Spark of Hope Quest (RWBY/MINECRAFT)

The real scary part isn't the grimm (it doesn't enhance mobs that much) it's the chance that the people of remnant could become corrupted by the flux. imagine hunters and huntresses turned all evil and purple, turning against their allies. it would be Great chaos. (Plus, potential flux-corrupted Huntress zombies. Who are capable of spreading their affliction beyond the Fluxxed area. :) there are so many delicious ways that the DM could make things go horribly wrong using Flux. it's amazing. I'm so glad I chose it)

And honestly, the mobs aren't even the most annoying thing about flux. the fucking plants that grow on them hurt you when you walk through them, for us we can deal with them (barely. it's easier with good armor) but Steve isn't normal, I imagine that those plants would just straight up kill any non-huntress to go near them. and even a huntress would have a bad time.
is there a way to neutralize flux?
is there a way to neutralize flux?
Yup, several.

Most are listed on the flux page on the thaumcraft wiki that I linked earlier. there are also some which involve other mods. (I'm pretty sure there's a way to do it with bees? maybe?).

In general it won't be that hard. assuming that the DM chooses to use normal-minecraft flux, as apposed to flux which corrupts huntresses and grimm in way that twist and break the minds of men. or some other thing.

An interesting thing the DM could do to be a dick would have flux spread throughout the mantle and core of the planet. that's not something you have to worry about in minecraft because the world is flat, but Remanent is not (probably) so it is perfectly possible that the core could become corrupted. and that would be extremely difficult to fix.
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Flux, it's essentially corruption stemming from an imbalance in the aspects of the world. it's normally caused by certain magical items/research. but it can also occur naturally.

It also turns living creatures into flux corrupted monsters. and turns the ground purple. (also it makes tentacles and swarms of....things that attack you)

It can be a real pain to deal with if it gets out of hand, but it shouldn't occur naturally in remnant. (otherwise they would have already seen it, unless our reality warping powers are ridiculous enough to extend all the way across the world). and as long as we are careful it's nothing we can't deal with (fluxxed grimm are going to be a bitch though). you can cure it if you have the proper research.

Here is the page for it on the thaumcraft wiki. (huh, apparently it's called taint too, all three terms used. (for example Flux Scrubber) it doesn't really matter, they all mean the same thing. (corruption))
Flux/Taint and Warp aren't the same thing.
Flux occurs when performing magic and not stabilizing the world properly, and is how you've described it.
Warp is a fairly new addition to thaumcraft and is caused by learning things that man should not know (also by wearing armor from cultists or void metal and performing some actions). Warp is counted on a per character basis (as opposed to a per area basis for flux) and while "sticky warp" generated by armor and actions can be removed, you cannot unlearn things!
Warp has a verity of nasty effects such as making you hallucinate tiny deadly spiders (that can kill you), make Eldridch guardians spawn and attack you, suddenly make everything you look at wither, and give you a variety of nasty status effects like hunger or being on fire.
Flux/Taint and Warp aren't the same thing.
Flux occurs when performing magic and not stabilizing the world properly, and is how you've described it.
Warp is a fairly new addition to thaumcraft and is caused by learning things that man should not know (also by wearing armor from cultists or void metal and performing some actions). Warp is counted on a per character basis (as opposed to a per area basis for flux) and while "sticky warp" generated by armor and actions can be removed, you cannot unlearn things!
Warp has a verity of nasty effects such as making you hallucinate tiny deadly spiders (that can kill you), make Eldridch guardians spawn and attack you, suddenly make everything you look at wither, and give you a variety of nasty status effects like hunger or being on fire.
Huh, it's been a while since I really got into thaumcraft, I've gone through it fully before, but normally I just don't bother and just research enough to get what I need from it. (wand of equal trade mainly).

It's good to know. and now that I think about it I do remember something like that. (Honestly, I played a lot more thaumcraft 1-3 then I ever did 4, even though 4 was a vast improvement in a lot of ways. I have just been trying to avoid playing minecraft for a while. so I never went back and really got into it).

Honestly, thaumcraft is one of the mods that I have the least experience in, I mainly picked it because it was the most interesting seeming from a story perspective, (sans Mystcraft).
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Post 24
AN: Once again big thanks to @JoshieWoshie Remember that omake random encounter roll we did, yeah, it's happening.

[X] Go find Glynda, you're sure she's around here somewhere.


It felt like hours since you first started your search. But you have yet to find Glynda even with all of your shouting and gesturing. But maybe, just maybe, it might because you are distracted by all these tall buildings in their absolutely horrible, run-down states. Honestly, how could they let something like that get so.... dilapidated?

"Glynda! Glynda!" you bellow, hoping that she will hear you. A strange, masked creature similar yet unlike those grimm things lands softly in front of you with a pitter patter of her heels . Well, someone heard you alright. How the hell did this creature get the drop on you? Your senses were sharp, you could almost swear she wasn't even anywhere near you...

Oh well, maybe it can help you! And it's outfit is pretty!

"Who are you?" Asked the strange creature who appeared from nowhere. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm Steve!" You say with blinding smile while gesturing to yourself. "I'm looking for Glynda, the poor creature must be lost without me." You say with a strange sounding mix of pity and sadness while shaking your head.

