Something Old... REBOOTED

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It begins... Anew!
It begins anew!

Halvin McCobbes

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I was inspired by Wackyduck's game, so uh... yeah! Thanks for inspiring me, whoever you are... Sorry you're banned.

Basically, the premise of this is that y'all suggest 1 to 5 events, and I will integrate them into a coherent timeline, with OTL as a baseline.

You can submit 3 types of events:

1. Something Old - the events of a entire or part of a work of fiction.

2. Something New - A completely original event. These can be as crazy and frivolous as you want them to be.

3. Something Changed - like Something Old, but you change the events of how the work of fiction goes before and/or after you place it down. These changes can be as minor or as frivolous as you want.

You can make these events happen in any year you want, and you can mix and match between the three types!

Make sure to add the classifications of SO, SN, and/or SC depending on the event in parentheses after the number.

1. (SO) Groundhog Day
2. (SN) During the Civil War, copies of Shrek 2 rain from the sky
3. (SC) Friends, but in 2004, Ross, the largest of the friends, eats the others.

NOTE: Not all events will be accepted, and I judge some ideas based on if they have an impact.
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Imma record as much as a I can
I'll try to keep track for everybody

Before Time
- There are these weird 4-dimensional butterflies

450 B.C.
- Herodotus makes a small note about the Cult of Amnioxes, a god who is the patron of winning, tiger's blood, and a special holy drink known as Fanta.

399 BC
- A man falls from the sky, breaking his leg on a patch of hemlock. The next day, philosopher Socrates, whole in prison, drinks a hemlock concoction mixed with moondust, and begins a massive journey through time, gaining a velociraptor named Astraftei along the way. Many Christians compare him to The Wandering Jew.

- Michelangelo paints a minor section of the Sistine Chapel detailing the Fall of Lucifer. the faces perfectly reflect the appearances of Jon Stewart (as the smote Lucifer), Orson Welles (as Uriel), and Stephen Colbert (as archangel Michael). Socrates is there

- A Andrewsarchus gets shot

- Captain Nemo leads a dangerous expedition under the sea in the Nautilus, leading the crew stranded and the Nautilus missing. Socrates is there

- Alice Kingsleigh enters Wonderland, another dimension and becomes a hero after slaying the Jabberwocky.

- Ruthless gunslinger Caleb, a member of the cult The Cabal, who believe in Tchernobog, is betrayed by his own god and killed along with his friend and girlfriend.

- In France, during the Great Flood, Parisians make friends with a monster named Francœur and solve the Flood using a form of Super Fertilizer. Francœur still lives to this day, where he does opera. Socrates is there

- The French military forms a minor alliance with a being known as The Tyrannical Ticker, representing the controlling grip of time itself, to control a force that he calls MOONER.

- A depressed businessman sees multiple moons that no-one else sees before ending it all by jumping off a building, become the same as moonrock when hitting the ground below. His body is examined by the government.

- Caleb is resurrected and kills most of the cult out of revenge, including the current incarnation of Tchernobog. Avenged, Caleb wanders the world as an immortal bounty hunter. The remains of The Cabal become CabalCo, a shady company that causes problems, leading to later superheroes and sometimes Caleb having to fix them. CabalCo becomes a large collector of moondust, often using it in attacks.

- Fanta, the holy drink written in the notes of Herodotus, would inspire the name of a Nazi version of Coke that was distributed during the 1940s.

- During WW2, France tries to harness a force known as MOONER, a mystical force that turns things to moon rock that came as a result of testing of the Moonrock Man back in 1922, as a weapon. After a European city becomes cleared out and becomes moondust, the experiments end in case Nazi Germany gets any ideas.

- Common pigeon Valiant assembles a team of fellow birds to join the Royal Homing Pigeon Service, where he will eventually deliver the message that will cause the Allies to land in Normandy.

- Across America, a mysterious broadcaster named Joji announces the Future of Television. Intrigued, many homes begin tuning in. Joji announces The Filthy Frank Show, said to be a popular show from the 2010s. Viewers go from intrigue to disgust as they watch the crazy episodes. Francis of the Filth, a character from the show, appears in some bookstores. While Pink Guy and his Pink Season album are seen at record stores, the album on an appropriately pink record. Moral panics ensue, with many people utterly disgusted at The Filthy Frank Show, and parents lambast the show, calling its title character "everything a model citizen shouldn't be". Some even consider banning TV altogether. Fortunately, they ended up overwhelmed after Filthy Frank becomes a popular counterculture figure during the 60s, as various copycats show up on shows like The Carol Burnett Show and Laugh-In.

- Peter Parker, a junior at New York's Midtown Manhattan Magnet High who was bitten by a radioactive spider and gained spider-powers in recent months, foils crime while working at The Daily Bugle and having an internship as a lab assistant. His exploits would later inspire Flutter & Noir-Knight.

- Upon touching the moon, Neil Armstrong comes in contact with the force MOONER, and becomes the force's avatar, wielding a crown and a sword of solid moonlight, Buzz Aldrin escapes back to earth
- Apollo 12 astronauts encounter Neil Armstrong on the second moon landing, but barely escape alive. He still lives on the moon to this day, and no attempts have been made to explore the moon since Apollo 12.

