Sorcerer Girl Interlude: The Friend
Sorcerer Girl
Interlude: The Friend
Interlude: The Friend
Carol stepped out of her father's car, onto the concrete sidewalk just outside Sir Vincent school.
She forced a smile onto her face, "Thank you for driving my dad." In all honesty, Carol didn't mind the idea of using the bus on the first day, but her father had to drive her to school, and she didn't have the heart of disappointing him. In truth, he was probably feeling a little guilty, because of the recent move.
Carol's dad, Thomas Westwood had eager to move to back to their home city for many, many years but West Crown wasn't in best of shapes so Carol's mother Catherine Westwood, had blocked every attempt, at first she did so subtle and then not so sublet after Carol was born. It wasn't until he got a big promotion that Carol's mother finally relented.
Carol didn't like the idea of moving at all, but her dad was so happy and even though she didn't show it much Carol's mum seemed to be excited to be moving back. Carol had decided not to say much on the subject and pretend less bothered by the move that she was. She wasn't sure how well her act worked given that they were spoiler her more than usual.
"It was my pleasure honey," Thomas smiled, "Try to have a nice day and call us if something goes wrong with the bus."
"I will dad, see you," Carol said before shutting the car door behind her.
So here it was Carol's school for the seeable future, Sir Vincent. She had only visited it once when her dad had taken to visit late summer to see if she was ok with it. Today the school felt a lot bigger.
Carol a deep calming breath, her grandfather, had told that when possible one should try to make the best out of any given situation. So if she was going to be intending new school then the best thing to do to make a good first impression. Carol put on a strong smile and walked into the school.
Fifteen minutes later Carol stood in front of the class, the group as a whole was thankfully no hint of the shady awful carp she heard online about the schools in worse off place in the city. There about fourteen students with a roughly even dived of boys and girls, a few near the back goofing off while most were paying attention to her.
"Hello my name is Carol Westwood it is a pleasure to meet," said Carol while smiled, her new classmates started muttering amongst the gist seemed mostly positive, a first good impression.
"Carol's family moved to West Crown this summer and will be attending this school for the foreseeable future, so try to make her feel welcome," The teacher a lovely woman named Miss Clarke explained. There was some more excited muttering; then Miss Clarke decided to quit the class down.
"Ok, calm down everyone, if you have any further about Carol, you can ask her after class," The students quickly stopped talking.
Miss Clarke turned to Carol, "Alright your desk is over there." She directed Carol to the desk on the right end of the middle lane, behind a girl with orange hair who was gazing out of the window, with a bored expression on her face.
Carol thanked Miss Clarke and sat down at her desk. The lesson itself was just some basic English nothing too stressful after it was over one of the students a brunette girl approached Carol.
"Hello Carol, my name Julie Stark," Julie offered her hand to Carol.
Carol wasted no time in responding to the friendly gesture. She shook Julie's hand.
"So my friends and I were talking, and we were wondering if you would like to join us for lunch?"
"Of course see you there," Carol accepted without hesitation.
The rest of the week went incredibly well, she spent every lunch with her new friends and even got invited to hang out after school and on the weekends.
It wasn't until after the first week of school that Carol noticed something a little strange. On the table directly across from the one, Carol and her friends were using, sat in the same spot as she always did, a short girl with orange hair. What was her name again….Sophia Blake was it.
"Was her story?" Carol inquired.
"You mean Sophia?" Julie asked.
Carol nodded firmly.
"Well you see during the first week of our first-year school, Sophia was always quiet and gloomy, it looked like she just wanted to be left, so everyone did.
"But there was this guy from our class called Dave, for some reason started harassing Sophia, at first she didn't react beyond the odd warning and nasty glare. But then one day Dave decided to be just a little bit meaner and said something bad about Sophia's mom and well she just explored.
One moment she was just glare at Dave then before anyone could react she punched him so hard his nose broke, then she punched him three more times before kneeing the guy stomach and kicking him in the leg.
"It was only then a couple of teachers were able to restrain Sophia. By that point, she was scream like a monster while Dave was floor shaking."
It took a while for Carol to absorb the story she just heard fully. One the main reason Carol's mom had been so reluctant to move back to West Crown, was that the city had infamous for horrible schools and had taken a lot of talking on the part of her dad to convince his wife that Sir Vincent school was safe enough to send there Carol to.
If she ever found out about this event, there was a good chance that she would overreact and...Well, she would probably start demanding that Carol be pulled out of Sir Vincent, then she would calm down, maybe. So yeah Carol was going to keep this little story to herself.
