[X] Plan: I Made a Friendly Computer

Unfortunately I don't have time to make my own plan. For the moment I'll go with the leading option that that doesn't include the magical girl that had a hand in creating us being a Homucifer cultist.
General FYI:

The next update will likely not be up until after the weekend due to prioritizing another project of mine and wanting more time to devote to it so that I can finally finish it after months of it being backlogged. (Note that it's nothing related to any of my quests and such on SB/SV, for those who are wondering.)

As such, the first turn of this quest will probably happen on Monday or Tuesday. The vote will remain open until then.

Just wanted to let you all know.
I just read this quest and love the idea of it and the initial starting choices. Aside from liking the Human PMMM space empire and Mass Effect, I also like fictional religions, so @Evil_Nazgul0616 can you tell us a general overview or anything else about the Church of Hope, the Cult of Love, or the Cult of Order?

The reason I am asking is that I am thinking of posting an omake or something about those three. I am particularly interested in the Cult of Love and the Cult of Order and I will probably make my own plan will either of them, even if it does not win.
[X] Plan Love Hurts

...Yeah as much as it hurts to jump ship from my own plan, it wasn't gaining any traction.

So much for materialist deathworld magic shenanigans. I'll take the next closest plan.

I do wonder what it was about my plan that was so off-putting. The stat spread? Overcloaking? MG description? Naming schemes? Not having xenophilia?

...Oh wait, it was the deathworld thing wasn't it?
//Just want to apologize for they delay, some IRL stuff cropped up that ended up taking up a good chunk of my time. I'm still not quite through it yet, so the update will happen closer to the end of the week.

I will go ahead and call the vote now, though, since I feel it's been open for long enough. It appears that [X] Plan Love Hurts is the winner.

@Parzival95 since you originated this vote and already wrote a little bit of background context with it, would you like to contribute a more fleshed out version of their backstory? Otherwise, as QM I'll have full jurisdiction over how they're characterized based on the information already given, and it may or may not line up with your mental picture of them.

If the answer is yes, then you have until Friday, since that's the most likely day I'll write the update.

I just read this quest and love the idea of it and the initial starting choices. Aside from liking the Human PMMM space empire and Mass Effect, I also like fictional religions, so @Evil_Nazgul0616 can you tell us a general overview or anything else about the Church of Hope, the Cult of Love, or the Cult of Order?

The reason I am asking is that I am thinking of posting an omake or something about those three. I am particularly interested in the Cult of Love and the Cult of Order and I will probably make my own plan will either of them, even if it does not win.
I can give you a general overview I suppose.

The Church of Hope is simply a catch-all term for those who view the Law of Cycles/Godoka with religious reverence, as opposed to the average magical girl who is simply aware of it or doesn't care much for it. They tend to frown upon those who worship or speak about Homucifer, as it's generally accepted that she almost destroyed the Law of Cycles once.

The Cult of Love, similarly, is more of a general term for those that are aware of Homura and feel that her actions were at least partially justified. They tend to be the minority as far as meguca beliefs are concerned. Among the things they value is Loyalty, and despite their "religion" they tend to be good people overall. One thing they cannot tolerate, though, is those that believe that Homura is pure evil. (Their existence is also inspired by a (sadly unfinished) post-rebellion Madoka quest I read once where Homura actually did gain a Cult at some point between Madoka getting her power back and the time of the quest.)

The Cult of Order was actually inspired by the witch Quitterie. It's by far the smallest of the three groups, and it consists of Magical Girls that know of the Incubator's true goals, and -- for some reason or another -- wish to help them achieve it, no matter the moral ambiguity of the methods they take to do so. Should witches had been allowed to exist, occasionally this devotion to the Incubator's cause will carry over in some twisted manner to their Witch forms upon falling to despair, resulting in things like the aforementioned Quitterie.


Anyway that's all for now, just wanted to let you guys know what's going on.
It's good to hear that.
Speaking about the plan ... I tried to write a scene with these characters, but I found my attempts unsatisfactory. I am not a good writer, and too much attention has been paid to the problems of integrating AI into society and their relationship with people.
However, I will try to finish it within 24 hours. Perhaps the author will find some ideas interesting.
I already wrote a bit about my AI/magic backstory, so I'll elaborate. "Samael" is what's left of Kōris big sister. Age unclear, but at least old enough to be her guardian. That's not her original name of course, if she can even properly be considered the same person - there may be some philosophical controversy among the population. Similarly, she may be the first or one of the first AI humanity has produced, a technology unlocked by the wish, but not necessarily if you have other plans.

Notably, Samael is a very significant name, that of a Talmudic archangel known as the accuser (Ha-Satan), and later associated with Lucifer and the devil (hey… wait a minute…), but was not evil in his original incarnation, remaining loyal to God (does this sound familiar?), a sort of loyal opposition, who acts towards good results, even if the methods are harsh. (I'm a huge fan of Neil Gaimans interpretation in Sandman and its spin-off Lucifer. The upcoming tv adaptation even reflects a sort gender neutral version played by Gwendoline Christie, high hopes).

