[X]Skirmishers: Centered around Destroyers and Strike Craft with Light and Line Cruiser support. Mostly intended to act as screening and escort force for the heavier formations, as well as to act as deep reconnaissance and raiding formation. Fast and aggressive, but with little endurance.
[X]Hoeth-pattern Light Cruiser: A variant of the standard Chrono-pattern hull, the Hoeth removes the standard positron batteries and both ventral and dorsal missile batteries in favor of a pair of heavy Prism Cannons. These powerful, long-range attack weapons significantly increase the ship's offensive capabilities. Supplementing them is the standard torpedo compliment and 4 light positron cannons, and a pair of aft-mounted 4-cell missile launchers with much-reduce munition bins.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Pathetic King on Nov 18, 2017 at 7:48 PM, finished with 12 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] Skirmishers: Centered around Destroyers and Strike Craft with Light and Line Cruiser support. Mostly intended to act as screening and escort force for the heavier formations, as well as to act as deep reconnaissance and raiding formation. Fast and aggressive, but with little endurance.
    [X]Hoeth-pattern Light Cruiser: A variant of the standard Chrono-pattern hull, the Hoeth removes the standard positron batteries and both ventral and dorsal missile batteries in favor of a pair of heavy Prism Cannons. These powerful, long-range attack weapons significantly increase the ship's offensive capabilities. Supplementing them is the standard torpedo compliment and 4 light positron cannons, and a pair of aft-mounted 4-cell missile launchers with much-reduce munition bins.
    [X]Light Assault: Centered around Reyan fast Light Cruisers, supported with Destroyer and Line Cruiser elements and occasional Heavy Strike Craft. Bulkier and more powerful than screening forces, they are used mainly as vanguards, but also as raiders against more heavily defended targets.
    [X]Isha-pattern Line Cruiser: "The" naval vessel employed by the Imperial Cosmo Fleet, and one of the few rare vessels that breach the gab between its light and heavy units. Specifically designed as a multirole, medium-weight ship the Isha can keep pace with much lighter vessels while having significantly heavier defenses and weapons, allowing it to serve alongside heavy-duty formations. Perfect for any role, they are armed as standard with three positron batteries, six torpedo tubes, two 4-cell missile launcher on both dorsal and ventral positions and an aft 6-cell missile launcher.
    [X] Chrono-pattern Light Cruiser: Considered to be the "standard" type of Light Cruisers in Imperial service, ideal for quick actions and raids. Comparable in speed and handling to lighter vessels, yet more durable, they typically form the core heavy element of skirmishing forces and bulk of light assault formations. Armaments are composed of two triple positron batteries, aft light positron battery, a 4-cell and 6-cell dorsal missile battery and 8-cell ventral missile battery as well as 4 torpedo tubes.
    [X] Under Marshall Erina Dommel
[X]Light Assault

[X]Isha-pattern Line Cruiser

You'll recall that our main claim to fame right now isn't "good at dancing around" but being bloody minded and getting suicidally stuck in as part of some sort of wild cavalry charge right into the teeth of an enemy formation heedless of losses.

We keep doing what we do with only the lightest forces available to us will only result in furiously incrementing the death tolls upwards every time we enter combat.

TL: DR: Disregard skirmishers, acquire cavalry
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[X]Light Assault

[X]Isha-pattern Line Cruiser

You'll recall that our main claim to fame right now isn't "good at dancing around" but being bloody minded and getting suicidally stuck in as part of some sort of wild cavalry charge right into the teeth of an enemy formation heedless of losses.

We keep doing what we do with only the lightest forces available to us will only result in furiously incrementing the death tolls upwards every time we enter combat.

TL: DR: Disregard skirmishers, acquire cavalry

But we only actually HAD to do it because our boss screwed up. Something that this boss, being who she is, probably won't. So we mostly won't end up in situations that need that anymore.
But we only actually HAD to do it because our boss screwed up. Something that this boss, being who she is, probably won't. So we mostly won't end up in situations that need that anymore.

