Something's Wrong-A Puella Magi Madoka Magica? Quest

Of the three appearances provided by participants, only one has received 'support' by more than one participants, but only one appearance has been properly voted for. Thus, a quick vote will be had to determine which appearance will be chosen. The options are:

[]The Knight
Appearance (excluding sword):

Costume (once more excluding sword):

[]The Privateer
Appearance with Costume:
Either choice will have consequences.
Choose well. Choose wisely.

[]Write In (Must be a vote to count)

The next update proper will be posted once this decision is made.
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[X] The Privateer

Our weapon shall be a ship.

Hell yeah, Pirates in Fancy Clothing!

Not really digging the armored Knight look. Doesn't feel like it belongs in the setting, tbh.
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Coming Out
I am sorry for the problem with the appearance of the MC of this quest. For the sake of the continued existence of the Quest, I have decided that between the two options voted for by those still participating, The Energetic Girl would fit best with the narrative. I also apologize for the delay in the writing of this update, as I had been waiting on doing so in the hopes that more people might vote. Again, sorry for the delay. However, as a (rather shitty) consolation, if anyone can come up with a better (but somewhat similar) costume for the MC then it might end up being used.

Now, on with the show

[x] Calm yourself and follow the plan you had just made and tell your Dad right now.

You look at yourself in the mirror, your shoulder length auburn hair and your maroon eyes, your mercifully clear skin (you're still so thankful for your sister-in-law's secret technique), and your petite frame. More so, you look at your cool new costume- it was the meeting of form and function, both pretty and usable- as far as your (newly improved) range of movement was concerned, it was it wasn't even there. You think there is some kind of chainmail lining it, but you aren't sure; it didn't feel any heavier than normal clothes. The outfit itself consists of a reddish-orange dress that went three-quarters the way down to your knees and had a longer left sleeve that went all the way down to your wrist, matching biker shorts, heeled white boots (only about an inch you've noticed) that ended just below your knees, and black fingerless gloves. On your right, short-sleeved arm rests your shield, more of a buckler that covered your forearm. You notice it looks…off from your memories of Homura's shield- didn't hers have three gems, not four…? You also just noticed that when you are in costume, your hair automatically gets put in a French braid. The outfit only had a few frills, which you appreciate as you never really liked them anyway. Really, your close to nothing like Akemi Homura- the only thing you have in common with her is your powers and shield being similar.
Though, it doesn't matter what you look like! Your parents will accept you for sure! You're Maria Smoke, their daughter. They've shown you nothing but unconditional love and kindness for the last 15 years, so how would this be different? but you still feel uneasy

You're still nervous, but not as much as before. You dismiss your costume and step out of your Time Stop, deciding to wait until your parents come home. You decide to tell your Dad as soon as he comes home from the store, and then tell your Mom when she gets home from work. Hopefully showing your Dad first will make it easier. After all, it seems like every time you use your powers they become easier to use the next time.
Time Stop=D(4/20) Storage Capabilities=D(3/20)
You hear a car pull into your drive way. The butterflies you've been feeling have been replaced by a swarm of angry locusts. You calm yourself, and decide to follow your plan to tell your father right away.

You head over to the foyer of your house, the old family dog Romulus lazily following behind you. He's such a normal part of your life that you completely forgot he was there, which was impressive considering he was a 100 pound wolf-dog. You pet him to calm yourself down a bit more. Your father comes in the door, your baby brother in a carrier on his chest and carrying a gallon of milk. As he closes and locks the door, he notices that you are standing there.

Before he can say anything, you summon your costume and blurt out "Dad, I'm a magical girl!"

Your father stares at you in shock for a moment, his brain visibly trying to reboot. Before he can do anything however you continue your demonstration. "I can do all this cool stuff, like put stuff in my shield!" you say as you pull a textbook out of your shield. You put the textbook back in after waving it around a bit. "And I'm way stronger and tougher now! And" It looks like father is about to say something, but you keep bulldozing on through. "-a-and I can do this really cool thing where I Stop Time!" you say as you grab his wrist and then Stopping Time, bringing him with. You're about to show him how everything is actually stoppe-

"Maria, honey, slow down." Your father says soothingly, putting a hand on your shoulder. In your excited stupor, you do not notice his hand subtly glowing a faint orange.
All the nervous energy that had been building up for the last few days leaves you all at once, and you are able to think more clearly. You unconsciously drop the Time Stop. Your father always knew how to calm you down.