- Neil is still on the moon
- Research into the MOONER phenomenon is banned by most governments. The NSA continue anti-Moon research in secret. The KGB try and use remote sensing in a way to contact Armstrong.

- Neil is still on the moon
- In Ohio, the U.S. government finds Shrewheart Manor, an anomalous place that has graves that bring guardians to those who perform special rituals. They use the rituals on their agents to empower them.
- The remote sensing program is lost, and the forested testing area is blown up in a "nuclear test". A Soviet scientist could only say "Whatever it is, it isn't human anymore. It doesn't want contact. It wants to be alone. I think it's best we adhere to its wishes."

- A bunch of crazy rich people from a mental institution believing themselves to be King Arthur and his knights, go on a rampage looking for the Holy Grail. King Arthur (real name Monty Python) and his knights are arrested, while the knightly army he has gathered flees. It is seen by the public as a riot or protest.

- Neil is still on the moon
- PM Wilfried Martens of Belgium comes into contact with a combination of moondust and rutherfordium, making him able to astrally project across the universe. Secretly communicating with alien races, he establishes the Belgian Space Empire (distant from Earth, but still led by the King)

- Neil is still on the moon
- Wilfried Martens of Belgium makes an attempt to communicate with Armstrong, but the conversation leaves him shaken.
- During a showing of Jason Takes Manhattan in New York, Jason is somehow brought to life after a technician spills water on a projector, killing several people before being caught by police and killed. Paramount faces a heavy lawsuit they eventually win. Research is still going on on how this happened.

- Neil is still on the moon
- Spiderman retires

- Neil is still on the moon
- In France's Margeride Mountains, the remains of an Andrewsarchus are found. After carbon dating reveals in died from 1767 via gunshot, many people believe it to be The Beast of Gévaudan.

- Neil is still on the moon
- The Oakville Pantheon, a modern pantheon of gods including the god of conflict (Old-Man-Viper), happiness (Perfect-Summer-Day), and regret (Gone-Is-She) are discovered. Many people convert to Oakvillism as churches pop up.
- Young New Yorker Matthew Hetts uses his ability to manipulate other-dimensional butterflies to travel through 4th-dimensional holes, becoming known as Flutter, and fights crime throughout the city.
- After the establishment of the Oakvillian church, many foreign spies discover Shrewheart Manor and its true nature, which is realized after several fetalized Rwandan spies are found. Meanwhile, an inexact copy of the manor appears in Prague, where several mysterious deaths occur.
- New Yorker Miranda Watlo uses her ability to create and control DEATH METAL (A type of metal that can kill anything, even abstract concepts) to fight crime as Noir-Knight. Teaming up with Flutter, the two form a relationship and eventually get married.
- Blasphemy (true name Charlie Smith, loving husband and father of 2), a new villain that can make gestures and words so abhorrent, they cause mental damage, becomes the arch-nemesis of Flutter & Noir-Knight.

- Socrates' journey ends after disabling several terrorists with the help of his velociraptor companion Astraftei. He retires to Los Angeles, and begins writing a book of his travels. The book leads to speculation that Ticker'd moonrock is not just causing time changes, but possibly dimensional shifts. No proof is found to support this.

- Neil is still on the moon
- Illegal moondust research proves a fringe theory that things destroyed by moondust are actually transported backwards or forwards in time. Many people wonder where the Moonrock Man of 1922 and the European city the French blew up went in time.
- New Yorker mob stepson Charlie Carbone and his friend Louis Booker get caught up in a mob scheme which causes them to deliver $50,000 to Australia, leaving to them finding themselves, fighting the mob, and hallucinating about talking kangaroos. They open up a beauty product line and become rich.

- Neil is still on the moon
- Kellogg's CEO James M. Jenness is attacked by an entity resembling Tony the Tiger. A policeman saves James, who loses two fingers and his right eye. Many theories begin on what this Tony-like entity could be.

- Neil is still on the moon
- Socrates' book, a Hugo Award winner, is made into the TV show The Excellent Adventures of Socrates, which runs for 7 years.

- Neil is still on the moon
- The Excellent Adventures Of Socrates ends after a 7 year run

- CabalCo becomes bankrupt. An attempt to revive Tchernobog leads to Caleb's permanent death at the hands of the Oakville Pantheon.

The End Of Time
- As the last stars blink out, The Owl slays The Malevolent Moon & The Cruel Clock, then goes for a nap.
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1999: After the establishment of the Oakvillian church, many foreign spies discover Shrewheart Manor and its true nature, which is realized after several fetalized Rwandan spies are found.

Meanwhile, an inexact copy of the manor appears in Prague, where several mysterious deaths occur.
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During WW2, France tries to harness a force known as MOONER, a mystical force that turns things to moon rock that came as a result of testing of the Moonrock Man back in 1922, as a weapon. After a European city becomes cleared out and becomes moondust, the experiments end in case Nazi Germany gets any ideas.