You are a demon, a concept given thought and agency by the whims of magic and the idle desires of mortal souls. Common wisdom says that all demons are evil and treacherous entities, but evil comes in many shapes and many forms, most of them mortal. You're merely one actor among many, offering power and aid in the exchange for the mortal souls upon which you subside. That the commoners reject your gifts as infestation, and decry your sacrifices as evil, is their own problem. You certainly see no more evil in devouring a dozen peasants souls, than in spending hundreds of their lives to slay the beast you so summon.
Your demonic status guarantees your near immortality. If you are to be slain by upstart heroes barging into your tower of evil, it is unlikely to be your final. Even banished from the mortal realm, you can return once more, more careful and more powerfull.
Now, who are you :
[X][Name] Write-in
[X][Title] Write-in
Background: In what shape do you seek to conquer the mortal realms?
[X][Background]Artifact : A mere glimmer of your power has been bound into an artifact, desired by unknowing mortal men. Through it you can whisper into the minds of it's wielder, but little more. On the other hand, it's destruction would be little more than an inconvenience.
[X][Background] Beast : A shard of your power has been bound into a mighty beast, turning the already powerful beast into a monstrous being with enormous strength. Your control of the beast is limited by it's own primitive brain. Destruction of the beast would be a minor setback.
[X][Background] Creature : With some effort, you can possess an intelligent creature, channeling your power through it fully. These smaller creatures do not have the awesome power of giant beasts, but their weaker minds and bodies allow you to mold their bodies to your presence, manifesting your power through them without much trouble. The direct link does mean that there will be considerable lash back if you fail.
[X][Background] Direct Presence : You can manifest your own form directly on the world of mortals, allowing you to deploy your powers without restraint. This is not without risk however, as your power is directly exposed in this form. In fact, this is the only way in which you can be truly killed, though it's unlikely that anyone in the mortal realm would be strong enough to kill you before you can flee.
Skills : Though you are still weak, you are not without some power. What powers do you hold now, that allowed you to escape the demonic realms?
[X][Skill] Twister of Fate
[X][Skill] Keeper of Secrets
[X][Skill] Charmer of Hearts
[X][Skill] Master of Flesh
[X][Skill] Fury Incarnate
[X][Skill] Write in?