Souls of Beyond, Returned to Protect (Kantai Collection)

JS Kurama
Yokosuka, Japan
March 10th, 2018 (7:45 AM)

"We nearly did... Let's just say that Global Thermonuclear War would have actually happened if cooler head's hadn't prevailed, or the Soviet Union hadn't collapsed at the right time..." I say, shuddering at the implications of nuclear winter. "I know I cause problems for you just by existing Commander, but I still want to protect the country I called home in both of my lives, even if it's a totally alternate version of it." I finish. Boy am I glad that these people didn't experience WWIII. No one deserves the horror that that war brought to my earth...

"I see," said Yoshika simply, though there was still a hint of doubt in her tone. It was difficult to accept a world with two nuclear armed powers at war. Because the temptation to use nukes would only grow as conventional warfare bogged down into attrition. Escalation was inevitable without a 100% countermeasure against nukes -- the uncertainty was why the Cold War was fought through proxies. Still, despite her doubts, Yoshika decided to believe their words at face-value.

"You know, if you told me this just a few hours ago, I'd have laughed and tossed the both of you outta the base and into a hospital," Jones remarked.

With those words from Taihou I snap out of my muttering to once more lock my gaze onto her the edge held before gone replaced by one of tired determination, and whisper low enough that only she can hear, "Perhaps that's all it is Taihou, but even if it is, this is my chance to achieve something great enough that any challenge shall be overcome if it gets in my way of achieving it. Perhaps one day I shall share what that achievement is, but for now, I shall keep quiet about it." With those words spoken I end the hug I had been giving Taihou and settled for a ruffling headpat instead before moving off to a corner of the tent making a note to see the commander later to deal with the inevitable report to the French about my decision.

Taihou doesn't have anything to say in response, and settles for a slight pout at the ruffling of her hair.

@Zeroth Jupi

"Well, if you stand by your decision, I'll respect it." Yoshika looked to the side and wrote a note to herself on a notepad for later. So much to do, so much to keep track of... Honestly, all she wanted to do after such a stressful day was to plop on a bed and konk out for a few hour. But no, the men needed her. "I'll also try to support you as much as I'm able. It's the very least I could do."

"Being NATO and all, I suppose it's kinda my responsibility to inform command," said Jones, rubbing her chin thoughtfully. She then shrugged. "Eh, I'll do it later."
Sara Tan, USS Saratoga
Quarters, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

I normally see Lex as being lighthearted, enthusiastic and upbeat, but right now, she's serious, with her cerulean eyes boring into me, and that gets my full attention. My mind runs rapidly as I digest what she says, with my response being widened eyes and a nod in return. "Okay."

She knows! She really knows that something's off about me, yet she's okay with it! I find myself astonished by that, for in her place, I wouldn't be reacting as positively.

But I'm also grateful for it, since it means I don't have to worry as much about whether I would be approved by her or not. I'm still not ready to tell her why I'm different, but it may happen a little bit sooner this time.

"Thanks for accepting me, sis," I say to her, a sincere smile and a look of gratitude on my face.

I take a closer look at my surroundings as I tour our new place. Well, one may consider it to be minimalist, for it contains just the essentials in furniture and appliances. There's little in the way of ornamentation. As for the overall color scheme, it's in beige with wood accents, which looks pretty nice and warm. The space is best compared to a dormitory, rather than a hotel room, yet it's more spacious and has a bit more amenities than my dorm unit back home. Mine was just a bathroom with toilet, sink and shower, and a bedroom with a bed, a desk with cabinet and closet, an air-conditioning unit, lights, another sink...

While I'm already satisfied with that, this is still better, and is appreciated. Claiming one of the two bedrooms for my own, I put down my white dress (still feels odd for me to own one of those) which I have been carrying around, on my bed-

One of my flying boats has a new visual contact! From its perspective, I see an overhead view of... Ari's distinctive memorial, Red Castle, and-


A new person, hugging Red. She's a redhead in white and blue-

My Sara memories come back to me, that of a dear friend, long missed-

That's her! She's here! She's actually here!

Rushing out of my new bedroom, I immediately inform my sister as soon as possible. "Lex! Lex! Ari's alive! She's at the memorial!"

"What! We have to go see her Sara!" I say, grabbing my sisters hand and rushing towards the door.
Japanese... Maritime... Self-Defense Force? So it really is what they call the navy these days?

That means, since Kurama-san and Shinano-san were sold to that, then they really aren't enemies anymore? That's... good. She'd rather not be sold to another country, though.

She also recalls thinking of the soldiers outside as being part of the same thing. How would she know that in the first place? She's not of this time period.

But then, "How do you know that?" She whispers back to Chikuma-san.

...Eh, Imperial Japanese Navy sounds better. It has a nicer ring to it.

"How I know it is due to a strange set of circumstances. One I do not know much of and I'm not too comfortable discussing yet. Let's just say... a little birdie told me." I give an awkward smile. I really need to watch my mouth... sighing softly, I return my attention back to whatever was happening...

