So You Woke Up in a Room.

Tampa, FL.
So, You Woke Up in a Room.

You were adventurers, once. Famed, beloved(or feared), powerful.
Your travels took you far and taught you much.
You have fought for good, or for greed, or for any other reason. It honestly didn't matter.

That was then, when you were still on your world.
Now, the rules have changed; you don't know where home is and you're only company are other adventurers.
Your gear that you worked so hard for is gone. Your skills and abilities are diminished down to almost nothing.

Nobody knows for sure how this happened or why.
Some were just adventuring as always. Others were in a fight. Other's still were just enjoying life.
Regardless of where you were or what you did, you're not here, in a strange room.

A strange room with several doors.
You don't know what this is about, but you do know that whatever it is, you won't be able to do it alone.
You and your fellows are going to have to go further into the unknown if you want to get home again.​

The room was a sizable one. Several hundred people could be jam-packed into it and there would still be room to move. It was a circular room, made of a dark gray stone that didn't quite seem to match any known material out there. It also seemed to be made up of panels or plating, as numerous seams cracked through the floor. Attempts by some of the occupants to step on the seams revealed some sort of glass or invisible force prevented people from finding their extremities stuck in the cracks. Good thing too, as the venom green light (Substance? Liquid?) that lay on the other side didn't look too pleasant to step in.

The walls reached up towards the high ceiling, which lay easily 4 or 5 stories in the air. The walls were decorated lovingly with murals of a masked people who had large, fuzzy ears, likely the creators of this place, etched into the walls themselves. None of the light-cracks that went up the walls interrupted a mural, instead going around them whenever the seams threatened to encounter one.

There were doors on the walls. Each door marked with a symbol etched into the stone. They didn't look like normal doors either, the kind that you turned a handle and opened up. The only reason the currently awake inhabitants of the room knew they were doors was because some of them thought it would be a good idea to open the one with a stylized skull and....well, there was a reason there was blood splattered all around. None of it belonged to the thing that did it, either. The three remaining individuals from that experience waited in silence as they observed those that slept before them.

Twelve floating tables of some kind hovered in the air, the twelve of them encircling the inner portion of the room. On each slab was a different person, many of them of a different species from the others. One of them even had a canine sleeping next to them.

"...When're they gonna wake up?" Asked a man in torn clothing.

"When their ready." Responded a wizened old man with a long bushy beard and a large hat on his head. One of his arms was in a make-shift sling of some sort, a result of the...altercation that had happened a few hours ago.

"That all you got to say old man?" Asked the first man.

"Hush, you. You asked the same question thrice already and he responded you the same way each time. Have patience." Said a third man, this one in (dented) knightly armor.

(Welcome players to the RP we've been working our way up to. For anyone interested in joining, here is the OOC thread. Make a character there and such and we'll see you after you're done. As the QM, any of my OOC dialogue will be in parenthesis. If you have any OOC questions or communications, please also put them in parenthesis. Now, let's begin!)
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The first thing I felt, before the change in temperature from my room, before the weird light seeping trough my eyelids, before the eerly silence totally not normal in the capital, was my magic. My magic was gone... no, not gone just stunned. This was the weirdest feeling I've ever had. I couldn't feel my surroundings using my magical aura. I started panicking a little even before opening my eyes.

But then I did it.

Oh god where the hell I am?

Everything was weird. I was in a really big room, in a weird floating slab surrounded by other sleeping people. The room was weird. The floor had some sort of green liquid and the walls... those murals... is this some sort of subhuman temple?


Almost everybody sleeping is a subhuman. Is this a trap? But how? I was in my room, in the damn capital. The elves couldn't have reached this far. And is that an harpy? And a centaur? They are under human empire control, we have the only tribes, they can't be elves' allies...

I started to stand up slowly and silently. I didn't want to awaken anyone until I knew they weren't hostile.

I was dressed in my old academy robes. Is this some kind of joke? They seal my magic in some way and dress me up like a novice mage?

I started looking at my surroundings in more detail.

Oh god, is that a greenskin?


I have so many questions.
Arawyn Cu Chulainn
There was a great clanging of metal, and the tall elf woke up, looking around. He saw the other tables, and promply disregarded them. After all, the true source of his diffused fury was the three individuals standing under him. The twelve were just like him, he thought, and since the three under him were in different circumstances, well, they clearly had something to do with his current state.

