Skyrim: Dragon Break

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So you guys know the drill. You have played Skyrim, or you can read the extensive wikia (at...
So you guys know the drill. You have played Skyrim, or you can read the extensive wikia (at least the relevant bits). This game would take place during the events of the game. Dragonborn may or may not be present, depends how the Dragon Break feels that day.

The game would launch on Saturday, which gives both @Yonatan and myself time to prepare everything, while also giving you guys time to provide input on what you would like to see and/or play in this game. List your chosen factions in order of preference. You are not limited to three options, but don't list things that you are not interested to play.

Playable Factions:

Imperial Legion (also, the 9 Legates)
The 9 Stormcloak officers
The 9 Jarls
Forsworn (Make your own warlord, king is NPC for now)
Thalmor Embassy
Bandit Factions (canon options such as Blackblood Marauders and Blood Horkers, or make your own)
Individual Vampire Lords (except Harkon, Serana)
Necromancers/Witches Covens
Daedric Cults
House Redoran of Raven Rock
Orc Strongholds
Vigilants of Stendarr

If you can think of anything that can be fun to play, feel free to suggest.
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I'm going to guess that the Dragons are either NPC or a non-entity at this point?
House Telvanni of Ravens Rock
Daedric Cult of Hermaeus Mora
Thalmor Embassy
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Well, if I had to pick:

1. Individual Vampire Lords
2. Necromancers/Witch Covens
3. Vigilants of Stendar
4. Bandit Faction
  1. Daedric Cult of Sheogorath, or at least that's what we are on Fridays.
  2. Cult of Miraak
  3. Jarl Balgruuf of Whiterun
  4. The Dawnguard
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Mages Guild
Legate Constantius Tituleius
Jarl Laila Law-Giver of Riften
General Tullius (If we need one)
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Is it possible to have a custom Jarl of Ivarstead? There's a mod for Skyrim that adds it which I used with my character and I'd love to give it a try here, as I don't feel strongly about one Jarl or another, except maybe Elisif. Obviously she wouldn't be the Dragonborn.

Lord Neloth of Tel Mythrin ( not on the list but it would be a bitchin faction/character)
House Redoran of Raven Rock
Daedric Cult - Azura
Is it possible to have a custom Jarl of Ivarstead? There's a mod for Skyrim that adds it which I used with my character and I'd love to give it a try here, as I don't feel strongly about one Jarl or another, except maybe Elisif. Obviously she wouldn't be the Dragonborn.
I wouldn't complain about Elisif being the Dragonborn simply for the humour factor.
Is it possible to have a custom Jarl of Ivarstead? There's a mod for Skyrim that adds it which I used with my character and I'd love to give it a try here, as I don't feel strongly about one Jarl or another, except maybe Elisif. Obviously she wouldn't be the Dragonborn.
Do you mean a thane? Ivarstead is part of Riften, and we are using canon Skyrim, so no custom Jarl I'm afraid.
Falmer (the scale of which control is done can be debated. I'd like to start out as just a single migratory tribe)


Jarl(ess) of Solitude

Greybeards for some chilling in High Hrothgar and dragons

East Empire Trading Company