So You Woke Up in a Room. (Original/Mixed-Crossover.)

Tampa, FL.
So, You Woke Up in a Room.

You were adventurers, once. Famed, beloved(or feared), powerful.
Your travels took you far and taught you much.
You have fought for good, or for greed, or for any other reason. It honestly didn't matter.

That was then, when you were still on your world.
Now, the rules have changed; you don't know where home is and you're only company are other adventurers.
Your gear that you worked so hard for is gone. Your skills and abilities are diminished down to almost nothing.

Nobody knows for sure how this happened or why.
Some were just adventuring as always. Others were in a fight. Other's still were just enjoying life.
Regardless of where you were or what you did, you're not here, in a strange room.

A strange room with several doors.
You don't know what this is about, but you do know that whatever it is, you won't be able to do it alone.
You and your fellows are going to have to go further into the unknown if you want to get home again.

Welcome, everyone, to So You Woke Up In a Room. Here, you take the role of a fantasy adventurer who has awoken in an unfamiliar place with several others. The ultimate goal, initially, is to find a way home. You'll be able to choose from a number of fantasy races, each with their own benefits and downsides. Some of the depictions of these species will be based off things like Monster Musume and the like in terms of abilities and quirks and in hoe many sub-species their are available. No NSFW stuff on my end, just use them for variety and to spice things up.

Regardless of what backstory you put for your character, their finding themselves brought back down to level one, so you're going to have to work your way up. Starting gear will be up to you, but whatever it is it will be mundane stuff. Want a polearm? That's fine, but it's a normal polearm, not a magically empowered one. Want a gun? That's fine, so long as you don't mind flintlocks and long reload times.

Why you're here and what you'll find is a mystery; you'll unravel it as you go. Hopefully, we'll be able to find role for everyone and get this baby rolling! Now then, on to character creation.

Character Creation. Any questions, feel free to ask.



Species. If there is a specific species you want to be and it's not here, feel free to ask and we'll discuss it:
-Elf.(Wood, Blood, High, Frost, Night, or mixed.)
-Harpy.(Standard, Raptor.)
-Lamia.(Standard, Echidna, Medusa.)
-Centaur.(Lightweight, normalweight, heavyweight.)
-Arachne.(Small breed, large breed, normal breed.)
-Kobold.(Lesser[Small, reptilian] and Greater[Tall, canine-like].)

Sex, some species are exclusive to one sex or another. These include Harpies, Lamias, Nymphs, and Dryads, who are all exclusively female. Specific species you may ask for that are not on the list may potentially also be exclusive to one sex or another, depending on species:

Appearance, on top of the species you chose, what is your individual appearance like. Links are fine if there's a specific character you want to play as or if you just like their look:

Origin, where do you come from:


Backstory, what were you doing before you woke up in the room:

Skills, what were you very good at before being brought down to zero here:

Starting equipment:

With everything set up here, we can begin to make our characters! I'll be accepting late-comers, but they'll have to deal with being at a disadvantage compared to those who set up their characters at the start. Once we have the characters and everyone understands the basics of them, we'll go over combat and skills. If anyone has any questions, ask and I'll answer them unless the answer contains spoilers for the plot of the RP.


Adventurer's Thus Far:
@Alfonso Alonso - Nirkuhiib the Wormy Waste Gobbo, Goblin.
@TheDivineDemon - Daniel Torres/Big Bite, Human.
@WarShipper - Connie, Storm Crow.
@Luxicato - Luxord Aegis, Human.
@TailsofNine - Vahdessi Zeliya, High Elf.
@Laplace - Arawyn Cu Chulainn, Elf.
@TheGrudgeKeeper - Takeo Kenshiro, Human.
@SplicedHunter - Lysyris, Raptor Harpy.
@Mr BreaksIt - Myton Ailbhinn, Dwarf.
@Spook - Srax of Glimhollow, Greater Kobold.
@Kensai - Melinoe, Nymph.
@Mina - Hermione, Heavyweight Centaur.
@CyanDies - Jeol Grimm, Human.

Link to IC thread:
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who has awoken in an unfamiliar place with several others.

Is there a black ball in the middle of the room?

Am i insta banned from not knowing what that is?

No NSFW stuff on my end,

Has centaur. You literally give an option for "spontaneous 5th leg growing".

