[X] Hit up your contacts. If the kid is being disappeared, or under threat of being disappeared, then someone knows something. And if the kid was the victim of chance, well...someone will have seen it.

This covers the broadest spread of possibilities at once.
[X] The grocer the ink-gang's associated with. This entire thing's probably a spat of teenaged rebellion and hitting up the grocer will clear it up quickly. It'll also let you meet up with Jane, which is convenient.

I'm not entirely up on noir tropes, but I seem to recall you always interview the legit people before sniffing out your contacts. At least until you get to the Case That Ties Everything Together.
@TenfoldShields has pretty good reasoning.

[X] Hit up your contacts. If the kid is being disappeared, or under threat of being disappeared, then someone knows something. And if the kid was the victim of chance, well...someone will have seen it.
[X] The grocer the ink-gang's associated with. This entire thing's probably a spat of teenaged rebellion and hitting up the grocer will clear it up quickly. It'll also let you meet up with Jane, which is convenient.
gang first then contacts.
[X] Hit up your contacts. If the kid is being disappeared, or under threat of being disappeared, then someone knows something. And if the kid was the victim of chance, well...someone will have seen it.
[X] The grocer the ink-gang's associated with. This entire thing's probably a spat of teenaged rebellion and hitting up the grocer will clear it up quickly. It'll also let you meet up with Jane, which is convenient.
[X] Hit up your contacts. If the kid is being disappeared, or under threat of being disappeared, then someone knows something. And if the kid was the victim of chance, well...someone will have seen it.


Edit: Well fuck we're tied again
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[X] Hit up your contacts. If the kid is being disappeared, or under threat of being disappeared, then someone knows something. And if the kid was the victim of chance, well...someone will have seen it.
Disappearance of Balogun Tracer: I

You're honestly not inclined to take the paranoia of some corporate exec particularly seriously, but if this is actually something more involved than 'teenager gets sick of being a rich human and runs off with his friends' you want to know about it before you stick your head into the mouth of something with a vested interest in biting it off. Fortunately for you, you know pretty much exactly who to go to.

You grab a carton of cigarettes from your desk, stick the folder in your trenchcoat, and head out the door. "Vivi," you say, "I'm heading for Topside. Tell Jane when she shows up." She extinguishes a cigarette in her palm, lights another, and nods an affirmative.

Topside's a nasty little district. It used to be a New Maine outpost that got abandoned during the War. Xenophobic and repressive, but orderly. Now it's basically uncontrolled, a pseudo-anarchistic bed of illegal activity that the police largely ignore. You don't turn your camera on for the trip, as far as the record's concerned you're off the job, here to buy smokes.

Three elevators and a tram down the Tenenbaum Artery later and you've arrived. It's about seven-fifty, the station lights are slowly reaching peak brightness and crowds of people are beginning to leave their houses to go to their day jobs. Topside teems with non-humans, largely waist-high Veer who moved into the residential block after the war, and you stride through throngs of them on the way to Vin's Imports.

Vin's Imports is a small, two-person store built into what was once an airlock and quite a bit of hollowed-out hull. Nominally it's an import store, carries legal goods from across the galaxy, and some less-than-legal stuff besides. Decent variety, but the business is a front for the proprietors' actual jobs as Information Brokers. Not the cheapest way to get information, but they're quick, efficient, and you've got a solid working relationship, so it'll do.

Aforementioned proprietors are Vin and 5o5o. Vin's a Goblin in the prime of his life, almost twelve years old, with a healthy coat of silver fur and freaky-long tail bundles. 5o5o (better known as 'Fifties') is an android, male, lives in a mutilated hulk based off a Pamna with the wings and horn ripped off and dozens of cables connecting him to a half-dozen large servers at the rear of the shop. It's not very good for his mental health but no-one's managed to convince him to stop.

When you enter Vin's selling a chicken, smuggled off earth itself, to some Deravanian in a tux for a truly ridiculous price, while Fifties is restocking a shelf of imported cigs. You wait for the Deravanian to leave, caged chicken tucked under one arm, and walk up to the counter.

"Morning gents," you say, "New shipment?"

Vin brightens when he sees you and flashes you a grin filled with needle-teeth. "Turovind!" he says, "How's my favorite Ghoul doing? Flush with cash, I hope?" Fifties waves wing-nubs in your general direction and keeps restocking the cigarettes.

"Damn straight Vin," you say, "Need cigs from Horsehead and info on Balogun Tracer."

Vin perks up, the sensory-fibers of his tail pointed your way over the top of his head and Fifties swivels towards you, a carton of your favorite cigs in his hand. "Balogun Tracer?" says Vin.

Hah, you've come to the right place..

"Two separate people purchased info on him yesterday," says Vin, "Full datamine, three hours apart. And then you come in this morning. Good money wants to know what's going up with this kid, yeah?"

Pick as many as you want.
[ ] Pirate: Press him on the other people looking for Balogun, bigger bribe to violate what passes for ethics among info brokers, but hey. (-1000 dinars)
[ ] Information on Balogun's whereabouts and Balogun himself. It'll help you end this more quickly and may give you clues about the case. A proper file on Johnathan comes gratis. (-250 dinars)
[ ] Information on whether anything about Balogun or Johnathan's being bandied about by corporate types. (-300 dinars)
[ ] Tell him about your job (10% discount on your purchase, Vin and Fifties appreciate it, will probably sell the information at some point crediting you as an 'anonymous source'. Gets you 100 credits if you don't buy anything.)
[ ] Nothing. That was all you needed to know. (Precludes picking other options)
Does "Press him on the other people" include the info on Balogun himself, or not?
[X] Information on Balogun's whereabouts and Balogun himself. It'll help you end this more quickly and may give you clues about the case. A proper file on Johnathan comes gratis. (-250 dinars)
[X] Information on whether anything about Balogun or Johnathan's being bandied about by corporate types. (-300 dinars)
[X] Tell him about your job (10% discount on your purchase, Vin and Fifties appreciate it, will probably sell the information at some point crediting you as an 'anonymous source'. Gets you 100 credits if you don't buy anything.)
[X] Information on Balogun's whereabouts and Balogun himself. It'll help you end this more quickly and may give you clues about the case. A proper file on Johnathan comes gratis. (-250 dinars)
[X] Tell him about your job (10% discount on your purchase, Vin and Fifties appreciate it, will probably sell the information at some point crediting you as an 'anonymous source'. Gets you 100 credits if you don't buy anything.

We'll find out anyways when they inevitably start shooting at us.

I imagine they'll get info on us from these two, so we can trap the office for when they eventually start digging.
[X] Pirate: Press him on the other people looking for Balogun, bigger bribe to violate what passes for ethics among info brokers, but hey. (-1000 dinars)
[X] Information on Balogun's whereabouts and Balogun himself. It'll help you end this more quickly and may give you clues about the case. A proper file on Johnathan comes gratis. (-250 dinars)
[X] Information on whether anything about Balogun or Johnathan's being bandied about by corporate types. (-300 dinars)
[X] Tell him about your job (10% discount on your purchase, Vin and Fifties appreciate it, will probably sell the information at some point crediting you as an 'anonymous source'. Gets you 100 credits if you don't buy anything.)