"We nearly did... Let's just say that Global Thermonuclear War would have actually happened if cooler head's hadn't prevailed, or the Soviet Union hadn't collapsed at the right time..." I say, shuddering at the implications of nuclear winter. "I know I cause problems for you just by existing Commander, but I still want to protect the country I called home in both of my lives, even if it's a totally alternate version of it." I finish. Boy am I glad that these people didn't experience WWIII. No one deserves the horror that that war brought to my earth...

'And the plot thickens... Well I'm definitely not in Kansas anymore...' my mind whirled at the possibilities... but... I need to get a bit more in character...

Looking over to the Commander Yoshika,

"Uhm... commander, I apologize for the intrusion but do you know where Tone nee-san is?

@Unlucky Bibliophile
Sara Tan, USS Saratoga
Quarters -> USS Arizona Memorial, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

"What! We have to go see her Sara!" I say, grabbing my sisters hand and rushing towards the door.

"Yeah!" I reply, running alongside my sister as we exit our quarters and the barracks. Both parts of me think the same way. I want to hug Ari right now.
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USS Princeton

Awoken the stampede of shipgirls, I get up to see Red is gone. Now a little worried about what is happening, I throw open The door to see what's going on.

USS Arizona

Finally I feel Red calm down. I see her look up to me and all a question. "How could you forgiven me so easily?" Looking down at her I answer. "Because I saw you fight for what you believed in, little Red." With that she's hugging me. Off in the distance I hear something. Looking up I see some more shipgirls running towards me. Three I recognize instantly as Sara, Lex, and Cypher. So drag Red to her feet and wave at the incoming shipgirls.

@Cypher @Saratoga @Lexington
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USS Alamo
Medical Station -> Quarters, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

"Uhm... I know this is a bit awkward but... Who are you?"
How odd I seem to have been forgotten by Iowa, is she the same as Cypher and the others and how they are coming back strange? Disguising my confusion I answer Iowa, "it is a bit awkward, yes but I am Alamo".

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HMS Lion
Yokosuka, Tokyo Bay, Japan

Thalia Amara, Prince of Wales
Tokyo Bay, Yokosuka, Japan

I tried to shy away from Lion's hand, to defend myself, but she didn't hit me. Instead, she just placed her hand on my shoulder. "I-I-..." I stuttered when Lion finished speaking her piece. The pat she had given me had not been comforting, even if her words had said that she wouldn't be hitting me.

"You're not going to hit me?" I finally asked, after gaping like a fish for a moment. That was probably the strangest part of this interaction, at least to me. I had royally screwed up, or rather, Wales had. But the person controlling my body (And wasn't that an odd thought) had royally screwed up and I wasn't going to be immediately punished for it with a beating. The thought was both comforting and terrifying. That usually meant that something even worse was coming, at least when I had been back home...

@HMS Lion @Fir @USS Massachusetts
My eyebrows furrowed as I felt even more concern at her reaction, now worry and a pang of sadness replacing all my fury from before.

Why...why would she be so surprised? I wasn't that scary...was I? Dammit....
Giving myself a mental slap at that. 'Great, just great you scared the poor girl....just great...idiot....'

Giving her what I hoped was a much more gentle and kinder look, I spoke in a softer tone, trying to reassure her at least.
"No. Of course not. That wouldn't be right, not considering everything right now..."
She'd fainted, been hit, seemed a lot more confused and scared...
I think she'd had enough really. And while I didn't like what she did, it was obviously in some fit of iirational fear. Heaven knows no one can really help those....

Plus...we had a lot more to wlrry about, considering the smoking harbor and everything...all those the Navy did call for us.

I gave a sigh, while giving her an apologetic look. "I'm sorry if I scared you alright? Just...I guess we're all still rather frazzled and everything, no? But still, I'm sorry..."

HMS Eskimo
Yokosuka, Japan


I sat up from the embrace eventually, content with the gesture and not prepared for much physical contact with a stranger, as nice and considerate as they may be. Opening my eyes, I returned fully to a sitting position atop the cold ocean waves, bobbing slightly. My legs were crossed as I had learnt to do in primary school, but then I rose once again into a crouch, falling back on my learned posturing for aikido practice. I now rested with My backside planted upon soft calf muscles, with both shins and the tops of my feet supporting my weight against the undulating floor. As an automatic afterthought, I moved my palms to sit primly in place upon my thighs, as though I was facing my sensei and receiving a lecture or demonstration for techniques.

Turing my head slightly to the side, I acknowledged Maria with a nod and a smile, speaking to her in a soft yet still low voice, tinged slightly with honest warmth and gratitude. "Thank you for the concern, Maria," I stopped myself from saying 'san' without missing a beat, my situation combined with my weeb mentality almost adding the suffix unnecessarily. "I am quite alright, however, besides some light bruising." Sending a very fast glance towards the commotion ahead of them, I returned my attention to the other girl "Perhaps we should de-escalate the situation somewhat, though?"

