Souls Art Online SV RP

Frakir's brother raises his good hand.
"I surrender, today is just off for me."

Ooc: The rolls system is convenient, but leads to weird things like an experienced pyromancer failing even to form a pyromancy.
As Nova periodically switches from watching the various antics of his fellow players and performing maintenance on his equipment, he can't help but wonder what Kirito/the Herald is doing while he and the other players around the bonfire were doing their own thing.

He gives one final glance at his gear before he lays down on the ground, hands behind his head as he tries to take a quick nap before, inevitably, something or someone blew up.
Alexia nods sagely. 'Sorry, KS is too much of a bastard to allow a "yield" mechanic.' She raises her greatsword.

Result: Her greatsword slices cleanly through Frakir's brother's neck, and her opponent dissolves into pixels. The Scale appears in Alexia's inventory as a firebomb unexpectedly explodes next to her, hurling her back. As the arena disappears, she appears right next to an uninjured Frakir's brother.
Alexia_Drakos threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Decapitation Total: 82
82 82
Alexia_Drakos threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Dodge Total: 69
69 69
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Alexia nods sagely. 'Sorry, KS is too much of a bastard to allow a "yield" mechanic.' She raises her greatsword.

Result: Her greatsword slices cleanly through Frakir's brother's neck, and her opponent dissolves into pixels. The Scale appears in Alexia's inventory as the arena dissolves around her. As the last of the arena disappears, she appears right next to an uninjured Frakir's brother.

Chester saw Frakir and Alexia were back "Ah splendid, I take it you have more of thos eyes?"
Alexia nods sagely. 'Sorry, KS is too much of a bastard to allow a "yield" mechanic.' She raises her greatsword.

Result: Her greatsword slices cleanly through Frakir's brother's neck, and her opponent dissolves into pixels. The Scale appears in Alexia's inventory as the arena dissolves around her. As the last of the arena disappears, she appears right next to an uninjured Frakir's brother.
Ooc: Just so you know most allow the chance for a write in and counter roll before killing someone off. In this case, I would have set off the bomb that I had on me as a "fuck you".
The cultists look at Alexia, and charge at her almost as one. She curses under her breath and charges forward into the horde.
Alexia_Drakos threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Charge Total: 65
65 65
Alexia_Drakos threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Sweeping Cleave Total: 45
45 45
Frakir's brother wakes up once more. He decides that to spend some more time synthesizing chemicals, and grabs his materials before heading towards Priscilla.
Eventually, Iza stumbled out of the forest, 8 pages in hand. He steadied himself with his claymore for a few seconds, before heading back to the bonfire.
Chester arrived to a scene of Alexia trying to information from cultists. Drawing his greatsword he charged towards the crowd.
Before Chester reached the crowd, he jumped and slammed his sword into the nearest cultist kicking up a cloud of dust.