Situation Foxtrot (SAO/Foxhole) [COMPLETE]

[X] Plan Variety Plan
-[X] Expand a bunker base with Advanced Systems (Intel Center, Storm Cannon, Factories, et. cettera)
--[X] Intel Center
-[X] Expand your bunker base with Defensive Patterns (Requires techniques, vote to begin development)
--[X] With medium patterns (x24 to go to New Base Completion)
--[X] With bunking and support infrastructure (x24 to go to New Base Completion)
-[X] Go and recruit more personnel
--[X] Frontline recruitment: Go to the front and snag some blueberries! (Recruits 1d10+1 Orange personnel)
-[X] Extra work shifts
--[X] Frontline Support: Put your people in the trenches on secondary duties: terminal logistics, machine guns, fortification, and other 'mostly safe' jobs to stiffen them up.
-[X] Begin operational planning for Something Big
--[X] Change of command of the 15th to Asuna (Orr go be a Brigade CO instead of a Regimental CO damnit)
--[X] Continue writing the Doctrine (Regimental)(9/10 complete)
-[X] You have enough spare brain cells in this department: put some time and manpower into the Brigade functions! (Grants one Brigade action)
-[X] Requisition Material
--[X] Artillery Systems
---[X] Wasp's Nest Rocket Launcher
-[X] Get in touch with another regiment that does something you need (Discovers and improves relations with one random regiment inside the search group)
--[X] Production
-[X] Go talk to someone specific/Meet a Specific Regiment
--[X] Cauthon
-[X] You have enough spare equipment and kit: put some time and manpower into the Brigade functions! (Grants one Brigade action)
-[X] Begin an active siege of Fortress Foxcatcher. You have them surrounded, now bring up the guns and start wearing them down.
-[X] Search for more regiments to add to the Brigade: you have to catch them all!
--[X] QRF
-[X] Perform a Brigade Operations Analysis: Figure out not just how you do things, but why you do things, and think about how you can improve doing the things you do well and how to not do things you do poorly.
-[X] Begin developing Brigade Doctrine (0/10)

This is not very different from the other plan but it does start working on Foxcatcher, which I still think we have enough time to snap up before the new operation kicks off. And tries to get some of our lot a bit more used to hearing bullets go whistling past without hitting the dirt.
[X] Plan Variety Plan, Now With Different Variety
-[X] Expand a bunker base with Advanced Systems (Intel Center, Storm Cannon, Factories, et. cettera)
--[X] Intel Center
-[X] Expand your bunker base with Defensive Patterns (Requires techniques, vote to begin development)
--[X] With medium patterns (x24 to go to New Base Completion)
--[X] With bunking and support infrastructure (x24 to go to New Base Completion)
-[X] Go and recruit more personnel
--[X] Frontline recruitment: Go to the front and snag some blueberries! (Recruits 1d10+1 Orange personnel)
-[X] Commit training!
--[X] Combat Vehicle Training: Your people know how to drive trucks and push guns, but the sort of work and operations needed to utilize an armored car or tank is completely outside your wheelhouse. Get some domestic tankers ready- you'll need them if you ever use armored contingents or self-propelled guns.
-[X] Begin operational planning for Something Big
--[X] Change of command of the 15th to Asuna (Orr go be a Brigade CO instead of a Regimental CO damnit)
--[X] Continue writing the Doctrine (Regimental)(9/10 complete)
-[X] You have enough spare brain cells in this department: put some time and manpower into the Brigade functions! (Grants one Brigade action)
-[X] Requisition Material
--[X] Artillery Systems
---[X] Wasp's Nest Rocket Launcher
-[X] Get in touch with another regiment that does something you need (Discovers and improves relations with one random regiment inside the search group)
--[X] Production
-[X] Go talk to someone specific/Meet a Specific Regiment
--[X] Cauthon
-[X] You have enough spare equipment and kit: put some time and manpower into the Brigade functions! (Grants one Brigade action)
-[X] Begin an active siege of Fortress Foxcatcher. You have them surrounded, now bring up the guns and start wearing them down.
-[X] Search for more regiments to add to the Brigade: you have to catch them all!
--[X] QRF
-[X] Perform a Brigade Operations Analysis: Figure out not just how you do things, but why you do things, and think about how you can improve doing the things you do well and how to not do things you do poorly.
-[X] Begin developing Brigade Doctrine (0/10)

Namely, for people whose eyes cross at the giant list of text, getting a head start on training people on SPGs and motorized artillery.
Really like this quest and I can't wait to see what happens next

well ideally this next operation works, you win SitFox, and I get to write SitFox 2. Ideally. It'll include all sorts of fun stuff; like Orr getting mad at her title being taken literally, Kirito cursing out costume designers, Jetstream Sam, ethical dilemmas the size of mountains, ablative armor, body modification, and of course some mild corporate dystopia.

And maybe a certain Mother Base.
well ideally this next operation works, you win SitFox, and I get to write SitFox 2. Ideally. It'll include all sorts of fun stuff; like Orr getting mad at her title being taken literally, Kirito cursing out costume designers, Jetstream Sam, ethical dilemmas the size of mountains, ablative armor, body modification, and of course some mild corporate dystopia.

And maybe a certain Mother Base.
Also I'm wondering if ALO will exist in the future since it would be friggin hilarious for Kirito to go from 'modern warfare the MMORPG' to 'sword fairy MMORPG' and wondering why in god's green earth someone thought repurposing Kayaba's old code was a good idea and turn it into a fairy game.
Also I'm wondering if ALO will exist in the future since it would be friggin hilarious for Kirito to go from 'modern warfare the MMORPG' to 'sword fairy MMORPG' and wondering why in god's green earth someone thought repurposing Kayaba's old code was a good idea and turn it into a fairy game.

Yes, ALO will exist in the future. That said, it's not weird that people will reuse the SEED for that: remember that you can successfully build radically different games on the same hardware: Unity, Unreal Engine, Source; all good examples. And for instances like Bethesda praying that the Creation engine will last another round, there's FromSoft that made Armored Core VI and Sekiro on the same root engine. Fundamentally, a good dev team in acceptable conditions will make their engine work with them, no matter what it is.
[X] Plan Brigade Command

I just spent the last few days reading this quest, it's a lot of fun. I've always thought SAO was an interesting setting to extrapolate out from- Melanie's medical malpractice matter is sadly believable, and the constant background of system assist turning these gamers into gruff soldiers is mildly horrifying. I was surprised when the "tutorial" finished at the beginning, because if it was only the start, why were people already talking like crusty soldiers? It makes sense when we saw, like, a delirious Orr singing a Caoivish drinking song because of system assist. Or officers supposedly remaining calm under stress. It's pretty creepy to consider free will in such a situation.

I had also never heard of Foxhole, and will probably buy it now that I know it exists. I have fond memories of Planetside 2's release, and love the stories that can come out of games like that. I'm pretty shit at shooters, but contributing to the war effort sounds up my alley. A year ago there was a post about new players joining the Discord to be shown the ropes, I might check if that offer is still open.

As a random thought, Sinon has gotta be in here somewhere. Once we tech up to sniper rifles she's bound to pop up. This setting would jive pretty well with her issues and character arc, I think.
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Operational Mechanics v.3
Operational Mechanics Rules version 3

- Added new Bonuses/Maluses
- Added brigade rules
- Added new rules for active defenses
- Changed rail operations
- Changed Detachment Rules for clarification.

Bonuses and Maluses

Bonuses and Maluses come in two flavors: operation-wide, and stack. Operation wide maluses affect every unit in the operation, while stack maluses or bonuses only affect units up-stack of them. Below are listed the various bonuses and maluses.