Because subtext doesn't need to be subtle!

Anyway, I deliberately left her original name unknown, haven't even picked one. Some things are better left unsaid. I mentioned earlier I went with Halo style AI, though this is a step farther really. Very different form EDI or the Geth, these are made from a human mind. In Halo, Cortana was born from a cloned brain of Dr. Halsey, making her a sort of transhuman upload daughter. Much more experimental here, with Samael being an upload of a dying big sis, who was probably vaguely important or made so by the wish to justify why she was uploaded.

So, is Samael big sis, transferred from a dying body to an AI core? Or is she just a copy? Does it matter? Maybe God and the Devil know, but they're certainly not talking. She certainly retains knowledge of her previous life - but emotions are much trickier without all the biological components. So Kōri got her wish, and is convinced it really is her big sis (she must be), but their relationship isn't what it once was. Samaels life is very different now, and what Kōri believes and what everyone else believes need not be one in the same.

Kōri, as you may have noticed, is a rather cold girl. She wants what she wants, and she'll mold herself into what she needs to be to get it, and maybe doesn't sweat the details as much as she should. The ends justify the means, after all. She's reserved, disciplined; don't play cards with her. She's singular in her pursuit, not one for half measures; only big sis ever pierced her guard, others would be pushed away. For big sis, Kōri would do anything, and even if big sis isn't as warm as she once was, she still remembers her little sister. The harder things get for Kōri, the harder she gets, dangerously so, to herself and those around her.

Kōri is the kind of person Homura wouldn't need to explain herself to, Kōri's ride or die. Samael might once have been a more Madoka like influence, but well, like Homura, Kōri might be a little bit selfish, and is that so bad, really?
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Heart of Steel (Semi-canon)
It definitely took a lot more time and effort than I originally thought, and my illness is definitely not helping. Writing in a foreign language is quite difficult, so I will be grateful for your corrections.


Heart of steel.

Mitakihara's spacious captain's office was submerged in the darkness. The only light sources in the room were the multitude of glowing blue holographic monitors hovering around the table, and a pair of dimly twinkling golden eyes, whose owner sat in the chair opposite. Her appearance gave a strange impression - the figure of a teenage girl with long light blue hair was dressed in a dark blue Admiralty uniform and a huge cloak that hid most of her body, and on her head was a cap with the symbol of the Alliance.
Her body was motionless, and her face did not express any emotions - the only thing that did not allow her to mistake her owner for a skillfully made doll was her intense, unblinking gaze, carefully watching the displays.

The silence in the room was suddenly broken by the noise of the intercom, and a soft female voice came from the speakers. "Ma'am, Dr Sakurada wants to talk to you."

The girl's expression did not change, but her gloved hand pressed a couple of buttons, after which the lamps on the ceiling began to come to life, illuminating the room with soft light. "Thank you. Let her come in. " The girl's voice in the chair was soft but firm.

The holographic panel on the door blinked green and the door opened to admit a rather young woman with bright red hair, wearing a lab coat over her rather ordinary clothes. Glancing around the office and noting the absence of any personal belongings, she sighed, then went to the table, and watched how the owner of the room turned off the intercom and, with a smooth movement of her hand, shifted all the screens so that they did not interfere with the conversation.

"Good evening Administrator Samael. It's nice to finally see you in person."

"Greetings, Dr. Sakurada. I have already received your report on the psychological state of the crew. Thank you for your hard work. Could you please tell us the purpose of your visit today, and why did you bother to come here in person? " Girl - Samael asked, her tone is flat.

"I would like to get an idea of the condition of each member of the crew, including you. Dr Sakurada said, looking closely into her interlocutor's eyes.

There was silence in the room for a few seconds. Finally, the girl bowed her head a little. "You know that your worry is completely pointless, right? After all, I am AI. " The girl replied, surprise in her tone. Didn't the doctor know about this? In the end, her appointment caused a public outcry. Many people criticized the leadership of the Alliance for this step, and among them were quite high-ranking people. Each of the project participants had to sign a paper that they agree is under the command of the AI, albeit one that is recognized as a real person.

The red-haired woman looked bewildered for a second before her features twisted into anger. After a couple of seconds, the woman closed her eyes and took a deep breath, after which her face returned to a neutral expression, although the embers of anger smouldered in her eyes. "Yes, I've heard this opinion. However, my job is to keep track of the health of each crew member, and their roster includes you. "

"Then you don't have to worry, there are no abnormalities in my condition." Samael's gaze increased slightly.

"Oh, I can see it." The woman said, glancing around the girl's outfit, sarcasm in her voice.

Sometimes Samael was almost jealous of conventional AI, which only remotely understood all these social interactions.

