Snuff Out The Light - A Evil Councilor Quest (Black Company Inspired Multicross)

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Once you were a great master of evil. A commander of vast armies and dark magics that terrified the realms of mortal men. Then the Overlord came. They destroyed your armies and cast you down, binding you to their service and making you one of their commanders. Now, in service to your new master, you most help bring about the destruction of the forces of light. In this conquest there is opportunity to grow your own powerbase and influence, but only at the expense of the Overlord's other servants. Go, councilor of evil, and snuff out the light!
Character Creation 1


Some kinda Commie
"And lo, did the armies of Turgon and Sigmar meet the great hordes of Mordor on the vast plains of Tum-Gorgath. And the Light of the Maker did shine down upon the hosts of the Free Peoples in order to help win them a great victory against the Dark. For no matter what vile trickery, foul sorcery or endless hordes that the Dark did spawn, the hosts of the Light did defeat them!"
-Erogol 'Elfriend' Pentaghast

" 'Umies and pansies came on us on the plains. War captain sent us out with the wargs. Killed some Umies, scalped a stuntie. Didn' matter though. Hammer-git crushed the Boss's skull. Zogged off into the woods. Gork and Mork 'ave blessed us with enough food to survive for now. We'll wait. There'll be anuvver Boss eventually"

-Kaptain Redrog Bloodeye, 1st Grey Legion.

The lands of the Westerlands are vast and varied, full of legends and heroes and tales of great deeds. Its people are pious in their worship of the good divities. Whether that be the Maker and his Chant, the God-King Sigmar, the various spirits of the earth, the Great Mother Hydalen or the various other divinities and faiths that protect the free folk, they hold fast to their virtue. From Caemlyn to the Eorzean peninsula, from the grand and cloistered city of Himmelheim to the war torn bastion of Winterfell and its watch over Mount Arret and the black plain of Mordor beyond; the nations of the Westerlands stand ready to defend against any darkness that threatens them.

Once, you were a bringer of said darkness. Once vast legions of Orcs, undead, corrupted Free Peoples or other horrors marched at your beck and call. Once you commanded a vast grasp of the arcane, knowledge of dark and terrible magicks known only to a select few yours to use freely. Your name caused terror in the hearts of men, made cities board up their gates and rallied all those who stood against the status quo to your banner. Your might held only a handful of peers, and you stood on the cusp of marching upon the holdfasts of the Light and smothering all in shadow.

Then the Overlord came. If your armies were vast, theirs were a horde without number, your own forces little more than a fraction of their strength. If your grasp of the arcane was comprehensive, they knew every spell to ever be whispered by the most maddened of mages. If your might was that of a hurricane, theirs was that of the flood that drowned the whole world. You stood against them, accepting no competitors for the title of Dark Lord. You were defeated, swept aside by a being whose grasp of the Dark was far deeper than your own. As their armies tore down your citadel, as they swept aside your wards with contemptuous ease and held you by the throat, you realized you had lost. There had never been any chance against this force.

But this was not the end of your story. No being, no matter how powerful, can rule an empire alone. You were bound and broken and given a shard of your former glory. No more would you rule alone, the master of your own destiny. Now you were a lieutenant of the Overlord, a commander of one of their vast legions and an administrator of their new empire. Those peers in the Dark you had squabbled with were defeated and brought into the fold as well, crushed and made to bend the knee as you were. Now, tied to the Overlord by magic far blacker than one could hope to stomach, you are an agent of their will. Now has come the time for you to lead your master's armies and snuff out the light once and for all. And if you can out maneuver your new 'allies', perhaps you can secure a larger share of the empire when all is done.

Before you were defeated, Who Were You:

[ ]A Foul Necromancer: Among the Free Peoples the dead are considered sacred. Some cultures burn the corpses of their loved ones, some send them out to sea, others let carrion birds pick them apart and still others bury them in great tombs and burial grounds. All agree that to raise the dead, to animate the bodies of the deceased and bind their souls to this world once more, is one of the foulest deeds someone can do. You did those things, and much more. The dark powers of necromancy, laid out in texts like the Liber Mortis and the books of the Mortalitasi, were yours to command. From vast hordes of the walking dead to powerful vampires and mummies, all those that rose again bowed their heads to you.

Unlocks Necromancy, + 2 Learning, +2 Stewardship, -2 Diplomacy, -2 Piety

[ ]A Practitioner of Dark Magic: There are many forms of magic deemed unacceptable by the peoples of the Westerlands. Blood magic, demon summoning, toxic shamanism, killing curses, Dhar manipulation, soul binding, void magic and the ur-art: Black Magic itself. To find tomes of these spells you had to dig deep into dusty archives and ruined crypts. Some you even had to steal from respectable libraries and fortress monasteries. No matter what you had to do, the foulest of arcane arts were open to you.

Unlocks Dark Magic, Sub-Vote on what type of Dark Mage you were, +3 Learning, +1 Intrigue, -2 Piety, -1 Diplo, Enemy Trait towards a Magical Institution based on Dark Mage type

[ ] A Priest of a Dark God: There are many deities and cults declared forbidden by the Free Realms. The Hidden Gods of Chaos, Sargeras the Burning, The Sharmat, The Arch-Dragons of old Tevinter, The Red Moon, Asmodeus the Arch-Devil, The Dark One Morgoth and the squamous Old Gods are but some of their number. You were inducted into a foul cult at a young age and managed to gain the attention of one of these fell entities. Your fervor and zeal in bringing the word of your deity of choice was unimpeachable, and you were given unholy powers beyond measure, along with a stable of your master's foul servants.

Unlocks Unholy Faith. Sub-Vote on which Dark God you worship. + 3 Piety, +2 Diplomacy, -2 Learning, -1 Stewardship.

[ ]
A Fallen Channeler: The far western coast of the known world is dominated by the White Tower and the Black Tower sects, practitioners of an exotic form of magic known as Channeling. Divided up based on a binary understanding of gender, with women becoming Aes Sedai of the White Tower and men becoming Asha'man of the black, Channelling is an intense practice focused on long periods of meditation and trance-like states to connect to the fabled True Source. While most of these men and women follow the fatalistic Chant of the West, some slip away to darker ends. You were once such fallen practitioner, who left your sect in disgrace after your darker deeds were unveiled. Unmatched in your skill at Channeling, none in the West could stand against you.

Unlocks Channeling. Sub Vote on which Tower and Ajah you were. Locked into Male or Female for Gender. +1 Piety, +1 Diplomacy, +1 Martial, - 2 Intrigue. Enemy Trait: Black Tower or White Tower

[ ]A Disgraced Engineer: You were once a student at the prestigious Academia Garleana Magica-Technologia, or the Garlean Academy of Magical Technology. However your experiments into more esoteric and deadly forms of Cerulean Application and War Machina earned the ire of your Garlean and Sharlayan teachers and you were expelled. However you escaped with a great number of your schematics and machines and waged a bloody war against the world which had spurned your genius.

