Smite the Bay! (Worm X Smite Crossover Quest)

Just to be clear, because of the formatting on these votes (which is my fault for how I set it up, I am sorry) any actions you guys don't vote for and just leave blank will be filled by the ones other people voted for. So, like, if y'all don't want to be contacting Glory Girl day one, please remember to vote for alternative actions in appropriate action slots.
Welcome to Plan "Ganking Gods Squat In A Bush"
[X][Affiliation] Independent
[X][Cape Name] Fulcrum
[X][Today Action 1] Train Mythology by looking up what gods are the gods of what.
[X][Today Action 2] Research online about known capes in Brockton Bay (Cerberus mentioned something about people using his kind as steeds, maybe he was talking about a dog themed cape?)
[X][Sunday Deity] Mage
[X][Sunday Action 1] Train Legal skills by looking up laws related to parahumans
[X][Sunday Action 2] See if the Mage can set up traps/wards around our home that stays after they disappear (There have been widespread rumours of new or independent capes being grabbed from their homes and forced into a gang)
[X][Monday Deity] Assassin
[X][Monday Action 1] Go shopping and buy lighters, zip ties, rope, pepperspray, tape
[X][Monday Action 2] Plan out code words for our summons to quickly respond after being summoned if we were to suddenly be ambushed. (Wink wink, Coil.)
[X][Tuesday Deity] Mage
[X][Tuesday Action 1] Learn First Aid by watching first aid training videos
[X][Tuesday Action 2] See if the Mages can set up traps/wards around our home that stays after they disappear
[X][Wednesday Deity] Assassin
[X][Wednesday Action 1] Train Acrobatics with the help of our summons
[X][Thursday Deity] Mage
[X][Thursday Action 1] Train Swordsmanship with the help of our summons
[X][Thursday Action 2] See if the Mages can set up traps/wards around our home that stays after they disappear
[X][Friday Deity] Assassin
[X][Friday Action 1] Train Acrobatics with the help of our summons
[X][Saturday Deity] Mage
[X][Saturday Action 1] See if the Mages can set up traps/wards around our home that stays after they disappear
[X][Saturday Action 2] Train Swordsmanship with the help of our summons
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Okay, folks, just a heads up I will probably be closing the voting sometime tomorrow! So if you still want to vote, please do so! So far y'all are pretty consistent on the cape name and affiliation votes, but the week plan is a bit of an issue largely with how I formatted the vote (next time I do the week plan voting I will make it so it will be a plan vote block). I would like to remind everyone to USE ALL YOUR AVALIABLE ACTIONS when voting on the week plans. As it stands it looks like I might have to frankenstein the votes together.
There's something that's been kinda niggling to be honest, I'm surprised that we got horus as our starting god, I know he is as close to vanilla as they come and has a reasonably good head on his shoulders I was expecting us to summon set first, considering Elizabeth's emotional state and all, it's probably random but set being basically a angry murderhobo who is willing to murder osiris and horus to 'liberate' Egypt who follows a might makes right philosophy would have been kinda appropriate for the moment.

Also, guy has a carnivorous donkey for a head, set is wild.
There's something that's been kinda niggling to be honest, I'm surprised that we got horus as our starting god, I know he is as close to vanilla as they come and has a reasonably good head on his shoulders I was expecting us to summon set first, considering Elizabeth's emotional state and all, it's probably random but set being basically a angry murderhobo who is willing to murder osiris and horus to 'liberate' Egypt who follows a might makes right philosophy would have been kinda appropriate for the moment.

Also, guy has a carnivorous donkey for a head, set is wild.
The Watsonian answer is that Elizabeth's shard pick one at random when she triggered. It could have easily been Zeus, Loki, Set, and Fenrir from the shard's perspective as it was pulling from her knowledge of Mythology.

The Doyalist answer is I just like Egyptian mythology and Horus is cool. :V
The Watsonian answer is that Elizabeth's shard pick one at random when she triggered. It could have easily been Zeus, Loki, Set, and Fenrir from the shard's perspective as it was pulling from her knowledge of Mythology.

The Doyalist answer is I just like Egyptian mythology and Horus is cool. :V
Fair, although I hope that we get to see some gods not represented in smite, I get that it's probably a pipe dream but it would be neat to see queztocoatl as a counterpart to kululkhan since quetz is quite chill and benevolent.

