team SSSN. Team APRC wasn't alone, though. Tagging along behind their coppertopped member were a couple of civilians. Pyrrha recognized them as Molly and her mother.

"Hello again, Molly!" greeted Pyrrha with a friendly wave.

"Have you guys seen Team Ruby?" Penny asked as she and her team took seats along the left-hand side of the stand, opposite Team ABRN.

Team JNPR exchanged looks, then shook their heads.

"They have some... issues they're working out," Ren answered diplomatically.

"Oh," Penny said, crestfallen. "I was hoping to see Ruby, and Miss Molly here wanted to see Yang."

"Yang?" Pyrrha asked curiously. "Why Yang?"

"She's my second favorite Huntress!" Molly chirped.

Arslan shot Pyrrha a mock-glare. "I thought you said this kid liked me second-best?"

Molly tiptoed up to see Arslan from across the stand and said, "Well, you were, until I saw Team Ruby's match yesterday. She was all like 'wham!' and 'pow!' and your match, well, those guys you were fighting were pretty sad."

"Can't argue with that," Arslan agreed with a shrug.

Team APRC, meanwhile, was studying the menu board as Team ABRN's orders arrived.

"How's the fish?" Rufus asked Reese, noting the dish she was eating.

"Eh," she said with a shrug, pausing to answer, "it's not bad. Flavor's a bit on the rich side. I prefer Lake Colton fish, personally."

"'Lake Colton fish'?" Penny echoed curiously. "So you're from Atlas too?"

Reese shook her head. "Actually, I'm from Low Town."

Pyrrha had... heard of Low Town. Some of the charities she'd supported over the years had listed Low Town as among their target beneficiaries. She was anxiously debating whether to inquire further or not when Jaune bravely raised a hand and looked at Reese.

"Excuse me, 'Low Town'?" he asked.

"Low Town," Reese repeated, "the Undercity if you're feeling pretentious, the Train Yard to those hoity-toity types who live up in Atlas proper and like to pretend it doesn't exist. The place has many names."

"Okay," Jaune pressed on, "but where is it?"

"It's where dreams go to die," Reese answered dramatically, then scoffed. "Well, if you believe certain politicians. Not everyone who works in Atlas can actually afford to live up there, after all. Here, let me show you." She pulled out her scroll and brought up a picture of Atlas.

It truly was a sight to behold, no matter how many pictures Pyrrha had seen of it, a mighty metropolis on a floating island in the sky. Hovering over a large body of water in the center of a valley that was as much a miracle of engineering as the island itself, the floating city was tethered to the surface by what looked like a network of pipes or cables looping down into the water and back up and a deceptively spindly-looking column that must have been massive, given the scale of the image, connecting it to the shore.

"See here?" Reese pointed. "After they raised Atlas, they moved it away from Mantle and dug Lake Colton under it to minimize the damage if it ever fell. Waste heat from the city is pumped down to keep the lake from freezing." She moved the image around, focusing and zooming in on the coast where the column Pyrrha had noted earlier rose from. There, a much more disorganized-looking town stood, with several train tracks extending off into the distance. "That's Low Town. The place was set up to handle shipments in and out by rail, with both cargo elevators for the freight and passenger elevators so people could commute down from Atlas."

"And people live there now?" Pyrrha asked, somewhat aghast, noting the... varying quality of the architecture, which trended toward the ramshackle. It didn't even have a wall to defend it from the Grimm; she could only speculate and hope that the valley it rested in was ringed with its own defenses.

"Yep," confirmed Reese, popping the P. "First, it started with some enterprising restaurateurs who decided to set up shop there to serve the rail workers on their lunch breaks. They stocked Lake Colton with a lot of different varieties of fish, and the catch of the day goes straight through the kitchen to the table. Word spread, expanding the fishing industry; it became a gourmet delicacy up top."

Jaune frowned. "That does not look like a booming fishing community."

"It's not," she agreed, "and that's the other half: population boom, gentrification, too many people, not enough land. There's only so much space up on that floating rock, and you'd be surprised how much of the interior's dedicated to hydroponics. So people set up in Low Town, hoping to make it big up top."

"Do they ever succeed?" Pyrrha asked.

"Well, my dad didn't do so bad, but the real Low Town success story is a man named Jacques Gelè." Reese grinned. "You might know him better as Jacques Schnee."

This, thought Blake as she watched Sun talking animatedly with her mother, is going far better than I expected.

At least, it seemed to be, judging from the amused tolerance in her mother's expression.

They were eating lunch at the same cafe she and Sun had eaten at after Adam broke her arm all those months ago.

"So, tell me Sun, how did you go and win my daughter's heart?" asked Blake's mother sweetly while casually directing one of the guardsmen to not shock the eager monkey faunus.

"Persistence, patience, personal space," listed off Sun at first before his expression became more somber. "Honestly, what helped a lot was Mister Xiao Long's advice. To chase after her, but not to do it too much? I think he was talking from experience with his wife, Raven Branwen."

Blake found herself blushing like she'd been sunburned. How could this get worse?

Her mother looked over at her contemplatively. "Yes. That makes a great deal of sense."

Ah, yes, that was how.

Realization seemed to cross her mother's face, and she quickly apologized, "Oh, I'm sorry, sweetie. I didn't mean to imply you'd ever take me hostage."

"Mom!" Blake's ears flattened beneath her bow as she mumbled, "I haven't taken anyone hostage in years."

"That's wonderful to hear, dear." She had to give her mom credit. She didn't even miss a beat. "Tell me, Blake, how have you been doing?"

"Oh, I've been doing great," casually replied Blake with a wave of her hand. "I've got the world's greatest boyfriend by popular review, I've got a bunch of new friends, I'm involved in so many conspiracies that I can't keep track of them all, and oh yeah, I apparently missed the fact that the woman sleeping in the bunk bed above me has also been sleeping with my psycho ex for almost a year."

Sun frowned and spoke, holding up a protesting finger. "I'm sorry, what? I thought Yang had a thing for me?" He paused. "Wait, that came out wrong."

Blake blinked in surprise. "You found out about that?"

"Neptune told me," he admitted. "Several times. Aaand Mister Xiao Long confirmed it."

"I feel like I've missed something," interrupted her mother. "Yang, your human roommate who joined the White Fang and that you think-"

"I know," corrected Blake.

"-you think is in a relationship with Adam, was interested in Sun here?" summed up her mother with a gesture at the monkey faunus.

"She is human, right?" Sun asked. Again. "Or is Beacon just full of secret faunus?"

"Unless Raven Branwen has some secret bird trait befitting her name, I think we can safely rule out Yang being a faunus," reasoned Blake aloud before making a dismissive chuff. "I still can't believe I didn't notice it. The signs were all there! No one could be as fanatical about faunus rights as she was and not be a member of the White Fang." She paused, then added, "Or Weiss."

"Blake," began her mother pointedly with a gesture at herself. "I'm right here."

"Don't you think your perspective might be a little bit, um... biased, Blake?"

She scowled. Why wouldn't anyone believe her? It was so obvious!

"We seem to have gotten a little sidetracked," her mother said, breaking her train of thought. "Tell me, Sun, what are your intentions toward my daughter?"

Blake silently begged him not to say anything stupid or something that would put her on the spot, and he glanced at her, their eyes meeting only for an instant, before he refocused back on her mother. "Honestly?" he said softly. "Whatever she wants from me is all I have to give."

Looking at her mother and seeing the speculative look on her face, Blake's heart sank a little. Please, Mom, no, she thought. I'm not- I can't. Not yet.

"I see," the older Belladonna purred. "That's... quite an open-ended answer. You're a Haven student, aren't you?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"With Blake attending Beacon... that kind of distance would put quite a strain on any relationship."

"Do you suppose Beacon is accepting transfers?"

Blake snapped her head around to stare at him. "Sun, no! I can't ask you to leave your team behind, your friends, your home."

He shrugged. "You're worth it, babe. Besides, I'm from Vacuo. 'Home' has never been about places for me. It's about people. And who says I'd have to leave my team behind? If I can transfer, who says they can't?"

"'If,'" Blake reminded him. "What if you can't?"

"I could just withdraw," he offered.

"No!" Blake shrieked. "You went to Haven for a reason. You are not giving that up for me!"

"Okay, okay," he said, holding his hands out placatingly, his tail lashing agitatedly behind him. "It was just an idea. I guess we'll be using the CCT a lot, then, huh?"

"I, um, uh..."

"Or you could just get married now," suggested her mother.

Before Blake could protest, Sun shook his head. "I'm not going to push her into anything, ma'am. I won't." He looked back at Blake and smiled. "We can meet up again when we graduate. She's worth the wait."

Blake was almost tempted to give into her mother's suggestion.

"Thank you, Sun," she said instead. "That... means a lot."

When her father sat her down and told her that neither of them could participate in the search for Yang because they were too close to the matter to be objective during a crisis situation, Ruby understood this. However, Yang was still her sister, and therefore, she was obligated to go through an insane, crazy stunt to save her. This wasn't even that crazy. All she was doing was following Tukson as, in the waning hours of the day, he drove into the industrial district and parked at a seemingly innocuous factory, a factory which happened to have an unusually large hangar next to the airpad around back.

It was a simple thing then to find a secluded alleyway that ran right up against one of the buildings. High up in the wall of the building was a window, and Ruby was sure that if she could get the window open, she could use her semblance to get inside. The problem there came in the fact that the window was not open, so she needed an alternate method of approach.

She reexamined the wall and the alleyway. There wasn't much in the way of long poles she could pilfer, and if she smashed the window open, that would cause quite the crash. That meant that she would have to find another route in. But where? Where could she get in?

Then again, what did it matter if they heard her coming? Wasn't she trying to find and capture them anyway? Maybe she should smash her way through?

No. No. No. No. No... No.

No. That was just plain crazy talk. She needn't go any further down that line of thought.

Then again… she did have her semblance still. Perhaps she could use it to get up next to the window to get a look inside? Yeeeeeees, now that was a plan.

"Scouts lead the way," that was what General Ironwood always said when he tried to justify hiding in the shadows against the Decepticons to himself.

The window happened to have a small sill. It was a ledge just wide enough for her to grab hold of it and peer into the room. So it was that with a mighty leap, she transformed into a cloud of rose petals and turned back into herself just in time to grab onto the windowsill. She was just a small contraction of muscles away from seeing into the building and discovering all the White Fang's sinister secrets.

Ruby was startled by a wrenching, tearing sound, and she watched with no small amount of awe as something -- no, someone -- tore a hole in reality in the alleyway beneath her.

And just as she had half-predicted, half-hoped, Raven Branwen stepped out of the portal. Concealed by that oh-so-recognizable mask, the older woman's head swept around, scanning the alleyway, then stopped when her gaze turned upwards and landed on Ruby.

"Raven," the bloodcrowned girl breathed, vibrating with excitement. "You're here." With wide eyes, she realized she had lost her grip on the sill. "Uh oh."

She fell towards the ground and was about to activate her semblance again when a strong hand reached out and grabbed hold of her. She found herself looking at the ground two inches from her face. Raven's hand was gripped firmly around her hood, and then gently, she was let down.

"Do you want to wake up the whole neighborhood?" asked the masked woman quietly.

"No," admitted Ruby into the ground before getting up.

"Little Rose," Raven asked, an odd undertone to her voice. "What are you doing?"

"I'm looking for Yang," she answered honestly, brushing herself off. She had so many things to say, so many questions to ask, but Raven had been... standoffish before, reluctant to talk. But if she could at least keep Raven talking, maybe...

"Yang..." Raven repeated the name, a note of melancholy in her voice. "Are you not her teammate, her team leader?"

Ruby looked away. "She's- she's joined the White Fang. When we confronted her about it... she ran off."

There was long, pregnant silence before Raven spoke again, her voice almost tender. "Trust your sister, Little Rose. No matter how it seems, she hasn't betrayed you. She would never betray her family."

Ruby blinked. Raven knew? Of course she knew. She was Sunfire... wasn't she? Ruby would ask, but... it had taken some wheedling to get Raven to agree to answer even one question when she'd rescued Ruby from MECH.

"I want to thank you," she blurted out instead. "For helping with the traitor you warned us about." After all, Sunfire had turned in the evidence against Cinder, so if Raven wasn't Sunfire, she wouldn't know what Ruby was talking about. And if she was...

Raven stiffened at that. "I had my own reasons, Little Rose. I didn't do it for you, and I certainly didn't do it for Ozpin."

Things were falling into place in Ruby's head.

"Leo was making a nuisance of himself to me and mine," Raven continued, derailing Ruby's train of thought.

"Leo"? Leo...nardo? Headmaster Lionheart? Raven had killed Headmaster Lionheart? It made sense, now that she thought about it. Ozpin had been quite clear that the Grimm the COPS had found in the hidden room attached to his office meant he was in direct communication -- and almost certainly collaboration -- with Salem. With her semblance, Raven could easily exit a room locked from the inside, and her odachi would definitely be able to behead someone, just as had happened to him. And Ruby had just thanked her for it. She felt a pit form in her stomach. To kill in the heat of battle was one thing, but not like that...

"You... you're not Sunfire, are you?" she asked quietly.

"No," Raven answered plainly.

"But... you knew about Yang and the White Fang," Ruby reasoned aloud.

Raven barked out a laugh. "Who do you think gave her her mask?"

"Why?" Ruby asked, desperately wanting to understand. "Why did you give it to her?"

Raven shrugged. "It was a spare I had lying around. A moment of sentimentality, and perhaps... I wanted to see what she would do with it."

Ruby lowered her eyes, thinking back to the argument. "Blake broke it," she blurted out.

"I see," was Raven's response, and Ruby couldn't read any emotion in it. Raven shook her head, as if to clear it. "Like I said, Ruby, trust your sister. There's more going on here than meets the eye."

Ruby looked up and watched, frozen, as with that, Raven turned, tore open another portal, and stepped through.

She called me "Ruby"! she squeed.

There was a noise, soft like the wind, and with eyes wide with familiarity, Ruby pivoted around to face the newcomer to the alley.

She knew what to expect from months of interacting with Shadow of Team APRC(T). A ninja was there. More than that, it was a ninja that wanted to be found.

The black clad individual got up from their crouch and pulled off their hood to reveal soft blond hair, a sharp feminine face, and emerald eyes framed by prim glasses.

"Glynda?" asked Ruby, startled. "I didn't know you had ninja training."

Professor Glynda Goodwitch shook her head. "I don't, but Ann taught me a few tricks. Looks like they were enough after all."

"Oh," softly said Ruby in surprise. "Why are you here, then? I feel I should probably start asking those questions more than I have been."

"Looking after you," replied Glynda as she walked towards the girl. "I knew you would try something like this, so I snuck along. I had just finished scouting the factory when I came out to see you about to try and get in through the window."

"You heard me and Raven talking then?" asked Ruby.

"Yes," answered Glynda

"And... you just watched?" Why... why hadn't she...?

"I believed it was a family matter between the two of you," Glynda answered the unspoken question softly. "I still believe that."

Ruby didn't reply, parsing over what Glynda said. Was Raven her family? Technically, yes, but there was still the fact of what she had done, what terrible crimes she was responsible for. Could that gulf ever really be…?

"Ruby, no matter how much you want her to be your mother, I'm not sure she can be."

Glynda's words were louder than any thunderclap in Ruby's mind.

"What?!" squawked the silver-eyed girl, confused and aghast. Remembering their location, though, she hissed her next words quietly. "I don't want her to be my mother!"

The blonde gave her a hard, appraising look. "Don't you?" she asked.

"Summer Rose is my mother," argued Ruby.

"Do you even remember her?" Glynda asked gently.

Ruby opened her mouth, but whatever answer she had to offer died on her lips.

"I wonder if Yang realizes that she's done to you what Raven did to her."

"That's- that's not true," Ruby protested. "We never learned why Raven left, and Yang... Yang had every right to leave because of Blake."

"But not to leave you," the professor said, cutting to the heart of the matter. "The circumstances may be different, but can you tell me the feelings are?"

"I- I-..." Ruby screwed her eyes shut. Was that really it? Was she destined to hate Yang the way Yang hated Raven? No. She refused to believe that. She opened her eyes and looked at Glynda. "What did you find inside?"

The combat instructor hesitated at the obvious attempt to change the subject, then let it pass. "Little of interest," she said. "From conversations I overheard, I can confirm the White Fang have allied with these 'Autobots,' but Yang wasn't there. The only person of note was Adam Taurus." She gestured at the wall beneath the window she had been attempting to peek through. "When I saw him, he was right on the other side of that wall."

Ruby felt her blood run cold. Adam Taurus, the infamous leader of the Vale White Fang, Blake's ex-boyfriend, powerful, deadly, fanatical... and Ruby had almost jumped in right on top of him. Alone.

Except Raven had stopped her.

She saved me again, she thought, and I didn't even realize it.

She looked at Glynda, who nodded. "Yes. Raven did save you. Again."

"Why?" she asked weakly.

"I don't know," admitted Glynda before pulling out her scroll. "I did record the encounter though, for your use later, and for…"

It clicked in Ruby's head. "And for turning in her confession to the COPS," she finished. "Right?"

Glynda nodded.

"Good," bit out Ruby. "Let's close this case."

Family was important, but justice had to be blind. The people had to know that no matter what, the authorities would stop at nothing to find out the truth and defend them. The VPD had failed utterly in their duty, but Ruby wouldn't.

After all, this was what she signed up for.

Something was wrong with Councilor Sylvia.

Duke's words had stuck in Winter's mind. It was possible Duke's mother had retained her Atlesian citizenship, after all, so while she waited for her arrangements for discreet transportation to some of the more distant facilities to come through, she decided to look into the councilor.

As it was, there was nothing notable about Councilor Sylvia's record her first year, but after that first year, things had turned decidedly... odd.

As a particular example, Councilor Sylvia had proposed and pushed through a bill mandating that faunus qualify for disability benefits, even if their only injury was to their faunus feature. That was quite a laudable achievement, but Winter had looked into the process. Attached to the original bill she'd proposed was a mandatory disability discharge for anyone who qualified, almost as if she'd tried to slip it through in order to oust General Ironwood, given his extensive cybernetics. The fact that it would likely have crippled the Atlas military seemed to have been blithely ignored.

There was also the new MARS-brand Weather Dominator that handled climate control in Mantle. Councilor Sylvia had proposed slashing the budget for Mantle's infrastructure by 97%, which would have left the roads in disrepair and the heating system critically vulnerable to any sort of malfunction or equipment failure. The budget cut had been negotiated down to a mere 30%... and offset by the acquisition of the Weather Dominator to replace the less efficient heating system, and it had been so successful, Councilor Camilla had soon pushed for the acquisition of a Weather Dominator in Atlas. Had Councilor Sylvia's original proposal gone through, there would have been riots in the street and Grimm at the walls.

And speaking of Mantle's walls, there was the Mantle Expansion Program. The former capital had been getting overcrowded, and Councilor Sylvia had put forth a proposal to expand the city, knocking down the Colton Walls for building materials and space and only maintaining the surviving pre-Great War city wall for historical preservation, relying instead on advanced warning from a network of sensors to defend the city. With the money saved from the more efficient Weather Dominators, the Colton Walls had instead been expanded outward, and Mantle now boasted a more proactive defense network, thanks to the new Skystrikers providing a long-range high-speed response capability that they had lacked before the alliance with the Decepticons.

And those were just the incidents to come to her mind immediately. Put together, it almost seemed like Councilor Sylvia was less a politician trying to accumulate power and more like a saboteur trying to destroy Atlas... but then again, Winter couldn't imagine anyone capable enough to install a puppet councilor would be so transparent or incompetent in instructing her on how to achieve such ends.

This evening, Winter was across the street from the Council Hall with a laser microphone. The Council chamber itself, of course, was soundproofed, with tinted bulletproof windows to prevent eavesdropping and snipers, but that didn't extend to every room of the building. She was currently listening in on one of the less secure hallways, but she was only paying half-attention to it. After all, it was only Duke and General Flagg there, so it was unlikely-

"Yo Joe," the quiet whisper thundered through her mind as she watched in wide-eyed surprise as the two exchanged a knowing greeting.

This... this changed everything.

Verte was eager and anxious as she and her team gathered in the common room of the guest dorm assigned to the Haven students. She noted that the damage from the running battle during which most of Team CMSN had been apprehended had been repaired or patched over. The few remaining signs would easily be overlooked by anyone who didn't know where to look.

This morning, though, they were there for a reason, as were a few other Haven teams. It was going to be a momentous occasion for them, and not because today was when the fourth-year team matches in the Vytal Tournament would take place. No, the big event was the press conference from the Mistralian Central Organization of Police Specialists about their investigation into Headmaster Lionheart's murder.

Jaune's team was also there, silently offering moral support. She smiled. The big goof. How he lucked into such an awesome team, she'd never know, but he really seemed to have grown since coming to Beacon.

She just... wished she could say the same, but for all that she excelled at Haven, she always seemed to be screwing up somewhere. Sometimes, it was only the encouragement of her professors that kept her going. She wasn't sure what she was hoping for from this press conference. On the one hand, she wanted Lionheart's murderer brought to justice. On the other... if they'd already caught him, it meant she wouldn't get to avenge him.

Verte watched in rapt attention as the leader of the COPS, codenamed Bulletproof, spoke on the big screen... and her world fell apart.

"-with the confession of Raven Branwen to the murder of Headmaster Lionheart, we were able to piece together several other parts of the case into a cohesive whole."

No no no! she thought. It can't be true!

"-thus, we are left with no other choice but to conclude that the headmaster was a member of at least one of these organizations. The presence of the Seer and the place in which it was found confirms this beyond a shadow of a doubt."

Headmaster Lionheart, a Grimm cultist? A traitor sending ill-prepared and ill-equipped Huntsmen to be slain by a bandit tribe until they got fed up with being used? Sabotaging Mistral's security?

It just... it didn't make any sense. Verte could not reconcile the headmaster who had always shown her a quiet pride, always encouraged her to go forward and keep moving on, always had a kind word or bit of advice for her with... with that!

"-should have been you in charge, Nadir. Team Sapphire instead of Team Auburn. It makes sense. That rat was sabotaging us!"

"Shut up!" Verte blurted out, whirling around to glare teary-eyed at Arslan. "Just... shut up! Headmaster Lionheart was a good man!"

"He was a traitor!" Arslan snapped, glaring back with equally furious eyes. "He got good people killed!"

"You don't know that!" retorted Verte.

"Guys, calm down," Jaune said, trying to step between them. They ignored him.

Arslan gestured at the screen. "I trust the experts, and it all fits."

"They're working off the word of his murderer!" Verte argued. "A thief and a bandit!"

"They found a Grimm in his office!"

"He was studying it! Or is Professor Port a traitor too?!"

By now, the two of them were screaming at each other nose to nose.

"He let Crimson in!"

Verte snarled wordlessly, and just as the two of them lunged for each other, she felt strong arms wrap around her, even as she saw Jaune's girlfriend -- Pyrrha freaking Nikos! -- take hold of Arslan, the two interlopers pulling them apart.

And... that was it, wasn't it? Team CMSN had slipped in, perfectly legitimate records, even when they had spent so much time off campus, blowing off classes, seemingly immune to punishment...

"It can't be true," she sobbed weakly. "It can't be true."

"It'll be all right," a vaguely familiar voice murmured as the arms that encircled her turned her around into a comforting hug. It took a moment for her to place it. It was that second-year, Ditzy.

As she continued sobbing into Ditzy's shoulder, she felt a presence come up behind her moments before Jaune's arms wrapped around them both.

"It's okay, Verte," he murmured into her ear. "I'm here. It's okay."

She wished she could believe them.

Soon after, she felt the weight of more people on her, more words of comfort, from her team, from Hector, Lauren, and Alkim. Her team.

Arslan was wrong, she was sure of it. Team VTLK was her team, and she wouldn't give them up for the world. If Headmaster Lionheart were really sabotaging them, then why would he have given her such an awesome team? Why would he have encouraged her the way he had? Made her push her limits?

No, whatever else anyone said, she knew the truth. Headmaster Lionheart had believed in her. Could she do less for him?

Yang tried not to look too nervous as she walked through the White Fang base. It was hard, though. After all, not only was this possibly the final battle against Cinder, she would also be doing it without the mask that Adam had given her.

She hadn't realized it until she lost it, but she felt… naked without it. She felt like she didn't belong, like there was something wrong with her. Of course, given her fugitive status now, it could be argued that there was a great deal wrong with her, but the White Fang didn't need to know that.

Plus, she now needed to explain to Adam why she wasn't wearing it, and that would be an issue in and of itself.

"What happened to your mask?" asked Adam curiously, seriously.

Yang's eyes widened somewhat behind her sunglasses. "It broke." Was broken.

She didn't know how much of what happened she wanted to reveal to Adam, if anything at all. After all, she had had his partner living with her for almost a year without her knowing. She had no idea how he would react to that, but she knew it wouldn't be good.

"You mean it was broken," corrected Adam, as if reading her thoughts. At Yang's dumbfounded expression, he continued, "Lucky guess. You can tell me all about it later. For now, just come along with me."

The two walked over to the small room that served as Adam's office and went inside. It was filled with boxes that were still packed up, a sign of just how much he had been forced to move recently. It made Yang's blood boil to think about, that they should all be forced on the run while people like Jacques Schnee slept peacefully at night on their beds of corpses.

"Ah! Here we are," declared Adam cheerfully, standing over a just opened box and holding aloft a perfect copy of the mask she had just lost.

"How did you get that?!" demanded Yang cheerfully, a smile coming to her face for the first time in days.

Even as Adam handed over the mask, he reached up and tapped his own. "These things break all the time, so when I had your mask made, I made sure more than one was constructed. Just haven't had time to hand them over yet."

Yang, still smiling, gently took the offered mask and once more turned around to put it on. When she turned back around, she felt refreshed. It still fit right over her HUD glasses and was still comfortable and stylish. Well… she, at least, thought she looked good in it.

When she turned around, she also found Adam offering her what looked like a shoe box filled with extra masks, which she took and resolved to give over to Bumblebee for safe keeping.

"Come on, we should get going," pointed out Adam as the two left the makeshift office.

Yang felt a pang of guilt and suddenly wanted to tell him everything. Her name, what had happened, who her roommates were, everything. Even leaving aside how badly he could react, though, she was also afraid of what would happen if he underreacted. She didn't want to feel the guilt of a quiet betrayal.