Looking down at my blue-coated body for a slightly longer moment of pause, I realised that her new existence meant an end to reliance upon my old body's perks. Back before I had changed, I'd held a tall and commanding presence in times of stress, one that people tended to pause in the face of - If for no other reason than to be wary of me and prepared for conflict. At the same time, it had carried a number of disadvantages. My earlier blunder had been caused in part by a misunderstanding of my new advantages and disadvantages, relying on aspects that I no longer owned.

I would have to adapt to that change.

Shifting myself, i altered my poster very slightly to mimic what i knew of the female gender, abandoning rigid shows of strength in favour of the flowing stability that i'd developed via martial arts. Then, i stood slowly into a deliberately non-threatening posture, allowing my smaller arms to rest in front of me and laced together, completing the picture of cutesy anime girl. If my masculinity had been stripped from me by, i could take advantage of my remaining capabilities and maintain my inner man through force of will.

I was ready to make my way towards the other girls, but waited for my conversation partner to rise with me, so that we could work together on this. since they truly were like me as they had proven earlier, they would understand my intentions and possibly follow suit.

"So, what do you say?" i ask with a raised expression, deliberately injected innocence tinging my tone
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Maria Cercel

HMS Eskimo
Yokosuka, Japan


I sat up from the embrace eventually, content with the gesture and not prepared for much physical contact with a stranger, as nice and considerate as they may be. Opening my eyes, I returned fully to a sitting position atop the cold ocean waves, bobbing slightly. My legs were crossed as I had learnt to do in primary school, but then I rose once again into a crouch, falling back on my learned posturing for aikido practice. I now rested with My backside planted upon soft calf muscles, with both shins and the tops of my feet supporting my weight against the undulating floor. As an automatic afterthought, I moved my palms to sit primly in place upon my thighs, as though I was facing my sensei and receiving a lecture or demonstration for techniques.

Turing my head slightly to the side, I acknowledged Maria with a nod and a smile, speaking to her in a soft yet still low voice, tinged slightly with honest warmth and gratitude. "Thank you for the concern, Maria," I stopped myself from saying 'san' without missing a beat, my situation combined with my weeb mentality almost adding the suffix unnecessarily. "I am quite alright, however, besides some light bruising." Sending a very fast glance towards the commotion ahead of them, I returned my attention to the other girl "Perhaps we should de-escalate the situation somewhat, though?"

Looking down at my blue-coated body for a slightly longer moment of pause, I realised that her new existence meant an end to reliance upon my old body's perks. Back before I had changed, I'd held a tall and commanding presence in times of stress, one that people tended to pause in the face of - If for no other reason than to be wary of me and prepared for conflict. At the same time, it had carried a number of disadvantages. My earlier blunder had been caused in part by a misunderstanding of my new advantages and disadvantages, relying on aspects that I no longer owned.

I would have to adapt to that change.

Shifting myself, i altered my poster very slightly to mimic what i knew of the female gender, abandoning rigid shows of strength in favour of the flowing stability that i'd developed via martial arts. Then, i stood slowly into a deliberately non-threatening posture, allowing my smaller arms to rest in front of me and laced together, completing the picture of cutesy anime girl. If my masculinity had been stripped from me by, i could take advantage of my remaining capabilities and maintain my inner man through force of will.

I was ready to make my way towards the other girls, but waited for my conversation partner to rise with me, so that we could work together on this. since they truly were like me as they had proven earlier, they would understand my intentions and possibly follow suit.

"So, what do you say?" i ask with a raised expression, deliberately injected innocence tinging my tone
I quirk up an eyebrow at Eskimo, but stand alongside her. Why does she seem to suddenly be acting cute? Her voice changed between saying thanks and asking me to come with her. She also seemed to be getting up in a way that accentuated cuteness. Somehow I reeeaaallllly doubt she isn't just pretending at this point. I clasp my hands behind my back and tilt my head to my right, in the generic pose for a confused anime girl. I then suddenly lean in close and whisper, not in a threatening way,

"The others might be fooled by that, but I know this isn't how you normally are. So you can cut the act around me."

Then, as if nothing happened, I lean back and give her a cute smile.

"Why of course! It looks like they've calmed down though, and Wales is awake again," I put a finger on my cheek while forcing my voice to be borderline sickeningly cute, "you going over again might scare her. I think we should trust Lion, Mamie and Fir with that."

There is always the chance that she does act like this and that everything from before was because she was scared, but people tend to act more like themselves when scared, not less like themselves. And if she really is like this then she's bound to forgive me for being wrong.

@matthew badger

Fiorella 'Fir' Cercel

Lion...seems to have calmed down. I let out a sigh of relief, Wales is calm, Lion is calm, Eskimo seems to be calm judging by what she and Maria are tal-Did Maria j-just lean in to Eskimo's cheek? Eww! You haven't even known her for a day! I.. I have to have seen that wrong right? I have to. Just...stop thinking those thoughts Fir.