Regardless of what backstory you put for your character, their finding themselves brought back down to level one,

Soooo, important note. Is the backstory just flavor or is it what we will be leveling?

Will you post what are their advantages and disadvantages?
I'm kind of interested in seeing how a goblin can become badass, but how will they achieve that?
Is there a black ball in the middle of the room?
Fortunately no, just the players.

Am i insta banned from not knowing what that is?
Not at all.
Has centaur. You literally give an option for "spontaneous 5th leg growing".
That comes down to you and your ability to avoid the gaze of the mods.
Soooo, important note. Is the backstory just flavor or is it what we will be leveling?
Depends. If you follow through with the backstory as you level up, you'll get a bonus to the skills involved with it. If you don't, it's just flavor.
Will you post what are their advantages and disadvantages?
I'm kind of interested in seeing how a goblin can become badass, but how will they achieve that?
They are as follow:
Dwarves: Small target, tough, bonuses to smithing and ability to hold down drink.
Elves: Accurate with ranged weapons, agile, bonus depends on exact breed.
Harpy: Flight, small target, Standard have better interactions with younger individuals while Raptors are excellent hunters.
Lamia: Powerful melee stirkes, fast, bonus depends on exact sub-species.
Centaur: Powerful melee strikes, high endurance, bonus depends on exact sub-species.
Arachne: Fast, access to silk based abilities, bonus depends on exact sub-species.
Monoeye: Accurate with ranged weapons, capable of seeing things at long distances unaided, bonus to ranged weapons.
Dryad: Variety of plant based abilities, requires little food, bonus to interactions with nature.
Kobold: Excellent in underground dungeons and mines, can sense loot/traps, Lesser bonus to trap making while Greater bonus to mining raw materials and trade.
Goblin: Small target, excellent with machines, bonus to trading.
Orcs: Tough, intimidating, bonus to melee weapons.
Nymphs: Unassuming, charismatic, bonus to interactions with older individuals.

Dwarves: Slow, quick to anger, and poor eyesight at a distance.
Elves: Fragile, arrogant, difficult to interact with certain individuals and species.
Harpy: Fragile, Standards have a debuff to intelligence and attention based roles while Raptors have a debuff to interactions with 'prey'.(So interactions with the token good guy of a enemy faction will be poor.)
Lamia: Large target, need to eat a lot, vulnerable to cold, debuff depends on sub-species.
Centaur: Large target, need to eat a lot, debuff depends on sub-species.
Arachne: Relatively fragile, vulnerable to variety of substances, debuff depends on sub-species.
Monoeye: Poor melee combatant, poor depth perception, debuff to melee actions.
Dryad: Vulnerable to fire, naturalist(prefers nature related thins and not as interested in stuff that isn't natural or individuals who damage nature.) debuff to weaponry(Relies on plant-based magic powers.)
Kobold: Senses are powerful and can be overloaded by too much stimuli, Lesser debuff to direct combat while Greater have debuff to engineering related topics.
Goblins: Fragile, gold fever, debuff to stuff relating to nature.
Orcs: Intimidating(Even allies you find will distrust you.), slow, and debuff to ranged combat.
Nymphs: Narcissistic, debuffs to combat rolls.

Humans are perfectly meh: No bonuses or debuffs to anything, just right there in the middle.
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I'm interested. How will a mage work? Like in D&D with limited spells each day?
Mages depend on the magic system you come across over the course of the RP. However, if your character is made to specialize in magic from the get go, they have a limited number of times they can cast magic. How many times and for how long before they need to 'cool down' depends on how advanced the spell is. Something simple Fireball, for example, can be used a half dozen times in a row, while calling a lightening strike down can only happen twice in a row. The Dryad has a myriad of nature-based combat spells she can use that, while weak in terms of magical damage, can be used a lot more to compensate for her debuff to weaponry.
Very interested in the premise for this. Just a quick question, did you have any kind of system in mind for this RP or is it mostly writing?
Very interested in the premise for this. Just a quick question, did you have any kind of system in mind for this RP or is it mostly writing?
It's something of a custom system I've been using for all my stuff thus far. Though, I suppose you could consider it mostly writing. The fluff over takes the crunch, if you will. I'll explain it a bit better when everyone's finished with their character and we move on to explaining the skills and combat system.