"Now, start over from the beginning. What happened?" he asks calmly but firmly. You decide to recount to your father the full (if short) story- three days ago on your way home from a friends house you accidently stopped time, and then started seeing what else you could do, which lead to you jokingly saying "Moon Prism Power!" which summoned your costume and shield. You then kept practicing with everything to make sure you weren't hallucinating, and upon realizing you could Stop Time, Summon a cool Costume, and you got a familiar looking Shield with it, you thought that maybe you had the same powers as Akemi Homura, and tried to put something into your shield, which worked! So you kept experimenting and testing what you could do with your new powers over the weekend, and today decided that you would tell your parents about your cool new powers. And then you told your dad.

Your father listens intently and patiently, his green eyes only looking at you and occasionally your baby brother whenever he moves in his sleep. When you finish your story, he nods in understanding. "I'm not sure how or why you're suddenly a 'Magical Girl' as you put it, but I do know what type of person you are. I know you're an incredible young woman with a good moral compass and a brilliant mind, and I'll always be here for you." He says reassuringly. His voice hardens slightly. "But, if you have superpowers and intend to use them, you're going to have to follow some rules young lady. First of all- if you end up becoming a super- whatever, you'll be a super-hero or nothing super. Second of all- no using your powers for cheating or stealing or anything you could see a super villain doing- I didn't raise no criminal!" You can tell he is partially joking based on his tone, but that he does expect you to follow these rules. "Third, don't go jumping into dangerous situations just because you have powers, and don't bite off more than you can chew. And- you said you could stop time?" he asks, to which you nod. "Then whenever you want to do something heroic, do it with that. If you're the only one who can move and do things you shouldn't be in as much danger if you do end up using your powers, so use that power whenever possible!"

You actually hadn't thought of doing anything heroic yet with your powers, but those sounded like some pretty good guidelines for if you did.

You spend the next few hours properly demonstrating everything you can do with your new powers, your father asking questions throughout. Your brother stays asleep for most of the demonstration, surprisingly. He must have been tired. Immediately after thinking that however, he wakes up. Come in Delta, this is Gamma. Epsilon has awoken. Repeat- Epsilon has awoken.

After your demonstration, your father makes dinner while you entertain your baby brother, Gabriel and Romulus watches. He's a cute little thing, 8 months old and crawling around everywhere he can. Every now and then when you aren't in his line of sight he'll start looking for you, his maroon and green eyes darting around as he spins himself around, trying to catch sight of you. This is Delta. Are you absolutely certain?

You still think it's so cool how both of your brothers have heterochromia, and aren't jealous at all! Nope! Not one bit! Affirmative. Epsilon has actively demonstrated magic in the house.

As your father finishes making dinner, you hear your mother's car pull into the driveway. Becoming a Magical Girl must have enhanced your hearing as well, cause you usually need to be closer to the driveway to hear cars pulling in. Eta of three days. Keep her there until then. Delta out.
You decide to

[] Tell your mother right as she comes in, like with your father but with his help this time

[] Tell your mother as you all are eating dinner together as a family with your father's help

[] Write-in

Choose well. Choose Wisely. Four days until first contact.
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[X] Tell your mother right as she comes in, like with your father but with his help this time
Horas all around.

That went well. Is there anything we want to ask our father about why he knows what 'Akemi Homura' means? Is he a mahou shojou fan?

Anyway, press this advantage, give them no quarter!

[x] Tell your mother right as she comes in, like with your father but with his help this time

Either that, or go look for some sufficiently heroic (but safe!) deed to commit.
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That went well. Is there anything we want to ask our father about why he knows what 'Akemi Homura' means? Is he a mahou shojou fan?
Maria phrased it as a fictional character with similar powers, so she tried to mimic what the character could do. If Mr. Smoke had watched Puella Magi Madoka Magica, he would have reacted very strongly. He did get the Sailor Moon reference though.
Aw, I was hoping for a roll to decide the tie. Oh well.

Dad's hand glowed orange and some sort of military strike team keeps calling us 'Epsilon' and is about to bust our door down. Rude fellows, that.

[X] Tell your mother right as she comes in, like with your father but with his help this time
[x] Tell your mother right as she comes in, like with your father but with his help this time