Right! So! Lion and Wales! Wales still seems a little scared. I sneak closer from behind her and slowly wrap my arms around her, both to comfort her and to make me stop thinking about Maria doing that things that she totally isn't doing. Why are you still thinking about it no.

@TheFanficAddict @Lt Darkhound
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USS Albacore
Pearl Harbour, Hawaii

According to her, most of them are at the barracks, a few are on patrol, there's one who's just standing around, and there's one who's visiting Ari. Lastly, there's no need to worry; their job includes helping people like her.

Albacore nodded. That was helpful! Kind of!

... Okay, in all honesty, she had no idea where these barracks were. The last time she had been here was... when she left for her last ever war patrol. And even then, the only view she had of Pearl Harbour was from a dock. She was almost certain to get lost if she decided to explore.

Her first instinct was to report to the base commander, but that was a bit of a problem if she didn't even know where they were.

Maybe she should wander around and hopefully bump into someone...? Or maybe she could try and find some of the workers here, if any of them were still out and about this late at night.

Although... the fairies did say that there was someone visiting the USS Arizona. Even she knew where her final resting place lay.

Albacore hesitated. It was possible that she was intruding on something highly personal but... Well... It was the most efficient choice.

That and maybe she should go visit and pay her respects too. If not for herself then for Pennsylvania at least.

She would just have to wait patiently and at a respectful distance until they had concluded their business then if she didn't want to intrude.

Her course plotted, she aborted her movement for the docks and instead decided to summon her rigging. Again. The water around her took on a noticeable rigid quality although she could still cut through it as if it were just regular water.

"Thanks for the help guys!" She called out to the crew of the Catalina cheerfully as she made her way over to the Arizona Memorial.

"... And for the record, where do I rank on your cute list?"

@Anyone moving towards or at the Arizona Memorial
Cypher, USS Cypher
Quarters -> Arizona Memorial, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

She called out to the crew of the Catalina cheerfully as she made her way over to the Arizona Memorial.
As I rush to the memorial, I barely pay attention to my surroundings, barely dodging rubble and other debris or smashing my way through the debris I didn't dodge as it got in my way until I reached the docks. Stopping, I take a moment to catch my breath before placing a foot on the water and pulling on the feeling of my rigging, summoning it with a flash of white light. Placing my other foot down on the water, I skate off towards the memorial at full speed, not noticing the half-submerged submarine until I quite literally run into her, ending up with me on my back and her sitting dazedly on my stomach.

Thalia Amara, Prince of Wales
Tokyo Bay, Yokosuka, Japan
HMS Lion
Yokosuka, Tokyo Bay, Japan

My eyebrows furrowed as I felt even more concern at her reaction, now worry and a pang of sadness replacing all my fury from before.

Why...why would she be so surprised? I wasn't that scary...was I? Dammit....
Giving myself a mental slap at that. 'Great, just great you scared the poor girl....just great...idiot....'

Giving her what I hoped was a much more gentle and kinder look, I spoke in a softer tone, trying to reassure her at least.
"No. Of course not. That wouldn't be right, not considering everything right now..."
She'd fainted, been hit, seemed a lot more confused and scared...
I think she'd had enough really. And while I didn't like what she did, it was obviously in some fit of iirational fear. Heaven knows no one can really help those....

Plus...we had a lot more to wlrry about, considering the smoking harbor and everything...all those the Navy did call for us.

I gave a sigh, while giving her an apologetic look. "I'm sorry if I scared you alright? Just...I guess we're all still rather frazzled and everything, no? But still, I'm sorry..."

Fiorella 'Fir' Cercel
Lion...seems to have calmed down. I let out a sigh of relief, Wales is calm, Lion is calm, Eskimo seems to be calm judging by what she and Maria are tal-Did Maria j-just lean in to Eskimo's cheek? Eww! You haven't even known her for a day! I.. I have to have seen that wrong right? I have to. Just...stop thinking those thoughts Fir.

Right! So! Lion and Wales! Wales still seems a little scared. I sneak closer from behind her and slowly wrap my arms around her, both to comfort her and to make me stop thinking about Maria doing that things that she totally isn't doing. Why are you still thinking about it no.
I breathed a sigh of relief as Lion's words finally hit home. I was safe here. I tried to lean forward from where I was sitting, and embrace Lion, but I felt a pair of slender arms wrap themselves around my torso in a hug from behind. "Thank you!" I cried out anyways, feeling the subtle tears of joy streaking down my face.

After a moment of inner peace, I spoke up again. "Now does anyone know where I can get repairs? I think I busted a screw in that last fall..."

