Something's Wrong-A Puella Magi Madoka Magica? Quest

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You very suddenly have all of the powers of Akemi Homura. You can stop time for as long as you...
You very suddenly have all of the powers of Akemi Homura. You can stop time for as long as you want, you're way stronger and tougher than before, you can make a cool costume, and you can store stuff in that cool shield you get with your costume! You don't have a soul gem, and you haven't seen anything like witches happening anywhere, and you definitely haven't interacted with Kyubey. You just happen to have all of the powers of Akemi Homura. Is something sinister afoot?

trust none lose none trust none lose none trust none lose none trust none lose none trust none lose none trust none lose none trust none lose none trust none lose none trust none lose none trust none lose none trust none lose none trust none lose none trust none lose none
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Sudden Start
It's been 3 days since you found out about your superpowers. What else could they be called, since you could summon a cool costume and stop time!

Of course, you might be biased on your view of your costume since you're a

[] 14

[] 15

[] 16

[] 17

years old

[] guy,

[] gal,

though your pretty sure if you showed anyone your costume they'd think it's cool too. Actually, that's what you're on your way to do right now- tell your

[] best friend

[] parents

[] siblings

about your powers, with a demonstration and everything. You spent a few hours rehearsing in your Time Stop (which took a bit to get used to, being the only thing moving or making noise, but you're more-or-less fine with it now) after experimenting with your powers. During your experiments, you've found that you can store

[] any inanimate object the size of the shield or less; living things like those squirrels just didn't go in. no changes

[] any inanimate object up to the size of a car; you made sure to put it back after you were done! storage capabilities gain a bonus

You also found you can bring

[] living things that you are touching into the time stop, but only if you want to, and they only stay as long as you're touching them no changes

[] a few living things once you touch them into time stop as long as you want them to, and they stay in it as long as you wish regardless of whether you continue touching them or not time stop abilities gain a bonus; major consequences if both boosts are selected

by testing your powers on more squirrels.

You didn't even realize, thanks to walking in your new Time Stop meaning you are the only source of sound, that you were already at the right house. Was that because of your increased speed, the Time Stop, or both? Either way, it's time to face the music.

AN: So begins a very… odd quest which came to me in a dream. The MC, "you", suddenly gains the powers of Akemi Homura, and have enough knowledge of Puella Magi Madoka Magica to recognize that there are no witches or anything that either might want to kill your or gave you these powers. Yet. All will be revealed in time.
Next time your Name, appearance, and the appearance of your costume is to be determined, as well as telling your chosen close person about your powers.

Choose well. Choose Wisely. Four days until first contact.
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[X] 14
[X] gal,
[X] parents
[X] any inanimate object the size of the shield or less; living things like those squirrels just didn't go in.
[X] living things that you are touching into the time stop, but only if you want to, and they only stay as long as you're touching them

We're OP enough as is, no need for extra boosts and the consequences they bring.

Also, a kid going up to their dad and yelling "I'm a Magical Girl!!" is adorable.
[X] 15
[X] Gal
[X] siblings
[X] any inanimate object the size of the shield or less; living things like those squirrels just didn't go in.
[X] a few living things once you touch them into time stop as long as you want them to, and they stay in it as long as you wish regardless of whether you continue touching them or not

[] any inanimate object the size of the shield or less; living things like those squirrels just didn't go in. no changes

[] any inanimate object up to the size of a car; you made sure to put it back after you were done! storage capabilities gain a bonus

[] living things that you are touching into the time stop, but only if you want to, and they only stay as long as you're touching them no changes

[] a few living things once you touch them into time stop as long as you want them to, and they stay in it as long as you wish regardless of whether you continue touching them or not time stop abilities gain a bonus; major consequences if both boosts are selected [/QUOTE]

Interesting I wonder what the consequences will be but I think I'll go with only one boost.
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[X] 15

[X] guy,

[X] parents

[X] any inanimate object the size of theshield or less; living things like those squirrels just didn't go in. no changes

[X] a few living things once you touch them into time stop as long as you want them to, and they stay in it as long as you wish regardless of whether you continue touching them or not time stop abilities gain a bonus; major consequences if both boosts are selected
You very suddenly have all of the powers of Akemi Homura. You can stop time for as long as you want, you're way stronger and tougher than before, you can make a cool costume, and you can store stuff in that cool shield you get with your costume! You don't have a soul gem, and you haven't seen anything like witches happening anywhere, and you definitely haven't interacted with Kyubey. You just happen to have all of the powers of Akemi Homura. Is something sinister afoot?

trust none lose none trust none lose none trust none lose none trust none lose none trust none lose none trust none lose none trust none lose none trust none lose none trust none lose none trust none lose none trust none lose none trust none lose none trust none lose none
Definitely not. Nope. No siree. Nothing could possibly go wrong. You here that Murphy? I'll repeat it. Nothing can possibly go wrong!
[x] 15
[x] gal


[x] parents

Best source of support.

[x] any inanimate object up to the size of a car; you made sure to put it back after you were done!

We're likely going to use the shield inventory often. Might as well increase its size for more versatility.