"OI! Ye three down there! Tha feck am I doin here?" he called, sliding down from his slab. His bec de corbin clattered down beside him. He picked it up, putting the haft against his shoulder.

He paused. The bec de corbin felt odd. Something about the weight and balance was just not right. He shook his head and faced the three again. "Well?" he asked.
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A man opened his eyes, moving his right arm to touch his forehead. He was currently experiencing a mild headache, due to alcohol. The man wore a kimono, with a visible scabbard containing a katana on one side and a sheath containing a flintlock firearm on the other. Hidden in the kimono was a knife called a Wakizashi.

After a couple seconds of rubbing his forehead and letting his senses come to him, he finally noticed where he was. 'Where am I? Wait, am I dead? No I don't believe it.'

He lifted himself up, abeit disoriented from his mild hangover. His hair was messy yet his kimono was cleaned, not stained with alcohol and blood (Where the blood comes from does not matter). He looked around and saw some strange beings. From what he could see, three fucking knife-ears, an onmyōji of some kind, a man wearing strange clothes, a giant crow, a beastwoman of some kind, a dwarf, a gretchin, a woman with a horses' body along with three others.

Two of them (One of the knife-ears and the onmyōji) were already awake. He turned to the three and asked "Any of you know what's going on?" he spoke in the language of his native Ezo.
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Lysyris slowly got up and began rubbing her head. What happened to her? The last thing she remembered was chasing after a pig, and then blacking out. Did she hit a branch or something? This didn't look like Black Leaf Valley. When she had gotten back on her feet, and stretched her wings a little, Lysyris checked to see if she still had her satchel on her, which she did. She took a look around the room she was in. It looked like there were other people in here. Three were watching, three who look like they also woke up, and the rest who were probbably still asleep or something. She decided to ask the obvious. "Do any of you people know where we are?"
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Arawyn Cu Chulainn
There was a great clanging of metal, and the tall elf woke up, looking around. He saw the other tables, and promply disregarded them. After all, the true source of his diffused fury was the three individuals standing under him. The twelve were just like him, he thought, and since the three under him were in different circumstances, well, they clearly had something to do with his current state.

"OI! Ye three down there! Tha feck am I doin here?" he called, sliding down from his slab. His bec de corbin clattered down beside him. He picked it up, putting the haft against his shoulder.

He paused. The bec de corbin felt odd. Something about the weight and balance was just not right. He shook his head and faced the three again. "Well?" he asked.
"Calm down there, pal." The man with the torn up cloths stated. "We're in the same boat as you are. Heck, we got here first but, uh...things didn't go so well for our group." He motioned to the blood soaking the room at that moment.
A man opened his eyes, moving his right arm to touch his forehead. He was currently experiencing a mild headache, due to alcohol. The man wore a kimono, with a visible scabbard containing a katana on one side and a sheath containing a flintlock firearm on the other. Hidden in the kimono was a knife called a Wakizashi.

After a couple seconds of rubbing his forehead and letting his senses come to him, he finally noticed where he was. 'Where am I? Wait, am I dead? No I don't believe it.'

He lifted himself up, abeit disoriented from his mild hangover. His hair was messy yet his kimono was cleaned, not stained with alcohol and blood (Where the blood comes from does not matter). He looked around and saw some strange beings. From what he could see, three fucking knife-ears, an onmyōji of some kind, a man wearing strange clothes, a giant crow, a beastwoman of some kind, a dwarf, a gretchin, a woman with a horses' body along with three others.

Two of them (One of the knife-ears and the onmyōji) were already awake. He turned to the three and asked "Any of you know what's going on?" he spoke in the language of his native Ezo.
"Am I the only one who understood that?" Asked the knight.

"No, I understood it too." The older man stated.

"But I heard one thing and I understood it's meaning!?" The knight cried out.

"Calm yourself, my friend. Magic is likely at work here. Strange magic." The old man shook his head before turning his attention to the oddly dressed fellow. "I'm afraid we don't know what's happening either, though we have some theories."
Lysyris slowly got up and began rubbing her head. What happened to her? The last thing she remembered was chasing after a pig, and then blacking out. Did she hit a branch or something? This didn't look like Black Leaf Valley. When she had gotten back on her feet, and stretched her wings a little, Lysyris took a look around the room she was in. It looked like there were other people in here. Three were watching, three who look like they also woke up, and the rest who were probbably still asleep or something. She decided to ask the obvious. "Do any of you people know where we are?"
"Sorry, Harpy. We don't." The knight said curtly.
"OI! Ye three down there! Tha feck am I doin here?" he called, sliding down from his slab. His bec de corbin clattered down beside him. He picked it up, putting the haft against his shoulder.