Unlocks Unbound Magi-Technology. +2 Learning, +2 Diplomacy, -2 Piety, - 1 Martial. Enemy Trait: Garlemald Republic, Academia Garleana Magica-Technologia

[ ]An Exile from the Far East: You are not of the Westerlands. Instead you come from the Eastern Realms. The vast sprawl of Seanchan, the Emerald Empire of Rokugan, the eternally war-ruined land of Yi Ti and Par Vollen. You were exiled from your home for indulging in practices that aroused the ire of the Cultivation Sects and Emerald Magistrates. Forced to flee, you arrived in the west with an army of followers and knowledge of arts foreign to this land.

Unlocks Eastern Magic and certain Race and Trait choices. Eastern Practices Sub Vote. +2 Martial, +2 Stewardship, -2 Diplomacy, -1 Intrigue.

Welcome to Snuff Out The Light - A Evil Councilor Quest! This quest is inspired by BoneyM's excellent Divided Loyalties, baskinglobster's recent Crusader Kage's and Glen Cook's Black Company series. In Snuff Out The Light you will play as a high ranking commander of an evil Overlord. Once a powerful force for evil in your own right, you were bested and broken by the Overlord, forced into their service. Now you must carry out their commands in order to conquer the Free Peoples of this world, all while scheming against and squabbling with your fellow commanders. You are one of the Taken from the Black Company series, or one of the Forsaken from the Wheel of Time. Bound to a greater being's service, but still free willed enough to get up to office politics and backstabbing.

As some of you may have noticed, this Quest takes place in a setting containing elements from many works of fantasy. This quest is a love letter to the genre and its villains and I wanted the setting to resemble that. While many things may be famaliar to those who have read or otherwise consumed certain works of speculative fiction, don't assume things will work the same as they did in canon. This is a different world and has its own rules and established relationships.

Finally, as some of you who have read my main quest Sympathy for the Forsaken may well know, my update schedule can be highly sporadic. This is a symptom of a deeper issue with my life in general, where I do not plan a single damn thing out. I'm not going to promise anything, but I am in the process of trying to put my life together and actually plan things, and have set aside days specifically to work on this quest. Hopefully this will lead to more frequent and more regular updates
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Character Sheet
Main Title: The Incarnadine
Official Titles: Lord of Cirith Ungol, 9th of the Nine
Other Titles: The Red Hand of Doom, The Bloody Cowl
Former Titles: Lord of Dun Scaith, Devil Professor of Mhach

Influence: 9/20
Personal Power:

Followers: Orcs, Eorzeans
Armies: Army of Barad Ungol (Legion of Barad Ungol 10k, Company of the Thorn 5k, Cult of the Red God 5k)
Holdings: Barad Ungol

Diplomacy: 14
Martial: 10
Stewardship: 15
Intrigue: 10
Learning: 14
Piety: 13
-Physical: 10
-Magical: Unmatched

Divine Magic: Through prayer and ritual you can call upon the powers of Asmodeus to smite your foes
Infernal Contracts: Your long history with Baator has allowed you to call upon the Hells to make contracts at any time
Baator Connections: Devils will answer your summons and work for you in many capacities, so long as they are given proper pay
Blood Magic: The old blood of Tevinter flows through you, allowing you to access its secrets. You can call upon the Blood to work foul spells. +1 Learning

Friend - Mhach: Despite your rather abrupt exit from the Weeping City, its leader and her people still hold fond memories of you
Diligent: It is only through hard work and discipline that you reached the heights of power you command. +2 Diplomacy, +3 Stewardship, +3 Learning
Stubborn: Once you make a decision it is final. You are set in your ways and refuse to change your mind. +3 Stewardship
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  • The term Orc is a confusing one, as scholars and sages over the years have long debated to whom it applies and how strict of an application it is. However in the common parlance Orc refers to a variety of beings who had their roots in the armies of the Dark One. According to myth and history, the Dark One bred the first Orcs from the twisted stock of other races, the firstborn Elves and the tree-thane Ogier's being the most prominent. The first Orcs were the main bulk of Morgoth's Legions during the War of Wrath, fighting hard against the assembled armies of the Eternal Champion and his allies. In that time they named the Dark One Bandos and worshiped him as their brutal Big, High War God However, as the War of Wrath ground to its fateful end, discontent rose in the armies of the Dark One. An Orcish warlord, known either as Malacath or Grimgor, led a great revolt against Bandos. When his people had been freed the Iron Champion gave them this command: "Do what ya want! We're free now!"

    Biologically Orcs come in many shapes and sizes, though most tend to be physically strong and well built. The stereotype is that Orcs have greenish skin, though a wide variety of blacks, greys, whites and greens are seen across Orckind. Different Orc sub-groups are born in different ways: some to a woman like most races, some grown from mushrooms and refuse and others in rocky wombs deep within the earth. They have a cultural legacy of metal-working and warfare and tend to form militaristic forms of government centered around large fortresses. Most Orcish settlements have an underclass of Goblins, another war breed of Melkor, who act as servants, scouts and menial labor to their larger cousins. Slavery or thralldom are semi-common, with some clans embracing them and others rejecting them as against whatever Code they follow.

    Orcs tend to be split into 3 different broad cultural groups, though this by no means covers all varieties of Orc and tends to paper over significant differences between groups. These are the Mountain Orcs of the West and Center, the Forest Orcs of the Reik and the Black Orcs of the east and south. Tales of Snow Orcs in the North and all different kinds of Orcs outside the Westerlands are common, but the layman knows these three groups. Mountain Orcs are commonly held to mostly live in the mountains of the west, deep within the Reach, though some groups reach down into former Tevinter proper. These orcs tend to be evenly split among the Code of Malacath or the newly established Code of Many-Arrows, with the infant kingdom of Orsinium being their main strong point. They are considered the most 'civilized' breed of Orcs by many, though saying that to any Orc would be a good way to lose a tooth.

    The Forest Orcs are centered on the Reik and mostly keep to the Code of Gorkamorka. They are infamous for their tribal society, raids on settlements and love of war and conflict. Despite this many Forest Orcs live in the towns and cities of Sigmar's Empire and Westeros, worshiping their twin gods in their own way. Black Orcs are often stereotyped as being the legions of Mordor, foul and twisted creatures who live to worship the Dark Lord and bring down his foes. However over half of the Black Orc population lives outside of Mordor; in either Westeros, Ishgard and its environs or further in the East among the Herotlings.

    The most recent shakeup in Orcish society is the establishment of the Kingdom of Orsinium by King Obuld Many-Arrows. Forgoing the traditional Orcish clan or fortress style, the new kingdom deliberately takes after the feudal societies to its south. While King Obuld, declared a living Hero-God by many of his followers, does not fully break with the more barbaric aspects of the Code of Malacath, he urges his followers to present a more civilized face. The only way the Orcish people will be seen as equals is if they rise to the occasion. With direct investment and aid from Cyrodill and many of the City-States of the Far West, Neverwinter foremost amongst them, Orsinium has grown greatly. Orcs from all different breeds and cultures flock to it, hoping to help establish their kind's first kingdom.
  • Originally the Orcs worshiped the Dark One in the form of Bandos, the Big High War God. Their overlord made sure that no Orc could act independently, as all forms of strategy beyond the most basic and local had to be a direct commandment sent down from the Big High War God himself. Compassion was ridiculed, violence and sadism glorified and slavish devotion to their god encouraged. This state of affairs dominated the early religious history of the Orcs, until Malacath's rebellion.