The strange creature however, seems to tense as if ready to pounce. Her hand placed on the handle of her sword. From your experience as both a craftsman and a warrior, you can tell from the design of it's weapon and it's stance that it is very much capable of drawing it's sword and attacking in single smooth, simultaneous motion.

On the other hand you have a rapier. While the speed with which a rapier could be thrust is far superior to a Katana-like weapon's slashes and stabs, the advantage of the first attack will always go to a Katana-like weapon due to the simple fact that to a highly skilled swordsmen wielding a Katana, the acts of [drawing] and [attacking] are in essence a single motion.

You on the other hand have a rapier, no matter how skilled you are, the acts of [drawing] and [attacking] will always be at a disadvantaged two motions versus it's one motion. No matter how much faster your thrusts may be in practice.

And in a situation like this, the first blow is paramount.

You can choose to run, there is no shame in a tactical retreat to place yourself in a more advantageous position.

Or perhaps you can choose to fight, you can act aggressively, goading it into attacking you thus revealing it's sword. Yes, the sword interests you. You can tell that quick draw capabilities aren't the only thing that weapon is capable of, you might be able to get more information on it... assuming you survive her first attack.

Another choice is to simply attack without saying anything. You could try to duck her first attack and draw your rapier simultaneously. Allowing you to confront her on equal terms.

But maybe you could try talking? Hopefully she is friendly enough!

What do you do?
[] Run away *Cough* Tactical Retreat *Cough*
[] Fight and Goad.
[] Duck and draw your rapier.
[] Write-In.
What, we can't just scroll to a different slot of our hotbar? :p

[X] Ask if she's seen any of that wonderful substance 'Coffee' around, your feeling tired after building that city and looking for Glynda.

Ehh, I'm betting Steve won't die from the first hit.
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Ain't got no aura brah.
Dude regularly survives explosions brah. that takes some serious HP. aura or no.

Do we have any armor? we really should have made some armor. (oh well, if she attack's us we could always place blocks between us, a block is a meter thick, so even if we just used stone it should be enough to buy time.)
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[X] Ask if she's seen any of that wonderful substance 'Coffee' around, your feeling tired after building that city and looking for Glynda.
Well. This is a problem. Also, Resonant Rise 3 appears to have gotten rid of Creative Mode Thaumonomicon, annoyingly enough.
[X] Act oblivious, confusion tactic; "You see, I had some of this wonderful substance apparently called 'Coffee; then I was filled with this wonderful burst of energy, then I can't quite remember what happened afterwards, but then I was in this city, and I dearly need to find Glynda. Would you care to help me find her? Say, what brings you to this place, anyway?"
-[X] For bonus points, talk fast so she has no time to respond till the end.
Well. This is a problem. Also, Resonant Rise 3 appears to have gotten rid of Creative Mode Thaumonomicon, annoyingly enough.
You can change that easily enough. in thaumcrafts config file:
general {
# Enables a version of the Thauminomicon in creative mode that grants you all the research when you first use it.

Change that to true. simple enough. (though I understand some people don't like rummaging through config files)
You can change that easily enough. in thaumcrafts config file:
general {
# Enables a version of the Thauminomicon in creative mode that grants you all the research when you first use it.

Change that to true. simple enough. (though I understand some people don't like rummaging through config files)
Sorry if this's a stupid question, but where would a config file be? Using ATlauncher.
I'll happily dig up all the shit we have to make in Thaumcraft in thanks.
[X] "Wait, can you at least tell me where am I?"
- [X] Check inventory to see if you got anything that would help in a fight. Armor, food for healing or maybe a bucket of lava.
[X] Ask if she's seen any of that wonderful substance 'Coffee' around, your feeling tired after building that city and looking for Glynda.
[X] Ask if she's seen any of that wonderful substance 'Coffee' around, your feeling tired after building that city and looking for Glynda.
[X] Act oblivious, confusion tactic; "You see, I had some of this wonderful substance apparently called 'Coffee; then I was filled with this wonderful burst of energy, then I can't quite remember what happened afterwards, but then I was in this city, and I dearly need to find Glynda. Would you care to help me find her? Say, what brings you to this place, anyway?"
-[X] For bonus points, talk fast so she has no time to respond till the end.
[X] Act oblivious, confusion tactic; "You see, I had some of this wonderful substance apparently called 'Coffee; then I was filled with this wonderful burst of energy, then I can't quite remember what happened afterwards, but then I was in this city, and I dearly need to find Glynda. Would you care to help me find her? Say, what brings you to this place, anyway?"
-[X] For bonus points, talk fast so she has no time to respond till the end.

Here's to hoping that Raven doesn't wreck us. Teleporters are hell in a fight.
[X] Act oblivious, confusion tactic; "You see, I had some of this wonderful substance apparently called 'Coffee; then I was filled with this wonderful burst of energy, then I can't quite remember what happened afterwards, but then I was in this city, and I dearly need to find Glynda. Would you care to help me find her? Say, what brings you to this place, anyway?"
-[X] For bonus points, talk fast so she has no time to respond till the end.
We could really use a Thaumcraft Ring of Ender Disjunction here. It makes it so anything that teleports near you gets 50% of their max health takes off, 75% if you have 2 on.