Doesn't mean that we haven't found a niche to fill.
Do we know how many ships a Skirmisher or Light Assault formation ususally includes?

I've kinda not put down hard numbers down yet, but keep in mind that since this is more animesque/rule of cool setting, full fleets can easily reach hundreds, even thousands of ships. The Empire is extragalactic in scale after all; I mean, the 'Great' isn't there in empire's name just because Reyan naming sense is incredibly gauche...

Provisionally, I'd say a Skirmish formation by itself would have between 25-50-odd cruisers, with at least twice as many destroyers (on average 100+). That's not counting support element in form of dedicated carriers etc. A Light assault force could be anything between 50-75 cruisers with comparable number of destroyer escorts and no carriers (all their fighters are based off aviation cruisers). "Carriers" is a bit of relative term here; since Reyans don't really have the same sort of fighter-based combat doctrine as say the modern United States Navy and don't see them as particularly valuable (this is, in-universe, somewhat debatable though).

"But wait, if fleet numbers aren't that far apart, what is the difference?" you might ask. Well, the makeup makes for all the difference.

Skirmish formations tend to be very swarm-big - those of concentrated Imperial line fleets will literally have hundreds of ships by themselves - but the core of that number are destroyers. Said vessels have paper-thin defenses being built mainly to be cheap and quick; They're powerful enough to fight other light elements (which Heleians love, incidentally, even if they have a number of really tough capships) and in aggressive actions they can take out heavier vessels; however their casualty rates are universally very high. A light assault formation has less ships overall, but more of these ships are cruiser-weight, thus the overall firepower and survivability of the formation increases dramatically. This kinda ties into the whole "every line ship a supership" tendency Empire tends to get, which necessitates that escorts be quick and cheap; though a proper Reyan commander will still consider anything beneath a Heavy Cruiser small change and I swear I'm going to make a detailed lore post about this some day :V

There is arguably a lot of overlap between the two options, which is intentional in reflecting the circumstances of your background. But, as observant players noted, there is a difference in endurance: A Light Assault fleet can find itself pressed by enemy fire and not immediately explode with hundreds of casualties, which does come in hand as a dedicated independent raiding fleet (destroyer's generally short operational range plays part there too) and a vanguard, at cost of loosing some of the Skirmisher's absolute speed advantage which translates into all sorts of things.
[X]Light Assault
[X]Isha-pattern Line Cruiser

Good positioning and tactics can do a lot to mitigate absolute speed advantages, and I'd rather develop an experienced cadre around us rather than attriting to subordinate officers and ships like water.
Ah I see no one is voting the carrier, but I like carriers~ :( ah well, I'll just go with bandwagon Second best.

[x]Isha-pattern Line Cruiser: "The" naval vessel employed by the Imperial Cosmo Fleet, and one of the few rare vessels that breach the gab between its light and heavy units. Specifically designed as a multirole, medium-weight ship the Isha can keep pace with much lighter vessels while having significantly heavier defenses and weapons, allowing it to serve alongside heavy-duty formations. Perfect for any role, they are armed as standard with three positron batteries, six torpedo tubes, two 4-cell missile launcher on both dorsal and ventral positions and an aft 6-cell missile launcher.

[x]Light Assault: Centered around Reyan fast Light Cruisers, supported with Destroyer and Line Cruiser elements and occasional Heavy Strike Craft. Bulkier and more powerful than screening forces, they are used mainly as vanguards, but also as raiders against more heavily defended targets.
[X]Light Assault

[X]Isha-pattern Line Cruiser

I think given the nature of our promotion we'd be EXPECTED to rush in heroically. Which I prefer to do in light assault rather than skirmish
[X]Light Assault
[X]Hoeth-pattern Light Cruiser

After word of god, I guess we need more the light assault... Too bad... But I won't change my decision about the Heath, because a good long ranged weapon is the best for a commander :D
[X]Light Assault: Centered around Reyan fast Light Cruisers, supported with Destroyer and Line Cruiser elements and occasional Heavy Strike Craft. Bulkier and more powerful than screening forces, they are used mainly as vanguards, but also as raiders against more heavily defended targets.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Pathetic King on Nov 19, 2017 at 12:15 PM, finished with 25 posts and 18 votes.
[X]Light Assault
[X]Isha-pattern Line Cruiser

I admit, when I read those ship's specifications my eyes glaze over (I personally don't care for that Mil-nerdity kind of stuff).