"Sunfire," Adam's voice came into her thoughts, "whatever it is, it can wait until after the mission. Keep your head in the game."

The blonde could feel her brow shooting up. "My head? Excuse me, but look who's so focused on how others are acting that he can read their thoughts."

"What?" balked Adam. "I thought you would appreciate a partner who actually cares about your feelings and the mission."

"I've got Bumblebee for that, thank you very much, and he's plenty good with emotions," pointed out Yang snippily.

"You can't just rely on your car for everything, Sunfire," argued Adam.

A gasp escaped Yang's lips. "Why you loose-lipped, bigoted, crass little harridelle!"

"I'm taller than you!" countered Adam.

And so on and on it went as the mission continued on.

The plan was simple. Hound had put together a very comprehensive track of all the known movements of Cinder and her MECH cronies, and with that, they were able to find their likely base of operations. The Autobots would go in first to soak up the hits, and then the White Fang would fly in to pick up the pieces and flush them out of whatever holes were left.

The base in question was actually a sprawling old military base from the Great War, Fort Sentinel, meant to stop any push from the Mistralo-Mantellian alliance from entering a vital pass through the Barrier Mountains. During the Faunus Rights Revolution, it had served that purpose once again, but this time, it also doubled as a prison camp for those valiant fighters captured in their struggle to liberate faunuskind from the injustice that the councils sought to foist upon them. Now, though, it served only as a curiosity for those both interested in the distant past and able to brave the Grimm-infested wilds where it now lay, having been shut down in the budget cuts after the end of the wars.

As she stood in the Bullhead with Adam and all the other members of the White Fang they could cram in safely, Yang wondered if he was enjoying the historical irony as much as she was.

"In case anyone was wondering if there was anyone home, there is," reported Bumblebee from close to the target area over the comm set in her ear. "Those MECH guys are out in force, and it looks like they've even got some of the old defenses up and running."

"Get as much data as you can on them, Bee. I've got some special demo charges ready to break inside," chimed in Bulkhead.

"Everyone, be on your toes," ordered Optimus.

"Still behind, Optimus?" asked Ironhide jokingly.

"The captured energon needed to be delivered, and I knew that you would be able to handle things on your own," explained Optimus confidently.

"We're about to put that to the test," informed Silverbolt. "Bumblebee, designate targets for us. Aerialbots, prepare to go weapons free."

The rest of the comm chatter that Yang could hear revolved around the progress of the battle. In short, the Aerialbots bombed the place, and then a ground team led by Ironhide moved in to take out the remaining above ground targets. It was then that things went sideways, just as planned.

"Cinder's here!" called out Hound.

"Enemy fighters inbound! Keep them away from the transports!"

Yang could feel her fists clenching, and she saw Adam grabbing hold of his sword.

"Show time," whispered Yang.

Fifty-five agonizingly long seconds later, the Bullheads hit the ground, and the doors slid open. Yang rushed out with the others and was greeted by a maelstrom of death and destruction right out of one of her history books. The sky was a dark gray overcast, with not a ray of sunshine to be seen, while on the ground, toxic fires could be seen belching great plumes of black smoke into the air from the ruins of half-destroyed fortifications older than any three of them put together. In the midst of all that, flashes of light illuminated a battle between giants and a will-o'-wisp... and the giants were losing.

They all ran for cover, which just so happened to be the remnants of an old trench that had been blown apart, with a crater a hundred feet across and twenty feet deep, all of which was filled with grass by then.

"We need to help them," stated Yang, pointing at the fighting Autobots as she crouched down on the brim of the crater night next to Adam.

There were other trenches, and from those, green and gray androids under the command of human or faunus MECH troops began firing at them, and in return, the White Fang members around them began to reply in kind.

Adam looked around at the others before focusing in on Ash. "Leutnant!" he called out. "Storm those trenches and get down into the tunnels! We're going after Cinder!"

"You got it, boss!" replied Ash with a wave before revving his chainsaw. "All right, boys! Looks like android's back on the menu."

Yang ignored the groans from those around him as she got close to Adam. "'Leutnant'?"

"A slip of the tongue. I spent a lot of time in Atlas as a child," explained Adam quickly, looking for an opening.

The blonde hummed thoughtfully before giving her own reply. "Wie Schlimm war es dort?"

"In den Minen?" asked back Adam in a rough accent that never quite learned to speak in the first place. "Schlimmer als Sie sich vorstellen können."

That admission… Yang was touched. Touched in a good way because he had revealed something like that to her, touched in a terrible way because of what he had revealed to her. The mines? As a child? If the SDC was responsible for this... and this predated the Decepticons!

"Gerade wenn du glaubst man kann nicht tiefer sinken," growled Yang, her voice hot and heavy and hateful.

Adam cocked his head strangely. "I didn't know you spoke Mantellian."

"I learned a lot of languages when I was younger. I wanted to travel the world," she cocked her own head in a likewise manner. "I'm getting pretty good at Iaconian."

The White Fang leader didn't reply to that, but instead pointed at a specific spot in the trenches up ahead. "There to there to there. Five seconds."

"Got it," replied Yang.

The seconds counted down in their heads, and then on the silent cue, they both bolted out of cover with shocking speed. They reached the first trench and didn't stop, firing as they went. If any fell, they didn't see it. The second and the third trench were similar matters, though when they passed that final mark, they found themselves at a wall, a partially destroyed wall, but a wall nonetheless, much of which remained firm and sturdy.

Of course, that was what recoil boosting was for. Adam transformed his scabbard into its shotgun mode and bounded up over the static defense with great fluidity. Even greater still was the ease with which Yang flipped over it all on the force of Ember Celica and stuck the landing on the other side.

They were in the gap between the inner and outer walls now, and they were able to perceive a mighty gate built into the structure that served as a way to access its innards with large pieces of equipment. The battle they were going to was just beyond that, but it nevertheless provided a bit of historical irony. Yang, for her part, found it laughable.

Upon hearing the noise, Adam turned to look at her in astonishment. "What's wrong?"

Yang, still laughing, pointed at the sign above the gate and read aloud. "Ils ne passeront pas. That ain't stopping us now, is it?"

Adam looked at the sign, then back at her. "Stop talking gibberish and get your head in the game, Sunfire."

Yang rolled her eyes behind her mask and followed Adam in a jump up to the next part of the fort. They both immediately ducked as Bumblebee came flying over them to crash onto the gap they had just vacated. They both turned around to visually check on him.

"Bee!" called out Yang desperately.

"I'm okay!" replied Bumblebee as he rolled over and picked himself up. "She packs a wallop, but I think we're wearing her down."

"Just stay out of our way," ordered Adam as he turned toward where the battle was.

"I can still shoot a gun," replied Bumblebee as he began to walk back towards the wall.

"Stay safe, Bee," counseled Yang before turning and running after Adam.

Cinder was on fire, literally. There was a fiery corona around her as she conjured a series of glass arrows from the molten pools that parts of the dirt-covered roof had been reduced to. Those arrows were in turn fired from a glass bow to explode against Hound and Ironhide with screaming magical hellfire.

That… that was new. Yang wasn't even sure if it was magic, having never seen it before, but she just didn't have another way of describing it. But that just didn't make any sense. Magic was the province of alien worlds and fairy tales, not the Remnant of here and now. It had to be something else.

They were running towards the demonic woman. Adam was ahead, she was behind, and that was just the way she liked it. They'd trained together extensively, and they knew just what to do against a big, powerful enemy like Cinder.

With a crack, Adam shot Wilt out from Blush. Cinder was so preoccupied with firing another set of arrows at the Autobots that she failed to notice the attack until the pommel connected with her skull. Sheer momentum threw off her aim, and she was sent spinning, her corona fading.

Adam jumped and retrieved his sword from the air, just as Cinder righted herself by firing out jets of flame from her palms and feet. It kept her still just long enough that Yang was able to aim Ember Celica more than accurately enough to hit her with a pair of rock dust rounds that exploded into a lithite crust over her body. It didn't last long, for she flexed her aura mightily and broke the encasement, but it was enough to distract her from the flurry of shots that rained down on the exposed part of her body from Blush as Adam spun through the air.

Cinder twisted again and fired off some sort of energy bolt from her hand that clipped Adam and sent him into a tumble.

"Adam!" greeted Cinder with what sounded like delirium. "I'd love to say you're just the person I was looking to kill, but that would be a lie. Where's Optimus Prime?!"

"He's got better things to do today than kill you!" declared Yang before unleashing another fusillade of shots from Ember Celica.

Cinder's bow disintegrated in her hands and reformatted itself into a pair of swords that she used to deflect many of Yang's shots while running at her. The blonde deployed her own swords and entered a guard. Blade met blade, and sparks flew as Yang deflected or absorbed every single one of Cinder's blows.

As the blows rained down, her hair started to glow, and then suddenly, it caught on fire. Cinder's eyes flashed with recognition, and then she smiled sadistically. She broke off her attack and took a big step out of range.

"Tell me, Sunfire, how's that little sister of yours doing? Still wearing a cape to class?" asked the demonic woman with a cruel grin.

Yang felt her whole body turn to ice. Cinder knew. Cinder knew her real identity, and if she knew the truth… then Yang just had one more reason to kill her quickly.

Cinder suddenly twisted again, and she brought up one of her glass swords to parry an attack from Adam. Before either could take advantage of the bind, Adam leaped back, and Cinder took the opportunity to press the attack, slashing and stabbing at Adam, who shifted to the defensive, parrying blow after blow with Wilt and Blush.

Yang lunged toward Cinder, but the witch reacted with seemingly impossible speed, turning to catch Ember Celica's blades with one sword, even as she continued to lash out at Adam with the other.

Through their masks, Yang and Adam's gazes met, and understanding passed between them.

"Eclipse!" Adam bellowed, and the two jumped away from Cinder at an angle.

Blades still extended, Yang lashed out, unleashing her semblance in what she had come to call her Solar Slash, even as Adam brought Wilt down to channel his Moonslice.

The two attacks, empowered by Cinder's own blows, converged on her, and as they did, she brought her glass blades up to shield her face, even as something seemed to flash in front of her, intercepting the mirrored blows.

When the dust cleared, Cinder still stood, swaying on her feet, her arms bleeding.

Cinder's aura was obviously broken, and out of instinct, Yang almost demanded she surrender. Instead, she stalked toward her prey.

"I'm not done yet," Cinder hissed as she backed away, letting her glass blades fall in favor of reaching into a pouch on her belt. She pulled out a syringe and stared at it. It was empty. Then another. And another. With each empty syringe, she grew more frantic.

Refocusing her attention on them, her eyes bloodshot, she grabbed something from behind her, a block of metal that had been hanging from the small of her back, and it unfolded and expanded into a rifle.

"Wait." Yang paused, startled, eyes wide. "Where did you get that?"

"From my new benefactors," Cinder taunted, bringing up the rifle and aiming it at Yang... before slewing it to the side and firing, sending a bolt of energy speeding out from the muzzle. Yang turned to look.

Adam brought up Wilt to block the shot, but whatever it was, it must have been powerful, for the blade that had parried and absorbed so much destructive power, the blade that served as a channel for his semblance... it would be wrong to say it shattered. Rather, it exploded, sending the bull faunus flying back.

"Adam!" Yang cried as she ran after him.

Another bolt of energy fired but from a different direction, and the weapon in Cinder's hands exploded.

"Well, well, well," Ironhide mused as Cinder scrambled away and the barrel of his energon battle pistol smoked. "Looks like you got yerself a nucleon charge rifle sized for a Minicon. Don't see one of those ever'day."

"Silas," Cinder murmured, "artillery, my position, now."

And with that, she dove, vanishing into a concealed opening in the dirt-covered roof of the half-buried fortification.

"Git down!" Ironhide roared as he moved to cover Adam and Yang with his body.

Yang looked down at Adam. He was still breathing, thank Primus. But his face… what had happened to his face?

"Don't you dare die on me, you bastard!" she hissed.

"How... did you... know?" he croaked out.

She blinked. "What?"

"That I'm... a bastard."

Yang resisted the urge to smack him as the world around them exploded.

Original Valish (English) translation of Ciel and Aska's little talk. The Mantellian (Deutsche) was an after the fact translation once again generously provided by @Legion0047.

The blonde hummed thoughtfully before giving her own reply. "<How bad was it there??"

"<In the mines?>" asked back Adam in a rough accent that never quite learned to speak in the first place. "<Worse than you can possibly imagine.>"

That admission… Yang was touched. Touched in a good way because he had revealed something like that to her, touched in a terrible way because of what he had revealed to her. The mines? As a child? If the SDC was responsible for this... and this predated the Decepticons!

"<Just when you think they couldn't sink any lower,>" growled Yang, her voice hot and heavy and hateful.

So far, in Kali's opinion, her daughter's friends had all been very interesting and invigorating. There was, however, one that ironically stood metaphorically head and shoulders above the rest. The problem was that she practically lived in Blake's shadow, and so it had been extremely hard to separate the two long enough to get a read on her without the influences of others.

Until now.

"So, tell me Weiss, what would you like to drink?" asked Kali politely as the two sat at a small cafe table in the pavilion that had somehow found its way onto Beacon's campus.

"Whatever you want, ma'am," replied the snowcapped girl, her eyes looking down deferentially, as if she was more a servant out of her depth than the heiress to the largest fortune that anyone on Remnant had ever amassed.

"This isn't a zero sum game; you can choose whatever you want," informed Kali kindly before looking to the side at their waiter curiously. "It isn't, right?"

"No, madam," replied the human politely, his uniform trim and proper. "Your orders can be individualized to your hearts' content, as long as we have the resources on hand, and we have a great, great deal of resources on hand."

She would never reveal it, but Kali considered that a mark in the establishment's favor. After all, it wasn't too uncommon in Menagerie for a business to impose restrictions on what customers could order, how much, and in what way. All due to a lack of resources. She was happy to say, though, that with each passing year fewer and fewer businesses were like that.

They were growing. Slowly but surely, they were growing. She might never see Kuo Kuana reach the wealth and status of a place like the city of Atlas in her lifetime, but perhaps Blake or her children would.

Weiss seemed contemplative before she gave her answer. "Coffee. North Vacuan. Dark roast blend. One cream, one sugar."

She kept her face placidly cheerful, but inside, Kali was whooping and hollering for joy.

"I'll take three cups of coffee myself," she told the waiter with a million megawatt smile she let slip from its leash. "Different recipe in each one, chef's choice, one after the other, and some coffee cakes and biscuits too, please. Perhaps with a side of strawberries?"

"Very good, madams. Your orders should be ready in just a few minutes," reported the waiter before walking off.

When Kali looked back at Weiss, she found her looking at her strangely.

The black-haired woman raised an eyebrow in turn. "Do you know how hard it is to get a good cup of coffee in Menagerie?"

Weiss blinked curiously and answered the question with a question. "Isn't Menagerie the world's largest stable coffee exporter?"

"The key word is 'exporter,'" Kali pointed out. "Menagerie is not as self-sufficient as we would prefer, not yet, and our economy is still growing. Tariffs from the other kingdoms block exports of other goods we might offer, such as our spiced wine, but coffee... it is said that bureaucracy runs on coffee. Would you believe a significant percentage of Menagerie's economy is built on coffee exports to Atlas?"

Weiss nodded without hesitation, clearly thinking of something or someone specific. "I would. But do you have to export all of it? Don't you rule Menagerie? Couldn't you afford to spare some for yourself? Or maybe grow your own beans?"

Kali shook her head emphatically. "I'm not going to abuse my position just because I prefer coffee over tea. The money that comes from our coffee exports, even the tiny amount I might use for myself, is worth more to Menagerie's future than a good cup of coffee is to me. As for growing my own... I just don't have the time."

"I see."

Weiss seemed pensive, thoughtful, and Kali allowed the silence to linger while the young woman gathered her thoughts. In the intervening silence, their waiter returned with their orders and then faded into the background, unobtrusively available in that way special to the service industry.

Weiss sipped at her coffee, then set the mug down and drew herself up in her seat, as if bracing herself.

"I'm sorry," she said.

Kali cocked her head. "'Sorry'?" she asked. "Sorry for what?"

The girl looked up from her mug, eyes glistened slightly. "I'm sorry," she repeated, her voice trembling. "For the way my family has treated your people, for the injustices visited upon the faunus, upon Menagerie. I swear, I will do everything in my power to make up for the harm we've caused."

"'We'?" Kali echoed, zeroing in. "What exactly are you apologizing for?"

"My father," the Atlesian spat, "has enacted a number of exploitative business practices that disproportionately affect faunus workers. He employs loopholes in faunus rights legislation and actively lobbies against closing those loopholes, all in the name of profit. He's sending people, faunus and human alike, to slave labor death camps, and my sister is knowingly complicit in all of this."

Death camps? Since when was the SDC operating death camps? She remembered what happened with poor Adam, but this sounded like something beyond even that. Later, she would have to prod Ozpin and Ironwood for answers, but for now, she focused on the broken girl in front of her and prodded. "And you?"


"What have you done, Weiss? You personally?"

"I..." The young lady trailed off. After a moment, she said, "I didn't do more. I should have done more."

"That's a dangerous way to think," cautioned Kali. "There is always more to be done."

"I'm the heiress," Weiss whispered, her eyes unfocused, staring at something only she could see. "I will inherit it, the company and everything that comes with it. All the sins and blood included."

Kali could hear the crushing guilt in the girl's voice, and she wanted nothing so much as to scoop her up in a hug and never let go, but that wouldn't help her, not now.

"What about your mother?"

Weiss shook her head. "Mother? She drinks the days away and lets Father do whatever he wants. She could stop him, I'm sure, but first, she'd have to sober up long enough to figure out there was something that needed to be stopped."

"And your brother?"

"Whitley..." for the first time, the blue-eyed girl used a name for a member of her family, "...he's still a boy. He's growing up so much like Father, but... but he's still a child. He can't do anything."

"And you can?"

"What?" Weiss seemed to snap out of her melancholy. "Of course I can. I'm the heiress. I'm a Huntress. I'm-"

"-still not the owner, CEO, or on the board of directors," Kali interrupted gently, "still a student, still a child, even though I know you're at the age where that's difficult to admit."

"I... I..."

"Believe me, Weiss," said Kali softly, "I know how you feel. When I first joined the White Fang all those years ago, I was confident we were going to change the world."

"How can you stand it?" Weiss whispered. "Seeing so much that needs to change and yet be so powerless to change it?"

"It's a skill that only comes with age, I'm afraid," admitted Kali. "But I've learned how to wait. Change... it takes time. Societies have momentum, just like mass does. Strike a rolling boulder too hard or at the wrong angle, and you'll break it, but nudge it gently, and you can change its course forever. So too it is with societies."

"Like with the White Fang," Weiss said suddenly. "Over seventy years, turned from a political advocacy group into a terrorist organization. From 'faunus will make a mistake if they become bitter and indulge in hate campaigns' to 'fear will keep the humans in line.'"

Kali's eyebrows rose in surprise. My, she has done her research, she thought, impressed. Few really bothered learning more than the high points of the White Fang's history. Fewer still among its victims.

"Yes," she admitted. "The White Fang has changed considerably over the years. We tried to fight that change, but..."

"But that would drive the more radical members deeper underground," Weiss finished for her. "It would cause a civil war, with faunus dying on both sides and people like my father pointing to it as proof of your barbarism, while profiting from it all the while."

"There is no war quite as uncivilized as a civil war."

"So you left," Weiss said, taking another sip, her expression deep in thought.

Kali nodded sadly. "There comes a point at which that is all you can do."

They finished their coffee and snacks in companionable silence.

"No, no, no, no," muttered Yang into the strip of cloth bound tightly over her mouth as she fluttered between the casualties in Silverbolt's cargo bay.

She had put the makeshift mask over her mouth in order to keep any particles from her breathing or speaking to get into the open wounds all around her. It was something she had recalled from her time in many a medical class while at Signal, and at that moment, she was putting quite literally everything she had learned in that class to the test.

After all, this was the transport that was filled with the most critically injured, those who needed urgent medical attention after having gone into the tunnels, or been near an artillery barrage, or any number of the awful things that had happened on that raid. The raid that ended when Cinder and MECH had escaped through secret tunnels and collapsed them behind them. Ratchet had offered to treat them on the Ark itself, and Optimus and Ash had both authorized it in a heartbeat.

Again, the blonde found herself drifting over to Adam's bed, and her eyes were drawn to his eye, his one eye. His right eye was all he had left, having lost his left long ago in the mines. How did she know he lost it in the mines? What could have even done it? The answer was impossible to miss, because it was stamped right onto his face.

SDC in big bold letters burned across his face, a burn caused by the branding iron that took his eye.

Every time Yang saw it, she wanted to throw up. They'd done this to him, those Grimm in human skin that worked at the Schnee Dust Company had gone and taken a little boy's eye in the most horrific way imaginable. There was a part of her that wanted to know why, but there was a much bigger part of her that didn't care. No answer could justify this, and no answer would stay her hand when she helped drag Jacques Schnee screaming to the light to face the same fate he condemned others to without a second thought.

At long last, Yang thought she finally understood Adam, she understood all of him. She wanted to take back so many of the terrible things she had said about him. She wanted to tell him that she was behind him all the way. More than that, more than anything, she just wanted him to live.

"Mother, if you can hear me, please get everyone you can together in the afterlife and save him," Yang quietly prayed as she looked away from Adam and blinked away tears. "Please. I don't know who to talk to. Please, help him, Mother."

"Woo, good job, Ruby," said Taiyang cheerfully as the exercise came to an end and he walked over to the pile of towels kept on the side of the mat.

The training room was a private facility -- smaller too, used only by the teaching staff at Beacon -- and so, both he and his daughter had the chance to talk without prying ears giving everything away. They hadn't done much of that during their sparring matches, but they had time now. And if they didn't? Well, they'd make time.

Taiyang tossed his daughter a towel to start wiping herself down, which she deftly caught in her hands, and asked her the first question that should be asked. "So, Ruby, what's on your mind?"

"Thinking about the doubles match tomorrow," she said absent-mindedly as she finished rubbing her face down. "I'd thought about putting it to a vote, but..." She shook her head. "We'll be sending Blake and Weiss in."

That... was probably wise. Obviously, Yang couldn't participate, and Ruby was hardly at the top of her game right now.

The bloodcrowned girl stared through the towel in her hands with unfocused eyes. "And... I'm thinking I might want to start going by Xiao Long in public."

"'In public,' huh?" replied Tai curiously, already guessing the whole width and breadth of the logic train that Ruby had used. "Why the sudden change of pace? Thought you always wanted to go by Rose to honor your mother."

His little girl should have shifted uncomfortably, but instead, her eyes still had that faraway look. It wasn't quite a thousand yard stare, not really. He'd seen enough of those in his time that he knew what they looked like. No, she was just lost in thought about something she was completely lost about.

"I just think that someone should be able to carry on your legacy too," she replied softly. "I mean, Yang's on the run, and Mom's… Mom's gone. I guess I'm just now coming to terms with that. No reason to be the last Rose of Summer anymore, not when it means I can't be a little dragon."

Taiyang drew closer to his progeny. "It doesn't have to be an either or thing, you know. Your legal name is still Ruby Rose Xiao Long. Just got to find a way to represent that in marketing, or something like that. But it's not about that, is it?"

"No," Ruby started, her eyes growing more focused and more confused. "I mean… I mean… why? Why me?"

Just as he had suspected, this was about Raven. Glynda had shown him the video she had taken of his bandit wife talking to Ruby the previous day. She… she looked just as beautiful as the last time he had seen her. There weren't many that could pull off the 'masked samurai hobo' look, but she was one of them.

"If I had to guess, Raven's able to use her Kindred Link with you because of Summer," explained Taiyang, answering the unasked question. When she focused specifically on him, he continued, "Raven and Summer were close, really close. I think I've seen Raven in her bird form-"

"You mean her alt-mode?" asked Ruby curiously.

"Yes, her alt-mode," answered Tai quickly before continuing. "Point is, Raven comes around to spy on us from time to time. I think she's worried about us, even if she'll never admit it. She probably got a connection to you during one of those visits, simply because you're Summer's daughter. If she could have, there's no doubt in my mind, Summer would have done the same, had the tables been turned."

"I… I don't remember her," confessed Ruby suddenly. Well, suddenly for her. Taiyang had seen it coming.

"That's... not surprising, really," he said softly. "You were so young when we lost her. " He paused to gather his thoughts, to try and figure out how to introduce Summer to her own daughter, in a sense. "Summer was a bundle of contradictions at times. Kind and selfless, a bit of a klutz at times, but also fierce and fearless, deadly in combat." He shook his head and sighed in frustration. "But you knew all that."

Ruby nodded mutely. And there was the rub. Ruby knew facts about her mother, a lot of facts, but it wasn't knowledge that was the issue.

"Dad," Ruby said softly, "Glynda... she said I wanted Raven to be my mother. And... and I think she's right. Is that- what does that say about me that I can't even remember Mom and I want a bandit queen to be my mom?"

"It says you inherited a lot from your mother."

"You mean my eyes?" Ruby asked, blinking those self-same silver eyes in confusion.

Tai shook his head. "I mean your heart," he corrected. "Your mother always believed Raven would come back, rejoin the family, help raise you and Yang, and she made sure there would always be a place for her when that day came." He sighed. "It's actually why I never actually divorced Raven. Summer wouldn't let me."

"Really?" Ruby asked, hope and wonder in her voice.

"Really." He nodded. "It wouldn't have worked, mind you-"

"Why not?"

Tai paused to put his thoughts together on how to answer that. "Summer never thought she was strong, and I think she had it in her head that she'd just... step aside when Raven came back. But the thing is, whenever push came to shove, Summer never backed down from anything. I'm not sure she knew how."

"Why would she need to step aside?" asked Ruby with an almost heartbreaking innocence. "Couldn't she have stayed with us too?"

As he flinched internally, externally, his stance was calm. "Because, Ruby, conflicts would have arisen between the two over… well, over a lot of stuff really. Raven came from a different culture, and it was clear even to me that after she left us, she'd changed for the worse, which meant that if she ever came back, the two would end up disagreeing over a lot of stuff that they never would have thought twice about before. Summer might have wanted to step aside so that wouldn't happen, but there was one difference that she would have dug her heels in hard about, even if she didn't think she ever would, and that was how to raise you and Yang."