I'm going to admit it. That scared me. I felt so vulnerable and I was distracted looking at my surroundings and finally noticing the three people there. When the elf started talking I raised my magic rod for a moment but my magic was much harder to control. If my magic were working I would had already created a magic defense around me. A strong magic defense. But of course it's not the case.

"Calm down there, pal." The man with the torn up cloths stated. "We're in the same boat as you are. Heck, we got here first but, uh...things didn't go so well for our group." He motioned to the blood soaking the room at that moment.

"Am I the only one who understood that?" Asked the knight.

"No, I understood it too." The older man stated.

"But I heard one thing and I understood it's meaning!?" The knight cried out.

"Calm yourself, my friend. Magic is likely at work here. Strange magic." The old man shook his head before turning his attention to the oddly dressed fellow. "I'm afraid we don't know what's happening either, though we have some theories."

"Sorry, Harpy. We don't." The knight said curtly.

There were three men that looked like they knew more things about this place. I needed to talk to them.

-I'm Luxord Aegis. First general of the human empire. The destroyer of the green tide. Can you tell me what happened here?-
Takeo looked at a blood-stained door with a stylized skull. He formed a conclusion in his head as to what happened over there and it involved the three people over there. He decided not to ask them as to what happened over there and instead asked them to introduce themselves.

"So, who are you people?" he asked them
I'm going to admit it. That scared me. I felt so vulnerable and I was distracted looking at my surroundings and finally noticing the three people there. When the elf started talking I raised my magic rod for a moment but my magic was much harder to control. If my magic were working I would had already created a magic defense around me. A strong magic defense. But of course it's not the case.

There were three men that looked like they knew more things about this place. I needed to talk to them.

-I'm Luxord Aegis. First general of the human empire. The destroyer of the green tide. Can you tell me what happened here?-
"Well, our group woke up. Then we started looking over that nice fancy door with the skull, it opened up and then we got our collective asses kicked in by some giant horse thing." The man in torn clothes huffed.

"We tried to fight it, but..." The knight raised his sword. Correction, half of a sword. "That didn't work so well. I think we're only alive because that beast had enough of us before deciding to leave."
Takeo looked at a blood-stained door with a stylized skull. He formed a conclusion in his head as to what happened over there and it involved the three people over there. He decided not to ask them as to what happened over there and instead asked them to introduce themselves.

"So, who are you people?" he asked them
"I am Galen." The old man stated. "This is Sir Rupert and Franklin." He said regarding the knight and the man in torn clothes. "I am a wizard. Or, used to be one. My magic isn't exactly working very well. Or at all, for that matter."

"I used to be a thief, real good one too." Franklin uttered. "Managed to retire, only to wake up here."

"I am a knight." Rupert uttered simply, not bothering to elaborate further.
(FYI, going to bed now. I'll be doing interactions in mass from now on, so everyone get your actions in and wait for a bit, alright? Sorry, but it's the best option I got for now.)
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"Calm down there, pal." The man with the torn up cloths stated. "We're in the same boat as you are. Heck, we got here first but, uh...things didn't go so well for our group." He motioned to the blood soaking the room at that moment.
Arawyn Cu Chulainn
Arawyn looked around, curious to see where he was. On a scale of one to ten, he mentally rated the chamber a 7/10. The emptiness was a good change, he thought. However, he decided that he would take points off if a slavering monster burst out of nowhere. "Ye picked that door?" he asked, shaking his head. "It's got a skull on it, in what world did ye find that skulls were symbols of good luck?"

"So, who are you people?" he asked them
"Arawyn Cu Chulainn," he introduced himself, voice filled with a sort of casual swagger, "wanderer. Traveler."
-Srax of Glimhollow-
-The Room-
|< << -1- >> >|​

The tangled mass of fur and limbs on one of the slabs stirred. It grumbled in a vaguely discontent manner, one burly arm extruding from the pile and lazily flailing around in search of something. Not finding it, the thing propped itself up and cracked open an eye to look for the absent blanket.

It took a few moments for Srax to realize that he didn't recognize his surroundings as the ones he fell asleep to. He slammed into wakefulness, adrenaline kickstarting his groggy brain as he rocketed to his feet -

- and misplaced one of them, toppling right off the risen platform.