But honestly I'm looking forward to the nordic pantheon, sutur and Jormungandr are going to be fun.
Fair, although I hope that we get to see some gods not represented in smite, I get that it's probably a pipe dream but it would be neat to see queztocoatl as a counterpart to kululkhan since quetz is quite chill and benevolent.

But honestly I'm looking forward to the nordic pantheon, sutur and Jormungandr are going to be fun.
Something I had considered but decided against for pragmatic reasons. There are 132 gods in Smite from 16 different pantheons, spread out across 5 classes. That is already a tall order managing for this quest and there is no guarantee you'll encounter all of them before the quest's end. Including OC gods would only complicate matters.
Something I had considered but decided against for pragmatic reasons. There are 132 gods in Smite from 16 different pantheons, spread out across 5 classes. That is already a tall order managing for this quest and there is no guarantee you'll encounter all of them before the quest's end. Including OC gods would only complicate matters.
Yeah it's still fair enough, over a hundred gods and legendary figures is enough foe the context of this quest.
Vote Closed & Week Plan Redo
Adhoc vote count started by Saphentite on Jun 4, 2024 at 6:32 PM, finished with 27 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X][Affiliation] Independent
    [X][Today Action 1] Research Legal Necessities for Independant Heroes
    [X][Cape Name] Mythos
    [X][Affiliation] PRT — The Protectorate is the premier superhero organization in America, with plenty of government support. It was an easy decision to go with them as they can give you the proper support and training you need to be a hero. Although, you likely will not have much autonomy over your actions as a hero or say over your cape identity.
    [X][Wednesday Deity] Mage
    -[X][Sunday Action 1] Go shopping for Costume stuff!
    -[X][Sunday Action 2] See what lasting effects the mage can leave such as barriers on the house, enchanted items, costume help etc.
    [X][Sunday Deity] Warrior
    -[X][Monday Action 1] Research the gangs and its parahumans
    -[X][Tuesday Action 1] Train Swordsmanship, with our summon if applicable
    [X][Wednesday Deity] Mage
    -[X][Sunday Action 2] See what lasting effects the mage can leave such as barriers on the house, enchanted items, costume help etc.
    [X][Sunday Deity] Warrior
    -[X][Tuesday Action 1] Train Swordsmanship, with our summon if applicable
    [X][Cape Name] Divine
    [X][Cape Name] Dreamer
    [X][Today Action 2] See if we can meetup with Glory Girl and talk shop (Contact on PHO?)
    [X][Sunday Deity] Warrior
    -[X][Sunday Action 1] Go shopping for Costume stuff! (See if GG wants to hangout)
    -[X][Sunday Action 2] Get registered with the PRT (Call ahead, we're not ready to debut)
    [X][Monday Deity] Assassin
    -[X][Monday Action 1] Research the gangs and its parahumans
    -[X][Monday Action 2] Discreetly patrol our surrounding areas, surveying for Gang Influence
    [X][Sunday Deity] Warrior
    -[X][Tuesday Action 1] Train Swordsmanship, with our summon if applicable
    -[X][Tuesday Action 2] Train Charisma, practice public speaking