AKuz reasoning seems sound to me so I trust her.
Dust Wars - The Fleets Gather
[X]Light Assault
[X]Isha-pattern Line Cruiser

As ships trickle down into Eos, it becomes obvious that your formation is one of Light Assault. A considerable step-up from your former posting in skirmishing or escort roles, but one you welcome. While there is a fair few role overlaps between the two, your new unit has considerably more firepower and endurance. It is not a formation of the Line, but it does combine survivability with operational freedom, and thus a fair few chances for glory.

The choice of your flagship then, is fairly solid and obvious, if somewhat unremarkable. An Isha-pattern isn't the most special, but it is adaptive. A core of the heavy element of light assault, it will be more durable than regular light cruisers and will have considerable firepower at its disposal, without sacrificing its ability to keep with rest of the formation. A perfect raider or command ships.

Of course, there are also some personal benefits - it is a larger, more prestigious command. A Commodore with a Line Cruiser flagship is an officer of some renown and thus respect, even if he is of Auxilla origin.

Main Force:

- 114x Destroyers
- 25x Chrono-pattern Light Cruisers
- 20x Vaul-pattern Light Cruisers
- 5x Hoeth-pattern Light Cruisers

Command Element
- Flagship
- 10x Isha-pattern Line Cruisers
- 15x Lileath-pattern Line Cruisers

It is thus at the end of the week when the final reminder of your formation arrives, together with your flagship. Flying at parade formation with pristine hulls, even in as active base as Eos they gather considerable attention.

You come aboard with full ceremony, watches, salutes, all the bells and whistles. Your uniform is still as pristine white as ever, with gold and red highlights. The only new addition is a midnight black cap, fastened to your uniform with a mark that is an equal parts a symbol of rank and battlefield bravery. You pass through the airlock calmly and confidently, maintaining the grace and poise required of every model commander.

The crew is a mixture of Reyans and Auxillas, though clearly slated in favor of the latter. You can spot numerous blue-tints among the uniformed men, Giscarlanders same as you. Though, there are a couple of other, more exotic species...but your biggest surprise was your Captain. That you had one was in and of itself normal - after all, you were now a flag officer, so you couldn't be bothered to make most ship maneuvers by yourself. A full-fledged Captain would command your vessel, and typically serve as your link to the remaining officers in the fleet, much like how Admiral's aides and flag captain would relate to their officer corps. What is unusual however, is that your Captain is a Reyan.

Hair the color of quicksilver, framing a delicate face of milky alabaster. If not for azure-aqua eyes, she would be the very image of traditional Reyan beauty. You venture to guess any number of reasons she was here: punishment, demotion, torpedoing of a career, a mustang career through fleet without connections, lack of scholarship at prestigious academy...even a spy or executioner. The color was just right for a Yorhan after all.

But you voice none of those things as you return a perfect military salute to her own.

"Permission to enter onboard, Captain."

"Permission granted, Commodore. I hereby turn over the command of fleet over to you." Her accent is high and clipped, reminiscent of the Capitol. "I am Captain Noire Eorlande, and I am to be your flag captain and adjutant." You can't help but hear just a slight hesitation when she pronounces her surname. "We have prepared a brief tour of the vessel, after which I have taken the liberty of organizing a general meeting of all fleet sub-commanders..."

You nod. Some officers might have felt insulted, but you felt inclined to compliment her forward thinking and industriousness. You were unlikely to get much time to prepare, and you'd rather get to work immediately. "Excellent work, Captain. Lead on."