    The declaration of "Do what ya want! We're free now!" both liberated the Orcish people and shattered them. With no central authority to bind them together the boisterous Orcs departed in every which way, spreading out across the world in vast migratory herds. Religiously they were also shattered, as only a small number stayed true to their old god. Lacking spiritual guidance, the Orcs turned to the words and deeds of the greatest of their number: Malacath. The first post-War of Wrath form of Orcish religion was the Code of Malacath, and it would set the scene for all others to come. Today the majority of Orcs follow one of several Codes, though a minority follow other religions as well. Even those Code bound Orcs often give praise and thanks to local spirits and other gods.

    The Code of Malacath is based around the personal ethics and ideology of the Orc Hero-God Malacath/Grimgor. It is in many ways a refinement and reformed version of original Bandos worship. It glorifies violence, albeit restricting it in ritualized ways to only properly planned out warfare and sanctified arena fighting. It demands that its adherents follow a strict hierarchy, though in this case to the war captains and chieftains of the individual's fortress or clan. The Code demands that the follower choose a martial art to excel in, focusing all their time or energy on that weapon or style. Non-martial arts are disparaged as a distraction, with smithing being a notable expectation. Only one who has become a master of a style can afford to spend time on such things, and even then they must maintain constant vigilance to make sure their martial skills are not falling behind. It is a strict and disciplined way of life, though those who choose to leave it are not punished. After all, the command was "do as ya want."

    The Code of Gorkamorka was created by the followers of Wurrzag, an orcish mystic who lived along the Reik. The Great Green Prophet claimed to hear the voices of two great spirits, whom he called the twin-souls of all Orcs. The twin gods ask only that their followers 'get to krumping' and 'loot whatever ya need." The Code of Gorkamorka rejects most forms of farming, smithing and craftsmanship. An Orc should get into fights and take what he wants, that is the most Orcy way to do things. Most Orc clans who follow this code tend to deviate from it heavily, allowing smiting and weapons crafting at the very least. The 'Savage' Orcs who follow the Code strictly are mostly contained within the darkest depths of the Reik's great forests, living entirely off of what they can raid. Still, adherence to this Code at all has given the Forest Orcs a brutal and savage reputation as creatures hungry for war and plunder.

    The Code of Obuld is the newest of the main codes, formed by the inner circle of King Obuld Many-Arrows. The Code of Obuld claims to be an update of the Code of Malacath for the most modern incarnation of Orcish society. It says that to truly escape the legacy of Bandos, the Orcs must build a kingdom to rival any formed by man or elves. The King of said Kingdom should be well read and wise, a great philosopher. Obedience to this philosopher-king is mandatory, as he knows much more of the world than the commoner and will always make the most correct decision. 'Civilized' art such as grand architecture, painting, orchestra and opera must be learned as stringently as any combat form in order to show off the truly civilized nature of the Orcish soul. The end goal is to create a kingdom encompassing all Orcs, a grand and shining city on a hill that is the envy of the world over. Hundreds of Orcs flock to Orsinium every day and swear to this code, both swelling the kingdom's size and displacing the other inhabitants of the Reach as their settlements grow. Tensions between the new kingdom and Reachmen, harpies, goblin tribes and more traditional Malacath Code Orcs grow each day.

    The Code of Bandos is an updated version of the old Orcish religion. When Malacath freed the Orcs, not all chose to leave their master's side. Some held genuine loyalty to the Dark One, while others agreed with its bloodthirsty and sadistic ethos. As they were free to do what they wanted, Malacath let them go. Over the years these groups reformed their old faith into a new Code in a mockery of their traitorous brethren. War, sadism, obedience to Bandos and a hatred of 'soft' traits like compassion and kindness are the key ethos of this Code. With the Dark One imprisoned the Code now holds that all orders must come from either his most direct servants, such as Sauron, or from great shamans who can hear his voice. In Mordor this Code is often syncretized with the Cult of the Lidless Eye, with Orcs worshiping Sauron and Bandos in equal measure. However while the Cult of the Lidless Eye is a public religion that any can join, the Code of Bandos is deeply private to the legions. Even their commanders will face some difficulty in gaining insight into the secret rituals and ceremonies performed by their armies.
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Mechanics and Numerical Scaling
In Snuff Out the Light you will be playing as someone far above the base level human norm. Tasks that would be challenging for even one of the more competent Free Peoples are almost trivial for you. The least martially inclined Lieutenant will still be able to command vast armies and conquer swathes of land. The most frail and weak of your kind can survive grevious wounds that would strike down others and kill entire scores of men with little issue. You were once in the running to be the Overlord, and your abilities will reflect this.

To better show this in the mechanics of the quest I will be tweaking the standard CK2 stats system a bit. While in most CK2 quests 10 will be the baseline normal for the average person, 5 is. You will start at 10 as normal, but your 'normal' is well above that of the common masses. Very few will ever hope to be able to challenge you alone, and those that can are going to be a cut above the rest. The most common NPC you will encounter with the same base 10 stats as yourself are you fellow Lieutenants of the Overlord, who will use their own prodigious skill to work and scheme against you and each other.

Ideally this will help reinforce the fiction, of being a powerful being whose presence alone threatens the realms of men, while also keeping down stat bloat
Character Creation 2
"Beware the Heretic, the Servant of the Dark Gods! They thrive in the dark places of the world, under the boughs of the deep forest, in the ruins of old Tevinter and deep underneath the ground! Abjure them, elsewise the attention of Morgoth may be the least of the horrible things brought upon your head!"

-Reverend Mother Gisleotte of the Kvatch Chantry

Most of the free peoples worship the Good Gods, the deities recognized as generally beneficial for society. For much of the west and middle part of the Westerlands this is the Chant of Light, split between the Orlesian, Imperial and Far Western Chantries. The Elves worship the Maker like the Chantry, but name him Eru Illuvatar and worship him in their own private ways. In the north the cold Cimmerans, Nords and Fremmenik hold fast to the old warrior kings: Crom, Talos, Ysgramor and V. The people of the Reik give praise to their God-King Sigmar, forever cloistered in grand Himmelheim. In Eorzea the people seek succor from Mother Hydalen and her 12 Champions, along with the ever reincarnating Warrior of Light. In the east the Westerosi worship a thousand different gods; Lankhmar of the Stormlands and Ankh-Morpork of the Old Crownlands each boasting that their Boulevard of the Gods holds more temples than the other. Further east the Herotlings worship the sky itself, offering prayers to Orlanth and his court.