Nirkuhiib the Wormy Waste Gobbo

Age: 15 Rokraks (from "rock cracks", it's a goblin time measurement( about 20 human years))

Species: Goblin: Small target, excellent with machines, bonus to trading.
Sex: Lots of it Male

Appearance: Short, spiky teeth, short and slim limbs. Flat nose. Standard for goblins, doesn't stand out much except for the unusual red eye color and ears so rigid the look like bone.

Origin, where do you come from:
City of Kharagh from the Wormy Wastes area.

Personality: Enthusiastic about machinery, more specifically ones that can be used for awesome Goblin Vehicles. His aspirations are often of the "Bigger than your mouth" variety. Other goblins suspect that his genius might enable him to build something truly legendary, however thus far he was tooimpatient to go about things slowly and methodically. So he normally had to settle for something "only" really good.

Backstory, what were you doing before you woke up in the room:
Experimenting with high speed aircraft.
The good: it was bulky enough to save his life from the impact.
The bad: The wrecked plane was a loss of a lot of personal resources, and since it broke a few bones of a dragon, was kind of unsalvagable. He barely got away.
That was the literally last thing.

Normally in his society he was a pilot of a personal "Walkie". Assisted in combat actions when needed. Looted dead adventurers for parts. He LOVED the humans oversized shoulder pauldron fashion for their armor. They fit around the joints like you wouldn't believe!

Earth Ward - An important aspect in Goblin culture. Some races believe them to be manifestations of earth a deity(ies). Others that it is nature itself when it chooses to take direct actions.

What they look like is earthworms of massive proportions. Their width is no less than two times greater than the room our heroes have woke up in. The ones that can burrow through mountains as if they were nothing. Some people foolishly chose to challenge them in the past. No amount of curses, high power spells, armies or mystical creature armadas could do a thing to them. It is for good reason that every culture knows that the best thing to do against a Earth Ward is to simply move aside.

The "Warden" in their name comes from the fact that every time there is a disaster, they come, and re enrich the soil so it may still be used again. Burrow in the ground and constantly redistribute it's resources. Eat up landfills no matter how massive and turn the trash within into resources, minerals and anything to help the ecosystem stabilize. Legends have it that they may even bring back extinct species as long as the world itself still exists.

Their nests are spacious enough to fit a goblin city and they always have a massive cloud of gems on the ceiling. They work as a light bending prism that enables the tunnels to transfer sunlight directly underground. And in addition to providing the areas with a source light they make a giant hole in the ground far more beautiful than it has any right to be.

Not to say that every tunnel was bright and shiny, there was enough darkness to go around. And goblins generally were more adapted to such conditions than any other sentient race.

And since the tunnels are usually not far away from resource veins, it is of no surprise that goblins, that are much less sensitive to problems that might plague "normal" races underground, set up their cities in Vacant nests and have a lot of respect and cautious fear towards the Earth Wardens.

Skills, what were you very good at before being brought down to zero here:

The goblin society did have "steampunk" mechs in a fantasy world, tanks too, however those were in very short numbers. Those needed entire teams to be built and maintained. Their fights were always either guirella or focused around supporting the machines.

Hiib could make one without a team, by himself. Machines were his all.

His most proud creation was the Earthbraker. A massive behemoth of refined armor and hidden weaponry. Originally designed as a tractor to end all tractors. With time Hiib upgraded it's movement , agility and loaded it with a veritable clock punk arsenal. By the end this loyal work horse was equally working equipment and a juggernaut.

One day he wondered if he could build or even exceed the legendary Stormwall combat walkie. Curiousity of what could be done with genius mechanisms intertwined with the magic of the world is one of the things that made them the most giddy.

Strong Senses - No where near super levels when one might have smell or hearing be better and more precise than vision, and he can't see in the dark as well as daytime. But his species living mostly underground have a strong sense of smell, hearing and were less hindered that humans and the like(less hindered is the key part, being underground without a light source was still a bad predicament, it just wasn't crippling).

Low pallete survivor.
Could survive on worms and moss when underground. Those things are not rare deep beneath the earth. but he survives much more easily in such conditions then surface dwellers. Not his favorite thing to sustain himself on but he always could divert his attention from that with tinkering.

