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A collection of one-shots and snippets that may or may not eventually become their own stories.
SuperHero (Worm [OC])


Wake the f#ck up, samurai.
Someplace in California
"So, let me get this straight. You want to form your very own super hero team."

"That's the short of it, yes."

"You. The guy who has clearly read one too many Punisher comics, want to make a super hero team. And you want us, a girl who can control all the freaking bugs and a guy who hasn't even been in this stupid place for a few months, to be your sidekicks."

"...well, when you put it like



"Well, here we are!"

We climbed out of the SUV, looking at our new house. It was certainly brighter than our old one, dyed in pastel colors, and a vibrant green front lawn, a bright red door, and a very green tree sitting right in front of the house. Said tree also looked like a damned wind hazard waiting to happen, given how big it was. One powerful gust of wind, and the damn thing would come down on top of us.

I looked around the street, finding it surprisingly sparse despite it being well into the afternoon. The houses nearby were just as bright as ours, albeit with personal touches. Some had yet to take down their Halloween and Christmas decorations, either finding it a hassle or liking how it spruced up their homes. I especially liked the house across from us, which had a bloody message sprawled across the garage door reading: "STAY AWAY DEAD INSIDE".

"Awww," my sister whined childishly next to me. "I was hoping it was going to be a three-story!"

I raised an eyebrow and looked down at her. "I'm almost afraid to ask, but why were you hoping it was going to be a three-story?"

"More room to hang my art. Duh!"

I rolled my eyes. Honestly, the house wasn't bad, but... It wasn't our house. It wasn't the same, obviously. It never would be. I just wish it was.

I wished we never moved to this stupid fucking place. I mean, seriously. Of all the places Mom could have picked, it had to be the city that had honest-to-god Nazis. It was hard not to know Brockton Bay when you live on Parahuman Online for most of the day. Half the boards and discussions I frequented talked about this place at least three times a week, and not all of it was good. The heroes were outnumbered when you grouped the PRT and the independents together, and some of the villains were so bad that, well... Let's just say a lot of discussions got heated about the heroes actually doing their job.

Honestly, I was indifferent to the whole thing. So long as it didn't involve me, I couldn't care less what happened in Brockton Bay.

Until now.

"Mom, Kyle's making weird faces again!" Michelle yelled.

I sighed. "No, I'm not."

"It's fine," Mom smiled at me. As usual, she didn't get why I was being so moody. "Moving to someplace new is always difficult at first. Don't worry, you'll get used to this place before you know it!"

No, I wouldn't. Not when I had to worry about getting kidnapped right off the streets or killed for some asinine reason.

Well, Kyle Wilson, I thought wryly. Welcome to the worst place to live in America that isn't Night City.

As promised, I have made a snippet thread. It's sort of like my Story Box on my FFN account, which I'll eventually port over when I have the time...not that there's much to port over since there's only, like, one fanfic idea in there. I digress.

So, the general synopsis of this story, titled SuperHero. It's an OC-centric story, but not a self-insert. The story follows Kyle Wilson, a kid from the countryside whose family moves to Brockton Bay due to some circumstances involving the death of his father. Although initially reluctant to get involved in the cape scene, a cape fight gone wrong nearly puts his sister in danger and decides to get revenge, which in turn leads him to meet a grizzled veteran who's been looking into a criminal conspiracy that's made a base of operations somewhere in Brockton Bay underneath everyone's noses. The story follows an original storyline, with canon happening in the background...well, for a given value of canon, as the bit at the start already makes it clear Taylor is also coming along for the ride in this adventure. Her day out as a cape happens somewhat differently and puts her on a collision course to partnering with Kyle and the veteran.

That's the basic idea of the story. I doubt I'll ever get to this anytime soon, so I'm just posting this here so as to give you an idea of what to expect if and when this story becomes a reality.
Also, yes, I'm aware this snippet is sparse on information and lacking in details, and that's kind of the point. It's a rough idea.