You do not worship one of the Good Gods, or even one of the spirits of the earth or your ancestors. Instead you offer up praise to darker forces. Long has the dark worked to extinguish the light, since the Dark One attempted to overthrow the Maker during the War of Wrath. Whether you were born into this cult or came upon it yourself, you quickly gained the attention of your fell deity. Possessed of unnatural power of charisma and a deep and abiding faith, you rallied your co-religionists against the heretics of the world. Long had they mocked and feared your lord, now they would pay for their hubris. Your fanatical armies threatened the Westerlands until the Overlord snuffed out your zeal.

Who Did You Worship:

[ ]The Dark One: Known as Morgoth in the West, Zodiark by the sunken continent of Ascia, Fu-Leng in the East and a thousand other cursed names, the Dark One is the font of all evil and shadow. It was the being who first tested the light, starting the War of Wrath when it ate the great Tree of Dawn and corrupted the first elves at Lake of Cuiviénen. Many times has the Dark One tried to escape, but many times has it failed. You are a servant of the most elder of evils, calling upon the very heart of darkness itself.
You are a Servant of the Dark One. All creatures of evil will listen to your words, at least to give you a chance. You can call upon Unmaiar and other foul elder evils. Some Overlords may react strongly to this choice.

[ ]The Red Moon: Long ago the great evil Mairon, later known as Sauron to the Westerlands, attempted to free his master Morgoth by ripping a hole in the sky. He was thwarted by the Eternal Champion Hawkmoon, but the wound he left on the world never faded. The Red Moon, who you know as Sedenya, shines its 'kindly' light down upon the world once every month. A door to the Realm of Chaos, it twists and turns anything it touches. The people of the West fear it and call it Morrslieb while the Herotlings consider its presence a blasphemy against their sky-god and name it Shepelkirt. You know better. All the Red Moon wishes to do is to change things. You will help bring its benevolent touch to all peoples, whether they like it or not.
You are a Moon Cultist of Sedenya. Once a month you may choose one roll to be made with any stat besides Magical Acumen. Undivided Daemons and Creatures of the Moon will answer your call.

[ ]The Hidden Gods of Chaos: When the Red Moon was carved into the sky it opened up a door to the Realms of Chaos. The strange, twisting gods there reached out back towards the mortal world, offering pacts and boons in exchange for worship. They are Khorne of Blood, Tzeentch of Change, Nurgle of Rot, Slaanesh of Pleasure, Jadis of Ice and Hasut of the Forge. Such was your power and might at magic that each one has claimed a piece of your soul. You vacillate between their extremes, delighting in your ever shifting ways.
You are a Chaos Cultist. Each turn you will randomly shift to a different Chaos God. Their bonuses are:
Khorne: +1 Martial
Tzeentch: +1 Learning
Nurgle: +1 Piety
Slaanesh: +1 Diplomacy
Jadis: +1 Intrigue
Hashut: +1 Stewardship.
You can call upon the Daemonic servants of whatever god you are dedicated to that turn.

[ ]The Sharmat: Deep under the earth the Dunmer, elves who followed the call of Morgoth, raise hidden temples in the dark. These Drow, as the Westermen know them, have long since slipped away from the worship of their old patron. Instead they follow a new god. For Dagoth Ur passed through the barrier surrounding the world and observed that the Dark One as merely an empty void. He took up the space within that void and became a God himself, taking the Dark One's old Dunmeri title of the Sharmat. Whether it be your drow heritage or finding texts smuggled from Menzoberranzan you have pledged allegiance to the Lord of the Sixth Temple.
You are a Dark Dreamer. You have a chance to receive prophetic dreams. You have access to Underdark knowledge and magic without needing to be Dunmeri. Ashbound will crawl out of the deep places of the world to serve you. Some Overlords may react strongly to this

[ ]Sargeras the Burning: Where there is Chaos there must be Law. Long ago it is said that Sargears was once kin of a kind with the Maker. However in the zealotry of his eternal war against Chaos he fell into using crueler and crueler means. Eventually his brothers cast him out and he started his own crusade against all lawlessness and change in creation. You follow the iron clad Burning Edicts, calling down fel fire upon your foes.
You are a Herald of the Burning Crusade. Every two turns you may choose one roll to be made entirely without modifier, positive or negative and its DC to be set to 50. You can call upon the Burning Legion. You have access to Fel Magic

[ ]Asmodeus the Arch Devil: In the horizon of the sky is sometimes spied a burning red orb. This is Baator, home of the Devils. A race of slaving and contract obsessed fiends, they are ruled from the great Pit of Stygia by the Arch Devil. Asmodeus was the one who started the trend of sending Devils to this world in order to make contracts and pacts with its peoples, being the one who first made contact with Tevinter. Long after that infernal empire fell, devils sometimes creep across the void on wings of hellflame to tempt the greedy and the tyrannical. You joined a coven that made pacts with the Devils at a young age, and they feel the closest thing they can to affection for you.
You are a Hellbound of Asmodeus. You will always have the option to set up Infernal Contracts, which will give powerful bonuses in exchange for hefty prices. Devils will answer your call, so long as they are promised worthy pay.

[ ]The Arch-Dragons: The old Tevinter Imperium once stretched across all the Westerlands, minus the Allagan ruled Eorzea. In their greed and lust for power they courted both the infernals and the great dragon Ratatoskr, one of the First Brood. Using infernal magic they bred twisted god-beasts from Ratatoskr's eggs. The Arch-Dragon's, cunning and selfish beyond measure, became the rulers of the late Imperium. Though eventually slave revolts and great heroes like Reman Cyrodiil and Rand Al Thor would bring down the Imperium, many of the Arch-Dragons escaped. They lurk in high mountains and deep forests, spreading their tainted blood. You drank deeply of this black ichor, and became more than mortal from it.
You are a Black Warden of the Arch-Dragons. Your legions are made up of Drakespawn, who will never betray you or break in battle. You can spread the Drakeblood to others, infecting them into your legions. The twisted broods of the Arch-Dragons will roost in your holdings.

[ ]sThe Old Gods: Beyond even the twisting realm of chaos there is a deeper dark. The Void, home to things best left unnamed. Cthun, Azaototh, Ungoliant, The Lying Darkness, Kos, Giygas. Unknowable things that whispered to you from beyond the stars. You do not know their plans, or even the true nature of their power, but they have granted you boons beyond measure.
You are a Caller of the Old Gods. Every turn there is a chance that the Stars Are Right and one of the Old Gods will touch this world, blessing it with their power. When this happens you will become stronger, though you know not how yet. The nameless things that lay squirming beyond the Void and in the roots of the earth can be pulled into this reality by you.

A Dark Lord is not simply defined by their faith, even if it is one of your strongest assets. When you were free of the Overlord's influence you did a great many terrible things. Things that marked you as a true force of Darkness, something that the heroes of the world would have to stand against lest you rise to even greater heights. Your deeds are many and greatly infamous, yet one stands out above all the rest.