"My body, although outwardly very similar to a human, is completely different. I can't breathe, I don't feel the discomfort of being motionless, my facial expressions are limited, and my body is simply not able to move in the same way as a human. All this causes discomfort to the interlocutor, so the researchers recommended that I wear clothes that hide almost all of my body, except for my face. In addition, my appearance seems to some people inappropriate for my position, and formal attire helps to smooth out that impression. " For the same reason, her boots had a platform, and the captain's chair was noticeably larger and higher than the chair opposite.

Dr Sakurada still looked unimpressed. "As far as I know, you hardly ever communicate with your subordinates personally. And yet you constantly wear these clothes in a room where there is almost always no one but you? "

"You came to me. In addition, I am not harmed by low or high temperatures, except in extreme ones. I also have no tactile sensations, so wearing this uniform does not give me any inconvenience. "

In addition, a tiny echo, similar to the shadow of thought from a past life, the existence of which Samael would not admit to anyone, said that this form looked incredibly cool on her.

For a moment, the doctor looked like she wanted to continue arguing, but after another long sigh, she decided to change the subject. Her gaze lingered on the holographic displays showing a wide variety of data. "As far as I know, there are still ten days before departure, and the first colonists with their families have not yet arrived. Does it make any sense for you to study all this data? "

"I am investigating possible deviations in the ship's systems in passive mode. So far, the analysis programs have not found anything, but there is always a chance that they have missed something. The human observer is very valuable, but the constant comparison of so much data in real-time for one person is difficult, and even a large team of scientists will quickly tire of it. Therefore, I took this task upon myself. Besides, I don't need to take breaks, because I don't need food and sleep. "

There are many benefits to being a machine. Samael's eyes shouldn't see the entire space at once, without needing focus, her multitasking was excellent because she could continue to analyze the data even during such a conversation. Although she regretted a little that her architecture did not imply communication with other devices, forcing her to interact with them like an ordinary person.

"In other words, are you taking on a job that is too hard, boring and repetitive for everyone else? You know that an android with a true personality does not need to work harder than an average person? " said the doctor, a strange look on her face. Something like ... frustration and guilt? She stared into the android's eyes without blinking, but in the end, was forced to admit that she could not win this competition.

The uncomfortable silence stretched out for several minutes, but in the end, it was the girl in the captain's chair who opened her mouth first. "Mitakihara is a large and completely unique project, created to achieve possibly the most ambitious goal that humanity has tried to achieve during its entire existence. This ship is unique and unmatched. " And indeed it is. Everything from the intricate design of the ship to its advanced performance that surpassed even the wildest expectations of its creators seemed to be something unreal. Some of the more impressionable participants in the project claimed that a miracle was involved in its creation. Well, Samael knew enough about the world to consider this explanation quite plausible.

"The bizarre starship isn't even the strangest wish of the year."

"However, this ship also has a fundamental flaw. One person is simply not able to command him properly at this moment. There are too many to remember, too many variables to take into account, too many unknowns, too great risks. That is why I was chosen for this position. " Samael spoke, and although her expression and tone had barely changed, her interlocutor felt a strange pressure from the android's gaze. "That is why the researchers insisted on my candidacy as the leader of this mission. I can work continuously and efficiently, and I can ignore trivial things like boredom and stress. So, Doctor, while I appreciate your attention, there was no need for your concern from the beginning. The android's last words exuded confidence.

For several minutes, both interlocutors were silent. The receptionist girl continued to contemplate the room with an impassive gaze. At the same time, the doctor looked down at her fists, which were clenched so tightly during this speech that her knuckles turned white.

"And that's why you hide in this tall tower, cutting yourself off from all normal communication behind voice messages and reports, plunging into useless work?" the doctor said quietly, looking down. Samael was about to protest this outrageous misinterpretation, but her interlocutor raised her hand in the air, stopping the denial. "Very good. I understand. You are the only one who can handle this mission. And I'm willing to admit that Samael is as resilient to stress as she claims ... "The doctor looked up, a strange mixture of regret and determination in her eyes. "... But what about Shinoshita Kōri?"

It finally got a reaction from the android. Her confidence vanished instantly, and her expression was somehow even more dispassionate than it had been at the beginning of the conversation. "What about her?"

"How does your ward feel about not returning home all day? As far as I can tell from your files, you… " She swallowed, looking as if she genuinely rejected even the idea of what she was about to say. "As far as I know, you were created as Shinoshita Kōri's guardian ... And as a replacement for her terminally ill sister. Created as an imitation. " The woman spoke, disgust and anger mingled in her voice.

Samael stared back at her, her expression as blank as a statue. The oppressive silence lasted for several minutes. Finally, the red-haired woman closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she reopened them ten seconds later, she looked much calmer. The strange mixture of anger, disgust, and guilt was still there, but it didn't burn so brightly.

"I apologize for this outbreak, but you probably understand very well yourself that you cannot just run away from it. So if you need help ... please ask me. Or any other person you can trust. No one should fight this alone. " As she spoke, the doctor spoke more and more quietly, and the last sentence was uttered so softly that even the blue-haired android's excellent hearing barely caught her.