Ruby seemed crestfallen at that. "So it's because of us that things didn't work out?"

"Ruby," addressed Taiyang, his voice cold and stern, instantly grabbing his daughter's attention. "Don't ever say or even think something like that ever again. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir," acknowledged Ruby, her eyes glancing down submissively for a moment before rising again.

Tai let out an exhale at the display. "Ruby, no matter what your mom or anyone else thought, you and Yang were her entire world, and she would have done anything for you two, even fight against her best friend for your sake. I think that's something Raven saw, and maybe that's why she didn't come back, that she feared coming into conflict with Summer. But Ruby, understand this, that was her fear and her mind that stayed her hand, not the mind or body of anyone else. It's not my fault, it's not Summer's fault, it's not Qrow's fault, and it most certainly is not you or Yang's fault."

"I understand," replied Ruby, and consciously, she almost certainly did, but it was rarely the conscious mind that was the issue. "But she's coming back now, even if she didn't save me at the docks, she still saved me all those other times. What's changed?"

"I don't know," admitted Tai, crossing his arms. "There's only one person who can answer that question, and she comes and goes as she pleases."

"I think… I think she's had an epiphany," thought Ruby aloud. "She must have run into one of the Decepticons and realized that this was bigger than any of us."

Taiyang smiled and shook his head. "You really are your mother's daughter. Summer always saw the best in people. In a way, I think that's what got through to Raven. She was already so cynical and suspicious when we started at Beacon."

"She was?"

"Yeah," Tai confirmed. "Believe it or not, Raven and Qrow didn't originally come to Beacon to become Huntsmen."

"They didn't?" Ruby asked, her brow furrowed in clear confusion. "But- but Beacon's a Huntsman Academy!"

"Yeah, it is," agreed Tai. "But they actually came to learn how to kill Huntsmen for their tribe. Summer... she turned them around somehow, at least for a little while. Well, I like to think I had some part in it too, but Summer... she was special."

"Yeah," Ruby murmured. "Yeah, I guess she was."

Blake was pacing Team RWBY's dorm room. As for why she was pacing... well, she had a lot of reasons to pick from: her mother was in town, her mother had met her boyfriend, her mother liked her boyfriend, Yang was on the run with the White Fang and it was all Blake's fault, and that was setting aside entirely the secret war with giant alien robots. At the moment, only half the team was present, with Weiss sitting at her desk and doing something on the computer.

Weiss's snarl of frustration stopped Blake's pacing as the faunus girl glanced over at her friend.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

The Atlesian girl looked up and shook her head to clear it. She gestured at the computer. "This," she said. "We can't go searching for Yang, so I figured I'd focus on something I can actually do something about."

"What have you been working on?" Blake asked curiously.

"StaffNet," was the simple answer. "Specifically, trying to prove where all those people StaffNet is recruiting for Epsilon Holdings are disappearing to, some evidence we can bring against my father, since the abduction victims' testimony isn't getting anywhere."

Blake grimaced. The SDC had been conducting an "independent investigation" into the abduction of those people who had been rescued at the same moment that bomb had destroyed the Furchtlos, and it was clear they were in maximum damage control mode. Even the VPD was looking at it as a rogue operation by Joshua Joyce, Kingdom Vice President of Schnee Dust Company Vale Division, the only person who conveniently had failed to wear a mask around the abductees.

They obviously just wanted to run out the clock on the public's attention span so the whole thing could be swept under the rug, and the worst part for Blake was knowing that they would succeed.

"What have you found?" she asked as she leaned in to examine Weiss's findings.

"A dead end, unfortunately." Weiss sighed and showed her what she'd found. "I've got hints and clues, but all of it's circumstantial, nothing that'll stand up in a court of law."

Blake pursed her lips and nodded as she considered Weiss's findings. She was right; none of this would be enough to convict in front of an honest jury, never mind pitted up against the high-priced lawyers the SDC kept on retainer. Then again... an idea began percolating in her mind.

"No," she murmured, "not in a court of law..."

Weiss perked up at that. "You have an idea," she accused.

"Maybe," Blake allowed. "But first... I need to talk to Mom."

Yang approached the Ark's infirmary with no small amount of trepidation, the ship's warm lighting offering no comfort.

After all, when you had a critically injured friend, it was generally not a good sign when the doctor overseeing his care sent you an urgent message with no details.

She slipped into the infirmary, giving a cursory glance over the various injured White Fang and offering encouraging smiles and waves as she made her way to Ratchet's office.

"Ah, Yang," Ratchet said, looking up, then down as the door slid open. "Thank you for coming so promptly."

"What's up, Ratchet?" she asked, forcing as much cheer into her voice as she could as she stepped in, allowing the door to slide shut behind her.

"The injured are all recovering well," the Autobot medic reported, swiveling his chair to face her. "Including Adam. However, something's come up."

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong," he assured her. "Well, nothing new, anyway. He'd suffered significant ocular injury in the past, but I fixed that up with… well, it's a long story, but his left eye's good as new now. Left the scarring around it for the moment, at least until I consult with him; some people get attached to their scars."

Yang nodded slowly, her thoughts flashing back to the battle, to the brand that marred his face. Her hands clenched into fists at the memory. Just when she'd thought the SDC couldn't stoop any lower...

"Is that all?" she asked.

"Well, you might want to be around when he wakes up," he said. "You know, ease him back into the whole 'having binocular vision' thing, but no, that's not all. I was running some routine tests when I noticed something... interesting." He twisted around and plucked a tiny, notebook-sized folder off his desk with two fingers. "Here," he said, turning and handing the folder to her.

Yang awkwardly accepted the enormous folder in both arms and maneuvered it around, resting one corner of it on the floor as she opened it up.

She frowned as she read the first page, her eyebrows knitting together, and her eyes widened as what it said penetrated. She looked up. "Is this a joke?"

"Yes, I'm well known for my scintillating sense of humor," was the sarcastic reply.

Yang looked back at the folder. "But this…" She trailed off.

"I know," he said. "I didn't believe it myself, so I ran it again. Then I ran a mitochondrial test. Third page."

Yang struggled to turn the oversized papers to the third page, and as she read, she began to nod to herself as she pieced things together.

"That… actually explains a lot."

"Of course you and Weiss have my permission," Kali allowed upon hearing her daughter's request in full, then she let her concern show, "but are you sure about this? Is she sure about this? Once you do this, there won't be any turning back, not for her."

"I know." Blake nodded pensively. "The... other thing was Weiss's idea. I tried to talk her out of it, but..." She trailed off and shrugged helplessly.

"You really care about her, don't you?"

Blake shrank back defensively. "She's my friend, Mom."

"I understand that, sweetie," Kali said gently, "but that doesn't explain why you look ready to beat yourself up every time she's not looking."

Her daughter froze like a deer in the headlights.

"Mom, I..." Blake trailed off again and lapsed back into silence. She pursed her lips. "Weiss has... been through a lot," she said finally. "She's had a very... difficult childhood, worse than I would have thought possible for someone in her position. And what I- what the White Fang did just made things worse."

It didn't take much to connect the dots, not with how venomously Weiss had discussed her family before and how obviously Blake was dancing around the issue now. Kali felt the urge to storm out and sweep Weiss up into a hug. That girl needed all the hugs.

"And you feel guilty."

"Yes," Blake said with a nod, her voice raw.

"Honey, it's not your fault," Kali assured her.

"Yes, it is!" snapped Blake. "I'm not just talking about- about that!" She closed her eyes for a moment. "I... you remember what I said about when I ran off? When I got that ninja training?"

"Yes." Kali nodded.

"Weiss was looking into White Fang propaganda."

Kali nodded. That hadn't escaped her attention. "She did seem surprisingly well-read on the White Fang's history," she said diplomatically.

Blake shook her head. "It wasn't just research," she continued. "Weiss was... the things we found out about the SDC, about her family, it left her lost, adrift. I- she was going to a bad place, and I wanted to stop it, tried to get her to understand that just because the SDC was evil, that didn't make the White Fang good."

"What happened?" prodded Kali, suspecting she already knew the whole story but knowing that her daughter had to get this off her chest.

"She argued back, of course," Blake said, shaking her head. "Weiss may have been a little lost, but she has a fire in her that won't go out. I... things got a bit heated, I told her who I was."

"Did she take it poorly?" Kali asked, already knowing the answer.

"No. No, of course not," Blake said, visibly deflating, eyes downcast. She chuckled mirthlessly. "Even after I told her about you and Dad, she still thought I was human, as if it made perfect sense that a former leader of the White Fang would adopt a human child."

Now there was an idea...

"I don't know why, but it pissed me off so much," Blake continued. "She just- she didn't care. And when I took my bow off, she didn't even seem to get why it should matter whether I was human or faunus."

Now, that was curious.

"Why should it?"

"Because she's a Schnee," Blake whispered. "After all we'd been through together, after all she'd done to uncover her family's sins... in that moment, that's all that mattered to me." She looked up, tears welling in her eyes as her gaze met Kali's. "I stayed with the White Fang to fight injustice and prejudice, I left it because we'd become what we were fighting. And now, so have I."

"Oh, Blake," Kali murmured comfortingly as she pulled her daughter into a hug.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Adam stirred. The antiseptic smell of a clinic or hospital greeted him. He tensed. That was concerning. That he had been injured badly enough to require this kind of medical attention was worrisome in and of itself, but the White Fang generally lacked access to such facilities. Had he been captured? Arrested? Keeping his breathing even, he shifted slightly, testing for restraints. He found none.

Was this one of the clinics the White Fang had contacts with? If so, it was still risky. While many were sympathetic to the cause, especially recently, the reward on his head would be tempting for almost anyone.

He listened.

"I know you're awake." Sunfire.

His eye -- eyes? -- opened, and he found himself looking at a familiar mess of blonde hair.

"Where...?" he croaked, his throat dry. Sunfire pressed a cup of water to his lips, which he drank from greedily.

"You're on the Ark," she answered, an odd tone in her voice. "The Autobot's ship. Evacuation was a bit of a mess, but we've got some pretty good medical facilities here." Adam arched a skeptical eyebrow, and Sunfire added, "Hey, one of the first things Ratchet had me bring him was medical texts. He wanted to make sure he could treat the native population."

Sunfire leaned back to give Adam room as he sat up, setting the now-empty cup aside. He reached up to his face, to the familiar scar over his left eye, his sightless left eye... sightless, that is, until now.

"Sunfire, what… what did you do to me?" he asked, both horrified and amazed beyond all measure.

"Nothing," she said, shaking her head. "I'm not a doctor. Ratchet is, though, and he fixed you up. He fixed you all up, eye included. Left the scar, though, said some people get attached to their scars." Adam wasn't sure how he felt about that. "While he was in there, though, he found out something that explains a lot."

"Cancer?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "Brain damage?" That wouldn't surprise him. He'd been vaguely aware that he didn't think the same way other people did. "Some obscure disease that will kill me in fourteen days?"

Sunfire shook her head. "No, believe it or not, it's good news."

"You're right," he deadpanned. "I don't believe it. He's a doctor."

"And a scientist," Sunfire amended. "Anyway, he found out you have some… family out there."

Adam scoffed "'Family'? My father is dead, and my mother..." He shook his head. "I've already told you all about her."

"Not everything," whispered Sunfire. "You never told me her name. Ratchet found that out. Thanks to that, I found out... I found out you also have two younger sisters."

What? he thought. That's impossible.

"I'm one of them," she continued as she undid her ponytail and pulled off her mask and glasses.

As her blond hair expanded voluminously, a pair of lilac eyes gazed into his own blue ones. She blinked and seemed to think hard about something, her hair starting to glow, and she reopened her eyes... her now red eyes.

Familiar red eyes set into a familiar face, surrounded by a huge mane of hair, and though the hair was the wrong color...

The glow died down, and those red eyes faded back to lilac and grew moist. Sunfire's voice cracked with emotion as she spoke.

"My name is Yang Xiao Long. My father is Taiyang Xiao Long, my sister is Ruby Rose, and my birth mother... was Raven Branwen. Welcome back to the family... big brother."


(V3E3: Sundown | V3E4: The Ties That Bind | V3E5: Reunions)​

Author's Note 1 (Cyclone)
So, there it is. The biggest reveal in the story... until next chapter, at least. Judging from the number of people who seemed to think we were heading in a, ah, different direction with Adam and Yang's relationship, it would appear we have achieved peak Star Wars memery.

No, Blake isn't Han. There is no Han. Not in this context, anyway.

We actually dropped a number of little hints throughout. They're the only two people Bumblebee knows, for example, who use the word "fine" the way they do. Adam finds the idea of sitting overwatch on a loved one's date to be as perfectly normal as the Xiao Long Rose family does. There's also the phrase "in like Flynn," a phrase that -- in this universe, at least -- was very particular to a very specific Huntress and her family; no one outside that particular family uses that phrase, and anyone outside said family who hears it questions what it means, but Adam understood its meaning. There's also "the boy" in A Stark Divide, with a bandaged head and one visible eye. We had Calliope suggesting the idea of hereditary color schemes with Ruby and Raven. Heck, we had two characters pretty much straight up declare what the relationship was, Barricade on his wall of crazy and Jaune after hearing the audio recordings. From a meta perspective, there's also where we had Ruby talking for a while about wanting a brother.

As for why we went this route? Well, we were largely inspired by this comic. And then we realized there was a lot of interesting potential here. Adam and Raven both wear Grimm masks, and Adam's V6 character short suggests he was the one who started that trend in the White Fang. They both fight using swords with fast-draw techniques. They both favor red and black color schemes. They both have an obsession with strength and power. They both have untapped potential to actually be interesting characters with a lot of internal conflict.

And then there's Adam's emblem: a rose. With how we envision Raven in this story and especially A Stark Divide, well, how hard is it to believe her son would hear stories of Summer Rose and seek to honor her memory in some way?

In other news, Teams CFVY and RRFL are getting closer to the truth, Team JNR's learning what their P has had to put up with, Arslan's decided to cultivate "defender of love" into her reputation, Winter is getting entangled ever deeper into Atlas's web of deceit and conspiracy, and Lionheart's treachery has been publicly exposed. And then there's the thing with Ruby and Raven and whole mess with Blake, Weiss, Kali, and Sun. Hoo boy.
Author's Note 2 (Cody MacArthur Fett)
Props to @ScipioSmith for being the first one to correctly guess that Adam and Yang were half siblings. (If @Sushiman1313 and @Faraway-R liked his post back then because they agreed with that idea then they get partial credit.) Unfortunately, the props are temporary because he was also the first guy to talk himself out of that position… Though he was the only guy to figure out that Adam was The Boy in A Stark Divide so props are kind of back. We could have told him the truth, but he said he didn't want to be spoiled on who Adam's mother was, and so we kept quiet.

Surprise, Adam Taurus was Raven Branwen's son all along!

We definitely had a lot more people guessing right on that as time moved on though, and it was becoming harder and harder to keep quiet about that. I mean, when @NaanContributor made the comment that he was skeevy about Yang and Adam getting into a romantic relationship it took a great deal of control to avoid saying something like, "I'm glad to hear you're not into incest," or something like that. And when @Adipose1913 asked if we were sure Barricade was wrong about Raven being Adam's mom, well, I can finally tell him that you shouldn't be sure about that at all. There were others that we probably should mention, but between Cyc's work and now my work coming back we haven't found the time to properly search through the whole fic.

Besides the big reveal that we've been holding in since this story began, there's a lot of other stuff going on in this chapter, and in my life. I've got a PC again, so I'm writing a lot more easily. My job also has been allowed back to work, so I'm writing more on the drive over to worksite. Not to mention all the other things that I have to bow down and say prayers of thanks to Almighty God over. I am very blessed these days.

This chapter takes place over the course of two days, and boy howdy did it took some finagling to get that to work. We thought it was appropriate though, since we're not looking at anyone in the third or fourth years (except Jinx, who's a fourth year at Atlas, but she hasn't shown up on screen since volume 1) and because the cast needed some time to decompress.

The scenes with Kali were a joy to write. They were very emotional and poignant. My only issue is that we didn't cover enough, but the scenes just ended too perfectly as they were.

Unlike the Ruby scenes. Those scenes did get expanded, and it's to their benefit I think. We were able to touch on a lot of what's going on with her there, especially the stuff with her and Raven. That's going to be one heck of a bomb when it blows up.

Though as bad as Ruby's got it, I'm sure she's just glad she's not Verte. Poor girl. She placed her faith in fools and now she'll smother in lament.

I'm writing this the night before this goes live, so if there's anything else I need to say… well, it will have to be said later. Hope everyone liked the chapter, or at least didn't hate it as strongly as they could have.

Next time on Spark to Spark, Dust to Dust, it's the end of the line for Winter, while Weiss and Blake enact their master stroke, the two versus two rounds are going on for the first and third years in the Vytal Tournament, Yang makes the decision to end the conflict with Beacon once and for all, Ruby continues her search for answers, and stunning revelations are made that will shatter all you thought you knew about the world.
Last edited:
You'll find out on Friday. Until then, Bless you in the name of Primus, Optimus, and the Matrix.
Volume III: Episode 5: Reunions
(V3E4: The Ties That Bind | V3E5: Reunions | V3E6: Esprit de Corps, Part I)

Volume III: Episode 5: Reunions

* * *​

The silence that descended upon the infirmary was palpable. Only the beeping of monitors and the distant steps of Autobots could be heard. Even those other members of the White Fang who were awake kept their mouths shut. The Autobot patients rested at the far end of the vast infirmary, where facilities suited to their scale were situated; most were wounded from the recent mission, but one, newly-thawed and boasting an ironic flame paint job, was recovering from stasis-sickness. For several long moments, Yang had to resist the urge to snap out and embrace her brother.

Her brother.

Never in all her time alive had Yang ever seen this coming. An older brother? She wanted to cry. Cry both tears of unremitting joy at being reunited with a family member that she had not even known she had and tears of unfathomable sorrow for all the lost time.

She wanted to do something though. Anything!

"You need to meet with Dad and Ruby!" she said suddenly, and that seemed to shock Adam out of whatever shock he felt. "I mean… I mean, over a scroll or something, but you have to meet them. They have to find out where you've been all these years… Actually, where have you been all these years?"

Yang's face, she supposed, looked at least partially curious. Adam's face just looked overwhelmed. It was understandable. After all, it was what she had felt before this rollercoaster of emotions hit.

"Why do you think I need to meet with them?" he asked with a suspicious edge.

Yang cocked an eyebrow. "Are you seriously about to suggest that I helped forge an alliance between you and the Autobots, got on Cinder's kill list, spent close to a year helping you and the others in every situation imaginable, got chased out of Beacon for being affiliated with the White Fang, and went into isolation from my own family as part of a complicated plan to get you alone with a bunch of Huntsmen who would arrest you and cart you off to some prison somewhere?"

Adam was silent, but his eyes were his tell. He was embarrassed at the implication. It made Yang feel a compulsion to avert her eyes, like it was something that should not have been seen. She didn't though; she was his sister, and she couldn't look away when he bared his emotions to her.

"You got to admit, Boss, it sounds pretty out there when she lays it out like that," put in a sadly familiar voice from a bed one row down.

The redhead turned his head to the left to glare at the interloper in question. "Really, Vix? How did you even get in here? This is twice now in the last month that you've ended up in the infirmary."

In the other bed, the reindeer faunus shrugged his arms and the splints they were in. "Just that good at what I do, I guess."

That spurred some ribbing from the others, and soon, the infirmary was awash with the chatter of all those members of the White Fang who were awake. It admittedly wasn't much, but it was enough to drown out the rest of Adam and Yang's conversation. At least, she hoped it was anyway.

The blonde picked up the energon cube she had been using as a chair and brought it closer to the head of Adam's bed. "So, what happened?"

Instead of immediately replying, Adam glanced down at the cube. "Is that safe?"

"It's highly explosive. Answer the question," replied Yang without looking away.

Adam let out a gruff. "You want my life story? Really?"

"Yes, that's what I'm asking," insisted Yang, trying her best to keep her voice from rising and getting everyone's attention. "How come we didn't know about each other until a DNA test was done?"

"I don't know. Maybe our parents were just jerks?" answered Adam sarcastically, and then his expression changed as Yang felt her vision go red. "To answer your question, though, I really have no idea. Mother never talked about having any other children, and… wait a second. You never talked about having a mother anything like my mother! When you talked about your mother, you always described her as an angel!"

Yang recoiled as if struck. "There's a reason for that!"

"Oh, this should be good," mocked Adam with a roll of his eyes that quickly turned into his head getting wobbly, clearly unused to having two eyes.

"She was... she was the best," insisted Yang, regaining some ground. "When I was two weeks old, Raven Branwen abandoned me and my father, but luckily, another woman stepped in to be my mom: their old teammate, Summer Rose."

Adam's eyes went as wide as plates in surprise and then quickly narrowed in suspicion. "You're lying. You've got to be. There's no way you could possibly have been raised by my mother's old captain. Summer Rose was more myth than reality, a divine avatar of purity and destruction, and you expect me to believe that you were raised by her."

Now it was Yang's turn to gape in surprise. "What? I… what? How do you think my sister got the name 'Ruby Rose'?"

"A simple flight of fancy from city folk trying far too hard to adhere to that absurd color naming rule that the masses of sheep think is rebellious," dismissed Adam with a wave of his hand.

The blonde bristled. "Oh, and naming yourself after an animal is so much cooler? Ruby Rose is an amazing name, because it's her name, and she's the most amazing person on Remnant right now."

Adam crossed his arms smugly with a disdainful expression on his face. "Assuming, of course, she even exists."

"She does!" insisted Yang, reaching into her pocket and bringing out her scroll so that she could bring up and display a picture of her hugging her sister at her last birthday in front of a sign displaying her name in big, beautiful red letters. "See!"

The bullheaded redhead looked at the picture displayed on the scroll. "Very well, she exists. That doesn't prove she's Summer Rose's daughter."

"It's only the fact that I just found out we're related that's keeping me from punching you right now," deadpanned Yang.

"Oh, like that's ever stopped you before," pointed out Adam, which made Yang's face drop onto his bed with the scroll still held aloft. He was silent for a moment before switching topics. "You mentioned you were chased out of Beacon. You're a student there?"

"Yes," replied Yang into the bedsheet before sitting back up. "Well, at least, I was. My team found the stash in my bag, hacked the lock somehow, and then found out I was a member of the White Fang. Then your old partner broke my mask, and they chased after-"

"Wait, go back," interrupted Adam with a look of confusion. "My old partner?"

"That's what I said," answered Yang.

"She's dead, Sunfire," bluntly stated Adam. "You have to be mistaken."

"She told me she was your partner before she smashed the mask," replied Yang with a thoughtful expression. "Actually, I think she broke it because you gave it to me. I mean, she called you an animal and went on this big rant about how evil you and the White Fang were. I'm pretty certain that she really hates your guts."

As the explanation went on, Adam's face grew more controlled, the sort of control that only came through depression. That… that information must have stung. At least it was some reaction beyond denial, but Yang hated seeing him like that.

"Adam, was your old partner named Blake Belladonna?" asked Yang somberly.

"Yeah, I… I guess I never told you that, huh?" asked Adam.

"No, no, you didn't," confirmed Yang. "Which means we're talking about the same person. A name -- a description -- would have been useful things to know before things went sideways, just saying."

The redhead gave a chuff of dismissal and shifted inquiries. "So she's working for Beacon now?"

"No, she's studying at Beacon," corrected Yang before smiling sheepishly. "Turns out, you were right about her. Way back on the day after I first encountered…" She paused for a moment as the thought of Brock's smiling face came to mind just before it blew apart. "The Vacuans from Site Thirteen. One of my roommates dug some information about that out of me. Not the Autobots, but the SDC having slaves. She overheard, and I guess she decided to act on that."

Adam seemed to be trying to figure that all out when something suddenly changed, and he got an evil grin. "Excuse me, but did I hear that right? I was what?"

The blonde blushed in rage and embarrassment as she gave her confirmation. "You were right, Adam, and I was wrong."

He let out a deeply satisfied sigh at that. "Oh, you have no idea how good that feels to hear."

Yang glared at him in frustration. "You know, I bet it's stuff like this that made her break up with you."

Adam shot back his own glare. "She left me on an exploding train in the middle of the Grimm-infested wilderness surrounded by killer robots."

"And that was a jerk move," agreed Yang, continuing to glare. "I'm just saying that it wouldn't kill you to take a little less sadistic joy in getting one over on people."

"Ah, I see," replied Adam with a serene nod. "So when I do that, I'm a jerk, but when you do that, you're a saint."

"What? I'm not like that at all!" objected Yang, scandalized.

"I'm sure you really think that," faux-comforted Adam, and then he rapidly shifted topics again before she could get a word in. "So, wait, are you suggesting that my old partner ended up being your new roommate at Beacon?"

"That's exactly what happened," clarified the blonde, happy to be making some progress.

"How ridiculous can you get?" asked Adam sarcastically. "Who were your other roommates?"

Yang sighed in dread. "You're not going to believe me."

"No, but you're still going to answer," observed Adam.

"Yes," admitted Yang. "The first one you should know about is our sister, Ruby Rose."

"That's highly unlikely," interrupted Adam.

"She got into Beacon two years early," continued Yang, ignoring his comments.

"That's implausible."

"And was declared the leader of Team Ruby, spelled R-W-B-Y, after she organized us into a group to kill a Giant Nevermore."

"That's impossible."

"Ha! Maybe for other people, but not for Ruby. She can go beyond the impossible and do it smiling," bragged Yang smugly. "If you would only meet her, you'd see how amazing she is."

"How about we just talk about the fourth member of your little dorm?" asked Adam with a roll of his eyes. "At this point, I'm curious whether it'll be some normal person just to add plausibility, or if you'll say it's something really crazy like Winter Schnee."

"Huh? Winter Schnee? No, it's Weiss Schnee," corrected Yang.

There was a long pause at that.

"What?" Adam deadpanned. "I was joking. I didn't think you'd actually say it."

"Well, don't joke about her name. First thing she does when introduced to someone new is insist they not use her surname," explained Yang. "She really doesn't like that."