What Are You Known For:

[ ]Cracking The Stone of Tear: Thought to be utterly impregnable for ages, you did something that not even the Tevinter could do when they moved to crush the rebels of the Far West. You breached the Stone of Tear, one of the greatest fortresses of this age. While eventually the Aes Sedai of the White Tower pushed you from the city, you still carry the glory to this day. Many of the Far West joined your banners, naming themselves Darkfriends in your honor.
+2 Marital. Majority of followers are Far Western

[ ]The Conversion of Hyboria: The North Men have long held fast to their virtue and faith in the one eyed god Crom. However it was your silvered tongue and honeyed words that turned them away from their old faith. Now Hyboria is dark and sorcerous, its people named Witchmen after the black magic they wield. The worship of your faith is strong there, and many zealous followers flocked to your banner.
+2 Diplomacy. Majority of followers are Northmen

[ ]The Incursion into Himmelheim: The temple city of Himmelheim has long been closed to outsiders ever since Sigmar disappeared inside of it and shut its gates. Only the Elector-Lords of the Reik are allowed to step foot into the holy city and leave. However there are back entrances and secret paths into every city, and Himmelheim was no different. You slipped in under the cover of night and managed to steal a wide range of ancient texts and artifacts until your presence was discovered by the living god. You made good your escape and, while many were appalled at this heresy, some along the Reik took your incursion as a sign you were chosen to be their new Hero-God and joined your ranks.
+2 Intrigue. Majority of followers are Reikish

[ ]Defended the Black Gate: For untold generations, ever since the end of the War of Wrath, armies have clashed on the plains around Mount Arret. The entrance to the black land of Mordor, Arret is constantly under siege by the Westerosi, as they consider holding back the orcish tide a holy duty. Eddard Stark, a honorable and pious man, managed to gather the largest army in a generation to try and breach the Black Gate and enter Mordor proper. You stopped him, letting his forces grind themselves down in a grueling war of attrition. Over the course of the long siege many Westerosi, including some of the Dunedain, deserted to join your forces. Now you have gained the enmity of the Starks but the loyalty of men fallen defenders of the east.
+2 Stewardship. Majority of followers are Westerosi

[ ]Outwitted the Scholars of Mhach: While most of the Eorzeans are content to study their High Magic and stay away from darker paths, the scholars of the Weeping City are more ambitious. Their lust for knowledge and power has led them to hoard tomes on dark magic, with some even becoming open dark sorcerers. You were invited to debate them on the merits of your god and your ways and journeyed to the heart of Eorzea. There, over the course of two months, you debated and discussed night and day with these learned men. While eventually factions in the school sympathetic to the Sharlyans forced you to leave, many Eorzeans followed you, sure in your intellectual might.
+2 Learning. Majority of followers are Eorzean

No one is bereft of a home, even if it is not one they care to claim lineage too. The Westerlands are filled with all manner of peoples, each holding fast to their own ways and traditions.

From Where Do You Hail:

THE FAR WEST (Fatalistic and Touched by the East)
[ ]Andorian
[ ]Ebou Dari
[ ]Mantheran
[ ]Tearan
[ ]Tar Valoner
[ ]Neverwinterian (A taste of the Center in the West)

[ ]Orlsian (Pious protectors of the Chantry)
[ ]Neverran (Exuberant lovers of the dead)
[ ]Imperial (Cosmopolitan heirs of Reman)
[ ]Breton (Descendants of the Noldor)

[ ]Hyboreian (Witchmen of Ice and Snow)
[ ]Fremennik
[ ]Nord
[ ]Half-Blood Garlean

AZEROTH (The heirs of Arator linger under the Alliance)
[ ]Lordaeronic
[ ]Stormwindic
[ ]Arathi
[ ]Kul Tirian (The blood of Melniboné makes them strong)
[ ]Gilnean

EORZEA(Required for access to High Magic)
[ ]Hyur (Descended from Humans)
[ ]Elezen (Descended from Elves)
[ ]Lalafell (Descended from Halflings)
[ ]Au Ra (Descended from the Saxheel)
[ ]Roegadyn (Descended from Ogiers)
[ ]Miqote (Descended from the extinct Khajiit)
[ ]Viera (Consort Creations of Allag)
[ ]Ishgard Elezen (Dragonfoes who settled in the east, near the Vale of Arryn)

[ ]Reiklander
[ ]Nordlander
[ ]Sylvanian
[ ]Middenlander
[ ]Fereldan (Dog Lords of the Southern Reik)

[ ]First Settler
[ ]Valeman
[ ]Stormman
[ ]Crownman
[ ]Riverman
[ ]Cityman (Dweller of Ankh-Morpork or Lankhmar)
[ ]Dunedain (The blood of Ascia flows in the Tall Men of the East)

[ ]Noldor (Lords of Imlardis and lost Amdapor, the Wise Elves)
[ ]Sindar (The Wood Elves. Once ruled over Lothlorien. Known as the Dalish or Bosmeri)
[ ]Altrhim (The Gold Elves or the Vanyar, only a handful survived the Downfall of Ascia)

[ ]Menzoberranzan Dunmer (Worshippers of the Sharmat. MUST TAKE SHARMAT AS DEITY)
[ ]Temple Dunmer (Renegades who worship the living gods of the Tribunal: Vivec, Alemexia, Sotha Sil and Drizzit Nerevar)

[ ]Melniboné (Last scion of the dark isles. MUST TAKE DARK ONE (ZODIARK) AS DEITY)
[ ]Tevinter (Heir to a fallen empire. MUST TAKE ASMODEUS OR ARCH-DRAGONS AS DEITY)
[ ]Valyrian (Former rulers of Westeros. Fire and Blood)

[ ]Herotlings (Keepers of the Sky God Orlanth)
[ ]Lunar Way (Erudite worshipers of the Red Moon)
[ ]Pernite (Dragon Riders and Dwarfriends)
[ ]Youkudan (Wandering Warriors who know the Sword Tongue)

The Ritualist's Catechism (Semi-Canon +10)
The Ritualist's Catechism (or the Stone Song)

Of what moment is one's birth?
It says little of thy worth

Nor in rank does value lie
Or, indeed, what wealth may buy

Look within someone to find
What to discard, what to mind

Two and ten their body's stones
Of that weight, a pair are bones

Four stone more their sinew be
For their bulk, stones are three

Half a stone and one more still
Mortal vitae does them fill

Three more pounds their brain does weigh
Another pound their heart, some say

Seventeen more do them rest in
Of that sum, eight intestine

To the lungs, two pounds more
Other parts, seven the score

If those stones should then falter
Bring them forth to the altar

Offer up two stone and ten
Chant and pray in sacred glen

Cast thy speech to darkest lord
Promise them those stones, your ward

Cast those stones to endless hell
Bargain for them, bargain well

List thy price in terms exact
So thy lord may thence enact

From thy mind hence put those stones
Instead seek more, dulcet-toned

If sweet reason not prevail
Try instead a hefty flail

Eternal is duty divine
Its rewards the finest wine

Pause not in thy mortal toil
Laggards to the pit to boil

Instead lift thy mind to serve
For no more do you deserve

Ever on thy path does wind
Lined with stones, paid for in kind

Written for my blood-mage devil-cultist idea, but broadly applicable for service to a dark god.
Last edited:
God Analysis (+10)
On Characterization

So while I know things are different and Mcclay has squashed a lot of stuff together and mixed it up, I thought I would offer some thoughts on helping further give some flavor towards the different Evil Deities, partly through the use of the classic D&D alignment chart! Also, I only have knowledge of Morslieb from Warhammer Fantasy and only passing familiarity with Elder Scrolls 3, so please be tolerant of flaws in the Red Moon and Sharmat sections. Also, enjoy the Evil Mafia.