He crashed onto the tiled floor, yelping more in alarm than pain. No, the pain came when his pack, pick, and armor decided to join in on the fun. The next five seconds were a racket of ringing metal and aggravated snarling.

The kobold picked himself up - carefully, this time - and looked around properly. Bloodstains. Murals. Not a great picture overall. A cult? A few of the others are awake already. Loud elf, harpy, strange talker, blue haired human. Blue hair?

Surfacers do the strangest things.

Srax took the opportunity to grab his mining pick while they were talking, seeing as most everyone else was armed already.

"So, who are you people?"

"I am Galen." The old man stated. "This is Sir Rupert and Franklin." He said regarding the knight and the man in torn clothes. "I am a wizard. Or, used to be one. My magic isn't exactly working very well. Or at all, for that matter."

"I used to be a thief, real good one too." Franklin uttered. "Managed to retire, only to wake up here."

"I am a knight." Rupert uttered simply, not bothering to elaborate further.

"Arawyn Cu Chulainn," he introduced himself, voice filled with a sort of casual swagger, "wanderer. Traveler."

"I am Srax of Glimhollow," he adds. Satisfied that a fight is not imminent, he shoulders the pick and starts donning the haphazard pieces of armor scattered over the floor.
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"Sorry, Harpy. We don't." The knight said curtly.
Lysyris grumbled a little at the reponse. She then remembered that she still hadn't gotten a chance to eat anything. She reached into her, satchel pulled out some jerky, and began chewing on it.
Takeo looked at a blood-stained door with a stylized skull. He formed a conclusion in his head as to what happened over there and it involved the three people over there. He decided not to ask them as to what happened over there and instead asked them to introduce themselves.

"So, who are you people?" he asked them
"Lysyris." She swallowed the piece of jerky she was eating. "A guide for travelers in Black Leaf Valley, and a messenger."
"I am Galen." The old man stated. "This is Sir Rupert and Franklin." He said regarding the knight and the man in torn clothes. "I am a wizard. Or, used to be one. My magic isn't exactly working very well. Or at all, for that matter."

"I used to be a thief, real good one too." Franklin uttered. "Managed to retire, only to wake up here."

"I am a knight." Rupert uttered simply, not bothering to elaborate further.
"Arawyn Cu Chulainn," he introduced himself, voice filled with a sort of casual swagger, "wanderer. Traveler."
"I am Srax of Glimhollow," he adds. Satisfied that a fight is not imminent, he shoulders the pick and starts donning the haphazard pieces of armor scattered over the floor.
"Lysyris." She swallowed the piece of jerky she was eating. "A guide for travelers in Black Leaf Valley, and a messenger."
"Well then, let me introduce myself. I am Takeo Kenshiro, a wandering Ronin." He bothered not tell more of his background, due to distrust and some paranoia.
"I am Galen." The old man stated. "This is Sir Rupert and Franklin." He said regarding the knight and the man in torn clothes. "I am a wizard. Or, used to be one. My magic isn't exactly working very well. Or at all, for that matter."

-I totally understand you, Galen. My magic isn't working and is making me nervous. At first I thought it was the elves that kidnapped me or something but now...-

I started to get down from the slab to be on the ground. I felt dizzy from the lack of magic sense around me but I managed.

"Lysyris." She swallowed the piece of jerky she was eating. "A guide for travelers in Black Leaf Valley, and a messenger."

I looked at the harpy. That was strange, really strange. There wasn't a place with that name in the human empire and all the harpies worked for the king. I was starting to feel a little cold. Maybe things are more complicated than I thought.

-Harpy, tell me more about that forest. Do you know the names of some towns around where do you live? How fare it's from the capital of the human empire?-

Oh please be a smart harpy.
I looked at the harpy. That was strange, really strange. There wasn't a place with that name in the human empire and all the harpies worked for the king. I was starting to feel a little cold. Maybe things are more complicated than I thought.

-Harpy, tell me more about that forest. Do you know the names of some towns around where do you live? How fare it's from the capital of the human empire?-

Oh please be a smart harpy.
"Hm?" Lysyris just stared at him for a second. This was the first she heard of an empire. "I actually live in a town called Sulceath. There's also Hirame, Norwich, and Caerleon."
Yep, that feeling was panic. This was going to get even more complicated soon. I looked at everyone else that was awake.