"Zer Valk!"


There is indeed little time to prepare and much to do. The Marshall needs her reinforcements quickly, so the only time you get to synchronize your fleet are the relentless exercises you run whenever your formation is transitioning in-systems between Hyshtam jumps.

Most of your officers are green, mostly former Auxilla from fleets that valued them higher than a disposable cannon fodder. They are far from helpless actually, though you find their experience a bit lacking. Fortunately, there is yourself and a couple of veterans in the formation, and however much the crews come to hate you for your relentless, unwavering schedule, the time when you simulate sinking most of your fleet with just its core heavy element and destroyer wing does much to give them perspective. Your own captain proves helpful as well - while your paranoia isn't gone in the least, she proves herself unobtrusive and capable in her role. She works strangely well with other Auxilla as well, and combination of charm and strict discipline make the enlisted respect her a great deal.

Of course, train as much as you might, you just can't maintain fleet at alert levels at all times, as much as you'd want. It's almost funny...your forgot just how much work Hayrant was making you do now that you are your own officer. You just....don't know what to do with your free time, as it happens.

[]Poor Desalt doesn't know what to do outside of more work. Find something for him, would you? [Write-in]


"Coordinates confirmed. Drives spooled up. We are ready for a Hysh jump."

Noire nodded, turning to you. "The fleet is ready for our final jump into Tansei Station, Commodore." You nod, sitting at your command throne, head buried in tactical display. "Make it so, Captain."

"All ships. Initiate jump!"

A moment in time, stretched into infinity. Space, matter, time, orientation all cease to matter as the world outside of your ship turns into an endless corridor of shapes and colors, unnatural in its speed and intensity. This was the plane of Hysh, the otherwordly realm that made travel between the stars possible. You recall that in old Reyan, hysh meant "magic" or "high sorcery", hence why most sailors referred to it as 'witchspace'. Despite passage of time, little was known about it - no research ever made the headway, although it was somewhat understood that conditions outside shielded hulls were lethal, with temperatures beneath the concept of absolute zero and dense bands of exotic radiation. You also remember that most species experienced jumps differently - Giscarlanders found the experience colorful, but somewhat remarkably unremarkable. Reyans found it profoundly unsettling, and some species reacted to Hysh travel with nothing but utter, screaming terror.

Just as suddenly, the universe comes apart under an intense point of light, and you return to the normal space. A layer of thin ice breaks off the hull of your vessels, forming crystalline vapor trails as ships go under normal impulse power.

Before you, stretched the Tansei Naval Station, the nerve center of Heleian Absolute Defense Line. Literal thousands of ships stretch before you, like endless corals of light under the gaze of a stellar remnant. Massive fortifications floated through space in complicated patterns, with docks, starbases and defense satellites all mingling.

"Look, over there!" Someone down below on the command deck shouts. "It's the Anemone II!"

Your eyes drift through the screens, picking up a massive vessel. It shared the same profile as the battleship of the Imperial Guard, only being colored in bone-white of the Cosmo Fleet, with an intricate pattern of black vines etched into the hull.

"An Asuryan-pattern Battleship." You quietly say to yourself. "Very rate, outside of banner fleets."

"I've heard the Marshall received it as reward from Supreme Leader, after the Well of Souls campaign." Noire replied. "They say her hull was never breached by enemy fire."

A battlefield legend to be sure, you muse, but a part of you hoped it was true...and that you would live long enough to share in same legend.


You are received quickly and without fanfare at one of the Tansei's main operating stations. Well, "without fanfare" was relative, as you are greeted by the Marshall herself.

As you strain yourself to top you already parade-perfect salute, you see that for once the propaganda wasn't far off the mark. Marshall Dommel is as tall and beautiful as pictured, long legs and attractive hips, light skin and wheat-gold hair. The elaborate white-and-gold uniform does not hide her beauty in the least, but there is thundering iron in her stride, and her Marshall's baton is never far from her hands.