-Good Planning (+1) (Stacks per turn taken doing planning)
-Talented Officers (+1) (Stacks per Red or greater regiment in the operation)
-Prototype Supplies (+1) (Only applies to Armor, Artillery, or Mechanized regiments)
-Revanchism (+1) (Only applies when retaking territory that has been held for 10 consecutive turns)
-Strategic Artillery Support (+4) (Does not stack, an operation is supported by Storm Cannon fires)
-Wet Concrete Denial (+1) (An operation is attacking wet concrete)
-Command Staff (+1) (Does not stack, given to formally organized brigades)
-Communications Center (+1) (Does not stack, given to units with specialized coms)
-Codified Doctrines (+2) (Brigade has completed Doctrinal Research)
-Multi-Point Assault (+2) (Border Crossing operations use multiple sides to a hex)

-Under-Organized (-1) (Caused by not having enough Logistics Regiments from plan outset)
-Poor Officers (-1) (Stacks per Yellow regiment in a frontline role)
-Incompetent Officers (-2) (Stacks per Green regiment in a frontline role)
-Conscripts (-3) (Stacks per White regiment in the operation)
-Blockaded (-2) (Caused by not having a supply line to a depot area on grand supply network)
-Forlorn Hope (-1) (Unit cannot stage out of bunker or relic base)
-Concrete Breaking (-1) (Unit is attacking a fully operational concreted base)
-Airwave Jamming (-1) (Unit is attacking an area with signals warfare capabilities)
-Overtaxed Staff (-1) (Unit has more than 2 units that require dedicated logistics regiments)
-Compressed Front Line (-1) (Border Crossing occurs on one hex face only)
-Active Garrisons (-1) (Enemy fortifications are manned by a Named Unit)
-Border Crossing Limitations (-1) (More than two units are in need of truck logistics over a border crossing)

Stack Effects

-Critical Rollover (+1) (A unit down-stack rolled a 10 or higher, applies to any phase of stack)
-Armor Support (+1) (Stacks, a unit is supported by an armored formation that passed their roll)
-Artillery Support (+1) (Stacks, a unit is supported by direct-fire artillery)
-Heavy Artillery Support (+2) (Stacks, a unit is supported by indirect-fire artillery)
-Player Port (+1) (A water logistics unit has built an operation to allow freighter use) (Logistics Stack Only)
-Vehicle Superiority (+1) (A mechanized infantry unit has more or better vehicles. Does not stack with Prototype Supplies)
-Grenadiers (+1) (A unit has an explicitly large supply of anti-bunker munitions)
-Advanced Mechanization (+1) (An infantry or cavalry unit does not use trucks in final advance-to-contact combat)
-Integrated Fires (+1) (An infantry or cavalry unit has an attached armor or artillery section)

-Out of Supply (-1) (Stacks with every Logi regiment that failed their supply roll)
-Munitions Shortage (-2) (Does not stack, only affects unit with dedicated logistics that fails)
-Tank Shock (-1) (Unit is combatting enemy armor without dedicated weapons to counter)
-Encircled (-2) (Unit is engaged on multiple fronts)
-Trench-breaking (-1) (Unit is engaged in pushing through prepared enemy positions.)
-Landing Operation (-1) (Unit is establishing a beachhead and is not in position to get local resupply)
-Concrete Patterns (-2) (Unit is attacking a base or fortification that has been completely made of concrete fortifications)
-Mountain Assault (-1) (Unit is assaulting in, through, or around a mountain that has been integrated into defensive networks)
-Tank Traps (-1) (Unit is attacking an area filled with anti-armor obstacles. Cavalry regiments only.)
-Infantry Traps (-1) (Unit is attacking an area filled with anti-infantry obstacles. Infantry regiments only.)
-No Man's Land (-3) (Unit is attacking an area that is impassible to vehicles, hazardous to travel on foot, and cannot be built on.)

Order of Operations

In this system, the target number is 6. Rolls under 6 are failures, and above are successes. The severity of failure or scale of success is determined by the delta from 6:

To determine stack bonuses and maluses, several things must happen. First, QRF must roll in order to protect the supply corps. There can be any number of potential QRF units, but only one unit needs to pass its roll in order to count the supplies as protected. If QRF fails, then all Logistics units take a -1 penalty. Logistics must then make its rolls. Each failed Logistics roll generates one instance of Out of Supply malus to combat arms. In addition, if a unit that requires a dedicated Logistics Regiment has said Logistics Regiment fail, they incur an additional -2 to their rolls from Munitions Shortage. Units with dedicated regiments to support will have that regiment listed with them in the rolling log.

Once any instances of Out of Supply and Munitions Shortage are calculated, the combat rolls then progress. Rolls will be done as standard clean, without modifiers tied to the roll. This is to prevent typographic errors. Note that rolls will generally be done in reverse stack order: combat arms, then supply, then QRF.

Once rolls are completed and the math is done, results will be posted.

Combat Arms Special Rules

Combat Arms units are the only units that can have roll-over successes, and cannot suffer cascading failures. In addition, several Combat Arms units have inbuilt bonuses, listed below.

Armor: Gives Armor Support to itself and two other regiments, requires a dedicated Logistics Regiment
Light/Direct Fire Artillery: Gives Artillery Support to itself and two other regiments, requires a dedicated Logistics Regiment
Heavy/Indirect Fire Artillery: Gives Heavy Artillery Support to itself and two other regiments, requires a dedicated Logistics Regiment
Mechanized Infantry: Gives itself and two other Regiments access to local anti-tank weapons, preventing Tank Shock, and a role to see if it has Vehicle Superiority.
Pioneers: Gives itself local anti-tank weapons, or the Grenadiers tag otherwise.
Motorized: Can serve as either a Logistics Regiment, or as a Combat Arms Regiment.
Mechanized: Equipped with a large number of APCs and IFVs. Gains organic +1 to all rolls.

Logistics Special Rules

Logistics regiments can each supply two regiments that do not need a dedicated Logi Regiment. In operations with three or less Logistics Regiments, each Logistics Regiment can maintain organic supply for its own vehicles and manpower. However, in operations with more than three Logistics Regiments, an additional Logistics Regiment must be added per two Logistics Regiment (as if Logistics were Combat Arms units) in order to provide supplies to them and additional basing. In addition, at three or less Logistics Regiments, the Out of Supply debuff does not apply to Logistics Regiments.

Logistics regiments cannot have roll-over successes, and can suffer cascading failures. In addition, there is a small number of inbuilt bonuses, as listed below.

Motorized: When serving as a Logistics Regiment, can only supply one Combat Arms regiment, but does not suffer penalties from QRF failure.
Engineering: Provides bonus Bunker Bases, and organically possesses CVs and Cranes for Player Ports and Water Logistics
Water Logistics: Can, if a Port Facility is available, support up to five Logistics Regiments for Large Operations. Player Ports count for this.
Landing Rated Logistics: Can supply one Regiment through a Blockaded area without receiving penalty.
Integrated Supply Chain: Can cue production to supply outside of stockpiled equipment in case of Technology Unlocks
Researchers: Can resupply Prototype Vehicles.
Light Rail: Can supply an additional regiment over standard.
Heavy Rail: Can supply additional regiments over standard as per Rail Spot Value

QRF Special Rules

QRF- Quick Response Forces- have one singular, solitary job: to protect logistics. Each and every QRF unit is immune to Out of Supply debuffs, and is not effected by items later in the stack. However, QRF units cannot donate buffs to the rest of the force, and are otherwise isolated from the rest of the engagement. Otherwise, QRF units count as standard Combat Arms units for purposes of supply, and have no special rules.