The Dark One: It's probably fair to say, that - paraphasing someone's description of Darkseid - there a void in his soul that seeks to devour the world, which might well be what Dagoth Ur saw but only thought he understood and co-opted. This bottomless desire and capacity, as much as the scope and impact of his ancient deeds, are what made him so truly infamous. The Dark One embodies Neutral Evil. As explicitly stated, he's the avatar of Evil and Darkness, the OG. The Sharmat is an imitator. Sargeras had to double-team him with the Maker. The Old and Chaos Gods are beneficiaries of, and the Red Moon wouldn't even exist without, Sauron, his number two. This is why everyone pays at least token respects to the Servant of the Dark One, because deep down they know you represent the true one to rule them all.

In the Evil Mafia, the Dark One is the Don.

The Red Moon: I only really have the Morrslieb element from Warhammer Fantasy to draw on for my own understanding, but I think it's reasonable to say that the Red Moon is a dim light. It's not just a bad pun, there's only a very limited intellect behind it, if one at all. It's a door after, all. Sedenya just is, and everything that happens from the monthly radiance is a product of it existing. Obviously the Moon Cultist doesn't agree, and they might just be right about the intent and purpose. The Moon Cultist will get a lot of disdain from the other faiths, particularly the Dark One and Chaos worshipers, since in their eyes, you're basically a cargo cult. The Red Moon embodies Chaotic Evil. Change, change, change is the whole of your creed, and you'd probably find the Chaos Gods too demanding or restrictive. The Red Moon only asks that you help it.

In the Evil Mafia, the Red Moon is the Weird Associate. Can be useful from time to time, but waaay too kooky to be in the family.

The Hidden Gods of Chaos: You know what each of them are about. Here's the really important part. The Six Ruinous Powers are a bit different than the others on this list for one simple reason. They work together. Well, sometimes. They squabble and fight each other a lot, with shifting alliances and even their Black Crusades (the Burning Crusade calls them egregious plagiarism) run a certain risk of backstabbing without a strong attentive leader. But at the end of the day, they have a shared group identity, which subtly shines through. The Burning Crusade is bound to serve together by fel oath, and the Drakespawn tied to their Arch-Dragon. The Six are siblings, and the Chaos Cultists, especially the Nurglites, recognize they're part of a greater family. The Hidden Gods of Chaos embody Chaotic Evil. There's always something ugly behind their glories (except Nurgle being plain ugly), something twisted in their wisdom, and something cruel in even the most honest and genuine praise and rewards.

In the Evil Mafia, the Hidden Gods of Chaos are the Specialists.

The Sharmat: The Sharmat is a thorny subject. There a certain controversy guaranteed when one's claim to Godhood comes from dissing and stealing from the Dark One himself. If the stories can be believed. Well, something is granting power to the Dunmer and bringing the Ashbound into existence and it doesn't appear to be the Dark One so... This issue goes the same for the Lord of the Sixth Temple's followers. The Dunmer are apostates to Morgoth, and a non-Drow Dark Dreamer isn't much better as a matter of course. The Servants of the Dark One have a massive hateboner for you, and the rest probably think you're insane, albeit in the audacious way any serious villain can respect. The Sharmat is Unclear Evil, largely because I don't have enough of a read to make a judgement call.

In the Evil Mafia, the Sharmat is the Traitorous Underboss.

Sargeras the Burning: Sargeras is a tragedy, brother to the Maker, now a warped reflection of himself doing whatever it takes to win the Long War. But can you blame him? Look at all the harm Chaos has caused! Look at how mortalkind so easily offers itself blindly up to monsters and the maelfic! When put to the test, the Light lacks the determination and will to actually see things through - acting half-like its peacetime even as the battles continue. Sargeras embodies Lawful Evil. An army needs discipline, a civilization needs law and order, crimes require proper punishments set in burning steel. Change is the essence of Chaos, and Chaos is the enemy. Why is that so hard for everyone to understand? At least the Herald does.

In the Evil Mafia, Sargeras is the General.

Asmodeus the Arch Devil: Despite the fire and preference for rules, don't think Asmodeus has more than surface similarities. Sargeras' headquarters, wherever that may be, is sure to be an austere barracks. The Great Pit is majestic, full of dark luxuries, impossible craftsmanship. Even the wildernesses of Baator are not wretched hells. Sure there's hordes of slaves, but there are winners and there are losers. That's life, that's business, and Asmodeus has never, ever, been a loser or a bad businessman. The Hellbound are like well-respected professionals, talents guys who always have their eye on the prize and bring in the bacon. Asmodeus embodies Lawful Evil. The Arch Devil, like the rest of his kind, regard the contract as the means to set ground rules people can agree on - but they're just ground rules, sport. If you can't bring your A game, sucks to be you.

In the Evil Mafia, Asmodeus is the Consigliere.

The Arch-Dragons: The Arch-Dragons can be surprisingly hard to pin down. They're regal, with the hauteur of a great lineage. They are monsters lurking in hideaways secluded from the world. Their infernal blood makes them devious, self-serving creatures. Yet they gift their draconic ichor liberally, the Black Wardens receiving immense power and fanatically obedient legions of Drakespawn. They are a testament to the accomplishments of the Tevinter Imperium, yet they have moved beyond it, unwilling to be lost in the past when new opportunities may rise. The Arch-Dragons embodies Neutral Evil, too mutable to be pinned down within the various extremes the ways other dark deities are.

In the Evil Mafia, the Arch-Dragons can be seen in all sorts of positions.

The Old Gods: The denizens of the void are too disparate, mysterious and unknown to truly describe in any collective detail. The Old Gods are Unclear Evil, for obvious reasons.

In the Evil Mafia - well no, this lot are just too bonkers to even be associates.
Character Creation 3
Pick 2 Positive and 2 Negative Traits. Traits have hidden mechanical advantages, drawbacks and reactions from others. Your characters actions will be affected by these and powerful traits may have strong narrative drawbacks and vice versa.