@Jhin Lemon @TheFanficAddict @Sketchy Lurker
Fiorella 'Fir' Cercel

Thalia Amara, Prince of Wales
Tokyo Bay, Yokosuka, Japan

I breathed a sigh of relief as Lion's words finally hit home. I was safe here. I tried to lean forward from where I was sitting, and embrace Lion, but I felt a pair of slender arms wrap themselves around my torso in a hug from behind. "Thank you!" I cried out anyways, feeling the subtle tears of joy streaking down my face.

After a moment of inner peace, I spoke up again. "Now does anyone know where I can get repairs? I think I busted a screw in that last fall..."

@Jhin Lemon @TheFanficAddict @Sketchy Lurker
I make sure to tighten my grip on Wales a little before answering,

"W-well, if we go to the command tent I'm sure the commander there could get someone to help?" I say, worried that she's just going to panic again at the mention of the tent, "B-but if you don't want to go there that's fine too, I'm sure we can figure something else out."

Umm, what would Maria do here. She's good with these ship-girls. No she wouldn't do that! Why am I still thinking about it! Okay...okay...Maria's different now, maybe she knew Eskimo before? They both came came from somewhere else, right? Y-yeah! That has to be the reason. They, they were d-dating before they came here, and now the part of Maria from there still want to. That makes sense, that's a good reason, right? Maria why? Why are you making me think these things?

"S-so," I begin, trying to get back on track, "either way we should go get everyone to group up again, right?"

@Lt Darkhound @TheFanficAddict @Sketchy Lurker
Sara Tan, USS Saratoga
USS Arizona Memorial, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

Her course plotted, she aborted her movement for the docks and instead decided to summon her rigging. Again. The water around her took on a noticeable rigid quality although she could still cut through it as if it were just regular water.

"Thanks for the help guys!" She called out to the crew of the Catalina cheerfully as she made her way over to the Arizona Memorial.

"... And for the record, where do I rank on your cute list?"

@Anyone moving towards or at the Arizona Memorial

The fairies continue to debate among themselves. Some say that Albacore is number one. Others say that she's near the top. Still others say that she's somewhere at the middle. It's evident that they have difficulty deciding.

Off in the distance I hear something. Looking up I see some more shipgirls running towards me. Three I recognize instantly as Sara, Lex, and Cypher. So drag Red to her feet and wave at the incoming shipgirls.

Cypher certainly found out as well, since she's running ahead of us Lexingtons. Everything around seems to be a blur as we continue to hurry. Reaching the docks, my rigging manifests in soft white light as I step onto the water, letting me feel the familiar and comfortable weight of my weaponry once more.

While part of me remains in wonder and awe at being able to skate on water, another part of me just wants to see Ari. Oh, there she is with Red, waving at us! I wave back, a smile upon my face. "Ari!" I exclaim.

In front of me, the faunus cruiser literally bumps into what my fairies say is Albacore. Eyes widened, I move to the side, narrowly avoiding the commotion as I keep going towards my destination. Closing the remaining distance between us, I wrap my arms around the battleship in a tight embrace.

Ari is alive once more! I never thought I'd see the day...

@Ari and Red, @Lex, @Albie, @Cypher
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USS Albacore
USS Arizona Memorial, Pearl Harbour, Hawaii

The fairies continue to debate among themselves. Some say that Albacore is number one. Others say that she's near the top. Still others say that she's somewhere at the middle. It's evident that they have difficulty deciding.

She could vaguely hear their chatter as she sailed away, half submerged. A smirk grew on Albacore's face as she listened to the varying opinions of the Catalina crew.


... Of course, Albacore whole-heartedly approved some of the choices of the fairy crew.


Oh, she was totally biased and she knew it. Especially since she hadn't met any of the other girls on the list yet.

Other girls.

She wasn't alone in this. Maybe... Maybe some of her sisters also came back? That would be nic—

Placing my other foot down on the water, I skate off towards the memorial at full speed, not noticing the half-submerged submarine until I quite literally run into her, ending up with me on my back and her sitting dazedly on my stomach.

Albacore heard it before she felt it. And oh boy did she feel it.

Honestly, she had no idea what had just happened. One minute, she was just steaming along without a care in the world when she heard it. Someone splashing along, as if they were jumping up and down into a puddle.

And then the next minute, she felt a heavy impact and she could practically hear her hull groan as something heavy slammed into it. Her world spun around and became a multitude of colours. Mostly black and a dark blue though along with the occasional flashes of white that were probably the lights of the naval base.

'Ohhhhh.... Did someone get the name of the battleship that just rammed into me?'

As her thoughts slowly returned to her, she registered her head was lying on something soft/hard. Albacore opened her eyes and raised her head slowly and found herself staring at the body/hull of a girl with wolf ears/cruiser.

Vaguely, she registered that another girl/carrier managed to dance around the two and continue to sprint towards the Arizona Memorial where... Was that Pennsylvania..?

This... This was too sudden! She wasn't prepared for this yet!

She suddenly realised that the dazed cruiser she was currently mounting was starting to regain her senses. Suddenly finding herself in a bit of a panic, Albacore spoke the first thing that came to mind.