Battalion Rules

In some instances, a unit is large enough that it dwarfs other regiments. To represent this, it fights by battalion, instead of by regiment. To model this, regiments that fight by Battalion will be demarcated as Regimental Number/Battalion Number. If a regiment is fighting by battalion, each battalion will consume supplies at standard regimental levels to demarcate their relative fighting power, and each battalion will have a separate roll in the Combat Arms rolls as if it were an independent regiment. Note that a singular regiment large enough to fight by battalion may or may not choose to fight as such, and change their regimental tags to suit. For example, a unit comprised of mixed armored cars, a small artillery battery, and mounted infantry might choose to fight as a single regiment of motor rifles, or multiple battalions of motor rifles with one having the Grenadiers tag, or as a battalion of Dragoons and another battalion of Motorized Infantry. All of these combinations are valid, and each battalion will roll in Combat Arms as per its individual tags and apply stack effects as per its individual tags.

Specialist Detachment Rules

There are a number of regimental types that are not dedicated to combat or logistics in a strict sense. To model the participation of these units in combat actions, they will give assorted Stack-wide buffs and debuffs. As a general rule, a Specialist Detachment buff is in proportion to its cost, even if that cost is not based in mission time.

Note this is an incomplete list: not all specialists detachments are unlocked or formed at present moment.

Commandos: Counts as +1 Planning Bonus (Recon), does not cost Logistics Cap. Cannot build Bunker Bases, and must roll Recon before battle with no modifiers to apply regiment-specific stack bonus.
Medical: Grants +2 to lowest Combat Arms roll, costs 1 Logistics Cap. Does not roll to provide bonus.
Rail: Builds railroads, granting Light Rail and Heavy Rail tags to connecting region. Cost is measured in narrative time.
Chemical Warfare: Grants +1 Planning Bonus (Specialist Weapons). Costs 1 Logistics Cap.
Intelligence: Grants +1 Planning Bonus (Recon), does not cost Logistics Cap. Cost measured in narrative time, must roll Recon before battle with no modifiers to apply regiment-specific stack bonus.
Naval: Grants Naval tag to artillery unit, allows artillery unit to operate from water. No further costs.
Signals Warfare: Grants +1 Planning Bonus (Signals), nullifies enemy signal warfare attempts, counts as Command Staff for brigade-level officership.
Commissariat: Raises the Color Rating of one unit by one rate removing related penalties, does not cost Logistics Cap, requires a formal Brigade and other narrative costs.
Combat Engineering: +1 Combat Arms bonus if the enemy has Entrenchment conditions.
Strategic Fires Elements: Supplies Strategic Fires bonus.

Railroads and Logistics Interactions

Railroads, once constructed, are measured in Spot Factor. Spot Factor is a measure of carrying capacity not related to the count of rails they have, but rather how much logistics can be mounted on them. Each regiment that uses railroads has a Spot Value, which is how much space they take up on a railroad. Standard logistics regiments, when automatically using railroads to get a logistics boost, gain the ability to carry an additional Combat Arms regiment: therefore, they may support three Infantry regiments, or an Infantry and Armored or Artillery regiment. When a standard logistics regiment uses a railroad, they become Light Rail, and therefore consume a Spot Value of 1. When a dedicated Rail Logistics regiment with the Heavy Rail tag is present, they consume a Spot Value of 2, and may provide support to four Infantry regiments, two Artillery or Armor regiments, or any combination therof. Note that a Heavy Rail regiment has dedicated engines, flatcars, and other rail specific infrastructure: if there is not a railway with a spot value of 1 or better connecting them from their main railroad to another railroad, they cannot participate in further operations as they cannot transit to the region.

Rail artillery regiments, should one be formed at a later date, consume supplies as per a standard artillery regiment, provide supporting fires as per a standard artillery regiment, and consumes Spot Value as per the following: Direct Fire Artillery- 2; Indirect Fire Artillery- 3; Strategic Artillery- 4. Narratively, a Rail Artillery Regiment or Battalion is under the same restrictions as a Heavy Rail Regiment. Note that Rail Artillery regiments are to be considered logistics-neutral due to their ability to re-arm in rear bases outside the frontline supply chain: ergo, they do not cost supply in the operational use.

Brigade Operations

In instances where over 50% of the regiments involved in an operation are part of a formal brigade, an additional set of modifiers will effect the operation. These modifiers are designed to represent the enhanced cohesion that a properly designed and operated Brigade is able to perform, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of those formations. As these are directly pertaining to the Combat Stack and the Combat Stack only, units assigned to QRF duties do not count for determining Brigade Effects. The main types of brigade and related modifiers will be listed below.

Types of Brigades and Effects

Infantry Brigade (At least 4 Infantry Regiments): Men Of The Fields (+1 per Infantry Regiment per excess Supply delivered)
Cavalry Brigade (At least 2 Cavalry Regiments and 0 Artillery Regiments): Plowshares into Swords (Reroll worst Regimental Result)
Artillery Brigade (At least 2 Artillery Regiments and 0 Cavalry Regiments): Ex Regio Ultimum (Nullify any Stack Effects based on terrain or enemy fortification)
Mechanized Brigade (At least 2 Motorized Infantry regiments, 1 Armor regiment, and any other regiment): Tracks to Progress (Negate any Munitions Shortage penalties for one category of unit)
Mixed Model Brigade (1 Armor regiment, 1 Infantry regiment, 1 Artillery regiment, and any other regiment): War of Progress (Change threshold for Critical Rollover bonus from 10 to 9)
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Alright so I suppose we would fall into the Mixed Brigade Doctrine which means crits are lowered so that's nice. Not as nice as the cav one but hey, you take what you can. Either way, we probably need to get a dedicated engineering regiment that can fight as we're gonna need them for sooo many obstacles. If we want infantry, I'd probably recommend finding mechanized so they can fill in our infantry shortage and prevent tank shock for select units.
My goal is to turn the 163 Motor Rifles into a mechanized unit in the process of building them up to try and catch up with the capabilities of the 62 Grenadiers and 64 Armor. Given how little time we have before the operation starts however its very much in question how viable that is to achieve before its go time. It'd still be easier than trying to find a independent mechanized regiment to recruit as I imagine they'd be in rather high demand.
I hardly needed to be told, but attacking tough forts in the mountains seems like an even worse idea than it did previously.

Yeah, I recognized the system didn't have many good ways to model how garbage terrain can be. That's fixed now!

If we want infantry, I'd probably recommend finding mechanized so they can fill in our infantry shortage and prevent tank shock for select units.
It'd still be easier than trying to find a independent mechanized regiment to recruit as I imagine they'd be in rather high demand.