Samael continued to gaze dispassionately at the woman who had completely moved away from her outburst, and gradually turned red with shame. She got up from the chair, and, after saying a few unintelligible words of apology, quickly walked towards the door. Having entered the code and standing near the already open door, the doctor finally glanced at the android girl, and, bowing her head in apology, quickly left the office.

As the front door closed after the woman, the perfect mask of indifference cracked, replaced by expressions of regret and bitterness. These emotions seemed so muted that they were only noticeable in contrast to her previous expressions, but they were.

"Just ask, huh?" The girl muttered in a muffled voice. Slowly, her hand darted into the depths of her oversized raincoat and pulled out an old-fashioned phone in a bright orange case with a sunflower keychain. The screen lit up, showing an image of two small children with light blue hair against a backdrop of dark clouds. The youngest girl, who looked about five years old, shyly hid from the camera, snuggling up to her older seven-year-old sister, while the latter smiled broadly, covering her golden eyes.


"Big sister..."

"Don't worry, Kōri, it's just a thunderstorm. See, I'm smiling, which means it's okay, right? Don't worry, I won't let the bad weather hurt you. Big sister will always watch over you, okay?"



You didn't keep that promise.

Samael carefully turned off the phone and tucked it back into her pocket. As she did so, she tried again to fully focus on analyzing the data but found that her thoughts kept returning to her conversation with the doctor. The android had to admit that in a past life she had already had to confront a similar person. Her English teacher, who paradoxically managed to maintain her idealistic ideals while not ignoring the suffering of others.


"Shinoshita, we need to talk."

"What is it about, teacher? "

"I understand that you had a hard time after the death of your parents, and your uncle is probably very busy in the laboratory and does not pay as much attention to you and your sister as he should. However, you should not avoid other children because of this."

" I must look after my sister. And I still help my classmates - I just don't have free time to hang out with them."

"You understand that with such a distant attitude it will be very difficult for you to make friends, right? And that's not all, is it? Your physical education grades have dropped dramatically. If you and your sister need help, you know you can ask me or one of the teachers."

"I understand. Don't worry, teacher, it's just fatigue. "


"... Are you in trouble, older sister?"

"A? What are you talking about? Do those who have problems smile? I'm fine, Kōri. I'll take care of you. "

"... If the older sister says so."


What hypocrisy. Eventually, even caring for yourself became impossible for you.

The android memory is perfect. This means that memories will always be kept in perfect condition and can be restored to the smallest detail at any time. But even this kind of memory has a drawback. You can restore events dear to your heart and revive past emotions in your heart - however, only if you are still able to truly experience them. If they are not able, they resemble a painting devoid of all colours.

It's interesting how it feels different for the senses. In her memories, she can still feel the taste of homemade food, the smell of wildflowers, the feeling of the summer breeze ... And the feeling of the brutal pain that accompanied almost all the memories of the past few years.


" …Older sister."

"Heh, I've shown myself to be pretty awkward. Losing consciousness in the middle of your birthday ..."

" …Older sister."

" Don't worry about me. I already feel better, see? As long as you're doing well, I'm happy, you know? Do not worry about me. Come here, I'll help you with your homework."

"...If sister says so.'


Lie. Fading in agony, the girl simply clung desperately to the last ray of light in the hopeless darkness of her own life.

"I don't think so. Fearlessness and courage are not the same, after all. And isn't a girl who was terribly afraid of death, but continued to smile to keep the smile of another person, not the most courageous one?"

The cloaked girl clasped her hands restlessly in front of her. In her imagination, this gesture should have made her feel a little better, but in reality, the android did not notice much of a difference.

The most unpleasant thing about these memories was no pain at all - after all, her past was familiar to it. No, the worst part was powerlessness. Memories of how plans for the future turned into pipe dreams, how the huge world gradually became smaller, in the end, reduced to a hospital ward, and how even she became "smaller" every day. You didn't keep your promise!


"Why should everything important to me disappear? Father, mother, uncle ... And even an older sister. You promised me to always be with me!"

"I know. Please forgive your useless older sister if you can. You grew up to be such a beautiful and strong girl. Surely, you can live a dignified and happy life even without me..."

"I don't want such a life! All I want is big sister will never leave me!"


Was she able to satisfy even this desire? Samael herself could not answer this question. She kept all the memories of the sick girl, from the beginning of her life to the end, every memory. She could remember what she was thinking every single time, but due to her almost complete insensitivity, she could hardly understand why. Is she the same girl in the hospital room who got the chance to live life in a new body? Or is she just an imitation of her, a soulless robot that has received human memories?

Oh, she was certainly recognized as a person. Taking the name "Samael", proposed by one of Kōri's new acquaintances, the android pretended to be one of the inventions of their uncle, a man, a famous scientist in the field of artificial intelligence. And while only a handful of AIs has been able to pass the "personality" test so far, with its human memories it was pretty easy. But would she have coped with this test if not for her memories?

