Sky Pirate Quest

Votes Locked

[] Daedalus
[] Search for a ship to, uh, pirate!

what kind of ammo and weapons do we have? are our crew competent fighters?

Excellent question! Because the dice gods love you, all of your crew have personal firearms. Three (four including Amadeus) have cap and ball revolvers, four have black-powder double barreled shotguns, and three have rifled muskets. Your ship is currently unarmed expect for the weapons of your crew, but that is normal for most airships at this time. Your crew are largely mechanics and laborers, so while they know enough to load and fire their weapons competently, they are not battle hardened veterans by any means.
hmmm... what is the air traffic around Baltimore? do we have the time to listen in on local gossip? maybe there's a fat merchantman carrying diamonds... :)

then let's do this:

[x] make contact with a tribe outside the US boundaries (i.e. which tribe again fought in the Battle of Wounded Knee?)
- offer them our services in exchange for a safe haven, our own enclave
- opportunity to recruit their braves. those mechanically inclined among them
- offer trade goods (i.e. medicine)
- offer to become a diplomat for them to help negotiate truces with other tribes (i.e. Sioux), foreign powers (i.e. Austria) to gain foreign aid and unity among other tribes
- hopefully we can make a third state (i.e. United Tribes of America) while the USA brawls with the CSA!

[x] make contact with the Underground Railroad
- offer them our services... for a fee
- offer the freed slaves and other abolitionist to join you instead of just escaping to Canada

[x] find friends among any explorer's guild, navigators, surveyor groups, settlers
- offer them our services--- for a fee
- make a copy of their maps
- explore and exploit the Wild West!

[x] contact an ambitious, European land-locked state (i.e. Austria) or even just a noble family
- offer them our services and technical know-how
- offer to spy on the other powers, families?

[x] open new trade routes to Asia and Oceania
- supply weapons and medicines to rebelling states (i.e. Philippines)
- help rebellions by contacting rival foreign powers to aid in their struggles (i.e. contact H.R.E. to aid Vietnamese against the French)

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