One does not simply find a mechanized regiment floating around in the wind, yeah. While the up front costs aren't nearly as cancer as an armor regiment can be, the problem is lower vehicle survivability means much, much worse turnover. A Niska might cost a third of an Outlaw to build, but you're going to lose five times as many Niskas because of how fragile they are and how they don't have a good long range weapon option. Mulloys are worse, and that's all before you realize how much time needs to get invested in transporting this stuff from MPF hexes to the front lines.
to hell with it, this is a day early, but Votes Called
Scheduled vote count started by 7734 on Oct 18, 2023 at 12:53 AM, finished with 33 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] Plan Brigade Command
    -[X] Expand a bunker base with Advanced Systems (Intel Center, Storm Cannon, Factories, et. cettera)
    --[X] Intel Center
    -[X] Expand your bunker base with Defensive Patterns (Requires techniques, vote to begin development)
    --[X] With medium patterns (x24 to go to New Base Completion)
    --[X] With bunking and support infrastructure (x24 to go to New Base Completion)
    -[X] Go and recruit more personnel
    --[X] Frontline recruitment: Go to the front and snag some blueberries! (Recruits 1d10+1 Orange personnel)
    -[X] Begin operational planning for Something Big
    --[X] Change of command of the 15th to Asuna (Orr go be a Brigade CO instead of a Regimental CO damnit)
    --[X] Continue writing the Doctrine (Regimental)(9/10 complete)
    --[X] Start planning an Operation
    ---[X] As per the Argo Plan of Battle: Marbans, then following through to Deadlands.
    -[X] You have enough spare brain cells in this department: put some time and manpower into the Brigade functions! (Grants one Brigade action)
    -[X] Requisition Material
    --[X] Artillery Systems
    ---[X] Wasp's Nest Rocket Launcher
    -[X] Get in touch with another regiment that does something you need (Discovers and improves relations with one random regiment inside the search group)
    --[X] Production
    -[X] Go talk to someone specific/Meet a Specific Regiment
    --[X] Cauthon
    -[X] You have enough spare equipment and kit: put some time and manpower into the Brigade functions! (Grants one Brigade action)
    -[X] Search for more regiments to add to the Brigade: you have to catch them all!
    --[X] QRF
    --[X] Engineering
    -[X] Perform a Brigade Operations Analysis: Figure out not just how you do things, but why you do things, and think about how you can improve doing the things you do well and how to not do things you do poorly.
    -[X] Begin developing Brigade Doctrine (0/10)
    [X] Plan Variety Plan, Now With Different Variety
    -[X] Expand a bunker base with Advanced Systems (Intel Center, Storm Cannon, Factories, et. cettera)
    --[X] Intel Center
    -[X] Expand your bunker base with Defensive Patterns (Requires techniques, vote to begin development)
    --[X] With medium patterns (x24 to go to New Base Completion)
    --[X] With bunking and support infrastructure (x24 to go to New Base Completion)
    -[X] Go and recruit more personnel
    --[X] Frontline recruitment: Go to the front and snag some blueberries! (Recruits 1d10+1 Orange personnel)
    -[X] Commit training!
    --[X] Combat Vehicle Training: Your people know how to drive trucks and push guns, but the sort of work and operations needed to utilize an armored car or tank is completely outside your wheelhouse. Get some domestic tankers ready- you'll need them if you ever use armored contingents or self-propelled guns.
    -[X] Begin operational planning for Something Big
    --[X] Change of command of the 15th to Asuna (Orr go be a Brigade CO instead of a Regimental CO damnit)
    --[X] Continue writing the Doctrine (Regimental)(9/10 complete)
    -[X] You have enough spare brain cells in this department: put some time and manpower into the Brigade functions! (Grants one Brigade action)
    -[X] Requisition Material
    --[X] Artillery Systems
    ---[X] Wasp's Nest Rocket Launcher
    -[X] Get in touch with another regiment that does something you need (Discovers and improves relations with one random regiment inside the search group)
    --[X] Production
    -[X] Go talk to someone specific/Meet a Specific Regiment
    --[X] Cauthon
    -[X] You have enough spare equipment and kit: put some time and manpower into the Brigade functions! (Grants one Brigade action)
    -[X] Begin an active siege of Fortress Foxcatcher. You have them surrounded, now bring up the guns and start wearing them down.
    -[X] Search for more regiments to add to the Brigade: you have to catch them all!
    --[X] QRF
    -[X] Perform a Brigade Operations Analysis: Figure out not just how you do things, but why you do things, and think about how you can improve doing the things you do well and how to not do things you do poorly.
    -[X] Begin developing Brigade Doctrine (0/10)
7734 threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Recruitment (Orange) Total: 12
4 4 8 8
7734 threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Doctrinal Progress Total: 3
3 3
7734 threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Requisition: Wasp's Nest Total: 8
4 4 4 4
7734 threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Diplomacy (Red Hand) Total: 7
7 7
7734 threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Diplomacy (QRF) Total: 2
2 2
7734 threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Diplomacy (Engineers) Total: 2
2 2
7734 threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Brigade Doctrine Total: 6
6 6
Sitting down at your desk, you tried to breathe deeply. You were nervous, mind a-jangling like someone running a ring of keys down the strings of an electric guitar. Your completed regimental doctrine sat by your left hand, staring you like the eye of Sauron. Everything you'd had, everything you'd lived from this past year, boiled down and distilled in the most sterile ways to make it palatable for any artillery commander to read and understand their place within the plans of the 15e Flying Artillery. It was your pentumulate work. Allsight. Weathering Halls. Some parts of Morgen's Crossing, even if you were still an Uhlans regiment then.

Everything you'd done. It was as much your memoirs as your manual of doctrine. Everything you were till now.

By your right hand, the Brigade and Regimental Ledgers sat. The former, a sign of your power and authority. The latter, a sign of your success. Both important to who you were, who you could be, who you had been.

"Melanie," Asuna said, coming in to your office with a small smile. Her uniform was neat-pressed, hair up in a bun as she took off her kepi and sat it down on the edge of her chair as she sat down with you. "It's not often you need me for a private meeting."

"This'll probably be made public soon," you admitted, before trying to crack a smile. "But I'm swamped. The brigade is eating more and more of my time, and I can't just try and fob it off on our staff anymore. I need to lighten the load."

"Lighten the load? Melanie, what are you talking about?"

Picking up the Regimental Ledger, you breathed in and out deeply. "I mean, I'm giving up the 15e. I'm giving it to you."

Asuna fell back in her chair. "What."

"I told you. I'm giving you the regiment. Colonel Asuna, has a nice ring to it?" you asked, trying to screw in a smile. "I shouldn't be hogging all the titles to myself, you've proved yourself more than enough. This is for the good of everyone. Really."

"Melanie, you can't!"

You snapped, slapping the desk. "You think I want to do this?" you asked, throat raw as the first digital tears slipped from your eyes. "This is my baby! I made it, me! I hate the thought of giving it up, but I can't be Colonel Orr and General Orr anymore! It's too much work! Look!"

Standing, you went to the wall with your calender, covered in blue and black and red ink. "Every detachment, every day, every two-bit little job, I need to work with officers for. I talk to builders and to fighters and to the artillerymen, and then when I'm done with that it's off to hither and yon to deal with other regiments! There's never enough time to be myself, hell- there's barely enough time for me to sleep! I'm getting tired, Asuna!" you said, before flopping back into your chair bonelessly. "I'm getting very tired."

"Are you sure, though?" Asuna asked, lips pursed. "I mean, I know it's rough, but I don't think I can do it. I don't. I really don't."

"You're the only other officer I trust with it, to be frank," you admitted. "Calico, Landry, Klasse; they don't have the backbone. Tropico and Hainut wouldn't dare ask. That leaves you."

"Orr, please-!"

"That leaves you," you said with finality. "Asuna. Please. I'll do everything I can to get you up to speed, but there's a point where I'm going to start going mad trying to keep this dog and pony show under control, and we're reaching it quickly."

"I-" Asuna started, before sighing. "Alright. Alright. Show me how to take command of the regiment."

Opening the Regimental Ledger, you went to the sixth page: Commanding Officer of the Regiment. "Write your name in the box below mine," you said, "then date it with today."

Asuna did so, and the ledger started to almost glow. "Then, I need to countersign and date it," you said, walking through your steps, "and then terminate my tenure by closing the date field for when I was the Colonel. Then, as sitting Colonel, you countersign that, and we're done."

The pen slowly scratched, until the glow stopped. The change of command was done- and slowly, the sigils on Asuna's uniform changed. Her rank as a Major- a black cross- molted away in a burst of polygons, revealing a pair of new patches: a colonel's sword bracketed by two black crosses. Standing up, you held out your hand to shake.