Starting equipment: Tool "belt" with lots of good tools. (And by belt we mean a full body suit, it just called a belt because of a lot of key tools are around the stomach area, and the entire thing is more of a utility belt sprawled over the body over time with customisation. Rather than pre planned overalls )
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Nirkuhiib the Wormy Waste Gobbo

Age: 15 Rokraks (from "rock cracks", it's a goblin time measurement( about 20 human years))

Species: Goblin: Small target, excellent with machines, bonus to trading.
Sex: Lots of it Male

Appearance: Short, spiky teeth, short and slim limbs. Flat nose. Standard for goblins, doesn't stand out much except for the unusual red eye color and ears so rigid the look like bone.

Origin, where do you come from:
City of Kharagh from the Wormy Wastes area.

Personality: Enthusiastic about machinery, more specifically ones that can be used for awesome Goblin Vehicles. His aspirations are often of the "Bigger than your mouth" variety. Other goblins suspect that his genius might enable him to build something truly legendary, however thus far he was tooimpatient to go about things slowly and methodically. So he normally had to settle for something "only" really good.

Backstory, what were you doing before you woke up in the room:
Experimenting with high speed aircraft.
The good: it was bulky enough to save his life from the impact.
The bad: The wrecked plane was a loss of a lot of personal resources, and since it broke a few bones of a dragon, was kind of unsalvagable. He barely got away.
That was the literally last thing.

Normally in his society he was a pilot of a personal "Walkie". Assisted in combat actions when needed. Looted dead adventurers for parts. He LOVED the humans oversized shoulder pauldron fashion for their armor. They fit around the joints like you wouldn't believe!

Skills, what were you very good at before being brought down to zero here:

The goblin society did have "steampunk" mechs in a fantasy world, tanks too, however those were in very short numbers. Those needed entire teams to be built and maintained. Their fights were always either guirella or focused around supporting the machines.

Hiib could make one without a team, by himself. Machines were his all.

Starting equipment: Tool belt with lots of good tools.

Ok op, i believe you did not say what power level are we aiming for so i do not now what machinery is reasonable to suggest. The vehicles could also be part magitech to fit in the world better.

(the links lead to businesses so they should be clean.)
I wanted his mech to be something like the Earthbraker.
The size, well here is a Stormwall
The figure on the far right is a human. The Earthbraker is a bit shorter due to being more horizontal but the gist is this.

If the mechas are too much can i have a gunship as a transport/fire support?

If both of those are banned, let me know and i'll figure out something else. I would prefer to have either the Earthbraker or a Stormwall "Walkie" at end game if possible. The arsenal will depend on what the GM will approve.
Those are banned from the start and the aircraft is banned for the game. The mechs are allowed, provided you find the materials and time to build them from scratch over the course of the RP.
So, never really RP'd before (tried but they all seem to die quick) but I'm willing to give it a shot. Question though, would I be allowed to bring in a superhero character? Cause I got a bit of an idea for one.

Edit: Just in case yes...

Name: Daniel Torres/Big Bite

Age: 24

-Human (Variable)

Sex: Male

Appearance: A well fit Hispanic male just under six foot with wavy dark hair and a wide smile. He's wide in the shoulder and usually wears clothes that are blue and red in coloring that are loose enough for his transformations. Currently wearing blue shorts, a loose red tank top with a carefully drawn toothy/cartoony smile at the center, and a blue scarf for badass.

Origin: *Ahem* There were stars in the sky. Multicolored beacons of light that shined even midday. For all of thirty minutes, the world thought they were beautiful, and then things started to fall through. It would be later theorized by less panicked minds that each star was a portal to somewhere else, a somewhere that decided to dump whatever they could find onto Earth.

And then the strange things began to happen.

The Zombie outbreaks, people stumbling upon unfamiliar tech, new animals, people with powers, you name it it started to happen. Luckily there were those who were willing to step up, to use their newfound gifts to help others. People like Daniel Torres now known as the incredible Big Bite!

The funny thing was, despite being a comic book geek, despite gaining superpowers, he didn't set out to be a hero. Because, really, what could a guy who could change into either a cow, pig, or chicken man do? He decided to stay in the background and let the remains of the National Guard and police do their thing.

But then the strange things other than him began to appear in his town. Things that the normal people in the town couldn't handle, in particular, the raiders. People who took advantage of the lack of power and supplies to take and hoard for themselves. To make these people worse the people who led them were like him.

People with powers who decided to do more with them then he did. People who decided to abuse their new found gifts to take hope away and to instill fear instead as they divided up his city, his home, into little fifdoms.