"So it's just some girl with an unfortunate name," sighed Adam in relief. "I thought you'd gone crazy there for a second and were actually suggesting that the heiress to the Schnee Dust Company was your roommate."

"Oh, no, she really is the heiress."

"I spoke too soon."

"But she hates that even more than her surname," Yang continued to explain. "She's the one who asked about things way back then. I think the revelation about the SDC using and supplying slaves really messed her up. Girl started washing her hands all the time, and then she went back home during the break and found out her sister knew about the slaves, and then she had this big psychotic break that messed her up for a long time. I think she even started to have psych appointments with the teachers or something. Anyway, I don't think you have anything to worry about from her."

The redhead raised his right eyebrow. "After hearing you for the last few minutes? I think I have others to worry about."

"I mean, she's gone really hard on the faunus rights stuff," elucidated Yang. "She's got a pile of books about the subject under her bed. I've talked to her before about it, and she comes down on the side of the faunus in literally every subject that came up. I even heard that she got into some big fight with an Atlesian student about the subject and tore into them over it."

"Impossible," dismissed Adam once more. "No one can be that passionate about faunus rights without being a member of the White Fang."

"I know, right?" agreed Yang with a nod. "But somehow, she makes it work… kind of. I think that at one point she was thinking about joining the Fang herself."

Adam frowned in concern and then stretched out a hand to place it on Yang's forehead.

Her eyes focused in on the appendage. "What are you doing?"

Adam shook his head and frowned. "Well, you're not hot, so this isn't a fever dream. You've just lost your mind."

"I'm not crazy," insisted Yang angrily. "They really are my teammates at Beacon."

"You have pictures to prove that too?" asked Adam with a raised eyebrow.

"Of course I do!" snipped Yang as she started scrolling through her scroll again... and scrolling and scrolling and scrolling... and scrolling and scrolling and scrolling... and scrolling…

"Problem?" asked Adam with insufferable smugness.

"I… no. No, I have a picture of them. See!" declared Yang, shoving literally the best picture she could find of her teammates in Adam's face.

It was an action shot of Ruby leaping into the air with her cape and rose petals whirling about her. In the corner of the picture, the very top of a black-haired person with a bow could be seen next to part of a white ponytail.

"You've got to be kidding me," Adam deadpanned. "That's the best you've got?"

"I never thought it'd come up!" admitted Yang, blushing furiously. "I just didn't think to take that many pictures of them."

"Sunfire, you have one picture of them, and it's just their hair!" pointed out Adam in bewilderment. "You seem to have pictures of this girl you claim is our sister. How many of those do you have?"

"Seventeen thousand, four hundred and thirty-eight," answered Yang without a moment of hesitation or the slightest ounce of shame.

"Seventeen thousand?!" gasped Adam in that same tone before pointing at her. "You have a problem."

"I don't!" objected Yang, still blushing. "I just take a lot of pictures, and they add up over the years."

Adam shook his head. "Assuming you're not making that number up like you've made everything else up…"

"I'm telling the truth, you jerk!" hissed Yang, getting up. "If you don't believe me, then you can just watch the recording of our match at the Vytal Festival the other day. But no, of course that isn't going to be good enough for you, so I'm just going to have to get proof from Beacon myself."

The redhead's eyes widened, and he reached out to grab Yang's hand. "Don't. If you get within a mile of Beacon, they'll gun you down without a second thought."

Yang wanted to object, but… well, if he was right and she was wrong, then there would be about half a second for realization to sink in before she would be getting fired upon by far too many guns to mention. They couldn't take any chances, and she hadn't exactly given the impression that she wasn't a hardened terrorist killer. She was pretty sure that Blake survived that punch, but it was certainly possible that she was in the hospital at that moment.

"Maybe," admitted Yang somberly, "but I have to do something to stop this from becoming a full blown war. We're on the precipice, Adam, and we need to get off it quick."

With that, she jerked her hand free and began to walk out of the infirmary.

I need to talk with Optimus, she thought wearily. I can't let the Autobots be smeared because of me.

"Daaaaad, do we have to?" whined Silverstream as she looked at the seats they had for the day. The seats that were the same as the last time they were in the arena. The seats next to Molly's family.

"You're welcome to go back to the car if you don't like the seats," offered her father with the ice cold indifference of someone bereft of compassion.

"I'm good with the seats," declared Terramar, the scavenger.

Silverstream looked at the seats again and then gruffly shambled along to sit down in her seat next to that fake fangirl.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Silverstream, the wannabe," mocked Molly with a sneer before receiving a knock to her head. "Ow!"

"Be nice, Molly," admonished the bear faunus's mother before smiling at Silverstream's parents. "I'm sorry about that. It's great to see you all again."

"Likewise," agreed Silverstream's mother as they all took their seats.

Molly was still rubbing the top of her skull before smiling excitedly. "Mom! Team Apricot are the ones up next! This is going to be great!"

A certain contradictory note was struck by Silverstream. "I'm sure Team Jasmine will give them a run for their money. Medea's semblance is awesomefying, after all."

The bear faunus looked at her winged counterpart like she was insane. "Literally, how?! Penny can fly on a hoverboard made of swords. That's why they call her Bladerider."

"They'll think of something," muttered Silverstream pettily before she, Molly, and everyone else started looking around at the sound that had changed. "Anyone else hear theme music?"

As Penny and Aska walked out into the arena, an electric guitar riff began to boom from Amity Colosseum's sound system. In the stands above, Ciel's head rotated ominously to glare at Rufus.

"Mad Dog," she growled, "what is this?"

"Penny wanted to make an impressive entrance." Rufus shrugged and gave an innocent grin. "T suggested the song."

"And you let him," accused Ciel.

"The big guy's free to say what he wants," was his defensive reply.

"Only you could have hacked the arena's sound system to do this."

"I'm sure Magic appreciates your high estimation of her abilities," Rufus said dryly.

Ciel's eyes narrowed. "You know exactly what I meant."

Rufus grinned. "Yeah, yeah, could and would," he admitted. "But c'mon, Penny's got a lot of hopes and dreams riding on her. She deserves a bit of a chance to shine."

"She'll have plenty of time in the limelight, I'm sure," Ciel rebuked half-heartedly as they watched Penny drink in the applause and cheers, waving to the crowd enthusiastically as the song's vocalist screamed -- Ciel refused to call it "singing" -- about "instruments of destruction" and "tools of foul play."

She knew she wasn't fully briefed on the exact nature of Penny's partnership with Thundercracker, but it was obviously important, a sign of Atlas's ties with their secret alien partners. Still, she couldn't quite shake the feeling that there was something... off going on, more than just whatever she wasn't cleared to know.

"Aska 'Shadow' Roku and Penny 'Bladerider' Polendina of Atlas!" Professor Port boomed across the arena. "Versus Jason Ash and Medea Fleece of Haven!"

Penny and Aska faced their two Havenite opponents, who had coordinated their outfits to the extent that they were both wearing golden fleeces like capes, complete with ram's skull helmets. It actually looked pretty good, to the extent that Penny wondered if she and Aska should have gotten matching outfits. Maybe not to the extent of wearing something identical, but perhaps if they put more effort into harmonizing their colors, like Team RWBY did- Penny abruptly remembered that harmonizing their colors hadn't really done much to help Team RWBY harmonize as a team; she also remembered that she should probably focus on the impending fight and reverted to studying their two Havenite opponents: a boy, Jason, who was trying to grow a beard for some reason that Penny could only guess at -- beards, in her opinion, were not a good look; she had tried to imagine Sun with a beard once and it was terrible -- clad in a black cuirass; and a girl, Medea, swathed in dark blue robes, her face concealed beneath the shadow of the ram's skull.

Nevertheless, she smiled and offered them a cheery wave. "It's a pleasure to meet you both. Let's have a fun battle."

Medea chuckled. "This is going to be fun, for some of us at least."

The terrain emerged from out of the depths of the arena: moldering ruins and smoldering volcanoes emerged into the light behind Penny and Aska, while behind Jason and Medea appeared a nasty-looking swamp and, to Penny's left, the gravity islands of black blocks rising into the sky.

"Very good," Aska murmured, so softly that only Penny heard her.

Meanwhile, their opponents also seemed satisfied with the terrain, at least to the extent that Penny could tell from their limited reactions.

"Three!" Professor Port boomed out as the first buzzer sounded.

Jason unslung his shield from across his back and brought it protectively before him. Nobody else made any move for their weapons.


Medea took a step backwards. Aska shuffled a step to the left.


"Good luck, Bladerider," Aska murmured.

Penny beamed. "You too, Shadow."

"Begin!" cried Doctor Oobleck, as the final buzzer to commence the battle sounded across the arena.

Like a rose unfolding its thorns, the blades of Floating Array emerged from out of Penny's backpack, miniature trails of thrust, barely visible even to Penny's vision, emerging from the rear of the blades as they arrayed themselves around her like a halo while she herself stood, stock still, her arms spread out on either side of her.

By this point, Aska had already abandoned Penny, running for the volcanic terrain behind them.

"My word!" Professor Port said. "It looks as though Aska Roku is abandoning her teammate."

"They do say that Atlesian teammates are never friends, only colleagues," Doctor Oobleck reminded him, "and it appears that Miss Roku may be proving that."

Penny ignored the commentators. She was more focused on Jason and Medea, who had also started to retreat into their own half of the arena, toward the gravity islands hovering above the surface of the combat zone. Medea was in the lead, covered by Jason, who was trying to cover himself with his shield.

Penny drew in her arms, and as she brought them together, her blades folded in half and converged into a tight circle, their newly-revealed barrels glowing green as her combi-laser charged.

Medea dropped. Jason braced himself. Penny fired, unleashing a beam of green energy. Even if Jason's shield did take some of the blow-

Jason's shield projected a hard light forcefield much larger than the shield itself, covering Jason's entire body and some space around. Penny's broad beam struck the field of light, pushing against it to no avail, causing the hard light to ripple but not break, to become tinted green as it absorbed the energy of Penny's laser.

Absorbed the energy of-

Penny dove for cover as the force of her own laser was turned against her, the great green beam reflected off Jason's shield straight back to where Penny would have been standing if she had not dove for cover. As it was, it hit the barrier around the arena so hard that the spectators flinched as it beat against the shield.

By the time Penny regained her feet, Medea and Jason had made it to the gravity islands and were high up on one of the platforms looking down on Penny, with a vertical wall floating a few feet away from them. Jason covered Medea with his shield, and the fact that the light barrier was not activated now didn't mean he couldn't bring it up again whenever he wanted to.

Meanwhile, in the middle of the arena, something strange was happening. Skeletons were starting to grow out of the bare octagon in the centre of the arena, like this was one of Ruby's stories: skeletons with swords and shields just like Jason -- a couple of them had spears -- rising out of the ground with toothy grins upon their faces and a slight blue glow surrounding them.

"And Medea Fleece activates her semblance, Dragon's Teeth," Doctor Oobleck informed the crowd. "It certainly made an impression in the four by four round on both the audience and the contestants."

"What will Penny Polendina do in the face of this new challenge?" Professor Port mused aloud.

And it was "Penny" and only Penny. Aska had completely disappeared, to remain hidden until she was good and ready; the attention of the sixteen skeletons was wholly fixed on Penny.

She shot one of them, a laser beam erupting from the barrel of one of her swords to blast a skeleton into smithereens. Another rose to take its place mere moments later.

The skeletons advanced: one step forward, then another. They marched towards Penny in perfect unison.

Penny shot another; it reappeared but further back than the others who -- with a wild scream rising from their dry and tongueless throats -- charged towards her with their swords held high above their heads.

Penny fired with all her lasers, beams bursting forth from her swords in a circular rotation. Some of the skeletons took the blasts upon their shields, deflecting them away; others "died" and were replaced by others reappearing further back. But they kept on running straight towards Penny, and they kept on getting closer.

Penny retreated, leaping into the air and doing a backflip to land amidst the ruins; these particular ruins appeared more ancient than the terrain that Penny had seen before, with columns freestanding and fallen that looked like something out of ancient Mistral.

The skeletons swarmed into the ruin, replenishing their numbers as fast as Penny could take them out; faster, given that they kept on getting closer to her. Which was less than ideal, as she was more proficient at using her swords as elaborately-shaped laser cannons than she was at using them as swords.

But they were getting too close to give her much choice. She could have withdrawn her blades and flown out of their grasp... but that wasn't the plan. She needed to draw attention.

One of them got close enough to swing at her with a downward slashing stroke; Penny parried with two of her own swords and thrust a third into its gut... to very little effect, as should have been obvious if she'd thought about it. She had a little more luck cutting off its head -- skull? -- but that didn't kill it, just left it wandering slightly aimlessly while Penny retreated, leaping up a low wall to stand beside a half-eroded column, snapping off a couple of shots to destroy a pair of skeletons.

Another charged at her, slashing at her legs. Penny leapt up, kicking the skeleton which, disappointingly, fell backwards completely intact and able to get up again a moment later.

The fact that these things kept getting up when you got rid of them was made even worse by the fact they were quite difficult to get rid of, in hand to hand combat at least.

Penny was forced to keep retreating, to keep her blades close to parry the incessant attacks of the incessant horde of skeletons who pressed around her, chasing her up onto the remains of a crumbling stone wall, with another wall rising behind her, as the skeletons converged on three sides, some advancing up the gentle slope that she had climbed, others trying to get at her feet from the left and right.

"It looks like Penny Polendina is pinned down," Professor Port observed. "Are Jason and Medea about to draw first blood?"

"Nope," Penny said, as she saw a black shape, little more than an especially heavy shadow, appear above the wall that loomed over Jason and Medea's heads where they stood on the gravity platform, their attention completely fixed on Penny. Because I've got my friend watching over me.

Aska announced her presence in the battle with an un-ninja-like roar as she descended upon the Haven pair like a thunderbolt out of the clouds. Magorox was on fire as she flew from the top of the wall, blade drawn back to strike. Medea retreated away from her, putting Jason between herself and Aska even as he tried to stay between her and Penny too.

Penny kept one eye on the gravity platforms far away and high above, devoting the rest of her attention to keeping her aura out of the red as the skeletons pressed upon her. She swept her blades in wide arcs, knocking as many of them down and out as she could, trying to use whatever breathing room they gave her to start shooting again, whittling them down so that they would rise again further away. And while she fought, she also watched Aska fight as she met Jason head on, blade to blade, her burning Magorox against his shining sword. She was like the wind, a whirling flurry of slashing strokes; he was like the mountain, letting the tempest howl against him.

But the wind could do more than howl. It would also change direction. Aska was swift, and she was slippery. She darted around Jason, moving to his left, flanking him, forcing him to turn. She got him used to that new position, hurled herself against it for a moment or two, then moved again, making him move with her, bit by bit nudging him out of his position so that he was only covering Medea against Aska herself.

Penny had a completely free shot.

She jumped into the air, her legs propelling her high above the hapless skeletons as she rose, arms spread out, blades forming around her, lasers charging.

Medea noticed her peril as Penny's rise halted, the Bladerider of Atlas seeming to hover for a moment in the air as she lined up her shot.

And then she fired.

The blast struck Medea square in the chest, hurling her backwards off the platform. The buzzer had sounded to announce her elimination from the match even before she hit the ground.

By the time Penny landed, the skeletons created by her semblance were already starting to fade away.

She was followed in short order to the ground by Aska and Jason as the former grappled with the latter until they both tumbled off the platform, Aska pummeling Jason with her fists as they fell in slow motion through the air, turning in circles, weapons gone, fighting with their fists. The fists with which Aska was very proficient.

The landing took care of the rest of his aura.

"Jason Ash has been eliminated," Professor Port announced. "The duo of Aska 'Shadow' Roku and Penny 'Bladerider' Polendina stands victorious."

Jason groaned. "Did someone get the number of the truck that just hit me?"

"I've heard that before," Aska said, slightly amused, as she offered him a hand to help him up.

Medea rose unsteadily to her feet some little distance away from them. "Was that enough of an adventure for you, Jason?" she asked.

"It will have to be, since it seems it was our fate to lose," Jason said, as he accepted Aska's outstretched hand.

"I don't know about fate," Penny said, "but I do know it was a lot of fun."

"Whoop!" cheered Molly happily. "Way to go, Shadow! Team Apricot rules!"

"How can you say that?" asked Silverstream contentiously. "They didn't use any of their advantages for like ninety percent of the match."

"All according to plan," bragged Molly smugly. "I bet there's no one watching this as excited as I am."

"Go Team Apricot!" cheered Thundercracker in his hangar and he blew on the blowout noisemaker, a party hat sitting lopsided on his head. Why, exactly, General Ironwood had such festive toys scaled for Cybertronians available was a question he wasn't going to look too closely at.

"They are certainly representing Atlas well," agreed the human watching with him, a man who went by the callsign Airborne. Thundercracker liked Airborne; the man seemed unperturbed by his Cybertronian nature, almost like he was literally looking through him at times.

Thundercracker shook his head. "I was actually a little worried when Penny seemed to have forgotten her blades' flight function."

"'Forgotten'?" Airborne asked, raising an eyebrow.

"She's special," said Thundercracker defensively. "Sometimes, she forgets things."

That wasn't quite true, but when you had a massive databank of tactical options and only so much processing power available, it was easy for something to get lost in the mix.

"So who's up next?"

Megatron shook his head in disappointment. Team JAMM should have realized there was more going on than met the eye when Penny had refrained from flying away to evade the skeletal semblance. Instead, they had assumed all was as it seemed and that they were on the verge of victory. And it had been a risky gamble on Team APRC's part for assuming their opponents would overlook that.

"Disappointing," he muttered. "Amateurish."

"Are you sure about this, Yang?" asked Optimus kindly as they and Bumblebee stood in the cave that served as the hidden entrance to the Ark.

"I am, sir," replied Yang, almost able to keep the nervousness out of her voice.

"Don't worry, Optimus. I got her back," assured Bumblebee confidently with a thumb's up.

An involuntary chuckle escaped Yang's lips at that, and she smiled sadly. "You won't be able to stay with me when they take me away."

"Do not underestimate our young scout here, Yang," cautioned Optimus with a gesture at the little yellow bot. "He's been able to cover me under far worse circumstances."

"Maybe," allowed Bumblebee, "but if Devastator shows up this time too, I'm calling for backup."

"That is fair," concurred Optimus before turning his focus to the human in the room. "Yang, your mission is to make contact with the human authorities and convince them to meet for discussion of a ceasefire. We are not their enemies now, and have no wish to be in the future. I will stay at the rendezvous point as long as I can and wait for you there."

Yang stood straighter at that. "You got it, Optimus. I won't let you down."

With that, Yang and Bumblebee left, and Optimus Prime stood there for a time watching them.

"I know you won't, Yang Xiao Long," he said quietly to himself. "I know you won't."

Professor Port's voice boomed out across the arena. "That last match was spectacular, but stay tuned, because this next fight is guaranteed to be one for the ages: Nora Valkyrie and Pyrrha Nikos of Beacon against Sun 'King' Wukong and Neptune 'Iceberg' Vasilias of Haven Academy!"

Pyrrha listened as the crowd roared in anticipation, so loud that they would have drowned out Professor Port even if he had endeavoured to continue speaking. Her lips twitched as she turned to her teammate. "I guess we're up then."

Nora grinned in anticipation. "Are you ready to do this?"

Pyrrha's own slight smile became more visible. "It is a lot more fun than some of the battles we've been engaged in lately, isn't it? Almost relaxing."

"But you're still gonna go out there to win, right?"

"Of course," Pyrrha declared, in a slightly affronted voice. She had never, in her career, done anything else.

The two walked out of the dark tunnel and into the light, and the crowd's roar seemed to grow even louder as they caught sight of the combatants -- Sun and Neptune entered by the other tunnel at the same time -- growing so loud they might have made the arena all around them tremble. And yet, in spite of that, Pyrrha fancied that she could hear Jaune's voice clearly above the rest, calling to her.

I won't let you down, Jaune.

Doctor Oobleck took up the commentary as the roaring of the spectators faded somewhat. "Of course, Miss Nikos is no stranger to these situations, having previously been a tournament champion in her native Mistral."

Pyrrha sighed.

"What?" Nora exclaimed. "Did you really expect them not to bring it up?"

"Surely everyone who cares knows already, so why bother?" Pyrrha asked rhetorically.

"Indeed," Professor Port said. "There is plenty for fans from Mistral to cheer for on both sides of this match, with Haven on one side and Mistrali on the other."

By this point, all four of them had reached the central octagon, the two pairs facing one another across the blank white space.

"Don't expect us to go easy on you guys," Sun called across the no man's land between the combatants.

Nora chuckled. "Right back at ya!" she yelled.

The icons representing the different terrain types flashed up on four of the arena's eight sides, rotating like the images on a slot machine before settling upon urban ruins and a field of wheat for Sun and Neptune, with a geyser field and a verdant lake for Pyrrha and Nora; the latter appeared to discomfort Neptune somewhat, given the way that he backed away towards his own side of the field, although Pyrrha couldn't have said why.

She hoped it wouldn't affect his performance.

"Three!" Professor Port cried as the chimes began. "Two! One! Begin!"

Nora opened the battle with a grenade fired from the mouth of Magnhild, leaving a pastel pink contrail through the air as it sped towards Neptune, making him dive for cover as the missile passed overhead to explode in a colourful burst amidst the ruins.

Pyrrha slung Akoúo̱ off her back, gripping it by both hands and holding it above her head. Her legs bent. "Nora! Pomegrenade!"

Nora beamed as she leapt, her jump carrying her up and onto Pyrrha's shield as the latter balanced it like a platform. Neptune was recovering from his frantic dive, and Sun was starting to move towards them, but they were too late; the moment that Nora's first shot had brought them was all the time they needed as Pyrrha threw Nora upwards into the air, the strength of Pyrrha's arms joining with that of Nora's own legs to send her flying upwards.

Neptune had his weapon in carbine configuration, and he unleashed a blizzard of shots, cobalt blue electric bolts flying through the air. Pyrrha leapt into the air, twisting and turning like a salmon in flight, her bright red sash and vibrant red hair flying about her as she contorted her body to allow the bolts of Neptune's fusillade fly past her; one shot brushed against her sash, another passed through the ringlets of her hair, but none of them really touched her, and none did her harm.

"Neptune Vasilias lays down his fire just too late to prevent his opponents from executing their strategy," Professor Port observed. "Look at Nora Valkyrie go!"

Nora had flown so high that, for a moment, Pyrrha was worried that they might have overdone it -- they wouldn't look very smart if Nora slammed into the shield at the top of the arena -- but fortunately, she did not rise quite so high, just very high indeed as she started unloading grenades down upon their opponents far below, missiles like pink thunderbolts descending from the heavens to crater the arena surface in smokey explosions all around Sun and Neptune, splitting the boys up as they both sought cover, trying to avoid losing too much aura to Nora's bombs before the fight had even properly begun. A volley of grenades spat forth from Magnhild all at once, forming a heart shape in the air as they descended to turn the building Sun had been using for cover into rubble... moreso than it had been before.

Nora cackled with wild abandon as she fell, Magnhild shifting from grenade launcher to hammer as she descended.

In the meantime, Pyrrha had leapt to her feet, Miló in hand and Akoúo̱ held before her. As Nora dropped -- and more importantly, as the threat of friendly fire from all of those grenades rescinded -- Pyrrha began to charge. Neptune would be a perfect match-up for Nora, on grounds of her semblance, so Pyrrha headed towards Sun-

A volley of bolts from Neptune's carbine forced Pyrrha to throw herself to the ground, rolling along the arena surface as his shots passed over her head. It seemed that Neptune had no desire to be drawn into a fight with someone who drew strength from electricity.

Just as Jaune had predicted, he would prefer to face off against Pyrrha and leave Sun to take on Nora.

Which was fine by both of them.

Pyrrha shifted her focus to Neptune, rising to her feet once more, shield up and spear drawn back as she began to charge towards him. Her booted feet tapped upon the octagon as she covered the distance between them like a lioness bounding across the plain to catch the buffalo. Neptune shot at her, bolt after bolt flying from his carbine, but the slightest touch of her semblance ensured his shots went just slightly wide, whizzing past Pyrrha's head. A gigantic crash alerted her to the fact that Nora had landed and begun to engage Sun.

Neptune began to back away, still shooting, but he was retreating too slowly for the speed of Pyrrha's advance, and she was on him in a moment. His weapon began to shift, and for a moment, Pyrrha hoped that she would catch him before the transformation was complete. Alas, it was not to be, and he turned his carbine into a heavy-bladed polearm in the split second before Pyrrha was on him, just in time to fend off her first assault as she leapt up into the air and descended with a downwards thrust of Miló. He parried with the long shaft of his weapon, giving ground before her. Pyrrha pursued. Neptune swung his guandao in a long, horizontal slashing motion. Pyrrha ducked, her whole body bending backwards from the knees to let the polearm pass harmlessly above her face. Pyrrha rose, spinning on her toe, using Akoúo̱ to strike Neptune's guandao upon the head, turning its course downwards toward the ground. Pyrrha spun, red hair flying around her as she turned and thrust her spear out towards Neptune's exposed chest. He too leaned back, a look of relief crossing his face as it seemed that she had reached the limits of her thrust without contact. There was a blast as Pyrrha discharged Miló, the point leaping forwards another foot to cover the distance and slam into Neptune's chest, knocking him back as his aura dipped.

A shrill whistle from the other side of the battlefield alerted Pyrrha to the fact that Nora wasn't having so much luck against the nimbler Sun. As Pyrrha turned, she saw the young man discharge first one and then the other of his gunchucks into Nora's chest in turn, his weapons whirling in his hands.

"Nora!" Pyrrha cried, throwing Akoúo̱ toward Sun like a discus to hit him on the side of the head and knock him off balance. Pyrrha spun Miló in both hands, hitting Neptune across the temple with the butt before sweeping his legs out from under him with the blade. Once more, Pyrrha focused her attention upon Sun, opening up a little distance between Neptune and herself as she converted Miló into rifle mode, snapping off two shots at Sun that threw him off his feet.

Nora's hammer caught him before he hit the ground. For a moment, Sun seemed to hang suspended in the air, his expression torn between horror and resignation, before Nora's strike punted him clear out of the battlefield and the match.