"Ohoho? Suddenly bringing me on top of you like this... Isn't this a little too fast? We've only just met." Albacore smirked as she met the eyes of the cruiser she was straddling.

Brain you traaaiiiittoooooorrrrrrr
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Cypher, USS Cypher
Quarters -> Arizona Memorial, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

"Ohoho? Suddenly bringing me on top of you like this... Isn't this a little too fast? We've only just met." Albacore smirked as she met the eyes of the cruiser she was straddling.

I gathered my wits about me in an attempt to bring some clarity to my head when the submarine who was renting my stomach at present spoke. 'This sub didn't actually just say that did she? Ah well roll with it Cypher see where it takes us', with those thoughts in mind I speak up to the smirking submarine a smirk upon my face, "perhaps it is too fast but such a nice looking submarine deserved some company, though that wasn't quite how ah woulda wanted ta introduce mahself, USS Cypher at yer service try not ta wear mah name out", this should be fun.

USS Arizona

In front of me, the faunus cruiser literally bumps into what my fairies say is Albacore. Eyes widened, I move to the side, narrowly avoiding the commotion as I keep going towards my destination. Closing the remaining distance between us, I wrap my arms around the battleship in a tight embrace.

Ari is alive once more! I never thought I'd see the day...

Vaguely I see one of the ships running towards me ram something in the water at full speed. Must have hurt or something, one seems to be sitting on top of the other. Then I'm engulfed in a hug by Sara. "Sara! It's great to see you again!" I say as I tightly hug her back. "How have you been?" I ask to her.

USS Princeton

As I watchEverything happen, I'm confused over who I'm seeing. It seems like the others know this ship, but I don't recognize her. So I stand idly and awkwardly off to the side. Not really knowing what to do.
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Sara Tan, USS Saratoga
USS Arizona Memorial, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

The fairies continue to debate among themselves. Some say that Albacore is number one. Others say that she's near the top. Still others say that she's somewhere at the middle. It's evident that they have difficulty deciding.

Cypher certainly found out as well, since she's running ahead of us Lexingtons. Everything around seems to be a blur as we continue to hurry. Reaching the docks, my rigging manifests in soft white light as I step onto the water, letting me feel the familiar and comfortable weight of my weaponry once more.

While part of me remains in wonder and awe at being able to skate on water, another part of me just wants to see Ari. Oh, there she is with Red, waving at us! I wave back, a smile upon my face. "Ari!" I exclaim.

In front of me, the faunus cruiser literally bumps into what my fairies say is Albacore. Eyes widened, I move to the side, narrowly avoiding the commotion as I keep going towards my destination. Closing the remaining distance between us, I wrap my arms around the battleship in a tight embrace.

Ari is alive once more! I never thought I'd see the day...

@Ari and Red, @Lex, @Albie, @Cypher
"ARI!" I exclaim, mimicking Sara. I had seen her in passing in the pure world, but I hadn't really gotten the chance to talk to her...
USS Albacore
USS Arizona Memorial, Pearl Harbour, Hawaii

"perhaps it is too fast but such a nice looking submarine deserved some company, though that wasn't quite how ah woulda wanted ta introduce mahself, USS Cypher at yer service try not ta wear mah name out", this should be fun.

Hah. Welp.

She supposed she should be glad that the cruiser she was currently sitting atop of didn't think any less of her. She normally Did she? did that to friends, not people who had quite literally run into her.

Albacore found herself liking the woman. As the shock (she seemed to be getting a lot of that tonight) slowly wore off, she realised that maybe it'd be kinda fun to be trading shots like this, back and forth.

At least, this girl was someone willing to return fire.
They were so easy to tease

"Mmmmmm... Cypher, huh?" Albacore made a show of testing the name out as an impish smile grew on her face. "... I like it. I'm USS Albacore, cutest girl according to some fairies~!" She ended the sentence by sending a playful wink to the woman, Cypher.

"... Though... after seeing you... I can see why some of the other fairies have decided otherwise." Albacore compounded the statement by leaning in close to the cruiser's face, close enough to where locks of her hair managed to brush the woman's nose. She could feel the other woman's breath on her own face.


"Nice to meet'cha~!" And with that, Albacore hopped off of the cruiser, offering a hand and a now-friendly smile. Just friendly.
Cypher, USS Cypher
USS Arizona Memorial, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

"... Though... after seeing you... I can see why some of the other fairies have decided otherwise." Albacore compounded the statement by leaning in close to the cruiser's face, close enough to where locks of her hair managed to brush the woman's nose. She could feel the other woman's breath on her own face.
"Nice to meet'cha~!" And with that, Albacore hopped off of the cruiser, offering a hand and a now-friendly smile. Just friendly.
Well, well looks like I found me a charmer in Albacore, I can tell she is going to be fun to banter with, seizing on an opportunity while I take albacore's hand an pull myself up I moved my head closer so I would be near her ear and whispered playfully, "Careful how ya play dear Albacore some around here just might decide to go further than ya might expect in taking your flirting seriously especially dear old me". With that said I stand back a little and give her a wink and a alluring smile before speaking up, "now why don't we head on over towards the others so we can introduce ya", 'oh such lovely fireworks Albacore might cause with her flirting though I might just continue to flirt right back at her it's fun after all and could go beyond what we would expect later on', with those thoughts in my head I lead Albacore towards the others.