In the end, for Samael herself, it was not so important. The android girl lived according to what she considered reasonable and the moral principles that formed the basis of her old self. And the android decided that it would fulfil the promise given to the eldest of the Shinoshita sisters a long time ago. And when the Admiralty promised her help in the custody of the girl, she agreed to take this position without hesitation.

As for Kōri herself ... It was too difficult a question. Of course, the younger girl accepted her and called her older sister, but was she right? The android itself felt something for her, but what was that feeling? Respect for the creator? Gratitude for the kindness shown? Or did her sister's love resonate even in her cold metal heart? Will Samael one day call Kōri her little sister and smile at her without fear of giving her false hope? ... Probably one day they will find answers to these questions, one way or another.

"As long as you both keep trying, your feelings and thoughts will surely reach the other side one day. I will watch you."


I ended up having to add the character of Dr Sakurada for this scene to work. This scene went through four rewrites and I'm still not happy with the result, especially at the end. Well, the best enemy of the good, I suppose? I interpret the words of the author of the plan, trying to understand how the main character could have come to this point. Her backstory turned out to be more tragic than I initially thought, but, I think, it is life?

It was a little difficult to make the main one at the same time more or less neutral at the start for comfortable participation in the quest, but at the same time corresponding to her biography. I hope I have coped with this task.

In terms of appearance, I was inspired by Fumika from Shigofumi: Letters from the Departed, she is a similar stoic type.

The part about the ship was a reference to the city of Mikakihara, where some parts of it look so strange as if they arose under the influence of a magical girl's wish.
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So, I'm hoping that the fact we, the official leader, know about megucas, should allow us to clamp down on territory disputes in our colony, because losing meguca pops to infighting is bad and we don't want our (creator)sister hurt.
Just want to apologize for the long delay, IRL has been sorta a ball of stress and chaos lately with no sign of settling down yet... Will try to update when I can, but how quickly that happens depends on a lot of things...

Definitely will try to post before December though, even if I have to force myself.

Just wanted to let you all know that I haven't forgotten about this.

I am not a good writer
Not a good writer? Don't sell yourself short. That was probably better than anything I could put out to be honest.

Anyway, I like what you wrote here. Mind if I use elements of this when I get around to the update? There are certain things here that I myself probably wouldn't include in the story proper, but there are definitely elements in there I would like to canonize. (So therefore I suppose it would be a semi-canon omake of sorts if I do this.)

Of course, that's entirely up to you. If you say no I would completely understand.
Not a good writer? Don't sell yourself short. That was probably better than anything I could put out to be honest.

Anyway, I like what you wrote here. Mind if I use elements of this when I get around to the update? There are certain things here that I myself probably wouldn't include in the story proper, but there are definitely elements in there I would like to canonize. (So therefore I suppose it would be a semi-canon omake of sorts if I do this.)

Of course, that's entirely up to you. If you say no I would completely understand.

Thanks. It is good to hear.
Of course! Use whatever part you like. At the end of the day, being able to share ideas is what I love most about writing.
Year 1 - Month 1 - Start
//Okay so I couldn't do it before December started, but at least it's only a couple days late. Also threadmarked Eternal's omake.

[X] Plan Love Hurts
-[X] Samael
-[X] Female patterns.
-[X] Martial: 6
-[X] Diplomacy: 8
-[X] Stewardship: 9
-[X] Intrigue: 7
-[X] Learning:10
-[x] Multitasker - Perform an extra personal action each turn.
-[x] Product of Hope - A magical girl's wish was at least partially responsible for this system's existence. (Gain a Magical Girl as an additional starting hero unit that starts with +25 Loyalty. Grants awareness of the Magical Girl System.)
—[X] Create manually.
—-[X] Name: Shinoshita Kōri
—-[X] Age: 14
—-[X] Hair color: Pale blue
—-[X] Eye color: Pale violet
—-[X] Wish: I wish big sis will never leave me
——[X] Power: Cryokinesis, escalating into a roaring blizzard the longer she tries to stay engaged.
——[X] Weapon: Naginata
——[X] Costume: A kimono, in white and grey, very conservative and covering.
—-[X] Martial: 11
—-[X] Diplomacy: 7
—-[X] Stewardship: 4
—-[X] Intrigue: 12
—-[X] Learning: 6
—[X] Cult of Love - Worships somebody unspeakable. Gain an Occult stat of 1, or +1 Occult if the stat is already present. -10 to Diplomacy checks against other Magical Girls that lack this trait, but gain additional bonuses at high loyalty.
— [X] Disciplined - This Magical Girl has a firmer grasp over her emotions than most. Corruption point gains per turn by this hero are reduced by 1.
-[x] The system contains only Gas giants and uninhabitable rocks, but you know that there is a second Charon Device in this system that connects to another star that seems far more promising. (Colony in random star system. Communication with Earth takes longer to reestablish, but gives you more freedom from Earth bureaucracy.)
-[X] An absolutely pristine world with a diverse range of climates and an abundance of natural resources. A perfect planet to settle. Almost too perfect to be honest... (Gaia world. +10% Approval. Planet has an Anomaly on it that will be discovered upon landing. Reduces the rate at which Meguca and Wraith pops form. Planet's resources make it a strategic target to other factions.)
-[x] Ivan Volkov
-[x] There is no need to deviate from Earth's Ethics. (Empire will start as Egalitarian and Xenophile.)
-[X] Elysium
You are Samael, AI captain of the UES Mitakihara and acting colony leader until its society stabilizes enough to hold a formal election.

