Souls Art Online SV RP

Olderthantime sits before the bonfire, alone for the moment. His fellow covenant members are out and about Anor Londo, yet Older felt no reason to join them. The revelations of Kingseeker were always terrible to bear but the most recent one? Heh, maybe going full hollow would be better at this point.

He looks up at the Sun, ever gross in its incandescence...
A halberd blade suddenly embeds itself in the ground next to Otto (Older-Than-Time + o) as NovaEclipse plops down next to him, just staring at him from behind the Elite Knight Helm that obscures his face. In the intruder's right hand, which previously held the halberd, is a pyromancy flame that has been improved as far as Nova could make it, the flame flickering dimly in comparison to the roaring bonfire the two Undead are sitting in front of.

Nothing escapes the lips of Older-Than-Time's impromptu companion, an awkward silence surely filling the air around them.

(OOC: You don't mind if I call you Otto from now on, do you?)
Ultra sidles up to the bonfire, looking worse for wear. He definitely looks worse for wear and is not wearing any clothes other than a very fashionable turban of yellow cloth (and the default undergarments).

"It's an expression of the suffering and injustice inherent in this system," he says, somehow believing that this would answer why he was wearing the ridiculous get up.

He then gets his Estus Flask and somehow takes a swig despite his entire head being covered by said turban.
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OOC: go for it!

Older looks over at his two new companions, vaguely recognizing them from the various melee-rushes. The response to his unanswered question drew a snort from him.

"...calling bullshit, Ultra. You probably lost a bet." The silence returns...


"...fuck it, anyone have those weird tarot-looking cards we found in Blight Town? Last I heard, either Frakir or...I think maybe Harakoni had them. Hell, I'd settle anything at this point."
"We can play rock paper scissors," Ultra said, trying to be helpful and willfully ignoring what Otto said about his state of dress, or rather undress.

He neglected to mention that until a short while ago, he was in possession of those cards and had traded them away for a helmet he couldn't equip because his strength was too low. Ultra's head bowed a little lower as exhaustion and disappointment launched twin coordinate assaults on his psyche, making his turban dangerously close to the flame.
Lightdeviation sits by by a bonfire and reflects. "Welp, now I'm with the wardens in the Detroit of the SAO world. Really shows that I got my work cut out for me." He lights a cigarette and takes a puff. "Well, it could be worse.... Wait a minute."
Older looks at Light incredulously...

"Did you just say what I think you said?!" His strangled words escaped him in a squeak. Older didn't think anyone would have the balls...or lack of brains to say that nowadays! "...I'm gonna sit on the other side of...fuck this is a small bonfire."
Suddenly, someone violently jerked Ultra's head back.

Well, his turban back. The head didn't follow.

IntoLight stood staring at the flaming yellow turban in his hands. His right eyebrow slowly rose higher, half in amusement and half in bewilderment.

Ultra's now turbanless head drooped even lower, as exhaustion, disappointment, and now shame made a coordinated assault on his mind.

IntoLight dropped down on an unoccupied patch of ground near the bonfire, of which there weren't very many, his set Mage Knight armor clattering as he sat down.

"That...never happened", IntoLight murmured in a voice strained by regret, amusement, or perhaps both.
Older scoots closer to Nova. "...I think I'm starting to hallucinate. Tell me, did that pink naga just talk in IntoLight's voice?!"
Older looks at Light incredulously...

"Did you just say what I think you said?!" His strangled words escaped him in a squeak. Older didn't think anyone would have the balls...or lack of brains to say that nowadays! "...I'm gonna sit on the other side of...fuck this is a small bonfire."

Light says "Well, everyone to some degree might be thinking it. Eh, well since that we're here, we might as well pretend to get to know each other." He pours some tea into a few cups and passes it around.
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Izanagi walked into view, his Silver Knight set clanking, and his claymore sheathed on his back. The crimson fabric of his sealer robe bottoms swished with his movements as he sat down in front of his body. In his hands was a block of half-carved wood and a small carving knife, and he continued carving a badge as he settled down.
"So, do you guys ever wonder why we're here?"
Light says "Well, everyone to some degree might be thinking it. Eh, well since that we're here, we might as well pretend to get to know each other." He pours some tea into a few cups and passes it around.
OOC: You double posted this, Light, and nothing but a quote from yourself to boot.

"Because Kingseeker is an ass?"