How could he have let this happen? How could he not take action? How could he not have taken responsiblities?

So, he stepped out and boldly proclaimed to those losing hope "I AM HERE!"

Personality: Heroic leaning into Bombastic Ham aka is not afraid to pose, make dramatic entrances, give epic speeches if he catches the mood. He takes his role as a superhero seriously, a bit of a nerd before the crisis of his planet, and likes to see himself as a beacon of hope. He has done his best not to become jaded but he lives in a recovering post apoplectic land.

He's also a bit of a picky eater and tries to overcome it for his power.

He was getting ready for another patrol of Steelsworth, his hometown, and home base, when he was taken.

You are what you eat- Once he eats something/animal flesh he acquires its DNA and can use it to reach a hybrid form. Before arrival he was most proud of his Mantis Shrimp hybrid where his punches caused shock waves/sonic booms, he could see most of the light spectrum, and was decently armored. Now there is no DNA in his index to use (willing to nerf)

Unarmed Combat- Boxing Taekwondo hybrid with a lot of street fighting/survival experience.

Parkour- A superhero staple

Survivalist- The past few years weren't the greatest for his homeworld but he adapted well and would routinely go out into less civilized/more devastated areas to help.

Computer Skills- The supposedly safe major in college. Everything is going digital they said, your sure to get a job with that degree they said.

Starting equipment:
A backpack that contains a water canteen, first aid kit, some rope, duct tape, a crowbar, and some snacks.

This okay?
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Name: Connie

Age: 17

Species: Storm Crow

Sex: Female


Origin: Shadowrun

Personality: "You have no idea what kinds of assholes crows are. I mean, sure, humans - metahumans, whatever - they can be dicks too, but at least they think things through or are just too stupid to not be assholes. Between being the pet science project of a bunch of dicks and shitting on my brother, I've gotta say I got the better end of the deal.

Backstory: "Alright, so. Metahumanity, Sixth Age, blah de blah blah. Lots of people are really interested how sapience just randomly pops up in so many different species and sub-species around the world nowadays, and considering the reputation crows have got for intelligence and the fact there are literal weather manipulating hyperintelligent dolphins and whales floating about the place, a lot of people were wondering if the Awakened crow species, Storm Crows, had the potential for sapience or were already sapient too.

"Well, they capture a few hundred and perform all their funky magic and tech, and wallah! They get me. A sapient, magic using crow larger than some eagles. Pretty cool, amirite? Well, they wanted me to do all this creepy shadow assassination stuff for them because, well, sure, everybody knows about shapeshifters, but they're still kind of out there as far as potential hostiles and saboteurs go, right? Plus, I don't key into the usual limitations of shapeshifters.

"Anyway, you wouldn't believe how boring and limiting that kind of life is. So I quit. I mean, sure, they tried to alternatively capture and or murder me horribly for it, but fuck 'em. After that, I just kind of drifted until I realized that my unique talents gave me some pretty awesome possibilities."

Skills: "Well, I'm a giant sapient crow. I've got a bit of magic, but it mostly consists of enhancing my natural talents, letting me manipulate things with far more dexterity than claws have right to, and speak human languages. Main thing, though? I fucking love animals. I'm great with them, and they're great with me."

Starting equipment: "Who's a good pup, eh? Who's an adorable little pup?"
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So, never really RP'd before (tried but they all seem to die quick) but I'm willing to give it a shot. Question though, would I be allowed to bring in a superhero character? Cause I got a bit of an idea for one.

Edit: Just in case yes...

Name: Daniel Torres/Big Bite

Age: 24

-Human (Variable)

Sex: Male

Appearance: A well fit Hispanic male just under six foot with wavy dark hair and a wide smile. He's wide in the shoulder and usually wears clothes that are blue and red in coloring that are loose enough for his transformations. Currently wearing blue shorts, a loose red tang top with a carefully drawn toothy/cartoony smile at the center, and a blue scarf for badass.

Origin: *Ahem* There were stars in the sky. Multicolored beacons of light that shined even midday. For all of thirty minutes the world thought they were beautiful, and then things started to fall through. It would be later theorized by less panicked minds that each star was a portal to somewhere else, a somewhere that decided to dump whatever they could find onto Earth.

And then the strange things began to happen.