Neptune's look was determined as he came for her, his spear-blade separating into a three-pointed trident that crackled with electricity. Pyrrha let him come, Miló shifting back from rifle into spear configuration as she wielded it two-handed. He thrust. She parried. Electricity surged up Miló as the two weapons met, but Pyrrha's gloves were insulated, and she lost little of her aura. Neptune fell back, jabbing cautiously, trying to keep her at bay with the greater reach of his longer weapon. Pyrrha pursued, Miló and Tri-Hard clashing again and again as the two of them danced, steps shuffling, bodies contorting. He was quite skillful, and if he was only just holding her off, that did not change the fact that he was holding her off.

But the margin by which he did so diminished every time.

Pyrrha beat his trident aside and lunged for him; Neptune side-stepped the blow, Tri-Hard twirling as he made to strike her with the shaft in the opening that she had left him by her overextended thrust. The opening that she had deliberately left him. Pyrrha let go of Miló with one hand and -- as the weapon shifted from spear to sword -- used a hint of polarity to guide the striking shaft of Tri-Hard into her hand where she pulled it -- and Neptune with it -- towards her so that she was inside his guard as she slashed at him with her bronze and crimson sword, tearing into his aura. Pyrrha spun, and as she turned, her sash whirling, Miló turned from sword back to spear for one final thrust that struck Neptune square in the chest and bore him backwards through the air as the buzzer sounded to announce that his aura had entered the red.

"Neptune Vasilias has been eliminated!" Professor Port announced. "And that concludes the match as the duo of Nora Valkyrie and Pyrrha Nikos emerge victorious!"

The crowd bellowed their appreciation as Neptune picked himself up off the ground. "Well, I guess that wasn't going to end any other way," he said sanguinely.

"You both fought very well," Pyrrha said courteously.

"Thanks," Neptune said. "You two fought better."

"YEAH!" Molly cheered loudly, both hands raised in the air as she leapt from her seat. "GO PYRRHA!"

Her mother chuckled nervously. "They may not be able to hear you, honey, but I certainly can."

"That was the best fight ever!" Molly shrieked. "Did you see the way she dodged that shot in mid-air?! That was incredible! Pyrrha really is the best fighter ever!"

"That... was pretty impressive," Silverstream admitted, albeit with a slightly begrudging tone. Somehow -- why, Mom, why? -- they had found themselves sitting next to one another again. At least Silverstream was starting to appreciate the greatness of Pyrrha Nikos now, it seemed. "She is pretty talented, I suppose."

"'Pretty talented'? 'Pretty talented'?" Molly demanded. She snorted. "It's a start, at least." She sat back down. "Weiss isn't bad either."

"Not bad?" Silverstream repeated. "Just you wait. She's going to bring the house down when her turn comes; I can feel it."

"I said she wasn't bad," Molly replied, "but there's no way that she'll top that performance from Pyrrha."

"Oh, trust me," Silverstream scoffed. "When this day is through, nobody is going to be talking about Pyrrha Nikos."

"Impressive," Megatron rumbled. Pyrrha Nikos certainly performed with the mix of effectiveness and showmanship that marked a veteran of the arena. Given her background, that wasn't surprising. Mistral's fascination with gladiatorial combat were an interesting -- if warped -- reflection of the pits of Kaon.

Oh, if only it were like that on Cybertron, he mused, almost wistfully.

It would be good, one day, to return to his roots.

"Oh, I hope Sun's okay." Penny's hands flew to her mouth at her own outburst.

"The results were unfortunate, but not unexpected," observed Ciel, thankfully ignoring Penny's words.

"Should've pulled another all-nighter," grumbled Rufus, mentally kicking himself. "I almost had that laser rifle upgrade for Tri-Hard ready. If I had, they could have taken this."

"Highly unlikely," Ciel disagreed. "It may have improved their tactical options and flexibility, but their odds of defeating Pyrrha Nikos and Nora Valkyrie were extremely slim to begin with."

"On the bright side," Penny offered weakly, "this means I might get a chance to fight Pyrrha in the singles matches."

Growing up in a bandit tribe, Qrow Branwen had learned a concept of "family" that was... atypical, to say the least. Few who knew them now would believe that -- between him and his sister -- he had been the more jaded, the more cynical when they first came to Beacon all those years ago. But coming to Beacon with her to infiltrate and learn the secrets of Huntsmen had opened his eyes. Tai and Summer had opened their arms to him and Raven in a way that would have been inconceivable in the tribe. Tai had become a brother to him, and Summer remained an inspiration. And then Ozpin had extended his trust, bringing them into his secret war.

Trust, Qrow had learned, was as addictive as the hardest drugs. And he had always had trouble fighting addiction.

At Beacon, he learned so much more than how to be a Huntsman. He'd learned how to trust, how to love, how it felt to be part of something bigger than himself. He loved his nieces, but he hadn't been there for them, and that galled him.

He took another swig from the bottle in front of him. He wasn't drunk enough for this. Especially since he'd had to sell off the heresy his sister had spitefully stocked the private bar with and restock it with real drinks... and would probably have to do so again once he sobered up, at the rate he was going through it.

"Uncle Qrow?"

He jerked his head up at the quiet voice and looked around, bleary-eyed.

"Ruby?" he queried as his younger niece took a seat next to him. "What're you doing here, kiddo? How did you even know about this place?"

"Dad told me where to find you."

"'Course he did," he grunted, turning back to his bottle. "So, what does Tai want?"

"I, um, nothing, actually," she said. "He, uh, Dad suggested I talk to you."

He gave her a sidelong glance. "About what?"

"About- about Raven," his niece said nervously. "Can- can you tell me about her?"

"Raven?" he echoed, blinking at her blearily. "Why do you want to know about her?"

"I- she saved me," she murmured.

"Huh." Qrow thought about the implications of that. It was... surprising, all things considered. Maybe his sister still had a heart after all. "Didn't think you'd count," he said, shaking his head.

"What do you mean?" Ruby asked, peering at him curiously.

Qrow twisted in his seat to face her and waved his hand in a generally easterly direction, toward Anima. "Raven's got a rule. Everyone in the family gets one save. Me, Yang, your dad... I guess you too."

" she does care!" squealed the silver-eyed girl, beaming cheerfully.

Qrow winced. Better nip that in the bud. "Kid, I think ya might be reading too much into it. One save is her rule. Doesn't mean she cares."

"It still means she considers me family," she argued, and Qrow couldn't actually find a flaw in that argument. "Besides... you said one save, right?"

"Yeah?" he confirmed, taking another pull from the bottle.

"So if she didn't care, why did I get three?"

Qrow spewed his drink all over Ruby's seat, narrowly missing a cloud of rose petals as he blinked in stunned surprise. "'Three'?!" he sputtered, staring at her.

From a safe distance, Ruby nodded. "Yeah. When we were raiding Starscream's base, Starscream nearly killed me, but she portaled in and saved me. And then there was that mission with Team Apricot and Weiss's sister. We got captured, and she portaled in and broke me out. And just the other day, I was, um, mayyybe looking for Yang? Raven portaled in and stopped me from jumping in right on top of one of the White Fang's elite. And Yang wasn't there for any of that!"

That... Qrow tried to wrap his head around that. Raven just being able to portal in without Yang or himself -- or, he presumed, Tai -- around already spoke volumes. He and Tai had both known Raven liked to spy on them on occasion, but to have established a strong enough emotional connection to Ruby to be able to open a portal to her?

"...okay, first, we really gotta talk about this habit you have of running into danger," he said, ignoring Ruby's scowl/pout, "and second... you might actually be onto something there."

Ruby sidled over and took a seat a safe distance away. "So, will you tell me about her?"

"Sure, kid," he relented with a sigh. "But first! A drink."

"I'm not going to drink, Uncle Qrow," she declined.

Qrow shook his head and produced the bottle of cider from the other day; Tex hadn't been interested in buying an open bottle, after all. "Fine, kid, here. Non-alcoholic, just for you," he said, sliding it along the bar toward her.

Ruby caught the bottle and peered at it suspiciously before pouring herself a glass.

"All right," he said approvingly. "Where to start? Where to start?" he muttered to himself thoughtfully.

"What was it like?" Ruby asked. "Growing up as a bandit?"

Qrow winced. "Your dad tell you about that?" At her nod, he sighed. "Life in the tribe was... rough. You were either strong or attached yourself to someone who was. Raven was strong, and I was the runt of the pack, with a semblance that was more trouble than I was worth. She was strong, useful, and she cared enough to keep me alive. But that kind of life... it marks you. I think... I think Raven still had a little trust when we came to Beacon, not like me. But after she went back..." He trailed off.

No, that wasn't something Ruby needed to know. The past was the past. The dead were dead. That didn't matter now.

"The tribe did something while we were at Beacon," he said finally, taking another drink and then gazing at his bottle. "Broke her trust. Sent her into the bottle for a while -- I mean worse than me -- before she pulled herself together. It hardened her, killed whatever trust she had left."

He missed the sorrow on Ruby's face.

Every time I see her fight, she just seems to get better and better, Arslan thought as the screen in the locker room of Amity Colosseum replayed one of the highlights of Pyrrha's match, where she dodged a horizontal slash from Neptune by bending so far backward that only perfect balance and incredibly strong quadriceps kept her from falling on her butt.

That just means I have to get better faster! Arslan silently declared.

She looked down at Nemean Claw as she stood in the locker room. It wasn't long now before they'd enter into the second round of the tournament in front of the whole world. She should have been happy, excited even, but she wasn't. How could she be when recent revelations had turned all her accomplishments of the last year to ash?

She gripped her knife and pushed all those thoughts from her head. They were about to go up against Team ZINC, specifically Zachary Ochre and Nave "Carolina" Church if scuttlebutt was anything to go by. They weren't pushovers. They were the real deal, and Arslan and her partner for the match would need to bring their very best, or they would end up having serious issues.

"The problem," Nadir mused aloud and breaking into her thoughts as he double-checked Close Encounters's firing mechanism, "is me."

"Don't knock yourself, Nate," Arslan ordered, turning around to face him. "You're a lot better than you used to be."

He gave her a self-deprecating smile. "Of course I am. Can't afford to drag down the Golden Lion of Haven, can I? But 'better than I used to be' is hardly tournament competitive."

"So we work together," the dark-skinned team leader said with a shrug.

"I've done some research on our opponents," Nadir said. "Zachary's a tournament fighter, versatile and adaptable. He's more a technical fighter like Pyrrha."

"I know." Arslan nodded. "I've seen some of his matches. What about Diet Pyrrha?"

Nadir's lips twitched at the moniker. "A lot of unknowns. In the past semester, Carolina hasn't been shy about showing off in Combat Course. She's got power and speed to spare and seems to have multiple semblances, but she only ever uses two on any given day, and it takes a fairly large chunk of her aura whenever she uses one. I think that's what the armor's for, to compensate for the semblance use."

"So, what's the plan, stalwart leader?"

Nadir gave her an odd look. "Excuse me?"

Arslan gave him a sidelong glance and said, "C'mon, Nate, you're the real leader of this team. I'm only in charge on the paperwork, and you know it."

"I'm not sure how comfortable I am with you saying that," he objected.

"It's true."

"Well, if you insist... hmm..." he murmured, closing his eyes and tilting his head up in an expression of concentration. "All right, I think our best bet is to focus on psychology and misdirection."

"I can do that," said Arslan confidently. "In fact, I already got a few one-liners ready to go."

"Good," he said with a nod. "Carolina's a brute fighter. Her moves are skilled but very basic and limited, so you'll have the edge in technique, versatility, and finesse. Take her out as quickly as you can while I play keep-away with Zachary. Try to goad her into wasting aura with whatever semblances she has available."

Arslan wheeled around and gave him a concerned look. "You sure about that?"

"Just don't take too long," he replied with a half-smile. "And hey, staying alive is what I'm good at. Haven't failed at it yet."

"You goof," she said, resisting the urge to punch his shoulder; he'd need all the aura he could spare.

"Will the competitors from Teams Auburn and Zinc please make your way to the arena?"

"All right," she said, rolling her neck. "Time to kick some tail."

Soon, they strode out into the center of the arena, and as predicted, it was indeed Zachary Ochre and Nave Church facing them.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Diet Pyrrha," Arslan observed, allowing an amused smile to cross her lips.

The armored redhead bristled at that. "If it's not my mom, it's her," she growled. "Why does everyone keep comparing me to other people?"

Arslan shrugged. "Dunno. Can't say that I think you deserve it. I've fought the Invincible Girl four times in the Mistral Regionals, and trust me, you really don't compare, Diet Pyrrha."

She smirked at the redhead in an attempt to piss her off, and judging from the way Carolina's fists clenched, it was working.

"This match is between Arslan Altan and Nadir Shiko of Haven, and Zachary Ochre and Nave 'Carolina' Church of Shade!" announced Dr. Oobleck as the terrain randomizers began to spin.

A section of temperate forest contrasted sharply with the floating islands of gravity dust behind Zachary and Carolina, while ruined buildings and a large body of water with a shipwreck and some tiny islands emerged behind Arslan and Nadir.

"Three!" bellowed Professor Port.

Arslan frowned. That wasn't good. The water would limit Nadir's ability to-


She shook her head. She had to trust him.

"One! Begin!"

Arslan noted Nadir firing at Zachary with Close Encounters even as he leaped backwards, but that was all the attention she could spare before Carolina was practically on top of her. She felt the wind whistling by her ear as she leaned her head to the side to avoid Carolina's gauntleted fist.

"That the best you can do?" she asked mildly, tuning out the announcements from the two Beacon professors in favor of focusing on her opponent. "Tell you what, I'll give you two more free shots before I start hitting back."

Carolina let out a guttural growl, then lunged toward her again in a quick combo which Arslan narrowly evaded; for all of Carolina's speed and strength, the sheer mass of her armor meant she had to deal with an awful lot of momentum, momentum that meant Arslan could read her every move. There was definitely a lot of power behind those blows, perhaps more than Arslan herself would commit, and she prided herself on her strength. Was the armor enhancing her strength? Or was it one of her semblances for the day?

She glanced at the gigantic display showing their aura meters above the arena. No, it was probably the armor.

"My turn," Arslan declared before shifting her weight forward. Each punch and kick she delivered put a dent in Carolina's aura, though more of each blow bled through than the typical Huntsman would have allowed, the beefy armor compensating.

It was kind of an interesting match-up, she reflected as she pressed Carolina back toward the gravity islands. She and Pyrrha impressed the crowds in the Mistral Regional Tournaments not just because of their consistent victories, but also because -- as far as the public was aware -- neither of them had discovered their semblances. Pitting her against Pyrrha's lookalike -- and soundalike, if one was to warp reality such that one would be able to imagine Pyrrha as a jerk -- who seemed to boast multiple semblances... it was almost a symbolic battle between skill and talent.

Arslan suspected the whole "not knowing her semblance" thing wasn't true for Pyrrha; there was a reason the latest iteration of Nemean Claw was made of a non-ferrous alloy. As for Arslan herself, she knew exactly what her semblance was... but a semblance that was blocked by aura wasn't much use in the arena, so she played it up for the crowds.

With a snarl, Carolina backed away... and vanished, her aura meter on the display above registering a noticeable dip Arslan scowled and leaped to one of the floating islands, scanning her surroundings warily. The floating blocks bobbed gently in the air, and Arslan glanced over to check on Nadir, glad to see him still in the fight... if one could consider his rather undignified flight from Zachary around the arena as "in the fight."

Her senses sharpened as she noticed one of the islands bob just a tiny bit lower for a moment, and as it dipped even lower, she turned and punched the air. Her fist cracked against Carolina's chest piece as she reappeared in mid-air and went flying back, only to disappear again.

"Nice try, Diet Pyrrha," she taunted, "but I saw that one coming a mile away."

"Stop calling me that!"

Arslan felt the ground beneath her dip lower than usual and spun, bringing her elbow back to smash into Carolina's visor, sending the armored young woman staggering back, more in surprise than pain.

"How?" demanded Carolina.

"Stick around," Arslan suggested. "Maybe you'll learn a few things."

"Maybe," the redhead acknowledged, "or maybe you're just stalling."

Carolina hopped back away from Arslan to another island, then disappeared into a cyan blur toward...

Oh, no, Arslan thought. Nate.

She flung Nemean Claw out at the cyan blur, the tethered blade catching hold of something and reeling herself in after it as they both closed in on her battle partner, who was still dodging and avoiding Zachary's attacks.

"Oh, no, you don't," Arslan said, finally planting her feet and hauling on the tether attached to Nemean Claw, which remain lodged in the joint of one of Carolina's shoulder pauldrons, forcing the other girl to turn to face her. "I remember your habit of taking nut shots."

"What's the matter?" Carolina taunted as she yanked Nemean Claw out of her armor and lunged the last few feet toward Nadir. "Afraid I'll break your boytoy's equipment?"


In that moment, Arslan saw her whole world break… literally. Reality seemed to collapse into a million billion shards like a pane of glass, and behind that broken picture was a network of moving lines criss-crossing over everything.

Wha-what is this? wondered Arslan. Is this… my semblance?

The lines became clearer, sharper, so distinct that she could even start to see flaws in them.

I've never gone this far before, but… she clenched her fist as she saw a point where many of the lines converged and were most clearly weakened. I know what to do!

She drew her arm back and put everything into her next strike.


Like a pouncing lioness, her hand shot forward to hit the weakest point with a supersonic crack, and the world snapped back into focus.

In slow motion, she saw Carolina's body flying back from the force of the impact, and along her vaunted armor was a crack on the breastplate that quickly spiderwebbed and spread out along the width and breadth of her cuirass. Then, suddenly, the cyan armor began to break apart like dust in the wind. The Shade student's green eyes were visible and wide just before she started to pinwheel across the arena, eventually coming to rest some distance away with nothing but her tattered body stocking to show for it.

The buzzer sounded.

"Unbelievable!" declared Oobleck excitedly. "Nave Church is out of the match thanks to the after effects of a blow from Miss Altan that struck through her aura and shattered her armor."

Buoyed by the victory, Arslan turned to their other opponent.

"Zachary Ochre," she said. "Two on one. We could just beat you down, but... we've never faced each other in the ring before, have we?"

"Ars, what are you doing?" asked Nadir in confusion, looking between his teammate and his opponent.

"A duel within a duel?" Zachary mused aloud. "Ha! Why not? Let us test each other's mettle!"

With that, the two tournament fighters squared off against each other. Arslan studiously ignored Nadir's facepalm.

"This match is over."

Jaune tore his eyes away from the showdown in the arena to look over at his girlfriend. "It is?" he queried.

The redhead nodded. "I've fought both of them in the arena," she elaborated. "Zachary will almost certainly get quite a few good hits in, but Arslan will likely outlast and overpower him. He might be able to take her down, but even if he does, his aura will be dangerously low, and while Nadir's not at their level, he's capable enough to take advantage of that if Arslan does fall."

"Huh." Jaune turned the analysis over in his mind and nodded slowly. He may be the leader of Team JNPR with a knack for tactics, but Pyrrha was the one who actually knew these people well enough to make that judgment. He turned his attention back to the fight.

And that is how you do it, Megatron observed with approval and satisfaction. Another veteran of the arena, Arslan Altan had proven herself capable... and willing to hide a few things up her sleeve, of course.

Hopefully, she would face her eternal rival again. It would be interesting to see if she would finally prevail against Pyrrha Nikos.

"Go, Arslan! Yeah!" cheered Silverstream, standing up and giving a full throated yell towards the arena.

So too had Molly, but that had stopped when she had noticed that her counterpart was doing the same. "What? Why are you cheering for Auburn?"

"What?" echoed Silverstream. "You said that Arslan wasn't your second favorite fighter anymore, and that means that I can cheer for her all I like. I mean, did you see that punch? She literally shattered Carolina's invincible armor through her aura. That's beyond awesome!

"Oh, and she did it to save her boyfriend. That's so romantic. It's why Leonotis is the best there is right now," and there Silverstream turned to Molly with a smug grin. "That's what I'm calling the two of them. 'Leo-' because of Arslan's lion theme, and '-notis' from 'dreadnaught,' because this ship ain't afraid of anything or anyone."

Molly felt her blood boiling at the winged faunus' grin. "You can't do that! I'm the original Sound And Silence shipper! That's what it's called, not Leo-whatever you said."

"Eh, my name's better," said Silverstream as she closed her eyes and put her hands behind her head, ignoring the bear faunus's importent rage. "And just think, Weiss Schnee and Blake Belladonna have their match next. Those two are going to blow us all away with the power of friendship. Mark my words, it's going to be so big that no one's even going to be thinking about the third, second, or fourth year matches."

"Caro'lina?" said little Calliope, clearly not understanding what was going on but also clearly upset about the turn things had taken.

"Shh, it's okay, honey," comforted Cala as she tightened her embrace of the toddler in her lap. "She just took a nasty fall. See? Her aura's still up."

She pointed at the big scoreboard where Nave Church's aura was indeed beneath the knockout threshold, but still there.

"Is anyone else wondering how that Arslan lady was able to do the impossible?" asked Christopher worriedly.

"Stupid Ars'!" declared the toddler, making the eyes of her parents shoot open and Cala's secondary ears stand up as straight as they could.

"Calliope, no! We don't say those sort of things!" chided the babe's father, with her mother quickly backing up her husband.

When she got the message from her sister, Ruby had to accept it. She had to save her. But that didn't mean she had to do it alone. Of course, Weiss and Blake's doubles match interfered, which meant she couldn't exactly rely on her official team. As for her unofficial team, she didn't want to mess with Jaune and Pyrrha's training time or Ren and Nora's totally-not-a-date watching the matches. Glynda had her own duties to attend to as well, and Ruby wasn't.about to drag Penny into this.

Fortunately, Sun was willing to come along.

"Okay, Sun, if my sister ends up going gaga for you, then I'm going to have to ask you to use the opportunity to hit her with a stunner," requested Ruby as the two of them walked along the street to the meeting point.

Sun blinked owlishly. "I thought we were going with the theory that she's into Adam now?"

Ruby rolled her silver eyes. "Blake can believe whatever she wants, but I know my sister, and I know that she still can't get over you."

The monkey faunus shook his head at that. "I still can't believe this has been going on right under my nose this whole time, and I never noticed."

"Well, to be fair, she did want it kept a secret," consoled Ruby.

"Right, right," relented Sun. "So, why isn't your dad in on this?"

Ruby scoffed. "He's too wrapped up in rules. If I brought this to him, then he'd forward the text onto NEST, and then Yang would be rotting in a prison cell for the rest of her life. But Yang's not a bad person, Sun. She's my sister. I have to at least try and bring her back before smashing her skull open with a tome."

"You mean 'throw the book at her,' right?" asked Sun worriedly.

Now it was Ruby's turn to blink. "Huh, is that how that phrase is supposed to go? Wow, I must be running on empty then."

"Yeah, well, get it together, because there she is," Sun informed her before nodding down the street.

Ruby tried her best to see where he was indicating. "Where is she?"

"There, in the alley," pointed out Sun, quite literally pointing with his finger that time.

The silver-eyed girl looked at where he was pointing and found herself looking at a scruffy-looking mechanic woman with blond hair and mirrored sunglasses. "I don't see her. Is she near the mechanic?"

Sun looked down at her. "She is the mechanic. She's in disguise."

Ruby looked again, realizing that Sun was right. "Huh. So she is. How did you notice that but not all the times she would blush like a cooked lobster while getting you coffee? For that matter, how did you not notice that she was getting you coffee?"

Sun let out a heavy sigh before replying, "We're going to be at this all day if we don't go over there and talk to her."

The bloodcrowned girl nodded, and together, they started towards who they perceived to be Yang. They weren't wrong.

"Ruby, you came," exclaimed the blonde, confirming herself as Yang with her exuberance and voice as she stood up straight and regarded them warily. "And you brought Sun."

Ruby tried to keep her emotions under control as she walked towards her sister. "He was the only one I could find on such short notice who wouldn't have you arrested."

Yang put out her hands, palms out, to stop her. "Ruby, I'm a criminal. I should be arrested."

"No, you're not," argued Ruby, stopping despite wanting to hug her sister. "You're just confused, hurt-"

"Proud, unrepentant," interrupted Yang, cutting her off. "The only regret I have about joining the White Fang is you finding out when you did."

Ruby could feel tears start to well up in her eyes, see her vision getting blurry. "Yang, please, you…"

"Why are you here?" broke in Sun, a righteous anger in his voice. "You don't feel any regrets about joining a cult that wants to see humans on their knees in front of faunus, good for you. But I don't want a slave, and if you think you're going to wrap Ruby up in this, you've got another thing coming."

Yang visibly bristled at that. "I… we… It's not like that, Sun! I'm here to plead for peace."

"Peace, with the White Fang?" asked Ruby incredulously. "Yang, that's not possible."

The blonde seemed to want to say something, but stopped, hesitated, and then exhaled. "Though ten thousand attempts at peace may fail, all that matters is the one that succeeds, and someone's got to start somewhere."

With that, she flipped her hands over to expose her wrists.

"Put me in cuffs and take me to Ozpin," demanded Yang.

To Ruby's shock, Sun actually brought out a pair of handcuffs, and then put them back where they came from. "No. No, we're not making you into some White Fang martyr. We're going to take you back the hard way."

He reached out and grabbed her wrist. A touch of red could be seen on her cheeks at that. Ruby sighed and grabbed her other wrist.

"Yang, I've got to know. Why did you do it? No more lies. Just tell me why," pleaded Ruby, blinking away the tears.

"For our family, Ruby," replied Yang resolutely. "Everything I've ever done has been for our family."

Ruby turned that thought over in her head, but it didn't make sense. It wasn't like any of them were faunus -- Uncle Qrow's name notwithstanding -- and the only one who seemed to have any connection to the White Fang was...

"Is this about Raven?" Ruby asked tentatively, hoping for one answer and fearing the other.

Yang's mouth twisted into a hateful grimace, before she reined in her emotions and answered simply, "Sort of, but not really. I'll- I'll explain later."

A familiar whistling announced Councilor Sylvia's approach to the chamber.

~The itsy-bitsy spider...~ Councilor Sleet scowled and shook the childish song out of his head. Now she's got me doing it.