"Commodore Abess and the 9th Strike Group, reporting as ordered!" You announce. You notice that some officers behind Marshall seem surprised, even angry at your presence. But Marshall herself makes no noise or movement to acknowledge you. Her gem-like eyes burrow into you, before a corner of her lips, ever so slightly, tips forward.

She returns your salute.

"Welcome to the frontlines, Commodore. Good of Command to finally send us reinforcements, but I am afraid there will be no time for formal ceremonies or training maneuvers. The situation is in constant flux, and our groups needs to be on the move, at all times."

You dutifully nod. "We stand ready for your command, Marshall."

The smile grows a little larger. "That's good, because we are sortieing, Commodore. As of two weeks ago, enemy activity spiked across the entire border." The cause of which remained unsaid, of course - "Command anticipates yet another general push by the Heleians. The regular formations are preparing to mount coordinates static defense along the forward perimeter, but enemy projections don't look very enticing. That's where we come in." You wait on her to continue.

"Long-range observations and scouting confirms that Heleians are massing in several systems not far from here, and we're even now receiving reports of their advanced scouting parties. So we're going to hit the beehive before all of them hatch." Marshall's eyes focus on you and your Captain. "I have a plan, Commodore, but for it to work I need my light assault units, yours included. You are to hit high-value targets, places and operations we suspect to be of value to the Heleians, puncture their ballooning confidence."

Classical raiding, by the sounds of it. "As to delay or disrupt their preparations?" Dommel's smile is predatory as she replies.

"No Commodore...to have them chase you."

You blink, surprised, while she continues. "My aim is to provoke the restless vanguard of Heleian fleet into rash action before it reaches critical mass. For this to work, I need aggressive raiding force to make enough nuisance of themselves to make them respond. Destroy their fleets, intercept their raiders, raid their supplies. However, whatever you do Commodore, it is imperative you return to our staging area in Almiratz system in three days. Not before, and certainly not after. Do you understand?"

You nod again.

"Excellent then. You have your orders; my staff will send you my intelligence and list of targets as soon as you return to your flagship. Zer Valk!"

"Zer Valk!"

There is much information that the Admiral's staff brings you; unfortunately most can be easily summed up as "the Heleians are bringing everything". As they always do.

Luckily, the forward observers had done their duty, and staff had identified several points of interest that can be hit immediately. To maximize operation chances, both Light Assault formations of Marshall's Task Group, the 7th and 9th (that's yours) Strike Groups would be mobilized; however both would operate independently. It was imperative than in three days you manage to rouse enough enemies to follow you into the Almiratz where the rest of fleet was massing.

Sounded simple enough but for the executions...always the hardest part.

What target should you hit?

[]Raiding the Raiders:
Scouts are tracking several light raiding forces that typically preempt major Heleian fleet movements, typically striking at light targets of opportunity in its path and acting as ambushes and fast-attack reinforcements in battles. Catching them might be a bit of a challenge, but destroying them will remove Heleian eyes and ears before battle, and force them to respond with less efficient, heavier forces (- High-speed Critical, Wide-open terrain, Superior Enemy Numbers, Far Superior Own Firepower)

[]Bushwacking the Hive: One of forward enemy fleets has speed spotted traveling through Mir-Miram binary system, at edges of Western Tansei Dust Clouds. The dim, blue-and-orange clouds of dust are as much of a nuisance to you as they are to the enemy, and an enterprising strike force could use them as cover to hit the fleet directly and then make their escape. This will be like playing on the enemy's nose - it will garner definitive response, but if you cannot make the getaway, you will be destroyed. (High-Risk High-reward target, Heavy Enemy Presence, Dust Clouds for everyone, Potential Superheavies, Speed Advantage)