    [X][Wednesday Deity] Mage
    -[X][Wednesday Action 1] Research Mythology online and ask our summon
    -[X][Wednesday Action 2] Research Legal, Handling criminals and vigilante looting / bounties
    [X][Thursday Deity] Guardian
    -[X][Thursday Action 1] Train Charisma with New Wave
    -[X][Thursday Action 2] Train Fighting/Swordsmanship with New Wave
    [X][Sunday Deity] Warrior
    -[X][Friday Action 1] PR Patrol to get our name out, see if New wave or the Wards are available
    -[X][Friday Action 2] PHO debut, A bit of info about ourselves and interesting Mythology about our current summon
    [X][Wednesday Deity] Mage
    -[X][Saturday Action 1] Contact Parian, she has experience in navigating independence
    -[X][Saturday Action 2] Patrol Docks South (around Winslow)
    [X][Today Action 1] Train Mythology by looking up what gods are the gods of what.
    [X][Today Action 2] Research online about known capes in Brockton Bay (Cerberus mentioned something about people using his kind as steeds, maybe he was talking about a dog themed cape?)
    [X][Wednesday Deity] Mage
    [X][Sunday Action 1] Train Legal skills by looking up laws related to parahumans
    [X][Sunday Action 2] See if the Mage can set up traps/wards around our home that stays after they disappear (There have been widespread rumours of new or independent capes being grabbed from their homes and forced into a gang)
    [X][Monday Deity] Assassin
    [X][Monday Action 1] Go shopping and buy lighters, zip ties, rope, pepperspray, tape
    [X][Monday Action 2] Plan out code words for our summons to quickly respond after being summoned if we were to suddenly be ambushed. (Wink wink, Coil.)
    [X][Tuesday Action 1] Learn First Aid by watching first aid training videos
    [X][Tuesday Action 2] See if the Mages can set up traps/wards around our home that stays after they disappear
    [X][Wednesday Action 1] Train Acrobatics with the help of our summons
    [X][Thursday Action 1] Train Swordsmanship with the help of our summons
    [X] Plan For Week
    -[X][Today Action 1] Train Skill (Parahumans)
    -[X][Today Action 2] Research Online (Factions in Brockton Bay)
    --[X][Sunday Deity] Mage
    --[X][Sunday Action 1] Train Skill (Mythology)
    --[X][Sunday Action 2] Train Skill (Legal)
    ---[X][Monday Deity] Assassin
    ---[X][Monday Action 1] Go register/join PRT with Assassin
    ---[X][Monday Action 2] Power Testing if required
    ----[X][Tuesday Deity] Hunter
    ----[X][Tuesday Action 1] Train Skill (Mythology)
    ----[X][Tuesday Action 2] Train Skill (Legal)
    -----[X][Wednesday Deity] Warrior
    -----[X][Wednesday Action 1] Train Skill (Mythology)
    -----[X][Wednesday Action 2] Train Skill (Parahumans)
    ------[X][Thursday Deity] Guardian
    ------[X][Thursday Action 1] Train Skill (Mythology)
    ------[X][Thursday Action 2] Train Skill (Parahumans)
    -------[X][Friday Deity] Mage
    -------[X][Friday Action 1] Train Skill (Swordmanship)
    -------[X][Friday Action 2] Train Skill (Legal)
    --------[X][Saturday Deity] Assassin
    --------[X][Saturday Action 1] Train Skill (Swordmanship)
    --------[X][Saturday Action 2] Train Skill (Legal)
    [X][Cape Name] MythBuster
    [X][Cape Name] Fulcrum