"Congratulations, Colonel Asuna."

"Thank… you…"


You weren't cruel to your friends, so you didn't immediately throw Asuna under the bus. Instead, you took your schedule for the fortnight, and used it to show her the ropes- sans the Brigade tasks she didn't need to be around for. This started with recruiting, or more accurately recruit familiarization. At this point, it was pretty public knowledge that you'd take just about anyone who was willing to fight and die on the line, so you just needed to take the ten-ish people you absorbed a week and run them through basic familiarization with the 15e Flying Artillery: get them a bunk, teach them the basics of their squad, what their duty stations and rations were like, the usual. It even went pretty well, at least until some of the guys realized Asuna was trained by the 11e Infantry at one point. That had nearly resulted in an Incident, until she hadn't immediately jumped up screaming to respond to a report of Bastion Dunwall being rocketed. Apparently, if she was a "real officer of the 11th", her response would have been massed counterattack with local assets instead of going over to a phone and clearing all batteries to engage in fires at local discretion. Good to see the new troopers liked her.

Likewise, new bunker production went well, and the jump-off point was now slowly expanding. You filtered in a few units- 4 battery and a company of infantry from the 62e- to help hold it down, and Asuna was appropriately bored to tears dealing with it.

The real drama started when you called Theresa to get your scheduled rocket launcher delivery. You expected to get, eh, maybe half a battery. Instead, Theresa rocked up with four ironships full of rockets, eight launchers, and all the vehicles you could need for a full battery. Your perfunctory telegram of "Theresa, what the fuck?" was answered very simply:

"Woman I told you there was a fire sale on these things! I didn't even make them, I found them lying around!"

A reasonable explanation, if the giant pile of rocket pallets now wasn't eating up way too much fucking room in the jump-off point. Fortunately, you could move 3 battery there to trade in their mortars for rocket launchers, and let a few of the less enthusiastic battery-members go back to secondary duties instead of being in an artillery battery. Training took a week before Asuna was satisfied at their base competence, but once that was done, you had a lot more heavy fires than before- as well as mortars you could hand out as a just in case measure.

In the meantime, though? You were looking at your new, shiny, concrete-had-just-finished-drying Intel Center. The CVs that had been helping build it weren't even out of the way, when you stormed in with the 58e's detachment and 72e Signals getting ready to hoover up as much information as they could. Slapping yourself down at the Big Center Display's main seat, you looked around the corners of the Intellegence Center. Dozens of crude waterfall monitors, glowing nixie tubes, and tape ticker readouts stared back at you.

"Alright people, let's fire this oversized wire sink up!" you yelled. "Captain Blackhand, what's our time until a scan is ready?"

"Three hours," he said, droll. "Slow your roll, General. The big shiny features aren't even the best part of this system, anyway."

"Oh? Then I'm sure you can show me," you replied. He just grinned, before moving up to the central consoles around the main table. Fiddling with it for a minute, he jacked in a nice, smooth telephone unit. "Pick that up, if you don't mind?" he asked, slipping into a communications headset.

You obliged, picking it up idly. As he plugged in a few sound cables, Blackhand looked over the rest of the Intel Center. "Prepare to dial outbound, frequency 1 604 111," he called out, the spacing quite deliberate.

"Dial ready!" someone else called from a radio desk station.

"Dialing!" he called back. You just sat there, looking bemused, until Argo's voice came up on the line.

"Moshi moshi, Argo-chan desu!"

"Argo, what the fuck," you asked. "How are we getting sound this good across this many hex borders?"

"Point to point transmission, baby," she replied, smug as smug can be. "We're working on airwaves so high you'd need to climb a mountain of kush to get there, and we can listen in and interrupt on any communication on low- or mid- band sets. You've also now got a telegraph interconnection, so have fun with that. Now, I've got a meeting in twenty- anything we need to chat on?"

"No, but thank you for asking," you replied. "This is gonna come in handy as all hell, though."

"Yeah, it will. Piece of advice though? If you have to send/receive with an Observation Bunker, it's still going to suck like before."

"Got it. See you later, Argo."

"You too."

Nothing really happened except a lot of boring lectures after that, until it was finally time to fire up the scan system. With that done, you pointed it straight at Maiden's Veil, and fired it up.

"Holy shit that's a lot of vics," you muttered, looking over the display. "Someone start writing this all down!"

"Writing, writing," one of the signals kiddies said, working over a notepad.

"That's got to be the better part of an armored or mechanized regiment," you mutter. "Fuck. Guess we better let Kazoo know to bring the AT rifles and a whole lot of White Ash."

"I'm sure he'll appreciate the notice," Blackhand said lightly. "Either way, since the scan's finished up, I'm going to start teaching everyone the ins and outs of this intelligence center. If you need anything, General, just send a runner."


Breathing deeply, you clapped your hands to your face. You'd had your intel center for two days. You had a solid tactical briefing ready, that you'd run past Asuna, Kirito, and anyone who'd been dumb enough to come into the office you'd been using to do dry runs. You had pictures even! That didn't change, though, when you put the call out: you wanted to talk to General Mat Cauthorn.

Then he got back to you, through your Intel Center: he wanted to talk to you, too. The location for the meeting was quickly set up to be in Reprive, in Reaching Trail, and you were not long for your base. It was actually quite a big meeting: you were bringing Silica, a section of the 72e, and a Dunne full of bodyguards- all hard-faced young women who'd been with the 15e since the beginning and had a near-disturbing amount of faith in you.

On the other side of the courtyard to the Town Hall, Cauthon pulled up in similar fine style, with his own goon squad staring at you to boot. With a slight smirk, you tried not to laugh at the discordant armaments- your girls, with long-barreled and battle-scarred Loughcasters affixed with steel, his with slick and shiny new Liar submachine guns.

Once you entered the building, the watchers cleared out quickly. Soon enough you had a table to lay your map case on, and a look across at Cauthon. The tension was thick enough you could cut it with a knife, slather it on a tin, and throw it at a clown without denting the atmosphere. Finally, Cauthon spoke.

"So. You're in Argo's crazy plan too?"


"Then let's lay our cards on the table," he said, breathing deeply. Getting his own maps out, he started detailing the plan. "So you're familiar with the plan, right?"

"Get into Sunhaven, specifically the Sunhaven Cathedral in Abandoned Ward. From there, escort a devteam to a GM console, and hope they can log us all out."

"Exactly. To do this, we're launching a three-pronged attack on the northern half of the hex, to isolate the forces there and defeat them in detail. I'll be providing the meat of the operation from the north and a token force from the west, while you'll be providing the east blow."

"My plan at the moment is fairly simple," you said, starting to sketch your axii of approach out. "With an armored cavalry regiment, a flying artillery regiment, and a motorized grenadiers regiment, we're going to blitz the river as fast and as hard as we can. Judging by the low degree of enemy fortifications, I think we can push into the outskirts of North Sunhaven by way of Callahan's Boot, possibly even seizing the southwest bridge into the city. This will cut logistics and force rerouting, especially when my rocket launchers and guns cut the south bridges to the city."

"I can definitely work with that," Cauthon said, tapping the map. "We'll have to get a good communications system, front-to-front, in order to make it work though. If you cut resupply, it should be a lot faster to bludgeon down enemy basing, and then I can reunite my forces quickly."

"You'll be in for a world of hurt if I'm not in position to cut those supply lines, though."

"More than I'd like, but less than you'd think," Cauthon replied. "This is going to be a straight shoving match, and while you might profess to being flying artillery, my units are all siege artillery."


"Two regiments of forty guns, all one-twenties," he said, smiling widely. "I plan on mixing in some 150s when those tech, if we're still here at the time."