The three elected councilors of the Atlesian Provisional Council -- which had been "provisional" for the past eighty years and was likely to remain so for the next eighty -- took their seats at the council table, pointedly ignoring the two empty chairs reserved for the Headmaster of Atlas Academy and the Commanding General of the Atlesian Armed Forces. James Ironwood was currently absent, the meeting having been conveniently scheduled for when he would be busy showing the flag at the Vytal Tournament, which just meant he would submit his votes electronically at some other time, but when he was present, which chair he took tended to shape the course of these council meetings... which was another troubling matter, in Sleet's opinion.

Atlas had been born out of the fires of the Great War, a brutal and bloody conflict which, if anything, had taught the people of Solitas that there was danger to be found when too much power was held by any one man. Ironwood might be no tinpot pretender, with only 40% of the vote, but he had the loyalty of both the military and the Huntsmen, and Sleet was acutely aware that a civilian government only ruled so long as the military allowed them to. Only the man's refusal to play politics any more than necessary and seeming inability to lie convincingly assuaged Sleet's fears.

He only half paid attention as they went through the formal rigmarole of opening the meeting, reviewing the relevant minutes from previous council meetings, and listing the items on the agenda for today's meeting.

A memorial for the Furchtlos. Yea. Easy proposal to support.

Councilor Sylvia's proposal for a drastic cut in military spending- Nay! What was with that woman? Did she think Atlas could -- or should -- rely on private security forces like the SDC's enforcers for its security? Or worse, the Decepticons? Even though they had reduced the military's commitments overseas significantly, that was only a temporary measure.

Proposed investigation into the SDC. Nay. There were no new allegations against the SDC that fell within Atlas's jurisdiction. There was no need for Atlas to step on Vale's toes there.

Funding to assist the people recovered from stasis in the old Mantellian facility in Sanus? Yea. It was an easy way to win some goodwill.

And Ironwood...

"You know," Sleet murmured, "I find it rather distressing that after we lose an air cruiser to a previously unknown superweapon, our own Commanding General doesn't see fit to inform us exactly who or what it was bringing here to Atlas in the first place."

Could it be the Decepticons? He didn't think so. If it were, he would have heard from them about it. Their ability to interact with others was not as subtle as they seemed to think. The evidence they'd shown him of his... "indiscretions" would end his political career, not to mention his marriage, if it ever got out, but for something like this, that was a cost he'd gladly pay to do right by those sailors.

"Agreed, it's deeply concerning," murmured Councilor Camilla. "Whatever its precious cargo was must have been quite valuable for the perpetrator to employ such drastic measures."

"In light of this," Councilor Sylvia declared, "I propose we remove General Ironwood from his position as Commanding General. If he's so willing to play with the lives of the Atlesian military for his own inscrutable goals, then should we not take that power from him?"

"Replace General Ironwood?" Sleet echoed, finding himself in unwilling agreement with the fractious councilor. "I'm not opposed to the idea, but who on Remnant could we replace him with?"

Winter kept her breathing steady as she snuck through the halls in her somewhat humorously named Aktivschneetarn suit. It kept her warm, it hid her thermal signature, and to top it all off, it made her nearly invisible to much of the light spectrum. It was some of the best gear that a specialist in the Atlesian military and one of General Ironwood's closest confidants could get their hands on, and perhaps it was mismatched with the simple skis and poles she had used to move across the land to get as close as she did to her target.

Her target in question was a secure hospital by the name of Mayfair Mountain Military Medical Center, built into the side of one of the steep peaks that made up the mountain range that sheltered both Mantle and Atlas. It was here where these Joes were holding hostage the most valuable person in the world, even more valuable than General Ironwood, though it shamed her to even think that. That shame wouldn't stop her; nothing would. She had already written herself off as dead; there was nothing stopping her now.

That thought came back to her as she recognized two of the guards: Roadblock and Recondo. They were in on this madness too? Roadblock had made all her meals back in the Academy -- she still longed for the taste of his menu -- and Recondo had been the one who had trained her in jungle warfare.

She reached for the Gudpol pistol concealed in her cammies. It was bolt-action with an integrated suppressor, which meant that she'd be able to kill them both without raising the alarm, assuming they didn't have their auras up. But…

The gloved hand stayed on the edge of the jacket.

But she couldn't do it. Not even in the physical sense: their auras were probably up, but she was confident she could break them. It was the spiritual sense that stayed her hand. They might have been traitors, and it might have been foolhardy, but she couldn't kill the people who had raised her. And they had raised her, done what her parents should have done and turned her from a girl into a woman.

They were her family, and you didn't kill family, not like this.

She found another way around and continued on through the facility. Eventually, though, she couldn't dance around the issue or the patrols any longer and had to make a decision. It was the final decision she could make.

In front of her stood the door that without question concealed her objective, and in front of that door stood Blowtorch and Rip Cord. There was no way around it, only forward. No other option available, but luckily, she brought her own.

She activated her semblance and deployed two spinning glyphs just behind the guards that summoned forth the blue-ish white spectres of a pair of Beringels. The ghostly Grimm reached up and grabbed hold of them, keeping them from moving with one arm while covering their faces with the other. They struggled, but they couldn't breath and, more importantly, couldn't cry out.

They'd be knocked out soon, but Winter couldn't wait any longer. She rushed ahead, sword drawn, and paused only long enough to put her ear to the door. What she heard was beyond imagining.

"...Sir, with all due respect, and there is indeed quite a bit due, I don't think you're quite seeing the big picture here," said General Flagg.

"What you're proposing is treason. I'm going to need something a little more to go on than overlapping thumbs," replied a voice that every Atlesian child learned to recognize when they were very young.

Winter forcefully opened the door and entered the room with Edelweiss at the ready.

"General Colton!"

The room beyond the door was a hospital room, a normal hospital room. General Flagg was turning towards her and pulling his sidearm out. In the bed was none other than the General Joseph B. Colton, looking rather bemused at her appearance.

She reacted quickly, bringing her saber up against Flagg.

"Surrender, traitor," snarled Winter hatefully.

"Never, you shapeshifting, body-snatching scum!" sneered back Flagg just as hatefully.

Winter felt her train of thought completely derail at the madness of the insult. "What?"

There was a chuckle, and both sets of eyes turned to General Colton. He seemed rather amused at the whole situation. Amused, and yet still concerned.

"Told you it wasn't believable, Flagg," he said with a shake of his head. "Now who are you, Brenda?"

Winter kept her eyes locked on Flagg as she gave her reply. "Sir, Specialist Winter Schnee. I'm here to rescue you."

"A likely story," sniped Flagg. "How do we know you're the real Winter Schnee and not just an imposter?"

There was a pair of thuds behind her, and the two spectral Beringels looked into the room. Flagg and Colton both looked at them, then back to Winter. Flagg lowered his sidearm.

"I guess you really are her," admitted Flagg.

"Did you just kill the guards?" asked Colton in what almost sounded like curiosity with his head tilted so he could see out into the hall.

"Just knocked them out, sir," answered Winter, not changing her stance.

"Huh," voiced Colton before focusing back on Winter and her still-drawn saber. "This is the part where we all put down our weapons, Specialist."

She did not, in fact, put away her weapon.

"Sir, I know this is going to sound hard to believe, but General Flagg here is part of a global conspiracy that's infiltrated every part of society," began Winter. "These... 'Joes' are manipulating the military, the government, even the culture itself-"

"I know."

At that, Winter's thoughts came to a screeching halt. "You... know, sir?" she asked hesitantly.

"Who do you think set this up, Specialist?" Colton asked, his voice firm and calm. "There are more things in the heavens and Remnant than are dreamt of in your imagination. There's a shadow war going on, and I needed a shadow army to fight it."

"There's a reason we're called Joes," the other general in the room added.

Suddenly, Winter felt very foolish, but her gaze shifted to Flagg. "And what was that about treason, General?"

Flagg hesitated.

"Go on, Larry," Colton urged, waving a hand from him to her. "Tell the lady about this whole 'bodysnatching councilor' theory of yours."

At that, it clicked, and Winter lowered Edelweiss a fraction. "You're talking about Councilor Sylvia."

Colton blinked and looked at her, then looked at Flagg, then looked back at Winter. "Are you sure you aren't already in on all this? 'Cause let me tell you, it's a great set up, but I'm still waiting for the punchline."

"A year after she took office, her voting record took a sharp turn for the..." Winter trailed off, trying to find an appropriate way to phrase it.

"I'd call it 'treasonous,'" General Flagg offered. "But 'insane' fits just as well."

"I was going to say 'villainous,' but those work too," appended Winter.

"So she's a politician, what's the big deal?" dismissed Colton. "Where's the proof? Maybe a DNA scan or something?"

Winter blinked and looked anew at Colton. "Sir, you know about those?"

Colton shrugged. "They've been getting me caught up on what's been happening while I was out. Great to see the civilian sector finally catching up to what was bleeding edge classified supertech in my day."

"G.I. Joe has had access to many technologies decades before the rest of the world," explained Flagg. "However, we had thought the notes about DNA analysis were lost. Turns out, they were just misplaced."

"Sorry," apologized Colton in a sheepish manner that did not befit his legendary status. "Things got a little dicey during the last assault on Evernight Castle. Turns out, the Wicked Witch of the West didn't like the flammenwerfer."

"No one ever does," quipped Flagg.

"Shame too. Turns out she was smoking hot," lamented Colton before focusing more keenly on Winter. "Now you, Specialist, you I've heard a lot about. Flagg tells me you're wrapped up in this business with the... 'Decepticons'? Is that true?"

"The Provisional Council-"

"And that's another thing. It's been how many decades and the Provisional Council is still a thing? Why is that?"

"The name change got stuck in committee," Flagg murmured.

"It's a committee of four people!" Colton retorted, dragging his hand down his face. "Anyway, Specialist, you were saying?"

"The Council were attracted by the potential advances of an alliance with the Decepticons."

"'Advances,'" Colton repeated. "Right, yeah. I can imagine the advances. An advance on Atlas. Mantle. An advance on Crystal City. They literally call themselves 'Decepticons.' That didn't set off any red flags?"

"That was what General Ironwood said," said Winter, trying to defend the good general as best she could. "Almost precisely."

"Sounds like he's got a good head on his shoulders." Colton shook his head. "We're getting sidetracked. If Councilor Sylvia's been... compromised, who's to say that these Decepticons don't have some sort of pod people tech?"

"Timeline doesn't exactly work out," explained Flagg. "She started proposing stuff like tearing down the Colton Walls long before the Decepticons showed up."

The older general looked at him strangely. "The what walls?"

"The Colton Walls, sir," echoed Winter. "The walls you built around Mantle."

"The walls I rebuilt around Mantle because King Scramblebrains decided it was a great idea to tear them down for war materiel," corrected Colton. "They had a name before that."

"'Colton Walls' does sound catchier," offered Flagg peaceably.

"No, it doesn't," snapped Colton. "What else has been named after me?"

"Well, there's Lake Colton," began Winter.

"And which lake did you have to rename to get that?" asked Colton.

"We didn't, sir. It's the name for the artificial lake we dug under Atlas to minimize the impact if it ever fell out of the sky," explained Flagg.

Colton sighed. "All I did was greenlight that project. Ah, well, at least it's remote enough no one cares about it."

Winter and Flagg glanced at each other nervously.

"What?" asked Colton, clearly dreading the answer.

"There's a fishing community of about twenty thousand people on the lake," Winter said quickly, as if she was ripping off an adhesive bandage.

Colton palmed his face again. "Right, of course, what was I thinking?"

There was another exasperated sigh, and then he looked at them both appraisingly.

"This is going to take a while, and we don't have a lot of time to do it in. So here's how it's going to go," began Colton before pointing to each of them in turn. "General Flagg, you want to convince me you're right about the councilor, go off and get some real evidence. Specialist Schnee, stay here with me and fill me in on what's been going on. I could use a different perspective on things."

"Yes, sir," the two chorused and saluted, with Winter finally putting away her saber in the process.

"Jawohl," corrected Colton, and then he waved his hand. "Forget it. Carry on."

Flagg started to exit the room, and there was an awkward moment where he stopped at the spectral Grimm and had to let them be dispelled before he truly exited, checking on the two unconscious guards as he left.

Winter was left alone with the general, and he regarded her with a great deal of curiosity.

"So, I've been told the Schnees are big deals in your time period," he began, cheerfully. "Guess that makes you a big deal too. Who's the rest of your family though?"

"Sir, my father's name is Jacques Schnee, and he runs the Schnee Dust Company. My mother's name is Willow Schnee, and she owns the Schnee Dust Company. My younger brother is named Whitley Schnee, and he stays home with them. My younger sister is named Weiss Schnee, and she's the heiress to the Schnee Dust Company, but she's also studying at Beacon Academy to become a Huntress. Our head butler's name is Klein Sieben, and while many would pass him over, I feel that would be a mistake."

"Hmm, you stood a little straighter and your voice got a little proud when you talked about your sister," observed Colton carefully. "The two of you close?"

Winter delayed in answering and then shook her head softly. "No, sir. She discovered our alliance with the Decepticons, and when I collected her, she asked if I had any prior knowledge of the Decepticons' slave factories. I... confirmed that I had suspected already, and she demanded to be sent back to Beacon at that point. During the mission that uncovered the base where your stasis pod was found, I overheard her teammate, Ruby Rose, who was involved in the operation, say that she had fallen into a depression and even refused to use her ancestral semblance. I suspect she hates me."

"Excuse me, but can you dial it back a moment?" interrupted Colton. "Did you say 'slave factories'? As in…"

Winter stood a little bit straighter. "Sir. I believe the Decepticons are using recruits from Schnee Dust Company subsidiary StaffNet to work as slave labor in the factories they use to produce a fuel called energon. A fraction of the energon they produce is then sent to the SDC to cover 'labor costs.' Based on the number of people being dragged into this, I am left to conclude that there is an extremely high mortality rate at one or more of their factories."

Colton's eye twitched. "Where are they getting this slave labor?"

"Across Remnant, sir," answered Winter.

The old general seemed to be getting very angry at that. No, he was more than angry; he was furious. Absolutely furious and filled with a righteous rage that bubbled just beneath the surface. Still, despite the fury that he clearly felt, he kept himself in control.

"Thank you, Specialist, for bringing this to my attention," he said with a cold edge that Winter felt she should be terrified of, but… wasn't. Instead, she felt like everything was finally going to be set right.

"Now then," he said, shifting topics, "what's this about Beacon? They're hosting the Vytal Festival this year, right?"

"That's right, sir," replied Winter. "I think Weiss's team would be competing today in the tournament, assuming they won the first round."

"You don't know?" asked Colton, surprised.

"No, sir."

"Well, let's find out, shall we?" asked Colton before reaching over to a remote and turning on the hologram projector mounted in the wall.

"The next match," announced Professor Port, "is between Flynt 'Jazz' Coal and Neon 'Rainbow' Katt of Atlas against Weiss Schnee and Blake Belladonna of Beacon!"

Flynt liked to think he was one cool cat -- figuratively speaking, that is; the literal Katt on his team was standing beside him -- but considering who was across from them in the center of the arena, he had to admit that even he had a few buttons that could be pushed.

"Hey!" he called out. "You Weiss Schnee, right? The heiress."

During the semester, it had been hard to tell -- the blue-eyed, snowcapped girl had dressed down and looked constantly depressed -- but dressed as she was now, in all the Schnee colors, with the gigantic snowflake he'd glimpsed on her back as she spoke quietly to her teammate about something, it was pretty obvious.

"Please don't call me that," she requested politely.

Odd, he thought. "I take it you're pretty good with dust, then?"

The Schnee shrugged in disinterest and answered mildly, "I do my best."

"Yeah, my dad was good too," Flynt said. "Owned a little dust shop of his own." He nodded, scowling. "'Til your father's company ran him out of business."

Coal Dust hadn't had a particularly imaginative name, but they'd done pretty well in Mantle. They'd sourced their dust directly from a myriad of independent miners, but as the SDC began gobbling them up, with lien or liens, Coal Dust's supply chain vanished practically overnight. They'd tried to source from the SDC, but given their clientele, they were simply priced out of the market.

"Oh," the heiress seemed taken aback, then gave a half-hearted smile. "Then I think you'll appreciate what's about to happen."

What is she talking about?

Neon was probably about to begin mocking them, throwing them off their game, but she was interrupted by the speakers in the stadium.

"Now, after the last match with Team Ruby, we received a lot of complaints from people saying that it was unconscionable that we should dress up an actor to play a dead girl," began Professor Port. "We are here to say that this is a completely unfounded rumor!"

"Indeed!" chimed in the fast talking Doctor Oobleck. "We have not replaced Blake Belladonna with an actress, we are not trying to cover up her untimely demise, and we are most certainly not in a desperate high-stakes gamble of a charade to prevent war between Vale and Menagerie!"

"She's standing right in front of you all!" pointed out Professor Port in exasperation. "All those filling up our feedback lines with these theories better take a good hard look at this and ask yourself, 'would we lie?'"

Neon grinned sadistically at that, and Flynt had to admit that he was feeling it too. Of course, he'd also been convinced that Blake was dead too until Aska had laid things out to him after the dance. And that's all that happened! Just in case her big daddy was able to read minds; he just wanted to make that clear.

"And with all that said, let's start the match!" declared Port bombastically.

"Indeed!" agreed Doctor Oobleck as the spinners started.

The terrain slots ended up with fire behind them, ice behind the snow princess and her companion, urban ruins to their right, and desert on their left. There was a certain poetry to the selection, for just as fire opposed ice the urban ruins were humanity's last strongholds before eventually being ground down into the dust of the sand. At least, that was what happened in other kingdoms; in Atlas, everything just froze over when people stopped living there.

"Three!" declared Port.

Flynt's mind made a switch, and suddenly they were on the battlefield. Rainbow was preparing to sprint, and Jazz was preparing to make sweet music. Just as they planned.


Their opponents dropped into ready stances with weapons bared and began to hold hands. They obviously had a plan, really really obviously, but then again, so did Team FNKI. Fate would decide who snatched victory in those first moments, and after that? Well, after that, it was just a matter of quick thinking and reflexes.


They were all coiled springs.


Jazz immediately began to blow his trumpet, his weapon of choice, and as that wonderful tune began to play. Rainbow jumped in front of him to ride waves of sonic force directly into their opponents. Into… and through them, as their forms dissolved into smoke as soon as his teammate hit them.

Instantly, he ceased his attack, pivoted on one foot, and blew a blast of sonic waves to deflect the Schnee heiress that had been thrown at him from an oblique angle. It was a classic move, and it probably would have worked had Jazz not already been told about that move by Shadow. Not that he would ever say that out loud, of course, he wasn't the type to kiss and tell.

Then again, even if he was the type, he wouldn't do it. Shadow's old man was the Old Man, and he cut a very imposing stature that promised bloody vengeance for anyone that would dare hurt his little girl. Which was plenty reason enough to not tell the raven-haired maiden that Beacon's own Professor Goodwitch had also given him a very stern talking to on what was considered proper in regards to the family of staff members, since that girl did not need a dose of "my teachers are holding me back" in addition to her pile of daddy issues.

Oh, she had issues for sure, but there was still something undeniably desirable about her. Something that drew him in, something that kept things exciting. A lot like the assault Blake was raging against him, except less deadly.

"Rainbow, switch!" called out Jazz, leaping away from a sudden, expectedly unexpected strike from Blake that would have taken his head clean off had it hit, were it not for his aura.

His faunus teammate came on in, nunchaku spinning, and tried to hit the black-haired girl with a freezing strike. Unfortunately, Blake dodged at the last possible moment and twisted through the air, aiming her pistol and firing off a trio of shots that hit the ground in front of Neon to explode into a likewise trio of rocks that tripped the skater up and sent her flying. For anyone else, the situation would have left them all too vulnerable to their opponents, but for Rainbow, it was just another day on the job as she tucked herself into a vertical roll and transformed her roller blades with a strange shifting sound to land on the frozen quarter of the field in a fancy pair of ice skates courtesy of the Mad Dog armory.

Blake seemed taken aback by that, and that was all the opening he needed to blow her away with a powerful blast from his trumpet. She disappeared like dust in the wind, though, and Jazz twisted around to hit her as she was coming down again, but she wasn't there. Instead, the Schnee was coming in on the ground with that thumbtack of hers, a fire in her blue eyes that was completely at odds with the "mostly dead" appearance she'd had all semester.

Jazz deflected a blow using his trumpet and dodged back as the Schnee pressed in from down low and the black-haired girl came in from the side. Rainbow was already on her way back, her ice skates transforming into roller skates as she did so. He let forth another tune to keep them off balance and then stopped as his teammate hit them in the flank.

One of the nunchaku came in at Blake, nearly hitting her sword. Rainbow then deftly drew a second nunchaku and almost wrapped it around the tip of the Schnee's blade, but the heiress was able to withdraw her weapon before it could catch.

"Nice bow," Rainbow complimented as she pressed the attack on the darker-clad of the pair.

"Uhh, thanks?" the Beacon ninja replied, blinking in confusion as she continued to dodge.

"Blake Belladonna, huh?" Rainbow continued as their weapons caught each other in a bind, leaning into her face as if studying it. "Not a bad likeness, I'll admit."

"Excuse me?!" the golden-eyed girl sputtered in indignation as they disengaged.


"Well, you can't actually be Blake Belladonna," Rainbow elaborated innocently as she skated around the monochrome duo. "That bow proves it. Champion of faunus rights, pretending to be human? Partnering up with a Schnee? Nice try."

"Why you little-!"

With that shout, Big Miss Cosplayer leapt for Rainbow with murder in her eyes. Just as planned.

Before she got around to strangling the Atlesian with her bare hands like she clearly wanted to, though, she fired her pistol instead. Not as planned.

"And it appears that Miss Katt has used her secret technique: Mock no Jutsu," commented Professor Port. "It's a devastating move that few can resist."

"But it is a risky one," warned Doctor Oobleck. "It can sometimes backfire, making her opponents stronger than they were before. Therefore, it must be used with precision and tact."

"Monochrome!" Weiss called out, and Blake twisted and flung one end of her weapon at her teammate, who caught it and jumped into the air with a flash of gravity dust. Blake swung her battle partner around, then jumped up herself as the heiress landed with another flash of gravity dust, swinging Blake around like a living missile toward the other ninja.

Rainbow tried to skate out of the way, but with the ribbon, Weiss was able to adjust well enough that Blake was able to connect with her cleaver. Those two worked well together, too well together. It was time to change that.

"I'm just saying, your cosplay is great, but you've messed up a few key details," insisted Rainbow while roller skating backwards towards the ruins.

With golden eyes raging like an acid bath, her opponent took the bait and ran after her in a classic ninja bird run. "I am me!"

"Me-OW! No need to get upset," Rainbow protested, casually jumping up to grind down one of the broken railings of the ruin biome backwards while spinning her nunchaku around. "I know a place that sells some great accessories, though. Maybe you can get yourself a pair of cat ears like the ones I wear when I wanna dress up!"

It was absolutely hilarious in Rainbow's expert opinion to see Her Royal Stuffiness short circuit and nearly fall flat on her face. "What?! How… why… No, how?! How can you be that much of a walking stereotype?!"

Because it's fun! answered Rainbow in her mind as she jumped off the rail onto the concrete. I'm a faunus with a tail, so I get to dress up like a cat, and no one bats an eye. I'm an Atlesian, so no one judges me for buying dust in bulk. I have a rainbow tattoo on my arm, so everyone expects me to be loud. It's great. Playing to stereotypes is almost more fun than subverting them... orrr maybe I just love messing with people? Hope Father Browne isn't too peeved at me if he's watching.

What she said instead was, "You've got the method acting down, gotta give you that."

There was a twitch in her eye, and then the copycat -- Rainbow had to resist the urge to burst out laughing at that idea -- was running after her again. This time, she was firing her pistol as she ran. It forced Rainbow into cover, just as planned.

"And there is Flynt Coal's semblance, Killer Quartet!" declared Doctor Oobleck about the other fight in the arena. "He's giving it his all, and yet still, Miss Weiss refuses to use her family semblance!"

The screaming meanie ran in after Rainbow and delivered a devastating blow that sliced her opponent in two... at least, that's how it appeared at first.

"What?!" she gasped, finding her sword lodged in a... wooden log with a wig and a tank top on it?

"Oh ho!" laughed Professor Port jovially. "And here we see how Atlesian ninja training can even the odds."

Somehow, impossibly, she twisted around with the log still attached to her sword to block a strike from Rainbow's nunchaku, which froze the log solid.

The black-haired girl cruelly smirked. "Quit hitting yourself."

Rainbow groaned as she leapt away. "That was a Dad-tier joke, Fake Blake."

"How many times do I have to say it?!" the other ninja snarled, her smirk instantly morphing into a glower as she wrested her weapon free of its frozen prison. "I am Blake Belladonna!"

"Ohhh, mistaken identity," Rainbow said, nodding with false sympathy. "You're just not that Blake Belladonna. I get it now, believe me. At Atlas, there's a second-year people keep confusing me with too."

"Kick her butt, Belladonna!" raged Rainbow "Boomer" Dash from the stands, rising to her feet and shaking her fist at that... that... that copycat in the arena below.​

Suddenly, the note of Jazz's destructive music changed, and Rainbow's eyes widened. "That was a rescue call. I must go; my person needs me!"

Kicking her semblance, she set out through the ruins, heading for the central octagon and leaving a rainbow trail behind her. Unfortunately, in her haste, she made a critical error. She realized it, but by the time she did, it was too late, and she had connected with the black ribbon that suddenly appeared across the gap in buildings near the edge of the biome.


The multi-color themed Huntress-in-training found herself falling flat on her back, and no sooner had she hit the ground than did a kunai tied to a second ribbon wrap itself around her boot.

"Oh no," observed Rainbow a split-second before she was yanked up at incredible speeds to hang upside down from the archway.

It gave her a topsy turvy view of the barrel of the black-haired girl's pistol.

"Heh, heh, no offen-"

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Jazz heard the gunshots, and they weren't that far away. Rainbow had to be close! Close, but not close enough, as evidenced by the buzzer.

"And Neon Katt is eliminated by aura depletion," reported Professor Port. "Looks like whatever training Miss Belladonna has been getting has proven to be more than a match for the training Miss Katt received in the shadowy arts."

That was bad, that was real bad news. It was two on one now, and even though the Schnee wasn't using her semblance for some reason, she was more than making up for it with dust and swordplay. She tried to focus on the latter, but since he was so good at keeping her away, she was forced to rely on the former.