Many hours later Carol lying on her bed stare at the ceiling she, while the sound of rushing water came from the bathroom as her mother was preparing a bath. Her mind drifted to Sophia Blake, Carol couldn't but think the other girl looked so damn lonely, coming to school day after day without anyone to speak she must be having a very dull time.
It was that moment made Carol a decision she was going to befriend Sophia Blake, mostly out of sympathy with just a hint of curiosity.
Time passed until the lunch break of the next day, the room was packed as, and just like usual Sophia was sitting at the same table.
As her friends sat down to eat Carol stopped, "Actually I think I will site with Sophia today."
The entire group looked at her with both worry and a bit of shock. "Why would?" They all asked at the same time.
Carol smiled sadly, "It's just that is doesn't seem just right leave her alone, without even talking to her."
"But what if you say or do the wrong thing and she attacks you?" Julie asked with concern.
Carol clenched her right hand into a fist and slammed it into her left palm. "Don't worry I can handle myself," Carol smiled, with fire in her eyes.
"Ok then, but be careful alright." Carol nodded and approached the table where Sophia sat dispassionately eating her meal.
"Can I sit here?" Carol question caused Sophia to look up from her meal. She gave the other girl a questioning look, which held for a few seconds before beginning replaced with her usual dull expression.
"It's a free country," She said before returning to her meal.
Well at least Carol hadn't been to get lost that was a start, she sat across from Sophia and started trying to probe the other girl into a conversation, most of the time Carol only got a few words out of the moody girl.
This process continued every other weekday, until out of the blue Sophia looked Carol straight in the eye. "Why doing keep trying to talk to me?"
Carol's eye widened with surprise, "If I'm bothering I can leave."
"That's not it what meant, I'm curious why are you spend so much time on me when could be hanging out with your friends or doing any number of things that would better use of your time."
"Well," Carol need to choose her words carefully, "Ever since I started coming you have been alone, I have never seen you hang out with or even talk with anyone."
"Why does that bother you? I never carded," Sophia's eyes didn't break their stare.
"I think everyone deserves some company, or at least that is what my grandfather taught."
There was an awkward stalemate, then suddenly the two girls burst into laughter. Both Carol and Sophia then relaxed and let the previous pressure dissolve away.
"Hey, I know you're probably not interested but I don't have any plans this weekend, so I was wondering would like to come over to my house."
Sophia looked back at Carol with surprise, "This is the first time anyone has ever offered me that."
"Holy hell this girl is lonely." Now Carol was now even more determined to get Sophia to hang out with her.
"Well, in that case, it will be a new experience for you."
Sophia still didn't seem conceived. "Oh come!" Carol was now started feeling flustered.
There were a few more moments of hesitancy and then Sophia eventfully relented.
"Fine, I will come over to your house."
"Excellent!" Carol cheered, "Exchange contact information."
Carol would not see Sophia until she heard the ringing of the doorbell. Carol excitedly pull the door open to see Sophia, the other girl was wearing a snow white hoodie and jeans, her body was twitching slightly, and her posture had an awkward quality.
"Don't just stand come in," Carol beaked eagerly.
Sophia stepped inside and took in the view that was Carol's home.
"It smells like peach," Sophia commented.
That wasn't the reaction Carol excepting, oh well she just needed to roll with the punches.
"That's probably the air freshener my Mom likes to put around the house."
Sophia didn't say anything instead she looks started. This was going south fast! Carol needed to think of something, her eyes immediately darted to the living room and then there was a flash of inspiration!
"Hey, my family keeps a whole bunch of games in the living would like to try one out?"
Sophia thought about the suggestion for a moment. "It's your house I will go with whatever you want to do."
Not the best reason to do something but progress was progress, so Carol took and leaded Sophia into the living room. If asked to describe her living room in one word Carol would use cosy, a calm green carpet with four equally bright green chairs surrounding a coffee table. A couple of feet from the table was widescreen TV and bit further away from that was an electric fire and in the right corner was cupboard where various board games were stored.
After a little bit of rummaging around Carol pulled out the checkerboard and placed it on the table.
"So do you know the rules?" Carol asked with a playful smile.
"I have played a few times against an A.I on the internet."
"Ok since you already know the rules," Carol reached into her back pocket and pulled out a fifty pence conic. "Want to flip to decide who goes first?"
Several hours later Sophia had a smug smile as she dispatched the last of Carol's pieces, "And with that I'm victors."