The reply echoes from behind Izanagi the Omega, making him jump, and Mizu leans against his Winged Spear with a grin as the player turns back to look. "I mean, it was all set off by Kayaba, but Kingseeker's the one we're fighting against every day, so I blame him more. Gods, can you imagine being trapped where the worst worry was death? Would kinda be a relief compared to the insanity and soul-wrenching pain we experience these days..."

He sighs, the hood of his Wanderer outfit slumping over his eyes for a second, before pushing it back up with a well-practiced movement. "Anyway, what brings us all to the mope party? And who are you all in the first place, for that matter? Ever since the UI changes removed name displays, it's kinda screwed over my ability to tell who's who."
OOC: You double posted this, Light, and nothing but a quote from yourself to boot.

"Because Kingseeker is an ass?"

The reply echoes from behind Izanagi the Omega, making him jump, and Mizu leans against his Winged Spear with a grin as the player turns back to look. "I mean, it was all set off by Kayaba, but Kingseeker's the one we're fighting against every day, so I blame him more. Gods, can you imagine being trapped where the worst worry was death? Would kinda be a relief compared to the insanity and soul-wrenching pain we experience these days..."

He sighs, the hood of his Wanderer outfit slumping over his eyes for a second, before pushing it back up with a well-practiced movement. "Anyway, what brings us all to the mope party? And who are you all in the first place, for that matter? Ever since the UI changes removed name displays, it's kinda screwed over my ability to tell who's who."

OOC: Sorry about that. (double post and the quote from myself was accidental.)

Light wipes his eyes, puts his cigarette out on his claymore, and says "I'm just some guy that got into the game due to a friend of mine. After a while I got recommended to help with the wardens, and here I am. But yeah, cutting all that backstory shit, the name's LightDeviation."
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Mizu nods, looking at Izanagi then Light as they introduce themselves, before smiled at them both. "Mizu's what I go by on the net, and basically in general these many years has it been again? I can't actually remember anymore. Generally spend my time here going about stabbing things with the spear and my daggers, doing what the Herald tells me and trying not to die in some particularly painful manner as we live through this horror of a game. Slimes much." His eyes show a haunted expression for a moment, before vanishing with a shake of the head.

"What do you guys think of that whole 'we are all likely AI" thing Kingseeker threw on us recently, then? I mean, being immortal would be neat, and considering this game most sensations can be mimicked akin to reality, might not actually be that bad if we manage to escape."
Trusty_Chester was having a bad day. He had decided to walk in the woods, gods know why, and he had been ambushed by everything.He came out of it mostly intact, well most of his body anyway. He was currently a head lying on the forest floor "Oh, me and my luck..."
Alexia_Drakos walks over to Trusty_Chester's head, sheathing her Dragon Greatsword on her back beside Avelyn. 'Luck? What does luck have to do with this?' She picks up the head. 'Blame the bloody AI, whoever you are.'
Older scoots closer to Nova. "...I think I'm starting to hallucinate. Tell me, did that pink naga just talk in IntoLight's voice?!"

For a moment, Nova doesn't say anything in response. Then, in a deep and gravelly voice very similar to Steven Downes/Master Chief, he nods his head, "Yes, that naga just talked in IntoLight's voice. You're not hallucinating, that's the mushroom guy's thing."

He then turns to everyone else, "Name's Nova, not much else I'd like to say...aside from if I AM an AI, then if/when we escape, I'm going to go on the biggest porn binge ever. It doesn't matter whether it's human, furry, or whatever. I'll gladly take ANYTHING at this point."
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Alexia_Drakos walks over to Trusty_Chester's head, sheathing her Dragon Greatsword on her back beside Avelyn. 'Luck? What does luck have to do with this?' She picks up the head. 'Blame the bloody AI, whoever you are.'

"Oh thank god. Excuse me miss but you woulsnt have happened yo see a headless body running around with a giant sword?
Finally notices the new arrivals. "Oh, hey..yeah, the names OlderthanTime, call me Older or something, don't really care at this point. Heavy cleric and all that stuff. Part time guard and..."

He sighs. "I'm here because I logged on earlier than all my, I wonder what they've been up to? Also, anyone wanna do something other than mope?"
'Well, maybe.' She looks behind her at the scorched, headless torso with at least a dozen bolts sticking out of it.
Older stares at the passing body. "I want to investigate but my Common Sense is tingling..."