The Zombie outbreaks, people stumbling upon unfamiliar tech, new animals, people with powers, you name it it started to happen. Luckily there were those who were willing to step up, to use their newfound gifts to help others. People like Daniel Torres now known as the incredible Big Bite!

Personality: Heroic leaning into Bombastic Ham aka is not afraid to pose, make dramatic entrances, give epic speeches if he catches the mood. He takes his role as a superhero seriously, a bit of a nerd before the crisis of his planet, and likes to see himself as a beacon of hope. He has done his best not to become jaded but he lives in a recovering post apoplectic land.

He's also a bit of a picky eater and tries to overcome it for his power.

He was getting ready for another patrol of Steelsworth, his hometown and homebase, when he was taken.

You are what you eat- Once he eats something/animal flesh he acquires its DNA and can use it to reach a hybrid form. Before arrival he was most proud of his Mantis Shrimp hybrid where his punches caused shock waves/sonic booms, he could see most of the light spectrum, and was decently armored. Now there is no DNA in his index to use (willing to nerf)

Unarmed Combat- Boxing Taekwondo hybrid

Parkour- A superhero staple

Survivalist- The past few years weren't the greatest for his homeworld but he adapted well and would routinely go out into less civilized/more devestated areas to help.

Computer Skills- The supposedly safe major in college. Everything is going digital they said, your sure to get a job with that degree they said.

Starting equipment:
A backpack that contains a water canteen, some rope, duct tape, a crobar, and some snacks.

This okay?
This'll work fine.
Name: Connie Brian

Age: 22

Species: Human

Sex: Female


Origin: Earth

Personality: "Meh. You can talk to me if you want. Just don't expect me to talk back. And if my dog doesn't like you, you can go ahead and fuck right off. You got that? Fuck. Right. Off. By the way, my dog has a tendency to bite people he doesn't like, so... y'know, your call."

Backstory: "For fucks' sake, I hate my job. Be a veterinarian, Connie, you love animals, it'll be great. You know what it is? It's fucking torture. Every goddamn day I go into these tiny little fucking rooms with all these animals and these asshole people with their fucking electrocution collars and spraying RAID on kittens and shoving turtles into hamster balls, and every fucking day I have to paste on the work face rather than stab them right in the goddamn guts for being such pieces of shit to their pets. And then, and then do you know what I do? I watch animals get sick and die, or I watch them get sick and then I fucking murder them because it isn't 'cost efficient' to bother giving them actual care."

Skills: "Listen, there's about three things I'm good at in this world. Being the best fucking person in the world to have a conversation with, being with animals, and helping animals get better."

Starting equipment: "Who's a good pup, eh? Who's an adorable little pup?"
Not precisely what I had in mind or hoped for, but it'll work.
First round of players 'closes' in two days. After that, we will continue past character creation only and delve into the mechanics of the RP. Anyone who joins up after are free to do so but may not get as much attention as we have moved past character creation by that point.
My character sheet.

Name: Luxord Aegis
Age: 24
Species: Human
Sex: Male

Origin: Alabasto. The capital of the great human empire.

Personality: Friendly and happy. Always with a smile and trying to help everyone. He is a hero of the human empire, one of the four generals that help the king rule the land. He tries to be a pillar of perfection so everyone can look up to him and feel safe because Luxord, the destroyer of the green tide, is there to protect them.

Being a public figure is hard for Luxord. He likes to relax with people and to have real friends. Friends that don't care about who he is or what he did. He loves animals so fighting the more animalistic subhumans has always been harder for him. Even then he is known to be ruthless in the battlefield and his mercy is only towards women and children if they surrender without a fight.

His friendly demeanor totally drops when he needs to do something important or has a real fight. He turns serious and cold. A calm mind helps focus the spells, his dominion over his emotions in battle is legendary.

Luxord was born in a farmhouse outside a town in a region close to the wildlands. There he lived happily for some time until the green tide came. The orcs invaded his region killing thousands including his parents.

The army took care of him and in a routine health check they found his incredible magic power. The magic corps had waited for hundreds of years for a boy with so much potential, so they trained him.

When he was 15 he graduated in the academy and officially entered the magic corps, climbing rapidly the ranks until he became a captain. His job was simple, he was trained to fight so that's what he did. They fought bandits and barbarians from the north but their main enemies where the subhumans like the orcs. The king allowed some villages of subhumans to live in the kingdom but usually some of them revolted and then they sent the military. Luxord knew that they where fighting for the king but one day everything changed after attacking another rebel village. He started to have doubts. But he still wanted to fight for the kingdom.