"How the fuck," you whispered. Cauthon heard, though, and started to laugh.

"Well, it's quite simple, really," he said, leaning in dramatically. You followed suit, ready to listen. "They're fucking useless for anything that isn't running a gun. That's the trick."


"I have to have a supply regiment bring them their G-sups or they run out of food. It's not great. Don't get me started on their rifle discipline, either- I'm pretty sure most of them can barely use a Blakerow."

"That's terrible!" you laugh. "Even if I don't have that many guns, my regiments all at least feed themselves!"

"You didn't get that centralized yet? First thing I did was make sure they all got lunchboxes from the same shop!"

"God no, my logistics regiments already think I'm the second coming of Satan! If I asked them to handle G-sups, they'd riot!"

Together, you two generals laugh it out for a minute, before smiling a bit more at each other. Taking out a notebook, Cauthon writes a series of radio codes into it, before handing it to you. "Here. Standard comms channels for us, and encryption codes. If you need to get in touch, just ask: my Headquarters is pretty good about making sure the mail goes where it needs to."

"I'd return the favor," you admit, "but your best bet is to just send a telegram. We're still figuring the whole comms center thing out; it's about the most feature-dense bit of hardware we could have possibly gotten."

"Yeah, they're a bitch to learn how to use, but so worth it," Cauthon agreed. "But back to business. We've only got another two hours, so let's get to work."



For all your luck in making contact with Cauthon- and keeping in contact, as both your staffs were more than willing to call each other with questions and concerns- there were still some issues to handle. Specifically, your brigade had supply needs in the vehicle department: you wanted to try and get your hands on vehicle variants, in case there was an actual self-propelled gun that you didn't know about. To this end, you went to work on finding a production regiment.

The 81e Production ran a small factory-base out of the backwoods in Morgan's Crossing, prime territory for leaving completely bum-ass empty. It took you a few hours to get there, but between that and your Intel Center-delivered 'hey I'm coming to talk shop' memo, they weren't actively pointing guns at you as you rolled up. Key word: actively. Everyone was packing Fiddlers and Liars, which felt very uncharacteristic for a back-line bunker base.

Their leader, Col. Michangelis, was with you in their sales office quickly once you got there, a unpleasant frown bolted on to his face.

"I don't know what you want," he said, blunt, "but I can't build it."

A hell of an introduction. "Strong opener."

"Strong opener for a strong woman. I ain't gonna fuck around, I just want to get this over with."

"I appreciate your honesty, but I'd also appreciate knowing why your shop's shut."

Michangelis snorted. "Then follow me. Walk and talk."

Getting up, you followed him along to the actual factory yards. Dozens of buildings stood, automated industrial processes crunch along as railroads snaked through the facility as cranes moved shipments into the processors one after another. It was a cacophony of sound and ringing, until you got to a sector that was dead still. Across dozens of building pads, three-quarters finished tanks sat: low, squat, and turretless.

"What you're looking at here is the biggest fucking gimmick we've been able to cheese out of the system," Michangelis explained. "By building vehicles in a player facility, we can construct them a tier ahead of the tech tree, but can't finish them until they unlock. You're looking at what's approximately forty Noble Firebrands, except they'll never finish building as Firebrands and come off the shop floor as Noble Widows. Doing it this way is faster, lower-cost on R-mats, and means we're not eating up MPF vehicle queues that are really needed for shit like basic trucks. We still have what certain regiments consider to be unacceptable vehicle shortages, and I fall into that camp."

"So all your build slots are tied up until the Noble chassis unlocks?" you asked, frowning.

"Yep. Takes about a week to build each one, three days for a retrofit job. Between harvesters and sledges, we expect it to be about six weeks for the next tech level to unlock."

"No Floods, though?"

"Those overpriced pieces of shit?" he asked, laughing. "Hell no I'm not building Floods. They're a bigger, more expensive, universalist Silverhand/Chieftain combo tank, and they take 75mm ammo which is a bitch to get unless you're pre-organized to make it. Everybody and their mother is going to be running 68mm after it drops, because that's our main anti-tank cartridge and we're going to be in a world of hurt when the Mass Production Tanks drop for the Collies."

You nodded, and then stopped. "I don't like the sound of this 'mass production tank' thing," you said, frowning.

"Fucking shouldn't, because we should already be seeing the things and aren't. The 85k-B Falchion comes five tanks to a Mass Production Factory crate to our three Mk.III Gallagher Highwayman- and the Highwayman is a much, much worse tank until we convert it into an Outlaw. Falchions come out of the box a solid okay out of ten, and the Spatha makes them even mc-fucking-better."

"Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck," you muttered. That explained Maiden's Veil: a newly raised armor unit, full of Mass Production Tanks, just waiting- and with Overwatch/Kingmaker in charge.

"That's about the size of it," Michalengelis said. "Traditionally, about this time, we'd be running defense until we got the anti-tank tools to break the zerg rush. Of course, you ain't traditional."

"Yeah. I gotta figure out how to make some blitzkrieg happen."

"Good. My two cents, get the over-the-horizon guns out. Shell 'em to shit, and it doesn't matter how many tanks they got if they're rolling off their field bases with destroyed armor. Now, get the hell out: we've got a shipment of Highwaymen coming in about an hour out, and that's gonna take everyone working on it."

You didn't laugh as you left- too much to think about. Far too much to think about. Unfortunately, though, the tension bled out your eyes: people could see how you were doing, and it wasn't particularly inspiring. You didn't think it was that bad, until you called up a Motor Rifles regiment you heard of out in Reaching Trail, the 116e. They were supposed to be reliable, dependable people who weren't afraid of frontline deployments.

Their response to you showing up to negotiate involved locking the doors, pretending nobody was home, and frantically peering out concreted windows to see if the demon left yet.

You were unamused.

After that debacle, you immediately went into semi-reclusion, mostly because you didn't want to, well, actually deal with things. Unfortunately, though, this didn't work anymore since you were no longer Colonel Orr: Asuna was in charge of this bunker base, and she was more than willing to just bodily throw people at you to make you come out.

So first things first? You needed to get your own place. Then you could work on Brigade Doctrine in peace and quiet. Thankfully, there was a Garrison House you could quickly move into in Weathering Halls, which quickly populated as Asuna bodily threw one of her administrative detachments at you to become Brigade staff and your attached gofer team. Peace and quiet was not for you. With the underage assistance, you quickly got to work on writing Brigade Doctrine.

The problem was, well, you didn't really know how to. Sure, you'd nominally been in charge for a brigade-level operation, but that was as a first among equals sort of arrangement. So, instead, you decided to put that off to do a Brigade Analysis. Specifically, an analysis of your logistics.

Traditionally, you tried to offboard as much logistics down to your water and rail units as possible. This in turn meant you got some incredible rates of return per logistics unit involved. However, you hadn't entirely switched over to railhead delivery- why? Because fundamentally your brigade was an assault brigade, which meant last leg truck delivery. More importantly, you realized, you were a heavy assault brigade. This meant your formations all had relatively minimum in-house transportation departments.

Now, you could 'lighten' your attendant formations by increasing the number of truck units attached to each one, which would thereby reduce stress across the board. That would be one way to fix the issue. The other, however, would be simpler: just get More Logistics People. Sure, this ran face-first into the fact you were as diplomatically inclined as a brick aparently, but you had people you could use to push a friendly narrative. Sending in Silica or Loup as your negotiator would get you around a lot of issues tied to the fact that "General Orr is going to march us all to the front lines and order us over the tops" now, but that implied you could spare her from her duties-

-her duties as-

-what did Silica do, actually?