You are the legal guardian of Shinoshita Kōri, a 14 year old girl of Japanese descent, and your "sister." The nature of this relation is a bit complicated, but to make a long explanation short, your neural patterns were created from that of Kōri's biological sibling. Despite possessing all of her memories, whether or not you are actually the same girl as the one that was uploaded or merely a copy is a question that you find irrelevant to your current task and is something that you would rather dwell on later.

To add another layer of complexity to your relationship with Kōri, she is also technically your creator. While officially, you are the creation of your "uncle", a well-known and brilliant scientist in the field of robotics, the breakthrough that lead to your past life's upload was a direct result of Kōri's hopes and desires.

This is because Kōri is what is known as a "Magical Girl". An individual capable of weaponizing her emotions in the form of "Magic." Though you know that this so-called magic is in fact the result of sufficiently advanced technology developed by an enigmatic extraterrestrial species known as the "Incubators." A Magical Girl is formed through a contract made with an individual of the Incubator species, with their purpose being to fight entities of despair known as "Wraiths", which are responsible for a significant amount of unexplained deaths per year.

These contracts are formed through a simple wish, which the Incubator subsequently grants according to some process you have yet to fully analyze. In Kōri's case, her wish to not want her sister to leave directly resulted in a unique breakthrough in your "uncle's" research.

As the Mitakihara begins its final descent towards your chosen colony site: A pristine world that seems almost perfect for habitation, you direct your android body to glance at your "sister", who is currently watching the approach and allowing herself a small smile. Off to the side is Ivan Volkov, a russian man that some may find intimidating, whose military background would prove invaluable to colony security in the coming months. Currently, though, he seems to be eyeing your ward with a frown, no doubt still internally fuming about an earlier argument where he stated "Little girl should not be on bridge."

Locking eyes with your android for a moment, he simply turns to watch the landing with a small huff as you work diligently behind the scenes to assure that all systems are functioning properly. As this occurs you passively note the presence of Kyubey -- the resident Incubator -- on one of the forward consoles, silently swinging his tail as he also observes this historic moment. You make no effort to communicate with him, as it is unneccessary, and his selective imperceptibility to those Unaware would make you appear defective if you attempted to do so.

As you finish your diagnostics, you return your attention to the descent. It won't be long now...

Anomaly Detected
>As you approach the surface, you begin to make out several dense clusters of what appears to be biomass dotting the destination continent. Fortunately, the landing site is clear of them, so you have no reason to abort the approach. However, these clusters may warrant investigation later...
>??? modifier added to planet. (Effect - ???)

As the Mitakihara touches down and you make the final checks, you give the colonists the signal to disembark. Tents and temporary shelters are erected in and around the colony ship as people begin to marvel at the surroundings. Some of the scientists begin eagerly collecting samples of the planet's extraterrestrial flora and fauna. Overall, the pristine beauty of the planet seems to have had a positive effect on the general opinion of you, with security devices detecting several conversations saying, to varying degrees, that perhaps the "AI isn't that bad."

You also feel that the favorable conditions may have an effect on Mitakihara's resident Wraith population as well. Your calculations would suggest that the less likely people are to despair, the less active the Wraiths will become. After running a quick calculation of the sustainability of a less active Wraith population, you conclude that there is currently no threat to Kōri's well-being due to a shortage of Grief Cubes. You also predict a similar reduction in Magical Girl contract rates.

As things begin to settle you soon call a meeting with essential personnel on the bridge to discuss further steps in the estabishment of the colony, now bearing the name of "Elysium". Kōri is removed from the bridge at this time at Mr. Volkov's insistence, though you maintain a remote connection to her mobile device to keep her in the loop. Especially if you have tasks that only she would be able to accomplish.

>Approval - 60% (The colonists are somewhat warming up to you.)
>Grief Cubes - 10 (This is a personal stockpile for hero upkeep. No centralized GC stockpile has been established.)

>Magical Girl (Human): 1
>Wraith: 1

Colony Actions:
(Choose 1 from each category)
[] Establish a local peacekeeping force. (Costs 1 Human pop)
DC: 30
-The establishment of basic law enforcement through repurposement of security personnel and recruitment of able-bodied individuals will promote stability within the young colony.
(Reward: Colony stability improved, reducing crime probability and keeping everyone happy for the time being. A Human pop is converted to the Enforcer job.)