One day the green tide started advancing, conquering another region. This time they weren't going to just hit their ranks and make them retreat. This was a war of extermination.

The war lasted for two weeks. The humans had been preparing for years for that war and they had the firepower to win. Four people stood above the rest in those weeks and they were promoted to generals. Luxord was the one with the highest number of kills so he was nicknamed ''the destroyer of the green tide'' and received the greatest honors.

At the age of 24 he was probably the strongest being in the kingdom and maybe even the world.

Sometimes he thinks that maybe subhumans are not that bad. Some of them even have feelings. They can be spared. But that is treason to the king so Luxord quickly stomps that line of thinking.

If only he never looked at that little girl's eyes after that battle...

  • Lightning magic
  • Summoning magic
  • Legendary resistance to fear or low morale in battle.

Starting equipment:

Luxord's old magic academy kit. It contains:

  • Apprentice robes: Useful to channel magic for young mages that have difficulties.
  • Training magic rod (Multischool): With a relatively cheap gemstone on top. Not focused in any school of magic or element.
  • Academy bad: Useful to carry all the magic books. Contains a novice grimoire with some low level spells to learn, some paper and some ink.

Lightening Bolt
Concussive Blast

Is this okay?
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My character sheet.

Name: Luxord Aegis
Age: 24
Species: Human
Sex: Male

Origin: Alabasto. The capital of the great human empire.

Personality: Friendly and happy. Always with a smile and trying to help everyone. He is a hero of the human empire, one of the four generals that help the king rule the land. He tries to be a pillar of perfection so everyone can look up to him and feel safe because Luxord, the destroyer of the green tide, is there to protect them.

Being a public figure is hard for Luxord. He likes to relax with people and to have real friends. Friends that don't care about who he is or what he did. He loves animals so fighting the more animalistic subhumans has always been harder for him. Even then he is known to be ruthless in the battlefield and his mercy is only towards women and children if they surrender without a fight.

His friendly demeanor totally drops when he needs to do something important or has a real fight. He turns serious and cold. A calm mind helps focus the spells, his dominion over his emotions in battle is legendary.

Luxord was born in a farmhouse outside a town in a region close to the wildlands. There he lived happily for some time until the green tide came. The orcs invaded his region killing thousands including his parents.

The army took care of him and in a routine health check they found his incredible magic power. The magic corps had waited for hundreds of years for a boy with so much potential, so they trained him.

When he was 15 he graduated in the academy and officially entered the magic corps, climbing rapidly the ranks until he became a captain. His job was simple, he was trained to fight so that's what he did. They fought bandits and barbarians from the north but their main enemies where the subhumans like the orcs. The king allowed some villages of subhumans to live in the kingdom but usually some of them revolted and then they sent the military. Luxord knew that they where fighting for the king but one day everything changed after attacking another rebel village. He started to have doubts. But he still wanted to fight for the kingdom.

One day the green tide started advancing, conquering another region. This time they weren't going to just hit their ranks and make them retreat. This was a war of extermination.

The war lasted for two weeks. The humans had been preparing for years for that war and they had the firepower to win. Four people stood above the rest in those weeks and they were promoted to generals. Luxord was the one with the highest number of kills so he was nicknamed ''the destroyer of the green tide'' and received the greatest honors.

At the age of 24 he was probably the strongest being in the kingdom and maybe even the world.

Sometimes he thinks that maybe subhumans are not that bad. Some of them even have feelings. They can be spared. But that is treason to the king so Luxord quickly stomps that line of thinking.

If only he never looked at that little girl's eyes after that battle...

  • Lightning magic
  • Summoning magic
  • Legendary resistance to fear or low morale in battle.

Starting equipment:

Luxord's old magic academy kit. It contains:

  • Apprentice robes: Useful to channel magic for young mages that have difficulties.
  • Training magic rod (Multischool): With a relatively cheap gemstone on top. Not focused in any school of magic or element.
  • Academy bad: Useful to carry all the magic books. Contains a novice grimoire with some low level spells to learn, some paper and some ink.

Is this okay?
This works fine. Welcome aboard!
Okay think I'm done. Hope this is okay.