Carol glared at the board, "I was so close to too, damn it." She then smiled and locked determined eyes with Sophia, "I want a rematch!"
Sophia grinned and grabbed one of her pieces and placed back on the board, "Bring it on."
After Carol the won the rematch, she gave Sophia a quick tour of the house and then sat down to watched a movie and then it was time for Sophia to headed home.
"Thank you for inviting me over, it was fun," Sophia said as he stepped outside.
"I'm glad you liked, anyway see on Monday."
Sophia smiled and opened her mouth to say; then she hesitated thought about for a moment and turned around, "See you soon." Then she turned around and headed to our stop.
A couple of weeks later Carol was sitting in English class eagerly watching the clock countdown to the moment were school would end, and she could go home.
"Finally before you leave I have a bit of homework for all of you."
The classroom was immediately filled with quite annoyed grounds, Miss Clarke ignored her students and continued, "It will require you to write a piece explaining your ideal job. Don't worry if you aren't sure to make something up, the paper needs to be at least two thousand words and needs to hang in by the end of next week."
With that students start gathering their stuff and eagerly heading out of the classroom. As Carol stood up from her desk, Sophia approached her, "Hey would alright if we met up at Druid's Peek there is some stuff I need to get off my chest."
That sounds serious, "Ok, just let me call me, and we will head right there."
Was Druid's Peek one of the highest points in West Crown from there you could see the entire city and the sea which is stretched well into the horizon, the water glowing a bright dazzling orange due to setting sun.
"Sometimes when I'm having a horrible day I like to come up here and think," Sophia explained as she stared at the setting sun.
"So did so did bad something?" Carol asked.
"No its just that homework assignment got me thinking about a lot of stuff." Sophia reached her hand towards the sunset.
"I'm guessing this stuff is more serious than just not being able to decide what write."
"It's quite the opposite I know what I want to do but, "Sophia moved her had away from the sun and looked at Carol with a bitter smile.
"Promise me you won't laugh because my dream is really stupid."
"You are probably too hard on your self, but I promise."
"I want to become a hero of justice." That statement complete caught Carol off guard.
"I know, I know, its vague and dumb and childish," Sophia rested both her arms on the barrier and looked down sorrowful manner.
"That wasn't always the case; when I was really little, I wanted to be a writer."
"Were you any good?" Carol asked.
"I don't know probably not, anyway one day while out on a trip to Lake Alfred I fell into the lake and almost drowned and was then rescued by a man who then disappears like a puff of smoke. Since that day I became obsessed with becoming a hero that saved people and achieved amazing feats like the characters in stories I read or like the man who rescued."
"Then something happened that caused to give."
Sophia nodded, "It took me a while to really notice, but suddenly mom and dad turned cold to each other and sometimes when I was out of sight I could hear them arguing then one day after a stormy night the police came to the house and told us that Mom had died in car accident."
Sophia face tightened up as if to hold back a flood of tears. "Since that day Dad started to do everything his power to avoid me, he always goes to work early before I get up, barely says a word to me at home no matter how well or how badly I'm doing." Small flow tears fell down Sophia's cheek as she poured out her heart. "And the worst part is that I don't know even why, sometimes in the back of mind I wondered if he blames, I have tried to ask many times, but he always walked away without saying a word, it's just so frustrating that I just want break something!"
Sophia gripped her hand into a tight iron fist and slammed it against the barrier and small drops of blood burst from her knuckle while her eyes glared at the city with angry, then just as it appeared the rush raged died out like an ember and Sophia broke down into tears.
Carol at that moment tried desperately tried to find the right words to say but she couldn't. Compared to what Sophia had experienced Carol's worst experience didn't even come close, sure her dad couldn't be around often due to work but she always either had her mom or grandfather around, so she had never had to endure the soul-crushing loneliness that Sophia had.
Without any hesitation, Carol approached Sophia and wrapped her arms letting the other girl have a good long cry. Eventually, Sophia was able to regain her composer and wiped her tears away.
"Thank you I need it," Sophia said while making an embarrassed chuckled.
Carol looked at Sophia's hand which looked like was in a very nasty state with blood flowing from it and bruises were already begin to form.
"Your hand in pretty bad shape, I have some stuff home that will help patch it up."
Sophia was about say something but then took one look her hand and recognised. "Alright lead the way.
One year later
Sophia sat on her bed staring at the tiny faint scar on her knuckle.
"Is something bothering you?" Exile asked.
"No, just thinking," Sophia got up from her bed wondered over to the light switch next to her door. A second later the room when went dark and Sophia drifted off to sleep.
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