[x] living things that you are touching into the time stop, but only if you want to, and they only stay as long as you're touching them

One boost is enough.
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[x] 15
[x] gal
[x] parents
[x] any inanimate object up to the size of a car; you made sure to put it back after you were done!
[x] living things that you are touching into the time stop, but only if you want to, and they only stay as long as you're touching them
[X] 15

[X] guy,

[X] parents

[X] any inanimate object the size of theshield or less; living things like those squirrels just didn't go in. no changes

[X] a few living things once you touch them into time stop as long as you want them to, and they stay in it as long as you wish regardless of whether you continue touching them or not time stop abilities gain a bonus; major consequences if both boosts are selected

Guy because of the hilarity that could possibly ensue when Homura meets whats essentially a guy version of her.:D
[X] 15
[X] guy
[X] siblings
[X] any inanimate object the size of the shield or less; living things like those squirrels just didn't go in.
[X] living things that you are touching into the time stop, but only if you want to, and they only stay as long as you're touching them

Homura brought people into timestop regardless of whether she wanted to or not, as I recall.
[x] 15
[x] gal
[x] siblings
[x] any inanimate object up to the size of a car; you made sure to put it back after you were done!
[x] living things that you are touching into the time stop, but only if you want to, and they only stay as long as you're touching them

I much prefer female protagonists.
[X] any inanimate object the size of theshield or less; living things like those squirrels just didn't go in. no changes

[X] a few living things once you touch them into time stop as long as you want them to, and they stay in it as long as you wish regardless of whether you continue touching them or not time stop abilities gain a bonus; major consequences if both boosts are selected
[x] 15

[x] gal

[x] parents

[X] living things that you are touching into the time stop, but only if you want to, and they only stay as long as you're touching them

[X] any inanimate object the size of the shield or less; living things like those squirrels just didn't go in.

You look down at yourself, realizing it would be best to show your parents your costume by transforming, dismiss it (which was surprisingly easy, as was using the rest of your new powers) and step out of Time Stop. You take your house key out of your pocket, take a deep breath to calm yourself, and enter your home. Only after you do so do you realize that your five minutes too early to have been brought home from school by your bus. You knew you forgot something!

You decide to quickly head to your room (without stopping time), before registering that both of your parents' cars were gone. You head over to the kitchen instead, finding (as you half-expected) a note on the refrigerator from your father.

'Milk run; should be back soon. –Dad' it said.

Knowing that the closest grocery store was 5 minutes away meant you had a good (if small) window of time to prepare yourself mentally for this. You thought you had done it earlier in your Time Stop, but actually being so close to telling your parents about your powers was nerve-wracking. And then after you tell your parents, you can figure out whether to tell your siblings about your powers with them!

You go to your room, Stop Time, and make sure you have everything for your demonstration ready. The textbooks you would be pulling out of your shield were already in it, but you pull them out and put them back in a few times to make sure. You then look at yourself in the mirror summoning your costume. You look like

[] (Write In appearance, a picture is appreciated but not required. Be reasonable and remember that you are a 15 year old girl. Feel free to include height if a picture. Pictures of Akemi Homura will be instantly forfeited and ignored. Costume (if a picture) can be separate picture or same, and does not need to include your shield. Costume does not need to be a magical girl costume, but can be Homura's if that wins the vote.) Though I wouldn't recommend looking like Akemi Homura in any way
Though, it doesn't matter what you look like! Your parents will accept you for sure! You're Maria Smoke, their daughter. They've shown you nothing but unconditional love and kindness for the last 15 years, so how would this be different? but you still feel uneasy

You're still nervous, but not as much as before. You dismiss your costume and step out of your Time Stop, deciding to wait until your parents come home. You decide to tell your Dad as soon as he comes home from the store, and then tell your Mom when she gets home from work. Hopefully showing your Dad first will make it easier. After all, it seems like every time you use your powers they become easier to use the next time.
Time Stop=D(4/20) Storage Capabilities=D(3/20)
You hear a car pull into your drive way. The butterflies you've been feeling have been replaced by a swarm of angry locusts. You

[] Calm yourself and follow the plan you had just made and tell your Dad right now.

[] Change your mind and wait until dinner to tell your both of your parents at the same time.

[] Write-in

Choose well. Choose Wisely. Four days until first contact.
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*GM wants pics* *Laptop is broken and all I have is shitty kindle* ...My salt is real.

Was thinking teen-Saber-face? Playing up the adorable more than anything, being an excitable, bouncy personality.

Yes, basically Homura's near-opposite.
*GM wants pics* *Laptop is broken and all I have is shitty kindle* ...My salt is real.

Was thinking teen-Saber-face? Playing up the adorable more than anything, being an excitable, bouncy personality.

Yes, basically Homura's near-opposite.

So something like this
[X] Calm yourself and follow the plan you had just made and tell your Dad right now.
I'll offer this as an option.

Partially because of just how often generic Nasu girl shows up around here. But mostly because I do think it's pretty decent.

[X] Calm yourself and follow the plan you had just made and tell your Dad right now.
[X] Calm yourself and follow the plan you had just made and tell your Dad right now.
[X] Appearance: Hat is good, yes-yes?

My choice has a hat and a fancy uniform! That automatically means it's superior!
Partially because of just how often generic Nasu girl shows up around here. But mostly because I do think it's pretty decent.
Honestly most typemoon pics hit the colors and draw style I like best. I know others do the same type of pic, but typemoon is just easily reference able. *shrug*

I kind of think the eyes look like something out of Lovecraft on yours personally, but I'm otherwise fine with it I guess.
My choice has a hat and a fancy uniform! That automatically means it's superior!
... Chunni? Honestly I find chunni characters a bit painful to watch for a lot of reasons.
... Chunni? Honestly I find chunni characters a bit painful to watch for a lot of reasons.
Not neccesarily. Girl could just be interested in dressing up in outdated uniforms for pictorials on a blog or something, or she could be cosplaying at that moment.

Who knows really? Plenty of explanations available if Chuuni isn't to the player base's taste.
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