Vote is closed.

Mythos as the cape name and Independent for affiliation won definitively.

The weekly plan votes though have lead to some... complications due to formatting. Multiple actions are tied with no definitive plan having actually won. As such I'm stuck with two choices:

1) Essentially flip a coin on the actions that tied and Frankenstein the week plan together.

2) Restart the week plan vote with an adjusted format to get a better consensus on what players want to do.

Neither of these are particularly ideal for various reasons and I can understand how frustrating both options are for you guys and for that I deeply apologize for the inconvenience. This was 100% my fault for how I set up the votes and I will strive not to let this sort of situation happen again as the quest progresses.

With that said, after much consideration, I decided to do a redo of the week vote with a new format. It just felt like the less complicated path to take. I'll keep this new vote open for about 3 days to sort this out. Again, I am so very sorry about all this and I hate that I am holding the quest back due to my error. With that in mind, please use the following vote format:

[ ][Week Plan] Write-In Plan Name
-[ ][Today Action 1] Write-In
-[ ][Today Action 2] Write-In
-[ ][Sunday Deity] Select one class
--[ ][Sunday Action 1] Write in
--[ ][Sunday Action 2] Write in
-[ ][Monday Deity] Select one class
--[ ][Monday Action 1] Write in
--[ ][Monday Action 2] Write in
-[ ][Tuesday Deity] Select one class
--[ ][Tuesday Action 1] Write in
--[ ][Tuesday Action 2] Write in
-[ ][Wednesday Deity] Select one class
--[ ][Wednesday Action 1] Write in
--[ ][Wednesday Action 2] Write in
-[ ][Thursday Deity] Select one class
--[ ][Thursday Action 1] Write in
--[ ][Thursday Action 2] Write in
-[ ][Friday Deity] Select one class
--[ ][Friday Action 1] Write in
--[ ][Friday Action 2] Write in
-[ ][Saturday Deity] Select one class
--[ ][Saturday Action 1] Write in
--[ ][Saturday Action 2] Write in
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[X][Week Plan] Plan Preparing for Battle!
-[X][Today Action 1] Go on PHO. Research all capes in the Bay. Who is who, what territory do they hold, what are the lesser known uses for their powers, etc.
-[X][Today Action 2] Research online. Independent hero/vigilante laws. What can you do legally? What can you do that is technically illegal but is a grey area that the PRT likely won't look to closely at? How much can we hurt people in a case where we slip up and injure a gang member? What is the legality of taking a sword into combat? Can we be arrested just for having a sword?
-[X][Sunday Deity] Mage
--[X][Sunday Action 1] See what kind of permanent Magic the Mage can leave behind. Effects on your house, effects you can put on a costume, effects that could be put on you, and the requirements for all of the above. These can then be integrated into the next plan vote for next week.
--[X][Sunday Action 2] Go shopping for elements of a basic costume. Just a hoodie, some gloves, some boots, and a mask for now. But if something happens we need a way to prevent being outed. We can make a more professional costume later.
-[X][Monday Deity] Warrior
--[X][Monday Action 1] Practice Swordsmanship. Emphasize translating our fencing practice into practical combat with the God as a sparring partner.
--[X][Monday Action 2] Research independent Parahuman Laws. What can we get away with regarding ignoring the Protectorate, what is the process for independent registration, how deep does the power testing need to go, etc? What are the contemporary examples we can follow that aren't just New Wave? How can we get into trouble for helping people? Because the world is stupid and we want to help people with a minimum of trouble.
-[X][Tuesday Deity] Assassin
--[X][Tuesday Action 1] Fitness Training! Emphasis on running, maybe some parkour, and how to take falls and hits.
--[X][Tuesday Action 2] Ask the God we summon if we can get boons from them for completing certain tasks, and have them give us possible tasks to work on over the next week.
-[X][Wednesday Deity] Warrior
--[X][Wednesday Action 1] Practice Swordsmanship. Emphasize translating our fencing practice into practical combat with the God as a sparring partner.
--[X][Wednesday Action 2] Order an actual sword. There are places online that sell actual combat swords, so we can just order an actual combat one. Also order a nonlethal wooden "practice" one for non-lethal use.
-[X][Thursday Deity] Mage
--[X][Thursday Action 1] What kind of information gathering skills can our gods have? What kind of Boons can they give us that can help us find villains and crimes happening. Wandering around looking for crime is fine if you just want to show the flag like the Protectorate, but if we want to make a difference then we need more specifics, and I'm sure these gods can give us some pointers and/or help.
--[X][Thursday Action 2] Fitness Training! Emphasis on running, maybe some parkour, and how to take falls and hits. Does our Mage summon have anything to add to this? A mobility skill, maybe some Magic fitness spell they can use to help? Other possibility: Dodgeball but with Magic!
-[X][Friday Deity] Guardian
--[X][Friday Action 1] Spar with our summon, this time with less emphasis on the Sword and more about practical combat practice, especially footwork.
--[X][Friday Action 2] Research cape costumes with an eye towards what we want. Who sells what, how do we get an armored costume, and how expensive are such things? Can we integrate things to make enchanting our costume easier? What kind of design do we eventually want? (Could trigger costume vote?)
-[X][Saturday Deity] Mage
--[X][Saturday Action 1] Train? Research Myths and Legends? Who have we summoned up to now, and what are their stories? What family and connections do they have among other mythological figures?
--[X][Saturday Action 2] Put some of that information gathering to good use! Find us some places the Gangs are at that will hurt them so we can hit them next week! Focus on the Merchants for this one. This may involve physically going out in inconspicuous fashion to look around in the bad parts of the city, but could also involve remote scrying as well.

Whew, that was a lot! Tried to get a good balance of training upper or lower body every day and a different research topic every day. Mind and body, both trained trained for the hardships of cape life soon! Should also give the QM space to establish a lot of the setting in character, as well as nail down things like the Boon and Magic mechanics early so we can start using them.

Don't want to go straight into the PRT, especially since we don't even know anything about how our Powers work right now, so trying to explain them to the labcoats isn't exactly going to cover anyone in glory. We can do that next week, after the research gives us details on what we can and cannot get away with and we have a better handle on our abilities.

EDIT: Forgot the Xs. :cry:

EDIT2: QM pointed out one rules issue, added a couple ideas, and fixed a typo.
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@Magus Zanin Just so you are aware, you have a warrior summoned three days in a row and you need to adjust slightly to fit in the rules as you need to alternate.