[] Create a precautionary defense force. (Costs 1 Human pop)
DC: 50
-While a peacekeeping force would manage to keep the internal affairs of the colony stable, you do not know whether or not this planet houses any hostile fauna. It would therefore be prudent to establish a more specialized unit for the colony's protection.
(Reward: A human pop is converted to a basic defense army. Lose 2% approval due to colonists not seeing the need for a dedicated military force yet.)

[] Order construction of an unmanned defense grid.
DC: 30
-Alternatively to a defense force, you could construct an automated defense grid controlled directly by you to protect against potential hostile fauna encounters. It would also create some temporary jobs for the colonists. However, the visible presence of weapons may be unnerving to some.
(Reward: Colony gains the Defense Grid modifier. Lose 2% approval due to the population being wary of the guns.)

[] Construct a Corvette.
DC: 120
-Commencing early construction on the colony's navy would give it an additional degree of protection as well as aid in eventual expansion projects. However, at this early stage in developement, perhaps this isn't the best use of the colony's resources, and it would take a long time without a dedicated shipyard anyway...
(Reward: Gain a Corvette-class ship for the empire fleet. Starting this before the colony can properly manage it will have consequences.)

[] Establish communications with the local Magical Girl population. (Only leaders and heroes that are Aware can perform this action.)
DC: 40
-You have no doubts that the local Magical Girls could be an asset to the colony if you can secure the cooperation of at least a few of them. The local Incubator, Kyubey, may be able to help establish contact with the more significant members of the MG population.
(Reward: Enables further diplomatic interactions with major Magical Girl factions within the colony.)

[] Broach the idea of publicly revealing Magical Girls to the colonists to Kyubey. (Only leaders and heroes that are Aware can perform this action.)

DC: 50
-The world of Magical Girls is a potential asset. However, it would be far easier to make use of it if they could operate publicly, though that would take not only convincing the population of their legitimacy, but also convincing the Incubators to allow it. Therefore, perhaps you should request an audience with Kyubey...
(Reward: If successful, the Incubators will allow you to reveal Magical Girls to the public unimpeded. Lowers DC of revealing Magical Girls by 50%.)

[] Publically reveal Magical Girls to the colonists. (Only leaders and heroes that are Aware can perform this action.)
DC: 80
-Reveal the world of Magical Girls to the public to make the most out of the potential asset their presence poses. Doing this without the Incubators approval may have consequences.
(Reward: Everyone in the colony becomes Aware. Unlocks some Magical Girl related actions.)

[] Make a commemorative speech.
DC: 40
-This is a historic moment. Therefore a commemorative speech from Colony Administration may be expected.
(Reward: Varies depending on who is assigned to this task, for better or worse.)

[] Commence mining operations.
DC: 30
-Natural resources are critical to colony development. Full scale mining should be implemented as soon as possible.
(Reward: +1% Approval from job creation. Some pops may become Miners. Colony growth increases.)

[] Commence farming operations.
DC: 30
-Food is vital for colony and population growth, as well as a significant source of overall happiness. It is therefore vital to begin agricultural development before Mitakihara's storage runs dry.
(Reward: +1% Approval from job creation. Some pops may become Farmers. Colony growth increases.)

[] Optimize power generation.
DC: 30
-Energy is required to operate the colony. Therefore the optimization and maintenance of the electrical grid should be prioritized.
(Reward: +1% Approval from job creation. Some pops may become Technicians. Colony growth increases.)

>No actions are currently available for this category.

[] Research the applications of the planet's flora and fauna.
DC: 40
-The planet is populated by lifeforms previously unknown to science. Perhaps something practical can be found in their biology?
(Reward: ???)

[] Research new technologies.
DC: 60
-Order the R&D department to experiment and come up with new devices and technologies that could benefit the colony.
(Reward: ???)

[] Survey nearby systems.
DC: 60
-The Mitakihara is equipped with a small science vessel, which can be dispatched to investigate nearby star systems through the other Charon Devices orbiting this star.
(Reward: Reveals information about a neighboring system. Chance to detect anomalies.)

Anomalies, Quests, and Missions:
Anomaly: Biomass Clusters
>While landing, you detected several clusters of biomass spread out all across the continent. Perhaps this warrants investigation?
[] Dispatch a science team to examine the nearest cluster. Perhaps they're nothing of concern. (Learning)
[] Dispatch a task force to destroy the nearest cluster. You cannot take any chances that they are hostile. (Martial)
[] Leave them alone.

>If dispatching:
[] Assign one or more heroes to accompany them? (Uses up one of the personal actions for each hero attending. Samael CAN go on this mission. Kōri must be accompanied by someone else if going due to Magical Girls not being public knowledge.)
[] Leave them to their own devices.

Personal Actions:
[] Spend time with Kōri. (Also uses Kōri's personal action.)
Progress: 0/100
-Kōri is "family", therefore it may be desirable to spend some time with her once you have a moment of low activity.
(Reward: Kōri loyalty increase. Repeatable.)

