Okay, I need to roll a d100 and get under or equal to 50 for each torpedo.
I could fire my main weapons, but that doesn't make sense given the current context.
Alright. Rolling. Ghale Gamilon. Bud Iscandar. May the hand of Desler Admiral Ditz guide my AAA.
Edit: Okay, one NV, three interceptions. Not bad. Guess I better start that spreadsheet.
Writing post.
Okay, so I got two Kukulkan DDs inbound, accompanied by a Lasceaux CA.
Time to roll for their attacks and mine! They're going to open up with everything they've got, and same here!
Edit 1: Oh, first DD fails to hit! git gud, Gatlantean scrubs. Okay, let's roll for the second DD!
Edit 2: Gatlanteans score two superficial hits on me! The second DD and the Cruiser! Fuck you guys, I'm counterattacking! I also have to shoot down 6 torpedoes. Oh joy.
Edit 3: You annihilated my armor! That's it, time to die!
Edit 4: That's a mission killed Cruiser, a mission kill and shot again to blow DD, and an instant-kill on the DD! The Nevala is on FIRE!
No, seriously, she's on fire. Damage control teams, get on that.