Well, she was your Brigade Signals Officer. Which… presumably meant she did signals? That sounded right, but that wasn't a whole job! Tracking her down, you found Silica in the 9e Sustainment's bunker base, cheating at cards with a couple of train people and boat people. "Major Silica," you said formal and prim.

"General Orr!" Silica said, jumping to her feet, clearly aware she had Done Fucked Up. "What do you need me for?"

"Walk and talk, Silica. Walk and talk."

As Silica collected her winnings and shoved them in her greatcoat's pockets, she scurried after you with a panicked stride. "So, listen, got some important news for you-"

"Silica," you said, gently cutting her off. "What do you do in the Folkvangr Division?"


She stopped walking, forcing you to do the same. "What," you said clearly, "Do you do in the Folkvangr?"

"That's uh, well. I do a lot of things," Silica said. "Most of it is making sure the back end and front end are talking to each other correctly, though. Sustainment and shipment are the big things, then it's all about making sure that everyone's doing their paperwork for requisitions. Once I'm done with that for the week, I generally then go crash at a bunker base for a while to make sure everyone's getting the recruits they need."

So. Silica actually had a job, and the initiative to clearly demarcate and activate her job. That said, you needed to change it.

"I'm very glad you've got a well formed idea of what you need to do," you said, working the words over in your mind. "That being said, I need you to do something else. You know I'm not the world's best diplomat, right?"

"Melanie," Silica said, trying not to frown too much. "Children in the orphanage tell scary stories about you."

You recoiled in pain.

"Yeah. I thought you'd say that," Silica said.

"I- listen. I'm not that bad!"

"You're that bad."

"Then you might as well formally get the job," you groaned. "Silica. I need someone to go politely make sure people know I need to talk to them, and not to eat their toes or whatever small children say. We've been getting shafted because people are afraid to hold a conversation with me, and that needs to end now."

"Oh," Silica muttered. "Melanie, I thought you'd be telling me to do something hard!"

"Shut up unless you want to help me write this demon doctrine document," you snapped. "Damn thing's been giving me conniptions."

"Well, we know how to fight right now," Silica said, shrugging. "Seems to me, having a brigade is more about how we do everything else."

You came up short. "That's- yeah. That's where I need to go with this project."

"Happy to help, Orr."

Just then, the base's PA started calling. "General Orr to the communications center. General Orr, to the communications center."

This was big- nobody liked paging you openly, they'd send runners. Breaking into a sprint with Silica hot on your heels, you skidded into the Observation Bunker complex with Theresa staring at you. "Yeah, hello? Kirito?" she said into her phone. "I've got Orr right here."

Taking the phone, you stared at it like a live viper. "Kirito, this is Orr. What's on fire?"

"Recon report from the border of Marban's Hollow. Just got back on foot," Kirito said, panting. "Lost our trucks. Klein didn't make it out. Shit's hit the fan."

"Describe. I need numbers and positions," you said, breathing carefully.

"Tank patrols on the border. Tanks look like shit, seven-seven autorifle, pintle gun, 40mm cannon. But hordes. Hordes of them."

Fucking hell, the MPT swarm. Yikes. "Mass Production Tanks, yeah. We know they're gonna be in play."

"Fragile tracks, you can White Ash them."

"Anything else?"

"They started concreting the forward bunkers. We need to go. Now."

Oh hell. Yeah. Yeah, that was worth the call. "Good to know. I'll be moving to Kirknell to coordinate our response- decent odds this results in us pulling the trigger."

Theresa looked at you from where she was on another radio-telephone. "Comms came in from Great Warden Dam: Argo confirms both 62 and 64 are moving to the jump point. 163 is already in Blackthroat to begin QRF operations, and the 15e has completed handoff of the fieldworks to 184 and 213 Infantry, re-basing the unit in Weathering Halls and keeping strategic stockpiles ready to move."

"And you?"

Theresa grinned, pulling out a pack of smokes and lighting one casually. "Woman, I've got the first fifty Ironships lined up and ready to go the minute you pull the trigger. Time to earn the big hat, General."'

Go or no go, that's the question here. God, you didn't want to break armor backed up with concrete, but you still needed more time- but if you waited then it'd be armor, concrete, and time for Overwatch/Kingmaker to get more weapons- and they weren't a bad commander. If they got an artillery regiment to match you, then this fight would be disgustingly fair, something that meant you'd loose due to all those concrete forts!

Slapping your cheeks, you growled. Time to decide if you were going to raise or fold.



[] Operation: Marban starts now. (Combat starts with +2 Planning)

or write a plan vote according to new vote pattern, mutually exclusive with 'activate the plan'

1st Brigade, Folkvangr, Staff Company
-[] [Folkvangr] Support another regiment (Grants 1x bonus action)
--[] [Folkvangr] Write-in regiment & Topic
-[] [Folkvangr] Engage in diplomacy with another Brigade
--[] Write-in Brigade & Topic
-[] [Folkvangr] Collect and Analyze Data
--[] Write-in Topic
-[] [Folkvangr] Attempt to recruit another regiment into the Brigade.
-[] [Folkvangr] Begin planning a combat operation
--[] Continue planning Deadlands assault
--[] Write in operational details.

15e Regiment, High King's Valkyries, Flying Artillery
-[] [15e] Adjust Manning, Doctrine, or other Regimental Operation
--[] Write-in Adjustments
-[] [15e] Engage in offensive operations…
--[] …in Marban
--[] …in Foxcatcher
--[] …in Deadlands
--[] …elsewhere (write-in)
-[] [15e] Conduct resupply and training operations
-[] [15e] Fortify an area
--[] Write in an existent fort or location to take and hold.
-[] [15e] Begin planning a combat operation
--[] Write in operational details.
-[] [15e] Donate help to Brigade Staff (Grants one Staff Action)

9e Regiment, Balfour Bitches, Sustainment
-[] [9e] Adjust Manning, Doctrine, or other Regimental Operation
--[] Write-in Adjustments
-[] [9e] Conduct resupply and training operations
-[] [9e] Begin planning an operation
--[] Write in operational details.
-[] [9e] Procure supplies for regimental adjustment
--[] Write-in regiment and supplies to procure
-[] [9e] Donate help to Brigade Staff (Grants one Staff Action)

62e Regiment, The Weathered Line, Grenadiers
-[] [62e] Adjust Manning, Doctrine, or other Regimental Operation
--[] Write-in Adjustments
-[] [62e] Engage in offensive operations…
--[] …in Marban
--[] …in Foxcatcher
--[] …in Deadlands
--[] …elsewhere (write-in)
-[] [62e] Conduct resupply and training operations
-[] [62e] Fortify an area
--[] Write in an existent fort or location to take and hold.
-[] [62e] Begin planning a combat operation
--[] Write in operational details.
-[] [62e] Donate help to Brigade Staff (Grants one Staff Action)

64e Regiment, Golden Mail, Armored Cavalry
-[] [64e] Adjust Manning, Doctrine, or other Regimental Operation
--[] Write-in Adjustments
-[] [64e] Engage in offensive operations…
--[] …in Marban
--[] …in Foxcatcher
--[] …in Deadlands
--[] …elsewhere (write-in)
-[] [64e] Conduct resupply and training operations
-[] [64e] Fortify an area
--[] Write in an existent fort or location to take and hold.
-[] [64e] Begin planning a combat operation
--[] Write in operational details.
-[] [64e] Donate help to Brigade Staff (Grants one Staff Action)

