Soul of Artifice (D&D/HeroAca Quest)

[x] Naosu Fukanzen
[x] Born Male, Became Female
[x] Background: Cobalt Scholar (Sage)
[x] Proficiencies: Deception, Nature, Investigation
[x] Tool proficiency: Tinker's tools
[x] [Your Mind]
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[X] Naosu Fukanzen
[X] Born Male, Became Female
[X] Background: Cobalt Scholar (Sage)
[X] Proficiencies: Deception, Nature, Investigation
[X] Tool proficiency: Tinker's tools
[X] [Your Mind]

The name is slightly inaccurate (Naosu Fukanzen), though eh.
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I agree with what most people have said
Name: Naosu Fukanzen
Gender: Born Male, Became Female
Background: Cobolt Scholar
Skills: Deception, Investigation, Nature
Tool: Tinker's Tools
Perfection of Mind
So I was wondering if we take charlatan, Backgrounds - 5etools as well as perfection of form, would we be able to disguise kit something like multiple arms? It seems doable with some rp. "Let's stuff our extra arms down our pants and just have a really big butt" but on that note, I was wondering if we would even be allowed to use the kit, regardless of prof?
So I was wondering if we take charlatan, Backgrounds - 5etools as well as perfection of form, would we be able to disguise kit something like multiple arms? It seems doable with some rp. "Let's stuff our extra arms down our pants and just have a really big butt" but on that note, I was wondering if we would even be allowed to use the kit, regardless of prof?
Yes, though it will be less effective, there will be ways to gain new Proficiencies
Looks like the vote is pretty unanimous so I'll close it and begin writing the next part
Character Creation 3
You exit out of your machine and take shaking steps towards the comfy chair. Once you take a seat, you begin running through your memory to make sure everything was there,

Please assign your stats


Were you a Specialist(+1 to two attributes, 1 extra skill, 1 Feat) or Generalist (+1 to all attributes)

Yes, that sounds about right, your memory is fine. Now with that concern out of the way, you check the clock and notice that it's still early. Since you have the time, you might as well get used to your new self by finishing up that side project:

[Project] Martial Arts - With the amount of Villains nowadays you need to be able to protect yourself and you won't always have access to a weapon.
-Reward: Your unarmed attacks may use Dex in place of Str and are counted as fineness weapons for the purposes of the Doctor upgrade
[Project] First Aid - Getting this far required a lot of medical knowledge, though you did skip the basics, why not look at them now.
-Reward:Healer feat
[Project] Fencing - A noble sport that you enjoy, let's see if muscle memory transferred over.
-Reward: Proficiency with Rapiers and the Dueling fighting style (While wielding a single one handed weapon, +2 to damage rolls)

During this quest you may work on projects while you have spare time to gain powerful boons like Proficiencies, Feats, Items, or even Upgrades.

To start a Project, you need the appropriate resources, if you want a Project than tell me what you want to do and I will tell you what you would need to initiate it.

Satisfied with your work, you look out the window of the small warehouse you call a laboratory to notice that the sun has set.

[Home] Better get back to the orphanage before the caretakers get too worried.
[Home] No need to go back to the orphanage, they won't really care unless it's been 48 hours.
[Home] Time to rush back, Dad's probably worried sick by now.
[Home] I'll stay here, there's no point in going back to the house.
[X]Str:8 Dex:14 Con:12 Int:20 Wis:14 Cha:14
-[X]+1 to Dex +1 to Int
-[X]Keen Mind
[X][Project] First Aid - Getting this far required a lot of medical knowledge, though you did skip the basics, why not look at them now.
[X][Home] Time to rush back, Dad's probably worried sick by now.
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[X]Str:8 Dex:14 Con:12 Int:20 Wis:14 Cha:14
-[X]+1 to Dex +1 to Int
-[X]Keen Mind
[X][Project] First Aid - Getting this far required a lot of medical knowledge, though you did skip the basics, why not look at them now.
[X][Home] Time to rush back, Dad's probably worried sick by now.

Ah, this is gonna be hilarious seeing Naosu-Dad's reaction.
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Shouldn't we change the project to martial arts? We i assume will be fighting villains. To I'd be good for us. We can also pick fencing.
Shouldn't we change the project to martial arts? We i assume will be fighting villains. To I'd be good for us. We can also pick fencing.
I'd imagine we can use weapons due to the dnd 5e part. Due to that, and the build I'm presenting I am not suggesting a melee build, and if we were to use melee a finesse weapon is something we could simply acquire. Now Fencing in my opinion is a better option for a more melee fighter. Yes, if I wanted to make her a straight up Fighter I'd choose that. It is by no means a bad option. It's simply not what I wanted to choose. However, It would be my secondary pick, and frankly it is better for pretty much every combat option. However, being able to tend wounds is valuable as well.
I'd imagine we can use weapons due to the dnd 5e part. Due to that, and the build I'm presenting I am not suggesting a melee build, and if we were to use melee a finesse weapon is something we could simply acquire. Now Fencing in my opinion is a better option for a more melee fighter. Yes, if I wanted to make her a straight up Fighter I'd choose that. It is by no means a bad option. It's simply not what I wanted to choose. However, It would be my secondary pick, and frankly it is better for pretty much every combat option. However, being able to tend wounds is valuable as well.
Fair enough but consider that we're in dnd and resting also heals us.
Fair enough but consider that we're in dnd and resting also heals us.
The idea of having medicine without knowledge of first aid truly unsettles me. I'm sure some doctors might not have that skill, but not being able to treat wounds truly is unsettling. The fighting style of dueling isn't necessarily the best fighting style. Yet it locks us into that style. Though I wouldn't know. Healer on the hand allows for an effective healing option that can heal us even more then a simple 2 dmg on every attack which can be used on every ally and civilian we come across allowing us to truly help the injured and dying far more effectively. It's a more kind and gentle way, but hey that's why I prefer it. It doesn't lock us into anything, but it still gives us a fine addition which we can reasonably always have on us I think.
Adding this bit then
[]+1 to Dex +1 to Int
[]Keen Mind
14 Dex, 20 Int. With an effective eidetic memory on top. Persuasion seems useful, either that or deception, insight or perception. Not really too picky on that front.
[X]Str:8 Dex:14 Con:12 Int:20 Wis:14 Cha:14
-[X]+1 to Dex +1 to Int
-[X]Keen Mind
[X][Project] First Aid - Getting this far required a lot of medical knowledge, though you did skip the basics, why not look at them now.
[X][Home] No need to go back to the orphanage, they won't really care unless it's been 48 hours.
this is pretty much everything I would have voted for, though I would consider picking up observant over keen mind. I picked the orphanage for some added freedom, we'll be getting rp soon enough I feel.