Name: Vahdessi Zeliya

Age: 940

Species: High Elf

Sex: Female


Origin: The Holy States of Valka, Land of Isaran

Personality: Tranquil, graceful and carrying herself with a sense of regal nature upon first impression one would think that Vahdessi was a noble of high stature than a warrior. But beneath her peaceful atmosphere is a resolved warrior with little qualm about striking down those who declare themselves her enemies. Vahdessi is a devote believer in the Elven faith of her homeland that being the belief in the creator goddess, Isa-Radi, Vahdessi makes an effort to pay tribute to her goddess at all times praying regularly for guidance in her actions. Maturity wise, Vahdessi is not young nor old and has come to gain great knowledge and wisdom during her years as an adventurer. But that knowledge did not exactly come with humility, she is quite confident of her own knowledge and strength but has little patience for the ignorant or those who would question her and won't hesitate to voice her frustrations in one way or another.

Backstory: According to legend, the desert sea was the birth place of Isa-Radi, the ancient Fae goddess that birthed the first Elves before they were sent out into the world. When Vahdessi was a child, her people began a great exodus into the desert sea to reconquer the land and history that had been lost for generations. Their return was not without challenge many nations existed in the desert sea many were not eager to see the elves return to these lands from the beginning of its establishment the Holy States of Valka were at war. Vahdessi's parents were Knights in a warrior order, they raised her as a devote believer of Isa-Radi and trained their daughter to be a strong and capable warrior.

When she came of age, she received Knighthood as a member of the Knights of the Golden Flower Order. Beginning her path as a knight, Vahdessi embraced the assignment of what is known as a Warrior Pilgrim, traveling the land in the name of Valka lending her aid to those in need and bringing back treasures and other material that could prove valuable to the church while engaging potential threats. For many years she served, engaging in countless adventures with little intention of stopping anytime soon. Until fate saw fit to deliver her elsewhere...

Skills: Vahdessi was a skilled swordswoman, preferring the swift nature of a one handed blade over other weapons. Had training as a warrior mage to use magic while engaging in melee combat.

Starting Equipment: Her sword and light armor.
Okay think I'm done. Hope this is okay.

Name: Vahdessi Zeliya

Age: 940

Species: High Elf

Sex: Female


Origin: The Holy States of Valka, Land of Isaran

Personality: Tranquil, graceful and carrying herself with a sense of regal nature upon first impression one would think that Vahdessi was a noble of high stature than a warrior. But beneath her peaceful atmosphere is a resolved warrior with little qualm about striking down those who declare themselves her enemies. Vahdessi is a devote believer in the Elven faith of her homeland that being the belief in the creator goddess, Isa-Radi, Vahdessi makes an effort to pay tribute to her goddess at all times praying regularly for guidance in her actions. Maturity wise, Vahdessi is not young nor old and has come to gain great knowledge and wisdom during her years as an adventurer. But that knowledge did not exactly come with humility, she is quite confident of her own knowledge and strength but has little patience for the ignorant or those who would question her and won't hesitate to voice her frustrations in one way or another.

Backstory: According to legend, the desert sea was the birth place of Isa-Radi, the ancient Fae goddess that birthed the first Elves before they were sent out into the world. When Vahdessi was a child, her people began a great exodus into the desert sea to reconquer the land and history that had been lost for generations. Their return was not without challenge many nations existed in the desert sea many were not eager to see the elves return to these lands from the beginning of its establishment the Holy States of Valka were at war. Vahdessi's parents were Knights in a warrior order, they raised her as a devote believer of Isa-Radi and trained their daughter to be a strong and capable warrior.

When she came of age, she received Knighthood as a member of the Knights of the Golden Flower Order. Beginning her path as a knight, Vahdessi embraced the assignment of what is known as a Warrior Pilgrim, traveling the land in the name of Valka lending her aid to those in need and bringing back treasures and other material that could prove valuable to the church while engaging potential threats. For many years she served, engaging in countless adventures with little intention of stopping anytime soon. Until fate saw fit to deliver her elsewhere...

Skills: Vahdessi was a skilled swordswoman, preferring the swift nature of a one handed blade over other weapons. Had training as a warrior mage to use magic while engaging in melee combat.

Starting Equipment: Her sword and light armor.
This'll do nicely. Welcome to our little band of misfits!