163e Regiment, Motor Rifles
-[] [163e] Adjust Manning, Doctrine, or other Regimental Operation
--[] Write-in Adjustments
-[] [163e] Engage in offensive operations…
--[] …in Marban
--[] …in Foxcatcher
--[] …in Deadlands
--[] …elsewhere (write-in)
-[] [163e] Conduct resupply and training operations
-[] [163e] Fortify an area
--[] Write in an existent fort or location to take and hold.
-[] [163e] Begin planning a combat operation
--[] Write in operational details.
-[] [163e] Donate help to Brigade Staff (Grants one Staff Action)

241e Regiment, Research
-[] [241e] Adjust Manning, Doctrine, or other Regimental Operation
--[] Write-in Adjustments
-[] [241e] Conduct resupply and training operations
-[] [241e] Begin planning an operation
--[] Write in operational details.
-[] [241e] Procure supplies for regimental adjustment
--[] Write-in regiment and supplies to procure
-[] [241e] Develop specific prototype equipment for the Brigade
-[] [241e] Donate help to Brigade Staff (Grants one Staff Action)

142e Regiment, East Trains, Locomotive
-[] [142e] Adjust Manning, Doctrine, or other Regimental Operation
--[] Write-in Adjustments
-[] [142e] Conduct resupply and training operations
-[] [142e] Begin planning an operation
--[] Write in operational details.
-[] [142e] Procure supplies for regimental adjustment
--[] Write-in regiment and supplies to procure
-[] [142e] Perform supplies transshipment to focus on one front
--[] Write-in receiving unit/stockpile town
-[] [142e] Donate help to Brigade Staff (Grants one Staff Action)

26e Regiment, Commando
-[] [26e] Adjust Manning, Doctrine, or other Regimental Operation
--[] Write-in Adjustments
-[] [26e] Conduct resupply and training operations
-[] [26e] Begin planning an operation
--[] Write in operational details.
-[] [26e] Search for Relic Bases and Caches
-[] [26e] Perform Operational Reconnaissance

72e Regiment, Signals
-[] [72e] Adjust Manning, Doctrine, or other Regimental Operation
--[] Write-in Adjustments
-[] [72e] Conduct training operations
-[] [72e] Begin planning an operation
--[] Write in operational details.
-[] [72e] Establish a communication link to another Regiment or Brigade
--[] Write-in target
-[] [72e] Operate Intelligence Center(s)
-[] [72e] Donate help to Brigade Staff (Grants one Staff Action)

(AN: welcome to the new vote layout and the power of being a Fully Operational General Staff Officer. I might adjust the format further, but this is a good enough one to tack on an update. Feel free to add suggestions for categories, now that you have the ability to cast the Eye of Sauron your personal attention more broadly and operate in a more sophisticated manner.)
A reasonable explanation, if the giant pile of rocket pallets now wasn't eating up way too much fucking room in the jump-off point.
Don't worry, goblin saboteurs will take care of that stockpile and leave a nice big empty space.

More seriously, I think it's go time. Building and building will only let the other side outstrip us more in the short-term and we need to work in the short-term. Drawing up a serious plan is going to have to wait until tomorrow but unless anyone has anything really clever to suggest, it's time to start feeding our front-liners into Marban.
[X] Operation: Marban starts now. (Combat starts with +2 Planning)

We've got enough to go on, so long as we don't overcommit, we can do this.
Well this is very much not optimal with the absolutely horrendous diplomacy we've been having. Here's my best attempt at figuring out what we would have going in right now. We failed to get the extra infantry or QRF we would've wanted to cover the salient better and we failed to get the additional logistics regiments to actually supply everyone. I worry for the health of the salient narratively without the extra forces to cover it, but mechanically these numbers below should be accurate.

Combat Arms: 15 Flying Artillery, 62 Grenadiers, 64 Armor
Logistics: 9 Sustainment, 241 Research, 142 Locomotive, 13 Transshipment
QRF: 163 Motor Rifle
Specialist Detachments: 26 Commando, 72 Signals, 14 Medical, 58 Intelligence

Supply Needed: 2 (Artillery) + 2 (Armor) + 1 (Infantry) + 1 (QRF) +1 (Medical) = 7 + 4 Logistical Supply (4 Logistics Regiments)
Supply Provided: 2 (9 Sustainment) + 2 (241 Research) + 2 (142 Locomotive, no rails) = 6 + 5 Logistical Supply (13 Transshipment)

Bonuses and Maluses
-Good Planning (+2) (Stacks per turn taken doing planning)
-Wet Concrete Denial (+1) (An operation is attacking wet concrete)
-Command Staff (+1) (Does not stack, given to formally organized brigades)
-Communications Center (+1) (Does not stack, given to units with specialized coms)
-Under-Organized (-1) (Caused by not having enough Logistics Regiments from plan outset)
-Active Garrisons (-1) (Enemy fortifications are manned by a Named Unit)

Stack Effects
-Armor Support (+1) (Stacks, a unit is supported by an armored formation that passed their roll)
-Artillery Support (+1) (Stacks, a unit is supported by direct-fire artillery)
-Player Port (+1) (A water logistics unit has built an operation to allow freighter use) (Logistics Stack Only)
-Grenadiers (+1) (A unit has an explicitly large supply of anti-bunker munitions)
-Vehicle Superiority (+1) (A mechanized infantry unit has more or better vehicles. Does not stack with Prototype Supplies)
-Integrated Fires (+1) (An infantry or cavalry unit has an attached armor or artillery section)
-Trench-breaking (-1) (Unit is engaged in pushing through prepared enemy positions.)
-Mountain Assault (-1) (Unit is assaulting in, through, or around a mountain that has been integrated into defensive networks)
-Infantry Traps (-1) (Unit is attacking an area filled with anti-infantry obstacles. Infantry regiments only.)

Specialist Detachments
-Commandos: Counts as +1 Planning Bonus (Recon), does not cost Logistics Cap. Cannot build Bunker Bases, and must roll Recon before battle with no modifiers to apply regiment-specific stack bonus.
-Medical: Grants +2 to lowest Combat Arms roll, costs 1 Logistics Cap. Does not roll to provide bonus.
-Intelligence: Grants +1 Planning Bonus (Recon), does not cost Logistics Cap. Cost measured in narrative time, must roll Recon before battle with no modifiers to apply regiment-specific stack bonus.
-Signals Warfare: Grants +1 Planning Bonus (Signals), nullifies enemy signal warfare attempts, counts as Command Staff for brigade-level officership.

Total Operation-Wide Bonuses:
+6-8 - 2 = +4-6
Stack Effects:
15 Artillery: +2 (Armor+Artillery Support) -2 (Trench-breaking, Mountain Assault) = 0
62 Grenadiers: +5 (Armor+Artillery Support, Grenadiers, Vehicle Superiority, Integrated Fires) -3 (Trench-breaking, Mountain Assault, Infantry Traps) = +2
64 Armor: +3 (Armor+Artillery Support, Integrated Fires) -2 (Trench-breaking, Mountain Assault) = +1
+2 to lowest Combat Arms roll
All Logistics Regiments: +1 (Player Port)
No Brigade Bonus, 3/4 required combat regiments
Potential Penalties:
-Out of Supply (-1) (Stacks with every Logi regiment that failed their supply roll)
-Munitions Shortage (-2) (Does not stack, only affects unit with dedicated logistics that fails)

In summary we should see in a worse case scenario only rolls of 1 failing, with units technically unable to fail at all if at least one of our recon bonuses pass. If both do fail, then the one failure point I see is if our QRF rolls a 1 and causes a cascading failure of our logistics which would require one of them to have also rolled a 1.
[X] Operation: Marban starts now. (Combat starts with +2 Planning)
[X] Operation: Marban starts now. (Combat starts with +2 Planning)

I heard there was wet concrete.

(Those Mass Production Tanks are going to be an incredible pain if we let them stream into Viper Pit. We should shove back their operating bases before they dry.)