Changed Tuesday to an Assassin since I didn't have any of those because I forgot that was a category. Shouldn't make any difference since that day was Running and Parkour training anyway. The Boon options from that specific god will change, but that's not a huge deal since those are longer term goals anyway.
[X][Week Plan] Plan Preparing for Battle!

Regarding the voting it might have also helped to not jump to plans for the week so quickly because there are a lot of actions that could change what you want to do after such as how some people wanted to do debut early things like register with the prt (who would inevitably try to get some commitment such as come back so we can test a different summon or do a joint patrol) or the same for the meet Vicky option or the have a mage leave behind defences on the house or enchanted items since those would probably want to be repeated if the mage isn't able to do any.
Adhoc vote count started by CedeTheBees on Jun 7, 2024 at 7:52 PM, finished with 13 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X][Week Plan] Plan Preparing for Battle!
    [X][Week Plan] Plan Preparing for Battle!
    -[X][Today Action 1] Go on PHO. Research all capes in the Bay. Who is who, what territory do they hold, what are the lesser known uses for their powers, etc.
    -[X][Today Action 2] Research online. Independent hero/vigilante laws. What can you do legally? What can you do that is technically illegal but is a grey area that the PRT likely won't look to closely at? How much can we hurt people in a case where we slip up and injure a gang member? What is the legality of taking a sword into combat? Can we be arrested just for having a sword?
    -[X][Sunday Deity] Mage
    --[X][Sunday Action 1] See what kind of permanent Magic the Mage can leave behind. Effects on your house, effects you can put on a costume, effects that could be put on you, and the requirements for all of the above. These can then be integrated into the next plan vote for next week.
    --[X][Sunday Action 2] Go shopping for elements of a basic costume. Just a hoodie, some gloves, some boots, and a mask for now. But if something happens we need a way to prevent being outed. We can make a more professional costume later.
    -[X][Monday Deity] Warrior
    --[X][Monday Action 1] Practice Swordsmanship. Emphasize translating our fencing practice into practical combat with the God as a sparring partner.
    --[X][Monday Action 2] Research independent Parahuman Laws. What can we get away with regarding ignoring the Protectorate, what is the process for independent registration, how deep does the power testing need to go, etc? What are the contemporary examples we can follow that aren't just New Wave? How can we get into trouble for helping people? Because the world is stupid and we want to help people with a minimum of trouble.
    -[X][Tuesday Deity] Assassin
    --[X][Tuesday Action 1] Fitness Training! Emphasis on running, maybe some parkour, and how to take falls and hits.
    --[X][Tuesday Action 2] Ask the God we summon if we can get boons from them for completing certain tasks, and have them give us possible tasks to work on over the next week.
    --[X][Wednesday Action 2] Order an actual sword. There are places online that sell actual combat swords, so we can just order an actual combat one. Also order a nonlethal wooden "practice" one for non-lethal use.
    --[X][Thursday Action 1] What kind of information gathering skills can our gods have? What kind of Boons can they give us that can help us find villains and crimes happening. Wandering around looking for crime is fine if you just want to show the flag like the Protectorate, but if we want to make a difference then we need more specifics, and I'm sure these gods can give us some pointers and/or help.
    --[X][Thursday Action 2] Fitness Training! Emphasis on running, maybe some parkour, and how to take falls and hits. Does our Mage summon have anything to add to this? A mobility skill, maybe some Magic fitness spell they can use to help? Other possibility: Dodgeball but with Magic!
    -[X][Friday Deity] Guardian
    --[X][Friday Action 1] Spar with our summon, this time with less emphasis on the Sword and more about practical combat practice, especially footwork.
    --[X][Friday Action 2] Research cape costumes with an eye towards what we want. Who sells what, how do we get an armored costume, and how expensive are such things? Can we integrate things to make enchanting our costume easier? What kind of design do we eventually want? (Could trigger costume vote?)
    --[X][Saturday Action 1] Train? Research Myths and Legends? Who have we summoned up to now, and what are their stories? What family and connections do they have among other mythological figures?
    --[X][Saturday Action 2] Put some of that information gathering to good use! Find us some places the Gangs are at that will hurt them so we can hit them next week! Focus on the Merchants for this one. This may involve physically going out in inconspicuous fashion to look around in the bad parts of the city, but could also involve remote scrying as well.