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Sara Tan, USS Saratoga
USS Arizona Memorial, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

Vaguely I see one of the ships running towards me ram something in the water at full speed. Must have hurt or something, one seems to be sitting on top of the other. Then I'm engulfed in a hug by Sara. "Sara! It's great to see you again!" I say as I tightly hug her back. "How have you been?" I ask to her.

"Many things happened, but I'm all right," I answer, still maintaining the hug. Oh, and it seems that Lex joined in too. I knew she would.

"How about you?" I ask Ari in return.

@CCBubba, @Miho_Chan
USS Massachussets

After a moment of inner peace, I spoke up again. "Now does anyone know where I can get repairs? I think I busted a screw in that last fall..."

"S-so," I begin, trying to get back on track, "either way we should go get everyone to group up again, right?"

I sigh, relieved that Lion seems to have calmed down at least a little.

"Lion, Wales, everyone. I know things might be a little difficult at the moment, but we need to put that aside for now. Look around us-the harbor is still on fire! We don't have the luxury of time right now. Anything we can do to help, we need to. There could be people still alive, badly hurt."

I turn to look at the harbor behind me. Some of the smaller fires are starting to die out, sure, but the larger ones still look bad;

"Well, uh, we might be able to get repairs and, more importantly, information from command, anyway. I'd say we should head there first, get what intel we can, and then help with rescue operations. Anyone disagree?"

I know it isn't really an answer to Wales' question (and it seems there will be some things to discuss later, between her and Eskimo), but we've already been standing here too long as it is. I glance around, noting that the other girls I had seen earlier and during the battle seem to be absent-they've most likely already made their way to whoever's taken command of this operation. With the damage to shore facilities, I can't say I'm all too confident; who knows how many managed to survive the attack of the abyssals?
Fiorella 'Fir' Cercel

USS Massachussets

I sigh, relieved that Lion seems to have calmed down at least a little.

"Lion, Wales, everyone. I know things might be a little difficult at the moment, but we need to put that aside for now. Look around us-the harbor is still on fire! We don't have the luxury of time right now. Anything we can do to help, we need to. There could be people still alive, badly hurt."

I turn to look at the harbor behind me. Some of the smaller fires are starting to die out, sure, but the larger ones still look bad;

"Well, uh, we might be able to get repairs and, more importantly, information from command, anyway. I'd say we should head there first, get what intel we can, and then help with rescue operations. Anyone disagree?"

I know it isn't really an answer to Wales' question (and it seems there will be some things to discuss later, between her and Eskimo), but we've already been standing here too long as it is. I glance around, noting that the other girls I had seen earlier and during the battle seem to be absent-they've most likely already made their way to whoever's taken command of this operation. With the damage to shore facilities, I can't say I'm all too confident; who knows how many managed to survive the attack of the abyssals?
I can't tell if I should let go of Wales and talk to Mamie or keep hugging so she doesn't run. I'm too small to matter on my own probably though. I let go of the hug and make my way over to Mamie, whispering low enough that Wales can't hear.

"I agree with you, but Wales is scared of the Japanese, there's a reason I've been taking it slow with trying to get her comfortable. Having a battleship freaking out while the rest of us are helping people isn't going to work. You saw how she reacted to Eskimo suggesting going to the command tent just a few minutes ago, why would suggesting the exact same thing again help? She's hurt so she probably can't run again, but if she has a panic attack she'll end up hurting herself more."

That...came out harsh, I want to get a move on and help everyone, but we really don't need Wales panicking more right now. At least Maria's doing better with her g-girlfriend. I guess it makes sense that she's focused on Eskimo so much. Yeah, they look cute together. I'm happy for you Maria. I should see what I can do to help them.
Fiorella 'Fir' Cercel
Lion...seems to have calmed down. I let out a sigh of relief, Wales is calm, Lion is calm, Eskimo seems to be calm judging by what she and Maria are tal-Did Maria j-just lean in to Eskimo's cheek? Eww! You haven't even known her for a day! I.. I have to have seen that wrong right? I have to. Just...stop thinking those thoughts Fir.

Right! So! Lion and Wales! Wales still seems a little scared. I sneak closer from behind her and slowly wrap my arms around her, both to comfort her and to make me stop thinking about Maria doing that things that she totally isn't doing. Why are you still thinking about it no.