Positive Traits:
[ ]Brave: +2 Martial, +3 Prowess
[ ]Calm: +1 Diplomacy, +1 Intrigue
[ ]Chaste: +2 Learning, -1 Piety
[ ]Ambitious: +1 to all stats
[ ]Diligent: +2 Diplomacy, +3 Stewardship, +3 Learning
[ ]Vengeful: +2 Intrigue, +2 Prowess, -2 Diplomacy
[ ]Greedy: +2 Stewardship, +2 Piety, -2 Diplomacy
[ ]Gregarious: +2 Diplomacy, +10 General Opinion
[ ]Deceitful: +4 Intrigue, -2 Diplomacy, +1 Piety
[ ]Arrogant: +2 Piety, -2 Diplomacy
[ ]Dishonorable: +3 Intrigue, +2 Piety, -1 Diplomacy, -1 Martial
[ ]Patient: +2 Learning, +1 Piety
[ ]Temperate: +2 Stewardship, -1 Piety
[ ]Paranoid: +3 Intrigue, -1 Diplomacy
[ ]Zealous: +2 Martial, +1 Piety
[ ]Sadistic: +2 Intrigue, +2 Martial
[ ]Friend: A Faction of the GM's choice has +15 Opinion of you

Negative Traits:
[ ]Craven: +2 Intrigue, -3 Martial, -2 Prowess
[ ]Wrathful: +3 Martial, -1 Intrigue, -1 Diplomacy
[ ]Lustful: +2 Intrigue, +1 Piety
[ ]Content: +2 Learning, - 3 Piety
[ ]Lazy: - 1 to all starts
[ ]Stubborn: +3 Stewardship
[ ]Forgiving: +2 Diplomacy, + 1 Learning, - 2 Intrigue, -1 Piety
[ ]Generous: +3 Diplomacy, -1 Stewardship, - 3 Piety
[ ]Shy +1 Learning, -10 General Opinion
[ ]Honest: +2 Diplomacy, -4 Intrigue, - 2 Piety
[ ]Humble: +2 Diplomacy, -1 Piety
[ ]Impatient: -2 Learning, -2 Piety
[ ]Gluttonous: + 2 Diplomacy, -2 Stewardship, + 1 Piety
[ ]Trusting: +2 Diplomacy, -2 Intrigue, -2 Piety
[-]Cynical: Dark Priests cannot be Cynical
[ ]Compassionate: +2 Diplomacy, -2 Intrigue
[ ]Enemy: A Faction of the GM's choice has -15 Opinion of you

Special Traits: Each of these traits costs 1 Negative and 1 Positive Point

[ ]Blood Mage: Access to Blood Magic. +1 Learning.
[ ]Apostate Mage: +3 Learning, Friend: Apostate Mages, Enemy: Circle Mages
[ ]Hellblooded: +2 Intrigue, +2 Diplomacy. Infernal Apperance. Enemy: Templars
[ ]Scion of the Archons: Able to trace lineage back to the rulers of Tevinter.
[ ]Shapeshifter: You can shift and transform your body in a Pact Animal once a month, but risk losing yourself to atavism. Pact Form chosen by GM
[ ]Dreamwalker: You can enter Tel'aran'rhiod, the Realm of Dreams, at will.
[ ]Heretic Priest: You were once a priest of the Chantry. +2 Diplomacy, +2 Piety, Enemy: Imperial Chantry, Enemy: Orlesian Chantry

Finally, Who Are You:
[ ]Title: (Your name has long since been lost to history, but your title remains. Examples include: The Limper, Moon-Biter, The Witch King. Fancy Ancient Greek Titles also work)

[ ]Gender: Male, Female, Shrouded or Other

[ ]Appearance: (Write-in)

Please, for the love of the Hells, vote in Plan Format
Character Creation 4
"The Incarnadine? Wasn't such a bad fellow, to be honest. Had tea with him a few times while he stayed in the Weeping City. Honestly a bit of a bore, really. Always on and on about his Voidsent patrons. He did bring us knowledge of Blood Magic, which was quite nice of the fellow. Still not sure why the Sharlyans got so mad about his presence. Its not like I haven't done worse."
-The Arch-Magi Shatotto, First of the Black Magi, Immortal Scholar of Mhach

Long ago a child was born in the dying days of Tevinter to a noble family. The scion of a long line of Magisters, the child was taught the appropriate rites and pacts. How to call upon the ancient Blood, to use it to twist men and beast alike. How to speak Infernal and converse with the Baatezu in order to best make pacts with them. Even as Tevinter collapsed this child found a good life for themself. Diligent and pious, the Church of Asmodeus marked them out as someone to watch. A hefty bribe convinced their father to let them enter the Church and they began to study devilish theology.

However, all stories come to a close. Tevinter fell, ripped apart by slave revolt and secession. While the child was out preaching in the south, in the lands that would be known as Gilneas, the mob invaded their familial manor in the capital and ended the rest of their line in a storm of blood and fire. Within the provinces things were little better and the Azerothians took the chance to throw off the chains the Archons had laid upon them. The Church of Asmodeus, long tied to the Empire, was not left untouched by the rebels. The tribal chieftain Arator, leader of the Azerothian uprising, took special joy in purging the infernals from his lands.

The priest tried to flee, but the mob was at their heels. Somewhere in the woodlands of the south, just a few miles away from where the rebel castle of Stormwind sat, outriders caught them. Though the child was a master of the arcane, they were tired from running endlessly for many days. Many of the outriders died, but the spear that pierces flesh will kill no matter if its holder is dead. The priest stumbled back with iron in their stomach, guts emptying out over the dirt.

In their moment of defeat they prayed and called out to their patrons. To the scheming, hellish devils they held in so high regard. Had they not be a loyal servant? Had the Hells not gorged on the souls they had helped send? What use was there for them to die here, die now? They could be a powerful tool later on. They could spread Law and Tyranny for the hellish host. Just save their life, give them power. They would pay any price the devils asked of them.

The Hells listened, and thought, and agreed. The mortal could be saved, should be saved in fact. However the Baatezu were bound by ironclad rules imposed upon them by Asmodeus, the greatest of their number. Everything required an equal price to be paid. They could save the priest, but only in exchange for their face. Bleeding out and in incredible pain, the priest agreed. And as the fire burnt away their flesh they felt not pain, but fulfillment. They turned and their attackers were sent screaming into the Pit.

The Incarnadine wandered the south for many years. In the folktales of Orlais, Azeroth and northern Eorzea warnings were spoken about a charming, red cloaked figure. It would ask for hospitality at a home or town and, when given the proper respects, return the favor in gold and jewels. When the amazed onlooker would also how the figure got such wealth, it would explain that its patron had given it to them and then ask if the listener would like to listen to their tale. Those who agreed would be enraptured by a story of proud and noble creatures who made pacts and deals with the worthy. Those pacts could give the maker anything: from enough gold to buy a county to legendary weapons to food enough to feed the growing city of Lordaeron. Of course, the figure said, those gifts had a price, but all good things do. And, it whispered, that those who souls were taken by these beings had a chance to join their honorable ranks.

The villages and homesteads who did not realize this infernal treachery for what it was were drawn in by promises of wealth and begged the Incarnadine to teach them. Which it happily did, summoning devils and using its gift in magic to help the community. Over time these places would become more and more depraved, as the devils whispered in the ears of their victims and urged them onto heinous acts. For why should they, those intelligent enough to deal with the devils, care for the petty morality of the Chantry, the Light and the Spirits? Wherever the Incarnadine went, cults of Asmodeus sprung up like mushrooms. Must either burnt themselves out with infighting and over indulging in pleasure, while others were cut down by the goodly armies of their realm. However, a few always escaped, enough to follow their red-shrouded prophet.