[]Civilized People Do it Better: Everyone needs supplies, even Heleians. Forward scouts had identified asteroid sites in Tyth-157 system as temporary forward resupply stations for Heleian fleets. In typical barbarian fashion, these are lightly guarded before fighting starts, paving a way for a strike force to infiltrate and successfully deny the enemy the chance to resupply after a long trek....and gather the ire of the barbaric huntsmen. The obvious issue is that once your are detected, you can expect major enemy reinforcements and you will be fighting at enemy's preferred astro-terrain, beyond friendly lines. (Low Enemy Awareness, Enemy Field Advantage, Reinforcements, Long Travel Time).
[x]Civilized People Do it Better: Everyone needs supplies, even Heleians. Forward scouts had identified asteroid sites in Tyth-157 system as temporary forward resupply stations for Heleian fleets. In typical barbarian fashion, these are lightly guarded before fighting starts, paving a way for a strike force to infiltrate and successfully deny the enemy the chance to resupply after a long trek....and gather the ire of the barbaric huntsmen. The obvious issue is that once your are detected, you can expect major enemy reinforcements and you will be fighting at enemy's preferred astro-terrain, beyond friendly lines. (Low Enemy Awareness, Enemy Field Advantage, Reinforcements, Long Travel Time).

Do I understand correctly that the other choice has us picking up a hobby?
I'd try to get to know our subcommanders - beyond them being tokens on a tacmap, - but that might be a bit close to our actual job?

[X]Interact with the crew/officers. Find their quirks, likes, etc... If that doesn't cut it then try hanging out at the rec room. Do we have a rec room?
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Do I understand correctly that the other choice has us picking up a hobby?
I'd try to get to know our subcommanders - beyond them being tokens on a tacmap, - but that might be a bit close to our actual job?

Something like that. Basically, your PC has no life outside of their work, so now that they get actual time not doing work (since adjutants) he's at loss what to do.
I want to get to know people so that we aren't just juggling numbers when making a decision. Having balls of steel is easy when all you have are expendable mooks.

If we do that anyway, I'll take up some games that are the in-universe equivalent of either chess or poker, depending on which qualifties we want to cultivate. Not very original, I know.

...I also briefly entertained the notion of prying in our Captains' circumstances, but eventually dismissed it.
[X] Read a book: Surely we must have something worth reading here. Some novel which entertains as well as have little to none of the empire's propaganda. Maybe check with some of our old crew to see if they know anything.

Desault seems like they guy who has been working for so long that he's forgotten how-to social. Let's ease him back into being a regular person with the response of fictional people.

[X]Train Martial Arts with your officials.
[x]Civilized People Do it Better
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[X]Interact with the crew/officers. Find their quirks, likes, etc... If that doesn't cut it then try hanging out at the rec room. Do we have a rec room?
[X]Civilized People Do it Better

[X]Interact with the crew/officers. Find their quirks, likes, etc...
If that doesn't cut it then try hanging out at the rec room. Do we have a rec room?
[x]Civilized People Do it Better
[X]Train Martial Arts with your officials.
[X]Raiding the Raiders:
Scouts are tracking several light raiding forces that typically preempt major Heleian fleet movements, typically striking at light targets of opportunity in its path and acting as ambushes and fast-attack reinforcements in battles. Catching them might be a bit of a challenge, but destroying them will remove Heleian eyes and ears before battle, and force them to respond with less efficient, heavier forces (- High-speed Critical, Wide-open terrain, Superior Enemy Numbers, Far Superior Own Firepower)

Aparently every high officer has some close-combat weapon, and we will get there someday, so wh not start preparing now? Besides, training will be fun, will show us people personalities, and will bring us closer to them, particularly showing that we are part of them.
[X]Train Martial Arts with your officials.
[X]Raiding the Raiders: Scouts are tracking several light raiding forces that typically preempt major Heleian fleet movements, typically striking at light targets of opportunity in its path and acting as ambushes and fast-attack reinforcements in battles. Catching them might be a bit of a challenge, but destroying them will remove Heleian eyes and ears before battle, and force them to respond with less efficient, heavier forces (- High-speed Critical, Wide-open terrain, Superior Enemy Numbers, Far Superior Own Firepower)