-Does someone know about the human empire? The city of Alabasto? The war against the green tide? The four great generals?-

I was looking at everyone hoping that somebody recognized it. Harpies are dumb sometimes and who knows, maybe in a remote island there are harpies and humans that the empire doesn't know of.

But if nobody recognizes it...
Nine Hundred Years.

Nine hundred years since she had first been accepted as a Knight of the Golden Flower. Since she had trained as a warrior the moment she was old enough to beg her parents to train her in using the sword. And yet it had taken her far too long to realize she was laying down asleep in a place that was not where she last laid down. Vahdessi's eyes snapped open as she took in the conversation and movement that was occurring around her. She moved rather quickly to get to her feet and by habit reached for her weapon but found herself given pause.

Never panic, maintain composure...

She wasn't detained, which meant she wasn't a prisoner, a good start. She looked around to study the faces in the room, a wide mix of races some more familiar than others including a fellow elf, if somewhat disheveled looking. It was not her first choice of company but at the very least none of them seemed particularly interested in her at the moment. It didn't take her long to conclude that they were likely as lost as she was. As confusing as it was, a servant of the goddess takes what is given and demanding answers from the lost would do no good. She took the time to listen for the most relevant conversation, she noticed a group was making introductions to each other, it wasn't the best option but it was the only available.

Oh eternal Isa-Radi, where have you seen fit to send your child? I beg your guidance.

"I am sorry to intrude," She said with a polite bow. "My name is Vahdessi Zeliya. Knight of the Golden Flower and Warrior Pilgrim of her holiness, Isa-Radi. Peace and good will toward you."
-Does someone know about the human empire? The city of Alabasto? The war against the green tide? The four great generals?-
Arawyn Cu Chulainn
"Lotso' human empires lying around. Ye hafta specify. Are we talking the Reign of Steel, the Three Silver Empire, the Caelon Empire? Two of the three fell, and there's," he split off, briefly counting his fingers, "five more I know of."

The Human Empire. If the empire's name was simply that, it was the sign of the death of creativity. Naming themselves after their own race. He'd seen many nations, many kingdoms, all extolling themselves as the exemplars of their race, but none of them had either the sheer gall or the sheer uncreativity to name themselves Human. Or Dwarf. Or Elf.

No wait, the last one sounded like something his High kin would do.
"I am sorry to intrude," She said with a polite bow. "My name is Vahdessi Zeliya. Knight of the Golden Flower and Warrior Pilgrim of her holiness, Isa-Radi. Peace and good will toward you."

Another elf, he noted. And in fine armor and all that. Filgree. He carefully nurtured a flower of disgust within. Later, he promised the flower, let your thornes show later. "Vahdessi Zeliya, eh? I have the style of Arawyn Cu Chulainn. I do a bit of this and a bit of that."
-Srax of Glimhollow-
-The Room-
|< << -2- >> >|​

Yep, that feeling was panic. This was going to get even more complicated soon. I looked at everyone else that was awake.

-Does someone know about the human empire? The city of Alabasto? The war against the green tide? The four great generals?-

I was looking at everyone hoping that somebody recognized it. Harpies are dumb sometimes and who knows, maybe in a remote island there are harpies and humans that the empire doesn't know of.

But if nobody recognizes it...

Srax's ears twitched as the blue-haired human broadcast his query.

"I don't know any of those terms you're talking about," he admits as he struggles to clasp his lone pauldron on. "The only human empire I know of was the old Nilbun Kingdom, and they opened their borders some odd decades before I was born. Never heard of Alabasto."

His brow furrows as he considers the questions. Something is very wrong here.

"I am sorry to intrude," She said with a polite bow. "My name is Vahdessi Zeliya. Knight of the Golden Flower and Warrior Pilgrim of her holiness, Isa-Radi. Peace and good will toward you."

"M'rnin'," he returns distractedly past a mouthful of metal, not looking up. He's resorted to holding the armor piece in his mouth to keep it there while he fiddles with the clasps. He gives it a once-over, and spits it out, satisfied with his work before returning his attention to Mr. Still-Hasn't-Introduced-Himself. Which, thinking about it, is a bit odd by now.

"I take it you've not heard of Glimhollow or the Low Wilderness yourself? That seems to be the trend here."
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-Does someone know about the human empire? The city of Alabasto? The war against the green tide? The four great generals?-
"Nope. I don't know of any human empire other than Ezo, Zhongguo and Chokuzen. Have you ever heard of Naggath? Full of arrogant sadistic knife-ears? Likes spikes and blood on anything? Worships some kind of god who hasn't been born yet?"
-Srax of Glimhollow-
-The Room-
|< << -2- >> >|​

Srax's ears twitched as the blue-haired human broadcast his query.