Which was precisely how large parts of the arena got turned into a multi-colored rubble heap as walls of ice and stone were erected from dust and then torn down by his sonic blasts. They'd gotten a few good hits in on each other, but that was it. Things were at a stalemate, and he needed his teammate to break it.

Instead, she had hers, and the black-suited bandit made her presence known by kicking him in the back of the head and bringing him to the ground. His grip on his trumpet loosened, just for a moment, and he found it kicked from his hand to land some distance away. He was off his feet and defenseless, but for some reason, neither of them were going in for the kill.

Suddenly, the Schnee surprised him by throwing off her coat into the lava zone to be consumed by the fires of a sudden burst of artificial magma. She wasn't attacking; she was looking up at the crowd and revealing that she had been wearing underneath a top that sported a purple upside down flower thing that he vaguely recognized as a Menagerite symbol. He shifted his gaze and found himself looking up at Blake as she undid the bow from around her now visible and very faunus secondary ears atop her head to pocket it.

The Schnee's face had gotten a fire lit behind it, and then she spoke with a passionate voice that carried to the farthest corners of the colosseum. "My name is Weiss Schnee, heiress to the Schnee Dust Company, daughter of Jacques and Willow Schnee, and this is the last time I will ever introduce myself as such! People of Remnant, the SDC has been accused in recent days of unconscionable crimes: kidnapping, torture, and attempted murder, just to name a few. I am here today to say that not only are these accusations true, but they are only the tip of the iceberg!

"As we speak, a data packet is being uploaded and sent to every e-mail address available and every website that will host it. The information contained with that packet shows that for over a year now, the SDC has been involved in an operation to enslave innocent people before shipping them off to factories where they are worked to death in horrific conditions and then thrown away like garbage! Their business -- this energon that they have been trying to sell to you -- is quite literally made on factory floors so soaked with blood that they have been forever stained red. Merely the latest in a long list of indefensible crimes!

"I cannot -- will not! -- be a party to this! I resign my position as heiress! I disown my family and all their holdings! I denounce Jacques Schnee and the evil of the Schnee Dust Company! I renounce my name! I am Weiss Schnee no longer, and from this day forth, I vow to fight until my last dying breath to see the villains in the SDC brought to justice! To all the kingdoms of Remnant, I urge you to begin deeper investigations immediately! Before they can try to destroy the evidence or eliminate witnesses!"

The crowd was going wild. No, scratch that, they were going insane. It was like the world was burning down, and that white-haired lady had just thrown fire dust onto that roaring flame.

Somewhere in all that, for reasons he couldn't explain, he turned his own aura off, and the match ended.

Cala Brown tried and failed to control her breathing. She was starting to hyperventilate, her hand clutched around the SDC snowflake pin on her lapel. The crowd was going mental, and she was still expected to do her job. Not the job she'd been hired to do, not the job she'd chosen, not the job she was paid for, but the job she had gotten thrown into without the slightest bit of notice or planning, the most important job in the world.

She held little Calliope close in her lap and forced herself to stay calm as she spoke. "Honey, get the stroller, and let's get out of here."

Christopher was already way ahead of her, having already gotten the stroller out and unfolding it. Cala placed little Calliope inside and buckled her in tight. She was looking around, knowing instinctively the animosity in the air but unable to place it.

"It's okay, honey. It's okay. We're just getting going a little earlier than usual," she said to her child in her most comforting voice possible.

Little Calliope calmed down just a little bit, and they made their way out of the stands and into the halls headed for the airbus docks, Cala keeping her hand up around the pin the whole time.

They moved down the halls and to the elevator. They saw a few people, but they seemed to ignore them. They got to the elevator without incident and began the descent down. The whole journey was the longest ten minutes of Cala's life.

Heart still thudding in her four ears, Cala reached the final hall before the docks with her family. It seemed like they were home free; Cala let her hand slip. Then disaster struck.

A group of four young men, distinctly human, appeared near the entrance and began to regard them with hungry eyes.

"Oi oi oi! What's all this now?" asked the shortest. "Is that an SDC pin I see on you? Haven't you heard the news, scrump, the SDC's the baddies."

"Look at her clothes, mate! Look at her clothes! She must be one of those execu-types who's stealing our womens!"

"But she's a faunus."

"She's a race traitor, then. Let's get them!" cried the tallest.

Before anyone could react to anything, the four ruffians were bowled over by the bottom of the hoverboard known as Outta Time and its rider, Reese Chloris.

"Doc! Missus Brown! Are you three all right?" the green-haired woman asked gallantly while hovering away from the group that she had mostly encased in ice.

"Reese!" cried little Calliope happily, and for once, Cala thought her daughter's enthusiasm was understated.

"Reese, what's happening?" asked Christopher, even as the thugs frozen on the ground continued to spit all sorts of epithets and insults.

"You don't know?" replied Reese in slight confusion.

"Neither of us know," explained Cala. "We heard what she said, we got the message, but none of it makes sense. Nothing makes sense."

The group on the ground made another threat, and Reese shook her head. "Whatever's happening, I'm getting you three out of here. Come on! We are leaving!"

They moved as fast they could to the airbus then, and as they did, with each passing step, Cala came to regret wearing her heels. She needed to run! How did those Huntresses make things look so easy?

They reached the airbus, and Reese came in with him, rushing up to the cockpit as she did so.

Cala could hear Reese trying to invoke some authority to get them to take off sooner, she could feel her husband's hands on her, but what she perceived was that her world had come crashing down around her, and her family was now in danger. The dirty laundry, its contents, and its public airing by the former heiress had ruined any chance at happiness she could see. What was she going to do?

What were any of them going to do?

"I guess you were right," Molly murmured.

Silverstream didn't reply. Instead, she looked down at the jersey she wore over her blouse. The Weiss Schnee jersey with the snowflake emblem she'd spent so much money on. She swiftly pulled it off over her head and turned it inside out before putting it back on.

She didn't know what to make of what she'd just heard, but she did know that she would support Weiss Schn- the Huntress formerly known as Weiss Schnee, no matter what.

The murmur of the crowd was reaching a fever pitch, such that it could be heard even in the VIP box where Taiyang stood with the guards from the Menagerite detachment and a few of the Atlas professors. Seated there were Ozpin, James, and Kali. It seemed like the tension was thick enough that you could cut it with a knife.

That was until James let out a relieved sigh.

"Sir, are you okay?" inquired Flint, a note of concern clear in his voice.

"Yes, yes, I am," replied James, getting out of his chair. "Specialists, coordinate with the city's defenses; this will bring the Grimm out of the woodwork, and we need to get ahead of that. I'll put out a call for volunteers from the students too and catch up after that. This is what we trained for, so let's do it."

"Yes, sir!" chorused the Atlesians before rushing out the door.

Kali was not idle and ordered likewise of her party. "Dainty, Brad, you two stay. Everyone else, save the day."

The Menagerite delegation, save for little big-winged Dainty Dish and eagle-eyed Brad Armbruster, gave their acknowledgements and took their leave too. That left things almost cosy in there, but still a bit too crowded. Taiyang had a feeling that would change soon, though.

"Am I to presume that they only asked you for permission to put that symbol on Weiss's clothing?" inquired Ozpin thoughtfully, his eyes not leaving the arena. "This was something they had already planned and set in motion before ever contacting you."

Bart and Peter were trying to calm the audience down while the arena was shifting to the between-match maintenance configuration, but it looked like they were having mixed results.

"This isn't the first time they've done something like this, is it?" asked Kali, seeming to already know the answer.

"How do you think they got that information?" replied Ozpin, standing up himself and holding out a hand for Kali to take so that he could bring her to her feet, which she obliged him on. "Still, in the short run, this will make things much more difficult."

Kali looked like she wanted to reply, but Ironwood was quicker on the draw. "Speak for yourself, Oz. This is the best news I've had all year."

Kali's eyes darted between the assembled men, and her hand retracted from Ozpin's. "You knew about this?"

"Yes," replied Ozpin with a hint of regret in his voice. "I thought that there wasn't enough evidence to bring the SDC's crimes to court, not in a way that would stick. And General Ironwood is limited by his position, as the rest of the Atlesian council is aligned with the SDC's business partners."

Dainty actually broke from character at that, her mouth going wide behind the clear gas mask she had gotten for her allergies that covered part of her face. "Holy crackers. You guys would sound like conspiracy theorists if you weren't the ones pulling the strings."

"I feel like one," agreed James, "but I don't have to anymore. With this public declaration, I can use it as a justification to begin an investigation into the SDC's operations, and with as dirty as Jacques is, we're sure to bring his whole operation crashing down. The rest of the council won't be able to cover for him now."

"But his business partners will be," contradicted Ozpin, turning to glare at James. "If they can't work in secret, they will work in the open, and if they work in the open... James, we're talking about war."

"A war I know how to fight."

"The only winners in war are the Grimm."

"Excuse me, but am I hearing this right?" cut in Kali. "You're thinking that the SDC's business partners -- whoever they are -- are going to be waging war over this? They're that powerful?"

"Yes," answered Ironwood bluntly. "Ma'am, I suggest you send a courier back to Menagerie ASAP. They'll need to prepare for an attack if this happens. I'll give the same warning to my forces, Ozpin can rally Vale's defences, and we'll send messages to Vacuo and Mistral alerting them to the potential danger."

Kali twisted her head and nodded at Brad. "Captain Armbruster, you're the best combat pilot we have. If Menagerie is attacked, they'll need you." She glanced pointedly at the two headmasters. "I'll make sure we have a detailed information packet for you and your WSO to bring back as soon as possible."

Brad snapped his heels together and saluted. "Can do, ma'am."

Taiyang was interrupted from listening when there was a chime on his scroll, a very specific chime, and he reached inside his pocket to take out his scroll and read a message from his daughter. When he read it, he wanted to both spank her and hug her at the same time. "Ruby and Sun just found Yang," he said aloud. "They're bringing her back to Beacon."

The whole room turned to look at him.

"I think I better check on my daughter and her friend," Kali suddenly declared, moving to the door and pausing just before she exited with Dainty and Brad in tow. "Taiyang, I know it seems like your daughter is lost in the woods, but if she's coming to her sister, she might just have found a map out of there. Give her another chance, please."

With that, they left, and not long after they did, Qrow filed in with Glynda close behind.

"Uh, just so we're clear, this time it wasn't me," said Qrow, looking out into the stadium and the people filing out of it.

"Ozpin, I'm sorry it's come to this," apologized Glynda. "I was Weiss's therapist, and I should have seen this coming."

"You're her teacher, and you should have seen it coming there," corrected Ozpin. "After all, it's not her heart that is in the wrong here; it's her head."

"In any case, we've got more immediate problems," groused James. "Snapshot and King have secured Yang Xiao Long and are on their way back as we speak."

Qrow turned, looking quite astonished. "So, that's it; they got her."

"Yes. All the king's soldiers and all the king's men couldn't do anything to find her, but let her family after her, and they find her within a day," mused Ozpin. "Though, as the case always seems to be with them, no king can claim to command them in the slightest."

"She wanted to be found," realized Glynda.

"But of course," agreed Ozpin, looking at Taiyang. "The question is... why?"

"Ruby didn't say," admitted Taiyang, "but I'll send a follow up message to see if she said anything. With any luck, we'll get a reply back before they get here. Should I tell them to meet us in your office?"

"Yes, I think that would be best," said Ozpin reasonably.

"So, how do you want to play this?" asked James.

"Good cop, bad cop seems like a good place to start," reasoned Qrow, walking back to the group and pointing at himself. "I call good cop."

"Very well," relented James. "Me and Glynda will be the bad cops then."

Glynda turned on him. "Why do I have to be a bad cop?"

"Could you really see Ozpin as anything other than a good cop?" asked James with a wave of his hand.

Glynda pursed her lips, and then nodded. "Point."

Ozpin pouted. "I can be bad cop."

"No, you can't, Oz," Qrow countered.

"What about me?" asked Taiyang.

James looked at him. "If we continue with the courtroom analogy, then you would be her advocate. She's going to want someone in her corner right now, and you're naturally predisposed to that."

Taiyang nodded. "Okay. Let's finish up here, and then meet them at the tower."

Farsight was in the stands with the rest of her team when the match ended and the crowd went wild. There were shouts and heated arguments all around them. Some of it was because of what they had heard those kids out in the arena talk about, some of it was about the e-mail that many of them had gotten, and some of it was born from kids who were just confused as to what was going on.

Bladerider -- Penny, as she liked to be called -- was twitching nervously and looking around at the others in the crowd.

She put her hand out and gently gripped the young girl's leg, steadying her greatly. "Calm yourself, Bladerider. They're not upset with us or any other Atlesians; they're upset with the SDC. Mad Dog, please refrain from gloating and I-told-you-so-ing."

The male redhead of the group lowered his finger and crossed his arms. "Well, you're no fun. Come on, Farsight. How often do I get to be right?"

"Surprisingly often, these days," admitted Shadow as she flipped through her scroll at various images that had been included in the mass e-mail. "Even so, this isn't the right time, Mad Dog. We need to get in contact with-"

Bladerider let out a shocked gasp when one of the images appeared on the screen of Shadow's scroll. With a motion even more shocking than what had transpired in the arena, Bladerider's hand shot out like a coiled snake and grabbed her leader's hand to stop her from moving to the next image.

Farsight, having been through experiences where the rapidity of thought was life-saving, was quick on the uptake and saw the source of the disturbance in the image of an absolutely revolting prison with a Decepticon face logo. It was information that was rather important to her job of spying on the Decepticons, so she packed up that little tidbit and put it in a box that she was going to take out later for her report. At that moment, though, she was most focused on making sure that Bladerider would keep calm and not do anything rash.

"Bladerider, you can and will keep calm," ordered Farsight with a voice like soothing glacial runoff.

She turned her head around, and instantly, Farsight knew what she was feeling. Even if she wasn't already able to calculate it, she still recognized those free flowing tears and those eyes of hate. Bladerider was feeling betrayed, and that was a dangerous emotion to have.

"He. Knew," ground out Bladerider through her teeth.

"We do not know that for certain," reasoned Shadow.

"It looks pretty damning as is," Mad Dog added unhelpfully.

Bladerider got up suddenly, still glowering at the world. "Then let's find out."

Before they could get out, though, all their scrolls began beeping. They opened up their devices and found that, this time, it was official. It was a message from General Ironwood himself, calling for volunteers to gather at rally points in order to deploy and intercept any Grimm drawn in by the commotion.

"Another time," ordered Shadow. "Right now, we have lives to save."

Bladerider let out a sigh. "Right, unlike some people, this is what I signed up for."

The noisemaker fell from Thundercracker's lips as he shut his optics.

Oh, no, he thought. Of course it came to this. It always comes to this.

He didn't know what was worse. Not knowing about any of this or not being surprised by it. It wasn't the first time they'd made friendly contact with another species and gotten a good thing going... only to lose it all in the name of "efficiency" or "expediency."

This sucked exhaust. He liked the Atlesians. He liked Team APRC. Back up in Atlas, he'd even occasionally flown alongside some of the regular Atlesian flight squadrons who didn't know what he was; there was one pilot in the 32nd who could almost keep up with him.

And now, it was over. The people of Remnant would soon find out about them, and then the Atlesian military would be ordered to attack him before he could react. It'd happened before, maybe not to him, but to others.

He glanced down at where Airborne had been talking into his scroll. He considered how he might make his escape; he didn't want to hurt the guy, but he would if he had to. The hangar probably wasn't reinforced enough to stop him, though, so that would be his vector of-

"General Ironwood's calling all available Atlesian forces to defend the city against a likely Grimm incursion," Airborne said before turning around to leave the hangar… and then pivoting around after a dozen steps. "You coming or what?"

Team DSST had decided to watch the first-year doubles from the comfort of their dorm room, if only for the sake of their cool, disinterested, not-in-the-least-bit-interested-in-any-other-team-but-their-own attitude. This meant that when the storm broke, there was a moment in which all four of them were facing the same way, staring at their scrolls, unable to tear their eyes away to look at their teammates.

The spell was broken when Lightning Dust threw her scroll across the room. It hit the far wall and bounced off with a soft thump. "Honestly, how selfish can you get?"

"Huh?" Sunburst mewled in wordless disbelief, looking to his other two teammates to support the idea -- written plain upon his face -- that Lightning Dust was not having the proper reaction.

"Don't look at me; I'm with her on this one," Sunset said. "Absolutely zero consideration for others, just what you would expect from a Schnee, no matter what she decides to call herself now."

Lightning's tail was rigid with anger. "Do you think anybody is going to care about the second-year doubles after this? This... this is going to be all anyone can talk about until well after the Festival is over." Lightning sparked in the palm of her hand, but to such a small extent that it barely made a sound at all, its crackle practically inaudible. "Do you hear that?"

"No," said Trixie.

"No," Lightning agreed. "Because our thunder has just been stolen." That didn't stop her making a little more noise as lightning rippled up and down her entire body with an audible snap.

"They, uh," Sunburst began, with the sound of a man who suspects he might be taking his life into his own hands. "They did expose an international kidnapping ring and corruption at the highest levels of the SDC. I mean... that's a good thing, right?"

"Don't be naive, Sunburst. Everyone already knew the SDC was corrupt up to the highest levels," Sunset lectured. She flopped backwards onto her bed. "The kidnapping thing... yeah, okay, I'll grant you that."

"They could have exposed that any time they wanted," Lightning growled. "Why did they have to do it now?"

"They probably did it so they could steal your thunder," Trixie suggested in a voice laced with enough sarcasm to stun a horse, but apparently not enough to penetrate the armor of Lightning's self-regard, judging by the way she preened.

"Really? You think that was it?"

"Oh, yes," Trixie said as a mildly incredulous expression sprouted on her face. "There's not a doubt in my mind that was the only reason."

Much like Team DSST, Team FIST chose to watch the first-year doubles matches from the comfort and security of their dorm. Given what they knew, what they were planning, they felt a tiny bit safer there. No matter how illusory that safety was, they were willing to take that bit of reassurance.

They stared at the broadcast, at the bold proclamation the heiress -- former heiress? -- of the SDC had made to the world. She'd just dragged this whole cloak and dagger shadow war screaming into the light.

"Well, crap."

"Arf!" agreed Spike, the dog in Twilight's lap just as stunned as the humans.

Nobody was in the barn to watch the match, but as it happened, Rarity and Fluttershy had just stopped by the cafe after a spa date while Pinkie was working her shift. And the TV was turned to -- what else? -- the Vytal Festival.

And so, Rarity and Fluttershy sat on the sofa and stared, slack-jawed, while a plastic tray toppled out of Pinkie's hands to hit the floor with the crash of broken crockery and the splash of spilled tea.

"Rarity," Fluttershy murmured, "what's going on?"

You're asking me? "I... I really don't know, darling," Rarity said as she watched the confusion of the crowd turn to anger. "But it seems to have made certain people rather upset."

Their scrolls all buzzed with notifications of an e-mail; none of them had time to open it before they got a call -- two calls: Rainbow Dash and Twilight were both group-calling the Rainbooms.

Fortunately, there was a function on the scrolls to take both calls at once, and in a moment, five faces were staring out of every scroll screen.

"Are you girls seeing this?" Rainbow demanded.

"Yes," Rarity said. "Did you know about this?"

"What?" Rainbow gasped, outraged. "Of course we didn't know about this! Do you think we'd know stuff like that and keep it to ourselves?"

"Are you girls okay?" Pinkie asked anxiously. "Twilight, are you alright?"

"We're just fine, Sugarcube," Applejack said reassuringly. "We're just about to move out in case any Grimm decide to get all rowdy off the back of this, but we'll be fine. We'll take care of each other, just like we always do. No need to worry."

"I'm fine too," Twilight said. "And I agree. I'm not sure... there might be an ugly mood out there."

Rarity glanced out the window of the cafe. Reactions on the street ranged from the disbelieving to the enraged; already, she could see a fistfight breaking out on the other side of the road. "There's an ugly mood here, too."

Rainbow growled. "That little… White Fang loving harridelle!"

"She's doing what she thinks is best," Twilight said reasonably. "Even if not everyone sees it the same way."

"She's causing trouble and putting people in danger," Rainbow retorted.

"So we should just bury the truth because it's convenient?" asked Twilight harshly.

"Calm down, y'all," Applejack interrupted. "We can have this argument some other time. Rarity, I'd be much obliged if one of y'all could check in on Apple Bloom."

"Of course," Rarity replied, as she started to get up. "And Scootaloo, too."

Rainbow nodded, relief self-evident. "You're a pal, Rarity."

"I'll come with you," Fluttershy said, following Rarity to her feet as the call ended.

"And I-" Pinkie stopped, looking towards Mr. Cake where he stood behind the counter.

He nodded. "Go on," he said, with a glance towards the confusion reigning outside. "You girls stay safe out there."

"'Safe'?" Rarity repeated. "I'm not so sure about safety." She looked at Pinkie. "There's a lot of alarm out there... you know what that means."

Pinkie swallowed, her hands twitching uncomfortably. "The Grimm."

Rarity nodded. "Once we've checked on the girls, I'm going to see if Principal Celestia could use our help on the perimeter."

"Okay," Pinkie said, in a voice that was unusually soft and quiet. "I'll come with you."

"Me too," Fluttershy whispered.

Rarity looked at her. "Fluttershy, darling, I-"

"I'm coming too," Fluttershy repeated, in a tone that left no room to yield.

Rarity hesitated, then held out both her hands for Pinkie and Fluttershy to place in hers. "Very well then," she said. "We'll go together."

"What's happening in Vacuo right now, Spike?" Twilight "Magic" Sparkle asked her cousin over the encrypted direct connection between their two scrolls, her image and audio flickering every so often.

"According to Dad, nothing. Everything is completely normal," replied Spike Witwicky as he tried to avoid pacing in the small room he shared with the other Oktober Guardsmen in the White Fang safehouse they were using while in Vale.

"Really?!" exclaimed Twilight, her face warping in disbelief and jerking back slightly.

"Really," echoed Spike. "Turns out, this doesn't even rate as average to people back home. No one cares about the SDC or what they do, though once it gets out how many of the victims were from Vacuo, that's sure to change."

Twilight was silent for a moment before replying. "I guess we finally know why everything's gone wrong in Atlas. This… this is madness, Spike. I can only imagine what Weiss is going through right now, but I have to hand it to her. That girl has ovaries of wolfr- tungsten."

"No argument here, I-"

"Comrade Witwicky," interrupted Colonel Brekhov as he entered the room and took notice of him. "Ah, good. You have her. This saves time."

"What's going on, sir?" asked Spike curiously.

Brekhov walked over to him and stood within range of the scroll's camera. "Things are moving fast. We can only stay here until midday tomorrow, and then we must leave for home. If the SDC or Decepticons make a move to defile Mother Vacuo in response to the revelation of their wickedness, then we must be there, not here."

"Tomorrow, sir?" asked Twilight, and Spike could hear her voice hitching.

"Yes, will you be ready to depart at that time?" asked Brekhov, wordlessly inquiring in the same breath if they still wanted to transfer.

His cousin looked up and around, the faces of her friends briefly visible in her glasses, and then she turned back to the screen.

"Da, Polkóvnik."

Velvet didn't know what was going on. The White Fang had called her and Lavi in for an emergency, overriding their "standing orders" to keep a low profile. People had gotten hurt in some operation against Cinder, and since Huntsmen received at least basic medical training...

They may have been awful people, but Velvet couldn't bear to stand anyone suffering and dying in front of her if she could help them, not even terrorists.

"What's going on?" she murmured, looking up from the dressing she'd just finished changing as she noticed a rumbling of discontent at the other end of the room. They were in a Great War-era air raid shelter under a pharmaceutical warehouse, which gave them good access to medical supplies, even if it was inconvenient to get to discreetly.

"Not sure," Lavi whispered back as he finished changing an IV feed.

As if in response, the burly second-in-command of the Vale White Fang shouldered his way through the crowd. "How's everyone doing?"

"Everyone's doing fine," Lavi reported. "What's all the commotion about?"

The big guy glanced back at the far end of the room. "Big hubbub at the Vytal Tournament," he grunted. "Weiss Schnee's just upset the applecart." He paused. "Or, I guess she isn't Weiss Schnee anymore."

"Excuse me?" Velvet asked, her confusion rising.

"She's just denounced her father and her family company on live international television," he elaborated. "Confirmed their part in the kidnappings and... and a lot of other things too."

Velvet's eyes went wide, and Lavi frowned thoughtfully.

Pyrrha had worried about missing Blake and Weiss's match, but they'd assured her they'd be fine, and what she and Jaune were doing here was important. So rather than watching their match, Pyrrha was instead watching anxiously as Jaune faced off against a metal monstrosity in the Emerald Forest. The Vehicon towered over him, like all Decepticons, and it swung at him with clumsy swipes, which he danced away from, deflecting the occasional blow that came too close with his shield. In return, he slashed and stabbed at its wrists and hands and whatever other parts of its body he could reach.

Suddenly, he dashed forward, low and fast, sweeping Crocea Mors across the Vehicon's ankles, then turned and leaped into the air with an overhand strike.

With speed that belied its earlier clumsiness, the Vehicon twisted and swatted him out of the air with a spinning backfist.

"Jaune!" she cried out with concern, rushing over past the Vehicon as it collapsed like a puppet with its strings severed. She got to him just as he regained his feet and began dusting himself off. "I'm sorry!"

He looked up and gave her a broad smile as he swept her up in a hug and swung her around. "Pyrrha, that was great!"

Pyrrha couldn't help but blush as he swung her through the air in a full loop before setting her back down on the ground.

"I've never seen you move it so fast and smoothly before!" he said, still smiling. "You're improving so much!"

The new training exercises had started after the raid on Starscream's lab. The potential of Polarity against an enemy made of metal was obvious, but Pyrrha was used to using her semblance in small, subtle ways. It had been Jaune's idea to kill two metaphorical birds with one stone, cobbling the recovered remains of the Vehicons into a Decepticon-sized training dummy for her to practice her power and control on while giving him a Decepticon-scale opponent to spar against. Once she could get it moving well enough to fight effectively, the plan was to add in the other members of Team RRANNBWW, one by one, so she could practice moving multiples.

"Thank you, Jaune," she said, her cheeks still heated.

The warm glow she felt when he praised her improvements like this... she hadn't felt this way since she was a child.

