[X] Plan Mines & Mortars
Why recruit greens we're going to keep losing instead of yellows?
Also where's current regiment status?
So we don't lose Yellow grade personnel as quickly.Why recruit greens we're going to keep losing instead of yellows?
Because one: greens absorb the retirement rolls before higher ranks do and two: more peoples means more officers. If that's too much for people though I can make a new plan that grabs yellows instead and drops mortars since we definitely won't have the manpower for them then, instead focusing on finishing that railway.Why recruit greens we're going to keep losing instead of yellows?
Because one: greens absorb the retirement rolls before higher ranks do and two: more peoples means more officers. If that's too much for people though I can make a new plan that grabs yellows instead and drops mortars since we definitely won't have the manpower for them then, instead focusing on finishing that railway.
EDIT: Though I will point out that the mortars would take up a lot less manpower than the 40mms and that trying to man them all is a fools errand anyway. 72 billets in maximum rush time is never happening, but the spare guns are always nice to have even if it means a bunch are going to sit idle.
Well, I like that one, too.
[X] Plan Preparing for the Next Brawl, mining edition
[X] Plan Tug on Plot Thread
Fixed.You get one vote, gentlemen, which means one plan. De-select the other if you don't mind.
Wait, we can do operational planning? I thought we couldn't since it wasn't our op
Correct, but it's still worth putting our all into preparing because weather is a fickle beast and Hooker could choose to kick off the offensive as soon as the weather clears. I'm not happy about the uncertainty. We might get one turn, or we might get up to half a dozen turns while the winter passes.@7734
Hooker isn't willing to kick off the operation with his water logistics and gunboats iced in, right
Correct, but it's still worth putting our all into preparing because weather is a fickle beast and Hooker could choose to kick off the offensive as soon as the weather clears. I'm not happy about the uncertainty. We might get one turn, or we might get up to half a dozen turns while the winter passes.
So a 30% chance on any turn that the weather is clear enough to maybe launch an attack. Of course, the problem is, will the harbors also unfreeze enough for that, which is a much harder ask. Or at least, that's the case IRL. Once things freeze over, they tend to stay frozen over.Winter, mechanically, is when I double the chance of Blizzards. That means you need 8+ to avoid them on the weather roll, and severity brackets are doubled so snowstorms are liable to get worse. Winter lasts 13 turns north of Sunhaven, and 9 turns south of The Bulwark, and summer is reversed.
The question I have for you, is how much of a risk are we at for Hooker pulling, well, a Hooker and attacking during the winter regardless of weather? I want a better estimate of how much time we have to get our affairs in order.
Okay, that's answers the question of Hooker's temperament, but not really what I was looking for. I should've been more careful in phrasing my question. So let's try this again. Do we, in-character, know exactly what the typical weather patterns are here? That seems to be the deciding factor here. Whether or not the weather and the river itself are free and clear for naval operations. Additionally, do we know if its possible for the river to unfreeze now that it has frozen?I want you to consider that literally the only reason he didn't pull the trigger last turn was the fact he physically could not get his naval assets into position before the Céline Dion started playing and Jack falls off the door. Hooker has no brakes and wants to win the game as fast as possible: given any opportunity, presume he has a general offensive in planning or has already engaged in such. If I was writing this more traditionally, I'd call him the model of a Byronic anti-hero: as it is, though, he's not had enough time in the limelight to say that.
Okay, that's answers the question of Hooker's temperament, but not really what I was looking for. I should've been more careful in phrasing my question. So let's try this again. Do we, in-character, know exactly what the typical weather patterns are here? That seems to be the deciding factor here. Whether or not the weather and the river itself are free and clear for naval operations. Additionally, do we know if its possible for the river to unfreeze now that it has frozen?