@TheFanficAddict @Lt Darkhound
Thalia Amara, Prince of Wales
Tokyo Bay, Yokosuka, Japan

I breathed a sigh of relief as Lion's words finally hit home. I was safe here. I tried to lean forward from where I was sitting, and embrace Lion, but I felt a pair of slender arms wrap themselves around my torso in a hug from behind. "Thank you!" I cried out anyways, feeling the subtle tears of joy streaking down my face.

After a moment of inner peace, I spoke up again. "Now does anyone know where I can get repairs? I think I busted a screw in that last fall..."

@Jhin Lemon @TheFanficAddict @Sketchy Lurker
"Oh.." Did she....want a hug? Hehe, I see little Fir is being ather nice as well. I leaned in and gave them a brief hug as well, though letting go soon after.

It was nice, but...well I still wasn't sure if they didn't mind me at all yet. Hehe-oh.

Uuuhm. Right. Repairs.... I look at her in worry a nervousgrin on my face.
"Uhm, well -"
Fiorella 'Fir' Cercel

I make sure to tighten my grip on Wales a little before answering,

"W-well, if we go to the command tent I'm sure the commander there could get someone to help?" I say, worried that she's just going to panic again at the mention of the tent, "B-but if you don't want to go there that's fine too, I'm sure we can figure something else out."

Umm, what would Maria do here. She's good with these ship-girls. No she wouldn't do that! Why am I still thinking about it! Okay...okay...Maria's different now, maybe she knew Eskimo before? They both came came from somewhere else, right? Y-yeah! That has to be the reason. They, they were d-dating before they came here, and now the part of Maria from there still want to. That makes sense, that's a good reason, right? Maria why? Why are you making me think these things?

"S-so," I begin, trying to get back on track, "either way we should go get everyone to group up again, right?"

@Lt Darkhound @TheFanficAddict @Sketchy Lurker
I nodded at that still worried and nervous about what her reaction might be...
"Yes. That."
USS Massachussets

I sigh, relieved that Lion seems to have calmed down at least a little.

"Lion, Wales, everyone. I know things might be a little difficult at the moment, but we need to put that aside for now. Look around us-the harbor is still on fire! We don't have the luxury of time right now. Anything we can do to help, we need to. There could be people still alive, badly hurt."

I turn to look at the harbor behind me. Some of the smaller fires are starting to die out, sure, but the larger ones still look bad;

"Well, uh, we might be able to get repairs and, more importantly, information from command, anyway. I'd say we should head there first, get what intel we can, and then help with rescue operations. Anyone disagree?"

I know it isn't really an answer to Wales' question (and it seems there will be some things to discuss later, between her and Eskimo), but we've already been standing here too long as it is. I glance around, noting that the other girls I had seen earlier and during the battle seem to be absent-they've most likely already made their way to whoever's taken command of this operation. With the damage to shore facilities, I can't say I'm all too confident; who knows how many managed to survive the attack of the abyssals?
Fiorella 'Fir' Cercel

I can't tell if I should let go of Wales and talk to Mamie or keep hugging so she doesn't run. I'm too small to matter on my own probably though. I let go of the hug and make my way over to Mamie, whispering low enough that Wales can't hear.

"I agree with you, but Wales is scared of the Japanese, there's a reason I've been taking it slow with trying to get her comfortable. Having a battleship freaking out while the rest of us are helping people isn't going to work. You saw how she reacted to Eskimo suggesting going to the command tent just a few minutes ago, why would suggesting the exact same thing again help? She's hurt so she probably can't run again, but if she has a panic attack she'll end up hurting herself more."

That...came out harsh, I want to get a move on and help everyone, but we really don't need Wales panicking more right now. At least Maria's doing better with her g-girlfriend. I guess it makes sense that she's focused on Eskimo so much. Yeah, they look cute together. I'm happy for you Maria. I should see what I can do to help them.
I crossed my arms and looked over at them as well. "I'd like nothing more than to go over and help as well." Especially with all this new strength in my body. I could feel it rumble with my engines and boilers and such now, the...fairies within me, Huh. Guess I really wasn't 100% human anymore....
But that meant I could help clear up rubble and debris, carry people, help....


I gave a meaningful glance over to Wales as well, being silent as Fir had said what I wanted to say anyway.
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USS Arizona

"ARI!" I exclaim, mimicking Sara. I had seen her in passing in the pure world, but I hadn't really gotten the chance to talk to her...

"Many things happened, but I'm all right," I answer, still maintaining the hug. Oh, and it seems that Lex joined in too. I knew she would.

"How about you?" I ask Ari in return.

I chuckle slightly as I start headpatting them. I fear if another ship his me, we'll all go tumbling over however. "I'm pretty good, it's nice to be back! Sucks I missed the battle. I'm itching to finally see some action!" I rifle Sara's hair. "Hey, I've got a great idea! How about a little competition between us. In the next battle whoever gets the most kills can claim wether Battleships or Carriers are the best!" I bet some friendly competition would be great!

@Saratoga @Lexington