"I don't know any of those terms you're talking about," he admits as he struggles to clasp his lone pauldron on. "The only human empire I know of was the old Nilbun Kingdom, and they opened their borders some odd decades before I was born. Never heard of Alabasto."

His brow furrows as he considers the questions. Something is very wrong here.

Arawyn Cu Chulainn
"Lotso' human empires lying around. Ye hafta specify. Are we talking the Reign of Steel, the Three Silver Empire, the Caelon Empire? Two of the three fell, and there's," he split off, briefly counting his fingers, "five more I know of."

The Human Empire. If the empire's name was simply that, it was the sign of the death of creativity. Naming themselves after their own race. He'd seen many nations, many kingdoms, all extolling themselves as the exemplars of their race, but none of them had either the sheer gall or the sheer uncreativity to name themselves Human. Or Dwarf. Or Elf.

No wait, the last one sounded like something his High kin would do.

"Nope. I don't know of any human empire other than Ezo, Zhongguo and Chokuzen. Have you ever heard of Naggath? Full of arrogant sadistic knife-ears? Likes spikes and blood on anything? Worships some kind of god who hasn't been born yet?"

-I'm starting to think that... maybe this is a lot more complicated. I don't know any of those places and I'm a general. I know where is every country and capital of every race.-

I shook my head a little. No, this is impossible. Not only I lost my magic but I'm also on a strange land. Maybe even another world. Maybe everything is a lie from the subhumans? But even the human is confused about this.

-I think that we are all far from home... you don't recognize any of the places the others are talking about, right?-
-I'm starting to think that... maybe this is a lot more complicated. I don't know any of those places and I'm a general. I know where is every country and capital of every race.-

I shook my head a little. No, this is impossible. Not only I lost my magic but I'm also on a strange land. Maybe even another world. Maybe everything is a lie from the subhumans? But even the human is confused about this.

-I think that we are all far from home... you don't recognize any of the places the others are talking about, right?-
Arawyn Cu Chulainn
"Nada," he replied breezily. "Let me try something....."

He shut his eyes, then opened them again, staring at the vaulted ceiling.

Spirits? Ye out there?

(OOC: @TripleMRed , hopefully I'm not presuming too much. Everyone else, just assume that Arawyn is off to the side doing spirit-y things and gaping at the ceiling.)
Laplace threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: 1 Total: 49
49 49
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-I'm starting to think that... maybe this is a lot more complicated. I don't know any of those places and I'm a general. I know where is every country and capital of every race.-

I shook my head a little. No, this is impossible. Not only I lost my magic but I'm also on a strange land. Maybe even another world. Maybe everything is a lie from the subhumans? But even the human is confused about this.

-I think that we are all far from home... you don't recognize any of the places the others are talking about, right?-
Takeo thought about what the onmyōji said. He didn't recognize any of the locations the beastman, the beastwoman and the knife-ear said. Then again, he didn't know that much about his world and it was only mostly limited to the region known as the Great Crescent and that depressing wasteland known as Naggath.
Lysyris listened to everyone try and figure out where they were while some of the others. She decided to take this as an opporunity to stretch out her wings some more, and began to fly around a little. Maybe she'll see something useful.
-Srax of Glimhollow-
-The Room-
|< << -3- >> >|​

-I'm starting to think that... maybe this is a lot more complicated. I don't know any of those places and I'm a general. I know where is every country and capital of every race.-

I shook my head a little. No, this is impossible. Not only I lost my magic but I'm also on a strange land. Maybe even another world. Maybe everything is a lie from the subhumans? But even the human is confused about this.

-I think that we are all far from home... you don't recognize any of the places the others are talking about, right?-

"Not a one," Srax confirmed as he finished tugging the bracer on. He looks over his shoulder, one eyebrow raised in skepticism. "No offense, but you look a bit short for a general."

Not waiting for a response, Srax tugs his pack over and checks the contents. He sighs. It's quite evident that his fishing gear made the trip with him. The tackle box must have burst open when the pack fell; there's hooks and lures tangled in everything.

No time like the present. The kobold starts trying to pick apart the mess of line, lures, and fabric. Not for the first time, he wishes his fingers were a little smaller.
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