Jaune was silent, looking away awkwardly.

She tilted her head worriedly. "Jaune? Is something wrong?"

He shook his head quickly and looked back at her. "N-no!" he denied. "No, there's nothing wrong, Pyr. I just... there's something I've been meaning to ask you."

"Oh?" she asked curiously.

"Yeah." He shrugged. "I thought about asking you... a few times, actually. Maybe make a big deal out of it, but then I realized that would just put pressure on you, the kind of pressure you always hated."

Pyrrha smiled warmly. He was always so considerate. She had an inkling what question might garner that kind of concern, but she dared not hope.

"Before- before I ask, though," he said, "I need you to understand. I don't want an answer now. Or tonight or tomorrow, even, okay?"


He grabbed her hands and looked into her eyes. "I'm serious, Pyr. This is... I want you to think about it. Take the time to think about it. In fact, I don't want to hear an answer until after the Vytal Tournament's over, okay? Promise me."

"I promise," she said, bewildered and now worried.

He smiled and stepped back, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small box. He opened the box, and pulled out from it a necklace, a delicate silver chain with a ring looped through it. The ring itself was a simple and worn-looking gold band with a sapphire set in it, a ring with history, likely a family heirloom... the most beautiful ring she had ever seen.

"Pyrrha Nikos," he said as he fastened it around her neck, "will you marry me?"

Her breath caught in her throat. It was only her promise that kept her from squealing out her answer.


At the sound of Nora's voice, the two turned in surprise as the other half of Team JNPR arrived.

"You shouldn't have missed the match!"

Megatron watched the screen with the biggest grin he'd sported in megacycles. The Vytal Festival had had his interest before, but now, it had his attention! This was invigorating! It truly was like being back in the old gladiatorial days. It had, after all, been from those pits where he'd delivered his message to the unwashed masses, sent out a rallying cry to the downtrodden, exposed the lies and crimes of the Council of Primes.

"Sir, Soundwave's calling, and he doesn't sound happy," said Demolishor worriedly from off to the side.

"Bring him up on a sidescreen," ordered Megatron, his optics still fixed on all the various feeds as the media of Remnant lost their collective minds.

In one corner of his vision, a picture of Soundwave's face appeared, and he spoke in his typical monotone. "Lord Megatron, there has been an incident, and information critical to our operations is leaking across the data networks. What are your orders? Should I hunt down all the copies of this and destroy them?"

"Really now, Soundwave, you're going to start ripping memories out of millions of people's minds now?" asked Megatron genially.

"If ordered to, I will," replied Soundwave in classically loyal fashion.

"No, don't do that. In fact, don't delete any of the information anywhere," ordered Megatron, his mind whirling with possibilities. "Instead, contact Cinder Fall and pump her for any additional information she's neglected to tell us. We're going to put together a little information packet of our own, one that's sure to take this fire and turn it into an inferno."

Soundwave nodded obediently. "By your command."

Megatron's optics turned back to the broadcast as Soundwave's feed cut out.

Is this your work, Prime? he wondered idly. It had, after all, been part of their playbook, back in the early days, and his old friend had always preferred a clean fight out in the open to clandestine operations. Are you really here on this miserable little mudball? I must know.

"Demolishor, contact Starscream immediately," ordered Megatron, fully intent on extracting some explanation from that incompetent backstabbing fool.


"L-Lord Megatron!" Starscream stammered, then bowed obsequiously before the hologram of the Decepticon leader. As he collected his circuits, he continued, his voice slipping into its familiar, oily subservience. "How may I serve you?"

"You can start by explaining what just happened," demanded Megatron in a tone that sent a shiver down Starscream's spine.

"Lord Megatron, I assure you that whatever has happened, I can make it right," Starscream half-promised/half-begged.

Megatron's optics narrowed dangerously. "Do you take me for a fool, Starscream? I'm talking about what just happened during the Vytal Festival Tournament!"

"The what?" answered Starscream quickly, far too quickly.

"You're either lying to me, Starscream, or you are so blisteringly incompetent that active treason would be preferable," ground out Megatron, and then his hologram pointed at him. "I will be arriving in the Vale theater soon, Starscream, and when I do, we are going to have a long, agonizing talk about your performance. For your sake, you had best have an explanation for how this occurred on your watch. Megatron out."

The hologram disappeared, leaving Starscream with his own thoughts. A moment passed in utter silence and stillness before he burst into motion, tapping commands into the computer to bring up search results on the Vytal Festival Tournament and then feeds from the local news media.

His optics widened at the replay of the speech. The little human, the one with white hair, was familiar. Where had he-? With a sudden shock, he had the answer. She had been one of the interlopers who had destroyed his lab under the direction of Raven Branwen.

"Raven," he growled out.

It always came back to her, didn't it? She had destroyed his on-base lab, then his secret lab, and now, she had commanded one of her flunkies to interfere with his operations even further. It just kept happening!

Well, if Raven Branwen thought fleeing to another continent would save her, she was wrong.

Jacques Schnee was in his home office, poring over the company's expense reports. Many people thought running a multibillion-lien company was an easy job, but it surely wasn't. The paperwork, personnel management, balancing expenses and investments, maneuvering through the complex regulations... none of it was easy, and it all took personal time and effort.

There was a knock on the door, and he scowled.


It was Klein, of course. The butler's eyes -- light brown at the moment -- flicked over to the console by the wall that hid a holographic projector, and Jacques's scowl deepened at the disapproval he knew Klein was feeling at him missing his daughter's performance in the Vytal Tournament. But what did Klein know? He wasn't up to his neck in math equations and regulations, searching for graft all day, and it wasn't like Jacques didn't already know Weiss would emerge victorious. She was a Schnee, after all.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your day off, sir," Klein said stiffly, "but there's been a... development."

"Well, what is it?"

"It... defies narration, sir," Klein stalled again. "I believe it would best if you saw for yourself."

WIth that, he brought up the holographic projector into a vertical screen and turned on the news.

Jacques's face purpled in outrage.

That ungrateful little brat! he thought furiously. Children! You give and you give and you give, and see how they repay you! He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then reached for his scroll.

He needed to get in touch with Public Relations. No, wait. Legal first. Then he would need to find out just what in the gods' names had happened in Vale!

Wishbone seethed as she watched the footage of the Vytal Tournament match, wishing again that she could reach through time and space to gut that white-haired traitor and feed her entrails to her highborn compatriot before killing them both.

How? How had it come to this? What had she missed? Had something happened back in Atlas?

Before her ruminations could continue, though, there was a beeping on her personal computer. Her eyes shot wide as she saw that it was a message from Jacques Schnee. She reacted quickly, hitting the button to close all the shutters to her temporary office in the SDC's Vale headquarters, dimming the lights, and then finally standing at attention as she activated the message.

The hologram of her desktop disappeared and was replaced by the stern personage of Jacques Schnee, CEO of the Schnee Dust Company, standing just above her head exactly as he did when they met in person. He wasn't happy. That was bad, but what was worse was that he was clearly disappointed in her.

"Calliope, I believe you owe me an explanation," began Jacques Schnee far too calmly. "I sent you to Vale to solve their problems, and now, things are worse than ever before."

"Mister Schnee, I've been doing the best I can with what resources I have available," protested Wishbone solidly, meeting his gaze, but admitting her failure in the process by the simple fact that she hadn't been able to succeed with what she had been given.

"Why didn't you ask for better resources then?" inquired Jacques Schnee pointedly.

"I did, Mister Schnee," contradicted Wishbone, and then she rattled off the dates of when she had sent the messages requesting more resources.

Jacques Schnee stared at her for too long a moment and then touched an unseen control. "Computer, run a search for messages from Calliope Ferny, callsign Wishbone. Scan all available records. When completed, display list of messages with both send and arrival dates alongside the location of where they were found."

Wishbone kept her mouth shut and her face expressionless as the virtual intelligence in Jacques Schnee's computer did its work. It did not take long, but it felt like it did. When it was done, though, her boss's face seemed to soften.

"It appears that your messages have been going into one of the disposable inboxes since shortly after you arrived in Vale," explained Jacques Schnee kindly, looking at Wishbone again with a concerned expression as her mind filled with confusion. "Thus, they were not forwarded correctly. Tell me, did you have a plan that might have prevented today's unfortunate turn of events?"

The dog-eared faunus nodded and rattled off another series of dates. "In those messages, I proposed removing the heiress from Beacon Academy and returning her to your direct custody. All three of her roommates either have ties to the White Fang or are active members, and I felt this presented a serious liability."

Jacques Schnee nodded at that. "Wise counsel that I would have heeded had I heard it. Though perhaps all is not lost yet. I'll read these messages now and forward what useful data is there to our PR people. Now, do you know how this could have happened?"

"The priorities on the messages had to have been changed," answered Wishbone, things falling into place in her mind. "There aren't that many people who could have done that."

Jacques Schnee's eyes narrowed. "You know who did this?"

"I suspect," Wishbone tactfully corrected.

"Until that matter is resolved and we have a new system in place to send and receive messages between us, I am authorizing you to use my personal correspondence," Jacques Schnee granted magnanimously.

"Thank you, Mister Schnee," answered Wishbone, silently resolving that she wouldn't dare waste his time with anything that wasn't of the utmost importance.

"Now, Calliope, it seems the SDC has much bigger problems in Vale than we believed. Solve them."

Winter wished she could have missed the match.

She'd seen it all, seen how her sister… wasn't her sister anymore.

She'd tried to keep her composure, but a minute after the end of the fight, she felt tears welling up in her eyes involuntarily. Everything she had done over the last two years had been for her, for Weiss, and now, that was all gone. Not only would she never see her again, but she would never be safe either. Weiss would be hunted for the rest of her days, the assassins of her father and the Decepticons hounding her until, eventually, she made a mistake and paid for it with her life.

And it was all Winter's fault. If she had just been cleverer, more observant. If she had just acted with a modicum of the unfathomable courage that her gallant knight of a sister had just displayed, then maybe the headsman would be coming for the elder and not the younger at that time.

"Buck up, Brenda," ordered General Colton, his voice like a barrel of glacial runoff thrown upon her.

"Sir?" asked Winter, blinking away the tears.

"Fight's not over yet," declared Colton as he got up. "In fact, it's just gettin' started."

"You have a plan," realized Winter with hope so strong it made her feel foolish for ever having despaired.

"It's really more of a concept," admitted Colton. "I think you might like it though."

Yang kept her breath steady as she stood in the elevator with her head bowed and her father beside her. Honestly, if it hadn't been for the handcuffs, it might have felt like she was just a particularly disobedient student being summoned to the principal's office. That assessment was technically correct, but the stakes were so much higher that the comparison seemed absurd.

If she lost here, if she failed to secure peace, then the Decepticons would win. It might not be a traditional battlefield, but the war of words she was about to engage in was just as important as any of the battles of Polyhex or even the defense of Iacon. She was an Autobot now, and the weight of that history made her stand that much straighter.

The door to Ozpin's office hissed open, and they stepped out into the remarkably corporate-looking space. The headmaster was at his desk. On his right and in front of the desk were General James Ironwood and Professor Glynda Goodwitch. On his left and in front of the desk was her uncle, Qrow Branwen. Of course they'd called him in from whatever mission he'd been on.

"Yang Xiao Long," addressed Ozpin as she and her father stopped within ten feet of his desk. "You've led everyone on quite the merry chase, and yet here you are. Why?"

The lilac-eyed woman glanced at General Ironwood, thinking of an accusation of how they should be asking him, but threw that aside in favor of facts and peace.

"I'm here as an emissary, sir," she said. "There are things going on that you don't know about, with the White Fang, with me... and with our new allies. There's a war going on, right here in Vale, and the White Fang are not the enemy."

"War's a pretty strong word, kiddo," pointed out Uncle Qrow. "So just what do you mean by that?"

"What else do you call a conflict that's raged across the stars for millions of years and seen whole worlds burn?"

"Yeah, I'd call that a war all right," her father agreed.

"But just because there's a war doesn't mean there are only two sides," Professor Goodwitch pointed out. "It doesn't mean that we have only one enemy."

"A two-sided war definitely makes more sense though," argued Yang. "It's a lot simpler, for one."

"Reality is rarely simple," countered General Ironwood, and Yang felt anger flare up. Why, that two-faced-! She cut herself off from that line of thought.

"Is that how you justify working with a bunch of slavers and murderers, General?" she snapped. "Does that make it easier to sign away innocent people to be worked to death?"

"Are you referring to the Decepticons or the Autobots, Miss Xiao Long?" inquired Professor Goodwitch with an indifferent tone that did nothing to quell Yang's emotions. They knew?!

"Glynda!" Yang's father snapped.

"The Autobots are not slavers or murderers," declared Yang defensively, "and if you've heard otherwise, it's a damned Decepticon lie! I've seen what the Decepticons do! With my own eyes!"

"So have I," replied Professor Goodwitch in a voice that sounded haunted. "So has your sister." Ruby knew? "So has every member of Team Rainbow." Team Rainbow? "We've also experienced the handiwork of the Autobots firsthand, and we know very well just what kind of brutal fanatics they enlist."

Yang rocked back at that, then shook her head. "No, that's not possible. I've met all the Autobots on Remnant, worked alongside them, talked with them for hours on end. And even if I hadn't, Optimus would never allow that."

Ozpin's eyes sharpened. "Who would never allow that?"

"Optimus," Yang repeated, a little confused. "Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots. He's the one who sent me here to arrange a meeting, so that we can avoid an unnecessary war."

"A meeting," the headmaster echoed. "With... Optimus Prime, I presume?"

Yang nodded. "Yes, sir."

"...I'll arrange for a Bullhead for two," announced Ozpin, standing up with unexpected vigor from behind his desk. "Take me to him, now."

"Oh, okay, sure. No problem," answered Yang with wide eyes.

"Hold up," the Atlesian general objected, stepping forward. "Ozpin, are you insane?! We've just found out about this guy, and you want to go meet with him and his merry band of terrorist-loving destructo-bots?"

"James, I'm sure this is all a big misunderstanding." Well, that was a surprise turnaround from Ozpin.

"'Misunderstanding'?" sputtered Uncle Qrow. "Oz, I'm normally with you on this stuff, but for once, Jimmy's right. This is insane."

"I must agree with these two, sir," Professor Goodwitch added. "This is… madness."

"Why don't we all just settle down a bit?" Yang's father suggested diplomatically.

"Going alone into an unknown meeting with an unknown possible hostile is suicide," insisted Ironwood.

"And what would you all do instead?" Ozpin demanded, his voice filled with righteous indignation. "Send in NEST? The collective Huntsmen of four academies? The whole Atlesian Air Fleet?! No, this is something I need to do myself."

"Out of the question. You're not going anywhere," ordered General Ironwood, quite literally putting his foot down in the process.

"Ridiculous," dismissed Ozpin with a scoff. "I need to be at this meeting, and you can't stop me."

"How about this then," offered Yang's father, falling into the peacemaker role again. "You go, and we come with."

Ozpin… was clearly hiding something; that much was obvious to Yang. "I don't think that's needed."

"Too bad, we're going," declared Professor Goodwitch.

Ironwood looked at her briefly, and then stepped beside her. "Indeed."

Ozpin let out a heavy, defeated sigh. "Oh, alright, if it's just you four."

"Ruby needs to come too," Yang interjected. No way was she keeping her little sister out of this, not anymore, not about Adam, not about... their brother.

"Ruby?" her father asked in surprise. "Why?"

"It's..." -- Yang hesitated, giving Uncle Qrow a sidelong glance -- "a family matter."

"What sort of family matter?" her drunkle pressed.

Yang turned and glared at him. He had to have known! Hadn't he?

"I dunno, Uncle Qrow," she snapped. "When were you going to tell me I have a brother?"

The scythe-wielder blinked and took an involuntary step back that told her all she needed to know. "Wha-? How'd you-? Adam's alive?!"

Her father's head whipped around to stare at his brother-in-law. "I have a son?!"

"What the heck are they doing?" Captain Lennox wondered aloud as he peered through the binoculars from his position on Vale's southeastern defensive wall. The setting sun cast a reddish shade on the clearings below.

"What's wrong?" asked Epps. Epps was his contact with the Royal Air Lancers, embedded in his squad to call down air support when and where it was needed. It was a new role, with procedures hastily copied from a variety of sources, ranging from the Atlesian military to the Iron Grenadiers, and cobbled together into the sort of pastiched nightmare that was a typical committee-created disaster waiting to happen.

"Check it out," he said, handing the binoculars over.

Epps brought the binoculars up. "They're gathering. Fewer than I'd expect, given the outrage and panic going on right now, and... are those burn scars on some of 'em?"

"Yeah," Lennox agreed, "but why aren't they attacking? Normally, the dumb ones would be rushing the walls by now."

"Probably an elder keeping them in line," mused Epps.

"That's what I thought," Lennox said, "but do you see one out there? And what elder can keep control of this many Grimm without a few leakers? It's like they're waiting for something."

Epps lowered the binoculars. "I've got a bad feeling about this."

The Bullhead flew toward Lookout Mountain. The contingent heading to the meeting with this "Optimus Prime" were eschewing the winding mountain road that led up to the designated meeting place. For one, it was simply faster to fly, and for another, getting an aerial view before they arrived would make it easier to spot any surprises.

Tai sat silently between his daughters, an arm wrapped around each of them, and studiously ignored his brother-in-law across from them. He wasn't sure how good his self-control was right now. Communication had never been either Branwen's strong point, but this was far beyond anything Tai had ever imagined he would have kept from him. From them.

Sure, Qrow had thought the boy was dead, and surely, there was a story behind that. In the end, though, it didn't matter. Not to Tai.

A son, Tai thought with wonder. A son!

Of course, Qrow was hardly the only one who had kept such a monumental secret from him, but Raven... well, for one thing, Raven wasn't there right now to set off his temper. And for another... he remembered when she was pregnant with Yang, the uncharacteristic worry she had exhibited. There were certain quiet moments in which Raven would start to speak, then clam up again, or hesitate and change the subject. Moments in which she was obviously trying to find a way to tell him something.

For years after she left, he'd thought she was trying to tell him she was leaving. Now, though? Now, he thought he had a better idea. Even after all these years, she was still finding ways to surprise him.

Soon enough, the Bullhead touched down in the middle of the mostly deserted parking lot. The only other vehicle present was a red and blue cab over truck, the kind of rugged and powerful machine used to tow trailers filled with bulk cargo within a city or out to places that had roads but no rail lines, of course with rolling fortress trailers to defend against Grimm when they ventured past the walls in battle convoys.

"We're here," announced James superfluously from the cockpit. In turn, they disembarked, though James stayed in the cockpit and kept the engine warm.

The better for a quick getaway if they needed one.

"So, where is he?" Tai asked.

"Over there," answered Ozpin quietly as he began walking purposefully to the truck, the others following behind.

Tai had never actually seen one of these "transformers" he'd been told about, so it was with a fair amount of awe that he watched the cab over truck unfold itself and rise onto a pair of legs to tower over them. There was a certain nobility to the alien robot's appearance and bearing as he knelt down in front of the group.

"Hello again, Ozma," it greeted Ozpin, with a deep, warm voice. "I wasn't expecting to see you again."

Tai heard Ozpin's breath hitch in his throat.

"I haven't heard that name in-" Ozpin cut himself off, shaking his head. "You recognize me?"

"I recognize your spark, old friend."

Tai glanced over at Ozpin. Were those tears in his eyes?

"I… I have so much to tell you," the headmaster said, his voice cracking with emotion, "so much to catch you up on."

"I am sure you do," Optimus replied, "but first, tell me, how did your quest go? Were you able to rescue the princess? Were you able to free Salem?"

Tai stood stock still at the name -- the hated, cursed name -- and it was clear he wasn't the only one to be frozen in shock. There was a long, pregnant pause as everyone stared at the two clearly ancient beings.

Qrow's voice hissed out, shattering the silence.

"What did you just say?"

Author's Note 1 (Cyclone)
And there it is. Big reveals all around. And we still have more to go before this volume's over.

The first scene to be completed in this chapter was actually Jaune and Pyrrha's little training session and proposal scene, and when I wrote it, it just... flowed. I really love the inversion of their usual interactions during training.

By the way, Nadir running around the arena away from Zachary? That was actually originally sketched out as something for Jaune to do to keep Hector occupied during Team JNPR's fight with Team VTLK, before that fight's choreography evolved away from that, largely due to the "artillery duel" element. We wanted to do more with Zachary, who @LordsFire was kind enough to loan us from Sheltered, but by that point in writing the fight scenes for this chapter, we were frankly too exhausted to keep going, and we didn't really see anything it would add to the story.

For the record, Jason and Medea and Team JAMM are borrowed from our sister 'fic, @ScipioSmith's SAPR, where they also faced off against Penny and her team, funnily enough.

Also, it's a bit of a late thing, but we realized while writing this that Neon Katt and Rainbow Dash almost certainly have... issues with each other, what with them apparently having the same semblance, but with Neon leaning very deliberately into the catgirl stereotypes, in sharp contrast to Rainbow, who doesn't let the whole faunus thing define her.

As much of a headache as it was getting this monster of a chapter written and beta-read, it's kind of fortuitous, given what's going on here and in today's update of our sister story, SAPR. Delaying it a few extra days to synchronize the release at least to the day also let us catch a scene we realized we needed to add into this chapter to properly set up something for the next chapter.

You go, Weiss! She seems to have had a disproportionate impact on this story as a whole.
Author's Note 2 (Cody MacArthur Fett)
Besides the prevalence of fight scenes I think that part of the reason this chapter took so long to get out was the habit I got into of dipping into long meandering Seinfeldian Conversations. Which, on the plus side, made me go and look up old clips of Seinfeld. That was a good show, but I never got to see it when it was on. Then again, I was born in 1991, what do you want from me? There's only so much I can know.

I'm getting off-topic though, the point is that this took a long time to write. Another reason for that is that my job has work again, which is great. In fact, in a way it's accelerated things because it means that I have nothing to do but write on the trips to and from the job site where otherwise I would be distracted by other things. However, it also introduces large delays due to things like Cyclone working while I'm off and visa versa, which introduces huge problems with the editing side of things because we both need to be in front of a computer in order to do the vocal readthrough that's so critical to our success. Which is why this update was delayed nearly a week since we finished the chapter.

But delayed though it was, I was quite happy with the way things turned out. We've been sitting on this stuff for a long time, and it's great to finally have it all out in the open. How long? The dialogue at the end of this chapter is quite literally the oldest piece of pre-written dialogue in the fic not related to an abandoned plotline where Adam would have still turned bad and the Battle of Beacon would have gone off like normal, recorded on May 19, 2019, 7:54 PM by Cyclone in the original Episode 1 file, of all places; a week before the original chapter was posted in the Whirlwind Productions thread.

Given the amount of stuff that's changed between last May and now though it's incredible how much of the dialogue we've managed to keep, though some of it has gotten changed or deleted due to the simple fact that when it was all originally written the Ozluminati were ignorant of the Autobots and the chessboard duo were part of Yang's arrest not Sun. It's even more incredible when one considers that this fic is a year old, and it's just now getting to stuff that was planned out before the story was even posted. I honestly didn't think we'd get this far, but now that we have I can't wait to go on and write all the stuff we have planned for the next three volumes and the special project.

Speaking of Blake and Weiss, I expected people in the audience to agree with their actions, which is why I felt it important to show the negative consequences of that. Now, is that to say that I think what they did was a bad thing? Absolutely not. I think it was an extremely heroic act, and I should very much wish that if in anything close to a similar situation I should have half as much courage as what Weiss had. However, just because I think their act was heroic doesn't mean that there won't be consequences for themselves and others. It's not fair, it's not right, but that's life.

Neon "Rainbow" Katt's roller skates turning into ice skates was actually based off this picture by RainshadowArtist. In addition, of course, to just being a logical thing for her to have. Her being a ninja though? That was added in just this chapter, but I think it's fun all the same.

Once again we have to thank @ScipioSmith for writing some of the scenes in this chapter, especially the fight scenes. Kind of curious though why no-one has been able to guess which ones he wrote yet. Guess people aren't that interested?

In that respect I sympathize with Lightning Dust a bit. A lot of stuff happened in this chapter, but people are likely only to care for the last scene. One part overpowers the rest. Then again, I could be wrong and people might actually care about what Blake and Weiss did.

Personally, I had a lot of fun writing my part of the Arslan fight, mostly because I got to dip into the shonen anime tropes hard.

And Colton… well, we've danced around him too, but now he's out in the open. The original G.I. JOE has made his appearance, and it promises to be a wild ride. Of course, one revelation is only the start of a whole 'nother batch of secrets and lies, and that's something Winter is going to become very well acquainted with.

Though there's also the stuff with APRC and their T going on. Things finally seemed to be coming together, but then the truth had to come out. Will things improve, or will this be the straw that breaks the camel's back on their contradictory alliance?

There's just… so much going on. I'm not sure we'd be able to cover it all if we post 40,000 words chapters instead of just 30,000. But if you think about, that's the way things have been from the beginning. It's just that now there's a lot more moving parts.

We are going to be so glad when this tournament is over so we don't have to cram everything into one week.

Next time on Spark to Spark, Dust to Dust: the second years go into their doubles matches, Optimus tells a story, wheels keep turning around the world, and the Atlesian military demonstrates "Esprit de Corps."
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...Well then

I'm not going to lie, the stories starting to feel like it has too much going on with how much you've added to the setting. I was thinking about dropping it. But those last few paragraphs have me intrigued.
Could you write smaller chapters more often? I would prefer chapter of less than 10k words, preferably closer to 5k. Either way, really enjoying this fic. I really like your portrayal of Adam.
Could you write smaller chapters more often? I would prefer chapter of less than 10k words, preferably closer to 5k. Either way, really enjoying this fic. I really like your portrayal of Adam.

That's not a request we expected to see, TBH, but that's not really possible. Our chapter lengths are based more on what plot and character elements need to be hit than anything else. Take this most recent chapter; if we had cut out everything except Weiss and Blake's match against Flynt and Neon and the immediate reaction to it, we'd still have a 10k word chapter covering maybe ten minutes of in-universe time and a single event.

*Fans self*

Now this, this is some of the catharsis I've been waiting for.

What's catharsis without the tension to build up to it?

Cody: We told you it was coming, but we had to lay the groundwork first.