Okay, so let's see, I'll hammer out some dice values and stuff.
Some weapons will be missing since they're not relevant to our ships.
Woah, most of the specs for the Gatlantean ships simply don't exist on the wiki...
Welp, time to get generalized!
All ships can receive three types of damage.
After X number of superficial hits, it will translate into one non-vital hit. This number will depend on the ship class.
No number of non-vital hits will destroy a ship, but once a certain number of non-vital hits are accumulated, the ship will be rendered "Combat Ineffective", and cannot fight. A ramming option will be available, this will result in ship destruction and rarely will occur.
Once the limit of vital hits are reached, the victim ship shall be destroyed entirely with all hands.
When a weapon system is used, a d100 must be rolled. The hit criteria will depend on what type of system is being used against what kind of ship.
For example, a Garmillan Heavy Gun (really a Positron cannon but let's keep it simple) when fired at a fighter will need to roll a 90 to get a superficial hit, a 91 for non-vital, and 92 for vital.
Whereas the Light (AAA) guns only need to roll a 50 for superficial, 55 for non-vital, and 60 for vital.
But against a Capital Ship (Battleships/Dreadnoughts, Carriers), a Garmillan Heavy Gun only needs 50 for superficial, 60 for non-vital, and 70 for vital.
And now the Light guns can get superficial with a low 10, but non-vital is at a nigh-impossible 95, and vital is a nat 100. Reflecting how effective each gun type is against the respective ship types.
Some ship types will have armor, and can absorb X amount of hits, any hits, before actual damage starts to accumulate.
Ships with Wave Motion Barriers, and by that, I mean the sole one, Enterprise, will have no armor, but instead a shield that fulfills the same function.
Special Weapons, like the Flame Strike Gun and Wave Motion Gun are Instakill weapons.
Use of these weapons precludes any other actions that "turn" and require a roll for accuracy. If the roll requirement is not met, the shot goes wide/is dodged.
In the case of the Flame Strike Gun, it has to "win" two rolls. Its accuracy roll, which is decently high, and the Enterprise's shot prediction roll, which gives it a 70% chance to dodge.
None of these numbers are final, and they're still a WIP, but what do you think Greek. On the right track here?
For personal reference:
Gelvades-Class Astro Battlecarrier