[] Schedule a private discussion with Ivan. (Also uses Ivan's personal action. Mutually exclusive with bringing him into the loop.)
-It is obvious that Mr. Volkov views some of your allowances regarding Kōri with disapproval. Perhaps a discussion with him is in order...
(Reward: Ivan remains unaware and becomes more tolerant of using Kōri for certain tasks.)

[] Bring Ivan into the loop. (Uses both Ivan and Kōri's personal actions. Mutually exclusive with having a private discussion.)
-As a valued member of the administration, perhaps you should be more transparent about your secrets with Mr. Volkov. Perhaps you and Kōri should bring him in on the secret. Kyubey may have to be involved...
(Reward: If successful, Ivan becomes Aware and somewhat more tolerant of using Kōri for certain tasks.)

[] Develop and optimize your skills.
-[] Martial (Progress: 0/100)
-[] Diplomacy (Progress: 0/100)
-[] Stewardship (Progress: 0/100)
-[] Intrigue (Progress: 0/100)
-[] Learning (Progress: 0/100)
(Reward: Relevant stat permanently increases by 1 once progress is complete. Repeatable.)
[] Hunt Wraiths.
-The Mitakihara has a wraith population that needs to be controlled lest it starts causing problems.
(Reward: Gain Grief Cubes based on success. Gain additional Corruption proportional to result. Repeatable.)

[] Explore the local area.
-This is a new planet with unknown threats. Therefore getting a lay of the land and claiming territory before other Magical Girls can do so is probably a good idea.
(Reward: Potentially gain new intel about the planet, magical girl population, and surrounding area.)

[] Assign to colony action.
-[] Specify a colony action above. That action will use this hero's stats instead of Samael's. If assigned to an action that's already been chosen, this hero's stats will instead be used to reroll in the event of failure.
[] Perform a tactical assessment of the landing site.
-In order to most effectively come up with a defense plan for the colony in the event hostile fauna is present, it would be a good idea to assess the surrounding area and its defensibility.
(Reward: Colony gains +5 defense against ground assaults.)

[] Assign to colony action.
-[] Specify a colony action above. That action will use this hero's stats instead of Samael's. If assigned to an action that's already been chosen, this hero's stats will instead be used to reroll in the event of failure.
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Just found the quest and I have to say I really liked what I read. Quick question @Evil_Nazgul0616 : Does the fact that we have no intigue actions mean we lose one action, or can we asign it to another category? Also if it wouldn't be too much to ask, could you put the resource list in every post that has actions and resoults? Technically it's not necesarry, but it helps a lot to quickly understand our options and it is also pricless for people who want to read through in the middle of the quest and don't have acces to relevant empire sheets (And I don't know if this will stay true, but the list right now doesn't seem to long with the only relevant parts being worlds list, aproval, pops and grief cubes).
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Just found the quest and I have to say I really liked what I read. Quick question @Evil_Nazgul0616 : Does the fact that we have no intigue actions mean we lose one action, or can we asign it to another category?
You have one less colony action this turn due to not having any Intrigue actions available.

Also if it wouldn't be too much to ask, could you put the resource list in every post that has actions and resoults?
Sure thing. I'll edit that in in a moment.
Also, as I always wanted to try planmaking, here is something from me:

[X] Plan Firm Foundation, Preparing for the Worst
-[X] Order construction of an unmanned defense grid.
-[X] Establish a local peacekeeping force. (Ivan)
-[X] Make a commemorative speech.
-[X] Optimize power generation.
-[X] Research the applications of the planet's flora and fauna.
-[X] Dispatch a science team to examine the nearest cluster. Perhaps they're nothing of concern. (Learning)
-[X] Assign one or more heroes to accompany them? (Samael, Kori)
-[X] Develop and optimize your skills.
--[X] Diplomacy (Progress: 0/100)
-[X] Assign to colony action. (Ivan)

Gains and loses:
-2% approval
-1 human pop
+1% approval

-1% Approval
-1 Human Pop

Setting up Defense Grid and getting Ivan to set up peacekeepers in the same turn to get as safe as possible, while hopefully getting pops less paranoid thanks to peacekeepers ("The Grid is for outside, Peacekeepers are for the inside"), giving the speech because we have no one else that can do it (Ivan sucks at Diplo and Kori is a child) and I think we should do it now rather then later, getting generators optimized to supply the Defense grid (we don't want blackouts right now, especially because of the already-not-popular Defense Grid) and reduce the impact to our approval, while sending scientists (because I don't dare to blow the cluster up in fear of a bioarmy attacking us back, and we can't ignore them) with Kori going as the muscle (her makroscale cryokinesis should work great against a cluster of bioforms in the worst case scenario) with Samael as backup to scientists and escort to Kori, while at the same time progressing our Diplo (becuse I feel we are going to need it with the whole AI thing (and we can't spend that action in any other way anyway)).