Eventually the Incarnadine passed over Abalathia's Spine and into Eorzea proper. There it plied its trade of treachery as it slowly moved to the center of the peninsula. There lies the Weeping City of Mhach. Built in the great Yafaem Saltmoor, the Weeping City has long been the center for the darker arts in Eorzea. While the union of colleges and scholars known as the Sharlyan Society has ever urged the Mhachi away from the darker paths to knowledge, the city has refused. Its de facto ruler, the immortal and powerful Black Mage Shatotto, has continued to encourage research into things deemed forbidden by more mainstream scholars. Thus when the Incarnadine reached the city's gates and asked for a place to teach and preach, the Mhachi welcomed it in.

For many long decades the Incarnadine resided within the Weeping City. While the Sharlyans continued to decry its presence and bring up its long history of diabolical crimes the Mhachi were stone hearted. For the Incarnadine knew how to play upon these twisted men of learning and offered them secrets and scraps of knowledge that no one else could. The Hells held hidden truths that few had ever delved into, purred the shrouded one, and through proper communion with devils and the right questions these truths could be learned. Over time a powerful new Cult of Asmodeus grew in Mhach. While not nearly as widespread as the old Church had been, the Incarnadine had grand ambitions. This would be where it would restore its old religion and properly integrate devils onto this world.

However the Incarnadine made a misstep. Its growing Cult became increasingly seen as a rival power to the main dark scholars and Black Mages of the city. These forces finally allowed themselves to be swayed by the Sharlyans into agreeing that the Incarnadine must be forced from the city. But the power of the mage was great, and too violent of fighting would draw the ire of the Immortal Scholar down upon their heads. So a missive was sent to the Scions of the Dawn, keepers and guardians of the ever reincarnating Warrior of Light. And after several days the eternal hero entered Mhach.

The battle between the Incarnadine and the Warrior of Light was terrible to behold. For the shrouded one called up the foulest of its pactsworn and the most twisted of the ancient powers of Blood Magic. Against the ordered ranks of great devils and arcane mastery any normal hero would have been felled, but the Warrior of Light was no ordinary hero. They smote the devils, countered the spells the Incarnadine wove and struck great and terrible blows against it. The Incarnadine was forced to flee Mhach, gaining the first of two defeats in its life.

Driven from Eorzea proper, the Incarnadine sulked on the northern hills of Abalathia's Spine. But while it had been forced from the Weeping City, many of its cultists had followed it out of Eorzea. There they built a fortress upon islands of stone rent from the earth. Named Dun Scaith, this floating temple to the Infernal would become known with dread and terror by all in the south. For its reavers often struck out to gather more sacrifices for its dread rituals, and it became known as a nexus of forbidden knowledge and prayer. Those outcast and driven from society for delving into evil magic or dark gods could find a sanctuary on Dun Scaith. Many warlocks, dreadlords and other foul conquerors gathered their might on those bleak rocks. All asked in return was payment. Gold and men were common, but arcane knowledge or great works were also taken. The most infamous one of these was the Void Ark, a massive airship filled with devils created by a set of exiled Garlean Engineers. The great black ship terrorized Azeroth, Eorzea and southern Orlais for generations.

Eventually, however, Dun Scaith was laid low. A new power in the dark was rising, one that would brook no competition or imitations. For all the Incarnadine's might and black piety it was not immortal or invincible. The Overlord's hordes conquered Dun Scaith, great warbeasts carrying legion upon legion of soldiers up to those high isles. Facing the Overlord in pitched battle the Incarnadine once again met its match and, once more, was humbled with defeat.

Who Is Your Overlord:

[ ]The Lady of Charm: Hundreds of years ago the Empire of the Dominator was crushed by one of the Eternal Champions. The Dominator and all his most powerful servants were imprisoned beneath the Barrowlands of the North. However these wards could not last for long and a foolish scholar broke the ones around his wife and servants. The Lady was once the wife of the Dominator, but now she rules alone. Intelligent, beautiful and ruthless, she builds an empire that will stand the test of history. She is a Distant presence and a Demanding taskmaster. She rules a Nascent Empire. Soulcatcher locked in as a Councilor

[ ]The Lord of Worms: Within the ruined city of Icecrown, far beyond even the furthest reaches of the northern kingdoms, something terrible stirs. Great masses of corpses give groaning supplication to their master: the Lord of Worms. Cloaked in black, only two icy blue eyes can be seen of the Master Lich. Its voice sounds like the squirming of thousands of vermin and the touch of its bone encrusted gauntlets is like the freezing north wind. It seeks to build an empire of the dead, a true scourge upon the living. It is a
Very Distant presence and a Lenient taskmaster. It rules a Nascent Empire.

[ ]Sauron the Abhorred One: Beyond the Black Gates of Mount Arret lays the land of Mordor, where the shadows lie. Here the last true servant of Morgoth the Dark One rules from atop the mighty tower of Bard-Dur. Sauron takes the form of a stunningly beautiful young elven man with fiery hair. With a silvered tongue he has convinced many to join his side, and his vast legions help convince those who refuse to listen. For generations he has been locked behind the Black Gate, but the Orc Wars weakened the kingdoms opposing him greatly. He is a
Semi-Distant presence and an Understanding taskmaster. He rules an Established Empire. The Witch King locked in as a Councillor

[ ]Hades, the Last Ascian: Long ago, far across the western sea, lay the land of Ascia. A paradise created for the most virtuous of elves and men. The Vanyar of Alinor and the men of Numenor lived peaceably there, meeting in concord at the capital of Amaurot. However discord came to the blessed isle when Sauron was brought in chains following the Red Moon Crisis. He convinced the Ascians to abandon the Creator and worship the Dark One instead, who they soon called Zodiark. Eventually the island was cast beneath the waves and the survivors fled to other lands, either becoming the now disappeared, decadent Melnibonéans or the proud Dunedain. However one Ascian never faded away. Hades is a shade of a man, incapable of taking physical form and only interacting with the world by possessing sapient bodies. Leader of Ascia before its downfall, he has sworn revenge on the world and seeks to bring his beloved people back by any means necessary. He is Omnipresent and a Lenient taskmaster. He rules a Shadow Empire, creating mummer's kingdoms in order to mask his true presence.

[ ]Nidhogg, Greatest of the First Brood: When the dragonfather Migardsommr was captured by the Dark One and first to birth the first dragons, his first clutch of eggs were powerful beyond measure. While many of the dragons revolted against their dark master to flee to the side of the light, a few stayed with the dark. Nidhogg and his sister-mate Ratatoskr were the two among the first brood to hold evil in their hearts. Ratatoskr would deal with the Tevinter and Valyrians and eventually be forced to hide in some secret place in the east, but Nidhogg stood aloof from the fighting. He traveled the world, killing and taking what he wished, until he finally returned to the Westerlands to find his mate. However Ratatoskr has hidden herself well, and Nidhogg is an impatient being. Between the Reik and Westeros he has taken the dwarven fortress of Erebor, one of two Dawi realms in the West, as his own. There he builds an Empire to find his sister and ensure the flow of treasure to his den never ceases. He is a Distant presence and a Unceasing taskmaster. He rules a Nascent Empire